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MODULE 1: INTRODUCTION TO TECHNICAL • tells the reader exactly what to do, how manufacturing.

(Excerpt from an Annual Report)

WRITING to do it, and under what conditions to do it. 5. The main objective of the present study is to produce
• records data in business, science, engineering, hydrogen gas from the anaerobic fermentation of formate
Lesson 1
industry, and other professional areas. aided by the strain of the enteric bacterium, Escherichia coli.
Description/Definition of Technical Writing • presents factual data, statistics, and (Excerpt from a Science Research Study)
- Its goal is to inform the audience to fulfill a certain task measurable elements
involving such object, process or idea. • gives explanations to support plausible The Readers of Technical Writing
- It ensures accurate, brief, and clear presentation and conclusions. • read for particular purposes.
organization of information or ideas, thus making it • is highly specific and detailed. • may be experts of their field, or are individuals who are
verifiable and understandable to its target audience. • leaves no room for conflicting interested in other disciplines.
- Its readability, objectivity, and utility take precedence over interpretations. • may be managers, supervisors, secretaries, engineers,
its technicality, formality, and style. leaves its readers specific knowledge scientists, sociologists, psychologists, or technicians.
- It conveys specific information about a technical subject to a • often know what they are looking for in reports.
specific audience for a specific purpose. (Michael H. Markel) Subject Matter of Creative Writing • recognize the value of the information.
- It is communication in any field. • goes outside the bounds of normal professional,
- It is exposition about scientific subjects, and about various journalistic, academic, or technical forms of literature, Why Readers of TW read?
technical subjects associated with the sciences; hence, it uses typically identified by an emphasis on narrative craft, • to prepare for an assignment,
scientific and technical vocabulary; tables, graphs, and figures character development, and the use of literary tropes or with conference, or a report
to clarify and support textual discussion. various traditions of poetry and poetics. • to get informed about a topic or to reject or affirm
• leaves its readers a powerful feeling or information
PURPOSE OF TW emotion. • to know something or a great deal, about the subject.
- gives information that leads to the accomplishment of • is subject to the different interpretations • for information, not for pleasure
specific tasks and in the making of needed decisions. of the readers.
(Ex. What to do after an earthquake; how to use safety devices Major Milestones in the History of TW 1949: Joseph D.
to avoid fire and burns etc.) Examples of Technical Write-Ups
Chapline wrote a user’s manual for the BINAC computer. He
- analyzes events and their implications like the failure of 1. Researchers over the past decades have posed increasing became the first technical writer of computer documentation.
certain educational, socio- economic, or political systems; or interests in the study of nonverbal communication. (Excerpt 1951: An ad for a technical writer was first
needed social changes, like how to save the dying bodies of from a Qualitative Research Study) published in the “Help,anted” ads.
water in the country. 2. Your endorsement of the Solar Mosquito Pester (SMP) will
1952: Joseph D. Chapline documented the UNIVAC computer,
- persuades and influences decisions by showing how a encourage innovative young minds to keep on experimenting.
using examples to document its functions.
business or an industry succeeds because of just and fair (Excerpt from a Proposal)
1960: The continued growth of technology, particularly in the
treatment of laborers, by explaining how an agency like the 3. The UN’s International Labor Organization says job
electronics, aeronautics, and space industries, created a big
NAPOCOR can improve the energy situation. stress is increasing to the point of a world-wide epidemic upsurge in the demand for technical writers.
affecting some of the ordinary jobs. (Excerpt from an 1964: Marshall MacLuhan published “Ünderstanding the
Subject Matter of TW Analytical Report) Media” proclaiming that electronic media will soon turn the
• contains an objective information that is 4. Through the years, PICOP has developed the pioneering world into a “global village.”
accurately and clearly presented. expertise and advancement in wood technology and paper
1965: Ted Nelson coined the terms “hypertext” and
“hypermedia” to describe a model of non-sequential writing audience; it allows for comprehensive understanding to help Here, we shall be focusing on:
and accessing information, stressing the connection among readers understand a topic.
• Avoiding common vocabulary and
➢ is clear, straightforward expression, using only as many spelling errors
1975: The US government required all product warranties to • Abbreviations and
be stated clearly and ambiguously. words as are necessary.
• Punctuation
1976: The Modern Language Association (MLA) approved a ➢ is language that avoids obscurity, inflated vocabulary and
panel on technical writing at its annual conference. convoluted sentence construction.
Avoiding common vocabulary and spelling errors
1980: in an immigration case involving the question of the ➢ is not baby talk, nor is it a simplified version of the English
occupation classification of a technical publication’s writer, language.
Avoiding common vocabulary and spelling errors
the US Department of Justice ruled that technical writing is a
profession. Mechanics in Writing Beyond having a good dictionary available, there is no simple
1986: The American national Standards Institute (ANSI) ➢ refers to the rules of the written language, such as guideline to follow to make sure you always use and spell
released the Standard capitalization, punctuation and spelling. words correctly. However, there are a number of examples of
➢ In composition, writing mechanics are the conventions words that are frequently misused in place of a similar
Generalized Markup Language (SGML), which became the governing the technical aspects of writing, including spelling, sounding word with a different meaning.
