Discovering Your Purpose

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First Published, November, 2015




B. A (Hons) (Ibadan), M. A. (Ilorin)
PGD Public Administration, PGD Public
Relations (ACIPM, MNIM, FCAI, JP) All right reserved. No part of this publication
REGISTRAR, may be reproduced or transmitted in any form
or by any means without the prior written
permission of the author.

Printed by:
Adesesan Graphic Press Ltd.
Off Asa Dam Road, Ilorin, Nigeria
My utmost thanks go to the Almighty God
who has helped me, once again, to publish this
I am also indebted to Pastor and Mummy D.
O. Adebiyi for their spiritual support at all times.
Equally important to me is Alhaji Mas'ud
Elelu, under whose leadership in the Polytechnic
as Rector, I have been able to carry out my
assignment without stress. Without a conducive
DEDICATION environment, this book would not have been
To the glory of God who enabled me to Let me use this medium to also appreciate Dr.
discover my purpose in life and also (Mrs) M. O. Ajileye, who gladly assisted to proof
provided the avenues to fulfil the read the draft of this book and made useful
suggestions. I am really grateful to her.
The preliminary work of typing and vetting
of the manuscript were done entirely by Mr.
Olayemi Olatomi and Mrs Grace Bankole,
supported by Mr. Joshua Olalekan and Mrs.
Oluwaseun Animashaun. Others are Mr. Fatai
Saka, Mr. Olajide Babalola and Julius Oloyede. I
continue to appreciate them for their loyalty and
good work at all times.
Finally, I want to commend my wife, Mrs.
Modupe Deborah and my children, Joshua, Grace,
Mercy and Peace, who are always behind the
scene, giving all necessary supports that have
contributed in the publication of this book.
God bless them abundantly.

iii iv
Title Page ... ... i Moses ... ... 37
Dedication ... ... iii Esther ... ... 38
Acknowledgements ... ... iv Peter ... ... 39
Table of Contents ... ... v Paul ... ... 40
Preface ... ... vii
PART ONE: WHAT IS LIFE? ... 1 Thomas Edison ... 42
Living Stage ... 2 Henry Ford ... ... 44
Futility of Life ... 2 Pele ... ... 46
Fulfilled Life ... 3 Jim Reeves ... ... 48
Perspectives of Life ... 5 Bola Are ... ... 51
PURPOSE ... 9 PURPOSE ... ... 52
Different Possibilities ... 10 Spiritual Purpose ... 52
Purposeless Man ... 12 Mary Slessor ... 56
The Black Man ... 13
Secular Purpose ... 57
Dilemma of the Black Man 14
Ralph Waldo Emerson ... 59
PART THREE: THE PURPOSE OF LIFE 17 Personal Experience ... 61
Creation's Purpose ... 17 References ... 70
Primary Purpose ... 19
Secondary Purpose ... 19
The Meeting Point ... 20


Self Knowledge ... 25
The Four Trees ... 25
Obstacles to Discovery ... 28
Wrong Methods of Discovery 31
Right Methods of Discovery 34

v vi
PREFACE who became a faithful companion of
Apostle Paul in ministry knew the Holy
Rick Warren said: “If you're alive, Scriptures from childhood which guided
there's a purpose for your life”. Yes, that him into his purpose in life (II Timothy
is very true. The question everyone 3:15; Acts 16:1-3).
having an opportunity to live should ask David, before he became a king, was
are: “What should I be using my life to an accomplished instrumentalist as a
do?”, “Why am I in the world?”, “What youth. He could sing and play well. The
Scripture described David as a “cunning
should I live my life for?” An honest
player on an harp” (I Samuel 16:16-18).
personal answer to these simple
David was so successful in musicology
questions will guide you to know the
that whenever evil spirit was upon King
purpose of your existence.
Saul and he played on his harp, he was
There are three stages in life namely:
refreshed, became well and the evil spirit
Childhood, Youth and Adulthood. Only
departed from his life (I Samuel 16:23).
very few people discover their purpose in
David was also described as “the sweet
life during childhood, few do when they Psalmist of Israel (II Samuel 23:1). In
are youth, and some do at adulthood. addition, David was going to be a warrior.
Many will regrettably do after they have This aspect of his life was showing when
left this planet earth. he defended the sheep of his father
Samuel was reported to have against the attack of lion and bear. He
ministered before the Lord “being a also manifested this trait when he opted
child”, girded with a linen ephod (I to challenge Goliath of Gath. As a youth
Samuel 2:18). Samuel grew to become a also, he found himself in the palace as
great and mighty Priest, Prophet and the Armour Bearer of King Saul and later
Judge in Israel. Joash and Josiah the captain of his army. All these
became kings in Jerusalem at the age of occurrences were not accidentals but
seven and eight respectively. The pointers to David's purpose in life as a
Scriptures testified that both Kings did potential military man. (I Sam 17:34-35,
that which was right in the sight of the 50 – 51, 18:5,13, II Sam 16:21). Joseph
Lord. While Joash reigned for forty- and Daniel were young men when they
years, Josiah did for thirty one years. (II discovered God had a purpose for them
Chronicles 24:1-2; 34:1-12). Timothy

vii viii
to fulfill in the government of their days. purpose in life but also show you how to
Timothy, as a youth had an fulfil it.
unambiguous ministry. Apostle Paul May you not be lost in the crowd.
counselled him not to allow his May you not be a spectator in the field of
youthfulness to affect him through life. May your life be purposeful,
unwholesome character. He should be satisfying, and fulfilling. Amen
an example of the believers (I Timothy The book is divided into seven
4:12-16). chapters viz: from an examination of
Finally, many of the people who what life is and human search for the
served God in the Scripture discovered reason for his existence, the purpose of
their purpose in life when they were life, how to discover your purpose,
adults. Examples include Moses different personalities who had
(Exodus 2:10), Amos (Amos 7:14-15), discovered the purpose for their
Peter (Luke 5:8-11). Barnabas and Saul existence, and how your purpose in life
(Paul) (Acts 13:2-3). When a person fails can be fulfilled when discovered. It is the
to discover his purpose on earth, he fervent prayer of the author that readers
discovers it with eternal regrets in the will be able to discover their purpose for
great beyond. The rich man was that living and fulfil it. Amen
kind of a person. Although he was great
in riches while on earth, he never M. O. Salami November,2015
discovered that he was to serve with his
riches. By the time he did, it was already
too late. (Luke 16:19-26). May you not
discover your purpose in life when it is
too late. Part of the purpose he was
meant to serve with his wealth was to
alleviate the poor condition of Lazarus.
My goal in this book, therefore, is for
you to discover your purpose in life early
enough so that you can have ample
opportunity and time to fulfil it. This
book will certainly inspire, guide and
motivate you not only to discover your

ix x
FOREWORD In chapter 1 of this piece, we are
confronted with the undisputable fact that
I have known Mr. Salami since 1993, of the three stages of life of man, only one
when I worked as a Lecturer, Department is within his control 'the living stage'. How
of Legal Studies, Kwara State Polytechnic. he chooses to manage this stage
He has always appeared to me as a man of determines how and by what he will be
purpose and clear vision and I am grateful remembered.
he has decided to share his wealth of
experience at this very critical time. We know as chapter 2 helps us realize,
that the search for purpose in the wrong
Peeved and distressed by the seeming places can lead only to futility and vanity.
meaninglessness of life, pressed on every
side by overwhelming vicissitudes, many By chapter 3 of this Book, the writer using
have taken their lives, some resigned to the analogy of four trees shows the value
fate, while the teeming younger generation of life and the premium that should be
have turned to diverse opiates, seeking placed thereon.
some sort of fulfillment.
Apart from unearthing, what life is, its
A discovery of the purpose for living is a purpose and how to discover same, this
sure panacea for almost all challenges book in its chapter 4,5 and 6, gives us an
that bedevil the society, including account of ordinary people from Biblical,
depression, insecurity, insurgency and old and contemporary times, who upon a
indeed corruption. As no one who has discovery of the purpose of their lives as
grasped the true meaning of life and has individuals changed the course of the
discovered his/her purpose will take to world for good. Thus, inspiring us to make
any form of vice or be sunken in a decision for greatness, by embarking on
depression. that voyage of discovery that will lead us to
the realization of the purpose of our lives
Surely, there is no paucity of inspirational
literary materials on Life in the context of as individuals.
purpose. However, the author, M.O. Insightful, Inspirational, Spiritual, and
Salami, has brilliantly married the Holistic, I commend this book to you.
principles of discovering life's purpose
with the practical aspect thereof, thus CHIEF DR KAYODE OLATOKE, SAN, FCIArb
bridging the once widening lacuna. PRINCIPAL COUNSEL,

