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(Ti,Al)/(Ti,Al)N coatings produced by laser

surface alloying

Article in Materials Letters · March 2002

DOI: 10.1016/S0167-577X(01)00451-7


22 68

3 authors, including:

Iñaki Garcia Juan de Damborenea

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March 2002

Materials Letters 53 Ž2002. 44–51


žTi,Al/ r žTi,Al/ N coatings produced by laser surface alloying

´ ) , J. de la Fuente, J.J. de Damborenea
I. Garcıa
Department of Corrosion and Protection, National Center for Metallurgical Research (CENIMr CSIC), AÕenida Gregorio del Amo,
8, E-28040 Madrid, Spain
Received 22 June 2000; received in revised form 25 May 2001; accepted 1 June 2001


Ti–Al intermetallic coatings on titanium have been produced by laser surface alloying. A 5-kW CO 2 laser was employed
to melt the surface of the titanium specimens and to alloy it with aluminium powder in a nitrogen atmosphere. The
combination of titanium, aluminium and nitrogen and the specific characteristics of the high-power laser allow a new coating
structure of titanium aluminides and nitrides to be produced. These coatings present a surface Al–TiAl 3 composition that
gradually evolves to Ti 3 Al close to the titanium base. A dendrite structure of titanium nitrides ŽTiN and Ti 2 N. and titanium
aluminium nitrides ŽTi 2 AlN. is formed throughout the laser track. The different structures obtained are described as a
function of laser energy input during the process. q 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Laser; Surface alloying; Titanium aluminides; Titanium nitrides; Intermetallics

1. Introduction made of the aluminization of titanium and titanium

alloys to obtain a TiAl 3 surface layer. However, the
Titanium intermetallics are a successful substitute Al 2 O 3 scale grown on TiAl 3 at high temperature
for titanium and titanium alloys wherever an im- presents serious problems of brittleness due to severe
provement in wear or oxidation properties is needed. crack formation w2x, and some chemical or mechani-
Among those intermetallics, titanium aluminides such cal anchorage of the Al 2 O 3 scale is thus necessary.
as TiAl have received considerable attention because This can be achieved by incorporating high-tempera-
of their low density, good high-temperature strength, ture reinforcing phases w3,4x such as Cr-stabilized
and good resistance to creep, fatigue, oxidation and cubic Al 3Ti w5x. This new trialuminide alloy
corrosion w1x. However, TiAl alloys present limited ŽAl,Cr. 3Ti provides excellent oxidation protection at
oxidation resistance at high temperatures due to their high temperatures and similar mechanical properties
relatively low Al content. A more Al-rich intermetal- to g-TiAl. Another approach is to microalloy with
lic such as TiAl 3 could improve oxidation resistance substitutional or interstitial elements ŽCr, Nb, Mo, B,
by self-developing a thicker and denser Al 2 O 3 scale C or N.. In this respect, it has been reported that
at high temperatures. To this end, a study has been carbon and nitrogen as interstitial elements increase
the yield and fracture stresses of TiAl alloys w6x.
Traditional process methods such as ingot-mak-
Corresponding author. Tel.: q34-1-553-8900; fax: q34-1-
ing, casting, forging and extrusion present a series of
534-7425. complications for the production of Ti–Al and Ti–Al
´ ..
E-mail address: igarcia@cenim.csic.es ŽI. Garcıa bulk composites. In contrast, laser surface alloying

