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BSMT 2| S.Y. 2021-2022 Second Semester – MIDTERMS 4. Segments with Submucosal glands: esophagus and
Lecturer: Dr. Frederick Abellana, MD 1. Sometimes known as Tunica externa to differentiate it
from the muscularis mucosae and tunica mucosa
2. Skeletal and/or smooth muscle
a. Smooth muscle: 2 layers (ICOL)
• sometimes known as the gastrointestinal tract or GIT 3. Auerbach’s plexus
(most common abbreviation) a. terminal ganglion in between the 2 layers of
• The different segments of the digestive tract are typical smooth muscles which supplies motor impulses
examples of hollow organs to the tunica muscularis
b. Innervate the T. muscularis
• In the study of hollow organ, one should consider:
c. Responsible for the peristaltic movement of the
o Lumen digestive tract
o Wall - composed of many layers (tunics)
Starting from the inside proceeding outwards: • The last layer of GIT is either tunica serosa or tunica
LAYERS OF THE DIGESTIVE TRACT adventitia or both, depending on the location of the
• first layer; mucous membrane covering the GIT • If the segment is located inside the abdominal cavity, then
the last layer is tunica serosa which is composed of:
1. • primary functional component of the o Thin layer of areolar CT
Epithelium: organs or the segments o Covered with mesothelium (a single layer of
flattened cells)
• Mostly derived from endoderm
o Corresponds to the visceral layer of the
• 2 types in GIT: stratified squamous and
simple columnar epithelium
• If the segment is located outside the abdominal cavity,
• Lowest part near the mouth will be lined
by stratified squamous, the rest will be then the last layer is tunica adventitia which is also
simple columnar composed of:
2. Lamina • Stratified squamous epithelium: o Thin layer of areolar CT
Propria fibroelastic lamina propria • Sub-serous plexus
• Simple columnar epithelium: o Small ganglion in the Tunica serosa
fibroreticular lamina propria
• Glands (know the morphology and MUCOSAL FOLDS
anatomical classification, component • Aside from studying the 4 layers, one should know the
cells and functions) presence and absence of folds
• MALT Mucosa Associated Lymphoid • Mucosa & Submucosa
Tissue (collection of lymphoid CT)
• Orientation: Longitudinal or transverse
o Lymphatic infiltration
o Note the nodular • Permanent or not
arrangement on each • Name of the folds
3. • Thin layer of smooth muscle
Muscularis • If muscularis mucosae is
mucosae thick/prominent, it has 2 layers (ICOL).
Inner circular and outer longitudinal
• Basic arrangement of smooth muscle
present in the tunica mucosa of GIT
• Separates the mucous membrane from
the next layer, Tunica submucosa
• Starts in the esophagus
• Smooth muscle
o EXCEPT in: Mouth and
Pharynx (represented by a
later of elastic tissue)