xi xii
Discovering Your Purpose for Living Discovering Your Purpose for Living

PART As indicated above, of the three
stages of existence, the living stage is the
ONE most vital. Why?
- It is the period when you can make
or mar the very essence of y o u r
Life is an existence. Life begins at - It is the opportuned time you
birth and ends at death. There are three determine your destiny or
major periods/stages in life, namely: eternity
Birth, Living and Death. Of the three - It is the time when you are privileged
stages, the most critical and crucial is to add value to the world or corrupt
the living stage. Why? Before we answer it.
the question, let us first discuss briefly
the two stages of life viz: Birth and Death. Every one born into the world has
The Birth stage is the time we came been given the chance to live. What he
into the world physically through our or she does with that only one life is what
mother. No person has power to is most important to him or her. What
determine his birth. It all has to do with then are you living for? How do you want
the prerogative of God. For instance, to be remembered? What do you want to
nobody can determine the choice of his be remembered for?
parent, period, race, gender or colour of
skin. Birth is the beginning of the FUTILITY OF LIFE
human life. The statement, “Life is futile” or “The
The Death stage is the concluding futility of life” is not uncommon to many
part of the human life on earth. Just like readers of this book. Futility refers to
birth, nobody has power on the period or uselessness as a consequence of having
day, the place and hour of his death. no practical result. Therefore, to those
Death is also the prerogative of God, the who say that life is futile, they mean life
Creator. He gives life and takes it again is useless because it has no practical
at will. result. The same idea might have been
expressed by King Solomon, after failing

1 2
Discovering Your Purpose for Living Discovering Your Purpose for Living

to find happiness and fulfillment in first crucial task is therefore to discover

many activities of life. He concluded by the purpose of your existence, thereafter,
saying “…behold all was vanity and you can now strategize on how to fulfill it.
vexation of spirit, and there was no profit Apart from Jesus Christ, there is a
under the sun” (Ecc 2:11). person I know who also fulfilled the
However, life does not have to be purpose of his existence. Paul said it
futile if somebody is able to discover the before his death “ I have fought a good
purpose of his or her existence. If futility fight, I have finished my course, I have
means the consequence of having no kept the faith”, (II Timoth 4:7).
practical result, then something can be Why do people fear to die? One of
done to bring good, great and glorious the reasons is because they have failed
result out of life. It is when purpose is to fulfil the purpose of their existence.
discovered and that purpose is fulfilled Since that was not done, there is an
within the period of human existence emptiness, a vacuum and a feeling of
that we disprove the statement – “the lack of fulfillment in them. However, for
futility of life”. Therefore, know the Paul he said. “For I am now ready to be
purpose of your existence and fulfil that offered, and the time of my departure is
purpose and your life will be satisfactory, at hand” (II Timothy 4:6). A person who
happy and fulfilled. is able to fulfil his or her purpose in life
does not fear death.
FULFILLED LIFE Furthermore, it is when your
Fulfillment is a feeling of purpose in life is fulfilled before death
satisfaction at having achieved your comes that you can expect to be
purpose or desire in life. It is the act of rewarded hereafter. Again for Paul, he
consummating your goal, aim, purpose did not only discover his purpose of
and aspiration in life. existence; he also fulfilled it hence was
Life becomes meaningful and sure of his reward. He confidently
profitable when one's purpose for living declared “Henceforth there is laid up for
is discovered and accomplished during me a crown of righteousness, which the
the period of existence. Unfortunately, Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me
multitudes of people never got to the first at that day and not to me only, but unto
stage of discovery of their purpose in life all of them also that love his appearing”
not to talk of fulfilling the purpose. Your (I Timothy 4:8)

3 4
Discovering Your Purpose for Living Discovering Your Purpose for Living

PERSPECTIVES OF LIFE life and give to it what is required, you

Nobody has two lives. Unlike keys, will have satisfaction and fulfillment
life has no duplicate. Unlike tyres, there thus experience the sweetness of life.
is no spare one. This means that what Life is precious. Life is very
you do with that one life matters a great beautiful. What you do with your life
deal. indicates whether or not you attach any
Another thing to know about life is value to it. Again, what you do with your
that life is brief. It is short and transient. life will determine what you get out of it.
No one has the power to prolong his or Therefore, although God has made all
her life. Although it may be possible to things beautiful, what you do with your
live for 100 years and beyond, that life is life will dictate whether it will be truly
still brief in relation to eternity. The Bible beautiful for you.
says, “My days are like a shadow that Similarly, life is uncertain and
declineth; and I am withered like grass” unpredictable. Describing the nature of
(Psalms 102:11) life, James says, “it is even a vapour, that
Moreover, life is fragile, hence it can appeareth for a little time, and then
break. Life is also delicate. Life is like a vanisheth away” (James 5:14). If this is
clay-pot or a glass cup. To prevent it the nature of life, what you do with it is
from breaking, it must be handled very important.
carefully. What you do with your life and In addition, life is complex, hence it
how you handle life determines whether can be mismanaged if adequate care is
you will break, build, make or mar it. not taken. A person that takes pain to
Again, life is temporal. There is no study and understand his life handles it
permanence here on the earth. There is with care.
no durability of whatever we construct or In the same vein, life is war. Life is a
possess. As water destroyed the battle. There appears to be more foes
contents of the world of Noah, so will fire than friends, more conspirators than
do to what man spends all his life to confidants and more adversaries than
acquire, amass or achieve on earth. advocates. That is why those who will
Life is sweet. Although there are fulfil their purpose for living must be
ups and downs in life, the fact still focused, determined, and dependent on
remains that life is sweet if we handle it the potent power of God.
in the right way. When you understand

5 6
Discovering Your Purpose for Living Discovering Your Purpose for Living

Life is paramount: What does it As repeatedly emphasized by King

profit a man if he gains the whole world Solomon, Life is vain. There is
but loses his life or soul. There is nothing nothing in life. It is void and empty.
any man can give in exchange for his life. To set mind on this life is to end
Because of the paramount nature of life, one's life miserably. Life is vanity
you cannot afford to live it any how or do plus vanity equals vanity.
anything with it. You cannot leave it to
ii) Consecrate your life to God by
chance. How valuable is the thing you
surrendering your spirit, soul,
do with your life? How is what you do
body, family, ministry, career and
helping to contribute or adding value to
possessions to God. Lay y o u r
somebody's life?
life on the Altar of Consecration as a
Finally, life is purposeful. You may
living sacrifice in h o l i n e s s a n d
not have discovered it yet, but every life
righteousness (Romans 12:1-2)
has its own purpose for which God
created it. It is a big challenge for every iii) Dedicate your life to serve God with
one of us to discover that purpose before your money, material and might.
we depart from this world. It is worth all Whatever your hands find to do, do
the efforts in the world to discover your it heartily as unto God not unto men.
purpose in life. Unfortunately, many Therefore, serve God by serving
live their lives as if they gave it to humanity. Ecc 9:10; I Cor. 10:31)
themselves and can utilize it the way
they wish. We must, therefore, live the
life to please the one who gave it to us.
The ways to do it are:
i) Give your heart to the one who
created you by surrendering your
life to Jesus Christ, confessing your
sins, turning away from them
and accepting Jesus Christ as your
personal Saviour and Lord
(Proverb 23:26)

7 8
Discovering Your Purpose for Living Discovering Your Purpose for Living

himself engaged in order to find meaning

in life (Ecc 1:14)
PART Considering that he might not arrive
TWO at what the real purpose of man is in life
sitting down in one place, he went out,
trekked to great estates, and observed
THE SEARCH FOR PURPOSE the environment (Ecc 1:16) According to
him, he acquainted his heart with
“And I gave my heart to seek and wisdom and folly so that “ I might see
search out by wisdom concerning all what was that good for the sons of man,
things that are done under heaven…….” which they should do under the heaven
(Ecc 1:13). all the days of their life” (Ecc 2:3).
Solomon once gave his heart to seek
and search out what is the real purpose DIFFERENT POSSIBILITIES
of a man's life. He tried many things to In the process of searching for the
see where man can find real meaning in real purpose of human existence, several
life. The instruments he used are his possibilities occurred to Solomon.
Heart (Ecc 1:13,16-17), Wisdom (Ecc
1:13), Eyes (Ecc 1:4) and Legs (Ecc 1:16) Ø Entertainment Industry: This
With the heart, he engaged himself involved mirth i.e happiness, fun,
in deep thinking and meditation. laughter and merriment. The goal
According to him, “communed with mine was to have pleasure and fun.
own heart…” Ecc 1:16) (Ecc 2:1-1).
Through wisdom, he sought to know Ø Hospitality Management: This
all things that are done under heaven concerns dealing in all kinds of
which God has given to man to be drinks especially wine (Ecc 2;3)
involved in. (Ecc1:13). His goal is to
discover what is the most appropriate Ø Craftsmanship: He made great
and profitable purpose in life. works using his hands. This may
Using the eyes, he looked at all the include basketry, pottery,
works that are done under the sun to winemaking, wood making and
find out which of them he could also get handcraft (Ecc 2:4)

