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Chapter 10

1. Let the radius of the bigger tire be rb= 1 m and the radius of the smaller tire be rs= (1/4)

(a) The angular speed of the bigger tires is ωb = 100 rev/min = 200π rad/min. Therefore,
the linear speed of the tractor is

v = wb rb = 200p ´ 1 = 200p m/min = 628.56 m/min.

The angular speed of the smaller tires is

v (200p ) m/min rad 1rev

ws = = = (800 p rad) /min = 800 p ´ = 400rev/min.
rs (1/ 4) m min 2 p rad

(b) The linear speed of the tractor is 628.56 m/min. Therefore, the distance covered by
the tractor in 10 min is

d = (628.56 m/min) × (10 min) = 6285.6 m » 6.28 × 103 m.


2. The initial angular velocity of the blades is ωi = 30.0 rev/s.

When the blades stop, the final angular velocity is ωf = 0.
The time in which the blades stop is t = 2.00 min = 120 s.
Let the angular acceleration of the blades be a .
The final angular velocity of the blades can be expressed as

wf = wi + a t
w - wi (0 rev/s) - (30.0 rev/s) æ 1 ö
Þa = f = = ç - ÷ rev/s 2 = - 0.25 rev/s 2 .
t 120s è 4ø

The number of revolutions ( q ) the blades make before stopping in 2.00 min is calculated
as follows:
q = wi t + a t 2
= (30.0rev/s)120s + ´ (-0.25rev/s 2 ) ´ (120s) 2
= 30.0 ´ 120rev - ´ (0.25 rev) ´ (14400 s2 )
= ( 3600 - 1800 ) rev = 1800 rev.

3. The falling is the type of constant-acceleration motion you had in Chapter 2. The time
it takes for the buttered toast to hit the floor is

2h 2(0.76 m)
Dt = = = 0.394 s.
g 9.8 m/s 2

(a) The smallest angle turned for the toast to land butter-side down is
Dq min = 0.25 rev = p / 2 rad. This corresponds to an angular speed of

Dq min p / 2 rad
wmin = = = 4.0 rad/s.
Dt 0.394 s

(b) The largest angle (less than 1 revolution) turned for the toast to land butter-side down
is Dq max = 0.75 rev = 3p / 2 rad. This corresponds to an angular speed of

4. If we make the units explicit, the function is

q = 2.0 rad + ( 4.0 rad/s2 ) t 2 + ( 2.0 rad/s3 ) t 3

but in some places we will proceed as indicated in the problem—by letting these units be

(a) We evaluate the function q at t = 0 to obtain q0 = 2.0 rad.

(b) The angular velocity as a function of time is given by Eq. 10-6:

w= = ( 8.0 rad/s 2 ) t + ( 6.0 rad/s 3 ) t 2

which we evaluate at t = 0 to obtain w0 = 0.

(c) For t = 3.0 s, the function found in the previous part is

w4 = (8.0)(3.0) + (6.0)(3.0)2 = 78 rad/s.

(d) The angular acceleration as a function of time is given by Eq. 10-8:

a= = 8.0 rad/s 2 + (12 rad/s 3 ) t

which yields a2 = 8.0 + (12)(4.0) = 56 rad/s2 at t = 4.0 s.

(e) The angular acceleration, given by the function obtained in the previous part, depends
on time; it is not constant.

5. Considering the spinning wheel as a particle, the horizontal velocity of the wheel,
when it is at the rooftop, is vx = 49 m/s. The horizontal velocity of the wheel does not
change during its trajectory because the acceleration along the horizontal direction is zero.
Therefore, the point on its trajectory when the vertical and the horizontal velocities
become equal, the horizontal velocity is the same as that on the rooftop, that is, vx = 49

In the vertical (+y) direction, the initial speed of the spinning wheel is zero, and the
acceleration along vertical direction is ay = g = 9.8 m/s2. Let the final vertical velocity of
the wheel after time t be vy. Using the first kinematics relation for the vertical motion of
wheel, we get
v y = v0 y + a y t = 0 + gt = gt

The instant at which the horizontal and the vertical speeds of the ball are the same is
given by vx = v y , or
49 m/s
49 m/s = gt Þ t= = 5.0s
9.8 m/s 2

Thus, in t = 5.0 s, the wheel has made 40 revolutions. Therefore, the average angular
velocity of the wheel can be calculated as

Dq 40 rev
wavg = = = 8 rev/s = 8(2p rad/s ) » 50 rad/s.
Dt 5.0 s

6. When there is no slipping, the distances travelled at the rims of wheels should be same.
a1r1 = a 2 r2 ,
where α1, r1 and α2, r2 are the angular accelerations and radii of smaller and bigger
wheels, respectively. Therefore,

5.00 × 0.02 = α2 × 0.30

5.00 ´ 0.02 10 1
Þ a2 = = = rad/s2 .
0.30 30 3

The initial angular velocity of the bigger wheel is w2i = 0 rad/s .

The initial angular velocity of the bigger wheel is w2 f = 5.00rev/s = 5.00 ´ 2p rad/s = 10p rad/s .
The angular acceleration of the bigger wheel can be calculated using the relation

w 2f = w1f + a 2 t
10p = 0 + a 2 t
t= = 30 ´ p » 94.28s
1/ 3
The angular distance θ1 covered by the bigger wheel in 94.25 s is

q1 = w2i + ´ a 2 ´ t 2
= 0 + ´ a2 ´ t 2
1 1 1
= ´ a 2 ´ t 2 = ´ (94.28)2 » 1481.45 rad » 14.8 ´ 102 rad.
2 2 3
During the remaining time, there is no acceleration due to non-availability of the
rotational torque. The remaining time is
t'= 120 s – 94.28 s = 25.72 s.

Therefore, the angular displacement of wheel in 25.72 s is

q 2 = w2f t ' = 10p ´ 25.72 = 808.33rad.

The total displacement of the wheel is

q = q1 + q 2 = 1481.45 rad + 808.33 rad = 2289.78 rad.

Therefore, the number of rotations made in the first 2.00 min is

N= = 364.29 » 364.

7. (a) To avoid touching the spokes, the arrow must go through the wheel in not more
1 / 8 rev
Dt = = 0.050 s.
2.5 rev / s

20 cm
The minimum speed of the arrow is then vmin = = 400 cm / s = 4.0 m / s.
0.050 s

(b) No—there is no dependence on radial position in the above computation.


8. (a) We integrate (with respect to time) the a = 6.0t4 – 4.0t2 expression, taking into
account that the initial angular velocity is 2.5 rad/s. The result is

6 4
w = ò a dt = ò (6.0t 4 - 4.0t 2 )dt = t 5 - t 3 + 2.5 » 1.2 t5 – 1.3 t3 + 2.5.
5 3

(b) Integrating again (and keeping in mind that qo = 1) we get

q = 0.20t6 – 0.33 t4 + 2.0 t + 1.5 .


9. (a) We know that

w - w0
w = w0 + a t Þ a=

where the initial angular velocity of stone is ω0 = 0 rad /s, the final angular velocity of
stone ω = 4.00 × 2π = 8π rad/s, and time t = 5.00 s. Substituting these values into the
equation above gives
(8p rad /s) - (0 rad /s)
a= » 5.03 rad/s 2 .

Thus, the average angular acceleration imparted to the stone is 5.03 rad/s2.

