GMGA3063 Academic Plan JA221

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No. Information on Course


2. Course Code: GMGA3063 (2nd Day 8.00-12.00 noon)

3. Name(s) of Academic Staff: - Zalinah Ahmad (Course Coordinator); 0194613747 (mobile phone)

4. The Rationale of offering this course in the program: It is a compulsory course

in the programme to ensure students understand different systems of public
administration across countries.

5. Semester/Year Offered: 8/5

6. Credit Value: 3

7. Pre-requisite (if any): NONE

8. Objective(s) of Course:
After completing this course, students should be able to:
1. understand various models and approaches in public administration
2. understand various models explaining contemporary issues in public
3. understand issues affect the administration of countries
4. compare public administration across countries

9. Course Learning Outcomes:

Upon completion of the course, students are able to
1. explain the evolution of public administration
2. describe contemporary issues related to public administration
3. examine issues influence on public administration across countries
4. propose report on public administration of the country
10. Transferable Skills:
Cognitive skill; communication skill and interpersonal skill; leadership,
autonomy and responsibility skill

11. Teaching-learning and assessment strategy:

Combination of teacher-centred and student-centred learning.

12. Synopsis:
This course critically analyses various models and approaches in public
administration. This allows students to understand and evaluate different
approaches, especially, in the context of contemporary public administration.
The evolution of public administration will be further discussed. In addition, the
New Public Management will also be explored. Other than that, this course will
also aid students to develop analytical skills. This is achieved through
authenticity of models and differing views in studies done in various countries.
Although this course discusses systems of public administration in several
countries generally, the main focus is on public administration in developed and
developing countries like the United States of America, United Kingdom, Japan,
France, Germany and include ASEAN countries. In the final analysis, this course
will also concentrate on comparison among countries.

13. Mode of Delivery:

Lecture, discussion in small groups, case study and presentation.

Assessment Methods and Types:

Assessment – 60%
Written Individual Assignment - 20%
Written Group Assignment – 30%
Presentation – 10%
Due date depends on respective lecturer.
Rubric as attached

Final Examination – 40%

Review Sheet will be given later

Topic Duration
1 4 hours –
 Details about the course Webex
 Course Assessment Online
 Introduction activities
Defining Public administration
Scope of public administration
Comparative Approach to study PA
 Evolution of Public Administration
Traditional Public Administration
Development Administration
New Public Administration
New Public Management

 Discussion and exercise (online)

Theories of Public Administration

Classical Organisational Theory
Scientific Management Theory
Bureaucratic Theory
Human Relations Theory
Decision Making Theory
Weber’s Bureaucracy Model 4 hours –
Traditional Bureaucracy Model Webex
Representative bureaucracy Online
Riggs’s Model activities
New Public Management (NPM)
Historical development
Doctrines of NPM
Issues related to NPM

 Discussion and exercise (online)

 Individual Oral Briefing

Issues related to governance
Contemporary issues related to Public
Influences of politics (politics and administration
Administrative accountability
Democratic responsibility
Groups with vested interests
Administrative reforms 4 hours –
3 Citizens participation/empowerment Webex
E-government Online
Classification of countries activities
Indicators used
Developed countries
Developing countries

 Individual Oral Briefing

 Group presentation/Video Presentation
 Discussion and exercise

4 Public Administration in Developed 4 hours –

Countries Webex
Public administration in Developing Online
Countries activities
Challenges and issues
Group Presentation/Video Presentation
5 Final Examination
Group Assignment – 40%

Written Assignment – 30%

1. Provide the background of TWO (2) chosen countries

a. General background about each country
i. Socio-economic information
ii. International association/regional block etc
iii. Other relevant information
2. Focus on either the system of administration or specific policy sector
i. Provide general background
ii. Limit your research on years (time frame)
iii. Provide the latest information
iv. Explaining any significant issues that may affect the country
3. Compare both countries (review and assess)

Writing guidelines:-

 Typed; Times New Roman/Century Gothic/Arial – 12 font; justified;

Double spacing; pagination
 Topic and sub-topic must be BOLD.
 References: APA style; provide latest (not more than 10 years)
References should be listed on a separate page after the body of
the paper.
 3000 – 4000 words (including references)
 Your paper should include a minimum of FIVE (5) references.
Appropriate sources include: (a) articles from journals; (b) books;
(d) research reports and any relevant materials. Cite your source
according to APA formats.
 Appearance: All final papers should be proofread.
 All paper submitted will be evaluated based on standard rubric.
 Plagiarism: No mark will be given is students copy others’ work
without giving proper acknowledgement.
Submission – PACE Online Learning (turnitin platform) – not more than 20%
similarity index

Group Presentation: - 10 %

 Prepare slides or any relevant materials for presentation (not more

than 15 minutes) / Video for presentation OR Creative Infographic
Individual Assignment - 20%

1. Write an article on the topic – related issues of public administration (as

being assigned by the lecturer)
2. Writing guidelines
a. Times New Roman/Century Gothic/Arial – 12 fonts; justified;
Double spacing
b. References: APA style
c. 2000 - 3000 words (including references)
d. May use specific country (other than Malaysia) as case studies
e. References – article from refereed journals; books; seminar
proceedings; Your paper should include a minimum of THREE (3)
f. Appearance: All final papers should be proofread.
g. All paper submitted will be evaluated based on standard rubric.
h. Plagiarism: No mark will be given is students copy others’ work
without giving proper acknowledgement.

Submission – PACE Online Learning (turnitin platform) not more than 20%
similarity index.

List of topics for individual assignment

1. E-government
2. Deregulation
3. Decentralisation
4. Administrative reforms
5. Public-private partnership (PPP)
6. Problems of public policy implementation in developing countries
7. Women in decision making
8. Public Participation
9. Reinventing Government
10. Representative bureaucracy
11. Community Engagement
12. New Public Management
13. New Public Service
14. Social media
15. Good Governance
16. Community Empowerment
17. Politics and administration dichotomy
18. Steering vs Rowing
19. Big data
20. COVID-19 – Vaccination Programme
21. Post COVID-19 Regulations (open border etc)
22. Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) – country report

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