00167-577Xr02r$ - see front matter q 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 1 6 7 - 5 7 7 X Ž 0 1 . 0 0 4 5 1 - 7
´ et al.r Materials Letters 53 (2002) 44–51
I. Garcıa 45

offers good prospects for the production of both nique ŽEDS. was used for quantitative analysis. Tita-
Ti–Al intermetallic coatings and Ti–Al matrix inter- nium phases were also identified by X-ray diffrac-
metallic composites. Regarding Ti–Al compounds, tion ŽXRD. using a SIEMENS D5000. Vickers mi-
Abboud and West w7–9x have shown the ability of crohardness measurements were performed on
lasers to synthesize all the phases of the Ti–Al cross-sections of the laser track using a 500-g load.
system by surface alloying of Al with titanium sub-
strates. More recently, Nirdhu et al. w10,11x have
produced titanium and titanium–aluminium nitrides
by laser nitriding of near g-TiAl alloy. Ti–Al inter- 3. Results and discussion
metallic coatings have demonstrated good resistance
to high-temperature oxidation w12–15x and good wear Titanium specimens alloyed at different laser
resistance w12x. SiC-reinforced Ti–Al composites speeds presented different microstructures, composi-
have also been produced by laser melting of pre- tions and distribution zones across the laser track.
synthesized Ti–Al pellets mixed with SiC powders These microstructures are described below as a func-
w16x. tion of laser speed and distance from the surface
The aim of this work is to produce titanium using metallographic, EDS and XRD techniques.
aluminides reinforced with hard titanium nitrides by Fig. 1 shows a macrograph of the cross-section of a
means of the laser surface alloying method. Both laser track processed at a laser speed of 1100
aluminium and nitrogen are simultaneously fed over mmrmin. Zones with different microstructures are
a titanium substrate. The process parameters and the identified in Fig. 1 to illustrate the description of the
ŽTi,Al.rŽTi,Al.N structures obtained will serve as laser track microstructure. At the laser speeds used in
the starting point for future studies of oxidation and this work, no cracking was appreciated in the laser
wear. tracks.
XRD spectra were measured from the surface,
and thus, show only the most superficial phases due
to the limited penetration of X-rays in this material.
2. Experimental Fig. 2 shows XRD spectra for samples processed at
three different laser speeds. The presence of Al and
Surface laser alloying was carried out using a TiAl 3 can be observed in all the samples, as well as
Spectra-Physics transverse flow CO 2 laser with a Ti 5 Al 11 and nitrides like TiN, Ti 2 N and Ti 2 AlN in
10.6-mm wavelength, operating in TEM 20 form, the coatings processed at the higher laser speeds. On
with an output power of 5 kW. The output beam the other hand, EDS measurements were recorded by
diameter supplies a spot area of approximately 40 spotting the different phases throughout the cross-
mm2 over the base material. The beam sweep over section of the laser track and have permitted the
the surface was monitored using a computer-con- correlation of XRD-identified phases with SEM ob-
trolled two-axis table. Laser movement speeds of servations.
300, 800 and 1100 mmrmin over the samples were Fig. 3a shows the outermost part Žzone I. of the
selected. The base material utilized was chemically cross-section of a laser track produced at the lowest
pure Ti ŽASME SB348 GR2; C, 0.007%; N, 0.008%; laser speed Ž300 mmrmin.. This zone of the track
H, 0.0048%; Fe, 0.14%; O 2 , 0.12%; and balanced consists mostly of a solid solution of aluminium
Ti. with a thickness of 10 mm. Aluminium powder Ž99.6%., containing less than 0.6% of titanium ac-
Ž99.9% purity. was fed into the melt zone of the cording to EDS. The minor phase, lighter in the
beam at a rate of 3 grmin using a jet of nitrogen gas SEM image, was identified as TiAl 3 by a combina-
Žflow of 50 lrmin.. tion of EDS Ž75% Al. and XRD. In the bottom zone
After laser treatment, the specimens were cut of the image in Fig. 3a, a fine dendrite structure
lengthways and prepared for metallographic observa- appears over the Al–TiAl 3 structure. These dendrites
tion by optical and scanning electron microscopy can be identified as a titanium nitride with an alu-
ŽSEM.. The energy dispersive spectroscopy tech- minium content of less than 0.2% according to EDS.
46 ´ et al.r Materials Letters 53 (2002) 44–51
I. Garcıa

Fig. 1. Macrograph of the cross-section of a titanium sample alloyed with aluminium by laser surface alloying at a speed of 1100 mmrmin.
Labels I to V indicate different microstructures as a function of distance from the surface.

