Weapons & Armor Special Materials & Magical Properties - D20

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Weapons & Armor Special Materials & Magical Properties

On February 6, 2020, Posted by d20 Game Master, In Resources, With No Comments

Not every item is made of the same material. Every sword isn’t steel. Every suite of full plate isn’t mithral. Below is a list of Special Materials
to make Magic Items or even Mundane Arms & Armor more interesting! Plus, find extra Magical Weapon Properties and Magic Armor
Properties that go beyond the DMG and Player’s Handbook defaults.

I’ve got to give credit to Bell of Lost Souls for being the inspiration for this post. Their article D&D: Five Ways To Make A +1 Sword Memorable
was awesome!

Source: https://www.belloflostsouls.net/2020/01/dd-five-ways-to-make-a-1-sword-memorable.html

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1. Special Materials for Magic Items or Mundane Arms & Armor

2. Weapon Properties
3. Armor Properties

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Resources FivePathfinder,
for D&D, Ways d20 To&Make
More A +1 Sword Memorable
6. Pictures of 154 Gemstones for Magical Weapons, Armor or Wondrous Items

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Special Materials for Magic Items or Mundane Arms & Armor


# Material  Description

1 Abysium This glowing, blue-green substance can be a source of great energy. It also causes those who spend
extended amounts of time near it to grow ill and die unless proper precautions are taken. Abysium
functions as steel when used for weapons and armor, but those who carry or wear abysium arms or arm
become sickened for as long as the gear is carried or worn. Likewise, those in an area with heavy
concentrations of abysium become sickened for as long as they remain in the area. This is a poison effe
2 Abyssal Bloodiron Made of blood-soaked iron from the depths of the Abyss. A weapon of Abyssal Bloodiron counts a roll of
19 or 20 as a critical hit.
3 Adamantine Adamantine is extremely strong and favored by weapon and armor smiths alike for its ability to cut
through solid barriers with ease and endure heavy blows. Weapons fashioned from adamantine have a
natural ability to bypass hardness when sundering weapons or attacking objects, ignoring hardness less
than 20. (Pathfinder or D&D 3.5)
4 Adamantine, Black adamantine was only ever found in one place: in a mound located in the region occupied by the
Black (Ptolus) Cold Desert today. All the black adamantine that exists has been mined and used—no more can be found
occurring naturally. It has the same qualities as adamantine except that it also proves resistant to spells
magical effects that would damage or affect it (like disintegrate or even passwall) with a spell resistance
of 25. Further, those in the know (Knowledge [arcana], DC 30) can use a wish spell to make black
adamantine completely impervious to physical force or spells. Black adamantine is worth three times as
much as normal adamantine.
5 Aethel (Ptolus) One of the rarest and most valuable substances in Ptolus isn’t a drug or a weapon, it’s a mineral. Aethe
was discovered in this region, named, and experimented upon by the Elder Elves in the time of the titans
five thousand years ago. In many ways, it is the opposite of Vallis (see page 47). While the greenish ston
of the absent moon is a natural power source on its own, the clear crystals of aethel absorb magical
energy and even light.
6 Alchemical Silver
7 Angelskin Evil. The skin of an angel.
8 Asbestos Cloth Asbestos cloth will not catch on fire and armor constructed from asbestos cloth provides resistance to f
and heat. Asbestos clothing and cloth armor composed primarily of asbestos is immune to fire damage
and is never at risk of catching on fire. However, this property only imparts fire resistance 5 to the weare
9 Astral Driftmetal Metal mined from floating matter in the Astral Plane. Weapons made of this material count as magical
weapons for the purposes of overcoming the damage resistances of incorporeal creatures.
10 Aszite The twin ores of aszite and druchite are found only on the Shadow Plane. These ores are highly sought
after for structural construction, as well as for their use in enhancing armor and weapons.
11 Aurorum This material is luminous and gleams with pink and indigo. Weapons or armor made of Aurorum fully hea
themselves within 1 minute after taking damage or being destroyed. Taking Lightning damage disables th
property for 5 minutes. If destroyed while its properties are disabled, the object will not reform.
12 Baatorian Green Weapons forged of this Hellish material cost 1000 more gp than normal because of the material’s
Steel exclusivity to devils. The iron alloy is flecked with green and mined by enslaved souls in Baator. Magic
weapons made of Baatorian Green Steel cause creatures it hits to bleed for 1d2 additional damage at th
start of its turn after being hit with the weapon. Creatures that don’t have blood and undead are
unaffected by this property.

D20 Material  Description
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13 Basalt, Magic
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14 Black Adamantine Black adamantine was only ever found in one place in a mound located in the region occupied by the Co
(Ptolus) Desert today. All the black adamantine that exists has been mined and used—no more can be found
occurring naturally. It has the same qualities as adamantine except that it also proves resistant to spells
magical effects that would damage or affect it like disintegrate or even passwall) with a spell resistance
25. Further, those in the know Knowledge [arcana], DC 30) can use a wish spell to make black adamanti
completely impervious to physical force or spells. Black adamantine is worth three times as much as
normal adamantine.
15 Black Seaweed
16 Blight Quartz
17 Blood Iron This rust-red metal is a special form of steel (despite the name) that is infused with blood in the forging
process, usually that of a ritualistically- sacrificed and oftentimes sacred animal such as a rooster or bul
in evil societies or particularly- desperate situations, a human sacrifice might be used.
18 Bluewood Magically treated wood that is as hard as steel. It doesn’t change the properties of a steel weapon or
armor, but it can be used by a druid without penalty. Bluewood items cost 600 gp more than a regular
steel counterpart.
19 Bone Any bone from any animal. Maybe the bone isn’t normal white, but some other color, or flecked with
strange inlays.
20 Brill
21 Bronze
22 Bronze, Elysian First crafted in the deeps of time by the titans and bestowed as gifts to monster-slaying heroes among t
lesser races, Elysian bronze retains the brazen coloration of its namesake but is as hard as steel.
23 Bronze,
24 Bulette
25 Chlorophyte Ore Chlorophyte Ore will spread itself by converting nearby Mud and Jungle Grass blocks into more
Chlorophyte Ore.
26 Cold Iron This iron, mined deep underground and known for its effectiveness against demons and fey creatures, is
forged at a lower temperature to preserve its delicate properties. Weapons made of cold iron cost twice
much to make as their normal counterparts.
27 Copper-Plated
28 Coral, Chitin, and
Sea Shells
29 Cryptstone Cryptstone is a dense gray stone scavenged from mausoleums that often appears ancient and pitted.
Additionally, any non-magical weapon made of cryptstone affects incorporeal undead as if it were a mag
weapon, and weapons made of cryptstone that have the disruption special ability increase the DC of tha
ability by +1. Has the same hardness and hit points as steel.
30 Crystal, Blood
31 Crystal, Deep
32 Crystal, Deep
33 Crystal, Mundane
34 Crystalline
35 Darkleaf Cloth
36 Darkwood This rare magic wood is as hard as normal wood but very light. (Pathfinder or D&D 3.5)
37 Djezet
38 Dragonhide (roll A classic status symbol for adventurers, dragonhide armor is coveted for its toughness. Armorsmiths can
again for which work with the hides of dragons to produce armor or shields of masterwork quality. Because dragonhide
dragon) armor isn't made of metal, druids can wear it without penalty. (Pathfinder or D&D 3.5) 
D20 Material  Description
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39 Dragonskin
40 1. Dragonhide : Random Generators Resources Contact Home
41 2. Dragonhide :
42 3. Dragonhide :
43 4. Dragonhide :
44 5. Dragonhide :
45 6. Dragonhide :
46 7. Dragonhide :
47 8. Dragonhide :
48 9. Dragonhide :
49 10. Dragonhide :
50 11. Dragonhide :
51 12. Dragonhide :
52 13. Dragonhide :
53 14. Dragonhide :
54 15. Dragonhide :
55 16. Dragonhide :
56 Dreamstone
57 Druchite The black-and-violet ore known as druchite is synonymous with Shadow Absalom’s towering spires. The
ore is so dark that even creatures that are adapted to see in lightless conditions can have extreme
difficulty perceiving it. Druchite ore can be worked into armor and weapons by applying it in delicate vein
or inlaid patterns across the equipment. Druchite-veined armor grants the wearer additional defenses
against creatures with darkvision. The wearer always benefits from a 10% miss chance while in an area o
dim light or darkness, even if she is perceived by a creature using darkvision. The twin ores of aszite and
druchite are found only on the Shadow Plane.
58 Dwarven Stone
59 Eel Hide
60 Firestone (Ptolus) The mineral known as firestone can be created only through magic. It burns with great efficiency, which
causes technologists to desire it greatly to fuel their devices. This small stone weighs 1 lb. and can burn
hotly for twenty-four hours. It is used to power some of the equipment described in Chapter 29
61 Gehennan Gehennan Morghuth Iron is terrible to craft with often appearing pocked and pitted) but weakens those
Morghuth Iron whose wounds are exposed to it. Weapons made from this iron have -1 on attack and damage rolls, but
those hit by it must make a DC 11 CON save or gain 1 level of exhaustion. A creature cannot have more
than 5 levels of exhaustion from this supernatural poison. 
D20 Material  Description
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62 Gem (roll again
for what gem)
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154 Gemstones:
opens image in
new tab)
63 1. Gem : Agate
64 2. Gem :
65 3. Gem :
66 4. Gem : Amber
67 5. Gem :
68 6. Gem :
69 7. Gem :
70 8. Gem : Andesine
71 9. Gem : Apatite
72 10. Gem :
73 11. Gem :
74 12. Gem : Azurite
75 13. Gem : Black
Star Diopside
76 14. Gem :
77 15. Gem :
78 16. Gem :
79 17. Gem : Emerald
80 18. Gem : Fire
81 19. Gem :
82 20. Gem : Howlite
83 21. Gem : Jade
84 22. Gem : Jasper
85 23. Gem : Ruby
86 24. Gem :
87 Open a Photo of
154 Gems in a
New Tab
88 Geranite 
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89 Glassteel
90 Gold
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91 Greenweave
92 Greenwood
93 Griffon Mane
94 Hartwood
95 Heliothil (Ptolus) Heliothil is a pale violet stone that has negative weight. A stone that should weigh about 1 lb. has in fact
lbs. of negative weight. This means that, if a piece of pure heliothil were unsecured, it would fall upward
a great rate and disappear into the sky. However, it also means that securing 5 lbs. of normal material to
the “1 lb.” bit of heliothil renders the normal material effectively weightless. The heliothil and attached
material float in midair.
96 Hellstone
97 Hoodoo Loam
98 Horacalcum
99 Ice
100 Ice, Stygian
101 Ice, True
102 Ignium
103 Inubrix
104 Iron
105 Iron, Cold This iron, mined deep underground and known for its effectiveness against demons and fey creatures, is
forged at a lower temperature to preserve its delicate properties. Weapons made of cold iron cost twice
much to make as their normal counterparts. Also, adding any magical enhancements to a cold iron
weapon increases its price by 2,000 gp. This increase is applied the first time the item is enhanced, not
once per ability added. A double weapon with one cold iron half costs 50% more than normal. Items
without metal parts cannot be made from cold iron. An arrow could be made of cold iron, but a
quarterstaff could not. (Pathfinder or D&D 3.5)
106 Iron, Gehennan
107 Iron, Primal
108 Ironwood
109 Ithildin & Ithilnaur The elves know of many special minerals, materials, and herbs. In particular, they are known for two
(Ptolus) metals ithildin a decorative silver that glows at night but is dull and almost invisible during the day) and
ithilnaur a thin, strong material with the same properties as ithildin). Both metals’ glow is equal to
candlelight. Ithildin is like silver but costs twice as much. Ithilnaur is like mithral but costs twice as much
110 Lead-Lined
111 Linite
112 Liquid Light In the earliest days of creation, when air, earth, fire, and water did not yet possess their final states,
(Ptolus) sunlight shone into pockets of air that eventually became trapped deep underground. This air turned
naturally into liquid light as a result of tremendous good done in the world; the residue seeps up from th
depths of the earth and takes on a physical substance. Thus, deep in the earth one can encounter pools
bright sunlight, preserved forever as a thick, milky liquid. One pint of this fluid is the equivalent of a
daylight spell that never fades. One can use liquid light to enhance spells with either the light or good
descriptor either way, the spell gains both descriptors when cast). A pint of the material used as a spell
component modifies a spell so that it is cast two levels higher than normal, with a +2 bonus to the savin
throw DC to resist. Liquid light inflicts damage to evil-aligned outsiders and undead if used as a splash
weapon one pint inflicts 3d6 points of damage; full immersion inflicts 20d6 points of damage). It heals
good outsiders and blessed children in like amounts. Liquid light is worth 1,000 gp per pint and is usually
found only in amounts of six to ten pints at a time.