1. Areolar CT This is a picture showing the basic layers of the GIT.
2. Glands (know the morphology and anatomical
classification, component cells and functions)
3. Meissner’s plexus - terminal ganglion (motor ganglion) of
TRANS: L7 | Cardiovascular System
ESOPHAGUS o Shape of the secretory end pieces will be a
1. Muscular tube connecting the pharynx to the stomach termination of tubes and sacs
through the diaphragm • Component cells: typical mucous cells for the production
2. Function: passage of food from mouth to the stomach of mucous
3. NO digestive function o Therefore, the surface of the esophagus is well
4. Structure: lubricated, making swallowing easy
• Main excretory duct of the gland will undergo cystic
A. TUNICA MUCOSA dilatation before it will open onto the surface of the organ
(cystically dilated duct of the gland)
1. • stratified squamous epithelium non-
Epithelium: keratinizing
• Compared to skin which is keratinizing
[becomes hard or horny]
• Lining epithelium of the esophagus is
continuous with the lining epithelium of
the oral cavity
2. Lamina • FEW glands
Propria • Found only in: upper part near the
mouth and lower part near the stomach
• In the middle part, glands in the lamina
propria are ABSENT
• Few glands (upper & lower part of the
• Superficial esophageal gland (also
known as esophageal cardiac glands
because the morphology and
appearance, component cells and
function are similar to the cardiac
glands of the stomach) (Labels stated in the lecture: stratified squamous epithelium;
• Classification: compound tubular deep esophageal gland; dilated duct)
o Excretory duct branches
o Shape of the secretory C. TUNICA MUSCULARIS
end pieces are tubular
• Aka “Muscularis externa”
o The tubules may be
branched or coiled or • To differentiate it from the muscularis mucosae in the T.
both mucosa, therefore, the wall of the digestive tract will have
o Examples: testis, kidney, 2 muscles
cardiac glands of o 1 in the mucosa
stomach o 1 in the t. muscularis
• Component cells: not typical mucous • Upper part - skeletal muscles (continuation of the t.
cells but the glands will produce Muscularis of the pharynx)
mucous • Middle part - both skeletal & smooth muscles (in the
middle part of the esophagus, smooth muscle will start to
3. • Upper part of the esophagus: thin layer
Muscularis appear)
of smooth muscle
mucosae o First part of the esophagus is • Lower part - smooth muscle
very thin, sometimes it will be
represented only by elastic D. TUNICA ADVENTITIA
tissue, because in the • (Not tunica serosa since esophagus is extraperitoneal
pharynx, there is no meaning located outside the peritoneal cavity)
muscularis mucosae, so in • Composed of areolar CT blending to the surrounding or
the esophagus, the adjacent areas
muscularis mucosae is still • NOTE: any segment of the digestive tract located outside
starting to develop, that’s why the peritoneal cavity, the last layer is T. adventitia
it’s thin
• Lower part of the esophagus: thick Folds of Esophagus
muscularis mucosae (ICOL) • Oriented longitudinally
o Composed of two layers of • Not permanent (when food passes the organ, the folds
smooth muscle disappear)
• When the esophagus is empty, longitudinal folds will be
B. TUNICA SUBMUCOSA formed by the mucosa and submucosa
1. Areolar
2. Glands are present all over the submucosa
• deep esophageal gland or esophageal gland proper
• In the entire length of the esophagus whether upper part,
middle part or lower part, glands are always present in
the submucosa
• Classification: compound tubulo-acinar
o Excretory duct has many branches

TRANS: L7 | Cardiovascular System

Cross section of the lower part of the esophagus: presence of

smooth muscle in the 2 layers tunica muscularis

Gastroesophageal junction Functions _______________________________

• Junction between the esophagus and the stomach • Largely for storage
• Sudden change of epithelium from stratified squamous • Beginning of digestion (protein digestion)
(esophagus) to simple columnar (stomach) o Examples of enzymes:
▪ Trypsin: enzyme in the small intestine
Vermillion border that digests protein from pepsinogen
• Junction between skin and oral cavity converted by HCL
• Change in epithelium ▪ Ptyalin: enzyme in the oral cavity that
digests protein; amylase
STOMACH • Limited absorptive function (water, alcohol)
• Attachment: (omentum - fold of peritoneum) o Stomach does NOT have microvilli but it can
o lesser omentum (stomach to liver) absorb certain substances
o greater omentum (stomach to dorsal body wall) o certain/few drugs can also be absorbed
• Delivery of chyme (partially digested food in small
amounts to the small intestine so that the small intestine
Additional information:
will not be overwhelmed)
• Located on: o 10 ml per evacuation, so intestines don’t
o The left hypochondriac & epigastric regions of become overwhelmed or else diarrhea may
the abdominal cavity occur
o Left side of the abdominal cavity
• Most dilated part of GIT Structure of Stomach ___________________________
• J-shaped in thin individuals TUNICA MUCOSA
• C or U shaped in obese/fat individuals
• Tunica mucosa will invaginate to form gastric pits (also
• Represent 2 curvatures: known as foveolae gasticae)
o Lesser o Funnel-shaped invagination of epithelium
o Greater o Shallow in cardia but very deep in pylorus
• Gross features: • Lamina propria between the gastric pits: interfoveolar
o Omentum: stomach will be attached to the area/space
liver by a fold of peritoneum
o Peritoneum: suspends the stomach to the
abdominal cavity
• Significance of peritoneum:
o Contains fat to insulate, cushion and protect
abdominal organs
o If your stomach has a hole, it will be the
peritoneum that will cover the hole