(b) The moment of inertia about the axis of rotation is

I = mr 2 = (2.00 kg)(2.00 m) 2 = 8.00 kg × m 2 .


10. We assume the sense of rotation is positive, which (since it starts from rest) means all
quantities (angular displacements, accelerations, etc.) are positive-valued.

(a) The angular acceleration satisfies Eq. 10-13:

20 rad = a (5.0 s)2 Þ a = 1.6 rad/s2 .

(b) The average angular velocity is given by Eq. 10-5:

Dq 20 rad
wavg = = = 4.0 rad/s.
Dt 5.0 s

(c) Using Eq. 10-12, the instantaneous angular velocity at t = 5.0 s is

w = (1.6 rad/s 2 ) (5.0 s) = 8.0 rad/s .

(d) According to Eq. 10-13, the angular displacement at t = 10 s is

1 1
q = w0t + a t 2 = 0 + (1.6 rad/s 2 ) (10 s) 2 = 80 rad.
2 2

Thus, the displacement between t = 5.0 s and t = 10 s is Dq = 80 rad – 20 rad = 60 rad.


11. Let both rims attain same angular speed ω after t seconds. For the wheel of child A,
ω = 40 – α1t
w - 40
Þt= (1)
For the wheel of child B,
ω = α2t
Þt= (2)
Equating Eq. (1) with Eq. (2), we get
w - 40 w
-2 2
Þ w - 40 = -w
Þ 2w = 40
w = 20 rev/s.
If the common speed of the wheels is 20 rev/s, from Eq. (2), the time can be calculated as
t= = 10s.
Therefore, it takes 10 s for the both wheels to attain common magnitude of speed.

12. (a) We assume the sense of rotation is positive. Applying Eq. 10-12, we obtain

(3200 - 1200) rev/min

w = w0 + a t Þ a = = 1.0 ´10 4 rev/min 2 .
(12 / 60) min

(b) And Eq. 10-15 gives

1 1 æ 12 ö
q = (w0 + w ) t = (1200 rev/min + 3200 rev/min) ç min ÷ = 4.4 ´102 rev.
2 2 è 60 ø

13. The wheel has angular velocity w0 = +1.5 rad/s = +0.239 rev/s at t = 0, and has
constant value of angular acceleration a < 0, which indicates our choice for positive
sense of rotation. At t1 its angular displacement (relative to its orientation at t = 0) is q1 =
+20 rev, and at t2 its angular displacement is q2 = +40 rev and its angular velocity is
w2 = 0 .

(a) We obtain t2 using Eq. 10-15:

1 2(40 rev)
q2 = ( w 0 + w 2 ) t 2 Þ t2 = = 335 s
2 0.239 rev/s

which we round off to t2 » 3.4 ´102 s .

(b) Any equation in Table 10-1 involving a can be used to find the angular acceleration;
we select Eq. 10-16.
1 2(40 rev)
q 2 = w2t2 - a t22 Þ a = - 2
= -7.12 ´ 10-4 rev/s 2
2 (335 s)

which we convert to a = – 4.5 ´ 10–3 rad/s2.

(c) Using q 1 = w 0 t1 + 21 at12 (Eq. 10-13) and the quadratic formula, we have

-w0 ± w02 + 2q1a

t1 =
-(0.239 rev/s) ± (0.239 rev/s) 2 + 2(20 rev)( -7.12 ´ 10-4 rev/s 2 )
-7.12 ´ 10-4 rev/s 2

which yields two positive roots: 98 s and 572 s. Since the question makes sense only if t1
< t2 we conclude the correct result is t1 = 98 s.

14. The wheel starts turning from rest (w0 = 0) at t = 0, and accelerates uniformly at a > 0,
which makes our choice for positive sense of rotation. At t1 its angular velocity is w1 =
+10 rev/s, and at t2 its angular velocity is w2 = +15 rev/s. Between t1 and t2 it turns
through Dq = 60 rev, where t2 – t1 = Dt.

(a) We find a using Eq. 10-14:

(15 rev/s) 2 - (10 rev/s) 2
w = w + 2aDq Þ a =
1 = 1.04 rev/s 2
2(60 rev)

which we round off to 1.0 rev/s2.

1 2(60 rev)
(b) We find Dt using Eq. 10-15: Dq = (w1 + w2 ) Dt Þ Dt = = 4.8 s.
2 10 rev/s + 15 rev/s

10 rev/s
(c) We obtain t1 using Eq. 10-12: w1 = w0 + a t1 Þ t1 = = 9.6 s.
1.04 rev/s 2

(d) Any equation in Table 10-1 involving q can be used to find q1 (the angular
displacement during 0 £ t £ t1); we select Eq. 10-14.

(10 rev/s)2
w12 = w02 + 2aq1 Þ q1 = = 48 rev.
2(1.04 rev/s 2 )

15. THINK We have a wheel rotating with constant angular acceleration. We can apply
the equations given in Table 10-1 to analyze the motion.

EXPRESS Since the wheel starts from rest, its angular displacement as a function of
time is given by q = 12 a t 2 . We take t1 to be the start time of the interval so that
t2 = t1 + 4.0 s . The corresponding angular displacements at these times are
1 1
q1 = a t12 , q 2 = a t22
2 2

Given D q = q 2 - q1 , we can solve for t1 , which tells us how long the wheel has been in
motion up to the beginning of the 4.0 s-interval.

ANALYZE The above expressions can be combined to give

D q = q 2 - q1 = a ( t22 - t12 ) = a (t2 + t1 )(t2 - t1 )
1 1
2 2

With D q = 120 rad , a = 3.0 rad/s 2 , and t2 - t1 = 4.0 s , we obtain

2( D q ) 2(120 rad)
t2 + t1 = = = 20 s ,
a (t2 - t1 ) (3.0 rad/s 2 )(4.0 s)

which can be further solved to give t2 = 12.0 s and t1 = 8.0 s . So, the wheel started from
rest 8.0 s before the start of the described 4.0 s interval.

LEARN We can readily verify the results by calculating q1 and q 2 explicitly:

1 1
q1 = a t12 = (3.0 rad/s 2 )(8.0 s)2 = 96 rad
2 2
1 2 1
q 2 = a t2 = (3.0 rad/s 2 )(12.0 s) 2 = 216 rad.
2 2

Indeed the difference is D q = q 2 - q1 = 120 rad .


16. (a) Eq. 10-13 gives

q - qo = wo t + 12 at2 = 0 + 12 (1.2 rad/s²) t12

where q - qo = (2 rev)(2p rad/rev). Therefore, t1 = 4.58 s.

(b) We can find the time to go through a full 4 rev (using the same equation to solve for a
new time t2) and then subtract the result of part (a) for t1 in order to find this answer.

(4 rev)(2p rad/rev) = 0 + 2 (1.2 rad/s²) t22

Þ t2 = 6.47 s.

Thus, the answer is 6.47 s – 4.58 s » 1.89 s.


17. The problem has (implicitly) specified the positive sense of rotation. The angular
acceleration of magnitude 0.25 rad/s2 in the negative direction is assumed to be constant
over a large time interval, including negative values (for t).