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113 Liquid Shadow Liquid shadow is a vile substance that pools in the darkest corners of the world—usually at the heartrock
(Ptolus) of a massive mountain or in a cave at the bottom of the deepest lake. It exists naturally as a result of ev
done in the world; the residue seeps into the earth and takes onGenerators
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darkness. One can use liquid shadow to enhance spells with either the shadow or evil descriptor either
way, the spell gains both descriptors when cast). A pint of the material used as a spell component
modifies a spell so that it is cast two levels higher than normal, with a +2 bonus to the saving throw DC
resist. Liquid shadow is worth 1,000 gp per pint and is usually found only one or two pints at a time.
114 Maritime Quartz
115 Marlite (Ptolus) Magic Dead Blue Steel. Marlite shines like blue-tinted iron and can be processed into a metal as hard an
resilient as steel. Marlite is far more valuable than steel, however, for its secondary property. Marlite is a
magic-dead material. It has no natural magic within it, and it cannot be affected by spells, magic items, o
spell-like abilities. In effect, it has an infinite amount of spell resistance. A sword made of marlite couldn
be affected by a heat metal spell, nor could it be magically disintegrated. No one could move it with
telekinesis. This means, of course, that magic can’t affect it in beneficial ways, either—it couldn’t receiv
a magic weapon or keen weapon spell. It could not be given magical properties or an enhancement bon
Armor made of marlite gives the wearer no special properties. Spells can still affect the wearer, just not
the armor directly. An item made with marlite instead of iron or steel costs ten times the normal price.
116 Mawine
117 Mindglass
118 Mithral Mithral is a very rare silvery, glistening metal that is lighter than steel but just as hard. (Pathfinder or D&D
119 Mithral, Celestial
120 Moonsilver Called “ithilirid” by the elves, this metal is always found in liquid form, looking not unlike mercury. One
(Ptolus) can use it to coat a solid surface, to which it then adheres, protecting the surface as if it were made of
iron. The surface retains all normal flexibility. Thus, one could apply it to a person to grant him the benef
of wearing armor +4, +6, or +8 armor bonus to Armor Class, depending on how much is available) with
none of armor’s drawbacks—no armor check penalty, maximum Dexterity, or spell failure chance. The
effects of moonsilver are as fleeting as the moon’s reign in the night sky, however. The substance fades
away approximately four hours after it adheres to a surface. Moonsilver costs depend on the amount of
the substance. Enough for a +4 armor bonus costs 200 gp; +6 costs 400 gp; and +8 costs 600 gp. You
cannot use a partial dose or multiple doses.
121 Mourningsteel
122 Mundane Crystal
123 Noqual
124 Obsidian
125 Platinum
126 Rustic Wood
127 SerpentStone
128 Serren Wood from Arborean trees. Weapons made of this material count as magical weapons for the purposes o
overcoming the damage resistances of incorporeal creatures.
129 Shark Skin
130 Siccatite
131 Silk, Aranea
132 Silkweave
133 Silver
134 Silver, Alchemical A complex process involving metallurgy and alchemy can bond silver to a weapon made of steel so that
bypasses the damage reduction of creatures such as lycanthropes. (Pathfinder or D&D 3.5)
135 Silversheen
136 Skybough Amber
137 Skymetal Alloys 
D20 Material  Description
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138 Solanian Made of gleaming perfect iron mined from the fourth layer of Celestia. A weapon made from this materia
Truesteel counts a roll of a 19 or 20 as a critical hit.
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139 Spiresteel
140 Starmetal Meteoric iron mined from fallen comets. It has an inherent mystic connection to the material plane and
deals 1d4 bonus force damage to extraplanar creatures.
141 Starstone
142 Steel
143 Steel, Chthonic
144 Steel, Fire-forged
145 Steel, Frost-
146 Steel, Living
147 Steel, Singing
148 Steel, Stainless
149 Stone
150 Stone, Dwarven
151 Stormphrax
152 Stygian Ice Black ice harvested from Stygia, the fifth layer of Hell. Contact or damage from Stygian Ice deals 1d6
bonus cold damage, and also causes the victim to make a DC 11 WIS save or have its WIS score lowered
by 2 until it finishes a long rest. A creature whose WIS is lowered to 0 in this way dies and rises as a Wra
in 2d4 rounds. Weapons made of this material are fragile and have AC of 13 and HP of 8. The ice melts
slowly in above-freezing temperatures, taking 1 damage each hour and emitting a foul vapor as it melts.
153 Sunsilver
154 Thinaun A dark glittering steel that absorbs souls slain with weapons forged from it. If the wielder is slain while
holding the weapon, the wielder’s soul becomes trapped in the weapon. If a soul is already inside of the
Thinaun weapon when it tries to absorb a soul, the previous soul is released to the afterlife. A creature
whose soul is trapped in the Thinaun weapon cannot be resurrected unless the caster of the resurrectio
spell wields the weapon. Fiends and other such creatures can extract a trapped soul for their own
purposes, meaning it can be used as a bargaining tool for those who traffic in souls.
155 Transcendental
156 True Ice
157 Uliun
158 Umbrite
159 Urdrukar Armor forged with this metal weigh 5 pounds heavier and have their max DEX modifier reduced by 1, if
applicable. However, it also grants the wearer advantage on saving throws against being viewed or
detected remotely by divination spells.
160 Vallis (Ptolus) One speck of Vallis can power a number of levels of spells cast by any class of spellcaster, as determine
by the size of the speck. Most range from one to six spell levels in capacity. (Treat a 0-level spell as the
equivalent of a half level.) As the piece of Vallis is used, it diminishes. So, if a bit of Vallis dust with a fou
spell-level capacity powers a 2nd-level spell, it still can power either another 2nd-level spell or two 1st-
level spells, but it grows noticeably smaller. Exhausted Vallis disappears entirely.
161 Viridium
162 Voidglass
163 Vulcanized
164 Waterwood
165 Whale Sinew 
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166 Whipwood
167 Wyroot
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Showing 1 to 167 of 167 entries

Weapon Properties

# Prefix  Suffix  Property

1 Adamantine of Adamantine This item is indestructible.

2 Alien of Lunacy Once attuned, the bearer constantly hears the ongoing, utterly insane mutterings
an alien intelligence trapped inside this weapon. Should this weapon be destroye
the being will be released.
3 Ancient of Old This worn weapon inscribed with ancient runes can be used as a Spellcasting Foc
4 Antikytheran of Mechanisms An ancient mechanism is housed within this weapon that never configures the
same way twice. Once per long rest the bearer can spend one minute to attempt
DC 20 investigation check to configure the device. If successful, the weapon
becomes a +1 weapon until the end of the next long rest.
5 Arcane of Arcana This weapon can project a spectral tome suspended in mid-air that the bearer ca
interact with like a physical book. This tome can be used as a spellbook and may
contain some spells from its previous bearer.
6 Arctic of Snow Icy wind and snowflakes bluster around this weapon, even in warm environments
The bearer can walk on the surface of the lightest snow, leaving no footprints.
7 Artist's of the Artist The bearer may use this weapon to make colored marks on any surface. The mar
will fade away in 24 hours.
8 Assassin's of the Assassin The bearer may add 1d4 poison damage to all attacks made during surprise round
9 Autumn of Falling Leaves The weapon contains a reservoir of natural magic that can a sustain a cascade of
falling leaves for up to 30 seconds. The bearer may use an action to plant this
weapon in the ground and release this magic. While planted and undepleted,
creatures within 10 feet of this weapon have half cover. A long rest restores 1d6
sconds of energy to the weapon's resevoir.
10 Barbed of Barbs After an attack roll, the bearer may use their reaction to add 1d4 to the damage r
and take 1d4 damage.
11 Binding of Binding When you hit a creature with this weapon, the ground beneath binds to its feet,
slowing its speed by 5 feet until the end of its next turn. This has no effect on
creatures that are flying or swimming.
12 Blasted of Detonation The bearer may use a bonus action to activate destructive magic within this
weapon. It begins to glow with white-hot intensely, and at the beginning of the
bearer's next turn, the weapon casts a level 1 Shatter spell (DC 12) centered on t
weapon. The weapon then loses this property.
13 Blessed of Parables Whenever the bearer of this item receives magical healing from a spell on the
Cleric’s spell list, they gain an additional amount of hit points equal to their Wisdo
(Religion) skill.
14 Blind of Eyes Garrish eyes are painted on this weapon. The bearer can use an action to see/uns
through the eyes, even if their own senses are compromised.

