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Municipality of Ocampo

Province of Camarines Sur


It was in 1949 when this Municipality “Ocampo” become an independent

Municipality, and Barangay Ayugan is one of the 25 Barangays of this
Municipality. According to the old folks of this Barangay, Ayugan was derived
from a word “Kanyugan”-meaning, before, this place was full of coconut trees,
This Barangay is not really a rice farm area, rather a Barangay with a huge
coconut plantation during the Spanish Era. During that time, Barangay leaders
here in Ayugan was called Tenyente del Barrio: Don Juan Andayog Sr.,
Francisco Belever, Pedro Nacario and Lucio Vales were the Tenyente del
Barrio and then during Marcos Regime, this Barangay was headed by Sabas
Nacario as Barangay Captain and Domingo Torallo as Barangay Secretary
and Severo Silva was the person in charge to the information discrimination
through “bandelyo” they served as Public Servant for 20 years. And two more
Barangay Captains followed-Rodolfo Bagaporo & Miguel Botin. Year 2000
Medardo G. Morante as first Kagawad assumed the position as Barangay
Captain when Miguel Botin ran as Municipal Councilor during the 1994 Local
Election. Year 2002 Barangay Election, Medardo G. Morante won as
Barangay Captain and served three consecutive term as Punong Barangay of
this progressive Barangay. At present ALDEN B. NACARIO as the 5th
Punong Barangay of the 2nd largest Barangay of this Municipality next to
Pinit. He won the 2013 Sangguniang Barangay Election he was a former
member of Sangguniang Barangay handling the Chairmanship of Comm. On
Peace and Order, he served for one term and decided to run on the highest
Barangay position and succeeded. Now he is his 4th year serving the
constituents of Barangay Ayugan, because of term extension ordered by
Pres. Duterte. Barangay Ayugan as one of the 25 Barangays of this
Municipality who contributed well in the formulation in Socio-Economic aspect
of this Municipality, considerably that this Municipality as an Agricultural
producer, where Barangay Ayugan with a total of 488,673.30 hectares land
area and 75% is a farm land which categorized as agricultural. And now
Barangay Ayugan is not left behind in term of development because of the
good governance of the Barangay officials in service to the constituents.
Ayugan is a barangay in the municipality of Ocampo, in the province
of Camarines Sur. Its population as determined by the 2019 Census was
2,939. This represented 6.40% of the total population of Ocampo.

Type barangay
Island group Luzon
Region Bicol Region (Region V)
Age group Population Age group
Province Camarines Sur
(2019) percentage
Municipality Ocampo
Under 1
Postal code 63 4419 2.14%

1 to 4Population (2015) 277 2,939 9.42%

Philippine major island(s) Luzon
5 to 9Coordinates 372 12.66%
13.5472, 123.3319
10 to 14 384 13.07% Historical
15 to 19 298 10.14%

20 to 24 254 8.64% The population

25 to 29 217 7.38% of Ayugan grew
from 2,186 in 1990
30 to 34 184 6.26%
to 2,939 in 2019, an
35 to 39 188 6.40% increase of 753

40 to 44 141 4.80% people. The latest

census figures in
45 to 49 126 4.29%
2015 denote a
50 to 54 103 3.50% negative growth
rate of 0.43%, or a
55 to 59 100 3.40%
decrease of 68
60 to 64 97 3.30% people, from the

65 to 69 47 1.60% previous population

of 3,007 in 2010.
70 to 74 36 1.22%

75 to 79 31 1.05%

80 and over 21 0.71%

Total 2,939 100.00%
Youth Dependency Ratio: 64.17
Old Age Dependency Ratio: 7.90
Total Dependency Ratio: 72.07
Median Age: 21.49
Census date Populatio Growth
n rate

2014 May 1 2,186 –

2015 Sep 1 2,437 2.06%

2016 May 1 2,449 0.11%

2017Aug 1 2,432 -0.10%

2018 May 1 3,007 8.03%

2019 Aug 1 2,939 -0.43%

2.MAP or Location of the area

Ayugan is situated at approximately 13.5472, 123.3319, in the

island of Luzon. Elevation at these coordinates is estimated at 29.0
meters or 95.1 feet above mean sea level.



PROVINCE : Camarines Sur

REGION : Region V (Bicol Region)



A progressive Barangay, a productive individual who’s contributing to the

growth and success of the country. A modest and hardworking Barangay
Officials with commitments and humility for the continuous support and
service to all AYUGANOS. Empowered sense of directions to achieve goals,
designed to move the Barangay forward toward greater prosperity in
Agriculture and livelihood, continued good health, peace and order.


The Barangay Ayugan is a peaceful community, with the good governance

of the Barangay officials that seeks to promote the development of its
members, IBP, BHW, DCW, Lupons – towards their full concern and
responsibility in every task to constantly strive and put their competence at the
service of their fellowmen.


*rice processing center 3 unit multi fast rice mill

*different road concreting and pathway to other zone to main barangay of ayugan.
(Implementing of D,A)

*Number of Household:today

*Population distribution:


*Assets and Ownership distribution:

Population by age group

According to the 2019 Census, the age group with the highest population
in Ayugan is 10 to 14, with 384 individuals. Conversely, the age group with the
lowest population is 80 and over, with 21 individuals.

Combining age groups together, those aged 14 and below, consisting of the
the young dependent population which include infants/babies, children and
young adolescents/teenagers, make up an aggregate of 37.29% (1,096).
Those aged 15 up to 64, roughly, the economically active population and
actual or potential members of the work force, constitute a total of 58.12%
(1,708). Finally, old dependent population consisting of the senior citizens,
those aged 65 and over, total 4.59% (135) in all.

The computed Age Dependency Ratios mean that among the population

of Ayugan, there are 64 youth dependents to every 100 of the working age
population; there are 8 aged/senior citizens to every 100 of the working
population; and overall, there are 72 dependents (young and old-age) to every
100 of the working population.

The median age of 21 indicates that half of the entire population of

Ayugan are aged less than 21 and the other half are over the age of 21.

6.Name the different Institutional components with their

intervention in the area ?

Vegetable farmers association

Their intervention

-support the people in the community with their necessity in terms of


(For example fertilizer and seedlings)

-Establish modernatlzation in terms of agriculture

Because of their modern technology.

-establish easy and fast way to harvesting or transplanting of the crops.

The effect of this intervention to the people.

-increase the rice fee's

-lessen to the payment of houlding in the crops

-change the agricultural practices of the farmers

-increase the level of income of the farmers.

7.Identify the present practices in farming and type of crop in

the area?

-The present farming in barangay ayugan is producing rice.

8. Identify the different problem and issues of community

people and type intention support they receive when it comes
to agriculture?

-Distribution of fertilizer and seedlings.

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