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Space Wolves

Type HQ Wolf Lord

Equipement runic armour, wolf clawx2, wolf tooth necklace, melta bombs saga of the beast slayer, belt of russ runic armour, wolf tooth necklace, plasma pistol, melta bombs, normal gear, power sword fang of morkai etc

Wolf Priest

Elites 3x wolf guard 6x wolf scouts Dreadnought melta bombs and x3 frost axes, 2 xcombi meltas melta bombs, melta gun, 2x power swords multimelta,

Troops 6x grey hunters Razorback 6x grey hunters Razorback 8x Blood claws Rhino 8x Blood claws Rhino power weapon, melta gun lascannon power weapon, melta gun lascannon power weapon, melta gun

power weapon, melta gun

Fast Attack Land Speeder Land Speeder Land Speeder Multimelta Multimelta Multimelta

Heavy Support

6x Long fangs Razorback Predator Predator 1999

3x lascannons, 2xheavy bolters heavy bolter autocannon, heavy bolter sponsons autocannon, heavy bolter sponsons


Total 185

lta bombs

melta bombs,


114 160 105

110 75 110 75 140 35 140 35





60 60 60

175 40


85 85

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