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Dar-Al Bra’ah Primary School

English Department
st st
1 Trimester (1 Period Listening Exam ) 2022- 2023
Name:………………………………………………… Grade : 5 - ……….
( Listening : Meeting People at the dinner )

1-Put (True ) or ( False ) for the following sentences :-

1. Julian remembers Alyssa. True False

2. Ben is Alyssa's brother. True False
3. They were at Ben's wedding True False
4. The wedding was in February. True False
5. Julian says the wrong name. True False
6. Alyssa doesn't want a drink. True False

2-Choose the correct answers :-

1- Ben is (Alyssa's – Julian's) brother.

2- They were at Ben's (birthday party – wedding).

3- Alyssa want to (drink – eat) at a dinner.

4- The wedding was in (February- January).

Good Luck

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