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Diabetes Care 1

Jane K. Dickinson,1 Susan J. Guzman,2

The Use of Language in Diabetes Melinda D. Maryniuk,3
Catherine A. O’Brian,4 Jane K. Kadohiro,5
Care and Education Richard A. Jackson,6 Nancy D’Hondt,7 Brenda Montgomery,8 Kelly L. Close,9 and
Martha M. Funnell10

Language is powerful and can have a strong impact on perceptions as well as

behavior. A task force, consisting of representatives from the American Association

of Diabetes Educators (AADE) and the American Diabetes Association (ADA), con-
vened to discuss language in diabetes care and education. This document represents
the expert opinion of the task force. The literature supports the need for a language
movement in diabetes care and education. There are effective ways of communi-
cating about diabetes. This article provides recommendations for language used by
health care professionals and others when discussing diabetes through spoken or
written wordsdwhether directed to people with diabetes, colleagues, or the gen-
eral public, as well as research questions related to language and diabetes.

It has been well established that diabetes is a complex disease that is challenging to Department of Health & Behavior Studies,
manage on a daily basis. There has been abundant discussion recently (1,2) about the Teachers College, Columbia University, New
York, NY
patient experience, communication, and questions about how to make life better for 2
Clinical/Educational Services, Behavioral Diabe-
people with diabetes. While information exists on how to interact more effectively with tes Institute, San Diego, CA
people living with diabetes (3), there is very little discussion about the language we use Clinical Education Programs, Joslin Diabetes
in these encounters. People experience both diabetes and the language of diabetes in Center, Boston, MA
context. Language is the principal vehicle for the sharing of knowledge and under- Department of Science and Practice, American
Association of Diabetes Educators, Chicago, IL
standing (4). Words are immediately shaped into meanings when people hear or read 5
Diabetes Education and Support Consulting
them (5,6), and those meanings can affect how a person views him or herself. Services, Reno, NV
Language lies at the core of attitude change, social perception, personal identity, Grassroots Diabetes, Boston, MA
intergroup bias, and stereotyping. The use of certain words or phrases can intentionally Ascension St. John Hospital, Detroit, MI
AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals, Bothell, WA
or unintentionally express bias about personal characteristics (e.g., race, religion, 9
Close Concerns and The diaTribe Foundation,
health, or gender). Words have the power to “elevate or destroy” (7). This is also San Francisco, CA
true of language referring to persons with diabetes, which can express negative and 10
University of Michigan Medical School, Ann
disparaging attitudes and thereby contribute to an already stressful experience of Arbor, MI
living with this disease. On the other hand, encouraging and collaborative messages Corresponding author: Jane K. Dickinson,
can enhance health outcomes (8). How we talk to and about people with diabetes plays
an important role in engagement, conceptualization of diabetes and its management, Brenda Montgomery is the ADA’s President,
treatment outcomes, and the psychosocial well-being of the individual. For people Health Care & Education, and is the ADA repre-
sentative on the language in diabetes care and
with diabetes, language has an impact on motivation, behaviors, and outcomes (9). education task force.
A task force, consisting of representatives from the American Association of Diabetes
This article is being simultaneously published in
Educators (AADE) and the American Diabetes Association (ADA), convened to discuss Diabetes Care and The Diabetes Educator by
language in diabetes care and education. The task force reviewed the literature re- the American Diabetes Association and the
garding language used in the delivery of diabetes care and education and made rec- American Association of Diabetes Educators.
ommendations to enhance the communication process. This document represents the © 2017 by the American Diabetes Association and
expert opinion of the task force. The task force members defined and adopted four the American Association of Diabetes Educators.
principles that guided the work and served as a core set of beliefs for this article. Table 1 Readers may use this article as long as the work
is properly cited, the use is educational and not
presents the guiding principles. for profit, and the work is not altered. More infor-
A language movement in health care is not a new concept. Psychologists, clinicians, mation is available at http://www.diabetesjournals
and even the lay community have been discussing the language of health for decades, .org/content/license.
Diabetes Care Publish Ahead of Print, published online October 17, 2017
2 Consensus Report Diabetes Care

