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Table of Contents
Lab # Topic/Title Skills Grade/10 Page #

1 Mixtures and Their Separation: Solubility Of Salts – Lab 3 (COMPLETE) ORR, AI 2

2 Mixtures and Their Separation: Chromatography – Lab 4 (COMPLETE) MM, AI 5

3 Planning and Designing: Cookie Level In An Oven – Lab 7 (COMPLETE) PD 7

4 Mixtures: Compare Ink of Three Black Markers – Lab 8 (COMPLETE) PD 9

5 Redox: Investigating Oxidizing Power – Lab 10 (COMPLETE) ORR, AI 11

7 Acids, Bases and Salts: Salt Prep. NH4Cl- Lab 11 (AMMONIUM LAB INSTEAD) (COMPLETE) AI, MM 13

8 Planning and Designing: Investigating the pH Of Colas– Lab 15 (COMPLETE) PD 15

9 Volumetric Analysis/Acid, Bases and Salts: Acid and Base Titration with Methyl Orange – Lab 18 ORR 17
10 Electrolysis/Redox: CuSO4 with Cu Electrodes – Lab 24 (COMPLETE) AI, MM 19

11 Rates of Reaction: Effect of Concentration On Rate of Disappearance of A Cross - Lab 26 (COMPLETE) ORR 21

12 Energy and Energetics: Investigating The Heat of Solution - Lab 27 (COMPLETE) MM 26

13 Organic: Synthesis of Ethyl Ethanoate - Lab 29 (COMPLETE) ORR 29

14 Qualitative Analysis: Identification of An Unknown - Lab 31 (COMPLETE) AI 32


NAME: Alonzo Brown DATE: 13/04/2020 CHEM GROUP: 4-C

LAB# 1
TOPIC: Solubility of Salts

AIM: To plot a graph of solubility data and determine how the solubility of all NH4Cl varies with

BACKGROUND: The solubility of a salt Is the mass of the salt dissolved. In 100g of solvent at a given
temperature. Generally, solubility increases with temperature.


Temperature/°C Solubility of solvent/ g/100g of solvent
0 29.4
10 33.2
20 37.2
30 41.4
40 45.8
50 50.4
60 55.3
70 60.2
80 65.6
90 71.2
100 77.3

1. On the grid provided, plot a graph of Temperature (x-axis) vs Solubility (y-axis). Use the graph to
answer the following questions.

2. What is the solubility at 70°C?

60 g of NH4Cl in 100g of water

3. Predict the solubility at 110°C?

The solubility at 110°C is 0 g/100g of solvent as water changes to a gas at 110°C and will no
longer dissolve solute as a gas.

4. Predict the mass of solute that would precipitate If the temperature is cooled from 60°C to 45.
At 60°C, 55 g of NH4Cl is dissolved
At 45°C, 48 g of NH4Cl is dissolved
55g – 48g = 7g

5. Calculate the minimum mass of water that would be needed to dissolve 45g of NH4Cl at 75°C.
At 75°C, 62.6 g of NH4Cl is dissolved in 100 g of water
Mass of Water = 45 g NH4Cl x 100 g water = 71.9 g water
62.6 g NH4Cl

6. Calculate the mass of NH4Cl that would be required to saturate 350g of water at 55°C.
At 55°C, 52.6g is dissolved in 100g
Mass of NH4Cl = 350 g water x 52.6 g NH4Cl = 184.1 g NH4Cl
100 g water

CONCLUSION: How did the temperature affect the solubility of the ammonium chloride? As the
temperature increases, the solubility of ammonium chloride increases.

NAME: Alonzo Brown DATE: 13/04/2020 CHEM GROUP: 4-C

LAB# 2
TOPIC: Separation Techniques - Chromatography

AIM: To use paper chromatography to separate the components of screened methyl orange and
determine the Rf of each component

APPARATUS & MATERIALS: Fill in the apparatus and materials:

1. A hole was pierced at the top of the chromatogram using a skewer. This was to allow the
chromatogram to be suspended in the beaker.
2. The beaker was filled with water to a height that would allow the baseline to remain above the
surface of the water.
3. A pin was used to dot a sample of the dye in the centre of the baseline.
4. The chromatogram was immersed in the beaker of water and the colour observations
5. were observed.
6. The Rf values of each separated colour were calculated.