As the distance from the surface increases, Fig. 3b presence of Ti 5 Al 11. This phase is equivalent to
Žzones III–V., the Al solid solution disappears, and Ti 2 Al 5 , and its formation can be attributed to the
the amount of TiAl 3 increases until it occupies the reaction L q Ti 2 Al 5 s TiAl 3 , for a liquid composi-
whole volume. At the same time, the composition of tion of about 60% aluminium, since the high cooling
the matrix phase gradually changes, with an increase rate in laser alloying promotes a shift towards the
in the proportion of titanium. According to EDS, in right of this equation w17x. As in the sample treated at
the zone nearest to the substrate, the amount of the lowest laser speed, the proportion of titanium
titanium reaches to 75%, suggesting the transforma- measured by EDS increases with the distance from
tion of the matrix phase to Ti 3 Al. As can be seen in the surface, from 25% near the surface to 75% near
Fig. 3b, TiN dendrites are present also in the inner the base material. This increment in the proportion of
zones of the track. Finally, the interface with the titanium in the laser track suggests a change of the
titanium substrate shows a certain dilution Žabout phase composition from TiAl 3 to Ti 3 Al.
8%. of aluminium in the base material. The appearance Žzone I. of the surface alloyed at
Fig. 4 displays the SEM image Žzone I. of a the highest laser speed Ž1100 mmrmin. is shown in
sample alloyed at the intermediate laser speed Ž800 Fig. 5. In this case, the outermost zone presents less
mmrmin.. Fig. 4 reveals the presence of two phases. aluminium solid solution, as is corroborated by the
The first is an aluminium solid solution containing smaller aluminium peak in the XRD spectrum. On
up to 15% titanium according to EDS near the the other hand, the major outer phase is again identi-
surface. The extent of this Al solid solution is smaller fied as TiAl 3 by XRD. However, in this sample,
than that in the sample produced at the lowest laser EDS shows a maximum aluminium content of about
speed, Fig. 3a. The second phase observed near the 70%. As with the samples processed at the other
surface is TiAl 3 . On the other hand, the titanium laser speeds, the amount of aluminium decreases to
nitride dendrites containing up to 9% aluminium 25% in the zone closest to the base material. A
according to EDS appear closer to the surface in the higher aluminium content up to 12% is detected by
specimens treated at this laser speed. XRD of this EDS in the nitride dendrites. This fact, supported by
sample shows the presence of TiN, Ti 2 N and the XRD spectrum, indicates that the dendrite com-
Ti 2 AlN, suggesting that the dendrites are composed position presents a higher proportion of Ti 2 AlN. It
of this mixture of nitrides. XRD also shows the can be also seen in Fig. 5 that the number of nitride
´ et al.r Materials Letters 53 (2002) 44–51
I. Garcıa 47

Fig. 2. X-ray diffraction obtained for titanium surfaces alloyed with aluminium in a nitrogen atmosphere by means of a laser moving at
different speeds over the surface.

dendrites in the whole laser track has increased in lower the specimen’s travelling speed, the higher the
this sample compared with the coatings produced at amount of aluminium per volume unit of the track.
lower laser speeds. The microhardness measured for all the speci-
Table 1 summarizes the different phases present mens indicates typical values of 600–700 H V for
in the laser tracks as a function of laser speed and the TiAl 3 phase and 1000 H V for ŽTi,Al.N.
distance from the surface. The most outstanding The results involving only Ti–Al compounds cor-
feature of these results is the progressive aluminium roborate other studies of Ti–Al synthesis without the
enrichment of the Ti–Al phases as the distance from presence of nitrogen. High-resolution transmission
the surface becomes shorter and as the laser speed electron microscopy of Ti–Al produced by rapid
becomes lower. However, it is important to bear in solidification melt spinning identified the formation
mind that a lower laser speed implies a higher dose of TiAl 3 and a large number of long-period super-
of aluminium powder since the aluminium feed was structures such as Ti 5 Al 11 for the Al-rich side of the
kept at a constant rate of 3 grmin. Therefore, the phase diagram w18,19x. The evolution of TiAl 3 to
48 ´ et al.r Materials Letters 53 (2002) 44–51
I. Garcıa