Table 1—Guiding principles for communication with and about people living with
Avoid labeling (and thus equating) people
diabetes with their disabilities or diseases (e.g., the
c Diabetes is a complex and challenging disease involving many factors and variables
blind, schizophrenics, epileptics). Instead,
c Stigma that has historically been attached to a diagnosis of diabetes can contribute to stress and
put the person first. Avoid describing per-
feelings of shame and judgment sons as victims or with other emotional
c Every member of the health care team can serve people with diabetes more effectively through
terms that suggest helplessness (afflicted
a respectful, inclusive, and person-centered approach with, suffering from, stricken with, maimed).
c Person-first, strengths-based, empowering language can improve communication and enhance
Avoid euphemistic descriptions such as
the motivation, health, and well-being of people with diabetes physically challenged or special.
In an effort to build on those ideas and
further define effective communication in
and evidence exists demonstrating that authors of patient education publica- diabetes, the task force developed five
language will change over time. For de- tions). These recommendations are con- evidence-informed recommendations
cades, a substantial amount of the lan- sistent with the American Psychological (see Table 3) for person-centered and
guage around diabetes has been focused Association style guidelines for nonhandi- strengths-based communication as well
on negative outcomes and laden with judg- capping language, which originated in the as a list of words and phrases that have
ment and blame, and it has not adequately Committee on Disability Issues in Psychol- potentially negative connotations, along
considered individual needs, beliefs, and ogy (the following is adapted from http:// with suggestions for alternatives (see
choices. As our knowledge of diabetes Table 4). This article emphasizes the ra-
has expanded and as more effective treat- nonhandicapping-language.aspx): tionale, based on expert consensus, for a
ments have emerged, we are moving into Nonhandicapping language main- reevaluation of the way we talk about di-
a more personalized approach to diabetes tains the integrity of individuals as whole abetes, even if the meanings of particular
care and education. As such, it is time for human beings by avoiding language words change over time.
the language around diabetes to reflect that Language is important for health care pro-
this evolution. c implies that a person as a whole is dis- fessionals to consider as they work to build
Diabetes Australia, upon identifying abled (e.g., diabetic child) and strengthen therapeutic relationships with
that language in diabetes can be “inaccu- c equates a person with his or her con- their patients (14). Awareness of language
rate and harmful,” published a position dition (e.g., diabetic) also applies to family members and care-
statement calling for a “new language c has superfluous and negative over- givers of people with diabetes, corporate
for diabetes,” summarizing negative emo- tones (e.g., unmotivated, suffering spokespeople, and members of the media
tional and behavioral outcomes of some with/from diabetes) who are in a position to speak and write
language choices in diabetes (10). The In- c is regarded as a judgment (e.g., non- about diabetes. This article is not meant to
ternational Diabetes Federation published compliant, nonadherent, poorly con- suggest how people living with diabetes
a Language Philosophy because of the trolled) talk or write about themselves as individu-
belief that there is a “responsibility to set als. In addition, other key aspects of com-
an example about appropriate language The ADA “Standards of Medical Care in munication, including design and layout of
to others” (11). Diabetesd2017” (12) calls for “a patient- information, health literacy, and health nu-
This article provides recommendations centered communication style that uses meracy are beyond the scope of this article
for language related to diabetes that is active listening, elicits patient prefer- and have been discussed elsewhere.
respectful, inclusive, person centered, ences and beliefs, and assesses literacy,
and strengths based (see detailed defini- numeracy, and potential barriers to RECOMMENDATIONS
tions in Table 2) to diabetes clinicians, care” in order to “optimize patient health 1. Use Language That Is Neutral,
diabetes educators, researchers, journal ed- outcomes and health-related quality of Nonjudgmental, and Based on Facts,
itors and authors, and other professionals life.” The AMA Manual of Style (13) calls Actions, or Physiology/Biology
who communicate about diabetes (e.g., for authors to do the following: In health care, the way in which some-
thing is said is equally important as what
is actually being said (15,16). Words, which
Table 2—Key definitions “are inseparable from the concepts they
Word/phrase Definition refer to” (5), are powerful. Medical lan-
Strengths-based language Opposite of a deficit approach; emphasizing what people guage has an influence over patients and
know and what they can do (7). plays a central role in defining experience
Focusing on strengths that can empower people to take more and understanding. How one hears and
control over their own health and healing (103). interprets language related to disease
Example: Lee takes her insulin 50% of the time because of cost has an impact on one’s perception of their
concerns (instead of Lee is noncompliant/nonadherent).
health and themself as a person (5).
Person-first language Words that indicate awareness, a sense of dignity, and positive Words that start out as simple descriptors
attitudes toward people with a disability/disease. Places
can take on positive or negative connota-
emphasis on the person, rather than the disability/disease
(88). tions over time (17).
Example: Lee has diabetes (instead of Lee is a diabetic). Judgmental words and messages can
inflict shame, leading a person to pull Dickinson and Associates 3