OBSERVATIONS: Insert your dried chromatogram here and label accordingly.

Remember to give the diagram a title
Label the:
• Baseline
• Solvent front
• Top of separated solvent dyes
• Distances from baseline to dyes and to solvent front

Solvent Front

Top of Blue Dye

4.3 cm

3.3 cm

Top of Yellow Dye

2 cm


The Rf of the blue dye.
Rf of the blue dye = Distance travelled by solute
Distance travelled by solvent
= 3.3
= 0.77

The Rf of the yellow dye.

The Rf of the yellow dye.
Rf of the yellow dye = Distance travelled by solute
Distance travelled by solvent
= 0.47

Explain the observations. Include at least one source of error.
The blue dye has a better retention factor than the yellow dye, according to research. The mobile phase
has a greater affinity for the blue solvent (the water solvent). The stationary phase has a greater affinity
for the yellow dye (filter paper). One source of error could be that the paper was tilted making the
solvent front uneven leading into an inaccurate Rf value.

CONCLUSION: State the colour of the and Rf of the components of the screened methyl orange. The
blue dye is more soluble than the yellow dye at a Rf value of 0.77 and 0.47 respectively. The blue dye has
a stronger affinity to the mobile phase and yellow dye has a stronger affinity to the stationary phase.

NAME: Alonzo Brown DATE: 13/04/2020 CHEM GROUP: 4-C

LAB# 3
TOPIC: Baking in an Oven

PROBLEM STATEMENT: Julian is a baker, while baking cookies one afternoon he argued with his
nephew as to which level in the oven his cookies would bake fastest: top vs middle vs bottom. Plan and
design an experiment to resolve the argument.

AIM: To identify which level in the oven his cookies would bake fastest: top, middle or bottom.

HYPOTHESIS: The top rack will bake the cookies the fastest.

APPARATUS/MATERIALS: 2 ¾ cups all-purpose flour, 1 teaspoon baking soda, ½ teaspoon baking

powder, 1 cup butter softened, 1 ½ cups white sugar, 1 egg, 1 teaspoon vanilla extract, whisk, teaspoon,
measuring cup, grease spray, ice scoop, 3 sheets of equal size, stopwatch, measuring scale, temperature

1. Clean all apparatus and materials and start preparing the cookie dough.
2. Preheat oven to 375 °F (190οC). In a small bowl, stir together flour, baking soda, and baking
powder. Set aside.
3. In a large bowl, cream together the butter and sugar until smooth. Beat in egg and vanilla.
Gradually blend in the dry ingredients. Use ice cream scoop to measure equal amounts of cookie
dough and place onto ungreased cookie sheets.
4. Load each sheet with one cookie and label each the sheets “T”, “M”, “B” and put the “T” sheet
in the top rack in the oven.
5. Using the stopwatch and heat gun, record the time and stop the oven when middle of cookie
reaches an internal temperature reaches to 375°F (190°C).
6. Repeat with the following steps taken with sheet “T” with sheets “M” and “B” on the middle and
bottom rows respectively.
7. Record the results of both.

• Independent Variable: The rack the cookies are baked on.
• Dependent Variable: How fast the cookies on each rack cook.
• Constants/Control Variable: The amount cookie dough and the type of cookie dough.


Clean all apparatus and materials.

The recipe used may affect the cooking time due to differing types and quantities of ingredients.
The oven's heating element does not stay on all the time and only emits intermittent bursts of intense
heat, this may affect the heat transfer to each rack.

It is expected that the cookies on the top rack will cook the fastest due to their proximity to the heaters
(electric oven) and due to hot air rising.

Any error made while measuring the ingredient amounts will not majorly influence the results.

NAME: Alonzo Brown DATE: 10/11/2020 CHEM GROUP: 4-C

LAB# 4
TOPIC: Solubility of Ink

TITLE: Mixtures: Compare Ink of Three Black Markers

PROBLEM STATEMENT: On Valentine’s Day Ella received three different cards from secret admirers.
She suspected that all the cards were written with the same black ink. Plan and design an experiment to
confirm or deny Ella’s suspicions. Note that the ink is permanent i.e., it is insoluble in water.

AIM: To identify if all the cards were written with the identical black ink.

HYPOTHESIS: If the ink is identical across all cards the retention factor and separated colours of the ink
will be the same.