D20 Prefix  Suffix  Property
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15 Blithe of Mirth The bearer is filled with inexplicable joy. All charisma skill and saving throw rolls
gain a +1 bonus, but all wisdom skill and saving throw rolls gain a -1 penalty.
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16 Bloodthirsty of Bloodthirst The bearer of this weapon spend a bonus action and a hit die to turn this weapon
into a +1 magic weapon for 1d4 turns.
17 Bonded of Twins This item is part of a pair of identical items. The bearer of either knows the locati
of the other at all times.
18 Booming of Thunder The bearer may choose to deal Thunder damage with this weapon and gain a +1
bonus to damage.
19 Braided of Knots The bearer may use their action to cause the weapon to become a 50 ft length o
hemp rope at will.
20 Broken of Shards This weapon is badly damaged. It is a testament to its former power that it is still
serviceable. If reforged, it might regain its former power.
21 Capricious of Chance If the weapon is attuned to a Chaotic aligned character, they may roll a die after
completing a long rest. If the result was an even number, treat this as a +1 magic
weapon until they finish a long rest.
22 Captivating of Saving Graces While the bearer is at 0 hp, they begin to hear the most beautiful music they have
ever heard. The bearer has advantage on death saving throws and cannot recall
details about the music if they wake.
23 Cardinal of the Lodestone The bearer always knows which way is north and has advantage on Wisdom
(Survival) checks for land navigation.
24 Caustic of Corrosion The bearer may choose to deal Acid damage with this weapon and gain a +1 bonu
to damage.
25 Chained of Chains The bearer can spend an action to mystically bind or unbind themselves to this
weapon. While bound, the bearer can no longer be disarmed but cannot switch ou
or throw this weapon.
26 Chameleon of the A weapon with this property does additional damage to the same creature type o
Chameleon the last being it struck, until it strikes another foe. Upon striking a being, against a
beings of the same type the weapon does an additional 1d6 damage. Striking a n
type of creature for the first time does not afford the additional damage, until the
second hit. [Credit to Rez]
27 Charged of Lightning The bearer may choose to deal Lightning damage with this weapon and gain a +1
bonus to damage.
28 Chill of Chills The air around the bearer of this weapon is always unnaturally cold. One's breath
becomes visible, and frost continually forms on the surface of the bearer's hair,
weapons, and armor. The bearer suffers no ill effect from being in extremely cold
29 Civilized of the Capital The bearer gains +1 to intelligence saving throws.
30 Compassionate of Compassion Wounds inflicted with this weapon cause no pain.
31 Consecrated of Consecration Treat as a +1 magic weapon when attacking Undead. Any creature slain with this
weapon cannot be raised as undead.
32 Corrosive of Dissolving When the bearer hits a creature with this weapon, they may deal their proficiency
bonus in acid damage to a different creature within 5 feet of the target.
33 Courser's of the Hostler The bearer can placate and calm any mount not under the influence of a spell or
34 Crashing of the Crashing Whenever the bearer deals damage to a hostile creature, this weapon gains a
Waves charge. As a bonus action, the bearer can use any number of charges to deal that
much extra lightning damage on their next attack. If a round (6 seconds) goes by
and the weapon has not struck a foe, it loses all charges.
35 Crawling of Vermin The crawling things of the earth, such as insects, snakes, and vermin, are attracte
to this item. When placed on the ground, such creatures will scurry toward the ite
like moths drawn to the flame.

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36 Cruel of Cruelty The bearer may re-roll damage from critical hits scored with this weapon and tak
the second result.
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37 Dancing of Strings The bearer may spend an action to permanently animate this weapon. Use the
Flying Sword stat block from the Monster Manual p. 20. Also, the weapon retains
any other magical properties. Once the animated weapon is reduced to 0 hp or
unattuned, the weapon shatters like glass.
38 Dark of Darkness The bearer may choose to deal Necrotic damage with this weapon and gain a +1
bonus to damage.
39 Dead of Rigor Mortis If this weapon is entombed within a corpse for 8 hours, the bearer may treat it as
+1 magic weapon until the end of their next long rest
40 Deceptive of Deception When the bearer attunes this item, choose a harmless object within sight such as
tea cup, a ball of yarn, or a hairpin. If the bearer is touching the item, they may us
an action to transform the weapon in or out of this form.
41 Deep of the Deep The bearer can hold their breath for 5 minutes before the onset of asphyxiation.
42 Defensive of Defense Whenever the bearer takes a dodge or disengage action, they may move an
additional 5 feet that round.
43 Delver's of the Delver While underground, the bearer of this item always knows the item's depth below
the surface and the direction to the nearest path leading upward.
44 Desperate of Desperation The bearer may use an action to release divine magic within, equivalent to a level
Cure Wounds spell being cast on all creatures (friend or foe) within 5 feet of the
bearer. The weapon is destroyed and loses all magical properties.
45 Diplomatic of Diplomacy The bearer gains one language proficiency chosen by the DM.
46 Draconic of Dragons Treat as a +1 weapon when attacking Dragons.
47 Draining of Draining When the bearer makes a successful attack with this weapon, they gain 10% of th
damage as temporary hit points (round down, minimum of 1).
48 Dreamscribe's of the The bearer can read books they are touching while sleeping.
49 Drunkard's of Taverns The bearer always knows the direction to the nearest tavern in a 60 mile radius.
50 Dryad's of the Dryad When the bearer is outdoors, harmless creatures such as squirrels and birds flock
them when they sing songs for a minute or longer.
51 Eager of Yearning The bearer does not require an interaction to draw or sheath this weapon
52 Earthen of Rooting The bearer of this weapon is firmly rooted to the ground. When standing on solid
earth or stone, if an effect would move the bearer against his will the distance is
reduced by 5 feet.
53 Eastern of the East The bearer gains +1 to wisdom saving throws.
54 Edgeless of Edgelessness +1 Sword does no damage, and doesn't have ea edge. Does either Inflict Wound o
Cure Wounds. [Credit to Rez]
55 Effortless of Ease This weapon takes only one minute to attune.
56 Effulgent of Light The bearer can use this item to cast the Light cantrip on itself at will. While lit, it
deals radiant damage instead of its usual damage type.
57 Eidolic of Apparitions Dark apparitions bound to this weapon haunt the edges of the bearer's peripheral
vision, becoming hideously visible to devour the bodies of beings slain by this
weapon. Once 666 bodies have been devoured, the apparitions will be released to
prey upon our world and the sword becomes a permanent +3 weapon. So far, the
weapon has eaten 1d6 x 100 + 3d20 bodies.
58 Enchanting of the Treat this as a +1 weapon as long as the bearer is enchanted by a spell from the
Enchantress enchantment school of magic.
59 Enervating of Inner Strength Once per long rest, the bearer may spend one minute contemplating the patterns
etched on this weapon's surface and regain 1 expended ki point.

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60 Epistemological of Truth The bearer has advantage on investigation checks to see through illusions. In
addition the bearer can gains advantage on an Insight check to check if someone
lying and disadvantage on all Deception
Random checks.
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61 Equanimeous of Balance When attuned to neutral aligned characters, this weapon has a +1 attack bonus
during the day and a +1 damage bonus at night.
62 Etched of Allegories Ancient glyphs adorn the surface of this weapon, telling a story with a moral of th
player's choosing (such as "One good turn deserves another" or "United we stand
divided we fall"). While attuning to this weapon, the glyphs spread across the enti
skin of the bearer and the moral of the story becomes a bond trait for this
63 Fairweather of Fairweather Treat this as a +1 weapon if the bearer has more than half of their maximum hit
64 Fatespun of Intertwined Once per short rest, when the bearer crits with this weapon they gain inspiration.
65 Favored of the Favored Once per long rest, the bearer may roll a saving throw with advantage.
66 Feathered of Feathers The bearer may use their reaction to reduce fall damage by 1d6 until the end of
turn. They cannot use this feature again until completing a long rest.
67 Final of Last Hope The bearer may spend an action beseeching the spirits within this weapon. Roll a
DC 20 Persuasion check or make a sufficiently impassioned plea. If successful, th
spirits will sacrifice themselves so that for the next minute the next attack with t
weapon will be a crit. The weapon then loses this property forever.
68 First of Speed The bearer gains a +1 bonus to initiative rolls. As long as the bearer is first in the
initiative order, their speed increases by 5 feet.
69 Force of Force The bearer may choose to deal Force damage with this weapon and gain a +1
bonus to damage.
70 Forgotten of the Forgotten The bearer may spend an action to attempt to ignite the old magic in this weapon
with a DC 13 Charisma check. If successful, treat the weapon as a +1 weapon as
long as the bearer maintains concentration on this effect, maximum 10 minutes.
71 Friendly of Friendship Contains 1d4 unreplenishable charges of the Animal Friendship spell (1st level).
72 Frozen of Ice The bearer may choose to deal Cold damage with this weapon and gain a +1 bon
to damage.
73 Furious of Fury Treat as a +1 magic weapon when the bearer is raging.
74 Ghost-Tipped of the Ranks Whenever the bearer crits with this weapon, it gains the reach property (10 ft) for
minute. If it already had the reach property, increase its reach by 5 ft.
75 Ghost-Touched of Remembered This weapon can be wielded by a missing limb. If so, it becomes a +1 weapon.
76 Glorious of Glory The bearer may choose to change the damage type of weapon to Radiant and its
damage roll gains a +1 bonus.
77 Goading of Duels Once per short rest, when the bearer crits with this weapon it casts Compelled D
on the creature it hit, DC 12.
78 Groot of Groot/Growing +1 Wooden Sword, does Bludgeoning damage. If destroyed it heals itself. Like Gro
[Credit to Rez]
79 Guardian of Protection When the bearer attunes this weapon they must choose a being in their mind.
Henceforth, if the bearer is within 5 feet of the chosen being they may use their
reaction to impose disadvantage on an attack roll against that creature. They
cannot do this again until they have finished a short or long rest.
80 Harkening of Eavesdropping As long as it is on the same plane of existence, the bearer can hear through this
weapon as if they were present.
81 Haunted of Vengeful Smoke rises from this weapon revealing the apparitions that haunt it. They lash o
Spirits at living targets every time the bearer scores a hit, doing an additional +2 necroti