Table 3—Recommendations be stigmatizing terms that associate with

Use language that
stereotypes including “lazy,” “unmoti-
vated,” “unwilling,” and “don’t care” (31).
1. is neutral, nonjudgmental, and based on facts, actions, or physiology/biology
Results from an online survey (n 5
2. is free from stigma
12,000) to assess stigma related to diabe-
3. is strengths based, respectful, inclusive, and imparts hope
tes and the associated psychological impact
4. fosters collaboration between patients and providers
demonstrated that most people with
5. is person centered
type 1 diabetes (76%) and type 2 diabetes
(52%) have experienced stigma (32). In
away from other people and situations foolish adults,” which is contradictory fact, the most widely reported forms of
(18). Adults living with diabetes who par- and confusing for people with diabetes. diabetes-related social stigma were the
ticipated in a focus group study (n 5 68) Broom and Whittaker suggested that perception of having a character flaw or
reported that they experience judgment there may be moral implications regard- a failure of personal responsibility (81%)
and blame through the language used by ing people’s ability to “control” blood glu- and being a burden on the health care
health care professionals, friends, family, cose levels, food choices, weight, physical system (65%). Another study showed that
and the general public (16). It is prefera- activity, and one’s “self.” As a result, fail- people with diabetes reported percep-
ble in patient and professional education, ure to control diabetes not only relates to tions of being weak, fat, lazy, overeaters
research, publishing, and health care to health but also implies a moral failing (23). or gluttons (33), poor or bad people, and
use words that are factual, neutral, and The term “control,” when used in dis- not intelligent (34). While these charac-
nonjudgmental rather than words that cussing diabetes management activities, teristics are often perceived by people
impose blame or imply negative attitudes places responsibility on the person with with type 2 diabetes, there is evidence
(19–21). diabetes while also implying strictly fol- that people with type 1 diabetes feel sim-
Possibly because of perceived judgment lowing the advice of the health care ilar stigmatization (35,36).
from health care professionals, people professional who holds authority and Research has shown that people expe-
with diabetes sometimes alter or underre- knowledge. On the other hand, some riencing stigma are less likely to seek
port blood glucose levels (22) or omit in- people interpret “taking control” as pur- follow-up care (37) and are more likely
formation during health care provider posely going against what providers sug- to feel psychological distress (38). In a
visits (23). Adolescence is an especially gest (23). In society there is value to being study of people living with diabetes
vulnerable time for communication and “in control,” while being “out of control” (n 5 3,347), data from a self-administered
self-care (24). Therefore, adolescence is means failure. The frequent reference to questionnaire demonstrated that per-
an important period when effective, non- “control” in diabetes forms a “moral dis- ceived stigma is associated with increased
judgmental messages may help establish course” surrounding the disease and may psychological distress, depressive symp-
trusting relationships, which then foster elicit feelings of shame. It may be more toms, decreased social support, and
open and honest communication (16). effective to serve those with diabetes decreased quality of life (39). These as-
In a study of postoperative patients, without using language that places im- sessments were confirmed in a study
negative words were associated with plicit or explicit judgment on them or where stigma related to diabetes was as-
higher pain scores and higher levels of blames them for their health-related sociated with elevated A1C; increased
the stress hormone cortisol when com- problems (23). Diabetes conversations blood glucose variability; feelings of guilt,
pared with no words or positive words may not always include a discussion of shame, blame, embarrassment, and iso-
(25). Research has linked pain-related the effort and/or intent on the part of lation; and negative impacts on social life
words to activating brain networks simi- the person managing the disease. A con- (32). A recent randomized controlled trial
lar to unpleasant stimulation (26). An- versation about “control” that omits employing the Weight Bias Internalization
other study showed that participants mention of a patient’s effort/intent puts Scale (40) demonstrated that higher
undergoing venipuncture reported expe- the focus solely on the effect or expected weight stigma predicted increased odds
riencing significantly more pain when outcomes of diabetes care. The goal, in- of having high triglycerides (odds ratio
hearing negative words such as “beware” stead, is to use language that is neutral, 1.88 [95% CI 1.14–3.09]) and may heighten
or “sting” (27). nonjudgmental, and based on facts, ac- cardiometabolic risk (41).
The perception of “control” has evolved tions, or physiology/biology (see Table 4). Living with a stigmatizing disease can
over time. Use of “control” in diabetes have a psychological impact that can be
came from clinical research and was re- 2. Use Language That Is Free From detrimental to self-care (38). Several fac-
inforced with the Diabetes Control and Stigma tors contribute to diabetes-related stigma,
Complications Trial (DCCT) (28). Over Stigma has been defined as labeling and including blame, fear, disgust, social norms,
time it has come to be perceived as “abil- identifying human differences via stereo- and avoidance of disease. While stigma is
ity to control” or “lack of control,” and typing in which the labeled person is experienced by people with both type 1
there has been a strong emphasis on linked to undesirable characteristics and type 2 diabetes, it tends to be perpet-
this word when discussing diabetes today (30). Health-related stigma is a psycholog- uated even within the diabetes community.
(23,29). The conclusion of Broom and ical factor that negatively influences the People with type 1 diabetes have reported
Whittaker (23) was that this type of mes- lives of people living with diabetes (23). beliefs about those with type 2 diabetes
saging positions people with diabetes as In diabetes, “uncontrolled,” “diabetic,” being responsible for their disease, which
“disobedient children” or as “wicked or “noncompliant,” and “nonadherent” can creates an “us vs. them” dynamic (36).
4 Consensus Report Diabetes Care