APPARATUS/MATERIALS: Three beakers, Isopropyl alcohol, Three dowel skewers, Ruler, and Paper
towels, Stopwatch.

• Independent Variable: The type of ink
• Dependent Variable: The retention factor and colour of the separated ink.
• Constants/Control variable: The type of alcohol

1. Orient each card into a “portrait” position and cut a small strip of paper from the card with the
ink present on it.
2. Label the strip from each card with “A”, “B” and “C”.
3. Using a pencil and ruler to measure accurately, draw a straight line (starting line) across the
paper, 1.5 cm above the bottom edge through the ink.
4. Label each beaker “A”, “B” and “C” respectively.
5. Take a dowel skewer and pierce the card strip 1 cm from the top
6. Set the dowel skewer on the beaker with the card strip in the beaker.
7. Pour the alcohol until it touches the starting line of the ink above the liquid level for the
experiment to work.
8. When the solvent front reaches the finish line, remove the paper from the beaker, being careful
to touch only the top. Let excess alcohol drip into the beaker.
9. Gently lay the chromatogram on a piece of paper towel.
10. Measure the distance (F value) between the starting line and the finish line or, the farthest up
that the solvent front reached. Record this distance.
11. Calculate the retention factor (Rf) for each spot and record the values.

It is expected that if all three cards use the same type of ink then they will have the identical retention
factors and colours of separated ink else they will differ.


Rf is the retention factor. Rf = distance travelled by colour/distance travelled by solvent.
If all three inks separated into the same colours and have the same retention factors, then the inks are
the same.

Wash your hands thoroughly to remove excess oils from your skin and gather the materials.
Handle the paper only on the edges to avoid leaving fingerprints, as these may hinder the elution
Place the chromatography paper on a sheet of clean notebook paper or paper towel to avoid
When disposing of the isopropyl alcohol, pour the remaining alcohol back into an empty container to be
disposed of as flammable waste.

The cards may differ in material affecting the rate at which the solvent front is reached.
The length of time the card strips are left in the may differ due to error.

There are no other substances on the card strips present to affect the values of retention factor.

NAME: Alonzo Brown DATE: 03/04/2022 CHEM GROUP: 5-C

LAB# 5
TOPIC: Redox

AIM: To investigate the relative strengths of oxidizing and reducing agents.

INSTRUCTIONS: Conduct the following tests, record observations and write appropriate inferences. Be
sure to identify the oxidant and reductant in all tests.


I. Add a few drops of KI KI was colourless. The colourless ion (I-) is oxidized
solution to a solution of KMnO4 was purple in colour. to Iodine(I2) which dissolved
H+/KMnO4. Turned yellow-brown gradually. forming a brown liquid.
2I- → I2 (oxidization)
Therefore, KMnO4 is an oxidizing
agent, KI is a reducing agent.
II. Add a few drops of FeSO4 FeSO4 was yellow in colour. The purple manganate(vii) ion is
solution to a solution of KMnO4 was purple in colour. reduced to the colourless
H+/KMnO4. Turned colourless instantly. manganate(ii) ion.
MnO4- → Mn2+ (reduction)
Therefore, KMnO4 is an oxidizing
agent, FeSO4 is a reducing agent.
III. Add a few drops of H2O2 to H2O2 was colourless. The purple manganate(vii) ion is
sample of H+/KMnO4. KMnO4 was purple in colour. reduced to the colourless
Turned colourless instantly. manganate(ii) ion.
MnO4- → Mn2+ (reduction)
Therefore, KMnO4 is an oxidizing
agent, H2O2 is a reducing agent.
IV. Add a few drops of H2O2 to a H2O2 was colourless. The colourless ion (I-) is oxidized
solution of KI. KI was colourless. to Iodine(I2) which dissolved
Turned yellow-brown gradually. forming a brown liquid.
2I- → I2 (oxidization)
Therefore, H2O2 is an oxidizing
agent, KI is a reducing agent.
V. Add a few drops of FeSO4 to FeSO4 was yellow in colour. The colourless ion (I-) is oxidized
a solution of KI. KI was colourless. to Iodine (I2) which dissolved
Turned slightly cloudy gradually. forming a brown liquid.
2I- → I2 (oxidization)
Therefore, FeSO4 is an oxidizing
agent, KI is a reducing agent.
VI. Add a few drops of FeSO4 to FeSO4 was yellow in colour. The yellow iron ion(ii) (Fe2+) is
a sample of H2O2. H2O2 was colourless. oxidized to the orange iron
Turned orange instantly. ion(iii) (Fe3+).
Fe2+ → Fe3+
Therefore, H2O2 is an oxidizing
agent, FeSO4 is a reducing agent.

