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Removing contaminants from crude oil

Natural and introduced contaminants limit crude desalting effectiveness,

increasing fouling and corrosion risks in downstream units


Athlon Solutions LLC

rude oil contains millions disulphide.2 This loose defini- plant. The quality of crude can
of components. Most tion exists due to the complex vary shipment to shipment. If
components are natural, nature of the asphaltene mole- refineries are not prepared to
resulting from millions of cule. Asphaltenes are deal with the contaminants in
years forming beneath the particularly problematic in the crude, they can face serious
surface of the earth. Among regards to corrosion and consequences resulting from
these, saturates are carbon fouling. fouling and corrosion of
atoms linked together by From first production to the process equipment. NACE
single bonds. These can be refinery, crude oil is being International defines corrosion
long or short chains. The short contaminated. Many contami- as “the deterioration of a mate-
chain saturates become lighter nants are naturally occurring, rial, usually a metal, because of
products produced from crude such as rock fragments, naph- a reaction with its environ-
oil, such as butane, heptane, thenic acid, and salt water. ment”.4 Deteriorated equipment
and octane. Longer chain satu- Production fluids, H2S scaven- can cost a refinery a lot of
rates form wax, which can gers, and corrosion inhibitors, money in replacement, reduced
serve as a useful product but while necessary in the throughput, and shutdown
also contributes to both corro- upstream and midstream, can time. A process leak can result
sion and fouling. Aromatics be troublesome for refiners. in fire and chemical hazards,
are benzene derivatives that Organic chlorides are some- posing a catastrophic threat to
are useful in boosting octane times used as a solvent in oil personnel. Fouling’s conse-
numbers in gasoline, but are production sites and can quences are similar to those of
limited due to their harmful contribute to corrosion and corrosion with costs including
effects on health and the envi- fouling at the refinery. Iron equipment cleaning and
ronment. Resins are high corrosion products picked up increased energy costs.5
molecular weight molecules by crude oil in pipelines can
that are readily soluble in oil, lead to fouling problems. Zinc Dealing with corrosion and
unlike asphaltenes, which exist compounds found in reclaimed fouling early in the refining
in crude oil as a colloidal lubricants can create tight process
suspension.1 Asphaltenes are emulsions. Many of these Good desalting practices are
polyaromatic materials in contaminants can upset important for corrosion and
heavy residues, characterised desalter operations, creating fouling control. There are
by not being soluble in aromat- corrosion and fouling risks.3 several strategies to address
ic-free, low boiling point Once crude oil arrives at crude contaminants before the
solvents (such as heptane). refineries, the contaminants desalter that also aid the
They are soluble in carbon must be contended with by the desalting process. PTQ Q1 2016 1

Tank farm management to predict how different crudes
The tank farm is the first stop will react when mixed together.
for crude oil once it reaches the Chemical suppliers can use
refinery via rail, ship, truck, or models to predict potential
pipeline. Crude oil in the tank precipitation in crude blends
farm will likely contain water for better optimisation of treat-
with dissolved salts and solids. ment programmes such as
Crude tanks should be drained asphaltene dispersants that can
of water before the crude is help keep asphaltenes in solu-
charged to the unit. This tion. A consequence of
addresses several problems: it asphaltene precipitation is foul-
reduces the salt contents in the Figure 1 Water and Eagle Ford ing of preheat exchangers,
raw crude charge, and it helps emulsion (20X magnification) which, as previously
avoid slugs of water to the mentioned, can be very costly.
desalter. Water slugs will cause 1. Remove surfactant laden The application of an antifou-
loss of level control and poten- solids via centrifuge before lant in the cold preheat
tially send excess water sending slop to the crude tank exchanger can help reduce the
containing salts into the crude 2. Break any emulsion that has fouling, but can also potentially
tower. Too much water can formed in the slop and sepa- stabilise an emulsion in the
increase tower pressure, rate the oil from the water desalter (see Figure 1).
usually resulting in backing out before sending the oil to crude Crude unit cold preheat
crude charge and sometimes charge exchangers are usually shell
blowing out trays and causing 3. Bypass crude charge and and tube exchangers, with the
a forced shutdown. Crude tank feed slop to another part of the crude in the tube side and
switches should be feathered in refinery, such as the coker crude unit products on the shell
over a couple of hours if possi- 4. Continuously inject slop side. These products (naphtha,
ble and operated to minimise directly to the crude charge diesel, kerosene, and so on) are
abrupt changes in feed quality. line at a very low rate, typi- typically at around 200-350°F
cally <1% of the crude charge (90-175°C). The more efficient
Slop oil management rate the heat exchange is between
Often, refineries will blend slop 5. Have a dedicated slop tank the shell and tubes, the more
oil waste into fresh crude and test the slop for BS&W the crude will be heated before
charge to reprocess it. This (basic sediment & water) and entering the desalter. Heat
practice should be limited filterable solids before charging helps the demulsifying process
because the waste and slop are to the unit. in the desalter. Heat decreases
laden with surfactants from the viscosity of crude oil and
around the refinery. The prem- Crude compatibility weakens bonds formed by
ise of desalting is to wash Asphaltene precipitation can be surfactants. This is especially
crude oil with water to remove troublesome for both the important when running highly
contaminants and then sepa- preheat exchangers and the paraffinic crudes or highly
rate the contaminated water desalting process. Asphaltene asphaltenic crudes. Asphaltenes
from the dry, clean oil. A precipitation occurs when act as surfactants, and
surfactant will reduce the incompatible crude oils are paraffinic waxes and
surface tension between two blended together. Some crude asphaltenes can encapsulate
fluids. By lowering the surface oils are self-incompatible and water, salts, and solids, carry-
tension between two fluids (in will precipitate asphaltenes on ing them over into the crude
the case of desalting – oil and their own. There are many unit and creating fouling and
water), they are allowed to mix crude compatibility models out corrosion problems.
together and become difficult there, including one developed
to separate. and patented by Exxon Desalter operations:
Best practices for treating Research & Development.6 mechanical and electrical
slop oil are: Refineries can use such models A desalter’s purpose is to

