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Department of Foreign Languages


I. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the following sentences.

1.Patients in hospital are usually anxious and .…………. It is important that hospital staff put them
at their ease, by being .…………. and pleasant.
A. fearful/polite B. fear/polite
C. fearful/impolite D.unfearful/polite
2. Someone who studies and practices radiology is a.………….
A. radiological B. radiology
C. radiologic D. radiologist.
3. Someone who studies and practices dermatology is a .………….
A. dematology.
B. dermatological
C. dermatologist.
4. Jane does .…………. .., so she does not go to early shift, she goes on duty at 7 a.m, and comes off
.…………. .. at 3p.m
A. shif work/duties
B. shift work/duty
C. shift works /duty
5. Jane is not a …………... nurse. She is a student nurse, so she does not work in the ward everyday.
A. qualified
B. qualifies
C. qualitied
6. On certain days, she has to attend lectures on ………….., anat-omy and physiology, hygiene and
various other…………..
A. generally nursing/subject B. ingeneral nursing/subject
C. general nurse/subject D. general nursing/subjects
7. She is now working as a ………… a men’s medical ward.
A. staff nurse B. staff nursing
C. staffed nurse D. none of the above
8. A surgeon works in a …………
A. Surgical B. Medical
C. Gynaecological D. Dermatological
9. Someone who studies and practices venerology is a …………..
A. venerologist B. venerological
C. venerology D. venerologyst.
10. A paediatrician works in a …………..ward.
A. Paediatrical B. Paediatrist
C. Paediatric D. None of them
11. Last month she learned to set trolleys for …………...,such as surgical dressings, intravenous
infusion and catheterization.
A. operation procedures B. sterile procedures
C. X- ray procedures D. caring procedures
12. This month she is learning to nurse patients …………...diseases such as cardiac infraction,
cerebrall haemorrhage, cerebra, thrombosis and pneumonia.
A. cause B. have
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C. suffer from D. suffering from
13. A doctor is doing a ward round and a physiotherapist is helping a pneumonia-patient to do
A. deep-breathing B. deep-breath
C. depth-breathing D. deeps -breath
14. …………....... equipment is often contained in these packs, and after use it …………........
A. Dispoable/is discarded B. Disposed /is discarded
C. Disposable/is discarded D. Dispoable/discarded
15. Non-disposable equipment is sent back to the C.S.S.D. for ………….......
A. re-sterilize B. re-sterilizing
C. sterilization D. re-sterilization
16. The trolley is washed with soap and water or mopped with an antiseptic such as Sudol. It is then
dried. what does the word “ It” mean?
A. The trolley B. an antiseptic
C. soap and water D. Sudol
17. Mr Smith …………… injection every four hours.
A. is give B. is given
C. was give D. have given
18. These instruments …………….for surgical dressings
A. was need B. needs
C. is needed D. are needed
19. Mary is now working ………….. a staff nurse ………….. an ear, nose and throat ward
A. as/ in B. like/ on
C. such as/ under D. alike/ for
20. Last week, Joan tested Jane on instrustments. They had a pile of pictures in front of them. What
does the word “they” mean?
A. instrustments B. Joan
C. Jane D. both B and C
21. ……………. are used for sterilizing inanimte objects, and antiseptics ……………. cleansing the
skin and maintaining the sterility of boiled or auto-claved instruments.
A. Disinfectans/are used for B. bactericides/are used for
C. both A and B D. Neither A nor B
22. Hydrogen peroxide is used for …………….wounds and cavities
A. washing out B. Disinfectan
C. clean out D. sterilize
23.…………. is used for preparing the skin before operation.
A. Disinfectans B. Gentian violet
C. bactericides D. Both A, B and C
24. The nurse .…………. kept a record of John’s pulse and blood presusure was Jane Johnson.
A. who B. whose
C. which D. whom
25. The doctor .………….. explained that an operation was necessary asked Mr Smith to sign a
consent form.
A. that B. which
C. who D. whom