CONCLUSION: What is the order of the reagents in increasing oxidizing power? The reagents in order
of increasing oxidizing power are: KI, FeSO4, H2O2 and KMnO4.

NAME: Alonzo Brown DATE: 25/03/2021 CHEM GROUP: 4-C

LAB# 7
TOPIC: Acids, Bases and Salts

Title: Reaction of Ammonium Salts and Bases

Aim: To observe the reaction between Ammonium Chloride and Sodium Hydroxide.

APPARATUS/MATERIALS: Red litmus paper, Blue litmus paper, Water, Test tube, Test tube holder,
Bunsen burner, Ammonium chloride crystals, Sodium hydroxide solution, Measuring cylinder.


1. The apparatus was set up as shown in the diagram.

2. Both the blue and red litmus papers were dipped in water and set aside.
3. 5g of NH4Cl crystals and 20cm3 of NaOH solution were added to the test tube.
4. The test tube was put over the Bunsen burner using the test tube holder.
5. The mixture of NH4Cl crystals and NaOH solution was heated until it was gently boiling and taken
of the Bunsen burner.
6. Moist red and blue litmus paper were held just above the test tube and the changes observed
were recorded.

Firstly, 5g of NH4Cl crystals and 20cm3 of NaOH solution were added to the test tube. When the NaOH
solution came in contact with NH4Cl no perceivable reaction occurred. Then, the test tube was heated. As
the test tube was heated a colourless gas seemed to escape. The moist red litmus paper was held over the
test tube causing the paper to turn blue, the same was done to the moist blue litmus paper however, it
remained blue.

1. Write the chemical equation for the reaction between NH4Cl and NaOH [2]
NH4Cl(s) + NaOH(aq) -> NH3(g) + H2O(l) + NaCl(aq)

2. Write the net ionic equation for the reaction between NH4Cl and NaOH [2]
NH4Cl(s) + Na+ (aq)+ OH-(aq) -> NH3(g) + H2O(l) + Na+ (aq)Cl-(aq)
NH4Cl(s) + Na+ (aq)+ OH-(aq) -> NH3(g) + H2O(l) + Na+ (aq)Cl (aq)
NH4Cl(s) + OH-(aq) -> NH3(g) + H2O(l) + Cl-(aq)

3. How can ammonia be identified chemically? Include an equation. [2]

Ammonia can be identified by adding a dilute sodium hydroxide solution and heating the
combined solution until gently boiling. If ammonium ions are present, they will be converted to
ammonia gas. Using damp red litmus paper, if it is ammonia gas when the paper comes in
contact with the fumes it will turn blue. NH4Cl(s) + NaOH(aq) -> NH3(g) + H2O(l) + NaCl(aq)

4. Why are slaked lime and ammonium-based fertilizers not added to soil at the same time?[4]
If you added a strong base like slaked lime also known as calcium hydroxide at the same time as
the ammonium-based fertilizers, then they would quickly react to release ammonia into the
atmosphere wasting the fertilizer.

The reaction of Ammonium Chloride and Sodium Hydroxide is as follows. When they mixed and heated
ammonia gas (NH3), water (H2O) and sodium chloride (NaCl) were produced. The ammonia gas was found
to be alkaline and turning the moist red litmus paper blue.

Name: Alonzo Brown Date: 26/01/2022 CHEM GROUP: 5-C

LAB# 8
TOPIC: Ph of Cola

PROBLEM STATEMENT: Friends argued at lunch one day about the acidity of two sodas, Campion cola
and Noipmac Chill. Some say Campion cola is more acidic while others said Noipmac Chill. Plan and
design an experiment to settle the argument.

TITLE: Planning and Designing: Investigating the pH Of Colas

AIM: To determine the which soda is more acidic; Noipmac Chill or Campion Cola.

HYPOTHESIS: The soda with the stronger acidity will require more sodium hydroxide to be neutralized.