2 PTQ Q1 2016

remove crude oil contaminants
that will have harmful effects
in downstream equipment and
process units. The more desalt-
ing is optimised, the more
contaminants will be removed.
As mentioned previously, feed-
ing the desalter a consistent
diet will help in the process as
well as keeping the tempera-
ture high.
The desalting process is as
follows: Figure 2 Oil flocking at 20X magnification
1. Water is added to crude oil
2. The mixture passes through
a mixing device
3. The mixture enters the
desalter and separates
4. Oil exits the top of the
5. Water exits the bottom of
the desalter.

Wash water rate, injection
location and quality
The amount of water, injection Figure 3 Oil coalescing at 20X magnification
point of the water, and the
quality of the water are impor- breaker must be used. vertically in the desalter (see
tant. Wash water volume Wash water should be O2 Figures 2 and 3).
should be between 6-10% of free, low in hardness, salts, Two equations can explain
the crude charge volume, and a solids, sulphides and contain why more water aids in better
heavier crude diet may require less than 30 ppm of ammonia. flocculation and coalescence:
a higher wash water Preferred wash water sources
rate. Higher water rate are stripped sour water and g ρ! − ρ! d!
provides more opportunity for crude and vacuum unit V=
water to contact salts and condensate.
solids in the crude oil. Not only does water help This is Stokes Law where:
Wash water should be with solids and salt removal, V = velocity of water droplet
injected as far upstream of the but sufficient water also aids in fall
desalter as possible. If the the separation of water and oil g = gravitational constant
crude charge pump has the in the desalter. For the water ρ = density of water (w) and
capacity, it is a best practice to and oil to separate in the oil (o)
inject at least part of the wash desalter, two things must d = water drop diameter
water into the pump suction to happen: flocculation and µ = viscosity of oil
maximise contact between the coalescence. Flocculation To achieve maximum water
water and contaminants. This occurs when fluid droplets droplet fall velocity (V), the
should be done with caution, become attracted to each other. difference between the density
however, because a tighter Coalescence means to come of the water and oil should be
emulsion can form between the together and form one group maximised. Heavier crudes
water and oil that may be diffi- or mass. When water droplets tend to be more difficult to
cult to break in the desalter. A combine to form larger water desalt than light crudes and
robust chemical emulsion droplets, they coalesce and fall thus require higher tempera- PTQ Q1 2016 3

controlled pressure drop. The
100 2.0 higher the pressure drop, the
Salt content
Salt in desalted crude, % 90 1.8 more the water will be

BS&W in desalted crude

80 1.6 dispersed in the crude, provid-
70 1.4 ing more opportunity
60 1.2 to contact contaminates.
50 1.0 However, at some pressure
40 0.8 drops, mixing energy will be
30 0.6 too much and the water will
Optimum become finely entrained in the
20 mixing pressure 0.4
10 0.2
crude oil. See Figure 4 for a
graphical representation.
Increasing drop in mixing pressure
Mud wash
The more time water and oil
Figure 4 Mix valve pressure drop optimisation can spend in the desalter sepa-
rating, the better. This
ture to reduce viscosity and It is a factor raised to the 6th residence time is hindered
higher wash water rate for inti- power and will have a huge whenever there is a build-up of
mate contact. As mentioned, impact. The more water availa- solids and grease in the bottom
this is a function of tempera- ble to flock and then coalesce of the desalter (referred to as
ture, so hotter is better. The to make large droplets, the mud). Mud occupies space in
single greatest factor that better. The distance between the desalter that the water and
affects water velocity is the water droplets has a fourth oil could be occupying,
diameter of the water droplet root impact on the force. decreasing residence time.
(it is a squared function in the Adding more water decreases Desalters typically have mud
equation). In order to get a the distance between droplets, wash headers that consist of a
large water droplet, a lot of which has a huge impact on brine recycle system. Water is
water is needed. Equation 1 attractive force. pumped out of the desalter
applies to a perfect system, but and back in through small
with the presence of surfactants Electrical grids nozzles that pressure wash the
there must be enough force to Equation 2 also shows the bottom of the vessel. It is very
break tension and allow the benefit of having a voltage important to have a mud wash-
flock to coalesce: gradient. Desalters usually ing routine, whether it is
have one to three transformers continuous or scheduled
powering electrical grids. The throughout the day.
! ! higher the voltage gradient in The ultimate objective of
𝐾𝐾(𝜀𝜀 )(𝑑𝑑)
𝐹𝐹 =   the desalter, the better. The desalting is to have water, salt,
𝑆𝑆 ! opposite is true for current. and solid-free oil leaving the
When too much water gets top of the desalter destined for
F = attractive force between close to the grids, amps the crude unit and oil free, and
droplets increase and the transformers contaminant-laden water exit-
K = constant can potentially trip and shut ing the bottom of the desalter to
ε = voltage gradient down to avoid overload. This the wastewater plant.
d = average radius of water is yet another reason why
droplet water carryover in the desalter Chemically enhancing desalter
S = average distance between is problematic. performance
water droplets There are many philosophies
To achieve maximum force Mix valve dP regarding chemical desalting
between water droplets, the The water and crude mixture aids, and any can be correct
average radius of the water passes through a mixing depending on the objective of
droplet should be maximised. device, usually a valve with a the program. Crude slates vary

