Water Use Assignment

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Name: Abrar Ahamed Class: CGC1D1-5

1. Where do you use the most water?

Indoor Cold/Shower

2. How did your house compare to the average house? (Better or worse,
more or less?)

My home is better than the typical home of its kind; it is comparable to a

water-efficient home.

3. What would explain the similarity or difference between your responses

and the average house? Keep in mind the calculator is comparing your
house to another house in the same Postal Code as yours.

Given that the majority of the other homes in my neighborhood date from the
1900s and mine only began construction in 2019, my home is one of the newest
in the area. Because of this, my home is more energy-efficient than the others.
As a result, the plumbing and machinery employed are more effective,
cutting-edge, and environmentally friendly.

4. By comparing your results to the average house and also the Water-Wise
House, how sustainable would you say you and your family are when it
comes to water use? Explain your thinking.

My results are extremely equivalent to those of a Water-Wise House of similar

size. I can't say I'm surprised because as I was growing up, my parents were
always quite serious about saving and made sure we were always conserving
resources like water and energy.

5. What efficiency plans were suggested for your family and house?

I was advised to install a Watersense-labeled shower head and think about

cutting down on my shower duration in order to improve my efficiency.
6. How difficult would implementing these suggestions be for your family?
Describe any barriers would you have to address if you were to use less
water than the average or Water-Wise House.

Given that all was involved was the shower and the shower head, it would not be
too difficult. However I can see one problem about taking less showers, I play a
lot of sports. I play basketball for my school team, outside of school (REP,) and I
stay active a lot. Obviously, these activities have an impact on how many
showers I take.

7. A) How would you rank your level of stewardship (your ability to control
how much water you are using, - low being bad, high being good)?

I had assumed my stewardship would be average, but now I think it is moderately

high. This is because my home exceeds my expectations and is extremely
similar to a comparable water-efficient home.

B) Think about the suggestions made in the efficiency plan. Do you think
that family behaviors or attitudes need to change if your family is going to
try to reduce the amount of household water use?

Yes and no; the main reason for this is the shower, and I don't intend to stop
playing sports or being as active as some of my family members do. We can only
decrease it if we truly cut back on how frequently we take showers. However, I
believe the number of showers we take is ideal.

8. What criticisms do you have of this calculator? Think about the

information it did and did NOT collect. What changes could you make to
increase the effectiveness of the survey?

I appreciate how close it is to a water-efficient home. I also appreciate the tips

and all the recommendations that the calculator gives me to be more efficient.
However, the kitchen-related questions, which mainly addressed the dishwasher
and the sink, in my opinion, were too brief.
Reflection “Application” Questions Section:
Apply the knowledge you have developed about water use to answer the
following questions.

1. Are you surprised by your water usage? Explain why or why not.

No, I'm not very surprised by my water usage. However, I think it overestimates
some things, but that's okay. Overall, it's fairly accurate.

2. Is your water usage comparable to other Canadians? Explain why or why


No, my use of water does not compare to that of other Canadian households.
First off, my home is significantly more modern than most of Canada's. In
comparison to a modern household, this results in efficiency that is nearly twice
as high. It might be comparable in the future when more contemporary homes
are constructed, but not right now.

3. Analyze how you can reduce your water usage. Provide specific methods
(a bit of online research may help and some advice from the website may
come in handy here as well)
Other than taking a shower, there isn't much I could do better. I should establish
a pattern and try to space out how many showers I take. This could reduce the
amount of water I use and make me more efficient with both my time and the
water I use.
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Thu, 12/01/2022 - 03:29 UTC

My Results
Keep up the good work! Your results are very close to that of a comparable Water-Wise House.
Check out these tips, and the
recommendations given in the My Efficiency Plan section below, to
get to the next level.

Estimated Household Usage

Category L per Year L per Day L per Person per Day

Faucet 25,950 71.1 10.2

Toilet 33,941 93.0 13.3

Shower 82,329 225.6 32.2

Bathtub 0 0.0 0.0

Dishwasher 1,923 5.3 0.8

Clothes washer 2,751 7.5 1.1

Leaks* 32,325 88.6 12.7

Other 2,771 7.6 1.1

Total indoor 181,989 498.6 71.2

Indoor hot 54,233 148.6 21.2

Outdoor 0 0.0 0.0

Total 181,989 498.6 71.2

Where I Use Water

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Energy in My Water

My hot water use is estimated at 54,233 L per


Congratulations! You have minimized the carbon footprint for your hot water use. The calculator is
basic to determine your hot water carbon footprint, but using renewable energy keeps it to a
minimum. Good

How Do I Compare?
This is how my estimated water use compares to other households in the same geographic area
with the
same number of residents and landscape size as me. The Water-Wise House comparison
shows my house's water use
with added water efficiency improvements.

Estimated Household Volume (L/yr)

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Category My House Average House Water-Wise House

Faucet 25,950 78,481 25,950

Toilet 33,941 132,535 33,941

Shower 82,329 90,436 72,038

Bathtub - 9,355 -

Dishwasher 1,923 7,796 1,923

Clothes washer 2,751 114,864 2,751

Leaks* 32,325 64,448 32,325

Other 2,771 21,829 2,771

Total indoor 181,989 519,745 171,698

Indoor hot 54,233 154,884 51,166

Outdoor - 0 0

Total 181,989 519,745 171,698

My Efficiency Plan
The calculator has identified areas where your estimated water use exceeds that of a comparable
efficient household. Here are some recommendations for reducing water use, which should
also help you save

Estimated Usage and Recommendations

Volume (L/yr)

My Resource
Category Efficient My Efficiency Recommendation
House How-to

Faucet 25,950 25,950

Toilet 33,941 33,941

Install a WaterSense® labeled showerhead and Learn

Shower 82,329 72,038
consider reducing time spent in the shower. more

Dishwasher 1,923 1,923

2,751 2,751

Leaks* 32,325 32,325

Outdoor 0 0

*Most homes have leaks that homeowners are unaware of.

Responses to Questions

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General Questions
What is your US zip code or Canadian postal code? M1M 2S3
In what year was your home (or apartment/condo building) built? after 2010 OR my
home has been upgraded with high-efficiency fixtures
How many people live full time in your home? 7
Do you use water outdoors to irrigate the landscape or fill up a pool or spa? no

Bathroom Questions
I turn off the faucet while brushing my teeth or doing other tasks. yes
I have installed a water-reducing, low-flow faucet aerator in my bathroom. yes
Do any of the toilets in your home leak or get stuck so that water continually flows n
until adjusted?
The typical person in my household takes __ showers per week at home. 6
I have installed WaterSense-labeled showerheads in my home. no
The typical person in my household takes __ baths per week. 0

Kitchen Questions
There is a dishwasher in my home. yes
I have installed a new ENERGY STAR water-efficient dishwasher since 2006. yes
I run the dishwasher __ times per week. 4

Laundry Questions
Do you wash your clothes in a washer or by hand? clothes washer
My household typically washes __ loads of laundry per week. 4
Please indicate the type of washer you use to clean your clothes. high efficiency front-
loading clothes washer

Outdoor Questions

Carbon Footprint Questions

Who supplies water to your home? the local water utility
How is the water heated in your home? renewable (solar, geothermal, wind)

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