(a) We specify qmax with the condition w = 0 (this is when the wheel reverses from
positive rotation to rotation in the negative direction). We obtain qmax using Eq. 10-14:

wo2 (4.7 rad/s)2

q max = - =- = 44 rad.
2a 2(-0.25 rad/s 2 )

(b) We find values for t1 when the angular displacement (relative to its orientation at t = 0)
is q1 = 22 rad (or 22.09 rad if we wish to keep track of accurate values in all intermediate
steps and only round off on the final answers). Using Eq. 10-13 and the quadratic formula,
we have
1 -w o ± w o2 + 2q1a
q1 = w ot1 + a t12 Þ t1 =
2 a

which yields the two roots 5.5 s and 32 s. Thus, the first time the reference line will be at
q1 = 22 rad is t = 5.5 s.

(c) The second time the reference line will be at q1 = 22 rad is t = 32 s.

(d) We find values for t2 when the angular displacement (relative to its orientation at t = 0)
is q2 = –10.5 rad. Using Eq. 10-13 and the quadratic formula, we have

1 -w o ± w o2 + 2q 2a
q 2 = w ot2 + a t22 Þ t2 =
2 a

which yields the two roots –2.1 s and 40 s. Thus, at t = –2.1 s the reference line will be at
q2 = –10.5 rad.

(e) At t = 40 s the reference line will be at q2 = –10.5 rad.

(f) With radians and seconds understood, the graph of q versus t is shown below (with the
points found in the previous parts indicated as small dots).
100 CHAPTER 10

18. A complete revolution is an angular displacement of Dq = 2p rad, so the angular

velocity in rad/s is given by w = Dq/T = 2p/T. The angular acceleration is given by

dw 2 p dT
a= =- 2 .
dt T dt

For the pulsar described in the problem, we have

. ´ 10-5 s / y
dT 126
= = 4.00 ´ 10 -13 .
dt . ´ 107 s / y

The negative sign indicates that the angular acceleration is opposite the angular velocity
and the pulsar is slowing down.

(b) We solve w = w0 + at for the time t when w = 0:

w0 2p 2p
t=- =- =- = 8.3 ´ 1010 s » 2.6 ´103 years
a aT -9
(-2.3 ´ 10 rad/s )(0.033 s)

(c) The pulsar was born 1992–1054 = 938 years ago. This is equivalent to (938 y)(3.16 ´
107 s/y) = 2.96 ´ 1010 s. Its angular velocity at that time was

2p 2p
w = w0 + a t + +a t = + (-2.3 ´ 10-9 rad/s 2 )(-2.96 ´1010 s) = 258 rad/s.
T 0.033 s

Its period was

2p 2p
T= = = 2.4 ´ 10-2 s.
w 258 rad / s

19. With radius r = 0.50 m, and gravitational acceleration on Earth aE = 9.8 m/s2, the
angular velocity of the jar is given by
aE 9.8 m/s2
aE = wE2 r Þ wE = = = 4.427 rad/s.
r 0.50 m
wE 4.427 rad/s
The corresponding frequency is f E = = = 0.705 Hz.
2p 2p

Similarly, on Mars where the gravitational aM = 3.7 m/s2, we have

aM 3.7 m/s 2
aM = w M
r Þ wM = = = 2.72 rad/s
r 0.50 m
wM 2.72 rad/s
and f M = = = 0.433 Hz. Thus, the change in frequency is
2p 2p

Df = 0.705 Hz – 0.433 Hz = 0.272,

or about 0.27 Hz to two significant digits.

102 CHAPTER 10

20. The function q = xe bt where x = 0.40 rad and b = 2 s–1 is describing the angular
coordinate of a line (which is marked in such a way that all points on it have the same
value of angle at a given time) on the object. Taking derivatives with respect to time
leads to ddtq = xbe bt and ddt q2 = xb 2 e bt .

d 2q
(a) Using Eq. 10-22, we have at = a r = 2 r = xb 2 r = 9.6 cm/s 2 .
dt t =0

æ dq ö æ dq ö
2 2

(b) Using Eq. 10-23, we get ar = w r = ç

÷ r=ç ÷ r = x 2 b 2 r = 3.8cm/s 2 .
è dt ø è dt ø t =0

21. We assume the given rate of 1.2 ´ 10–3 m/y is the linear speed of the top; it is also
possible to interpret it as just the horizontal component of the linear speed but the
difference between these interpretations is arguably negligible. Thus, Eq. 10-18 leads to

1.2 ´ 10-3 m / y
w= = 2.18 ´ 10-5 rad / y
55 m
which we convert (since there are about 3.16 ´ 107 s in a year) to w = 6.9 ´ 10–13 rad/s.
104 CHAPTER 10

22. Given that v = ct2, the tangential acceleration is

at = = 2ct = 2(1.00 m/s3 )(2.00 s) = 4.00 m/s 2 .

The radial acceleration is

v 2 (ct 2 )2 c 2t 4 (1.00 m/s3 )2 (2.00 s) 4
ar = = = = = 1.60 m/s2 .
r r r 10.0 m

The angle between the total acceleration vector and radial acceleration is given by

at 4.00 m/s 2
tan a = = = 1.50 Þ a = tan -1 (1.50) = 68.2°
ar 1.60 m/s 2

23. THINK A positive angular acceleration is required in order to increase the angular
speed of the flywheel.

EXPRESS The linear speed of the flywheel is related to its angular speed by v = w r ,
where r is the radius of the wheel. As the wheel is accelerated, its angular speed at a later
time is w = w0 + a t .

ANALYZE (a) The angular speed of the wheel, expressed in rad/s, is

(200 rev/min)(2 p rad/rev)

w0 = = 20.9 rad/s.
60 s / min

(b) With r = (1.20 m)/2 = 0.60 m, using Eq. 10-18, we find the linear speed to be

v = rw0 = (0.60 m)(20.9 rad/s) = 12.5 m/s.

(c) With t = 1 min, w = 1000 rev/min and w0 = 200 rev/min, Eq. 10-12 gives the required
w - w0
a= = 800 rev / min 2 .

(d) With the same values used in part (c), Eq. 10-15 becomes

1 1
q= (w0 + w ) t = (200 rev/min + 1000 rev/min)(1.0 min) = 600 rev.
2 2

LEARN An alternative way to solve for (d) is to use Eq. 10-13:

1 1
q = q 0 + w0t + a t 2 = 0 + (200 rev/min)(1.0 min) + (800 rev/min 2 )(1.0 min)2 = 600 rev.
2 2
106 CHAPTER 10

24. Converting 33 3 rev/min to radians-per-second, we get w = 3.49 rad/s. Combining


v = w r (Eq. 10-18) with Dt = d/v where Dt is the time between bumps (a distance d apart),
we arrive at the rate of striking bumps:
1 wr
= » 189 / s .
Dt d

25. THINK The linear speed of a point on Earth’s surface depends on its distance from
the Earth’s axis of rotation.

EXPRESS To solve for the linear speed, we use v = w r, where r is the radius of its orbit.
A point on Earth at a latitude of 40° moves along a circular path of radius r = R cos40°,
where R is the radius of Earth (6.4 ´ 106 m). On the other hand, r = R at the equator.

ANALYZE (a) Earth makes one rotation per day and 1 d is (24 h) (3600 s/h) = 8.64 ´
104 s, so the angular speed of Earth is

2p rad
w= = 7.3 ´ 10- 5 rad/s.
8.64 ´ 10 s

(b) At latitude of 40°, the linear speed is

v = w ( R cos 40°) = (7.3 ´ 10-5 rad/s)(6.4 ´ 106 m)cos40° = 3.5 ´ 102 m/s.