Fig. 3. SEM micrographs showing the microstructure of a titanium sample alloyed with aluminium by means of laser surface alloying at a
speed of 300 mmrmin. Ža. Surface zone showing a two-phase structure ŽAl and TiAl 3 . over a microstructure of TiAl 3 with banded nitride
dendrites Žzone I., and Žb. interface with the heat-affected Ti substrate showing banded nitride dendrites over Ti 3 Al Žzones III–V..

Ti 3 Al, as the distance from the surface increases, has nium with the distance from the surface presents two
also been reported in similar laser alloying processes advantages. On the one hand, the high amount of
w9x. The progressive increase in the amount of tita- aluminium on the surface leads to the expectation of
´ et al.r Materials Letters 53 (2002) 44–51
I. Garcıa 49

Fig. 4. SEM micrograph of the microstructures close to the surface of a Ti sample alloyed with Al using a laser speed of 800 mmrmin
Žzone I.. The superficial Al phase is reduced in comparison with Fig. 2, with TiAl 3 being the major phase. The nitride dendrites are also
closer to the surface.

good Al 2 O 3 scale formation at high temperature. On An innovating feature of this work has been the
the other hand, the progressive rise in the proportion successful incorporation of nitrogen throughout the
of titanium from 25% to 75% leads to the expecta- melting zone and its reaction with the titanium and
tion of a good bond with the titanium base material. aluminium. Specifically, nitrogen becomes part of

Fig. 5. SEM micrograph of the microstructures close to the surface in a Ti specimen processed at a laser speed of 1100 mmrmin Žzone I..
The superficial Al phase disappears and the microstructure is comprised of TiAl 3 plus nitride dendrites even at the surface.
50 ´ et al.r Materials Letters 53 (2002) 44–51
I. Garcıa

Table 1 titanium aluminium nitrides has been produced by

Phases present in the laser-alloyed coatings along a cross-section surface laser alloying. Some unique characteristics of
Laser speed Žmmrmin. laser alloying in nitrogen atmospheres, such as its
300 800 1100 extremely fast cooling rate, have permitted the ob-
Surface I Al, TiAl 3 Al, TiAl 3 TiAl, TiAl 3 , tainment of composites with intermetallic phases.
ŽTi,Al.N The TiAl 3 q Ti 2 AlN q TiN coating obtained in this
II TiAl, TiAl 3 , TiAl, TiAl, work by means of laser surface alloying needs to be
ŽTi,Al.N ŽTi,Al.N ŽTi,Al.N
further characterized, though previous studies on
III Ti 3 Al, Ti 3 Al, Ti 3 Al,
ŽTi,Al.N ŽTi,Al.N ŽTi,Al.N similar materials allow good results to be expected.
IV TiŽAl. TiŽAl. TiŽAl.
Substrate V Ti Ti Ti

Zones I–V are indicated in Fig. 1. ŽTi,Al.N represents the pres- Acknowledgements
ence of Ti 2 N, TiN and Ti 2 AlN.

Part of this work has been supported by project

three compounds, namely two titanium nitrides ŽTiN MAT93-0630-002-01 of the Spanish Ministry of Ed-
and Ti 2 N. and one titanium aluminide nitride ucation.
ŽTi 2 AlN., as identified by XRD in Fig. 1. According
to the ternary diagram Ti–Al–N, the solubility limit
of N at 1000 8C is around 0.3% atm, and therefore,
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