Department of Foreign Languages
26. When the surgeon is statisfied .………….. the wound is as clean as possible, he will dust it off
with an antibiotic powder.
A. that B. who
C. whom D. which
27. The surgeon who had performed the operation .………….. Pethidine if John complained of pain.
A. had prescribed B. prescribed
C. prescribes D. has prescribed
28. John had been allowed frequent sips .………….. water because he had not complained .
A. off/ about B. of/ of
C. on/ to D. to/ for
29. The .…………..modern practices of early ambulation has made it essential to provide adequate
space for recreation and sufficient bathing and toilet facilities.
A. modern practices B. past practices
C. modern practicing D. old practices
30. Another problem.………….. hospital planners have forcused their attention is the .………….. of
unnecessary noise.
A. on which /reduction B. which /reduction
C. in which /reduction D. on which /reducetion
II. Rearrange these words to make correct answer
1. Patients / usually / are / and / fearful / in/ hospital/ anxious.
2. important/ It/ is /that / put/ them/ at their ease/ by / and / pleasant/ hospital staff/ being polite?
3. you /Would /roll /your sleeve/ up?
4. student/ She / is /a nurse, /so /does not/ she/ work /in /the /ward/ everyday.
5. A /sterile/ central/ supply/ department /in/ most/ modern hospitals/ is provided
6. Disposable /is often /contained /equipment/ in/ these packs.
7. Non-disposable /equipment/ is sent / the C.S.S.D./ back to / for /re-sterilization.
8. washed / The trolleys / is/ with soap /and water /or/ mopped /an antiseptic/ with.
9. Cheatl’s forceps/ for / handling/ are used /sterile / instruments.
10. Many / procedures/ are / sterile /discarded / the ward /in.
11. This/ patient/ is /suffering/ cerebral /haemorrhage/ from.
12. equipment /is/ placed/ shelf/ in the trolley/ Sterile / on the top.
13. This /equipment/ obtained /from/ is/ the C.S.S.D
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14. Hydrogen/ peroxide/ is /for /washing/ used/ out /wounds and cavities .
15. Antiseptics /bacteria/ prevent/ from/ growing /and/ multi-plying.
III. Read passage below and choose ONE suitable word from the given ones to fill in each
numbered blank.

precise Antiseptics depends on sterilizing
growing inhibit auto-claved are used for
referred toxic

Disinfectans are ……(1)………. chemical substances which (destroy micro-oranisms and living
tissue). ……(2)………. are less to substances which ……(3)………. the growth of micro-
organisms. Generally speaking, disinfectans are used for ……(4)………. inanimte objects, and
antiseptics ……(5)………. cleansing the skin and maintaining the sterility of boiled or ……(6)
………. instruments. These definitions are, however, not ……(7)………. because the destructive
power of a disinfectant ……(8)………. its strength and the length of time for which it is used.
Nowadays, disinfectants are often ……(9)………. to as ‘bactericides’ because they kill bacteria,
and antiseptic are called ‘bacteriostaticss’ because they prevent bacteria from ……(10)………. and


environment a great deal of catered for convalescence

designed atmosphere planners. reduction
in which ward units

The ward is the patient’s home during his stay in hospital. It is the palace……(1)………. he spends
his days, eats and sleeps, and where his personal needs are ……(2)………. . A well-planned ward
provides a pleasant, safe and comfortable ……(3)………. for patients and staff.
The planning of ……(4)………. for new hospitals, and for modernization schemes in older ones,
has received ……(5)………. consideration. In the past, in-patients were allowed up only for short
periods during ……(6)………. . The modern practices of early ambulation has made it essential to
provide adequate space for recreation and sufficient bathing and toilet facilities. Bright colours have
been used to create a cheerful ……(7)………. in the ward, and furniture has been ……(8)……….
to suit the different needs of patients.
Another problem on which hospital planners have forcused their attention is the……(9)………. of
unnecessary noise. The use of plastic equipment, and the provision of central dish-washing and
sterilizing departments have been a great help in eliminating noise.
The question of ward cleaning has also been taken into consideration by the ……(9)……….
Nowadays the floors and walls are made of materials that can withstand very frequent washing and
polishing. Funiture and fittings have been designed to permit easy cleaning and maintenance.