Histologic Divisions of the Stomach__________________

• In histology, the stomach is divided into 3 segments
based on the glands in the mucosa:
1. Cardia of the stomach - a very narrow part next
to esophagus; near the heart; cardiac glands
2. Fundus of the stomach - biggest part; fundic
3. Pylorus of the stomach - funnel-shaped
terminal end; pyloric glands
• Note: In exam, always add the word “of the stomach”,
since there is a lot of cardia, fundus, and pylorus in the

(No difficulty identifying the stomach from the esophagus

since esophagus is lined by stratified squamous epithelium

TRANS: L7 | Cardiovascular System
while stomach is lined by simple columnar epithelium. In the • Aka oxyntic glands or gastric glands proper
glands of lamina propria, CTs will be present only in the • Numerous occupying entire thickness of lamina propria
interfoveolar space) • Open to the gastric pits (foveolae)
o 1-7 glands open at bottom of foveolae thru their
1. • Plain simple columnar narrow isthmus
Epithelium: • Lining epithelium of the stomach can
be classified as a gland: mucous
secretory epithelial sheet
• Component cell: mucous secretory
sheet (thats why the lining epithelium of
the stomach is classified as a gland. It
produces mucous which is resistant to
the acid content of the stomach for the
protection of tunica mucosa)
2. Lamina • Fibro-reticular connective tissue
Propria • Scanty
o Since there are many
• Located only in the interfoveolar
• Glands are present (occupy almost the
entire area of the lamina propria)
3. • No significant features
(includes: invagination of the lining epithelium of the stomach;
(last layer
isthmus - connection between the pit and the gland; body of
of tunica
the gland)
Cell Types
Different glands in the lamina propria in the stomach:
a. Cardiac glands:
1. Mucous neck • Shape: columnar (but nucleus is
cells flat and pushed towards the base)
• Few in number
• Location: neck of gland (also
• Located in the cardiac portion in the stomach
scattered singly on the other parts
o Seen only surrounding the opening of the
of the gland)
esophagus to the stomach; seen only at the
o Neck of the gland BUT
immediate vicinity of the esophageal openings
this doesn't mean MNC
• Aka esophageal cardiac glands (extension of the cardiac
are not present in the
• Classification: compound tubular
• (+) positive reaction to PAS
• Component cell: not typical mucous cells but glands o Because it produces
produce mucous mucin
• Function: Production of mucus & gastrin (hormone) • Function: Mucus production
o Gastrin: A peptide hormone that stimulates
2. Stem cells • Location: neck of gland
secretion of gastric acid (HCl) by the parietal
• Function: Give rise to other cell
cells of the stomach and aids in gastric motility
types in the fundic gland
b. Fundic glands: 3. Parietal • Most conspicuous cells
cells/Oxyntic [characteristic] in the fundic gland
cells • Shape: large cells with a broad
rounded base
• Strongly acidophilic
• Spherical
• Electron microscope:
Characteristic feature of the
parietal cells
o Presence of secretory
canaliculi (intracellular
canaliculi) with microvilli
projecting into its lumen
• Function: Production of HCl &
intrinsic factor
• HCl
o For the conversion of
pepsinogen to pepsin
o To lower the pH for
optimum protein
• Tunica mucosa, fundic glands, lamina propria (fundic digestion
glands occupy entire lamina propria except the • Intrinsic factor
interfoveolar space) o For absorption of Vitamin
• Classification: simple branched tubular B12 (Cyanocobalamin)
o 1 excretory duct that doesnt branch
TRANS: L7 | Cardiovascular System
o Vitamin B12: for • Function: Production of mucus & lysozyme (lysozyme -
maturation of RBC enzyme capable of digesting bacteria)
o Endocrine function of
parietal cells TUNICA SUBMUCOSA
• Composed of denser connective tissue
• No significant features

