Curriculum Specifications For Year 5 Science

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1.2 Understanding that some microorganism are harmful and some are useful.

1.1.1 State types of microorganisms. 1.1.2 State that yeast is an ex.ample of microorganism. 1.1.3 State that microorganism breathes. 1.1.4 State that microorganism grows. 1.1.5 State that microorganism moves. 1.1.6 Conclude that microorganisms are living things and most of them cannot be seen with naked eyes.


Various types of microorganism, e.g. bacteria, virus, fungi, protozoa and algae. Make a qualitative comparison between the size of microorganism and that of human and conclude that microorganism is very tiny. Discuss that yeast is an example of microorganism. Effect of yeast on dough. Recipe to make dough.

yeast- ragi harmful-

magnifYing glass-

kanta pembesar uses-kegunaan

sprinkle - renjis

Ingredients: Method:
1 cup of flour I.Mix all ingredients. Ycup of warm water 2 2.Cover the mixture I teaspoon of dried with a damp cloth. yeast 3.Leave it for 20 I teaspoon of sugar minutes. Observe the effect when a test tube filled with 2 teaspoon of dried yeast, I teaspoon of sugar and half test tube of water. Few drops of water on a slic;e of bread and put the bread in a plastic bag. Observe it for a few days. Observe rotten oranges or mouldy rice .. View on the movement of microorganisms water from ponds, rivers or drains. Ensure pupils clean their hands after handling water samples.

2 3


1.2 Understanding that some microorganism are harmful and some are useful.

1.2.1 State examples of use of microorganisms. 1.2.2 State the harmful effects of microorganisms. 1.2.3 Describe that diseases caused by microorganisms can spread from one person to another. 1.2.4 Explain ways to prevent diseases caused by microorganisms.

Pupils gather information uses of microorganism. E.g. making bread, tapai, tempe and fertilizer. (need not know the methods of making example above). Gather information on the harmful effects of microorganisms, e.g. causing a) illness, b) food poisoning, c) fooq to turn bad, d) tooth decay. Gather information on diseases caused by microorganisms e.g. stomach upset, measles, cough, flu, tooth decay, conjunctivitis, mumps and AIDS. Diseases caused by microorganism can spread from one person to another. Preventing from spreading, e.g. a) by washing hands before handling food, b) by boiling water before drinking, c) by covering mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing,
q) by washing hands after using the toilet,

contagious-berjangkit quarantine diasingkan measles- eampak chicken pox- eacar stomach upset-sakit perut cough- batuk harm- kesan buruk tooth decay - gigi reput sneezing - bersin flu - selsema mumps - benguk conjunctivitis -sakit mata

e) by putting patients who have chicken pox, conjunctivitis or mumps into quarantine. ) by covering wounds.

5 6

2. Survival of the species

2.1 Understanding that different animals have their own ways to ensure the survival of their species.

2.1.1 Give examples of animals that take care of their eggs and young. 2.1.2 Explain how animals take care of their eggs and young.
2.1.3 Explain why animals take care of their eggs and young.

Species means similar types of living things that can breed among themselves. Discuss examples of animals that take care of their eggs and young, e.g. cow, hen, cat, bird. View video on how animals ensure the survival of their eggs and young, a)keep their young in their mouths, e.g fish,

survivalkeman dirian adaptmenyesuaikan take care- menjaga protect- melindungi young - anak slimy - berlendir pouch - kantong herd - kumpulan

b )feed their young, e.g. bird, c )attack in order to protect their eggs or young when they are disturbed, e.g.snake or tiger, d)lay slimy eggs, e.g frOg,
c)hide their eggs, e.g.turtle, d)carry their young in their pouches, e.g kangaroo, e) stay in herds e.g. elephant. Conclude that animals take care of their eggs and young to ensure the survival of their species. Various ways of seeds and fruits dispersal, e.g. a) bywater, b) by wind, 2.2.1 State various ways plants disperse their seeds and fruits. 2.2.2 Explain why plants need to disperse seeds or fruits. 2.2.3 Give examples of plant that disperse seeds and fruits by water. 2.2.4 Give examples of plant that disperse seeds and fruits by wind. 2.2.5 Give examples of plant that disperse seeds and fruits by animals. 2.2.6 Give examples of plant that disperse seeds and fruits by explosive mechanism. 2.2.7 Relate characteristics of seeds and fruits to the ways they are dispersed. 2.3.1 Predict what will happen if some species of animals or plants do not survive.

