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B 22.The sum'of U+ pV reffisents?
A. Entropy C. lntematenergy
B. Enthatpy D. Tempefature
D 23 Wh91 two bodies,".isolated from,other environment,.'ire ' thermal equilibrium with the
third: btldy,,166 two''are in thermal equilibrium wifir each other.,Whai,do you thi;
A. First lawof thenndynamics :

C. Daltons law of partialpressure

B. Second law of thermodynamics D. Zeroih law of thermodynamics
C 24. An open system First Law should be utilized for all the folloWing eXegPf: .,r ' ,,
A. A nozzle --: :

C. Ariston+ylinderdevicewithnoinlet/exhauSvalues ,:: i''

D. A compressor
fl_oy magg{g*es'are requir.ed to raise 20 kg of atuminum (Cp=0.208'BTU/tbm-"F) frorn
80"C to 600oC?
A. 0.163 x106 cal C. 1.163 x10G cal

D 26. A spherical helium balloon at STP has a diameter of 10 m. What is.its lifting power? Given
R"i, = 287.03 J/kg-K, Ra.= 2O77.03 J/kg-K.
4 4.72 kN c. 6.72 (N
B. 5.72 kN D. 3.72 kN
D 27.A3 hp. refrigeratororthe heat pump operates between OoF and 1O0oF. The maxlmum
theoretical,hefrthat can be transfened from the cold reservoir is nearest to:

IIii88#lllu 3: 33:333BTU'#
28 system.contains a gas which expands under constant pressure of 1200
LPj*o.I-cylinderpiston is displaced 12 inches during the process. and the pistin diameter
lbr/f,'- lf the is 24
A. 3768 ft-tbf c. 2387 fl-lbf
B. 1768ft-tbr D. i8eoil-Ei
B 29' A compressirn ighiiion cycle is modeled by which ideatcycle?
A. Otto ryde C. Rankine cycle
B. Dieselcycle D. Brayton cycle
30.Camot cycle is mostefficient in enolne.
A. steam C. combined cycle
B. diesel D. gas
C 31. What are the elements comprises vinegap
A. Carbon, Nitrogen, Oxygen C. Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen
B. Sulfur, Hydrogen, Oxygen D. Phosphorus, Hydrogen, Orygen

C 32.Which of thefollowing is highly reactive in its pure fomr?

A. Hct C. Na
B. COa D. He

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