9 10
Discovering Your Purpose for Living Discovering Your Purpose for Living

Ø Estate Builders (Ecc 2:4). He also provided to produce the most

engaged in building projects and melodious music to the delight of
establishment of estates. men (Ecc 2:8)
Ø Gardening: According to Solomon, Such was the extent to which
he planted vineyards, orchards, Solomon went in seeking meaning and
trees bearing all kinds of fruits purpose for living. At the end of his
(Ecc. 2:6) search, his conclusion was “…. behold,
all was vanity and vexation of spirit…..’
Ø Irrigation Farming: This he did by
Some people engaged in such quest
constructing pools of water to
and discovered their purpose early
water the trees bearing fruits and
enough while others did after a long
other types of crops (Ecc. 2:6) period of searching. Unfortunately,
Ø Husbandry: He had great many never discovered their purpose in
possessions of great and small life until they departed to the great
cattle (Ecc 2:7)] beyond.
The question is, are you concerned
Ø Human Resources Management: about your purpose in life? What have
He had servants and maidens. you done and are you doing to discover it?
Some of the servants were born in
his house while others were PURPOSELESS MAN
brought from outside (Ecc 2:7)
When a person fails to discover his
Ø Financial Management: He real purpose in life, he becomes a
gathered silver and gold. There purposeless man. He merely lives
was the peculiar treasure of kings without fulfillment. Purposelessness
of the provinces to enhance has certain consequences on an
currency exchange and individual thus:
successful trading (Ecc 2:5)
i. He becomes a “follow follow” man
Ø Music Industry: He established a
ii. He loses his originality and turns
Music Industry where there were
into a ”carbon copy” or “photocopy”
men and women singers to the
delight of the sons of men. All iii. His personal identity is lost making
sorts of musical instruments were him to act the script for others

11 12
Discovering Your Purpose for Living Discovering Your Purpose for Living

iv. He cannot attain his full potentials upon with suspicion, disdain and
and be of maximum benefit to distrust. It is unfortunate to state that
humanity. an average white man still looks down on
v. He will never be fulfilled and the black with suspicion and distrust
satisfied in that which he is doing today, especially when he sees him in
Europe or America. Nevertheless, the
vi. He loses focus and direction in life.
black man encouraged himself in the
In fact, he will never have any since
fact that he has received a better look
he is always depending on others to
determine what to do. from the sun shining on him with its
radiance and glory. He said proudly:
vii. He becomes an echo instead of a “……..because the sun hath looked upon
voice. me….” (Song of Solomon 1:6). The black
man should always remember that
THE BLACK MAN nature is proud of him hence is always
When we were in primary school, over “looking at him”. There is no reason for
five decades ago, we were told of what the black man to exhibit inferiority
was said by James Aggrey. He declared: complex.
“I am black and proud. He who is not
proud of his colour is not fit to live” DILEMMA OF THE BLACK MAN
Himself was a Blackman, born on 18th
October, 1875 in the Gold Coast (Ghana). The black man in our Scriptural
He died on 30th July, 1927. Before his passage observed that his siblings were
death, he was an intellectual, angry with him. Why? Because,
missionary and teacher. according to him, “…..they made me the
Solomon wrote in his book regarding keeper of the vineyards, but mine own
a man who said “ I am black, but vineyard have I not kept” (The Song of
comely… as the tents of Kedar, as the Solomon 1:6)
curtains of Solomon” (The Song of There is somebody who has
Solomon 1:5). Despite the self discovered his purpose in life. He was
confidence of the black man in the colour therefore committed to fulfilling that
of his skin, like James Aggrey and purpose. However, the black man who
Marthin Luther Jnr, he was faced with a seems not to have discovered his own
great challenge of being looked down purpose in life was drawn to help fulfil

13 14
Discovering Your Purpose for Living Discovering Your Purpose for Living

the purpose of that other man who has a of question that should be asked by
vineyard. The ignorance and pitiable anybody who realizes he has been
condition of the black man will be better fulfilling other people's purpose in life.
appreciated when he submitted to the Everybody needs to come to that
purposeful man thus: “Draw me, will run consciousness, self awareness and
after thee: the king hath brought me into realization in order to fulfil his God's
is chambers we will be glad and rejoice in ordained purpose in life.
thee…” (Song of Solomon 1:4)
The question is- whose dream are you
fulfilling? Whose work are you doing?
Whose purposes are you accomplishing?
Until somebody understands and his
eyes are enlightened like that of Jacob in
the house of Laban, he will think he is
having the best of life and making a good
living. The black man, although he has
his own vineyard, he was not able to
keep it.
Jacob in the house of Laban had two
wives, twelve children and several cattle.
However, when his understanding
was enlightened, it dawned on him that
he had been under servitude. He
specifically realized that Laban, his
father in-law, had not been fair to him
despite the fact that he had served
Laban faithfully and diligently. (Gen
31:6) Unfortunately, according to Jacob,
Laban had deceived him and changed
his wages ten times (Gen. 31:7)
The searching question of Jacob was
“…..and now when shall I provide for
mine own house also?” That is the kind

15 16
Discovering Your Purpose for Living Discovering Your Purpose for Living

- Go to school from Nursery/Primary/

Secondary to the Tertiary Institution.
PART - Secure an employment and earn
THREE income
- Get Married
THE PURPOSE OF LIFE - Give birth to children and train them.
Purpose means objective, intention, - Acquire additional academic and
aim, design and contemplation. Purpose professional qualifications.
is the driving force behind human action. - Learn a craft and acquire additional
Purpose is a conception in the heart that skills.
guides an individual and determines his
direction in life. Purpose is the target we - Eat, drink , sleep and wake up etc.
intend to reach in our life's endeavour. Considering creation's purpose, a
Without purpose in life, a man's person should look beyond mental,
existence becomes a mirage,
academic, professional, social and
meaningless, a mere shadow and
physical attainment in life. Whatever a
aimless wandering.
For a person's life to be meaningful, person is in life, it is to achieve the
it must be directed towards achieving an purpose for which he is created. That
identified purpose. This means, he purpose is often determined in relation
must be able to discover why he was to a person's usefulness to his fellow
created by his or her Maker. Once this men or service to humanity. The purpose
purpose is known, the person can then is also linked to pleasing the Creator who
devote his energy and resources towards brought the person into the world.
achieving that purpose. Except a man's life glorifies God and is
spent to improve the fortunes of other
CREATION'S PURPOSE human beings, the purpose of creation is
Human life is full of adventures and defeated in the person's life.
activities right from his birth to his death.
The common and regular ones are:

17 18
Discovering Your Purpose for Living Discovering Your Purpose for Living

PRIMARY PURPOSE unwise to focus all attention on

The primary purpose of life is secondary purpose. Unfortunately, that
characterized by divine connection and is exactly what many people do.
having eternity in view. The primary The question then is: What is the
purpose is connected with pleasing God secondary purpose to serve? It is to keep
and doing His will in life. body and soul alive in order to make
It is unfortunate that human beings them to accomplish the primary purpose.
This is done as man is engaged in daily
often place little emphasis on the
work to earn income, to feed well, dress
primary purpose of life, and pursue
fine, enhance his mobility, and to live a
earthly things. Many people spend their
comfortable life under a decent
life on earth without discovering that
accommodation. It is, therefore wisdom
primary purpose. Once they have money
not to elevate the carnal above the
in their pocket, food in their stomach,
spiritual, the earthly above the heavenly,
dress on their body and shelter over their
the temporal above the eternal, and the
heads, they forget that life is more than
lower above the higher.
food, drink, good clothes, and looking
There is the need to make some
clarifications on the issue of primary and
It is disastrous to put the cart before secondary purposes. As earlier said,
the horse. It is foolishness to major in primary purpose relates to the whole
minor. It is only sheer ignorance that will essence of human existence which
make a person to pursue the additions according to Jesus is “…to do the will of
of life while forsaking what is the first him that sent me and to finish his
and fundamental basis of existence i.e work” (John 4:34). Apostle Peter,
the kingdom of God (Mathew 6:33) referring to the same vital issue of man's
While the physical body or flesh is purpose in life, said: “… that ye should
important, the spirit is much more shew forth the praise of him who hath
significant. It is the spirit that gives life, called you out of darkness into his
the flesh profits nothing. It is, therefore, marvelous light” (I Peter2:9).