Table 4—Suggestions for replacing language with potentially negative connotations

Language with potentially negative
connotations Suggested replacement language Rationale
Compliant/compliance, noncompliant/ “He takes his medication about half the time.” The words listed in the first column are
noncompliance, adherent/nonadherent, “She takes insulin whenever she can afford it.” inappropriate and dysfunctional concepts in
adherence/nonadherence “He eats fruits and veggies a few times per diabetes care and education. Compliance
week.” and adherence imply doing what someone
Engagement else wants, i.e., taking orders about personal
Participation care as if a child. In diabetes care and
Involvement education, people make choices and perform
Medication taking self-care/self-management.
Focus on people’s strengthsdwhat are they doing
or doing well and how can we build on that?
Focus on facts rather than judgments.
Control (as a verb or adjective)
Controlled/uncontrolled, well controlled/ Manage Control is virtually impossible to achieve in a
poorly controlled “She is checking blood glucose levels a disease where the body no longer does what it
few times per week.” is supposed to do.
“He is taking sulfonylureas, and they are not Use words/phrases that focus on what the
bringing his blood glucose levels down person is doing or doing well. Focus on intent
enough.” and good faith efforts, rather than on
“passing” or “failing.”
Focus on physiology/biology and use neutral
words that don’t judge, shame, or blame.
Control (as a noun)
Glycemic control, glucose control, poor A1C Focus on neutral words and physiology/biology.
control, good control, bad control, Blood glucose levels Define what “good control” means in factual
tight control Blood glucose targets terms and use that instead.
Glycemic target/goal
Glycemic stability
Glycemic variability
Diabetic (as an adjective)
Diabetic foot Foot ulcer, infection on the foot Focus on the physiology or pathophysiology.
Diabetic education Diabetes education “Diabetic education” is incorrect (education does
not have diabetes).
Diabetic person Person with diabetes Put the person first.
“How long have you been diabetic?” “How long have you had diabetes?” Avoid using a disease to describe a person.
Diabetes patients Patients with diabetes Avoid describing people as a disease.
Diabetic (as a noun)
“Are you a diabetic?” “Do you have diabetes?” Person-first language puts the person first. Avoid
Person living with diabetes labeling someone as a disease. There is much
Person with diabetes more to a person than diabetes. When in doubt,
Person who has diabetes call someone with diabetes by their name.
Nondiabetic, normal Person who does not have diabetes See above.
Person without diabetes The opposite of “normal” is “abnormal”; people
with diabetes are not abnormal.
Can/can’t, should/shouldn’t, do/don’t, “Have you tried. . .” Words and statements that are directives make
have to, need to, must/must not “What about. . .” people with diabetes feel as if they are being
“May I make a suggestion. . .” ordered around like children. They can inflict
“May I tell you what has worked for other judgment, guilt, shame, and blame.
people. . .”
“What is your plan for. . .”
“Would you like to consider. . .”
Regimen, rules Plan Use words that empower people, rather than
Choices words that restrict or limit them.
Words/phrases that focus on the provider
“I got him/her to. . .” “He started taking insulin. . .” Give the person with diabetes credit for what
“I want you to. . .” “She lost 25 pounds. . .” they accomplished. Make it about the
Let people. . . “May we make a plan for. . .” person with diabetes and choices, rather
“May I make a suggestion. . .” than making it about the provider.
Setting goals for. . . Facilitating identified goals and creating a plan with. . .
Self-directed goals
Continued on p. 5 Dickinson and Associates 5

