MAN L21 - 31 GenSet TierII-01 From Marek

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Instruction Manual - Marine

Four-stroke GenSet
compliant with IMO Tier II
MAN Diesel & Turbo

Instruction Manual for:

MAN Diesel & Turbo Identification No. for Instruction Manual.

Identification No. for Description: 000 . 00


Section No.

Identification No. for Working Card: 000 - 00 . 00



Section No.

Identification No. for Plates: 00000 - 00


Section No. and Function

For ordering of spare parts, see page 500.50 / 600.50

All data provided in this document/manual is non-binding. This data serves informational purposes only and
is especially not guaranteed in any way.

Depending on the subsequent specific individual projects, the relevant data may be subject to changes and
will be assessed and determined individually for each project. This will depend on the particular characteri-
stics of each individual project, especially specific site and operational conditions.

If this document/manual is delivered in another language than English and doubts arise concerning the
translation, the English text shall prevail.

Original instructions

MAN Diesel & Turbo

MAN Diesel & Turbo | PrimeServ

The MAN Diesel & Turbo Group offers worldwide round-the-clock service, 365 days a year. Apart from the MAN
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Copyright 2011 © MAN Diesel & Turbo, branch of MAN Diesel & Turbo SE, Germany, registered with the Danish
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This document/manual must not, either wholly or partly, be copied, reproduced, made publich or in any other way made
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MAN Diesel & Turbo PrimeServ Holeby MAN Diesel & Turbo
H. Christoffersensvej 6 GenSet & Powerplant Branch of MAN Diesel & Turbo SE,
4960 Holeby Service & Spare Parts Germany
Denmark CVR No.: 31611792
Phone: +45 54 69 31 00 Fax : +45 54 69 30 31 Head office: Teglholmsgade 41
Fax: +45 54 69 30 30 After office hours : +45 40 14 40 45 2450 Copenhagen SV, Denmark German Reg.No.: HRB 22056 Amtsgericht Augsburg

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Description 5001.
Page 1 (1) Warning
Edition 01

L23/30DF, L28/32DF, L16/24, L21/31, L23/30H, L27/38

(Marine engines only)
It is important that all MAN Diesel & Turbo engines
are operated within the given specifications and
performance tolerances specified in the engines'
Technical Files and are maintained according to the
MAN Diesel & Turbo maintenance instructions in
order to comply with given emissions regulations.
In accordance with Chapter I of the Code of Federal
Regulations, Part 94, Subpart C, §94.211 NOTICE
is hereby given that Chapter I of the Code of Fed-
eral Regulations, Part 94, Subpart K, §94.1004
requires that the emissions related maintenance of
the diesel engine shall be performed as specified in
MAN Diesel & Turbo instructions including, but not
limited to, the instructions to that effect included in
the Technical File.

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1 (1)
MAN Diesel & Turbo A5003-01

Safety precautions

Safety precautions
Correct operation and maintenance, which is the aim of this book, are crucial
points for obtaining optimum safety in the engine room. The general meas-
ures mentioned here should therefore be routine practice for the entire
engine crew.

Engine room staff

Operation & Maintenance of MAN Engines is to be carried out by qualified
professional personal.

Minimum safety equipment requirements:

1. Safety shoes
2. Hearing protection (to be used if sound level exceeds 80 dB (A))
3. Boiler suit or other protective wear
Use helmet if load is lifted more than 2 meters!
Use harness working at heights over 2 meters!
Please check Work cards if additional personal protection is needed for spe-
cific work procedures.

Signs / Nameplates
Signs and nameplates mounted on the engine are not to be removed, pain-
ted over, or in any other way be made unreadable. This includes safety signs,
signs with serial numbers, signs with instructions, etc.
2015-12-14 - en


- 1 (19)
A5003-01 MAN Diesel & Turbo
Safety precautions

Special dangers

Keep clear of the space below a crane with load.

Opening of cocks may cause discharge of hot liquids or gases.
Blow-off from safety valve will discharge hot liquids, gasses and flash
Observe which way liquids, gases or flames will spray, and keep clear.
Dismantling of parts may cause the release of springs.
Do not stand near turbochargers in case of any abnormal running.
Do not stand near crankcase doors or relief valves - nor in corridors
near doors to the engine room casing - when alarms for oil mist, high
lube oil temperature.

The engine and engine room should be kept clean and tidy.
Oily rags must never be left around the engine room spaces as they are
highly flamable and slippery.
Remove any oil spil at once.
If there is a risk of grit or sand blowing into the engine room, stop the ventila-
tion and close the ventilating ducts, skylights and engine room doors.
Welding, or other work which causes spreading of grit and/or swarf, must
not be carried out near the engine unless it is closed or protected, and the
turbocharger air intake filters covered.
The exterior of the engine should be kept clean, and the paintwork main-
tained, so that leakages can be easily detected.


Keep the areas around the relief valves free of oil, grease, etc.
to prevent the risk of fire caused by the emitted hot air/gas in
the event that the relief valves open.

Do not weld or use naked lights in the engine room, until it has been ascer-
tained that no explosive gases, vapour or liquids are present.
If the crankcase is opened before the engine has cooled down, welding and
the use of naked flames will involve the risk of explosions and fire. The same
applies to inspection of oil tanks and of the spaces below the floor.
Attention is furthermore drawn to the danger of fire when using paint and sol-
2015-12-14 - en

vents having a low flash point. Porous insulating material, soaked with oil

from leakages, is easily inflammable and should be renewed.


2 (19) -
MAN Diesel & Turbo A5003-01

Safety precautions
Order / Tidiness
Hand tools should be securely fastened and placed on easily accessible tool
panels. Special tools should be fastened in the engine room, close to the
area to be used.
No major objects must be left unfastened, and the floor and passages
should be kept clear.

All spares should be protected against corrosion and mechanical damage.
The stock should be checked at intervals and replenished in good time.

Ample working light should be permanently installed at appropriate places in
the engine room spaces, and portable working light should be obtainable
everywhere. 24v safety lamps must be available for use inside the engine.

Harmful materials
Always follow the manufactures specific instructions, i.e. the material safety
data sheet.
Use protective gloves, goggles, breathing mask and any other recommen-
ded protective gear, as stated in the material safety data sheet.
While handling harmful materials is it important to secure proper ventilation
and shielding if needed.
In the event of leaks or spillage, spread binding agents immediately and dis-
posal according to the material safety data sheet.

If there is a risk of damage due to freezing when the plant is out of service,
engines, pumps, coolers, and pipe systems should be emptied of cooling
2015-12-14 - en


- 3 (19)
A5003-01 MAN Diesel & Turbo
Safety precautions

Following safety equipment respectively safety measures must be provided by yard/end-

▪ Securing of the engine´s turning gear
Before engaging the turning gear, ensure that the starting air supply is
shut off, the main starting - and that the indicator cocks are open.
When the turning gear is engaged, check that the indicator lamp “Turn-
ing gear engaged” has switched on.
The turning gear´s gear wheel has to be covered. The turning gear
should be equipped with a remote control, allowing optimal positioning of
the operator, overlooking the entire hazard area (a cable of approximately
20 m length is recommended).
It has to be prescribed in the form of a working instruction that:
– the turning gear has to be operated by at least two persons
– the work area must be secured against unauthorized entry
– only trained personnel is allowed to operate the turning gear
▪ Securing of the starting air pipe
To secure against unintentional restarting of the engine during mainte-
nance work, a disconnection and depressurization of the engine´s start-
ing air system must be possible. A lockable starting air stop valve must
be provided in the starting air pipe to the engine.
▪ Securing of the turbocharger rotor
To secure against unintentional turning of the turbocharger rotor while
maintenance work, it must be possible to prevent draught in the exhaust
gas duct and, if necessary, to secure the rotor against rotation.
▪ Safeguarding of the surrounding area of the flywheel
The entire area of the flywheel has to be safeguarded by yard/end-cus-
Special care must be taken, inter alia, to prevent from: ejection of parts,
contact with moving machine parts and falling into the flywheel area.
▪ Consideration of the blow-off zone of the crankcase cover´s relief valves
If crankcase explosions should occur, the resulting hot gases will be
blown out of the crankcase through the relief valves.
This must be considered in the overall planning.
▪ Setting up storage areas
Throughout the plant, suitable storage areas have to be determined for
stabling of components and tools. Thereby it is important to ensure sta-
bility, carrying capacity and accessibility. The quality structure of the
ground has to be considered (slip resistance, resistance against residual
liquids of the stored components, consideration of the transport and traf-
fic routes).
▪ Proper execution of the work
Generally, it is necessary to ensure that all work is properly done accord-
2015-12-14 - en

ing to the task trained and qualified personnel. Special attention must be
paid to the execution of the electrical equipment. By selection of suitable

specialized companies and personnel, it has to be ensured that a faulty


feeding of media, electric voltage and electric currents will be avoided.

4 (19) -
MAN Diesel & Turbo A5003-01

▪ Installation of flexible connections

Safety precautions
For installation of flexible connections please follow strictly the informa-
tion given in the planning and final documentation and the manufacturer
Flexible connections may be sensitive to corrosive media. For cleaning
only adequate cleaning agents must be used (see manufacturer manual).
Substances containing chlorine or other halogens are generally not
Flexible connections have to be checked regularly and replaced after any
damage or life time given in manufacturer manual.
▪ Connection of exhaust port of the turbocharger at the engine to the
exhaust gas system of the plant
The connection between the exhaust port of the turbocharger and
exhaust gas system of the plant has to be executed gas tight and must
be equipped with a fire proof insulation.
The surface temperature of the fire insulation must not exceed 220 °C.
In workspaces and traffic areas, a suitable contact protection has to be
provided whose surface temperature must not exceed 60 °C.
The connection has to be equipped with compensators for longitudinal
expansion and axis displacement in consideration of the occurring vibra-
(The flange of the turbocharger reaches temperatures of up to 450 °C).
▪ Generally, any ignition sources, smoking and open fire in the mainte-
nance and protection area of the engine is prohibited.
▪ Smoke detection systems and fire alarm systems have to be provided.
▪ Signs
– Following figure exemplarily shows the declared risks in the area of a
combustion engine.
– This may vary slightly for the specific engine. This warning sign has to
be mounted clearly visibly at the engine as well as at all entrances to
the engine room or to the power house.
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Figure 1: Warning sign

- 5 (19)
A5003-01 MAN Diesel & Turbo

– Prohibited area signs

Safety precautions

Dependending on the application, it is possible that specific operat-

ing ranges of the engine must be prohibited.
In these cases, the signs will be delivered together with the engine,
which have to be mounted clearly visibly on places at the engine
which allow intervention to the engine operation.
▪ Optical and acoustic warning device
Due to noise-impared voice communication in the engine room/power
house, it is necessary to check where at the plant additionally to acoustic
warning signals optical warning signals (e.g. flash lamp) should be provi-
In any case, optical and acoustic warning devices are necessary while
using the turning gear and while starting/stopping the engine.
▪ Engine room ventilation
An effective ventilation system has to be provided in the engine room to
avoid endangering by contact or by inhalation of fluids, gases, vapours
and dusts which could have harmful, toxic, corrosive and/or acid effects.
▪ Venting of crankcase and turbocharger
The gases/vapours originating from crankcase and turbocharger are
ignitable. It must be ensured that the gases/vapours will not be ignited by
external sources. For multi-engine plants, each engine has to be ventila-
ted separately. The engine ventilation of different engines must not be
In case of an installed suction system, it has to be ensured that it will not
be stopped until at least 20 minutes after engine shutdown.
▪ Drainable supplies and excipients
Supply system and excipient system must be drainable and must be
secured against unintentional recommissioning (EN 1037). Sufficient ven-
tilation at the filling, emptying and ventilation points must be ensured.
The residual quantities which must be emptied have to be collected and
disposed of properly.
▪ Spray guard has to be ensured for liquids possibly leaking from the
flanges of the plant´s piping system. The emerging media must be
drained off and collected safely.
▪ Composition of the ground
The ground, workspace, transport/traffic routes and storage areas have
to be designed according to the physical and chemical characteristics of
the excipients and supplies used in the plant.
Safe work for maintenance and operational staff must always be possi-
▪ Adequate lighting
Light sources for an adequate and sufficient lighting must be provided by
yard/end-customer. The current guidelines should be followed.
(100 Lux is recommended, see also DIN EN 1679-1)
2015-12-14 - en

▪ Working platforms/scaffolds

For work on the engine working platforms/scaffolds must be provided

and further safety precautions must be taken into consideration. Among

other things, it must be possible to work secured by safety belts. Corre-

sponding lifting points/devices have to be provided.

6 (19) -
MAN Diesel & Turbo A5003-01

Safety precautions
▪ Fail-safe 24 V power supply
Because engine control, alarm system and safety system are connected
to a 24 V power supply this part of the plant has to be designed fail-safe
to ensure a regular engine operation.
▪ Intake air filtering
In case of air intake is realized through piping and not by means of the
turbocharger´s intake silencer, appropriate measures for air filtering must
be provided. It must be ensured that particles exceeding 5 μm will be
restrained by an air filtration system.
▪ Quality of the intake air
It has to be ensured that combustible media will not be sucked in by the
Intake air quality according to the relevant section of the project guide
has to be guaranteed.
▪ Emergency stop system
The emergency stop system requires special care during planning, reali-
zation, commissioning and testing at site to avoid dangerous operating
conditions. The assessment of the effects on other system components
caused by an emergency stop of the engine must be carried out by yard/
2015-12-14 - en


- 7 (19)
A5003-01 MAN Diesel & Turbo
Safety precautions

Lifting precautions
Lift of engine components needs to be planned through all steps of the lifting
When lifting loads below 500 kg the use of a tackle is required.
Lifting attachments are to be tightened into full contact with the component
to be lifted.
Only use designated lifting points, see Instruction Manual for guidance.
Make sure the lowest Safe Working Load (SWL) of the lifting equipment in
the lifting chain is never exceeded.
Keep lifting equipment clear of sharp edges.
Make sure to attach the load correctly on the crane hook.
Always keep clear of the space below a crane with load.

Working air
Use of working air requires safety goggles and gloves.
Avoid blowing pressurised air directly at skin.

Sealing materials
Use gloves made of neopren or PVC when removing O-rings and other rub-
ber/plastic-based sealing materials which have been subjected to abnormally
high temperatures.
First aid measures: In the event of skin contact - rinse with plenty of water -
remove all contaminated clothing - consult a doctor - dispose of all material
and gloves in accordance with laws and regulations.

Hot surfaces
Beware of hot surfaces and use gloves.

Safety valve
Beware of unexpected opening of safety valves and its exhaust opening in
top of the cylinder top cover as hot liquids, gasses and flash flame will be

Fuel nozzle testing

The removal of fuel valves (or other valves in the cylinder head) may cause oil
to run down to the piston crown; if the piston is hot, an explosion may then
blow out the valve. When testing fuel valves with the hand pump, do not
touch the spray holes, as the jet may pierce the skin.

2015-12-14 - en

It is important that all alarms lead to prompt investigation and remedy of the

error. No alarm is insignificant. The most serious alarms are equipped with

slow-down and/or shut-down functions. It is therefore important that all

engine operation personel are familiar with and well trained in the use and
importance of the alarm system.

8 (19) -
MAN Diesel & Turbo A5003-01

Safety precautions
Safety notes

This warning is used when an operation, procedure, or use may cause

personal injury or loss of life.

This warning is used when an operation, procedure, or use may cause

a latently dangerous state of personal injury or loss of life.

This warning is used when an operation, procedure, or use may cause

damage to or destruction of equipment and a slight or serious injury.

This warning is used when an operation, procedure, or use may cause

damage to or destruction of equipment.

Subsuppliers and external equipment

Please check the special instructions concerning subsupplier delivery and
external equipment for specific warnings!

Special notes

Health Risk!

Health Risk!
Due to vibrations during engine operation, especially in awkward

The area around the engine

2015-12-14 - en


The area around the engine must be clean and tidy!


- 9 (19)
A5003-01 MAN Diesel & Turbo
Safety precautions


Use original tool!

Tool and wire

Use original tool!

Use original wire for lifting!


Be aware of stored energy source!

Air supply!

Air supply must not be interrupted when engine is running


Do not reach inside engine!

2015-12-14 - en

10 (19) -
MAN Diesel & Turbo A5003-01

Safety precautions
Safety precautions at maintenance
Before maintenance work is carried out, the engine must be stopped and
blocked according to the safety precautions given on the specific data page,
page 1 of each Working Card.
The necessary items to be stopped and / or blocked are marked as shown in
below examples.

Figure 2: .

Figure 3: .
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- 11 (19)
A5003-01 MAN Diesel & Turbo
Safety precautions

Data sheet signs

Data sheets may include warning signs for special dangers that could arrise
in connection with the maintenance procedures.

Warning signs Mandatory action signs

General warning General mandatory
sign action sign

Explosive material Wear ear protec-


Drop (fall) Wear eye protec-


Slippery surface Wear safety foot-


Electricity Wear protective


Overhead load Wear face shield

Hot surface Wear head protec-


Crushing Wear mask

Overhead obstacle Wear respitory pro-


Flammable Wear safety har-


Crushing of hands Disconnect before

carrying out main-
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Pressurized cylin-

12 (19) -
MAN Diesel & Turbo A5003-01

Warning signs Mandatory action signs

Safety precautions
Pressurized device

Low temperature/
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- 13 (19)
A5003-01 MAN Diesel & Turbo
Safety precautions

Placement of warning signs

L16/24, L16/24S

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14 (19) -
MAN Diesel & Turbo A5003-01

Safety precautions
Placement of warning signs
L21/31, L21/31S
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- 15 (19)
A5003-01 MAN Diesel & Turbo
Safety precautions

Placement of warning signs

L27/38, L27/38S

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16 (19) -
MAN Diesel & Turbo A5003-01

Safety precautions
Placement of warning signs
L23/30A, L23/30H, L23/30S, L23/30DF
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- 17 (19)
A5003-01 MAN Diesel & Turbo
Safety precautions

Placement of warning signs


2015-12-14 - en

18 (19) -
MAN Diesel & Turbo A5003-01

Safety precautions
Placement of warning signs
L28/32A, L28/32H, L28/32S, L28/32DF
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- 19 (19)
MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (1) Engine data 500

Main Particulars ........................................................................................................ 500.00 (25)
Introduction .............................................................................................................. 500.01 (03)
Safety ....................................................................................................................... 500.02 (02)
Cross section ............................................................................................................ 500.05 (11)
Key for engine designation ........................................................................................ 500.10 (04)
Designation of Cylinders ........................................................................................... 500.11 (03)
Engine rotation clockwise ......................................................................................... 500.12 (02)
Code Identification for Instruments ............................................................................ 500.20 (04)
Planned maintenance programme ............................................................................ 500.23 (09)
Planned maintenance programme ............................................................................ 500.23 (10)
Operation data & set points ...................................................................................... 500.30 (105)
"Green Passport" ...................................................................................................... 500.33 (02)
Data for pressure and tolerance ................................................................................ 500.35 (90)
Data for tightening torque ......................................................................................... 500.40 (51)
Declaration of weight ................................................................................................ 500.45 (09)
Ordering of spare parts ............................................................................................. 500.50 (03)
How to return spare parts and/or tools ..................................................................... 500.51 (05)
Service letters ........................................................................................................... 500.55 (01)
Conversion Table ...................................................................................................... 500.60 (01)
Symbols for piping .................................................................................................... 500.65 (03)

2017-08-16 - en
MAN Diesel & Turbo
Description 500.00
Page 1 (1) Main Particulars
Edition 25

Main Particulars
Cycle : 4-stroke
Configuration : In-line
Cyl. nos available : 5-6-7-8-9
Power range : 1000 - 1980 kW
Speed : 900 / 1000 rpm
Bore : 210 mm
Stroke : 310 mm
Stroke/bore ratio : 1.48 : 1
Piston area per cyl. : 346 cm2
swept volume per cyl. : 10.7 ltr
Compression ratio : 16.5 : 1
Max. combustion pressure : 210 bar (in combustion chamber)
Turbocharging principle : Constant pressure system and intercooling
Fuel quality acceptance : HFO (up to 700 cSt/50º C, RMK700)
according ISO8217-2010

Power lay-out MCR version

Speed rpm 900 1000
Mean piston speed m/sec. 9.3 10.3
Mean effective pressure
5 cyl. engine bar 24.9 22.4
6, 7, 8, 9 cyl. engine bar 27.3 24.6
Power per cylinder
5 cyl. engine kW per cyl. 200 200
6, 7, 8, 9 cyl. engine kW per cyl. 220 220

2011.09.05 - ES1 - 220 kW - Tier II - GenSet

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Description 500.01
Page 1 (1) Introduction
Edition 03

L28/32S, L27/38S, L23/30S, L21/31S, L16/24S, L27/38, L21/31, V28/32S,

L23/30H, L16/24
Introduction The first five sections (500/600-504/604) of the
book serve as a guide to engine operation, and the
This instruction book provides general information next fifteen sections (505/605-519/619) contain
on the engine design, operation and maintenance. It technical descriptions, spare parts illustrations with
can also be used as a reference when ordering appurtenant parts lists, as well as working cards.
spare parts. Reliable and economical operation of
the plant is conditional upon its correct operation The last section (520/620) comprises tools.
and maintenance in accordance with MAN Diesel & The engine is divided into a number of main com-
Turbo’s instructions. Emissions-related mainte- ponents/ assemblies, each of which is described in
nance of the diesel engine shall be performed as a section of this book (section 505/605-519/619).
specified in MAN Diesel & Turbo’s instructions and
Each of these sections starts with technical descrip-
any additional instructions to that effect included in
tions of the systems/components, followed by
the Technical File. Consequently, it is essential that
working cards and the spare parts illustration plates
the engine room personnel are fully acquainted with
and parts lists.
the contents of this book and the Technical File.
Every care is taken to ensure that all information in
this instruction book is present and correct.
This book must not, either wholly or partly, be cop-
ied, reproduced, made public or in any other way
made available to any third party without the written
consent to this effect from MAN Diesel & Turbo.
If an instruction book is delivered in another lan-
guage than English and doubts arise concerning
the translation, the English text shall prevail.

Figure 1: Structure of instruction book

The book is a basic instruction manual for the par-
ticular engine supplied, with plant-adapted informa-
tion such as basic media-system drawings, electri-
cal wiring diagrams and test bed reports.

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Description 500.02
Page 1 (2) Safety
Edition 02

L27/38S, L23/30S, L21/31S, L16/24S, L27/38, L21/31, V28/32S, L23/30H, L16/24

General Light
Proper maintenance, which is the aim of this book, Ample working light should be permanently installed
is a crucial aspect of achieving optimum safety in at appropriate places in the engine room, and port-
the engine room. The general measures mentioned able working light in explosion-proof fittings should
here should, therefore, be a natural routine for the be available everywhere.
entire engine room staff.
Cleanliness If there is a risk of damage due to freezing when the
The engine room should be kept clean above and plant is out of service, engines, pumps, coolers and
below the floor plates. If grit or sand blows into the pipe systems should be emptied of cooling water.
engine room while the ship is in port, the ventilation
should be stopped and ventilating ducts, skylights, Warning
and doors in the engine room should be closed.
Opening of cocks may cause discharge of hot liq-
In particular, welding or work which causes the
uids or gases. Dismantling of parts may cause
spreading of grit and chips must be avoided near
springs to be released.
the engine, unless this is closed or covered, and the
turbocharger air intake filters are covered. The removal of fuel valves (or other valves in the cyl-
inder head) may cause oil to run down to the piston
The exterior of the engine should be kept clean and
crown, and if the piston is hot an explosion may
the paintwork maintained, so that leakages can
then blow out the valve.
easily be detected.
When testing fuel valves with the hand pump do not
touch the spray holes, as the jet may pierce the
Fire skin. Consider beforehand which way the liquids,
If the crankcase is opened before the engine is gases or flames will move, and keep clear.
cold, welding and the use of naked light will involve
the risk of explosions and fire. The same applies to Crankcase Work
inspection of oil tanks and the space below the
cooler. Attention should furthermore be paid to the Check beforehand that the starting air supply to the
danger of fire when using paint and solvents with a engine is shut off.
low flash point. Porous insulating material drenched
with oil from leakages is easily inflammable and Feeling Over
should be renewed. See also: "Ignition in Crank-
case" in section 503/603. Whenever repairs or alterations have been made to
the running gear, apply the "feel-over sequence"
until it is ensured that there is no undue heating, oil-
Order mist formation, blow-by, or failure of cooling water
Hand tools should be placed to be easily accessible or lubricating oil systems.
on tool boards. Special tools should be fastened to
tool panels (if supplied) in the engine room close to Feel-over Sequence
the area of use. No major objects may be left unfas-
tened, and the floor and passages should be kept Feel over after 5-15 and 30 minutes' idle running
clear. and finally when the engine is running at full load.
See also "Operation" in the section 501/601.

Large spare parts should, as far as possible, be
placed well strapped near the area of use and After prolonged out-of-service periods or overhaul
should be accessible by crane. The spare parts work which may involve a risk of accumulation of
should be wellpreserved against corrosion and pro- liquid in the combustion spaces, turning should
tected against mechanical damage. Stock should always be effected through at least two complete
be checked at intervals and replenished in time. revolutions.

MAN Diesel & Turbo
500.02 Description
Safety Page 2 (2)
Edition 02

L27/38S, L23/30S, L21/31S, L16/24S, L27/38, L21/31, V28/32S, L23/30H, L16/24

Check and Maintain

Lubricating oil condition, filter elements and meas-
uring equipment, see "Planned Maintenance Pro-

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Description 500.05
Page 1 (1) Cross section
Edition 11

L21/31S, L21/31
Cross section

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Description 500.10
Page 1 (1) Key for engine designation
Edition 04

L28/32S, L28/32S-DF, L27/38S, L23/30S, L21/31S, L16/24S, L23/30DF, L28/32DF,

V28/32S, L16/24, L21/31, L23/30H, L27/38
Key for engine designation

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Description 500.11
Page 1 (1) Designation of Cylinders
Edition 03

L23/30DF, L28/32S, L27/38S, L28/32S-DF, L23/30S, L21/31S, L16/24S, L28/32DF,

L16/24, L21/31, L23/30H, L27/38

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Description 500.12
Page 1 (1) Engine rotation clockwise
Edition 02

L28/32S, L27/38S, L23/30S, L21/31S, L16/24S, L23/30DF, V28/32S-DF, L28/32DF,

V28/32S, L16/24, L21/31, L23/30H, L27/38
Engine rotation clockwise

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Description 500.20
Page 1 (3) Code Identification for Instruments
Edition 04

L23/30DF, L28/32S, L28/32S-DF, L27/38S, L23/30S, L21/31S, L16/24S, L28/32DF,

V28/32S, L16/24, L21/31, L23/30H, L27/38
Explanation of symbols

Specification of letter code for measuring devices

1st letter Following letters
F Flow A Alarm

L Level D Differential

P Pressure E Element

S Speed, System H High

T Temperature I Indicating

U Voltage L Low

V Viscosity S Switching, Stop

X Sound T Transmitting

Z Position X Failure

V Valve, Actuator

MAN Diesel & Turbo
500.20 Description
Code Identification for Instruments Page 2 (3)
Edition 04

L23/30DF, L28/32S, L28/32S-DF, L27/38S, L23/30S, L21/31S, L16/24S, L28/32DF,

V28/32S, L16/24, L21/31, L23/30H, L27/38
Standard text for instruments

Diesel engine/alternator
LT water system
01 inlet to air cooler 04 inlet to alternator 07 inlet to lub. oil cooler
02 outlet from air cooler 05 outlet from alternator 08 inlet to fresh water cooler
03 outlet from lub. oil cooler 06 outlet from fresh water cooler 09

HT water system
10 inlet to engine 14 inlet to HT air cooler 17 outlet from fresh water cooler
10A FW inlet to engine 14A FW inlet to air cooler 18 inlet to fresh water cooler
11 outlet from each cylinder 14B FW outlet from air cooler 19 preheater
12 outlet from engine 15 outlet from HT system 19A inlet to prechamber
13 inlet to HT pump 16 outlet from turbocharger 19B outlet from prechamber

Lubricating oil system

20 inlet to cooler 24 sealing oil - inlet engine 28 level in base frame
21 outlet from cooler/inlet to filter 25 prelubricating 29 main bearings
22 outlet from filter/inlet to engine 26 inlet rocker arms and roller
23 inlet to turbocharger guides
23B outlet from turbocharger 27 intermediate bearing/alternator

Charging air system

30 inlet to cooler 34 charge air conditioning 38
31 outlet from cooler 35 surplus air inlet 39
32 jet assist system 36 inlet to turbocharger
33 outlet from TC filter/inlet to TC 37 charge air from mixer

Fuel oil system

40 inlet to engine 44 outlet from sealing oil pump 48
41 outlet from engine 45 fuel-rack position 49
42 leakage 46 inlet to prechamber
43 inlet to filter 47

Nozzle cooling system

50 inlet to fuel valves 54 58 oil splash
51 outlet from fuel valves 55 valve timing 59 alternator load
52 56 injection timing
53 57 earth/diff. protection

Exhaust gas system

60 outlet from cylinder 64 68
61 outlet from turbocharger 65 69
62 inlet to turbocharger 66
63 combustion chamber 67

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Description 500.20
Page 3 (3) Code Identification for Instruments
Edition 04

L23/30DF, L28/32S, L28/32S-DF, L27/38S, L23/30S, L21/31S, L16/24S, L28/32DF,

V28/32S, L16/24, L21/31, L23/30H, L27/38
Compressed air system
70 inlet to engine 74 inlet to reduction valve 78 inlet to sealing oil system
71 inlet to stop cylinder 75 microswitch for turning gear 79
72 inlet to balance arm unit 76 inlet to turning gear
73 control air 77 waste gate pressure

Load speed
80 overspeed air 84 engine stop 88 index - fuel injection pump
81 overspeed 85 microswitch for overload 89 turbocharger speed
82 emergency stop 86 shutdown 90 engine speed
83 engine start 87 ready to start

91 natural gas - inlet to engine 95 voltage 99 common alarm
92 oil mist detector 96 switch for operating location 100 inlet to MDO cooler
93 knocking sensor 97 remote 101 outlet to MDO cooler
94 cylinder lubricating 98 alternator winding 102 alternator cooling air

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Description 500.23
Page 1 (3) Planned maintenance programme
Edition 09

L21/31S, L21/31
Introduction 6. Refers to data required to carry out the work.
The overhaul intervals are based on operation on a 7. Special tools which must be used. Please note
specified fuel oil quality at normal service output, that not all tools are standard equipment.
which means 70-100% of MCR. 8. Various requisite hand tools.
In the long run it is not possible to achieve safe and 9. Indicates the components/parts which it is
optimum economical running without an effective advisable to replace during the maintenance
maintenance system. work. Please note that this is a condition for the
The structure and amount of information in the intervals stated.
maintenance programme mean that it can be inte-
grated in the entire ship's/power station's mainte-
nance system or it can be used separately.
The core of the maintenance system is the key dia-
gram, indicating the inspection intervals for the
components/ systems, so that the crew can make
the necessary overhauls based on the engines'
condition and/or the time criteria.
The stated recommended intervals are only for
guidance as different service conditions, the quality
of the fuel oil and the lubricating oil, treatment of the
cooling water, etc., have determining influence on
the actual service results and thus the intervals
between necessary overhauls.
Experience with the specific plant/personnel should
be used to adjust the time between overhauls. It
should also be used to adjust the timetable stated
for guidance in the working cards.

Work cards
Each of the working cards can be divided into two: Figure 2: Instruction guide for work cards
a front page and one or several pages describing
and illustrating the maintenance work.
The front page indicates the following: Auxiliary equipment
1. Safety regulations, which MUST be carried out
The precondition of the reliability and operating
before the maintenance work can start.
economy of the engine will to a great extent depend
2. A brief description of the work. on correct operation and proper maintenance of all
3. Reference to any work which must be carried equipment.
out before the maintenance work can start. Alle auxiliary equipment must be operated as
4. Related procedures – indicates other works, described in the operation- and maintenance
depending on the present work – or works instructions from the manufacturer of the compo-
which it would be expedient to carry out. nents.
5. Indicates x number of men in y number of hours It is also essential that the crew is fully acquainted
to accomplish the work. with the functions and mode of operation of the
auxiliary equipment.
The stated consumption of hours is only inten-
ded as a guide.
Experience with the specific station/personnel
may lead to updating.

2017.03.22 - Tier II, MGO/MDO, Island mode

MAN Diesel & Turbo
500.23 Description
Planned maintenance programme Page 2 (3)
Edition 09

L21/31S, L21/31

2017.03.22 - Tier II, MGO/MDO, Island mode

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Description 500.23
Page 3 (3) Planned maintenance programme
Edition 09

L21/31S, L21/31

2017.03.22 - Tier II, MGO/MDO, Island mode

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Description 500.23
Page 1 (3) Planned maintenance programme
Edition 10

L21/31S, L21/31
Introduction 6. Refers to data required to carry out the work.
The overhaul intervals are based on operation on a 7. Special tools which must be used. Please note
specified fuel oil quality at normal service output, that not all tools are standard equipment.
which means 70-100% of MCR. 8. Various requisite hand tools.
In the long run it is not possible to achieve safe and 9. Indicates the components/parts which it is
optimum economical running without an effective advisable to replace during the maintenance
maintenance system. work. Please note that this is a condition for the
The structure and amount of information in the intervals stated.
maintenance programme mean that it can be inte-
grated in the entire ship's/power station's mainte-
nance system or it can be used separately.
The core of the maintenance system is the key dia-
gram, indicating the inspection intervals for the
components/ systems, so that the crew can make
the necessary overhauls based on the engines'
condition and/or the time criteria.
The stated recommended intervals are only for
guidance as different service conditions, the quality
of the fuel oil and the lubricating oil, treatment of the
cooling water, etc., have determining influence on
the actual service results and thus the intervals
between necessary overhauls.
Experience with the specific plant/personnel should
be used to adjust the time between overhauls. It
should also be used to adjust the timetable stated
for guidance in the working cards.

Work cards
Each of the working cards can be divided into two: Figure 3: Instruction guide for work cards
a front page and one or several pages describing
and illustrating the maintenance work.
The front page indicates the following: Auxiliary equipment
1. Safety regulations, which MUST be carried out
The precondition of the reliability and operating
before the maintenance work can start.
economy of the engine will to a great extent depend
2. A brief description of the work. on correct operation and proper maintenance of all
3. Reference to any work which must be carried equipment.
out before the maintenance work can start. Alle auxiliary equipment must be operated as
4. Related procedures – indicates other works, described in the operation- and maintenance
depending on the present work – or works instructions from the manufacturer of the compo-
which it would be expedient to carry out. nents.
5. Indicates x number of men in y number of hours It is also essential that the crew is fully acquainted
to accomplish the work. with the functions and mode of operation of the
auxiliary equipment.
The stated consumption of hours is only inten-
ded as a guide.
Experience with the specific station/personnel
may lead to updating.

2017.03.22 - Tier II, HFO, Island mode

MAN Diesel & Turbo
500.23 Description
Planned maintenance programme Page 2 (3)
Edition 10

L21/31S, L21/31

2017.03.22 - Tier II, HFO, Island mode

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Description 500.23
Page 3 (3) Planned maintenance programme
Edition 10

L21/31S, L21/31

2017.03.22 - Tier II, HFO, Island mode

MAN Diesel & Turbo

Operation Data & Set Points 500.30
Page 1 (4) Edition 105

L21/31, L21/31S

Acceptable Alarm Set point

Normal Value at Full value at shop 100% load
load at ISO conditions test or after Autostop of engine
repair sec.

Lubricating Oil System

Temp. after cooler

(inlet filter) SAE 40 TI 21 68-73° C <73° C TAH 21 80° C 3
Pressure after filter(inlet engine) PI 22 4.2-5.0 bar >4.5 bar PAL 22 3.5 bar 3 PSL 22 3.0 bar
PSL 22 3.0 bar (D)
Pressure drop across filter PDAH 0.1-1 bar <0.5 bar PDAH 1.5 bar 3
21-22 21-22
Prelubricating pressure (PI 22) 0.13-1.5 bar <1.0 bar PAL 25 0.12 bar (H) 60
Pressure inlet turbocharger PI 23 1.3-2.2 bar >1.3 bar PAL 23 1.05 bar 3
Lub. oil level in base frame LAL 28 Low level 30
LAH 28 High level 30
Pressure before filter PI 21 4.5-5.5 bar
Crankcase protection (M) LAH 92 High level 3 LSH 92 High level
TAH 58 100° C 3 TSH 58 105° C
TDAH 58 4K 3 TDSH 58 5K
Temp. main bearing TI 29 80-95° C TAH 29 100° C 3 TSH 29 105° C
Fuel Oil System

Pressure after filter MDO PI 40 5-8 bar PAL 40 4 bar 5

HFO PI 40 4-16 bar (A) PAL 40 3-6 bar (E) 5
Leaking oil LAH 42 High level 5
Temperature inlet engine MDO TI 40 30-40°C
HFO TI 40 110-150°C
Cooling Water System

Press. LT system, inlet engine PI 01 2.5-4.5 bar >1.8 bar PAL 01 0.4 + (B) bar 3
Press. HT system, inlet engine PI 10 2.0-5.0 bar >1.8-<6 bar PAL 10 0.4 + (B) bar 3
Temp. HT system, outlet engine TI 12 75-85°C <85° C TAH 12 90° C 3 TSH 12 95° C
TSH 12 95° C (D)
Temp. LT system, inlet engine TI 01 30-40°C
Exhaust Gas and Charge Air

Exh. gas temp. before TC TI 62 510-560° C TAH 62 600° C (N) 30

Exh. gas temp. outlet cyl. TI 60 350-450° C TAH 60 480° C (N) 30
Diff. between individual cyl. average TAD 60 average (K) 120
±25° C ± 50° C (N)
± 100° C (N)
Exh. gas temp. after TC
200 kW/cyl TI 61 250-350° C TAH 61 450° C (N) 30
220 kW/cyl TI 61 300-380° C TAH 61 450° C (N) 30
Ch. air press. after cooler PI 31 3.2-3.5 bar
Ch. air temp. after cooler TI 31 40-55° C <55° C

2015.12.18 - SaCoS
MAN Diesel & Turbo

500.30 Operation Data & Set Points Description

Edition 105 Page 2 (4)

L21/31, L21/31S

Acceptable Alarm Set point

Normal Value at Full value at shop 100% load
load at ISO conditions test or after Autostop of engine
repair sec.

Compressed Air System

Press. inlet engine PI 70 7-8 bar >7.0-<8 bar PAL 70 6.5 bar 15

Speed Control System

Engine speed elec. SI 90 1000 rpm SAH 81 1130 rpm 0 SSH 81 1150 rpm (D)

SI 90 900 rpm SAH 81 1017 rpm 0 SSH 81 1035 rpm (D)

Turbocharger speed SI 89 (L) SAH 89 (J) 3


Cooling water leakage LAH98 LAH98 switch 3

Winding temperature TI 98 100° C TAH 98 130° C 3


Start failure SX 83 switch (G) 10

Stop signal SS 84 switch (F) 0

Stop failure SX 84 switch 30

Engine run SI 90 900/1000 rpm SS 90A (I)

Ready to start SS 87 switch 0

For these alarms (with underscore) there are alarm cut-out at engine standstill.

2015.12.18 - SaCoS
MAN Diesel & Turbo

Operation Data & Set Points 500.30
Page 3 (4) Edition 105

L21/31, L21/31S

Remarks to Individual Parameters F. Start Interlock

A. Fuel Oil Pressure, HFO-operation The following signals are used for start interlock/
When operating on HFO, the system pressure must
be sufficient to depress any tendency to gasification 1) Turning must not be engaged
of the hot fuel. 2) Engine must not be running
3) "Remote" must be activated
The system pressure has to be adjusted according 4) No shutdowns must be activated.
to the fuel oil preheating temperature. 5) The prelub. oil pressure must be OK, 20 min.
after stop.
B. Cooling Water Pressure, Alarm Set Points 6) "Stop" signal must not be activated

As the system pressure in case of pump failure will G. Start Failure

depend on the height of the expansion tank above
the engine, the alarm set point has to be adjusted to tart failure is generated if engine speed has not
0.4 bar plus the static pressure. The static pressure exceeded the ignition speed limit within a defined
set point can be adjusted in the display module. span of time or engine speed has not exceeded the
minimum speed limit within a defined span time.
C. Lub. Oil Pressure, Offset Adjustment
Start failure alarm is automatically reset after engine
The read outs of lub. oil pressure has an offset is standstill.
adjustment because of the transmitter placement.
This has to be taken into account in case of test and H. Alarm Hysterese and Set Point
calibration of the transmitter.
On all alarm points (except prelub. oil pressure) a
D. Software Created Signal hysterese of 0.1 bar are present. On prelub. oil pres-
sure alarm the hysterese is 0.02 bar.
Software created signal from PI 22, TI 12, SI 90.
The alarm set point for prelub. oil pressure is only
E. Set Points depending on Fuel Temperature valid if lubricating oil temperature is below 62° C.

I. Engine Run Signal

he signal SS90A indicates engine running for exter-

nal systems like Power Management System.

The engine run signal SS90A is set if engine exceeds

"95% of engine nominal speed".
The engine run signal SS90A is used to release the
generator synchronizing.

J. Limits for Turbocharger Overspeed Alarm

(SAH 89)

Engine type 900 rpm 1000 rpm

Fig 1 Set point curve.
5L21/31 / TCR16 47,627 47,627
6L21/31 / TCR16 47,627 47,627
7L21/31 / TCR18 39,285 39,285
8L21/31 / TCR18 39,285 39,285
9L21/31 / TCR18 39,285 39,285

2015.12.18 - SaCoS
MAN Diesel & Turbo

500.30 Operation Data & Set Points Description

Edition 105 Page 4 (4)

L21/31, L21/31S

K. Exhaust Gas Temperatures M. Crankcase Protection

The exhaust gas temperature deviation alarm is For engines above 2250 kW or bore > 300 mm,
normally: crankcase protection is standard for marine appli-
cation. The system is optional for smaller engines.
Engine load < 25% TAD = ± 100° C
This will be done by an oil mist detector (LAH/LSH
Engine load > 25% TAD = ± 50° C 92) as standard or with a splash oil/crankcase pro-
tection system (TAH/TSH/TDAH/TDSH 58 + TAH/
L. Turbocharger Speed TSH 29) as option.

Normal value at full load of the turbocharger is de- N. Alarm at 110% load
pendent on engine type (cyl. no) and engine rpm.
The value given is just a guide line. Actual values During shoptest of 110% load it can occur that there
can be found in the acceptance test protocol. is exhaust gas temperature alarm, this can be caused
to high air temperature before compressor combined
with low ambient air pressure.

10° C change in ambient temperature correspond

to approx. 15° C exhaust gas temperature change.

2015.12.18 - SaCoS
MAN Diesel & Turbo
Description 500.33
Page 1 (1) "Green Passport"
Edition 02

L28/32S, L23/30DF, L27/38S, L23/30S, L21/31S, L16/24S, L28/32DF, V28/32S,

L16/24, L21/31, L23/30H, L27/38
Green Passport
In 2009 IMO adopted the „Hong Kong International
Convention for the Safe and Environmentally Sound
Recycling of Ships, 2009“.
Until this convention enters into force the recom-
mendatory guidelines “Resolution A.962(23)” (adop-
ted 2003) apply. This resolution has been imple-
mented by some classification societies as “Green
MAN Diesel & Turbo is able to provide a list of haz-
ardous materials complying with the requirements
of the IMO Convention. This list is accepted by clas-
sification societies as a material declaration for
“Green Passport”.
This material declaration can be provided on

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Description 500.35
Page 1 (2) Data for pressure and tolerance
Edition 90

L21/31S, L21/31
Data for pressure and tolerance
Section Description mm/bar
505 Maximum inner diameter, valve guide 16.2 mm
For grinding of valve spindle and valve seat ring
(see also working card 505-01.10)
Minimum height of valve head, inlet valve and exhaust valve, "H"1 5.4 mm
506 Piston and piston ring grooves (see working card 506-01.10)

Maximum clearance between connecting rod bush and piston pin 0.25 mm
Maximum ovalness in big-end bore (without bearing) 0.06 mm
Maximum inside diameter cylinder liner, maximum ovalness 0.1 mm (see work A: Ø210.40 mm
card 506.01-35) B: Ø210.25 mm
C: Ø210.08 mm
Sealing minimum height above the cylinder liner 0.5 mm
507 Maximum tolerance at the valve cam bearing 0.25 mm
Maximum tolerance at the fuel cam bearing 0.30 mm
Clearance between teeth on intermediate wheel

Plunger lift at TDC, injection timing:

IMO Tier II - D2, 900 rpm, 60 Hz, 5 cyl. 8.60 +0.05 mm*
IMO Tier II - D2, 900 rpm, 60 Hz, 6-9 cyl. 8.75 +0.05 mm*
IMO Tier II - D2, 1000 rpm, 50 Hz, 5 cyl. 9.40 +0.05 mm*
IMO Tier II - D2, 1000 rpm, 50 Hz, 6-9 cyl. 9.40 +0.05 mm*
IMO Tier II - E2, 1000 rpm 6-9 cyl. 8.75 +0.05 mm*
*) for information on max settings check the engine's IMO Technical file.

Plunger Lift, World Bank II** 9.80 +0.05 mm

**) Standard injection timing value is based on ISO condition.
Special injection timing of engines can be necessary due to
Power plant size and/or Ambient conditions.
508 Valve clearance, Inlet valve (cold engine 15 - 50°C) 0.6 mm
Valve clearance, Exhaust valve (cold engine 15 - 50°C) 0.6 mm
Maximum clearance between rocker arm bush and rocker arm shaft 0.3 mm
Maximum total tolerance between shaft bushing and roller 0.35 mm
509 Free spand between pick-up and band steel (Lambda controller) 1 mm

MAN Diesel & Turbo
500.35 Description
Data for pressure and tolerance Page 2 (2)
Edition 90

L21/31S, L21/31
Section Description mm/bar
510 Deflection of crankshaft (autolog) (see working card 510-01.00)

Bearing clearance axial, minimum 0.40 mm

Bearing clearance axial, maximum 0.70 mm
Bearing clearance radial, minimum 0.15 mm
Bearing clearance radial, maximum 0.25 mm
Main bearing journal, min. diameter 199.9 mm
Main bearing journal, max. ovality 0.03 mm
Crankpin journal, min. diameter 189.9 mm
Crankpin journal, max. ovality 0.03 mm
514 Combustion pressure range at full load (Inside combustion chamber) 199 - 210 bar
(Depending on rating/ambient condition)
The engine will be matched to meet Tier II emission requirements. Retarded
injection is necessary; therefore the maximum pressure may be lower than the
pressure mentioned in the above-mentioned table.
Max. pressure is influenced by ambient pressure and temperature. Relation
between pressure measured on indicator cock and pressure in combustion,
see description 504.28.
Individual cylinders; admissible deviation from average ± 5 bar
Fuel valve, adjustment of opening pressure 440 - 450 bar
(when new spring) (460 bar)
Clearance (A) of plunger between thrust plate and plunger base plate / fuel 0.07 - 0.15 mm
injection pump
Clearance (B) from roller to mounting surface 135.5 ±0.05 mm
Clearance (C) axial and radial clearance of roller on fuel injection pump 0.02 - 0.30 mm

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Description 500.40
Page 1 (5) Data for tightening torque
Edition 51

L21/31S, L21/31
Data for tightening torque
M Lubricating paste up to 200°C Coefficient of friction 0.08-0.12
MH High temperature lubricating paste above Coefficient of friction 0.08-0.12
O Oil

Tabel 1, Lubricant
ΔL Elongation of screw

Re-tightening procedure for hydraulic tool, see work card 520-01.06.

Screw Connection Oil Screw-in Tightening Working Plate Item

pressure moment torques(Nm) Card
Bar torsions
012 Cylinder Crankcase
012-1 (long) 1. step
Cap main bearing/ 3. step 250 Nut MH 510-01.05 51101 182, 086, 194
Cylinder crankcase 4. step 1200 510-01.20
Δl = 3.1-3.7
012-1 (short) 1. step
Cap main bearing/ 3. step 250 180-M MH 510-01.05 51101 456, 086, 194
Cylinder crankcase 4. step 1200 510-01.20
Δl = 0.7-0.9
012-2 2. step
Crossrod/Cylinder crankcase 3. step / 200 Hand-M MH 510-01.05 51101 216, 228
5. step / 1200 510-01.20
Δl = 0.5-0.8
012-3 1. step
Crankcase/ 2. step / 100 Hand fixed MH 505-01-55 51101 062, 086
Cylinder head 3. step / 1200
Δl = 2.4-2.6
Crankcase/ 85-M 514-01.05 51101 277, 289
Fuel injection pump
020 Crankshaft
020-1 1. step
Crankshaft/Counterweight 2. step / 100 120-M 51001 082, 094
3. step / 1200
Δl = 0.52-0.63

MAN Diesel & Turbo
500.40 Description
Data for tightening torque Page 2 (5)
Edition 51

L21/31S, L21/31
Screw Connection Oil Screw-in Tightening Working Plate Item
pressure moment torques(Nm) Card
Bar torsions
026 Turning Gear
026-1 1 step
Spur gear/Shaft 260-M 51325 179
027 Vibration Damper
Gear wheel/Damper/ 1. step / 100 M 51004 053, 041
Crankshaft 2. step / 1200
Δl = 0.7-1.0
030 Connecting Rod
Connecting rod cover/
Connecting rod bearing body 1. step Hand-M M 506-01.25 50601 152,164 Tier I
2. step / 600 50603 094,057 Tier II
3. step / 1200
Δl = 0.3-0.5
Connection rod shaft/ 1. step
Connecting rod bearing body 2. step / 100 506-01.25 50601 188,211 Tier I
3. step / 1200 M 50603 021,069 Tier II
Δl = 0.3-0.4
034 Piston
Piston 506-01.10 50601 176 Tier I
50602 002 Tier II
056 Mounting of Fuel Injection Valve
Clamp / Cylinder head 65-M 514-01.10 51402 153, 177
101 Camshaft (Valve camshaft)
Camshaft part piece / 85-M 507-01.00 50705 266
Bearing disk
Bearing plate 35-M
101 Camshaft (Injection camshaft)
Camshaft part piece/ 85-M 507-01.00 50705 266
Bearing disc 507-01.05
Spur gear / 85-M 507-01.00 50705 266
Bearing disc 507-01.05
Axial bearing plate/ 35-M 507-01.00 50705 266
Cylinder crankcase 507-01.05

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Description 500.40
Page 3 (5) Data for tightening torque
Edition 51

L21/31S, L21/31
Screw Connection Oil Screw-in Tightening Working Plate Item
pressure moment torques(Nm) Card
Bar torsions
111 Valve Bridge
Valve bridge / Setting screws 100-M 508-01.00 50502 071, 154
111 Rocker arm
Rocker arm / Setting screws 100-M 508-01.00 50502 071, 083
200 Fuel Injection Pump with drive
Valve support / Pump element 1. step 25-O 514-01.05/ 51401 421
2. step 50-O 514-01.06
3. step 70-O
Valve Support / Pump casing 60-O 514-01.05/ 51401 600
Sealing plug / Pump casing 120-O 514-01.05/ 51401 242
221 Fuel Injection Valve
Support body / Nozzle body 514-01.10 51402 045
MAN (Tier II) 170-MH
Nico, L'Orange (Tier I) 140-MH
Lock nut for setting screw 514-01.10 51402 082, 010
MAN (Tier II) 120-O
Nico, L'Orange (Tier I) 100-O
Blocking screw for setting Loctite 10-O
screw 0556
289 Exhaust Pipe / Exhaust Pipe before Turbocharger
Pipe piece / Compensator / 120-MH 512-01.10 51202 036, 048
Line piece
Clamping strap / Cover 50-MH 505-01.55 51202 097 GenSet
073 Propulsion

MAN Diesel & Turbo
500.40 Description
Data for tightening torque Page 4 (5)
Edition 51

L21/31S, L21/31
Screw Connection Oil Screw-in Tightening Working Plate Item
pressure moment torques(Nm) Card
Bar torsions
Compensator / Turbocharger, 120-MH 512-01.10
TCR 16
Compensator / Turbocharger, 50-MH 512-01.10
TCR 18
Compensator / Turbocharger, 50-MH 512-01.10
TCR 14
300 Lub Oil Pump with Attachment
Pinion spindle/Spur gear 85-M 515-01.00 51501 199
310 Valve-insert/Valve-sleeve
310-1 with Loctite
Valve sleeve/Cover 638
until it sits
Valve insert/Valve sleeve 25-M
350 Fresh Water Pump
Water pump shaft/Spur gear 516-10.00 51610 237
Water pump shaft/Impeller 516-10.00 51610 191
434 Fuel Injection Pipe
Delivery socket/
Fuel injection valve 60-O 51404 083
Delivery socket/
Fuel injection valve 20-O 51404 058
Fuel injection pipe/threaded piece 110-O 51404 117
Fuel injection pipe/fuel injection pump
434 Connection socket
Screw plug/connection socket Loctite 45 51435 013 Tier I
0556 51435 560 Tier II

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Description 500.40
Page 5 (5) Data for tightening torque
Edition 51

L21/31S, L21/31
Screw Connection Oil Screw-in Tightening Working Plate Item
pressure moment torques(Nm) Card
Bar torsions
447 Cooling water pipe
V-profile clamp/Intermediate pieces 12
701 Flywheel with gear rim
Crankshaft/Flywheel 385-M
Tightening of bolted connections by the torque Thread Tightening torque in Nm
If bolted connections other than those listed above nominal size Bolt strength class
are to be tightened using a torque wrench, table 2 8.8 10.9
should be used for reference.
The following should be observed:
M6 7 10 10 14
- The load acting on a bolted connection depends
on the tightening torque applied, on the lubricant M8 17 25 25 35
used, the finished condition of the surfaces and
threads, and on the materials paired. It is, there- M 10 35 50 50 70
fore, of great importance that all these conditions M 12 60 85 85 120
are met.
M 14 90 130 130 190
- Table 2 lists the tightening torques, when using
different bolt strengths classes and applying either M 16 140 200 200 280
normal Molykote and high temperature Molykote
grease or applying normal oil. M 18 200 280 280 390
M 20 270 400 380 560
Table 2. Tightening torques for bolted connections

When tightening bolts to a specified torque, only

use the specified lubricants.
For component temperatures up to 200°C, e.g.
Molykote Paste D or Optimoly Paste White-T.
For component temperatures above 200°C, e.g.
Molykote Paste HSC or Copaslip.

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Description 500.45
Page 1 (1) Declaration of weight
Edition 09

L21/31S, L21/31
Declaration of weight
Section Component Plate No Item No Weight in Kg
505 Cylinder head, incl. rocker arms 50501 027 225
50502 010/022
Cylinder unit 50500 021 485
506 Piston, complete 50601 081 30
Connecting rod, complete 50601 64
Cylinder liner, complete 50610 018 80
512 Turbocharger, TCR16, complete 512 290
Turbocharger, TCR18, complete 512 460
Air cooler 51201 162 267
514 Fuel injection pump 51401 565 26
515 Lubricating oil pump 51501 031/043 65
516 HT- and LT-cooling water pump 51610 105 40

2011.08.08 - Tier II, Stationary

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Description 500.50
Page 1 (3) Ordering of spare parts
Edition 03

L28/32S, L27/38S, L23/30S, L21/31S, L16/24S, L23/30DF, L28/32DF, V28/32S,

L16/24, L21/31, L23/30H, L27/38
Ordering of spare parts
Spare parts can be ordered from MAN Diesel & Turbo, Note:
▪ Components from different engine builders
When spare parts are ordered or inquired, the following cannot be considered as interchangeable.
data must be indicated, in order to ensure correct iden- ▪ A wide number of spare parts can be orders
tification of the required parts: as spare part kits.
▪ Name of customer ▪ Selected components may be available in both
▪ Name of plant /vessel original and upgraded version.
▪ Vessel IMO No
These data are necessary to ensure supply of the cor-
▪ Engine type rect spare parts for a particular engine, even though the
▪ Engine serial No spare part illustrations contained in this book may not
always be in complete accordance with the individual
▪ Engine builder components of a specific engine.
▪ Plate No and edition No
For ordering of spare parts for governor, turbocharger
▪ Item No and alternator, please see the special chapter in the
▪ Quantity instruction book for these components.

▪ Designation of the item No

MAN Diesel & Turbo
500.50 Description
Ordering of spare parts Page 2 (3)
Edition 03

L28/32S, L27/38S, L23/30S, L21/31S, L16/24S, L23/30DF, L28/32DF, V28/32S,

L16/24, L21/31, L23/30H, L27/38

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Description 500.50
Page 3 (3) Ordering of spare parts
Edition 03

L28/32S, L27/38S, L23/30S, L21/31S, L16/24S, L23/30DF, L28/32DF, V28/32S,

L16/24, L21/31, L23/30H, L27/38
Name of Customer Name of Plant/Vessel IMO No

Engine Type Engine No Engine Builder

Plate No Edition No Item No Designation of the Item No Qty

For ordering or inquiry for items in free text, kindly contact MAN PrimeServ Holeby at: +45 54 69 31 00 or via

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Description 500.51
Page 1 (1) How to return spare parts and/or tools
Edition 05

L28/32S, L27/38S, L23/30S, L21/31S, L16/24S, L23/30DF, L28/32DF, V28/32S,

L16/24, L21/31, L23/30H, L27/38
How to return spare parts and/or tools Please return by cheapest mean to the below
If the unfortunate situation occurs that your spare
parts do not fit or are damaged in any way, you ▪ Spare Parts:
need to return your spare parts to us. MAN Diesel & Turbo
Niels Juels Vej 15
The return procedure is as follows: 9900 Frederikshavn
Send an email to our office via Att: Dept.: Store (WLS-FRH)
Holeby: or
Frederikshavn: ▪ Tools:
MAN Diesel & Turbo
Clearly stating: Langerak 74
▪ Our order number 9900 Frederikshavn
▪ Item numbers Att: Dept.: Service Center (DC5)
▪ Reason for return
▪ Your reference For returns to Singapore warehouse please use the
▪ Pictures of damaged parts - if any following address:

Please be noted that your parts are not to be ▪ MAN Diesel & Turbo Singapore Pte. Ltd.
returned unless there is an agreement with our 14 Tuas Avenue 1
Sales Coordinators and/or Superintendents. Singapore 639499
Att.: Logistic Centre, Asia
When parts are received in good condition, we will
issue a credit-note and return number. Please mark Note: Please be aware that it is only spare parts
the box with our order number or attach a copy of that have been purchased in Singapore that can be
our packing list. returned to Singapore warehouse

For return of tools please mark the box with our

project name and number on the box (P-xxxxx).

Please note that spare parts and/or tools are not to
be returned unless there is a written agreement with
MAN Diesel & Turbo, PrimeServ in Holeby or Fred-

▪ If you return your spare parts and/or tools with-

out a written agreement you will be charged a
fee for unauthorised returns
▪ If you return to Holeby instead of Frederikshavn,
you will have to pay freight charges of minimum
EUR 70,-
▪ Please note that you are responsible for any
damage caused to the returned parts arising
from your failure to provide adequate packing
and/or transport.

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Description 500.55
Page 1 (1) Service letters
Edition 01

L28/32S, L28/32S-DF, L27/38S, L23/30S, L21/31S, L16/24S, L23/30DF, L28/32DF,

V28/32S-DF, V28/32S, L16/24, L21/31, L23/30H, L27/38
In order to ensure the most efficient, economical
and up-to-date operation of our engines, we regu-
larly send out "Service Letters" containing first-hand
information regarding accumulated service experi-
The service letters can either deal with specific
engine types, or contain general instructions and
recommendations for all engine types, and are used
as a reference when we prepare up-dated editions
of instruction books.
Since new service letters might be of great impor-
tance to the operation of the plant, we recommend
that engine staff file them as supplements to the rel-
evant chapters of this instruction book.

