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Euthenics 2

Week 8 – Tech Support ARG

What is the problem of Anderson? How was it resolved?

In the video, Anderson is shown many problems. First, when someone asked him to edit and print a
series of copies of a document. Since the requester did not provide a copy of the document, Anderson
will have to encrypt every page of this document, which creates a problem. Solving one problem adds
another. Next is the printer. Anderson could not connect to the printer. Despite calling automated IT
support for help, the problem was not resolved.

If you were Anderson, what would you do to solve the problem?

Solve the problem like Anderson did because you can't rely on others to complete your assigned tasks.
Even if you don't know how to solve it. I find another way to get my work done.

What are the communication barriers present in the scene? How could these barriers be overcome?

Communication barriers prohibit us from understanding and accepting the messages that others
employ to transmit their information, thoughts, and ideas.

Anderson and his colleagues had a one-way communication barrier. Anderson was unable to finish his
message as he was cut off by his colleague before he could reply.

Anderson, on the other hand, had a communication barrier with his automated IT support. My ability to
send was limited and could not be interrupted while automated IT support was speaking. As a result, he
solves his own difficulties.

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