APPARATUS/MATERIALS: Noipmac Chill, Campion Cola, Sodium hydroxide, Distilled water,

Methyl orange, Burette, Pipette, Stand, Burette clamp, Conical flask, Beaker, Measuring cylinder,
Scale, Funnel.

• Independent Variable: The type of Cola
• Dependent Variable: The pH of each Cola
• Constants/Control variable: The amount and temperature of cola

1. Set up the apparatus. Ensure that the stopcock on the burette is closed.
2. Weigh 1.0g of sodium hydroxide and put it in a beaker. Add distilled water to the beaker until it
reaches the 250 cm3 level. Stir.
3. Use a funnel and add the sodium hydroxide solution to the burette and record the initial
4. Measure 60 cm3 of Noipmac Chill in a measuring cylinder then add it into the conical flask.
5. Add 2 drops of methyl orange to the conical flask. Note the colour of the solution.
6. Start adding the titrant to the soda while observing the solution for the colour change of the
indicator. Once the solution turns yellow, stop adding the sodium hydroxide solution.
7. Record the final volume on the burette.
8. Safely dispose of the remaining titrant and analyte and rinse the apparatus with distilled
9. water.
10. Repeat steps 3 to 8.
11. Repeats steps 2 to 9 using Campion Cola instead of Noipmac Chill.

It is expected the soda with the stronger acidity will require more sodium hydroxide to be neutralized.
This can be determined by calculating which of the two required more sodium hydroxide to be
neutralized. By subtracting the initial volume (cm3) from the final volume (cm3) in both titration results
and averaging the value the volume of sodium hydroxide can be determined. The soda with the higher
has the stronger acidity.

Campion Cola Noipmac Chill
Titration 1 Titration 2 Titration 1 Titration 2
Initial Volume
Final Volume
Volume used
Average Volume

1. The sodium hydroxide solution is added to the soda at a slow and controlled rate to observe the
colour change in the indicator in order to more accurately determine when the neutralization
reaction has been completed.
2. If any of the sodium hydroxide comes in contact with the quickly rinse the affect area to prevent
any serious burns.

1. If titrant is added too quickly and a lot of excess is added to the solution long after the colour
change has taken place, then the calculations will be off.
2. After rinsing the apparatus with distilled water, a small amount could remain and contaminate
the sodas or sodium hydroxide solutions.

1. It is assumed that there are no other factors other than the acid present in each cola affect the

Name: Alonzo Brown Date: 26/01/2022 CHEM GROUP: 5-C

LAB# 9
TOPIC: Volumetric Analysis

AIM: To determine the amount of HCl need to titrate 0.05M Na2CO3.

TITLE: Standardizing HCl using 0.05M Na2CO3 with methyl orange indicator.

APPARATUS/MATERIALS: Sodium carbonate, hydrochloric acid, methyl orange, burette, stand,

pipette, beaker, conical flask, funnel, pump, paper towel.

1. The apparatus was cleaned and set up.
2. The burette was rinsed with HCl.
3. Paper towel was placed on the base of the stand then a conical flask was placed on it.
4. Pipette was rinsed with Na2CO3 then 20 ml of the base was measured and added to the conical
5. 2 drops of methyl orange were added to the conical flask.
6. The funnel was placed at the mouth of the burette and the burette was filled with HCl.
7. The initial reading was recorded then the funnel was removed.
8. The acid was titrated against the base, while swirling the conical flask. As it got closer to the
equivalence point the titration slowed down from pouring to adding drops.
9. The solution was observed until the colour change to pink occurred, then the titration
was stopped. The final volume was recorded.
10. The conical flask was rinsed.
11. Steps 4 to 9 were repeated 2 more times.

Titrations Initial Burette Reading Final Burette Reading Volume used (cm3)
(cm3) (cm3)
1 50 34.9 15.1
2 50 33.2 16.8
3 50 32.8 17.2

1. Write the chemical equation for the reaction.
Na2CO3 (aq) + 2HCl (aq) → 2NaCl (aq) + H2O (l) + CO2 (g)

2. Calculate the average volume of HCI.

Average vol. of HCl = 34.9 + 33.2 + 32.8
= 100.9
= 33.6 cm3

3. Calculate the moles of Na2CO3 in the pipetted volume.

Moles of Na2CO3= Volume × Concentration
= 25 cm3 × 0.05 M
= 0.025 dm3 × 0.05 mol dm3
= 0.00125 mol Na2CO3

