English 8

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English 8

Name:Alexander Raden O. Camasura Grade: 8 – Peace

Teacher: Ma’am Chrizzavilla L. Vallejo

Covid 19, a deadly virus that killed many people from the
elderly to the children, it’s been 2years since the first case of
covid-19 was confirmed in Wuhan ,China now affecting 222
countries ,and killing 5.2M people around the world, its hurts
that families are not able to see their love ones one last time,
even though experts Advice people to observe social distancing
and wearing a mask and face shield but people won’t listen the
people that are trying to save their lives, Frontliners are risking
there lifes to help the people who are infected , the people who
are not able to go outside to buy their needs and people who
are not able to work because of the pandemic. They are at risk
everyday but they will serve and save the people ,Please lets
help out frontliners by following the rules and Regulations set
by the DOH or Department of Heath and stay safe from this
virus and don’t forget to get the vaccine .

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