(c) At the equator (and all other points on Earth) the value of w is the same: 7.3 ´ 10–5

(d) The latitude at the equator is 0° and the speed is

v = w R = (7.3 ´ 10 -5 rad/s)(6.4 ´ 106 m) = 4.6 ´ 102 m/s.

LEARN The linear speed at the poles is zero since r = R cos 90 ° = 0 .

108 CHAPTER 10

26. (a) The angular acceleration is

Dw 0 - 160 rev/min
a= = = -1.2 rev/min 2 .
Dt (2.2 h)(60 min/1h)

(b) Using Eq. 10-13 with t = (2.2 h) (60 min/h) = 132 min, the number of revolutions is

q = w0t + a t 2 = (160 rev/min)(132 min) +
( )
-1.21 rev/min 2 (132 min ) = 1.1´104 rev.

(c) With r = 500 mm, the tangential acceleration is

æ 2p rad ö æ 1 min ö
at = a r = ( -1.21 rev/min ) ç
÷ç ÷ (500 mm)
è 1 rev ø è 60 s ø

which yields at = –1.1 mm/s2. Note that this is independent of the given angular velocity.

(d) The angular speed of the flywheel is

w = (75 rev/min)(2p rad/rev)(1 min/ 60 s) = 7.85 rad/s.

With r = 0.50 m, the radial (or centripetal) acceleration is given by Eq. 10-23:

ar = w 2 r = (7.85 rad/s) 2 (0.50 m) » 31 m/s 2

which is much bigger than at. Consequently, the magnitude of the acceleration is

| a | = a r2 + a t2 » ar = 31 m / s2 .

27(a) The angular speed in rad/s is

Consequently, the radial (centripetal) acceleration is (using Eq. 10-23)

(b) Using Ch. 6 methods, we have ma = fs £ fs,max = ms mg, which is used to obtain the
(minimum allowable) coefficient of friction:

a 0.73
m s ,min = = = 0.075.
g 9.8

(c) The radial acceleration of the object is ar = w2 r, while the tangential acceleration is at
= ar. Thus,
| a | = ar2 + at2 = (w 2 r ) 2 + (ar ) 2 = r w 4 + a 2 .

If the object is not to slip at any time, we require

f s ,max = m s mg = mamax = mr w 4max + a 2 .

Thus, since a = w/t (from Eq. 10-12), we find

r wmax
+a 2 r wmax
+ (wmax / t )2 (0.060) 3.494 + (3.4 / 0.25) 2
m s ,min = = = = 0.11.
g g 9.8
110 CHAPTER 10

28. Since the belt does not slip, a point on the rim of wheel C has the same tangential
acceleration as a point on the rim of wheel A. This means that aArA = aCrC, where aA is
the angular acceleration of wheel A and aC is the angular acceleration of wheel C. Thus,

æ rA ö æ 10 cm ö
aC = ç ÷aC = ç ÷ (2.0 rad/s ) = 0.80 rad/s .
2 2

è rC ø è 25 cm ø

With the angular speed of wheel C given by wC = a C t , the time for it to reach an angular
speed of w = 100 rev/min = 10.5 rad/s starting from rest is

wC 10.5 rad/s
t= = = 13 s.
a C 0.80 rad/s 2

29. (a) In the time light takes to go from the wheel to the mirror and back again, the
wheel turns through an angle of q = 2p/500 = 1.26 ´ 10–2 rad. That time is

2l 2(500 m)
t= = = 3.34 ´ 10 -6 s
c 2.998 ´ 10 m / s

so the angular velocity of the wheel is

q . ´ 10-2 rad
w= = = 38
. ´ 103 rad / s.
t 3.34 ´ 10 -6 s

(b) If r is the radius of the wheel, the linear speed of a point on its rim is

v = w r = 3.8 ´ 103 rad/s ) ( 0.050 m ) = 1.9 ´10 2
112 CHAPTER 10

30. (a) The tangential acceleration, using Eq. 10-22, is

at = a r = (14.2 rad/s 2 ) (2.62 cm) = 37.2 cm/s 2 .

(b) In rad/s, the angular velocity is w = (2760 rev/min)(2p/60) = 289 rad/s, so

ar = w 2 r = (289 rad/s)2 (0.0262 m) = 2.19 ´ 103 m/s 2 .

(c) The angular displacement is, using Eq. 10-14,

w 2 (289 rad/s)2
q= = = 2.94 ´103 rad.
2a 2(14.2 rad/s )

Then, using Eq. 10-1, the distance traveled is


31 (a) The upper limit for centripetal acceleration (same as the radial acceleration – see
Eq. 10-23) places an upper limit of the rate of spin (the angular velocity w) by
considering a point at the rim (r = 0.25 m). Thus, wmax = a/r = 40 rad/s. Now we apply
Eq. 10-15 to first half of the motion (where wo = 0):

q - qo = 12 (wo + w)t Þ 400 rad = 12 (0 + 40 rad/s)t

which leads to t = 20 s. The second half of the motion takes the same amount of time
(the process is essentially the reverse of the first); the total time is therefore 40 s.

(b) Considering the first half of the motion again, Eq. 10-11 leads to

40 rad/s
w = wo + a t Þ a = 20 s
= 2.0 rad/s2 .
114 CHAPTER 10

32 (a) The linear speed at t = 15.0 s is

v = at t = 0.600 m s
) (15.0 s ) = 9.00 m s .
The radial (centripetal) acceleration at that moment is

v 2 ( 9.00 m s )

ar = = = 2.53m s 2 .
r 32.0 m
Thus, the net acceleration has magnitude:

a = at2 + ar2 = ( 0.600 m s ) + ( 2.53 m s )

2 2 2 2
= 2.60 m s 2 .

r r r r
(b) We note that at || v . Therefore, the angle between v and a is

æa ö æ 2.53 ö
tan -1 ç r ÷ = tan -1 ç 0.600 ÷ = 76.7°
è at ø è ø

so that the vector is pointing more toward the center of the track than in the direction of

33. (a) The disk has a mass M = 2.00 kg, radius R = 0.30 m, and an initial angular
velocity of w0 = 0 rad/s. The moment of inertia of disk is

1 1
I= MR2 = (2.00kg)(0.30m)2 = 0.090 kg × m 2 .
2 2

Let the final angular velocity of disk be w. The increase in the kinetic energy (rotational)
is 2000 J:
DK rot =
( ) 1
I w 2 - w02 = I w 2 = 2000 J.
Solving for w, we have
2 K rot 2(2000 J)
w= = » 210.82 rad/s
I 0.090 kg × m 2

Now, using the fact that the angular acceleration of disk is a = 30.00 rad/s2, we find the
time to be
w - w0 (210.82 rad/s) - (0 rad/s)
t= = » 7.03s
a 30.00 rad/s2

Therefore, an acceleration of 30.00 rad/s2 must be applied for about 7.03 s in case of a

(b) The ring has a mass of M = 2.00 kg, radius R = 0.30 m, and an initial angular velocity
of w0 = 0 rad/s. The moment of inertia of ring is

I = MR2 = (2.00kg)(0.30 m)2 = 0.18kg × m 2 .

