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Forest Ecology and Management 460 (2020) 117906

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Fine-scale effects of bamboo dominance on seed rain in a rainforest T

a,⁎ b c a,d
Ketlen Bona , Keila N. Purificação , Thiago B. Vieira , Henrique A. Mews
Universidade Federal do Acre, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ecologia e Manejo de Recursos Naturais, Caixa Postal 500, 69920-900, Rio Branco, AC, Brazil
Universidade do Estado de Mato Grosso, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ecologia e Conservação, Caixa Postal 08, 78690-000, Nova Xavantina, MT, Brazil
Universidade Federal do Pará, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Biodiversidade e Conservação, Rua Coronel José Porfírio, 2515, São Sebastião, 68372-040, Altamira,
Pará, Brazil
Universidade Federal do Acre, Centro de Ciências Biológicas e da Natureza, Caixa Postal 500, 69920-900, Rio Branco, AC, Brazil


Keywords: Bamboo dominance in tropical forests drives changes in floristic composition and vegetation structure. However,
Seed dispersal the role of bamboo dominance over ecosystem functions - including those related to forest regeneration - has
Ecological filters received less attention. This study evaluated the fine-scale effects of the dominance of native bamboo Guadua
Ecosystem functions weberbaueri Pilg. (Poaceae) on seed rain in a terra-firme forest in the southwest of the Brazilian Amazon to
understand how bamboos remain a dominant element where they occur. We tested the hypothesis that bamboo
Natural regeneration
dominance (i) reduces seed diversity and biomass and (ii) changes floristic composition and frequencies of seed
dispersal mechanisms. For one year, we sampled seeds from seed rain in adjacent bamboo-dominated (BD) and
bamboo-free (BF) environments in a forest without major anthropogenic disturbances. We found lower seed
species richness in the BD environment and similar seed biomass between BD and BF. In addition, the seed
species composition differed between BD and BF, with higher frequency of abiotic mechanisms to seeds dispersal
in BD. We conclude that the dominance of bamboos acts as a filter for species that arrive via seed rain, modifying
the floristic composition and dispersal mechanisms and, consequently, the dynamics of natural regeneration
processes of terra-firme forests in the Amazon. This process can promote the permanence and expansion of the
distribution area of bamboos in tropical forests.

1. Introduction 2013; Smith and Nelson, 2011) in natural environments. These effects
can change luminosity and the temperature and humidity of air and
The dominance of biotic elements within communities can interfere soil, altering the ecosystem functions in forest, by the homogenization
with ecological processes essential for maintaining biodiversity of the local microclima (Chen et al., 1999).
(Hooper et al., 2005; Marimon et al., 2012; Steege et al., 2013). Bam- Recent evidence has shown that bamboo dominance also interferes
boos, for example, are an important structural component of the ve- with nutrient cycling, like carbon fixation, decreasing the soil quality
getation and flora of many tropical terrestrial ecosystems, mainly be- and aggravating the forest degradation by decrease primary production
cause they respond positively to local environmental changes and (e.g., Xu et al., 2019; Zaninovich et al., 2017). Similarly, other eco-
become dominant in many places (Bystriakova et al., 2004; Lima et al., system functions may be affected by the dominance of biotic elements
2012; Santana and Anjos, 2010; Zhang and Xue, 2018). Aggressive on species composition and vegetation structure, such as those linked to
growth strategies and competitive superiority allow bamboos to easily forest regeneration and resilience. Seed dispersion patterns can be
spread opportunistically in forests (Montti et al., 2014; Yang et al., modified in anothers monodominances vegetation, such as mono-
2015). As consequence, higher bamboo densities decrease the richness dominant forest of Brosimum rubescens Taub. (Moraceae) present in the
of woody species (Silvério et al., 2010; Suzaki and Nakatsubo, 2001), southern edge of the Brazilian Amazon (Marimon and Felfili, 2007).
open the canopy (Carvalho et al., 2013; Lima and Gandolfi, 2009; Another study conducted on an urban forest fragment in the Atlantic
Silveira, 2005), alter the structure (e.g., forest physiognomy and density Forest of southeastern Brazil revealed that areas dominated by the
of woody individuals) and the dynamics of vegetation and carbon bamboo Aulonemia aristulata (Döll) McClure (Poaceae) have lower seed
(Taylor and Zisheng, 1988; Zaninovich et al., 2017; Zhang and Xue, richness and differ in dispersed seed composition (Guaratini et al.,
2018) and make the effects of fire on plants more severe (Mews et al., 2014) when compared to free-bamboo areas. These results highlight the