4 PTQ Q1 2016

just as much in contaminates
as they do properties, so there
is no one size fits all program.
A primary emulsion breaker is
standard for desalting opera-
tions, and they are typically
injected into the crude oil.
Adjunct chemistries can also be
used. For example, a water
clarifier can help remove oil
from effluent water before it is
processed at the wastewater
Adding caustic before, at, or
after the desalter has a number
of benefits, one of which is
reducing the corrosion risk in Figure 5 From left to right: an emulsion treated with caustic, no chemistry, and
the crude unit overhead. Salts a standard emulsion breaker
that come in with crude oil
include magnesium chloride, fouling potential and increases 5 Ishiyama E M, Wilson D I, Heins A V,
calcium chloride, and sodium the value of coke.3 Spinelli L, The Importance of Scheduling
chloride, and they hydrolyse at Amines that arrive with and Desalter Control of Preheat Trains
varying temperatures. crude oil can be problematic. of Crude Distillation Units: A Case Study.
Magnesium and calcium chlo- These typically originate from International Conference on Heat
Exchanger Fouling and Cleaning VIII, 52-
ride that escape the desalter triazine based H2S scavengers
60, Schladming, Austria, 2009.
will hydrolyse at crude unit added in the upstream and
6 Wiehe I A, Process Chemistry of
heater temperatures and create midstream industry to mitigate Petroleum Macromolecules, Boca Raton,
potential for corrosion.7 Caustic safety and environmental FL, USA: CRC Press, 2008.
converts hydrochloric acid hazards. If the amines and salts 7 Armistead K, Strong R, Petroleum
formed to sodium chloride, make it through the desalting Distillation HCl Corrosion: Understanding
which will not hydrolyse at process, they can form amine Water Dew Point vs Ionic Dew Point vs
crude unit temperatures.4 chloride salts that can be very Salt Point, AIChE, 2014.
Caustic has also shown to be corrosive.7 Acidifying the
helpful in breaking difficult desalter can force the amines to Jamie McDaniels is a Refinery Technical
emulsions. By successfully partition to the water phase Advisor with Athlon Solutions LLC,
breaking emulsions, less water and out of the crude oil. focusing on the areas of H2S scavengers
(containing contaminants) is and desalting, and has been heavily
carried over into the crude unit involved in field applications for both.
and therefore fouling and References She supports information exchanges as
corrosion potential is reduced. 1 PetroWiki, SPE International, 17 an active member-participant at refinery
Oil under-carry to the waste- Sept 2013, retrieved from Crude Oil focused AIChE and AFPM meetings and
water plant is minimised. See Characterization: holds a bachelor’s degree in chemical
oil_characterization engineering from the University of
Figure 5 for a case history
2 Leffler W, Petroleum Refining in Alabama.
Nontechnical Language, 4th ed., Tulsa: Wole Olowu is a Technical Advisor for
Caustic can aid in iron PennWell Corporation, 2008. Athlon Solutions LLC, providing technical
removal at the desalter. Iron 3 Crude Oil Quality Group, Crude Oil and process treatment chemical advice
partitioning in the desalter can Contaminants and Adverse Chemical to oil refineries, and has worked in the
be controlled by pH. With Components and their Effects on Refinery refining industry for over 10 years. He
caustic addition, iron is forced Operations, Houston, 2004. holds a bachelor’s degree in chemical
from the oil and is removed 4 NACE International, Corrosion Control engineering from the University of
from the system in the effluent in the Refining Industry, 1.00, 1-3. NACE California, Irvine and a MBA from the
water. Iron removal decreases International, July 2013. University of California, Berkeley. PTQ Q1 2016 5

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