4. Use the mole ratio to determine the moles of HCI in the average volume.
Mole ratio = 1 : 2
1 : 2 = 0.00125 : x
1x = 2 × 0.00125
X = 2.5 × 10-3 mol

5. Calculate the molarity of HCl

# of moles = 2.5 × 10-3 mol, Volume of HCl = 33.6 cm3, Molarity of HCl = ?
Molarity = # of moles / volume
= 2.5 × 10-3
33.6 cm3
= 2.5 × 10-3
0.0336 dm3
= 0.074 mol dm3

6. Calculate the mass concentration of HCl

Mass = 2.5 × 10-3, Molar mass = 36.45 g/mol, Mass concentration of HCl = ?
Mass = Moles × Molar Mass
= 2.5 × 10-3 mol × 36.45 g/mol
= 0.091 g

Mass Concentration = Mass / Volume

= 0.091
= 2.71 g/dm3

CONCLUSION: State the concentration of HCI In mass and moles. The mass and moles of the
concentration of HCl are 2.71 g/dm3 and 0.074 mol dm3.

Name: Alonzo Brown Date: 26/01/2022 CHEM GROUP: 5-C

LAB# 10
TOPIC: Electrolysis

TITLE: Investigating the electrolysis of CuSO4 using Cu Electrodes.

AIM: To investigate the electrolysis of dilute CuSO4 using Cu Electrodes.

APPARATUS/MATERIALS: beaker, power source, connecting wire, Cu rods, H2SO4, resistor,

CuSO4 and clamp stand

1. Apparatus was set up by attaching the wires to the power source, then the wires were attached
to electrodes.
2. 30ml of dilute copper sulphate was added to the beaker.
3. The electrodes were placed in the beaker, ensuring that they were half submerged in electrolyte
and were not touching.
4. The power source was switched on.
5. The electrolyte and electrodes were observed for any changes in size and colour.
6. Observations were recorded in a table.

Section Cathode Anode Electrolyte
Observations The cathode increased The anode decreased No changes occurred
in mass and a slight in mass and started to in the electrolyte.
colour change occurred. break down.

1. In the space provided below construct a table explain the changes &/or processes occurring at
the cathode, anode and in the electrolyte. Your answer should include: half equations, type of
redox reaction, colour change and change in mass. These should be done where relevant.
Section Half Equations Type of redox Colour change Change in mass
Cathode Cu (s) →Cu2+ (aq) + Oxidization - Decreased in
2e- mass
Anode Cu2+ (aq) + 2e- → Reduction - Increased in mass
Cu (s)
Electrolyte - - No Colour change No change in

2. If the process was allowed to continue for 20 minutes with a current of 5A, what mass of Copper
would be dissolved at the anode? [Cu: 64g/mol]
Time = 20 mins, Current = 5A, Mass = ?

C = 5 × 1200
C = 6000

96500 C : 1 mol
6000 C : 1 mol

6000 C/96500 C = 0.062 mol of e-

Mol ratio

2e- : Cu
0.062/2 = 0.031 mol of Cu

Mass = mol × molar mass

= 0.03 mol × 64 g
= 1.98 g Cu

CONCLUSION: State the products of the electrolysis: The product of the electrolysis is copper solid

Name: Alonzo Brown Date: 26/01/2022 CHEM GROUP: 5-C

LAB# 11
TOPIC: Rates of Reaction

TITLE: Investigating the effect of acid concentration on the rate of reaction between Na2S2O3, and HCI.

AIM: To Investigate the effect of acid concentration on the rate of reaction between Na2S2O3 and HCl.


1. Set-up the apparatus as shown below.

2. Vary the volumes of HCI, H2O and Na2S203 according to the experiment number as indicated in
the table below.

Experiment # Vol. of HCl Vol. of Na2S2O3 Vol of H2O

1 50 50 0
2 45 50 5
3 40 50 10
4 35 50 15
5 30 50 20
6 25 50 25
7 20 50 30
8 15 50 35
9 10 50 40
10 5 50 45

