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1) Recommend a strong digital strategy the company should follow to be relevant with the

Ans: A digital marketing strategy is a plan that describes how your company will reach
its marketing objectives through online mediums like social media and search. Most
strategy plans will include a summary of the digital marketing strategies and online
channels you will employ, along with your budget for each. A social media campaign
with influencer alliances, a content marketing plan that uses online resources to generate
leads, or a growth marketing strategy that employs social media and email to cultivate
client loyalty are a few examples of digital marketing tactics. Cairn Oil and Gas have an
account on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and YouTube, but they need a marketing
strategy for their social media as well. They have a decent number of followers on
Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook that are engaging with their content. But they need to
work on YouTube as these can also generate good revenue through their posts and video
engagement which can cover their advertisement budget. The company has also ignored
Instagram and in this era, the audience spends a lot of time on Instagram and YouTube.
Making the proper strategy for the company should follow many digital marketing
components like SEO, Social Media Marketing, Email Marketing, Video Marketing etc.
Define your brand, build your buyer personas, choose your digital marketing strategies,
brainstorm your strategy, launch your campaigns, set your digital marketing budget and
tracking all results enables a company to use the right digital marketing components and
tools. Here, according to the case study given above, there is already a small start on the
digital marketing concept. Making good media engagement, which has a decent number
of followers on Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook, using proper and regular posts, and
some timely updates of the company helps to grow digitally. In today's world, people are
more often using Instagram, where we can give regular and proper ads and updates about
our company by boosting the Instagram page and targeting the right place and customer.
We can engage people with good concepts and regular videos by using a variety of tools,
a brainstorming strategy, and a variety of other media influences. 
To describe your brand and how it will appear in your online marketing, use
your brand guidelines. Consider your brand voice, value proposition, and unique selling
propositions (USPs). Utilize customized customer personas to identify the target market
for your company. Consider user demographics as well as the reasons why customers
choose your business's goods and services. S.M.A.R.T. goals, also known as precise,
measurable, achievable, realistic, and timely goals, should direct your strategy. Consider
the short- and long-term expansion targets for your company. Pick the most effective
techniques for your company. Instead of focusing on fashionable tactics, concentrate on
the strategies that have the greatest value for your company and sector. Build a
reasonable budget for your organization based on research into digital marketing pricing.
By carefully designing your approach, you may lead it to success. Identify your ad budget
if you're advertising. Establish your content calendar if you plan to publish material.
Launch your campaigns across channels after careful planning. Make sure the proper
tracking information is present on all of your channels. By keeping track of their results,
you can monitor and evaluate the performance of your strategy. Keep track of your plans'
effectiveness using Google resources like Google Analytics, Google Search Console, and
Google Ads (ROI).
Hence, this all tools and strategy will help the company for making proper digital
marketing strategy for the company like Cairn Oil & Gas for long term.