19 20
Discovering Your Purpose for Living Discovering Your Purpose for Living

On the other hand, secondary members through tithes and offerings.

purpose in life relates to the additions On the other hand, the ministers could
and supportive aspects of man's be engaged in some revenue generating
existence. The secondary purpose is not work to support themselves, the family
an end in itself but a means to an end. and the ministry. In this case, we see a
Yet it must be emphasized that the synergy, blending and marrying of
secondary purpose is necessary to keep primary purpose with secondary
the primary purpose in constant purpose.
perspective. For example, Paul after quitting the
For instance, while Moses, Peter, legal profession was still engaged in tent-
and Paul dropped their earlier pursuits making job. (Acts of the Apostle 18:1-3)
in life (secondary purpose) to focus total The same can be said of Aquila and
attention on obeying the call of God to Priscilla who were of the same
lead and win humanity back to God occupation with Paul. To further
(primary purpose), they could not do buttress the involvement of Paul in
that without financial supply. Fund is physical work to raise fund to support
needed to himself and the Ministry, he indicated
that he has not coveted any man's silver,
- Feed themselves and family gold or apparel. He went further “yea, ye
- Purchase clothing, shoes and other yourselves know, that these hands have
personal effects ministered into my necessities, and to
them that were with me”. (Acts 20:34)
- Secure accommodation for
From the foregoing, it becomes clear
themselves and family members
that in some cases, primary and
- Finance the gospel by way of secondary purposes can be
printing gospel materials and keep complimentary. The two purposes are
records etc therefore not mutually exclusive as the
secondary purpose is required to
How will this fund come? In some cases, enhance the primary purpose.
the ministers may completely fund the Finally, the question can be asked:”
primary purpose while depending on why then do some people resign
financial support of the church and completely from the secondary purpose

21 22
Discovering Your Purpose for Living Discovering Your Purpose for Living

to focus fully on the primary?”. For

instance, why do some accomplished
University Dons, Professionals, Private PART
Businessman and Public Servants FOUR
forsake their physical means of
livelihood to pursue the primary purpose?
i.e on full-time basis. The reasons are: DISCOVERY OF PURPOSE
- They are called by God to do so To make a discovery of our purpose
- While primary purpose is an end in in life, we have to make conscious effort
itself, secondary purpose is not. to search for it. Discovery, therefore,
- They understand the supremacy of involves deliberate effort to unravel or
primary purpose over secondary uncover what is hidden, not yet known
or partly known. As said earlier, some
- They give priority to the first thing people are very fortunate to discover the
first; they are looking beyond this purpose of their creation early in life.
life to eternity Some do so at old age while others never
- They have developed their faith discover it at all until they die.
enough to trust God who never fails Furthermore, for some, the journey
to supply the needs of His to the discovery of purpose in life was
Messengers. very long in the sense that it took them
several years of wandering in the
wilderness and beating about the bush
before getting to the right highway of
discovery. To others, they were able to
discover the purpose after a short time of
consecration to God, praying, fasting,
reading the Bible, meditating, and
getting themselves involved in different

23 24
Discovering Your Purpose for Living Discovering Your Purpose for Living


One of the fundamental ways to When the Olive tree was approached
move towards the path of discovery of to come and rule over the trees. It
God's purpose for your life is to know replied: “Should I leave my fatness,
yourself. The knowledge of yourself is a wherewith by me they honour God and
vital key to identify your purpose in life. man, and go to be promoted over the
To express the importance of self trees?” (Judges 9:9)
knowledge, Waldo states: “you must The knowledge the Olive tree has
know yourself in order to know your about itself is that
power and until you know them you - It was fat
cannot use them wisely and fully” - God and man are honoured by the
Adequate knowledge of yourself will fatness it possesses
enable you to know that you have
indefinite potential in you which can be The Olive tree considers that this
channeled towards achieving your fatness that honours God is much more
purpose in life. important than accepting the call by the
other trees to rule over them. The Olive
THE FOUR TREES tree has adequate knowledge of itself
According to the book of Judges hence it will not just fall for anything. It
chapter 9:7-15, Jotham the son of was satisfied fulfilling the purpose for
Jerubbaal stood on the top of mount which it was created.
Gerizim and called upon the men of
Shechem to listen to him (Judges 9:22- Fig Tree
28). The parable he gave centered on the When the Fig tree received the same
trees that wanted to anoint a king over invitation from the other trees to come
them. They then approached the other and reign over them, it quickly
trees namely: responded with a question: “should I
- Olive Tree forsake my sweetness and my good fruit
- Fig Tree and go to be promoted over the trees?”
- Vine Tree (Judges 9:11). The knowledge the Fig
- Bramble Tree tree had about itself is that

25 26
Discovering Your Purpose for Living Discovering Your Purpose for Living

- It was sweet Bramble Tree

- It had good fruit The Bramble tree is a rough thorny
With self consciousness of what the Fig shrub or plant. When approached by
tree possesses, it had the strong feeling the trees to come and reign over them, it
that it should not forsake them to could not refer to anything to show that
answer the call of any trees to reign over it has self knowledge. Indeed, its
them. To do that would have meant inability to know itself made it to quickly
despising its own vital purpose in life. accept to be king over the other trees.
In its words, “If in truth ye anoint me
Vine Tree king over you, then come and put your
trust in my shadow” (Judge 9:15). The
The trees went to the Vine tree with tone of the response shows personal
the same request but the vine tree said: weakness, lack of inner conviction and
“Should I leave my wine which cheereth ignorance of personal value and worth.
God and man and go to be promoted over This made the bramble tree to easily
the trees?” (Judges 9:13) accept the invitation while the other
The Vine tree had no doubt about trees which knew themselves did not.
what it was created for. It was so Nevertheless, the author has observed
convinced and sure of the superiority of that the Bramble tree was not completely
that purpose than to accept to be king empty. The tree itself made reference to
over any other trees. According to the the shadow which it invited other tress
Vine tree: to come and rest under. Unfortunately,
- It had wine the bramble tree knew it had something
- The wine cheereth God and man but did not know the value and worth of
what it has. It is the same thing as if it
When man has adequate knowledge
does not have.
of himself, he will not accept any
invitation even when it involves
promotion. He will not fall for anything
no matter where the advances are It is significant to know that it is
coming from. impossible to discover your purpose in
life when you are ignorant of yourself.

27 28
Discovering Your Purpose for Living Discovering Your Purpose for Living

Except a person properly understands restless. Except there is quietness that

himself, he cannot fully comprehend the allows for meditation and reflection, the
purpose of his existence. It is, therefore purpose of your life may not be
vital for you to understand your discovered.
strengths and weaknesses, your likes Similarly, it should be noted that life
and dislikes, your talents, gifts, and is not a bed of roses. Life is a
natural endowments. composition of good and bad. As a
Furthermore, where a person lives mortal man, mistakes are made due to
from the outside in and not from inside human frailty and limitation. However,
out, he cannot discover his purpose in where a person does not want to live with
life. This means, it is only from the inside the reality that he has a dark side of life,
that productive and profitable reflection he cannot discover the purpose of his life.
can take place. A person who focuses Besides the above points, anybody
attention on externals to the neglect of who devalues the unconscious mind
may find it difficult to discover his
the inward man may not be able to
purpose in life. It is through the
discover his purpose in life.
unconscious mind that we engage our
In addition, important as career is,
thought processes, memories and
it is wiser for a man to listen for a calling motivations. The unconscious mind is
than to look for a career. It is only in a reservoir of feelings, thoughts and
realizing our calling that we can align urges that are outside the conscious
with our purpose in life. While career mind. The unconscious mind is the
gives man a professional satisfaction source of intuitions and dreams or the
and means of livelihood, only a calling engine room of information processing.
gives inner satisfaction and fulfillment (Such an important part of man must
in life. not be ignored).
Again, people find it difficult to The excuse of lack of fund hinders
discover their purpose in life because many from discovering their purpose in
they find it difficult to be silent for a life. However, we should focus attention
reasonable period of time. Many people on discovering our purpose first. The
are accustomed to noise, always talking, question of funding will be answered as
joking, listening to music and being time goes on.

