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Grade 6 • Unit 1: What’s Real and What’s Not?

Real or Make-Believe
Table of Contents
Introduction 1

Objectives 2

DepEd Competencies 2

Warm-Up 3

Learn about It 5

Key Points 8

Check Your Understanding 8

Let’s Step Up! 10

Bibliography 11

Grade 6 • Unit 1: What’s Real and What’s Not?

Lesson 1.1
Real or Make-Believe

Fig. 1. Real and make-believe images contribute to our knowledge building.

Today, our ability to distinguish what is true is greatly challenged due to various reasons.
With this, we must know how to examine images and information presented to us to
identify what is factual and what is not.


Grade 6 • Unit 1: What’s Real and What’s Not?

In this lesson, you should be able to do the following:
● Distinguish real images from make-believe images.
● Provide evidence to support your opinion.

DepEd Competencies
At the end of this lesson, you should be able to do the following:
● Identify real or make-believe, fact or non-fact images (EN6VC-IIIa-6.1).
● Provide evidence to support opinion (EN6OL-IIIa-1.27).


Grade 6 • Unit 1: What’s Real and What’s Not?



Fig. 2. Work with a Pair

1. Recall stories that were shared to you by a particular person. These may either be
from a family member, a friend, or a neighbor.
2. Share these stories with a partner.
3. Discuss if the stories are true or make-believe.
4. Identify the lessons that you learned from the stories.


Grade 6 • Unit 1: What’s Real and What’s Not?

Picture Analysis
Compare the pairs of images below.


Grade 6 • Unit 1: What’s Real and What’s Not?

Learn about It

authentic; existing

based on pieces of evidence

the imagining of things that are not real

Essential Question
Why is it important to know the difference between real and
make-believe images?

Real images are images that happen in real life. They exist and are based on pieces of

Fig. 3. Doctors and nurses


Grade 6 • Unit 1: What’s Real and What’s Not?

Doctors and nurses play very important roles during health emergencies.
News reports feature the sacrifices they make to ensure that sick people get
the proper treatment and care they need, sometimes at the expense of their
own safety. This is why many people call them modern-day superheroes.

Make-believe images are images that occur in the imagination. They are not true and are
only products of creative minds. Thus, these images cannot happen or do not exist in real

Fig. 4. Superheroes

Superheroes are believed to have magical powers or supernatural abilities.

Some superheroes can fly, some can move at hyperspeed, while others are
overwhelmingly strong.


Grade 6 • Unit 1: What’s Real and What’s Not?

Based on the examples shown, we can conclude that when we say that something is real, it
has been tested and proven. On the other hand, when we consider something as
make-believe, it is imaginary.

Let’s Check In
Study the given pictures. Identify whether they are real or make-believe
images. Write R if they are real or MB if they are make-believe.

______ 1 ______ 2.

______ 3. ______ 4.

______ 5.


Grade 6 • Unit 1: What’s Real and What’s Not?

To know if a piece of information or an image is true or not, you must read
books, magazines, and other materials printed or published online so that
you are equipped with knowledge that will help you understand things.
Make sure that these materials were written by experts in the field so that
you know that they are credible sources of information.

Key Points

● Real image or information is based on facts and other pieces of evidence.

● Make-believe images or information is purely based on opinion or imagination.

Check Your Understanding

Determine five make-believe or fictional characters used in famous television

shows or movies. Write your answers in the space provided. Write a one-sentence
explanation to describe what makes them make-believe characters.
1. __________________________________________________________________________________________
2. __________________________________________________________________________________________
3. __________________________________________________________________________________________
4. __________________________________________________________________________________________
5. __________________________________________________________________________________________


Grade 6 • Unit 1: What’s Real and What’s Not?

Examine the photos given. Identify if they are real or make-believe. Write
REAL if it is true, otherwise, write MAKE-BELIEVE.

1. 2. 3.

4. 5.


Grade 6 • Unit 1: What’s Real and What’s Not?

Study the given situations. Draw a happy face in the blank if it is real or a
sad face if it is make-believe.

________________ 1. The stone in the lake swims fast.

________________ 2. The teacher teaches well in class.

________________ 3. When I went to the zoo, I saw the lion fly.

________________ 4. I can write a million words in a minute.

________________ 5. I saw unicorns at the park!

Let’s Step Up!

Using what you have learned in this lesson, write a five-sentence description of your
favorite superhero. After that, cite a particular real-life situation where you can use
the power of that character. You may answer the following questions as your guide:
● Who is your favorite superhero?
● What is his or her power?
● Why did you choose this superhero?
● How can you use his or her power in real-life situations?



Grade 6 • Unit 1: What’s Real and What’s Not?


Burlington County Library System. “Focus on Genres: Magical Realism.” Accessed September
30, 2021.
realism. “Imagination: Real or Make Believe.” Accessed September 14, 2021.

Jenrap Learning Channel. “MELC-Based Grade 6 Quarter 1 Module 1 Lesson : Real or Make
believe; Fact or Non-fact Images.” YouTube video, 14:00. September 18, 2020.

Literary Hub. “Let’s Stop with the Realism Versus Science Fiction and Fantasy Debate.”
Accessed September 30, 2021.

LitReactor, LLC. “How Is Magical Realism Different From Fantasy?” Accessed September 30,
2021. .


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