2) Analyze all the social media platforms of the company and prioritize them based on
their need. Please recommend the social media based on priority and justify with valid
Ans: The social media platform uses by the Cairn Oil and Gas is account on Twitter,
Facebook, LinkedIn, and YouTube etc. They have a decent number of followers on
Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook that are engaging with their content. Websites for social
media have been around for more than 20 years. Six Degrees was the name of the first
social media platform, which was established in 1997. Users could submit items to the
bulletin board and send messages. Since then, a lot has changed, and it can be difficult to
envision daily life without Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter. Additionally, new social
media platforms occasionally appear. Some of the newest members of the social media
family quickly gain popularity. Twitch and TikTok are sweeping the globe. The
backbone of marketing had also evolved to include social media. Even offline marketing
campaigns are unlikely to avoid generating some sort of social media activity. Any online
marketing campaign's success will depend on a variety of variables, such as how well a
concept is carried out or how well you understand the needs of your target market.
After knowing the customer engagement in different social media and reach of the
people we can priority the all-social media which is using in the company. In today’s
world top user social media are Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, twitter etc. according to
this ranking we can boost the post to target customer. According to the data the most user
today social media is first Facebook, second YouTube, then Instagram. While posting
any video/image etc. we have strictly analyzed data uses, reach of the post and timing of
the post according to see the priority. According to data of this year and the according to
me prioritize these are following social media which should be highly used for boost and
reach to the customer of Cairn Oil and Gas:
1) Facebook: According to Statista, Facebook will have 2.94 billion active users in
2022, making it the most popular social media platform globally. Of the 4.65 billion
social media users worldwide, that represents more than half. It is one of the most
popular social media platforms and has the most active user base. Furthermore, the
Facebook app is used every day by 27% of Android users globally. Over 200 million
companies use Facebook business tools. Additionally, Facebook is used by over 7
million advertisers to actively promote their brands. Additionally, it is the platform of
choice for people 65 and older. When it comes to reaching up to 36.7% of the adult
population, Facebook is on par with Google as the leading digital advertising
platform. Of all social media channels, that is the largest percentage.
2) YouTube: YouTube, the first video-focused social networking platform, is the
second-most popular. With 2.2 billion active users each month, it still holds a
monopoly in that industry. In addition, YouTube is regarded as the second-largest
search engine after its parent firm, Google. YouTube is frequently used by users for
both pleasure and instructional videos. All age groups, especially younger
generations, make up a sizable portion of YouTube's user population. However, it
also does well among the hard-to-reach 65+ group, where 49% of users rank the site
second only to Facebook in usage.
3) Instagram: The most popular social media platform for coaches, influencers, and
product-based enterprises is Instagram. It is the ideal location for using pictures or
videos to highlight your goods or services. To engage your target audience, you can
share a variety of content on this well-known social media network, including images,
videos, stories, reels, and live videos. Instagram is a treasure trove for anybody under
the age of 35. 58% of Millennials, 67% of Generation Z, and 67% of 18- to 24-year-
old use the app regularly.
4) LinkedIn: The best social media site for professionals is LinkedIn. It has become into
the go-to platform for companies looking to acquire top talent and establish thought
leadership in their sectors among its enormous network of professionals. LinkedIn has
more than 61 million users in senior positions. Additionally, 50 million people utilize
it each week to look for work. Due to its narrow emphasis, LinkedIn has emerged as
the go-to social media platform for business specialists to share content, network, and
develop their personal identities.
5) Twitter: Twitter is well-known for current events and trends, whether they are in
politics, sports, entertainment, technology, or corporate marketing. Twitter stands out
from most other social media platforms because it prioritizes real-time information.
Many brands use Twitter as a substitute for traditional customer care channels
because of its real-time information characteristics. More than 80% of social
customer service enquiries originate on Twitter, claim Twitter's advertisers.
Hence, according to today's data, the company has to prioritize the social media platform,
and Cairn Oil and Gas should also prioritize the data according to all reach analyses and
the timing to use social media.
3. Suggest one campaign that will help to create more buzz on social media and explain
in which medium would you focus those campaigns?
Ans: A social media campaign is a planned marketing activity that uses one or more
social media channels to support or further a company objective. A campaign's greater
emphasis, targeting, and measurability set it apart from regular social media initiatives.
Whether on Facebook or Instagram, a social media campaign should be centered around a
single business objective. Goals for social media initiatives typically include:
● Obtaining user comments.
● Construction of email marketing lists
● Increasing website traffic Improving brand engagement across the board
● Driving direct sales
Have all the tracking tools ready before launching a campaign. There are several free
social media marketing tools available that measure shares, retweets, likes, and brand-
related keywords. Your social media accounts can be integrated with services like
Hootsuite, Social Mention, and Addict Matic to track who is viewing and reacting to your
Social media is used by 3.5 billion individuals each day. Social networks are active
spaces where people congregate to connect with loved ones, find entertainment, or grow
a business. As for the potential, marketers are aware of it. especially given that a
staggering 73 percent of consumers say that a brand's social media presence has
influenced their choice to make a purchase. It is not surprising that by 2021, global
spending on social media advertising is predicted to reach $48 billion. Strategic planning,
audience targeting, and measurable results are all part of social media marketing
campaigns. Like past Cairn Oil and Gas did a campaign named #DidYouKnow and
promoted it through their Twitter and Facebook platforms and later other social media
platforms eventually. We can now to campaigns in Facebook and Instagram with new
concept using the most popular influencer at the current date with the many uses of #tags
like #petrol, #gas #oil etc. As petroleum has become the high price and electric company
is getting bigger and bigger. The new buzz for the social media will be the quiz of fuel
uses in market, updating fuel prices campaign in all social media platform with constant
graphic design and #tags like #fueltoday #fueluses etc. The graphic use in social media
should be unique and refreshment and all the platform should be same color combination.
And the information and news flow of the oil & gas as per todays condition should be
posted by using mention #tags given above and news of every oil and gas condition in
today’s world campaign can bring back the audience engagement every day and help to
increase the organic follower likers in the pages of different social media.
Posting for example be like:
#fueltoday #fuelindustry #gasandoil #DidYouKnow.

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