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (K. Bona).
Received 18 November 2019; Received in revised form 10 January 2020; Accepted 12 January 2020
0378-1127/ © 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
K. Bona, et al. Forest Ecology and Management 460 (2020) 117906

role of dominant species on the structure of vegetation communities relief is smooth to undulating (Bardales et al., 2010). The average of
and provide insights into the mechanisms by which a species can re- temperature is 21.9°C to 25.9°C and annual rainfall is 2,200–2,500 mm
main dominant in the ecosystem. and is mainly concentrated from December to March, with the highest
In the southwest of the Brazilian Amazon, bamboos are widely monthly rainfall in January (297 mm), while the driest period corre-
distributed and are present in five of the 11 existing forest typologies sponds to the months from May to August, with the lowest rainfall in
(Silveira, 2005). Patches dominated by bamboos are so common in this August (43 mm) (Alvares et al., 2013). Over the study period (Jan/
region that it has been cited as the largest area of bamboo-dominated 2018–Dec/2018), monthly rainfall and temperature averages had no
forest in the entire Neotropical region (Carvalho et al., 2013; Griscom significant variations from historical data in the region (see
et al., 2007). These patches are so large that they can be observed even Supplemental Material, Figure S1).
from satellite images (Nelson, 1994), which shows the effect of bamboo G. weberbaueri bamboo has a life cycle of 28–32 years and is a se-
dominance on the structure and physiognomy of the vegetation in this melparous species (i.e., dies after flowering and fruiting), making it an
region. Moreover, in this portion of the Amazon, bamboo patches are important part of the forest dynamics in the region (Carvalho et al.,
favored by frequent human disturbances, such as logging and the use of 2013; Castro et al., 2013). Guadua bamboos are C3 woody plants
fire in deforestation for pastures (Medeiros et al., 2013). This can in- (Taylor et al., 2010) whose the long-necked pachymorph rhizomes
duce maintaining the current dominance of bamboo in the region and (Judziewicz et al., 1999) spread horizontally over tens of meters and
promote their demographic expansion, which tends to affect biodi- sprout according to the availability of resources essential for their co-
versity conservation and resilience of ecosystem functions and decrease lonization (i.e., space and light) (Silveira, 2005; Torezan and Silveira,
the productivity of these forests (Oliver et al., 2015a; Guilherme et al., 2000). Besides that, G. weberbaueri has thorny branches that intensify
2004; Silveira, 2005). their aggressiveness during development, as they facilitate support of
Seed dispersal is a key ecosystem function for maintaining plant the stem on trees and enable continuous stem growth, which promotes
diversity in forests, which in turn provides resources for the seed dis- rapid dominance in the understory and allows bamboo reaches the
perser faunal. Thus, the absence or limitation of seed dispersal can canopy at 35 m (Griscom and Ashton, 2006; Silveira, 1999).
compromise the natural regeneration of forests (Holl, 1999). Seed rain,
for example, is one of the main sources of recruitment and replacement 2.2. Sampling design and data collection
of new individuals and species, as well as the availability of propagules
and dispersal agents (Grombone-Guaratini and Ribeiro, 2002). How- We delimited and georeferenced the boundaries between a bamboo
ever, to date there is no information in the literature about the influence patch of approximately 13 ha (bamboo-dominated forest - BD) and an
of the dominance of native bamboo species on seed rain of forest species adjacent forest area without bamboo (bamboo-free forest - BF). We then
on small spatial scales. Furthermore, understanding the effects of defined and marked the BD-BF contact area, which was approximately
bamboo dominance is essential to unravel the mechanisms that favor 1.1 km long. Mapping the BD-BF boundaries followed the sinuosities of
the population expansion of bamboo patches mediated by the increase the bamboo patch boundaries, so that the experiment could be installed
in the occupied area. If dense bamboo patches tend to increase in size exactly at the boundaries between adjacent BD and BF environments
