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Bruno Román 2do INFO 12/6/2022

homework which you will have to upload in this same way.

1. What was the Great Depression of 1930?
It affected most of the world's countries, from the most industrialized to the poorest, and
became the most severe economic recession of the 20th century. The Great Depression
produced an economy in constant since the Industrial Revolution, globalized and
characterized. Although it began with the crash of the New York stock market in the
United States, its effects spread to the rest of the countries.

2. What caused this economical misbalance?

During the decade of the United States, they had a great economic development.
Meanwhile, companies, favored by a credit system, began to produce more than the
market could consume. Faced with rumors of the losses of companies, whose shares had
reached very high values in previous years, investors tried to get rid of the shares.

3. Who were affected by this circumstance?

The consumption of industrialized goods was reduced, this led to the closure of many
companies affected by the lack of demand.
The European countries that received credits from the United States stopped doing so.
The terms of the capitalist economy were reconsidered as the intervention of the States
was needed to reactivate the economy.

Each question must be answered in a maximum of 50 words with

very specific information about what is being asked.
Punctuality over 3 points.
Clear, satisfying content over 7 points.

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