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82 Healing of Healing This item contains a healing node. Once per long rest the bearer can use the nod
and an action to heal 1d4 hit points at touch range.
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83 Heroic of Heroes Ancient heroes have wielded this weapon throughout the ages, and their courage
still lingers. The bearer has advantage on saving throws vs. fear effects.
84 Holy of Faith When the bearer of this item rolls hit dice, they can choose to re-roll them and ta
the second result.
85 Iconic of Symbols The weapon is inscribed with holy symbols of the God of the DM's choice. A cleric
or paladin that serves that god may use this weapon as a divine focus.
86 Imaginary of the Once attuned, this weapon exists only in the bearer's imagination until held with
Imagination intent to do harm. It becomes imaginary again after a short rest.
87 Impact of Impact Once per long rest, the bearer may spend an action to activate an ancient
mechanism within the weapon. Gears turn and parts shift as the weapon
reconfigures itself into a more menacing version of the original. For 1 minute,
attacks made with this weapon ignore resistances (but not immunities).
88 Indifferent of Indifference The bearer no longer feels emotions. They have immunity to fear effects but
disadvantage on Insight and Performance checks, and cannot Rage.
89 Indomitable of Surging When the bearer is grappled by multiple targets, they may choose to break the
Strength strongest grapple. If they succeed, then all grapples are broken.
90 Inspired of Inspiration The bearer gains their Constitution modifier in temporary hit points whenever the
gain or use inspiration.
91 Invisible of Invisibility This weapon is invisible to all but the wielder. A true seeing spell will render it
visible. [Credit to Rez]
92 Invisible to of Partial This weapon is invisible to normal vision, but can be seen via other vision types
Normal Vision Invisibility such as dark vision. [Credit to Rez]
93 Jagged of Teeth Once hit by this weapon, the victim cannot regain hit points until the beginning o
their next turn.
94 Jester's of Madness Once per short rest, when the bearer crits with this weapon it casts Crown of
Madness on the creature it hit, DC 12
95 Leaping of Leaping Contains 1d4 unreplenishable charges of the Jump spell (1st level).
96 Liar's of Lies Contains 1d4 unreplenishable charges of the Silent Image spell (1st level).
97 Mage Killer's of the Mage Ignores the AC bonuses given by spells such as Mage Armor and Shield.
98 Malediction of Malediction Contains 1d4 unreplenishable charges of the Bane spell(1st level).
99 Maligning of Maligning This weapon does an additional 1d4 damage on attacks of opportunity.
100 Marquis' of the Maquis Once per short rest, when you crit with this weapon it casts Command on its targ
with the word "grovel", DC 12
101 Masked of Still Winds The bearer and all of their possessions are completely odorless.
102 Master's of Servants Contains 1d4 unreplenishable charges of the Unseen Servant spell (1st level).
103 Meadowforged of the Meadow A gentle kaleidoscope of butterflies always accompanies this weapon. The bearer
has advantage on persuasion checks with Fae creatures less than CR 3.
104 Memorial of Memories When the bearer kills a monster with this weapon, treat this weapon as a +1
weapon whenever you fight another monster of this kind. When the weapon is
unattuned, it loses its memory.
105 Mimicking of Mimicry When the bearer places this weapon beside another melee weapon for 1 minute,
this weapon changes weapon type, size, and physical qualities to become an exa
replica of the other weapon. It does not gain any of the other weapon's magical
106 Mind's Eye of the Mind's Eye The bearer may choose to deal Psychic damage with this weapon and gain a +1
bonus to damage

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107 Mindscour of This weapon disrupts all telepathic communication within 20 feet. Psychic attacks
Countermeasures are not affected.
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108 Mortuary of the Mortal Coil The bearer's vital signs, such as a pulse and breathing, are masked by this weapo
and are undetectable by non-magical inspection.
109 Mourner's of Last Words Contains one charge of the Speak With Dead spell. It regains the charge when the
bearer dies.
110 Murderous of Slaughter When the bearer reduces a creature to zero hit points they may use a bonus actio
to move half their movement speed towards another hostile creature.
111 Night of the Night This weapon is only usable after the sun has set, or if in complete blackness
including magical darkness. In any form of light, the weapon becomes a mundane
stick (length determined by the type of weapon). When in darkness, it transforms
into its normal form. [Credit to Rez]
112 Northern of the North The bearer gains +1 to constitution saving throws
113 Nourishing of Comfort Once per long rest, the bearer may lay this weapon beside a bowl of water. After a
moment, the bowl of water will begin to boil and after a minute it will transform
into a hot meal of special significance to the bearer (Their mother's noodle soup
father's elk stew). Eating this delicious meal is so satisfying that it counts as
nourishment for an entire day and restores 1d4 hit points. To anyone other than t
bearer, the bowl and its contents appears unchanged.
114 Nullifying of Nullification Any spell of 1st level or lower that includes the bearer as a target has a 10%
chance to fail, cast by both friendly and enemy spellcasters.
115 Painstrike of Pain Treat this as a +1 weapon for 1 minute if the bearer takes 13 or more damage in
single round of combat.
116 Parrying of Parrying The bearer may use their reaction to gain a +1 AC bonus until the end of the turn
117 Patient of Patience Whenever the bearer readies an action, they have advantage on constitution savin
throws to maintain concentration.
118 Pernicious of the Snake The bearer may choose to deal Poison damage with this weapon and gain a +1
bonus to damage.
119 Phantom of the Phantasm Damage inflicted with this weapon leaves no physical sign of injury, such as cuts
and bruises, and draws no blood.
120 Pious of the Pious The bearer may spend ten minutes paying honor to the spirits that govern this
weapon, shaving their head in tribute. Once the ceremony is finished, it becomes
+1 weapon until the end of the next long rest. They must wait 10 days until they
have long enough hair to re-enact this ritual.
121 Preacher's of the Preacher This weapon increases the bearer's Channel Divinity range by 5 feet.
122 Quantum of Uncertainty Every time the bearer takes a long rest, this weapon changes in appearance and
function. It retains this property but any other properties are lost. However, it gain
a new random ability from this chart.
123 Quicksilver of Quicksilver The bearer may use a bonus action to change the form of the weapon to any oth
simple or martial melee weapon. It always counts as a silvered weapon no matter
what form it takes.
124 Rainbow of Rainbows The bearer may change the damage type of a spell they cast once per long rest.
125 Refined of Quality This weapon is so finely constructed it never needs maintenance, cannot rust or
tarnish, and gains a +1 to damage rolls.
126 Reliable of Reliance When attacking with this weapon, crit fails (rolling 1) on attack rolls do not
automatically miss the target.
127 Renaissance of the Once per long rest, the bearer may gain +1 to any skill check.
128 Resonant of Resonance The bearer can spend an action and 1 ki point to treat this as a +1 weapon for 1
129 Restrained of Subdual This weapon only deals non-lethal damage to living targets 
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130 Righteous of Righteousness Treat this as a +1 weapon during the day when attuned to a good aligned charact
131 Rosen of Roses A ruby worth 30gp is the center stone in a rose-shaped setting on the weapon. If
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the bearer removes the ruby, the weapon grows a new one at the end of the mon
The weapon always smells of roses while the ruby is in its setting.
132 Runic of Runes Whenever bearer casts a spell, treat this weapon as a +1 weapon until the
beginning of their next turn.
133 Scarlet of Bleeding This weapon perpetually drips the blood of a monstrous race, chosen by the DM.
The bearer can speak that race's language and has advantage on intimidation
checks against monsters of that race when the weapon is revealed.
134 Seige of Sieges This weapon does maximum damage against man-made, inanimate objects.
135 Shading of Shade The bearer suffers no harm or discomfort in temperatures as high as 120 degrees
136 Shadow of Shadows Treat as a +1 magic weapon when in dim light.
137 Shamanic of Rituals Whenever the bearer is casting a spell as a ritual, they have advantage to maintai
concentration during the ritual.
138 Shaming of Disgrace Any humanoid creature hit with this weapon loses all of the hair on their head an
139 Shielding of Shielding This item contains 1d4 unreplenishable charges of the Shield spell.
140 Skyward of Unusual This weapon falls up instead of down. Its weight does not contribute towards
Gravity encumbrance.
141 Slayer's of Slaying Treat as a +1 weapon when attacking Demons and Devils.
142 Smoldering of Flame The bearer may choose to deal Fire damage with this weapon and gain a +1 bonu
to damage.
143 Smuggler's of Smuggling This weapon contains a small, secret compartment. A character must succeed on
DC 20 Wisdom (Perception) check to reveal the compartment when searching the
144 Sojourner's of the Sojourner A poem, story, or map that describes a long-forgotten treasure that will make this
weapon more powerful is etched on the surface of the weapon.
145 Solemn of Solemnity The bearer may spend an action to stabilize a dying creature within 5 feet. They
cannot do so again until they have completed a long rest.
146 Soulbound of Imprisonment A powerful malevolent being is bound within this weapon and it will be released
upon the weapon's destruction.
147 Southern of the South The bearer gains +1 to dexterity saving throws.
148 Spring of Spring Rain The weapon contains a pool of healing energy that can restore up to 30 hp. The
bearer may use an action to plant this weapon in the ground and release this
energy. While planted and undepleted, creatures that end their turn within 10 feet
the weapon are showered in warm rain that restores 1 hp per round. A long rest
restores 1d6 hp of energy to the weapon's pool.
149 Staunch of Security Anyone except the bearer must attempt a DC 10+x Charisma check to pick up thi
weapon, where x is the bearer's level. Any attack made with this weapon against
the bearer has disadvantage.
150 Strange of the Far Realm Treat this as a +1 weapon when attacking Aboleths and other creatures from the
151 Strapping of the Undaunted Whenever the bearer breaks a grapple, they may choose to push the grappler up t
10 feet away from them as a bonus action.
152 Striding of Strides Contains 1d4 unreplenishable charges of the Longstrider spell (1st level).