29 30
Discovering Your Purpose for Living Discovering Your Purpose for Living

Moreover, permitting the “voice of be a lawyer and study desperately

reason” to come in often destabilizes a to become one without prior
person from discovering his purpose. At consultation with God to know His
another time, some develop inner fear will. That explains why many
which scares them from taking action on lawyers are not successful today.
what they are capable of doing. ii) Parental: There are parents who
Finally, satisfaction with your life as want to force their will on their
it is now makes you to remain in the children or one of them especially
same spot. You will continue to remain the male, who is the first child
stagnant unless you become tired of in the home. For instance, because
your lack of progress due to lack of the father is a Medical Doctor or
discovery of your purpose in life. Architect, they want their son to
also study Medicine or Architecture
WRONG METHODS OF DISCOVERY so that he could inherit their books
It is also pertinent to indicate at this and hospital or studio and continue
juncture that many people use different where they stop at death.
methods and means to arrive at what iii) Family: There are some families
they regard as their purpose in life. where they map out the d i f f e r e n t
Many of such methods are misleading professionals they want to produce.
and confusing. They only succeed in For instance, where they have three
taking one farther away from God's children, they figure out that each
purpose for one's life. Examples of such one must belong to either the
wrong methods are discussed below: Medical Profession, Legal Profession
i) Personal: This relates to personal and Engineering profession. With
choice devoid of godly input. It is a this preconceived idea, they pilot
self-will decision that is based on and train their children towards
self-centered consideration. that family purpose.
God is never involved or brought iv) Friendship: Some people have very
into the picture of the goal and close companions whom they refer
aspiration of the individual. For to as bosom friends. Having been
instance, a person may just like to very close since their primary or

31 32
Discovering Your Purpose for Living Discovering Your Purpose for Living

secondary school days, they may schools. Many beneficiaries opted

decide and agree to continue their for the teachers training colleges
friendship by studying the same not because they actually wanted to
course in the tertiary institution. be teachers but because it was free.
This decision is regardless of other vii) Circumstantial: Presently, there is
relevant and necessary an acute economic recession
considerations for success in that with its biting unemployment
particular profession or career. consequence. Many graduates
v) Community: A particular have remained in the labour market
community may want a “son of the for years with no hope of getting any
soil” to be a barrister to help defend job in sight. After remaining in that
their cases of land disputes with condition for a few years, many have
their neighbours. The elders of that accepted whatever type of jobs
community may shop for a student that came. If you ask many who are
whom they perceive will be a good teachers or in the military and
material. The community may then paramilitary professions today, they
decide to sponsor o r o f f e r h i m are likely to tell you that they were
scholarship to study Law in the forced into them due to the
University. If the parents of the prevailing economic circumstances
student are financially handicapped, of the country.
he may because of the
community's sponsorship agree to RIGHT METHODS OF DISCOVERY
study Law contrary to the real Taking the following steps will assist
purpose of God for him anyone to discover his purpose for living:
One, persistently ask your Creator
vi) Government: Many years ago, the in prayer for the reason he created you
government established many and for what purpose. God sometimes
teachers training colleges and gave answers this prayer through the
free education to t h o s e w h o comments of our friends, acquaintances,
attended them. The intention of the circumstances and series of events
government w a s t o m a s s i v e l y taking place at the same time or close
produce teachers for the primary intervals.

33 34
Discovering Your Purpose for Living Discovering Your Purpose for Living

Two, through meditation and because we are engrossed in it may likely

reflection or introspection. There can be what we are created to pursue in life.
come a knowing in the inner man about Seven, if you have opportunity to
what God has created you for. visit several places of activities every day
Three, we should examine what we of the month, where will you go? Where
love to do. The activities that we develop you choose to go determines what
great passion for or have interest in matters to you. It also reveals what you
doing may indicate the purpose God are passionate about. This may confirm
wants our lives to fulfil. your purpose in life.
Closely connected with the above is Eight, if you know death will knock
what people are saying about your at your door in a year's time, what will
talents, gifts, and skills. Positive you like to be remembered for? What will
comments coming from people on your you like to do for that one year? That
gifts may be a pointer or signal to your endeavour is likely to be your purpose in
purpose in life. life.
Four, you can also determine your Nine, reading inspiring books
purpose in life by your ability to handle everyday will help you to overcome the
failure, embarrassment, criticism, or voice of doubt and insecurity. Reading
rejection of your work several times. The awakens the sense of possibility in you.
amount of courage you manifest when You receive inspiration, motivation and
what you are doing is laughed at reveals encouragement through what you read.
whether or not the activity is your Ten, ask questions to find your
purpose in life. purpose in life. Such questions should
Five, when we were children and be honestly answered by you.
much younger, we enjoyed doing certain Eleven, the world is full of problems,
things. It may be writing or singing. each person has something he or she
Although we forget about it as we grow can do to contribute to solving part of the
up, the question is: do we still love to do problems. Your ability to pick a problem
those things at adulthood? This may and commence an action to solve the
indicate our purpose in life. problem and save the world is a good
Six, whatever makes us forget food, indicator of what your purpose is in life.
sleep, bath and other convenience

35 36
Discovering Your Purpose for Living Discovering Your Purpose for Living

Sheep in Midian. If Moses had not had

this Horeb's encounter, he would have
PART majored in minor, missing the primary
FIVE purpose of his creation.

PURPOSE DISCOVERERS IN Through divine and miraculous
BIBLE PERIOD circumstances, Esther emerged as the
wife of king Ahasuerus. To a young lady
The Scriptures contain several
who had lost both parents at a tender
examples of personalities who
age, that was a great and unique
discovered their purposes for living while
accomplishment. She could have
on the earth. A few of them are
thought that the purpose of her creation
discussed below: had been fulfilled.
To Mordecai, being addressed as the
MOSES uncle of the First Lady in Shushan was a
Moses was an accomplished shepherd in secondary purpose of Esther's existence.
the land of Median. He could have Esther almost missed the primary
regarded cattle rearing as his primary purpose of her elevation to the
purpose in life. However, at the backside prestigious position of a queen. However,
of the desert in Horeb, God made him to Mordecai was fast in drawing her
realize that he had a higher purpose for attention to it. He asked her: “… and who
his existence. This primary purpose was knoweth whether thou art come to the
to lead the people of Israel out of the kingdom for such a time as this? (Esther
Egyptian bondage to the promised land 4:14).
of Canaan (Exodus 3:1-2,10). Initially, Esther probably thought
Before Moses had this encounter, that her elevation to the position of First
he observed the secondary purpose of Lady means fine and latest dresses,
his life in the palace of Egypt, the eating delicious and sumptuous food
intellectual citadel of learning in Egypt and living a pleasurable life. However,
and later in the shepherding of Jethro's Mordecai awoke her senses to the fact

37 38
Discovering Your Purpose for Living Discovering Your Purpose for Living

that she was in the Palace of Shushan as him to realize that “….from henceforth,
a deliverer of the Jews. To do this, she thou shalt catch men”. (Luke 5:10).
had to pray hard, fast and manifest It is interesting and heartwarming
courageous faith of approaching the to observe that on hearing this
king without being invited. statement of Jesus, Peter and his
In fulfilling the primary purpose, companions abandoned the secondary
Esther became an instrument used by purpose of fishing on the sea to follow
God to deliver all the Jews from sudden Jesus in order to become fishers of men.
death, elevation of Mordecai and That was the primary purpose of their
conversion of many indigenes of lives.
Shushan to become Jews (Esther 8:15-17)
PETER By all standards, Paul was an
Before Peter had an encounter with accomplished personality in both
Jesus, he was a Fisherman with his secular and religious spheres of life. He
brother Andrew. The two brothers were was a barrister who had his legal
always with their father spreading their training under Gamaliel. In religion, he
nets into the sea for fishing. Peter was was a Pharisee, very zealous to the point
satisfied with his career of fishing until of fanaticism. Ordinarily, one would
he encountered Jesus by the lake of want to consider his legal profession as
Gennesaret. After Jesus had surprised the purpose of his existence.
them by the miraculous in close of a However, while travelling to
great multitude of fishes to the point of Damascus in furtherance of his objective
their net breaking, Peter became of persecuting the Christians, God
conscious of his limitation and arrested him in a miraculous
sinfulness. circumstance and saved him.
Having succeeded in arresting his Thereafter, Ananias was sent to go and
attention, Jesus then disclosed to him pray for Paul so that he could receive his
the primary purpose of his existence. sight and be filled with the Holy Ghost.
Although he had been fully occupied in In addition, God revealed to Ananias the
the fishing career before, Jesus made primary purpose which Paul was to fulfil

39 40
Discovering Your Purpose for Living Discovering Your Purpose for Living

when he declares: “Go thy way; for he is a

chosen vessel unto me, to bear my name
before the Gentiles, and kings and the PART
children in Israel”. (Acts 9:15). This SIX
means that all the educational and legal
attainment of Paul would only succeed
in making him accomplish the primary PURPOSE DISCOVERERS IN
purpose of God. The primary purpose CONTEMPORARY TIMES
was to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Apart from the Bible characters
maintained in the previous chapter, we
also have individuals in the world today
who had discovered their purposes for
living. A few examples will suffice.

