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The Flood's Effect on the Four Spheres

The hydrosphere is the sphere most affected by the event of a flood. Floods are caused by an earthquake in the
hydrosphere, putting it at the top of the list for the spheres that are most affected.
How is the Hydrosphere Affected by a Flood?
The hydrosphere is more than the cause of a flood, floods can also damage waterways such as rivers, lakes, and stream
banks. Water can erode the rocks in the geosphere. The water will eventually go into the ocean, if it is through the sewers
or in the process of evaporation and perciptiton, so the hydrosphere can get polluted via plastic, metal, and other
pollutants in the roads and sewage system.

How is the Biosphere Affected by a Flood?

A flood effects the Biosphere by killing lots of animals, people, and plants. A few other affects that have not already been
listed are that the event of a flood can make fish and other small marine animals thrive on land for the time the flood lasts.
How is the Geosphere Affected by a Flood?
Floods affect the geosphere by destroying and eroding rocks and minerals. The water can break down easily disolving
substances in the minerals and rocks. The oil in the geophere can also leak into the ocean. The flood could knock debis
into the pipes, causing leakage into the water.
How is the Atmosphere Affected by a Flood?
There is no significant change in the atmosphere during a flood. The only changes include increased chances of humidity
in the atmosphere, and the evaporation of water into the atmosphere is much higher. There are no other events (specific
to a flood) that happen in the atmosphere.

Earthquakes Impact on the Spheres

When earthquakes occur they can cause damage to all or some of the spheres on Earth,
atmosphere, hydrosphere and biosphere.

When one of the spheres is affected then at least one or more of the others wil
because they all work together. For example, when ground breakage occurs in
creates new lakes in the hydrosphere.

What do these spheres represent?

Lithosphere: the solid portion of the earth including the crust and the upper mantle.

Under the metropolitan area in Adelaide you will find fairly stiff sediments that soften the impact
earthquake happens in an area with less compacted sediments, damage to buildings can occur, i
destroyed and power lines falling. These incidents can cause fires and harm to civilians. Serve m
causes the ground near lakes and rivers to cause slumping.

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Atmosphere: the gaseous envelope surrounding the earth; the air we breathe.

Earthquakes indirectly contribute the enhanced greenhouse effect. They are known to release methane from pockets

within the ground to the atmosphere by the movement of tectonic plates. Methane is one of the greenhouse gases that

contribute to the enhanced greenhouse effect. Methane, as well as carbon dioxide, absorbs the sun’s radiation that is re-

radiated from the Earth as infrared radiation. This warms the atmosphere and since the levels of these gases are higher

than usual, the atmospheric temperature has been increasing.

If an earthquake is at an appropriately high magnitude they can increase the height of mountains by a few inches to a

few metres. Evidence for this is seen at the Flinders Ranges in South Australia. This increase in mountains occurs due one

side of the fault line moving up relative to the other side of the fault line, creating steep elevation referred to as a


Hydrosphere: the water on or surrounding the surface of the globe, including the water of the oceans and the in the


Confined and unconfined aquifers can both be affected by earthquakes. Confined aquifers that are within the area of the

earthquake are more likely deform due to the movement of the earth, than unconfined aquifers. Groundwater level

changes can be affected, which is evident in both types of aquifers.

Permanent deformation of aquifers lasts until pressure within the aquifer equalises with the water table. This equilibrium

can be met at varying lengths of time. This only applies in the vicinity of the earthquake. The process and recovery of

aquifers is still unknown.

Ground breakage creates new lakes also known as “sag ponds”. They increase groundwater flow from springs and

displacing stream channels.

Biosphere: the part of the earth’s crust, waters and atmosphere that supports life and the ecosystem comprising the

entire earth and the living organisms that inhabit it.

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The intense shaking of the earth’s surface causes damage or loss of human and animal life. Earthquakes themselves do

not kill or harm life, it’s when structures or certain flora collapse.

The creation of new springs and lakes created by ground breakage alters the surrounding environment. There is potential

for flooding, changes in the food chain and can cause changes in animal behaviour in the area affected. In the long run,

this can lead to new species being formed or the extinction of modern species.

Landslides release pathogenic microbes into the atmosphere impacting on human and animal health. This can have a

devastating effect, such as becoming an epidemic or wiping out a species. Both situations lead to further alteration in the


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