Bing Uud

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Arranged by:
Oriza Yufa lazuardi
Ahmed Birju Raeskhan
Abdul Hamid Al-Kahfi
Siti NurAzlina
Umayya Audina
Shannaz Tania


1. Humiliation of the President.

*Article 218 of the Criminal Code Bill
Here's how it reads:
Any person who publicly attacks the honor or dignity of the President or Vice
President shall be subject to imprisonment for a maximum of 3 (three) years and 6
(six) months or a maximum fine of category IV.
The reason: nowadays there are so many people who criticize crossing the line, and
by saying harshly. thus attacking the dignity of the president

2. Corruption
*Article 603 Draft Criminal Code
Here's how it reads:
"Anyone who unlawfully commits an act of enriching himself or another person or a
corporation that harms the state's finances or the country's economy, shall be
punished with life imprisonment or imprisonment for a minimum of 2 (two) years
and a maximum of 20 (twenty) years and a minimum fine of category II and a
maximum of category VI".
The reason: Since the era of democracy, the perpetrators of criminal acts of
corruption have increased and increased.
so in need of regulations that are very firm and hard in order to eradicate acts of

3. Adultery
*Articles 417 & 419 of the Criminal Code Bill
Here's how it reads:
Article 417
Paragraph (1) states that anyone who has intercourse with someone who is not his
husband or wife shall be punished for adultery with a maximum imprisonment of 1
year or a maximum Category II fine of IDR 10 million.
In Paragraph (2) it is emphasized that the threat of punishment must be a complaint
report. As for the reading: "Criminal acts referred to in Paragraph (1) are not
prosecuted, except for complaints from husbands, wives, parents or children."
his obligation
Article 419
(1) With a maximum imprisonment of five years, civil servants are punished:
1e) who receives a gift or an agreement, knowing that the gift or agreement was
given to him in order to persuade him to do or neglect something in his position that
is contrary to his obligations:
2e) the recipient of the gift, while he knows, that the gift was given to him because of
or in connection with what has been done or neglected in his position that is
contrary to his obligations.
The reason: So that there is not a lot of free sex going on.

4. Blasphemy of Religion
*Article 304 Draft Criminal Code
Here's how it reads:
Any person in public who expresses feelings or commits an act that is hostile to or
insults the religion adhered to in Indonesia shall be subject to imprisonment for a
maximum of 5 (five) years or a maximum fine of Category V.
The reason: So that every human being can better respect religion and the beliefs of
every religious community.
5. Abortion
*Article 251,470,471,472. Criminal Code Bill
Here's how it reads:
Article 251
paragraph (1) regarding the criminalization of giving drugs or asking a woman to
use drugs by notifying or raising the hope that the drug can cause an abortion
Article 470
(1) The Criminal Code Bill stipulates that every woman who aborts or kills a
person's womb or asks another person to abort or kill the womb is subject to a
maximum imprisonment of 4 years.
Article 471
Paragraph (3) of the Criminal Code Bill states that doctors who perform abortions
due to indications of medical emergencies or rape victims in accordance with
statutory regulations, will not be punished.
Article 472
paragraph (3) of the Criminal Code Bill reads: 'a doctor who performs an abortion
due to indications of a medical emergency or for a rape victim in accordance with
statutory provisions, shall not be punished'.
Reason : So as not to violate human rights to live since in the womb.
6. Demonstration
*Article 273 Draft Criminal Code
Here's how it reads:
"Anyone who, without prior notification to the authorities, organizes a parade,
demonstration or demonstration on a public road or public place which causes
disturbance to public interests, creates commotion or commotion in society shall be
punished with imprisonment for a maximum of 1 (one) years or a maximum fine
category II,"
The reason: Conduct demonstrations in an orderly manner, without disturbing
public order which is detrimental to many people.

7. Witchcraft
*Article 252 Draft Criminal Code
Here's how it goes
(1) Any person who declares himself to have supernatural powers informs, gives
hope, offers, or provides service assistance to other people that his actions can cause
illness, death, or mental or physical suffering of a person shall be punished with
imprisonment for a maximum of 1 (one) year 6 (six) months or a maximum fine of
category IV.
(2) If Everyone as referred to in paragraph (1) commits the act to seek profit or
make it a livelihood or habit, the penalty can be added 1/3 (one third).
The reason: So that there are not many adherents of black magic who cause other
people to get sick / die through the occult knowledge they adhere to.
8. Poultry
*Article 278 of the Criminal Code Bill
Here's how it goes
"Any person who lets their livestock walk in the garden, pasture land, land sown
with seeds or planting, or land prepared for sowing or planting seeds shall be
punished with a maximum fine of category II".
The reason: So that livestock owners pay attention to their livestock so they don't
enter other people's surroundings that can disturb the comfort and peace of others.
9. Tramp
*Article 432 Draft Criminal Code
the following reads
"Anyone who wanders on the street or in a public place that disturbs public order,
shall be punished with a maximum fine of Rp. 1,000,000 in category I.
The reason: So that not many people are disturbing on the streets.
and suppress crime.

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