Thomas Alvan Edison was born on
11th February, 1847 in Milan, Ohio. As a
child, he loved reading and also liked to
make experiments in the basement.
At the age of 12, he sold fruits,
snacks and newspaper on a train as a
“news butcher”. He printed his own
newspaper, the Grand Trunk Herald, on
a morning train.
When Thomas was 15, he roamed
the country as a “tramp telegrapher”.
He used an alphabet called Morse Code
to send and receive messages over the
telegraph. For an upward of three years,
he worked all night taking messages for
trains and the Union Army during the
Cold War.

41 42
Discovering Your Purpose for Living Discovering Your Purpose for Living

During his spare time, Thomas - He built another laboratory in West

dismantled things apart to see how they Orange ten times longer t h a n t h e
worked and later he started to invent one he built in Menlo Park. The
things himself. His first invention after laboratory was considered the
the initial failure was the Electric Vote largest in the World at that time.
Recorder. He moved to New York City to
Apart from invention, Thomas
improve on the way the Stock Ticker
improved the phonograph and made it
worked to record his big breakthrough.
better. Thereafter, he manufactured it
By 1870, his company was
in the factories around his laboratory, in
manufacturing his Stock Ticker in
commercial quantity for sale. Quite
Newark, New Jersey.
apart from improving the phonograph,
Thomas also improved the telegraph
he also worked on
making it send up to four messages at
once. - X-rays
Other notable achievements of - Storage batteries
Thomas Edison are: - Talking doll
- Built his most famous laboratory in - Motion Pictures or Movies
1876 at Menlo Park, New Jersey
Thomas Alvan Edison was referred
- In 1877, he invented the
to as the “Wizard of Menlo Park.” The
phonograph, the machine that
whole world also called him a genius
would record the sound of
because of his good and great ideas
someone's voice and play it back.
coupled with his several inventions. He
- The greatest achievement was in was said to have had 1,093 patents half
1878 which was an invention of the of which was in West Orange
Electric Light System. This was
more than the incandescent lamp or HENRY FORD
“light bulb”.
Henry Ford was one of the foremost
- Designed system of power plants American industrialists. He was known
that make the electric power a n d to have revolutionized assembly-line
the wiring that brings it to people's modes of production for the automobile.
homes. Ford created the assembly line and made

43 44
Discovering Your Purpose for Living Discovering Your Purpose for Living

“motor cars” what they are today. In 1903, Henry Ford established the
Precisely, he created the Ford Model T Ford Motor Company after a few trials
car in 1908 and developed the assembly building cars and companies. The
which revolutionized the industry. Model T was introduced in October,
Consequently, Ford sold millions of cars 1908 and remained for several years in
which made it to become a world-famous the market with 100 per cent gains.
company head. Furthermore, in 1914, Henry
Ford was considered as one of the sponsored the development of the
leading American businessmen. He was moving assembly line technique of mass
also credited to have helped build production. He also introduced the $5
American's economy during the early per day way and $110 in -12011 in order
years of depression. to keep the best workers loyal to his
Henry Ford was born on 30th July company. Because of its simplicity to
1863, in Wayne County near Dearborn, drive and cheapness, it was reported
Michigan. When he was 13 years old, that half of the cars in America in 1918
his father gave him a pocket watch were model T's.
which he dismantled and reassembled. Henry Ford was an ardent pacifist.
Impressed by friends and neighbours, He opposed World War I and funded a
they gave him their timepieces to fix for
peace ship to Europe. In 1936, he and
his family established the Ford
At the age of 16, he left the farm
Foundation to provide grants for
work at home not finding fulfillment in it.
research, education and development.
He then became an apprentice as a
machinist in Detroit. Thereafter, he
learned how to skillfully operate and PELE
service stream engines. He also studied Edson Arantes do Nascimento,
bookkeeping. popularly known as Pele, was a member
After Henry's marriage in 1888, he of three Brazillian World Cup-Champion
was hired as an engineer in 1891 for the teams. He was considered by many to be
Edison illuminating Company in 1893. the greatest soccer player of all time. To
Due to his natural talent, he was many, Pele's accomplishments on the
promoted to be Chief Engineer. soccer field will never be equaled.

45 46
Discovering Your Purpose for Living Discovering Your Purpose for Living

Born on 23 October, 1940 in Tres It was reported that in the late
Coracoes, Brazil, Pele was referred to as 1960s the two factions involved in the
a Superstar, a global ambassador for Nigerian Civil War agreed to a 48 – hour
soccer and a national football treasure cease fire in order to watch Pele play in
for his country. In 1978, Pele was an exhibition in Lagos.
honoured with the International Peace During the 1970 World Corp, in
Award for his work with UNICEF. He Mexico, Pele scored four goals to give
also served as Brazil's extraordinary Brazil a 4 – 1 victory over Italy. Although
Minister for Sport and United Nations he announced his retirement from
ambassador for ecology and the soccer in 1974, it was not until 1977 that
environment. he finally bowed out. He played his final
How did Pele recognize he has a game in an exhibition between New York
purpose to fulfil in the career of soccer?
and Santos in October, 1977. Pele was
Right from childhood, he developed
reported to have scored a total of 1,281
a rudimentary talent for soccer by
goals in 1,363 games during his life
kicking, rolled-up stuffed with rags
around the streets. career in soccer.
At age 15, a Brazilian national No doubt Pele achieved a definite
soccer team, De Brito noticing Pele's purpose in the field of soccer. He will
talent, convinced Pele's family to leave never be forgotten in that career while
home to join the Santos professional this world lasts.
soccer club. By this time, he was
already a member of a youth squad JIM REEVES
coached by Waldemar De Brito. Before Jim Reeves was an American Pop
he was 16 years old, he scored his first
Singer. He was born on 20th, August,
professional goal, led the league in goals
and was recruited to play for the 1923 and raised in Galloway Texas. His
Brazillian National Team. father died when he was ten months old.
In 1958, Pele was introduced to the His mother who had nine children, was
World Cup in Sweden where he forced to farm to raise the family. At the
displayed remarkable talent of speed, age of five, Jim was given a guitar after
athleticism and field vision. listening to the country music of Jimmie

47 48
Discovering Your Purpose for Living Discovering Your Purpose for Living

Rodgers. By the time he was 12 years old 'll have to Go” 1960, “Adios Amigo” in
he was already involved in Radio music 1962 “Welcome to My World” in 1964
show. and “I Guess I'm Crazy” in1964.
Quiet apart from music, Jim was Before Jim Reeves suffered a plane
also a talented athlete during his teens. crash outside of Nashville on 31st July
He wanted to pursue a career in baseball. 1964, at Davidson Country, Tennesse,
Next he enrolled at the University of United States, he came to realize he had
Texas to study speech and drama. He a higher purpose in life than just using
dropped this after six weeks to work at his talent to entertain his fans and make
the shipyards in Houston. as much money as he could. The higher
Furthermore, Jim went through a purpose was demonstrated from the
number of blue-collar jobs while trying type of songs he was using his talents to
to decide on a profession and purpose for sing thereafter. These include “Jingle
his life. Therefore going from singing to Bells” “Blue Christmas” “White
broadcasting, Jim was a disc jockey and Christmas” “O Little Town of Bethlehem”
newscaster. “Oh Come all Ye Faithful” and “Silent
The deciding event came up in 1952 Night”
when Hark Williams failed to appear for
His other Gospel Songs include: “This
a show giving Jim Reeves the
world is Not My Home”
opportunity to perform in his stead. His
performance was so enthusiastically “I'll Fly Away”, “Whispering Hope,” “An
received that Abott Records immediately Evening Prayer”, “Take My Hand
signed him to a record contract. That Precious Lord”, “Where We'll Never Grow
was the deciding factor that helped to Old”, “A Beautiful Life”, “In the Garden”,
determine his purpose. From this point “God Be with you”, “May the Good Lord
onward, he became an accomplished Bless and Keep You”, “It is No Secret”
Pop country singer. Some of his country “Oh Gentle Shepherd”, “I'd Rather Have
classical records include “Four Walls” in Jesus”, “How Long Has Been”, “Have
1957, “Anna Marie” in 1958, “Blue Boy” Thine Own Way” “Where do I go from
also in 1958, “Billy Bayon” in 1959, “He Here” and “Teach Me How to Pray”

