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*We recommend to do this every 3 months, but seek the Holy Spirit as you may need to do more or less*

*Start outside, moving on to the inside, then into each room of house – don’t forget to address all demons in garages,
sheds, cars, crawl spaces, roof spaces and hiding in any cupboards, wardrobes etc*

1) Pray - “We ask Father God for Your power, love and light to flow amongst us. We ask for the blood of Jesus, a
covering of oil, and the armour of God as a protective covering over and around us and our families. We ask for warrior
angels above, below and around as a wall of protection and your chosen army to dismantle anything that satan may be
sending against us”.

2) Binding –“ In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth we bind satan and all demons under the authority of
satan from manifesting, including the strongman and higher powers that have authority over the demons indwelling all
persons present, and the demons in this home and property. We bind you from harming us, our families, our pets and
our belongings. We bind you from speaking to us and each other, and from blocking and counterfeiting the Holy Spirit.
We forbid transference into us, our pets, and any of our families. We bind mind control and mind blocking in the name
of Jesus Christ. We command all demonic spirits to unlink themselves from one another, and forbid you to lend help or
encouragement to one another in any way”.

3) Consecrate: Home, property, family, possessions to the Lord Jesus Christ. (Simply speak this out)

4) Close – “We close all channels of infiltration and break all ungodly silver cords and ley-lines in Jesus name. We
command all watchers and demons who have been sent to watch and disrupt to leave in Jesus name. Every demon who
is named and commanded to go must leave immediately and go to the abyss and all demons under the authority of, and
or linked to the named demons are commanded to follow”.

5) Acknowledge – “We acknowledge Jesus Christ as Headship over this Cleansing and we give You the control and all
the glory. We have no authority, no power, no strength, and no dominion of our own. We do all things through Christ
who strengthens us. Lord Jesus we submit to you and ask you to help us take every thought into captivity to the
obedience of Christ. We pull down all strongholds that would exalt itself above the knowledge of God. We bind our
minds to the mind of Christ”.

6) Gifts – “We now Invite the Holy Spirit to release His gifts. We ask for any gift necessary for the task set before us. We
ask specifically for discerning between spirits, seer gifting and word of knowledge”.

7) Forgiveness: "Father We ask for forgiveness for any sins or activities committed in this home and land that enabled
the enemy access to this home, land and its people. We cancel all authority given to Satan by previous owners or
tenants and we break all access points, curses, contracts, legal agreements and holds in the name of Jesus Christ. We
forgive those who have sent curses and ask you Father God to bless them.We specifically reject and repel infirmity, pain,
infection, inflammation, malignancies, allergies and viruses. We take the sword of the Spirit and sever all ungodly soul
and sin ties between all persons present, the house, property, second hand or inherited belongings and attachments,
previous owners, occupiers and ancestors”. "If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray
and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their
land" (2 Chronicles 7:14, NKJV).

8) Shine the Light – “Lord Jesus we ask you to shine your light to show us any sins that need to be repented and broken,
and any other areas needing to be addressed”. (Stand in the gap, confess the sin and repent. If the sin has been
committed by current owners, they will need to do the repentance themselves). *Ask the Holy Spirit to show you any
cursed or occultic objects in your home, you may need to bless and break curses, anoint or even discard.*

Deaths in the home - (Pray) - "I am He who lives, and was dead, and behold, I am alive forevermore. Amen. And I have
the keys of Hades and of Death" (Revelation 1:18, NKJV). ●"He will swallow up death forever" (Isaiah 25.8).

“I cut with the sword of the Spirit all ungodly soul and sin ties between (dead person) and the room, bed, bedding, and
all personal effects. I release the (dead person) to the Lord Jesus and command all spirits of death, murder, infirmity,
sentiment, witchcraft, fear of death, grief, loss, mourning, necromancy, familiar spirits and everything else with you to
go to the abyss in the name of Jesus Christ. I cancel all blood that has been shed and replace with the blood of Christ. I
release peace into the home in the name of Jesus. Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives
do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid (John 14:27, NKJV).

Satanic pentagrams or symbols – (Take communion on the property and pour some of the juice/wine over the area). “I
take authority over the power of these symbols and cover with the blood of Jesus Christ. I command every satanic,
occult spirit to go to the abyss in the name of Jesus Christ”. Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and
scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you (Luke 10:19, NKJV).

9) Command - “We command satan and every demon under satans’ authority who are on this land, property, in this
home and belongings, on and around people and pets, to leave immediately in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ and go
to the abyss”. (As you walk around keep asking for God to shine his light in each room as there may be repentance
needed for any sins committed, then keep commanding all demonic spirits to go to the abyss. Ask God to bless each
room as it is cleansed, and cover with the blood of Christ). *Name the demons specifically if given a name*

10) Worship: (Fill the entire place with worship to God. If there has been satanic worship, this will replace this).

11) After Cleansing Prayer: “We pray for strength and cleansing of us and all occupants. We pray against all counter
attacks and bind retaliation and revenge, accident and misadventure from any manifestation or attacks against us, and
all our families. We cut all ungodly soul ties between us and the property, building, occupants, pets, and belongings”

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