• Made up of 3 layers of smooth muscle
• Layers: IO-MC-OL
o Inner Oblique
o Middle Circular
o Outer Longitudinal
• The middle circular layer is highly developed in the pyloric
region to form the “Pyloric sphincter”
• Pyloric sphincter
o Control the evacuation of chyme from stomach
to the small intestine
o Acts as a valve to control the flow of partially
digested food from the stomach to the small
4. Chief or • Shape: simple cuboidal • Sphincter
Zymogenic • Location: lining the bottom of the o Controlled valve
cells gland
• Basophilic cytoplasm TUNICA SEROSA
• Function: Production of pepsin, • Last layer
lipase, & leptin • Lined by mesothelium
o Pepsinogen granules: • No significant features
antecedent of the • Folds:
enzyme pepsin o are present in the stomach known as rugae
o Leptin: A hormone which are longitudinal in orientation
predominantly made by o Present only on EMPTY stomach
adipose cells that helps o Not permanent because when the stomach is
to regulate energy full, the rugae are erased or absent
balance by inhibiting

5. • Shape: small pyramidal

Enteroendocrin • Location: scattered singly among
e cells (aka the basal part of the lining
Argentaffin epithelium of the stomach
cells, • Responsible for the endocrine
Kultchitzky function of GIT
cells, or • Known as Argentaffin cells since
Enterochromaff the major cells will give a staining
in cells) reaction to silver
• Known as Enterochromaffin cells
because of its positive reactions
with the use of chromaffin stains
o Stains used to detect
produced by adrenal
• Known as Kultchitzky’s cells
o Kultchitzky discovered • Picture of pylorus: In the pylorus, the gastric pits are very
Enteroendocrine cells deep. This is one way of differentiating a section of the
• Hormones produced by the cells: cardia or the fundus of the stomach from the pylorus. In
o EC - serotonin the pylorus, the pits are deep or long while in the cardia
o ECL - histamine they are short and shallow.
o D - somatostatin • Entero-fibular space where connective tissue of lamina
o G - gastrin propria is found
o S - secretin
(Refer to textbooks for other types) SMALL INTESTINE
• From the stomach to the small intestine, there is a
c. Pyloric Glands junction called Gastro-duodenal junction
• Located in the lamina propria o No change of epithelium
• Located in pylorus o HOWEVER, there is change in the morphology
• Classification: compound coiled tubular of the glands present in the lamina propria
• Component cells: typical mucous cells • Longest segment of the GIT (20ft)
• Final digestion & absorption of food
TRANS: L7 | Cardiovascular System

• Mucosal identification: mucosa is modified to increase • Function: production of

surface area of the organ for absorption; mucosal mucous
modification for the absorptive function of the digestive Enteroendocrine • similar to those in stomach;
tract cells present in the entire
• Mesentery digestive tract
o The small intestine is attached to the dorsal • Small pyramidal cells that
body wall by a fold of peritoneum bind to the basal part of the
o NOTE: Synonymous to Omentum in Stomach epithelium