Department of Foreign Languages
hand basins infectious cross - infection where
nursing staff confined arranged sufficiently
lavatories comfort.
Most modern hospital wards have between twenty and thirty beds. The beds are ……(1)………. so
that each patient can have as much privacy, natural light and fresh air as possible, and can be
observed without difficulty by the ……(2)……….. There must be adequate space between beds to
prevent ……(3)……….. and allow all bedside procedures to be carried out in ……(4)………..
Most wards have a number of cubicles or side wards, usually six for thirty - bed ward – and two of
these have their own ……(5)……….. and lavatories so that suitable accommodation is avaible for
……(6)……….. patient. Ambulant patients and patients in wheechairs are provided with a day room
……(7)……….. they can have their meals, watch television, smoke and enjoy various recreations
without disturbing patient who are……(8)……….. to bed.
Lavatories and bathrooms are ……(9)……….. spacious to allow nurses to assist old and disabled
patients. Doorways are wide enough to allow wheelchair patients to enter with ease. The rooms are
usually fitted with garb – rails, shelves and hooks, and a patients – to – nurse alarm system is
provied. It is important that ……(10)……….. flush quietly and efficiently.

IV. Read the text and answer the questions.

Passage 1

Jane is a student nurse and is still training. Last month she worked in one of the hospital’s surgical
wards. She learned to set trolleys for sterile procedures such as surgical dressings, intravenous
infusion and catheterization. She carried out certain procedures herself and assisted doctors with
others. She often had to go to the central sterile supply department to fetch sterile dressing packs.
Sometimes she took patients to the x-ray department or to the occupational therapy unit.
This month Jane is working in the same ward as Joan. She is learning to nurse patients suffering
from dieases such as cardiac infacrction, cerebrall haemorrhage, cerebra, thrombosis and
pneumonia. At the moment, she is helping a staff nurse to give injections. The staff nurse is
explaining to her the doses, action and side effects of the drugs they are administering).
The other nurses in the ward are carrying out various nursing duties. Some are doing bed-baths, one
is helpong a patient to get out of bed, and another is taking A doctor is doing a ward round and
a physiotherapist is helping a pneumonia-patient to do deep-breathing exercises.

Answer the following questions

1. Where did Jane work last month?
2. What did she learn?
3. What is she learning now?
4. What is the staff nurse doing?
5. Is the physiotherapist helping a pneumonia-patient to do deep-breathing exercises?

Passage 2

In the theatre, John will be given an anaesthetic and his wound will be explored. The x-rays
which were taken by the radiographer will show the surgeon the exact site and extent of the fracture.
Dead of dirty tissue will be excised and any small splinters of bone will be removed. The surgeon
will perform the operation using a no touch technique to reduce the chances of infection.
Department of Foreign Languages
When the surgeon is statisfied that the wound is as clean as possible, he will dust it off with an
antibiotic powder. he will then suture it and cover it with a sterile gauze dressing. Any areas that are
raw will be dressed with sterile. Vaseline petroleum jelly gauze. The surgeon will now be able to
treat the fracture as closed. He will reduce the bones into their anatomical position, and the leg will
be put in plaster of Paris. John will then be taken back to an orthopaedic ward.
When a post-operative patient like John arrives in the ward, he is carefully lifted from the stretcher
and laid in a specially preprared bed. The foot of the bed is often raised on wooden blocks. The
patient is placed on his back with his head turned to one side. As he is generally still unconscious, an
artifical airway is in position and a nurse stays with him to ensure that his airway is kept clear. She
also checks his pulse rate and volume, his colour and the rate and depth of his respirations.
Answer the following questions
1. What will John be given in theatre?
2. What will be excised and removed to his wound?
3. What will the surgeon do when the wound is cleaned?
4. How is the patient placed when he arrives in the ward?
5. What does the nurse check when the patients is generally still unconscious?
Passage 3
Soon after John had returned to the ward, he began to regain consciousness. The nurse who
was looking after him removed the airway from his mouth and gave him a pillow for his head. For
the next few hours he slept soundly. From time to time the toes of his injured leg were examined to
see if they were warm and pink, and his pulse and blood pressure were taken half-hourly.
At 6 p.m, John woke up and comlpained of severe pain in his leg. The surgeon who had performed
the operation had prescribed Pethidine if John complained of pain, and he was given an
intramuscular injection of 50mgs of Pethidine at 6.10 p.m. As his blood pressure was now within
normal limits, the bed-blocks were taken away and a bed-cradle was put in his bed to take the weight
of the bed-clothes off his legs. A nurse offered him a bottle, but he said he could not manage to pass
A houseman visited John during the evening to check that he was all right and that he would be able
to sleep. He prescribed a second injection of Pethidine, which was to be given at midnight if John
complained of further pain. Two nurses came and helped John to wash his hands and face and to
change from the white theatre allowed frequent sips of water because he had not complained of
nausea, was now given a cup of tea and told the nurses that he was beginning to feel fine.