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Description 500.60
Page 1 (4) Conversion Table
Edition 01

L28/32S, L27/38S, L23/30S, L21/31S, L16/24S, L23/30DF, L28/32DF, V28/32S,

L16/24, L21/31, L23/30H, L27/38
Basic SI Units Velocity, Speed (m/s) (3.6 km/h = 1 m/s)
Quantity Name Symbol 1 kn (knot) = 1 nautical mile/h 1.852 km/h =
0.5144 m/s
length metre m Cincerning other conversions, see table for length
mass kilogram kg
time second s
electric current ampere A
absolute temperature* kelvin K
amount of substance mole mol
luminous intensity candela cd
* Also named "thermodynamic temperature" Density
1 lb/cub. ft 16.02 kg/m3
Supplementary SI Units Force (1 kg m/s2 = 1 N)
Quantity Name Symbol 1 kp (kilopound)* 9.807 N
1 poundal** 138.3 x 10-3 N
plane angle radian rad 1 lbf (pound force) 4.448 N
solid angle steradian sr
* Can occasionally be found stated as kgf (kilogram force).
Standard acceleration of free fall gn = 9.80665 m/s2
** Unit of force in the ft-lb-s system
Additional SI Units Stress ( 1 N/m2 = 10 -6 N/mm2)
Quantity Name Symbol Definition 1 kp/mm2 = 100 kp/cm2 9.807 N/mm2
1 lbf/sq. in (psi) = 0.07031 6.895 x 10-3 N/mm2
time minute min 1 min = 60 s at
time hour h 1 h = 60 min
plane angle degree ° 1° = (p/180) rad
volume litre l 1 l = 1 dm3
pressure bar bar 1 bar = 105 Pa
Length (m) Dynamic viscosity (N s/m2)
1 in (inch) 25.40 mm = 0.0254 m 1 kp s/m2 9.807 N s/m2 = 98.07 P (poise)
1 ft (foot) = 12 inches 0.3048 m 1 poundal s/sq.ft 1.488 N s/m2
1 yd (yard) = 3 ft = 36 inches 0.9144 m 1 lbf/sq.ft 47.88 N s/m2
1 statute mile = 1760 yds 1609 m
1 n mile (international nautical mile) 1852 m
poise is a special name taken from the CGS system. 1
P = 0.1 Pa s
1 cP = 1 mPa s = 10-3 Pa s
Kinematic viscosity (m2/s)
1 sq.ft/s 92.90 x 10-3 m2/s = 92.90 x 103
cSt *
* 1 cSt (centi stokes) = 10-6 m2/s. Stokes is a special
name taken from the CGS system. 1 St = 10-4 m2/s

MAN Diesel & Turbo
500.60 Description
Conversion Table Page 2 (4)
Edition 01

L28/32S, L27/38S, L23/30S, L21/31S, L16/24S, L23/30DF, L28/32DF, V28/32S,

L16/24, L21/31, L23/30H, L27/38
SI Prefixes Energy, Work (1 Nm = 1 J, Wh)
Factor Prefix Symbol Factor Prefix Symbol 1 cal I.T* 4.187 J*
1 kpm 9.807 J
1018 exa E 10-1 deci d 1 hph (metric) 2.648 x 106 J = 0.7355 kWh
1015 peta P 10-2 centi c 1 ft. lbf 1.356 J
1012 tera T 10-3 milli m 1 hph (UK, US) 2.685 x 106J = 0.7457 kWh
109 giga G 10-6 micro μ 1 BTU (UK, US) 1.055 x 103J = 1.055 KJ
106 mega M 10-9 nano n
103 kilo k 10-12 pico p
102 hecto h 10-15 femto f
10 deca da 10-18 atto a
* Exact value: 4.1868 J
I.T. = International Steam Table
Area (m2)
1 sq. in (square inch) 0.6452 x 10-3 m2
1 sq. ft (square foot) 92.90 x 10-3 m2
Power (1 kg m2/s3 = 1 N m/s = 1 J/s = 1 W) Specific heat capacity (J/(kg K))
1 kpm/s 9.807 W 1 kcalI.T./(kg x °C) 4.187 x 103 J/(kg K)
1 hp (metric) = 75 kpm/s 735.5 W = 0.7355 kW 1 BTU*/(lb x °F) = 1 kcalI.T. /(kg °C) 4.187 x 103 J/(kg K)
1 kcalI.T./h 1.163 W
1 ft lbf/s 1.356 W
1 hp (UK, US) = 550 ft.lbf/s 745.7 W
1 BTU/h 0.2931 W

* British Thermal Unit (see table for energy conversions)

Moment of Force, Torque (kg m2/s2 = Nm) Heat conductance (W/(m K))
Can easily be derived from the above tables. 1 calI.T./(cm x s x °C) 418.7 W/(m K)
1 kcalI.T./(m x h x °C) 1.163 W/(m K)
1 BTU*/(ft x h x °F) 1.731 W/(m K)

* British Thermal Unit (see table for energy conversions)

Moment of Inertia (kg m2) Heat transmission (W/(m2 K))
1 GD2 (old notation) = 4 x I* kg m2 1 calI.T./(cm x s x °C) 41.87 x 103 W/(m2 K)
1 WR2 (old notation)* = 1 x I* kg m2 1 kcalI.T./(m" x h x °C) 1.163 W/(m2 K)
1 BTU*/(ft2 x h x °F) 5.678 W/(m2 K)

*I = ∫ dmr x r2 mr = mass at the radius r

G = W = mass in kg D = Diameter of gyration
R = Radius of gyration
Specific fuel consumption* (g/kWh) Specific fuel oil consumption (SFOC)
1 g/hph (metric) 1.360 g/kWh Reference conditions
Specific fuel oil consumption values refer to brake power, and the fol-
lowing reference conditions:
Reference conditions (ISO)
* See also table for specific fuel oil consump- Blower inlet temperature 25°C 298 K
tion values Blower inlet pressure 1000 mbar
Charge air coolant temperature 25°C 298 K
Fuel oil lower calorific value (10200
kcal/kg) 42707 kJ/kgk

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Description 500.60
Page 3 (4) Conversion Table
Edition 01

L28/32S, L27/38S, L23/30S, L21/31S, L16/24S, L23/30DF, L28/32DF, V28/32S,

L16/24, L21/31, L23/30H, L27/38
Temperature difference (K)
1 °C (Celsius) 1K
1 °F (Fahrenheit) 5/9 K
Temperature levels (K) (see "Derived SI Units with special Names)
t °C (Celsius) tc + 273.15 = K
t°F (Fahrenheit) 5/9(tf - 32) + 273.15 = K
Celsius from Fahrenheit: tc = 5/9(tf - 32)
Fahrenheit from Celcius: tf = 9/5 x tc + 32

Derived SI Units with Special Names

Quantity Name Symbol Expressed in basic, supplementary or
derived SI units

frequency hertz Hz 1 Hz = 1 s-1

force newton N 1 N = 1 kg m/s2
pressure, stress pascal Pa 1 Pa = 1 N/m2*
energy, working quantity of heat joule J 1 J = 1 Nm
power watt W 1 W = 1 J/s
electric potential (DC) volt V 1 V = 1 W/A
temperature Celsius °C 1°C = 1 k**
* For mechanical stresses N/mm2 is widely used. 1 N/mm2 = 106 N/m2
** t (°C) = T(K) - T0(K), where T0 = 273.15 K

Volume (1 m3 = 1000 l)
1 cub. in (cubic inch) 16.39 x 10-6 m3
1 cub. ft (cubic foot) 28.32 x 10-3 m3 = 28.32 l
1 gallon* (imperial, UK) 4.546 x 10-3 m3 = 4.546 l
1 gallon* (US) 3.785 x 10-3 m3 = 3.785 l
1 barrel (US petroleum barrel) = 42 gallon (US) 0.1590 m3
1 bbl (dry barrel, US) 0.1156 m3
1 register ton = 100 cub. ft 2.832 m3
* 1 gallon = 4 quarts = 8 pints
Mass (kg)
1 lb (pound mass) = 16 ozs (ounces) 0.4536 kg
1 cwt (UK) (hundredweight) = 112 lbs 50.80 kg
1 long ton (UK) = 20 cwt = 2240 lbs 1.016 metric tons = 1016 kg
1 short ton (UK) = 2000 lbs 0.907 metric tons = 907 kg
1 slug* 14.59 kg
* Unit and mass in the ft-lb-s system

MAN Diesel & Turbo
500.60 Description
Conversion Table Page 4 (4)
Edition 01

L28/32S, L27/38S, L23/30S, L21/31S, L16/24S, L23/30DF, L28/32DF, V28/32S,

L16/24, L21/31, L23/30H, L27/38
Pressure (1 N/m2 = 1 Pa, 1 bar = 105 Pa, 1 mbar = 10-3 bar)
1 kp/cm2 = 1 at = 0.9678 atm 98.07 x 103 Pa = 0.9807 bar
1 at = 735.5 mm Hg* = 10 m H2O** (T = 277 K)
750 mm Hg* 105 Pa = 1 bar
1 mm Hg* (T = 273 K) 133.3 Pa = 1.333 mbar
1 mm H2O** (T = 277 K) 10-4 at = 9.807 Pa = 98.07 x 10-3 mbar
1 in Hg* (T = 273 K) 3386 Pa = 33.86 mbar
1 in H2O** (T = 277 K) 249.1 Pa = 2.491 mbar
1 atm (standard atmosphere) 760 mm Hg 1.013 x 105 Pa = 1013 mbar
1 atm = 1.033 at
1 lbf/ (psi) 6895 Pa = 68.95 mbar

* Mercury. 1 mm Hg = 1 Torr
Values in table provided gn = 9.80665 m/s2
** Water column (WC)
Some physical data in SI units
t = temp. in °C ΔK = temperature difference
r = density in kg/m3 Cp = heat capacity in J/(kg DK)
t ρ Cp t range Cp

Water 18 999 4.18 x 103

Lubricating oil (approx.)* 15 900 1.96 x 103
Atmospheric air (dry) (p=1 bar) 0 1.276 998 0-150 1005
Exhaust gas 200-400 1080
* Viscosity: 100-140 cSt at 40°C
750 mm Hg = 1 bar = 105 Pa
1 atm (standard pressure at sea level) = 760 mm Hg = 1013 mbar
Gas constant for air and exhaust gas = 287 J/(kg x K) 2.256 x 106 J/kg
Water, heat of evaporation 100°C 1.013 bar 41-43 x 106 J/kg
Fuel oil. Lower calorific value 43 x 106 J/kg
ISO 3046/1-1986 standard reference fuel
Diesel engine reference fuel

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Description 500.65
Page 1 (10) Symbols for piping
Edition 03

L28/32S-DF, L28/32DF, L28/32S, V28/32S, L27/38, L27/38S, L23/30DF, L23/30S,

L23/30H, L21/31S, L21/31, L16/24S, L16/24
No Symbol Symbol designation No Symbol Symbol designation

1.1 Pipe 2.14 Spectacle flange

1.2 Pipe with indication of direction flow 2.15 Orifice

1.3 Valves, gate valves, cocks and flaps 2.16 Orifice

1.4 Appliances 2.17 Loop expansion joint

1.5 Indicating and measuring instru- 2.18 Snap coupling

1.6 High-pressure pipe 2.19 Pneumatic flow or exhaust to

1.8 Enclosure for several components 3.1 Valve, straight through

as-sembled in one unit
2. PIPES AND PIPE JOINTS 3.2 Valve, angle

2.1 Crossing pipes, not connected 3.3 Valve, three-way

2.2 Crossing pipes, connected 3.4 Non-return valve (flap), straight

2.3 Tee pipe 3.5 Non-return valve (flap), angle

2.4 Flexible pipe 3.6 Non-return valve (flap), straight

screw down
2.5 Expansion pipe (corrugated) general 3.7 Non-return valve (flap), angle, screw
2.6 Joint, screwed 3.8 Safety valve

2.7 Joint, flanged 3.9 Angle safety valve

2.8 Joint, sleeve 3.10 Self-closing valve

2.9 Joint, quick-releasing 3.11 Quick-opening valve

2.10 Expansion joint with gland 3.12 Quick-closing valve

2.11 Expansion pipe 3.13 Regulating valve

2.12 Cap nut 3.14 Ball valve (cock)

MAN Diesel & Turbo
500.65 Description
Symbols for piping Page 2 (10)
Edition 03

L28/32S-DF, L28/32DF, L28/32S, V28/32S, L27/38, L27/38S, L23/30DF, L23/30S,

L23/30H, L21/31S, L21/31, L16/24S, L16/24
No Symbol Symbol designation No Symbol Symbol designation
3.15 Butterfly valve 3.37 3/2 spring return valve contr. by sol-
3.16 Gate valve 3.38 Reducing valve (adjustable)

3.17 Double-seated changeover valve 3.39 On/off valve controlled by solenoid

and pilot directional valve and with
spring return
3.18 Suction valve chest 4. CONTROL AND REGULATION PARTS

3.19 Suction valve chest with non-return 4.1 Fan-operated

3.20 Double-seated changeover valve, 4.2 Remote control
3.21 Double-seated changeover valve, 4.3 Spring

3.22 Cock, straight through 4.4 Mass

3.23 Cock, angle 4.5 Float

3.24 Cock, three-way, L-port in plug 4.6 Piston

3.25 Cock, three-way, T-port in plug 4.7 Membrane

3.26 Cock, four-way, straight through in 4.8 Electric motor


3.27 Cock with bottom connection 4.9 Electromagnetic

3.28 Cock, straight through, with bottom 4.10 Manual (at pneumatic valves)
3.29 Cock, angle, with bottom connec- 4.11 Push button
3.30 Cock, three-way, with bottom con- 4.12 Spring
3.31 Thermostatic valve 4.13 Solenoid

3.32 Valve with test flange 4.14 Solenoid and pilot directional valve

3.33 3-way valve with remote control 4.15 By plunger or tracer


3.34 Non-return valve (air) 5. APPLIANCES

3.35 3/2 spring return valve, normally 5.1 Mudbox


3.36 2/2 spring return valve, normally 5.2 Filter or strainer


MAN Diesel & Turbo
Description 500.65
Page 3 (10) Symbols for piping
Edition 03

L28/32S-DF, L28/32DF, L28/32S, V28/32S, L27/38, L27/38S, L23/30DF, L23/30S,

L23/30H, L21/31S, L21/31, L16/24S, L16/24
No Symbol Symbol designation No Symbol Symbol designation
5.3 Magnetic filter 6. FITTINGS

5.4 Separator 6.1 Funnel / waste tray

5.5 Steam trap 6.2 Drain

5.6 Centrifugal pump 6.3 Waste tray

5.7 Gear or screw pump 6.4 Waste tray with plug

5.8 Hand pump (bucket) 6.5 Turbocharger

5.9 Ejector 6.6 Fuel oil pump

5.10 Various accessories (text to be 6.7 Bearing

5.11 Piston pump 6.8 Water jacket

5.12 Heat exchanger 6.9 Overspeed device


5.14 Air filter 7.1 Sight flow indicator

5.15 Air filter with manual control 7.2 Observation glass

5.16 Air filter with automatic drain 7.3 Level indicator

5.17 Water trap with manual control 7.4 Distance level indicator

5.18 Air lubricator 7.5 Recorder

5.19 Silencer

5.20 Fixed capacity pneumatic motor

with direction of flow
5.21 Single acting cylinder with spring
5.22 Double acting cylinder with spring
5.23 Steam trap

MAN Diesel & Turbo
500.65 Description
Symbols for piping Page 4 (10)
Edition 03

L28/32S-DF, L28/32DF, L28/32S, V28/32S, L27/38, L27/38S, L23/30DF, L23/30S,

L23/30H, L21/31S, L21/31, L16/24S, L16/24
List of Symbols
Pipe dimensions and piping signature

Pipe dimenesions
A : Welded or seamless steel pipes. B : Seamless precision steel pipes or Cu-pipes.
Normal Outside Wall Stated: Outside diameter and wall thickness i.e. 18 x 2
Diameter Diameter Thickness Piping
DN mm mm
: Built-on engine/Gearbox

: Yard supply
Items connected by thick lines are built-on engine/ gearbox.
15 21.3 In accordance
20 26.9 with classifica-
25 33.7 tion or other
32 42.4 rules
40 48.3
50 60.3
65 76.1
80 88.9
90 101.6
100 114.3
125 139.7
150 168.3
175 193.7
200 219.1
Pump, general DIN 2481 Ballcock

Centrifugal pump DIN 2481 Cock, three-way, L-port

Centrifugal pump with electric DIN 2481 Double-non-return valve DIN 74.253
Gear pump DIN 2481 Spectacle flange DIN 2481

Screw pump DIN 2481 Spectacle flange, open DIN 2481

Screw pump with electric DIN 2481 Spectacle flange, closed DIN 2481

Compressor ISO 1219 Orifice

Heat exchanger DIN 2481 Flexible pipe

Electric pre-heater DIN 2481 Centrifuge DIN 28.004

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Description 500.65
Page 5 (10) Symbols for piping
Edition 03

L28/32S-DF, L28/32DF, L28/32S, V28/32S, L27/38, L27/38S, L23/30DF, L23/30S,

L23/30H, L21/31S, L21/31, L16/24S, L16/24
Heating coil DIN 8972 Suction bell

Non-return valve Air vent

Butterfly valve Sight glass DIN 28.004

Gate valve Mudbox

Relief valve Filter

Quick-closing valve Filter with water trap ISO 1219

Self-closing valve Typhon DIN 74.253

Back pressure valve Pressure reducing valve (air) ISO 1219

Shut off valve Oil trap DIN 28.004

Thermostatic valve Accumulator

Pneumatic operated valve Pressure reducing valve with

pressure gauge


Specification of letter code for measuring devices

MAN Diesel & Turbo
500.65 Description
Symbols for piping Page 6 (10)
Edition 03

L28/32S-DF, L28/32DF, L28/32S, V28/32S, L27/38, L27/38S, L23/30DF, L23/30S,

L23/30H, L21/31S, L21/31, L16/24S, L16/24
1st letter Following letters
D : Density A : Alarm
E : Electric D : Difference
F : Flow E : Transducer
L : Level H : High
M ; Moisture I : Indicating
P : Pressure L : Low
S : Speed N : Closed
T : Temperature O : Open
V : Viscosity S : Switching, shut down
Z : Position T : Transmitter
X : Failure
(ISO 3511/I-1977(E)) C : Controlling
Z : Emergency/safety acting

The presence of a measuring device on a schematic dia-

gram does not necessarily indicate that the device is inclu-
ded in our scope of supply.
For each plant. The total extent of our supply will be stated
Specification of ID-no code for measuring signals/devices

1st digit 2nd digit

Refers to the main system to which the signal is related. Refers to the auxillary system to which the signal is rela-
1xxx : Engine x0xx : LT cooling water
2xxx : Gearbox x1xx : HT cooling water
3xxx : Propeller equipment x2xx : Oil systems (lub. oil, cooling oil, clutch oil, servo
4xxx : Automation equipment x3xx : Air systems (starting air, control air, charging air)
5xxx : Other equipment, not related to the propulsion x4xx : Fuel systems (fuel injection, fuel oil)
x5xx :
x6xx : Exhaust gas system
x7xx : Power control systems (start, stop, clutch, speed,
x8xx : Sea water
x9xx : Miscellaneous (shaft, stern tube, sealing)
The last two digits are numeric ID for devices referring to the same main and aux. system.

Where dublicated measurements are carried out, i.e. multiple similar devices are measuring the same parameter,
the ID specification is followed by a letter (A, B, ...etc.), in order to be able to separate the signals from each other.

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Description 500.65
Page 7 (10) Symbols for piping
Edition 03

L28/32S-DF, L28/32DF, L28/32S, V28/32S, L27/38, L27/38S, L23/30DF, L23/30S,

L23/30H, L21/31S, L21/31, L16/24S, L16/24
Basic symbols for piping
2237 Spring operated safety

2238 Mass operated Safety


2228 Spring actuator

2284 Float actuator

2229 Mass

2231 Membrane actuator

2230 Piston actuator

2232 Fluid actuator

2223 Solenoid actuator

2234 Electric motor actuator

2235 Hand operated

Basic Symbol

Valves 584 585 593 588 592 590 591 604 605 579

584: Valve general

585: Valve with continuous regulation
593: Valve with safety function
588:Straight-way valve
592: Straight-way valve with continuous regulation
590:Angle valve
591: Three-way valve
604: Straight-way non return valve
605: Angle non-return valve
579: Non-return valve, ball type
I - bored

L - bored

MAN Diesel & Turbo
500.65 Description
Symbols for piping Page 8 (10)
Edition 03

L28/32S-DF, L28/32DF, L28/32S, V28/32S, L27/38, L27/38S, L23/30DF, L23/30S,

L23/30H, L21/31S, L21/31, L16/24S, L16/24
T - bored

2237 Spring operated

safety valve
2238 Mass operated
Safety valve
2228 Spring actuator

2284 Float actuator

2229 Mass

2231 Membrane actuator

2230 Piston actuator

2232 Fluid actuator

2223 Solenoid actuator

2234 Electric motor actua-


2235 Hand operated

Basic Symbol

Valves 594 595 586 587 599 600 601 602 607 608 606

594: Straight-way reduction valve

595: Angle reduction valve
586: Gate valve
587: Gate valve with continuous regulation
599: Straight-way cock
600: Angle cock
601: Three-way cock
602: Four-way cock
607: Butterfly valve
608: Butterfly valve with continuous regulation
606: Non-return valve, flap type
No Symbol Symbol designation No Symbol Symbol designation
Miscellaneous 972 Pipe threaded connection

582 Funnel xxx Blind

581 Atomizer Tanks

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Description 500.65
Page 9 (10) Symbols for piping
Edition 03

L28/32S-DF, L28/32DF, L28/32S, V28/32S, L27/38, L27/38S, L23/30DF, L23/30S,

L23/30H, L21/31S, L21/31, L16/24S, L16/24
583 Air venting 631 Tank with domed ends

6.25 Air venting to the outside 771 Tank with conical ends

299 Normal opening/ closing speed yyy Electrical insert heater

300 Quick opening/ closing speed Heat exchanger

613 Orifice with diffuser 8.03 Electrical preheater

612 Orifice 8.08 Heat exchanger

611 Sight glass 792 Nest of pipes with bends

615 Silencer 798 Plate heat exchanger

617 Berst membrane Separators

629 Condensate relief 761 Separator

580 Reducer 764 Disc separator

589 Measuring point for thermo element Filters

1298 Air relief valve 669 Air filter

Couplings/ Flanges 671 Fluid filter

167 Coupling Coolers

955 Flanged connection 16.03 Cooling tower

971 Clamped connection 16.06 Radiator cooler

No Symbol Symbol designation No Symbol Symbol designation

Chimney Pumps
838 Chimney 708 Centrifugal pump

Expansion joints 697 Piston pump

2285 Expansion bellow 704 Piston pump - radial

4.1 Expansion pipe 700 Membrane pump

MAN Diesel & Turbo
500.65 Description
Symbols for piping Page 10 (10)
Edition 03

L28/32S-DF, L28/32DF, L28/32S, V28/32S, L27/38, L27/38S, L23/30DF, L23/30S,

L23/30H, L21/31S, L21/31, L16/24S, L16/24 Loop expansion joint 702 Gear pump Lyra expansion joint 705 Screw pump Lens expansion joint 706 Mono pump Expansion bellow 703 Hand vane pump Steel tube Motors Expansion joint with gland 13.14 Electrical motor AC

Compressors 13.14 Electrical motor AC

716 Piston compressor 13.14 Electrical motor AC

725 Turbo axial compressor 13.15 Electrical motor DC

726 Turbo dial compressor 13.15 Electrical motor DC

720 Roots compressor 13.15 Electrical motor DC

722 Screw compressors 13.15 Electrical motor DC

Ventilators 13.15 Electrical motor DC

637 Fan general 13.15 Electrical motor DC

638 Fan - radial 632 Turbine

639 Fan - axial 633 Piston engine

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (1) Operation of engine 501

Operation .................................................................................................................. 501.01 (22)
Out of service ........................................................................................................... 501.05 (09)
Starting-up after Repair ............................................................................................. 501.10 (03)
Guidelines for Longterm Low-Load Operation on HFO .............................................. 501.15 (03)
Guidelines regarding MAN Diesel & Turbo GenSets operating on low sulphur fuel oil 501.16 (02)

2017-08-16 - en
MAN Diesel & Turbo
Description 501.01
Page 1 (4) Operation
Edition 22

L27/38S, L27/38, L21/31S, L21/31, L16/24S, L16/24

Operation 4) Check prelubricating oil pressure at inlet to fil-
ter, inlet of the engine and inlet turbocharger at
the display module according to the data and
Preparations for Starting setpoints sheet.
The following describes what to do before starting
when the engine has been out of service for a Cooling Water System
period of time.
5) Open the cooling water supply.
Lubricating Oil System 6) Check the cooling water pressure.

1) Check the oil level in the base frame with the

2) Check the oil level in the actuator.
3) Start up the prelubricating pump.
To avoid shock effects owing to large tempera-
ture fluctuations just after start, it is recommen-

▪ to preheat the engine. Cooling water at least

60°C should be circulated through the cylinder
head for at least 2 hours before start:
– by means of cooling water from engines
which are running or by means of a pre-
heater (if installed).
▪ When starting without preheated cooling water,
the engine may only be started on MDO (Marine
Diesel Oil).

When starting on HFO (Heavy Fuel Oil), only item

A) applies.
Figure 4: RE2800 actuator

HFO System
7) Open the fuel oil supply.
Starting on HFO: circulate preheated fuel
through the pumps until correct working tem-
peratures have been achieved. This normally
takes 30-60 minutes.
It is recommended that the engine is prelubrica-
ted for at least 30 minutes prior to start-up (at 8) Regulating gear - please check:
the first starting-up, or if the engine is cold, the ▪ that all fuel injection pumps are set at index "0"
engine must be prelubricated for at least 60 when the regulating shaft is in STOP position.
minutes) or check that there is oil coming out at
bearings, pistons and rocker arms.

MAN Diesel & Turbo
501.01 Description
Operation Page 2 (4)
Edition 22

L27/38S, L27/38, L21/31S, L21/31, L16/24S, L16/24

▪ that each fuel injection pump can be pressed by Before starting on HFO the engine must be properly
hand to full index when the regulating shaft are preheated as described in "Preparations for Start-
in STOP position, and that the pumps return ing" and as described below.
automatically to the "0" index when the hand is Stopping the engine on HFO is no problem, but it
removed. should be ensured that the temperature of fuel
pipes is not reduced to a level below the pour point
Starting Air System of the fuel. Otherwise reestablishing the circulation
might cause problems.
9) Check the pressure in the starting air
10) Drain the starting air system.
Starting on MDO
11) Open the starting air supply. For starting on MDO there are no restrictions
except that lubricating oil viscosity may not be
12) Check the air pressure on the operating box higher than 1500 cSt (10°C SAE 40).
according to the data and setpoints sheet.
Initial ignition may be difficult if the engine and ambi-
ent temperatures are lower than 5°C and 15°C
Turning of Engine (not valid for L16/24 and cooling water temperature.
L16/24S engine)
13) Open the indicator valves and turn the engine Normal Starting procedure
some few revolutions, check that no liquid is 17) Start the engine by activating the start button
flowing out from any indicator valves during the on the display module.
14) Slow turning must always be carried out,
before the engine is started after prolonged out
of-service-periods and after overhauls, which
may involve a risk of liquid having collected in
the cylinders.
If the engine have been without prelubrication for
15) Close the indicator valves.
more than 20 min. it will not be possible to start
the engine (either remote or local). The only pos-
Starting sibility in this case is to activate the emergency
16) The engine may be started according to the start, located directly on the starter.
following procedure, see loading chart figure 2:
Cold Start procedure
A) Normal start without preheated cooling
water. Only on MDO. 18) Speed setpoint is set to 50% of nominal speed
B) Normal start with preheated cooling water. with use of SaCoSone Expert. If SaCoSone Expert
MDO or HFO. is not available, a spanner at the actuator arm
C) Stand-by engine. Emergency start, with pre- is used to keep the speed at 50% of nominal
heated cooling water, intermediate prelubricat- speed while decrease speed is activated during
ing or continuos prelubricating. MDO or HFO. starting.
Minimum speed is approx. 50% of nominal
Starting and Stopping on HFO speed.
19) Start the engine either by local start or emer-
Starting and stopping of the engine should take
gency start button on air starter. Run for 5
place on HFO in order to prevent any incompatibility
problems on changeover to MDO.
Hold a adjustablespanner at linkage between
MDO should only be used in connection with main- fuel rack and actuator in order to have total
tenance work on the engine or before a longer control over the speed.
period of engine standstill. When the engine ignites on all cylinders reduce
the fuel admission with the spanner until the

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Description 501.01
Page 3 (4) Operation
Edition 22

L27/38S, L27/38, L21/31S, L21/31, L16/24S, L16/24

engine can just keep running. Operation
At first start up the engine speed must not
exceed 50 % of nominal speed. The engine may be loaded according to the follow-
ing procedure:
20) Check pressure difference on lubricating oil
pressures before and after filter. The differencial A) Normal start without preheated cooling water.
pressure must be shortly above 1.5 bar with Only on MDO.
cold engine and it is acceptable if it is below B) Normal start with preheated cooling water. MDO
after 10 minutes. or HFO.
21) Check that all cylinder ignites. C) Stand-by engine. Emergency start, with prehea-
ted cooling water, intermediate prelubricating or
22) Check the lubrication at the rocker arms and
continuos prelubricating. MDO or HFO.
check all fuel oil pipes for leakages.
See loading chart fig 2.
23) During the 15 minutes the speed will slowly be
increased to nominal speed, if no abnormal
noise or leakages.
24) Check that pressure difference on lubrication
oil before and after filer is ok. Ascertain the run-
ning is normal.
When the engine is running the planned mainte-
Testing during Running nance programme and the following should be
Check the following on the display module accord-
ing to the data and setpoints sheet. 33) The lubricating oil pressure must be within the
25) Check the lubricating oil pressure. stated limits and may not fall below the stated
minimum pressure. The paper filter cartridges
26) Check the cooling water pressure. must be replaced before the pressure drop
27) Check the fuel oil feed pressure. across the filter reaches the stated maximum
value, or the pressure after the filter has fallen
28) Check that the turbocharger is running.
below the stated minimum value. Dirty filter
29) Check that the prelubricating oil pump stops cartridges cannot be cleaned for re-use.
34) The lubricating oil temperature must be kept
30) Check that all cylinders are firing, see exhaust within the stated limits indicated on the data
gas temperatures. and setpoints sheet.
35) The fuel oil pressure must be kept at the stated
36) The cylinder cooling water temperature must
be kept within the limits indicated on the data
and setpoints sheet.
Check the stop cylinder (Lambda controller) for 37) The exhaust gases should be free of visible
regulating the shaft works properly, both when smoke at all loads. For normal exhaust temper-
stopping normally and at overspeed and shut atures, see the test report from shop and sea
down. trials.
Check that all shutdowns are connected and
function satisfactory. 38) Keep the charging air pressure and tempera-
ture under control. For normal values, see the
31) Test the overspeed, see Working Card test report from shop and sea trials.
509-01.05. 39) Recharge the starting air receivers to the
32) Check that all alarms are connected. described value.

MAN Diesel & Turbo
501.01 Description
Operation Page 4 (4)
Edition 22

L27/38S, L27/38, L21/31S, L21/31, L16/24S, L16/24

40) To ensure full operational reliability, the condi-
tion of the engine should be continuously
observed so that order for preventive mainte-
nance work can be carried out before serious
breakdowns occur, see also section 502.

41) Normal GenSet operation (40-80% load), the
engines will be running low load during discon-
nection from main switch board and should be
stopped immediately.
For engines operating at average load above
75% it is recommended to run few minutes low
load or idling before stopping.
42) The engine is stopped by activating the stop
button on the display module.

Figure 5: Loading chart

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Description 501.05
Page 1 (3) Out of service
Edition 09

L27/38S, L21/31S, L16/24S, L23/30DF, L28/32DF, V28/32S, L16/24, L21/31,

Out of Service 3) Open up all filters to check that filter elements
are intact. Filter cartridges in the lub. oil filter
are to be replaced before start, after repair, or
Stand-by mode after excessive differential pressure. After
During engine standstill in stand-by position the removal, dirty elements can be examined for
media cooling water and fuel oil should be continu- particles of bearing metal at the bottom of the
ously circulated at temperatures similar to the oper- paper lamella (paper elements cannot be used
ating conditions. again).
The prelubricating pump must always run in 4) Lub. oil sump: Empty the oil sump of lubricat-
standby mode. ing oil and check the bottom of the oil sump for
fragments of babbitt from bearings. Remove
Maintenance during standstill the sludge, if not done within a period of one
year. Clean the sump very thoroughly and sub-
In periods during standstill of the engine (not in sequently coat with clean lubricating oil.
stand-by position) it is recommended to start the
5) Automatic lub. oil filter: Remove the complete
prelubricating oil pump for minimum 20 minutes
filter unit from the housing. Dismantle the end
once every week and to turn the engine during the
cover and candle unit. The filter candles are
prelubricating period by 2-3 revolutions.
inspected for possible damages. Replace if
Laid-up vessels
6) A lubricating oil sample should be sent to a lab-
During the lay-up period we recommend that our oratory for immediate analysis.
special instructions for preservation of the engines 7) The installed drain fasilities in the exhaust gas
are followed. system must be open.

Work before major repairs Work during repairs

Follow all Working Cards carefully. Carry out all the 8) Crankshaft: Carry out deflection measuring of
measuring and inspection stated on these Working the crankshaft, see "Checking of main bearings
Cards. alignment (Autolog)", Working Card 510-01.00.
1) Make a complete set of recordings of the 9) Turbocharger: If the recordings show that the
engine performance data at MCR load
charging air conditions have changed radically,
2) After stopping the engine, while the oil is still cleaning of turbocharger or charge air cooler or
warm, start the el-driven prelub. pump, open other action should be effected, see separate
up the crankcase and camshaft housings and instruction manual for turbocharger.
check that the oil is flowing freely from all bear-
10) Nuts and bolts: Tighten all nuts and bolts in
the crankcase, see "Data for torque moment",
After overhaul of pistons, bearings, etc. this
Description 500.40. Also retighten foundation
check should be repeated before starting the
bolts and check the chocks.
11) Camshaft gear train: Check the various gear
wheels for the camshaft(s).
12) Pneumatic valves: Drain starting air pipes for
condensed water. Check solenoid valve for
overspeed stop and optionally, charge air by-
pass valve and waste gate valve.
Propulsion engines: In case of longer runs
(more than 5 minutes) with the stand-by lub. oil 13) Lub. oil cooler: If the performance records
pump, the lub. oil connection to the turbocharger indicate increased lub oil temperature or pres-
should be closed. Do not forget to open this sure drop, the oil cooler should be dismantled
connection before operation. and cleaned.

MAN Diesel & Turbo
501.05 Description
Out of service Page 2 (3)
Edition 09

L27/38S, L21/31S, L16/24S, L23/30DF, L28/32DF, V28/32S, L16/24, L21/31,

Work after repairs overspeed can be tested by use of a spanner at
the linkage between the actuator and the fuel
14) Cleaning of lubricating oil system: Opening rack.
up the engines external systems can cause
ingress of impurities. If external pipe systems
(lubricating or fuel oil system) have been
opened/repaired etc. flushing/cleaning should
be carried out very carefully before starting the
engine. Further information regarding flushing/
cleaning contact MAN Diesel & Turbo
If overspeed shutdown (SSH 81) are activated,
15) The differential pressure across the lubricating nuts and bolts have to be retightened before the
oil filter must be watched very carefully after engine is started, (Nuts and bolts according to
cleaning and starting- up the engine. Be sure the colomn "Check new/overhauled parts after -
to replace filter cartridges in due time. hours" in the planned maintenance program).
16) After restoring normal prelubricating oil circula-
tion, turn the engine at least two revolutions by 21) Check the actuator as follows: start up the
means of the turning device to check the mov- engine and run it at the synchronous number of
ability of the relevant parts of the engine. revolutions.

17) Close drain cocks in the exhaust gas system if ▪ Speed-setting: before switching-in the alterna-
mounted. tor on the switchboard please check that the
servomotor adjusts the rpm with a suitable
18) Speed control system: Lubricate bearings quickness after actuation of the synchronizer
and rod connections. Disconnect the governor knob on the switchboard. The range from - 5%
and move the rod connections by hand to to + 5% from the synchronous rpm should be
check that friction in the bearings and fuel tested.
injection pump is sufficiently low. Checks which
should be made just before starting the engine ▪ Adjustment speed: switch in the alternator on
are mentioned under "Operation", see Descrip- the switchboard and set the load to about 40%.
tion 501.01 On reaching normal oil temperatures in actuator
and engine increase the load instantly to about
19) Cooling water system: Add cooling water, 80% (by starting a major pump or compressor).
keep the system under pressure and check for This must not cause the frequency to fall by
leakages at cylinder liner and cylinder head more than some 8%, and the engine must
sealings and at the cooling water joints. return to a constant no. rpm after about 3 sec-
Do not forget to add cooling water treatment onds (although this rpm will be a little lower than
additives. before owing to the speed drop of the actuator).
20) Checks to be made just before starting the If the engine is operated in parallel with other
engine are described under 501.01. engines, an even sharing of the load must be
established within about 3 seconds. If the
actuator reacts too slowly, compensating
Check of speed control system
adjustment is effected as indicated in the actua-
tor's instruction manual (Compensating Adjust-

At starting-up after an overhaul the overspeed

shutdown must be testet at correct setpoint
after the following has been done:
It is a condition for this test that the engine and
a) Start the engine and keep it at no load.
turbocharger are in perfect operating condition,
b) Overspeed is tested by setting the overspeed
so that possible sources of error can be elimina-
test active at the display module. Overspeed will
ted immediately.
occur at 85% of nominal speed. Alternatively

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Description 501.05
Page 3 (3) Out of service
Edition 09

L27/38S, L21/31S, L16/24S, L23/30DF, L28/32DF, V28/32S, L16/24, L21/31,

▪ Hunting: run the engine at synchronous rpm,
and without load. Provided that the actuator oil
is warm, the regulating lever must not perform
any major periodical movements, and neither
must there be any variation in the engine speed.
If that is the case, readjustment of the actuator
according to the actuator instruction manual.
▪ Speed drop: in case of unsatisfactory load
sharing between two or more engines this can
be rectified by increasing the speed drop of the
engine that is subject to the greatest load (or by
reducing the setting of the other engines).
The setting should normally not be increased
beyond the "max" value (stated below) on the scale,
and satisfactory parallel operation can generally be
obtained at settings "normal range" (stated below).
Setting "Default" stated below can be used in most

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Description 501.10
Page 1 (2) Starting-up after Repair
Edition 03

L27/38S, L21/31S, L16/24S, L23/30DF, L28/32DF, V28/32S, L16/24, L21/31,

Starting-up after Repair
The following enumerated checks are to be made
immediately after starting and during load increase.

The overspeed setting should be according to

"Operation data & set points", 500.30.

In the following it is assumed that the engine has To be Checked during Starting-up, but
been out of service for some time due to repairs only if Required after Repairs or
and that checks during out of service periods Alterations
have been carried out as described in the previ-
ous chapter. 6) If the condition of the machinery is not well-
known, especially after repairs or alterations,
the "feel-over sequence" should always be fol-
lowed, i.e.:
When starting up after repair, the following checks
must be made, in the order stated in addition to Begin the starting-up sequence at a reduced engine
normal surveillance and recording. speed, e.g. 400 rpm, until it can be known for cer-
tain that there are no hot spots in the crankcase.
Then increase the speed to the normal rpm.
After 5, 15 and 30 minutes idle running, open the
crankcase and the camshaft housing and perform
feel-over on the surfaces of all moving parts where
friction may arise and cause undue heating.
After completing the starting-up sequence, make
sure that all fuel injection pumps are set at the Feel: main bearings, big-end bearings, alternator
same index and that the governor can cause all bearings, and camshaft bearings, cylinder liners,
fuel pumps to move to "0" index. roller guides and gear wheels.
After the last feel-over, repeat check 1) on page
501.05, see also "Ignition in Crankcase" on page
To be Checked Immediately after Starting 503.04 in section 503.
1) Check that the turbocharger is running. After repair or renewal of cylinder liners, piston rings
2) Check that the lubricating oil pressure is in or bearings, allowance must be made for a running-
order. in period, i.e. the engine load should be increased
gradually as indicated in the tables below. The
3) Check that all cylinders are firing (see exhaust
engine output is determined on the basis of the fuel
index and the load on the electric switchboard. The
4) Check that everyting is normal for the engine turbocharger speed gives some indication of the
speed, fuel oil, cooling water and system oil. engine output, but is not directly proportional to the
5) Check by simulation of the overspeed shut output throughout the service period.
down device that the engine stops, see work The load increase during the starting-up sequence
card 509-01.05. may, for instance, be:
▪ 25 % load for 2 hours
▪ 50 % load for 2 hours
▪ 75 % load for 2 hours
▪ 100 % load may be put on

MAN Diesel & Turbo
501.10 Description
Starting-up after Repair Page 2 (2)
Edition 03

L27/38S, L21/31S, L16/24S, L23/30DF, L28/32DF, V28/32S, L16/24, L21/31,

For loads: see the fuel pump index on the testbed
figures in section 502.
The pump index indicated in the tables has been
given as a percentage of the index at full load. To
enable the index to be read directly off the fuel
pumps the following formula can be employed:

IF = Index at full load (from testbed table)

I% = Index expressed as % of full load index (stated
in the preceding starting-up sequence).
Following the alteration of the pump index of the
one or two cylinders concerned it must be checked
that when in the STOP position the governor is able
to move all the fuel pumps to an average pump
index not exceeding 2 or 3, thus excluding the pos-
sibility of racing of the engine when the propeller is

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Description 501.15
Page 1 (2) Guidelines for Longterm Low-Load Operation on HFO
Edition 03

L28/32S, L27/38S, L23/30S, L21/31S, L16/24S, V28/32S, L16/24, L21/31,

L23/30H, L27/38
Part load/low load operation

Figure 6: Low-load operation

nels and combustion air channels, combustion
In certain ship and power station operation modes chambers and turbocharger. HFO-operation at
the diesel generating sets are exposed to part loads lower than 20% MCR should therefore only
load/low load operation. take place within certain time limitations according
to the curves.
During manoeuvring of the ship all diesel generating
sets are often started up for safety reasons, result- After a certain period of HFO-operation at loads
ing in low load operation of all the engines. During lower than 20% MCR, a change to MDO should
harbour stay one diesel generator could be low-loa- take place in order to prevent further retardation of
ded when only hotel purposes are consuming elec- the engine performance condition. Alternatively, the
tricity. engine load should be raised to 70% MCR over a
period of 15 minutes and maintained here for some
Island mode operation of diesel generating sets in time in order to burn off the carbon deposits, thus
power stations is frequently exposed to low load re-establishing adequate performance condition.
operation like on a ship. After such a "clean burning period" low load opera-
At part load/low load it is important to maintain con- tion on HFO can be continued.
stant media temperatures, i.e. for cooling water, However, the operator must be aware of the fact
lubricating oil and fuel oil in order to ensure ade- that fouling in the combustion air inlet channels, if
quate combustion chamber temperature and thus any, will not be cleaned at high load operation.
complete combustion. Extensive low load running can therefore result in
At loads lower than 20% MCR there is a risk of time the need for manual cleaning of the combustion air
dependant retardation of the engine performance inlet channels.
condition due to fouling of the exhaust gas chan-

MAN Diesel & Turbo
501.15 Description
Guidelines for Longterm Low-Load Operation on HFO Page 2 (2)
Edition 03

L28/32S, L27/38S, L23/30S, L21/31S, L16/24S, V28/32S, L16/24, L21/31,

L23/30H, L27/38
If special application conditions require continuous
HFO-operation at loads lower than 20% MCR and
occasionally performed "clean-burning" periods are
inconvenient or impossible, special equipment and
arrangements must be established.

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Description Guidelines regarding MAN Diesel & Turbo GenSets 501.16
Page 1 (1)
operating on low sulphur fuel oil Edition 02

L23/30DF, L28/32S, L27/38S, L23/30S, L21/31S, L16/24S, V28/32S-DF, L28/32DF,

V28/32S, L16/24, L21/31, L23/30H, L27/38
When operating on MDO/MGO a larger leak oil
amount from fuel oil injection pumps and fuel oil
Exhaust emissions from marine diesel engines have injection valves can be expected compared to oper-
been the focus of recent legislation. Apart from ation on HFO.
nitrous oxides (NOx), sulphur oxides (SOx) are con-
sidered to be the most important pollution factor. A In order to carry out a quick change between HFO
range of new regulations have been implemented and MDO/MGO the change over should be carried
and others will follow (IMO, EU Directive, and out by means of the valve V1-V2 installed in front of
CARB). These regulations demand reduction of the engine.
SOx emissions by restricting the sulphur content of For the selection of the lubricating oil the same
the fuel. That is to say sulphur limits for HFO as well applies as for HFO. For temporary operation on dis-
as mandatory use of low sulphur distillate fuels for tillate fuels including low sulphur distillates nothing
particular applications. This guideline covers the has to be considered. A lubricating oil suitable for
engine related aspects of the use of such fuels. operation on diesel fuel should only be selected if a
distillate fuel is used continuously.
Low sulphur HFO
From an engine manufacturer’s point of view there
is no lower limit for the sulphur content of HFO. We
have not experienced any trouble with the currently
available low sulphur HFO, that are related to the
sulphur content or specific to low sulphur HFO. This
may change in the future if new methods are
applied for the production of low sulphur HFO
(desulphurization, uncommon blending compo-
nents). MAN Diesel & Turbo will monitor develop-
ments and inform our customers if necessary.
If the engine is not operated permanently on low
sulphur HFO, then the lubricating oil should be
selected according to the highest sulphur content
of the fuels in operation.

Low sulphur distillates

In general our GenSet is developed for continuous
operation on HFO as well as on MDO/MGO. Occa-
sionally changes in operation mode between HFO
and MDO/MGO are considered to be within normal
operation procedures for our engine types and do
thus not require special precautions.
Running on low sulphur fuel (< 0.1% S) will not
cause problems, but please notice the following
In order to avoid seizure of the fuel oil injection
pump components the viscosity at engine fuel oil
inlet must be > 2 cSt. In order achieve this it may be
necessary to install a fuel oil cooler, when the
engine is running on MGO. This is both to ensure
correct viscosity and avoid heating up the service
tank, which is important as the fuel oil injection
pumps are cooled by the fuel.

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (1) Performance and condition 502

Engine Performance and Condition ........................................................................... 502.01 (08)
Evaluation of Readings Regarding Combustion Condition ......................................... 502.02 (04)
Condensate amount ................................................................................................. 502.05 (05)

Work card
Engine Performance Data ......................................................................................... 502-01.00 (11)
Check of Leakages from Inspection Holes ................................................................ 502-05.00 (03)

2017-08-16 - en
MAN Diesel & Turbo
Description 502.01
Page 1 (3) Engine Performance and Condition
Edition 08

L28/32S, L27/38S, L23/30S, L21/31S, L16/24S, L23/30DF, L28/32DF, V28/32S,

L16/24, L21/31, L23/30H, L27/38
Performance data and engine condition Reduction of the charge air pressure results in a
corresponding reduction of the compression pres-
During operation small changes in the engine condi- sure and max. combustion pressure.
tion take place continuously as a result of combus-
tion, including fouling of airways and gasways, for- When checking the max. pressure adjustment of
mation of deposits, wear, corrosion, etc. If continu- the engine, it is therefore to be ensured that the
ously recorded, these changes in the condition can existing charge air pressure is correct. Is not avaia-
give valuable information about the operational and ble for L16/24.
maintenance condition of the engine. Continuous
observation can contribute to forming a precise and Fuel injection pump
valuable basis for evaluation of the optimum opera-
The amount of fuel injected is equivalent to the sup-
tion and maintenance programmes for the individual
plied energy and is thus an expression of the load
and mean effective pressure of the engine. The fuel
pump index can therefore be assumed to be pro-
Engine performance data portional to the mean pressure. Consequently, it
If abnormal or incomprehensible deviations in oper- can be assumed that the connected values of the
ation are recorded, expert assistance in the evalua- pump index are proportional to the load.
tion thereof should be obtained. The specific fuel consumption, SFOC (measured by
We recommend taking weekly records of the most weight) will, on the whole, remain unchanged
important performance data of the engine plant. whether the engine is operating on HFO or on
During recording (working card 502-01.00 can be MDO, when considering the difference in calorimet-
used) the observations are to be compared continu- ric heat value. However, when operating on HFO,
ously in order to ascertain alterations at an early the combination of density and calorific value may
stage and before these exert any appreciable influ- result in a change of up to 6% in the volumetric
ence on the operation of the plant. consumption at a given load. This will result in a
corresponding change in the fuel pump index, and
As a reference condition for the performance data, attention should be paid to this when adjusting the
the testbed measurements of the engine or possibly overload preventive device of the engine.
the measurements taken during the sea trial on the
delivery of the ship can be used. If considerable To avoid overloading of the engine the charge air
deviations from the normal conditions are observed, pressure and turbine speed recorded at the shop
it will be possible, in a majority of cases, to diag- test should not be exceeded.
nose the cause of such deviations by means of a At the Power Control Synchronizing (PCS) panel in
total evaluation and a set of measurements, after the engine control room it is possible to reduce the
which possible adjustment/overhauls can be deci- load by adjusting the setting for maximum MCR
ded on and planned. load limit.
Abrasive particles in the fuel oil result in wear of fuel
Evaluation of performance data injection pumps and fuel valve nozzles. Effective
treatment of the fuel oil in the purifier can keep the
Air cooler content of abrasive particles to a minimum. Worn
fuel injection pumps will result in an increase of the
Fouling of the air side of the air cooler will manifest index on account of an increased loss in the pumps
itself as an increasing pressure drop, lower charge due to leakage.
air pressure and an increased exhaust/charge air
When evaluating operational results, a distinction is
temperature level (with consequential influence on
to be made between changes which affect the
the overhaul intervals for the exhaust valves).
whole engine (all cylinder units) and changes which
An increase in ambient air temperature involves a occur in only one or a few cylinders.
corresponding increase in the exhaust gas temper-
Deviations occuring for a few cylinders are, as a
ature level by a ratio of about 1:1.5, i.e. 1°C higher
rule, caused by malfunctioning of individual compo-
charge air temperature causes about 1.5°C higher
nents, for example a fuel valve with a too low open-
exhaust gas temperature.

MAN Diesel & Turbo
502.01 Description
Engine Performance and Condition Page 2 (3)
Edition 08

L28/32S, L27/38S, L23/30S, L21/31S, L16/24S, L23/30DF, L28/32DF, V28/32S,

L16/24, L21/31, L23/30H, L27/38
ing pressure, blocked nozzle holes, wear or other Abrasive particles in the fuel oil involve heavier wear
defects, an inlet or exhaust valve with wrongly of the fuel valve needle, seat, and fuel nozzle holes.
adjusted clearance, burned valve seat, etc. Therefore, abrasive particles are to the greatest
possible extent to be removed at the purification.
Fouling of the turbine side of the turbocharger will,
Exhaust valves
in its first phase, manifest itself in increasing turbo- The overhaul intervals for exhaust valves is one of
charger revolutions on account of increased gas the key parameters when the reliability of the entire
velocity through the narrowed nozzle ring area. In engine is to be judged. The performance of the
the long run, the charging air quantity will decrease exhaust valves is therefore extremely informative.
on account of the greater flow resistance through Especially under unfavourable conditions, fuel quali-
the nozzle ring, resulting in higher wall temperatures ties with a high vanadium and sodium content will
in the combustion chambers. promote burning of the valve seats. Combinations
Service experience has shown that the turbine side of vanadium and sodium oxides with a corrosive
is exposed to increased fouling when operating on effect will be formed during combustion. This adhe-
HFO. sive ash may, especially in the event of increased
The rate of fouling and thereby the influence on the valve temperatures, form deposits on the seats. An
operation of the engine is greatest for small turbo- increasing sodium content will reduce the melting
chargers where the flow openings between the point and thereby the adhesive temperature of the
guide vanes of the nozzle ring are relatively small. ash, which will involve a greater risk of deposits.
Deposits occur especially on the guide vanes of the This condition will be especially unfavourable when
nozzle ring and on the rotor blades. In the long run, the na/va weight ratio increases beyond 1:3.
fouling will reduce the efficiency of the turbocharger The exhaust valve temperature depends on the
and thereby also the quantity of air supplied for the actual maintenance condition and the load of the
combustion of the engine. A reduced quantity of air engine. With correct maintenance, the valve tem-
will result in higher wall temperatures in the com- perature is kept at a satisfactory low level at all
bustion spaces of the engine. loads. The air supply to the engine (turbocharger/air
Detailed information and instructions regarding cooler) and the maximum pressure adjustment are
water washing of the turbocharger are given in the key parameters in this connection.
instruction manual. It is important for the functioning of the valves that
the valve seats are overhauled correctly in accord-
Fuel valves ance with our instructions.
The use of rotocaps ensures a uniform distribution
Assuming that the fuel oil is purified effectively and
of temperature on the valves.
that the engine is well-maintained, the operational
conditions for the fuel valves and the overhaul inter-
vals will not normally be altered essentially when Air inlet valves
operating on HFO. The operational conditions of the air inlet valves are
If, for any reason, the surface temperature of the not altered substantially when using residual fuel.
fuel valve nozzle is lower than the condensation
temperature of sulphuric acid, sulphuric acid con- Fuel injection pumps
densate can form and corrosion take place (cold
corrosion). The formation of sulphuric acid also Assuming effective purification of the fuel oil, the
depends on the sulphur content in the fuel oil. operation of the fuel injection pumps will not be very
much affected.
Normally, the fuel nozzle temperature will be higher
than the approx. 180°C at which cold corrosion The occurrence of increasing abrasive wear of
starts to occur. plunger and barrel can be a consequence of insuffi-
cient purification of the fuel oil, especially if a fuel
which contains residues from catalytic cracking is
used. Water in the fuel oil increases the risk of cavi-

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Description 502.01
Page 3 (3) Engine Performance and Condition
Edition 08

L28/32S, L27/38S, L23/30S, L21/31S, L16/24S, L23/30DF, L28/32DF, V28/32S,

L16/24, L21/31, L23/30H, L27/38
tation in connection with pressure impulses occur-
ring at the fuel injection pump cut-off. A fuel with a
high asphalt content has deteriorating lubricating
properties and can, in extreme cases, result in
sticking of the fuel injection pump plungers.

Engine room ventilation, exhaust system

Good ventilation of the engine room and suitable
location of the fresh air intake on the deck are
important. Sea water in the intake air might involve
corrosive attack and influence the overhaul intervals
for the exhaust valves.
The fresh air supply (ventilation) to the engine room
should correspond to approximately 1.5 times the
air consumption of the engines and possible boilers
in operation. Under-pressure in the engine room will
involve an increased exhaust temperature level.
The exhaust back-pressure measured after the tur-
bochargers at full load must not exceed 300 mm
water column. An increase in the exhaust back-
pressure will also cause an increased exhaust valve
temperature level, and increased fuel consumption.

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Description Evaluation of Readings Regarding Combustion 502.02
Page 1 (1)
Condition Edition 04

L28/32S, L27/38S, L23/30S, L21/31S, L16/24S, L23/30DF, L28/32DF, V28/32S,

L16/24, L21/31, L23/30H, L27/38
Evaluation of readings

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Description 502.05
Page 1 (4) Condensate amount
Edition 05

L27/38S, L23/30S, L21/31S, L16/24S, L23/30DF, V28/32S-DF, L28/32DF,

V28/32S, L16/24, L21/31, L23/30H, L27/38
Basic principles
Air contains water in extremely fine distribution - as
water vapor. During compression and cooling of air
some of this water will separate from the air. This
applies to the compression and cooling of the
charge air by the turbocharger and charge air
cooler and it applies to the behavior of compressed
air in pressure vessels. The condensate volume
▪ with increasing air temperature,
▪ with increasing air humidity,
▪ as the charge air pressure increases and
▪ as the charge air temperature falls.
After the charge air cooler, i.e. in the charge air
pipe, 1.000 kg of water per hour may be produced
under certain circumstances. This is due to the
great volumes of air and the relatively high charge
air pressures. At tropical temperatures the effect is
even greater.
Therefore it is important, that condensate drain
always operates properly to minimize the con-
densed water quantity in the engine.
The amount of water produced in compressed air
pressure vessels is much less. For pressure vessels
with 4 m³ volume this amount hardly ever exceeds
5 kg per charge.

Condensate drain must always operate properly.
Compressed air pressure vessels must be
drained after they are filled and before use.

MAN Diesel & Turbo
502.05 Description
Condensate amount Page 2 (4)
Edition 05

L27/38S, L23/30S, L21/31S, L16/24S, L23/30DF, V28/32S-DF, L28/32DF,

V28/32S, L16/24, L21/31, L23/30H, L27/38
Nomogram for calculating the condensed
water quantity
By means of the nomogram in figure 1 the water
quantity which arises during the compressing and
cooling of air in the charge air pipe or in a pressure
vessel can be determined. The principles of the pro-
cedure are described using two examples.

Figure 7: Nomogram for establishing the condensed water quantity in the charge air pipes and compressed air tanks

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Description 502.05
Page 3 (4) Condensate amount
Edition 05

L27/38S, L23/30S, L21/31S, L16/24S, L23/30DF, V28/32S-DF, L28/32DF,

V28/32S, L16/24, L21/31, L23/30H, L27/38
Example 1 - Establishing the water volume
produced in the charge air pipe
1. Step Ambient temperature 35 ℃
relative humidity 90%
In the diagram this results in point of intersection
i.e. the original water content with 0.032 kg water/kg air
Step 2 Charge air temperature after cooler 50 ℃
Charge air pressure (Overpressure) 3.0 bar
In the diagram this results in point of intersection
i.e. the reduced water content with 0.018 kg water/kg air
3. Step The difference between I and II is the condensed water quantity A:
A = I – II = 0.032 – 0.018 = 0.014 kg water/kg air
4. Step The quantity of water QA that accumulates per hour is obtained by multiplying the above by the
engine output and specific air throughput:
Engine output P 1260 kW
specific air flow ratee* 8.0 kg/kWh

QA = A ∙ P ∙ Ie = 0.014 ∙ 1260 ∙ 8.0 = 141.1 kg water/h

* The specific air throughput depends upon the type of engine and the engine load. Approximate determination of the
condensed water quantity can use the following approximate values:
Four-stroke engines Approx. 7.0 ... 8.0 kg/kWh,

MAN Diesel & Turbo
502.05 Description
Condensate amount Page 4 (4)
Edition 05

L27/38S, L23/30S, L21/31S, L16/24S, L23/30DF, V28/32S-DF, L28/32DF,

V28/32S, L16/24, L21/31, L23/30H, L27/38
Example 2 - Establishing the water volume
arising in a pressure vessel
1. Step Ambient temperature 35°C,
relative humidity 90%.
In the diagram this results in point of intersection
i.e. the original water content with 0.032 kg water/kg air.
2. Step Temperature T of the air in the pressure vessel 40 °C = 313 K,
Pressure in the pressure vessel (overpressure) pü 30 bar, corresponding to

absolute pressure Pabs 31 bar or 31 · 105 N/m2

In the diagram this results in point of intersection

i.e. the reduced water content with 0.002 kg water/kg air.
3. Step The difference between I and III is the condensed water quantity B:
B = I – III = 0.032 – 0.002 = 0.03 kg water/kg air.
4. Step Multiplying by the air mass m in the pressure vessel produces the water volume QB, which ari-
ses when filling the pressure vessel:
QB = B·m
m is calculated as follows:

In this equation:
The absolute pressure in the pressure vessel pabs 31∙105 N/m2

Volume of the pressure vessel V 4.000 dm3 = 4 m3,

Gas constant for air R 287 Nm/kg ⋅ K,
Temperature T of the air in the pressure vessel 40 °C = 313 K.

Resulting in the following

QB = B · m = 0.03 · 138 kg = 4.14 kg water

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Work Card 502-01.00
Page 1 (4) Engine Performance Data
Edition 11

L28/32DF, L23/30DF, L28/32S, L23/30H, L23/30S, L27/38S, L21/31S, L16/24S,

L16/24, L21/31, L27/38
Safety precautions Special tools

Engine stopped Plate No. Item No. Note

Shut-off starting air 52002 138 only for L21/31, L27/38
52002 498 only for L27/38
Shut off cooling water
Shut off fuel oil
Shut-off cooling oil
Stop lub. oil circulation
Press Blocking - Reset

Short Description
Measurements of engine performance data.

Starting Position Hand Tools

Engine is running.

Related Procedure

Qualified Manpower Replacement and wearing parts

Duration in h : 1 Plate No. Item No. Quantity
Number : 1

Data for pressure and tolerance (Page 500.35)
Data for tightening torque (Page 500.40)
Declaration of weight (Page 500.45)

MAN Diesel & Turbo
502-01.00 Work Card
Engine Performance Data Page 2 (4)
Edition 11

L28/32DF, L23/30DF, L28/32S, L23/30H, L23/30S, L27/38S, L21/31S, L16/24S,

L16/24, L21/31, L27/38

Health Risk!

Health Risk!
Due to vibrations during engine operation, espe-
cially in awkward positions!


Use original tool!

The area around the engine

The area around the engine must be clean and


MAN Diesel & Turbo
Work Card 502-01.00
Page 3 (4) Engine Performance Data
Edition 11

L28/32DF, L23/30DF, L28/32S, L23/30H, L23/30S, L27/38S, L21/31S, L16/24S,

L16/24, L21/31, L27/38

Eng. type: Eng. No:

T/C type: Serial No:
Fuel type: Viscosity:
Density: Date:

Load %
Air temp before compressor filter °C
Ambient pressure mbar
Running hours
RPM 1/min
T/C rpm 1/min
HT temperature °C
HT pressure bar
LT temperature °C
LT pressure bar
LO temperature °C
LO pressure before filter bar
LO pressure after filter bar
LO pressure T/C bar
FO temperature °C
FO pressure bar
CA temperature °C
CA pressure bar
ΔP CA Cooler mmWC
Exhaust before T/C °C
Exhaust after T/C °C
L1 Phase °C
L2 Phase °C
L3 Phase °C
Governor index
Power kW
Voltage V
Current A
Cos phi / kvAr
Crankcase pressure mmWC

MAN Diesel & Turbo
502-01.00 Work Card
Engine Performance Data Page 4 (4)
Edition 11

L28/32DF, L23/30DF, L28/32S, L23/30H, L23/30S, L27/38S, L21/31S, L16/24S,

L16/24, L21/31, L27/38
Exhaust Index Pmax * Exhaust Index Pmax *
°C mm bar °C mm bar
Cylinder 1
Cylinder 2
Cylinder 3
Cylinder 4
Cylinder 5
Cylinder 6
Cylinder 7
Cylinder 8
Cylinder 9

* for L16/24 Pmax is not available.

Date: Signature:

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Work Card 502-05.00
Page 1 (4) Check of Leakages from Inspection Holes
Edition 03

L21/31S, L21/31

Safety precautions Special tools

Engine stopped Plate No. Item No. Note

Shut-off starting air
Shut off cooling water
Shut off fuel oil
Shut-off cooling oil
Stop lub. oil circulation
Press Blocking - Reset

Short Description
Check of leakages from inspection holes.

Starting Position Hand Tools

Related Procedure

Qualified Manpower Replacement and wearing parts

Duration in h : 1/4 Plate No. Item No. Quantity
Number : 1

Data for pressure and tolerance (Page 500.35)
Data for tightening torque (Page 500.40)
Declaration of weight (Page 500.45)

MAN Diesel & Turbo
502-05.00 Work Card
Check of Leakages from Inspection Holes Page 2 (4)
Edition 03

L21/31S, L21/31

Health Risk!

Health Risk!
Due to vibrations during engine operation, espe-
cially in awkward positions!


Use original tool!

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Work Card 502-05.00
Page 3 (4) Check of Leakages from Inspection Holes
Edition 03

L21/31S, L21/31

1) Leakages from cylinder head, see fig.1.
If Then
Water leaks from the inspection hole The O-ring on the top of the liner has to be replaced
Gas leaks from the inspection hole The sealing ring cylinder head/liner has to be replaced

Figure 8: Inspection holes in the cylinder unit

MAN Diesel & Turbo
502-05.00 Work Card
Check of Leakages from Inspection Holes Page 4 (4)
Edition 03

L21/31S, L21/31
2) Leakages from HT cooling water pump, see
If Then
Water leaks from the inspection hole Check the rotating sealing

3) Leakages from LT cooling water pump, see

If Then
Water leaks from the inspection hole Check the rotating sealing

Figure 9: Inspection holes in the front-end box

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (1) Trouble shooting 503

Starting Failures ........................................................................................................ 503.01 (02)
Faults in Fuel Oil System ........................................................................................... 503.02 (05)
Disturbances during running ..................................................................................... 503.03 (08)
Ignition in crankcase ................................................................................................. 503.04 (03)
Trouble shooting guide for centrifugal by-pass filter .................................................. 503.05 (02)
Trouble Shooting Guide for Air Starter ....................................................................... 503.06 (04)
Trouble shooting guide for air starter ......................................................................... 503.06 (05)
Trouble Shooting for Cooling Water System .............................................................. 503.09 (03)
Trouble Shooting for Lubricating Oil Cooler ............................................................... 503.10 (01)

2017-08-16 - en
MAN Diesel & Turbo
Description 503.01
Page 1 (1) Starting Failures
Edition 02

L27/38S, L21/31S, L16/24S, L23/30DF, L28/32DF, V28/32S, L16/24, L21/31,

Starting failures
Trouble Possible cause Troubleshooting
Engine turns as soon as shutoff valve is Faults in electrical system. Check electrical parts.
opened, without start button being
Engine does not turn when start button Air pressure in starting air receiver too Start compressors, re-charge air
is activated. low. receiver.
Main valve(s) closed. Open valve at receiver and stop valve
interposed in line between receiver and
Pinion does not engage with the fly- Check the air starter.
Air motor runs, pinion engages but Check the air motor for broken shaft-
does not rotate. ing, bearing or clutch jaws, see Work-
ing Card 513-01.30.
Faults in electrical system. Check electrical parts.
Engine turns too slowly or irregularly Worn air motor parts. Remove and disassemble the air
when start button is activated. motor. Examine all parts and replace
any that are worn or damaged. Use the
guidelines for determining unservicea-
ble parts, see Working Card 513-
Start valve is sticking in closed posi- Check start valve.
Low air pressure. Raise the air receiver pressure.
Air starter works, but the drive shaft Clutch or drive shaft broken. Dismantle the air starter and repair it.
does not rotate.

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Description 503.02
Page 1 (3) Faults in Fuel Oil System
Edition 05

L27/38S, L21/31S, L16/24S, L23/30DF, L28/32DF, V28/32S, L16/24, L21/31,

Faults in fuel oil system
Trouble Possible cause Troubleshooting
Engine turns, but ignition fails. Fuel Sluggish movement of manoeuvering Lubricate and mobilize rod connections
pumps are not actuated. gear. in manoeuvering gear.
Incorrect adjustment of manoeuvering Check rod connection.
gear. Check that fuel pump index corre-
sponds to 'Adjustments after trials' in
testbed chart.
Safety system stop activated. Reset safety system stop.
Piston in Lambda controller is actu- Check that piston is not sticking.
ated. Check that pressure in cylinder is
Check that the shutdown trip is not
Piston in Lambda controller cylinder is Check pressures and temperatures.
actuated due to stop function or fuel lli- Check for faults in shut-down devices.
mitation Check for faults in fuel limitation devi-
Check adjustment according to Work
Card 509-10.00
Incorrect adjustment of Lambda con- Adjust setting of adjustment screw, see
troller's adjustment screw. Work Card 509-10.00.
Governor setting incorrect. Adjust governor/actuator, see instruc-
tion manual for governor/actuator.
Failures in governor/actuator. Check that governor is working prop-
For further faults location, see instruc-
tion manual for governor/actuator.
Sticking fuel pumps. Dismantle and clean.

Trouble Possible cause Troubleshooting

Engine turns, but no fuel is injected Fuel oil service tank empty. Pump oil into the tank.
owing to failure in fuel system.
If Then
Air in the fuel Loosen hexagon
pumps. socket screw on
fuel pumps until air
Engine runs, but does not ignite on all Air in fuel valves. Ignition fails on Vent the respec-
cylinders. one or more cylin- tive fuel valves.
ders due to air in
the fuel valves.

MAN Diesel & Turbo
503.02 Description
Faults in Fuel Oil System Page 2 (3)
Edition 05

L27/38S, L21/31S, L16/24S, L23/30DF, L28/32DF, V28/32S, L16/24, L21/31,

Trouble Possible cause Troubleshooting
Engine runs, but does not ignite on all Air in fuel valves. Ignition fails on Change the fuel
cylinders. one or more cylin- valves and check
ders and no air them for sticking
bubbles appear spindle or broken
Check for collect-
ing oil on piston
Air appears in the Check stuffing box
entire system and sealing in the
fuel system
Worn-out fuel pump Change fuel pumps
If Then
Pressure before Clean fuel filter.
pumps is too low Check that bypass
valve for feed
pump is not open.
Pressure is still too Increase the fuel
low oil feed pump

Trouble Possible cause Troubleshooting

Engine turns, fuel is injected, but igni- Water in the fuel Drain of water and repeat venting of
tion fails. fuel pumps by loosening the hexagonal
socket screw until air disappears.
Fuel valves or nozzles defective Change defective fuel valves, see Work
Card 514-01.10.
If Then
Compression dur- Check intake and
ing start too low. exhaust valve for
tight closing.
Check piston
Timing of fuel Check fuel cam-
camshaft is incor- shaft adjustment,
rect. see Work Card
Major alteration of Adjust camshaft,
the fuel demand see Work Card
adjustment of the 507-01.20.
fuel pump timing.
Oil has collected Slow turning to
on piston crown. remove oil. Locate
and change
detective fuel

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Description 503.02
Page 3 (3) Faults in Fuel Oil System
Edition 05

L27/38S, L21/31S, L16/24S, L23/30DF, L28/32DF, V28/32S, L16/24, L21/31,

Trouble Possible cause Troubleshooting
First ignitions are too violent. Engine Sluggish movement of manoeuvering Lubricate and mobilize rod connections
runs erratically. gear. and bearings in manoeuvring gear.
Fuel pump index too high Check rod connection in manouevring
gear. Check that governor/actuator is
working properly.

