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You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

The maps show improvements that have been made to a university campus between 2010 and
the present day.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make
comparisons where relevant.

Write at least 150 words.

Sample answers:

Band 6-6.5

The maps illustrate the modification of the University Campus from 2010 to the present day.

Overall, the school's surroundings have had significant development with various facilities such
as art and science buildings and students' accommodations.

The noticeable thing is that the student accommodations have increased in number and size. In
the centre plans, the lawn and sitting area have been destroyed, and two trees have been
planted here. In addition, the teaching block has been divided into separate two buildings and
innovated to become a high-store; in particular, the old land has been used for art building.

Meanwhile, the university office has been replaced by a science building. Furthermore, a
previous resident block south of the lake has been demolished and displaced by student
facilities which consist of offices, shops and others. Besides, two student accommodations have
been constructed next to the resident building west and the location of the restaurant and
shops. Finally, the road system has been erected near student accommodation. (167 words)

Band 7+

The developments which happened to a university campus at present when compared to how it
was in 2010.

Overall, the campus has transformed tremendously in developing new buildings and facilities.

In 2010, the main blocks of the campus were towards the north of the lake, lawn and seating
area, which were located almost at the centre of the campus. One of these buildings included
university offices, and this was precisely at the north, crossing the road which bisected the
campus from southwest to northeast. The arts and science teaching block was precisely the
opposite of this block. Towards the west and southwest of the lake, on either side of the road,
student accommodations were located. There were some shops to the east and a restaurant
towards the southeast of the lake.

The present outlook of the campus is as follows: the arts and science teaching blocks are now
separated. The building accommodating the university office has witnessed reconstruction into
the science block, and the primary teaching block is also re-shaped to the arts block. The
student accommodation, which was there at the southwest of the lake, has been demolished
and a new building was constructed, which now includes offices, shops and other facilities. The
accommodation, which was there, is seen relocated towards the east of the lake. The other
student accommodation has been expanded to facilitate more students. (230 words)

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