Table 4—Continued
Language with potentially negative
connotations Suggested replacement language Rationale
Prevent, prevention Reduce risk(s)/risk reduction There is no guarantee of prevention (disease or
Delay complications); therefore, focus on what the
person can do, which is lower their risks
and/or delay onset. This also limits blame if
the person does develop diabetes or
complications eventually, despite efforts
to prevent it.
Refused Declined Use words that build on people’s strengths and
respect the person’s right to make their own
Victim, suffer, stricken, afflicted . . .lives with diabetes We cannot assume someone is suffering. This
. . .has diabetes puts them in the victim mode, rather than
. . .diagnosed with diabetes empowering them. Build on people’s
strengths instead.
Words or phrases that imply judgment
Lifestyle disease Diabetes
Difficult patient “Ms. Smith has a foot sore that is not healing Describe behavior factually rather than labeling
and is having a difficult time with offloading.” the person.
“I’m having a difficult time with Ms. Smith.”
In denial “Dan understands that diabetes can harm him; “In denial” is inaccurate. Most people described
he does not see diabetes as a priority with this way know they have diabetes and are not
everything else that’s going on in his life denying that they have it. This is a reflection
right now.” that the person does not see diabetes as an
important and/or immediate concern.
Unmotivated, unwilling “John has not started taking insulin because Few people are unmotivated to live a long and
he’s concerned about weight gain. He sees healthy life. The challenge in diabetes
insulin as a personal failure.” management is there are many perceived
obstacles that can outweigh the understood
benefits. As a result, many people come to the
conclusion that changes are not worth the
effort or are unachievable.
“What did you do?” “Tell me about. . .” The idea is to encourage the person to move
“May I make a suggestion?” away from “why?” to “what now?” Discussion
of successful responses can be a more
effective teaching tool than pointing out
mistakes and erratic numbers.
Cheating, sneaking Making choices/decisions Use strengths-based language.
Good/bad/poor Numbers Good and bad are value judgments. Focus on
Choices physiology/biology and tasks/actions using
Food neutral words.
Fail, failed, failure “Metformin was not adequate to reach People don’t fail medications. If something
“She failed metformin.” her A1C goal.” is not working, we choose a new
Test Check blood glucose/blood glucose monitoring A test implies good/bad or pass/fail.
Test blood glucose Blood glucose monitoring/checking
Test strips Strips, glucose strips blood glucose is a way to gather information
that is used to make decisions.
Words or phrases that threaten
“You are going to end up blind “More and more people are living long and Many people who are not reaching metabolic
or on dialysis.” healthy lives with diabetes. Let’s work goals understand they are at risk for
together to make a plan that you can do in complications. Scare tactics rarely are
your daily life.” effective. Work together on specific,
achievable, and realistic self-directed
goals that can improve metabolic

Changing the language of diabetes could There are several studies that have in- type 2 diabetes. People have identified
serve as an“advocacy campaign” to reduce vestigated preferred terms for describing “obesity” as an undesirable (19,20,42–44)
diabetes-related stigma (36). obesity, a risk factor for developing and highly stigmatizing term (44) that
6 Consensus Report Diabetes Care