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153 Summer of the Scorching The weapon contains a reservoir of scorching light that can deal up to 30 hp of
Sun radiant damage. The bearer may use an action to plant this weapon in the ground
and release this energy. While planted and
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within 10 feet of the weapon are brightly illuminated and seared for 1 radiant
damage per round. A long rest restores 1d6 hp of energy to the weapon's reservo
154 Surgeon's of the Surgeon The bearer may use a bonus action to gain advantage to Wisdom (Medicine) chec
for the rest of the turn.
155 Swift of Reflexes If the bearer is first in the initiative order, they may treat this as a +1 weapon.
156 Tenacious of the Tenacious When the bearer takes a long rest, they gain back one additional hit die.
157 Tithing of Tithes The bearer may lay 10 gold coins along the surface of the weapon and pray to a
God of their choice for 10 minutes. At the end of this ritual, the weapon becomes
+1 weapon until the next long rest and the 10 gold coins are permanently gone.
This boon will be lost if the bearer acts in a way that is contradictory to that deity
158 Transient of the Breaking Over the course of a long rest, the bearer may transfer the other magic properties
Seal of this weapon to a melee weapon of their choosing. This weapon then loses tho
159 Translucent of Translucence The bearer gains an extra level one spell slot, which recovers only after a full moo
160 Trusty of Resurgence Treat this as a +1 weapon if the bearer has half their maximum hit points or less.
161 Tsunami of Crashing Once per short rest, when the bearer crits with this weapon, all creatures other
Waves than the bearer within 5 feet of the target (including the target) must roll a DC 12
constitution saving throw or be knocked prone by a wave of concussive force.
162 Twilight's of the Setting Once per short rest, when you crit with this weapon it casts Hex on the target. Ro
Sun a d6 to determine which of the target's attributes is weakened. The bearer canno
transfer the curse to another creature.
163 Unity of Unity Whenever the bearer of this weapon takes a help action in combat, the aided ally
may treat their weapon as a +1 magic weapon until the end of their next turn.
164 Victorious of Victory Whenever the bearer kills a creature with this weapon, they gain temporary hit
points equal to the creature's CR (minimum of 1).
165 Vigilant of Vigilance The bearer gains +1 to their Passive Perception.
166 Vile of Villains Treat this as a +1 weapon at night when attuned to an evil aligned character.
167 Violent of Violence Everytime you crit with this weapon, it gains 1 charge. As a bonus action, use a
charge to make this a +1 weapon for 1 minute. All charges are lost at the end of
long rest.
168 Visionary of the Visionary The weapon does an additional 1 elemental damage based on the color of the
bearer's eyes: (amber: lightning, black: necrotic, blue: cold, brown: acid, green:
force, gray: thunder, hazel: poison, purple: psychic, red: fire, white: radiant)
169 Vital of Vitality The bearer's maximum hit points increases by their constitution modifier while
attuned to this item. These hit points are lost when the bearer unattunes the item
170 Voidstone of the Void This weapon cannot be detected by the "Detect Magic" spell unless the caster
touches the weapon.
171 Voltaic of Conduits Whenever the bearer deals damage to a creature, this weapon gains a charge. As
bonus action, the bearer can use any number of charges to deal that much extra
lightning damage on their next attack. If a round (6 seconds) goes by and the
weapon has not struck a foe, it loses all charges.
172 War Leader's of the War The bearer can use an action to amplify their voice three times louder than norm
173 Warded of Warding Once per long rest the bearer may draw a 20 foot line in the ground with this
weapon that lasts for 1 minute. The Undead must succeed on a DC 12 wisdom
saving throw to move across this line. If they fail, they cannot move again until th
next turn. 
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174 Waterborne of the Sea The item floats on water or other liquids. Its bearer has advantage on Strength
(Athletics) checks to swim.
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175 Weave-touched of the Weave Whenever the bearer casts a spell, this weapon gains charges equal to the spell's
level. The bearer can use a bonus action to remove 13 charges and make this a +
weapon until the start of the next round. All charges are lost during a long rest.
176 Western of the West The bearer gains +1 to charisma saving throws.
177 Wild of the Wilds The bearer gains +1 to strength saving throws.
178 Winged of Wings Once per long rest, the bearer may use an action to transform this weapon into a
magical raven that can deliver a message to anyone in a 50 mile radius, provided
the bearer knows their name and face. When the raven returns, it reverts into its
weapon form. If the bird should die en route, it reverts into weapon form and
unattunes from the bearer.
179 Winter of Winter Ice The weapon contains a reservoir of ice magic that can a freeze the ground for up
30 seconds. The bearer may use an action to plant this weapon in the ground and
release the ice magic within. While planted and undepleted, the ground in a 10 fo
radius of this weapon becomes difficult terrain. A long rest restores 1d6 seconds
energy to the weapon's reservoir.
180 Woodsman's of Felling This weapon does maximum damage against plant creatures.
181 Zen of Zen Treat this as a +1 weapon for 1 minute after meditating with it for 1 minute.
Showing 1 to 181 of 181 entries

Armor Properties

# Prefix  Suffix  Property

1 Acolyte's of the Acolyte The bearer gains a +1 bonus to Wisdom (Religion) checks.
2 Amethyst of Amethyst Reduces psychic damage to the bearer by 1.
3 Arboreal of the Treat as a +1 armor after the bearer has taken a long rest in a forest. If the bearer leav
Woodlands the forest, this property becomes temporarily inert.
4 Arid of the Treat as a +1 armor after the bearer has taken a long rest in a desert. If the bearer leav
Wastelands the desert, this property becomes temporarily inert.
5 Astute of the Astute It takes half the time to don or doff this armor than a normal armor of this type.
6 Arctic of the North The bearer suffers no harm in temperature as cold as -20 degrees Fahrenheit.
7 Artisan's of the Artisan This armor is a swiss army knife of enchanted appendages that can take the form of a
artisan's tools, from Alchemist's and Brewer's supplies to Weaver's and Woodcarver's
tools (see p. 154 of the PHB for a complete set of artisan's tools).
8 Barbarian's of the The bearer gains a +1 bonus to Strength (Athletics) checks.
9 Bard's of the Bard The bearer gains +1 to Charisma (Performance) checks.
10 Blessed of Blessings Whenever bearer of this item receives divine healing, they gain an additional 1d4 hit
11 Bloodthirsty of Bloodthirst The bearer can expend a hit die to turn this into a +1 armor for a number of turns equa
to their roll on that die.

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12 Burglar's of the Burglar The bearer gains +1 to Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) checks.
13 Cavernous of the Treat as a +1 armor after the bearer has taken a long rest in a cave. If the bearer leave
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Underdark the cave, this property becomes temporarily inert.
14 Cardinal of the The wielder always knows which way is north when on the material plane. When the
Lodestone bearer is on a plane without cardinal directions, they are aware of that absence.
15 Cerulean of Storms Reduces lightning damage to the bearer by 1.
16 Channelling of Channelling Once per day, the bearer may ignore the Verbal and/or Somatic components of a spell
they are casting.
17 Charitable of Charity If the bearer donates 100gp or more to a temple of a goodly deity, this becomes a +1
armor for the next 24 hours. If they go longer than a month without making any such
donations, they gain a -1 AC penalty until a suitable donation is made.
18 Civilized of the Hearth Treat as a +1 armor after the bearer has taken a long rest in an living urban environme
If the bearer leaves the city, this property becomes temporarily inert.
19 Climber's of the Climber This armor is suited with harnesses, rope, and other climbing tools readily in reach. The
bearer may treat this armor as a climbing kit.
20 Concealing of The bearer may spend one action assembling components of this armor into a dagger.
Concealment person searching the bearer for weapons must make a DC 20 Intelligence (Investigatio
check to discover this property.
21 Consecrated of Treat this as a +1 armor when the bearer is being attacked by Undead.
22 Crystalline of Crystal Treat as +1 armor until the bearer takes a critical hit, at which point it loses this prope
23 Dancer's of the Dancer The bearer gains a +1 bonus to Dexterity (Acrobatics) checks.
24 Dazzling of Dazzling Once per day, the bearer may spend an action to ignite the magic in this armor, causin
it to flare brilliantly. Any creature within a 10 foot radius must use their reaction to shie
their eyes or be blinded until the end of their next turn.
25 Debtor's of Debts The first 1 bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage from any source is negated.
However, the total amount of damage prevented from that day accumulates as a
negative modifier on death saving throws. So, if the armor prevented 5 points of dama
that day, the bearer has a -5 penalty on death saving throws. The penalty resets to zer
after a long rest.
26 Defensive of Defence Whenever the wearer takes a dodge action, they gain +1 AC until the end of the turn.
27 Deflecting of Deflection The bearer may spend their reaction to gain +1 AC vs. ranged weapon attacks until the
beginning of their next turn.
28 Delver's of the Delver While underground, the bearer of this item always knows the item's depth below the
surface and the direction to the nearest staircase, ramp, or other path leading upward.
29 Diplomatic of Diplomacy Once per long rest, the bearer can gain proficiency in any language for 24 hours that
they are able to correctly speak the activation phrase: "The limits of my language are t
limits of my world."
30 Druid's of the Druid The bearer gains a +1 bonus to Intelligence (Nature) checks.
31 Ephemeral of Transience Once per day, the bearer may spend their reaction to gain their Wisdom modifier to the
AC until the beginning of their next turn.
32 Evasive of Evasion Whenever the bearer takes a dodge action, they may move an additional 10 feet.
33 Fair-weather of Fair- The bearer may treat this as +1 armor if the bearer has more than half of their maximu
weather hit points.
34 False of Falsehoods The bearer gains a +1 bonus to Charisma (Deception) checks.
35 Favored of the Favored Once per day, the bearer may roll a saving throw with advantage.
36 Feinting of Feinting Whenever the bearer uses the help action in combat, they may treat this as a +1 armo
until the beginning of their next turn.

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37 Fen of the Glade Treat as a +1 armor after the bearer has taken a long rest in a swamp. If the bearer
leaves the swamp, this property becomes temporarily inert.
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38 Flanked of the Flanked The wearer may treat this as +1 armor if two or more enemies are adjacent to them.
39 First of Reflexes The bearer gain a +1 bonus to initiative rolls
40 Fresh of Cleansing This armor never gets dirty and remains odorless, even in the most filthy dungeon.
41 Forgotten of the The bearer may spend an action to attempt to ignite the old magic in this armor with a
Forgotten DC 13 Charisma check. If successful, treat this as a +1 armor as long as the bearer
maintains concentration on this effect, maximum 10 minutes.
42 Furious of Fury This plain suit of armor takes on a formidable appearance when the bearer goes into a
rage. The bearer receives +1 AC when they are raging but -1 AC when they are not.
43 Garnet of Garnet Reduces fire damage to the bearer by 1.
44 Glass of Glass The bearer may treat this as +1 armor as long as the bearer is at full health.
45 Granite of the Any effect that would move the bearer against their will is reduced in distance by 5 fee
46 Grim of Coercion The bearer gains a +1 bonus to Charisma (Intimidation) checks if their armor is visible.
47 Harmonious of Harmony Attuning to this item takes only 1 minute.
48 Heroic of Heroes The bearer has advantage on saving throws vs. fear.
49 Histrionic of Histrionics the bearer gains +1 to Charisma (Performance) checks.
50 Holy of Faith When the bearer of this item rolls hit dice, they can choose to re-roll them and take th
second result.
51 Inquisitor's of the The bearer gains a +1 bonus to Intelligence (Investigation) checks.
52 Inspired of Inspiration The bearer receives their proficiency bonus in temporary hit points whenever they gain
or use inspiration.
53 Invisible of Invisibility Once worn, this armor turns invisible (although not the wearer).
54 Lightweight of Mobility This armor is 10% lighter than normal armor of this type. If it has a Strength requireme
to use, it is reduced by 1.
55 Loquacious of the Silver The bearer gains +1 to Charisma (Persuasion) checks.
56 Mage Killer's of the Mage The bearer may spend their reaction to treat this as +1 armor vs. spell attacks until the
Killer beginning of their next turn.
57 Malachite of Malachite Reduces poison damage to the bearer by 1.
58 Masquarading of the The bearer has advantage on skill checks involving disguise kits.
59 Medic's of the Lined with compartments stocked with medical supplies, the bearer may treat this arm
Caduceus as a healer's kit.
60 Moonlit of the Moon The bearer may treat this as +1 armor when moonlight is shining directly on this armo
61 Mortals' of Mortals At the end of a turn where the bearer failed a death saving throw, the magic within thi
armor will attempt to stabilize the bearer. It rolls a Wisdom (Medicine) check with a +3
62 Mournful of Sorrow When an ally falls unconscious in battle, the bearer gains a +1 AC bonus for the next 1
minutes. If that ally stabilizes or awakens, the bearer loses this bonus.
63 Obsidian of Obsidian Reduces acid damage to the bearer by 1.
64 Opal of Opal Reduces cold damage to the bearer by 1.
65 Pious of the Pious Whenever the bearer shaves their head, treat this as a +1 armor until the end of the da
They must wait a week until they have long enough hair to re-enact this ritual.