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Description 503.03
Page 1 (4) Disturbances during running
Edition 08

V28/32S, L28/32S, L27/38S, L27/38, L23/30S, L23/30H, L21/31S, L21/31,

L16/24S, L16/24
Disturbances during running
Trouble Possible cause Trouble shooting
Exhaust temperature(s) (All cyls.) Increased charging air tempera- See section 512/612
increase(s) ture due to ineffective air coolers
(All cyls.) Fouling or air and gas passages Reduce load and water-wash turbine.
Clean air filters and coolers
(All cyls.) Insufficient cleaning of fuel oil or See section 504/604
changed combustion characteristics
(All cyls.) Wrong position of camshaft Check Pmax. Check camshaft adjustment

(single cyls.) Fuel valve or valve nozzle See section 514/614

(Single cyls.) Leaky exhaust valves (1) Check the valve clearance. Replace cylin-
der head with defective valve
(Single cyls.) Blow-by leaky combustion See section 506/606
chamber (2)
(Single cyls.) Damaged fuel pump cam Replace the single camshaft section

Trouble Possible cause Trouble shooting

Exhaust temperature(s) (All cyls.) Decreased charging air tempera- Check that thermostatic valve (by-pass
decrease(s) ture valve) in cold water system is working
properly and correctly set
(Single cyls.) Air in fuel pump(s) and fuel Venting of fuel pump(s) until fuel without
injection valve(s) air bubbles appears. Check external feed
pump pressure
(Single cyls.) Spindle in fuel valve sticking Change and overhaul defective fuel valve
(Single cyls.) Fuel pump plunger sticking Change fuel pump plunger/barrel assem-
or leaking (3) bly

Trouble Possible cause Trouble shooting

Engine RPM decreases Pressure before fuel pumps too low Raise external fuel oil feed pump pressure
to normal. Check filter
Fuel valve or fuel pump defective Change defective valve or pump
Water in the fuel Drain off water and vent the fuel pumps
Governor/actuator defective (4) Replace defective governor/actuator
Increased internal friction in engine (5) See "Ignition in Crankcase" in section 503
MAN Diesel & Turbo
503.03 Description
Disturbances during running Page 2 (4)
Edition 08

V28/32S, L28/32S, L27/38S, L27/38, L23/30S, L23/30H, L21/31S, L21/31,

L16/24S, L16/24
Trouble Possible cause Trouble shooting
Engine stops Shut-down for overspeed Check fuel pumps, see section 514/614
Check governor/actuator, see governor/
actuator manual
Check movement of regulating mecha-
Shut-down for low lubricating oil pressure Check pressostate, see section 509/609
Check lubricating oil filter, see section
Check lubricating oil pump, see section
Shut-down for high lubricating oil pressure Check lubrication oil flow and pressure,
see section 515/615
Clean lubricating oil cooler, see section
Shut-down for high HT cooling water tem- Check HT system and pumps

Trouble Possible cause Trouble shooting

Smoky exhaust Turbine RPM lagging behind engine RPM Reasonably smoke is normal when RPM
increases; no measures called for. If
smoky exhaust during normal running,
clean turbine(s) and check valves
Air supply too low Fouling of air and gas passages, see sec-
tion 512/612
Fuel valves or nozzles defective See section 514/614
"Trumpets" at nozzle holes. Failure of Overhaul fuel valves
cooling (especially during heavy oil opera-
tion) (6)

Trouble Possible cause Trouble shooting

Exhaust valve knocking Adjusting screw for valve setting loose. Inspect and replace defective parts as
Push rod thrust disc damaged necessary

Trouble Possible cause Trouble shooting

Rising cooling water tem- Thermostatic function Check thermostat
Pump defective (7) Stop the engine and repair the pump
Decreased flow Check valves. If The cooling water fitted
temperature for the entire engine has risen
to 90-100°C
Then Open the test cocks (if on the dis-
charge from cylinders)
MAN Diesel & Turbo
Description 503.03
Page 3 (4) Disturbances during running
Edition 08

V28/32S, L28/32S, L27/38S, L27/38, L23/30S, L23/30H, L21/31S, L21/31,

L16/24S, L16/24
Trouble Possible cause Troubleshooting
Lubricating oil pressure fails Lubricating oil pump defective (8) Check lubricating oil pump, see section
Filters fouled Clean filter, see section 515/615
Cooler fouled Clean cooler, see section 515/615
If The lubricating oil pressure drops below
the minimum stated before in the Data
Then Stop the engine: find the cause of
the pressure drop and remedy the defect
restarting the engine
Note! Feel over 5-15-30 minutes after
starting, and again when full load is ach-
See section 502/602

Only for engine 23/30 & 28/32

Trouble Possible cause Troubleshooting
Alternator Short circuit Flywheel must be
dismounted guide
pin replaced.
MAN Diesel & Turbo
503.03 Description
Disturbances during running Page 4 (4)
Edition 08

V28/32S, L28/32S, L27/38S, L27/38, L23/30S, L23/30H, L21/31S, L21/31,

L16/24S, L16/24
1. This manifests itself by rise of the exhaust temperature and falling of the compression and maximum com-
bustion pressure of the respective cylinder.
To limit the damage to the valves, these should be changed immediately, if possible, or the fuel pump of
the cylinder concerned should be put out of operation by moving the index to stop and locking it in this
2. Blow-by means a serious danger of piston seizure, and the engine must if possible be stopped and the
piston in question pulled. If this is not possible, the fuel pump index must as described above, be moved to
stop. Leaky piston rings will normally result in a heavy excess pressure in the crankcase.
3. If this happens the fuel pump barrel and plunger must be changed, and if, to obtain full load of the respec-
tive cylinder, it is necessary to increase the fuel pump index by more than 10 index degrees, the fuel pump
is in most cases worn out. Usually this is confirmed by inspection of the fuel pump plunger on which the
helical cut-off edge will show a pitted and corroded area where material is plucked out. In that case the
pump can be provided with a new barrel and plunger.
4. The actuator/governor will not reduce the fuel pump delivery to zero in case of, for instance, failure of the
actuator/governor oil pump, but the engine speed will start fluctuating.
When the actuator/governor is defective the engine is protected against racing by the overspeed trip, i.e.
the engine is stopped automatically in case of excessive speed. It is essential, therefore, that the over-
speed trip is kept in perfect order. Regarding actuator/governor failure, see special instruction book.
5. Usually a bearing failure will not slow down the engine appreciably, but the seizure of a piston in the cylin-
der liner might do so.
6. This chapter is only for engines 23/30 & 28/32. If the cooling of the atomizers fails (if arranged for oil cool-
ing) while running, carbon deposits will build up round the nozzle holes, sometimes in the shape of small
cones or trumpets which causes the engine to smoke, or soot will cause sticking of the valve spindle. For
this reason the nozzle cooling should be well maintained.
7. If the cooling water temperature for the entire engine has risen to 90-100° C, it should be checked - by
opening the test cocks, if fitted on the discharge from cylinders - whether steam has developed. If this is
the case, there is no water on the cooling surfaces, which may therefore be heated unduly. To avoid heat
stresses arising in cylinder liners and cylinder heads, if the water returns too early, the engine should be
stopped and left to cool, while the discharge valve is closed. After 15 minutes it is opened a little to allow
the water to rise slowly in the cooling jackets. Check filling at test cocks. Make crankcase inspection to
ascertain that internal water leakage has not arisen. Remember slow turning withopen indicator valves at
subsequent starting-up.
8. If the lubricating oil pressure drops below the minimum mentioned in 'Operation data & set point', section
500/600; Find the cause of the pressure drop and remedy the defect before re-starting the engine. Feel
over 5-15-30 minutes after starting, and again when full load is obtained, See section 502/602.
MAN Diesel & Turbo
Description 503.04
Page 1 (2) Ignition in crankcase
Edition 03

L27/38S, L23/30S, L21/31S, L16/24S, L23/30DF, L28/32DF, V28/32S, L16/24,

L21/31, L27/38

Keep away from doors and relief valves on

crankcase. Do not stay unnecessarily in door-
ways near the doors of the engine room casing.
The complete relief valve has to be replaced after
a crankcase explosion
1. Stop the engine

During running the atmosphere in the crankcase 2. Leave the engine room. Shut doors and keep
contains the same gases (N2-O2-CO2) in the same away from them. Make ready fire-fighting equip-
proportions as in the ambient air, but an intense
spray of oil drops is slung around everywhere. If
undue friction, and thus heating, arises between
sliding surfaces, or heat is otherwise transmitted to
the crankcase, the heated surface will cause evapo-
ration of the lubricating oil splashed onto it. When
the oil vapours condense they form milky white oil
mist which can ignite. Such ignition may be caused Do not open crankcase until 10 minutes after
by the same "hot spot" that produced the oil mist. If stopping the engine. When opening up, keep
a large quantity of oil mist has developed before clear of possible flames. Do not use naked light
ignition, the burning may cause considerable pres- and do not smoke.
sure rise in the crankcase, forcing the relief valves to
3. Cut off starting air and bleed air pressure from
open. In a few cases, presumably when the whole
system. Set the control panel in "Blocking/Local
crankcase has been filled with oil mist, a subse-
Mode" see description 501.01. Take off all
quent explosion has thrown off the crankcase doors
doors on one side of the crankcase.
and caused fire in the engine room.
4. Locate the hot spot. Powerful lamps should be
Every precaution should therefore be taken to (A)
employed at once (in explosion-proof fittings).
avoid "hot spots" and (B) discover oil mist in time.
Feel over all sliding surfaces (bearings, liners,
pistons, roller guides, etc.).
A Hot spots in crankcase
Look for squeezed-out bearing metal and dis-
Overheating of bearings is a result of inadequate or coloration by heat (blistered paint, burnt oil,
failing lubrication, possibly caused by pollution of heated steel).
the lubricating oil. 5. Prevent further heating, preferably by making a
It is therefore important that the lubricating oil filtra- permanent repair. Special attention should be
tion equipment is in perfect condition. Filter car- paid to ensuring lubricating oil supply and the
tridges may not be used again if they have been satisfactory condition of the frictional surfaces
removed from the filter. Checking of the oil condi- involved. It is equally important to replace filter
tion by analysis is recommended. elements in time.
6. Start electrically driven lubricating oil pump and
B Oil mist in crankcase check oil flow from all bearings and spray pipes
in crankcase while turning the engine through at
The presence of oil mist may be noted at the vent
least two revolutions.
pipe which is usually fitted to the top of the engine
frame. 7. Stop and feel over. Look out for oil mist.
Measures (in case of white oil mist).

MAN Diesel & Turbo
503.04 Description
Ignition in crankcase Page 2 (2)
Edition 03

L27/38S, L23/30S, L21/31S, L16/24S, L23/30DF, L28/32DF, V28/32S, L16/24,

L21/31, L27/38
Especially the frictional surfaces that caused the
heating should be felt over (5-15-30 minutes
after starting, and again when full load is
obtained), see 'Starting-up after repair' section
8. If it has not been possible to locate the hot
spot, step 7 should be intensified and repeated
until the cause of the oil mist has been found
and remedied. In very rare cases oil mist could
be due to "atomization" of lubricating oil by the
action of an air jet (for instance blow-by, or
blow-by through cracked piston).

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Description 503.05
Page 1 (1) Trouble shooting guide for centrifugal by-pass filter
Edition 02

L27/38S, L23/30S, L21/31S, L16/24S, L23/30DF, L28/32DF, V28/32S, L16/24,

L21/31, L23/30H, L27/38
Tabulated below are the remedial actions to be taken if the following faults are observed:
Trouble Possible cause Troubleshooting
Oil leakage through cover nut. Missing or damaged O-ring (see Plate Replace O ring.
51515, section 515).
Seal face damaged Replace O ring.
Excessive vibrations. Rotor out of balance owing to un-even
build-up of deposit on rotor walls
resulting from:
Missing or damaged O ring (See Plate Replace O ring.
51515, section 515), allowing leakage.
O-ring seat on rotor joint faces dam- Replace rotor assembly.
Rotor assembly inadequately tight- Tighten and bring to notice of main
ened. tenance staff.
Standtube incorrectly seated or dam- Refit or replace if damaged.
Dirt deposit not completely removed. Clean and bring to notice of main ten-
ance staff.
Rotor castings distorted through mal- Replace rotor assembly.
Rotor assembly components fitted in Follow sequence in Work Card
wrong sequence. 515-15.00 in section 515.
Bushes loose or worn in tube assem- Fit new bearing tube assembly.

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Description 503.06
Page 1 (1) Trouble Shooting Guide for Air Starter
Edition 04

L27/38S, L21/31S, L21/31, L27/38

Trouble shooting guide for air starter
Trouble Possible cause, see plate 51309 Trouble shooting
On pressing push-button, starter does - Empty air receiver(s) Charge receiver(s)
not respond and no air flow seems to - Flow valve(s) close Open flow valve(s)
exist in control circuit. - Control circuit blocked Disconnect and clean out
On pressing push-button, starter does - Leak in control duct Repair or replace
not respond, although air flows through - Insufficient air pressure Increase pressure in receiver
control circuit. - Push button stuck Remove and clean same
- Excessive length of main air pipework Approach push-button to starter or
install a solenoid valve near the latter
Pinion revolves and advances, but - Ring gear and/or pinion burrs or Clean burrs or replace if necessary
does not engage the ring gear. damage
- Lack of clearance between pinion Replace pinion by a more adequate
and ring gear one. Check for distortion of ring gear
Pinion revolves but does not advance. - Follower Item 130 inoperative Disassemble, check, smoothen guide
diameter, clean or replace if rusted
- Insufficient air pressure Increase pressure in receiver
- Splined shaft Item 11 sticking Disassemble, clean, check spring Item
13 and reassemble
- Excessive length of control pipe Approach push-button to the starter or
install a solenoid valve near the latter
Pinion advances but does not revolve. - Pneumatic motor inoperative Disassemble, inspect rotor for foreign
matters between teeth and for possible
wear of gears.
- Check valve Item 131 Clean and reassemble. Replace worn
Disassemble, clean and reassemble
Pinion engages gear ring, but will not - Main valve Item 133 blocked Disassemble, clean and reassemble or
turn the engine. replace
- Rotors worn or blocked Disassemble, clean and reassemble or
replace rotors
- Insufficient air pressure Increase pressure in receiver
- Main air pipework restricted or of Check all pipework and replace it if it
insufficient bore necessary
Starter starts working upon opening - Incorrect connection of control pipes Connect control pipes as per installa-
the flow valve of the feed line, although (with separate solenoid valve) tion instruction
push-button (or solenoid valve) are not - Main valve Item 133 blocked and Disassemble, clean and replace joint if
actuated. open needed
Lack of starter power. - Main pipework choked or is bore is Check entire pipework for correct bore
less than stipulated for the starter and replace if incorrect
- Insufficient air pressure Increase pressure in receiver
- Badly worn rotors Disassemble, replace and reassemble

2000.03.27 - Gali
MAN Diesel & Turbo
Description 503.06
Page 1 (1) Trouble shooting guide for air starter
Edition 05

L23/30DF, L28/32S-DF, L27/38S, L23/30S, L21/31S, L16/24S, L28/32DF, V28/32S,

L16/24, L21/31, L23/30H, L27/38
Trouble shooting guide for air starter
Trouble Possible cause, see work card Trouble shooting

1 Air always flow through A Relay valve improperly installed A Check typical installation dia-
exhaust gram and correct
B Relay valve not sealing properly B Check for damaged sealing
ring, replace relay valve or
damaged parts
C Solenoid is not sealing, pres- C Check solenoid potential at the
sure remains in APP port of lead to ground should be 0. If
relay valve not, fix ignition switch problem
2 Starter engages but does A Bad relay valve A Replace relay valve
not run
3 Starter does nut run, small A Nozzle blockage A Remove blockage or obstruc-
air flow from turbine tion from nozzles
exhaust or drive housing
4 Starter does not run. Nor- A Excessive bends in the supply A Shorten length or straighten
mal air flow from exhaust line supply air line
5 Pinion does not engage A Air pressure is too low A Increase air pressure to min.
according to "Operation data &
set points"
B Control lines to starter ports B Check installation diagram and
reversed correct
C Solenoid valve not operating or C Check wiring and solenoid
plugged operation. Correct wiring,
remove blockage, or replace
solenoid valve as needed
D Damaged pinion teeth D Replace pinion or starter drive
as necessary
6 Starter runs but engine A Air pressure too low A Increase air pressure to min.
cranks slowly or not at all according to "Operation data &
set points"
B Excessive back pressure B Check Exhaust Closure Plate
C Nozzle blocked or damaged C Remove blockage or replace
damaged parts
7 Starter continues to oper- A Solenoid valve is not sealing A See 1C above
ate after start button is correctly
B Relay valve is not sealing cor- B See 1B above
8 Air tank pressure decays A Air connections are not tight A Tighten loose fittings. Repair or
after extended shut down replace damaged fittings
B Damaged air lines: crushed, B Replace damaged lines
frayed, and kinked
C Relay valve is not sealing cor- C See 1B above
D Solenoid valve is stuck open D See 1C above

2016.08.26 - TDI
MAN Diesel & Turbo
Description 503.09
Page 1 (1) Trouble Shooting for Cooling Water System
Edition 03

L28/32S, L27/38S, L23/30S, L21/31S, L16/24S, L23/30DF, V28/32S-DF, L28/32DF,

V28/32S, L16/24, L21/31, L23/30H, L27/38
The built-on fresh water pumps in the high and low
temperature circuits are of the centrifugal type. They
are mounted in the front end box and are driven
through the gearing.
The pump bearings are lubricated automatically
with oil from the lubricating oil system of the engine.
If the pump leaks and the shaft sealing rings are
worn, it is recommended to replace the shaft seal,
see Working card 516-02.00.

Trouble Possible cause Troubleshooting

Oil or water flows out of the inspection Worn rotating sealing. See working card 502-05.00.
The pump does not work after start. Pump draws in air at suction side. Check packing and pipes for tightness.
The system is not filled-up.. Check the level in the expansion tank..
Air cannot escape on delivery side. Vent the system..
Leaking shaft seal. Check the shaft seal..
Pump capacity drops after normal Air leakages from shaft seal. Overhaul the shaft seal..
Fouled impeller. Clean the impeller..
Pump does not give maximum delivery. Suction valve not fully open. Open the suction valve.
Defective seals. Replace the seals.
Worn impeller and worn wear rings. Overhaul the pump.

Running trouble with the pump, apart from

mechanical faults, is most often due to leaks in
the suction line. It is therefore essential that all
packing and gaskets are in order and that they
are renewed when necessary. Even a tiny hole in
the suction line will reduce the pump capacity.

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Description 503.10
Page 1 (3) Trouble Shooting for Lubricating Oil Cooler
Edition 01

L27/38S, L23/30S, L21/31S, L16/24S, L28/32DF, L23/30A, V28/32S, L16/24,

L21/31, L23/30H, L27/38
Trouble shooting
First examine the external conditions around the plate heat exchanger in order to localize the cause of the
damage. Do this very carefully. Fatigue fracture will normally necessitate replacement of all plates and gaskets
as there may be a risk of fatigue fracture in all the material. In case of corrosion, all plates must be examined
carefully! Concerning the work to be carried out see Work Card 515-06.00.

Visible and non visible leakage

Trouble Possible cause Troubleshooting
Leakage. Too high pressure Reduce the pressure to the correct
working pressure, see page
500.30/600.30 "Operating Data & Set
Points", section 500/600.
Leakage. (Phase 1) Insufficient tightening. Tighten up the plate heat exchanger,
but not below the minimum dimension
and never when the plate heat
exchanger is under pressure or over
If the plate heat exchanger is still leaky,
proceed to phase 2.
Leakage. (Phase 2) Fouled or deformed plates. Separate the plate heat exchanger and
Inelastic or deformed gaskets. check if the plates are deformed or
Check that the gaskets are elastic and
non-deformed, and that the faces of
the joints are clean.
Replace deformed plates and gaskets,
if any.
Before assembling clean all plates and
gaskets very carefully.
Assemble the plate heat exchanger
and start it up again.
Note: Even tiny impurities such as
sand grains may cause leakage.
Leakage. Gaskets. Separate the plate heat exchanger.
(Even after tightening of the plate heat Clean the plates very carefully.
exchanger to minimum dimension.) Replace the gaskets.
Assemble the plate heat exchanger
and start it up again.
Leakage. Defective gasket or badly corroded Separate the plate heat exchanger.
(Through the drain holes of the gas- plate. Replace defective plates and gaskets,
kets.) if any.
Assemble the plate heat exchanger
and start it up again.

Table 1: Visible leakage

MAN Diesel & Turbo
503.10 Description
Trouble Shooting for Lubricating Oil Cooler Page 2 (3)
Edition 01

L27/38S, L23/30S, L21/31S, L16/24S, L28/32DF, L23/30A, V28/32S, L16/24,

L21/31, L23/30H, L27/38

Trouble Possible cause Troubleshooting

Reduced heat transmission and/or Fouled plates or choked plate chan- Separate the plate heat exchanger and
increasing pressure drop. nels. check if the plates are fouled.
Clean the plates very carefully.
Assemble the plate heat exchanger
and start it up again.

Table 2: Non visible leakage

Trouble Possible cause Troubleshooting

Leakage. Holes in plates. A suspected leakage can be localized
(The fluids get mixed.) Corrosion or fatigue fracture. in the following way:
(Phase 1) Remove one of the lower pipe connec-
Then put the opposite side under pres-
If the medium continues to run out of
the lower pipe connections after the
pressure has stabilized one or several
plates are leaking.
Close down the plate heat exchanger.
Separate the plate heat exchanger and
check the plates very carefully.
Check suspected plates with a dye
Check defective plates and gaskets.
Before assembling, clean all plates and
Assemble the plate heat exchanger
and check to find more defective
plates, if any, by putting one side under
press. Start up again.

Table 3: Non visible leakage

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Description 503.10
Page 3 (3) Trouble Shooting for Lubricating Oil Cooler
Edition 01

L27/38S, L23/30S, L21/31S, L16/24S, L28/32DF, L23/30A, V28/32S, L16/24,

L21/31, L23/30H, L27/38
Trouble Possible cause Troubleshooting
Leakage. Holes in plates. Close down the plate heat exchanger.
(The fluids get mixed.) Corrosion or fatigue fracture. Separate the plate heat exchanger.
(Phase 2) Put all plates to dry.
Suspend the plates in the plate heat
exchanger again and tighten it.
Circulate medium at full capacity on
one plate side (every second plate
Keep the other plate channels unpres-
surised and free from liquid!
Stop the circulation after a few minutes
of operation and open the plate heat
exchanger again. Note: Take care to
avoid water spraying onto the dry plate
By a careful study of the plates it will
be possible to find moist areas, if any,
on the otherwise dry plate sides.
Check these areas with a dye pene-
Replace defective plates and gaskets.
Before assembling, clean all plates and
Assemble the plate heat exchanger
and check to find more defective
plates, if any, by putting one side under
Start up again.
If the unit is still leaking, check all plates
with a dye penetrant!

Table 4: Non visible leakage

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (1) Media specification and treatment 504

Lubricating oil (SAE 40) - Specification for heavy fuel operation (HFO) ....................... 010.000.023-11
Specification of lube oil (SAE 40) for operation with gas oil, diesel oil (MGO/MDO)
and biofuels .............................................................................................................. 010.000.023-07
Treatment and maintenance of lubricating oil ............................................................ 504.03 (10)
Criteria for cleaning/exchange of lubricating oil .......................................................... 504.04 (07)
Lubricating points ..................................................................................................... 504.05 (03)
Lubricating oil in base frame ..................................................................................... 504.06 (15)
Specific lubricating oil system - SLOC ....................................................................... D50407-03
Heavy fuel oil (HFO) specification .............................................................................. 010.000.023-05
Marine diesel oil (MDO) specification ......................................................................... 010.000.023-04
Gas oil / diesel oil (MGO) specification ....................................................................... 010.000.023-01
Bio fuel specification ................................................................................................. 010.000.023-02
Crude oil specification ............................................................................................... 504.24 (01)
Viscosity-temperature diagram (VT diagram) ............................................................. 010.000.023-06
Analysis of operating fluids ........................................................................................ 010.000.023-14
Firing pressure comparison ....................................................................................... 504.28 (08)
Fuel oil cleaning ........................................................................................................ 504.30 (01)
Specification of engine coolant ................................................................................. 010.000.023-13
Coolants inspecting .................................................................................................. 010.000.002-03
Cooling water system cleaning .................................................................................. 010.000.002-04
Water specification for fuel-water emulsions ............................................................. 010.000.023-16
Specifications for intake air (combustion air) .............................................................. 010.000.023-17
Specification for compressed air ............................................................................... 010.000.023-21
Operating fluid systems, flushing and cleaning .......................................................... 010.000.001-01

2017-08-16 - en
MAN Diesel & Turbo 010.000.023-11

Specification of lubricating oil (SAE 40) for heavy fuel operation (HFO)

The specific output achieved by modern diesel engines combined with the
use of fuels that satisfy the quality requirements more and more frequently
increase the demands on the performance of the lubricating oil which must
therefore be carefully selected.
Medium alkalinity lubricating oils have a proven track record as lubricants for
the moving parts and turbocharger cylinder and for cooling the pistons.
Lubricating oils of medium alkalinity contain additives that, in addition to
other properties, ensure a higher neutralization reserve than with fully com-
pounded engine oils (HD oils).
International specifications do not exist for medium alkalinity lubricating oils.
A test operation is therefore necessary for a corresponding long period in
accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.
Only lubricating oils that have been approved by MAN Diesel & Turbo may be
used. See table Approved lubricating oils for HFO-operated MAN Diesel &
Turbo four-stroke engines.

Base oil The base oil (doped lubricating oil = base oil + additives) must have a narrow
distillation range and be refined using modern methods. If it contains paraf-
fins, they must not impair the thermal stability or oxidation stability.
The base oil must comply with the limit values in the table below, particularly
in terms of its resistance to ageing:
Properties/Characteristics Unit Test method Limit value
Make-up – – Ideally paraffin based
Low-temperature behaviour, still flowable °C ASTM D 2500 –15
Flash point (Cleveland) °C ASTM D 92 > 200

Specification of lubricating oil (SAE 40) for heavy fuel

Ash content (oxidised ash) Weight % ASTM D 482 < 0.02
Coke residue (according to Conradson) Weight % ASTM D 189 < 0.50
Ageing tendency following 100 hours of heating – MAN Diesel & –
up to 135 °C Turbo ageing
Insoluble n-heptane Weight % ASTM D 4055 < 0.2
or DIN 51592
Evaporation loss Weight % - <2
Spot test (filter paper) – MAN Diesel & Precipitation of resins or
Turbo test asphalt-like ageing products
must not be identifiable.
Works' own method
2017-07-11 - de

operation (HFO)

Table 1: Target values for base oils

Medium alkalinity lubricating The prepared oil (base oil with additives) must have the following properties:

Additives The additives must be dissolved in oil and their composition must ensure that
as little ash as possible is left over after combustion, even if the engine is pro-
visionally operated with distillate fuel.

D010.000.023-11-0001 EN 1 (5)
010.000.023-11 MAN Diesel & Turbo

The ash must be soft. If this prerequisite is not met, it is likely the rate of dep-

osition in the combustion chamber will be higher, particularly at the outlet

valves and at the turbocharger inlet housing. Hard additive ash promotes pit-
ting of the valve seats, and causes valve burn-out, it also increases mechani-
cal wear of the cylinder liners.
Additives must not increase the rate, at which the filter elements in the active
or used condition are blocked.
Washing ability The washing ability must be high enough to prevent the accumulation of tar
and coke residue as a result of fuel combustion. The lubricating oil must not
absorb the deposits produced by the fuel.
Dispersion capability The selected dispersibility must be such that commercially-available lubricat-
ing oil cleaning systems can remove harmful contaminants from the oil used,
i.e. the oil must possess good filtering properties and separability.
Neutralisation capability The neutralisation capability (ASTM D2896) must be high enough to neutral-
ise the acidic products produced during combustion. The reaction time of
the additive must be harmonised with the process in the combustion cham-
For tips on selecting the base number, refer to the table entitled Base num-
ber to be used for various operating conditions.
Evaporation tendency The evaporation tendency must be as low as possible as otherwise the oil
consumption will be adversely affected.
Additional requirements The lubricating oil must not contain viscosity index improver. Fresh oil must
not contain water or other contaminants.

Lubricating oil selection

Engine SAE class
16/24, 21/31, 27/38, 28/32S, 32/40, 32/44, 35/44DF, 40/54, 40
45/60, 48/60, 58/64, 51/60DF
Table 2: Viscosity (SAE class) of lubricating oils
Neutralisation properties Lubricating oils with medium alkalinity and a range of neutralization capabili-
Specification of lubricating oil (SAE 40) for heavy fuel

(BN) ties (BN) are available on the market. At the present level of knowledge, an
interrelation between the expected operating conditions and the BN number
can be established. However, the operating results are still the overriding fac-
tor in determining which BN number provides the most efficient engine oper-
Table Base number to be used for various operating conditions indicates the
relationship between the anticipated operating conditions and the BN num-
Approx. BN Engines/Operating conditions
of fresh oil
(mg KOH/g oil)
20 Marine diesel oil (MDO) of a lower quality and high sulphur content or heavy fuel oil with a sulphur
content of less than 0.5 %.
2017-07-11 - de
operation (HFO)

30 generally 23/30H and 28/32H. 23/30A, 28/32A and 28/32S under normal operating conditions.
For engines 16/24, 21/31, 27/38, 32/40, 32/44CR, 32/44K, 40/54, 48/60 as well as 58/64 and
51/60DF for exclusively HFO operation only with a sulphur content < 1.5 %.

2 (5) D010.000.023-11-0001 EN
MAN Diesel & Turbo 010.000.023-11

Approx. BN Engines/Operating conditions

of fresh oil
(mg KOH/g oil)
40 Under unfavourable operating conditions 23/30A, 28/32A and 28/32S, and where the corre-
sponding requirements for the oil service life and washing ability exist.
In general 16/24, 21/31, 27/38, 32/40, 32/44CR, 32/44K, 40/54, 48/60 as well as 58/64 and
51/60DF for exclusively HFO operation providing the sulphur content is over 1.5 %.
50 32/40, 32/44CR, 32/44K, 40/54, 48/60 and 58/64, if the oil service life or engine cleanliness is
insufficient with a BN number of 40 (high sulphur content of fuel, extremely low lubricating oil
Table 3: Base number to be used for various operating conditions
Operation with low-sulphur To comply with the emissions regulations, the sulphur content of fuels used
fuel nowadays varies. Fuels with low-sulphur content must be used in environ-
mentally-sensitive areas (e.g. SECA). Fuels with higher sulphur content may
be used outside SECA zones. In this case, the BN number of the lube oil
selected must satisfy the requirements for operation using fuel with high-sul-
phur content. A lube oil with low BN number may only be selected if fuel with
a low sulphur content is used exclusively during operation.
However, the practical results demonstrate that the most efficient engine
operation is the factor ultimately determining the permitted additive content.
Cylinder lubricating oil In engines with separate cylinder lubrication systems, the pistons and cylin-
der liners are supplied with lubricating oil via a separate lubricating oil pump.
The quantity of lubricating oil is set at the factory according to the quality of
the fuel to be used and the anticipated operating conditions.
Use a lubricating oil for the cylinder and lubricating circuit as specified above.
Oil for mechanical/hydraulic Multigrade oil 5W40 should ideally be used in mechanical-hydraulic control-
speed governors lers with a separate oil sump, unless the technical documentation for the
speed governor specifies otherwise. If this oil is not available when filling,
15W40 oil may be used instead in exceptional cases. In this case, it makes
no difference whether synthetic or mineral-based oils are used.
The military specification applied for these oils is NATO O-236.
Experience with the drive engine L27/38 has shown that the operating tem-

Specification of lubricating oil (SAE 40) for heavy fuel

perature of the Woodward controller UG10MAS and corresponding actuator
for UG723+ can reach temperatures higher than 93 °C. In these cases, we
recommend using synthetic oil such as Castrol Alphasyn HG150.
Hydraulic oil for engines with Hydraulic oil HLP 46 (DIN 51502) or ISO VG 46 (DIN 51519) must be used
VVT controller according to the specification DIN 51524-2. Mixing hydraulic oils from differ-
ent manufacturers is not permitted.
Lubricating oil additives The use of other additives with the lubricating oil, or the mixing of different
brands (oils by different manufacturers), is not permitted as this may impair
the performance of the existing additives which have been carefully harmon-
ised with each another, and also specially tailored to the base oil.
Selection of lubricating oils/ Most of the oil manufacturers are in close regular contact with engine manu-
warranty facturers, and can therefore provide information on which oil in their specific
product range has been approved by the engine manufacturer for the partic-
2017-07-11 - de

ular application. Irrespective of the above, the lubricating oil manufacturers

operation (HFO)

are in any case responsible for the quality and characteristics of their prod-
ucts. If you have any questions, we will be happy to provide you with further

D010.000.023-11-0001 EN 3 (5)
010.000.023-11 MAN Diesel & Turbo

Oil during operation There are no prescribed oil change intervals for MAN Diesel & Turbo medium

speed engines. The oil properties must be analysed monthly. As long as the
oil properties are within the defined threshold values, the oil may be further
used. See table Limit values for used lubricating oil.
The quality of the oil can only be maintained if it is cleaned using suitable
equipment (e.g. a separator or filter).
Temporary operation with Due to current and future emission regulations, heavy fuel oil cannot be used
gas oil in designated regions. Low-sulphur diesel fuel must be used in these regions
If the engine is operated with low-sulphur diesel fuel for less than 1,000 h, a
lubricating oil which is suitable for HFO operation (BN 30 – 55 mg KOH/g)
can be used during this period.
If the engine is operated provisionally with low-sulphur diesel fuel for more
than 1,000 h and is subsequently operated once again with HFO, a lubricat-
ing oil with a BN of 20 must be used. If the BN 20 lubricating oil from the
same manufacturer as the lubricating oil is used for HFO operation with
higher BN (40 or 50), an oil change will not be required when effecting the
changeover. It will be sufficient to use BN 20 oil when replenishing the used
lubricating oil.
If you wish to operate the engine with HFO once again, it will be necessary to
change over in good time to lubricating oil with a higher BN (30 – 55). If the
lubricating oil with higher BN is by the same manufacturer as the BN 20 lubri-
cating oil, the changeover can also be effected without an oil change. In
doing so, the lubricating oil with higher BN (30 – 55) must be used to replen-
ish the used lubricating oil roughly 2 weeks prior to resuming HFO operation.
Limit value Procedure
Viscosity at 40 °C 110 – 220 mm²/s ISO 3104 or ASTM D 445
Base number (BN) at least 50 % of fresh oil ISO 3771
Flash point (PM) At least 185 °C ISO 2719
Water content max. 0.2 % (max. 0.5 % for brief peri- ISO 3733 or ASTM D 1744
Specification of lubricating oil (SAE 40) for heavy fuel

n-heptane insoluble max. 1.5 % DIN 51592 or IP 316
Metal content depends on engine type and operat- –
ing conditions
Guide value only
Fe max. 50 ppm
Cr max. 10 ppm –
Cu max. 15 ppm
Pb max. 20 ppm
Sn max. 10 ppm
Al max. 20 ppm
Table 4: Limit values for used lubricating oil

2017-07-11 - de
operation (HFO)

A monthly analysis of lube oil samples is mandatory for safe engine opera-
tion. We can analyse fuel for customers in the MAN Diesel & Turbo Prime-

4 (5) D010.000.023-11-0001 EN
MAN Diesel & Turbo 010.000.023-11

Base number (mgKOH/g)

20-25 30 40 50-55
AEGEAN – Alfamar 430 Alfamar 440 Alfamar 450
40 40 40
CASTROL TLX Plus 204 TLX Plus 304 TLX Plus 404 TLX Plus 504
CEPSA – Troncoil 3040 Plus Troncoil 4040 Plus Troncoil 5040 Plus
CHEVRON Taro 20DP40 Taro 30DP40 Taro 40XL40 Taro 50XL40
(Texaco, Caltex) Taro 20DP40X Taro 30DP40X Taro 40XL40X Taro 50XL40X
EXXONMOBIL Mobilgard M420 Mobilgard M430 Mobilgard M440 Mobilgard M50
Gulf Oil Marine GulfSea Power 4020 GulfSea Power 4030 GulfSea Power 4040 GulfSea Power 4055
Ltd. MDO Gulfgen Supreme 430 Gulfgen Supreme 440 Gulfgen Supreme 455
Gulfgen Supreme 420
Idemitsu Kosan Daphne Marine Oil Daphne Marine Oil Daphne Marine Oil –
Co.,Ltd. SW30/SW40/MV30/ SA30/SA40 SH40
HT 4030 HT 4040 HT 4050
LUKOIL Navigo TPEO 20/40 Navigo TPEO 30/40 Navigo TPEO 40/40 Navigo TPEO 50/40
Navigo TPEO 55/40
Motor Oil Hellas – EMO ARGO S 30 SAE EMO ARGO S 40 SAE EMO ARGO S 50 SAE
S.A. 40 40 40
PETROBRAS Marbrax CCD-420 Marbrax CCD-430 Marbrax CCD-440 –
PT Pertamina Medripal 420 Medripal 430 Medripal 440 Medripal 450/455
REPSOL Neptuno NT 2040 Neptuno NT 3040 Neptuno NT 4040 –
SHELL Argina S 40 Argina T 40 Argina X 40 Argina XL 40
Argina S2 40 Argina S3 40 Argina S4 40 Argina S5 40

Specification of lubricating oil (SAE 40) for heavy fuel

Sinopec Sinopec TPEO 4020 Sinopec TPEO 4030 Sinopec TPEO 4040 Sinopec TPEO 4050
TOTAL LUBMAR- Aurelia TI 4020 Aurelia TI 4030 Aurelia TI 4040 Aurelia TI 4055
Table 5: Approved lube oils for heavy fuel oil-operated MAN Diesel & Turbo four-stroke engines
The current releases are available at

No liability assumed if these oils are used

MAN Diesel & Turbo SE does not assume liability for problems that
occur when using these oils.
2017-07-11 - de

operation (HFO)

D010.000.023-11-0001 EN 5 (5)
MAN Diesel & Turbo 010.000.023-07

Specification of lubricating oil (SAE 40) for operation with MGO/MDO and

The specific output achieved by modern diesel engines combined with the
use of fuels that satisfy the quality requirements more and more frequently
increase the demands on the performance of the lubricating oil which must
therefore be carefully selected.
Doped lubricating oils (HD oils) have a proven track record as lubricants for
the drive, cylinder, turbocharger and also for cooling the piston. Doped lubri-
cating oils contain additives that, amongst other things, ensure dirt absorp-
tion capability, cleaning of the engine and the neutralisation of acidic com-
bustion products.
Only lubricating oils that have been approved by MAN Diesel & Turbo may be
used. These are listed in the tables below.

Base oil The base oil (doped lubricating oil = base oil + additives) must have a narrow
distillation range and be refined using modern methods. If it contains paraf-
fins, they must not impair the thermal stability or oxidation stability.
The base oil must comply with the following limit values, particularly in terms
of its resistance to ageing.
Properties/Characteristics Unit Test method Limit value
Make-up – – Ideally paraffin based
Low-temperature behaviour, still flowable °C ASTM D 2500 –15
Flash point (Cleveland) °C ASTM D 92 > 200
Ash content (oxidised ash) Weight % ASTM D 482 < 0.02

Specification of lubricating oil (SAE 40) for operation with

Coke residue (according to Conradson) Weight % ASTM D 189 < 0.50
Ageing tendency following 100 hours of heating – MAN Diesel & –
up to 135 °C Turbo ageing
Insoluble n-heptane Weight % ASTM D 4055 < 0.2
or DIN 51592
Evaporation loss Weight % - <2
Spot test (filter paper) – MAN Diesel & Precipitation of resins or
Turbo test asphalt-like ageing products
must not be identifiable.
Works' own method
MGO/MDO and biofuels

Table 1: Target values for base oils

Compounded lubricating oils The base oil to which the additives have been added (doped lubricating oil)
2017-07-13 - de

(HD oils) must have the following properties:

Additives The additives must be dissolved in the oil, and their composition must ensure
that as little ash as possible remains after combustion.

D010.000.023-07-0001 EN 1 (5)
010.000.023-07 MAN Diesel & Turbo

The ash must be soft. If this prerequisite is not met, it is likely the rate of dep-

osition in the combustion chamber will be higher, particularly at the outlet

valves and at the turbocharger inlet housing. Hard additive ash promotes pit-
ting of the valve seats, and causes valve burn-out, it also increases mechani-
cal wear of the cylinder liners.
Additives must not increase the rate, at which the filter elements in the active
or used condition are blocked.
Washing ability The washing ability must be high enough to prevent the accumulation of tar
and coke residue as a result of fuel combustion.
Dispersion capability The selected dispersibility must be such that commercially-available lubricat-
ing oil cleaning systems can remove harmful contaminants from the oil used,
i.e. the oil must possess good filtering properties and separability.
Neutralisation capability The neutralisation capability (ASTM D2896) must be high enough to neutral-
ise the acidic products produced during combustion. The reaction time of
the additive must be harmonised with the process in the combustion cham-
Evaporation tendency The evaporation tendency must be as low as possible as otherwise the oil
consumption will be adversely affected.
Additional requirements The lubricating oil must not contain viscosity index improver. Fresh oil must
not contain water or other contaminants.

Lubricating oil selection

Engine SAE class
16/24, 21/31, 27/38, 28/32S, 32/40, 32/44, 35/44DF, 40/54, 40
45/60, 48/60, 58/64, 51/60DF
Table 2: Viscosity (SAE class) of lubricating oils
Doped oil quality We recommend doped lube oils (HD oils) according to the international spec-
ification MIL-L 2104 or API-CD with a base number of BN 10–16 mg KOH/g.
Lube oils of military specification O-278 may be used if they are listed in the
Specification of lubricating oil (SAE 40) for operation with

table Lube oils approved for use in MAN Diesel & Turbo four-stroke engines
that run on gas oil and diesel fuel. Lube oils not listed here may only be used
after consultation with MAN Diesel & Turbo.
The operating conditions of the engine and the quality of the fuel determine
the additive content the lube oil should contain. If marine diesel oil is used,
which has a high sulphur content of 1.5 up to 2.0 weight %, a base number
(BN) of appr. 20 should be selected. However, the operating results that
ensure the most efficient engine operation ultimately determine the additive
Cylinder lubricating oil In engines with separate cylinder lubrication systems, the pistons and cylin-
der liners are supplied with lubricating oil via a separate lubricating oil pump.
The quantity of lubricating oil is set at the factory according to the quality of
the fuel to be used and the anticipated operating conditions.
MGO/MDO and biofuels

Use a lubricating oil for the cylinder and lubricating circuit as specified above.
Oil for mechanical/hydraulic Multigrade oil 5W40 should ideally be used in mechanical-hydraulic control-
2017-07-13 - de

speed governors lers with a separate oil sump, unless the technical documentation for the
speed governor specifies otherwise. If this oil is not available when filling,
15W40 oil may be used instead in exceptional cases. In this case, it makes

no difference whether synthetic or mineral-based oils are used.

The military specification applied for these oils is NATO O-236.

2 (5) D010.000.023-07-0001 EN
MAN Diesel & Turbo 010.000.023-07

Experience with the drive engine L27/38 has shown that the operating tem-

perature of the Woodward controller UG10MAS and corresponding actuator
for UG723+ can reach temperatures higher than 93 °C. In these cases, we
recommend using synthetic oil such as Castrol Alphasyn HG150.
Lubricating oil additives The use of other additives with the lubricating oil, or the mixing of different
brands (oils by different manufacturers), is not permitted as this may impair
the performance of the existing additives which have been carefully harmon-
ised with each another, and also specially tailored to the base oil.
Selection of lubricating oils/ Most of the oil manufacturers are in close regular contact with engine manu-
warranty facturers, and can therefore provide information on which oil in their specific
product range has been approved by the engine manufacturer for the partic-
ular application. Irrespective of the above, the lubricating oil manufacturers
are in any case responsible for the quality and characteristics of their prod-
ucts. If you have any questions, we will be happy to provide you with further
Oil during operation There are no prescribed oil change intervals for MAN Diesel & Turbo medium
speed engines. The oil properties must be analysed monthly. As long as the
oil properties are within the defined threshold values, the oil may be further
used. See table Limit values for used lubricating oil.
The quality of the oil can only be maintained if it is cleaned using suitable
equipment (e.g. a separator or filter).
Temporary operation with Due to current and future emission regulations, heavy fuel oil cannot be used
gas oil in designated regions. Low-sulphur diesel fuel must be used in these regions
If the engine is operated with low-sulphur diesel fuel for less than 1,000 h, a
lubricating oil which is suitable for HFO operation (BN 30 – 55 mg KOH/g)
can be used during this period.
If the engine is operated provisionally with low-sulphur diesel fuel for more
than 1,000 h and is subsequently operated once again with HFO, a lubricat-
ing oil with a BN of 20 must be used. If the BN 20 lubricating oil from the

Specification of lubricating oil (SAE 40) for operation with

same manufacturer as the lubricating oil is used for HFO operation with
higher BN (40 or 50), an oil change will not be required when effecting the
changeover. It will be sufficient to use BN 20 oil when replenishing the used
lubricating oil.
If you wish to operate the engine with HFO once again, it will be necessary to
change over in good time to lubricating oil with a higher BN (30 – 55). If the
lubricating oil with higher BN is by the same manufacturer as the BN 20 lubri-
cating oil, the changeover can also be effected without an oil change. In
doing so, the lubricating oil with higher BN (30 – 55) must be used to replen-
ish the used lubricating oil roughly 2 weeks prior to resuming HFO operation.

MGO/MDO and biofuels

A monthly analysis of lube oil samples is mandatory for safe engine opera-
tion. We can analyse fuel for customers in the MAN Diesel & Turbo Prime-
2017-07-13 - de


D010.000.023-07-0001 EN 3 (5)
010.000.023-07 MAN Diesel & Turbo

Handling of operating fluids


Handling of operating fluids can cause serious injury and damage to

the environment.
• Observe safety data sheets of the operating fluid supplier.

Manufacturer Base number (10) 12–16 (mgKOH/g)

CASTROL Castrol MLC 40 / MHP 154
CHEVRON Delo 1000Marine 40
(Texaco, Caltex) Delo SHP40
EXXONMOBIL Mobilgard 412 / Mobilgard 1SHC
Mobilgard ADL 40 1)
Delvac 1640 1)
Marbrax CCD-415
REPSOL Neptuno NT 1540
SHELL Gadinia 40
Gadinia AL40
Gadinia S3
Sirius X40 1)
STATOIL MarWay 1040 1)
TOTAL Lubmarine Caprano M40
Disola M4015
With sulphur content in the fuel of less than 1%
Table 3: Lube oils approved for use in MAN Diesel & Turbo four-stroke engines that
run on gas oil and diesel fuel
The current releases are available at
Specification of lubricating oil (SAE 40) for operation with

No liability assumed if these oils are used

MAN Diesel & Turbo SE does not assume liability for problems that
occur when using these oils.

Limit value Procedure

Viscosity at 40 °C 110 – 220 mm²/s ISO 3104 or ASTM D445
Base number (BN) at least 50 % of fresh oil ISO 3771
Flash point (PM) At least 185 °C ISO 2719
Water content max. 0.2 % (max. 0.5 % for brief peri- ISO 3733 or ASTM D 1744
MGO/MDO and biofuels

n-heptane insoluble max. 1.5 % DIN 51592 or IP 316

2017-07-13 - de

Metal content depends on engine type and operat- –

ing conditions

4 (5) D010.000.023-07-0001 EN
MAN Diesel & Turbo 010.000.023-07

Limit value Procedure

Guide value only .
Fe max. 50 ppm
Cr max. 10 ppm
Cu max. 15 ppm –
Pb max. 20 ppm
Sn max. 10 ppm
Al max. 20 ppm
When operating with biofuels: max. 12 % FT-IR
biofuel fraction
Table 4: Limit values for used lubricating oil

Specification of lubricating oil (SAE 40) for operation with

MGO/MDO and biofuels
2017-07-13 - de


D010.000.023-07-0001 EN 5 (5)
MAN Diesel & Turbo
Description 504.03
Page 1 (9) Treatment and maintenance of lubricating oil
Edition 10

L28/32DF, V28/32S, L28/32S, L27/38S, L27/38, L23/30DF, L23/30S, L23/30H,

L21/31S, L21/31, L16/24S, L16/24
General Operation on Heavy Fuel Oil (HFO)
During operation of trunk engines the lubricating oil HFO-operated engines require effective lubricating
will gradually be contaminated by small particles oil cleaning. In order to ensure a safe operation it is
originating from the combustion. necessary to use supplementary cleaning equip-
Engines operated on heavy fuels will normally ment together with the built-on full flow depth filter.
increase the contamination due to the increased It is mandatory to run bypass separator units con-
content of carbon residues and other contaminants. tinuously for engines operated on HFO, as an opti-
Contamination of lubricating oil with either freshwa- mal lubricating oil treatment is fundamental for a
ter or seawater can also occur. reliable working condition. Therefore it is mandatory
to clean the lubricating oil with a bypass separator
A certain amount of contaminants can be kept sus- unit, so that the wear rates are reduced and the life-
pended in the lubricating oil without affecting the time of the engine is extended.
lubricating properties.
The condition of the lubricating oil must be kept Bypass cleaning equipment
under observation (on a regular basis) by analyzing
oil samples. See Section 504.04 "Criteria for Clean- As a result of normal operation, the lubricating oil
ing/Exchange of Lubricating Oil". contains abraded particles and combustion resi-
dues which have to be removed by the bypass
The moving parts in the engine are protected by the cleaning system and to a certain extent by the
built-on duplex full-flow lubricating oil filter. The duplex full-flow lubricating oil filter as well.
replaceable paper filter cartridges in each filter
chamber has a fineness of 10-15 microns. The With automatic mesh filters this can result in an
safety filter, at the centre of each filter chamber, is a undesirable and hazardous continuous flushing. In
basket filter element, with a fineness of 60 microns view of the high cost of cleaning equipment for
(sphere passing mesh). removing micro impurities, this equipment is only
rated for a certain proportion of the oil flowing
The pressure drop across the replaceable paper fil- through the engine since it is installed in a bypass.
ter cartridges is one parameter indicating the con-
tamination level. The higher the dirt content in the The bypass cleaning equipment is operated
oil, the shorter the periods between filter cartridge ▪ continuously when the engine is in operation or
replacement and cleaning. at standstill
The condition of the lubricating oil can be main- For cleaning of lubricating oil the following bypass
tained / re-established by exchanging the lubricat- cleaning equipment can be used:
ing oil at fixed intervals or based on analyzing oil
▪ Separator unit
▪ Decanter unit
Operation on Marine Diesel Oil (MDO) & ▪ Self cleaning automatic bypass mesh filter
Marine Gas Oil (MGO) ▪ Built-on centrifugal bypass filter (standard on
MAN Diesel & Turbo, Holeby GenSets)
For engines exclusively operated on MDO/MGO we
recommend to install a built-on centrifugal bypass ▪ Bypass depth filter
filter as an additional filter to the built-on full flow The decanter unit, the self-cleaning automatic
depth filter. bypass mesh filter and the bypass depth filter
It is advisable to run bypass separator units contin- capacity must be adjusted according to maker’s
uously for engines operated on MDO/MGO as sep- recommendations.
arator units present the best cleaning solution. In case full flow filtration equipment is chosen, this
Mesh filters have the disadvantage that they cannot must only be installed as in-line cleaning upstream
remove water and their elements clog quickly. to the duplex full-flow lubricating oil filter, built onto
the engine.
MAN Diesel & Turbo
504.03 Description
Treatment and maintenance of lubricating oil Page 2 (9)
Edition 10

L28/32DF, V28/32S, L28/32S, L27/38S, L27/38, L23/30DF, L23/30S, L23/30H,

L21/31S, L21/31, L16/24S, L16/24
The most appropriate type of equipment for a par- Lubricating oil preheating
ticular application depends on the engine output,
the type and amount of combustion residues, the The installed heater on the separator unit ensures
annual operating time and the operating mode of correct lubricating oil temperature during separa-
the plant. Even with a relatively low number of oper- tion. When the engine is at standstill, the heater can
ating hours there can be a great deal of combustion be used for two functions:
residues if, for instance, the engine is inadequately ▪ The oil from the sump is preheated to 95 – 98
preheated and quickly accelerated and loaded. °C by the heater and cleaned continuously by
the separator unit.
Separator unit ▪ The heater can also be used to maintain an oil
temperature of at least 40 °C, depending on
Continuous lubricating oil cleaning during engine
installation of the lubricating oil system.
operation is mandatory. An optimal lubricating oil
treatment is fundamental for a reliable working con-
dition of the engine. Cleaning capacity
If the lubricating oil is circulating without a separator Normally, it is recommended to use a self-cleaning
unit in operation, the lubricating oil will gradually be filtration unit in order to optimize the cleaning period
contaminated by products of combustion, water and thus also optimize the size of the filtration unit.
and/or acid. In some instances cat-fines may also Separator units for manual cleaning can be used
be present. when the reduced effective cleaning time is taken
In order to prolong the lubricating oil lifetime and into consideration by dimensioning the separator
remove wear elements, water and contaminants unit capacity.
from the lubricating oil, it is mandatory to use a by-
pass separator unit. The centrifuging process in separator
The separator unit will reduce the carbon residue
content and other contaminants from combustion bowl
on engines operated on HFO, and keep the amount Efficient lubricating oil cleaning relies on the princi-
within MDT’s recommendation, on condition that ple that - provided the through-put is adequate and
the separator unit is operated according to MDT's the treatment is effective - an equilibrium condition
recommendations. can be reached, where the engine contamination
When operating a cleaning device, the following rate is balanced by the centrifuge separation rate
recommendations must be observed: i.e.:
▪ The optimum cleaning effect is achieved by ▪ Contaminant quantity added to the lubricating
keeping the lubricating oil in a state of low vis- oil per hour = contaminant quantity removed by
cosity for a long period in the separator bowl. the centrifuge per hour.
▪ Sufficiently low viscosity is obtained by preheat- It is the purpose of the centrifuging process to
ing the lubricating oil to a temperature of 95°C - ensure that this equilibrium condition is reached,
98°C, when entering the separator bowl. with the lubricating oil insolubles content being as
low as possible.
▪ The capacity of the separator unit must be
adjusted according to MDT's recommenda- Since the cleaning efficiency of the centrifuge is
tions. largely dependent upon the flow rate, it is very
important that this is optimised.
Slow passage of the lubricating oil through the sep-
arator unit is obtained by using a reduced flow rate A centrifuge can be operated at greatly varying flow
and by operating the separator unit 24 hours a day, rates (Q).
stopping only for maintenance, according to mak- Practical experience has revealed that the content
er's recommendation. of insolubles, before and after the centrifuge, is rela-
ted to the flow rate as shown in Fig. 1.
MAN Diesel & Turbo
Description 504.03
Page 3 (9) Treatment and maintenance of lubricating oil
Edition 10

L28/32DF, V28/32S, L28/32S, L27/38S, L27/38, L23/30DF, L23/30S, L23/30H,

L21/31S, L21/31, L16/24S, L16/24
The most important factor is the particle size (risk of
scratching and wear of the bearing journals). In gen-
eral the optimum centrifuge flow rate for a detergent
lubricating oil is about 25% of the maximum centri-
fuge capacity.

Operation flow
In order to calculate the required operation flow
through the separator unit, MDT recommends to
apply the following formula:

Figure 10: .

Fig. 1 illustrates that the amount of insolubles

removed will decrease with rising flow rate (Q).
It can be seen that:
▪ At low flow rate (Q), only a small portion of the
lubricating oil is passing the centrifuge/hour, but Q = required operation flow [l/h]
is being cleaned effectively. P = MCR (maximum continuous rating)
▪ At high flow rate (Q), a large quantity of lubricat-
ing oil is passing the centrifuge/hour, but the t = actual effective separator unit sep-
cleaning is less effective. arating time per day [hour]
(23.5 h separating time and 0.5 h
Thus, by correctly adjusting the flow rate, an opti- for sludge discharge = 24 h/day)
mal equilibrium cleaning level can be obtained (Fig.
2). n = number of turnovers per day of the
theoretical oil volume correspond-
ing to 1.36 [l/kW] or 1 [l/HP]

The following values for "n" are recommended:

n = 6 for HFO operation (residual)
n = 4 for MDO operation
n = 3 for distillate fuel

Example 1
For multi-engine plants, one separator unit per
engine in operation is recommended.
For example, for a 1,000 kW engine operating on
HFO and connected to a self-cleaning separator
Figure 11: . unit, with a daily effective separating period of 23.5
hours, the calculation is as follows:
This minimum contamination level is obtained by
employing a suitable flow rate that is only a fraction
of the stated maximum capacity of the centrifuge
(see the centrifuge manual).
MAN Diesel & Turbo
504.03 Description
Treatment and maintenance of lubricating oil Page 4 (9)
Edition 10

L28/32DF, V28/32S, L28/32S, L27/38S, L27/38, L23/30DF, L23/30S, L23/30H,

L21/31S, L21/31, L16/24S, L16/24

Figure 12: One separator per engine plant

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Description 504.03
Page 5 (9) Treatment and maintenance of lubricating oil
Edition 10

L28/32DF, V28/32S, L28/32S, L27/38S, L27/38, L23/30DF, L23/30S, L23/30H,

L21/31S, L21/31, L16/24S, L16/24
Example 2
As an alternative, one common separator unit for
max. three engines can be installed, with one in
reserve if possible.
For the calculation in this example it is necessary
include the combined average power demand of
the multi-engine plant. The load profile experienced
for the majority of merchant vessels is that the aver-
age power demand is around 43-50% of the total
GenSet power installed. With three identical engines
this corresponds to 1.3-1.5 times the power of one
▪ Bulk carrier and tankers : ~1.3 times the power
of one engine
▪ Container vessel : ~1.5 times the power of one
For example, for a bulk carrier with three 1,000 kW
engines operating on HFO and connected to a 1 Interconnected valves
common self-cleaning separator unit, with a daily
effective separating period of 23.5 hours, the calcu- Figure 13: One common separator unit for multi-engine plant
lation is as follows:

With an average power demand higher than 50% of

the GenSet power installed, the operation flow must
be based on 100% of the GenSet power installed.
MAN Diesel & Turbo
504.03 Description
Treatment and maintenance of lubricating oil Page 6 (9)
Edition 10

L28/32DF, V28/32S, L28/32S, L27/38S, L27/38, L23/30DF, L23/30S, L23/30H,

L21/31S, L21/31, L16/24S, L16/24
Density and viscosity are important parameters for
Separator unit installation efficient separation. The greater the difference in
density between the particle and the lubricating oil,
With multi-engine plants, one separator unit per the higher the separation efficiency. The settling
engine in operation is recommended (see figure 3), velocity increases in inverse proportion to viscosity.
but if only one separator unit is in operation, the fol- However, since both density and viscosity vary with
lowing layout can be used: temperature, separation temperature is the critical
▪ A common separator unit (see figure 4) can be operating parameter.
installed, with one in reserve, if possible, for Particle size is another important factor. The settling
operation of all engines through a pipe system, velocity increases rapidly with particle size. This
which can be carried out in various ways. The means that the smaller the particle, the more chal-
aim is to ensure that the separator unit is only lenging the separation task. In a centrifuge, the term
connected to one engine at a time. Thus there (rω2) represents the centrifugal force which is sev-
will be no suction and discharging from one eral thousand times greater than the acceleration
engine to another. due to gravitational force. Centrifugal force enables
It is recommended that inlet and outlet valves are the efficient separation of particles which are only a
connected so that they can only be changed over few microns in size.
simultaneously. The separation efficiency is a function of:
With only one engine in operation there are no
problems with separating, but if several engines are
in operation for some time it is recommended to
split up the separation time in turns on all operating
With 2 out of 3 engines in operation the 23.5 hours
separating time must be split up in around 4-6
hours intervals between changeover.

Stokes' law
The operating principles of centrifugal separation
are based on Stokes’ Law.

V = settling velocity [m/sec]

rω 2
= acceleration in centrifugal field [m/sec2]
d = diameter of particle [m]
ρp = density of particle [kg/m3]
ρl = density of medium [kg/m3]
µ = viscosity of medium [kg/m, sec.]

The rate of settling (V) for a given capacity is deter-

mined by Stokes’ Law. This expression takes into
account the particle size, the difference between
density of the particles and the lubricating oil, and
the viscosity of the lubricating oil.
MAN Diesel & Turbo
Description 504.03
Page 7 (9) Treatment and maintenance of lubricating oil
Edition 10

L28/32DF, V28/32S, L28/32S, L27/38S, L27/38, L23/30DF, L23/30S, L23/30H,

L21/31S, L21/31, L16/24S, L16/24
bowl, the separator unit must always be operated
with an inlet temperature of 95-98°C for lubricating
A control circuit including a temperature transmitter
and a PI-type controller with accuracy of ±2°C must
be installed. If steam-heated, a correctly sized
steam valve should be fitted with the right KvS
value. The steam trap must be a mechanical float
type. The most common heaters on board are
steam heaters. This is due to the fact that steam in
most cases is available at low cost.
Most ships are equipped with an exhaust boiler uti-
lizing the exhaust gases to generate steam.
A large proportion of smaller tonnage does, how-
ever, use electric heaters.
It is essential to keep the incoming oil temperature
to the separator unit steady with only a small varia-
tion in temperature allowed (maximum ±2°C).
The position of the interface between oil and water
in the separator bowl is a result of the density and
the viscosity of the oil, which in turn depends on the

Flow rate
It is known that separation efficiency is a function of
the separator unit’s flow rate. The higher the flow
rate, the more particles are left in the oil and there-
fore the lower the separation efficiency. As the flow
rate is reduced, the efficiency with which particles
are removed increases and cleaning efficiency thus
Operating parameters
improves. It is, however, essential to know at what
Various operating parameters affect separation effi- capacity adequate separation efficiency is reached
ciency. These include temperature, which controls in the specific case.
both lubricating oil viscosity and density, flow rate
In principle, there are three ways to control the flow:
and maintenance.
▪ Adjustment of the built-in safety valve on the
Temperature of lubricating oil before
This method is NOT recommended since the
separator unit
built-on valve is nothing but a safety valve.
It is often seen that the lubricating oil pre-heaters
The opening pressure is often too high and its
are undersized, have very poor temperature control,
characteristic far from linear.
the steam supply to the pre-heater is limited or the
temperature set point is too low. In addition, circulation in the pump may result in
oil emulsions and cavitation in the pump.
Often the heater surface is partly clogged by depos-
its. These factors all lead to reduced separation ▪ A flow regulating valve arrangement on the
temperature and hence the efficiency of the separa- pressure side of the pump, which bypasses the
tor unit. In order to ensure that the centrifugal forces separator unit and re-circulates part of the
separate the heavy contaminants in the relatively untreated lubricating oil back to the treated oil
limited time that they are present in the separator return line, from the separator unit and NOT
directly back to the suction side of the pump.
MAN Diesel & Turbo
504.03 Description
Treatment and maintenance of lubricating oil Page 8 (9)
Edition 10

L28/32DF, V28/32S, L28/32S, L27/38S, L27/38, L23/30DF, L23/30S, L23/30H,

L21/31S, L21/31, L16/24S, L16/24
The desired flow rate is set manually by means Deterioration of oil
of the flow regulating valve. Further, the require-
ment for backpressure in the clean oil outlet Oil seldomly loses its ability to lubricate, i.e. to form
MUST also be fulfilled, helping to maintain the a friction-decreasing oil film, but it may become cor-
correct interface position. rosive to the steel journals of the bearings in such a
way that the surface of these journals becomes too
▪ Speed control of the pump motor with a fre- rough and wipes the bearing surface.
quency converter or a 2-speed motor.
In that case the bearings must be renewed, and the
This is a relatively cheap solution today and is a journals must also be polished. The corrosiveness
good alternative for flow control. of the lubricating oil is either due to far advanced
oxidation of the oil itself (TAN) or to the presence of
Maintenance inorganic acids (SAN). In both cases the presence
of water will multiply the effect, especially sea water
Proper maintenance is an important, but often over-
as the chloride ions act as an inorganic acid.
looked operating parameter that is difficult to quan-
tify. If the bowl is not cleaned in time, deposits will
form on the bowl discs, the free channel height will Signs of deterioration
be reduced, and flow velocity increases. This further If circulating oil of inferior quality is used and the oxi-
tends to drag particles with the liquid flow towards dative influence becomes grave, prompt action is
the bowl’s centre resulting in decreased separation necessary as the last stages in the deterioration will
efficiency. develop surprisingly quickly, within one or two
weeks. Even if this seldomly happens, it is wise to
Check of lubricating oil system be acquainted with the signs of deterioration.
For cleaning of the lubricating oil system after over- These may be some or all of the following:
hauls and inspection of the lubricating oil piping ▪ Sludge precipitation in the separator unit multi-
system the following checks must be carried out: plies
1. Examine the piping system for leaks. ▪ Smell of oil becomes acrid or pungent
2. Retighten all bolts and nuts in the piping sys- ▪ Machined surfaces in the crankcase become
tem. coffee-brown with a thin layer of lacquer
3. Move all valves and cocks in the piping system. ▪ Paint in the crankcase peels off or blisters
Lubricate valve spindles with graphite or similar.
▪ Excessive carbon is formed in the piston cool-
4. Blow through drain pipes. ing chamber
5. Check flexible connections for leaks and dam- In a grave case of oil deterioration the system must
ages. be cleaned thoroughly and refilled with new oil.
6. Check manometers and thermometers for pos-
sible damages. Oxidation of oils
7. Engines running at HFO, will as standard be At normal service temperature the rate of oxidation
delivered with centrifugal by-pass filter mounted is insignificant, but the following factors will acceler-
on engine. Centrifugal by-pass filter can be ate the process:
used as indicator of lubricating oil system con-
dition. High temperature
Define a cleaning interval (ex. 100 hours). Check If the coolers are ineffective, the temperature level
the sludge weight. If the sludge weight is raising will generally rise. A high temperature will also arise
please check separator and lubricating oil sys- in electrical pre-heaters if the circulation is not con-
tem condition in general. tinued for 5 minutes after the heating has been
stopped, or if the heater is only partly filled with oil.
Catalytic action
Oxidation of the oil will be accelerated considerably
if catalytic particles are present in the oil. Wear par-
ticles of copper are especially harmful, but also fer-
MAN Diesel & Turbo
Description 504.03
Page 9 (9) Treatment and maintenance of lubricating oil
Edition 10

L28/32DF, V28/32S, L28/32S, L27/38S, L27/38, L23/30DF, L23/30S, L23/30H,

L21/31S, L21/31, L16/24S, L16/24
rous particles and rust are active. Furthermore, the
lacquer and varnish oxidation products of the oil
itself have an accelerating effect. Continuous clean-
ing of the oil is therefore important to keep the
sludge content low.

Water washing
Water washing of HD oils (heavy duty) must not be
carried out.

Water in the oil

If the TAN is low, a minor increase in the fresh water
content of the oil is not immediately detrimental
while the engine is in operation. Naturally, it should
be brought down again as quickly as possible
(below 0.2% water content, which is permissible,
see description "B 12 15 0/504.04 criteria for
exchange of lube oil”). If the engine is stopped while
corrosion conditions are unsatisfactory, the crank-
shaft must be turned ½ - ¾ revolution once every
hour by means of the turning gear. Please make
sure that the crankshaft stops in different positions,
to prevent major damage to bearings and journals.
The lubricating oil must be circulated and separated
continuously to remove water.
Water in the oil may be noted by steam formation
on the sight glasses, by appearance, or ascertained
by immersing a piece of glass or a soldering iron
heated to 200-300°C in an oil sample. If there is a
hissing sound, water is present. If a large quantity of
water has entered the lubricating oil system, it has
to be removed. Either by sucking up sediment
water from the bottom, or by replacing the oil in the
sump. An oil sample must be analysed immediately
for chloride ions.
MAN Diesel & Turbo
Description 504.04
Page 1 (2) Criteria for cleaning/exchange of lubricating oil
Edition 07

V28/32S-DF, L28/32S, L23/30DF, L27/38S, L23/30S, L21/31S, L16/24S, L28/32DF,

V28/32S, L16/24, L21/31, L23/30H, L27/38
Replacement of lubricating oil 2. Flash point
The expected lubricating oil lifetime in operation is Min. value : 185° C
difficult to determine. The lubricating oil lifetime is
depending on the fuel oil quality, the lubricating oil Possible test : ASTM D-92, ISO 2719
quality, the lubricating oil consumption, the lubricat-
ing oil cleaning equipment efficiency and the engine Normally used to indicate fuel dilution.
operational conditions.
In order to evaluate the lubricating oil condition a 3. Water content
sample should be drawn on regular basis at least
once every three month or depending on the latest Max. value : 0.2 %
analysis result. The lubricating oil sample must be Unit : Weight %
drawn before the filter at engine in operation. The
sample bottle must be clean and dry, supplied with Possible test : ASTM D4928, ISO 3733
sufficient indentification and should be closed
immediately after filling. The lubricating oil sample Water can originate from contaminated fuel oil, an
must be examined in an approved laboratory or in engine cooling water leak or formed as part of the
the lubricating oil suppliers own laboratory. combustion process. If water is detected also
A lubricating oil replacement or an extensive lubri- Sodium, Glycol or Boron content should be
cating oil cleaning is required when the MAN Diesel checked in order to confirm engine coolant leaks.
& Turbo exchange criteria's have been reached.
4. Base number
Evaluation of the lubricating oil condition
Min. value : The BN value should not be lower
Based on the analysis results, the following guid- than 50% of fresh lubricating oil value,
ance are normally sufficient for evaluating the lubri- but minimum BN level never to be
cating oil condition. The parameters themselves can lower than 10-12 at operating on
not be jugded alonestanding, but must be evalu- HFO!
ated together in order to conclude the lubricating oil Unit : mg KOH/g
condition. Possible test : ASTM D-2896, ISO 3771
1. Viscosity
The neutralization capacity must secure that the
Limit value: acidic combustion products, mainly sulphur origi-
nate from the fuel oil, are neutralized at the lube oil
Normal min. max.
consumption level for the specific engine type.
value value value
Gradually the BN will be reduced, but should reach
SAE 30 [cSt@40° C] 95 - 125 75 160 an equilibrium.
SAE 30 [cSt@100° C] 11 - 13 9 15
SAE 40 [cSt@40° C] 135 - 165 100 220 5. Total acid number (TAN)
SAE 40 [cSt@100° C] 13.5 - 15.0 11 19
Max. value : 3.0 acc. to fresh oil value
Unit : mg KOH/g
Unit : cSt (mm /s)
2 Possible test : ASTM D-664
Possible test : ASTM D-445, DIN51562/53018, ISO
method 3104 TAN is used to monitor oil degradation and is a
measure of the total acids present in the lubricating
Increasing viscosity indicates problems with insolu-
oil derived from oil oxidation (weak acids) and acidic
bles, HFO contamination, water contamination, oxi-
products of fuel combustion (strong acids).
dation, nitration and low load operation. Decreasing
viscosity is generally due to dilution with lighter vis-
cosity oil.