yang besar , dlsturbed-diganggu

plenty - banyak attack- menyerang hide -

menyembunyikan ensure-memastikan
feed - memberi


Survival of the specIes

by animal, d) by explosive mechanism Plants need to disperse their seeds or fruits to ensure the survival of their species. E.g. of plants that disperse seeds and fruits by: a) water, e.g. coconut and pong-pong, b) wind, e.g. lallang and angsana, c) animals, e.g. watermelon, love grass and rambutan d) explosive mechanism, e.g. balsam, rubber, flame of the forest, chestnut and lady's finger. Characteristics of seeds and fruits and their ways of dispersal: a) by water - light and have air space b) by wind - light, have wing-like structure, dry,have fine hairs and small various - pefbagai waxy - berlilin husk - sabut shell - tempurung disperse -pencaran edible - bofeh

2.2 Understanding that different plants have their own ways to ensure the survival of their species.

flame of the forest -

semarak api
chestnut - buah

balsam -keembung lady's finger-kacang

love grass-kemuncup Extinction-



by animals - fleshY,brightly coloured, edible, have smells or have hooks.

d) explosive mechanism - dry when ripe Species of animals and plants become extinct, E.g a) shortage of food resources, b) other species may also face extinction.

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2.3 Realising the importance of survival of the species.

Food chains mLlst begin with plants as

3.1.1 Identify animals and the food 3.1.2 Classify animals into herbivore, 3.1.3 Construct food chain. 3.1.4 Identify producer. 3.1.5 Identify consumer.

producers. Classify animals into the following groups accordii1g to the food they eat: a)herbivore b )carnovore c) omnivore Build food chains to and identify the producers and the consumers. food chain-rantai makanan producer-pengeluar consumer- pengguna

3. Food Chain
and Food Web.

3.1 Understanding
food chains.

Synthesizing food chains to construct food web.

3.2 3.2.1 Construct a food web. 3.2.2 Construct food webs of different

3.2.1 Construct a food web. 3.2.2 Construct food webs of different

habitats. Discuss and predict whatwill happen if there is a change in the population. Study various species that are bcing extinction because they only eat one type of food. a) These species has difficulty to survive because their only

food web-siratan makanan source of food may run out, e.g. panda eats bamboo shoot only

3.2.3 Pred ict what will happen if there
is a change in population of a certain species in afood- ~eb

32.4 Explain what will happen to a

certain species of animals ifthey eat only one type of food.


1.1 Understanding uses of energy

1.1.1 Explain why energy is needed. the uses of 1.1.2 Give examples where and when energy. 1.1.3 state various sources of energy

Energy is needed: a) by living things to carry out life processes such as moving, breathing and growing b) to move, boil, melt or bounce non-living things. Sources of energy, e.g. a) sun,

sources- sumber energy- tenaga bounceme/amun fhel-bahan api boil-mendidih

b) food, c) wind, d) fuel, e) battery. Discuss that the sun is the main source of energy.


Various events and identifY the form of energy lnvolved,e.g. a) a moving battery- operated toy car, b) a stretched rubber band, c) a burrling candle, d) a ringing telephone. Transformation of energy e.g. a) switching on the lights: electrical energy-" light energy, b) lighting a candle: chemical energy -.. heat energy + light energy, c) calculator: (using a solar powered) solar energy ---. electrical energy ---. light energy IdentifY appliances that make use of energy transformation and state the form cf energy involved, e.g. a) electric iron: electrical energy -.. heat energy b) radio: electrical energy -.. sound energy c) ceilng fan: electrical energy---. kinetic energy + sound energy, d) gas stove: chemical energy ---. heat energy + light energy.