3. Record the time it takes for the cross to disappear upon mixing the reactants.

BETWEEN Na2S2O3 and HCl.
Experiment # Vol. of HCl Vol. of Na2S2O3 Vol of H2O Time/s 1/Time*10-2/s-1
1 50 50 0 40.89 2.45
2 45 50 5 48.32 2.07
3 40 50 10 43.7 2.29
4 35 50 15 45.93 2.18
5 30 50 20 53.06 1.88
6 25 50 25 57.03 1.75
7 20 50 30 58.42 1.71
8 15 50 35 74.0 1.35
9 10 50 40 76.0 1.32
10 5 50 45 110.0 0.91

1. On the grid provided, plot a graph of time (y-axis) vs volume of HCl (x-axis).

2. On the grid provided, plot a graph of 1/time (x-axis) vs volume of HCl (y-axis).

3. State the relationship between [HCl] and time.

As the volume of HCl decreased, the amount of time taken increased as they are inversely

4. State the relationship between [HCl] and rate.

As the volume of HCl decreased, the rate of the reaction also decreased as they are directly

5. Why was water added to experiments 2 – 10?

Water was added in experiments 2-10 in order to decrease the concentration of HCl, making it
more dilute. The purpose of the experiment was to examine the effect of concentration on the
rate of reaction, thus it was necessary to vary the concentration of HCl.

6. Identify the variables in this experiment.

a. Manipulated- Vol. of HCl and H2O
b. Responding- Time taken for the reaction to occur
c. Controlled- Vol. of Na2S2O3

7. What could be done to keep the temperature constant?

The temperature could have been kept constant by carrying out the experiment in a enclosed
environment as to minimize heat loss and keep the temperature constant.

8. In the space provided contrast a table to show the set-up of the experiments if [Na2S2O3] was
varied instead of [HCl]. Remember a suitable title.
BETWEEN Na2S2O3 and HCl.
Experiment # Vol. of HCl Vol. of Na2S2O3 Vol of H2O
1 50 50 0
2 50 45 5
3 50 40 10
4 50 35 15
5 50 30 20
6 50 25 25
7 50 20 30
8 50 15 35
9 50 10 40
10 50 5 45

9. Identify the variables for the experiment in eight(8) above.

a. Manipulated- Vol. of Na2S2O3 and H2O
b. Responding- Time taken for the reaction to occur
c. Controlled- Vol. of HCl

10. Write a balanced equation for the equation between HCl and Na2S2O3.
2HCl (aq) + Na2S2O3 (aq) → H2O (l) + S (s) + SO2 (g) + 2NaCl (aq)

CONCLUSION: State how the [Na2S2O3] affected the rate of the reaction. The relationship the Na2S2O3
and the rate of the reaction is directly proportional because as the concentration of Na2S2O3 decreases
so does the rate of the reaction.

Name: Alonzo Brown Date: 26/01/2022 CHEM GROUP: 5-C

LAB# 12
TOPIC: Energetics.

TITLE: Investigating the Heat of Neutralization of 0.1M HNO3 and 0.1M NaOH.

AIM: To investigate the Heat of Neutralization of 0.1M HNO3 and 0.1M NaOH.

Apparatus and materials: beaker, thermometer, Styrofoam cup, stirring rod, 0.1M HNO 3 , 0.1M
NaOH and measuring cylinder.

BACKGROUND: The enthalpy of neutralization is the energy change which occurs when 1 mol of
water is formed from the reaction between an acid and a base under standard conditions. The
enthalpy of neutralization of a strong acid-strong base reaction is about -57.7kJ/mol. This
indicates that the reaction is exothermic.

1. Using the measuring cylinder, measure 25 cm3 of NaOH.
2. Fill the Styrofoam cup halfway with NaOH and take the temperature.
3. Measure the initial temperature and 25 cm3 of HNO3.
4. Pour 25 cm3 of acid into the NaOH-filled Styrofoam cup.
5. Stir the mixture and keep track of the greatest temperature you can get.
6. Make a table with the results.