MAN Diesel & Turbo
504.04 Description
Criteria for cleaning/exchange of lubricating oil Page 2 (2)
Edition 07

V28/32S-DF, L28/32S, L23/30DF, L27/38S, L23/30S, L21/31S, L16/24S, L28/32DF,

V28/32S, L16/24, L21/31, L23/30H, L27/38
6. Insolubles content
Max. value : 1.5 % generally, depending upon
actual dispersant value and the
increase in viscosity
Unit : Weight %
Possible test : ASTM D-893 procedure B in Hep-
method tane, DIN 51592
Additionally : If the level in n-Heptane insolubles is
test considered high for the type of oil and
application, the test could be followed
by a supplementary determination in

Total insolubles is maily derived from products of

combustion blown by the piston rings into the
crankcase. It also includes burnt lubricating oil,
additive ash, rust, salt, wear debris and abrasive

7. Metal content
Metal content Remarks Attention limits
Iron Depend upon max. 50 ppm
Chromium engine type and max. 10 ppm
Copper operating condi- max. 15 ppm
Lead tions max. 20 ppm
Tin max. 10 ppm
Aluminium max. 20 ppm
Silicon max. 20 ppm

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Description 504.05
Page 1 (1) Lubricating points
Edition 03

L27/38S, L27/38, L21/31S, L21/31, L16/24S, L16/24

Lubricating Oil Types Used in the Engine

Description Lub. oil type

Engine system lubricating oil SAE 40 oil according to lubricating oil specification on page 504.01.
Turbocharger Engine system lubricating oil.
Governor See governor instructions in section 509.
Alternator (only for GenSet) See special instructions in section 518 or separate instructions.
Hydraulic tools Hydraulic oil or turbine oil (with a viscosity of about SAE 20).

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Description 504.06
Page 1 (1) Lubricating oil in base frame
Edition 15

L21/31S, L21/31
Lubricating oil in base frame

H1 = Min. level alarm point

H2 = Min. level dipstick
H3 = Max. level dipstick
H4 = Max. level alarm point

Type L21/31 5 cyl. 6 cyl. 7 cyl. 8 cyl. 9 cyl.

Min. litre (H2) in base frame 686 778 868 960 1050
Max. litre (H3) in base frame 931 1056 1178 1303 1425

MAN Diesel & Turbo D50407-03

Specific lubricating oil consumption - SLOC

Specific lubricating oil consumption - SLOC

Engine type RPM SLOC [g/kWh] 1)
Max. [l/cyl 24h]
L16/24, L16/24S 1000/1200 0.4 - 0.8 2.3
L21/31, L21/31S 900/1000 0.4 - 0.8 4.7
L23/30H, L23/30S, L23/30DF 720/750 0.4 - 1.0 3.9
L23/30H, L23/30S, L23/30DF 900 0.4 - 1.0 4.7
L27/38, L27/38S (330 kW/cyl) 720/750 0.4 - 0.8 7.0
L27/38 (350 kW/cyl) 720/750 0.4 - 0.8 7.5
L28/32H, L28/32S, L28/32DF 720/750 0.4 - 1.0 5.6
V28/32S (H) 720/750 0.4 - 0.8 5.2
Max lubricating oil consumption per cyl per 24 hours

Please note
▪ Only maximum continuous rating (PMCR (kW)) should be used in order to
evaluate the SLOC.
▪ During engine running-in the SLOC may exceed the values stated.
The following formula is used to calculate the SLOC:

In order to evaluate the correct engine SLOC, the following circumstances

must be noticed and subtracted from the engine SLOC:
▪ Desludging interval and sludge amount from the lubricating oil separator
(or automatic lubricating oil filters). The expected lubricating oil content of
the sludge amount is 30%.
The following does also have an influence on the SLOC and must be consid-
ered in the SLOC evaluation:
▪ Lubricating oil evaporation
▪ Lubricating oil leakages
▪ Lubricating oil losses at lubricating oil filter exchange
The lubricating oil density, ρ @ 15°C must be known in order to convert ρ to
2016-12-13 - en

the present lubricating oil temperature in the base frame. The following for-

mula is used to calculate ρ:


- 1 (3)
L27/38; L23/30H; L21/31; L16/24; V28/32S; L28/32DF; L16/24S;
L21/31S; L23/30S; L27/38S; L23/30DF; L28/32S;
D50407-03 MAN Diesel & Turbo

The engine maximum continuous design rating (PMCR) must always be used in
Specific lubricating oil consumption - SLOC

order to be able to compare the individual measurements, and the running

hours since the last lubricating oil adding must be used in the calculation.
Due to inaccuracy *) at adding lubricating oil, the SLOC can only be evalu-
ated after 1,000 running hours or more, where only the average values of a
number of lubricating oil addings are representative.

*) A deviation of ± 1 mm with the dipstick measurement must be

expected, which corresponds uptill ± 0.1 g/kWh, depending on the
engine type.

2016-12-13 - en

2 (3) -
L27/38; L23/30H; L21/31; L16/24; V28/32S; L28/32DF; L16/24S;
L21/31S; L23/30S; L27/38S; L23/30DF; L28/32S;
MAN Diesel & Turbo D50407-03

Specific lubricating oil consumption - SLOC

2016-12-13 - en


- 3 (3)
L27/38; L23/30H; L21/31; L16/24; V28/32S; L28/32DF; L16/24S;
L21/31S; L23/30S; L27/38S; L23/30DF; L28/32S;
MAN Diesel & Turbo 010.000.023-05

Specification of heavy fuel oil (HFO)

MAN Diesel & Turbo four-stroke diesel engines can be operated with any
heavy fuel oil obtained from crude oil that also satisfies the requirements in
table The fuel specification and corresponding characteristics for heavy fuel
oil providing the engine and fuel processing system have been designed
accordingly. To ensure that the relationship between the fuel, spare parts
and repair / maintenance costs remains favourable at all times, the following
points should be observed.

Heavy fuel oil (HFO)

Origin/Refinery process The quality of the heavy fuel oil largely depends on the quality of crude oil
and on the refining process used. This is why the properties of heavy fuel oils
with the same viscosity may vary considerably depending on the bunker
positions. Heavy fuel oil is normally a mixture of residual oil and distillates.
The components of the mixture are normally obtained from modern refinery
processes, such as Catcracker or Visbreaker. These processes can
adversely affect the stability of the fuel as well as its ignition and combustion
properties. The processing of the heavy fuel oil and the operating result of
the engine also depend heavily on these factors.
Bunker positions with standardised heavy fuel oil qualities should preferably
be used. If oils need to be purchased from independent dealers, also ensure
that these also comply with the international specifications. The engine oper-
ator is responsible for ensuring that suitable heavy fuel oils are chosen.
Specifications Fuels intended for use in an engine must satisfy the specifications to ensure
sufficient quality. The limit values for heavy fuel oils are specified in table The
fuel specification and corresponding characteristics for heavy fuel oil. The
entries in the last column of this table provide important background informa-
tion and must therefore be observed.
Different international specifications exist for heavy fuel oils. The most impor-
tant specifications are ISO 8217-2012 and CIMAC-2003. These two specifi-
cations are more or less equivalent. Figure ISO 8217-2012 Specification for
heavy fuel oil indicates the ISO 8217 specifications. All qualities in these
specifications up to K700 can be used, provided the fuel system has been
designed for these fuels. To use any fuels, which do not comply with these
Specification of heavy fuel oil (HFO)
specifications (e.g. crude oil), consultation with Technical Service of MAN
Diesel & Turbo in Augsburg is required. Heavy fuel oils with a maximum den-
sity of 1,010 kg/m3 may only be used if up-to-date separators are installed.
Important Even though the fuel properties specified in the table entitled The fuel specifi-
cation and corresponding properties for heavy fuel oil satisfy the above
requirements, they probably do not adequately define the ignition and com-
bustion properties and the stability of the fuel. This means that the operating
behaviour of the engine can depend on properties that are not defined in the
specification. This particularly applies to the oil property that causes forma-
tion of deposits in the combustion chamber, injection system, gas ducts and
2016-10-04 - de

exhaust gas system. A number of fuels have a tendency towards incompati-

bility with lubricating oil which leads to deposits being formed in the fuel
delivery pump that can block the pumps. It may therefore be necessary to

exclude specific fuels that could cause problems.

D010.000.023-05-0001 EN 1 (10)
010.000.023-05 MAN Diesel & Turbo

Blends The addition of engine oils (old lubricating oil, ULO – used lubricating oil) and

additives that are not manufactured from mineral oils, (coal-tar oil, for exam-
ple), and residual products of chemical or other processes such as solvents
(polymers or chemical waste) is not permitted. Some of the reasons for this
are as follows: abrasive and corrosive effects, unfavourable combustion
characteristics, poor compatibility with mineral oils and, last but not least,
adverse effects on the environment. The order for the fuel must expressly
state what is not permitted as the fuel specifications that generally apply do
not include this limitation.
If engine oils (old lubricating oil, ULO – used lubricating oil) are added to fuel,
this poses a particular danger as the additives in the lubricating oil act as
emulsifiers that cause dirt, water and catfines to be transported as fine sus-
pension. They therefore prevent the necessary cleaning of the fuel. In our
experience (and this has also been the experience of other manufacturers),
this can severely damage the engine and turbocharger components.
The addition of chemical waste products (solvents, for example) to the fuel is
prohibited for environmental protection reasons according to the resolution
of the IMO Marine Environment Protection Committee passed on 1st January
Leak oil collector Leak oil collectors that act as receptacles for leak oil, and also return and
overflow pipes in the lube oil system, must not be connected to the fuel tank.
Leak oil lines should be emptied into sludge tanks.
Viscosity (at 50 °C) mm2/s (cSt) max. 700 Viscosity/injection viscosity
Viscosity (at 100 °C) max. 55 Viscosity/injection viscosity
Density (at 15 °C) g/ml max. 1.010 Heavy fuel oil processing
Flash point °C min. 60 Flash point
(ASTM D 93)
Pour point (summer) max. 30 Low-temperature behaviour
(ASTM D 97)
Pour point (winter) max. 30 Low-temperature behaviour
(ASTM D 97)
Coke residue (Conrad- Weight % max. 20 Combustion properties
Sulphur content 5 or Sulphuric acid corrosion
legal requirements
Specification of heavy fuel oil (HFO)

Ash content 0.15 Heavy fuel oil processing

Vanadium content mg/kg 450 Heavy fuel oil processing
Water content Vol. % 0.5 Heavy fuel oil processing
Sediment (potential) Weight % 0.1 –
Aluminium and silicium mg/kg max. 60 Heavy fuel oil processing
content (total)
Acid number mg KOH/g 2.5 –
2016-10-04 - de

Hydrogen sulphide mg/kg 2 –


2 (10) D010.000.023-05-0001 EN
MAN Diesel & Turbo 010.000.023-05

Used lubricating oil mg/kg – The fuel must be free of lubri-

(ULO) cating oil (ULO = used lubricat-
ing oil, old oil). Fuel is consid-
ered as contaminated with
lubricating oil when the follow-
ing concentrations occur:
Ca > 30 ppm and Zn > 15
ppm or Ca > 30 ppm and P >
15 ppm.
Asphaltene content Weight % 2/3 of coke residue Combustion properties
(according to Conradson)
Sodium content mg/kg Sodium < 1/3 Vanadium, Heavy fuel oil processing
Sodium <100
The fuel must be free of admixtures that cannot be obtained from mineral oils, such as vegetable or coal-tar oils. It
must also be free of tar oil and lubricating oil (old oil), and also chemical waste products such as solvents or poly-
Table 1: The fuel specification and corresponding characteristics for heavy fuel oil

Additional information
The purpose of the following information is to show the relationship between
the quality of heavy fuel oil, heavy fuel oil processing, the engine operation
and operating results more clearly.
Selection of heavy fuel oil Economical operation with heavy fuel oil within the limit values specified in
the table entitled The fuel specification and corresponding properties for
heavy fuel oil is possible under normal operating conditions, provided the
system is working properly and regular maintenance is carried out. If these
requirements are not satisfied, shorter maintenance intervals, higher wear
and a greater need for spare parts is to be expected. The required mainte-
nance intervals and operating results determine which quality of heavy fuel oil
should be used.
It is an established fact that the price advantage decreases as viscosity
increases. It is therefore not always economical to use the fuel with the high-
est viscosity as in many cases the quality of this fuel will not be the best.
Viscosity/injection viscosity Heavy fuel oils with a high viscosity may be of an inferior quality. The maxi-
mum permissible viscosity depends on the preheating system installed and
the capacity (flow rate) of the separator. Specification of heavy fuel oil (HFO)
The prescribed injection viscosity of 12 – 14 mm2/s (for GenSets, L16/24,
L21/31, L23/30H, L27/38, L28/32H: 12 – 18 cSt) and corresponding fuel
temperature upstream of the engine must be observed. This is the only way
to ensure efficient atomisation and mixture formation and therefore low-resi-
due combustion. This also prevents mechanical overloading of the injection
system. For the prescribed injection viscosity and/or the required fuel oil tem-
perature upstream of the engine, refer to the viscosity temperature diagram.
Heavy fuel oil processing Whether or not problems occur with the engine in operation depends on how
carefully the heavy fuel oil has been processed. Particular care should be
taken to ensure that highly-abrasive inorganic foreign matter (catalyst parti-
2016-10-04 - de

cles, rust, sand) are effectively removed. It has been shown in practice that
wear as a result of abrasion in the engine increases considerably if the alumi-
num and silicium content is higher than 15 mg/kg.

Viscosity and density influence the cleaning effect. This must be taken into
account when designing and making adjustments to the cleaning system.

D010.000.023-05-0001 EN 3 (10)
010.000.023-05 MAN Diesel & Turbo

Settling tank Heavy fuel oil is precleaned in the settling tank. The longer the fuel remains in

the tank and the lower the viscosity of heavy fuel oil is, the more effective the
precleaning process will be (maximum preheating temperature of 75 °C to
prevent the formation of asphalt in heavy fuel oil). A settling tank is sufficient
for heavy fuel oils with a viscosity of less than 380 mm2/s at 50 °C. If the
heavy fuel oil has a high concentration of foreign matter, or if fuels in accord-
ance with ISO-F-RM, G/H/K380 or H/K700 are to be used, two settling tanks
will be required one of which must be sized for 24-hour operation. Before the
content is moved to the service tank, water and sludge must be drained from
the settling tank.
Separators A separator is particularly suitable for separating material with a higher spe-
cific density – such as water, foreign matter and sludge. The separators must
be self-cleaning (i.e. the cleaning intervals must be triggered automatically).
Only new generation separators should be used. They are extremely effective
throughout a wide density range with no changeover required, and can sep-
arate water from heavy fuel oils with a density of up to 1.01 g/ml at 15 °C.
Table Achievable contents of foreign matter and water (after separation)
shows the prerequisites that must be met by the separator. These limit val-
ues are used by manufacturers as the basis for dimensioning the separator
and ensure compliance.
The manufacturer's specifications must be complied with to maximize the
cleaning effect.

Application in ships and stationary use: parallel installation

Specification of heavy fuel oil (HFO)

One separator for 100% flow rate One separator (reserve) for 100% flow

Figure 1: Arrangement of heavy fuel oil cleaning equipment and/or separator

The separators must be arranged according to the manufacturers' current
recommendations (Alfa Laval and Westphalia). The density and viscosity of
the heavy fuel oil in particular must be taken into account. If separators by
other manufacturers are used, MAN Diesel & Turbo should be consulted.
If the treatment is in accordance with the MAN Diesel & Turbo specifications
and the correct separators are chosen, it may be assumed that the results
2016-10-04 - de

stated in the table entitled Achievable contents of foreign matter and water
for inorganic foreign matter and water in heavy fuel oil will be achieved at the
engine inlet.

4 (10) D010.000.023-05-0001 EN
MAN Diesel & Turbo 010.000.023-05

Results obtained during operation in practice show that the wear occurs as a

result of abrasion in the injection system and the engine will remain within
acceptable limits if these values are complied with. In addition, an optimum
lube oil treatment process must be ensured.
Definition Particle size Quantity
Inorganic foreign matter < 5 µm < 20 mg/kg
including catalyst particles
Al+Si content – < 15 mg/kg
Water content – < 0.2 vol.%
Table 2: Achievable contents of foreign matter and water (after separation)
Water It is particularly important to ensure that the water separation process is as
thorough as possible as the water takes the form of large droplets, and not a
finely distributed emulsion. In this form, water also promotes corrosion and
sludge formation in the fuel system and therefore impairs the supply, atomi-
sation and combustion of the heavy fuel oil. If the water absorbed in the fuel
is seawater, harmful sodium chloride and other salts dissolved in this water
will enter the engine.
Water-containing sludge must be removed from the settling tank before the
separation process starts, and must also be removed from the service tank
at regular intervals. The tank's ventilation system must be designed in such a
way that condensate cannot flow back into the tank.
Vanadium/Sodium If the vanadium/sodium ratio is unfavourable, the melting point of the heavy
fuel oil ash may fall in the operating area of the exhaust-gas valve which can
lead to high-temperature corrosion. Most of the water and water-soluble
sodium compounds it contains can be removed by pretreating the heavy fuel
oil in the settling tank and in the separators.
The risk of high-temperature corrosion is low if the sodium content is one
third of the vanadium content or less. It must also be ensured that sodium
does not enter the engine in the form of seawater in the intake air.
If the sodium content is higher than 100 mg/kg, this is likely to result in a
higher quantity of salt deposits in the combustion chamber and exhaust-gas
system. This will impair the function of the engine (including the suction func-
tion of the turbocharger).
Under certain conditions, high-temperature corrosion can be prevented by
using a fuel additive that increases the melting point of heavy fuel oil ash (also
Specification of heavy fuel oil (HFO)
see Additives for heavy fuel oils).
Ash Fuel ash consists for the greater part of vanadium oxide and nickel sulphate
(see above section for more information). Heavy fuel oils containing a high
proportion of ash in the form of foreign matter, e.g. sand, corrosion com-
pounds and catalyst particles, accelerate the mechanical wear in the engine.
Catalyst particles produced as a result of the catalytic cracking process may
be present in the heavy fuel oils. In most cases, these catalyst particles are
aluminium silicates causing a high degree of wear in the injection system and
the engine. The aluminium content determined, multiplied by a factor of
between 5 and 8 (depending on the catalytic bond), is roughly the same as
2016-10-04 - de

the proportion of catalyst remnants in the heavy fuel oil.

Homogeniser If a homogeniser is used, it must never be installed between the settling tank
and separator as otherwise it will not be possible to ensure satisfactory sepa-

ration of harmful contaminants, particularly seawater.

D010.000.023-05-0001 EN 5 (10)
010.000.023-05 MAN Diesel & Turbo

Flash point (ASTM D 93) National and international transportation and storage regulations governing

the use of fuels must be complied with in relation to the flash point. In gen-
eral, a flash point of above 60 °C is prescribed for diesel engine fuels.
Low-temperature behaviour The pour point is the temperature at which the fuel is no longer flowable
(ASTM D 97) (pumpable). As the pour point of many low-viscosity heavy fuel oils is higher
than 0 °C, the bunker facility must be preheated, unless fuel in accordance
with RMA or RMB is used. The entire bunker facility must be designed in
such a way that the heavy fuel oil can be preheated to around 10 °C above
the pour point.
Pump characteristics If the viscosity of the fuel is higher than 1000 mm2/s (cSt), or the temperature
is not at least 10 °C above the pour point, pump problems will occur. For
more information, also refer to paragraph Low-temperature behaviour (ASTM
D 97.
Combustion properties If the proportion of asphalt is more than two thirds of the coke residue (Con-
radson), combustion may be delayed which in turn may increase the forma-
tion of combustion residues, leading to such as deposits on and in the injec-
tion nozzles, large amounts of smoke, low output, increased fuel consump-
tion and a rapid rise in ignition pressure as well as combustion close to the
cylinder wall (thermal overloading of lubricating oil film). If the ratio of asphalt
to coke residues reaches the limit 0.66, and if the asphalt content exceeds
8%, the risk of deposits forming in the combustion chamber and injection
system is higher. These problems can also occur when using unstable heavy
fuel oils, or if incompatible heavy fuel oils are mixed. This would lead to an
increased deposition of asphalt (see paragraph Compatibility).
Ignition quality Nowadays, to achieve the prescribed reference viscosity, cracking-process
products are used as the low viscosity ingredients of heavy fuel oils although
the ignition characteristics of these oils may also be poor. The cetane num-
ber of these compounds should be > 35. If the proportion of aromatic hydro-
carbons is high (more than 35 %), this also adversely affects the ignition
The ignition delay in heavy fuel oils with poor ignition characteristics is longer;
the combustion is also delayed which can lead to thermal overloading of the
oil film at the cylinder liner and also high cylinder pressures. The ignition delay
and accompanying increase in pressure in the cylinder are also influenced by
the end temperature and compression pressure, i.e. by the compression
ratio, the charge-air pressure and charge-air temperature.
The disadvantages of using fuels with poor ignition characteristics can be
Specification of heavy fuel oil (HFO)

limited by preheating the charge air in partial load operation and reducing the
output for a limited period. However, a more effective solution is a high com-
pression ratio and operational adjustment of the injection system to the igni-
tion characteristics of the fuel used, as is the case with MAN Diesel & Turbo
piston engines.
The ignition quality is one of the most important properties of the fuel. This
value does not appear in the international specifications because a standar-
dised testing method has only recently become available and not enough
experience has been gathered at this point in order to determine limit values.
The parameters, such as the calculated carbon aromaticity index (CCAI), are
2016-10-04 - de

therefore aids that are derived from quantifiable fuel properties. We have
established that this method is suitable for determining the approximate igni-
tion quality of the heavy fuel oil used.

A testing instrument has been developed based on the constant volume

combustion method (fuel combustion analyser FCA) and is currently being
tested by a series of testing laboratories.

6 (10) D010.000.023-05-0001 EN
MAN Diesel & Turbo 010.000.023-05

The instrument measures the ignition delay to determine the ignition quality

of fuel and this measurement is converted into an instrument-specific cetane
number (FIA-CN or EC). It has been established that in some cases, heavy
fuel oils with a low FIA cetane number or ECN number can cause operating
As the liquid components of the heavy fuel oil decisively influence the ignition
quality, flow properties and combustion quality, the bunker operator is
responsible for ensuring that the quality of heavy fuel oil delivered is suitable
for the diesel engine. Also see figure entitled Nomogram for determining the
CCAI – assigning the CCAI ranges to engine types.

Specification of heavy fuel oil (HFO)

2016-10-04 - de


D010.000.023-05-0001 EN 7 (10)
010.000.023-05 MAN Diesel & Turbo

V Viscosity in mm2/s (cSt) at A Normal operating conditions

50° C
D Density [in kg/m3] at 15° C B The ignition characteristics
can be poor and require
adapting the engine or the
operating conditions.
CCAI Calculated Carbon Aroma- C Problems identified may lead
ticity Index to engine damage, even
after a short period of opera-
Specification of heavy fuel oil (HFO)

1 Engine type 2 The CCAI is obtained from
the straight line through the
density and viscosity of the
heavy fuel oils.
The CCAI can be calculated using the following formula:
CCAI = D - 141 log log (V+0.85) - 81

Figure 2: Nomogram for determining the CCAI and assigning the CCAI ranges to
engine types
Sulphuric acid corrosion The engine should be operated at the coolant temperatures prescribed in the
2016-10-04 - de

operating handbook for the relevant load. If the temperature of the compo-
nents that are exposed to acidic combustion products is below the acid dew
point, acid corrosion can no longer be effectively prevented, even if alkaline
lube oil is used.

The BN values specified in 010.005 Engine - Operating instructions

010.000.023-11 are sufficient, providing the quality of lubricating oil and the
engine's cooling system satisfy the requirements.

8 (10) D010.000.023-05-0001 EN
MAN Diesel & Turbo 010.000.023-05

Compatibility The supplier must guarantee that the heavy fuel oil is homogeneous and

remains stable, even after the standard storage period. If different bunker oils
are mixed, this can lead to separation and the associated sludge formation in
the fuel system during which large quantities of sludge accumulate in the
separator that block filters, prevent atomisation and a large amount of resi-
due as a result of combustion.
This is due to incompatibility or instability of the oils. Therefore heavy fuel oil
as much as possible should be removed in the storage tank before bunker-
ing again to prevent incompatibility.
Blending the heavy fuel oil If heavy fuel oil for the main engine is blended with gas oil (MGO) to obtain
the required quality or viscosity of heavy fuel oil, it is extremely important that
the components are compatible (see paragraph Compatibility).
Additives for heavy fuel oils MAN Diesel & Turbo SE engines can be operated economically without addi-
tives. It is up to the customer to decide whether or not the use of additives is
beneficial. The supplier of the additive must guarantee that the engine opera-
tion will not be impaired by using the product.
The use of heavy fuel oil additives during the warranty period must be avoi-
ded as a basic principle.
Additives that are currently used for diesel engines, as well as their probable
effects on the engine's operation, are summarised in the table below Addi-
tives for heavy fuel oils and their effects on the engine operation.
Precombustion additives ▪ Dispersing agents/stabilisers
▪ Emulsion breakers
▪ Biocides
Combustion additives ▪ Combustion catalysts
(fuel savings, emissions)
Post-combustion additives ▪ Ash modifiers (hot corrosion)
▪ Soot removers (exhaust-gas system)
Table 3: Additives for heavy fuel oils and their effects on the engine operation
Heavy fuel oils with low From the point of view of an engine manufacturer, a lower limit for the sul-
sulphur content phur content of heavy fuel oils does not exist. We have not identified any
problems with the low-sulphur heavy fuel oils currently available on the mar-
ket that can be traced back to their sulphur content. This situation may
change in future if new methods are used for the production of low-sulphur Specification of heavy fuel oil (HFO)
heavy fuel oil (desulphurisation, new blending components). MAN Diesel &
Turbo will monitor developments and inform its customers if required.
If the engine is not always operated with low-sulphur heavy fuel oil, corre-
sponding lubricating oil for the fuel with the highest sulphur content must be

Improper handling of operating fluids

If operating fluids are improperly handled, this can pose a danger to
health, safety and the environment. The relevant safety information by
2016-10-04 - de

the supplier of operating fluids must be observed.


D010.000.023-05-0001 EN 9 (10)
010.000.023-05 MAN Diesel & Turbo

Sampling To check whether the specification provided and/or the necessary delivery
conditions are complied with, we recommend you retain at least one sample
of every bunker oil (at least for the duration of the engine's warranty period).
To ensure that the samples taken are representative of the bunker oil, a sam-
ple should be taken from the transfer line when starting up, halfway through
the operating period and at the end of the bunker period. "Sample Tec" by
Mar-Tec in Hamburg is a suitable testing instrument which can be used to
take samples on a regular basis during bunkering.
Analysis of samples To ensure sufficient cleaning of the fuel via the separator, perform regular
functional check by sampling up- and downstream of the separator.
Analysis of HFO samples is very important for safe engine operation. We can
analyse fuel for customers at MAN Diesel & Turbo laboratory PrimeServLab.
Specification of heavy fuel oil (HFO)

2016-10-04 - de

10 (10) D010.000.023-05-0001 EN
MAN Diesel & Turbo 010.000.023-04

Specification of diesel oil (MDO)

Marine diesel oil
Other designations Marine diesel oil, marine diesel fuel.
Origin Marine diesel oil (MDO) is supplied as heavy distillate (designation ISO-F-
DMB) exclusively for marine applications. MDO is manufactured from crude
oil and must be free of organic acids and non-mineral oil products.

The suitability of a fuel depends on the engine design and the available
cleaning options as well as compliance with the properties in the following
table that refer to the as-delivered condition of the fuel.
The properties are essentially defined using the ISO 8217 standard in the
current version as the basis. The properties have been specified using the
stated test procedures.
Properties Unit Test procedure Designation
ISO-F specification – – DMB
Density at 15 °C kg/m3 ISO 3675 < 900
Kinematic viscosity at 40 °C mm /s ≙ cSt
ISO 3104 > 2.0
< 11 1)
Pour point, winter grade °C ISO 3016 <0
Pour point, summer grade °C ISO 3016 <6
Flash point (Pensky Martens) °C ISO 2719 > 60
Total sediment content weight % ISO CD 10307 0.10
Water content Vol. % ISO 3733 < 0.3
Sulphur content weight % ISO 8754 < 2.0
Ash content weight % ISO 6245 < 0.01
Coke residue (MCR) weight % ISO CD 10370 < 0.30
Cetane index and cetane number - ISO 4264 > 35
ISO 5165
Hydrogen sulphide mg/kg IP 570 <2
Acid number mg KOH/g ASTM D664 < 0.5
Specification of diesel oil (MDO)

Oxidation stability g/m3 ISO 12205 < 25

Lubricity μm ISO 12156-1 < 520
(wear scar diameter)
Other specifications:
ASTM D 975 – – 2D
ASTM D 396 – – No. 2
2017-07-11 - de

Table 1: Table: Properties of Maritime Diesel Oil (MDO) to be Maintained

For engines 27/38 with 350 resp. 365 kW/cyl the viscosity must not
exceed 6 mm2/s @ 40 °C, as this would reduce the lifetime of the injection


D010.000.023-04-0001 EN 1 (2)
010.000.023-04 MAN Diesel & Turbo

Additional information
During reloading and transfer, MDO is treated like residual oil. It is possible
that oil is mixed with high-viscosity fuel or heavy fuel oil, for example with res-
idues of such fuels in the bunker vessel, which can markedly deteriorate the
properties. Admixtures of biodiesel (FAME) are not permissible!
Lubricity Normally, the lubricating ability of diesel oil is sufficient to operate the fuel
injection pump. Desulphurisation of diesel fuels can reduce their lubricity. If
the sulphur content is extremely low (< 500 ppm or 0.05%), the lubricity may
no longer be sufficient. Before using diesel fuels with low sulphur content,
you should therefore ensure that their lubricity is sufficient. This is the case if
the lubricity as specified in ISO 12156-1 does not exceed 520 μm.
You can ensure that these conditions will be met by using motor vehicle die-
sel fuel in accordance with EN 590 as this characteristic value is an integral
part of the specification.
The fuel must be free of lubricating oil (ULO – used lubricating oil, old oil).
Fuel is considered as contaminated with lubricating oil when the following
concentrations occur:
Ca > 30 ppm and Zn > 15 ppm or Ca > 30 ppm and P > 15 ppm.
The pour point specifies the temperature at which the oil no longer flows. The
lowest temperature of the fuel in the system should be roughly 10 °C above
the pour point to ensure that the required pumping characteristics are main-
A minimum viscosity must be observed to ensure sufficient lubrication in the
fuel injection pumps. The temperature of the fuel must therefore not exceed
45 °C.
Seawater causes the fuel system to corrode and also leads to hot corrosion
of the exhaust valves and turbocharger. Seawater also causes insufficient
atomisation and therefore poor mixture formation accompanied by a high
proportion of combustion residues.
Solid foreign matters increase mechanical wear and formation of ash in the
cylinder space.
We recommend the installation of a separator upstream of the fuel filter. Sep-
aration temperature: 40 – 50°C. Most solid particles (sand, rust and catalyst
particles) and water can be removed, and the cleaning intervals of the filter
elements can be extended considerably.
Specification of diesel oil (MDO)

Handling of operating fluids

Handling of operating fluids can cause serious injury and damage to
the environment.
• Observe safety data sheets of the operating fluid supplier.
2017-07-11 - de

Analysis of fuel oil samples is very important for safe engine operation. We

can analyse fuel for customers at MAN Diesel & Turbo laboratory PrimeServ-

2 (2) D010.000.023-04-0001 EN
MAN Diesel & Turbo 010.000.023-01

Specification of gas oil/diesel oil (MGO)

Diesel oil
Other designations Gas oil, marine gas oil (MGO), diesel oil
Gas oil is a crude oil medium distillate and therefore must not contain any
residual materials.

Military specification
Diesel fuels that satisfy the NATO F-75 or F-76 specifications may be used if
they adhere to the minimum viscosity requirements.

The suitability of fuel depends on whether it has the properties defined in this
specification (based on its composition in the as-delivered state).
The DIN EN 590 standard and the ISO 8217 standard (Class DMA or Class
DMZ) in the current version have been extensively used as the basis when
defining these properties. The properties correspond to the test procedures
Properties Unit Test procedure Typical value
Density at 15 °C kg/m 3
ISO 3675 ≥ 820.0
≤ 890.0
Kinematic viscosity at 40 °C mm2/s (cSt) ISO 3104 ≥2
≤ 6.0
Filtering capability 1)
in summer and °C DIN EN 116 must be indicated
in winter °C DIN EN 116
Flash point in enclosed crucible °C ISO 2719 ≥ 60
Sediment content (extraction method) weight % ISO 3735 ≤ 0.01
Water content Vol. % ISO 3733 ≤ 0.05
Sulphur content ISO 8754 ≤ 1.5
Ash weight % ISO 6245 ≤ 0.01
Coke residue (MCR) ISO CD 10370 ≤ 0.10
Specification of gas oil/diesel oil (MGO)

Hydrogen sulphide mg/kg IP 570 <2

Acid number mg KOH/g ASTM D664 < 0.5
Oxidation stability g/m3 ISO 12205 < 25
Lubricity μm ISO 12156-1 < 520
(wear scar diameter)
Content of biodiesel (FAME) % (v/v) EN 14078 not permissible
2017-07-11 - de

Cetane index and cetane number – ISO 4264 ≥ 40

ISO 5165
Other specifications:

ASTM D 975 – – 1D/2D

It must be ensured that the fuel can be used under the climatic conditions in the area of application.
Table 1: Table: Properties of Diesel Fuel (MGO) to be Maintained

D010.000.023-01-0001 EN 1 (2)
010.000.023-01 MAN Diesel & Turbo

Additional information
Use of diesel oil If distillate intended for use as heating oil is used with stationary engines
instead of diesel oil (EL heating oil according to DIN 51603 or Fuel No. 1 or
no. 2 according to ASTM D 396), the ignition behaviour, stability and behav-
iour at low temperatures must be ensured; in other words the requirements
for the filterability and cetane number must be satisfied.
Viscosity To ensure sufficient lubrication, a minimum viscosity must be ensured at the
fuel pump. The maximum temperature required to ensure that a viscosity of
more than 1.9 mm2/s is maintained upstream of the fuel pump, depends on
the fuel viscosity. In any case, the fuel temperature upstream of the injection
pump must not exceed 45 °C.
The pour point indicates the temperature at which the oil stops flowing. To
ensure the pumping properties, the lowest temperature acceptable to the
fuel in the system should be about 10 ° C above the pour point.
Lubricity Normally, the lubricating ability of diesel oil is sufficient to operate the fuel
injection pump. Desulphurisation of diesel fuels can reduce their lubricity. If
the sulphur content is extremely low (< 500 ppm or 0.05%), the lubricity may
no longer be sufficient. Before using diesel fuels with low sulphur content,
you should therefore ensure that their lubricity is sufficient. This is the case if
the lubricity as specified in ISO 12156-1 does not exceed 520 μm.
You can ensure that these conditions will be met by using motor vehicle die-
sel fuel in accordance with EN 590 as this characteristic value is an integral
part of the specification.

Handling of operating fluids

Handling of operating fluids can cause serious injury and damage to
the environment.
• Observe safety data sheets of the operating fluid supplier.

Analysis of fuel oil samples is very important for safe engine operation. We
Specification of gas oil/diesel oil (MGO)

can analyse fuel for customers at MAN Diesel & Turbo laboratory PrimeServ-
2017-07-11 - de

2 (2) D010.000.023-01-0001 EN
MAN Diesel & Turbo 010.000.023-02

Specification of bio fuel

Other designations Biodiesel, FAME, vegetable oil, rapeseed oil, palm oil, frying fat.
Origin Biofuel is derived from oil plants or old cooking oil.

Transesterified and non-transesterified vegetable oils can be used.
Transesterified biofuels (biodiesel, FAME) must comply with the standard EN
Non-transesterified biofuels must comply with the specifications listed in
table Specification of non-transesterified bio fuel.
These specifications are based on experience to date. As this experience is
limited, these must be regarded as recommended specifications that can be
adapted if necessary. If future experience shows that these specifications are
too strict, or not strict enough, they can be modified accordingly to ensure
safe and reliable operation.
When operating with bio-fuels, lubricating oil that would also be suitable for
operation with diesel oil.
See 010.005 Engine - Operating Instructions section 010.000.023-07.
Properties/features Properties/unit Testing method
Density at 15 °C 900–930 kg/m3 DIN EN ISO 3675,
EN ISO 12185
Flash point > 60 °C DIN EN 22719
Lower calorific value > 35 MJ/kg DIN 51900-3
(typically: 37 MJ/kg)
Viscosity/50 °C < 40 cSt (corresponds to DIN EN ISO 3104
viscosity/40 °C< 60 cSt) ASTM D7042
Estimated cetane number > 40 IP 541
Coke residue < 0.4% DIN EN ISO 10370
Sediment content < 200 ppm DIN EN 12662
Oxidation resistance (110 °C) >5h EN ISO 6886, EN 14112
Monoglyceride content < 0.70% (m/m) EN14105
Diglyceride content < 0.20% (m/m) EN14105
Triglyceride content < 0.20% (m/m) EN14105
Specification of bio fuel

Free glycerol content < 0.02% (m/m) EN14105

Phosphorus content < 15 ppm ASTM D3231
Na and K content < 15 ppm DIN 51797-3
2017-07-11 - de

Ash content < 0.01% DIN EN ISO 6245

Water content < 0.5% EN ISO 12537
Iodine number < 125g/100g DIN EN 14111

D010.000.023-02-0001 EN 1 (2)
010.000.023-02 MAN Diesel & Turbo

Properties/features Properties/unit Testing method


TAN (total acid number) < 5 mg KOH/g DIN EN ISO 660

Cold filter plugging point 10 °C below the lowest tempera- EN 116
ture in the fuel system
Table 1: Specifications for non-interesterified bio fuel

Handling of operating fluids

Handling of operating fluids can cause serious injury and damage to
the environment.
• Observe safety data sheets of the operating fluid supplier.

Analysis of fuel oil samples is very important for safe engine operation. We
can analyse fuel for customers at MAN Diesel & Turbo laboratory PrimeServ-
Specification of bio fuel

2017-07-11 - de

2 (2) D010.000.023-02-0001 EN
MAN Diesel & Turbo
Description 504.24
Page 1 (1) Crude oil specification
Edition 01

V28/32S, L28/32S, L27/38S, L27/38, L23/30S, L23/30H, L21/31S, L21/31,

L16/24S, L16/24
Crude oil
Crude oil is a naturally occurring flammable liquid consisting of a complex mixture of hydrocarbons of various
molecular weights and other liquid organic compounds, that are found in geologic formations beneath the
Earth's surface.
The flash point of crude oil is low, typically below ambient temperature.
Our four-stroke medium-speed engines are well proven in operation on crude oil taken directly from oil wells
and conditioned on site.
Exploiting crude oil to feed the large consumers involved in oil and gas exploration and production is both an
economical solution and saves the considerable CO2 emissions involved in the refining of distillate fuels and
their transport via pumping stations from and to the oil field.
Properties/Characteristics Unit Limit Test method
Viscosity, before injection pumps, min. cSt 3
Viscosity, before injection pumps, max. cSt 14 1)
Viscosity @ 50°C, max. cSt 700 ISO 3104
Density @ 15°C, max. kg/m 3
1010.0 ISO 3675 or ISO 12185
CCAI, max. – 870 ISO 8217
Water before engine, max. % volume 0.2 ISO 3733
Sulphur, max. % mass 4.5 ISO 8754 or ISO 14596
Ash, max. % mass 0.15 ISO 6245
Vanadium, max. mg/kg 600 ISO 14597 or IP 501
or IP 470
Sodium + Potassium before engine, mg/kg 1/3 Vanadium content ISO 10478
Aluminium + Silicon before engine, max. mg/kg 15 ISO 10478 or IP 501
or IP 470
Carbon residue, max. % mass 20 ISO 10370
Asphaltenes, max. % mass 2/3 of carbon residue ASTM D3279
(according to Conradson)
Reid vapour pressure (RVP), max. kPa @ 37.8°C 65 ASTM D323
Lubricity (wear scar diameter) μm < 520 ISO 12156-1
Pour point, max. °C 30 ISO 3016
Cold filter plugging point °C 2)
IP 309
Total sediment potential, max. % mass 0.10 ISO 10307-2
Hydrogen sulphide, max. mg/kg 2 IP 570
AN (acid number), max. mg KOH/g 2.5 ASTM D664

Table 5: Crude oil - specifications.

Viscosity, before injection pumps, max. 18 cSt for GenSets L23/30H, L28/32H and V28/32S
Minimum 10°C below the lowest temperature in the entire fuel system

MAN Diesel & Turbo 010.000.023-06

Viscosity-temperature diagram (VT diagram)

Explanations of viscosity-temperature diagram

Viscosity-temperature diagram (VT diagram)

Figure 1: Viscosity-temperature diagram (VT diagram)

In the diagram, the fuel temperatures are shown on the horizontal axis and
the viscosity is shown on the vertical axis.
The diagonal lines correspond to viscosity-temperature curves of fuels with
different reference viscosities. The vertical viscosity axis in mm2/s (cSt)
applies for 40, 50 or 100 °C.
2016-09-26 - de


D010.000.023-06-0001 EN 1 (2)
010.000.023-06 MAN Diesel & Turbo

Determining the viscosity-temperature curve and the required preheating temperature

Example: Heavy fuel oil with Prescribed injection viscosity Required temperature of heavy fuel oil
180 mm²/s at 50 °C in mm²/s at engine inlet1) in °C
≥ 12 126 (line c)
≤ 14 119 (line d)
With these figures, the temperature drop between the last preheating device and
the fuel injection pump is not taken into account.
Table 1: Determining the viscosity-temperature curve and the required preheating
A heavy fuel oil with a viscosity of 180 mm2/s at 50 °C can reach a viscosity
of 1,000 mm2/s at 24 °C (line e) – this is the maximum permissible viscosity
of fuel that the pump can deliver.
A heavy fuel oil discharge temperature of 152 °C is reached when using a
recent state-of-the-art preheating device with 8 bar saturated steam. At
higher temperatures there is a risk of residues forming in the preheating sys-
tem – this leads to a reduction in heating output and thermal overloading of
the heavy fuel oil. Asphalt is also formed in this case, i.e. quality deterioration.
The heavy fuel oil lines between the outlet of the last preheating system and
the injection valve must be suitably insulated to limit the maximum drop in
temperature to 4 °C. This is the only way to achieve the necessary injection
viscosity of 14 mm2/s for heavy fuel oils with a reference viscosity of 700
mm2/s at 50 °C (the maximum viscosity as defined in the international specifi-
cations such as ISO CIMAC or British Standard). If heavy fuel oil with a low
reference viscosity is used, the injection viscosity should ideally be 12 mm2/s
in order to achieve more effective atomisation to reduce the combustion resi-
The delivery pump must be designed for heavy fuel oil with a viscosity of up
to 1,000 mm2/s. The pour point also determines whether the pump is capa-
ble of transporting the heavy fuel oil. The bunker facility must be designed so
as to allow the heavy fuel oil to be heated to roughly 10 °C above the pour
Viscosity-temperature diagram (VT diagram)

The viscosity of gas oil or diesel oil (marine diesel oil) upstream of the
engine must be at least 1.9 mm2/s. If the viscosity is too low, this may
cause seizing of the pump plunger or nozzle needle valves as a result
of insufficient lubrication.

This can be avoided by monitoring the temperature of the fuel. Although the
maximum permissible temperature depends on the viscosity of the fuel, it
must never exceed the following values:
▪ 45 °C at the most with MGO (DMA) and MDO (DMB)
2016-09-26 - de

A fuel cooler must therefore be installed.

If the viscosity of the fuel is < 2 cSt at 40 °C, consult the technical service of
MAN Diesel & Turbo in Augsburg.

2 (2) D010.000.023-06-0001 EN
MAN Diesel & Turbo 010.000.023-14

Analysis of operating fluids

Checks are important
The engine oil and cooling water must be monitored during operation, as
contamination and acidification limits the performance of the lubricating oil
and damage to the engine could occur if the quality of the water or concen-
tration of slushing oil in the cooling water is too low.
It is also important to check specific fuel characteristics of engines that run
on heavy fuel oil to ensure optimum processing of the heavy fuel oil. It cannot
always be assumed that the values specified in the bunker documents apply
to the delivery.

Test kit
For easy chemical and physical investigation of the operating fluids, we rec-
ommend the following MAN Diesel & Turbo test case:
Medium Type Designation
Heavy fuel oil and lubricating oil A Fuel and lubricating oil analyser
Cooling water B Cooling water tester
Table 1: Test kit for operating fluids analysis

Analysis of operating fluids

Figure 1: Test kit case A for the analysis of fuel and lubricating oil
Laboratory tests Test kit cannot replace a regular laboratory test of operating fluids, but only
supplement it.
We can analyse engine operating fluids for customers at our laboratory Pri-
2016-02-10 - de


D010.000.023-14-0001 EN 1 (4)
010.000.023-14 MAN Diesel & Turbo

Figure 2: Test kit case B for the analysis of cooling water

Characteristic value Fuel Water Lubricating oil Characteristic value provides indication of Test
or influences kit
Density X X Separator setting A
Viscosity X X Separating temperature, injection vis- A*
cosity, lubricating oil dilution
Ignition behaviour CCAI/CII X Ignition and combustion behaviour, A
ignition pressure, rate of pressure
increase, starting behaviour
Water content X X Fuel delivery and atomisation, corro- A
sion susceptibility
Test for seawater X X A
Total Base Number (TBN) X existing neutralising capacity A
pH value X B
Pour point X X Storability and pumpability A
Water hardness X Cooling water processing B
Chloride ion content X Corrosion potential B
Slushing oil in cooling water X Corrosion protection in the cooling **
Analysis of operating fluids

Spot test X Total lubricating oil contamination A

Spot Test (ASTM-D2781) X Compatibility of blended heavy fuel oil A
Table 2: Characteristic values that can be analysed using the test kits

* Test kit A contains the Viscomar device which measures the viscosity at different reference temperatures. The vis-
2016-02-10 - de

cosity-temperature relationship can be determined in conjunction with the Calcumar computing device (e.g. injection
and pump temperature).
** Not included. Available from the supplier of the slushing oil.

Refill kits are available for the chemicals used. Every test kit contains a com-
prehensive user manual that provides detailed information on each aspect of
the application.

2 (4) D010.000.023-14-0001 EN
MAN Diesel & Turbo 010.000.023-14

Other testing instruments
Lube Oil Tec Determines the water content, Total Base Number (TBN) and lubricating oil
viscosity (alternative to test kit A with fewer features)

Figure 3: Lube Oil Tec

Port-A-lab For test of lubricating oil. Test scope similar to Lube Oil Tec.
Refractometer For monitoring the anti-freeze solution dosing (in stationary systems).

Sources of supply
Product Item no. Source
A Fuel and lubricating oil analyser 09.11999-9005 1, 2
Chemical refill kit for A 09.11999-9002 1, 2
B Cooling water tester 09.11999-9003 1, 2
Chemical refill kit for B 09.11999-9004 1, 2, 3
Lube Oil Tec 2
Analysis of operating fluids

Port-A-lab 3
Measuring device for determining the concentration 4
of anticorrosive agent containing nitrite
Refractometer for determining the concentration of 5
anti-freeze solutions
2016-02-10 - de

Source Address

1 MAN Diesel & Turbo SE, Augsburg, Department A-AUG

2 Drew Marine Mar-Tec GmbH, Stenzelring 8, 21107 Hamburg

D010.000.023-14-0001 EN 3 (4)
010.000.023-14 MAN Diesel & Turbo

Source Address

3 Martechnic GmbH, Schnackenbergallee 13, 22525 Hamburg

4 Supplier of anticorrosive agent
5 Müller Gerätebau GmbH, Rangerdinger Straße 35, 72414 Höfendorf
Analysis of operating fluids

2016-02-10 - de

4 (4) D010.000.023-14-0001 EN
MAN Diesel & Turbo
Description 504.28
Page 1 (1) Firing pressure comparison
Edition 08

L21/31S, L21/31
Firing pressure comparison

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Description 504.30
Page 1 (2) Fuel oil cleaning
Edition 01

V28/32S, L27/38S, L27/38, L23/30S, L23/30H, L21/31S, L21/31, L16/24S, L16/24

Purification Recommendations Especially for fuels above 180 cST/50°C (1500 sec.
RW/100°F) the highest possible temperature of
Fuel oils are always contaminated and should there- 98°C (208°F) should be maintained in the centrifuge
fore be cleaned thoroughly of solid as well as liquid oil preheater.
contaminants before use. The solid contami-nants
in the fuel are mainly rust, sand, dust and re-finery
catalysts. Liquid contaminants are mainly water, i.e. The fuel is kept in the centrifuge for as long as pos-
either fresh water or sea water. sible by adjusting the flow rate through the centri-
fuge so that it corresponds to the amount of fuel
required by the engine without excessive re-circu-
The impurities can cause damage to fuel injection lating. Consequently, the centrifuge should operate
pumps and fuel valves, result in increased cylinder for 24 hours a day except during necessary clean-
liner wear and cause the exhaust valve seats to ing.
deteriorate. Increased fouling of gasways and tur-
bocharger blends may also result from the use of
inadequately cleaned fuel oils. Taking today's fuel qualities into consideration the
need to clean centrifuges ("shooting frequency")
should not be underestimated. Correct choice and
Effective cleaning can only be ensured by means of adjustment of the regulating screws and/or the
a centrifuge. We recommend that the capacity of gravity discs are of special importance for efficient
the centrifuges installed be at least according to the water removal. The centrifuge manual states the
centrifuge maker's recommendations. To obtain disc or screw adjustment which should be chosen
optimum cleaning it is of the utmost importance to on the basis of the specific gravity of the fuel.
operate the centrifuge with as low a viscosity of the
fuel oil as possible and to allow the fuel oil to remain
in the centrifuge bowl for as long as possible. Normal practice is to have at least two centrifuges
available for fuel cleaning. Results from experimen-
tal work on centrifuges, treating today's qualities of
Cleaning of HFO by Centrifuging residual fuel, have shown that the best cleaning
effect, especially as regards removal of catalyst
Single centrifuge as purifier. fines, is achieved when the centrifuges are operated
Operating Two centrifuges in parallel. in series, in purifier/clarifier mode.
Two centrifuges in series.
Optimum Operating Configurations Therefore series operation of centrifuges to ensure
maximum safety is a fully accepted alternative to the
Water content Parallel operation previously recommended parallel operation, provi-
below 1 % Purifier / Purifier
Normal ded the operating capacity of each individual centri-
conditions or fuge can handle the total amount of fuel required by
Density at 15°C Series operation the engine, without exceeding the flow rate recom-
below 0.991 Purifier + Clarifier mended by the centrifuge maker for the operating
mode in question.
Water content
below 1 % Parallel operation
Extreme If the centrifuge capacity installed is on the low side,
conditions Density at 15°C Purifier / Purifier corresponding to the specific viscosity of the fuel oil
below 0.991 used, and if more than one centrifuge is available,
parallel operation may be considered in order to
High content Series operation
of catalyst fines Purifier + Clarifier obtain an even lower flow rate. However, in view of
the above results and recommendations serious
Table 1. Cleaning of HFO. consideration should be given to installing new
equipment in accordance with today's fuel qualities
and flow recommendations.

MAN Diesel & Turbo
504.30 Description
Fuel oil cleaning Page 2 (2)
Edition 01

V28/32S, L27/38S, L27/38, L23/30S, L23/30H, L21/31S, L21/31, L16/24S, L16/24

To determine centrifuging capacity we generally
advise to follow the recommendations of the centri-
fuge maker, but the curves in fig. 1, can be used as
a guideline.
A homogenizer may be installed in the fuel oil sys-
tem as a supplement to the centrifuges in order to
homogenize possible water and sludge still present
in the fuel after centrifuging.

Figure 14: Flow rate through centrifuge related to nominal

capacity of centrifuge.

MAN Diesel & Turbo 010.000.023-13

Specification of engine coolant

Quality guidelines (conventional and Common Rail engines)

Preliminary remarks
An engine coolant is composed as follows: water for heat removal and cool-
ant additive for corrosion protection.
As is also the case with the fuel and lubricating oil, the engine coolant must
be carefully selected, handled and checked. If this is not the case, corrosion,
erosion and cavitation may occur at the walls of the cooling system in con-
tact with water and deposits may form. Deposits obstruct the transfer of heat
and can cause thermal overloading of the cooled parts. The system must be
treated with an anticorrosive agent before bringing it into operation for the
first time. The concentrations prescribed by the engine manufacturer must
always be observed during subsequent operation. The above especially
applies if a chemical additive is added.

Limit values The properties of untreated coolant must correspond to the following limit
Properties/Characteristic Properties Unit
Water type Distillate or fresh water, free of foreign mat- –
Total hardness max. 6 dGH1)
pH value 6.5 – 8 –
Chloride ion content max. 50 mg/l2)
Table 1: Properties of coolant that must be complied with

1 dGH (German
≙ 10 mg CaO in litre of water ≙ 17.9 mg CaCO3/l
≙ 0.357 mval/l ≙ 0.179 mmol/l
1 mg/l ≙ 1 ppm

Quality guidelines (conventional and Common Rail

Testing equipment The MAN Diesel & Turbo water testing equipment incorporates devices that
determine the water properties directly related to the above. The manufactur-
ers of anticorrosive agents also supply user-friendly testing equipment.
Notes for cooling water check see 010.005 Engine – Work Instructions

Additional information
Distillate If distilled water (from a fresh water generator, for example) or fully desalina-
ted water (from ion exchange or reverse osmosis) is available, this should
ideally be used as the engine coolant. These waters are free of lime and
salts, which means that deposits that could interfere with the transfer of heat
to the coolant, and therefore also reduce the cooling effect, cannot form.
2017-07-11 - de

However, these waters are more corrosive than normal hard water as the
thin film of lime scale that would otherwise provide temporary corrosion pro-
tection does not form on the walls. This is why distilled water must be han-

dled particularly carefully and the concentration of the additive must be regu-

larly checked.

D010.000.023-13-0001 EN 1 (7)
010.000.023-13 MAN Diesel & Turbo

Hardness The total hardness of the water is the combined effect of the temporary and
Quality guidelines (conventional and Common Rail engines)

permanent hardness. The proportion of calcium and magnesium salts is of

overriding importance. The temporary hardness is determined by the carbo-
nate content of the calcium and magnesium salts. The permanent hardness
is determined by the amount of remaining calcium and magnesium salts (sul-
phates). The temporary (carbonate) hardness is the critical factor that deter-
mines the extent of limescale deposit in the cooling system.
Water with a total hardness of > 10°dGH must be mixed with distilled water
or softened. Subsequent hardening of extremely soft water is only necessary
to prevent foaming if emulsifiable slushing oils are used.

Damage to the coolant system

Corrosion Corrosion is an electrochemical process that can widely be avoided by
selecting the correct water quality and by carefully handling the water in the
engine cooling system.
Flow cavitation Flow cavitation can occur in areas in which high flow velocities and high tur-
bulence is present. If the steam pressure is reached, steam bubbles form
and subsequently collapse in high pressure zones which causes the destruc-
tion of materials in constricted areas.
Erosion Erosion is a mechanical process accompanied by material abrasion and the
destruction of protective films by solids that have been drawn in, particularly
in areas with high flow velocities or strong turbulence.
Stress corrosion cracking Stress corrosion cracking is a failure mechanism that occurs as a result of
simultaneous dynamic and corrosive stress. This may lead to cracking and
rapid crack propagation in water-cooled, mechanically-loaded components if
the coolant has not been treated correctly.

Treatment of engine coolant

Formation of a protective The purpose of treating the engine coolant using anticorrosive agents is to
film produce a continuous protective film on the walls of cooling surfaces and
therefore prevent the damage referred to above. In order for an anticorrosive
Quality guidelines (conventional and Common Rail

agent to be 100 % effective, it is extremely important that untreated water

satisfies the requirements in the paragraph Requirements.
Protective films can be formed by treating the coolant with anticorrosive
chemicals or emulsifiable slushing oil.
Emulsifiable slushing oils are used less and less frequently as their use has
been considerably restricted by environmental protection regulations, and
because they are rarely available from suppliers for this and other reasons.
Treatment prior to initial Treatment with an anticorrosive agent should be carried out before the
commissioning of engine engine is brought into operation for the first time to prevent irreparable initial

Treatment of the coolant

2017-07-11 - de

The engine may not be brought into operation without treating the

2 (7) D010.000.023-13-0001 EN
MAN Diesel & Turbo 010.000.023-13

Quality guidelines (conventional and Common Rail engines)

Additives for coolants
Only the additives approved by MAN Diesel & Turbo and listed in the tables
under the paragraph entitled Permissible cooling water additives may be
Required release A coolant additive may only be permitted for use if tested and approved as
per the latest directives of the ICE Research Association (FVV) “Suitability test
of internal combustion engine cooling fluid additives.” The test report must
be obtainable on request. The relevant tests can be carried out on request in
Germany at the staatliche Materialprüfanstalt (Federal Institute for Materials
Research and Testing), Abteilung Oberflächentechnik (Surface Technology
Division), Grafenstraße 2 in D-64283 Darmstadt.
Once the coolant additive has been tested by the FVV, the engine must be
tested in a second step before the final approval is granted.
In closed circuits only Additives may only be used in closed circuits where no significant consump-
tion occurs, apart from leaks or evaporation losses. Observe the applicable
environmental protection regulations when disposing of coolant containing
additives. For more information, consult the additive supplier.

Chemical additives
Sodium nitrite and sodium borate based additives etc. have a proven track
record. Galvanised iron pipes or zinc sacrificial anodes must not be used in
cooling systems. This corrosion protection is not required due to the prescri-
bed coolant treatment and electrochemical potential reversal that may occur
due to the coolant temperatures which are usual in engines nowadays. If
necessary, the pipes must be deplated.

Slushing oil
This additive is an emulsifiable mineral oil with additives for corrosion protec-
tion. A thin protective film of oil forms on the walls of the cooling system. This
prevents corrosion without interfering with heat transfer, and also prevents
limescale deposits on the walls of the cooling system.

Quality guidelines (conventional and Common Rail

Emulsifiable corrosion protection oils have lost importance. For reasons of
environmental protection and due to occasional stability problems with emul-
sions, oil emulsions are scarcely used nowadays.
It is not permissible to use corrosion protection oils in the cooling water cir-
cuit of MAN Diesel & Turbo engines.

Antifreeze agents
If temperatures below the freezing point of water in the engine cannot be
excluded, an antifreeze agent that also prevents corrosion must be added to
the cooling system or corresponding parts. Otherwise, the entire system
must be heated.
Sufficient corrosion protection can be provided by adding the products listed
2017-07-11 - de

in the table entitled Antifreeze agent with slushing properties (Military specifi-
cation: Federal Armed Forces Sy-7025), while observing the prescribed mini-
mum concentration. This concentration prevents freezing at temperatures

down to –22 °C and provides sufficient corrosion protection. However, the


quantity of antifreeze agent actually required always depends on the lowest

temperatures that are to be expected at the place of use.

D010.000.023-13-0001 EN 3 (7)
010.000.023-13 MAN Diesel & Turbo

Antifreeze agents are generally based on ethylene glycol. A suitable chemical

Quality guidelines (conventional and Common Rail engines)

anticorrosive agent must be added if the concentration of the antifreeze

agent prescribed by the user for a specific application does not provide an
appropriate level of corrosion protection, or if the concentration of antifreeze
agent used is lower due to less stringent frost protection requirements and
does not provide an appropriate level of corrosion protection. Considering
that the antifreeze agents listed in the table Antifreeze agents with slushing
properties also contain corrosion inhibitors and their compatibility with other
anticorrosive agents is generally not given, only pure glycol may be used as
antifreeze agent in such cases.
Simultaneous use of anticorrosive agent from the table Nitrite-free chemical
additives together with glycol is not permitted, because monitoring the anti-
corrosive agent concentration in this mixture is no more possible.
Antifreeze may only be added after approval by MAN Diesel & Turbo.
Before an antifreeze agent is used, the cooling system must be thoroughly
If the coolant contains emulsifiable slushing oil, antifreeze agent may not be
added as otherwise the emulsion would break up and oil sludge would form
in the cooling system.

If you cannot avoid using a biocide because the coolant has been contami-
nated by bacteria, observe the following steps:
▪ You must ensure that the biocide to be used is suitable for the specific
▪ The biocide must be compatible with the sealing materials used in the
coolant system and must not react with these.
▪ The biocide and its decomposition products must not contain corrosion-
promoting components. Biocides whose decomposition products con-
tain chloride or sulphate ions are not permitted.
▪ Biocides that cause foaming of coolant are not permitted.
Quality guidelines (conventional and Common Rail

Prerequisite for effective use of an anticorrosive agent

Clean cooling system

As contamination significantly reduces the effectiveness of the additive, the
tanks, pipes, coolers and other parts outside the engine must be free of rust
and other deposits before the engine is started up for the first time and after
repairs of the pipe system.
The entire system must therefore be cleaned with the engine switched off
using a suitable cleaning agent (see 010.005 Engine – Work Instructions
010.000.001-01 and 010.000.002-04).
Loose solid matter in particular must be removed by flushing the system
thoroughly as otherwise erosion may occur in locations where the flow veloc-
2017-07-11 - de

ity is high.
The cleaning agents must not corrode the seals and materials of the cooling
system. In most cases, the supplier of the coolant additive will be able to

carry out this work and, if this is not possible, will at least be able to provide
suitable products to do this. If this work is carried out by the engine operator,
he should use the services of a specialist supplier of cleaning agents. The
cooling system must be flushed thoroughly after cleaning. Once this has

4 (7) D010.000.023-13-0001 EN
MAN Diesel & Turbo 010.000.023-13

been done, the engine coolant must be immediately treated with anticorro-

Quality guidelines (conventional and Common Rail engines)

sive agent. Once the engine has been brought back into operation, the
cleaned system must be checked for leaks.

Regular checks of the coolant condition and coolant system

Treated coolant may become contaminated when the engine is in operation,
which causes the additive to loose some of its effectiveness. It is therefore
advisable to regularly check the cooling system and the coolant condition. To
determine leakages in the lube oil system, it is advisable to carry out regular
checks of water in the expansion tank. Indications of oil content in water are,
e.g. discoloration or a visible oil film on the surface of the water sample.
The additive concentration must be checked at least once a week using the
test kits specified by the manufacturer. The results must be documented.

Concentrations of chemical additives

The chemical additive concentrations shall not be less than the
minimum concentrations indicated in the table „Nitrite-containing
chemical additives“.

Excessively low concentrations lead to corrosion and must be avoided. Con-

centrations that are somewhat higher do not cause damage. Concentrations
that are more than twice as high as recommended should be avoided.
Every 2 to 6 months, a coolant sample must be sent to an independent labo-
ratory or to the engine manufacturer for an integrated analysis.
If chemical additives or antifreeze agents are used, coolant should be
replaced after 3 years at the latest.
If there is a high concentration of solids (rust) in the system, the water must
be completely replaced and entire system carefully cleaned.
Deposits in the cooling system may be caused by fluids that enter the cool-
ant or by emulsion break-up, corrosion in the system, and limescale deposits
if the water is very hard. If the concentration of chloride ions has increased,

Quality guidelines (conventional and Common Rail

this generally indicates that seawater has entered the system. The maximum
specified concentration of 50 mg chloride ions per kg must not be exceeded
as otherwise the risk of corrosion is too high. If exhaust gas enters the cool-
ant, this can lead to a sudden drop in the pH value or to an increase in the
sulphate content.
Water losses must be compensated for by filling with untreated water that
meets the quality requirements specified in the paragraph Requirements. The
concentration of anticorrosive agent must subsequently be checked and
adjusted if necessary.
Subsequent checks of the coolant are especially required if the coolant had
to be drained off in order to carry out repairs or maintenance.

Protective measures
2017-07-11 - de

Anticorrosive agents contain chemical compounds that can pose a risk to

health or the environment if incorrectly used. Comply with the directions in

the manufacturer's material safety data sheets.


D010.000.023-13-0001 EN 5 (7)
010.000.023-13 MAN Diesel & Turbo

Avoid prolonged direct contact with the skin. Wash hands thoroughly after
Quality guidelines (conventional and Common Rail engines)

use. If larger quantities spray and/or soak into clothing, remove and wash
clothing before wearing it again.
If chemicals come into contact with your eyes, rinse them immediately with
plenty of water and seek medical advice.
Anticorrosive agents are generally harmful to the water cycle. Observe the
relevant statutory requirements for disposal.

Auxiliary engines
If the coolant system used in a MAN Diesel & Turbo two-stroke main engine
is used in a marine engine of type 16/24, 21/ 31, 23/30H, 27/38 or 28/32H,
the coolant recommendations for the main engine must be observed.

The MAN Diesel & Turbo can analyse antifreeze agent for their customers in
the chemical laboratory PrimeServLab. A 0.5 l sample is required for the test.

Permitted coolant additives

Nitrite-containing chemical additives

Manufacturer Product designation Initial dosing Minimum concentration ppm
for 1,000 litres
Product Nitrite Na-Nitrite
(NO2) (NaNO2)

Drew Marine Liquidewt 15 l 15,000 700 1,050

Maxigard 40 l 40,000 1,330 2,000
Wilhelmsen (Unitor) Rocor NB Liquid 21.5 l 21,500 2,400 3,600
Dieselguard 4.8 kg 4,800 2,400 3,600
Nalfleet Marine Nalfleet EWT Liq 3l 3,000 1,000 1,500
Nalfleet EWT 9-111 10 l 10,000 1,000 1,500
Quality guidelines (conventional and Common Rail

Nalcool 2000 30 l 30,000 1,000 1,500

Nalco Nalcool 2000 30 l 30,000 1,000 1,500
TRAC 102 30 l 30,000 1,000 1,500
TRAC 118 3l 3,000 1,000 1,500
Maritech AB Marisol CW 12 l 12,000 2,000 3,000
Uniservice, Italy N.C.L.T. 12 l 12,000 2,000 3,000
Colorcooling 24 l 24,000 2,000 3,000
Marichem – Marigases D.C.W.T. - 48 l 48,000 2,400 -
Marine Care Caretreat 2 16 l 16,000 4,000 6,000
Vecom Cool Treat NCLT 16 l 16,000 4,000 6,000
2017-07-11 - de

Table 2: Nitrite-containing chemical additives


6 (7) D010.000.023-13-0001 EN
MAN Diesel & Turbo 010.000.023-13

Nitrite-free additives (chemical additives)

Quality guidelines (conventional and Common Rail engines)

Manufacturer Product designation Concentration range [Vol. %]
Chevron, Arteco Havoline XLI 7.5 – 11
Total WT Supra 7.5 – 11
Q8 Oils Q8 Corrosion Inhibitor 7.5 – 11
Table 3: Nitrite-free chemical additives

Antifreeze agents with slushing properties

Manufacturer Product designation Concentration range Antifreeze agent range1)
BASF Glysantin G 48
Glysantin 9313
Glysantin G 05
Castrol Radicool NF, SF
Shell Glycoshell Min. 35 Vol. % Min. –20 °C
Max. 60 Vol. % 2) Max. –50 °C
Mobil Antifreeze agent 500
Arteco Havoline XLC
Total Glacelf Auto Supra
Total Organifreeze
Table 4: Antifreeze agents with slushing properties

Antifreeze agent acc. to

35 Vol. % corresponds to approx. –
ASTMD1177 20 °C
55 Vol. % corresponds to approx. – (manufacturer's instructions)
45 °C
60 Vol. % corresponds to approx. –
50 °C
Antifreeze agent concentrations higher than 55 vol. % are only permitted, if safe heat removal is ensured by a suffi-
cient cooling rate.