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66 Prairie of the Plains Treat as a +1 armor after the bearer has taken a long rest in a grassland. If the bearer
leaves the grassland, this property becomes temporarily inert.
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67 Preacher's of the The bearer may extend the range of their Channel Divinity by 5 feet.
68 Precipice of the Crags Treat as a +1 armor after the bearer has taken a long rest in the mountains. If the bear
leaves the mountain, this property becomes temporarily inert.
69 Primeval of the Jungle Treat as a +1 armor after the bearer has taken a long rest in a jungle. If the bearer leav
the jungle, this property becomes temporarily inert.
70 Reflexive of Reflexes If the bearer is first in initiative order, treat this as +1 armor for 1 minute.
71 Renaissance of the Once per day, the bearer may gain +1 to any ability check.
72 Resonant of Resonance The bearer can spend an action and 1 ki point to treat this as +1 armor for 1 minute.
73 Righteous of Treat this as +1 armor during the day when attuned to a good aligned character.
74 Regal of Royalty This armor is richly decorated and fashionable. Although it retains a hint of the
ruggedness of a military garment, it could function as well in a ballroom as the
battlefield. To the outside observer, you appear to be keeping an Aristocratic lifestyle
75 Runic of Runes Whenever bearer casts a spell of first level or higher, treat this as +1 armor until the
beginning of their next turn.
76 Sacred of the Sacred The bearer may increase their Lay on Hands hit point pool by 5.
77 Sagacious of Acumen The bearer gains +1 to Wisdom (Insight) checks.
78 Sage's of the Sage The bearer gains a +1 bonus to Intelligence (History) checks.
79 Sailor's of the Sea Treat as a +1 armor after the bearer has taken a long rest on the high seas. If the bear
leaves the ocean, this property becomes temporarily inert.
80 Scribe's of the Scribe This armor unfolds to reveal animated appendages that are equipped with writing
implements, magnifying glasses, and book stands. The armor aids the bearer in
transcription tasks: it knows 3 languages of the DM's choice and halves the amount of
time it takes the bearer to copy any text, including spells into spellbooks.
81 Shading of Shade The bearer suffers no harm in temperatures as high as 120 degrees Fahrenheit.
82 Shadow of Shadows Treat as a +1 armor when in dim light.
83 Shepherd's of the The bearer gains a +1 bonus to (Wisdom) Animal Handling checks.
84 Shifting of Shifting The bearer may spend an action to change minor aspects of the physical appearance o
this item.
85 Silent of the Night If this armor imposed disadvantage to stealth, it no longer does. Otherwise, the bearer
gains a +1 bonus to Dexterity (Stealth) checks.
86 Solar of the Sun The bearer may treat this as +1 armor when in direct sunlight.
87 Spiked of Teeth Whenever a creature begins their turn grappling or being grappled by the bearer, they
take 1d4 piercing damage.
88 Spiritual of the Divine This armor is naught but a prayer written on a scrap of vellum, decorated with religious
motifs of a particular god. Once per day, the bearer may spend 1 minute to read the
prayer out loud, and at the end this armor will manifest and encase the bearer. The
armor disappears if you act in any way that is not in accordance to the god's teachings
89 Subtle of Subtleties The bearer gains proficiency in Thieves' Cant.
90 Surgeon's of the The bearer gains a +1 bonus to Wisdom (Medicine) checks.
91 Tenacious of the When the bearer takes a long rest, they gain back one additional hit die.
Tenacious 
D20 Prefix  Suffix  Property
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92 Tracker's of the Tracker The bearer gains a +1 to Wisdom (Survival) checks.
93 Trusty of Resurgence Treat this as +1 armor if the bearer hasRandom
half their maximumResources
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or less. Home
94 Turquoise of Turquoise Reduces thunder damage to the bearer by 1.
95 Twilight of Twilight Within 1 hour before or after the rising and setting of the sun, or during a solar eclipse
the armor comes alive with magic and the bearer may treat this as +1 armor.
96 Undertaker's of the Once deceased, the body wearing this armor cannot be animated or raised from the
Undertaker dead.
97 Unyielding of the The bearer may treat this as +1 armor if they have taken damage since the beginning o
Unyielding their last turn. This effect ends at the beginning of their next turn.
98 Vanguard of the The bearer may spend their reaction to gain a +1 AC bonus vs. melee weapon attacks
Vanguard until the beginning of their next turn.
99 Veiled of the Veil The wearer gains a +1 bonus to Dexterity (Stealth) checks when taking a hide action.
100 Victorious of Victory Whenever the bearer kills a creature while wearing this amror, they gain temporary hit
points equal to the creature's CR.
101 Vigilant of Vigilance The bearer gains +2 to their Passive Perception.
102 Vile of Villains Treat this as +1 armor at night when attuned to an evil aligned character.
103 Violent of Violence The bearer may choose to treat the heavy metal gauntlets of this armor as a Mace.
104 War Leader's of the War The bearer can use an action to amplify their voice so that it clearly carries for up to 3
Leader feet.
105 Warded of Wards The wearer cannot be possessed while wearing this armor.
106 Watcher's of the Treat as +1 armor when the bearer is surprised.
107 Waterborne of the Sea This armor floats. Its bearer has advantage on Strength (Athletics) checks to swim.
108 Winged of Wings The bearer gains +5 speed.
109 Wizard's of the Wizard The bearer gains a +1 to Intelligence (Arcana) checks.
110 Zen of Zen Treat this as +1 armor for one minute after meditating with it for one minute.
111 Zircon of Zircon Reduces force damage to the bearer by 1.
112 Abyssal of the Abyss When on the plane of the Abyss, the bearer has advantage on saving throws against
Abyssal Corruption. (DMG p. 62)
113 Alarming of Alarms Contains 1d4 unreplenishable charges of the Alarm spell (1st level).
114 Arborean of Arborea When on the plane of Arborea, the bearer has advantage on saving throws against the
effects of Intense Yearning. (DMG p. 61)
115 Arcadian of Arcadia When on the plane of Arcardia, the bearer is unaffected by Planar Vitality (DMG p. 67)
116 Astral of the Astral When travelling the Astral Sea, it takes half the number of hours to locate a Color Pool
Sea a specific plane. You have advantage on saving throws vs. the effects of Psychic Wind
(DMG p. 47-48)
117 Beastial of the When on the plane of The Beastlands, the bearer has advantage on saving throws vs.
Beastlands Beast Transformation (DMG p. 60)
118 Beastspeaker's of Contains 1d4 unreplenishable charges of the Speak with Animals spell (1st level).
119 Benedictine of Contains 1d4 unreplenishable charges of the Healing Word spell (1st level).
120 Blasted of Blasting Contains 1d4 unreplenishable charges of the Fire Bolt spell (1st level).
121 Bold of Boldness Contains 1d4 unreplenishable charges of the Heroism spell (1st level).
122 Bountiful of Bounty Contains 1d4 unreplenishable charges of the Goodberry spell (1st level).

D20 Prefix  Suffix  Property
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123 Bytopian of Bytopia When on the plane of Bytopia, the bearer has advantage on saving throws against
Pervasive Goodwill. (DMG p. 59-60)
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124 Carcerian of Carceri When on the plane of Carceri, the bearer knows the direction to the closest secret exi
from this prison plane. (DMG p. 63)
125 Cartographic of On its own volition, the item records a map of the environments that the bearer is
Cartography exploring, and can magically project it for the bearer to see.
126 Chill of Chills Contains 1d4 unreplenishable charges of the Ray of Frost spell (1st level).
127 Clockwork of Gears When on the plane of Mechanus, the bearer has advantage on saving throws against
Imposing Order (DMG p. 66)
128 Cloy of Cloying The bearer may cast Friends once per day.
129 Compassionate of Contains 1d4 unreplenishable charges of the Cure Wounds spell (1st level).
130 Concordant of The bearer has advantage on saving throws vs. Psychic Dissonance when travelling the
Concordance Outer Planes. (DMG p. 59)
131 Conjurer's of the The bearer may cast Prestidigitation once per day.
132 Corrosive of Dissolving Contains 1d4 unreplenishable charges of the Acid Splash spell (1st level).
133 Crawling of Vermin The crawling things of the earth, such as insects, snakes, and vermin, are attracted to
this item. When placed on the ground, such creatures will scurry toward the item like
moths drawn to the flame.
134 Drunkard's of Taverns The bearer always knows the direction to the closest alcoholic beverage.
135 Elysian of Elysium When on the plane of Elysium, the bearer has advantage on saving throws against the
effects of Overwhelming Joy (DMG p. 60)
136 Etherbound of Ethereal The bearer can see creatures in the Border Ethereal that overlap with their plane as
Shores clearly as if they were fully in the bearer's plane. Such creatures appear as apparitions
137 Exalting of Exaltation Contains 1d4 unreplenishable charges of the Bless spell (1st level).
138 Expeditious of Expedience Contains 1d4 unreplenishable charges of the Expeditious Retreat spell.
139 Fathoming of Tongues Contains 1d4 unreplenishable charges of the Comprehend Languages spell.
140 Feathered of Feathers Contains 1d4 unreplenishable charges of the Feather Fall spell (1st level).
141 Feybound of the Fey The bearer knows the general direction to the closest Fey Crossing within a 60 mile
radius. (DMG p. 50)
142 Forgiven of Forgiveness When on the plane of Mount Celestia, the bearer of this item can receive the benefits
Blessed Beneficence regardless of their alignment.
143 Fortune Teller's of the Fortune Every time you hit by a monster, you glimpse a random image of its future or past.
144 Friendly of Friendship Contains 1d4 unreplenishable charges of the Animal Friendship spell (1st level).
145 Gehennan of Gehenna When on the plane of Gehenna, the bearer has advantage on saving throws against Cru
Hindrance. (DMG p. 63)
146 Gracious of Grace The bearer may cast Spare the Dying once per day.
147 Hadean of Hades When on the plane of Hades, the bearer has advantage on saving throws against Vile
Transformation. (DMG p. 63)
148 Healing of Healing This item contains 4 weak healing nodes. As an action, a character can use one node t
heal 1d4 hit points at touch range. The item regains 1d4 charges at sunrise.
149 Hellish of the Nine When in the Nine Hells, the bearer has advantage on saving throws against Pervasive E
Hells (DMG p. 64)
150 Desperate of Last The bearer has advantage on perception checks when searching for items long lost in
Chances the the Swamp of Oblivion on the Plane of Earth. (DMG p. 54) 
D20 Prefix  Suffix  Property
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151 Leaping of Leaping Contains 1d4 unreplenishable charges of the Jump spell (1st level).
152 Liar's of Lies The bearer cannot be magically compelled to speak the truth
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153 Limbo of Limbo When on the plane of Limbo, the bearer has advantage to Intelligence checks to alter
move non-magical objects within the plane. (DMG p. 61-62)
154 Locating of Locating Once attuned, the bearer always knows the exact location of this item
155 Malediction of Malediction Contains 1d4 unreplenishable charges of the Bane spell(1st level).
156 Manipulating of The bearer may cast Mage Hand once per day.
157 Master's of Servants Contains 1d4 unreplenishable charges of the Unseen Servant spell (1st level).
158 Maverick of the The bearer has a +1 bonus to any skill check involving gambling and games of chance
Maverick (Insight, Sleight of Hand, Investigation, etc).
159 Messenger of Messages The bearer may cast Message once per day.
160 Meteoric of Falling Contains 1 unreplenishable charge of Scorching Ray cast at 2nd level.
161 Miraculous of Miracles The bearer may cast Thaumaturgy once per day.
162 Mocking of Mockery The bearer may cast Vicious Mockery once per day.
163 Natural of Nature Contains 1d4 unreplenishable charges of the Locate Animals or Plants spell (1st level).
164 Neutralizing of Neutrality Contains 1d4 unreplenishable charges of the Protection from Good and Evil spell (1st
165 Nourishing of The bearer rarely feels hungry, and only needs to consume one-fifth the usual amount
Nourishment food.
166 Pandemonium of When on the plane of Pandemonium, the bearer has advantage on saving throws again
Pandemonium the Mad Winds. (DMG p. 62)
167 Projecting of Projection The bearer can send messages mentally to willing characters within 30 feet. This
communication is one-way only.
168 Protective of Protection The bearer may cast Blade Ward once per day.
169 Revealing of Revelation Contains 1d4 unreplenishable charges of the Detect Magic spell (1st level).
170 Riutal of Rituals Whenever the bearer is casting a spell as a ritual, they have advantage to maintain
concentration during the ritual.
171 Sailor's of the Sea Treat as a +1 weapon after the bearer has taken a long rest at sea. If the bearer steps
dry land, this property becomes temporarily inert.
172 Secret of Secrets Contains 1d4 unreplenishable charges of the Illusory Script spell (1st level).
173 Shadowbound of the The bearer knows the general direction to the closest Shadow Crossing within a 60 mi
Shadowfell radius. They have advantage on saving throws vs. Shadowfell Dispair (DMG p. 51-52)
174 Shielding of Shielding This item contains 1d4 unreplenishable charges of the Shield spell.
175 Smith's of Reparations The bearer may cast Mending once per day.
176 Sparkling of Lights The bearer may cast Dancing Lights once per day.
177 Striding of Strides Contains 1d4 unreplenishable charges of the Longstrider spell (1st level).
178 Translucent of The bearer gains an extra level one spell slot, which recovers only after a full moon ris
179 Trickster's of Trickery If the bearer uses no movement this turn, they may use a bonus action activate the
magic in this armor to record their action. At the beginning of their next turn, an
intangible illusory replica of themselves appears within 5 ft., repeatedly doing that acti
It will continue to do this for 1 minute or until dispelled. The bearer may not use this
magic again until they take a long rest.
180 True of Truth The bearer may cast True Strike once per day.

