Ass5 2-Eman

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BERO, MARA ANJELA D. Assignment 5.

2 Decision-Making Process
EMAN 001 – CE21S7

You are the newly appointed operations manager at a small firm. One of your tasks is to decide
whether the firm should invest in expensive new information technology to increase the effective
workflow of staff. However, doing this will mean that one junior staff member who is the sole
income earner of her family may lose her job because her tasks would mainly be taken over by
automating the existing processes. What will you do?

1. Problem Statement
a. should I invest in expensive new information technology knowing that one staff member
can lose a job?
2. identifying Decision Criteria
a. increases the effective flow of staff
b. future of the firm
c. family of the workers
d. what the employee would feel
3. Allocating weights to the criteria
a. increases the effective flow of staff - - - - - - - - - - - 4
b. future of the company - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3
c. family of the workers - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2
d. what the employee would feel - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1
4. Developing alternatives
a. Continue investing in new information technology.
b. Do not invest and continue the management the way it is.
c. Give compensation to that one worker who will lose her job, and continue investing to that
new information technology
5. Analyzing alternatives


increases future of family of what the TOTAL
the the firm the employee
effective (3) workers would
flow of (2) feel (1)
staff (4)

a. Continue 7
investing in new
b. Do not invest and 3
continue the
management the
way it is
c. Give 10
compensation to
that one worker who
will lose her job, and
continue investing to
that new information

6. Selecting an Alternative
The analysis and computation show that the best alternative in the given situation is to give
compensation to the worker and continue investing in new information technology. It will help
her and her family to start again until she can find another job. The firm won’t forget all her hard
works and help her get a new job.
7. Implementing the Alternative
Give compensation to that one worker who will lose her job and continue investing to that new
information technology.
8. Evaluating Decision Effectiveness
The firm invested in the new information technology and improved their quality of work, and the
employee immediately found a job in other firm that is similar to her previous job.

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