Ozone Treatment of Process Water From A Dry-Mill e

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Ozone treatment of process water from a dry-mill ethanol plant

Article  in  Bioresource Technology · May 2008

DOI: 10.1016/j.biortech.2007.03.054 · Source: PubMed


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3 authors, including:

Maohong Fan Robert C. Brown

Univ. Wyoming and Georgia Tech Iowa State University


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Bioresource Technology 99 (2008) 1801–1805

Ozone treatment of process water from a dry-mill ethanol plant

Shilpi Singh a, Maohong Fan b,*
, Robert C. Brown b

Department of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering, Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011, USA
Center for Sustainable Environmental Technologies, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa 50011, USA

Received 25 April 2005; received in revised form 22 March 2007; accepted 22 March 2007
Available online 29 May 2007


Fuel ethanol production in corn dry milling plants is a rapidly expanding industrial sector. Whole stillage, the residue from the dis-
tillation of the fermented corn, is centrifuged and the concentrate, thin stillage, is found to have a chemical oxygen demand (COD) of
approximately 75,000 mg/L. This thin stillage is partly recycled, but much of it needs to be evaporated to concentrate the solubles for
addition to the animal feed coproduct from corn dry milling. This research is an exploration into lowering COD from thin stillage using
ozonation as a simple single-step unit process to facilitate a larger reusable fraction. The ozonation would usually be a pretreatment
before additional flocculation or biological treatment. Also, COD removal by ozonation with and without a catalyst has been studied.
Three different application rates of ozone O3,1 = 7 mg/min, O3,2 = 21 mg/min, and O3,3 = 33 mg/min were used for 8 h into samples of
2 L each of three dilutions 20·, 30· and 40·. COD removal of 85% was observed with an ozone dosage of 4000 mg/L into a 40·-diluted
sample. This would correspond to about 0.5 mg COD removed per mg ozone dosed. However, at lower dosages and smaller dilutions,
more than 1 mg COD removal was achieved per mg ozone dosed. Two different catalysts, Fe(II) and Fe(III), were used and the samples
were ozonated for 4 h. Five different dosages of each of the two catalysts were used and better COD removal was observed compared to
ozonation alone with all 5 dosages. COD removal rate was increased from 45% to 74% with Fe(III) and was increased to 77% with Fe(II).
Up to 10 mg/L COD was removed per mg O3 dosed well below the maximum dosage. Both the catalysts resulted in almost the same
improved COD removal rates when compared to ozonation alone.
 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Chemical oxygen demand; Catalytic ozonation; Ozonation; Ozone; Thin stillage

1. Introduction Corn is the primary source of ethanol in the United

States. Dry milling is the most common production process
Ethanol is a renewable fuel made from plants. It is bio- for ethanol from corn because of the lower costs required
degradable, water-soluble and has a low toxicity. It pro- to build and operate. In dry milling, the corn kernel is
vides high octane at low cost and its use as a fuel ground into a fine powder, which is referred to in the indus-
additive reduces harmful exhaust emissions. Also, it can try as meal. The meal is mixed with water to form a ‘‘mash’’
be used in all spark ignition engines without modifications. and enzymes are added to it to convert the starch into dex-
The use of ethanol-blended fuel is increasing rapidly in the trose, a simple sugar. Also, ammonia is added for pH con-
United States. Ethanol fuel is typically a 10% blend of eth- trol and as a nutrient to the yeast. The mash is then cooked
anol and conventional gasoline but 85% blend is also used at a high temperature to sterilize the bacteria prior to fer-
in flexible fuel vehicles and 95% blend is being tested. mentation. The mash is cooled and transferred to the fer-
mentation unit where yeast is added to convert sugar to
ethanol and carbon dioxide (CO2). After fermentation,
Corresponding author. Present address: School of Materials Science
and Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332,
the beer so produced is transferred to the distillation col-
USA. Tel.: +1 404 385 6725; fax: +1 404 894 9140. umns to separate the ethanol from the remaining whole stil-
E-mail address: mfan3@mail.gatech.edu (M. Fan). lage. Whole stillage is centrifuged to separate the distiller’s

