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Euthenics 2

Week 13: How to start changing an unhealthy work environment – ARG

Open Communication

A good way to assess company culture is to look at how it communicates. A positive work environment
usually has no communication traits at all. In a positive environment, people speak openly and willingly.
Supervisors are always up to date, people will treat you wisely, and ultimately tasks will be easier to

Shared visions and goals

This is partly related to the communication points above, but also covers a broader area of the work
environment. When members of a company, from interns to CEOs, act cooperatively, they tend to be
happier without conflict. When everyone wants the company to succeed, the company structure will be
one of mutual support.


Another surefire way to see what kind of work environment you're currently in is to see how the
weakest link in your company's chain is treated. Unfortunately, when underpaid or unskilled workers are
disrespected by their peers and superiors, they find themselves in a toxic work environment. Rude and
HR does nothing about it. It may be time to resume your job search. The strongest companies and most
positive jobs value what everyone bring, rather than devaluing it. They appreciate the cleaning staff.
They appreciate their interns and don't discriminate against people because they are different. These
companies’ welcome employees to work for the company.

Functional and pleasant surroundings

This is a very literal consideration, but the actual physical workspace is the key to a good working
environment. A good work environment is usually practical, safe and comfortable.

A positive work environment

The ideal workplace possesses all these qualities. Almost none in most workplaces, but none in
particularly demanding environments. It's best to think about the characteristics that make up a
satisfying work environment. From there, you can assess the suitability of your work environment. If you
like them, or if you need to improve them by promoting a more positive company culture.

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