Semi-Final (Quiz 3) Employee Relation and Discipline (Case Study)

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Quiz #3


Possession of Alcohol Beverage

Jojo Santos, 24 yrs old, is an accounting clerk at Sisayan’s Enterprises. Jojo has been with the
company for more than three years.

Arriving from his lunch break, he had bought a bottle of inexpensive rum for his friend’s
gathering later at his house. He showed the bottle to the security guard, wanting to leave the bottle at
the door, but the guard motioned him to bring it with him.

During his afternoon break, Jonald, one of his friends and officemate, came along and saw bottle
from under Jojo’s desk, immediately opened it, and jokingly offered Jojo. Jojo gamely obliged and also
jokingly acted like drinking from the bottle. Just then, Anthony, a supervisor from another section,
appeared from nowhere and accused Jojo of drinking within the company premises and during work
hours. Jojo thought he would be reprimanded in the afternoon but it never came.

However, unknown to Jojo, Anthony approached Jojo’s supervisor and recounted the story.
Jojo’s supervisor did not bother to ask the side of Jojo as he considered the account of Anthony as
sufficient evidence.

The next day, Jojo was surprised to see his termination paper on the desk advising him to get his
last salary from the cashier. Jojo then sought the assistance of their labor union.

Other facts:

CBA provision: Drinking, possession, use of, or bringing of alcohol beverages including beer, or
drugs, narcotics of any kind within the company premises, reporting to work or entering company
premises under the influence of alcohol …. First offense is penalized with dismissal.

Jojo has never been subject of disciplinary action and is a good performer. Jojo and Anthony are
not in good terms.


1. Is Jojo’s termination legal? Justify your answer

If you are the HR Manager, Settle the grievances filed by Jojo following the steps in analyzing business

Time Context: _______________________________________________________________________


Viewpoint: ______________________________________________________________________


Statement of the Problem: _________________________________________________________


Statement of the Objectives: _____________________________________________________


Areas of Consideration: ________________________________________________________


Alternative Course of Action: ___________________________________________________


Recommendation: __________________________________________________


Submitted by: Your name here

Note: make your analysis clear and comprehensive… add more lines if needed.

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