implies a “moral or esthetic failing” (42). “poorly controlled,” “unmotivated,” or and hopes (7). Language that focuses on
People experiencing or fearing health- “unwilling,” may find that these expecta- what is wrong, on the other hand, may
related stigma may avoid treatment or tions become true. Potential evidence for elicit a sense of shame, an emotion associ-
future health care appointments (30,45) this effect may be seen in patient and ated with an intense physiological response
and have reported feeling bad about provider resistance to initiation of insulin and that evokes a person’s weakness
themselves and an increased likelihood therapy. Several studies have found that rather than potential (18).
of avoiding exercise (45). Stigma can about half of nurses and general practi- Ward et al. (15) found that when phy-
lead to embarrassment and/or shame, tioners (50–55%) reported that they delay sicians were perceived as disrespectful,
and shame can lead to decreased motiva- insulin therapy until “absolutely neces- insincere, or emotionless, African Ameri-
tion (37) and nonattendance at struc- sary” and are significantly more likely to cans with weight problems were less likely
tured diabetes education (46). do so when they perceive patients as “less to engage in behavior change or seek the
The label “noncompliant” is value-laden adherent,” “unwilling,” or “uncontrolled” help they need. African American study
and represents an authoritarian patient- (51–53). The presumption that patients participants wanted health care providers
provider relationship. “Noncompliant” will be “noncompliant” or “unwilling” to demonstrate respect, nonjudgment,
is a label that can travel with a person may result in a self-fulfilling prophecy. In and concern for their well-being (15).
(47), for instance, in their chart or in con- fact, people with type 2 diabetes com- Language that is negative or judgmen-
versations, so that providers have precon- monly report being “unwilling” to start tal can contribute to diabetes distress (9).
ceived ideas about patients. Expectancy insulin (17–39%) (54–56). Diabetes distress is defined as all of the
theory has shown that when individuals In a separate study, people who were worries, concerns, and fears that are as-
are labeled, expectations are set that can given a new prescription for insulin fell sociated with a demanding and complex
become self-fulfilling prophecies (48,49). into two groups: those who started taking disease like diabetes and the threat of
Beginning with their landmark study, the insulin and those who did not. Those possible complications (63). Diabetes dis-
Rosenthal and Jacobson (50) demon- who did not start taking insulin were sig- tress is common (64,65) and indepen-
strated the expectancy effect in a variety nificantly more likely to blame them- dently associated with elevated A1C in
of contexts. This research shows the ex- selves and believed their prior lack of diabetes (63,64,66,67).
pectancy effect is not only important; it successful self-management caused the Health care professionals are encour-
is a robust effect that occurs in many sit- current need for insulin (54). This sug- aged to seek skills in “attentive and em-
uations, including business management gests that when providers label pa- pathic listening, sensitive verbal inquiry,
(where the biasing effect is the expec- tients as “noncompliant” or “unwilling” and use of thoughtful and reflective
tations of employers about their em- and when patients see themselves as commentsdskills that are the hallmarks
ployees), courtrooms (where the biasing “noncompliant,” people with diabetes of good clinical care” (63). Fear of hypo-
effect is the expectations about the de- are less likely to be willing to start taking glycemia and fear of not meeting blood
fendant’s guilt or innocence), and nursing insulin. glucose targets are common for people
homes (where the biasing effect is the For some people, noncompliance may living with diabetes (24) and can contrib-
expectation a resident will get better or be a way of trying to gain control over ute to undue stress. Fear of hypoglycemia
worse). This effect has also been shown in their own lives, yet this psychological pro- can lead to keeping blood glucose levels
athletic ability, where coaches’ expecta- tection can actually lead to physical harm elevated for long periods of time. Health
tions were set about the skill of the ath- (57). There are many reasons for noncom- care professionals can use language that
letes (49). pliance in diabetes management (58,59), instills confidence and encourages people
Expectancy effects revealed four main and the messages can be adjusted to re- to use their strengths to overcome these
factors of learning-related labeling in the flect an understanding of these factors. fears and manage successfully.
classroom setting (48). In a randomized The word “adherence” was used to re- Stress has a negative influence on the
controlled trial, where typical students place “compliance” in the 1990s; how- body in general (68,69) and even more so
were randomly labeled as “spurters,” ever, “adherence” has a similar meaning for those with diabetes. Health care pro-
changes were seen in emotional climate, and may have a similarly negative conno- fessionals have an important role in the
teacher behaviors, student opportunities tation. Therefore, neither “compliance” context of diabetes. As it is difficult to
to speak, and level of detailed feedback. nor “adherence” is consistent with an em- separate language from context (6), neg-
When teachers expected students to do powerment, strengths-based approach ative language and messages can contrib-
well, they were warmer toward them, in diabetes (57,60–62). The goal is to ute to a stressful disease experience (9).
gave them more difficult study mate- use language that is free from stigma Stress has an impact on blood glucose
rials, gave them more opportunities to (see Table 4). levels and self-care behaviors, and differ-
respond and/or ask questions, and pro- ences in psychosocial resources including
vided more informative feedback. The 3. Use Language That Is Strengths support and coping will affect a person’s
teachers’ expectations affected learning Based, Respectful, Inclusive, and response to stress (70).
outcomes; students who were randomly Imparts Hope Empowerment involves identifying
labeled “spurters” performed better than Strengths-based language focuses on needs, taking action, and gaining mastery
“nonspurters” (48). what is working rather than what is wrong, over issues that are self-identified as im-
If expectancy theory is applied to the missing, or abnormal. This approach indi- portant (3). Language that is respectful,
patient-provider relationship in diabe- cates a belief in people and their capabil- inclusive, and strengths based conveys
tes, people labeled as “noncompliant,” ities, talents, abilities, possibilities, values, an empowerment approach in diabetes Dickinson and Associates 7