Salt Mass of Salt Intial Temp. Final Temp ∆T
HNO3 25 30 30 0
NaOH 25 29 30 1

1. Calculate the moles of NaOH used in the reaction.
Moles = volume × concentration
= 0.1M × 25 cm3
= 0.1 mol dm3 × 0.025 dm3
= 0.0025 mol NaOH

2. Calculate the moles of HNO3 used in the reaction.

Moles = volume × concentration
= 0.1M × 25 cm3
= 0.1 mol dm3 × 0.025 dm3
= 0.0025 mol HNO3

3. Calculate the moles of water produced.

HNO3 (aq) + NaOH (aq) → NaNO3 (aq) + H2O (l)
Mole Ratio = 1:1
the mole of water is 0.0025 mol of H2O

4. Calculate the heat change for the reaction.

Mass = 25 cm3 + 25 cm3
= 50 g
Heat change = 50g × 4.2 Jg-1°C-1 × (30-29)
= 210 J

5. Calculate the heat change which occurs when 1 mol of water is produced.
Heat change : moles
210 : 0.0025
0.0025x = 210
X = 210/0.0025
X = 84000 J
X = 84 KJ

6. State two relevant assumptions made in the experiments.

It is assumed that no heat was lost due to the insulation from the Styrofoam cup as it acted as
an insulator and the specific heat capacity of a dilute aqueous solution is the same as 4.2 Jg-1°C-1.

7. Why was a Styrofoam cup used instead of a beaker?

A Styrofoam cup was used instead of a beaker because Styrofoam it is constructed of
polystyrene, which is good at trapping heat compared to the glass beaker.

8. Why did the values you got for 5 and 6 above differ from the ones stated in the background?
The values in 5 and 6 differ from the ones in the background due to an experimental error
during the lab's execution. This is as a result of heat loss to the environment, resulting in an
erroneous reading when measuring the temperature of the solution.

9. In the space provided draw a labelled energy profile diagram for each dissolution?

CONCLUSION: State the enthalpy of neutralization calculated. The enthalpy of neutralization was
calculated to be -84000 J/-84 KJ.

Name: Alonzo Brown Date: 26/01/2022 CHEM GROUP: 5-C

LAB# 13
TOPIC: Organic Chemistry Esterification

AIM: To investigate the esterification reaction between ethanol and ethanoic acid.

TITLE: Investigating the esterification reaction between ethanol and ethanoic acid.

APPARATUS/MATERIALS: C2H5OH, CH₃COOH, measuring cylinder, stand, funnel, kettle, volumetric


Set up the apparatus as shown below.

Leave the reaction mixture refluxing for 40 minutes.

Make and record observations.


RESULTS: Draw a labelled diagram of the apparatus with results

1. Write the chemical equation for the reaction.
C2H5OH (aq) + CH₃COOH (aq) → CH5COOC2H5 (aq)

2. How could one obtain the ester from the reaction mixture?
Fractional distillation could be used to extract the ester from a reaction mixture of ethanoic
acid and alcohol.

3. How does the solubility of the ester differ from that of the acid?
The solubility of an ester differs from that of the acid because an ester's oxygen atoms can
establish hydrogen bonds with the hydrogen atoms of water molecules making the
ester is water-soluble.

CONCLUSION: State two properties of esters. Esters smell sweet and are greasy.

Name: Alonzo Brown Date: 26/01/2022 CHEM GROUP: 5-C

LAB# 14
TOPIC: Qualitative Analysis of an unknown.

AIM: To identify an unknown solid, P through qualitative analysis

INSTRUCTIONS: Complete the following table of qualitative analysis on compound P with appropriate
observations and inferences.


I. The physical White crystalline solid. Zn2+, Pb2+, Ca2+, Al3+
appearance of P was
II. A small portion of P was Solid readily dissolves. Possibly a nitrate, or some
added to distilled other soluble salt.
III. A small portion of P was No visible change. CO32- ion is not present.
added to dil. HCl.
IV. A small amount of solid Brown Gas (NO2) is released. Acidic gas is present.
P in a flame.
V. To a solution of P add White ppt. remains formed. Al3+, Zn2+ & Pb2+ may be present.
NaOH (aq) then in xs.
VI. To a solution of P NH3 White ppt. formed.
(aq) was added then in Ppt. Insoluble in xs.
VII. To a solution of P add a Bright yellow ppt. formed. Pb2+
solution of KI. [Pb2+ (aq) + KI (aq) → Pbl2 (s) + K+
VIII. To a solution of P add No observable change.
AgNO3 (aq) then add NH3
(aq) to the same
IX. To a solution of P add
AgNO3 (aq) then observe
it in sunlight.
X. To a solution of P add No change occurs. No SO42-, SO32- CO32- present.
BaCl2/ Ba (NO3)2 then
dilute acid to the same

CONCLUSION: What is the identity of the compound P? The identity of the unknown solid known as
compound P is Lead Nitrate.

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