by temporal expansion of their spatial boundaries, it is reasonable to (Fig. 1). Adjacent BD and BF environments have a clear difference in
conjecture that changes in ecosystem functions (e.g., seed dispersal) can vegetation structure, as BD environments have smaller trees and lower
be detected even on small spatial scales (Powell and Aráoz, 2018; density than BF environments (Supplemental Material, Figure S2).
Viswanathan et al., 2014). In this way, this study aimed to reveal one of Along the BD-BF boundary, we installed 30 pairs of 10 × 10 m plots
the mechanisms that promote the maintenance of bamboo populations (100 m2 each), totaling 60 plots (Fig. 1) and 6,000 m2 sampling area.
as dominant elements through a feedback loop amidst the natural re- These plots were established in order to characterize the environments
generation of forests in fine spatial scale. (i.e., counting and measuring trees and counting bamboo culms) around
Our objective was to evaluate the fine-scale effects of the dominance of the seed traps (see Supplemental Material, Figure S2). We defined
of the native bamboo Guadua weberbaueri Pilg. on seed rain in the approximately 30 m between the plots of the same treatment and ap-
southwest of the Brazilian Amazon to understand how bamboos remain proximately 50 m between different treatments. The BD environment
dominant. Specifically, we tested the hypothesis that bamboo dom- plots were located in sites where the culm density was ≥ 10/100 m2
inance (i) reduces seed diversity and biomass and (ii) changes floristic (10 bamboo culms on a 10 × 10 m plot), as this criterion is an indicator
composition and frequencies of seed dispersal mechanisms. of bamboo-dominated forests (Griscom and Ashton, 2003). On the other
hand, all plots of the BF environment were set in areas without bamboo
2. Material and methods culms or where the density of culms was less than 2/100 m2 (this oc-
curred only on two plots).
2.1. Study area Seed rain was sampled with seed traps of 50 cm in diameter (cir-
cular collectors measuring 1,963.5 cm2), at one meter from the ground
This study was conducted at the Catuaba Experimental Farm (CEF; in the center of each plot in both environments, totaling 60 seed traps
10°04′S and 67°37′W), Senador Guiomard, state of Acre, southwestern and total sampling area of 117.810 cm2. The seed traps were con-
of the Brazilian Amazon (Fig. 1). This site is located in the largest area structed with 6 mm thick steel rebar and 50 cm deep bags made from
of bamboo-dominated forest of the entire Neotropical region (Griscom 2 mm nylon mesh, which were fixed to the circular steel structures. We
et al., 2007). The CEF has an area of 1,200 ha (Medeiros et al., 2013) collect all the fruits and seeds deposited in the seed traps every 15 days
and includes tropical terra-firme rainforest vegetation, secondary forests for a year, between December 2017 and December 2018. Since most of
in different successional stages and dense forest (Medeiros et al., 2013; the dispersed seeds are still inside a fruit when they are dispersed by the
Silveira, 2005). More specifically, CEF is part of an Open Ombrophilous mother plant (Cousens et al., 2010; Dardick and Callahan, 2014), we
Forest fragment whose natural vegetation has not been subjected to consider all diaspores (i.e., dispersion units) as seed rain. Thus, in ad-
major environmental disturbances (e.g., deforestation and fire). In this dition to the dispersed seeds we collect the dehiscent and indehiscent
forest there are dense patches of bamboo of the species Guadua we- fruits that have fallen into the seed traps.
berbaueri and palm trees. In CEF, as well as with much of the region’s After the biweekly screening of material accumulated in the traps,
vegetation, bamboo patches often get sharp limits with areas not oc- all diaspores (hereafter ‘seeds’) were packed in paper bags, separated
cupied by bamboos within the same landscape. into morphotypes, counted and photographed on graph paper to com-
In the CEF region, predominant soils are classified as Oxisols, oc- plement identification. We then identified seeds to the lowest possible
curring in areas of undulating relief, and Ultisols, found in areas where taxonomic category by comparison with identification guides (e.g.,

