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Test I- Identification (2 pts)

Direction: Identify what is being asked on the following sentences. Write your answer on the
space provided before the number.

________________1. It refers to the mix of process and product used in the application of

scientific knowledge.

________________2. It is an international organization for educational technology that

established standards for both teachers and students.

________________3. A sequential or simultaneous use of a variety of media formats

________________4. A massive network of networks, a networking infrastructure

________________5. Type of learning that is accompanied by technology or by instructional

practice that makes effective use of technology

________________6. It refers to the ability to interpret, explain, analyze, evaluate, infer and self

regulate in order to make good decisions.

________________7. These are tools or apps that can still be used even if there is no internet


________________8. A Community eLearning Centers that provides ICT-enhanced alternative

education program for Out-of-School Youth.

________________9. A popular social networking site used by students and adults worldwide

to present information on themselves and to the world.

________________10. Is a video blog where each entry is posted as a video instead of the text.
Test II- Multiple Choice

Direction: choose the best answer from the option given. Write your answer on the space
provided before the number.

___1. The ICT competency standards for teachers include all the following EXCEPT one. Which


a. digital and non-digital technology

b. enhance financial literacy skills

c. ethical issues on the use of ICT

d. use of technology tools.

___2. All teachers in the 21st century should be

a. digital citizens c. digital immigrant

b. digital natives d. digital police

___3. The use of technology will enhance the 21st century skills along

I. development of tools
II. critical thinking and problem solving
III. designing learning environment and spaces

a. I only b. II only c. III only d. I, II and III

___4. A universal standard in the use of ICT in teaching and learning in the classroom requires

all teachers to ______ EXCEPT one.

a. use gadgets when teaching

b. understand the issues and safety policies

c. utilize the tools available in the environment

d. buy an expensive computer

___5. One of the constraints in the application of ICT for the enhancement of standards among

teachers and students is __________.

a. training of technology teachers

b. connectivity of the school

c. availability of qualified teachers

d. lack of awareness about the use of technology

___6.Which statement about technology in teaching is FALSE?

a. Technology has modernized teaching and learning

b. use of technology promotes higher order thinking skills

c. millennial teachers are not ready to use ff technology in teaching

d. to teach in the 21st century, technology use is indispensable.

___7. How did technology open new fields of educational research?

I. enabled researchers to process data faster and more accurate

II. Created research tools with rigor to collect data
III. Provided different ways of collecting information for evaluation.
a. I only b. II only c. III only d. All of the above

___8. What value does the use of technology give teachers?

I. Provides support for teachers as facilitators of learning

II. Transforms passive classroom to interactive classrooms
III- Enhances learners’ communication skills
a. I only b. II only c. III only d. I, II and III

___9. How can learners benefit most in the use of technology?

I. Enhances global awareness and citizenship

II. enables the students to participate in the online-gaming
III. Increases addiction in internet games
a. I only b. II only c. III only d. I and III
___10. In which area of learning has technology given the most influence?

a. Distance Learning c. On the job learning

b. Face-to-Face Learning d. Blended Learning

___11. What is the importance of an ICT Policy for teaching and learning?

a. it provides a roadmap in education where ICT is utilized.

b. It censors all the activities of schools so that it will be uniform in ICT use
c. It is a requirement of the DICT in the Philippines

d. It serves as a basis for closing internet cafes near the school

___12. Which of the following does NOT belong to the cluster of technologies?

a. Telecommunication technology

b. Information Technology

c. Networking Technology

d. Industrial Technology

___13. The DICT Policy statements include the creation of all the following programs, EXCEPT

a. eQuality Program c. ICT Pedagogy

b. eSkwela d. iSchool WebBoard

___14. Which of the following issues on ICT is directly linked to climate change?

a. Freedom of expression c. Surveilance

b. e-waste d. Privacy

___15. As a teacher, how will you appropriately use technology for teaching and learning so that

your learners will benefit most?

a. Assign them to search in the web all the topics you are teaching

b. Maximize the use of technology tools as you support in teaching

c. Ask each student to buy a gadget that they can use

d. Make your lessons an open source all the time

___16. A friend would like to ask for your email password, because your email address ws used

for an urgent matter. As a rule in privacy, what action will you take?