1.2.1 State the various forms of energy. 1.2.2 State that energy can be transformed 1.2.3 Give examples of appliances that make use of energy transformation

light energy.
transform-berubah principle-prinsip whistlewise! appliances -peralatan



1.3. .Understanding

1.3.1 State what renewable energy is.

Renewable energy is energy that can be

renewable and nonrenewable energy

1.3.2 State what non-renewable energy is. 1.3.3 List renewable energy resources. 1.3.4 List non-renewable energy resources.

replenished when used up. E.g. renewable energy resources, water, solar, wind and biomass Non-renewable energy is the energy that cannot be replenished when used up. E.g. non-renewable energy resources, natural gas, petroleum and coal.

used up- habis digunakan coal- arang batu charcoal- arang kayu wisely-secara bijaksana

1.3.5 Explain why we need to use energy wisely 1.3.6 Explain why renewable energy is better than non-renewable energy. 1.3.7 Give examples on how to save energy. 1.3.8 Practise saving energy

We need to use energy wisely a) some energy resources cannot be replenished when used up, b) to save cost, c) to avoid wastage, d) to reduce pollution. Brain storming session


2. Electricity

2.1. Knowing the sources of electricity. 2.1.1 state the sources of electricity

Sources produce electricity a) dry cell, battery b) accumulator, c) dynamo, d) solar cell. E.g. activity such as lighting up a bulb or ringing an electric bell using the sources

Dry cell: sel kering hydroelectric power kuasa hidro elektrik


2.2 Understanding series circuit and parallel circuit

2.2.1 identify the symbols of various componens in a simple circuit 2.2.2. Draw circuit diagrams. 2.2.3 Identify the difference in the arrangement of bulbs in the series and parallel circuits.

Buil as many different electric circuits and introduced the symbols ofthe components in an electric circuit, i.e battery, bulb, connecting wires and switch

Series circuit: litar bersiri parellel circuit -litar selari brightnesskecerahan arrangement susunan



2.2.4 Build a series circuit. 2.2.5 Build a parallel circuit. 2.2.6 Compare the brightness of the bulbs in a series and a parallel circuit.

Pupils are given batteries, bulbs, switches and connecting wires to build series and parallel circuits. Observe and compare the brightness of the bulbs in: a) series circuits,

2.2.7 Compare the effect on the bulbs when various switches in a series circuit and a parallel circuit are off.


2.3 Understanding the safety precautions to be taken when handling electrical appliances.

2.3.1 Describe the danger of mishandling electrical appliances. 2.3.2 Explain the safety precautions to be taken when using electrical appliances.

b) parellel circuits, c) between series and parallel circuits when number of batteries and bulbs must be the same .. Comparing what happen to the bulbs when various switches ir each circuit are off. Danger of mishandling electrical appliances, e.g. electric shock, fire, burn, electrocution. Safety precautions to be taken when using electrical appliances, e.g. a) do not touch electrical appliances with wet hands, b) do not use electrical appliances that are faulty or having broken insulation wires, c) do not repair electrical appliances on your own, d) do not connect too many electrical appliances to one power supply. Discuss other general safety precautions, e.g. a) do not insert objects into power supply, b) do not touch a switch with wet hands, c) do not touch victims of electric shock. Gather information and give examples of events or phenomena that show light travels in straight line. Discuss the formations of shadow. Conclude that shadow is formed when light is blocked,by an opaque or a translucent object. Investigate the factors that cause the shape and size of a

electric shockkejutan elekthk appliancesperalatan

21 22
3.1 3. Light Understanding that light travels in a straight line. 3.1.1 State that light travels in a straight line. 3.1.2 Give examples to verify that light travels in a straight line. 3.1.3 Describe how shadow is formed. 3.1.4 Design a fair test to find out what cause the size of a shadow to

beam- afur cahaya travel- bergerak opaque - legap


change by deciding what to keep the same, what to change and what to observe. 3.1.5 Design a fair test to find out what factors cause the shape of a shadow to change by deciding what to keep the same, what to change and what to observe.