K. Bona, et al. Forest Ecology and Management 460 (2020) 117906

Fig. 1. Geographic position of the field experiment and arrangement of the adjacent sampling sites of bamboo-dominated (●) and bamboo-free (▲) in the Catuaba
Experimental Farm (CEF; 10°04′S and 67°37′W), Senador Guiomard, Acre State.

Camargo et al., 2008; Cornejo and Janovec, 2010), with material de- 2.3. Data analysis
posited in virtual herbaria and at the Herbarium of the Universidade
Federal do Acre (UFAC, Federal University of Acre) and consultation The seed species richness was compared between BD and BF en-
with local parabotanists. We checked the spellings of names, the clas- vironments by individual-based rarefaction analysis (Gotelli and
sification of botanical families and whether the morphospecies were Colwell, 2001) with interpolations and extrapolation derived from Hill
native or non-native to Brazil in the List of Species of the Brazilian Flora series, with no weight for abundance (order q = 0). In this analysis, we
(Flora do Brasil 2020 under construction, 2019). Then, seeds were dried used the iNEXT function of the iNEXT package (Hsieh et al., 2016).
in a forced-air oven at 65°C for 72 h or until constant weight. After To compare the seed rain biomass between BD and BF environ-
drying, we weighed all seeds on an analytical balance accurate to ments, we performed a paired t-test using the average dry weight of
0.001 g. We determined the total seed biomass of seed rain from each seeds from both environments. The t.test function was performed in the
environment using the equation proposed by Honorio-Coronado and statistics package (R Core Team, 2019).
Baker (2010), after adjusting the collector area, which was: To identify idiosyncrasy in species composition we perform two
Permutational Multivariate Analysis of Variance (PerMANOVA;
Average weight (g ) 108 cm2 1 Mg Anderson, 2001) to comparing the abundance and presence/absence of
Seed biomass = * * = XX Mg ha−1
Traps area (cm2) 1 ha 106 g seed species between BD and BF environments. The heterogeneity be-
tween groups with respect to species composition was tested with a
This protocol provides calculations that make it possible to obtain Permutational Multivariate Analysis of Dispersion (PERMDISP;
the biomass (Mg ha−1) of seeds and fruits from the dry weight of the Anderson et al., 2006). These analyses were performed with Bray-Curtis
samples. for abundance and Jaccard presence/absence as distance index, with
To evaluate dispersal mechanisms, seeds were classified into two the adonis and betadisper functions, respectively, in the vegan package
categories: dispersed by abiotic mechanisms (AM) (i.e., anemochory, (Oksanen et al., 2019). Subsequently, the Similarity Percentage analysis
barochory and autochory) and by biotic mechanisms (BM) (i.e., (SIMPER; Clarke, 1993) was applied to verify which species have the
zoochory) (Van der Pijl, 1982). Here, we consider only primary dis- greatest contribution to dissimilarity between groups. To do so, we used
persal, since seeds were intercepted before reaching the ground, which the simper function in the vegan package (Oksanen et al., 2019). Finally,
excludes the participation of invertebrates (e.g., ants) that potentially the frequency of biotic and abiotic seed dispersal mechanisms was
promote secondary seed dispersal in forests (Christianini and Oliveira, compared between BD and BF environments using a chi-square test
2010; Magalhães et al., 2018). We defined the mechanisms of dispersal using the chisq.test function on the stats package (R Core Team, 2019).
by consulting the specialized literature (e.g., Clobert et al., 2012; Howe All analyses were performed on R 3.6.1 environment (R Core Team,
and Smallwood, 1982; Van der Pijl, 1982) and by observing the mor- 2019) from the specific functions and packages mentioned above and
phological characteristics of seeds (e.g., fleshy fruits and seeds, with using a significance level of 5%. We employed 999 unrestricted Monte
regurgitation and defecation of animals and the presence or absence of Carlo permutations in all randomization-based analyses.
winged structures).