Answer these questions:

1. What did the nurse do after John returned to the ward?
2. What was John examined from time to time?
3.What was John given at 6.10 p.m?
4. Why did a houseman visit John during the evening?
5. What did the two nurses help John to do?
V.Translate these sentences into Vietnamese
1. When the ambulance arrived, John was lifted on to a stretcher, put into the ambulance and driven
to a hospital that was not far away. When he arrived at the casualty department, he was admitted.
The nurse who admitted him gave him an injection of morphine to cambat the shock and the pain.

Department of Foreign Languages
2. The doctor who examining him, the nurse who had admitted him took his pulse and blood
pressure. No antitetanus injection was necessary as Jonh had been immu-nized against tetanus six
months earlier.

3. As John’s wound was lacerated and contused, he was given an antibiotic to prevent the onset of
infection. He was then taken to the x-ray department. While the x-ray examination was being carried
out, John’s parents arrived at the hospital.

4. While John was waiting to go to theatre, a quarter-hourly record of his pulse and blood pressure
was kept and he was given a suitable premedication.

5. In the theatre, John will be given an anaesthetic and his wound will be explored. The x-rays which
were taken by the radiographer will show the surgeon the exact site and extent of the fracture.

6. Nowadays the floors and walls are made of materials that can withstand very frequent washing
and polishing. Funiture and fittings have been designed to permit easy cleaning and maintenance.

7. Ambulant patients and patients in wheechairs are provided with a day room where they can have
their meals, watch television, smoke and enjoy various recreations without disturbing patient who
are confined to bed.

8. Most modern hospital wards have between twenty and thirty beds. The beds are arranged so that
each patient can have as much privacy, natural light and fresh air as possible, and can be observed
without difficulty by the nursing staff.

9. The planning of ward units for new hospitals, and for modernization schemes in older ones, has
received a great deal of consideration.

10. At 6 p.m, John woke up and complained of severe pain in his leg. The surgeon who had
performed the operation had prescribed Pethidine if John complained of pain, and he was given an
intramuscular injection of 50mgs of Pethidine at 6.10 p.m.

11. A houseman visited John during the evening to check that he was all right and that he would be
able to sleep. He prescribed a second injection of Pethidine, which was to be given at midnight if
John complained of further pain.

12. As he is generally still unconscious, an artifical airway is in position and a nurse stays with him
to ensure that his airway is kept clear. She also checks his pulse rate and volume, his colour and the
rate and depth of his respirations.

13. When the surgeon is statisfied that the wound is as clean as possible, he will dust it off with an
antibiotic powder. he will then suture it and cover it with a sterile gauze dressing.

14. Disinfectans are toxic chemical substances which (destroy micro-oranisms and living tissue).
Antiseptics are less to substances which inhibit the growth of micro-organisms.

Department of Foreign Languages
15. Nowadays, disinfectants are often referred to as ‘bactericides’ because they kill bacteria, and
antiseptic are called ‘bacteriostaticss’ because they prevent bacteria from growing and multiplying.

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