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Just About the Heart

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. Good afternoon everyone. The honorable jury,

committee, teachers, and friends. Thank you for giving me the time and place to give my speech

Dear ladies and gentlemen,

As we know, the millennial generation is the generation that will determine the fate of
our country now and then. But in reality, we can see so many teenagers are experiencing
setbacks in several aspects such as behaviour, and character which finally leads to a decrease in
interest, enthusiasm, and learning achievements from the young generation. Even though today is
an age when everyone can explore, develop, and express all their talents and potential. What is
the actual reason for this happening? And how to solve it? For that, let me stand here to answer
these questions.

Ladies and gentlemen,

If we look closely, so many things affect the decline in interest in learning. But in
substance, anything we do depends on the intentions of our hearts. About how we try to control
ourselves and our minds. And this is strongly influenced by the surroundings of family, friends,
and also the surrounding society.

In the growth of children's personalities, the family can encourage a child's attitude to be
more courageous in expressing himself and showing all forms of creativity so that the child's
mind is always wide open along with the development of his mindset. Parents and children must
have good communication to minimize fear and insecurity when children attempt to express their
ideas and passions about something.

Ladies and gentlemen,

Besides parents and family, friendship and society also have a large role to play in
shaping our minds so that we are more active in positive things. Through experiences and stories
from friends, we can get on the right side and expand our knowledge. So that it can bring in
various innovations and creative ideas, which we can use for the good of ourselves, and can even
bring benefits to the people around us. Therefore, we need to be good at selecting which
friendships can support us and which environment can keep us and our minds moving forward
and developing in a better direction.

And to live all this, it takes honesty in our hearts. We know that the human heart is the
best place to hold everything. We can hide our emotions, feelings, and even the desire to change
for the better. That may be a simple problem for some people. But for some people, having the
heart open is difficult to obtain. An introvert tends not to have an appropriate place to make it
capable of channeling innovative ideas and also its interest in something good. This is where our
role as fellow young generations is to always support others to create a millennial generation that
is of high quality and able to bring our country to be even better.

Honorable guests,
Let's bring ourselves, and the people around us to always find creative and innovative
ideas that benefit the lives of many people. Don't be afraid to speak up and apply all the ideas we
have. Because all efforts will be beautiful in time. That's what I can talk about. I hope that what I
have said over the day will be beneficial to me and all of us. I apologize for any mistakes. And to
everyone, thank you.

Muhammad Syafikri
SMK Negeri 1 Pematang Siantar

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