K. Bona, et al. Forest Ecology and Management 460 (2020) 117906

3. Results Table 1
Seed species identified by the Similarity Percentage
3.1. General characterization of seed assemblages analysis (SIMPER) as those that contributed most to
species composition dissimilarity in adjacent bamboo-
dominated and bamboo-free forest environments in
A total of 4,635 seeds were recorded in both environments, of which
the southwestern Brazilian Amazon.
2,161 (46.6% total) occurred in the environment with bamboo (BD)
and 2,474 (53.4%) in the environment without bamboo (BF). The mean Species p-value
density was 3.7 ± 2.9 seeds/m2 in the BD environment and 4.2 ± 4.1
Ochroma pyramidale 0.013
seeds/m2 in the BF environment. The total biomass of seeds was Bellucia sp. 0.008
1.38 Mg ha−1, of which 0.54 Mg ha−1 was recorded in the BD en- Chorisia sp. 2 0.019
vironment and 0.83 Mg ha−1 in the BF environment. Casearia sp. 1 0.004
The 4,613 seeds were distributed in 264 species, 146 genera and 55 Carica sp. 4 0.002
Solanum sp. 5 0.028
botanical families. Thirty-nine morphospecies (14.8% total) were
identified at the species level, 184 (69.7%) at the genus level, 42
(15.9%) at the family level and 13 morphotypes remained un-
Table 2
determined. Seven morphospecies (2.7%) belonged to species not na-
Number (and proportion - %) of the frequency of occurrence of seed dispersal
tive to the Amazon and Brazil (see Supplementary Material, Table S1). mechanisms sampled in adjacent bamboo-dominated and bamboo-free forest
In the BD environment, there were 141 species (53.4% total) dis- environments in the southwestern Brazilian Amazon.
tributed in 89 genera and 44 families, while in the BF environment
Environment Abiotic mechanism Biotic mechanism
there were 198 species (75%), 121 genera and 52 families. Seventy-two
species (27.3%) were common to both environments, while 62 (23.5%) Bamboo-dominated 334 (49.5%) 222 (35.1%)
and 124 (46.9%) occurred exclusively in BD and BF environments, re- Bamboo-free 341 (50.5%) 412 (64.9%)

which changed the frequencies of seed dispersal mechanisms between

3.2. Comparison of the seed assemblage structure BD and BF environments (χ2 = 27.41; df = 1; p less than 0.001).

The rarefaction analysis revealed a smaller richness in the BD en- 4. Discussion

vironment in relation to the BF after making the sample effort equal,
both for observed richness and for the estimated richness (Fig. 2). Our study provides unprecedented information on the interference
The average dry weight of the seeds that arrived by seed rain did not of native bamboo population densities with the colonization and nat-
differ between the BD and BF environments (t = -1.416; df = 58; ural regeneration mediated by the arrival of plant species propagules in
p = 0.162). The seed species composition differed between BD and BF forests. This confirms our initial expectations that the dominance of
environments considering both abundance (PerMANOVA, Pseudo-F (1, bamboo in forests reduces diversity, modifies the composition of species
58) = 1.873; p = 0.002) and species presence and absence that arrived via seed rain and, consequently, alters animal seed dis-
(PerMANOVA, Pseudo-F (1, 58) = 1.704; p = 0.001), which demon- persal strategies even on small spatial scales. However, the results did
strates the consistency of the groups. However, these groups did not not support our hypothesis that the seed biomass is lower in bamboo-
differ with respect to how species composition varies among samples, dominated forest patches. Our results revealed for the first time one of
suggesting homogeneity with both abundance (PERMDISP, Pseudo-F (1, the mechanisms by which bamboos maintain their dominance and still
58) = 2.770; p = 0.101) and species presence and absence data (PER- expand demographically in forests of the southwest Amazon. In the
MDISP, Pseudo-F (1, 58) = 1.069; p = 0.305). The similarity percentage following, we present explanations for these results and point out the
analysis (SIMPER) pointed to six species that contributed to the dif- possible implications of these findings for the conservation of functions
ference in composition between groups (Table 1). related to the colonization and natural regeneration of tropical forests.
The frequencies of abiotic mechanisms (AM) for seed dispersal did Differences in seed species richness between adjacent environments
not differ between the two environments. On the other hand, the BD with and without bamboos indicate that bamboo dominance limits
environment presented smaller frequency of seed dispersal by biotic species arrived via seed dispersal. Usually, the dominance of bamboo in
mechanisms (BM) (35.1%) than the BF environment (64.9%) (Table 2), forests reduces tree species richness (Silvério et al., 2010) and the
competitive aggressiveness of bamboos promotes mortality of woody
species (Medeiros et al., 2013), which may interfere with production
and dispersal of propagules. Nevertheless, contrary to our initial ex-
pectations, the lower seed richness in environments with bamboo did
not reflect lower seed biomass in these sites. This can be explained by
the fact that areas dominated by bamboo usually have sharp canopy
(Carvalho et al., 2013; Lima and Gandolfi, 2009), which should in-
crease the arrival of wind-transported seeds, for example. Moreover, the
proximity of the two environments puts them in the same regional
species pool. If local species richness is low despite the regional species
pool, we can assume that local processes limit species diversity (Cornell
and Harrison, 2014; Srivastava, 1999). Thus, our results suggest that
bamboos do not limit the seeds arrival but filter the species that get can
Fig. 2. Individual-based rarefaction curve showing seed species richness in arrive via dispersal. This can interfere with the stability of the local
adjacent bamboo-dominated (●) and bamboo-free (▲) forest environments in community, given the ecosystem functions performed by species. In
the southwestern Brazilian Amazon. The continuous and dotted lines represent addition, the impacts of bamboo dominance on ecological processes
the observed (interpolation) and estimated (extrapolation) species richness, through loss of biodiversity may compromise the resistance of these
respectively. Lines represent mean values and ranges represent 95% confidence forests to disturbances (Oliver et al., 2015a, 2015b) and keep them in a
intervals. stable condition for maintenance of bamboos populations.