0960-8524/$ - see front matter  2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1802 S. Singh et al. / Bioresource Technology 99 (2008) 1801–1805

grain from the solubles that are referred to as thin stillage. to additional oxidizing reactions. The most common of
The distiller’s grains are dried in the dryers to produce these reactive agents is the hydroxyl free radical. Molecular
dried distillers grains with solubles (DDGS), which is a ozone can serve as a dipole, an electrophilic or a nucleo-
high quality and nutrient-rich livestock feed. During the philic agent. Its high reactivity accounts for its high unsta-
fermentation process, CO2 is released, which is collected bility in water. Ozone decomposition follows the following
and sold for use in carbonating beverages and the manu- chain reaction (Kasprzyk-Hordem et al., 2003):
facture of dry ice. Some portion of the thin stillage is recy-
O3 þ H2 O ! 2HO þ O2 ð1Þ
cled in the ethanol plant and the rest of it is evaporated to 
produce syrup, which is then mixed with distiller’s grains in O3 þ OH ! O
þ HO2
2 ð2Þ
the dryer. Laboratory COD analysis of thin stillage was O3 þ HO ! O2 þ HO2 $

2 þH ð3Þ
done and proved that it has a very high chemical oxygen O3 þ HO2 $ 2O2 þ HO ð4Þ
demand (COD) of 75,000 mg/L approximately. Presence
2HO2 ! O2 þ H2 O2 ð5Þ
of different organic compounds including acetic acid, pyru-

vic acid, oxalic acid, and ethanol accounts for high COD The above chain reaction clearly shows that OH plays a
content of thin stillage. Table 1 lists the concentrations of significant role in initiating the ozone decomposition pro-
various organic acids found in thin stillage using high-pres- cess in water. Also, there are several organic compounds
sure liquid chromatography. There is a need to reduce the that can initiate (OH, H2O2/HO 2+
2 , Fe ), propagate
COD of thin stillage to provide cleaner recycle water to the (R2–CH–OH, formate, humic substances) and inhibit
ethanol industry. (CH3–COO, alkyl-(R), HCO 
3 =CO3 ) the chain reaction.
Biological treatment is the most widely used process for Organic matter or COD removal only occurs when
industrial process and wastewater containing organic com- ozone reacts with organic compounds to produce carbon
pounds. Some of the organics are not easily biodegradable. dioxide and water. Ozone can react with organic com-
In such cases, chemical oxidation technologies help oxidiz- pounds in aqueous solution either directly through selective
ing the refractory organic compounds. Ozone is a strong reactions with specific functional groups (double bonds,
oxidizing agent, with a redox potential of 2.07 V used fre- nucleophilic positions) or through a radical reaction like
quently in drinking water and wastewater treatment. hydroxyl radicals that are produced by the decomposition
Ozone treatment is specifically suitable for partial or com- of ozone in water (Beltran et al., 2002). For instance, oxalic
plete oxidation of non-biodegradable components (Beltran acid does not have the specific functional groups favorable
et al., 1999; Jochimsen and Jekel, 1997). Ozone oxidation for direct ozone reaction and hence the suggested mecha-
can be used as a pretreatment step to improve biodegrad- nism is through hydroxyl radicals.
ability or a post-treatment step to remove remaining Catalytic ozonation can be of two types: homogeneous
COD. The disadvantage of ozone in wastewater treatment catalytic ozonation and heterogeneous catalytic ozonation.
is the high-energy cost required for its production. Cata- In homogeneous catalytic ozonation, ozone is activated by
lytic ozonation is a good extension of ozonation developed metals ions particularly transition metals like Fe(II),
in recent years. Studies have been conducted to show that Mn(II), Co(II) while heterogeneous catalytic ozonation
ozone oxidation and its efficacy can be improved by using takes place in the presence of metals or metal oxides on
catalysts (Beltran, 2003; Brillas et al., 2003, 2004; Ernst supports such as Cu–Al2O3, Cu–TiO2, TiO2/Al2O3. The
et al., 2004; Legube and Leitner, 1999; Oh et al., 2004; Syr- use of Fe(II) and Fe(III) in our experiments supports it
oezhko et al., 2004; Zaror et al., 2001). The application of being an example of homogeneous catalytic ozonation.
ozonation and catalytic ozonation on thin stillage for COD
removal is a new approach. Moreover, it also investigates 2. Methods
the catalytic effects of Fe2+ and Fe3+ on the removal of
COD with O3 from thin stillage. 2.1. Thin stillage
Ozone is a strong oxidizing agent. Ozone reacts directly
with constituents found in solution and is also capable of Thin stillage samples were obtained from a dry-mill eth-
forming highly reactive chemical agents that can contribute anol plant in Lakota, Iowa, owned and operated by Mid-
west Grain Processors (MGP). The sample was
refrigerated as soon as it was obtained from the dry-mill
Table 1
Characterization of filtered thin stillage, process water from dry-mill ethanol plant. Before the ozonation/catalytic ozonation
ethanol plant used in this study experiments, thin stillage was centrifuged for 30 min at
Constituents Unit Value 4500 revolutions per minute (rpm) using laboratory scale
(IEC Model K) centrifuge. After centrifuging, it was fil-
Acetic acid ppm 3500
Butyric acid ppm 100 tered through 0.22 lm pore size (Glass Microfiber Filter,
Lactic acid ppm 6000 Whatman) filter. COD of thin stillage was measured using
Oxalic acid ppm 5500 Standard Methods 522 C (Clesceri et al., 1998). Also, thin
Propionic acid ppm 5000 stillage was found to contain various organic acids includ-
Pyruvic acid ppm 800
ing lactic acid, acetic acid and oxalic acid. High-pressure
S. Singh et al. / Bioresource Technology 99 (2008) 1801–1805 1803