49 50
Discovering Your Purpose for Living Discovering Your Purpose for Living

Bola Are discovered the purpose of PART
her life as a child. According to her, she
was born with music and this was
known to everyone in her family. She
said they knew that she was going to be a
singer and an evangelist. She added FULFILLMENT OF PURPOSE
that Apostle Joseph Babalola had even It is necessary to ensure that
prophesied that she was going to be a purposes are logically pursued and fully
singer. Her conclusion therefore was
accomplished while on earth. Different
that God created her mainly to speak to
areas where such divine purpose could
the people through music.
be fulfilled are described below:
Bola Are was born in Erio-Ekiti,
Ekiti State, Nigeria on 1st October, 1954
and had produced not less than 62
albums. She had also released several Spiritual purpose is related to God,
others in the video format. She served heaven and that which is spiritual.
as President of Gospel Musician Spiritual purpose goes beyond man's
Association of Nigeria (GOMAN) for over selfish goals and aspirations in life. It is
five years. a purpose that is higher, deeper and
wider in length and breadth than what
man can fathom by his human mind.
There is the need, therefore, for man to
seek God's face in order to identify that
There are different vehicles,
instruments and means through which
spiritual purpose could be accomplished.
These are briefly discussed below:
i. The Ministry: The Scriptures spoke

51 52
Discovering Your Purpose for Living Discovering Your Purpose for Living

about those who are Apostles, Serving God in these different divisions
Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors and of the church helps a Christian fulfil his
Teachers (Ephesians 4:11). It is purpose in life.
only God who calls some people into
iv) Soul Winning. A soul winner is an
these ministries to fulfill His
individual believer who is
purpose for their lives.
proclaiming the saving grace of
ii. Church Leadership. We have Jesus Christ through the gospel.
Deacons/Deaconesses and Elders The soul winner does not need any
in the Church. Although they are formal education/training/
not the principal ministers, they commissioning or enlistment as a
give spiritual and physical support worker to persuade a sinner to be
to the main ministers to enhance saved. All that the soul winner
their spiritual efficiency and requires is his heart boiling with
effectiveness. passion, his mouth open to
iii. The Workforce. There are different preach, his hand stretch out to
segments and arms of work in God's distribute tracts and spiritual
vineyard. Such departments literature and legs to move round.
include: The Great Commission is for all
to carry out. (Matt 28:19-20; Mk
- Children 16:15-16).
- Youth v) The Ministry of Intercession. It is
- Campus instructive to note that A n n a , a
- Adult widow of 84 years of age, never
departed from the temple but was
- Choir
serving God with fasting and
- Ushering prayers night and day. (Luke 2:36-
- Sanitation 37). Yes, it is a way to fulfil the
purpose of God if we give ourselves
- Interpretation
to scriptural prayers and

53 54
Discovering Your Purpose for Living Discovering Your Purpose for Living

fasting for the salvation of souls and treatment of the sick. In doing this,
the rescue of the lives of those who beneficiaries are brought face to
are bound by the power of Satan in face with the gospel of salvation.
sin, sickness sorrow, suffering and This happened through the love and
servitude. passion which Christ displayed
V) The Ministry of Giving. Givers are towards the students and patients
encouraged to do it with simplicity. by the Christian T e a c h e r s a n d
(Romans 12:8). They are also Christian Medical Personnel. In the
process, many souls have been
admonished not to be weary in
converted and became soul winners
well doing but continue to do good
unto all men especially those who
are of the household of faith
(Galatians 6:9-10).
vii) Supportive Services. Many may not Mary Slessor was born on 2nd
be able to appear on the Altar, December, 1848 in a city of Aberdeen
Scotland. She was the second of a family
Podium or stand by the pulpit to
of seven children. When she was 28
minister to the congregation but
years old, Mary took the vow to
their services are nevertheless very
consecrate her whole life to serve God in
vital. They include church drivers,
the West Coast of Africa regarded as the
cleaners of church and its
“white man's grave”. The place was
environment, electricians, satellite/
called Calabar in Nigeria where Mary
electronic workers et cetera
served under the Untied Presbyterian
Indeed the role of such services are
playing in the salvation of many
Mary Slessor, the “White Queen of
lives cannot be overemphasized.
Calabar“ as she was popularly called,
viii) Social Services. The early was a successful nurse in her country
missionaries established schools, under the Scottish Presbyterian Mission.
hospitals, Leprosaria et cetera for When she came to Calabar in the
the training of pupils, students and Eastern part of Nigeria as a Missionary,

55 56
Discovering Your Purpose for Living Discovering Your Purpose for Living

she used the nursing profession to fulfill ends meet, to keep body and soul
God's purpose in her life. She did this by together and to maintain a decent living.
launching a successful attack against In other words, “secular purpose” is
the barbaric and obnoxious practices of concerned with choosing a career or
twin killing, human sacrifices, professional in order to make a living.
cannibalism, domestic slavery and trial In secular purpose, the
by ordeal. considerations include:
Similarly, she built simple churches, - Personal interest
established schools in the villages and - Personal Prestige
treated the sick in the hospitals - Fabulous earning
established by the Presbyterian Mission. - Fame and popularity
Consequently, while attending to the - Personal ambition
sick, she was drawing attention of her - Aspiration to the peak of career
patients and social services beneficiaries - Making a name
to Christ. Mary Slessor understood her
calling and fulfilled the purpose of her The following areas of secular
calling using her nursing profession to endeavours can be mentioned:
enhance it. Mary Slessor died on 13th * Civil/Public Service: There are
January, 1915. people who take-up government
jobs as civil or public servants.
SECULAR PURPOSE Depending on the type and level
The word secular relates to the of certificate at the point of entry,
practice that rejects religion and they can reach the peak of the
religious considerations. Since religion career as Permanent Secretary.
is connected with that which is eternal, * Academic Institution/Parastatals:
spiritual and heavenly, secular relates to There are two main branches of
that which is temporal, physical and employment in the tertiary
earthly. institution viz academic and n o n -
In speaking about secular purpose academic. For those in the academic,
therefore, the focus is on how to make they can attain the peak of their

57 58
Discovering Your Purpose for Living Discovering Your Purpose for Living

career as Professors (University) or iv) In the 1840s, he founded and co-

Chief Lecturer (Polytechnic or edited the literary magazine titled,
College of Education). “The Dial”.
- Journalism v) He published two volumes of essays
- Teaching in 1841 and 1844. These include
- Legal “Friendship” and “Experience”
- Engineering vi) In 1860, he wrote “The Conduct of
- Medical Life” where he advocated for
the abolition of slavery.
- Surveying
- Et cetera vii) In 1870, he published “Society and
RALPH WALDO EMERSON viii) A poetry collection titled, “Parnassus”
Raph Waldo Emerson was a was also published in 1874
Philosopher, Journalist, Essayist,
Before Raph Waldo Emerson died
Transendentalist poet in America. His
best known essay was “Self Reliance”. on 27th April, 1882, he had become
Born on 25th May 1803 in Boston, known as the central figure of his literary
Massachusetts, he took over as Director and philosophical group. His writings
of his brother's school for girls in 1821. were considered as major documents of
the 19th century American literature,
Some of his written works include: religion and thought.
i) A poem titled, “Good-Bye” in 1923 Concerning faith, Raph was a son of
ii) Essays titled, “Self Reliance” and a clergyman. He also attended the
“The American Scholar” which he Boston Latin School, graduated from
wrote as a Transcendentalist Harvard University in 1821 and
thereafter Harvard School of Divinity.
iii) An essay titled, “Nature” in 1836
Raph was a licensed minister in 1826
which embodied his newly
and was ordained as a Unitarian Church
developed philosophy
Minister in 1829. Following the death of

59 60
Discovering Your Purpose for Living Discovering Your Purpose for Living

his wife, Ellen Tucker, of tuberculosis in Mathematics, my choice of subjects in

1831, he became grief–stricken and the West African School Certificate
resigned from the clergy. (WASC) examination was a mixture of
In 1832, he travelled to Europe Arts and Commercial subjects with
where he met with several literary Health Science. With this Ordinary Level
figures and thinkers. By the time he subjects, I had Grade One, aggregate 16,
retired home in 1833, he had regained in the WASC result in 1977. The
his spiritual balance. He began to question was: What did I want to do with
lecture on topics of spiritual experience my life?
and ethnical living. He remarried Lydia After my Secondary School
Jackson in 1835. education, I discovered the following:
The moment the purpose of your life
i) I was at home with Art subjects than
is discovered, you must make concerted
anything that involves the smallest
effort to fulfil it. How can this be done?
Let me share with you my personal
experience i.e the long journey to ii) I like writing a lot. Therefore, when I
purpose discovery and fulfillment. was elected the Secretary of the
Students Representative Council, I
PERSONAL EXPERIENCE was able to utilize the writing ability
in the Council's Minutes and
I am glad to share with you how I Reports to the School Management.
discovered my purpose for living. It did
not happen easily like others. This might iii) I had a small corner of the
blackboard in Class Five where I
be due to ignorance and inadequate
often wrote small stories on any
teaching on this subject.
subject of interest for the class to
I attended primary school in 1967
and did such subjects as were taught.
After that level, I enrolled in Secondary The next level of education was the
School doing all the subjects outlined for Advanced Level course referred to as
us in the syllabus. By divine providence, Higher School Certificate. My three
I was admitted in 1973 to a Commercial subjects' combination was Christian
Secondary School. Since I was poor in Religious Studies (CR.S), Government