K. Bona, et al. Forest Ecology and Management 460 (2020) 117906

Changes in the composition of seed species between environments populations of bamboo.

with and without bamboos are in according the pattern found in other
tropical forests and reveal that such changes can also be seen on a small CRediT authorship contribution statement
spatial scale. Alterations in floristic composition related to areas with
dense populations of bamboos are frequently reported, both for woody Ketlen Bona: Writing - original draft, Methodology, Data curation,
species that can provide propagules (Griscom et al., 2007; Silveira, Formal analysis. Keila N. Purificação: Writing - review & editing,
2005; Silvério et al., 2010) as well as for the arrival of propagules in Conceptualization. Thiago B. Vieira: Writing - review & editing,
tropical forests (Guaratini et al., 2014; Rother et al., 2009). Our findings Formal analysis. Henrique A. Mews: Conceptualization, Methodology,
show the effect of bamboos in the structure of the dispersed seed as- Supervision, Resources, Writing - review & editing.
semblage, since bamboos reduces the number, composition and abun-
dance of seed species at these sites. The seeds of the species that most Declaration of Competing Interest
contributed to the differences in composition (Ochroma pyramidale,
Bellucia sp., Chorisia sp. 2 and Casearia sp.) reached at a smaller pro- The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
portion in environments with bamboos, while seeds of Solanum sp. 5, interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influ-
for example, did not reach these environments. Most of these species ence the work reported in this paper.
have zoochoric dispersal, suggesting that there is a decline in seed
dispersal agents in bamboo-dominated forest environments. Acknowledgements
The higher frequency of dispersion by abiotic mechanisms in
bamboo-dominated environments may be related to the fact that these To the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education
sites usually have lower density of tree species (Supplementary Personnel (CAPES) for scholarships to K. B. and K. N. P. (Financing
Material, Figure S2; Silvério et al., 2010), which makes them even less Code 001). To Universidade Federal do Acre (UFAC) for logistical
attractive to seed-dispersing fauna (Anjos, 2006; Lima et al., 2012). support and financial support. To Gehaka for donating a precision
Although bamboos markedly open the forest canopy (Lima and balance. To the team of the Laboratório de Ecologia Florestal (LabeFlor)
Gandolfi, 2009; Silveira, 2005) and possibly facilitate the arrival of for their help in field collection and material screening.
wind-dispersed seeds, they quickly dominate the sub-canopy (Silveira,
1999). This may limit the presence and affect the movement of po- Author statement
tentially seed-dispersing fauna within forests and thus to facilitate the
bamboos cycle. Although birds are one of the most important groups for All persons who meet the criteria for authorship are listed as au-
tropical forest seed dispersal services (Fleming and Kress, 2011; Kissling thors, and all authors certify that they have participated sufficiently in
et al., 2009), most bird species associated with environments with the work to assume public responsibility for the content. In addition,
bamboo are insectivorous (Areta et al., 2009; Rother et al., 2013; each author certifies that this material or similar material was not
Socolar et al., 2013). Moreover, increased density of the understory published in any other publication prior to its submission to Forest
vegetation acts as a filter for bats, another important group of seed Ecology and Management.
dispersers (Bello et al., 2017), which forage on the forest understory
(Marciente et al., 2015; da Silva and Silveira, 2016). Consequently, the Appendix A. Supplementary data
lower movement of frugivorous animals in environments dominated by
bamboo hinders the regeneration process of these sites due to the Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https://
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