Let the final angular velocity of ring be w. The increase in the kinetic energy (rotational)
is 2000 J:
DK rot =
( ) 1
I w 2 - w02 = I w 2 = 2000 J.
Solving for w, we have

2 K rot 2(2000 J)
w= = = 149.1 rad/s
I 0.18 kg × m 2

Now, using the fact that the angular acceleration of ring is a = 30.00 rad/s2, we find the
time to be
w - w0 (149.1rad/s) - (0 rad/s)
t= = » 4.97s
a 30.00 rad/s2
116 CHAPTER 10

Therefore, an acceleration of 30.00 rad/s2 must be applied for about 4.97 s in case of a

34(a). Equation 10-12 implies that the angular acceleration a should be the slope of the w
vs t graph. Thus, a = 9/6 = 1.5 rad/s2.

(b) By Eq. 10-34, K is proportional to w2. Since the angular velocity at t = 0 is –2 rad/s
(and this value squared is 4) and the angular velocity at t = 4 s is 4 rad/s (and this value
squared is 16), then the ratio of the corresponding kinetic energies must be

Ko 4
= Þ Ko = K4/4 = 0.40 J .
K4 16
118 CHAPTER 10

35. For finding the minimum energy, let the point about which we rotate the plank AB be
fixed at a distance x from the end B.

(a) The moment of inertia of the system about the axis of rotation at 0 is

I = I1 + I 2 = (0.100 kg) x 2 + (0.500 kg)(1.0 m - x )2

For this energy to be minimum, we have

dE 1 2 æ dI ö
= w ç ÷=0 Þ 1.2 x - 1 = 0
dx 2 è dt ø

which can be solved to give x = 0.83 m.

(b) With w = 5.00 rad/min = 0.0833 rad/s, the energy supplied to the system is rotational
kinetic energy, E, which is calculated as

1 2 1é
E= I w = ë (0.100 kg) x 2 + (0.500 kg)(1.0 m - x) 2 ùû (0.0833 rad/s)2
2 2
= éë(0.100 kg)(0.833 m)2 + (0.500 kg)(1.0 m - 0.833 m)2 ùû (0.0833 rad/s)2
= 2.9 ´ 10-4 J

36. The parallel axis theorem (Eq. 10-36) shows that I increases with h. The phrase “out
to the edge of the disk” (in the problem statement) implies that the maximum h in the
graph is, in fact, the radius R of the disk. Thus, R = 0.20 m. Now we can examine, say,
the h = 0 datum and use the formula for Icom (see Table 10-2(c)) for a solid disk, or
(which might be a little better, since this is independent of whether it is really a solid disk)
we can the difference between the h = 0 datum and the h = hmax =R datum and relate that
difference to the parallel axis theorem (thus the difference is M(hmax)2 = 0.10 kg × m 2 ). In
either case, we arrive at M = 2.5 kg.
120 CHAPTER 10

37. First, we calculate the moment of inertia about the center of the mass, that is,

1 1
I com = MR 2 = (0.50 kg)(1.0 m) 2 = 0.417 kg × m 2 .
12 12

Using parallel axis theorem, we get

I 40 mark = 0.0417 kg × m 2 + (0.50 kg)(0.40 m)2 = 0.1217 kg × m 2

I10 mark = 0.417 kg × m 2 + (0.50 kg)(0.10 m) 2 = 0.0467 kg × m 2 .

Therefore, the moment of inertia is decreased by an amount

DI = I 40 mark - I10 mark = 0.1217 kg × m 2 - 0.0467 kg × m 2 = 0.075 kg × m 2


38. a) Equation 10-33 gives

2 2
Itotal = md + m(2d)2 + m(3d)2 = 14 md .
If the innermost one is removed then we would only obtain m(2d)2 + m(3d)2 = 13 md .
The percentage difference between these is (13 – 14)/14 = 0.0714 » 7.1%.
2 2
(b) If, instead, the outermost particle is removed, we would have md + m(2d)2 = 5 md .
The percentage difference in this case is 0.643 » 64%.
122 CHAPTER 10

39. (a) We find the angular deceleration α as follows:

w - w0 0 - 15 rad/s
ω = ω0 + αt Þ a = = = -3.0 rad/s2 .
t 5.0 s

The torque applied by the man is t = I | a | = (0.50 kg × m 2 )(3.0 rad/s 2 ) = 1.5 N × m. The
angle rotated in the first 3.0 s is

1 1
q = w0t + a t 2 = (15 rad/s)(3.0 s) + ( -3.0 rad/s 2 )(3.0 s) 2 = 45 rad - 13.5 rad = 31.5 rad.
2 2

Therefore, the work done by the torque in the first 3.0 s is

W = t q = (1.5 N × m)(31.5 rad) = 47.25 J,

or about 47 J, in two significant digits.

(b) The angle of rotation covered in 5.0 s is

1 1
q1 = w0 t + a t 2 = (15 rad/s)(5.0 s) + ( -3.0 rad/s2 )(5.0 s) 2 = 37.5 rad.
2 2

Therefore, the work done by the man in 5.0 s is

W = t q = (1.5 N × m)(37.5 rad) = 56.25 J,

and the power delivered by the man is

W 56.25 J
P= = = 11.25 W,
t 5.0 s
or about 11 W.

40. (a) Consider three of the disks (starting with the one at point O): ÅOO. The first one
(the one at point O, shown here with the plus sign inside) has rotational inertial (see item
1 2
(c) in Table 10-2) I = 2 mR . The next one (using the parallel-axis theorem) has

1 2 2
I = 2 mR + mh

1 2 2
where h = 2R. The third one has I = 2 mR + m(4R) . If we had considered five of the
disks OOÅOO with the one at O in the middle, then the total rotational inertia is

1 2 2 2
I = 5(2 mR ) + 2(m(2R) + m(4R) ).

The pattern is now clear and we can write down the total I for the collection of fifteen
1 2 2 2 2 2 2255 2
I = 15(2 mR ) + 2(m(2R) + m(4R) + m(6R) + … + m(14R) ) = 2 mR .

The generalization to N disks (where N is assumed to be an odd number) is

1 2 2
I = 6(2N + 1)NmR .

In terms of the total mass (m = M/15) and the total length (R = L/30), we obtain

I = 0.083519ML2 » (0.08352)(0.1000 kg)(1.0000 m)2 = 8.352 ×10-3 kg‧m2.

(b) Comparing to the formula (e) in Table 10-2 (which gives roughly I =0.08333 ML2),
we find our answer to part (a) is 0.22% lower.
124 CHAPTER 10

41. The particles are treated “point-like” in the sense that Eq. 10-33 yields their rotational
inertia, and the rotational inertia for the rods is figured using Table 10-2(e) and the
parallel-axis theorem (Eq. 10-36).

(a) With subscript 1 standing for the rod nearest the axis and 4 for the particle farthest
from it, we have

æ1 æ1 ö ö
æ1 æ3 ö ö

I = I1 + I 2 + I 3 + I 4 = ç Md + M ç d ÷ ÷ + md + ç Md + M ç d ÷ ÷ + m(2d ) 2
2 2 2
ç 12 è 2 ø ÷ø ç 12 è 2 ø ÷ø
è è
8 8
= Md 2 + 5md 2 = (1.2 kg)(0.056 m) 2 +5(0.85 kg)(0.056 m) 2
3 3
=0.023 kg × m . 2

(b) Using Eq. 10-34, we have

1 2 æ4 5 ö é4 5 ù
K= I w = ç M + m ÷ d 2w 2 = ê (1.2 kg) + (0.85 kg) ú (0.056 m)2 (0.30 rad/s)2
2 è3 2 ø ë3 2 û
= 1.1´ 10 J.