Quality guidelines (conventional and Common Rail

2017-07-11 - de


D010.000.023-13-0001 EN 7 (7)
MAN Diesel & Turbo 010.000.002-03


Quality guidelines (conventional and Common Rail engines)

Acquire and check typical values of the operating media to prevent or limit
The fresh water used to fill the coolant circuits must satisfy the specifications.
The coolant in the system must be checked regularly in accordance with the
maintenance schedule.
The following work/steps is/are necessary:
Acquisition of typical values for the operating fluid,
evaluation of the operating fluid and checking the anticorrosive agent con-

Tools/equipment required
Equipment for checking the The following equipment can be used:
fresh water quality ▪ The MAN Diesel & Turbo water testing kit, or similar testing kit, with all
necessary instruments and chemicals that determine the water hardness,
pH value and chloride content (obtainable from MAN Diesel & Turbo or
Mar-Tec Marine, Hamburg).
Equipment for testing the When using chemical additives:
concentration of additives ▪ Testing equipment in accordance with the supplier's recommendations.
Testing kits from the supplier also include equipment that can be used to
determine the fresh water quality.

Testing the typical values of water

Short specification
Typical value/property Water for filling Circulating water
and refilling (without additive) (with additive)
Water type Fresh water, free of foreign matter Treated coolant

Quality guidelines (conventional and Common Rail

Total hardness ≤ 10 dGH1) ≤ 10 dGH1)
pH value 6.5 – 8 at 20 °C ≥ 7.5 at 20 °C
Chloride ion content ≤ 50 mg/l ≤ 50 mg/l2)
Table 1: Quality specifications for coolants (short version)
dGH German hardness
1 dGH = 10 mg/l CaO
= 17.9 mg/l CaCO3
= 0.179 mmol/L
1 mg/l = 1 ppm
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M010.000.002-03-0001 EN 1 (2)
010.000.002-03 MAN Diesel & Turbo
Quality guidelines (conventional and Common Rail engines)

Testing the concentration of rust inhibitors

Short specification
Anticorrosive agent Concentration
Chemical additives in accordance with quality specification in Volume 010.005 Engine – operating manual
Anti-freeze agents in accordance with quality specification in Volume 010.005 Engine – operating manual
Table 2: Concentration of coolant additives
Testing the concentration of The concentration should be tested every week, and/or according to the
chemical additives maintenance schedule, using the testing instruments, reagents and instruc-
tions of the relevant supplier.
Chemical slushing oils can only provide effective protection if the right con-
centration is precisely maintained. This is why the concentrations recommen-
ded by MAN Diesel & Turbo (quality specifications in Volume 010.005 Engine
– operating manual 010.000.023-14) must be complied with in all cases.
These recommended concentrations may be other than those specified by
the manufacturer.
Testing the concentration of The concentration must be checked in accordance with the manufacturer's
anti-freeze agents instructions or the test can be outsourced to a suitable laboratory. If in
doubt, consult MAN Diesel & Turbo.
Regular water samplings Small quantities of lube oil in coolant can be found by visual check during
regular water sampling from the expansion tank.
Testing Regular analysis of coolant is very important for safe engine operation. We
can analyse fuel for customers at MAN Diesel & Turbo laboratory PrimeServ-
Quality guidelines (conventional and Common Rail

2017-03-21 - de

2 (2) M010.000.002-03-0001 EN
MAN Diesel & Turbo 010.000.002-04

Coolant system

Quality guidelines (conventional and Common Rail engines)

Remove contamination/residue from operating fluid systems, ensure/re-
establish operating reliability.
Coolant systems containing deposits or contamination prevent effective cool-
ing of parts. Contamination and deposits must be regularly eliminated.
This comprises the following:
Cleaning the system and, if required,
removal of limescale deposits,
flushing the system.

The coolant system must be checked for contamination at regular intervals.
Cleaning is required if the degree of contamination is high. This work should
ideally be carried out by a specialist who can provide the right cleaning
agents for the type of deposits and materials in the cooling circuit. The clean-
ing should only be carried out by the engine operator if this cannot be done
by a specialist.
Oil sludge Oil sludge from lubricating oil that has entered the cooling system or a high
concentration of anticorrosive agents can be removed by flushing the system
with fresh water to which some cleaning agent has been added. Suitable
cleaning agents are listed alphabetically in the table entitled Cleaning agents
for removing oil sludge. Products by other manufacturers can be used pro-
viding they have similar properties. The manufacturer's instructions for use
must be strictly observed.
Manufacturer Product Concentration Duration of cleaning procedure/temperature
Drew HDE - 777 4 – 5% 4 h at 50 – 60 °C
Nalfleet MaxiClean 2 2 – 5% 4 h at 60 °C

Quality guidelines (conventional and Common Rail

Unitor Aquabreak 0.05 – 0.5% 4 h at ambient temperature
Vecom Ultrasonic 4% 12 h at 50 – 60 °C
Multi Cleaner
Table 1: Cleaning agents for removing oil sludge
Lime and rust deposits Lime and rust deposits can form if the water is especially hard or if the con-
centration of the anticorrosive agent is too low. A thin lime scale layer can be
left on the surface as experience has shown that this protects against corro-
sion. However, limescale deposits with a thickness of more than 0.5 mm
obstruct the transfer of heat and cause thermal overloading of the compo-
nents being cooled.
Rust that has been flushed out may have an abrasive effect on other parts of
the system, such as the sealing elements of the water pumps. Together with
the elements that are responsible for water hardness, this forms what is
2016-09-08 - de

known as ferrous sludge which tends to gather in areas where the flow
velocity is low.

Products that remove limescale deposits are generally suitable for removing

rust. Suitable cleaning agents are listed alphabetically in the table entitled
Cleaning agents for removing limescale and rust deposits. Products by other
manufacturers can be used providing they have similar properties. The man-

M010.000.002-04-0001 EN 1 (3)
010.000.002-04 MAN Diesel & Turbo

ufacturer's instructions for use must be strictly observed. Prior to cleaning,

Quality guidelines (conventional and Common Rail engines)

check whether the cleaning agent is suitable for the materials to be cleaned.
The products listed in the table entitled Cleaning agents for removing lime-
scale and rust deposits are also suitable for stainless steel.
Manufacturer Product Concentration Duration of cleaning procedure/temperature
Drew SAF-Acid 5 – 10 % 4 h at 60 – 70 °C
Descale-IT 5 – 10 % 4 h at 60 – 70 °C
Ferroclean 10 % 4 – 24 h at 60 – 70 °C
Nalfleet Nalfleet 9 - 068 5% 4 h at 60 – 75 °C
Unitor Descalex 5 – 10 % 4 – 6 h at approx. 60 °C
Vecom Descalant F 3 – 10 % ca. 4 h at 50 – 60 °C
Table 2: Cleaning agents for removing lime scale and rust deposits
In emergencies only Hydrochloric acid diluted in water or aminosulphonic acid may only be used
in exceptional cases if a special cleaning agent that removes limescale
deposits without causing problems is not available. Observe the following
during application:
▪ Stainless steel heat exchangers must never be treated using diluted
hydrochloric acid.
▪ Cooling systems containing non-ferrous metals (aluminium, red bronze,
brass, etc.) must be treated with deactivated aminosulphonic acid. This
acid should be added to water in a concentration of 3 – 5 %. The tem-
perature of the solution should be 40 – 50 °C.
▪ Diluted hydrochloric acid may only be used to clean steel pipes. If hydro-
chloric acid is used as the cleaning agent, there is always a danger that
acid will remain in the system, even when the system has been neutral-
ised and flushed. This residual acid promotes pitting. We therefore rec-
ommend you have the cleaning carried out by a specialist.
The carbon dioxide bubbles that form when limescale deposits are dissolved
can prevent the cleaning agent from reaching boiler scale. It is therefore
absolutely necessary to circulate the water with the cleaning agent to flush
away the gas bubbles and allow them to escape. The length of the cleaning
process depends on the thickness and composition of the deposits. Values
Quality guidelines (conventional and Common Rail

are provided for orientation in the table entitled Cleaning agents for removing
limescale and rust deposits.
Following cleaning The cooling system must be flushed several times once it has been cleaned
using cleaning agents. Replace the water during this process. If acids are
used to carry out the cleaning, neutralise the cooling system afterwards with
suitable chemicals then flush. The system can then be refilled with water that
has been prepared accordingly.

Only carry out cleaning procedure with cooled engine

Only begin the cleaning procedure when the engine has cooled down.
Hot engine parts may not come into contact with cold water. After
refilling the cooling system, open the venting pipes. Blocked venting
2016-09-08 - de

pipes prevent the air from escaping and may cause thermal overload
of the engine.

2 (3) M010.000.002-04-0001 EN
MAN Diesel & Turbo 010.000.002-04

Danger of chemical burns

Quality guidelines (conventional and Common Rail engines)

From cleaning agents poisonous gases and fumes can develop, which
may cause light to severe person injuries.
• Wear protective clothing
• Provide adequate ventilation
• Do not inhale developed gases and fumes
• Observe Safety Data Sheets or Operating Instructions of the relevant

The applicable instructions for disposing of cleaning agents or acids are to

be observed.

Quality guidelines (conventional and Common Rail

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M010.000.002-04-0001 EN 3 (3)
MAN Diesel & Turbo 010.000.023-16

Specification of water for fuel-water emulsions

Specification of water for fuel-water emulsions

The water used for the fuel-water emulsion is an operating fluid that must be
carefully selected, processed (if necessary) and monitored. If this is not done,
deposits, corrosion, erosion and cavitation may occur on the fuel system
components that come into contact with the fuel-water emulsion.

Limit values The characteristic values of the water used must be within the following limit
Properties/ Characteristic value Unit
Water type Distillate or fresh water, free of foreign matter. -
Total hardness max. 10 ºdH*
pH value 6.5 - 8 -
Chloride ion content max. 50 mg/l
Table 1: Fuel-water emulsion - characteristic values to be observed

*) 1º dH (German hard- ≙ 10 mg CaO ≙ 17.9 mg CaCO3/l

ness) in 1 litre of water
≙ 0.357 mval/l ≙ 0.179 mmol/l

Testing instruments The MAN Diesel water testing kit contains instruments that allow the water
characteristics referred to above (and others) to be easily determined.

Additional information
Distillate If distillate (e.g. from the fresh water generator) or fully desalinated water (ion
exchanger) is available, this should ideally be used for the fuel-water emul-
sion. These types of water are free of lime and salts.
Hardness The total hardness of the water is the combined effect of the temporary and
permanent hardness. It is largely determined by the calcium and magnesium
salts. The temporary hardness depends on the hydrocarbonate content in Specification of water for fuel-water emulsions
the calcium and magnesium salts. The lasting (permanent) hardness is deter-
mined by the remaining calcium and magnesium salts (sulphates).
Water with hardness greater than 10°dH (German total hardness) must be
blended or softened with distillate. It is not necessary to increase the hard-
ness of extremely soft water.

Treatment with anticorrosive agents not required

Treatment with anticorrosive agents is not required and must be
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D010.000.023-16-0001 EN 1 (1)
MAN Diesel & Turbo 010.000.023-17

Specifications of intake air (combustion air)

Quality guidelines (conventional and Common Rail engines)

The quality and condition of intake air (combustion air) have a significant
effect on the engine output, wear and emissions of the engine. In this regard,
not only are the atmospheric conditions extremely important, but also con-
tamination by solid and gaseous foreign matter.
Mineral dust in the intake air increases wear. Chemicals and gases promote
This is why effective cleaning of intake air (combustion air) and regular main-
tenance/cleaning of the air filter are required.
When designing the intake air system, the maximum permissible overall pres-
sure drop (filter, silencer, pipe line) of 20 mbar must be taken into considera-
Exhaust turbochargers for marine engines are equipped with silencers
enclosed by a filter mat as a standard. The quality class (filter class) of the
filter mat corresponds to the G3 quality in accordance with EN 779.

Liquid fuel engines: As minimum, inlet air (combustion air) must be cleaned
by a G3 class filter as per EN779, if the combustion air is drawn in from
inside (e.g. from the machine room/engine room). If the combustion air is
drawn in from outside, in the environment with a risk of higher inlet air con-
tamination (e.g. due to sand storms, due to loading and unloading grain
cargo vessels or in the surroundings of cement plants), additional measures
must be taken. This includes the use of pre-separators, pulse filter systems
and a higher grade of filter efficiency class at least up to M5 according to EN
Gas engines and dual-fuel engines: As minimum, inlet air (combustion air)
must be cleaned by a G3 class filter as per EN779, if the combustion air is
drawn in from inside (e.g. from machine room/engine room). Gas engines or
dual-fuel engines must be equipped with a dry filter. Oil bath filters are not

Quality guidelines (conventional and Common Rail

permitted because they enrich the inlet air with oil mist. This is not permissi-
ble for gas operated engines because this may result in engine knocking. If
the combustion air is drawn in from outside, in the environment with a risk of
higher inlet air contamination (e.g. due to sand storms, due to loading and
unloading grain cargo vessels or in the surroundings of cement plants) addi-
tional measures must be taken. This includes the use of pre-separators,
pulse filter systems and a higher grade of filter efficiency class at least up to
M5 according to EN 779.
In general, the following applies:
The inlet air path from air filter to engine shall be designed and implemented
airtight so that no false air may be drawn in from the outdoor.
The concentration downstream of the air filter and/or upstream of the turbo-
2017-01-10 - de

charger inlet must not exceed the following limit values.

The air must not contain organic or inorganic silicon compounds.

Properties Limit Unit 1)


Particle size < 5 µm: minimum 90% of the particle number

Particle size < 10 µm: minimum 98% of the particle number

D010.000.023-17-0001 EN 1 (2)
010.000.023-17 MAN Diesel & Turbo

Properties Limit Unit 1)

Quality guidelines (conventional and Common Rail engines)

Dust (sand, cement, CaO, Al2O3 etc.) max. 5 mg/Nm3

Chlorine max. 1.5
Sulphur dioxide (SO2) max. 1.25
Hydrogen sulphide (H2S) max. 5
Salt (NaCl) max. 1
One Nm3 corresponds to one cubic meter of gas at 0 °C and 101.32 kPa.
Table 1: Typical values for intake air (combustion air) that must be complied with

Explosion caused by flammable intake air

Explosion caused by flammable intake air can result in severe injuries
and damage.
• Intake air must not contain any flammable gases.
• Intake air is not explosive.
• Intake air is not drawn in from the ATEX Zone.
Quality guidelines (conventional and Common Rail

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2 (2) D010.000.023-17-0001 EN
MAN Diesel & Turbo 010.000.023-21

Specification of compressed air

Quality guidelines (conventional and Common Rail engines)

For compressed air quality observe the ISO 8573-1:2010. Compressed air
must be free of solid particles and oil (acc. to the specification).

Compressed air quality of The starting air must fulfil at least the following quality requirements accord-
starting air system ing to ISO 8573-1:2010.
Purity regarding solid particles Quality class 6
Particle size > 40µm max. concentration < 5 mg/m3
Purity regarding moisture Quality class 7
Residual water content < 0.5 g/m3
Purity regarding oil Quality class X

Additional requirements are:

▪ The air must not contain organic or inorganic silicon compounds.
▪ The layout of the starting air system must ensure that no corrosion may
▪ The starting air system and the starting air receiver must be equipped
with condensate drain devices.
▪ By means of devices provided in the starting air system and via mainte-
nance of the system components, it must be ensured that any hazard-
ous formation of an explosive compressed air/lube oil mixture is preven-
ted in a safe manner.
Compressed air quality in the Please note that control air will be used for the activation of some safety
control air system functions on the engine – therefore, the compressed air quality in this system
is very important.
Control air must meet at least the following quality requirements according to
ISO 8573-1:2010.

Quality guidelines (conventional and Common Rail

▪ Purity regarding solid particles Quality class 5
▪ Purity regarding moisture Quality class 4
▪ Purity regarding oil Quality class 3

For catalysts
The following specifications are valid unless otherwise defined by any other
relevant sources:
Compressed air quality for Compressed air for soot blowing must meet at least the following quality
soot blowing requirements according to ISO 8573-1:2010.
▪ Purity regarding solid particles Quality class 3
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▪ Purity regarding moisture Quality class 4

▪ Purity regarding oil Quality class 2

Compressed air quality for Compressed air for atomisation of the reducing agent must fulfil at least the

reducing agent atomisation following quality requirements according to ISO 8573-1:2010.

D010.000.023-21-0001 EN 1 (2)
010.000.023-21 MAN Diesel & Turbo

▪ Purity regarding solid particles Quality class 3

Quality guidelines (conventional and Common Rail engines)

▪ Purity regarding moisture Quality class 4

▪ Purity regarding oil Quality class 2

Clogging of catalysts
To prevent clogging of catalysts and catalyst lifetime shortening, the
compressed air specification must always be observed.

For gas valve unit control (GVU)

Compressed control air Compressed air for the gas valve unit control (GVU) must meet at least the
quality for the gas valve unit following quality requirements according to ISO 8573-1:2010.
control (GVU) ▪ Purity regarding solid particles Quality class 2
▪ Purity regarding moisture Quality class 3
▪ Purity regarding oil Quality class 2
Quality guidelines (conventional and Common Rail

2016-10-27 - de

2 (2) D010.000.023-21-0001 EN
MAN Diesel & Turbo 010.000.001-01

Operating Fluid Systems

Quality guidelines (conventional and Common Rail engines)

flushing and cleaning
Keep the operating media systems free from impurities and residue, prevent
operational problems / damage.
Flush all engine-connected operating media systems before commissioning,
clean individual parts before installation. Depending on the system, this
Flush system(s) (Step 1),
flush system(s) (Step 2),
drain system(s) and
clean components.

Safety requirements
▪ Engine stopped
▪ Fuel systems isolated / depressurised
▪ Engine secured against starting up

1. Lube oil system

1.1 Pipe section between the indicator filter and the engine inlet
(engine without attached lube oil filter)
In case of engines without attached lube oil filter, the pipe section between
the plant-related lube oil filter and the engine inlet flange is to be cleaned with
special care. Contaminants arising from this pipe section enter the lube-oil
supply system directly and can cause severe damages to this. In order to
allow internal visual examination of this pipe section completely, each pipe
bend is to be installed using a pair of flanges. All the internal welding seams

Quality guidelines (conventional and Common Rail

are to be thoroughly smoothed over by grinding.
The pipe section is to be acidified, neutralised and treated with slushing oil
according to Work Card 010.000.001-03, which is later dissolved with lubri-
cating oil (e.g. Esso Rustban No. 335, Shell Ensis Oil, Valvoline Tectyl, Tecto
6 SAE 30). If installation is to take place later, the openings are to be sealed
with covers. Our commissioning staff is instructed to check this equipment
for cleanliness before filling the system.

Prevent bearing damages

The pipelines are to be cleaned with utmost care. Severe bearing
damage can arise due to dirt particles entering the engine.
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1.2 General information on the flushing the engine lube oil system
Dirt particles will always remain in the pipes in spite of careful installation and

cleaning. This requires thorough flushing of the entire lube oil system before
commissioning using electric lube oil pump. For engines with an ached lube
oil pump and electric priming pump with low flow rate, a separate lube oil
pump with sufficient flow rate. A sufficient flow rate is achieved when the lube

M010.000.001-01-0007 EN 1 (8)
010.000.001-01 MAN Diesel & Turbo

oil pressure before engine (after filter) > 3 bar (on pressure gauge) and the
Quality guidelines (conventional and Common Rail engines)

volumetric flow is > 70% of the engine's nominal volumetric flow. Before /
during and after the flushing process, oil must be cleaned continuously by
means of a separator.

1.3 Flushing oil to be used

For the flushing operation, we recommend a special flushing oil with a (low)
viscosity of 45-70 cSt / 40°C (e.g. SAE 20). This oil is light and therefore
requires no preheating.
If no flushing oil is available, the operating oil SAE 40 to be subsequently
used for operation can be used for flushing. In these cases, the oil must be
preheated to 40-50°C (preheating units, separator preheater). The engine
cooling water must be preheated to at least 60°C to prevent condensed
water forming (or corrosion in the crankcase). During and after the flushing
operation, oil must be cleaned continuously by means of a filter and separa-

1.4 Preparation for the first flushing process (flushing the pipe
system outside the engine)
Hereby, only the pipe system outside the engine is flushed.
Laying a temporary pipeline Detach the plant-side pipeline from the last filter unit to the lube oil inlet
for return flow flange of the engine. Install a temporary pipeline for return flow from the
plant-side last filter unit to the crankcase. (Lay it through one of the crank-
case covers in the engine frame).
Installing a provisional lube A provisional lube oil filter (filter mesh < 50 μm) must be installed if:
oil filter ▪ No adequate plant-side lube oil filter is provided, and the automatic lube
oil filter is installed on the engine side. The provisional lube oil filter should
preferably be integrated in the provisional installed pipeline (for return
flow). The provisional lube oil filter must be designed depending on the
volumetric flow rate of the flushing pump used. The lube oil filter must
have a magnet installed within the filter chamber.
▪ On the plant side, an automatic filter is installed to return filtered dirt par-
ticles into the tank. In this case, a temporary lube oil filter is to be instal-
Quality guidelines (conventional and Common Rail

led in the backflushing line of the automatic filter during the flushing proc-
ess. The temporary lube oil filter must be designed depending on volu-
metric return flow rate of the automatic lube oil filter used.
Automatic filter The filter cartridges of the plant-side installed automatic filter are to be dis-
mantled if an indicator filter is fitted downstream. The filter casing as well as
filter bypass pipes are to be involved in the flushing process.
Lube oil separator The lubricating oil separator is to be put into operation.

1.5 Carrying out the first flushing process

The first flushing process must be carried out with special caution. Further-
more, the first flushing process must be carried out with great deliberation
due to modifications performed or due to temporary installed pipelines and
2016-09-08 - de

lube oil filter. Therefore, the flushing process must be carried out by expert
personnel with thorough system knowledge only.
The flushing processes must be carried out in the presence of personnel

from MAN Diesel & Turbo.

When switching on the lube oil pump, the flushing process starts.

2 (8) M010.000.001-01-0007 EN
MAN Diesel & Turbo 010.000.001-01

During flushing, the lube oil system is to be monitored for leaks. Both pres-

Quality guidelines (conventional and Common Rail engines)

sures and differential pressures must be checked.
Regular check of the filters At the beginning of the flushing process, the temporary installed lube oil fil-
ters are to be checked for contamination at short intervals. Especially when
no differential pressure indicator is available. A contamination level too high
can lead to inadmissible high pressure values, thus causing filter fabric dam-
ages. If an indicator filter is used as lube oil filter, it must be checked with
short intervals as well. After the maximum differential pressure is achieved,
switch over to the other filter chamber. Contaminated sieve inserts are to be
cleaned properly .
Tapping the entire pipe All lube oil pipes, especially in the area of weld seams, should be hammer
system tested throughout the flushing process.
Lubricating oil cooler The lubricating oil cooler is to be included in the flushing process. Manual
operation of the temperature control valve alternately flushes the cooler and
its bypass pipe.
Lube oil separator Proper operation of the lube oil separator is to be monitored continuously.
Minimum flushing duration The minimum flushing duration is 24 hours. However, the flushing process
of 24 hours may be completed as soon as the filter contamination has reduced to a mini-
mum. The lube oil pump is to be switched off.

1.6 Measure after the first flushing operation completed —

Preparation for the second flushing operation (flushing the pipe
system outside the engine)
Removing the temporary ▪ Remove the temporary pipeline (for return flow) laid from plant-side last
measures filter unit (upstream of lube oil inlet on the engine) to the crankcase.
▪ The lube oil inlet on the engine is to be re-connected to plant-side lube
oil system.
▪ The temporary installed filters are to be removed.
▪ The automatic filters are to be re-fitted.
▪ Re-connect opened bypass lines if necessary.
Cleaning the filters After the first flushing sequence is complete, clean the sieve inserts of the

Quality guidelines (conventional and Common Rail

indicator filter and check them for any damage.
Post-lubrication tank (upper If the engine or plant is equipped with post-lubrication tanks to ensure the
tank) for emergency power post-lubrication after shut-down or blackout these tanks shall be included in
unit and turbocharger the flushing circuit during the second flushing procedure. To remove the con-
taminations eventually present in the post-lubrication tank (upper tank) the oil
inlet and the oil outlet pipes shall be cross-connected, i.e. the pipes (with
round flanges) shall be cross-connected using available pipes and short flexi-
ble hoses. Oil is then pumped through the overflow pipe into the post-lubri-
cation tank and is drained via the filling pipe again.
In addition, the lube oil feed pipe of turbocharger shall be closed, as the tur-
bocharger was already flushed during the test run. Remove the throttle plate
(orifice) installed in the filling pipe. If provided, a pressure control valve for set-
ting the lube oil pressure at turbocharger inlet is installed upstream of the tur-
2016-09-08 - de

bocharger. The pressure control valve is to be released.

1.7 Carrying out the second flushing process


By installing the pipeline (cleaned) from the indicator filter to the lube oil inlet
on the engine, the engine with its bearing positions and spray nozzles is now
included in the flushing process.

M010.000.001-01-0007 EN 3 (8)
010.000.001-01 MAN Diesel & Turbo

The flushing processes must be carried out in the presence of personnel

Quality guidelines (conventional and Common Rail engines)

from MAN Diesel & Turbo.

When switching on the lube oil pump, the flushing process starts.
During flushing, the lube oil system is to be monitored for leaks. Both pres-
sures and differential pressures must be checked.
Minimum flushing duration The minimum flushing duration is 12 hours. However, the flushing process
of 12 hours may be completed as soon as the filter contamination has reduced to a mini-
mum. The lube oil pump is to be switched off.

Check differential pressure

If a running-in filter is attached to the engine, it must be monitored
continuously for differential pressure and, if necessary, cleaned.

1.8 Measures after carrying out the second flushing process

Removing the temporary ▪ The temporary measures installed for flushing the upper tank are to be
measures removed.
▪ Other temporary devices are to be removed.
▪ Contaminated filters are to be cleaned, if required.
Removal of flushing oil from If special flushing oil has been used, the lube oil system must be drained
the system completely. Any oil remaining in the cooler, filter and separator preheater
must be removed via the drain pipes. The filter inserts must be cleaned cor-
rectly and checked for damage.
If the flushing process has been carried out using the operating oil and the
findings of the oil analysis are satisfactory, the system does not need to be

1.9 Running in filter on the engine

If necessary, a running in filter is attached directly to the engine. The running
in filter is to be used from the beginning of the test run at the engine manu-
facturer's premises up to the completion of commissioning on-site.
Quality guidelines (conventional and Common Rail

Since the running in filter is not switchable, there will be a limited standstill in
operation (depending on the lubricating oil condition). An extended period of
operation with an activated contamination display can lead to problems in
the lube oil supply. Therefore, when the differential pressure alarm is trig-
gered, increased attention is to be paid to the lube oil pressure in front of the
engine, and the filter insert must be cleaned as soon as possible, in accord-
ance with the manufacturer's instructions.
Remove the filter insert after the system run-in period (normally after comple-
tion of commissioning) - but definitely before taking up continuous operation
of the equipment. The filter body remains in the engine. After that, there will
be no further filtering effect from this running in filter. A corresponding note
on the filter body points this out.
2016-09-08 - de

In case of structural changes to the lube oil system, or for other reasons that
require flushing the lube oil system, the filter insert must be refitted until the
flushing process is complete.

4 (8) M010.000.001-01-0007 EN
MAN Diesel & Turbo 010.000.001-01

Quality guidelines (conventional and Common Rail engines)

2. Fuel oil system
The pipeline between the double filter installed directly upstream of engine
and the engine inlet must be cleaned thoroughly.
For a thoroughly visual inspection of the internal part of the pipe, the later
must always be separated via a flange connection if this make a bend. Inner
welding seams must always be smoothly ground. In accordance with Work
Instructions 010.000.001-03, the individual pipe sections must be pickled,
neutralised and treated with slushing oil. The used slushing oil must allow to
be dissolved with diesel oil (e.g. Esso Rustban No. 335, Shell Ensis, Valvoline
Tectyl, Tecto 6 SAE 30). All the openings not closed during the assembling
works must be sealed.
The MAN Diesel & Turbo personnel responsible for the commissioning is
instructed to check these pipes for cleanliness before filling the system.

2.1 Flushing the fuel system

This system must also be flushed in two processes in order to entirely
remove the installation dirt from the pipes. Gas oil or diesel oil should be
used for this purpose.

2.2 First flushing process (without engine)

During this process, the entire shipyard-side or installation-side pipe system
is flushed via the existing single or duplex filter. If the single or duplex filter is
built-in on engine and thus not usable for the first flushing process, a sepa-
rate flushing filter with maximum filter mesh of 25 µm must be used.
The bypass pipes existing in the system (e.g. for viscosity control units, heat
exchangers, etc.) must be opened. It is recommended to install an additional
magnet separator before the feed pump on plant side - only for the period of
the complete flushing process. The filter cartridges of the automatic filter
must be removed to flush the filter housing.
The fuel flow and return pipe must be connected to each other in front of the
engine by means of a temporary bypass pipe. The fuel oil system is to be

Quality guidelines (conventional and Common Rail

switched so that the entire pipe system will be flushed, and fuel oil will return
into the service tank. In the meantime, put the heat exchangers in the fuel oil
return line (if any) into operation! Flush the system with the opened return line
to the service tank.
When starting the plant-side feed pump, the flushing process starts. The
booster pump remains in this case deactivated. The flushing process must
be performed until the filters are free of contaminants and impurities. To
determine the cleanliness of the total shipyard-side or plant-side pipe system
the single or duplex filter must be cleaned several times during the flushing
process depending on the loading. After completion of the flushing process
the cocks of the plant-side bypass pipes, e.g. of the automatic filter, viscosity
control units or mixing pipe must be closed.
Experience shows that the minimum flushing duration is 24 hours.
2016-09-08 - de

After closing the above listed bypass pipes in the supply and return lines the
new connected components must be flushed within an additional period of
about 6 h.

M010.000.001-01-0007 EN 5 (8)
010.000.001-01 MAN Diesel & Turbo

After completing this flushing process, all temporary modifications on the fuel
Quality guidelines (conventional and Common Rail engines)

oil system are to be cancelled. All filter elements including the pre-filter of the
feed pump ("strainer") must be cleaned according to the manufacturer's
instructions and checked for eventual damage, and replaced if necessary.

2.3 Second flushing process

The flushing process must be carried out in the presence of personnel from
MAN Diesel & Turbo.
The fuel supply and return pipe must be connected to the engine. Now, the
entire fuel system inclusive engine is flushed. For Common-Rail engines, after
the flushing duration of about 2 hours the flushing valve must be opened by
manual actuation of the compressed air.
When starting the plant-side booster pump, the flushing process starts. The
flushing process must be performed until the single or duplex filter are free of
contaminants and impurities. To determine the cleanliness of the total system
the single or duplex filter must be cleaned several times during the flushing
process depending on the loading.
Experience shows that the minimum flushing duration is 6 hours.

2.4 Draining and Cleaning the System Components

The end preheater, the filter chambers and if applicable the existing mixing
tank must be de-sludged through their drain pipes. After 24 hours settling
time, the service tank must also have the sludge drained off.

3. Cooling water system

Before commissioning the engine and injection valve cooling system, ensure
that there is no rust or other deposits on the surfaces where the cooling
water is admitted.
If rust is detected, the system needs to be cleaned in accordance with Work
Instructions 010.000.001-03 and 010.000.002-04.
The cooling water system must be flushed with fresh water prior to commis-
sioning the engine. Add a detergent to the water in order to remove any resi-
Quality guidelines (conventional and Common Rail

dues of the preservative used. Suitable agents are listed alphabetically in

Table 1. Detergents by other manufacturers may also be used provided they
have the same properties. After cleaning, rinse with untreated fresh water.
In order to filter out coarser impurities, temporary installation of strainers is a
must. The mesh must be 1 mm for the low and high temperature system.
The smallest gap in the injection valve is 0.5 mm. Provisional installation of a
strainer with a width of mesh of ≤ 0.25 mm is necessary for flushing the cool-
ing water system of the injection valves in order to prevent dirt deposits here
and thus avoid reduced heat dissipation.
The integration of two gate valves in each case means that there will be no
water leakage when cleaning or removing the strainers.
After flushing, the fresh water is to be treated in accordance with the quality
2016-09-08 - de

requirements for cooling water. See 010.005 Engine - Operating Instructions,


Manufacturer Product Concentration Cleaning Time / Temperature


Drew HDE - 777 4 - 5% 4 h at 50 - 60 °C

Nalfleet MaxiClean 2 2 - 5% 4 h at 60 °C

6 (8) M010.000.001-01-0007 EN
MAN Diesel & Turbo 010.000.001-01

Manufacturer Product Concentration Cleaning Time / Temperature

Quality guidelines (conventional and Common Rail engines)

Unitor Aquabreak 0.05 - 0.5% 4 h at ambient temperature
Seaclean Plus 0.5% 4 h at 50 - 60 °C
Vecom Ultrasonic 4% 12 h at 50 - 60 °C
Multi Cleaner
Table 1: Detergents for removing oily residues

4. Compressed air system

4.1 Installation-side system

The whole system must be carefully cleaned before operating the engine. All
pressure and control pipes must be free of flammable media and slag, scale
and rust.

High noise levels

When blowing out the piping with compressed air, high noise levels are
• Wear hearing protection

Danger of fire/explosion
Flammable fluids (slushing oil, ...) may be ignited by open flames and
hot surfaces. Insufficient ventilation may result in low-speed
• smoking, fire and naked light prohibited
• allow hot surfaces to cool down, or cover them
• provide adequate ventilation
• wear protective clothing

The air pipes are cleaned by blowing through 3 or 4 times with compressed Quality guidelines (conventional and Common Rail
air at a pressure of 30 bar from the starter air tank.
In order to do this, separate the installation-side pipeline from the connection
flange on the engine and securely fasten the pipeline to prevent deformation
when blowing. Close the open engine entry point. Also remove the control air
pipe in front of the engine. The blowing out of the system is carried out by
opening the slide-valve on the connecting tank.
After the cleaning process, reconnect all the pipes that have been removed.

4.2 Engine-Side System

A primary pressurisation of engine-side compressed-air system may be per-
2016-09-08 - de

formed by MAN Diesel & Turbo personnel responsible for commissioning

Generally, proceed as follow upon the first pressurisation of the engine-side

compressed-air system:
1. Any fuel oil supply / gas supply to the engine is blocked.
2. Emergency stop devices were tested and are functional.

M010.000.001-01-0007 EN 7 (8)
010.000.001-01 MAN Diesel & Turbo

3. Open the existing indicator valves on the cylinder head if necessary.

Quality guidelines (conventional and Common Rail engines)

4. Actuate the engine with short compressed-air pulses via the local start
button on the engine (pulses of 1-2 seconds each) so that the engine
runs for a short time only, and few crankshaft revolutions occur.
5. As often as the engine turns and runs down again, the actuating time of
the start button can be increased up to 5 seconds.
6. This process is considered to be completed, if the engine turns and
then it runs down with no trouble again, also at the lapse of an actuat-
ing time of the start button according to the further starting operation
(approx. 5 seconds).

5. Gas system

5.1 Installation-side system

Prior to starting up, make sure that both internal and external piping is made
of high quality stainless steel in accordance with the MAN Diesel & Turbo
The whole system must be carefully cleaned before operating the engine. All
pipes must be free of flammable fluids and slag, scale, rust, oil, and passivat-
ing agent.

High noise levels

When blowing out the piping with compressed air, high noise levels are
• Wear hearing protection

Danger of fire/explosion
Flammable fluids (slushing oil, ...) may be ignited by open flames and
hot surfaces. Insufficient ventilation may result in low-speed
Quality guidelines (conventional and Common Rail

• smoking, fire and naked light prohibited
• allow hot surfaces to cool down, or cover them
• provide adequate ventilation
• wear protective clothing

The gas pipes are cleaned by blowing them through 3 to 4 times with air
compressed to 8 bar. For this purpose, detach the pipe on the gas control
unit and on the engine connection on the plant side, and securely fasten it.
The open pipes at the engine connection and at the gas control unit outlet
must be closed. Connect compressed air to the gas pipe on the plant side,
2016-09-08 - de

and blow the pipe through. After the cleaning process, reconnect all the
pipes that have been removed.

8 (8) M010.000.001-01-0007 EN
MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (1) Cylinder head 505

Cylinder head ............................................................................................................ 505.01 (05)

Work card
Dismantling of cylinder unit from engine .................................................................... 505-01.00 (13)
Disassembly of cylinder unit ...................................................................................... 505-01.01 (05)
Inspection of Inlet Valve, Exhaust Valve and Valve Guide ........................................... 505-01.05 (06)
Reconditioning of valve spindle seat and valve seat ring ............................................ 505-01.10 (10)
Valve Rotator ............................................................................................................ 505-01.15 (05)
Replacement of valve guide ...................................................................................... 505-01.20 (20)
Indicator Valve .......................................................................................................... 505-01.26 (05)
Replacement of Valve Seat Ring ............................................................................... 505-01.35 (04)
Inspection of Cylinder Head and Water Jacket Cooling Water Space ........................ 505-01.45 (03)
Assembly of cylinder unit .......................................................................................... 505-01.50 (06)
Mounting of Cylinder Unit in Engine ........................................................................... 505-01.55 (08)

Cylinder head ............................................................................................................ P50501-27
Valve spindles and valve gear ................................................................................... P50502-18
Valve spindles and valve gear ................................................................................... P50502-25
Water guide jacket .................................................................................................... P50507-03
Indicator valve ........................................................................................................... P50508-07
Cylinder head, top cover ........................................................................................... P50510-08
Cylinder unit .............................................................................................................. P50515-19

2017-08-16 - en
MAN Diesel & Turbo
Description 505.01
Page 1 (1) Cylinder head
Edition 05

L21/31S, L21/31
Cylinder head The cylinder head is equipped with replaceable
valve seat rings. The exhaust valve seat rings are
The cylinder head is of cast iron with an integrated water cooled in order to ensure low valve tempera-
charge air receiver, made in one piece. It has a tures.
bore-cooled thick walled bottom. It has a central
bore for the fuel injection valve and 4 valve cross
flow design, with high flow coefficient. Intensive
water cooling of the nozzle tip area made it possible
to omit direct nozzle cooling. The valve pattern is
turned about 20° to the axis and achieves a certain
intake swirl.

Figure 15: Cylinder head

The cylinder head is tightened by means of 4 nuts

and 4 studs which are screwed into the engine
frame. The nuts are tightened by means of hydraulic
The cylinder head has a screwed-on top cover. It
has two basic functions: oil sealing of the rocker
chamber and covering of the complete head top

Air inlet and exhaust valves

The valve spindles are made of heat-resistant ma-
terial and the spindle seats are armoured with wel-
ded-on hard metal.
All valve spindles are fitted with valve rotators which
turn the spindles each time the valves are activated.
The turning of the spindles ensures even tempera-
ture levels on the valve discs and prevents deposits
on the seating surfaces.

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Work Card 505-01.00
Page 1 (5) Dismantling of cylinder unit from engine
Edition 13

L21/31S, L21/31

Safety precautions Special tools

Engine stopped Plate No. Item No. Note

Shut-off starting air 52000 038
52000 212
Shut off cooling water 52001 107
Shut off fuel oil 52000 334
Shut-off cooling oil 52000 060
- and hydraulic tools
Stop lub. oil circulation according to working
Press Blocking - Reset card 520-01.06

Short Description
Dismantling of cylinder unit from engine for inspec-
tion and/or overhaul.

Starting Position Hand Tools

Engine stopped and cooled down. Hexagon socket screw

Related Procedure
Valve rotator 505-01.15
Disassembly of cylinder unit 505-01.01
Function of the hydraulic tools 520-01.05
Application of hydraulic tools 520-01.06
See section 514

Qualified Manpower Replacement and wearing parts

Duration in h : 2 Plate No. Item No. Quantity
Number : 2

Data for pressure and tolerance (Page 500.35)
Data for tightening torque (Page 500.40)
Declaration of weight (Page 500.45)

MAN Diesel & Turbo
505-01.00 Work Card
Dismantling of cylinder unit from engine Page 2 (5)
Edition 13

L21/31S, L21/31


Use original tool!

Preparations before Dismantling

1) Drain off the cooling water from the engine.
2) Remove the top cover.
Figure 16: Push the cooling water connection and charge air
3) Remove the side covers on both sides of the connections to the right seen from the exhaust side
4) Remove the exhaust gas cover.
Disassembling of Connecting Rod from
Disassembling of connections Marine Head
1) Disconnect the exhaust gas receiver from the
1) Loosen the connecting rod by means of the
cover by removing the clamp.
hydraulic jacks, see working card 506-01.25.
2) Disconnect the fuel oil high pressure pipe.
2) Remove the connecting rod nuts by hand.
3) Disassembly the 4 clamps for locking the cool-
3) Turn the piston to TDC.
ing water connections between the cylinder
heads by removing the locking bolts for the 4) Mount the turning bracket between the marine
clamps. head and counter weight, see fig 2.
4) Push the cooling water connections to the left
seen from the manoevring side.
5) Drain the cooling water jacket on the back side
of the cover below the exhaust pipe.
6) Disconnect the 2 clamps for locking the charge
air connections by removing the locking bolts
for the clamps.
7) Push the charge air connections inside the cyl-
inder head which are to be removed. Push the
connections to the left seen from the manoe-
vring side.

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Work Card 505-01.00
Page 3 (5) Dismantling of cylinder unit from engine
Edition 13

L21/31S, L21/31

1 Lifting tool 2 Cylinder unit

3 Support

Figure 17: Mount the turning bracket between the marine head
and counterweight Figure 18: Mounting of support device for connecting rod and
piston in cylinder liner

Mounting of support tools

1) Mount the support for locking the connecting Removal of cylinder unit from engine
rod shaft to the cylinder liner by means of the 1) Carefully lift the cylinder unit out of the engine.
mounting bolt, see fig 3.
Note! Be careful not to scratch the thread on the
2) Remove the cylinder head nuts by means of hydraulic bolts when lifting the cylinder unit.
the hydraulic jacks, see working card
2) Pull out the push rods from the engine frame.
3) Land and fasten the cylinder unit upon the spe-
3) Mount the lifting tool on the cylinder head and
cial work table, or on the floor upon wooden
check for a tight fit.
supports and remove the lifting tool.
Note! Tools must only be used with the approved
part, including related bolts and rods.

MAN Diesel & Turbo
505-01.00 Work Card
Dismantling of cylinder unit from engine Page 4 (5)
Edition 13

L21/31S, L21/31

1 Hydraulic tool 2 Ass. tension screw

3 Pressure part, long 4 Cylinder head
5 Cylinder head nut 6 Cylinder head bolt

Figure 19: Hydraulic tools for dismounting of cylinder head nuts

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Work Card 505-01.00
Page 5 (5) Dismantling of cylinder unit from engine
Edition 13

L21/31S, L21/31

1 Cylinder unit 2 Work table

Figure 20: Cylinder unit placed in work table

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Work Card 505-01.01
Page 1 (3) Disassembly of cylinder unit
Edition 05

L21/31S, L21/31

Safety precautions Special tools

Engine stopped Plate No. Item No. Note

Shut-off starting air P52000 212
P52000 104
Shut off cooling water P52000 038
Shut off fuel oil P52000 021
Shut-off cooling oil P52000 082
Stop lub. oil circulation
Press Blocking - Reset

Short Description
Dismounting of cylinder head, water jacket, cylin-
der liner and piston for inspection/overhaul

Starting Position Hand Tools

Hexagonal key, 8 mm
Dismantling of cylinder unit 505-01.00
Eye bolt
Open end spanner, 17 mm

Related Procedure
Reconditioning of valve spindle 505-01.10
seat and valve seat ring
Valve rotator 505-01.15
Replacement of valve guide 505-01.20
Replacement of valve seat ring 505-01.35
Piston 506-01.10
Inspection of Cylinder liner 506-01.35
Disassembly/assembly of piston, 506-01.05
connecting rod and piston rings
Fuel injection valve 514-01.10
Inspection of valve roller guide 508-01.00
Replacement and wearing parts
Qualified Manpower Plate No. Item No. Quantity
Duration in h : 1
Number : 1

Data for pressure and tolerance (Page 500.35)
Data for tightening torque (Page 500.40)
Declaration of weight (Page 500.45)

MAN Diesel & Turbo
505-01.01 Work Card
Disassembly of cylinder unit Page 2 (3)
Edition 05

L21/31S, L21/31

Removal of cylinder head

1) Remove the five hexagonal screw from the
cooling water jacket.
2) Mount the lifting tool on the cylinder head, see
fig 2.
3) Remove the cylinder head by means of the lift-
Disassembly of cylinder unit ing tool.
Before starting to dismantle the cylinder unit it must 4) Remove push rods and roller guides, see
be placed on the working table. Working Card 508-01.00.

Removal of piston and connecting rod

1) Turn the unit upside down.
2) Remove the supporting tool from the cylinder
liner and connecting rod.
3) Mount the eye bolt at the bottom of the con-
necting rod.
4) Pull out the piston and the connecting rod
5) Turn the unit back to it's starting position.

1 Hexagonal screw 2 Lifting tool

3 Cylinder head

Figure 22: Removal of cylinder head

Removal of cylinder liner from the cooling

water jacket
1) Lift the cylinder liner out of the cooling water
jacket by means of the lifting tool as shown in
fig 3.
2) Remove the fire land ring from the cylinder liner
Figure 21: Removal of piston and piston rod by means of the tool.

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Work Card 505-01.01
Page 3 (3) Disassembly of cylinder unit
Edition 05

L21/31S, L21/31

1 Fire land ring 2 Roller guide

3 Lifting tool 4 Cylinder liner

Figure 23: Removal of cylinder liner from water jacket

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Work Card Inspection of Inlet Valve, Exhaust Valve and Valve 505-01.05
Page 1 (3)
Guide Edition 06

L21/31S, L21/31

Safety precautions Special tools

Engine stopped Plate No. Item No. Note

Shut-off starting air 014 52000
107 52001
Shut off cooling water
Shut off fuel oil
Shut-off cooling oil
Stop lub. oil circulation
Press Blocking - Reset

Short Description
Dismounting/assembly of inlet and exhaust valve,
inspection of valve guide and assembly of inlet and
exhaust valve.

Starting Position Hand Tools

Disassembly of cylinder unit 505-01.01 Ring Spanner 19mm

Related Procedure
Reconditioning of valve spindle 505-01.10
seat and valve seat ring
Valve rotator 505-01.15
Replacement of valve guide 505-01.20
Replacement of valve seat ring 505-01.35

Qualified Manpower Replacement and wearing parts

Duration in h : 1 Plate No. Item No. Quantity
Number : 1 50501 088 4/C
50502 536 4/C
Data for pressure and tolerance (Page 500.35)
Data for tightening torque (Page 500.40)
Declaration of weight (Page 500.45)

MAN Diesel & Turbo
505-01.05 Inspection of Inlet Valve, Exhaust Valve and Valve Work Card
Page 2 (3)
Edition 06 Guide

L21/31S, L21/31
4) Compress valve springs by tightening nut A,
see fig 2.


Use original tool!

Dismantling of Inlet and Exhaust Valve

1) Place the cylinder head on the table or on the
floor upon wood en supports and remove the
lifting tool. Figure 25: Removal of cone rings valve spring pressed down

2) Remove the rocker arm shaft and rocker arm.

Remove the valve bridge over the valve spin- 5) Remove conical rings, see fig 2.
dles. 6) Release springs again by loosening nut A.
3) Mount the valve spring tightening device (B), 7) Remove the valve rotator and spring.
see fig 1.
8) Push out the valve spindle.
Use original tool.

Figure 24: Mounting of compression tool

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Work Card Inspection of Inlet Valve, Exhaust Valve and Valve 505-01.05
Page 3 (3)
Guide Edition 06

L21/31S, L21/31

Figure 27: Measurement of valve guide for wear

3) Change the O-ring inside the valve guide, see

working card 505-01.20.

Mounting of Valve Spindle

Figure 26: Valve spring reliefed complete 1) For mounting the valve spindle, follow the
instructions in point 3-8 in reverse order.
9) Repeat point 4 - 8 to remove the other valve

Inspection of Valves/Valve Seats

If the valve seat is burnt or scarred, it should be
grinded using a valve seat grinder, please see work-
ing card 505-01.10.

Inspection of Valve Guide

1) Clean the valve guide.
2) Inspect and measure the wear. If the inner
diameter of the valve guide (see fig 4) meas-
ured below the O-ring exceeds the tolerance,
please see page 500.35, the valve guide must
be replaced. Please see working card

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Work Card Reconditioning of valve spindle seat and valve seat 505-01.10
Page 1 (3)
ring Edition 10

V28/32S, V28/32DF, L28/32S-DF, L28/32DF, L27/38S, L27/38, L23/30DF,

L23/30S, L23/30H, L21/31S, L21/31, L16/24S, L16/24
Safety precautions Special tools

Engine stopped Plate No. Item No. Note

Shut-off starting air P52002 222 Grinding machine for
valve seat ring
Shut off cooling water P52002 285 Grinding machine for
Shut off fuel oil valve spindle
Shut-off cooling oil
Stop lub. oil circulation
Press Blocking - Reset

Short Description
Reconditioning of valve spindle seat and valve seat
ring, with special grinding machine.

Starting Position Hand Tools

All the hand tools and new stones are included in
Valve spindle has been removed 505-01.05
the tools box for grinding machine.

Related Procedure
Inspection of inlet valve, exhaust 505-01.05
valve and valve guide

Qualified Manpower Replacement and wearing parts

Duration in h : 3 h / cyl. Plate No. Item No. Quantity
Number : 1

Data for pressure and tolerance (Page 500.35)
Data for tightening torque (Page 500.40)
Declaration of weight (Page 500.45)

MAN Diesel & Turbo
505-01.10 Reconditioning of valve spindle seat and valve seat Work Card
Page 2 (3)
Edition 10 ring

V28/32S, V28/32DF, L28/32S-DF, L28/32DF, L27/38S, L27/38, L23/30DF,

L23/30S, L23/30H, L21/31S, L21/31, L16/24S, L16/242) Continue grinding until a clean and uniform sur-
face is obtained.
3) Carry out final grinding with a feed in direction
from inside to outwards. Normally, the best
surface quality is obtained this way.

Scraping of valve seat rings

Reconditioning of Valve Seat Ring Normally, the valve seat ring can be reconditioned
Reconditioning of valve seat rings by machining is several times.
carried out by means of a grinding machine, the However, when seat "S" is ground to such an
pilot spindle of which must be mounted in the valve extent that recess "R" disappears, see fig 1, the
spindle guide. For operation of the grinding valve seat ring must be scrapped and a new one
machine, see separate instructions. must be installed, please see working card
Grinding of valve seats This is only valid for the exhaust valve seat, the inlet
valve seat has no recess due to less wear of the
inlet valve seat.

Reconditioning of valve spindle

Reconditioning by machining is carried out with the
Use safety glasses! valve spindle being rotated in a turning lathe and a
special grinding machine mounted on the tool post
The area around the engine must be clean and
of the turning latch.

Grinding of valve seat rings should be carried out in Grinding of valve spindle
the following order:
For operation of the grinding machine, see separate
1) Grind the seating surface with a feed at an instructions.
angle "A", see fig. 1.
1) Grind the seating surface with a feed at an
angel "A", see fig. 2.
2) Continue grinding until a clean and uniform sur-
face is obtained.

Figure 29: Valve spindle

Figure 28: Valve seat ring

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Work Card Reconditioning of valve spindle seat and valve seat 505-01.10
Page 3 (3)
ring Edition 10

V28/32S, V28/32DF, L28/32S-DF, L28/32DF, L27/38S, L27/38, L23/30DF,

L23/30S, L23/30H, L21/31S, L21/31, L16/24S, L16/24
3) Check height "H"1 upon completion the grind-
ing, see fig 2.
"H"1 must be no less than indicated on page
If less, the spindle must be scrapped.

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Work Card 505-01.15
Page 1 (2) Valve Rotator
Edition 05

L27/38S, L21/31S, L21/31, L27/38

Safety precautions Special tools

Engine stopped Plate No. Item No. Note

Shut-off starting air
Shut off cooling water
Shut off fuel oil
Shut-off cooling oil
Stop lub. oil circulation
Press Blocking - Reset

Short Description
Dismantling, inspection and mounting of valve

Starting Position Hand Tools

Valve spindle has been removed 505-01.05 Small screwdriver
Ring and open-end spanner, 24 mm.

Related Procedure
Inspection of inlet valve, exhaust 505-01.05
valve and valve guide.

Qualified Manpower Replacement and wearing parts

Duration in h : 1/2 Plate No. Item No. Quantity
Number : 1

Data for pressure and tolerance (Page 500.35)
Data for tightening torque (Page 500.40)
Declaration of weight (Page 500.45)

MAN Diesel & Turbo
505-01.15 Work Card
Valve Rotator Page 2 (2)
Edition 05

L27/38S, L21/31S, L21/31, L27/38

Valve rotators are installed on all 4 valves in the cyl-
inder head. The function of the valve rotators is of
greatest importance for the lifetime of the valves.
Non-functioning valve rotators must be exchanged.
At every overhaul of the cylinder head, the valve
rotators must be checked.

Function Test
1) Remove the valve covers from the cylinder
2) Start the engine and let it run idle speed to
avoid oil splash.
3) Watch the indicator mark on top of the valve
rotator and see that it moves a little each time
the valve is activated. See fig 1.
4) Stop the engine, an re-install the valve covers
with new seals.

Figure 30: Valve rotator

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Work Card 505-01.20
Page 1 (3) Replacement of valve guide
Edition 20

L27/38S, L27/38, L21/31S, L21/31

Safety precautions Special tools

Engine stopped Plate No. Item No. Note

Shut-off starting air P52002 258 Fit and removal device
P52002 748 Reamer
Shut off cooling water
Shut off fuel oil
Shut-off cooling oil
Stop lub. oil circulation
Press Blocking - Reset

Short Description
Dismantling and mounting of valve guide, for inlet
and exhaust valve.

Starting Position Hand Tools

Liquid Nitrogen (LN2) or equivalent
Valve spindle has been removed 505-01.05

Related Procedure
Inspection of inlet valve, exhaust 505-01.05
valve and valve guide

Qualified Manpower Replacement and wearing parts

Duration in h : 3/4 Plate No. Item No. Quantity
Number : 1 P50501 088 4/cyl.
P50502 536 (L21/31) 4/cyl.
P50502 644 (L27/38) 4/cyl.
Data for pressure and tolerance (Page 500.35)
Data for tightening torque (Page 500.40)
Declaration of weight (Page 500.45)

MAN Diesel & Turbo
505-01.20 Work Card
Replacement of valve guide Page 2 (3)
Edition 20

L27/38S, L27/38, L21/31S, L21/31

2) Before mounting, new valve guide should be

cooled down with liquid nitrogen to approx.
-196 °C and cylinder head should be at room
temperature (approx. 20 °C).
Depending on the tolerances of the parts, it
might be necessary to mount the valve guide,
by slightly use of hydraulic press, although the
General valve guide is cooled down to -196 °C.
If the clearance exceeds the shown max. limit, (see When the new valve guide has been inserted
page 500.35), the valve guide must be replaced. into the bore be sure that the shoulder bears
against the cylinder head.
Dismounting of Valve Guide
1) Remove the old valve guide, through the top of
the cylinder head using a drift inserted through
the valve seat, see fig 1.
This is easiest if the cylinder head is inverted,
as shown on fig 1.
Use of hammer is not allowed

3) Insert the valve guide in the bore, see fig 2.

4) Ensure that the valve guide is fully seated.
5) After the guide has been fitted and has
returned to room temperature, it is essential
that it be reamed to final size using the speci-
fied reamer, see tolerance below.
6) Insert a new O-ring in the top of the valve
guide, see fig 3.

Figure 31: Dismounting of valve guide

Reamer for L21/31 - 16 mm E7

Mounting of valve guide Reamer for L27/38 - 20 mm (-0.060 / -0.104)

1) Clean the bore in the cylinder head carefully.

Time between overhaul (TBO) of cylinder head

with "reamed valve guide" is highly depending on
craftsman skills

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Work Card 505-01.20
Page 3 (3) Replacement of valve guide
Edition 20

L27/38S, L27/38, L21/31S, L21/31

Figure 32: Mounting of valve guide

Figure 33: Inserting a new O-ring in the valve guide

Tool for valve guides is not a part of the standard

tool kit, please see Additional tools P52002

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Work Card 505-01.26
Page 1 (2) Indicator Valve
Edition 05

L27/38S, L21/31S, L21/31, L27/38

Safety precautions Special tools

Engine stopped Plate No. Item No. Note

Shut-off starting air
Shut off cooling water
Shut off fuel oil
Shut-off cooling oil
Stop lub. oil circulation
Press Blocking - Reset

Short Description
Dismounting, inspection and mounting of indicator

Starting Position Hand Tools

Ring and open-end spanner 10 mm
Ring and open-end spanner 27 mm
Steel brush

Related Procedure

Qualified Manpower Replacement and wearing parts

Duration in h : 1/2 Plate No. Item No. Quantity
Number : 1 Molykote HSC

Data for pressure and tolerance (Page 500.35)
Data for tightening torque (Page 500.40)
Declaration of weight (Page 500.45)

MAN Diesel & Turbo
505-01.26 Work Card
Indicator Valve Page 2 (2)
Edition 05

L27/38S, L21/31S, L21/31, L27/38

Under normal working conditions the indicator
valves require very little maintenance. However, to
minimize toxic gasses in the engine room and to
keep the engine and engine room clean, it is neces-
sary to keep the indicator valves tight.
Also, when taking combustion pressures/diagrams,
it is important that the mechanical connection
between the indicator valve and the indicator is tight
so that the parts are not overheated and damaged.
It is therefore important that the valve connecting
surface is in good condition.
Figure 34: Indicator valve.
In connection with check of indicator valves, be
aware of hot surfaces and possible discharge of hot
gasses. By replacement of indicator valve all parts have to
be fully cleaned and greased with molykote HSC to
The insulation glove has to be placed over the indi- prevent that the parts will seize.
cator valve at any time when the engine is running,
to prevent that fuel and oil will cause fi re when in
contact with hot surfaces. Exception will be taken
when measuring the max. pressure.

Check of Indicator Valve

See fig. 1
1) Visually inspect the valve cone for damage.
2) Ensure that all indicator valves are closed.
3) Start and run the engine.
4) Observe that the indicator valve is not leaking.
5) Shortly open the valve and close it again.
6) Observe if ther is a leakage from the indicator
7) If the indicator is leaking, stop the engine and
replace the indicator valve.

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Work Card 505-01.35
Page 1 (2) Replacement of Valve Seat Ring
Edition 04

L27/38S, L21/31S, L21/31, L27/38

Safety precautions Special tools

Engine stopped Plate No. Item No. Note

Shut-off starting air 52001 181 Tier I
P52002 329 Tier II, Stationary
Shut off cooling water
Shut off fuel oil
Shut-off cooling oil
Stop lub. oil circulation
Press Blocking - Reset

Short Description
Replacement of valve seat ring for inlet and
exhaust valve.

Starting Position Hand Tools

Inlet and exhaust valves have been removed Hammer
505-01.05 Loctite, 640
Lub. oil.

Related Procedure
Reconditioning of valve spindle 505-01.10
seat and valve seat ring

Qualified Manpower Replacement and wearing parts

Duration in h : 1 1/2 Plate No. Item No. Quantity
Number : 1 50501 123 2/cyl.
50501 172 2/cyl.
50501 184 2/cyl.
Data for pressure and tolerance (Page 500.35)
Data for tightening torque (Page 500.40)
Declaration of weight (Page 500.45)

MAN Diesel & Turbo
505-01.35 Work Card
Replacement of Valve Seat Ring Page 2 (2)
Edition 04

L27/38S, L21/31S, L21/31, L27/38

Mounting of Valve Seat Rings
1) Prior to mounting of a new valve seat ring, the
bore must be cleaned thoroughly and inspec-
ted for marks. Marks that can hinder mounting
of the valve seat ring must be removed.
2) Cool down the valve seat ring to a max. of -25°
C before mounting, otherwise the O-ring can
Dismounting of Valve Seat Rings be damaged.
When reconditioning of a valve seat ring no longer is 3) Place the O-ring on the valve seat ring and
possible due to dimensions exceeding the scrap- coat with oil/loctite as shown in fig 2, just
ping criteria, the valve seat ring has to be replaced. before positioning it in the bore.
Dismounting of a valve seat ring is carried out by 4) Prior to mounting of the valve spindle, the valve
means of a special extractor tool set comprising the seat ring must be grind to ensure correct cen-
components, see fig 1. tering at the valve guide and the valve seat
ring. This can be done according to working
card 505-01.10.

Figure 35: Extraction of valve seat ring

Dismounting of a Valve Seat Ring is Figure 2: Coat with oil/loctite

Carried out According to the Following
1) Weld approx. 5 seconds at 3 places around
the old valve seat ring with electrode.
Use welding helmet.
2) Wait 60 seconds while the seat is cooling
down and the shrink fit compression is
3) Mount the extraction tool and pull out the used
valve seat ring. (If the waiting time is not
observed the tool might be damaged).
4) The valve seat ring is easy removed by turning
the handle.

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Work Card Inspection of Cylinder Head and Water Jacket Cooling 505-01.45
Page 1 (2)
Water Space Edition 03

L27/38S, L21/31S, L21/31, L27/38

Safety precautions Special tools

Engine stopped Plate No. Item No. Note

Shut-off starting air
Shut off cooling water
Shut off fuel oil
Shut-off cooling oil
Stop lub. oil circulation
Press Blocking - Reset

Short Description
Inspection of cylinder head cooling water space.

Starting Position Hand Tools

Steel brush
The cylinder head dismantled 505-01.00
from engine

Related Procedure

Qualified Manpower Replacement and wearing parts

Duration in h : 1/4 Plate No. Item No. Quantity
Number : 1

Data for pressure and tolerance (Page 500.35)
Data for tightening torque (Page 500.40)
Declaration of weight (Page 500.45)

MAN Diesel & Turbo
505-01.45 Inspection of Cylinder Head and Water Jacket Cooling Work Card
Page 2 (2)
Edition 03 Water Space

L27/38S, L21/31S, L21/31, L27/38

Flush the cooling water space after cleaning.

Inspection of Cylinder Head Cooling Water

1) Inspect the cooling water inlet and outlet of the
cylinder head, see fig 1.
2) Remove all possible deposits.
3) If necessary, clean the cooling water inlet and
cooling water outlet, see fig 1, with a steel
brush. Flush the cooling water space after
4) If the cylinder head cooling water space, con-
trary to expectation, is blocked with deposits,
please contact MAN Diesel for further instruc-

Figure 36: Cooling water spaces to be inspected

Inspection of Water Jacket Cooling Water

1) Inspect the cooling water connections and the
cooling water space, see fig 1.
2) Remove all possible deposits.

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Work Card 505-01.50
Page 1 (3) Assembly of cylinder unit
Edition 06

L21/31S, L21/31

Safety precautions Special tools

Engine stopped Plate No. Item No. Note

Shut-off starting air 52000 045
52000 082
Shut off cooling water 52000 087
Shut off fuel oil 52000 212
Shut-off cooling oil 52001 107
Stop lub. oil circulation
Press Blocking - Reset

Short Description
Mounting of cylinder head, cooling water jacket,
cylinder liner and piston after inspection/overhaul.

Starting Position Hand Tools

Disassembly of cylinder unit 505-01.01

Related Procedure
Mounting of cylinder unit in engine 505-01.55
Inspection of valve roller guide 508-01.00
Disassembly/assembly of piston, 506-01.05
connecting rod and piston rings

Qualified Manpower Replacement and wearing parts

Duration in h : 1½ Plate No. Item No. Quantity
Number : 1 50507 055 2/cyl
50507 092 1/cyl
50501 196 2/cyl
Data for pressure and tolerance (Page 500.35)
Data for tightening torque (Page 500.40)
Declaration of weight (Page 500.45)

MAN Diesel & Turbo
505-01.50 Work Card
Assembly of cylinder unit Page 2 (3)
Edition 06

L21/31S, L21/31
4) Fit a new sealing ring on the cylinder liner.
5) Place a new sealing for the push rods on the
water jacket.
6) Place two new O-rings for the lub oil connec-
tion on the water jacket.

Preparing before mounting

1) Place the water jacket on the table.
2) Place two new O-rings on the cylinder liner
coat with oil.
3) Mount the cylinder liner, with the fire land ring,
in the water jacket by means of the lifting tool
for the liner, see fig 1.
Note: Be sure that the marking on the cylinder
liner and fire land ring is aligned with the water

x Mark for alignment with water jacket

Figure 38: Marking on the cylinder liner

Mounting of Cylinder Head

1) Place two new O-rings at the bottom of the
cylinder head and coat with oil.
2) Mount the cylinder head by means of the lifting
tool (plate 52000, item no 38).
3) Mount the four hexagon screws in the cylinder
head and tighten up all the screws, please see
page 500.40.

Mounting the Piston

1 Tool 2 Fire land ring Before mounting the piston turn around the cylinder
3 Cylinder liner
Note: During an overhaul the cylinder liner must
always be honed and the piston must be fitted with
Figure 37: Mounting of new fire land ring new piston rings, see Working Card 506-01.35.

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Work Card 505-01.50
Page 3 (3) Assembly of cylinder unit
Edition 06

L21/31S, L21/31
1) After assembly of piston and connecting rod,
see Working Card 506-01.05.
2) Mount the piston guide bush around the cylin-
der liner.
3) Screw an eye bolt, see Working Card
505-01.01 in the bottom of the connecting rod
and lift the piston and connecting rod.
4) Lubricate the piston rings and the cylinder liner
with oil.
5) Slowly lower the piston into the cylinder liner.
Note: Make sure that the “AS” mark at the top
of the piston is placed to the exhaust gas side.
6) Mount the locking tools for the connecting rod
and cylinder liner.
7) Remove the lifting eye bolt from the connecting

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Work Card 505-01.55
Page 1 (4) Mounting of Cylinder Unit in Engine
Edition 08

L21/31S, L21/31

Safety precautions Special tools

Engine stopped Plate No. Item No. Note

Shut-off starting air 52000 038
52000 060
Shut off cooling water 52000 212
Shut off fuel oil 52000 334
Shut-off cooling oil and hydraulic tools according to working card
Stop lub. oil circulation 520-01.06
Press Blocking - Reset

Short Description
Mounting of cylinder unit after inspection and/or

Starting Position Hand Tools

Cylinder unit is completely assembled. Valve gear Lub oil and copaslip.
of respective cylinder is in the proper position
(valve closed). Control of the surface of the engine.

Related Procedure
Inspection of valve roller guide 508-01.00
Control and adjusting of valve 508-01.10
Function of the hydraulic tools 520-01.05
Application of hydraulic tools 520-01.06

Qualified Manpower Replacement and wearing parts

Duration in h : 2 Plate No. Item No. Quantity
Number : 2 50507 043 1
50507 080 1
51630 033 8
Data 51230 027 4 (only for
Data for pressure and tolerance (Page 500.35) TCR)
Data for tightening torque (Page 500.40)
Declaration of weight (Page 500.45)

MAN Diesel & Turbo
505-01.55 Work Card
Mounting of Cylinder Unit in Engine Page 2 (4)
Edition 08

L21/31S, L21/31

The area around the engine

The area around the engine must be clean and


Tool and wire

Use original tool!