basis of several subset markup languages, including HTML. punctuation, capitalization, and abbreviations.
1987: Early desktop publishing and page layout software Commonly Confused Words affect: verb meaning to
- "Teachers using a traditional, product- oriented approach
began appearing on writers’ desktops, including products influence
tend to focus on the formal mechanical and technical aspects
like Ventura Publisher, Interleaf, FrameMaker, and Aldus of writing while paying little attention to the individual writer's effect: noun meaning result or verb meaning to bring about
PageMaker. communicative purposes. Thus, with this approach there is a adverse: adjective meaning unfavourable adverse: adjective
1991: ISO 9000 certification requirements created new job danger that, for many children, writing will become an meaning opposed to or disinclined.
opportunities for technical writers. exercise in formal mechanics divorced from personal content principle: noun meaning a standard or rule of conduct
1992: ProEdit is founded in Atlanta, GA. 1999. Writers began and intentions."
using XML, an extensible Markup Language principal: adjective or noun meaning most important
that is evolving from HTML. Plain English (or layman's terms)
2002: The Sarbanes-Oxley act of 2002 creates new stationery: noun meaning writing materials
Writers of plain English let their audience concentrate on the
opportunities for technical writers documenting policies,
message instead of being distracted by complicated language. stationary: adjective meaning not moving
procedures, internal controls.
➢ They make sure that their audience understands the
message easily. illicit: adjective meaning illegal elicit: verb meaning
Lesson 2: Using Plain English - Mechanics Plain English (or to give rise to flaunt: verb meaning to show off
➢ Writers of plain English let their audience concentrate on
layman's terms) the message instead of being distracted by complicated lout: verb meaning to show contempt allusion: noun meaning
language. a passing reference as in “were you making an allusion to my
- is a language that is considered to be clear
and concise. It usually avoids the use of uncommon vocabulary ➢ They make sure that their audience understands the wife?”
and lesser-known euphemisms to explain the subject. Plain message easily. illusion: noun meaning a false impression complement: noun
English wording is intended to be suitable for a general meaning something that completes, or verb meaning to make
Mechanics in Writing complete
compliment: noun meaning praise or verb meaning to praise • Always avoid abbreviating words out of laziness. PUNCTUATION
For example: Never write ‘approx.’ for ‘approximately’ (it
council: noun meaning an assembly counsel: verb meaning to may be better to write ‘about’); Never write ‘e.g.’ for ‘for Apostrophes
recommend or noun meaning recommendation example’. An exception, but misused example, is ‘etc.’.
ensure: verb meaning to make certain - In most case where ‘etc.’ is used it can be avoided. For Apostrophes have two purposes only:
example, people usually use it in the following way: “He eats
insure: verb meaning to protect against risk 1. To show that a letter has been missed out:
lots of fruit, such as apples, oranges, bananas, etc.” The ‘etc.’
mitigate: verb meaning to moderate militate: verb meaning to For example, isn’t (is not), can’t (cannot), it’s (it is).
here is redundant because of the ‘such as’. If you are
influence (for or against) 2. To show possession:
using ‘etc.’ then the correct way to write the above sentence
would be: “He eats lots of fruit: apples, oranges, For example, the snake’s eyes, the children’s shoes. If
practice: noun as in “put my ideas into the thing doing the possessing already has an s at the end,
bananas, etc.”
then do not add an s. For example, if we are talking about the
practice” • A long title, such as Tottenham Hotspur Football Club,
eyes of several snakes
practice: verb should not be abbreviated if it is used only once in a
then we write: the snakes’ eyes
document. However, if it is used more than once then it can
advice: noun meaning recommendation be abbreviated to its initials THFC providing that the first time
The only exception to this last rule is if:
it is used you write the full title with the initials in brackets.
advise: verb
• Where initials such as THFC are used as • it is a proper noun (Mr Jones’s daughter);
above it is useful to provide a glossary. • the word ends in a double ss (the boss’s
Commonly Misspelt Words office).
accommodate, harass Capital letters
, embarrass , privilege People use capital letters far more frequently than they - You never use an apostrophe with a possessive pronoun like
, necessary , committee commemorate , should. Apart from at the beginning of sentences, and proper her, its, theirs, ours. If you learn these two simple rules then
mileage names, the only other times you need to use capitals are for: you should know immediately that the following examples are
, gauge , questionnaire • Organisations and places (for example, wrong (yet they are extremely common):
,parallel , commitment the House of Commons); • I gave the cat it’s food • I like tomatoe’s • In the
, cupboard , rendezvous • Acts of Parliament (for example, the Act of Union); 1960’s • All the department’s were represented.
, panacea ,enrolment • Label formed from a proper name (hence
- The final class of vocabulary problems you should avoid is Marxist, but not communist); - In each case the apostrophe should not be there. A related
using American spelling (unless you are submitting your report • North, South, East and West when they form part of a mistake, which is appalling in its stupidity yet incredibly
to an American audience). This means in particular: country name but not otherwise (hence South Africa, but not common, is:
• Verbs should end in ‘ise’ rather than ‘ize’ as in south London);
• I should of done my homework instead of
‘generalise’ rather than ‘generalize’ and ‘formalise’ rather • Titles when used with the name but not otherwise
• I should’ve done my homework (short for
than ‘formalize’. (hence the Duke of York, but not the duke);
should have).
• Words like ‘colour’ and ‘flavour’ should • Certain periods of history (for example,
not be written as ‘color’ and ‘flavor’. the Black Death, Renaissance);
Apart from the case where a sentence would be too long
otherwise, there are just four reasons for using a comma: mark: Technical writing

