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Professional Learning Goals: PSII/III

After the first two weeks of teaching, you should be ready to craft two inquiry questions to
guide your professional learning through the practicum. (There will be an opportunity to revise
your goals as you transition into the PSIII portion of the practicum if necessary).

Inquiry question, goal #1

Inquiry Related Strategies: Resources Evidence of Timeline:

question: TQS: - Increased , support success:
To what #4 Wait time required: 1) Start:
extent can Establishing - Modelling -Utilizing -students Oct 7 –
classroom Inclusive - Varied the have greater Oct28
management Learning delivery of curriculum understanding 2) Start:
strategies Environment instruction lab of Oct 7 –
work to - Supporting resources. expectations. Dec 23
establish a student -An area 3) Start:
more agency of focus -student work Oct 7 –
inclusive & for those periods are Dec 23
equitable who are more
learning observing. productive.
-students feel

1) An immediate goal is working on wait-time and the tendency to over-talk the

students before beginning instruction.

2)Additionally, I am noticing that modelling note taking has been a preferred

Learning goal: learning style. I also recognize its benefits in other capacities as well. This was
confirmed by the student’s check-in on Oct 6th. As such, this is something I will
work on integrating more into my practice.

3)Another capacity I want to work on is supporting student agency in the

classroom. How can I put students in the driving seat in their learning? To
recognize their burgeoning independence, but also ensure they are fulfilling the
expectations of the classroom.
Reflecting on learning

Inquiry question/learning goal: To what extent can classroom management strategies work
to establish a more inclusive & equitable learning environment?
Reflection at midway point: November 10, 2022.
Achievements In progress Future considerations
- Wait time has gotten - Working on creating - Start using a quieting
better at the start of volume control method/ attention
class. I have noticed awareness for my getter that doesn’t
students starting to Grade 9 students. add to the volume in
quiet other students - Building on this not the room.
on my behalf. over talking the - Learn to throw back
- Explicit modelling of loudness to quiet the questions on the
note taking and students down. students and get
writing techniques. - Allowing students to them thinking
- My students advocate do the work and not critically… that will
for themselves and let being questioned my show where the true
me know of their way into giving them gaps of knowledge
needs. the answers/ doing are.
the work for them. - For students who are
- Not being to lenient frequent flyers ask
or flexible. Finding the them for a certain
balance between amount of work to be
recognizing the day is done and ensure you
draining and classes check in and follow
are long, students up.
need break, BUT we
also have to make the
most of class time.
Reflection at the end of practicum: 12/07/22
A few quieting methods I have had success with:
- Immediately stop talking- mid sentence and embrace the wait the time. Someone is
talking I stop mid word sometimes and turn and be silent.
- Dramatizing my physicality while also not saying anything.
I found when I was tad dramatic in physically showing my displeasure with the over talking or
even some behaviors that I didn’t really have to say anything to get my point across. So for
example really pronouncing the way I cross my arms, changing my stance, adding a dramatic
head roll for affect in the direction of those speaking usually created some social ques for the
students disrupting the learning or caused other students to clue them in.

I have been happily surprised by how many students have started to take advantage of the
resubmit policy and I2 time. I think having the option of to reattempt and improve has
created a more open dialogue between me and my students in terms of understanding their
understandings, their work loads, what supports they need, and also it creates an
opportunity for one-on-one instruction.

My frequent flyers, they are a challenging bunch who keep me on my toes. I did set time
limits for students be back in 5 minutes or if they ask to go for a walk no more than 10.
Usually they are respectful of this time frame. For some of them as the semester has waned
so too as their desire to stay in my classroom. There is one or two students that come to
mind who I will get on task, they will set to work, I will turn back for like 2 minutes to check in
with someone and they will sneak out of the classroom, though to their credit I sometimes
get I gotta go to the bathroom or I’m filling up a water bottle or grabbing something from my
locker comment before they dart out the door and they do always return just after a
prolonged break from class. This is then followed up by a conversation with me and
depending on the length of absence I change their attendance, if it increased in frequency I
reached out to parents.

Inquiry question, goal #2

Inquiry Related TQS: Strategies: Resources, Evidence of Timeline :

question: #2 Demonstrating -showcase a support success: 1) Sept 3-
How can a Professional variety of required: Dec 23
the Body of narratives -utilizing the
utilization Knowledge and curriculum illustrating/ 2) Sept
of (b) I use intersectional lab – exploring 28- Dec
community instructional perspectives curating concepts 23
resources strategies to when authentic present
work as engage students a instructing sources. multiple
anti- learning activity, curricular perspectives
oppressive based on the outcomes. -Community from various
practice? specialized -integration organization backgrounds.
knowledge of the of community websites / Highlighting
subject area I organizations, AB acts of
teach. My experts, and curriculum oppressive
understanding of resources into systems
students the -Permission whenever
backgrounds, prior classroom. to bring in possible.
knowledge, and community
experiences. My members -Having
knowledge of how community
students develop members
as learners speak in the
- presenting
.1) Whenever possible look to expand the cannon of resources that students
are exposed to. Present human experiences as multitude they are and validate
those realties.

2) When appropriate seek to integrate community professionals into your

Learning classroom to enhance course curriculum. For example, coordinate community
goal: panels, arrange for a zoom conference, integrate community resources (i.e.
online simulations, research, and other content)

Reflecting on learning

Inquiry question/learning goal: How can the utilization of community resources work as anti-
oppressive practice? (How can you integrate & utilize community resource in the school
Reflection at midway point: November 10, 2022.
Achievements In progress Future considerations
- Coordinate - Working to plan and - How can I have
Community Justice coordinate speaker students more
Panel for grade 9 from immigrant involved in making
students that services for grade 9 connections with the
involved 4 community students community?
organizations. F - Looking for ways to - How can demonstrate
- Organized and bring community the impact of these
coordinated the resources into grade speakers on my
Remembrance Day 11 curriculum students?
Assembly that
involved 3 different
- Went to district PL
session to coordinate
learning from the
Lethbridge Legion
- Showcased local

Reflection at the end of practicum: 12/07/22

For both grade 11 and grade 9 I worked to showcase local examples in the curriculum. For
example, for INGO’s looking at the Red Cross (we have an office), United Way, The Salvation
Army. In Grade 9, I showcased Immigrant Services, Lethbridge Multicultural Society, Southern
Alberta Ethnic Association and locally owned business ( Tacos Made in Mexico). This worked
to both bring in community examples but also create connections with students. While I
wasn’t successful in booking a speaker from Immigrant services because I was unsure of
timing and scheduling with shorter notice during a busy season for non-profits, I was still able
to highlight our community provide students with a local context. I think taking the time to
find local examples to highlight them and bring them allows us bring curriculum to life and
make it relevant to students. In terms of addressing anti-oppressive systems sharing the
power that we have as teachers, stepping aside and showcasing, respecting the knowledge
and lived experience of someone else does allow for us to create space in our classrooms
where we demonstrate the verisimilitude of other careers, cultures, life paths, and realities.

Over the course of this internship, I have discovered and am continuing to discover the many
ways in which in the school is connecting with community organizations and business to
support our students and provide experiences and opportunities for them as well. For
example, learning that Churchill is partnering with the YMCA for an alternate suspension
program or with the FASD Alberta Consortium to provide professional development and
support for EA’s and some staff.

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