Use original wire for lifting! Figure 39: Lifting tool

Preparing before Mounting

Mounting of the Connecting Rod and
Before the cylinder unit is mounted in the engine, be
sure to clean the joint faces carefully.
Marine Head
1) Make sure the crank throw is in the top posi-
Placing of the Cylinder Unit in Engine tion. This must be checked on the flywheel.
2) Slowly land the connecting rod on the top of
1) Place a sealing ring around the push rods on
the marine head.
the frame.
NOTE: Be careful not to scratch the thread on
2) Mount two new O-rings for the lub oil connec- the hydraulic bolts.
tion to the rocker arms.
3) Remove the support for the connecting rod
3) Place new O-rings at the water connections. and the cylinder liner. (plate 52000 item 212).
Push the connections into the cylinder head.
Note: Check that the marks “AS” are placed at the
4) Place new O-rings on the charge air connec- same side on both the connecting rod and the
tion. Push the connections into the next cylin- marine head against the exhaust side.
der head.
5) Lower the cylinder unit slowly into the engine Tightening of the Piston Rod
by means of the lifting tool; (plate 52000 item
038) 1) Lubricate threads and the contact face of the
hydraulic bolts with molycote paste or the like.
2) Mount the nuts and tighten them firmly with a
tommy bar.

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Work Card 505-01.55
Page 3 (4) Mounting of Cylinder Unit in Engine
Edition 08

L21/31S, L21/31
For tightening hydraulic connecting rod bolts,
please see working card 506-01.25. Mounting of the Push Rods
1) Loosen and remove the bolt on the top of the
Tightening of Cylinder Head Nuts rocker arm shaft.
1) Coat the cylinder stud threads and contact 2) Push out the rocker arm shaft and remove the
faces with copaslip or the like. rocker arms.
2) Fit the cylinder head nuts and make sure that 3) Place the push rods on the rollers.
they run easily and that they bear on their entire
contact surfaces. 4) Remount the rocker arms and rocker arm
3) Tighten the nuts lightly with a tommy bar.
5) Fit and tighten the bolt on the top of the rocker
4) Place the spacer ring around the nuts with a arm shaft again.
slot in such a position that the tommy bar can
be used.
Assembling of Connections
5) Tighten the hydraulic jacks and make sure that
the cylinder of the jacks bears firmly on the Mount the exhaust clamp between the cylinder
spacer ring. Tighten up all the nuts, see head and the exhaust pipe.
description 500.40. For usage of the hydraulic 1) Move the water connecting bush into the sur-
tools, please see working card 520-01.05. rounding covers.
Note: If new studs or nuts are fit, the nuts must be 2) Secure the water connections with clamps and
tightened and loosened three times, in order to tighten bolts on the clamp.
compensate for deformation of the thread and in
3) Move the charge air connection bush into the
order to ensure a safe minimum load of the studs
surrounding covers.
through the tightening.
4) Secure the charge air connection with a clamp
and tighten the bolts on the clamp.
5) Mount the high-pressure fuel oil pipe; please
see working card 514-01.05.

The GenSet is self-ventilating. This means that it is
not necessary for the engine to vent the system
before start.
However, to avoid problems in the ship’s installa-
tion, we recommend ventilating. This can be done
in the following way:
1) Open connection G1, L.T. fresh water - inlet.
2) Bleed air from the venting screws on the
charge air cooler.
3) Bleed air from the venting screws on the water
jacket drain cock, or by the connection F3,
venting to expansion tank.
4) Open connection G2, L.T. fresh water - outlet.
5) Check for leakage.

Figure 40: Hydraulic tools for mounting of cylinder head nuts

MAN Diesel & Turbo
505-01.55 Work Card
Mounting of Cylinder Unit in Engine Page 4 (4)
Edition 08

L21/31S, L21/31

Figure 41: Move/remove water and charge air connecting


Adjustment of Valve Clearance

1) Adjust the valve clearance, see working card
2) Mount the side and top covers.

Adjustment/Check of Roller Guide

1) For adjustment/check of roller guide, see work-
ing card 508-01.00.

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Cylinder head P50501-27

L21/31S, L21/31

2015.11.13 - Tier II - Stationary

MAN Diesel & Turbo
P50501-27 Cylinder head Page 2 (2)

L21/31S, L21/31
Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

015 2/C Guide for valve bridge

027 1/C Cylinder head, assembly con-
sists of items 015, 052, 064,
088, 123, 172, 184, 662
052 1/C Sleeve
064 2/C O-ring
088 4/C Valve guide
123 2/C Valve seat ring, inlet
172 2/C O-ring
184 2/C Valve seat ring, exhaust
196 2/C O-ring
422 1/C Cylinder head, complete con-
sists of items 015, 027, 052,
064, 088, 123, 172, 184, 662,
plate 50502 items 010, 022,
130, 178, 191, 201, 213, 237,
249, 250, 274, 536, 548
662 /I Loctite 640

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/C = Qty/Cylinder
Qty/I = Qty/Individual

2015.11.13 - Tier II - Stationary

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Valve spindles and valve gear P50502-18

L21/31S, L21/31

MAN Diesel & Turbo
P50502-18 Valve spindles and valve gear Page 2 (2)

L21/31S, L21/31
Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

010 1/C Rocker arm, exhaust incl item

034, 046, 071, 083
022 1/C Rocker arm, inlet incl item 034,
046, 071, 083
034 2/C Bolt
046 2/C Bearing bush
071 4/C Nut
083 2/C Adjusting screw complete, incl
item 095, 117, 142
095 2/C Circlip
117 2/C Thrust piece
129 2/C Thrust piece
130 2/C Valve bridge complete, incl item
071, 129, 130
154 2/C Adjusting screw
178 2/C Conical ring 2/2
191 4/C Rotocap, complete
201 4/C Spring
213 1/C Screw
237 1/C O-ring
249 1/C Shaft
250 1/C O-ring
274 4/C Valve spindle, inlet and exhaust
536 4/C O-ring
548 1/I Molykote
632 4/C Valve cap

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/C = Qty/Cylinder
Qty/I = Qty/Individual

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Valve spindles and valve gear P50502-25

L21/31S, L21/31

MAN Diesel & Turbo
P50502-25 Valve spindles and valve gear Page 2 (2)

L21/31S, L21/31
Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

010 1/C Rocker arm complete, exhaust,

incl item 034, 046, 071, 083
022 1/C Rocker arm complete, inlet, incl
item 034, 046, 071, 083
034 2/C Thrust piece
046 2/C Bearing bush
071 2/C Nut
083 2/C Adjusting screw complete, incl
item 095, 117
095 2/C Circlip
117 2/C Thrust piece
129 2/C Thrust piece
130 2/C Valve bridge complete, incl item
071, 129, 154
154 2/C Adjusting screw
178 4/C Conical ring in 2/2
191 4/C Rotocap complete
201 4/C Spring
213 1/C Screw
237 1/C O-ring
249 1/C Shaft
250 1/C O-ring
274 4/C Valve cone
536 4/C O-ring
548 /I Molykote
632 4/C Valve cap

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/C = Qty/Cylinder
Qty/I = Qty/Individual

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Water guide jacket P50507-03

L21/31S, L21/31

2017.02.01 - Tier II - Stationary

MAN Diesel & Turbo
P50507-03 Water guide jacket Page 2 (2)

L21/31S, L21/31
Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

018 5/C Screw

031 1/C Water guide jacket
043 1/C Gasket
055 2/C O-ring
067 1/C Cylindrical pin
079 1/C Connecting piece
080 2/C O-ring
092 1/C O-ring
102 1/C O-ring
114 1/C Plug screw
187 1/C Orifice
199 1/E Loctite 270

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/C = Qty/Cylinder
Qty/E = Qty/Engine

2017.02.01 - Tier II - Stationary

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Indicator valve P50508-07

L21/31S, L21/31

2014.11.24 - Tier II + Stationary

MAN Diesel & Turbo
P50508-07 Indicator valve Page 2 (2)

L21/31S, L21/31
Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

013 1/C Connecting socket

049 1/C Indicator valve
050 1/C Covering
194 1/C Threaded socket
204 1/C Union nut
241 /I Molykote, special
265 1/C Screw
277 1/C Washer

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/C = Qty/Cylinder
Qty/I = Qty/Individual

2014.11.24 - Tier II + Stationary

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Cylinder head, top cover P50510-08

L21/31S, L21/31

MAN Diesel & Turbo
P50510-08 Cylinder head, top cover Page 2 (2)

L21/31S, L21/31
Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

014 1/C O-ring

026 5/C Screw
038 5/C Washer
051 1/C Top cover

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/C = Qty/Cylinder

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Spare Part Kit Plate
Page 1 (2) Cylinder unit P50515-19

L21/31S, L21/31

2012.08.06 - Tier II + Stationary

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Spare Part Kit Plate
P50515-19 Cylinder unit Page 2 (2)

L21/31S, L21/31
Item No. Qty Item Designation Where to find in the engine instruction book

011 1/C Cylinder unit complete

1/C Cylinder head P50501 -
1/C Valve spindle and valve gear P50502 -
1/C Water guide jacket P50507 -
1/C Indicator valve P50508 -
1/C Cylinder head, top cover P50510 -
1/C Piston P50602 -
1/C Connecting rod P50603 -
1/C Connecting rod bearing P50604 -
1/C Piston rings P50605 -
1/C Cylinder liner P50610 -
1/C Roller guide and push rods P50801 -

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/C = Qty/Cylinder

2012.08.06 - Tier II + Stationary

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (1) Piston, connecting rod and cylinder liner 506

Piston, Connecting Rod and Cylinder Liner ............................................................... 506.01 (08)

Work card
Disassembly/Assembly of Piston, Connecting Rod and Piston Rings ........................ 506-01.05 (08)
Piston ....................................................................................................................... 506-01.10 (09)
Connecting Rod ........................................................................................................ 506-01.15 (09)
Criteria for Replacement of Connecting Rod Big-end and Main Bearing Shells .......... 506-01.16 (02)
Criteria for Replacement of Connecting Rod Big-end and Main Bearing Shells .......... 506-01.16 (04)
Removal / Mounting of Marine Head from Engine ..................................................... 506-01.24 (01)
Hydraulic Tightening of Connecting Rod and Marine Head Screws ........................... 506-01.25 (08)
In-situ Inspection of Connecting Rod Big-end Bearing .............................................. 506-01.30 (06)
Inspection and Honing of Cylinder Liner .................................................................... 506-01.35 (09)
Grinding of Seal Face on Cylinder Liner and Cylinder Head ....................................... 506-01.45 (06)
Dismantling of piston and cylinder liner at low overhaul height ................................... 506-01.50 (07)

Piston ....................................................................................................................... P50602-03
Connecting rod ......................................................................................................... P50603-02
Connecting rod bearing ............................................................................................ P50604-02
Connecting rod bearing ............................................................................................ P50604-04
Piston rings ............................................................................................................... P50605-02
Cylinder liner ............................................................................................................. P50610-12
Cylinder liner ............................................................................................................. P50610-18

2017-08-16 - en
MAN Diesel & Turbo
Description 506.01
Page 1 (2) Piston, Connecting Rod and Cylinder Liner
Edition 08

L27/38S, L21/31S, L21/31, L27/38

Piston changes/no new adaption), and this solution also
reduces the height dimension required for piston
The piston, which is oil-cooled and of the compo- assembly / removal.
site type, has a body made of nodular cast iron and
a crown made of forged deformation resistant steel.
It is fitted with 2 compression rings and 1 oil scraper
ring in hardened ring grooves.

Figure 43: Connecting rod

Figure 42: Piston
Connecting rod and bearing body consist of die-
By the use of compression rings with different bar- forged CrMo steel.
relshaped profiles and chrome-plated running surfa- The material of the bearing shells are identical to
ces, the piston ring pack is optimized for maximum those of the crankshaft bearing. Thin-walled bearing
sealing effect and minimum wear rate. shells having an AISn running layer are used.
The piston has a cooling oil space close to the pis- The bearing shells are of the precision type and are
ton crown and the piston ring zone. The heat trans- therefore to be fitted without scraping or any other
fer, and thus the cooling effect, is based on the kind of adaption.
shaker effect arising during the piston movement.
The small-end bearing is of the trimetal type and is
The cooling medium is oil from the engine's lubri-
pressed into the connecting rod. The bush is equip-
cating oil system.
ped with an inner circumferential groove, and a
Oil is supplied to the cooling oil space through a pocket for distribution of oil in the bush itself and for
bore in the connecting rod. Oil is drained from the the supply of oil to the pin bosses.
cooling oil space through ducts situated diametri-
cally to the inlet channels.
Cylinder liner
The piston pin is fully floating and kept in position in
the axial direction by two circlips. Cylinder liner/cooling water jacket/fire land ring
The cylinder liners, made of special centrifugal cast
Connecting rod iron, are encased by a nodular cast iron cooling
water jacket in the upper section. This is centered in
The connecting rod is of the marine head type. the crankcase. The lower section of the cylinder
The joint is above the connecting rod bearing. This liner is guided in the crankcase. The so-called fire
means that the big-end bearing need not to be land ring fits on the top of the cylinder liner.
opened when pulling the piston. This is of advant-
age for the operational safety (no positional

2015.01.14 - 2-part
MAN Diesel & Turbo
506.01 Description
Piston, Connecting Rod and Cylinder Liner Page 2 (2)
Edition 08

L27/38S, L21/31S, L21/31, L27/38

Figure 45: Interaction of fire land ring and stepped piston

The coolant reaches the cylinder liner via a line that
is connected to the cooling water jacket. The cool-
Figure 44: Cylinder liner with fire land ring
ant flows through trimmed ducts in the cooling
water jacket to the cooling areas in the cylinder
The subdivision into 3 components i.e. the cylinder liner, and fire land ring, and through holes on to the
liner, cooling water jacket and fire land ring provides cooling chambers in the cylinder heads. The cylin-
the best possible structure with reference to resist- der head, cooling water jacket and fire land ring can
ance to deformation, with regard to cooling and be drained together.
with regard to ensuring the minimum temperatures
on certain component assemblies. The fire land ring and cylinder head can be checked
by using check holes in the cooling water jacket for
Interaction stepped piston/Fire land ring gas and coolant leaks.
The fire land ring which projects above the cylinder
liner bore works together with the recessed piston
crown of the stepped piston to ensure that burnt
carbon deposits on the piston crown do not come
into contact with the running surface of the cylinder
liner. This prevents bore polishing where lube oil
would not adhere properly.

2015.01.14 - 2-part
MAN Diesel & Turbo
Work Card Disassembly/Assembly of Piston, Connecting Rod and 506-01.05
Page 1 (3)
Piston Rings Edition 08

L21/31S, L21/31

Safety precautions Special tools

Engine stopped Plate No. Item No. Note

Shut off starting air 52000 177
52000 190
Shut off cooling water
Shut off fuel oil
Shut-off cooling oil
Stop lub. oil circulation
Press Blocking - Reset

Short Description
Disassembly of piston and connecting rod for
inspection or/and overhaul. Assembly of piston
and connecting rod after inspection or/and over-
Hand Tools
Starting Position Wooden wedge, 2 pieces.
Disassembly of cylinder unit 505-01.01 Wooden support.

Related Procedure
Piston 506-01.10
Connecting rod 506-01.15
Criteria for replacement of con- 506-01.16
nection rod big-end and main
bearing shells
Assembly of cylinder unit 505-01.50

Replacement and wearing parts

Qualified Manpower
Plate No. Item No. Quantity
Duration in h : 1 50601 093 1/Cyl
Number : 1 50601 103 1/Cyl
50601 127 1/Cyl
or -
Data 50605 009 1/Cyl
50605 010 1/Cyl
Data for pressure and tolerance (Page 500.35)
50605 022 1/Cyl
Data for tightening torque (Page 500.40)
Declaration of weight (Page 500.45)

MAN Diesel & Turbo
506-01.05 Disassembly/Assembly of Piston, Connecting Rod and Work Card
Page 2 (3)
Edition 08 Piston Rings

L21/31S, L21/31
bled in the ring groove. The scraper ring then is fit-
ted in the groove in such a way that the ring joint is
approximately 180° offset to the spring joint.
Ascertain correct assembling by checking the back
clearance. The back clearance is sufficient when the
face of the ring is below the groove edge when the
ring is pressed against the bottom of the groove.

Separation of Piston and Connecting Rod When installed on the piston, the rings should be
pushed back and forth in the grooves to make sure
1) Take out the securing ring (Seeger circlips) with that they can move freely. It is also advisable to
the plier (Plate 52000, Item 177). Push out the insert a feeler gauge of adequate thickness
piston pin and lift the connecting rod away. between ring and groove.
Adequate clearance is present if the feeler gauge
Assembly of Piston and Connecting Rod can be moved all the way around.
1) Lubricate the piston pin before assembling. To prevent gas leakage through coinciding ring
2) For assembly of piston and connecting rod, joints, the piston rings should be turned into posi-
see point 1), but in the opposite direction. tions offsetting the ring joint 180° to each other.

Figure 46: Joint coil spring to be placed opposite to ring joint

Fitting of piston rings

The piston rings should only be fitted to the piston
by the use of a special tool; the so-called piston ring
If the rings are opened further than necessary, there
is a risk of overstressing which means that the rings
will become permanently distorted and will not fit to
the cylinder liner's inner running surface.
The piston rings should be installed with the identifi-
cation mark which is stamped into the ring close to
the ring joints, facing upwards, see fig 2.
Before fitting the coil spring loaded scraper ring, the
coil spring is dismantled from the ring by removal of
the joint pin. The coil spring is placed and assem-

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Work Card Disassembly/Assembly of Piston, Connecting Rod and 506-01.05
Page 3 (3)
Piston Rings Edition 08

L21/31S, L21/31

Figure 47: Marking of piston and scraper ring

Marking of piston and scraper rings

Identification marks to face upwards against the

piston crown when mounted.

The marking may include other figures than men-

tioned above. For instance trade mark and pro-
duction codes.

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Work Card 506-01.10
Page 1 (2) Piston
Edition 09

L21/31S, L21/31

Safety precautions Special tools

Engine stopped Plate No. Item No. Note

Shut-off starting air 52000 153
52000 165
Shut off cooling water 52000 190
Shut off fuel oil
Shut-off cooling oil
Stop lub. oil circulation
Press Blocking - Reset

Short Description
Cleaning and inspection of piston. Replacement of
piston ring, scraper ring and control of ring

Starting Position Hand Tools

Tools for cleaning of piston, scraper etc.
Piston has been dismantled from 506-01.05
connecting rod

Related Procedure
Disassembly/assembly of piston, 506-01.05
connecting rod and piston rings

Qualified Manpower Replacement and wearing parts

Duration in h : 1 Plate No. Item No. Quantity
Number : 1

Data for pressure and tolerance (Page 500.35)
Data for tightening torque (Page 500.40)
Declaration of weight (Page 500.45)

MAN Diesel & Turbo
506-01.10 Work Card
Piston Page 2 (2)
Edition 09

L21/31S, L21/31

Inspection of Piston

Figure 48: Wear limits for ring grooves

1) Remove the piston and scraper rings. Note: At each piston overhaul:
2) Clean the piston on the outside and control ▪ The piston and the scraper ring must be
piston pin drilling and trailing shoe. replaced
3) Inspect the piston ring and scraper ring ▪ The cylinder liner must be honed according
grooves for wear. to the instructions.
Note: Piston crown and piston skirt shall normally ▪ For position and fittings of piston rings,
not be dismounted. If dismounting is necessary please see working card 506-01.05
please ask for special instruction or MBD-supervisor
must be present. Piston and oil scraper ring.
Nominal size. (mm)
The piston crown must be scrapped if:
Piston ring 1 6
▪ The wear limit on the testing mandrel is excee-
ded, see fig. 1A. Piston ring 2 5
or Scraper ring 6
▪ The clearance between the new piston/scraper
Table 6: Nominal size
ring and the ring groove is exceeded, see fig.

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Work Card 506-01.15
Page 1 (5) Connecting Rod
Edition 09

L27/38S, L21/31S, L21/31, L27/38

Safety precautions Special tools

Engine stopped Plate No. Item No. Note

Shut-off starting air 52000 177
52001 252
Shut off cooling water
Shut off fuel oil and hydraulic tools according to working card
Shut-off cooling oil
Stop lub. oil circulation
Press Blocking - Reset

Short Description
Cleaning, inspection and test measurement of
connecting rod.

Starting Position Hand Tools

Inside micrometer (140 mm)
Connecting rod has been disman- 506-01.05
tled from piston Feeler gauge 0.15 - 0.20 mm.

Related Procedure
Function of the hydraulic tools 520-01.05
Application of hydraulic tools 520-01.06

Qualified Manpower Replacement and wearing parts

Duration in h : 3/4 Plate No. Item No. Quantity
Number : 1

Data for pressure and tolerance (Page 500.35)
Data for tightening torque (Page 500.40)
Declaration of weight (Page 500.45)

MAN Diesel & Turbo
506-01.15 Work Card
Connecting Rod Page 2 (5)
Edition 09

L27/38S, L21/31S, L21/31, L27/38

If bolts/nuts Then

have seizures in threads or renew the bolts/screws

pittings on contact surface
cannot be turned onto bot- renew the bolts/screws
tom position by hand

Cleaning of Piston Rod and Marine Head

1) Clean all machined surfaces on the piston rod
and marine head.
2) Degrease the joint faces, holes, piston rod and
marine head screws with a volatile solvent and
blow dry with working air.

Visual Inspection of Faces

1) Inspect the joint faces.
Damages, in the form of visible wear marks
and pittings or even cracks, may be in the joint
faces due to relative movements between the
Wear marks and cracks are visible, but not
perceptible with a fingernail. Pittings and
impact marks are both visible and perceptible.
Note: Handle the piston rod and marine head
with care. In case of damaged joint faces
caused by improper handling, the marine head
bearing caps can no longer be tightened with-
out ovalness of the big-end bore.
2) Register observed damages in the scheme
„Marine Head Inspection“ for historic use only.
Please see page 4.
3) Carefully smooth single raised spots in the joint
faces caused by pitting and impact marks with
Figure 49: Point of measurement
a filesmall.

Inspection of Piston rod and Marine Head

Measurement of Big-end Bore
For check of ovalness, the upper and lower bearing
1) Inspect the hydraulic nuts for seizures in the caps have to be assembled without bearing shells.
threads and pittings on the contact surfaces of
the screwheads. Note: The IMO No on the bearing caps and the
piston rod must always be the same, see fig 3.
2) Turn the hydraulic nuts onto bottom position of
the bolts. Note:The Ident No on the upper and lower bearing
caps must always be the same.
1) Mount the upper and lower bearing caps by
means of the hydraulic bolts.

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Work Card 506-01.15
Page 3 (5) Connecting Rod
Edition 09

L27/38S, L21/31S, L21/31, L27/38

2) Tighten the bolts with the prescribed pressure,
please see working card 506-01.25.
Note: Connecting rod must be installed.
3) Measure five different diameters in the groove
of the boring, see fig 1.
4) Register the measurements in the scheme
„Marine Head Inspection“. Please see page 4.
5) Calculate the maximum ovalness as the differ-
ence between largest and smallest diameter
6) Check if maximum ovalness is exceeded,
please see page 500.35.
If Then
maximum ovalness is excee- renew the complete marine
ded head, piston rod, screws
and bearing shells
maximum ovalness is not reuse the marine head

Example of Measurement Results

The example, see fig 2, shows measurements and
damage observations for two marine heads in the
scheme „Marine Head Inspection“ (in case the
specified maximum ovalness is exceeded, contact
MAN Diesel for overhaul.
For marine head No 1 in the example, the maximum
ovalness is 0,02 mm and thus reuse is acceptable.
For marine head No 2 in the example, the maximum
ovalness is 0,125 mm and therefore the marine Figure 50: "marine Head Inspection"
head is rejected.

Inspection of Piston Rod Bush

1) Inspect the surface of the piston pin and the
piston rod bush.
2) Measure the clearance between the piston pin
and bush.
3) Check if max. clearance is exceeded, see page
If the specified clearance is exceeded, contact MAN
Diesel for replacement.

Inspection of Bearing Shells for Big-end

Criteria for replacement of connecting rod big-end
bearing, see working card 506-01.16.

MAN Diesel & Turbo
506-01.15 Work Card
Connecting Rod Page 4 (5)
Edition 09

L27/38S, L21/31S, L21/31, L27/38

Figure 51: The IMO No on the marine head must always be the

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Work Card 506-01.15
Page 5 (5) Connecting Rod
Edition 09

L27/38S, L21/31S, L21/31, L27/38

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Work Card Criteria for Replacement of Connecting Rod Big-end 506-01.16
Page 1 (5)
and Main Bearing Shells Edition 02

L27/38S, L23/30S, L21/31S, L16/24S, L16/24, L21/31, L23/30H, L27/38

Safety precautions Special tools

Engine stopped Plate No. Item No. Note

Shut-off starting air
Shut off cooling water
Shut off fuel oil
Shut-off cooling oil
Stop lub. oil circulation
Press Blocking - Reset

Short Description
Inspection of bearing shells.

Starting Position Hand Tools

Bearing shells removed from
Big-end bearing 506-01.30
Main bearing and guide bearing 510-01.05

Related Procedure
In-situ inspection of connecting 506-01.30
rod big-end bearing
Inspection of main and guide 510-01.05
bearing shells

Qualified Manpower Replacement and wearing parts

Duration in h : 1/4 Plate No. Item No. Quantity
Number : 1

Data for pressure and tolerance (Page 500.35)
Data for tightening torque (Page 500.40)
Declaration of weight (Page 500.45)

MAN Diesel & Turbo
506-01.16 Criteria for Replacement of Connecting Rod Big-end Work Card
Page 2 (5)
Edition 02 and Main Bearing Shells

L27/38S, L23/30S, L21/31S, L16/24S, L16/24, L21/31, L23/30H, L27/38

The area around the engine

Figure 52: Without flash

The area around the engine must be clean and

tidy! Bearing Surface
Standard Miba bimetal bearings have no tin flash.
General Oil is used for protective coating.

This paper gives information about the evaluation of In new condition the bearing has a silvery, bright
the connecting rod big-end and main bearing shells color.
when wear appears on the running surface under The running surface might become dull silvery after
normal operating conditions. only a short time of operation.
Bearing damages caused by incorrect running con-
ditions, like Criteria for bimetal bearing replacement
- Corrosion Actual wear can be determined by measuring wall
- Overloading, overheating a.s.o. thickness or via clearance measurements in com-
parison to the specification for a bearing in new
are not described in this paper. condition.
In these cases, the bearing shells must be A bearing should be replaced if the wear limit, as
exchanged, of course, and in order to avoid further specified by the engine manufacturer, is reached or
bearing failures, the cause of the failure must be can be expected to be reached during the next
found and eliminated. period of operation.
Another method is to specify a certain time limit for
New Condition the useful service life of the bearing.
The running surface has a silvery, bright color, see The individual time limit (recommended maximum
fig 1. time in operation) specified by the engine manufac-
turer is based on the calculated bearing load, mini-
mum oil film thickness and load profile.
The useful service life of a bearing is also deter-
mined by the fatigue strength of the lining material
under the respective load profile.

Usual running pattern

Typical running pattern after completion of running:

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Work Card Criteria for Replacement of Connecting Rod Big-end 506-01.16
Page 3 (5)
and Main Bearing Shells Edition 02

L27/38S, L23/30S, L21/31S, L16/24S, L16/24, L21/31, L23/30H, L27/38

Bearings to be reused
Following pictures shows the typical running pattern
where bearing shells are reusable.
1) Normal wear
Slightly polished zones and symmetrical run-
ning pattern in the most loaded zone of the
bearing. Minor scoring. See fig 2.

Figure 55: Reusable

4) Minor cavitation after long time in operation

Minor and shallow material removal outside the
most loaded zone. See fig 5.

Figure 53: Reusable

2) Minor edge loading

and usual running pattern. Slightly polished
stripes along the side faces. See fig 3.

Figure 56: Reusable

Bearings to be replaced
Following pictures shows abnormal wear or dam-
ages that require replacement of bearing shells i.e.
investigation of reasons.
1) Localized heavy smearing of lining material
due to local disturbance of the oil film. See fig
Figure 54: Reusable

3) Damage due to foreign particles

Shallow scoring and / or imprints that are few
in number. See fig 4.

MAN Diesel & Turbo
506-01.16 Criteria for Replacement of Connecting Rod Big-end Work Card
Page 4 (5)
Edition 02 and Main Bearing Shells

L27/38S, L23/30S, L21/31S, L16/24S, L16/24, L21/31, L23/30H, L27/38

Figure 57: Replace Figure 60: Replace - many deep imprints

2) More extensive area of damage with seizure 4) Deep punctual cavitation

locally smeared lining material In severe cases the cavitation extends to the
caused by a severe disturbance of the oil film. steel shell, spreads along the interface between
See fig 7. steel shell and lining material, and undermines
the AISn20 lining. See fig 10.

Figure 58: Replace

Figure 61: Replace

3) Damage due to foreign particles

Many scores or multiple deep grooves and / or 5) Deep cavitation
imprints. See fig 8 and fig 9. Cavitation at the end of the oil groove.

Figure 59: Replace - deep scoring, imprints. Lining material Figure 62: Replace - deep cavitation
locally smeared

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Work Card Criteria for Replacement of Connecting Rod Big-end 506-01.16
Page 5 (5)
and Main Bearing Shells Edition 02

L27/38S, L23/30S, L21/31S, L16/24S, L16/24, L21/31, L23/30H, L27/38

6) Fatigue rupture of the lining material
- Development of fine cracks in the lining material
- Network of cracks (crazing)
- Parts of the lining material break out

Figure 63: Fatigue rupture

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Work Card Criteria for Replacement of Connecting Rod Big-end 506-01.16
Page 1 (5)
and Main Bearing Shells Edition 04

L27/38S, L23/30S, L21/31S, L21/31, L23/30H, L27/38

Safety precautions Special tools

Engine stopped Plate No. Item No. Note

Shut-off starting air
Shut off cooling water
Shut off fuel oil
Shut-off cooling oil
Stop lub. oil circulation
Press Blocking - Reset

Short Description
Inspection of bearing shells.

Starting Position Hand Tools

Magnifier (x30)
Bearing shells removed from
Big-end bearing 506-01.30
Main bearing and guide bearing 510-01.05

Related Procedure
Inspection of main and guide 506-01.30
bearing shells
In-situ inspection of connecting 510-01.05
rod big-end bearing

Qualified Manpower Replacement and wearing parts

Duration in h : 1/4 Plate No. Item No. Quantity
Number : 1

Data for pressure and tolerance (Page 500.35)
Data for tightening torque (Page 500.40)
Declaration of weight (Page 500.45)

MAN Diesel & Turbo
506-01.16 Criteria for Replacement of Connecting Rod Big-end Work Card
Page 2 (5)
Edition 04 and Main Bearing Shells

L27/38S, L23/30S, L21/31S, L21/31, L23/30H, L27/38

Although conventional wear will never change the
properties of the surface of the lining, the resulting
increase in clearance can have several effects.
These will all limit the acceptable level of wear,
regardless of the lining material. The oil flow require-
ment through the bearing will increase, and ulti-
mately the capacity of the engine oil pump will be
reached. Hydrodynamic oil film formation is also a
The area around the engine function of clearance, very large values resulting in
reduction of film thickness. Additionally, as clear-
ance increases, all bearing materials become more
prone to suction cavitation erosion.

The area around the engine must be clean and


This Working Card gives information about the eval-
uation of the connecting rod big-end and main
bearing shells when wear appears on the running
surface under normal operating conditions.
Bearing damages caused by incorrect running con-
ditions, like
- Corrosion
- Overloading, overheating a.s.o. Figure 64: Suction cavitation erosion due to high clearance.
are not described in this Working Card.
In these cases, the bearing shells must be Under normal engine operating conditions, surface
exchanged, of course, and in order to avoid further wear of un-plated tin-based aluminium alloy bearing
bearing failures, the cause of the failure must be alloys, such as A20 & A104, should be negligible.
found and eliminated. The surface hardness is significantly higher than
overlay plated (tri-metal) bearings and affords as
much reduced wear rate.
Inspection and replacement criteria for
The bedding-in process will produce a moderate
aluminium tin bi-metal bearings initial wear rate, while geometric inaccuracies in
Compared with overlay plated, or tri-metal, bearing crank journals, housings and the bearings them-
construction, aluminium tin bi-metal bearings have a selves are being accomodated. Once bedding-in is
homogeneous construction throughout the lining completed, wear rate usually becomes immeasura-
layer. Thus surface wear will never change the oper- ble.
ating characteristics of the bearing unless the lining
is completely removed. The lining thickness is typi-
cally of the order of 0.4 to 1.0 mm for medium
speed diesel engine bearings. This level of thick-
ness would not be lost by conventional wear and
would only be removed by virtue of major operating
problems causing high temperature generation at
the bore surface, or by fatigue.

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Work Card Criteria for Replacement of Connecting Rod Big-end 506-01.16
Page 3 (5)
and Main Bearing Shells Edition 04

L27/38S, L23/30S, L21/31S, L21/31, L23/30H, L27/38

Figure 65: A104 bearing after 22.000 hours. Can refit.

Direct measurement of bearing wall thickness is the

simplest way of assessing the level of wear. The
most common procedure would be to use a ball
ended micrometer. However, at the low levels of
wear that will usually occur, measurement inaccur-
Figure 66: Acceptable level of contaminant. Can refit.
acy can mask the true wear rate, but since it is only
gross wear that will become the limitation, this
method is acceptable. It should be noted that some
bearings are deliberately bored eccentric to counter
housing distortion, and this must be taken into
account when assessing wall thickness measure-
ments. Alternatively, Plastigauge, or other soft
material, may be used for direct measurement of
diametral clearance. The engine manufacturers'
advice on maximum diametral clearance should be
sought. If no such advice is available, a general rule
is that the maximum clearance should not increase
by more than 50% of the minimum design clear-
A significant rate of wear would only be anticipated Figure 67: Multiple scoring due to excessive fine debris. Do not
under severe adverse conditions, most commonly refit.
where oil entrained hard debris is present. Fine deb-
ris would be evidenced by an abraded appearance
of the bore surface, while coarse debris would pro-
duce deep scoring with raised edges, often pol-
ished an eventually bedded-in. Large debris may
not become completely embedded in the lining
material, and would also score the shaft. Severe
scoring of the bearing could cause overheating, tin
melt and eventually seizure. However, aluminium tin
bearing materials, such as A20 and A104, are toler-
ant of a significant level of contaminant, and can
absorb it without detriment, and such bearings can
be refitted.
Figure 68: Large embedded debris. Do not refit.

Replacement frequency for un-plated bi-metal bear-

ings depends upon visual appearance and/or oper-
ating time. If, on removal and examination, the bore
surface appears overheated, significantly scored,
debris contaminated or showing other signs of dis-
tress, then the bearings should be renewed. It is

MAN Diesel & Turbo
506-01.16 Criteria for Replacement of Connecting Rod Big-end Work Card
Page 4 (5)
Edition 04 and Main Bearing Shells

L27/38S, L23/30S, L21/31S, L21/31, L23/30H, L27/38

often the case that bearings operate satisfactorily
even though damaged, particularly if the damage
progresses slowly. However, if such parts are refit-
ted after inspection or overhaul they may be less
tolerant to slight geometric variations introduced
during the rebuild.
If significant debris has been present in the oil, over
a long time interval, differential wear of the crank
surface may have occurred. This is termed cam
wear and is characterised by wear or wiping of the
bearing surface between the ends of partial
grooves. If this is evident, the bearings should be
replaced, and the differential wear of the crank sur-
face eliminated.

Figure 70: Carbonised oil behind bearing, causing overloading.

Do not refit.

Figure 69: Cam wear. Do not refit.

Any indication of loss of lining is an obvious reason

not to refit the bearings. However, the cause for
such damage should be investigated, and correc-
ted where possible. The two most likely causes are
fatigue and cavitation erosion. Provided the engine
has been running at its design rating, fatigue should
not occur unless some introduced defect is present.
Possibilities include oil or debris trapped between
the bearing and its housing, mechanical damage to
the housing bore, the bearing back or bearing bore,
or lack of support behind the bearing. Figure 71: Lack of support behind bearing back results in fatigue
in the bore. Do not refit.

Aluminium tin bearings are resistant to corrosion in

a normal engine environment, but can suffer dam-
age due to water if the engine has been shut down
for a long time. If all the oil has drained away, the
bore surface and bond lines can oxidise. Such
bearings should not be refitted.

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Work Card Criteria for Replacement of Connecting Rod Big-end 506-01.16
Page 5 (5)
and Main Bearing Shells Edition 04

L27/38S, L23/30S, L21/31S, L21/31, L23/30H, L27/38

Figure 72: Corrosion due to water (in this case, outside the
engine). Do not refit.

As with any bearing material, if the interface

between the bearing back and the housing bore
shows signs of fretting, the bearing should be
renewed, and any damage to the housing rectified.
Even if the bearing bore surface has not been dam-
aged, refitting in such a condition may still result in
later damage.

Figure 73: Fretting pits on bearing back. Do not refit.

If bearings are in otherwise good condition, they

should be checked for the presence of positive
freespread before re-fitting. Some loss of free-
spread is normal, but bearings without positive free-
spread, possibly caused by high temperature oper-
ation, cannot be refitted correctly and must be dis-
carded. Such bearings would have continued to
operate successfully had the assembly not been
dismantled, as freespread loss only occurs when
the clamping bolts are released.

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Work Card 506-01.24
Page 1 (6) Removal / Mounting of Marine Head from Engine
Edition 01

L27/38S, L21/31S, L21/31, L27/38

Safety precautions Special tools

Engine stopped Plate No. Item No. Note

Shut-off starting air 060 52000
069 52000
Shut off cooling water
Shut off fuel oil and hydraulic tools according to working card
Shut-off cooling oil
Stop lub. oil circulation
Press Blocking - Reset

Short Description
Removal of marine head from engine.

Starting Position Hand Tools

Engine out of operation.

Related Procedure

Qualified Manpower Replacement and wearing parts

Duration in h : 1/2 Plate No. Item No. Quantity
Number : 2

Data for pressure and tolerance (Page 500.35)
Data for tightening torque (Page 500.40)
Declaration of weight (Page 500.45)

MAN Diesel & Turbo
506-01.24 Work Card
Removal / Mounting of Marine Head from Engine Page 2 (6)
Edition 01

L27/38S, L21/31S, L21/31, L27/38

Removal / Mounting of Marine Head from

Condition : Piston and connecting rod has been
removed and the fixation tool is installed, see fig. 1.

Figure 74: Fixation of connecting rod bearing

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Work Card 506-01.24
Page 3 (6) Removal / Mounting of Marine Head from Engine
Edition 01

L27/38S, L21/31S, L21/31, L27/38

1) Turn the crank through to about TDC.
2) Install the brackets in the lower end of the
crankcase opening, see fig. 2.

Figure 75: Bracket installed

MAN Diesel & Turbo
506-01.24 Work Card
Removal / Mounting of Marine Head from Engine Page 4 (6)
Edition 01

L27/38S, L21/31S, L21/31, L27/38

3) Place the guide beam on the brackets and
secure it by means of the screws, see fig 3.

Figure 76: Placing of guide beam

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Work Card 506-01.24
Page 5 (6) Removal / Mounting of Marine Head from Engine
Edition 01

L27/38S, L21/31S, L21/31, L27/38

Use safety glasses and protective gloves!

4) Turn the crankshaft to the position shown in fig

4 and remove the nuts by means of the
hydraulic tool.

Figure 77: Removal of nuts

MAN Diesel & Turbo
506-01.24 Work Card
Removal / Mounting of Marine Head from Engine Page 6 (6)
Edition 01

L27/38S, L21/31S, L21/31, L27/38

Use safety shoes and protective gloves!

5) Install the slide piece as shown in fig. 5 and

remove the bracket.
6) Turn the crankshaft to make the marine head
rest against the beam, see fig. 5..
7) Pull out the two halves of the marine head.
8) Remove the bearing shells from each marine
head half.

Figure 78: Marine head with slide piece

Mounting of Marine Head

Mounting is carried out in reverse order of the

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Work Card Hydraulic Tightening of Connecting Rod and Marine 506-01.25
Page 1 (3)
Head Screws Edition 08

L21/31S, L21/31

Safety precautions Special tools

Engine stopped Plate No. Item No. Note

Shut-off starting air 52000 011
52000 096
Shut off cooling water 52000 202
Shut off fuel oil 52000 334
Shut-off cooling oil
Stop lub. oil circulation
Press Blocking - Reset

Short Description
Tightening procedure for connecting rod bolts.
Check of connecting rod bolts, tightening condi-

Starting Position Hand Tools

Piston, connecting rod, bearing shells and bearing
cap preassembled.

Related Procedure

Qualified Manpower Replacement and wearing parts

Duration in h : 1/2 Plate No. Item No. Quantity
Number : 2

Data for pressure and tolerance (Page 500.35)
Data for tightening torque (Page 500.40)
Declaration of weight (Page 500.45)

MAN Diesel & Turbo
506-01.25 Hydraulic Tightening of Connecting Rod and Marine Work Card
Page 2 (3)
Edition 08 Head Screws

L21/31S, L21/31


Use original tool!


Be aware of stored energy source! A Tightening order B Hydraulic tool

Figure 79: Hydraulic tool for tightening of connecting rod screws

Tightening Sequence
The following sequence is the same for both the
connecting rod screws (item 211) and the marine
Measuring Instruction for Extension of
head screws (item 152), see plate 50601.
Hydraulic Tightened Bolts
1) Mount the hydraulic tightening bolts and be
sure that the studs are screwed home. Tighten 1) Mount the two dial gauges on the hydraulic
the nuts by hand (step 1). tools, fig 2.
2) Mount the hydraulic tools, fig. 1, on both con-
necting rod bolts.
Be aware of the max. lifting height of the tool and
adjust the distance between the piston and the cyl-
inder before adding pressure to the tool, please see
working card 520-01.05.
3) Connect the hoses and pressure pump to the
hydraulic tool.

1 Dial gauge 2 Hydraulic tightening tool

3 Nut 4 Screw

Figure 80: Hydraulic tool for tightening of connecting rod screws

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Work Card Hydraulic Tightening of Connecting Rod and Marine 506-01.25
Page 3 (3)
Head Screws Edition 08

L21/31S, L21/31
3) Release the pressure and remove the hydraulic
tensioning tools.

For a correct measuring the dial gauge has to be

mounted with the magnetic bracket on the hous-
ing of the hydraulic tool For general instruction about hydraulic tighten-
ing, please see working card 520-01.05.

2) Tension both bolts simultaneously to a pres-

sure of (step 2):
connecting rod screw (030-2): ..100 bar
marine head screw (030-1): ......600 bar
by use of the hydraulic tightening tool.
3) Set the dial gauges to "0".
4) Check by feeler gauge 0.01 mm. It is not
allowed that there is clearance between the
assembled components.
5) Load the bolts to the specified pressure (step
3), see description 500.40.
6) Tension both the nuts hand-tight.
7) Release the pressure.

Control Procedure
1) Tension the bolts to a pressure of:
connecting rod screw (030-2): ..100 bar
marine head screw (030-2):.......600 bar
2) Read elongation of the screw Δl on the dial
gauge and compare with the value in table.

The bolts should be tightened to the specified

tensioning pressure, not according to the elon-
gation. The elongation only serves as a means of
control. In case of excessive deviations, repeat
the tensioning procedure and check the measur-
ing instruments and / or pressure gauges

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Work Card 506-01.30
Page 1 (3) In-situ Inspection of Connecting Rod Big-end Bearing
Edition 06

L21/31S, L21/31

Safety precautions Special tools

Engine stopped Plate No. Item No. Note

Shut-off starting air 52000 069
Shut off cooling water and hydraulic tools according to working card
Shut off fuel oil 520-01.06
Shut-off cooling oil
Stop lub. oil circulation
Press Blocking - Reset

Short Description
In-situ inspection and/or replacement of connect-
ing rod big-end bearing. Dismounting and mount-

Starting Position Hand Tools

Open-end spanner, 24 mm
Crankcase opened

Related Procedure
Criteria for replacement of con- 506-01.16
necting rod big-end and main
bearing shells
Hydraulic tightening of connecting 506-01.25
rod and marine head screws
Function of the hydraulic tools 520-01.05
Application of hydraulic tools 520-01.06

Qualified Manpower Replacement and wearing parts

Duration in h : 1½ Plate No. Item No. Quantity
Number : 2

Data for pressure and tolerance (Page 500.35)
Data for tightening torque (Page 500.40)
Declaration of weight (Page 500.45)

MAN Diesel & Turbo
506-01.30 Work Card
In-situ Inspection of Connecting Rod Big-end Bearing Page 2 (3)
Edition 06

L21/31S, L21/31
4) Remove the hydraulic tool and then the nuts
and studs
5) Fit the two pipes for lifting, see fig 2.

Removal of the Connecting Rod Bearing

1) Turn the crankshaft into the top dead centre.
2) Mount the lifting tool with two screws on each
side of the connecting rod bearing housing.
The upper screw is screwed into the upper
bearing housing and the other into the lower
bearing house, see fig 1.

A Support Pipes

Figure 82: Mounting of the supporting pipes

6) Pull upwards in the two lifting pipes to carry the

weight of the lower bearing housing while
removing the upper screws from the lifting
7) Lower the bearing cap until the lifting pipes are
resting on the engine frame.
8) The lower bearing shell can now be removed.
9) Mount the inspection bracket, see fig 3.
10) Slowly turn the crankshaft until the upper part
of the bearing housing is resting on the bracket
and secure it with a screw, see fig 3.
11) Turn the crankshaft until it is possible to
remove the upper bearing shell, see fig 4.

A Holder B Hydraulic device

Inspection of Bearing Shells
Figure 81: Mounting of holders on the marine head 1) Inspect the bearing shells, see working card
3) Loosen the two nuts on the marine head, by
means of the hydraulic tool.

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Work Card 506-01.30
Page 3 (3) In-situ Inspection of Connecting Rod Big-end Bearing
Edition 06

L21/31S, L21/31
7) Install the lower bearing shell. Make sure the
ends of the bearing shell are flushed with the
ends of the lower bearing cap.
8) Add some clean engine oil to the bearing shell.
9) Lift the lower bearing cap up against the upper
and fi t the two screws to interlock the two
bearing houses.
10) Mount the studs and fit the nuts.
11) Mount the hydraulic tool and tighten, see
description 500.40.

A Inspection bracket B Screw for fitting marine

head and inspection

Figure 83: Mounting of the inspection bracket

Installation of bearing shells

1) Carefully clean the joint faces, the bore and the
bearing shells. Figure 84: Removal and mounting of the upper marine head
bearing shell.
2) Install the upper bearing shell. Make sure the
ends of the bearing shell are fl ushed with the
ends of the bearing cap.
3) Add some clean engine oil to the crank journal.
4) Turn the crankshaft until the journal has con-
tact with the bearing, see fig 4.
5) Remove the inspection bracket.
6) Turn the crankshaft into top dead centre.

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Work Card 506-01.35
Page 1 (8) Inspection and Honing of Cylinder Liner
Edition 09

L16/24S, L16/24, L21/31, L21/31S, L27/38S, L27/38

Safety precautions Special tools

Engine stopped Plate No. Item No. Note

Shut-off starting air A MAN approved equipment: Honing stone
Shut off cooling water
Shut off fuel oil
Shut-off cooling oil
Stop lub. oil circulation
Press Blocking - Reset

Short Description
Inspection and honing of cylinder liner

Starting Position Hand Tools

Honing liquid
Cylinder head removed 505-01.00
Gas oil

Related Procedure
Grinding of seal face on cylinder 506-01.45
liner and cylinder head

Qualified Manpower Replacement and wearing parts

Duration in h : 1/2 Plate No. Item No. Quantity
Number : 1

Data for pressure and tolerance (Page 500.35)
Data for tightening torque (Page 500.40)
Declaration of weight (Page 500.45)

2017.05.31 - not to be used for 350 kW + 365 kW engines

MAN Diesel & Turbo
506-01.35 Work Card
Inspection and Honing of Cylinder Liner Page 2 (8)
Edition 09

L16/24S, L16/24, L21/31, L21/31S, L27/38S, L27/38

Inspection and honing of cylinder liner

Use only a MAN approved equipment and always
read the manufacturer-supplied instructions.

Brief description
Carry out the work in good time according to the
maintenance schedule, check the components as
to their wear, restore running surface to operational
state, ensure the tasks are carried out correctly.
The cylinder liners are to be checked at regular
intervals and the original running surface geometry
Figure 85: Honing device for cylinder liner - tool not supplied.
is to be restored to how it was. Stones can be replaced with brush.
The work / working steps consists of:
▪ Honing the reversal point of the piston rings. In case of lacquering of the liner surface first clean
the liner with mild acid to remove lacquer. Honing is
▪ Honing the entire running surface. done to restore liner surface – not to clean for lac-
Preliminary remarks
Cylinder liners must be rehoned when the piston Set-up and mode of operation
rings are replaced or once the maintenance interval The stroke speed and the honing head speed are
has elapsed. Through honing, the original rough- preadjusted as is the contact pressure of the honing
ness or the cylinder liner running surface is restored. sticks using the control valves on the compressed
This roughness is necessary to ensure a sufficiently air outlet. The rope tackle engine is activated for lift-
thick and adhesive lubricating film. While for the ing and lowering movements using the buttons on
most part the microgeometry can be returned to its the remote control.
original state, it is not possible to influence the wear
profile, i.e. the macrogeometry of the cylinder liner.
Work sequence 1
Typically during the first work step the TDC area of
the piston rings is honed. In the second work step
work is performed to the entire piston ring running - honing the piston ring reversal point in
surface. the top dead centre (gusset area)
Honing the cylinder liner does not take very long. Starting position
Operating the device and the work itself, as well as
Cylinder head has been removed, piston with con-
correctly assessing the results, however, does
necting rod shank removed, the connecting rod
require concentration and a certain amount of
bearing with the turning stirrup attached to the bal-
experience. We thus recommend having this task
ance weight and turned towards the side far
performed at least once for instruction purposes by
enough for a funnel to be mounted. The cylinder
MAN Diesel SE staff.
liner has been cleaned (free of coke and lube oil)
and measured. If measurement is above limit the
liner must be scrapped.

2017.05.31 - not to be used for 350 kW + 365 kW engines

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Work Card 506-01.35
Page 3 (8) Inspection and Honing of Cylinder Liner
Edition 09

L16/24S, L16/24, L21/31, L21/31S, L27/38S, L27/38

The piston ring reversal points are to be honed as a
first work step using short coarse honing stones
before the entire running surface of the piston ring is
honed during a subsequent work step.
Working steps
1) Clip honing stones (20 mm long) into each
grinding strip at the same level close to the
centre of the grinding strip.
Lengths can be broken off the longer honing stones
to make short honing stones. To do so, notch the
honing stone using a steel saw blade, clamp it into
a vice and break off.
2) Insert the honing head carefully into the cylin-
der liner.
3) Set the stroke movement of the honing head in
1 Cylinder liner 2 Funnel
the cylinder liner with stops in such a way that
3 Hose 4 Collecting tank the upper edge of the honing stones comes to
rest approx. 10 mm above the top dead centre
Figure 86: Honing the cylinder liner of the first piston ring resulting in a stroke of
40-50 mm.
4) Set the spray nozzles so that the lubricant
coats the honing area upon exit.
5) Close the stop cock on the tank and fill it with
adequate honing lubricant (diesel oil, gas oil or
kerosene). Be aware that some liquids are pro-
hibited in some places.

No smoking. Do not use an open flame - fire


6) Open the stop-cock on the tank. Check that

Figure 87: Honing the cylinder liner lubricant is coming out of the spray nozzles
and is coating the area to be honed. Check
The crankcase is adequately covered. The funnel is whether lubricant is flowing through the funnel
attached on the lower part of the cylinder liner and into the collecting tank without leaking.
the hose is facing outwards into a collecting tank. Notice
The honing device has been set up as per its sepa- For the honing process of one cylinder liner, approx.
rate instructions and has been set. 4-6 litres of lubricant are needed. Always use ade-
quate lubricant for the honing process. It is to be
recommended that the abrasion products are
flushed away immediately. The lubricant may be

2017.05.31 - not to be used for 350 kW + 365 kW engines

MAN Diesel & Turbo
506-01.35 Work Card
Inspection and Honing of Cylinder Liner Page 4 (8)
Edition 09

L16/24S, L16/24, L21/31, L21/31S, L27/38S, L27/38

used several times if it flows into the collecting tank 2) Insert the honing head carefully into the cylin-
through a fleece mat. For the final cleaning process, der liner.
after the actual honing process, use a clean lubri- 3) Set the stroke movement of the honing head
cant / cleaning agent to clean the cylinder liner. with stops in such a way that the honing
7) Activate the honing device using a setting that stones range in the upper half of the stroke
has been tested in advance. Take the honing area of the piston (running area of the piston
stones to the installation. Using slight upward rings), meaning that the upper and lower edges
and downward strokes. Hone the surface until of the stone protrude approx. 100 mm beyond
the surface is within the required tolerance. It it.
can be necessary to use more than one stone. 4) Set the spray nozzles so that the lubricant
This takes approx. 1-1.5 minutes. In so doing, coats the honing area upon exit. Fill the tank
the honing head speed is approx. 35 RPM with lubricant (diesel oil, gas oil or kerosene).
contact pressure 2.5 bar.
The short stroke means that only a minimum
honing angle is achieved. If in the TDC area of
the first piston ring honing grooves become
visible, the honing process should be stopped.
A remaining, rounded protrusion at the reversal
point of the first piston ring is acceptable. If No smoking. Do not use an open flame - fire
necessary, a second set of honing stones hazard!
should be inserted and the process should be
repeated. 5) Open the stop-cock on the tank. Check that
8) As soon as a satisfactory abrasion pattern has lubricant is coming out of the spray nozzles
been achieved, terminate the honing process and is coating the area to be honed. Check
and stop the flow of lubricant. whether lubricant is flowing through the funnel
into the collecting tank without leaking.
9) Pull the honing head out of the cylinder liner
and secure it in the upper position. Notice
Approx. 10 litres of lubricant are needed for the
honing process of one cylinder liner. Always use
Work sequence 2 adequate lubricant for the honing process. It is to
be recommended that the abrasion products are
- honing the entire running surface of the flushed away immediately.
cylinder liner 6) Activate the honing device using a setting that
has been tested in advance. Take the honing
Starting position
stones to the installation. For honing one cylin-
The piston ring reversal point in the top dead centre der liner, 40-80 upward and downward strokes
has been honed or the cylinder liner shows mini- each are necessary at a stroke speed of
mum wear points in the TDC area. approx. 18 double strokes per minute. The
Notice overall honing time for one cylinder is typically
This task is intended to roughen up the upper area 3.5-4 minutes. In so doing, the honing head
of the cylinder liner on which no further honing speed is approx. 35 RPM. Contact pressure
grooves are visible after many operating hours. In 2.5 bar. Control the stroke movement so that a
the lower area, the surface should be honed as little honing angle (a) of 45-60° (± 22.5-30° to the
as possible, however upon completing the work, horizontal) is achieved. A surface roughness
two double strokes should be carried out over the depth Rz of 10-15 µm is to be aimed at.
entire running surface of the piston rings. 7) Stop the honing device. Evaluate the rough-
Working steps ness, honing angle and honing pattern. If the
evaluation proves to be satisfactory, execute
1) Fit six long coarse honing stones onto the hon- two double strokes over the entire running sur-
ing head. face of piston rings. To do so, set the stops so
that the honing blocks partially move outside

2017.05.31 - not to be used for 350 kW + 365 kW engines

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Work Card 506-01.35
Page 5 (8) Inspection and Honing of Cylinder Liner
Edition 09

L16/24S, L16/24, L21/31, L21/31S, L27/38S, L27/38

the cylinder liner. In the process, ensure that
the honing head does not knock into the fun-
Repeat the honing sequence 2 with fine honing
Repeat the honing sequence 1 (top of the liner) with
fine honing stones.
8) After finishing the honing process, measure the
cylinder liner. If the maximum allowable wear
has beeen exceeded in the top dead centre of
the first piston ring, or the maximum allowable
ovality (for threshold values see 500.35), the
cylinder liner will need to be replaced.
9) Check surface roughness, to be within toler-
RK = 2.5 - 5.0
Rpk = 0.6 - 2.0
10) Replace the grinding strips with hard cleaning
11) Pull back the honing head and using reduced
contact pressure of 0.5-1.0 bar, carefully
remove (dissolve / rinse) all abrasion residue at
an unchanged number of revolutions and
stroke speed. If necessary, repeat the process
with a soft cleaning brush. Plenty of lubricant
should be used for cleaning. A total of approx.
50 double strokes should be carried out. The
last run should be carried out using fresh lubri-
cant. No abrasion residue should remain (use
your fingertips to check).
12) Remove the honing device. Place it onto the
next cylinder or store it safely after it has been
cleaned or store it in its packaging.
13) Remove the funnel, in the process ensure that
no dirt particles get into the running gear.
14) Finally, manually clean the cylinder liner and
corrosion protect the liner with clean oil.

2017.05.31 - not to be used for 350 kW + 365 kW engines

MAN Diesel & Turbo
506-01.35 Work Card
Inspection and Honing of Cylinder Liner Page 6 (8)
Edition 09

L16/24S, L16/24, L21/31, L21/31S, L27/38S, L27/38

Figure 88: Template to control honing angle. Copy and use at liner in situ

2017.05.31 - not to be used for 350 kW + 365 kW engines

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Work Card 506-01.35
Page 7 (8) Inspection and Honing of Cylinder Liner
Edition 09

L16/24S, L16/24, L21/31, L21/31S, L27/38S, L27/38

2017.05.31 - not to be used for 350 kW + 365 kW engines

MAN Diesel & Turbo
506-01.35 Work Card
Inspection and Honing of Cylinder Liner Page 8 (8)
Edition 09

L16/24S, L16/24, L21/31, L21/31S, L27/38S, L27/38

2017.05.31 - not to be used for 350 kW + 365 kW engines

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Work Card Grinding of Seal Face on Cylinder Liner and Cylinder 506-01.45
Page 1 (3)
Head Edition 06

L27/38S, L21/31S, L21/31, L27/38

Safety precautions Special tools

Engine stopped Plate No. Item No. Note

Shut-off starting air 52002 126
Shut off cooling water
Shut off fuel oil
Shut-off cooling oil
Stop lub. oil circulation
Press Blocking - Reset

Short Description
Grinding of seal face on cylinder liner, cylinder
head and engine frame by hand with grinding tool
and grinding paste.

Starting Position Hand Tools

Grinding paste.
Disassembly of cylinder unit 505-01.01

Related Procedure
Assembly of cylinder unit 505-01.50

Qualified Manpower Replacement and wearing parts

Duration in h : 1/2 Plate No. Item No. Quantity
Number : 1

Data for pressure and tolerance (Page 500.35)
Data for tightening torque (Page 500.40)
Declaration of weight (Page 500.45)

MAN Diesel & Turbo
506-01.45 Grinding of Seal Face on Cylinder Liner and Cylinder Work Card
Page 2 (3)
Edition 06 Head

L27/38S, L21/31S, L21/31, L27/38

2) Face-grind the sealing grooves in the cylinder
liner flange, see fig 2, the surface of the engine
frame, see fig 3 and the sealing surface on the
cylinder head, see fig 4 with the use of grinding
paste and the grinding tool.
3) Move back and forth the tool and lift it out from
time to time.


The grinding tool, see fig 1, is used for both

grinding the groove in the sealing surface on the
cylinder head (1), the cylinder liner flange (2) and
the surface of the engine frame (3).

If severe damage or corrosion is observed, a

machining of the sealing faces may be required. Figure 91: Grinding tool at one-part liner

1 Cylinder head 2 Cylinder liner

3 Engine frame

Figure 89: Grinding tool

Figure 92: Grinding tool at engine frame

4) After grinding, carefully remove all traces of

abrasives and grinding compound.
5) When having ground the contact faces
between cylinder head and cylinder liner, it
must be observed that the sealing minimum
height above the cylinder liner is according to

Figure 90: Grinding tool at two-part liner

1) Loosen the sealing ring in liner flange and take

it out.

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Work Card Grinding of Seal Face on Cylinder Liner and Cylinder 506-01.45
Page 3 (3)
Head Edition 06

L27/38S, L21/31S, L21/31, L27/38

Figure 93: Grinding tool at cylinder head

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Work Card Dismantling of piston and cylinder liner at low overhaul 506-01.50
Page 1 (5)
height Edition 07

L27/38S, L27/38, L21/31S, L21/31

Safety precautions Special tools

Engine stopped Plate No. Item No. Note

Shut-off starting air 52002 187 L21/31
52000 060 L27/38
Shut off cooling water 52000 082
Shut off fuel oil 52000 104
Shut-off cooling oil
Stop lub. oil circulation
Press Blocking - Reset

Short Description
Dismounting of cylinder unit for inspection and/or

Starting Position Hand Tools

Engine stopped and cooled down.

Related Procedure
Piston 506-01.10
Inspection of Cylinder liner 506-01.35
Disassembly/assembly of piston, 506-01.05
connection rod and piston ring
Fuel injection valve 514-01.10
Function of the hydraulic tools 520-01.05
Application of hydraulic tools 520-01.06
See section 505

Qualified Manpower Replacement and wearing parts

Duration in h : 2½ Plate No. Item No. Quantity
Number : 2

Data for pressure and tolerance (Page 500.35)
Data for tightening torque (Page 500.40)
Declaration of weight (Page 500.45)

2015.10.26 - one and two part liner

MAN Diesel & Turbo
506-01.50 Dismantling of piston and cylinder liner at low overhaul Work Card
Page 2 (5)
Edition 07 height

L27/38S, L27/38, L21/31S, L21/31

7) Disconnect the clamps for locking the charge
air connections and the cooling water connec-
tions, push the connections inside the cylinder
head which are to removed, see fig. 1.
⇨ 7a) If V-clamp profile on cooling water con-
nection then, remove the 2 V-profile clamps
that are holding the intermediate pipes
together, see fig. 2.
Preparing before dismantling
1) Drain off the water from the engine.
2) Take off the top cover.
3) Take off the side covers on both sides of the
4) Remove exhaust pipe covering.
5) Turn the engine to combustion TDC (exhaust /
inlet valves closed).

Disassembing of connections
6) Disconnect the fuel oil high pressure pipe and Figure 95: .
the clamp for connecting cylinder head and
exhaust gas receiver. 8) Remove the cylinder head nuts by means of
the hydraulic jacks. See work card 520-01.05.
9) Remove the bolts, which are holding the cylin-
der and water jacket together (see fig. 3).
10) Mount the lifting tool on the cylinder head. Lift
the cylinder head and land it carefully on
wooden support.

This means that the cylinder head now can be

removed from the cylinder unit

A Charge air connection B Cooling water connection

Figure 94: Push the cooling water connection and charge air
connections inside the cylinder heads, which are to be removed

2015.10.26 - one and two part liner

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Work Card Dismantling of piston and cylinder liner at low overhaul 506-01.50
Page 3 (5)
height Edition 07

L27/38S, L27/38, L21/31S, L21/31

14) Now with the piston in top, mount the turning
bracket to marine head and counterweight (see
fig. 5).

Figure 96: Remove bolts, which hold the cylinder head and water
jacket together

Removal of piston, cylinder liner and water

11) Mount hold down tools for the water jacket.
12) Turn the piston down and mount the removing
device for flame ring/fire land ring in the cylin-
der liner (see fig. 4).

Figure 98: Turning bracket mounted to the marine head and


15) Mount the tool for lifting the piston (see fig. 6).

Figure 97: .

13) Turn the piston to top and press the fire land
ring out of the cooling water jacket (two part
⇨ 13a) Turn the piston to top and press the
flame ring out of the cylinder liner (one part

2015.10.26 - one and two part liner

MAN Diesel & Turbo
506-01.50 Dismantling of piston and cylinder liner at low overhaul Work Card
Page 4 (5)
Edition 07 height

L27/38S, L27/38, L21/31S, L21/31

18) Mount the lifing tools for low dismantling height
and lift the cooling water jacket (see fig. 8).

Figure 99: Lifting tool for piston Figure 101: .

16) Carefully lift the piston and piston rod out of the
cylinder liner and land it on wooden support.
17) Mount the lifting tools for the cylinder liner (see
fig. 7). Use the two screws for pressing the cyl-
inder liner out from the cooling water jacket.

A Lifting tool for cylinder B Cylinder liner


Figure 100: Lifting tool for cylinder liner

2015.10.26 - one and two part liner

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Work Card Dismantling of piston and cylinder liner at low overhaul 506-01.50
Page 5 (5)
height Edition 07

L27/38S, L27/38, L21/31S, L21/31

2015.10.26 - one and two part liner

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Piston P50602-03

L21/31S, L21/31

2014.09.23 - Tier II, Stationary, KS

MAN Diesel & Turbo
P50602-03 Piston Page 2 (2)

L21/31S, L21/31
Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

002 1/C Piston 2/2, incl. item 075, 087,

026 1/C Piston pin
038 2/C Retaining ring
075 4/C Thrust piece
087 4/C Stud
099 4/C Nut

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/C = Qty/Cylinder

2014.09.23 - Tier II, Stationary, KS

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Connecting rod P50603-02

L21/31S, L21/31

MAN Diesel & Turbo
P50603-02 Connecting rod Page 2 (2)

L21/31S, L21/31
Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

008 1/C Bush for connecting rod

021 4/C Screw for connecting rod
033 4/C Cylindrical pin
057 2/C Nut
069 4/C Nut
070 1/C Connecting rod shaft
082 1/C Marine head, complete incl item
021, 033, 057, 069, 094
094 2/C Screw for connecting rod

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/C = Qty/Cylinder

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Connecting rod bearing P50604-02

L21/31S, L21/31

2014.10.17 - Daido
MAN Diesel & Turbo
P50604-02 Connecting rod bearing Page 2 (2)

L21/31S, L21/31
Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

003 1/C Connecting rod bearing 2/2

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/C = Qty/Cylinder

2014.10.17 - Daido
MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Connecting rod bearing P50604-04

L21/31S, L21/31

2014.11.10 - Miba
MAN Diesel & Turbo
P50604-04 Connecting rod bearing Page 2 (2)

L21/31S, L21/31
Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

003 1/C Connecting rod bearing 2/2

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/C = Qty/Cylinder

2014.11.10 - Miba
MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Piston rings P50605-02

L21/31S, L21/31

MAN Diesel & Turbo
P50605-02 Piston rings Page 2 (2)

L21/31S, L21/31
Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

009 1/C Piston ring

010 1/C Piston ring
022 1/C Oil scraper ring

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/C = Qty/Cylinder

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Cylinder liner P50610-12

L21/31S, L21/31

2015.03.20 - 2-part
MAN Diesel & Turbo
P50610-12 Cylinder liner Page 2 (2)

L21/31S, L21/31
Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

018 1/C Cylinder liner

031 1/C Sealing ring
055 2/C O-ring
092 1/C Fire land ring
209 1/C O-ring
210 2/C O-ring

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/C = Qty/Cylinder

2015.03.20 - 2-part
MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Cylinder liner P50610-18


2016.02.25 - part load optimised

MAN Diesel & Turbo
P50610-18 Cylinder liner Page 2 (2)

Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

001 1/C Cylinder liner

002 1/C Fire land ring
003 1/C Sealing ring
004 1/C O-ring
005 2/C O-ring
006 2/C O-ring

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/C = Qty/Cylinder

2016.02.25 - part load optimised

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (1) Camshaft and camshaft drive 507

Camshaft and Camshaft Drive .................................................................................. 507.01 (06)

Work card
Check of Camshaft and Camshaft Drive ................................................................... 507-01.00 (06)
Inspection and Replacement of Camshaft Bearing .................................................... 507-01.05 (07)
Adjustment of camshaft for valve and injection timing ............................................... 507-01.20 (19)
Measure of Fuel Pump Lead ..................................................................................... 507-01.25 (01)

Intermediate wheel .................................................................................................... P50701-05
Camshaft bearing ..................................................................................................... P50704-04
Camshaft bearing ..................................................................................................... P50704-05
Camshaft .................................................................................................................. P50705-12
Camshaft .................................................................................................................. P50705-11
Camshaft .................................................................................................................. P50705-48
Drain - power take-off bearing .................................................................................. P50718-01

2017-08-16 - en
MAN Diesel & Turbo
Description 507.01
Page 1 (1) Camshaft and Camshaft Drive
Edition 06

L21/31S, L21/31
Camshaft and Camshaft Drive
The engine has two camshafts. One for actuation of
valves and one for fuel injection.
Using two camshafts gives the opportunity to
change the fuel injection independently of the valve
The camshaft for valve actuation is located in the
exhaust side of the engine at a high level in relation
to the engine frame to make the push rods as short
as possible and thereby reduce the moving
The camshaft for fuel injection is located in the
manoeuvre side of the engine.
Both camshafts are made of sections. Cam sec-
tions and journal sections are bolted together. This
design makes it possible to change a cam section
through the inspection openings in the engine
The camshafts are located in replaceable bearing
bushes, frozen into bores in the engine frame.
The gearwheel drive for the camshafts is located in
the flywheel end of the engine. Lubrication of the
gears is supplied from two spray nozzles.