1. Where there is an exclamation as in it's a process because it is "a specialized, structured way of
1. Where you are writing a list. For example
“Do it now!”, “Help!” writing, where information is presented in a format and
‘I like apples, oranges, peaches and bananas.’
2. As the mathematical notation for the factorial function, manner that best suits the cognitive and psychological needs of
as in “the number 4! is equal to the number the readers"
- However, note that in technical reports it is usually better to
use enumerated lists or bullet points. - it's a skill in writing because "technical" comes from the
- You should never use an exclamation mark at the end of a Greek word techne (skill)
Where the items in the list include commas themselves you - the first rule is to identify the audience and the need for the
sentence to indicate that the sentence was supposed to be
should use semi-colons rather than commas to separate the information
list items as in: - a process of gathering, organizing, and presenting the
Many people do this and it is both stupid and annoying. If the
sentence was funny, the reader should have found it funny information on a technical subject
“Government departments such as health; agriculture, food
without having to be told to laugh. If the sentence was not - user friendly to a specific audience
and fisheries; the foreign office and employment.”
funny the exclamation mark will have simply confirmed to the
reader that you are a poor writer. Either way you lose in the The Technical Writing Process
2. Where you are using a qualifying word or expression at
eyes of the reader. 1st
the beginning of a sentence, such as;
- Technical writer needs to have the skills in the technical
• ‘However, it is best..’
SUMMARY writing and the knowledge technical subject.
• ‘For example, we can see …
1. The only certain way to avoid spelling errors and incorrect 2nd
• ‘Unfortunately, you should know.. vocabulary is to use a dictionary whenever you are unsure of - He/She identifies the readers or target audience including
• ‘Firstly, it is unlikely . anything. However, there are common examples of words that their need for information.
cause errors and you can learn these. -Interest and enthusiasm on the subject is also an important
3. Where the sentence would be ambiguous without it. For 2. Use English rather than American spelling unless you are ingredient for the technical writer to attract the audience.
example: targeting an American audience. -Technical writing uses technical terms when it makes its
“I decided on an alteration of course” means that you 3. Abbreviations should be used only where necessary. contents more accurate, brief and clearer.
changed your course, whereas: 4. Apostrophes should only be used to show possession or to -The simpler usage, presentation and organization
“I decided on an alteration, of course” means that, show that a letter has been missed out. All other uses suitable to the target audience are always advised in technical
naturally, you decided to make an alteration. (especially when used before the ‘s’ in plurals) are wrong. writing.
4.To show where you have inserted a phrase. For example: 5. There are simple rules to learn for when to use commas. In
“Teddy, who is normally the best in the general, however, writing shorter sentences means using
fewer commas. Technical Writing Defined
team, had a very poor match.”
6. Apart from its special use in mathematics you should only - a written part or subset of technical communication that
In any such case the sentence should still make sense if you
use an exclamation mark in an exclamation. Never use it to tell communicates factual technical, specialized information on a
remove the part between the commas.
the reader that a sentence was supposed to be funny. broad variety of audiences.
EXCLAMATION MARKS - a process of "designing, writing, and organizing factual
Module 1 LESSON 3: The Technical Writing Process documents to deliver consistent technical clear and
There are only two reasons ever to use an exclamation
- its goal is to strip down one's writing with useless
descriptions, complex language, pompous words and phrases.

Michael H. Markel
"The words and graphics of technical writing are meant to be
practical: that is, to communicate a body of factual
information that will help an audience understand a subject
or carry out a task"
- The primary goal of any technical communication is to
accurately transmit technical information... it differs from
popular nonfiction (Bly & Blake, 1982)

Characteristics of Technical Writing

a. technically accurate
b. consistent
c. clear
corrects in spelling, punctuation, grammar

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