DUODENUM • Shortest segment • Composed of fibrous reticular tissues (same in stomach)
• Retro-peritoneal o Why? Because lining epithelium is simple; if
o Attached to the dorsal “stratified squamous’ then tissue is Areolar CT
body wall of the • Very cellular and minicells can be identified (plasma cells,
stomach lymphocytes)
o Segment is not o Plasma cells
movable unlike jejunum ▪ Perinuclear halo, clock-face
and ileum suspended appearance of nucleus, basophilic
in the abdominal cavity cytoplasm
by a mesentery ▪ Function: production of antibodies
• Encloses (C shape) the head of o Lymphocytes
the pancreas ▪ Globular leukocytes
• Composed of: ▪ Wandering white blood cells in the
o Serous membrane villus
anteriorly • Bruck’s muscle
o Tunica adventitia o Smooth muscle fibers
posteriorly o Function: responsible for shortening of villi
JEJUNUM • Intermediate segment • Lacteals
• Movable o Blindly ending lymphatic capillaries that will
ILEUM • Terminal absorb digestive fat known as chyle
• Opens to the cecum of large o Chyle:
intestine ▪ Emulsifying fat absorbed from the
small intestines
• Freely movable
▪ Note: Fats and food have different
passageways. The food (digestive)
Histological Structure of Small intestine ____
goes to the liver while the fat
(emulsified) goes to the lacteals. From
• Velvety intestinal villi small intestine, these goes to the
o Presence of finger-like structures or finger-like largest lymphatic duct (thoracic duct)
evagination of the lining epithelium known as vill and the other duct which has dilatation
o In the duodenum, the villi are leaflike containing large amount of chyle
o Towards the ileum, the villi are finger-like (cisterna chyle)
• Intestinal gland (crypts/glands of Lieberkühn) • Glands of Lieberkuhn
o Invagination of epithelium to form simple tubular o Lining epithelium of small intestine will
glands in the lamina propria invaginate to form these simple tubular glands in
the lamina propria
1. Epithelium: o Lined by same lining epithelium or the general
• Simple columnar cells with striate border and goblet cells surface composed of enterocytes, goblet cells,
• How to differentiate lining epithelium of stomach to small enteroendocrine cells, Paneth cells
intestine in the Gastro-duodenal junction: There is NO o Paneth cells
change in the type of epithelium of the stomach to the ▪ Line the bottom of the glands
small intestine [simple columnar epithelium] BUT in the ▪ Function: produce lysozymes and
small intestine there is appearance of striate border and defensins (enzymes which will control
goblet cells [absent in stomach] the normal bacterial flora of small
intestine; bactericidal)
Cell Types • Peyer’s patch
Enterocytes • Columnar absorptive cells o Collections of lymphoid connective tissue
• Columnar cells with striate o In the ileum, the lymphatic nodules are
border (cells with microvilli aggregated located along one side of the ileum
on surface which will be o In other segments (duodenum and jejunum),
covered with glycocalyx lymphatic nodules will occur singly or are
• Function of glycocalyx: solitary
protection and aid in o Simple columnar intestine
digestion o M cells (microfold cells)
• ▪ type of cells which are antigen
Goblet cells • The expanded apical part is presenter
known as Theca which is ▪ These cells present processed
the part which contains the antigens to competent lymphocytes
mucigen droplets
(antecedent of mucous)
TRANS: L7 | Cardiovascular System
Picture of the section of the wall of ileum (labels stated:
Peyer’s patch is a collection of lymphatic nodules in the lamina
propria of the ileum opposite the mesenteric attachment.

3. Muscularis mucosae
• No significant feature

• The same as basic structure
• Dense connective tissue
• Brunner’s gland
o Present only in the DUODENUM, absent in the
rest of the segments
o Simple branched coiled tubular
▪ 1 excretory duct
▪ Secretory end pieces are tubular in
structure, they branch in 2, the
endpoints then coil
Picture composed of glands of Lieberkühn. The gland is lined
o Function: Secretion is distinctly alkaline (viscid)
to neutralize the acid content coming from the
by the same lining of the surface, simple columnar epithelium
with enterocytes, goblet cells, enteroendocrine cells and at the
bottom Paneth cells can be found. Paneth cells will have
characteristic acidophilic granules in the apical cytoplasm.
The granules will contain defensins and lysozymes


Picture of villus (labels stated in the lecture: lining epithelium, • No significant features
lamina propria, Bruck’s muscle, lacteal)
• Tunica serosa is the general last layer of the small
• In DUODENUM, because it is retro-peritoneal in location,
the posterior surface of the duodenum attached to the
dorsal body wall will have TUNICA ADVENTITIA as its
last layer (only segment that has two types of coverings)
• The part projecting or protruding to the peritoneal cavity
will have tunica serosa as its last layer
o Are permanent and transversely oriented
o Name of folds:
▪ Valves of Kerckring OR
▪ Valvulae coniventes OR
▪ Plicae circularis
o The folds do not occur around the lumen, only
half of the lumen of the intestine (half-moon like)
o Made up of mucosa and submucosa

TRANS: L7 | Cardiovascular System
3. Muscularis • Indistinct, not identifiable
mucosae • Poorly developed

• Thin layer

• Thin layer of inner circular outer longitudinal smooth
muscle (IC-OL)

• Last layer

FOLDS are ABSENT in the appendix

Gross section of the ileum or the jejunum (labels stated: plicae

circularis of the valves of Kerckring)

• Larger in diameter, but shorter than the small intestine
(small intestine about 20 ft in length)
• NO digestive functions
• Storage and elimination of undigested food
• Production of Vit K & B (produced bacteria residing in
large intestine which also produces gas)
• Absorption of water, minerals, vitamins
• Production of mucus
• Production of flatus (gas produced)