liquid chromatography (HPLC) was conducted on thin stil- mixing speed of 200 rpm was used to provide good contact
lage to find the concentration of the organic acids present between the diluted sample and ozone. Run times of 8 h
in thin stillage, the results of which are listed in Table 1. and 4 h were used for ozonation alone and catalytic ozon-
ation experiments, respectively. In each run; a sample vol-
2.2. Ozonation ume of 2 L was used. Three different dilutions, D1 = 20,
D2 = 30, and D3 = 40 were investigated. Samples each of
Ozone was generated using a laboratory-scale corona- size 7 ml were taken at different time intervals for determi-
discharge ozone generator (Ozat Compact Ozone Unit, nation of COD. The collected samples were filtered
Ozonia) and oxygen from a gas cylinder with a purity of through a 0.45 lm filter. The collected sample was further
99%. The output of the ozone generator was determined diluted 5 times for D1 and D2 and 10 times for D3 before
by passing the ozone gas through a potassium iodide trap performing the COD analysis.
and titrating with standardized sodium thiosulfate as per
standard method 2350 E (Clesceri et al., 1998). Three differ- 3. Results
ent ozone dosages were used for COD determination
including O3,1 = 7 mg/min, O3,2 = 21 mg/min, and O3,3 = 3.1. Ozonation
33 mg/min. Samples were collected at regular intervals cor-
responding to know applied ozone dosages for COD The objective of this research was to evaluate the effi-
analysis. ciency of ozonation alone in the removal of organics from
thin stillage. Comparisons of COD removals between three
2.3. Ozone losses different dilutions D1 = 20, D2 = 30, and D3 = 40 using
ozone application rates of 7 mg/min, 21 mg/min and
The experiments were conducted in an open 3 L Pyrex 33 min/min, respectively are shown in Figs. 2–4. All the
cell and ozone losses occurred from the cell. To calculate
the actual ozone consumption, the output of the ozone gen- 100
erator was passed through a 200 mL volume of the 40 times
diluted sample for 45 min. The off-gas from the sample trap
was passed through a 200 mL potassium iodide trap for
COD removal (%)

15 s. The process of passing the off-gas through the potas- 70

sium iodide trap was repeated every 15 min and total ozone 60
loss from the system was calculated to be about 50%. 50
2.4. Catalysts 30 Dilution = 20
20 Dilution = 30
Ferric(III) chloride (FeCl3 Æ 6H2O certified A.C.S. 10
Dilution = 40
Fisher Scientific) and ferrous(II) chloride (FeCl2 Æ 4H2O,
ARCOS organics) were used as catalysts to speed up the 0 200 400 600 800 1000
oxidation process. Five different dosages of each of the ozone dosage (mg/L)
two catalysts were tested including 100 ppm, 200 ppm,
Fig. 2. Comparison of COD removal using ozone application rate of
300 ppm, 400 ppm, and 500 ppm.
7 m g/min on different dilutions.

2.5. Experimental design 100

All the experiments were done in a 2 L Pyrex cell in a
batch mode (Fig. 1) at room temperature. Ozone was bub-
COD removal (%)

bled into the reactor by means of a diffuser. A mixer with a 70

O2 + O3
30 Dilution = 20
Dilution = 30
Dilution = 40
Mixer 0
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000
Pyrex cell Solution Diffuser ozone dosage (mg/L)

Fig. 3. Comparison of COD removal using ozone application rate of

Fig. 1. Line diagram of experimental set-up of ozonation. 21 mg/min on different dilutions.
1804 S. Singh et al. / Bioresource Technology 99 (2008) 1801–1805

100 100

COD removal (%)

80 70
Fe(III) conc.
COD removal (% )