I. voluntarily give m,y password to my friend

II. Deny the request of my friend even if it is urgent
III. Open my email by myself and print the email that is addressed to my

a. I only b. II only c. III only d. I, II and III

___17. Which of these is a minor infraction in the use of digital facility?

a. Unauthorized taking of pictures or images with mobile phone camera

b. Logging off when finished working

c. Making use that lighting is adequate

d. Using anti-glare screen filters

___18. Which is a risk in the use of ICT, thus a need to establish policies and rules for e-safety?

I. Prolonged exposure to online technologies, particularly at an early age

II. Cyber bullying in all forms
III. Lifestyle websites like self-harms and suicides sites, and hate sites
a. I only b. II only c. III only d. I, II and III

___19. Which is NOT TRUE about e-safety in the use of digital technology?

a. Restricts the use of digital technology\

b. Facilitates better understanding how to use online facilities

c. Protects young learners and adults from the digital risks

d. Helps users to understand the new technology

___20. When working inside a computer laboratory, all of the choices EXCEPT one, is allowed.

Which one is allowed?

a. Foods and drinks should be handy on the computer table

b. One external electrical outlet should have 5 computers connected.

c. Fire extinguishers should be made available.

d. Computer desks should be near each other to allow sharing of information

___21. Spreadsheets, Excels, Sketchpads, and probability constructor are examples of _____

a. Data/Calculation Tools c. Discussion Tools

b. Design Tools d. Email Tools

___22. Which of the following is NOT true about eSafety ?

a. eSafety helps safeguard children and young people in the digital world

b. eSafety emphasizes learning to understand new technologies in a positive way

c. eSafety supports young learners and adults to develop safer online behaviors
d. None of the Above

___23. Some minor misuse of ICT made by learners in school include the following, EXCEPT


a. Copying information and failing to acknowledge the source

b. Downloading materials not relevant to their studies

c. Storing and retrieving important data

d. leaving a mobile phone turned on during class period.

___24. In what domain in ICT Competency Standards for teachers explained the ICT policies?

a. Domain 1 c. Domain 7

b. Domain 4 d. Domain 6

___25. It restricts the transmission of information by blocking or filtering the information.

a. Web access c. Security

b. Censorship d. Surveillance

Test III- Modified True or False (2 Points)

Direction: Write TRUE on the space provided if the statement is correct, if otherwise, change
the underlined word to make the statement true.

_____________1. The ICT Competency Standards is made up of eight domains.

_____________2. Declarative Knowledge is knowledge in action or the knowledge pf how to do


_____________3. A roadmap is a strategic plan that defines a goal or desired outcome and

includes the major steps needed to reach it.

_____________4. Handheld devices are any portable devices that can be carried and held in

one’s palm.

_____________5.Technology as a tutor, when it is being used to facilitate and lighten the work

of the teacher

_____________6. Using technology as a learning tool makes learning easy and effective.
_____________7. Structural knowledge consists of information that answers the questions who,

what, where and when.

_____________8. Teachers play a significant role in supporting learners with technology.

_____________9. Teachers help his/her students developing their creativity by giving critical

thinking tasks.

_____________10. eSafety takes care not only of internet technologies but also of electronic


Test IV- Enumeration

1-7 - Domains off ICT Competency Standards

8-14 - Seven Creative Strategies

15-18 - Global Issues on ICT

19-20 Give two (2) safety rules

Test V- Essay (15 Points)

“The Importance of eSafety on using Technology in Teaching and Learning”

“Trust yourself; you know more than you think you do”
-Benjamin Spock

Prepared by:


Instructor – Gen-Ed Department

Checked by:
Dean, Gen-Ed Department

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