CECUM • First sac-like where appendix is Cross section of Appendix (labels stated: angular lumen,
located lymphatic nodules described as confluent nodules)
APPENDIX • Appendage of blindly ending
invagination of cecum
Divided into the following segments:
COLON • Ascending • Ascending colon (right iliac going up to the liver)
• Transverse • Transverse colon (cross the midline towards the spleen)
• Descending • Descending colon (from the spleen it will descend
• Sigmoid colon towards the left iliac region)
• S-shaped sigmoid colon (pelvic region)
• In cross section, characteristic angular lumen [compared
to small intestine which is star-shaped or stilate] Histological Structure of Colon ____
Histological Structure of Appendix ____
• smooth, but NO villi
• smooth, but NO villi 1. Epithelium: • Same with small intestine BUT
much more numerous goblet cells
1. Epithelium: • Simple columnar epithelium with • Simple columnar epithelium with
goblet cells and striate border [not striate borders and more numerous
so distinct goblet cells
2. Lamina • Glands of Lieberkuhn are present 2. Lamina • Fibro-reticular connective tissue
Propria (irregular in shape) Propria • Glands of Lieberkühn
• Contain lymphatic nodules that will o Large and long
surround the entire lumen of the o Paneth cells are
organ, described as confluent ABSENT
nodules 3. Muscularis • Very thick
o Since the nodules mucosae • Colon has thickest muscularis
surround the lumen of mucosae
the organ, it will be
described as
“confluent” in contrast
to ileum which is
“aggregated” nodules
o Heavily infiltrated with
lymphocytes that may
extend to tunica

TRANS: L7 | Cardiovascular System
• Note: In the Upper part of the GIT
o Vermillion border;
represent the muco-
cutaneous junction
2. Lamina • Glands of Lieberkühn [large and
Propria long] are present BUT glands
become shorter and will start to
disappear near the anal opening
and are replaced by skin
• Skin appendages
o Hair follicles
o Apocrine sweat
glands [aka Circum-
anal sweat glands]
• Large plexus of veins present
o When distended or
Picture of colon. (labels stated: Long and large crypts of engorged, veins will
Lieberkühn, lamina propria, muscularis mucosae) protrude through the
anus as hemorrhoids
TUNICA SUBMUCOSA 3. Muscularis • No significant features
• No significant features mucosae
• Areolar, no glands
TUNICA MUSCULARIS • No significant features
• Differs from the rest of the GIT because of taeniae coli • Areolar, no glands
• Taeniae coli
o outer longitudinal layers will form three (3) TUNICA MUSCULARIS
bands of longitudinal smooth muscle • NO taeniae coli
o Taenia meaning “ribbon” • Composed of 2 layers (IC-OL): inner circular, outer
o Not a continuous layer longitudinal
o Since the taeniae coli are shorter than the actual
length of the colon, the wall of the colon form TUNICA ADVENTITIA
• Last layer
• Haustrae coli
o Formation of sacculations of wall in colon FOLDS are Present
o Puckering of the wall 1. Plicae transversalis/Valves of Houston
• Located in the upper part of the rectum
• Permanent transverse folds (3 folds)
• Significant feature: Appendices epiploicae • Made up of: mucosa and submucosa
o Tags of fats or adipose tissue attached to the T.
serosa of the colon
2. Columns of Morgagni
o Yellowish structures present ONLY in the colon
• Located in the lower part of the rectum and upper
FOLDS are ABSENT in the colon part of anal canal
• Non-permanent longitudinal folds
Additional information: • Made up of: mucosa and submucosa
Functions of Colon: 3. Anal valves
• Resident bacteria decompose undigested food • Look like arch folds which are permanent and are
residues forming anal sinus
o Vitamins K & B
o Production of flatus
• Production of abundant mucus for lubrication of feces
• Absorption of water, minerals and some vitamins
• Elimination of indigestible residues (feces)


• Structure similar to colon EXCEPT for the following:


1. Epithelium: • Near the anus, 2 cm above canal

opening, there is an abrupt change
of epithelium from simple columnar
epithelium TO stratified squamous
epithelium called ano-rectal
o Transition from mucous
membrane to skin

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