42. (a) The velocity of the center of mass of the system is

m1v1 + m2 v2 + m3 v3 + mrod vrod

vcom =
m1 + m2 + m3 + mrod
(0.010 kg)(2.0 m/s) + (0.020 kg)(3.0 m/s) + (0.030 kg)( -5.0 m/s) + (1.00 kg)(0)
0.010 kg + 0.020 kg + 0.030 kg + 1.00 kg
-0.070 kg × m/s
= » -0.066 m/s
1.060 kg

Thus, the speed is 6.6 ´ 10-2 m/s .

(b) Let the center of the rod be at (0, 0). The center of mass of the system is

m1 x1 + m2 x2 + m3 x3 + mrod xrod
xcom =
m1 + m2 + m3 + mrod
(0.010 kg)(-0.30 m) + (0.020 kg)(-0.20 m) + (0.030 kg)(0.30 m) + (1.00 kg)(0)
0.010 kg + 0.020 kg + 0.030 kg + 1.00 kg
0.0020 kg × m
= » 1.9 ´ 10-3 m
1.060 kg

(c) The rotational inertia of the system is

I = I1 + I 2 + I 3 + I rod = m1 x12 + m2 x22 + m3 x32 + mrod l 2
= (0.010 kg) ( 0.30 m ) + (0.020 kg) ( 0.20 m ) + (0.030 kg) ( 0.30 m ) +
2 2 2
(1.0 kg)(1.0 m)2
= 8.8 ´ 10-2 kg × m 2
126 CHAPTER 10

43. THINK Since the rotation axis does not pass through the center of the block, we use
the parallel-axis theorem to calculate the rotational inertia.

EXPRESS According to Table 10-2(i), the rotational inertia of a uniform slab about an
axis through the center and perpendicular to the large faces is given by

A parallel axis through the corner is a distance

from the center. Therefore,

M 2 M M 2
I = I com + Mh 2 =
( a + b2 ) + ( a 2 + b2 ) =
4 3
( a + b2 ) .
ANALYZE With M = 0.172 kg, a = 3.5 cm and b = 8.4 cm, we have

M 2
( a + b2 ) =
0.172 kg
[(0.035 m) 2 + (0.084 m) 2 ] = 4.7 ´ 10 -4 kg × m 2 .

LEARN A greater moment of inertia I > I com means that it is more difficult to rotate the
block about the axis through the corner than the case where the axis passes through the

44. (a) We show the figure with its axis of rotation (the thin horizontal line).

We note that each mass is r = 1.0 m from the axis. Therefore, using Eq. 10-26, we obtain

I = å mi ri 2 = 4 (0.75 kg) (1.0 m) 2 = 3.0 kg × m 2 .

(b) In this case, the two masses nearest the axis are r = 1.0 m away from it, but the two
furthest from the axis are r = (1.0 m) 2 + (2.0 m) 2 from it. Here, then, Eq. 10-33 leads to

I = å mi ri 2 = 2 ( 0.75 kg ) (1.0 m 2 ) + 2 ( 0.75 kg ) ( 5.0 m 2 ) = 9.0 kg × m 2 .

(c) In this case, the two masses are on the axis (with r = 0) and the other two are a
distance r = (1.0 m)2 + (1.0 m) 2 away, and we obtain

I = 2(0.75 kg)( 2 m)2 = 3.0 kg × m 2 .

128 CHAPTER 10

45. THINK Torque is the product of the force applied and the moment arm. When two
torques act on a body, the net torque is their vector sum.

EXPRESS We take a torque that tends to cause a counterclockwise rotation from rest to
be positive and a torque tending to cause a clockwise rotation r to be negative. Thus, a
positive torque of magnitude r1 F1 sin q1 is associated with F1 and a negative torque of
magnitude r2F2 sin q2 is associated with F2 . The net torque is consequently

t = r1 F1 sin q 1 - r2 F2 sin q 2 .

ANALYZE Substituting the given values, we obtain

t = r1 F1 sin q1 - r2 F2 sin q 2 = (1.30 m)(4.20 N)sin 75° - (2.15 m)(4.90 N) sin 60°
= -3.85 N × m.

46. The net torque is

t = t A + t B + t C = FArA sin f A - FB rB sin fB + FC rC sin fC

= (12)(8.0) sin135° - (14)(4.0) sin 90° + (23)(3.0) sin160° 49.
= 35 N × m.
The situation is depicted to the right. For the disk, we have
m R2
TR = Ia = 2 a

For the bucket, we have

m1 g - T = m1a
When a point of the pulley moves by an angle θ, the rope moves down by an angle y.
Therefore, y = Rq . Differentiating the above twice with respect to time, we have

d2y d 2q
=R Þ a = Ra
dt 2 dt 2

Thus, the tension in the rope is

Ra m2 a
T = m2 =
2 2

and from the equation for the bucket, we get T = m1 ( g - a) . Equating the two expressions
for T gives 2 = m1 ( g - a ), which can be used to solve for a:

2m1 g 2(1.0 kg)(9.8 m/s 2 )

a= = = 2.8 m/s 2 .
2m1 + m2 2(1.0 kg) + 5.0 kg

Therefore, the angular acceleration is

a 2.8 m/s 2
a= = = 9.33rad/s 2 .
R 0.30 m

The corresponding angular displacement is

1 1
q = q0 + w0t + a t 2 = 0 + 0 + (9.33 rad/s2 )(5.0 s) 2 = 116.67 rad
2 2
æ 1 rev ö
= (116.67 rad) ç ÷ = 18.6 rev
è 2 p rad ø
130 CHAPTER 10

47. From the figure, we can write as

60 ´ 9.8(4 x) = 20 ´ 9.8( x)
We know that
the torque due to the man = the torque due to child
240 - 60 x = 20 x Þ 80 x = 240 Þ x = 3.0 m.

Therefore, for balancing the seesaw, the pivot should be located at exactly 3.0 m away
from the child.

48. The cube can topple only if the torque due to pull F is greater than the torque due to
the weight of the block. Let L be the edge length. Then
æ Lö
( F ´ L) > ç mg ´ ÷
è 2ø
That is,
mg 100 ´ 98
F> = = 100 ´ 49 = 490 N.
2 2

Therefore, a horizontal force of magnitude 490 N at the top edge puts the box on the
verge of tipping over.
132 CHAPTER 10

49.The following figure depicts the situation. For the disk, we have
m R2
TR = 2 a (1)
For the bucket, we have
m1 g - T = m1a (2)

When a point of the pulley moves by an angle θ, the rope moves down by an angle y.

y = Rq

Differentiating the above twice with respect to time, we have

d2y d 2q
=R Þ a = Ra
dt 2 dt 2
From Eq. (1), we get
Ra m2 a
T = m2 =
2 2
and from Eq. (2), we get
T = m1 ( g - a)
m2 a
= m1 ( g - a )
Þ m2 a = 2m1 g - 2m1a
a(2m1 + m2 ) = 2m1 g
2m1 g 2 ´ 1 ´ 9.8 19.6
Þa= = = = 2.8m/s 2 .
2m1 + m2 2 ´1 + 5 7
a 2.8
a= = = 9.33 rad/s 2 .
R 0.3

Let the angle covered in 5 s be θ; therefore,

1 9.33 ´ 25
q = 0 ´ 5 + ´ 9.33 ´ 52 = » 116.63rad.
2 2
Therefore, the number of rotations made by the pulley is

= 18.56 » 19.