1 Injection camshaft drive 2 Valve camshaft drive

Figure 102: Twin camshafts

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Work Card 507-01.00
Page 1 (2) Check of Camshaft and Camshaft Drive
Edition 06

L21/31S, L21/31

Safety precautions Special tools

Engine stopped Plate No. Item No. Note

Shut-off starting air
Shut off cooling water
Shut off fuel oil
Shut-off cooling oil
Stop lub. oil circulation
Press Blocking - Reset

Short Description
Checking of gear wheels, bolted connections and
lubricating system.

Starting Position Hand Tools

Allen socket, 8mm
Extension piece
Socket, 18 or 19 mm
Serrated fork
Socket, 16 or 17 mm

Related Procedure

Qualified Manpower Replacement and wearing parts

Duration in h : 2 Plate No. Item No. Quantity
Number : 1

Data for pressure and tolerance (Page 500.35)
Data for tightening torque (Page 500.40)
Declaration of weight (Page 500.45)

MAN Diesel & Turbo
507-01.00 Work Card
Check of Camshaft and Camshaft Drive Page 2 (2)
Edition 06

L21/31S, L21/31

Check of Camshaft- and Camshaft Drive

1) Dismount the covers which give access to the
gear wheels, camshaft and crankcase.
2) Examine all gear wheels for cracks, wear and
deformations while turning the engine to enable
inspection all over the circumference of the
gear wheels.
3) Check all screws, nuts and bolted connections,
including locking devices everywhere in the
gear wheel housing, camshaft housing and
crank case to check that they have not loos-
end. Tightening torques, please see page
4) Examine all lubricating oil spray pipe nozzles.
5) Mount the covers.

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Work Card 507-01.05
Page 1 (3) Inspection and Replacement of Camshaft Bearing
Edition 07

L21/31S, L21/31

Safety precautions Special tools

Engine stopped Plate No. Item No. Note

Shut-off starting air
Shut off cooling water
Shut off fuel oil
Shut-off cooling oil
Stop lub. oil circulation
Press Blocking - Reset

Short Description
Check of roller path of cams and check of cam-
shaft bearing. Replacement of camshaft bearing.

Starting Position Hand Tools

Cover for camshaft and gear wheel has been Torque spanner, 17mm

Related Procedure
Chech of camshaft and camshaft 507-01.00
Function of the hydraulic tools 520-01.05
Application of hydraulic tools 520-01.06

Qualified Manpower Replacement and wearing parts

Duration in h : 3 Plate No. Item No. Quantity
Number : 2 P50704 044 1/E
P50704 032 /I
P50704 056 1/E
Data P50704 019 /I
Data for pressure and tolerance (Page 500.35)
Data for tightening torque (Page 500.40)
Declaration of weight (Page 500.45)

MAN Diesel & Turbo
507-01.05 Work Card
Inspection and Replacement of Camshaft Bearing Page 2 (3)
Edition 07

L21/31S, L21/31
2) Place a screwdriver between the camshaft
sections and bearing sections and push the
camshaft forward/aft.
3) Take out the camshaft section and the actual
bearing section.
⇨ a) The bearing to be removed is now free.
⇨ b) Remove the actual bearing shell.
To Check Roller Path of Cams
1) While turning the engine, examine the cam
discs and in particular, check the roller path of
all cams for cracks, crackles and ruffle. Also
examine the rollers of the roller guide.

If there are flat spots on the roller and if some

of the rollers may be blocked, the roller must
be replaced by a new one, please see working
card 508-01.00.

To Check Camshaft Bearings

1) The wearing surface of the camshaft bearings
cannot be checked without dismounting the
camshaft. However, abnormal wear of one or
more bearings will become apparent in the
form of burrs of white metal at the circumfer-
ence of the camshaft journal, and in that case
the bearing will in no doubt be discoloured, as
The bearing clearance is measured with a feeler
gauge, please see data sheet 500.35.

To Replace Camshaft Bearing for Injection

or Valve Camshaft Figure 103: Removing of spur wheel and the bearing plate

Note: The cams are identical, but the bearing sec-

tion position must be marked for correct mounting
again. Inspection of Sleeve and Oil Bore
If one or several of the camshaft bearings should be 1) Check that the oil bore for the bearing is free
replaced, the camshaft must be wholly or partly dis- for oil flow. Inspect the camshaft journal for
mantled. seizures.
1) Dismantle the camshaft section in both ends
and take out the section on both sides of the Mounting of the Camshaft Bearing
actual bearing. 1) For fitting the bearing it must be cooled down
in liquid nitrogen to -196° C below crankcase

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Work Card 507-01.05
Page 3 (3) Inspection and Replacement of Camshaft Bearing
Edition 07

L21/31S, L21/31
2) Insert the bearing in the frame. Make sure that
the oil bores in the bearing shell are according
to the oil bores in the frame.
Note: Check that the bearing is placed in the
middle of the frame.
3) Lubricate all the journals of the camshaft sec-
tion with clean lubricating oil and push bearing
section into position.
4) Assemble the sections and fit the bolts
(greased with molycote or similar) without Cu.
5) Tighten the nuts with a torque spanner, see
data sheet 500.40.

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Work Card 507-01.20
Page 1 (3) Adjustment of camshaft for valve and injection timing
Edition 19

L21/31S, L21/31

Safety precautions Special tools

Engine stopped Plate No. Item No. Note

Shut-off starting air
Shut off cooling water
Shut off fuel oil
Shut-off cooling oil
Stop lub. oil circulation
Press Blocking - Reset

Short Description
Nominal adjustment of camshaft. (Adjustment of
camshaft in relation to crankshaft).

Starting Position Hand Tools

Camshaft assembled as per timing order, moun-
ted in frame and roller gear house. If intermediated
gearwheel must be changed, the generator must
be dismounted.

Related Procedure

Qualified Manpower Replacement and wearing parts

Duration in h : - Plate No. Item No. Quantity
Number : -

Data for pressure and tolerance (Page 500.35)
Data for tightening torque (Page 500.40)
Declaration of weight (Page 500.45)

2014.03.14. - Tier II, Stationary

MAN Diesel & Turbo
507-01.20 Work Card
Adjustment of camshaft for valve and injection timing Page 2 (3)
Edition 19

L21/31S, L21/31
3) Mount the upper intermediate spur gear wheel.
There are no marks to take into account.
4) Tighten up the intermediate spur gearwheels,
please see page 500.40.

Mounting of gearwheel for valve camshaft

Assembly of gear wheels for valve

camshaft and injection valve camshaft,
without mounted flywheel
Following description is for mounting the gear-
wheels in the control drive when alternator, flywheel
and cover on coupling side are dismantled from the

Mounting of the intermediate spur gear

1) Turn the crankshaft to top dead centre for the
last cylinder (the cylinder nearest to the cou-
pling side).
2) Mount the lower intermediate spur gearwheel,
until mark are corresponding with hole in
crankcase, see fig. 1.

A1 Marking on tooth head A2 Marking on tooth head

x Control view to marking
of intermediate spur gear

Figure 105: Position of marked tooth head correctly placed on

engine crankcase

1) Before mounting the gearwheel, must the

A1 Marking on tooth head A2 Marking on tooth head crankshaft for the last cylinder be in top dead
x Control view to marking center and marks of intermediate spur gear-
of intermediate spur gear wheel should correspond with hole in crank-
case, see fig. 2.
Figure 104: Marks on gearwheels

2014.03.14. - Tier II, Stationary

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Work Card 507-01.20
Page 3 (3) Adjustment of camshaft for valve and injection timing
Edition 19

L21/31S, L21/31
2) Turn the valve camshaft, until the mark on the 9) Compare the calculated value determined with
gearwheel is horisontal and closet to the the plunger lift (average value), please see
engine crankcase, see fig. 2. Control height description 500.35.
from tooth top to crankcase top should be 10) If the values exceeds the limits, an adjustment
approximately 197.4±1 mm. must be done in order to correct the errors.
3) Tighten up the gearwheel. Tightening torque, 11) Remove the complete measuring tool.
please see page 500.40.
12) Mount all camshaft covers.
Mounting the gearwheel for injection
1) Before mounting the gearwheel, must the
crankshaft for the last cylinder be in top dead
center and marks of intermediate spur gear-
wheel should correspond with hole in crank-
case, see fig. 2.
2) Turn the injection valve camshaft, until the
mark on the gearwheel correspond with crank-
case side. The mark should above horisontal
centerline, see fig. 1. Control height from tooth
top to crankcase top should be approximately Figure 106: Measure of fuel pump lead
Note: Adjustment of injection valve camshaft is now
needed, please see separately chapter “Adjustment
of Fuel Injection Camshaft / Injection Timing”.

Measure of fuel pump lead

1) Dismantle covers for fuel camshaft and fuel
2) Check the mobility of the regulating device.
3) Position the support of the measuring tool on
the two bolts of the camshaft covering. Slip on
the distance sleeves and fasten to the cylinder
crankcase by means of hexagon nuts.
Note: During attaching, pay attention to the correct
fitting position of the contact point.
4) Insert the dial gauge into the support.
5) Turn the engine until the cam base circle is
reached (approx 40° BTDC).
6) Set the dial gauge to "Zero".
7) Turn the engine until the TDC mark (ignition
DC) for the actual cylinder is reached.
Read the dial gauge and note down the gauge
8) Determine the values for the other cylinders in
the same way.
Calculate the average value of all measure-

2014.03.14. - Tier II, Stationary

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Work Card 507-01.25
Page 1 (3) Measure of Fuel Pump Lead
Edition 01

L21/31S, L21/31

Safety precautions Special tools

Engine stopped Plate No. Item No. Note

Shut-off starting air P52002 366
Shut off cooling water
Shut off fuel oil
Shut-off cooling oil
Stop lub. oil circulation
Press Blocking - Reset

Short Description
Measure of fuel pump lead

Starting Position Hand Tools

Camshaft casing cover removed

Related Procedure

Qualified Manpower Replacement and wearing parts

Duration in h : 1 Plate No. Item No. Quantity
Number : 1

Data for pressure and tolerance (Page 500.35)
Data for tightening torque (Page 500.40)
Declaration of weight (Page 500.45)

MAN Diesel & Turbo
507-01.25 Work Card
Measure of Fuel Pump Lead Page 2 (3)
Edition 01

L21/31S, L21/31


1 Contact point 2 Lever

3 Fixing screws and discs of enclosing cover used

Figure 107: Measure of fuel pump lead

1) Check the mobility of the lever. 4) Turn the engine until the cam base circle is
2) Attach the measuring tool to side of the frame reached.
(as shown in fig. 1) 5) Set the dial gauge to "Zero".
6) Turn the engine until the TDC mark (ignition
DC) for the actual cylinder is reached. Read the
dial gauge and note down the gauge value.
7) Determine the values for the other cylinders in
the same way.
During attaching, pay attention to the correct fit- 8) Fill out the tabel enclosed.
ting position of the contact point.
9) Compare the average value determined in
3) Insert the dial gauge into the support. Description 500.35.

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Work Card 507-01.25
Page 3 (3) Measure of Fuel Pump Lead
Edition 01

L21/31S, L21/31
10) If the values exceeds the limits, an adjustment
must be done in order to correct the errors,
see Working Card 507-01.20 "Adjustment of
11) Remove the complete tool.
12) Mount all camshaft covers again.

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Intermediate wheel P50701-05

L21/31S, L21/31

MAN Diesel & Turbo
P50701-05 Intermediate wheel Page 2 (2)

L21/31S, L21/31
Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

012 1/E Stepped spur gear complete,

incl. item 061
036 1/E Spur gear complete, incl. item
061 2/E Control drive bearing
085 4/E Axial bearing ring
097 2/E Axle
384 2/E O-ring
396 6/E Spring washer
406 6/E Screw

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/E = Qty/Engine

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Camshaft bearing P50704-04

L21/31S, L21/31

2014.06.14 - valve camshaft

MAN Diesel & Turbo
P50704-04 Camshaft bearing Page 2 (2)

L21/31S, L21/31
Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

019 /I Camshaft bearing, valve cam-

shaft 1)
056 1/E Distance bush

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref- Note 1)

Qty. - 1/C+1
* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/E = Qty/Engine
Qty/I = Qty/Individual

2014.06.14 - valve camshaft

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Camshaft bearing P50704-05

L21/31S, L21/31

2014.06.14 - injection camshaft

MAN Diesel & Turbo
P50704-05 Camshaft bearing Page 2 (2)

L21/31S, L21/31
Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

032 /I Camshaft bearing, injection

camshaft 1)
044 1/E Distance bush

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref- Note 1)

Qty. - 1/C+1
* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/E = Qty/Engine
Qty/I = Qty/Individual

2014.06.14 - injection camshaft

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Camshaft P50705-12

L21/31S, L21/31

2014.10.17 - Valve camshaft

MAN Diesel & Turbo
P50705-12 Camshaft Page 2 (2)

L21/31S, L21/31
Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

014 1/C Camshaft part piece 301 1/E Bearing plate

026 2/E Bearing disc, 5 cyl engine 350 3/E Screw
038 2/E Bearing disc, 5 cyl engine 685 3/E Washer
051 1/E Bearing disc, 6 cyl engine 744 1/E Cylindrical pin
063 1/E Bearing disc, 6 cyl engine 756 8/E Bolt
075 1/E Bearing disc, 6 and 8 cyl engine 768 8/E Washer
087 /I Bearing disc - Qty: 1/E for 5, 7,
8 cyl, 2/E for 6 cyl, 3/E for 9 cyl
099 1/E Bearing disc, 6 cyl engine
109 2/E Bearing disc, 7 cyl engine
110 2/E Bearing disc, 7 cyl engine
122 2/E Bearing disc, 7 cyl engine
134 1/E Bearing disc, 8 cyl engine
146 1/E Bearing disc, 8 cyl engine
158 1/E Bearing disc, 8 cyl engine
171 1/E Bearing disc, 8 cyl engine
183 1/E Bearing disc, 8 cyl engine
195 1/E Bearing disc, 8 cyl engine
205 2/E Bearing disc, 9 cyl engine
217 2/E Bearing disc, 9 cyl engine
229 2/E Bearing disc, 9 cyl engine
230 1/E Axial bearing disc
254 1/E Spur wheel
266 /I Screw - Qty: 80/E for 5 cyl, 96/E
for 6 cyl, 112/E for 7 cyl, 128/E
for 8 cyl, 144/E for 9 cyl
278 /I Washer - Qty: 80/E for 5 cyl,
96/E for 6 cyl, 112/E for 7 cyl,
128/E for 8 cyl, 144/E for 9 cyl
291 /I Cylindrical pin - Qty: 9/E for 5
cyl, 11/E for 6 cyl, 13/E for 7 cyl,
15/E for 8 cyl, 17/E for 9 cyl

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/C = Qty/Cylinder
Qty/E = Qty/Engine
Qty/I = Qty/Individual

2014.10.17 - Valve camshaft

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Camshaft P50705-11

L21/31S, L21/31

2014.11.12 - Injection camshaft

MAN Diesel & Turbo
P50705-11 Camshaft Page 2 (2)

L21/31S, L21/31
Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

266 /I Screw - Qty:180/E for 5 cyl, 600 1/E Spur wheel

216/E for 6 cyl, 252/E for 7 cyl,
288/E for 8 cyl, 324/E for 9 cyl 636 1/E Flange

278 /I Washer - Qty:180/E for 5 cyl, 648 18/E Bolt

216/E for 6 cyl, 252/E for 7 cyl,
288/E for 8 cyl, 324/E for 9 cyl 673 3/E Screw

291 /I Cylindrical pin - Qty: 9/E for 5 685 3/E Washer

cyl, 11/E for 6 cyl, 13/E for 7 cyl, 744 1/E Spring pin
15/E for 8 cyl, 17/E for 9 cyl
301 1/E Bearing plate, complete
362 1/C Camshaft part piece
374 2/E Bearing disc, 5 cyl engine
386 2/E Bearing disc, 5 cyl engine
398 1/E Bearing disc, 6 cyl enigne
408 1/E Bearing disc, 6 cyl engine
421 1/E Bearing disc, 6 and 8 cyl enigne
433 /I Bearing disc - Qty; 1/E for 5, 7,
8 cyl, 2/E for 6 cyl, 3/E for 9 cyl
445 1/E Bearing disc, 6 cyl engine
457 2/E Bearing disc, 7 cyl engine
469 2/E Bearing disc, 7 cyl engine
470 2/E Bearing disc, 7 cyl engine
482 1/E Bearing disc, 8 cyl engine
494 1/E Bearing disc, 8 cyl engine
504 1/E Bearing disc, 8 cyl enigne
516 1/E Bearing disc, 8 cyl engine
528 1/E Bearing disc, 8 cyl engine
541 1/E Bearing disc, 8 cyl engine
553 2/E Bearing disc, 9 cyl engine
565 2/E Bearing disc, 9 cyl enigne
577 2/E Bearing disc, 9 cyl engine
589 1/E Axial bearing disc

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/C = Qty/Cylinder
Qty/E = Qty/Engine
Qty/I = Qty/Individual

2014.11.12 - Injection camshaft

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Camshaft P50705-48


2016.02.19 - Part load optimize

MAN Diesel & Turbo
P50705-48 Camshaft Page 2 (2)

Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

014 1/C Camshaft part piece 756 8/E Bolt

026 2/E Bearing disc 768 8/E Washer
038 2/E Bearing disc
051 1/E Bearing disc
063 1/E Bearing disc
075 1/E Bearing disc
087 /I Bearing disc
099 1/E Bearing disc
109 2/E Bearing disc
110 2/E Bearing disc
122 2/E Bearing disc
134 1/E Bearing disc
146 1/E Bearing disc
158 1/E Bearing disc
171 1/E Bearing disc
183 1/E Bearing disc
195 1/E Bearing disc
205 2/E Bearing disc
217 2/E Bearing disc
229 2/E Bearing disc
230 1/E Axial bearing disc
254 1/E Gearwheel
266 /I Screw
278 /I Washer
291 /I Cylindrical pin
301 1/E Bearing plate
350 3/E Screw
685 3/E Washer
744 1/E Cylindrical pin

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/C = Qty/Cylinder
Qty/E = Qty/Engine
Qty/I = Qty/Individual

2016.02.19 - Part load optimize

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Drain - power take-off bearing P50718-01


2017.07.17 - FiFi
MAN Diesel & Turbo
P50718-01 Drain - power take-off bearing Page 2 (2)

Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

001 1/E Lub. oil pipe

002 1/E Lub. oil pipe
003 1/E Packing square
004 4/E Screw
005 4/E Nut
006 4/E Screw
007 6/E Nut
008 6/E Screw
009 2/E Packing ring
010 1/E Bracket
011 1/E Clamps
012 2/E Spring locks
013 1/E Equal elbow coupling
014 1/E Sleeves
015 1/E Steel pipe

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/E = Qty/Engine

2017.07.17 - FiFi
MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (1) Operating gear for valves and fuel injection pumps 508

Operating gear for valves and fuel injection pumps ................................................... 508.01 (05)

Work card
Inspection of Valve Roller Guide ................................................................................ 508-01.00 (14)
Control and adjusting of valve clearance ................................................................... 508-01.10 (14)

Roller guide and push rods ....................................................................................... P50801-15

2017-08-16 - en
MAN Diesel & Turbo
Description 508.01
Page 1 (1) Operating gear for valves and fuel injection pumps
Edition 05

L21/31S, L21/31
Roller guides
The fuel injection pumps and rocker arms for inlet
and exhaust valves are operated by the cams on
the camshafts through roller guides. The roller
guides for inlet and exhaust valves are located in
bores in the water jacket for each cylinder.
The roller runs on a bush fitted on a pin that is
pressed into the roller guide and secured by means
of a lock screw.

Operating Gear for Fuel Injection Pumps

The injection pumps which are mounted directly on
the frame are activated via thrust pieces from the
roller guide. The roller guide is incorporated in the
fuel pump as one unit.
The roller is pressed down on to the cam by a
spring, which is fixed between the roller guide and
the foot plate of the fuel injection pump, see also
section 514.

Valve actuating gear

The rocker arms are actuated through rollers, roller
guides and push rods. The roller guides for inlet and
exhaust valves are mounted in the water jacket
Each rocker arm activates two valve spindles
through a valve bridge with thrust screws and
adjusting screws for valve clearance.
The valve actuating gear is pressure-feed lubricated
from the centralized lubricating system, through the
water jacket and cylinder head and from there into
the rocker arm shaft to the rocker bearing.

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Work Card 508-01.00
Page 1 (2) Inspection of Valve Roller Guide
Edition 14

L21/31S, L21/31

Safety precautions Special tools

Engine stopped Plate No. Item No. Note

Shut-off starting air
Shut off cooling water
Shut off fuel oil
Shut-off cooling oil
Stop lub. oil circulation
Press Blocking - Reset

Short Description
Dismounting, inspection and/or overhaul, and
mounting of valve roller guides.

Starting Position Hand Tools

Cylinder unit has been removed from engine and Feeler gauge
dismantled. Hexagon key

Related Procedure
Control and adjusting of valve 508-01.10

Qualified Manpower Replacement and wearing parts

Duration in h : 1 Plate No. Item No. Quantity
Number : 2

Data for pressure and tolerance (Page 500.35)
Data for tightening torque (Page 500.40)
Declaration of weight (Page 500.45)

MAN Diesel & Turbo
508-01.00 Work Card
Inspection of Valve Roller Guide Page 2 (2)
Edition 14

L21/31S, L21/31
Mounting of Guide for Tappets
1) Mount item 2-3-4-5 on the water jacket
assembly, see fig 1.
2) Press the two guides together, and slightly
tighten the two M8 bolts (item 5).
3) Turn the tappets so that the plane surfaces
point towards each other, and mount them in
Inspection of Valve Roller Guides the water jacket.
1) Turn the water jacket upside down so the roller
guides can slip out at the water jacket. Adjustment of Guides for Tappets
2) Examine the surface of the roller and the tappet 1) Final adjustment of guide-tappet clearance can
housing for marks and secures, if any they only be done after the cylinder-unit has been
must be polished away. installed on the engine and cylinder cover nuts
3) Blow clean the lubricating ducts in the tappet are tightened.
housing and the roller with air. 2) Turn the actual cylinder into overlap top dead
4) Examine the push rod, pin and ball cup for centre. (Both inlet- and exhaust valve has lifted
damage and replace if necessary. a few millimetres and the cams are now align-
ing the rollers in correct position)
Replacement of Roller and Shaft Pin 3) Put 0,1 mm feeler gauge on both sides of the
guides and un tighten the two M8 bolts. Make
1) Remove the lock screw. sure that there is full parallel contact on the
2) Push out the axle. The roller and axle can now feeler gauges. Tighten the two M8 (Re-check
be replaced. the feeler gauges has parallel contact) Remove
3) Mount the lock screw with loctite 275. the feeler gauges.
4) Turn the engine so that both rollers are on the
circular part of the cams. Check that the tap-
pets can turn free from side to side in the clear-
ance. Adjustment is completed.

1 Roller guide 2 Guide piece

Figure 109: Brackets between roller guides.
3 Compression spring 4 Washer
5 Cylindrical screw * Clearance adjusted with
feeler gauge

Figure 108: Inspection of roller guide and roller.

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Work Card 508-01.10
Page 1 (3) Control and adjusting of valve clearance
Edition 14

L27/38S, L21/31S, L16/24S, L16/24, L21/31, L27/38

Safety precautions Special tools

Engine stopped Plate No. Item No. Note

Shut-off starting air
Shut off cooling water
Shut off fuel oil
Shut-off cooling oil
Stop lub. oil circulation
Press Blocking - Reset

Short Description
Control and/or adjustment of inlet and exhaust
valve clearance

Starting Position Hand Tools

Cover for valve camshaft is removed. Cover for Socket wrench
cylinder top is removed. Feeler gauge
Torque spanner

Related Procedure

Qualified Manpower Replacement and wearing parts

Duration in h : 1½ Plate No. Item No. Quantity
Number : 1 See plate -
Data for pressure and tolerance (Page 500.35)
Data for tightening torque (Page 500.40)
Declaration of weight (Page 500.45)

MAN Diesel & Turbo
508-01.10 Work Card
Control and adjusting of valve clearance Page 2 (3)
Edition 14

L27/38S, L21/31S, L16/24S, L16/24, L21/31, L27/38

Control and adjusting of valve clearance

1) Shut-off starting air and fuel oil.
2) Stop the lubricating oil circulation.
3) Dismantle the cylinder top cover.
4) Dismantle the clamp for non-turning bridge, if
5) Turn the crankshaft until the cylinder is in igni-
tion TDC (both valves closed).
6) Check that the surfaces are clean.
7) Loosen the counter nut, pos. 1, and the adjust-
ing screw, pos. 2, on the valve bridge. Figure 111: .

11) Adjust the screw, pos. 2, on the valve bridge

until the feeler gauge makes slightly more
resistance, but it must still be possible to move
the feeler gauge.
12) Tighten the counter nut, pos. 1, on the valve
bridge with torque. Re-check that the feeler
gauge clearance has not changed.

Figure 110: .

8) Loosen the counter nut, pos. 3, and the adjust-

ing screw, pos. 4, on the rocker arm and insert
the feeler gauge between valve bridge and
rocker arm, pos. 5.
9) Adjust the screw , pos. 4, on the rocker arm
until the feeler gauge makes only slight resist-
10) Tighten the counter nut, pos. 3, on the rocker
Figure 112: .
arm with torque. Re-check that the feeler
gauge clearance has not changed.

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Work Card 508-01.10
Page 3 (3) Control and adjusting of valve clearance
Edition 14

L27/38S, L21/31S, L16/24S, L16/24, L21/31, L27/38

▪ Damaging of socket wrench, hexagon nut or
screw can cause injuries.
▪ Sharp-edged feeler gauge can cause injuries.
▪ Be careful not to put fingers between adjusting
screw and valve.
▪ Wrong torque can cause injuries.
▪ Damaged parts must not be reused.

Figure 113: .

13) The adjustment is completed.

14) Install the clamp for the non-turning bridge, if
15) Install the cylinder head cover.
Please note:
▪ The engine must be cold or cooled down for at
least 30 minutes.
▪ Ensure to have a firm stand before working on
the engine.
▪ It is not allowed to turn during the adjustment
▪ The torque spanner must be positioned com-
pletely on the coupling.
▪ Attach the socket wrench straight on the hexa-
gon nut before screwing.
▪ Adjust the torque correctly, see values for tight-
ening in description 500.40.
▪ Tools consisting of several part, can fall into
▪ All bolted joints to be re-established.
▪ Engine parts can be hot; watch out for burns.
▪ Slipping can cause injuries.
▪ Injuries such as crushing of fingers, hands or
▪ Slipping of torque spanner or similar tools can
cause injuries.
▪ Falling down from working position and/or hit-
ting engine parts can cause injuries.

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Roller guide and push rods P50801-15

L21/31S, L21/31

MAN Diesel & Turbo
P50801-15 Roller guide and push rods Page 2 (2)

L21/31S, L21/31
Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

016 4/C Thrust piece

028 2/C Push rod complete, incl item
016, 041
041 2/C Bolt
053 2/C Roller
065 2/C Shaft
077 2/C Housing for roller guide com-
plete, incl item 016, 053, 065,
089, 185
089 2/C Screw
185 2/C Bush
197 2/C Guide piece + 1)
207 2/C Washer
219 2/C Screw
220 4/C Spring

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref- Note 1)

+ only available as a pair
* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/C = Qty/Cylinder

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Index Control and safety systems, automatics and
Page 1 (1) 509

Safety, Control and Monitoring System ..................................................................... 509.01 (16)
Communication from the GenSet .............................................................................. 509.55 (14)

Work card
Function test of shutdown ........................................................................................ 509-01.05 (11)

Actuator and actuator drive ....................................................................................... P50901-31
Actuator and actuator drive ....................................................................................... P50901-33
Actuator and actuator drive ....................................................................................... P50901-36
Governor and governor drive .................................................................................... P50901-43
Regulating device ..................................................................................................... P50902-09
Regulating device ..................................................................................................... P50902-18
Instruments ............................................................................................................... P50907-21
Pick-up ..................................................................................................................... P50908-05
Level switch in oil sump ............................................................................................ P50920-11
PT/PSL - Panel with transmitter ................................................................................ P50922-04
Temperature sensors ................................................................................................ P50924-09
Fuel oil leakage alarm, LAH 42 .................................................................................. P50925-07
Exhaust gas temperature sensors ............................................................................. P50927-21
Exhaust gas temperature sensors ............................................................................. P50927-15
Exhaust gas temperature sensors ............................................................................. P50927-11
Exhaust gas temperature sensors ............................................................................. P50927-27
Exhaust gas temperature sensors ............................................................................. P50927-16
Prelubricating oil pump starter .................................................................................. P50951-06
HT water preheater panel ......................................................................................... P50952-04
HT water preheater panel ......................................................................................... P50952-05
Crankcase oil temperature monitoring / oil splash ..................................................... P50962-04

Installation and operating instruction ......................................................................... V2.5
Operating instruction - Hydraulic actuator ................................................................. MA 2.031-1
Service bulletin 001 - Actuator .................................................................................. v1.2

2017-08-16 - en
MAN Diesel & Turbo
Description 509.01
Page 1 (8) Safety, Control and Monitoring System
Edition 16

L28/32S, L27/38S, L27/38, L23/30S, L21/31S, L21/31, L16/24S, L16/24

General information The Display Module provides the following func-
The monitoring and safety system SaCoSone serves
for complete engine operation, control, monitoring ▪ safety system
and safety of GenSets. All sensors and operating ▪ visualisation of measured values and operating
devices are wired to the engine-attached units. values on a touchscreen
The SaCoSone design is based on high reliable and ▪ engine operation via touchscreen
approved components as well as modules specially The safety system is electrically separated from the
designed for installation on medium speed engines. control system due to requirements of the classifi-
The used components are harmonised to a homo- cation societies.
genously system. The whole system is attached to
For engine operation, additional hardwired switches
the engine cushioned against vibration.
are available for relevant functions.
The system configuration can be edited via an
Ethernet interface at the Display Module.

SaCoSone GenSet mounted on a L16/24 GenSet

(Probable Layout) Prototype of the SaCoSone GenSet

Control Unit Connection Box

The Control Unit includes a highly integrated Con- The Connection Box is the central connecting and
trol Module for engine control, monitoring and alarm distribution point for the 24VDC power supply of the
system (alarm limits and delay). The module collects whole system.
engines measuring data and transfers the most
Furthermore it connects the Control Unit with the
measurements and data to the ship alarm system
GenSet, the ship alarm system and the optional
via Modbus.
crankcase monitoring.
Furthermore, the Control Unit is equipped with a
Display Module. This module consists of a
touchscreen and a integrated PLC for the safety
system. The Display Module also acts as safety sys-
tem for over speed, low lubrication oil pressure and
high cooling water temperature.

MAN Diesel & Turbo
509.01 Description
Safety, Control and Monitoring System Page 2 (8)
Edition 16

L28/32S, L27/38S, L27/38, L23/30S, L21/31S, L21/31, L16/24S, L16/24

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Description 509.01
Page 3 (8) Safety, Control and Monitoring System
Edition 16

L28/32S, L27/38S, L27/38, L23/30S, L21/31S, L21/31, L16/24S, L16/24

System Description
System bus
The SaCoSone system is equipped with a redundant Safety System
bus based on CAN. The bus connects all system
modules. This redundant bus system provides the Safety functions
basis data exchange between the modules.
The safety system monitors all operating data of the
The control module operates directly with electrohy- engine and initiates the required actions, i.e. engine
draulic actuator. shut-down, in case the limit values are exceeded.
The safety system is integrated the Display Module.
The safety system directly actuates the emergency
shut-down device and the stop facility of the speed

Auto shutdown
Auto shutdown is an engine shutdown initiated by
any automatic supervision of engine internal param-

Emergency stop
Emergency stop is an engine shutdown initiated by
an operator manual action like pressing an emer-
gency stop button. An emergency stop button is
placed at the Control Unit on engine. For connec-
Technical data tion of an external emergency stop button there is
one input channel at the Connection Box.

Engine shutdown
If an engine shutdown is triggered by the safety sys-
tem, the emergency stop signal has an immediate
effect on the emergency shut-down device and the
speed control. At the same time the emergency
stop is triggered, SaCoSone issues a signal resulting
in the generator switch to be opened.
Example shows the dimensions of L16/24
Shutdown criteria
L16/24 L21/31 L27/38
▪ Engine overspeed
Width (mm) 400 400 400
▪ Failure of both engine speed sensors
Height (mm) 480 565 480
▪ Lube oil pressure at engine inlet low
Length (mm) 869 1168 1323
▪ HT cooling water temperature outlet too high
Length overall (mm) 902 1201 1356
▪ High bearing temperature/deviation from Crank-
Weight (kg) 60 60 65 case Monitoring System. (optional)
▪ High oilmist concentration in crankcase.
▪ Remote Shutdown. (optional)
– Differential protection (optional)

MAN Diesel & Turbo
509.01 Description
Safety, Control and Monitoring System Page 4 (8)
Edition 16

L28/32S, L27/38S, L27/38, L23/30S, L21/31S, L21/31, L16/24S, L16/24

– Earth connector closed (optional)
– Gas leakage (optional)

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Description 509.01
Page 5 (8) Safety, Control and Monitoring System
Edition 16

L28/32S, L27/38S, L27/38, L23/30S, L21/31S, L21/31, L16/24S, L16/24

Alarm/Monitoring System

The alarm function of SaCoSone supervises all nec-
essary parameters and generates alarms to indicate
discrepancies when required. The alarms will be
transferred to ship alarm system via Modbus data

SaCoSone carries out independent self-monitoring
functions. Thus, for example the connected sensors
are checked constantly for function and wire break.
In case of a fault SaCoSone reports the occurred
malfunctions in single system components via sys-
tem alarms.

SaCoSone controls all engine-internal functions as
well as external components, for example:
▪ Start/stop sequences:
– Local and remote start/stop sequence for
the GenSet.
– Activation of start device. Control (auto
start/stop signal) regarding prelubrication oil
– Monitoring and control of the acceleration
▪ Jet system:
– For air fuel ratio control purposes, com-
pressed air is lead to the turbocharger at
start and at load steps.
▪ Control signals for external functions:
– HT cooling water preheating unit
– Prelubrication oil pump control
▪ Redundant shutdown functions:
– Engine overspeed
– Low lub. oil pressure inlet engine
– High cooling water temperature outlet

MAN Diesel & Turbo
509.01 Description
Safety, Control and Monitoring System Page 6 (8)
Edition 16

L28/32S, L27/38S, L27/38, L23/30S, L21/31S, L21/31, L16/24S, L16/24

Speed Control System

The engine electronic speed control is realized by
the Control Module. As standard, the engine is
equipped with an electro-hydraulic actuator.
Engine speed indication is carried out by means of
redundant pick-ups at the camshaft.
Instead of electronic speed governing the system
can optionally be equipped with a mechanical gov-

Speed adjustment
Local, manual speed setting is possible at the con-
trol unit with a turn switch.
Remote speed setting is either possible via 4-20mA
signal or by using hardwired lower/raise com-

Speed adjustment range

Between -5% and +10% of the nominal speed at
idle running.

Adjustable by parameterisation tool from 0-5%

Load distribution
By droop setting.

Engine stop
Engine stop can be initiated local at the display
module and remote via a hardware channel or the
bus interface.

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Description 509.01
Page 7 (8) Safety, Control and Monitoring System
Edition 16

L28/32S, L27/38S, L27/38, L23/30S, L21/31S, L21/31, L16/24S, L16/24

Interfaces to External Systems

A detailed signal description is available on the GS
Product page in the document “B 19 00 0, Interface

MAN Diesel & Turbo
509.01 Description
Safety, Control and Monitoring System Page 8 (8)
Edition 16

L28/32S, L27/38S, L27/38, L23/30S, L21/31S, L21/31, L16/24S, L16/24

Remote Control
Data Machinery Interface For remote control several digital inputs are availa-
This interface serves for data exchange to ship ble.
alarm systems or integrated automation systems
(IAS). Ethernet Interface
The status messages, alarms and safety actions, The Ethernet interface at the Display Module can be
which are generated in the system, can be transfer- used for the connection of SaCoSone EXPERT.
red. All measuring values and alarms acquired by
SaCoSone GenSet are available for transfer.
Serial Interface
The following MODBUS protocols are available:
CoCoS-EDS can be connected to a serial RS485
▪ MODBUS RTU (Standard) interface.
▪ MODBUS ASCII (for retrofits)
For a detailed description of these protocols see the Power Supply
document “B 19 00 0, Communication from the
The plant has to provide electric power for the auto-
mation and monitoring system. In general a redun-
dant, uninterrupted 24V DC (+20% -30% and max
ripple 10%) power supply is required for SaCoSone.

Crankcase Monitoring Unit (optional)

SaCoSone GenSet provides an interface to an
optional Crankcase Monitoring Unit. This unit is not
part of SaCoSone GenSets and is not standard
scope of supply. If applied, it is delivered as stand-
alone system in an extra control cabinet.

Generator Control
SaCoSone provides inputs for all temperature signals
for the temperatures of the generator bearings and
generator windings.

Power Management
Hardwired interface for remote start/stop, speed
setting, alternator circuit breaker trip etc.

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Description 509.55
Page 1 (4) Communication from the GenSet
Edition 14

L27/38S, L27/38, L21/31S, L21/31, L16/24S, L16/24

Data Bus Interface (Machinery Alarm Settings
System) The communication parameters are set as follows:
This interface serves for data exchange to ship Modbus Slave SaCoS
alarm systems or integrated automation systems
(IAS). Modbus Master Machinery alarm system
Slave ID (default) 1
The status messages, alarms and safety actions, Data rate (default) 57600 baud
which are generated in the system, can be transfer- Data rate (optionally 4800 baud
red. All measuring values and alarms acquired by available) 9600 baud
SaCoSone GenSet are available for transfer. 19200 baud
38400 baud
115200 baud
The following Modbus protocols are available:
Data bits 8
▪ Modbus RTU (Standard)
Stop bits 1
▪ Modbus ASCII
Parity None
Transmission mode Modbus RTU
The Modbus RTU protocol is the standard protocol
used for the communication from the GenSet. For
the integration in older automation system, Modbus
ASCII is also available. Function Codes
The following function codes are available to gather
data from the SaCoSone controllers:
Modbus RTU Protocol
Func- Function
The Modbus RTU protocol is the standard protocol tion Code (hexa- Description
used for the communication from the GenSet. Code decimal)
The bus interface provides a serial connection. The 1 0x01 read coils
protocol is implemented according to the following
definitions: 3 0x03 read holding registers

▪ Modbus application protocol specification, 5 0x05 write coil

Modbus over serial line specification and imple- 6 0x06 write single register
mentation guide,
15 0x0F write multiple coils
There are two serial interface standards available:
16 0x10 write multiple registers
▪ RS422 – Standard, 4 + 2 wire
(cable length <= 100m), cable type as 22 0x16 mask write register
specified by the circuit diagram, 23 0x17 read write multiple registers
line termination: 150 Ohms
▪ RS485 – Standard, 2 + 2 wire
(cable length <= 100m), cable type as
specified by the circuit diagram, Message Frame Separation
line termination: 150 Ohms Message frames shall be separated by a silent inter-
val of at least 4 character times.

Provided Data
Provided data includes measured values and alarm
or state information of the engine.

2015.07.20 - Tier II + Stationary

MAN Diesel & Turbo
509.55 Description
Communication from the GenSet Page 2 (4)
Edition 14

L27/38S, L27/38, L21/31S, L21/31, L16/24S, L16/24

Measured values are digitized analogue values of
sensors, which are stored in a fixed register of the
Control Module Small. Measured values include
media values (pressures, temperatures) where,
according to the rules of classification, monitoring
has to be done by the machinery alarm system. The
data type used is signed integer of size 16 bit.
Measured values are scaled by a constant factor in
order to provide decimals of the measured.
Pre-alarms, shutdowns and state information from
the SaCoSone system are available as single bits in
fixed registers. The data type used is unsigned of
size 16 bit. The corresponding bits of alarm or state
information are set to the binary value „1“, if the
event is active.

Contents of List of Signals

For detailed information about the transferred data,
please refer to the ”list of signals“ of the engine’s
documentation set. This list contains the following

Field Description
Address The address (e.g.: MW15488) is the software address used in the Control Module Small.
HEX The hexadecimal value (e.g.: 3C80) of the software address that has to be used by the MOD-
BUS master when collecting the specific data.
Bit Information of alarms, reduce load, shutdown, etc. are available as single bits. Bits in each
register are counted 0 to 15.
Meas. Point The dedicated denomination of the measuring point or limit value as listed in the „list of meas-
uring and control devices“.
Description A short description of the measuring point or limit value.
Unit Information about how the value of the data has to be evaluated by the Modbus master (e.g.
„°C/100“ means: reading a data value of „4156“ corresponds to 41,56 °C).
Origin Name of the system where the specific sensor is connected to, or the alarm is generated.
Signal range The range of measured value.

Life Bit
In order to enable the alarm system to check
whether the communication with SaCoS is working,
a life bit is provided in the list of signals (MW15861;
Bit2). This Bit is alternated every 10 seconds by
SaCoS. Thus, if it remains unchanged for more than
10 seconds, the communication is down.

2015.07.20 - Tier II + Stationary

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Description 509.55
Page 3 (4) Communication from the GenSet
Edition 14

L27/38S, L27/38, L21/31S, L21/31, L16/24S, L16/24

Modbus ASCII Protocol – 01: Illegal function

– 02: Illegal data address
– 03: Illegal data value
– 06: BUSY. Message rejected
The communication setup is: 9600 baud, 8 data-
bits, 1 stopbit, no parity.
The Modbus protocol accepts one command
FCT = 03H: Read n words
(Function Code 03) for reading analogue and digital
input values one at a time, or as a block of up to 32 The master transmits an inquiry to the slave (CMS)
inputs. to read a number (n) of datawords from a given
address. The slave (CMS) replies with the required
The following chapter describes the commands in
number (n) of datawords. To read a single register
the Modbus protocol, which are implemented, and
(n) must be set to 1. To read block type register (n)
how they work.
must be in the range 1...32.

Protocol Description Request (master):

The ASCII and RTU version of the Modbus protocol [DATA] = [ADR][n]
is used, where the CMS/DM works as Modbus [ADR]=Word stating the address in HEX.
[n]=Word stating the number of words to be
All data bytes will be converted to 2-ASCII charac-
ters (hex-values). Thus, when below is referred to
“bytes“ or “words“, these will fill out 2 or 4 charac- Answer (slave-CMS):
ters, respectively in the protocol. The general “mes- [DATA] = [bb][1. word][2. word]....[n. word]
sage frame format“ has the following outlook: [bb]=Byte, stating number of subsequent
[:] [SLAVE] [FCT] [DATA] [CHECKSUM] [CR] [LF] bytes.
[1. word]=1. dataword
– [:] 1 char. Begin of frame [2. word]=2. dataword
[n. word]=No n. dataword
– [SLAVE] 2 char. Modbus slave address
(Selected on DIPswitch
at Display Module)
– [FCT] 2 char. Function code FCT = 10H: Write n words
– [DATA] n X 2 chars data. The master sends data to the slave (CMS/DM)
– [CHECKSUM] 2 char checksum (LRC) starting from a particular address. The slave
(CMS/DM) returns the written number of bytes, plus
– [CR] 1 char CR
echoes the address.
– [LF] 1 char LF (end of frame)
Write data (master):
[DATA] = [ADR][n] [bb][1. word][2. word]....[n word]
The following function codes (FCT) is accepted: [ADR] = Word that gives the address in HEX.
– 03H: Read n words at specific address. [n] = Word indicating number of words to be
– 10H: Write n words at specific address.
[bb] = Byte that gives the number of bytes to
follow (2*n)
Please note that 8bb9 is byte size!
In response to the message frame, the slave (CMS)
[1. word]=1. dataword
must answer with appropriate data. If this is not [2. word]=2. dataword
possible, a package with the most important bit in [n. word]=No n. dataword
FCT set to 1 will be returned, followed by an excep-
tion code, where the following is supported:

2015.07.20 - Tier II + Stationary

MAN Diesel & Turbo
509.55 Description
Communication from the GenSet Page 4 (4)
Edition 14

L27/38S, L27/38, L21/31S, L21/31, L16/24S, L16/24

Answer (slave-CMS/DM): MODBUS block addresses
[DATA] = [ADR][bb*2] In order to be able to read from the different I/O and
[ADR]= Word HEX that gives the address in data areas, they have to be supplied with an
HEX „address“. In the MODBUS protocol each address
[bb*2]=Number of words written. refers to a word or „register“. For the GenSet there
[1. word]=1. dataword
are following I/O registers:
[2. word]=2. dataword
[n. word]=No n. dataword ▪ Block (multiple) I/O registers occupying up to 32
word of registers
Data Format This list specifies the addresses assigned for MOD-
BUS Block data, which enables the user to read up
The following types of data format have been to 32 signals/alarms/inputs in a single MODBUS
chosen: request.
Digital: Consists of 1 word (register): General) All alarm signals are already performed
1 word: [0000H]=OFF
with necessary time delay. F.ex. lub. oil level alarms
[FFFFH]=ON (LAL/LAH28) includes 30 sec. alarm delay. Start air
alarm (PAL70) includes 15 sec. alarm delay. No fur-
ther delay are needed.
Integer: Consists of 1 word (register):
1 word: 12 bit signed data
(second complement):
[0FFFH]=100% of range
[F000H]=-100% of range

12 bit data format must be used no matter what

dissolution a signal is sampled with. All measur-
ing values will be scaled to 12 bit signed.

2015.07.20 - Tier II + Stationary

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Work Card 509-01.05
Page 1 (3) Function test of shutdown
Edition 11

L28/32S, L27/38S, L21/31S, L16/24S, L23/30DF, L28/32DF, L16/24, L21/31,

Safety precautions Special tools

Engine stopped Plate No. Item No. Note

Shut-off starting air
Shut off cooling water
Shut off fuel oil
Shut-off cooling oil
Stop lub. oil circulation
Press Blocking - Reset

Short Description
Functional test of overspeed trip. Functional test of
low lubricating oil pressostate trip. Functional test
of high fresh water thermostat.

Starting Position Hand Tools

Functional test and adjustment of safety alarm and Allen key 4 mm
monitoring equipment. Allen key 2 mm
Manometer or test pump
Large spanner
Small screwdriver

Related Procedure

Qualified Manpower Replacement and wearing parts

Duration in h : 1 Plate No. Item No. Quantity
Number : 1

Data for pressure and tolerance (Page 500.35)
Data for tightening torque (Page 500.40)
Declaration of weight (Page 500.45)

MAN Diesel & Turbo
509-01.05 Work Card
Function test of shutdown Page 2 (3)
Edition 11

L28/32S, L27/38S, L21/31S, L16/24S, L23/30DF, L28/32DF, L16/24, L21/31,

Correct detection of RPM (counting of teeths)
depends on the size of the gap between the mova-
ble flywheel and the front of the pick-up sensor. If
no or wrong signal is detected by the sensor, the
measuring gap must be adjusted or cleaned.
The gap is expected to be 2.0 mm ± 0.3 mm (the
Function Test of Shutdown pitch of the thread on the pick-up is 1.0 mm). The
number of teeth relative speed values/limits can be
It is of the upmost importance that the shutdown found in the Engine Automatic diagram, section 509
function is working properly. Therefore, the shut- and description 500.30 in section 500.
down function must be tested at regular intervals
according to the planned maintenance programme, The overspeed shutdown limits can not be adjusted
section 500. by the user.

Function Test of Overspeed Shutdown

1) Start the engine locally and keep it at no load,
at nominal rpm:
Engine Type / rpm
L16/24 / 1000 or 1200
L27/38 / 720 or 750
L21/31 / 900 or 1000
L23/30DF / 720, 750 or 900
L28/32DF / 720 or 750
2) Take a large spanner and put it on the link
between fuel-rack and actuator. Slowly force
the engine rpm over the setpoint, see Descrip-
tion 500.30 and the overspeed will release
The engine must stop..
3) Overspeed can also be simulated by activting
test bed operation and overspeed test. Then
overspeed setpoint is changed to 85% of
nominell speed.

1 Cable connection to ter- 2 Protection cover

3 Test coupling 4 Test block
Do not raise the speed over 120% of nominal
speed because this could damage the valves 5 Valve 6 System pressure
and pistons.
Figure 114: Pressure controller
4) Reset the overspeed shutdown on the display

Function Test of Low Lubricating Oil

Pressure Shutdown
1) Start the engine and keep it at no load.

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Work Card 509-01.05
Page 3 (3) Function test of shutdown
Edition 11

L28/32S, L27/38S, L21/31S, L16/24S, L23/30DF, L28/32DF, L16/24, L21/31,

2) Mount the manometer/test pump on the test 4) Raise the temperature until the switch changes
valve outlet, situated right under the pressos- and check that it happens at the stated shut-
tate PSL 22, fig 1. down point, see 500.30.
3) Close oil pressure valve, fig 1. The engine must stop.
4) Relieve the pressure slowly and check that the
switch changes back to the pressure stated as
the shutdown point, see 500.30.
The engine must stop.

If adjustment is needed, remove the thermostat

cover. Locking screw pos. 5, fig 3, is loosened,
and the range can be set with the spindle, pos.
1, while the scale, pos. 2, is read at the same
If adjustment is needed, turn the screw clock-
wise or anticlockwise, see fig 2 5) The sensor is mounted again.

5) Disconnect the manometer/test pump. 6) Reset the high H.T. water temperature shut-
down on the display module.
6) Open the oil pressure valve on the pressure
7) Reset the low lubricating oil pressure shutdown
on the operation box.

1 Protection cap 2 Temp. sensor

Figure 115: Adjustment of pressostate and thermostate

Figure 116: Thermostate

Function Test of High Fresh Water

Alarm System
Temperature Shutdown
It is important that all alarms lead to prompt investi-
The functional test of the thermostat, is to be car- gation and remedy of the error.
ried out according to the following procedure.
No alarm is insignificant. It is therefore important
1) Take the sensor out of the pocket. that all engine crew members are familiar with and
2) Test the sensor in a water bath, which is con- well trained in the use and importance of the alarm
trolled by the temperature or a special testing system.
device. The most serious alarms are equipped with slow-
3) Start the engine and keep it at no load. down and/or shutdown functions.

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Actuator and actuator drive P50901-31

L21/31S, L21/31

2015.06.15 - Tier II - UG25+ - spring loaded pull rod

MAN Diesel & Turbo
P50901-31 Actuator and actuator drive Page 2 (2)

L21/31S, L21/31
Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

045 1/E Flange

057 5/E Screw
069 1/E Distance disc (requires an indi-
vidual matching)* 1)
070 1/E O-ring
082 1/E Expander
094 1/E Axle
104 1/E Disc
116 1/E Spur gear, complete
128 4/E Screw
165 2/E Screw
177 2/E Screw
189 2/E Screw
190 1/E Casing
200 1/E Bush
212 1/E Disc
224 1/E Bevel wheel
236 1/E Seal ring
381 1/E Actuator, electronic
393 1/E Nut
403 1/E Governor arm
415 1/E Spring loaded pull rod
427 1/E Screw

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref- Note 1)

* Item 069 require an individual mounting, contact MAN DIesel &
ace. Turbo
* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/E = Qty/Engine

2015.06.15 - Tier II - UG25+ - spring loaded pull rod

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Actuator and actuator drive P50901-33


2011.06.20 - Tier II - UG25+ - pull rod

MAN Diesel & Turbo
P50901-33 Actuator and actuator drive Page 2 (2)

Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

045 1/E Flange

057 5/E Screw
069 1/E Distance disc (requires an indi-
vidual matching)* 1)
070 1/E O-ring
082 1/E Expander
094 1/E Axle
104 1/E Disc
116 1/E Spur gear, complete
128 4/E Screw
165 2/E Screw
177 2/E Screw
189 2/E Screw
190 1/E Casing
200 1/E Bush
212 1/E Disc
224 1/E Bevel wheel
236 1/E Seal ring
381 1/E Actuator, electronic
393 1/E Nut
403 1/E Governor arm
415 1/E Pull rod
427 1/E Screw
439 1/E Linkage
440 1/E Ball joint
452 1/E Nut
464 1/E Nut

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref- Note 1)

* Item 069 require an individual mounting, contact MAN DIesel &
ace. Turbo
* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/E = Qty/Engine

2011.06.20 - Tier II - UG25+ - pull rod

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Actuator and actuator drive P50901-36

L21/31S, L21/31

2016.06.15 - RE2800
MAN Diesel & Turbo
P50901-36 Actuator and actuator drive Page 2 (2)

L21/31S, L21/31
Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

008 1/E Screw 452 1/E Nut

021 3/E Disc spring 464 1/E Nut
033 2/E Nut
045 1/E Flange
057 5/E Screw
069 1/E Distance disc (requires an indi-
vidual matching)* 1)
070 1/E O-ring
082 1/E Expander
094 1/E Axle
104 1/E Disc
116 1/E Spur gear, complete
128 4/E Screw
141 1/E Screw
165 2/E Screw
177 2/E Screw
189 2/E Screw
190 1/E Casing
200 1/E Bush
212 1/E Disc
224 1/E Bevel wheel
236 1/E Seal ring
381 1/E Actuator, electronic
393 1/E Nut
403 1/E Governor arm
415 1/E Pull rod
427 1/E Screw
439 1/E Linkage
440 1/E Ball joint

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref- Note 1)

* Item 069 require an individual mounting, contact MAN DIesel &
ace. Turbo
* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/E = Qty/Engine

2016.06.15 - RE2800
MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Governor and governor drive P50901-43


MAN Diesel & Turbo
P50901-43 Governor and governor drive Page 2 (2)

Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

001 1/E Actuator, complete

002 4/E Screw
004 1/E Governor arm
005 1/E Screw
006 1/E Nut
012 1/E Pull rod
013 1/E Linkage
014 1/E Ball joint
015 1/E Nut
016 1/E Nut
020 1/E Casing
021 2/E Screw
022 2/E Screw
023 2/E Screw
024 1/E Bush
025 1/E Disc
026 1/E Bevel wheel
027 1/E Spur gear, complete
028 1/E Disc
029 1/E Seal ring
030 1/E Axle
031 1/E Expander
032 1/E O-ring
033 1/E Distance disc (requires an indi-
vidual matching)*
034 1/E Flange
035 5/E Screw

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/E = Qty/Engine

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Regulating device P50902-09

L21/31S, L21/31

MAN Diesel & Turbo
P50902-09 Regulating device Page 2 (2)

L21/31S, L21/31
Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

015 /I Bearing bracket complete, incl.

bush 1)
027 /I Screw 2)
039 2/E Spring pin
040 2/E Setting ring
052 1/E Sleeve
064 1/E Lever
076 1/E Screw
088 2/E Spring pin
111 3/E Distance bush
123 1/E Nut
135 2/E Safety lever, complete
147 1/E Nut
159 1/E Screw
160 1/E Nut
172 3/E Nut
184 1/E Bracket
196 3/E Screw
206 1/E Shaft, 5 cyl. engine
218 1/E Shaft, 6 cyl. engine
231 1/E Shaft, 7 cyl. engine
243 1/E Shaft, 8 cyl. engine
255 1/E Shaft, 9 cyl. engine
267 3/E Lock washer
279 1/E Cylinder, complete (if mounted)
280 2/E Screw
292 1/E Stop screw
314 1/E Lever, complete
698 1/E Repair kit for item 279

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref- Note 1)

Qty: 5/E for 5 cyl, 6/E for 6 cyl, 7/E for 7 cyl, 8/E for 8 cyl, 9/E for 9
ace. cyl
Qty: 10/E for 5 cyl, 12/E for 6 cyl, 14/E for 7 cyl, 16/E for 8 cyl,
* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa- 18/E for 9 cyl
ble separately
Qty/E = Qty/Engine

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Regulating device P50902-18

L21/31S, L21/31

2014.03.17 - Tier II, Stationary

MAN Diesel & Turbo
P50902-18 Regulating device Page 2 (2)

L21/31S, L21/31
Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

015 1/C Bearing bracket complete, incl.