D20 Prefix  Suffix  Property
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181 Verdant of Druidcraft The bearer may cast Druidcraft once per day.
182 Windborne of the When in the Plane of Air, the bearer canRandom
navigate the Labyrinth
Wind intuitively,
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Labyrinth knows the path to the nearest Earth Mote within 60 miles.
183 Wrathful of Ysgard When on the plane of Ysgard, the bearer is unaffected by Immortal Wrath. (DMG p. 61)
184 Thunderous of the Rolling Contains 1 unreplenishable charge of Shatter cast at 2nd level.
185 Chained of Chains Contains 1 unreplenishable charge of Hold Person cast at 2nd level.
186 Spider's of the Spider Contains 1 unreplenishable charge of Web cast at 2nd level.
187 Heliacal of the Sun Contains 1 unreplenishable charge of Flaming Sphere cast at 2nd level.
188 Crippling of Crippling Contains 1 unreplenishable charge of Ray of Enfeeblement cast at 2nd level.
189 Lunar of the Moon Contains 1 unreplenishable charge of Moonbeam cast at 2nd level.
190 Fatespinner's of the Fates Contains 1 unreplenishable charge of Augury cast at 2nd level.
191 Rooting of Roots Contains 1 unreplenishable charge of Entanglement cast at 2nd level.
192 Mirrored of Mirrors Contains 1 unreplenishable charge of Mirror Image cast at 2nd level.
193 Vulpine of the Fox Characters trying to track the bearer have a disadvantage on their skill checks.
194 Submerged of the Depths Treat as a +1 armor when completely submerged in water.
195 Comforting of Comfort Treat as a +1 armor if the bearer has any levels of exhaustion.
196 Brawler's of Brawling Whenever a bearer makes an attack with an improvised weapon, treat as a +1 armor u
the beginning of the bearer's next turn.
197 Eagle-eye of the Eagle The bearer can clearly see twice as far and gains advantage on Wisdom (perception)
checks that use sight.
198 Lupine of the Wolf The bearer can detect and distinguish scents like a wolf and gains advantage on Wisdo
(Perception) checks that use smell.
199 Chiropteran of the Bat The bearer can hear a pin drop in a crowded room and gains advantage on Wisdom
(Perception) checks that use hearing.
200 Black of Darkness Contains 1 unreplenishable charge of Darkness cast at 2nd level.
201 Sober of Sobriety The bearer cannot become intoxicated while this armor is donned.
Showing 1 to 201 of 201 entries

Trinket Properties

# Prefix  Suffix  Property

1 Abyssal of the Abyss When on the plane of the Abyss, the bearer has advantage on saving throws against
Abyssal Corruption. (DMG p. 62)
2 Acolyte's of the Acolyte The bearer gains a +1 bonus to Wisdom (Religion) checks.
3 Adamantine of The item is indestructible.
4 Adroit of Intellect The bearer gains +1 bonus to Intelligence saving throws.

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5 Alarming of Alarms Contains 1d4 unreplenishable charges of the Alarm spell (1st level).
6 Arborean of Arborea When on the plane of Arborea, the bearer has advantage on saving throws against the
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effects of Intense Yearning. (DMG p. 61)
7 Arcadian of Arcadia When on the plane of Arcardia, the bearer is unaffected by Planar Vitality (DMG p. 67)
8 Arctic of the North The bearer suffers no harm in temperature as cold as -20 degrees Fahrenheit.
9 Arresting of Safety Once per day, the bearer may use their reaction to reduce fall damage by 1d6 until the
end of turn.
10 Assassin's of the The bearer may add their proficiency bonus to damage rolls dealt during surprise roun
11 Astral of the Astral When travelling the Astral Sea, it takes half the number of hours to locate a Color Poo
Sea to a specific plane. You have advantage on saving throws vs. the effects of Psychic Wi
(DMG p. 47-48)
12 Barbarian's of the The bearer gains a +1 bonus to Strength (Athletics) checks.
13 Bard's of the Bard The bearer gains +1 to Charisma (Performance) checks.
14 Beastial of the When on the plane of The Beastlands, the bearer has advantage on saving throws vs.
Beastlands Beast Transformation (DMG p. 60)
15 Beastspeaker's of Contains 1d4 unreplenishable charges of the Speak with Animals spell (1st level).
16 Benedictine of Contains 1d4 unreplenishable charges of the Healing Word spell (1st level).
17 Blasted of Blasting Contains 1d4 unreplenishable charges of the Fire Bolt spell (1st level).
18 Blessed of Blessings Whenever bearer of this item receives divine healing, they gain an additional 1d4 hit
19 Bold of Boldness Contains 1d4 unreplenishable charges of the Heroism spell (1st level).
20 Bountiful of Bounty Contains 1d4 unreplenishable charges of the Goodberry spell (1st level).
21 Burglar's of the Burglar The bearer gains +1 to Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) checks.
22 Bytopian of Bytopia When on the plane of Bytopia, the bearer has advantage on saving throws against
Pervasive Goodwill. (DMG p. 59-60)
23 Carcerian of Carceri When on the plane of Carceri, the bearer knows the direction to the closest secret ex
from this prison plane. (DMG p. 63)
24 Cardinal of the The wielder can use an action to learn which way is north.
25 Cartographic of On its own volition, the item records a map of the environments that the bearer is
Cartography exploring, and can magically project it for the bearer to see.
26 Channelling of Channelling Once per day, the bearer may ignore the Verbal and/or Somatic components of a spell
they are casting.
27 Chill of Chills Contains 1d4 unreplenishable charges of the Ray of Frost spell (1st level).
28 Clockwork of Gears When on the plane of Mechanus, the bearer has advantage on saving throws against
Imposing Order (DMG p. 66)
29 Cloy of Cloying The bearer may cast Friends once per day.
30 Compassionate of Contains 1d4 unreplenishable charges of the Cure Wounds spell (1st level).
31 Concordant of The bearer has advantage on saving throws vs. Psychic Dissonance when travelling the
Concordance Outer Planes. (DMG p. 59)
32 Conjurer's of the The bearer may cast Prestidigitation once per day.