shadow to change. a) when the distance between an object and its light source decreases, the size of the shadow increases and when the distance between an object and the screen decreases the size of the shadow decreases. b) the shape of the shadow changes according to the position of light source. and the shape of the shadow changes according to the position of an object. Investigate reflection of light using: a) a mirror, b) an aluminium foil. Pupils draw ray diagrams to show the reflection of light. Uses of reflection oflight in everyday life, e.g. a) side mirror of a car, b) mirror at th e sharp bend of a road, c) mirror in the barbershop, d) periscope. Apply the principle of light reflection e.g: -periscope, -kaleidoscope Pupils heat 250ml of water for 3 minutes and feel the water every few seconds while heating feel the changes of temperature. Let the warm water cool down and feel the water every few seconds. Above activities, pupils discuss and conclude that: -heat gain causes the water to become warmer -heat loss causes the water to become


3.2 Understanding that light can be reflected.

3.2.1 State that light can be reflected. 3.2.2 Draw ray diagrams to show reflection of light. 3.2.3 Give examples of uses of reflection of light in everyday life.


sharp bend-sefekoh

ray dia(Tram-

gambarajah sinar

4.1.1 State that when a substance 4.1 Understanding 4. Heat.

gains heat it will become warmer. 4.1.2 State that when a substance loses heat it will become cooler. 4.1.3 Measure temperature using the correct technique. 4.1.4 State the metric unit for temperature.

that temperature is of indicator of degree of hotness.

4.1.5 State that temperature of an object or material increases as it gains heat. 4.1.6 State that temperature of an object or material decreases as it loses heat. 4.1.7 Conclude that the temperatures is an indicator to measure hotness.

cooler. Guide how to use and read thermometer correctly. Activity to measure temperature, e.g. a) heat up water and record the temperature every few minutes, b) turn off the Bunsen burner and record the temperature every few minutes while the water cools off. Conclude that the temperature: a) increases when heat is gained, b) decreases when heat is lost. Temperature is an indicator to measure hotness. Effects of heat on matter, e.g. a) heating an iron ball and inserting it into an iron ring, b) cooling the heated iron ball and inserting it into the iron ring, a) heating coloured water in a beaker with a glass tube and observing the water level in the glass tube, b) heating a dented ping pong ball in hot water, c) cooling coloured water in a beaker with a glass tube and observing the water level in the glass tube. conclude that: a) matter expands when heated, b) matter contracts when cooled.


4.2 Understanding the effects of heat on matter.

4.2.1 State that matter expands when heated. 4.2.2 State that matter contracts when cooled.

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States of Matter

1.1.5 State the properties of gas.

Study the properties of gas by: a) balancing two inflated balloons on a stick and puncturing one of the balloons, b) inflating balloons of different shapes, c) observing smoke in a closed container then placing an inverted container on it. Removing the cover of the first container and observe. d) how smoke moves from a container to another inverted container placed directly over it, e) feeling the pressure of gas in a syringe when its plunges is pushed down with nozzle closed. Conclude that properties of gas,

has mass

has no fixed shape but takes the shape of its container

occupies space and has no fixed volume

1.2 Understanding that matter can change from one state to another. 1.2. I State that water can change its state. 1.2.2 Conclude that water can exist in any of the three states of matter. can be compressed. Observe the change of the state of matter: a) allowing ice to melt, b) heating water until it boils, c) collecting water vapour, allowing it to cool and making it freeze. evaporationpenyejatan



