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Roger Lupe III

AIS 301W

Dr. Ali-Joseph

November 28, 2022

Written Statement

To be a positive role model for all Indigenous people is not my only goal. A few people

in my dad's family received a secondary education; the same goes for my mother's family, but

my other goal is to use my secondary education to make a difference in many people's lives,

especially Indigenous people. None of my family, besides one or two, are using their knowledge

to make a difference in other people's lives, and that is not what my people need now. My people

and tribe need individuals who know how to use their knowledge to help make a positive change

in our communities, and I plan on being that individual for my people. I guarantee that after me,

many other people will soon follow to make a difference as well. The college experience has

been unique, and I want others to experience it one day. However, I also want to help raise

awareness for Indigenous people because there are many things that western society does not

understand, or they have forgotten about us. However, we are all still here, and we are thriving.

Having an Applied Indigenous Studies degree under my belt will be very helpful. A

degree like this can help me apply for more different careers because many places support or

may try to help Indigenous people. However, I will have that understanding more because I

know to help Indigenous people more than people who do not have an AIS degree or background

with Indigenous people. AIS will open many doors, from counseling probation officers to tribal

politics. There are many things that this degree can apply to, especially if it is working with
Indigenous people. I am most excited about working with Indigenous people, helping them, and

seeing how I can make a difference in their lives.

To make sure that I am making a difference in the lives of many people, I plan on getting

training done to improve my skills to be the best probation officer I can be. One of the main

ways that I can improve my skills is to do some internships while I am attending graduate school.

This will help me learn skills and good habits from probation officers who have been helping

people for many years. This will give me firsthand experiences at learning what I need to do and

to help sharpen my skills.

To whom it may concern,

I am pleased to write this letter for Roger Lupe so that he may further his education at Arizona
State University to achieve a master’s degree in Criminal Justice. With Roger performing to
receive his master’s degree, he will be a role model for many Indigenous children on the west
end of the Fort Apache Tribe. I have had the pleasure of working with Roger and learning that he
intends to use his education to help his people and his reservation. After working with Roger, I
have seen what he can achieve, and the attributes of his character define what kind of person he

Roger is a man who has a solid connection to his Apache culture and family, and with this, he
has shown resilience to adversity, strength, and patience. When times were tough for Roger, he
could stay strong and focus on what he had started. The power that I have seen is incredible as
there were many times were Roger was challenged, and instead of giving up, he took a breather
and stepped back to collect his thoughts so that he may have a clear mind to finish strong. Roger
understands that only some good intentions may be repaid immediately or not all, but that has
not stopped him from doing the right thing to help others or himself. Roger’s communication
skills are unmatched because he knows to listen first, collect his thoughts, and then speak. Also,
Roger learns to be respectful and patient when working with his fellow students, community
members, and professors. Roger has also done secondary research on Native American
communities and their health problems, which shows his passion for many Native American
communities other than his tribe. The Peer Equity and Education Program has helped improve
Roger’s leadership skills, which he will need in the future.

I have no hesitation in recommending Roger to be accepted into the Criminal Justice graduate
program at Arizona State University. Roger’s knowledge and passion for being helpful to create
a better tomorrow by showing his resiliency, patience, and the respect he gives to all his peers.

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