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33 Corrosive of Dissolving Contains 1d4 unreplenishable charges of the Acid Splash spell (1st level).
34 Crawling of Vermin The crawling things of the earth, such as insects, snakes, and vermin, are attracted to
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this item. When placed on the ground, such creatures will scurry toward the item like
moths drawn to the flame.
35 Dancer's of the Dancer The bearer gains a +1 bonus to Dexterity (Acrobatics) checks.
36 Defensive of Defence Whenever the bearer takes a dodge action, they may move an additional 5 feet.
37 Delver's of the Delver While underground, the bearer of this item always knows the item's depth below the
surface and the direction to the nearest staircase, ramp, or other path leading upward
38 Desperate of Last The bearer has advantage on perception checks when searching for items long lost in
Chances the the Swamp of Oblivion on the Plane of Earth. (DMG p. 54)
39 Druid's of the Druid The bearer gains a +1 bonus to Intelligence (Nature) checks.
40 Drunkard's of Taverns The bearer always knows the direction to the closest alcoholic beverage.
41 Dynamic of the The bearer has +1 to Charisma saving throws.
42 Eavesdropper's of As long as it is on the same plane, the bearer can hear through this item as if they we
Eavesdropping present.
43 Elysian of Elysium When on the plane of Elysium, the bearer has advantage on saving throws against the
effects of Overwhelming Joy (DMG p. 60)
44 Etherbound of Ethereal The bearer can see creatures in the Border Ethereal that overlap with their plane as
Shores clearly as if they were fully in the bearer's plane. Such creatures appear as apparitions
or ghosts.
45 Exalting of Exaltation Contains 1d4 unreplenishable charges of the Bless spell (1st level).
46 Expeditious of Expedience Contains 1d4 unreplenishable charges of the Expeditious Retreat spell.
47 False of Falsehoods The bearer gains a +1 bonus to Charisma (Deception) checks.
48 Fathoming of Tongues Contains 1d4 unreplenishable charges of the Comprehend Languages spell.
49 Favored of the Favored Once per day, the bearer may roll a saving throw with advantage.
50 Feathered of Feathers Contains 1d4 unreplenishable charges of the Feather Fall spell (1st level).
51 Feybound of the Fey The bearer knows the general direction to the closest Fey Crossing within a 60 mile
radius. (DMG p. 50)
52 First of Speed The bearer gain a +1 bonus to initiative rolls
53 Forgiven of Forgiveness When on the plane of Mount Celestia, the bearer of this item can receive the benefits
Blessed Beneficence regardless of their alignment.
54 Fortune Teller's of the Fortune Every time you are hit by a monster, you glimpse a random image of its future or past.
55 Friendly of Friendship Contains 1d4 unreplenishable charges of the Animal Friendship spell (1st level).
56 Gehennan of Gehenna When on the plane of Gehenna, the bearer has advantage on saving throws against Cr
Hindrance. (DMG p. 63)
57 Gracious of Grace The bearer may cast Spare the Dying once per day.
58 Grim of Coercion The bearer gains a +1 bonus to Charisma (Intimidation) checks if the target can see th
59 Hadean of Hades When on the plane of Hades, the bearer has advantage on saving throws against Vile
Transformation. (DMG p. 63)
60 Harmonious of Harmony Attuning to this item takes only 1 minute.
61 Healing of Healing This item contains 4 weak healing nodes. As an action, a character can use one node
heal 1d4 hit points at touch range. The item regains 1d4 charges at sunrise.
62 Hellish of the Nine When in the Nine Hells, the bearer has advantage on saving throws against Pervasive
Hells Evil. (DMG p. 64) 
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63 Heroic of Heroes The bearer has advantage on saving throws vs. fear.
64 Histrionic of Histrionics the bearer gains +1 to Charisma (Performance) checks.
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65 Holy of Faith When the bearer of this item rolls hit dice, they can choose to re-roll them and take t
second result.
66 Iconic of Symbols The item is inscribed with holy symbols of the God of the DM's choice. A cleric or
paladin that serves that god may use this item as a divine focus.
67 Inquisitor's of the The bearer gains a +1 bonus to Intelligence (Investigation) checks.
68 Inspired of Inspiration The bearer regains their Constitution modifier in temporary hit points whenever they
gain or use inspiration.
69 Leaping of Leaping Contains 1d4 unreplenishable charges of the Jump spell (1st level).
70 Liar's of Lies Contains 1d4 unreplenishable charges of the Silent Image spell (1st level).
71 Limbo of Limbo When on the plane of Limbo, the bearer has advantage to Intelligence checks to alter
move non-magical objects within the plane. (DMG p. 61-62)
72 Locating of Locating Once attuned, the bearer always knows the exact location of this item
73 Loquacious of the Silver The bearer gains +1 to Charisma (Persuasion) checks.
74 Malediction of Malediction Contains 1d4 unreplenishable charges of the Bane spell(1st level).
75 Manipulating of The bearer may cast Mage Hand once per day.
76 Master's of Servants Contains 1d4 unreplenishable charges of the Unseen Servant spell (1st level).
77 Maverick of the The bearer has a +1 bonus to any skill check involving gambling and games of chance
Maverick (Insight, Sleight of Hand, Investigation, etc).
78 Messenger of Messages The bearer may cast Message once per day.
79 Meteoric of Falling Contains 1 unreplenishable charge of Scorching Ray (1st level).
80 Mindful of The bearer gains a +1 bonus to Wisdom saving throws.
81 Miraculous of Miracles The bearer may cast Thaumaturgy once per day.
82 Mocking of Mockery The bearer may cast Vicious Mockery once per day.
83 Natural of Nature Contains 1d4 unreplenishable charges of the Locate Animals or Plants spell (1st level)
84 Neutralizing of Neutrality Contains 1d4 unreplenishable charges of the Protection from Good and Evil spell (1st
85 Night of the Night This item is only usable after the sun has set, or if in complete blackness including
magical darkness. In any form of light, the item becomes a mundane stick (length
determined by the type of item). When in darkness, it transforms into its normal form.
[Credit to Rez]
86 Nimble of Agility The bearer gains a +1 bonus to Dexterity saving throws.
87 Nourishing of The bearer rarely feels hungry, and only needs to consume one-fifth the usual amount
Nourishment of food.
88 Pandemonium of When on the plane of Pandemonium, the bearer has advantage on saving throws again
Pandemonium the Mad Winds. (DMG p. 62)
89 Preacher's of the The bearer may extend the range of their Channel Divinity by 5 feet.
90 Projecting of Projection The bearer can send messages mentally to willing characters within 30 feet. This
communication is one-way only.
91 Protective of Protection The bearer may cast Blade Ward once per day.

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92 Reaper's of the Reaper The bearer has advantage on death saving throws.
93 Renaissance of the Once per day, the bearer may gain +1 to any skill check.
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94 Revealing of Revelation Contains 1d4 unreplenishable charges of the Detect Magic spell (1st level).
95 Riutal of Rituals Whenever the bearer casts a spell as a ritual, they have advantage to maintain
concentration during the ritual.
96 Sacred of the Sacred The bearer may increase their Lay on Hands hit point pool by 5.
97 Sagacious of Acumen The bearer gains +1 to Wisdom (Insight) checks.
98 Sage's of the Sage The bearer gains a +1 bonus to Intelligence (History) checks.
99 Secret of Secrets Contains 1d4 unreplenishable charges of the Illusory Script spell (1st level).
100 Sentinel of the Faintly glows when creatures of a certain race (DMs choice) are within a 100 foot radi
101 Shading of Shade The bearer suffers no harm in temperatures as high as 120 degrees Fahrenheit.
102 Shadowbound of the The bearer knows the general direction to the closest Shadow Crossing within a 60 m
Shadowfell radius. They have advantage on saving throws vs. Shadowfell Dispair (DMG p. 51-52)
103 Shepherd's of the The bearer gains a +1 bonus to (Wisdom) Animal Handling checks.
104 Shielding of Shielding This item contains 1d4 unreplenishable charges of the Shield spell.
105 Shifting of Shifting The bearer may change minor aspects of the physical appearance of this item.
106 Silent of the Night The bearer gains a +1 bonus to Dexterity (Stealth) checks.
107 Smith's of Reparations The bearer may cast Mending once per day.
108 Sojourner's of the A poem, story, or map that describes a long-forgotten treasure is etched on the surfac
Sojouner of the item.
109 Solemn of Solemnity The bearer may spend an action removing all the failed death saving throws from a
target within 5 feet of them. The target is still not stabilized.
110 Sparkling of Lights The bearer may cast Dancing Lights once per day.
111 Striding of Strides Contains 1d4 unreplenishable charges of the Longstrider spell (1st level).
112 Surgeon's of the The bearer gains a +1 bonus to Wisdom (Medicine) checks.
113 Tenacious of the When the bearer takes a long rest, they gain back one additional hit die.
114 Tracker's of the Tracker The bearer gains a +1 to Wisdom (Survival) checks.
115 Translucent of The bearer gains an extra level one spell slot, which recovers only after a full moon
Translucence rises.
116 Trickster's of Trickery The bearer may cast Minor Illusion once per day.
117 True of Truth The bearer may cast True Strike once per day.
118 Unbroken of Heart The bearer gains a +1 bonus to Constitution saving throws.
119 Verdant of Druidcraft The bearer may cast Druidcraft once per day.
120 Victorious of Victory Whenever the bearer kills a creature they gain temporary hit points equal to the
creature's CR.
121 Vigilant of Vigilance The bearer gains +2 to their Passive Perception.
122 Vigorous of Vigor The bearer gains a +1 bonus to Strength saving throws.
123 Vital of Vitality The bearer's maximum hit points increases by their constitution modifier while attune
to this item. These hit points are lost when the bearer unattunes the item.

D20 Prefix  Suffix  Property
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124 War Leader's of the War The bearer can use an action to amplify their voice so that it clearly carries for up to
Leader 300 feet.
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125 Waterborne of the Sea The item floats on water or other liquids. Its bearer has advantage on Strength
(Athletics) checks to swim.
126 Windborne of the When in the Plane of Air, the bearer can navigate the Labyrinth Wind intuitively, and
Labyrinth knows the path to the nearest Earth Mote within 60 miles.
127 Wizard's of the Wizard The bearer gains a +1 to Intelligence (Arcana) checks.
128 Wrathful of Ysgard When on the plane of Ysgard, the bearer is unaffected by Immortal Wrath. (DMG p. 61)
Showing 1 to 128 of 128 entries

D&D: Five Ways To Make A +1 Sword Memorable by J.R. Zambrano

I don’t want to plagiarize their entire article, but just in case it disappears from the internet for some reason, here are the cliff notes &

1) Unique History or Origin

You can make a +1 sword a part of your world by giving it a specific backstory. Was it of elven make and, like Sting, glows blue whenever orcs
are near? But there are other questions that go into the story of your sword: who made it, why did they make it, who used it before, what is it
made out of?

Huh… I wonder where you could get a huge list of special materials and extra properties? Scroll up!

2) Enlarge Your World

Think about past kingdoms and civilizations the item might be from, what it means now. Maybe the sword fits into an ancient slot to unlock
D20 PUB long forgotten?
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3) Minor Effect or Magical Property

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Not talking about always adding a direct combat bonus, but think about Sting glowing blue when orcs are around. There is a long list of
magical properties for your weapons and armor above, but these game play effects are only limited by your imagination.

You could also do some annoying (translation: hilarious) effects. For example, I had a DM once give us a very powerful sword… which was
terrified of open spaces. If any room was larger than 30×30, or gods forbid we were outside, it would completely freak out.

4) It’s Not Just A Sword, It’s A Symbol

Again, thinking beyond something just being a weapon or another magical suit of armor. Who owned the item before? What did they do with
it? How did it wind up where it was found? Would anyone recognize this weapon now? Yes! If someone took the time to craft a magical item,
then you can bet your gold booty that they made it special.

5) You’re Not The Only One Who Wants This

Not every item is tied to a long forgotten kingdom. Maybe someone lost the item last week, and they want it back. If its a weapon or armor
the finder is seen with, it would be pretty easy for you to have them encounter the NPC who died in the armor but was resurrected.

Pictures of 154 Gemstones for Magical Weapons, Armor or Wondrous Items

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Website By: Floating Ax Technologies & Ellis Benus

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