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Euthenics 2

Week 6: Types of Company Culture – ARG

1. In your opinion, how do cultural norms affect a company or an organization?

People's behavior and practices are influenced by their culture's shared values, beliefs, and
customs. Regional differences in these standards can affect how companies operate globally or

In business, cultural factors play a big role. Taking employee values and priorities into account,
culture plays a key role in guiding employees in the best possible way. This also applies to the
functional areas of Marketing, Sales and Distribution. This can affect an organization's analysis
and decisions about how a company can enter new markets.

2. What are the eight (8) cultural styles presented in the video?

The eight cultural styles shown in the video are purpose, caring, learning, joy, achievement,
authority, security and order, structure.

3. Why do different industries differ in terms of cultural styles prevalent in their field?

Organizations have different cultures and employees are often motivated by different factors.
Replicating the culture of another company only works if both companies solve the same
challenges, have the same value structure and the same workforce structure. Every company
must discover its own cultural DNA.

4. What is the importance of adaptation or flexibility in these types of culture existing in the
work sector nowadays?

If a person is able to adapt to job changes or changes in the workplace, and find solutions when
faced with unexpected obstacles, this is called adaptability. It also means thinking outside the
box. This skill is very important as it broadens the employee's horizons and opens the door to
career advancement. Employees (and employers) benefit from flexibility in many ways. For
businesses, this means improved employee retention, loyalty, productivity and engagement.
After all, this means higher profit margins. Additionally, remote workers help companies reduce
costs. The more adaptable you are, the more productive you will be in the long run.

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