70 60
0 ppm
60 100 ppm
200 ppm
50 30
300 ppm
40 20
400 ppm
Dilution = 20 10
30 500 ppm
Dilution = 30 0
20 Dilution = 40 0 100 200 300 400 500
ozone dosage (mg/L)
0 Fig. 5. COD removal results for thin stillage from Fe(III) catalyzed
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 ozonation experiments using the ozone application rate of 7 mg/min and
40 times dilution.
ozone dosage (mg/L)

Fig. 4. Comparison of COD removal using ozone application rate of

33 mg/min on different dilutions. 100
experiments were conducted at room temperature with an
COD removal (%)
70 Fe(II) conc.
ozonation time of 8 h. For each of the three ozone applica-
tion rates, it was found that the COD removal increased 0 ppm
with increased dilution. Also, improved COD removal 100 ppm
was observed with an application of a higher ozone dosage. 200 ppm
For the lowest ozone application rate, O3,1 = 7 mg/min, 300 ppm
20 400 ppm
the lowest dilution, D1 = 20, and ozonation time of 8 h,
10 500 ppm
61% COD removal was achieved while the maximum
COD removal of 85% was observed with the highest ozone 0 100 200 300 400 500
application rate, O3,3 = 33 mg/min and the highest dilu- ozone dosage (mg/L)
tion, D3 = 40. However, the removal efficiency dropped
Fig. 6. COD removal results for thin stillage from Fe(II) catalyzed
in terms of g COD removed per g ozone applied, at the
ozonation experiments using the ozone application rate of 7 mg/min and
higher dilutions and higher ozone applications. 40 times dilution.

3.2. Catalytic ozonation

of the catalysts and their dosages when compared to ozon-
In order to quantify the catalytic effects of Fe(II) and ation alone. No significant difference was observed between
Fe(III) when compared to ozonation alone, an ozone appli- the two catalysts. Also, COD removal efficiency was only
cation rate of 7 mg/min was applied to 40 times diluted increased slightly on the application of higher catalyst
sample for 4 h. Organic acids can also adsorb to the surface dosage.
of iron. To check for the possible adsorption on the surface
of the ferric chloride, separate experiments were conducted
by adding the highest dose of 500 ppm of ferric chloride to 4. Discussion
the 40 times diluted sample without passing any ozone.
Similar experiments were done for ferrous chloride. No The mechanism of homogeneous catalytic ozonation is
adsorption was observed with any of the catalysts. This mainly a two-step process. Ozone is decomposed by the
showed that most of the removal in the Fe-catalyzed ozon- active metal species followed by the generation of free rad-
ation experiments was due to oxidation. icals. Then complex formation takes place between catalyst
The comparison of COD removal efficiencies for ozona- and organic acids followed by a final oxidation step. Our
tion alone to Fe3+/O3 and Fe2+/O3 systems, respectively is system is slightly acidic with a pH of 5.0. For Fe2+/O3 sys-
given in Figs. 5 and 6. The results indicate that catalytic tem, the following mechanism is suggested for free radical
ozonation in the presence of Fe(II) and Fe(III) improved generation in an acidic medium (Brillas et al., 2004):
COD removal in comparison to the standard ozone exper-
iments. For 500 ppm of ferrous chloride added to the Fe2þ þ O3 ! FeO2þ þ O2 ð6Þ
2þ 3þ  
diluted sample, a removal efficiency of 77% was observed FeO þ H2 O ! Fe þ OH þ OH ð7Þ
when compared to 45% efficiency of ozonation alone. FeO þFe þ2H ! 2Fe 2þ 2þ þ 3þ
þ H2 O ð8Þ
However, catalytic ozonation resulted in more than 40% 3þ   2þ
improvement in the final COD removal efficiencies for each Fe þOH þH ! Fe þ H2 O ð9Þ
S. Singh et al. / Bioresource Technology 99 (2008) 1801–1805 1805

O3 O3- Fe2+ production, catalytic ozonation is the preferred alternative.

Also, this study provides a baseline for further study on
Fe2+ + C2O42- FeC2O4 FeC2O4+ C2O4-
partial oxidation with O3 and AOPs as a pretreatment step
to improve the biodegradability or a post-treatment step
for removing residual COD.

Fig. 7. Suggested mechanism for catalytic ozonation of oxalic acid by Acknowledgements

Fe(II)/O3 system (Kasprzyk-Hordem et al., 2003).
The author acknowledges the support from Midwest
Fe reacts with ozone in the acidic medium to produce Grain Processors for providing the samples and all kinds
FeO2+. Hydroxyl radical is generated from the reaction of technical information required in this work.
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