134 CHAPTER 10

50. The rotational inertia is found from Eq. 10-45.

t 42.0
I= = = 1.68 kg × m 2
a 25.0

51 (a) We use constant acceleration kinematics. If down is taken to be positive and a is

the acceleration of the heavier block m2, then its coordinate is given by y = 21 at 2 , so

2 y 2(0.750 m)
a= = = 6.00 ´ 10 -2 m / s2 .
t2 (5.00 s) 2

Block 1 has an acceleration of 6.00 ´ 10–2 m/s2 upward.

(b) Newton’s second law for block 2 is m2 g - T2 = m2 a , where m2 is its mass and T2 is the
tension force on the block. Thus,

T2 = m2 ( g - a) = (0.500 kg) ( 9.8 m/s 2 - 6.00 ´ 10-2 m/s 2 ) = 4.87 N.

(c) Newton’s second law for block 1 is m1 g - T1 = - m1a, where T1 is the tension force on
the block. Thus,

T1 = m1 ( g + a ) = (0.460 kg) ( 9.8 m/s 2 + 6.00 ´ 10-2 m/s 2 ) = 4.54 N.

(d) Since the cord does not slip on the pulley, the tangential acceleration of a point on the
rim of the pulley must be the same as the acceleration of the blocks, so

a 6.00 ´ 10-2 m / s2
a= = = 1.20 rad / s2 .
R 5.00 ´ 10-2 m

(e) The net torque acting on the pulley is t = (T2 - T1 ) R . Equating this to Ia we solve for
the rotational inertia:

(T - T ) R = ( 4.87 N - 4.54 N ) ( 5.00 ´10 m)


I= 2 1 = 1.38 ´ 10-2 kg × m 2 .
a 1.20 rad/s 2
136 CHAPTER 10

52. According to the sign conventions used in the book, the magnitude of the net torque
exerted on the cylinder of mass m and radius R is

t net = F1R - F2 R - F3r = (6.0 N)(0.12 m) - (4.0 N)(0.12 m) - (2.0 N)(0.050 m) = 0.14 N × m.

(a) The resulting angular acceleration of the cylinder (with I = 21 MR 2 according to Table
10-2(c)) is
t 0.14 N × m
a = net = 1 = 6.5rad/s 2 .
I 2 (3.0 kg)(0.12 m)

(b) The direction is counterclockwise (which is the positive sense of rotation).


53. Combining Eq. 10-45 (tnet = I a) with Eq. 10-38 gives

RF2 – RF1 = Ia ,

where a = w / t by Eq. 10-12 (with wo = 0). Using item (c) in Table 10-2 and solving for
F2 we find
MRw (0.02)(0.02)(250)
F2 = + F1 =
+ 0.10 N = 0.140 N.
138 CHAPTER 10

54. (a) In this case, the force is mg = (75 kg)(9.8 m/s2), and the “lever arm” (the
perpendicular distance from point O to the line of action of the force) is 0.28 m. Thus,
the torque (in absolute value) is (75 kg)(9.8 m/s2)(0.28 m). Since the moment-of-inertia
is I = 65 kg × m 2 , then Eq. 10-45 gives |a| = 3.166 » 3.2 rad/s2.

(b) Now we have another contribution (1.4 m ´ 300 N) to the net torque, so

|tnet| = (75 kg)(9.8 m/s2)(0.28 m) + (1.4 m)(300 N) = (65 kg × m 2 )|a|

which leads to |a| = 9.6 rad/s2.


56. With counterclockwise positive, the angular acceleration a for both masses satisfies

t = mgL1 - mgL2 = Ia = ( mL12 + mL22 )a ,

by combining Eq. 10-45 with Eq. 10-39 and Eq. 10-33. Therefore, using SI units,

a =
g ( L1 - L2 )
( 9.8 m/s ) ( 0.20 m - 0.80 m ) = - 8.65 rad/s

L12 + L22 (0.20 m) 2 + (0.80 m) 2

where the negative sign indicates the system starts turning in the clockwise sense. The
magnitude of the acceleration vector involves no radial component (yet) since it is
evaluated at t = 0 when the instantaneous velocity is zero. Thus, for the two masses, we
apply Eq. 10-22:
( )
(a) a1 = |a |L1 = 8.65 rad/s 2 ( 0.20 m ) = 1.7 m/s.

(b) a2 = |a |L2 = ( 8.65 rad/s 2 ) ( 0.80 m ) = 6.9 m/s 2 .
140 CHAPTER 10

57. Since the force acts tangentially at r = 0.10 m, the angular acceleration (presumed
positive) is

a= = =
t Fr 0.5t + 0.3t 0.10
hb g = 50t + 30t 2
I I 1.0 ´ 10-3
in SI units (rad/s2).

(a) At t = 3 s, the above expression becomes a = 4.2 × 102 rad/s2.

(b) We integrate the above expression, noting that wo = 0, to obtain the angular speed at t
= 3.0 s:

w = ò0 a dt = ( 25t 2 + 10t 3 )
= 5.0 ´ 10 2 rad/s.

58. (a) The speed of v of the mass m after it has descended d = 50 cm is given by v2 =
2ad (Eq. 2-16). Thus, using g = 980 cm/s2, we have

2(2mg )d 4(50)(980)(50)
v = 2ad = = = 1.5 ´ 102 cm/s.
M + 2m 350 + 2(50)

(b) The answer is still 1.5 ´ 102 cm/s = 1.5 m/s, since it is independent of R.
142 CHAPTER 10

59. The following figure depicts the situation. When the pole falls on the ground, the
center of gravity falls through , that is, 15.0 m. therefore, the loss in the potential
energy of the pole is
Mg ç ÷ = 100 ´ 9.8 ´ 15 = 14,700 J.
The gain in the rotational kinetic energy is
1 2
Iw ,
ML2 100 ´ 30 2 90, 000
I= = = = 30, 000.
3 3 3
v v
and w= = .
L 30
Therefore, the gain in the kinetic energy is
1 v 2 150v 2
´ 30000 ´ =
2 900 9
According to the law of conservation of energy, we have
150 = 14700 J
14700 ´ 9
v= = 29.7 m/s.


60. (a) We apply Eq. 10-34:

1 2 1æ1 2 ö 2 1 2 2
K= I w = ç mL ÷ w = mL w
2 2è3 ø 6

= ( 0.42 kg ) ( (0.75 m) 2 (3.5 rad/s)2 ) = 0.48 J


(b) Simple conservation of mechanical energy leads to K = mgh. Consequently, the

center of mass rises by

K mL2w 2 L2w 2 (0.75 m) 2 (3.5 rad/s) 2

h= = = = = 0.117 m » 0.12 m.
mg 6mg 6g 6(9.8 m/s2 )
144 CHAPTER 10

61. First, we calculate the angular velocities of both disks after 10 s.

(i) For Disk A:

τA = FArA = (30.0 N)(0.200 m) = 6.00 N·m.