32 33 34
2. Acid and Alkali. Understanding the properties of acidic,


2.1.1 IdentifY acidic, alkaline and neutral substances using litmus paper. 2.1.2 Identify the taste of acidic and

Test substances to determine whether they are acidic, alkaline or neutral substances based on the change of wet

litmus paper-kertas
litmus sour - masam

bitter - pahit neutral - neutral

alkaline and neutral substances.

alkaline food. 2.1.3 Conclude the properties of acidic, alkaline and neutral substances.

litmus papers colour. Pupils should taste the food samples provided only and not any other substances.

acidic - keasidan alkaline- kealkalian


Determine whether food samples are acidic or alkaline by tasting the food samples and testing with litmus paper. THEME 4: INVESTIGATING THE EARTH AND THE UNIVER SE


1.1 Understanding 1. Constellation. the constellation.

1.1.1 State what constellation is. 1.1.2 Identify constellations .. 1.1.3 State the importance of constellations.

2. The Earth, The Moon and The Sun. Understanding the movements of the Earth, the Moon and the Sun.

2.1 2.1.1 State that the Earth rotates on its axis. 2.1.2 State that the Earth rotates and at the same time moves round the Sun. 2.1.3 State that the Moon rotates on its axis. 2. 1.4 State that the Moon rotates and at the same time moves round the Earth. 2.1.5 State that the Moon and the Earth move round the Sun at

View video or visit planetarium to observe various constellations. Constellation is a group of stars that form a certain pattern in the sky. Build a model to study the pattern of Orion, Scorpion, Big Dipper and Southern Cross. Importance of constellations, a) to show directions, b) to indicate the time to carry out certain activities, e.g planting season. Big Dipper and Southern Cross can be seen between April-June. Orion can be seen between December February. Scorpion can be seen between June to August. View video model about the movement ofthe Earth, the Moon and the Sun. Discuss and explain the rotation of the Earth and the Moon and their movements around the Sun.

constellation - buruj Orion - Belantik Scorpion - Skorpio Big Dipper - Biduk Southern Cross -Pari pattern


direction - arah season - musim


rotate - berputar sundial -jam


axis - paksi west - barat

The Earth, The Moon and The Sun.

The Earth rotates on its axis from west to east and completes one rotation every 24 hours.

east - timur movement pergerakan

position - kedudukan

the same time.

2.1.6 Describe the changes in length and position of the shadow throughout the day. 2.1.7 Conclude that the Earth rotates on its axis from west to east. 2.2.1 State that it is day time-for the part of the Earth facing the Sun. 2.2.2 State it is night time for the part of the Earth facing away from the Sun. 2.2.3 Explain that day and night occur due to the rotation of the Earth on its axis.

2.2 Understanding the occurrence of day and night.

Record the length and position of the shadow of a pole at different time of the day. (pole as the object and the Sun as the source of light). Pupils observe the shadow formed when the globe is rotated at its axis over a fixed light source. Pupils build a sundial. View video or simulation by illuminating a rotating globe to observe the occurrence of day and night. Pupils draw diagrams to show the occurrence of day and night.

throughout -sepanjang shadow - bayangbayang

'lluminating -menyuluh facing - menghala otating globe - glob

Jang belputar

day - siang ight- malam


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1.2.3 Explain how base area affects stability. 1.2.4 Explain how height affects stability. 1.2.5 Identify the factors that affect the strength of a structure. 1.2.6 Design a model that is strong and stable.

Pupils investigate affects the stability of an object e.g a) the bigger the base area, the more stable the object is, b) the higher the obj ect, the less stable the object is. Factors that affect the strength of a structure. E.g. a) suspend a weight on a straw and then on a pencil, b) make two bridges, one using a piece of flat paper and the other using a folded paper. Then put objects of the same mass on each bridge. Conclude that the strength of a structure are: a) types of materials used, b) how the structure is placed. Pupils design the strongest and most stable

stand at attention bersedia

structure using materials of their choice. ( Suggestion: use reused and recycled materials)


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