education and clinical care (71). Saying “I example, someone might say “I’m a bad with collaborative interactions between
empower patients so they will be compli- diabetic, because I don’t eat how I’m sup- people with diabetes and health care pro-
ant” is not consistent with empowerment; posed to.” This “dialogue with the self” fessionals (see Table 4).
language focused on goals identified by pa- (23) is influenced by the words used by
tients rather than imposed by health health care professionals, who are seen as 5. Use Language That Is Person
professionals is consistent with empow- knowledgeable and powerful. Communi- Centered
erment. cation between patients and providers is In 2001 the Institute of Medicine made
Everything that surrounds a person essential to the success or failure of these a strong stand for supporting “patient-
makes up their context. In the case of peo- interactions (5); Fleischman supports the centered care.” The Institute of Medicine
ple with diabetes, that includes the words, notion that health care professionals defined patient-centered care as “care
attitudes, and behaviors of health care are ethically responsible for periodically that is respectful of and responsive to in-
professionals. In fact, context may influ- reflecting on and critiquing the language dividual patient preferences, needs, and
ence the outcomes of medical treatments they use: “what is clear is that [providers] values, and ensuring that patient values
(6). Benedetti and Amanzio (72) ex- and patients do not share a common lan- guide all clinical decisions” (87). Patient-
plained that one of the most basic and guage when talking about illness and dis- centered care has been in the literature
controllable contexts is words. Their re- ease” (5). for more than 50 years (88). More re-
search examined the placebo and nocebo Language that evokes authority and im- cently, however, efforts have been made
effects. People who received an interven- plies a power differential, such as “naughty,” to recognize the whole person and there-
tion that had no therapeutic effect in a “cheat,” “allowed/not allowed,” “can/ fore transition to “person-centered care”
verbal context that was hopeful and trust can’t,” “should/shouldn’t,” “good/bad,” in order to include more than just clinical
inducing had reduced pain symptoms “must/must not,” and “right/wrong” may and medical needs and preferences (89).
(placebo effect), while those receiving result in people with diabetes feeling as Person-centered care involves a dynamic,
the intervention in a fearful and stressful though they are being talked to like child- collaborative relationship with relevant
context had increased pain symptoms ren (83). Ritholz et al. (80) found that health care providers.
(nocebo effect) (72). people with diabetes are less likely to dis- Indicators consistent with person-
Awareness of language and commu- cuss self-care information because of a centered care include quality of life, ame-
nication behavior can help health care fear of being judged and feeling shame. lioration of symptoms, and satisfaction
professionals have more effective conver- A randomized controlled trial (n 5 222) (89). Language, an important part of
sations (15). A survey study asking pa- demonstrated a mean 1-point A1C lower- this approach, contributes to effective
tients about their experience with health ing when people with type 2 diabetes were communication, which relates to patient
care providers at the time of diagnosis with taught how to reframe self-blame using satisfaction (88). Qualities of person-
type 2 diabetes (n 5 172) found that more neutral, fact-based messages (84). centered care include support, compas-
messages of hope, delivered right at di- People naturally internalize the “com- sion, and caring. Such qualities encourage
agnosis, have a lasting impact (at least pliance” model by being involved in the patient activation, which leads to better
1 to 5 years) on patients’ attitudes and health care system and a part of society, outcomes (88). Messages of support,
diabetes management behaviors and sig- where there are long-held beliefs about compassion, and caring can be communi-
nificantly mitigate diabetes distress (73). disease and health. The language of health cated through the words health care pro-
Using language that is strengths based, care providers, therefore, can have a ten- viders choose.
respectful, inclusive, and imparts hope dency to reinforce that model. Instead, the Person-first language is “an essential
can facilitate more empowering, produc- patient-provider relationship is an oppor- starting point for conveying respect”
tive communication (see Table 4). tunity for mutual engagement, collabora- (90), with its origin in the disability move-
tion, and dialogue (62). It is important for ment. Fleitas (91) suggested that defining
4. Use Language That Fosters providers to communicate with patients people by their disease, for instance, “di-
Collaboration Between Patients and that difficulty reaching goals is not their abetic,” just because it is semantically
Providers fault; they are not to blame (85). Yelovich convenient ought to give us pause. “When
The need for effective patient-provider recommends approaching the patient- the words or some disease statement
communication is a common theme in provider interaction as a “meeting of ex- precede the subject of the sentence, an
the diabetes and health care literature perts” (79). image is formed that prevents the listener
(74–81). The ways in which health care Patient-provider communication is di- or reader from thinking about the subject
professionals interact with people who rectly linked to how patients engage with any other way” (91). She further sug-
have diabetes can encourage or discour- and make the changes recommended by gested that descriptors such as “suffers
age engagement and collaboration. health care professionals (8,76–78,86). from” and “victim of” can be socially de-
Respectful and effective communication Providers who received education on col- structive to those with the disease. She
is the foundation of trusting relationships laborative communication reported bet- described the “linguistic landscape” as
in health care (82). ter patient self-management outcomes being full of landmines that need to be
According to Broom and Whittaker (78). Trust in the health care professional acknowledged and defused (91).
(23), people’s sense of identity may get is a critical element of the patient-provider The Diabetes Attitudes, Wishes and
disrupted when they have a disease such relationship that can also improve patient Needs (DAWN) studies explored factors
as diabetes. A person’s experience of di- engagement and self-care (16,75). The that influence active diabetes manage-
abetes can influence their self-talk, for goal is to use language that is consistent ment (92) and favored shifting from an
8 Consensus Report Diabetes Care

