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All are from the north lands, except the Elf

Adok Swordhand The Paladin

 Born the child of the local lord, he had seen a lot of crime, so took it upon himself to uphold

Corora Arroway the Ranger

 The child of one of the local lords servent,s long time friend of Adokal and takes it upon herself to
protect him

Jahorn Warstout The cleric

 Wondering Dwarven Cleric of the Fordge God Hemris. He has been sent on a mission by a high
priest of Hemris to go out and find the long lost Hammer of Hemris. An ancient sacred relic of the gods

Searos Serpenthelm The Rogue

 The child of a famer, he ran away to Dragons Bay and was taken into a gang of thieves. He
learned many skills but carried the guilt of his bad ways and left the gang secretly and retreated to
Griffons Helm.

Meldrina Taletreader The Sorcerer

 The half elf is the child of a Ranger and an elf. She attended a sorcery university where she
learned magic. Now she has gone to Griffons Helm to try and get a job as the local court magician.

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