Therefore, the angular acceleration is

t 6.00 N × m
aA = A = = 20.0 rad / s 2 ,
IA 2
0.300 kg × m

and the angular velocity after 10.0 s is

ωA = ω0A + αAt = (20.0 rad/s2)(10.0 s) = 200 rad/s.

(ii) For Disk B: We have

t B = FB rB = (20.0 N)(0.20 m) = 4.00 N·m.

Therefore, the angular acceleration is

tB 4.00 N × m
aB = = » 13.33 rad/s 2 ,
IB 0.300 kg × m 2

ωB = ω0B + αBt = (13.33 rad/s2)(10.0 s) = 133.3 rad/s.

(a) Let ω be the final angular velocity when both disks are brought together. According to
conservation of angular momentum, we have

IAωA + IBωB = (IA + IA)ω

I Aw A + I BwB (0.300 kg × m 2 )(200 rad/s) + (0.300 kg × m 2 )(133.3 rad)

w= =
IA + IB 0.300 kg × m 2 + 0.300 kg × m 2
= 166.67 rad/s.

The frictional torque on disk A is

DL I A (w - w A ) (0.300 kg × m 2 )(166.67 rad/s - 200 rad/s)

t f ,A = = =
Dt Dt 6.00 s
= -1.67 N × m.

The negative sign indicates that w decreases with t.

(b) The loss in kinetic energy is equal to the difference between the initial kinetic energy
and the final kinetic energy:

DK =
1 1 1
( )
I Aw A2 + I BwB2 - ( I A + I A )w 2 = I w A2 + wB2 - 2w 2
2 2 2
= (0.300 kg × m 2 ) éë(200 rad/s)2 + (133.3rad/s)2 - 2(166.67rad/s)2 ùû
= 333 J.

(c) The energy is lost as thermal energy.

146 CHAPTER 10

62. a) Eq. 10-33 gives

2 2
Itotal = md + m(2d)2 + m(3d)2 = 14 md ,

where d = 0.020 m and m = 0.010 kg. The work done is

W = DK = 2 Iwf Iwi2,
1 2 1
– 2

where wf = 20 rad/s and wi = 0. This gives W = 11.2 mJ.

(b) Now, wf = 40 rad/s and wi = 20 rad/s, and we get W = 33.6 mJ.

(c) In this case, wf = 60 rad/s and wi = 40 rad/s. This gives W = 56.0 mJ.

(d) Equation 10-34 indicates that the slope should be 2 I. Therefore, it should be

7md = 2.80 ´ 10-5 J.s2/ rad2.


63. THINK As the meter stick falls by rotating about the axis passing through one end of
the stick, its potential energy is converted into rotational kinetic energy.

EXPRESS We use l to denote the length of the stick. The meter stick is initially at rest
so its initial kinetic energy is zero. Since its center of mass is l / 2 from either end, its
initial potential energy is U g = 12 mg l, where m is its mass. Just before the stick hits the
floor, its final potential energy is zero, and its final kinetic energy is 12 Iw 2 , where I is its
rotational inertia about an axis passing through one end of the stick and w is the angular
velocity. Conservation of energy yields

1 1 mgl
mgl = Iw 2 Þ w = .
2 2 I

The free end of the stick is a distance l from the rotation axis, so its speed as it hits the
floor is (from Eq. 10-18)
mgl 3
v = wl = .

ANALYZE Using Table 10-2 and the parallel-axis theorem, the rotational inertial is
I = 13 ml 2 , so

LEARN The linear speed of a point on the meter stick depends on its distance from the
axis of rotation. One may show that the speed of the center of mass is

vcm = w (l / 2) = 3g l .
148 CHAPTER 10

64 . (a) We use the parallel-axis theorem to find the rotational inertia:

1 1
I = I com + Mh 2 = MR 2 + Mh 2 = ( 25 kg )( 0.12 m ) + ( 25 kg )( 0.05 m ) = 0.24 kg × m 2 .
2 2

2 2

(b) Conservation of energy requires that Mgh = 21 Iw 2 , where w is the angular speed of
the cylinder as it passes through the lowest position. Therefore,

2Mgh 2(25 kg) (9.8 m/s 2 ) (0.050 m)

w= = = 10 rad/s.
I 0.24 kg × m 2

65. We use conservation of mechanical energy to find an expression for w2 as a function

of the angle q that the chimney makes with the vertical. The potential energy of the
chimney is given by U = Mgh, where M is its mass and h is the altitude of its center of
mass above the ground. When the chimney makes the angle q with the vertical, h = (H/2)
cos q. Initially the potential energy is Ui = Mg(H/2) and the kinetic energy is zero. The
kinetic energy is 12 Iw 2 when the chimney makes the angle q with the vertical, where I is
its rotational inertia about its bottom edge. Conservation of energy then leads to

1 2
MgH / 2 = Mg ( H / 2)cosq + Iw
w 2 = (MgH / I ) (1 - cosq ).

The rotational inertia of the chimney about its base is I = MH2/3 (found using Table 10-
2(e) with the parallel axis theorem). Thus

3g 3(9.80 m/s2 )
w= (1 - cosq ) = (1 - cos 35.0°) = 0.311 rad/s.
H 55.0 m

(a) The radial component of the acceleration of the chimney top is given by ar = H w2, so

ar = 3g (1 – cos q) = 3 (9.80 m/s2)(1– cos 35.0 ° ) = 5.32 m/s2 .

(b) The tangential component of the acceleration of the chimney top is given by at = Ha,
where a is the angular acceleration. We are unable to use Table 10-1 since the
acceleration is not uniform. Hence, we differentiate

w2 = (3g/H)(1 – cos q)

with respect to time, replacing d w / dt with a, and dq / dt with w, and obtain

dw 2
= 2wa = (3g / H )w sin q Þ a = (3g / 2 H )sinq .
3g 3(9.80 m/s 2 )
a = Ha = sinq = sin 35.0° = 8.43 m/s 2 .
t 2 2

(c) The angle q at which at = g is the solution to 3g

2 sin q = g. Thus, sin q = 2/3 and we
obtain q = 41.8°.
150 CHAPTER 10

66. From Table 10-2, the rotational inertia of the spherical shell is 2MR2/3, so the kinetic
energy (after the object has descended distance h) is

Since it started from rest, then this energy must be equal (in the absence of friction) to the
potential energy mgh with which the system started. We substitute v/r for the pulley’s
angular speed and v/R for that of the sphere and solve for v.

mgh 2 gh
v= =
2 m + 2 r2 + 3 1 + ( I / mr ) + (2 M / 3m)
1 1 I M 2

= -3
= 1.4 m/s.
1 + 3.0 ´ 10 /((0.60)(0.050)2 ) + 2(4.5) / 3(0.60)

67. Using the parallel axis theorem and items (e) and (h) in Table 10-2, the rotational
inertia is

1 2 2 1 2 2 2
I = 12
mL + m(L/2) + 2
mR + m(R + L) = 10.83mR ,

where L = 2R has been used. If we take the base of the rod to be at the coordinate origin
(x = 0, y = 0) then the center of mass is at

mL/2 + m(L + R)
y= = 2R .

Comparing the position shown in the textbook figure to its upside down (inverted)
position shows that the change in center of mass position (in absolute value) is |Dy| = 4R.
The corresponding loss in gravitational potential energy is converted into kinetic energy.

K = (2m)g(4R) Þ w = 9.82 rad/s

where Eq. 10-34 has been used.

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