acute or “compliance” model to a person- existing literature reports qualitative The use of empowering language can
centered approach (93). Kalra and Baruah methods used to illuminate issues of lan- help to educate and motivate people with
(94) recommended implementing a cam- guage and the experience of diabetes. diabetes, yet language that shames and
paign toward changing attitudes about di- There are several important questions judges may be undermining this effort,
abetes. Raising awareness of the impact of that warrant further study. contributing to diabetes distress, and ul-
language and adopting person-centered timately slowing progress in diabetes out-
communication could be some of the first c What is the relationship between lan- comes. This article serves as a starting
steps in such a campaign. guage and stigma in diabetes? point to acknowledge and avoid the po-
By focusing on person-first language, c What is the effect of language in differ- tential pitfalls of the language used in di-
it may be possible to eliminate stereo- ent types of diabetes, age-groups, and abetes. Its purpose is to engage health
types, negative assumptions, and gen- cultures? care professionals and those who pre-
eralizations by respectfully addressing c What is the role of expectancy theory pare future health care professionals
the whole individual; their disease is sim- in diabetes? in a movement toward language that is
ply one part of their life experience (95). c What is the impact of language in the consistent with an empowerment ap-
Person-first language evolved largely media on people with diabetes? proach. The language movement that
from organizations that serve people c What is the effect of language on pa- began decades ago has reached the dia-
with disabilities. Over time, person-first tient engagement/motivation and dia- betes community and requires support
language has been applied to people betes outcomes? and implementation from all health care
with other conditions, diseases, or pop- c Does changing the language of diabe- professionals, researchers, writers, and
ulation characteristics and demograph- tes improve outcomes? eventually society at large to be success-
ics, such as medical diagnoses, age, and c What is the effect of language on ful and sustainable. In addition, this arti-
ethnicity (96). The American Psychologi- patient-provider relationships? cle can serve as a guidepost for those in
cal Association has long endorsed the c What are effective ways to teach health the media who communicate health
person-first perspective in an effort to care professionals about language? messages to consider more carefully
reduce stigma, stereotyping, and preju- the language they use when writing
dice toward people with disabilities; CONCLUSIONS about diabetes and other chronic dis-
this applies to those working in clinical eases. It is also a call to action for schol-
Language cannot be separated from
practice, research, and education (96). ars to further study and report on the
thought or experience. Language is part
Barnish (97) found that health care impact of language on people with di-
of every person’s context, and people cre-
providers and researchers may be more abetes. The task force plans to follow up
ate meaning from the messages they
likely than not to refer to people with on this article by creating a media style
hear. The paradigm of diabetes care and
disabilities in terms that emphasize the guide and resources for health care pro-
education is moving past an approach
disability rather than the person (e.g., “di- fessionals.
that views the health care provider as The time has come to reflect on the
abetic”). The Obesity Society formally the expert who tells people with diabetes
adopted person-first language in 2013. language of diabetes and share insights
what to do. It is moving toward an ap- with others. Messages of strength and
For example, it is more acceptable to proach where people with diabetes are
say “person with obesity” (98). As clini- hope will signify progress toward the
the central members of their care teams, goals of eradicating stigma and consider-
cians and others provide care and services experts on their experiences, and integral
to people with diabetes, it is important ing people first.
to the management of their disease. Di-
to recognize that possible biases and
abetes professionals are working toward
use of terminology may affect relation-
person-centered care that is based on
ships with those who are served and ulti-
respectful, inclusive, and empowering Acknowledgments. The authors would like to
mately the care they receive. thank Sarah Odeh (Aquinox Pharmaceuticals,
interactions. Health care professionals
To date, there is not universal agree- formerly of Close Concerns) for her contribu-
have an opportunity to reflect on the tions to the content of the manuscript, Alicia
ment on the use of person-first language
language used in diabetes and adapt McAuliffe-Fogarty (American Diabetes Associa-
(96,99), and there are organizations that
strengths-based, collaborative, and tion) for her review of the manuscript, and Erika
espouse the use of “identify-first” lan- Gebel Berg (American Diabetes Association) for
person-centered messages that encourage
guage (e.g., “blind person”), including her assistance with reviewing and preparing the
people to learn about and take action to
the National Federation of the Blind manuscript.
manage this complex disease. The ICD-9 Duality of Interest. B.M. is employed by
(100). However, in diabetes, person-first
Clinical Modification codes (ICD-9-CM co- AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals. K.L.C.: Close
language is more consistent with having an Concerns reports that several academic institu-
des) (101) linked with reimbursement
active role in self-management rather than tions, government bodies, and pharmaceutical
included multiple codes for uncon-
being a passive recipient (9) (see Table 4). and device companies in the diabetes field
trolled diabetes. Despite the removal subscribe to the company’s fee-based newslet-
of the modifier “uncontrolled” in the ter, Closer Look, and The diaTribe Foundation re-
GAPS IN KNOWLEDGE IN ICD-10-CM (102), the legacy of the ICD- ports that it receives donations from a number of
LANGUAGE AND DIABETES 9-CM system persists in medical re- pharmaceutical and device companies in the di-
abetes field. M.M.F. served as an advisory panel
There is a paucity of research that directly cords. Influencing culture and removing member for Eli Lilly and Sanofi. No other potential
addresses questions about language in di- negative labeling will take time and conflicts of interest relevant to this article were
abetes care and education. Most of the determination. reported. Dickinson and Associates 9

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