61 62
Discovering Your Purpose for Living Discovering Your Purpose for Living

and Economics. The academic iii) I had the best result, graduating as
programme organised by the Kwara the best over-all student in
State College of Technology, School of Religious Studies in 1985.
Basic Studies, was in collaboration with
Further discoveries that I made
the Cambridge University Examination
after my H.S.C and University education
Syndicate, United Kingdom. While I
were as follows:
scored “D”, “D” grades in Government
and Economics, I had “B” grade in C.R S. i) I enjoyed writing. A lecturer once
The question was: what did I want to do commented on my writing ability
with my life thus: “You are a prolific Writer”
i) I wanted to study Law ii) I made a compilation of my
personally composed songs and
ii) I wanted to study Education
typed out a w o r k t i t l e d : “ T h e
iii) I wanted to study Mass Reality of Miracle”, to record the
Communication testimony of my surprise
As God would have it, I never admission into the University after
secured admission for Law in 1979, three unsuccessful attempts.
missed the admissions for Education or iii) I developed special interest to be a
Mass communication in 1980 and 1981. lecturer.
With these unpleasant experiences, I
Still being guided by divine
resolved to apply for B. A. Religious
providence, I was employed as a lecturer
Studies at the premier University, the
in the Kwara State College of Technology
University of Ibadan. As things turned
(School of Basic Studies), Ilorin in 1987.
out, Religious Studies became the best
I loved and enjoyed the lecturing work.
course I could study. Why?
However, I could only do it fully between
i) I loved and enjoyed all the courses 1987 and 1992 rising from the post of
that make the Religious Studies Assistant Lecturer to Lecturer II. In
ii) My highest score of 94% was in one 1988, my first book titled: “Sure and
of the compulsory courses in Sound Success”, was published. It was
Religious Studies which was a 71 page book printed by Oyinwola
Hebrew Language Printing Works, Ilorin.

63 64
Discovering Your Purpose for Living Discovering Your Purpose for Living

Because of my love for lecturing, I rhythm guitar). Consequently, we

continued to participate in part time produced five cassettes in English (3)
lecturing under the Interim Joint and Yoruba (2). Some of the songs, all
Matriculation Board (IJMB) programme composed by me, include
up to 2007 when it was finally stopped in
1. Remember now thy Creator
the Kwara State Polytechnic. I also
briefly participated in lecturing at the 2. Who will see the Lord?
UMCA Theological College, Ilorin, Kwara 3. Love not the World
State College of Education, Ilorin 4. Anxiety in the life of Christian
(Sandwich programme) and still taking
part as a lecturer at the International 5 No! I am not alone
Bible Training College (IBTC), Ibadan 6. I shall be there one day
Campus. 7. I am not ashamed of Jesus Christ
Between 1981 and 1986, I was
deeply involved in music. Singing and 8. Are you working for Him?
playing guitar became an aspect of my 9. Are you very careful in your deeds?
life that could not be ignored. It all 10. Show me the way
started in 1981 when I suddenly
discovered I had special interest in In all, there were 50 English songs,
singing, playing guitar and composing 18 Psalms and 22 Yoruba songs which,
songs. The development of the talent by God's grace, were composed by me
was rapid leading to the formation of a and typed for record purpose.
singing group known as: The Anointed With this level of involvement in
Voices for Christ. With this small group singing, I thought I already had Music
of talented singers made up of myself as Ministry which would be my purpose in
the leader and about seven sisters, we life. However, after some years, it was
featured at crusades and Christian evident that the music and singing were
Camps during special programmes of just small aspects of my life. Although, I
the All Christians Fellowship Group in still love music and sing a lot, I observed
Ekiti State. that I cannot play any musical
As time went by, we had the support instrument except guitar in a little way,
of four brothers who sang with us and and I could not read Tonic Sofar. Thus
played guitars, Lead and bass (I played playing rhythm guitar alone and singing

65 66
Discovering Your Purpose for Living Discovering Your Purpose for Living

without adequate knowledge of the viii) Discovering your Purpose for Living
rudiments of music could not take me - 2015
far in fulfilling God's purpose for my life ix) Success Secrets of Great Achievers
through Music. Therefore, I have to look - 2015
for God's purpose elsewhere.
While I enjoyed my present job as On the spiritual platform, service to
the Chief Administrative Officer God has continued simultaneously with
(Registrar and the Secretary to the secular work. Consequently, I had
Governing Council), I see my purpose for served as a Co-ordinator or Pastor in
living being fulfilled in two ways. some district churches and at present
serving as a Group Pastor, all in Ilorin
i) Lecturing, though on part time Region of Deeper Life Bible Church,
basis, at IBTC, Ibadan Ilorin, Kwara State.
ii) Expressing my writing ability As God guides, I hope to continue to
through book publishing. So far, I lecture whenever God provides an
have published the following opportunity and settle down to write
books:- more books by the time I retire from
active government service. Of course,
i) Sure and Sound Success - 1988 the work God which has been part and
ii) The Man Samuel Adeyemi Oladosu: parcel of my life continues to be done.
A decade of selfless service to Through these ways, I hope to continue
humanity - 1998 to fulfil the purpose of God for my life.
The big question is: How are you
iii) Christian Missions in West Africa – fulfilling God's purpose for your own life?
2001 Against the foregoing background, I
iv) Topical Issues in Biblical Studies – enjoin you to do the following in order to
2003 discover and fulfil your purpose in life
v) Developing a Career in the Registry - Start doing something about your
of a Tertiary Institution – 2012 discovery without further delay
vi) K w a r a S t a t e P o l y t e c h n i c i n or procrastination.
Historical Perspective – 2010 - Volunteer in your church or
community to contribute to its
vii) How to Stand Out – 2015
needs with what you have.

67 68
Discovering Your Purpose for Living Discovering Your Purpose for Living

- Take action immediately without REFERENCES

rationalising. Act “unreasonably”.
Take the first step by faith. Canfield J. & Hansen M. V. Chicken
- Stop being weighed down or Soup for the Soul. Living Your
distracted by minute details Dreams (2000) Benin: Joint Heirs
Publications .
- Don't seek for perfection at the early
stage of endeavour Collins, J. Good to Great , (2001) New
York: HarperCollins Publishers.
- Set a deadline for yourself giving it
date and time e.g on 30th of Farrar, S. Finishing Strong (1995) New
November, 2015, I want the York: Multnomah Books
manuscript to be given to the
printer. Work towards the target. Kumuyi, W. F., Daily Manna: A Daily
Devotional Guide (2015) Vol. 2
- Take a small step each day Lagos: Life Press Ltd
- Don't over plan and stop wishing, Kwakpovwe, C. E, Our Daily Manna: A
just start doing something Devotional Booklet for Champion
(2015) Lagos: Manna Resource
Mason, John L. An Enemy Called
Average (2004) Benin: Joint Heirs
Publications Nig. Ltd.
Maxwell J. C, The 360 o Leader,
Developing Your Influence from
anywhere in the Organization
(2005), Nashville: Thomas Nelson,
Ogunremi, J. O. Secretarial Practice:
Working Experience with Six Chief
Executives of ARMTI (2015), Ilorin:
Adlek Prints.

69 70
Discovering Your Purpose for Living

Robert, Oral, Still Doing the Impossible

(2002) Aba: E. O. Overcomers & Co.
Salami, M. O. Sure and Sound Success
(1988) Ilorin: Oyinwola Printing
Works The King James Version of
the Bible
Salami, M. O. Developing a Career in the
Registry of a Tertiary Institution
(2012) Ilorin: Adesesan Graphic
Press Ltd.
Salami, M. O. How to Stand Out (2015),
Ilorin: Adesesan Graphic Press,
Salami, M. O. Success Secrets of Great
Achievers (2015), Ilorin: Adesesan
Graphic Press, Ltd


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