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‘Bajrangi Bhaijaan’ is the story of a mute Pakistanis girl who is accidentally separated from her

mother in India and this one guy named Bajrangi tries to help her but is accused as an Indian

spy. At 00:03:24, the mass media provides gratification by television as a family of Pakistanis

chooses to watch the cricket match on the television together. At 2:20:23, Pakistani media used

mass media which is a newspaper to set an agenda by spreading the true story about Bajrangi

coming to Pakistan just to help and send back Shahida to her parents. At 2:23:47, mass media is

capable of cultivating world views, where Pakistani reporters share the story of Bajrangi via

television for Indian and Pakistan to know about the difficulties faced by Bajrangi. At 1:37:54,

mass media exercised ideological influence, where Chand Nawab urged the Pakistanis and

Indians to make peace for the common good and let Bajrangi return to India safely through a

fence on the border of Pakistan and India. At the minute of 2:08:03 until 2:08:12, the usage of

social media as social media blur production and consumption can be related in this movie as the

reporter of Pakistan published the video title “Bajrangi Bhaijaan” through his youtube account to

spread the news. At 2:19:13, Bajrangi successfully brought Shahida to her mother in Pakistan

and their journey was recorded and spread through social media by one Chand Nawab. This

invites multitasking which people watch the video and talk about their feelings at the same time.


The issue highlighted in the movie is a mute Pakistanis girl named Shahida loses herself in India.

However, this one Indian guy named Bajrangi tries to help her but the two countries India and

Pakistan that are on hatred and war-mongering make it difficult for him to help Shahdia reunite

with her family in Pakistan because Pakistanis keep accusing him as an Indian spy.

In conclusion, the media can negatively affect & benefit a society. Based on the movie, mass

media can negatively affect when someone is addicted to the show that is broadcast on

television. Next, the usage of the mass media affects the publisher because they have to pass

through the gatekeeper to decide whether the story made can be published or not although the

news is considered important. It also can release news that can set people's thoughts the way the

media wants people to think negatively about something. However, mass media also gives a

benefit where people can still follow what is going on elsewhere. Besides that, mass media

published news that is trustworthy and credible. Moreover, the use of television allows people

around the world to get the latest news in a short time without any hindrance. On the other hand,

the usage of social media can negatively affect society because it leads to misinformation as

people can publish anything that they want through this platform. Nonetheless, social media also

can give benefits when the usage of youtube can help to disseminate the information quickly as

audiences can watch the video freely without any subscription.

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