027 2/C Screw
039 2/E Spring pin
040 2/E Setting ring
052 1/E Sleeve
064 1/E Lever
076 1/E Screw
088 2/E Spring pin
135 1/C Safety lever, complete
147 1/E Nut
159 1/E Screw
160 1/E Nut
206 1/E Shaft, 5 cyl. engine
218 1/E Shaft, 6 cyl. engine
231 1/E Shaft, 7 cyl. engine
243 1/E Shaft, 8 cyl. engine
255 1/E Shaft, 9 cyl. engine

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/C = Qty/Cylinder
Qty/E = Qty/Engine

2014.03.17 - Tier II, Stationary

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Description 509.07
Page 1 (5) Instruments
Edition 21

L16/24, L21/31, L27/38

Instruments Figure Range Length Co Ite
de m
Figure Range Length Co Ite L L1 no
de m m m
L L1 no m m
m m
m m 0 - 120° TE 11
C 29- 9
0.1 - 35 SE 01 1
kHz 89 2 TE
Temperature sensor, 29-
engine main bearing 2
L16/24, L21/31, TE
L27/38 29-
Speed pick-up, TC 4
speed, TCR12 TE
0.1 - 35 SE 04 5
kHz 89 8 TE
Speed pick-up, TC 6
speed, TCR14 TE
0.1 - 35 SE 06 7
kHz 89 1 TE
Speed pick-up, TC 8
speed, TCR16/18 TE
0.1 - 35 SE 07 29-
kHz 89 3 9
Speed pick-up, TC
speed, TCR20/22
0-1 SE 08 29-
kHz 89 5 11

Speed pick-up, TC
speed, NR29/S
0.1 - 35 SE 09
kHz 89 7

Speed pick-up, TC
speed, NR34/S
0 - 20 SE 10
kHz 90- 7
Speed pick-up, engine 90-
speed 2

MAN Diesel & Turbo
509.07 Description
Instruments Page 2 (5)
Edition 21

L16/24, L21/31, L27/38

Figure Range Length Co Ite Figure Range Length Co Ite
de m de m
L L1 no L L1 no
m m m m
m m m m
0 - 120° TE 12 7
C 29- 0 TE
1 29-
TE 8
29- TE
Temperature sensor,
2 29-
engine main bearing
TE 9
L32/40 (1 pc)
29- TE
3 29-
TE 10
29- TE
4 29-
TE 11
29- On/Off ZS 14
5 75 4
Limit switch, turning
gear disengaged
7 0 - 10 PT 15
TE bar 21 6
29- PT
8 22
Pressure transmitter
9 -20 - TE 16
TE 200° C 21 8
29- TE
10 31
TE Temperature sensor
29- 0 - 10 PS 18
11 bar L2 1
0 - 120° TE 13 2
C 29- 2
Temperature sensor, 29-
engine main bearing 2
TE Pressure switch
29- On/Off FE 19
3 94 3
4 Limit switch
29- 0 - 4 bar PT 20
5 23 3
29- 31
6 Pressure transmitter

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Description 509.07
Page 3 (5) Instruments
Edition 21

L16/24, L21/31, L27/38

Figure Range Length Co Ite Figure Range Length Co Ite
de m de m
L L1 no L L1 no
m m m m
m m m m
On/Off LA 21 58-
H2 5 4
8 TE
LA 58-
L2 5
8 TE
Level switch
LA 58-
H4 6
2 TE
0 - 6 bar PT 22 7
10 7 TE
PT 58-
01 8
Pressure transmitter TE
0 - 120° TE 25 9
C 58- 2
1 -20 - TE 27
TE 200° C 10 6
2 Temperature sensor
58- -20 - TE 28
Temperature sensor 3 200° C 12 8
L16/24, L27/38, TE TE
L32/40 58- 40
Temperature sensor
TE 70 - TS 31
58- 120° C H1 1
5 2
TE Temperature switch
58- -20 - TE 32
8 200° C 01 3
9 Temperature sensor
L16/24, L21/31
0 - 120° TE 26
C 58- 4 -20 - TE 33
1 200° C 01 5
2 Temperature sensor
TE L27/38
Temperature sensor 3
L21/31 TE

MAN Diesel & Turbo
509.07 Description
Instruments Page 4 (5)
Edition 21

L16/24, L21/31, L27/38

Figure Range Length Co Ite Figure Range Length Co Ite
de m de m
L L1 no L L1 no
m m m m
m m m m
-20 - TE 34 5
200° C 01 7 TE
Temperature sensor TE
L32/40 60-
0 - 16 PT 36
bar 40 0
Pressure transmitter 60-
0 - 700° TE 39
C 60- 6 0 - 700° TE 41
1 C 60- 8
TE 1
60- TE
Temperature sensor 2 60-
L16/24 TE 2
Temperature sensor
60- TE
3 60-
TE 3
60- TE
Pocket 4 39 60-
for sen- TE 7 Pocket 4 41
sor 60- for sen- TE 9
5 sor 60-
TE 5
60- TE
6 60-
TE 6
60- TE
7 60-
TE 7
60- TE
8 60-
TE 8
60- TE
9 60-
0 - 700° TE 40
C 60- 6 0 - 700° TE 44
1 C 62 3
60- Pocket 44
2 for sen- 4
Temperature sensor TE Temperature sensor, sor
L21/31, L27/38 60- TC in
3 L16/24
Pocket 4 40
for sen- TE 7
sor 60-

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Description 509.07
Page 5 (5) Instruments
Edition 21

L16/24, L21/31, L27/38

Figure Range Length Co Ite
de m
L L1 no
m m
m m
0 - 700° TE 45
C 62 5

Pocket 45
for sen- 6
Temperature sensor,
TC in
L21/31, L27/38
0 - 700° TE 46
C 62 7

Pocket 46
for sen- 8
Temperature sensor, sor
TC in
0 - 700° TE 48
C 61 0

Pocket 48
for sen- 1
Temperature sensor, sor
TC out
0 - 700° TE 49
C 61 2

Pocket 45
for sen- 6
Temperature sensor,
TC out
L21/31, L27/38
0 - 700° TE 50
C 61 2

Pocket 50
for sen- 3
Temperature sensor, sor
TC out
0 - 40 PT 52
bar 70 6

Pressure transmitter

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Pick-up P50908-05

L21/31S, L21/31

2016.06.15 - SaCoSone
MAN Diesel & Turbo
P50908-05 Pick-up Page 2 (2)

L21/31S, L21/31
Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

001 2/E Impulse pick-up

002 2/E Angle plug
003 2/E Nut
004 2/E Seal ring

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/E = Qty/Engine

2016.06.15 - SaCoSone
MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Level switch in oil sump P50920-11

L21/31S, L21/31

2014.10.23 - LAL/LAH 28
MAN Diesel & Turbo
P50920-11 Level switch in oil sump Page 2 (2)

L21/31S, L21/31
Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

049 4/E Screw

050 2/E Nut
062 1/E Plate
098 1/E Pipe for level switch
108 2/E Level switch
121 1/E Pipe for level switch
157 1/E O-ring
169 1/E Dipstick complete, incl. item 157
170 1/E Gasket
194 /I Glue
216 1/E Terminal box
228 2/E Screw
241 1/E Parts for terminal strip
253 2/E Screw
397 1/E Fitting
407 1/E Red. adaptor

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/E = Qty/Engine
Qty/I = Qty/Individual

2014.10.23 - LAL/LAH 28
MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) PT/PSL - Panel with transmitter P50922-04

L21/31S, L21/31

MAN Diesel & Turbo
P50922-04 PT/PSL - Panel with transmitter Page 2 (2)

L21/31S, L21/31
Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

001 2/E Pressure transmitter

002 2/E Pressure transmitter
003 1/E Pressure transmitter
004 1/E Pressure transmitter
005 2/E Pressure transmitter
006 1/E Pressure switch
007 1/E Sealing ring
008 2/E Hexagon screw
009 8/E Angle plug

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/E = Qty/Engine

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Temperature sensors P50924-09

L21/31S, L21/31

MAN Diesel & Turbo
P50924-09 Temperature sensors Page 2 (2)

L21/31S, L21/31
Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

001 2/E Temperature sensor

002 1/E Temperature sensor
003 6/E Sealing ring
004 6/E Angle plug
005 1/E Thermostat
006 1/E Sensor pocket
007 2/E Temperature sensor
008 1/E Temperature sensor
010 1/E Angle plug

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/E = Qty/Engine

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Fuel oil leakage alarm, LAH 42 P50925-07

L27/38S, L21/31S, V28/32S, L21/31, L27/38

MAN Diesel & Turbo
P50925-07 Fuel oil leakage alarm, LAH 42 Page 2 (2)

L27/38S, L21/31S, V28/32S, L21/31, L27/38

Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

010 1/E Fuel oil leakage alarm

022 1/E Flange
034 1/E Gasket
046 1/E Level switch
058 1/E Red. adaptor
178 1/E Repair kit for running in filter
286 4/E Screw
333 2/E O-ring
345 1/E Packing ring
357 1/E Plug screw
369 1/E Packing ring
370 1/E Plug screw
382 1/E Packing ring
394 1/E Plug screw
404 1/E Plug screw
416 /I Glue

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/E = Qty/Engine
Qty/I = Qty/Individual

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Exhaust gas temperature sensors P50927-21

L21/31S, L21/31

2016.09.15 - 5 cyl. engine

MAN Diesel & Turbo
P50927-21 Exhaust gas temperature sensors Page 2 (2)

L21/31S, L21/31
Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

001 3/E Bracket

002 3/E Washer
003 3/E Cyl. screw
004 6/E Clamp
005 6/E Hex. sock. l. head cap screw
006 1/E Cable tray
011 6/E Cable tray accessories
012 6/E Washer
013 5/E Hex. sock. l. head cap screw
017 5/E Sensor pocket
018 2/E Sensor pocket
019 5/E Exhaust gas temperature sensor
028 2/E Exhaust gas temperature sensor
030 1/E Nipple
031 1/E Locking spring washer
032 1/E Cyl. screw

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/E = Qty/Engine

2016.09.15 - 5 cyl. engine

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Exhaust gas temperature sensors P50927-15

L21/31S, L21/31

2016.11.01 - 6 cyl. engine

MAN Diesel & Turbo
P50927-15 Exhaust gas temperature sensors Page 2 (2)

L21/31S, L21/31
Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

001 4/E Bracket

002 4/E Washer
003 4/E Screw
004 7/E Clamp
005 7/E Head cap screw
007 1/E Cable tray
011 6/E Cable tray accessories
012 6/E Washer
013 6/E Head cap screw
017 6/E Sensor pocket
018 2/E Sensor pocket
019 6/E Exhaust gas temperature sensor
028 2/E Exhaust gas temperature sensor
030 1/E Nipple
031 1/E Locking spring washer
032 1/E Screw

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/E = Qty/Engine

2016.11.01 - 6 cyl. engine

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Exhaust gas temperature sensors P50927-11


MAN Diesel & Turbo
P50927-11 Exhaust gas temperature sensors Page 2 (2)

Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

001 5/E Bracket

002 5/E Washer
003 5/E Cyl. screw
004 9/E Clamp
005 9/E Hex. sock. l. head cap screw
006 2/E Cable tray
011 7/E Cable tray accessories
012 7/E Washer
013 7/E Hex. sock. l. head cap screw
017 8/E Sensor pocket
018 2/E Sensor pocket
019 8/E Exhaust gas temperature sensor
028 2/E Exhaust gas temperature sensor
030 1/E Nipple
031 1/E Locking spring washer
032 1/E Cyl. screw

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/E = Qty/Engine

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Exhaust gas temperature sensors P50927-27

L21/31S, L21/31

2017.03.09, 7 cyl. engine

MAN Diesel & Turbo
P50927-27 Exhaust gas temperature sensors Page 2 (2)

L21/31S, L21/31
Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

001 4/E Bracket

002 4/E Washer
003 4/E Screw
004 8/E Clamp
005 8/E Screw
006 1/E Cable tray
011 6/E Cable tray accessries
012 6/E Washer
013 6/E Screw
017 7/E Sensor pocket
018 2/E Sensor pocket
019 7/E Exhaust gas temperature sensor
028 2/E Exhaust gas temperature sensor
030 1/E Nipple
031 1/E Washer
032 1/E Screw

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/E = Qty/Engine

2017.03.09, 7 cyl. engine

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Exhaust gas temperature sensors P50927-16

L21/31S, L21/31

2015.08.27 - 9 cyl. engine

MAN Diesel & Turbo
P50927-16 Exhaust gas temperature sensors Page 2 (2)

L21/31S, L21/31
Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

001 6/E Bracket

002 6/E Washer
003 6/E Cyl. screw
004 10/E Clamp
005 10/E Hex. sock. l. head cap screw
006 2/E Cable tray
011 8/E Cable tray accessories
012 8/E Washer
013 8/E Hex. sock. l. head cap screw
017 9/E Sensor pocket
018 2/E Sensor pocket
019 9/E Exhaust gas temperature sensor
028 2/E Exhaust gas temperature sensor
030 1/E Nipple
031 1/E Locking spring washer
032 1/E Cyl. screw

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/E = Qty/Engine

2015.08.27 - 9 cyl. engine

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Prelubricating oil pump starter P50951-06

L27/38S, L21/31S, L21/31, L27/38

2015.02.23 - 1 engine
MAN Diesel & Turbo
P50951-06 Prelubricating oil pump starter Page 2 (2)

L27/38S, L21/31S, L21/31, L27/38

Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

012 1/E Panel 396 2/E Circuit breaker, 2 amp

024 1/E Name plate 406 12/E Terminal
073 1/E Name plate 418 2/E Earth terminal
085 4/E Screw m3 455 11/E End angle
097 4/E Nut m3 467 1/E Auxilliary relay
107 1/E Pilot lamp, green 479 1/E Socket
119 1/E Lamp holder
120 1/E Glow lamp
132 1/E Label, pump on
144 1/E Head
156 1/E Body
168 1/E No contact block
181 1/E Label, m-0-a
193 1/E Selector switch
227 4/E Bracket
239 4/E Screw m8
240 4/E Nut m8
252 2/E Cable union m20
264 2/E Nut m20
276 2/E Cable union m25
288 2/E Nut m25
311 1/E Transformer, 400/440 V
323 4/E Screw m5
335 2/E Contactor
347 2/E Thermal relay
359 /I Channel track
360 /I Conduit
372 1/E Circuit breaker, 10 amp
384 1/E Auxilliary switch

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/E = Qty/Engine
Qty/I = Qty/Individual

2015.02.23 - 1 engine
MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) HT water preheater panel P50952-04


2017.05.23, 5-6 cyl. engine - 12 KW

MAN Diesel & Turbo
P50952-04 HT water preheater panel Page 2 (2)

Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

001 1/E Terminal box 031 1/E Mounting rail, top hat
002 1/E Plates 032 1/E Auxiliary contact
003 1/E Lamp glass 033 11/E Row terminal
004 1/E Socket 034 1/E Row terminal
005 1/E Glow lamp 035 4/E End stop
006 1/E Sign-resopal 036 1/E Mounting rail, top hat
007 1/E Selector switch 037 1/E Mounting rail, top hat
008 4/E Slotted cheese head screw 038 1/E Relay socket
009 4/E Nut
010 4/E Bracket
011 4/E Screw
012 4/E Nut
013 2/E Cable union
014 2/E Nut
015 3/E Cable union
016 3/E Nut
017 1/E Name plate
018 6/E Slotted cheese head screw
019 6/E Nut
020 1/E Transformer
021 1/E Transformer
022 188/E Cable conduit
023 415/E Cable conduit
024 545/E Cable conduit
025 1/E Contactor
026 1/E Aux. relay
027 2/E Miniature circuit breaker
028 1/E Miniature circuit breaker
029 1/E Miniature circuit breaker

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/E = Qty/Engine

2017.05.23, 5-6 cyl. engine - 12 KW

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) HT water preheater panel P50952-05

L21/31, L27/38

2017.05.23, 7-9 cyl. for engine type L21/31, 5-7 cyl. for engine type
L27/38 - 15 kW
MAN Diesel & Turbo
P50952-05 HT water preheater panel Page 2 (2)

L21/31, L27/38
Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

001 1/E Terminal box 031 1/E Mounting rail, top hat
002 1/E Plates 032 1/E Auxiliary contact
003 1/E Lamp glass 033 11/E Row terminal
004 1/E Socket 034 1/E Row terminal
005 1/E Glow lamp 035 4/E End stop
006 1/E Sign-resopal 036 1/E Mounting rail, top hat
007 1/E Selector switch 037 1/E Mounting rail, top hat
008 4/E Slotted cheese head screw 038 1/E Relay socket
009 4/E Nut
010 4/E Bracket
011 4/E Screw
012 4/E Nut
013 2/E Cable union
014 2/E Nut
015 3/E Cable union
016 3/E Nut
017 1/E Name plate
018 6/E Slotted cheese head screw
019 6/E Nut
020 1/E Transformer
021 1/E Transformer
022 188/E Cable conduit
023 415/E Cable conduit
024 545/E Cable conduit
025 1/E Contactor
026 1/E Aux. relay
027 2/E Miniature circuit breaker
028 1/E Miniature circuit breaker
029 1/E Miniature circuit breaker

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/E = Qty/Engine

2017.05.23, 7-9 cyl. for engine type L21/31, 5-7 cyl. for engine type
L27/38 - 15 kW
MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Crankcase oil temperature monitoring / oil splash P50962-04

L21/31S, L21/31

MAN Diesel & Turbo
P50962-04 Crankcase oil temperature monitoring / oil splash Page 2 (2)

L21/31S, L21/31
Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

012 1/C Resistance thermometer,

024 1/C Seal ring
036 1/C Cable, teflon armoured
048 1/E Cable tray, 5 cyl. engine
061 1/E Cable tray, 6 cyl. engine
073 /I Clamping plate 1)
085 /I Lock washer 1)
097 /I Cylindrical screw 1)
107 1/E Cable tray, 7 cyl. engine
119 1/E Cable tray, 8 cyl. engine
120 1/E Cable tray, 9 cyl. engine

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref- Note 1)

Qty: 6/E for 5 cyl, 7/E for 6 cyl, 8/E for 7 cyl, 10/E for 8 cyl, 11/E for
ace. 9 cyl
* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/C = Qty/Cylinder
Qty/E = Qty/Engine
Qty/I = Qty/Individual

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (1) Subsupplier 509

2017-08-16 - en
MAN Diesel & Turbo

Operating Instructions

Revision ............................................ 2.5

Date .................................................. 2016-08-09
2016-08-09 - 2.5

Translation of the original instructions

MAN Diesel & Turbo

MAN Diesel & Turbo SE

2016-08-09 - 2.5

86224 Augsburg
Phone +49 (0) 821 322-0
Fax +49 (0) 821 322-3382

Copyright © 2016 MAN Diesel & Turbo

All rights reserved, including reprinting, copying (Xerox/microfiche) and translation.

MAN Diesel & Turbo

Table of contents

Table of contents
1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................................ 9
1.1 General information .................................................................................................................... 9
1.1.1 Validity ..................................................................................................................... 9
1.1.2 System identification ................................................................................................ 9
1.2 Remarks on these installation and operating instructions ..................................................... 10
1.2.1 Content .................................................................................................................. 10
1.2.2 Structure of this manual ......................................................................................... 11
1.2.3 Revision history ...................................................................................................... 12
1.3 Structure and use of these operating instructions .................................................................. 13
1.4 Contact ...................................................................................................................................... 14
1.5 Abbreviations ............................................................................................................................ 15

2 Safety regulations ................................................................................................................................ 17

2.1 Intended Use ............................................................................................................................. 17
2.1.1 Area of application ................................................................................................. 17
2.2 Requirements to be met by operating personnel .................................................................... 17
2.3 Layout and design of safety instructions ................................................................................. 18
2.3.1 Scale of danger ...................................................................................................... 18
2.3.2 Examples ............................................................................................................... 19
2.3.3 Personal protective equipment ............................................................................... 20
2.4 General safety requirements .................................................................................................... 21
2.5 Manufacturer's liability ............................................................................................................ 22

3 System description .............................................................................................................................. 25

3.1 General information .................................................................................................................. 25
3.1.1 Area of application ................................................................................................. 25
3.1.2 System architecture ............................................................................................... 25
3.1.3 System components .............................................................................................. 26 Overview ................................................................................................................ 26 Display Module ...................................................................................................... 27 Control Module S ................................................................................................... 28 CAN system bus .................................................................................................... 28
3.2 Control functions ....................................................................................................................... 28
3.2.1 Engine control ........................................................................................................ 28 Basic functions of the engine control system .......................................................... 29 Safety monitoring and functions ............................................................................. 30
2016-08-09 - 2.5

3.2.2 Speed control ........................................................................................................ 30 Basic functions of the speed control ...................................................................... 30 Monitoring of speed governor functions ................................................................. 30
3.2.3 Alarm system ......................................................................................................... 31 Alarm monitoring .................................................................................................... 31

3 (171)
MAN Diesel & Turbo Redundant safety monitoring of alarm system ........................................................ 31

Table of contents

3.2.4 Safety system ........................................................................................................ 31 Safety monitoring ................................................................................................... 32 Safety functions ..................................................................................................... 32
3.2.5 HMI - Local Operating Panel .................................................................................. 32
3.3 Options ...................................................................................................................................... 32
3.4 System design for L16/24, L21/31 and L27/38 ........................................................................ 32
3.4.1 Control Unit ............................................................................................................ 33
3.4.2 Connection Box ..................................................................................................... 34
3.4.3 Variations ............................................................................................................... 35
3.4.4 Block diagram ........................................................................................................ 36
3.5 System design for L32/40 ......................................................................................................... 36
3.5.1 Control Unit ............................................................................................................ 36
3.5.2 VIT cabinet ............................................................................................................. 38
3.5.3 Block diagram ........................................................................................................ 38
3.6 System structure for L32/44 ..................................................................................................... 39
3.6.1 Control Unit ............................................................................................................ 39
3.6.2 Local Operating Panel ............................................................................................ 40
3.6.3 Interface Cabinet .................................................................................................... 40
3.6.4 Block diagram ........................................................................................................ 42

4 Installation ........................................................................................................................................... 43
4.1 Installation requirements ......................................................................................................... 43
4.1.1 Storage and transportation conditions ................................................................... 43
4.1.2 Transporting and unpacking control cabinets (only with L32/44) ............................ 43
4.1.3 Installation site (only for L32/44) ............................................................................. 43
4.1.4 Installation .............................................................................................................. 44
4.1.5 Cabling .................................................................................................................. 44
4.2 Technical data ........................................................................................................................... 46
4.2.1 Operating conditions .............................................................................................. 46
4.2.2 SaCoS_one_ GENSET for L16/24 .......................................................................... 46
4.2.3 SaCoS_one_ GENSET for L21/31 .......................................................................... 47
4.2.4 SaCoS_one_ GENSET for L27/38 .......................................................................... 47
4.2.5 SaCoS_one_ GENSET for L32/40 .......................................................................... 48
4.2.6 SaCoS_one_ GENSET for L32/44 .......................................................................... 50
4.3 Connecting the SaCoSone GENSET ........................................................................................... 53
4.3.1 Modbus connection to ship's alarm system ........................................................... 53
4.3.2 Connection with other external systems ................................................................. 54
4.3.3 Connecting the power supply ................................................................................ 54
2016-08-09 - 2.5

4.4 Adjusting the actuator of the speed governor ......................................................................... 57

4.4.1 Mechanical settings ............................................................................................... 57
4.4.2 Electronic settings .................................................................................................. 58

5 Software & parameters ........................................................................................................................ 61

5.1 Adjusting the speed governor parameters .............................................................................. 61

4 (171)
MAN Diesel & Turbo

5.1.1 List of parameters .................................................................................................. 61

Table of contents
5.1.2 Detailed parameter description ............................................................................... 63
5.1.3 Adjusting the speed governor parameters .............................................................. 65
5.2 Software and parameter backup .............................................................................................. 66

6 Configuration ........................................................................................................................................ 69
6.1 Configuration of the Modbus interface .................................................................................... 69
6.2 Documentation of engine configuration .................................................................................. 71
6.2.1 Parameters on page 1 of 6 ..................................................................................... 72
6.2.2 Parameters on page 2 of 4 ..................................................................................... 73
6.2.3 Parameters on page 3 of 6 ..................................................................................... 76
6.2.4 Parameters on page 4 of 6 ..................................................................................... 78
6.2.5 Parameters on page 5 of 6 (governor parameters) ................................................. 79
6.2.6 Parameters on page 6 of 6 (PLC parameters) ........................................................ 80
6.3 Project-specific documents ...................................................................................................... 81
6.3.1 General information ................................................................................................ 81
6.3.2 Checking the documents ....................................................................................... 81
6.3.3 Tests ...................................................................................................................... 82
6.3.4 Documents for class approval ................................................................................ 83

7 Operation of the engine ....................................................................................................................... 85

7.1 Operating panels ....................................................................................................................... 85
7.1.1 Local operation ...................................................................................................... 85
7.1.2 Operation at the VIT cabinet ................................................................................... 87
7.1.3 External control (remote-controlled) ........................................................................ 88
7.2 Transfer of operating rights ..................................................................................................... 88
7.3 Engine start ............................................................................................................................... 89
7.3.1 Before starting the engine ...................................................................................... 89
7.3.2 Start blocking ......................................................................................................... 89
7.3.3 Start menu ............................................................................................................. 89
7.4 Engine stop ................................................................................................................................ 91
7.5 Safety functions ........................................................................................................................ 92
7.5.1 Alarms ................................................................................................................... 92
7.5.2 Automatic shutdown .............................................................................................. 92
7.5.3 Emergency stop ..................................................................................................... 93
7.5.4 Load reduction request .......................................................................................... 97
7.5.5 Emergency Generator Mode .................................................................................. 99 Activation of Emergency Generator Mode .............................................................. 99 Deactivation of Emergency Generator Mode ........................................................ 101
2016-08-09 - 2.5

7.6 Speed control .......................................................................................................................... 101

7.6.1 At the Control Unit/at the LOP ............................................................................. 102
7.6.2 At an external control ........................................................................................... 102

8 Functions of the touchscreen ............................................................................................................ 103

8.1 Layout of the display ............................................................................................................... 103

5 (171)
MAN Diesel & Turbo

8.1.1 Header ................................................................................................................. 103

Table of contents

8.1.2 Status line ............................................................................................................ 106

8.1.3 Info section .......................................................................................................... 107
8.1.4 Alarm line ............................................................................................................. 107
8.1.5 Horizontal navigation bar ...................................................................................... 107
8.2 Buttons and display elements ................................................................................................ 107
8.2.1 General information .............................................................................................. 107
8.2.2 Buttons in the navigation bar ................................................................................ 107
8.2.3 Displaying measured values ................................................................................. 108
8.2.4 Status display ...................................................................................................... 109
8.2.5 Input fields and on-screen keyboard .................................................................... 109
8.3 Main Overview ......................................................................................................................... 110
8.3.1 Info section .......................................................................................................... 110
8.3.2 Start status .......................................................................................................... 111
8.3.3 Status line ............................................................................................................ 111
8.4 Main Menu ............................................................................................................................... 111
8.5 Main functions ........................................................................................................................ 112
8.5.1 Exhaust gas ......................................................................................................... 113
8.5.2 VVT (only with L32/44 GenSets) ........................................................................... 115
8.5.3 VIT (only with L32/40 und L32/44 GenSets) ......................................................... 117
8.5.4 Fuel ...................................................................................................................... 117
8.5.5 Cooling water ....................................................................................................... 118
8.5.6 Air ........................................................................................................................ 119
8.5.7 Lube oil ................................................................................................................ 120
8.5.8 Media overview .................................................................................................... 121
8.5.9 Charge air temperature control ............................................................................ 123
8.5.10 Cylinder lubrication (only with L32/40 and L32/44 GenSets) ................................. 123
8.5.11 Exhaust gas temperature control ......................................................................... 124
8.5.12 Alternator ............................................................................................................. 125
8.6 Additional functions ................................................................................................................ 126
8.6.1 Overview .............................................................................................................. 126
8.6.2 Date/Time ............................................................................................................ 128
8.6.3 Screen brightness adjustment .............................................................................. 129
8.6.4 Project info ........................................................................................................... 129
8.6.5 Parameters / Emission Identifiers ......................................................................... 130
8.6.6 Simulation ............................................................................................................ 131
8.6.7 Parametrization .................................................................................................... 134
8.6.8 Service pages ...................................................................................................... 137
8.6.9 Regional settings .................................................................................................. 140
2016-08-09 - 2.5

9 Alarm handling ................................................................................................................................... 143

9.1 Alarm line ................................................................................................................................ 143
9.1.1 Display of alarms .................................................................................................. 143
9.2 List of all alarms ..................................................................................................................... 143
9.2.1 Accessing the list ................................................................................................. 143

6 (171)
MAN Diesel & Turbo

9.2.2 Resetting alarm messages ................................................................................... 148

Table of contents
9.2.3 History ................................................................................................................. 148
9.3 Common alarm ........................................................................................................................ 149
9.4 Alarm messages ..................................................................................................................... 149
9.5 Abbreviations in the alarm messages .................................................................................... 149

10 Repairs and cleaning ......................................................................................................................... 153

10.1 Safety regulations ................................................................................................................... 153
10.2 Personal protective equipment .............................................................................................. 154
10.3 Repairs .................................................................................................................................... 155
10.3.1 Replacing Control Module S ................................................................................. 155 description ................................................................................................... 155 requirements ............................................................................................. 155 tools/accessories .................................................................................. 155 data ..................................................................................................... 156 parts - scope of supply .............................................................................. 156 1: Remove the Control Module S ................................................................. 156 2: Installing new Control Module S ............................................................... 157 3: Packaging the defective Control Module S ............................................... 157
10.3.2 Replacing the Display Module .............................................................................. 158 description ................................................................................................... 158 requirements ............................................................................................. 158 tools/accessories .................................................................................. 158 data ..................................................................................................... 158 parts - scope of supply .............................................................................. 159 1: Removing the Display Module .................................................................. 159 2: Installing the new display module ............................................................. 160 3: Packaging the defective display module .................................................. 160
10.4 Cleaning ................................................................................................................................... 161
10.4.1 Cleaning the switch cabinets and units ................................................................ 161
10.4.2 Cleaning the touchscreen .................................................................................... 161

11 Spare parts ......................................................................................................................................... 163

11.1 Ordering spare parts ............................................................................................................... 163
11.1.1 Identification of spare parts .................................................................................. 163
11.1.2 Contact ................................................................................................................ 165
11.2 Spare parts list for SaCoS_one_ GENSET V1.2.X ................................................................... 165
11.2.1 Spare parts list introduction ................................................................................. 165 parts list L16/24, L21/31, L27/38 .............................................................. 166
2016-08-09 - 2.5 parts list L32/40 ......................................................................................... 166 parts list L32/44 ......................................................................................... 167

12 Decommissioning .............................................................................................................................. 171

7 (171)
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12.1 Decommissioning for no more than two years ...................................................................... 171

Table of contents

12.2 Decommissioning for more than two years ........................................................................... 171

2016-08-09 - 2.5

8 (171)
MAN Diesel & Turbo 1

1 Introduction

1.1 General information

1.1 General information
These installation and operating instructions describe the operation of MAN
Diesel & Turbo GenSets with the monitoring and control system SaCoSone
GENSET. The instructions apply for the following GenSet types:
▪ L16/24
▪ L21/31
▪ L27/38
▪ L32/40
▪ L32/44

1.1.1 Validity
The instructions apply for the following SaCoSone GENSET version(s):
▪ SaCoSone GENSET V1.2.x
▪ Control Module-S Alarm: V1.4.x
▪ Control Module-S Safety System: V1.4.x
▪ Display Module: V1.4.x
▪ Display Module Safety System: V1.4.x

Follow the engine operating instructions!

The relevant chapters of the engine operating instructions must be
observed in addition to these installation and operating instructions.

1.1.2 System identification

Hardware The SaCoSone GENSET type plate of the Control Unit is located at the right
side wall inside the Control Unit.
1 Introduction
2016-08-09 - 2.5

SaCoS_one GENSET, Operating Instructions, EN 9 (171)

1 MAN Diesel & Turbo
1.2 Remarks on these installation and operating instruc-

The SaCoSone GENSET type plate of the Interface Cabinet (only for engine
type L32/44) is located at the right side wall inside the Interface Cabinet.

Software The menu PROJECT INFO displays the software version.

1.2 Remarks on these installation and operating instructions

1 Introduction

2016-08-09 - 2.5

1.2.1 Content
Chapter 1 Introduction: This chapter describes the structure and the use of this manual
and provides service contact information.

10 (171) SaCoS_one GENSET, Operating Instructions, EN

MAN Diesel & Turbo 1

Chapter 2 Safety regulations: This chapter explains the purposes of the control system,

1.2 Remarks on these installation and operating instruc-

demands on the operating personnel, the layout and meaning of warnings
and gives general safety information.

Chapter 3 System description: This chapter gives an overview of the system and its

Chapter 4 Installation: In addition to installation requirements and notes and technical

data, this chapter describes connections with external systems and the
power supply.

Chapter 5 Software & parameters: This chapter describes all procedures concerning
software installation, parametrisation, data backup and documentation of the

Chapter 6 Configuration: This chapter explains the GenSet configuration and its docu-

Chapter 7 Engine operation: This chapter includes descriptions of the operating panels,
the transfer of operating rights, the start and stop sequences of a GenSet,
emergency measures and alarms.

Chapter 8 Touchscreen functions: This chapter describes the menu structure and the
menu functions.

Chapter 9 Alarm handling: This chapter describes the way in which alarms are dis-
played and how to reset alarms and shutdowns.

Chapter 10 Repairs and cleaning: This chapter describes how to replace modules and
provides cleaning instructions.

Chapter 11 Spare parts: This chapter provides information on the spare parts catalogues
for different engine types.

1.2.2 Structure of this manual

Instructions The instructions in this manual are numbered. Each working step is followed
by its result.
1 Introduction

1. Step 1.
2016-08-09 - 2.5

Result of step 1.
2. Step 2.
3. ...
Buttons, menu titles and text Text from displays or other control devices (e.g. button labels or menu titles)
is represented in capital letters in this manual.

SaCoS_one GENSET, Operating Instructions, EN 11 (171)

1 MAN Diesel & Turbo

1.2 Remarks on these installation and operating instruc-

1. Press the button MISC in the MAIN MENU.

The menu MISC will be displayed.

2. ....
Limit values Limit values (time, pressure, temperature, speed) are not listed in this man-
ual. These parameters can be taken from the list of measuring and control

1.2.3 Revision history

Revision Changes Date

2.0 ▪ Release HW version 1.2 16.09.2013

2.1 ▪ Ch. Parameter for stationary plants 07.03.2014

▪ Ch. 5.3.1 Param. 21603/22059 deleted.
Param. 28953 added.
▪ Ch. 7.5.3 Block circuit diagram of stationary
emergency stop added.
▪ Several screen menus enhanced.
2.2 ▪ Ch. 1.1.1 Software version changed from 1.3x 17.06.2014
to 1.4x.
▪ Ch. 6.2.1 Screenshot parameter 1/6 changed,
parameter 24032 added.
▪ Ch. 8.6.7 Screenshot parameter 1/6 changed.
▪ Ch. 8.6.10 Language selection Chinese added,
screenshot changed.
2.3 Engine Power and Alt. Power signals added. 26.03.2015
Analogue outputs 1 and 2 are configurable.
▪ Ch. 5.4: New parameters added.
▪ Ch. 8.3 ALT. POWER menu item added.
▪ Ch. 8.5.8 Engine status deleted.
▪ Ch. 8.5.9 Engine attached equipment deleted.
▪ Ch. 8.6 Parameters menu 1 and 2 changed.
▪ Ch. 8.6 New binary input for external start
1 Introduction

2016-08-09 - 2.5

12 (171) SaCoS_one GENSET, Operating Instructions, EN

MAN Diesel & Turbo 1

Revision Changes Date

1.3 Structure and use of these operating instructions

2.4 ▪ Ch. 8.6.7: New screenshot added and button 10.09.2015
▪ Ch. 11.2: Wrong spare part (-30S1) deleted.
2.5 Changes to all chapters of the document: 30.04.2016
▪ Safety information revised.
▪ Engine type L32/44 added.
▪ Screenshots changed.
▪ Editorial changes (orthographic and grammatical
mistakes corrected, terms standardised, etc.)
Complete revision of individual chapters of the document:
▪ Ch. 2 "Safety regulations"
▪ Ch. 5 "Software & parameters" ("Loading soft-
ware on modules" deleted)
▪ Ch. 11.2 "Spare parts list for SaCoS_one_GEN-
SET V1.2.X"
New chapters added:
▪ Ch. 1.5 "Abbreviations"
▪ Ch. 2.5 "Manufacturer's liability"
▪ Ch. 4.1.2 "Transporting and unpacking control
▪ Ch. 4.1.3 "Installation site"
▪ Ch. 12 "Decommissioning"

1.3 Structure and use of these operating instructions

These installation and operating instructions contain information aiming to
support the operator and thus ensure safe operation. This information is
intended to assist and broaden the experience and qualification of the per-
sonnel who is in charge of operating and supervising the engine.
It is for this reason that the operating instructions have to be at the person-
nel's disposal at all times and that the personnel have to be familiar with the
structure of this manual in order to be able to access information quickly.
Liability/warranty MAN Diesel & Turbo Augsburg will not incur liability for any material, environ-
mental or personal damage caused by partial or total neglect of these oper-
ating instructions.
The warranty is voided in case of unauthorised persons carrying out work
described in this manual.
Liability and warranty claims in case of personal or material damage stand
void if the damage can be attributed to one of the following causes:
▪ The use of non-original spare parts is identified as the cause of damage.
1 Introduction
2016-08-09 - 2.5

▪ The system has been operated, serviced or repaired incorrectly or

▪ The system has been operated with inappropriate, wrong or defective
safety and protective equipment.
▪ Operation, service and repair have not been carried out according to
these operating instructions.

SaCoS_one GENSET, Operating Instructions, EN 13 (171)

1 MAN Diesel & Turbo

▪ The system has been altered without the express consent of MAN Diesel
& Turbo Augsburg. This especially concerns the installation or removal of
1.4 Contact

▪ Components of the system have not been monitored sufficiently.
▪ Foreign objects or force majeure have caused the damage.

Not suitable for nuclear application cases!

Only suitable for marine and stationary plants!
NOT suitable for nuclear application cases!

Copyright MAN Diesel & Turbo Augsburg holds the data protection rights of this man-
ual. Handle this manual confidentially and do not pass it on to a third party,
neither in excerpts nor entirely.
It is only with the express consent of MAN Diesel & Turbo Augsburg that this
document may be reproduced, passed on, supplemented, transmitted or
translated into other languages, be it with the help of electronic, mechanic, or
other means, in excerpts or entirely.
Follow the instructions

Follow the instructions!

The knowledge of the contents of the technical documentation is a
prerequisite for the protection of the personnel from injuries, for the
prevention of faults and for flawless and safe module operation.

▪ The operating instructions must be available at all times (e.g. in the con-
trol room).
▪ The operating instructions have to be handed out to all persons in charge
of transport, installation, test run, operation, maintenance or repair of the
▪ All requirements of these operating instructions must be met and all
instructions followed.
▪ These installation and operating instructions also contain descriptions of
acquired parts. Follow all instructions concerning safety and other topics
given in these installation and operating instructions.
▪ All regulations of a country with regard to environmental protection and
workplace safety have to be obeyed.

1.4 Contact

Die MAN Diesel & Turbo Group offers worldwide round-the-clock service,
1 Introduction

every day of the year. Apart from the MAN Diesel & Turbo service headquar-
2016-08-09 - 2.5

ters in Augsburg, Copenhagen, Stockport and St. Nazaire, service centres

on all continents provide comprehensive and continuous support.
The long service life, for which MAN Diesel & Turbo engines are notable,
requires a spare part program that ensures that components for engines in
operation remain available for decades. Thanks to their modern high-

14 (171) SaCoS_one GENSET, Operating Instructions, EN

MAN Diesel & Turbo 1

capacity technical equipment, MAN Diesel & Turbo production facilities are

1.5 Abbreviations
able to comply with special customer requests with the utmost precision and
Site Augsburg MAN Diesel & Turbo SE
86224 Augsburg
Phone: +49 821 322-0
Fax: +49 821 322-3382
24-hour hotline
Phone: +49 1801 15 15 15

Technical service 24-hour hotline

Phone: +49 821 322-1499
Fax: +49 821 322-3838

Spare parts 24-hour hotline

Phone: +49 821 322-1799
Fax: +49 821 322-3574

Turbocharger service 24-hour hotline

Spare parts sales
Phone: +49 821 322-4030
Technical service (radial)
Phone: +49 821 322-4020
Technical service (axial)
Phone: +49 821 322-4010
Fax: +49 821 322-3998

Email addresses

1.5 Abbreviations
Abbreviation Explanation
1 Introduction
2016-08-09 - 2.5

ABS American Bureau of Shipping

AC Auxiliary Cabinet

ACO Automatic Changeover


CM Control Module

SaCoS_one GENSET, Operating Instructions, EN 15 (171)

1 MAN Diesel & Turbo

Abbreviation Explanation
1.5 Abbreviations

CR Common Rail

CU Control Unit

DF Dual Fuel

DNV Det Norske Veritas

EOP External Operating Panel

EU Extension Unit

GM Gateway Module

GVUCC Gas Valve Unit Control Cabinet

HT High Temperature

IC Interface Cabinet

ICU Ignition Control Unit

IM Injection Module

IMO International Maritime Organisation

IU Injection Unit

KCU Knock Control Unit

LOP Local Operating Panel

LR Lloyds Register of Shipping

LT Low Temperature

OMD Oilmist Detector

PCS Propulsion Control System

PMS Power Management System

QCO Quick Change Over

RINA Registro Italiano Navale

ROP Remote Operating Panel

TCCU Turbo Charger Control Unit

VIT Variable Injection Timing

VTA Variable Turbine Area

VVT Variable Valve Timing

1 Introduction

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16 (171) SaCoS_one GENSET, Operating Instructions, EN

MAN Diesel & Turbo 2

2 Safety regulations

2.2 Requirements to be met by operating personnel

2.1 Intended Use
The control system has to be used according to the specifications in the
contract. Any other use will be considered improper use. For safety reasons,
any modification or alteration of the control system is strictly prohibited. MAN
Diesel & Turbo does not assume liability for resulting damages. The operator
bears all associated risks.

Operating and installing conditions!

The operating and installation requirements stipulated in this manual
strictly have to be met.
• The use of non-original parts with the control system is prohibited
since safe operation can otherwise not be guaranteed.
• Any action that could potentially lead to impairment of the safety of
the control system is prohibited.

2.1.1 Area of application

Due to its system architecture and the control modules used, the product
line is exclusively applicable for the following engines and fields of applica-
Engines ▪ In-line engines with maximal 9 cylinders of engine types L16/24, L21/31,
L27/38 and L32/40 or with maximal 10 cylinders of engine type L32/44.
▪ Only suitable for engines with PT1000 temperature sensors.
Fields of application ▪ Auxiliary GenSet: only for Auxiliary GenSets, not for main engines.
▪ Stationary GenSet: only for power plant systems ashore.
▪ Diesel-electric Propulsion GenSet: only for main engines in ships.

Not for nuclear application cases!

Only suitable for marine and stationary applications!
NOT for nuclear application cases!
2 Safety regulations

2.2 Requirements to be met by operating personnel

Qualifications The personnel in charge of operation, maintenance and assembly of the
engine must have the appropriate qualification for this work. If the personnel
2016-08-09 - 2.5

lack the required knowledge, they must be trained and instructed accord-
ingly. If required, this training can be provided on behalf of the company
operating the plant or by the manufacturer/supplier.
Training MAN Diesel & Turbo SE has designed the control system to be as simple,
reliable and safe as possible. Nevertheless, the system must be operated
carefully and in strict accordance with all safety regulations. The operating
instructions must be available at all times and worked through carefully.

SaCoS_one GENSET, Operating Instructions, EN 17 (171)

2 MAN Diesel & Turbo

Untrained and unqualified personnel!

2.3 Layout and design of safety instructions

If personnel are not trained or qualified, this can lead to serious

personal injury and damage to property and the environment.
• Only instruct qualified personnel to carry out installation, operation
and maintenance at the control system.
• Prevent unauthorised persons from gaining access to the control

2.3 Layout and design of safety instructions

Safety instructions and corresponding symbols are used throughout these
operating instructions to indicate when a danger to life, the engine or its con-
trol system or the environment exists. The control system must always be
operated carefully by taking all safety requirements into account. The operat-
ing instructions must be accessible at all times and worked through carefully.
Structure of safety The safety instructions in these operating instructions consist of four parts:
instructions 1. Severity of danger (coloured symbol with signal word)
2. Type and source of danger
3. Consequences in the event of non-observance
4. Measures to avoid the danger
The following chapters describe the four parts of a safety instruction and pro-
vide examples of safety instructions that have been compiled using these

2.3.1 Scale of danger

The immediacy/extent of the danger is identified using a 5-stage scale as
shown below:

indicates that death or serious physical injury will occur if the relevant
precautions are not taken.

indicates that death or serious physical injury can occur if the relevant
2 Safety regulations

precautions are not taken.

2016-08-09 - 2.5

indicates that minor physical injury may occur if the relevant
precautions are not taken.

18 (171) SaCoS_one GENSET, Operating Instructions, EN

MAN Diesel & Turbo 2


2.3 Layout and design of safety instructions

indicates that material damage may occur if the relevant precautions
are not taken.

Additional information is indicated as follows:

gives special user tips and other useful information.

2.3.2 Examples
The following examples of safety instructions should explain the general
structure and systematics of safety instructions.

Example of the warning level "Danger"

Risk of accident due to falling or toppling loads!

When transporting the filter, there is a risk of accidents accompanied
by severe and potentially fatal injuries due to its weight and size.
• Only use suitable transport equipment and lifting tackle with sufficient
load-bearing capacity.
• Do not stand or work under suspended loads.
• Wear protective clothing! (helmet, gloves, safety footwear)
• Proceed with utmost caution during transportation to avoid damage.

Example of the warning level "Warning"

Danger of crushing due to exposed gear wheels!

Hands can be drawn in and crushed by gear wheels.
• Do not reach into the gears.
• Switch the engine off before working on the gear wheels!
2 Safety regulations

Example of the warning level "Caution"

2016-08-09 - 2.5

Danger of cutting on the scraper blade!

The sharp scraper blade can inflict cuts to hands and arms.
• Do not touch the sharp cutting edge.
• Wear gloves.

SaCoS_one GENSET, Operating Instructions, EN 19 (171)

2 MAN Diesel & Turbo

Example of the warning level "Notice"

2.3 Layout and design of safety instructions

Damage due to incorrect storage!

If the correct storage conditions are not observed, the filter may be
damaged, e.g. due to moisture or contamination.
• Protect the filter and filter elements from moisture and contamination
when in storage.
• Do not store the filter at temperatures below the frost limit.
• If the filter has been in storage for longer than one year, the
functionality of all seals must be checked prior to installation.

2.3.3 Personal protective equipment

Danger of injury due to insufficient personal protective

There is a risk of injury when carrying out work on the plant!
• Wear personal protective equipment when working on the plant.

Sign Designation Comment

Protective clothing The purpose of protective
clothing is to protect the
body against scalding and

Safety footwear The purpose of safety

footwear is to protect the
feet from impacts, twisting
of the ankle and falling

Thermal protective gloves The purpose of thermal

protective gloves is to pro-
tect the hands when they
come into contact with hot
surfaces and objects, and
also to prevent cuts.

Safety goggles The purpose of safety

2 Safety regulations

goggles is to protect the

eyes from flying parts and
jets of liquid.
2016-08-09 - 2.5

20 (171) SaCoS_one GENSET, Operating Instructions, EN

MAN Diesel & Turbo 2

Sign Designation Comment

2.4 General safety requirements

Hearing protection The purpose of hearing
protection is to protect the
ears from loud noise.

Protective helmet The purpose of the protec-

tive helmet is to protect
the head from impacts
and falling objects.
Table 1: Personal protective equipment for user

2.4 General safety requirements

Unqualified personnel!
In order to carry out the procedures explained below, some prior
knowledge of electrical engineering is required. If this work is carried
out by unqualified persons, this could result in severe physical injury
and material damage!
• Cable installation and maintenance work must only be carried out by
qualified electricians.
• Never undertake tasks that are beyond the scope of your personal
• Prevent access and participation by unauthorised persons.

Provision of information!
If there is not enough information available or if this information is
disregarded, this may result in serious physical injury or material
• Therefore, always follow the operating instructions!
• Make sure the operating instructions are always available!

Hazard of electric shock!

When working with electrical systems, direct contact with live
components or flash-over voltage may lead to an electric shock and
subsequently to cardiac arrhythmia. Other consequences may be
severe burnings as well as injuries caused by uncontrolled body
2 Safety regulations

Apply the five safety rules (according to DIN EN 50110) before
commencing work in order to eliminate this hazard.
2016-08-09 - 2.5

• Disconnect (all poles).

• Prevent from reconnecting.
• Ensure that there is no live voltage.
• Earth and short-circuit.
• Cover and block off any adjacent live components.

SaCoS_one GENSET, Operating Instructions, EN 21 (171)

2 MAN Diesel & Turbo

Scope of technical documentation!

2.5 Manufacturer's liability

Technical documents are always valid for specific systems! The use of
information on a different system for the operation of this system may
lead to malfunctions or damage!
• Use only the relevant information, and never information from other

Incorrect maintenance and repair work!

If maintenance and repair are carried out incorrectly, this can render
the system inoperable.
• Maintenance and repair work must be carried out regularly and in
accordance with the processes prescribed in the operating
instructions/work card.

2.5 Manufacturer's liability

In order to operate SaCoSone safely, comprehensive technical knowledge is
required. The reliability of the system can only be maintained or restored by
carrying out maintenance and repair work if this is done by trained personnel
with specialist knowledge of electrical engineering. The rules of electrical
engineering must be observed and negligent handling must be avoided.
The technical documentation supports the personnel by providing the neces-
sary information, by drawing attention to dangers and by highlighting the
safety regulations that need to be observed.

There is a risk of injury if the operating instructions are not

Non-observance of the information in the documentation, especially of
the operating and work instructions and the safety regulations, use of
the control system for a purpose not intended by the manufacturer, or
any other improper or negligent use, can cause serious damage to
property and severe personal injury, for which the manufacturer rejects
all liability.
• Observe the instructions and requirements in the technical
• Prevent access and operation by unauthorised persons!
2 Safety regulations

The control system supplied by MAN Diesel & Turbo SE must be installed
and connected taking the relevant engineering aspects into consideration.
The requirements of the following documents must be observed:
2016-08-09 - 2.5

▪ Engineering documents delivered by MAN Diesel & Turbo SE that are rel-
evant to the order
▪ SaCoSone documentation, including circuit diagrams, wiring diagrams and
other drawings
▪ Assembly documents from our subcontractors for accessories

22 (171) SaCoS_one GENSET, Operating Instructions, EN

MAN Diesel & Turbo 2

▪ Operating instructions for engines, turbochargers and accessories

2.5 Manufacturer's liability

Any deviations from the principles outlined in the documents referred to
above must be approved by MAN Diesel & Turbo SE. Additional components
can only be built into the control cabinets once they have been tested and
approved by MAN Diesel & Turbo SE. MAN Diesel & Turbo SE shall accept
no responsibility whatsoever for damage arising as a result of non-compli-

2 Safety regulations
2016-08-09 - 2.5

SaCoS_one GENSET, Operating Instructions, EN 23 (171)

MAN Diesel & Turbo 3

3 System description

3.1 General information

3.1 General information
State-of-the-art control technology undertaking comprehensive control and
monitoring of all auxiliary units, components and core functions of the diesel
engine is required in order to ensure modern diesel engines operate effi-
ciently and safely. The SaCoSone, which has been developed in-house by
MAN Diesel & Turbo SE, has a modular concept and offers the following
control and monitoring core functions:
▪ Engine control
▪ Speed control
▪ Alarm system
▪ Safety system

3.1.1 Area of application

Due to its system architecture and the control modules used, the product
line is exclusively applicable for the following engines and fields of applica-
Engines ▪ In-line engines with maximal 9 cylinders of engine types L16/24, L21/31,
L27/38 and L32/40 or with maximal 10 cylinders of engine type L32/44.
▪ Only suitable for engines with PT1000 temperature sensors.
Fields of application ▪ Auxiliary GenSet: only for Auxiliary GenSets, not for main engines.
▪ Stationary GenSet: only for power plant systems ashore.
▪ Diesel-electric Propulsion GenSet: only for main engines in ships.

Not for nuclear application cases!

Only suitable for marine and stationary applications!
NOT for nuclear application cases!

3.1.2 System architecture

System architecture for engine types L16/24, L21/31, L27/38 and L32/40.
3 System description
2016-08-09 - 2.5

SaCoS_one GENSET, Operating Instructions, EN 25 (171)

3 MAN Diesel & Turbo
3.1 General information

Figure 1: System bus

System architecture for engine type L32/44.

Figure 2: System bus L32/44

3.1.3 System components

3 System description Overview
2016-08-09 - 2.5

The control devices and their corresponding basic control functions are listed

26 (171) SaCoS_one GENSET, Operating Instructions, EN

MAN Diesel & Turbo 3

Device Engine Functions

3.1 General information

Display L16/24, ▪ HMI functionality for display and
Module L21/31, operation
Safety L27/38, ▪ Safety system incl. the required
System L32/40 digital I/O signal coupling
▪ Configuration interface for param-
eters of the speed governor and
the engine control system
Display L32/44 ▪ HMI functionality for display and
Module operation
▪ Configuration interface for param-
eters of the speed governor and
the engine control system
Control L16/24, ▪ Engine control
Module- L21/31, ▪ Alarm system incl. the required
S Alarm L27/38, digital and analogue I/O signal
L32/40, acquisition
L32/44 ▪ Speed control
Control L32/44 ▪ Safety system incl. the required
Module- digital I/O signal coupling
S Safety

CCM- Option ▪ Crankcase Monitoring Unit

Unit ▪ Main bearing and splash oil moni-
toring device, with separate indi-
cation and control (off-engine) Display Module

Identical structure!
The Display Module and the Display Module Safety System are
structurally identical. The following description applies for both Display

Description of connection terminals:

▪ 2 CAN bus interfaces for the redundant connection to the system bus.

3 System description

1 Ethernet interface.
▪ 1 USB port for data backup and software updates.
▪ 2 frequency inputs.
▪ 5 digital outputs for the activation of relays or for hard-wired signals to
2016-08-09 - 2.5

other systems.
▪ 1 power output (1A).
▪ 8 digital inputs.

SaCoS_one GENSET, Operating Instructions, EN 27 (171)

3 MAN Diesel & Turbo
3.2 Control functions Control Module S

Identical structure!
The Control Module S Alarm and the Control Module S Safety System
are structurally identical. The following description applies for both
Control Modules S.

The Control Module S has been developed especially for the use with Gen-
Sets, being a compact unit which features, in addition to the control device
(PLC), the entire I/O package that is required to connect the sensors and
▪ PLC system with real-time operating system and 3S PLC software.
▪ 2 serial RS422/485 interfaces for the connection of external systems.
▪ 3 CAN: 2 bus interfaces for the redundant connection to the system bus
and 1 bus interface for the connection of external I/O extensions.
▪ 4 frequency inputs for speed sensors.
▪ 24 digital inputs.
▪ 3 analogue outputs for 4-20 mA signals.
▪ 12 analogue inputs for 4-20 mA signals from pressure sensors etc.
▪ 24 PT1000 inputs for analogue signals from temperature sensors.
▪ 8 digital outputs for the activation of relays or for hard-wired signals to
other systems.
▪ 8 power outputs.

Exhaust gas blow-off flap and SCR catalytic converter!

The Control Module S Alarm can control an exhaust gas blow-off flap
via one of the three analogue outputs and an SCR catalytic converter
via the bus interface CAN3. CAN system bus

The individual control devices of the system are connected via a communica-
tions interface (data bus) to facilitate the exchange of status information
between the individual sensors, data synchronization and transfer of system
messages and notifications. SaCoSone for this reason features a CAN system
bus, designed as a redundant system. This ensures the availability of com-
3 System description

munications for the different control devices in case of failure of one of the
bus connections, thus meeting the requirements of the classification societ-
2016-08-09 - 2.5

3.2 Control functions

3.2.1 Engine control

The engine control is an integral part of the Control Module S Alarm. The
module fully controls the engine in all possible operating states:

28 (171) SaCoS_one GENSET, Operating Instructions, EN

MAN Diesel & Turbo 3

▪ It controls and monitors the entire start sequence of the engine.

3.2 Control functions

▪ It carries out full load-dependent control of the engine speed throughout
the entire engine operation.
▪ It controls and monitors all auxiliary units and engine parameters
throughout the entire engine operation.
▪ It guarantees an optimised combustion process of the engine to mini-
mise pollutant emissions and consumption, and thus ensures efficient
and load-optimised engine operation.
▪ It controls the regulated stop sequence of the engine. Basic functions of the engine control system

The individual basic functions of the engine control are described below:
Function Short description
Start/stop function ▪ Local and remote start/stop
▪ Activation of the starting device
▪ Control and monitoring of the start-up process
▪ Monitoring of the stop sequence
Jet-Assist Improvement of the engine acceleration performance during
start sequence and load application

Nozzle cooling Cooling of the injection nozzles during HFO operation in order
to avoid thermal overload

Selection of the Differentiation between droop (symmetrical) and isochronous

speed setpoint (asymmetrical) load sharing in case of multi-engine operation

Charge air preheat- In case of low load, heating of the air at turbocharger outlet
ing but cylinder inlet by means of the HT cooling water heat
exchanger; in case of high load, cooling of the air by means of
LT cooling water

Cylinder lubrication Activation of the additional cylinder lubrication in case of high

load for 32/40

IMO identifier Calculation and visualisation of the checksum of all parameters

that are relevant to the IMO emissions ID

Pump control Control of the pre-lubrication pump and the preheating pump
in order to make the engine start possible at any time

VIT (Variable Injec- Variable Injection Timing: the fuel injection timing or the cam-
tion Timing) shaft position is changed, depending on the engine load, by
adjusting the camshaft; only applicable with engine types
L32/40 and L32/44
3 System description

VVT (Variable Valve Variable Valve Timing: the opening time of the air inlet valves is
Timing) changed depending on the engine load in order to reduce pol-
lutants in the exhaust gas; only applicable with engine type
2016-08-09 - 2.5

Fuel detection The fuel type is identified by analysing the fuel temperature.
The alarm limit for the fuel pressure is adjusted in dependence
of fuel type and temperature, and the fuel temperature alarm is

SaCoS_one GENSET, Operating Instructions, EN 29 (171)

3 MAN Diesel & Turbo
3.2 Control functions Safety monitoring and functions

The safety functions that are integrated in the engine control trigger an imme-
diate shutdown of the engine, if required, by resetting the speed governor
release and activating the emergency stop valve. In addition, a shutdown
request is transmitted to the safety system via the system bus. The following
safety monitoring operations are performed by the engine control:
▪ Shutdowns due to serious speed governor alarms (double pickup error).
▪ Monitoring of the manual emergency stop activation.

3.2.2 Speed control

The digital speed control is also an integral part of the Control Module S
Alarm. A separate speed control module is therefore not required. The elec-
tro-hydraulic actuator is activated directly via a power output of the Control
Module. Basic functions of the speed control

The individual speed control functions with short descriptions are listed
Function Short description
Speed measure- Collection and processing of the speed signals from the sen-
ment sors.

PID speed gover- Each controller parameter is entirely adjustable in order to

nor obtain the best possible controller performance at any given
point of engine operation.
The controller is adjustable for static performance at any point
of operation and for dynamic adjustment in case of load appli-

Load sharing The controller can differentiate between two types of load shar-
▪ Droop: automatic uniform load sharing for multi-
engine plants when using the same P parameter.
Suitable for island operation as well as parallel opera-
tion with the grid.
▪ Isochronous load sharing: The controller can be sup-
plied with a load/speed setpoint signal via an
upstream load sharing system. This type of applica-
tion is solely intended for multi-engine use in island
3 System description

Limiter functions Different limiter functions (start fuel limiter, charge air limiter,
maximum fuel limiter, jump rate limiter, zero fuel limiter) ensure
that the filling is monitored in all engine operating states at all
2016-08-09 - 2.5 Monitoring of speed governor functions

If a fault has been detected, the speed governor switches off automatically
(actuator setpoint set to zero) and reports the fault to the engine control.
▪ Monitoring of the actuating signal to the actuator (back measurement of
the electric current setpoint).

30 (171) SaCoS_one GENSET, Operating Instructions, EN

MAN Diesel & Turbo 3

▪ Monitoring of speed inputs for signal plausibility.

3.2 Control functions

3.2.3 Alarm system
The engine alarm system is also an integral part of the Control Module S
Alarm. It monitors all required media parameters (temperatures, pressures,
etc.) and generates an alarm if the signal changes dramatically (exceeding or
undercutting of predefined limit values). The alarm is displayed at the Local
Operating Panel and forwarded to the superordinate alarm system. The con-
nection to the plant alarm system is established via a serial interface. Alarm monitoring

The individual alarm monitoring functions of the alarm system are listed
▪ Monitoring of engine speed and turbocharger speed
▪ Monitoring of the pressure and temperature sensors of engine and turbo-
charger lube oil, LT and HT cooling water, fuel, start air and ambient air
▪ Oil mist monitoring or - as an option - main bearing and splash oil tem-
perature (optional CCM, hard-wired signal connection)
▪ Monitoring of the exhaust gas temperatures of the individual cylinders
and of the turbocharger (inlet/outlet)
▪ Monitoring of the VIT position (32/40 and 32/44))
▪ Monitoring of the alternator winding and bearing temperatures
▪ Monitoring of the communication to connected SaCoSone system com-
ponents Redundant safety monitoring of alarm system

The alarm system, as a system that is redundant in relation to the safety sys-
tem, additionally triggers an engine shutdown if the limit values of the most
important operating parameters are violated. In this case, the speed gover-
nor release is reset and the engine filling is therefore set to zero. The emer-
gency stop valve is activated and a shutdown request is transmitted to the
safety system via the system bus.
Overview of further functions:
▪ Monitoring of the engine speed for overspeed, implementation of redun-
dant overspeed protection.
▪ Shutdown if the lube oil pressure at engine inlet is too low.
▪ Shutdown if the HT cooling water temperature at engine outlet is too
3 System description

▪ Shutdown if the manual emergency stop has been activated.

3.2.4 Safety system

2016-08-09 - 2.5

The safety system is integrated into the Display Module Safety System (with
engine type L32/44, the safety system is integrated into the Control Module
S Safety System). It monitors all operating parameters of the engine that are
connected to the system via a separate sensor. If a critical limit value is viola-
ted (exceeded or undercut), the safety system initiates the required measures
(load reduction or engine stop).

SaCoS_one GENSET, Operating Instructions, EN 31 (171)

3 MAN Diesel & Turbo

The safety system features purely binary signal detection (apart from the
3.4 System design for L16/24, L21/31 and L27/38

speed signals). Analogue signals cannot be recorded or processed. The

pressure and temperature sensors that are connected to the safety system
therefore feature binary switching contacts that close as soon as the limit val-
ues are reached. The sensors must be set to the required limit values
(switching threshold). They are set manually according to the limit values sta-
ted in the list of measuring and control devices and cannot be monitored
directly by the safety system. Safety monitoring

The individual monitoring functions with short descriptions are listed below:
▪ Overspeed monitoring of the engine
▪ Lube oil pressure of the engine
▪ HT cooling water temperature
▪ Oil mist concentration in crankcase, or optionally, main bearing and
splash oil temperatures (optional CCM, hard-wired signal connection) Safety functions

The safety system performs the safety functions listed below by activating
the emergency stop valve which sets the engine filling to zero and thereby
stops the engine:
▪ Auto shutdown
▪ Emergency stop

3.2.5 HMI - Local Operating Panel

The user interface comprises an "on-engine" touchscreen, which is integra-
ted into the Display Module. This includes the following functions:
▪ Visualisation of the most important operating parameters of the engine
▪ Display of operating states/alarms
▪ Manual control of the engine

3.3 Options
▪ Connection of a Crankcase Monitoring Unit to monitor splash oil and
main bearing temperatures. The required hardware must be installed
"off-engine", optionally inside the crankcase for oil mist detection.
▪ The Control Module S Alarm can control an exhaust gas blow-off flap via
one of the three analogue outputs and communicate with an SCR cata-
lytic converter via the bus interface CAN3. The operating values and
alarms are provided for the superordinate alarm system via the engine
3 System description

Modbus interface.

3.4 System design for L16/24, L21/31 and L27/38

The system comprises the Control Unit and a Connection Box, both of which
2016-08-09 - 2.5

are located in the same casing.

32 (171) SaCoS_one GENSET, Operating Instructions, EN

MAN Diesel & Turbo 3

3.4 System design for L16/24, L21/31 and L27/38

Figure 3: Control Unit and Connection Box

3.4.1 Control Unit

The Control Unit contains a highly integrated Control Module, which controls
and monitors the engine and runs the alarm system.
The Display Module is integrated into the door of the Control Unit. At the
touchscreen of the Display Module, the engine can be operated and operat-
ing values are displayed. A PLC for the safety system is integrated into the
Display Module.

3 System description
2016-08-09 - 2.5

1 Control Module S 2 Display Module

Figure 4: Interior view of the Control Unit

SaCoS_one GENSET, Operating Instructions, EN 33 (171)

3 MAN Diesel & Turbo

Additional control devices are integrated into the door for the purpose of
3.4 System design for L16/24, L21/31 and L27/38

transferring operating rights and controlling the engine speed.

1 Touchscreen 3 Selector switch Lower/Raise

2 Selector switch Local/ 4 Emergency stop button

Figure 5: Exterior view of the Control Unit

3.4.2 Connection Box

The 24 V DC voltage supply is connected in the Connection Box. Further-
more, potential-free contacts are available. Voltages up to 230 V AC are pos-

Hazard of electric shock!

When working with electrical systems, direct contact with live
components or flash-over voltage may lead to an electric shock and
subsequently to cardiac arrhythmia. Other consequences may be
severe burnings as well as injuries caused by uncontrolled body
Apply the five safety rules (according to DIN EN 50110) before
commencing work in order to eliminate this hazard.
• Disconnect (all poles).
• Prevent from reconnecting.
• Ensure that there is no live voltage.
3 System description

• Earth and short-circuit.

• Cover and block off any adjacent live components.
2016-08-09 - 2.5

The Connection Box is the interface between the Control Unit and GenSet,
the ship's alarm system and the optional crankcase monitoring. A bag for the
storage of documents is located at the inside of the door. The power supply
module supplies the system redundantly with voltage. If the power supply is
working correctly, this is indicated by the message "Redundant voltage sup-
ply O.K.".

34 (171) SaCoS_one GENSET, Operating Instructions, EN

MAN Diesel & Turbo 3

3.4 System design for L16/24, L21/31 and L27/38

Figure 6: Interior view of the Connection Box

Figure 7: Exterior view of the Connection Box

3.4.3 Variations
With SaCoSone GENSET the sensor equipment is the same for all generators
used. Only Pt-1000 sensors are used for monitoring the winding and bearing
temperatures of the generator, so there are no variations.
3 System description
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SaCoS_one GENSET, Operating Instructions, EN 35 (171)

3 MAN Diesel & Turbo
3.5 System design for L32/40

3.4.4 Block diagram

Figure 8: Block diagram of SaCoSone for the engines L16/24, L21/31 and L27/38

3.5 System design for L32/40

With the L32/40 engine, SaCoSone GENSET is installed in a control cabinet.

3.5.1 Control Unit

3 System description

The Control Unit includes a highly integrated Control Module, which controls
and monitors the engine and runs the alarm system.
The Display Module is integrated into the door of the Control Unit. At the
touchscreen of the Display Module, the engine can be operated and operat-
2016-08-09 - 2.5

ing values are displayed. A PLC for the safety system is integrated into the
Display Module.
Additional control devices are integrated into the door for the purpose of
transferring operating rights and controlling the engine speed.

36 (171) SaCoS_one GENSET, Operating Instructions, EN

MAN Diesel & Turbo 3

3.5 System design for L32/40

Figure 9: Control Unit for L32/40

3 System description

The 24 V DC voltage supply for the entire system is connected at the Control
Unit. The Control Unit is the interface between GenSet, the external control
system and the optional crankcase monitoring.
The control cabinet key is attached to the right side wall of the Local Operat-
2016-08-09 - 2.5

ing Panel.

SaCoS_one GENSET, Operating Instructions, EN 37 (171)

3 MAN Diesel & Turbo
3.5 System design for L32/40

3.5.2 VIT cabinet

The L32/40 features Variable Injection Timing (VIT) in order to reduce emis-
sions during partial load operation. Depending on the engine load or position
of the filling linkage, the VIT changes the fuel injection timing by adjusting the
injection camshaft.
This unit is only available with the Wema-VIT.

Figure 10: VIT Cabinet

3.5.3 Block diagram

3 System description

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Figure 11: Block diagram of SaCoSone for the engine L32/40

38 (171) SaCoS_one GENSET, Operating Instructions, EN

MAN Diesel & Turbo 3

3.6 System structure for L32/44

3.6 System structure for L32/44
The System comprises the Control Unit, the Local Operating Panel (LOP) and
an Interface Cabinet (IC).

3.6.1 Control Unit

With the L32/44 engine, the Control Unit is installed in a control cabinet at
the engine.

3 System description
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Figure 12: Control Unit for 32/44

The Control Unit includes a highly integrated Control Module, which controls
and monitors the engine and runs the alarm system.

SaCoS_one GENSET, Operating Instructions, EN 39 (171)

3 MAN Diesel & Turbo

The 24 V DC voltage supply for the entire system is connected at the Control
3.6 System structure for L32/44


3.6.2 Local Operating Panel

The Local Operating Panel is installed directly at the engine.
At the touchscreen of the Local Operating Panel, the engine can be operated
and operating values are displayed.

Figure 13: Local Operating Panel for 32/44

3 System description

Additional control devices are integrated into the Local Operating Panel for
the purpose of transferring operating rights and controlling the engine speed.
The control cabinet key is attached to the right side wall of the Local Operat-
ing Panel.
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3.6.3 Interface Cabinet

The Interface Cabinet acts as communication interface between GenSet, the
superordinate plant control system and the plant supply system.

40 (171) SaCoS_one GENSET, Operating Instructions, EN

MAN Diesel & Turbo 3

The Interface Cabinet also controls the 24 V DC voltage supply and distribu-

3.6 System structure for L32/44

tion. 24 V DC are fed from the voltage distribution board of the plant/ship
into the Interface Cabinet.

3 System description

Figure 14: Interface Cabinet for L32/44

The Interface Cabinet also contains the components for the VVT control.
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SaCoS_one GENSET, Operating Instructions, EN 41 (171)

3 MAN Diesel & Turbo
3.6 System structure for L32/44

3.6.4 Block diagram

Figure 15: Block diagram of SaCoSone for the engine L32/44

3 System description

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42 (171) SaCoS_one GENSET, Operating Instructions, EN

MAN Diesel & Turbo 4

4 Installation

4.1 Installation requirements

4.1 Installation requirements

4.1.1 Storage and transportation conditions

The following requirements must be met:
▪ Ambient temperature: -10°C ... +60°C
▪ Relative humidity: < 96 %

If these conditions cannot be met, suitable measures must be taken to pro-

tect the electronic components from climatic effects.

4.1.2 Transporting and unpacking control cabinets (only with L32/44)

The control cabinets are delivered in a transport crate and are secured
against slipping and damage. The control cabinets should therefore be kept
in the transport crate until just before they are installed.

Danger due to suspended loads!

The control cabinets weigh roughly 350 kg. Severe injuries can occur if
the control cabinets topple or fall during shipment.
• Whenever possible, lift the control cabinets via the lifting eye bolts on
the top using a crane and suitable lifting tackle.
• If you move the control cabinets with a forklift truck, suitable safety
precautions must always be taken to ensure that they do not shift or
topple over.
• Wear a helmet!
• Wear safety shoes!

Cable pull angle when Always use a crane to remove the cabinets from the transport crate and for
shipping with a crane transportation. Lifting eye bolts are installed on the top of the cabinets for this
purpose. The following permissible total loads must be observed when lifting
with a crane:
▪ with cable pull angle ∢45°: 4800 N
▪ with cable pull angle ∢60°: 6400 N
▪ with cable pull angle ∢90°: 13600 N
Transportation with a forklift If the cabinets are transported with a forklift truck, the plinth panels must be
truck installed. Load may only be applied in the area of the plinth feet and the cabi-
net must be secured to prevent it from shifting and tilting on the fork.
4 Installation
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4.1.3 Installation site (only for L32/44)

The Interface Cabinet is designed for the installation in machine rooms and
machine control rooms.

SaCoS_one GENSET, Operating Instructions, EN 43 (171)

4 MAN Diesel & Turbo

The foundations at the installation site must be sufficiently solid to be able to

4.1 Installation requirements

bear the weight of the Interface Cabinet.

The Interface Cabinet must be screwed to the ground.
It must be possible to carry out inspections at the installation site.
If the Interface Cabinet is to be installed at a wall, the distance between the
wall and the Interface Cabinet must be at least 100 mm to render air convec-
tion possible. If the Interface Cabinet is installed in machine rooms, it must be
supplied with fresh air via the machine room ventilation system in order to
guarantee sufficient cooling.

4.1.4 Installation
Make sure that the environmental conditions are complied with during the
installation. The cabinets must be protected against water, dust and fire dur-
ing the installation work.
Do not carry out welding work near the cabinets. If welding work is unavoida-
ble, the operating panels must be protected from heat, current and electro-
magnetic interference. To protect the cabinet from electrical current, the
entire cabling must be isolated from the components as long as the welding
work is carried out.
The control cabinets must be screwed to the floor or the walls.
The installation of additional components into the devices is not permitted.

4.1.5 Cabling

Untrained and unqualified personnel!

The following described procedures require a specific level of prior
electrical knowledge. If the work is carried out by unqualified persons,
it might result in severe physical injuries and material damage!
• Cable installation and maintenance must only be carried out by
qualified electricians.
• Never undertake tasks that are beyond the scope of your personal
• Prevent access of unauthorised persons.
4 Installation

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44 (171) SaCoS_one GENSET, Operating Instructions, EN

MAN Diesel & Turbo 4

Hazard of electric shock!

4.1 Installation requirements

When working with electrical systems, direct contact with live
components or flash-over voltage may lead to an electric shock and
subsequently to cardiac arrhythmia. Other consequences may be
severe burnings as well as injuries caused by uncontrolled body
Apply the five safety rules (according to DIN EN 50110) before
commencing work in order to eliminate this hazard.
• Disconnect (all poles).
• Prevent from reconnecting.
• Ensure that there is no live voltage.
• Earth and short-circuit.
• Cover and block off any adjacent live components.

Damage due to incorrect voltage!

The plant installer must configure and connect the voltage supply for
the control system as specified in the circuit diagram, as otherwise
there is a risk of malfunctions and damage inside the control cabinet.
• Observe the specifications in the circuit diagram!

The following basic principles must be observed when installing the cabling:
▪ The rules of electromagnetic compatibility must be observed when instal-
ling the cables between the engine and the control cabinets. Control
cables and power cables must be routed in separate cable ducts.
▪ The cable length between the engine and the control cabinets must not
exceed 60 metres.
▪ Only use shielded cables for the cabling of the sensors. The shields must
be connected to the terminals. Keep unshielded cables as short as pos-
▪ Each control cabinet must be earthed via the ship's earth or the on-site
potential bonding conductor.
▪ The Control Unit must be earthed using an earthing strip (scope of sup-
ply, licensee).
▪ The control cabinets are equipped with spring-type terminals. The entire
cabling to external systems must be installed without wire end ferrules.
▪ The redundant CAN cables are part of the scope of supply of MAN Die-
sel & Turbo SE. If, however, the cables are procured by the customer,
they must have an impedance of 120 Ω.

Refer to the cabling plan!

4 Installation
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For further details refer to the cabling plan and the cabling guidelines.

SaCoS_one GENSET, Operating Instructions, EN 45 (171)

4 MAN Diesel & Turbo
4.2 Technical data

4.2 Technical data

4.2.1 Operating conditions

The following requirements must be met:
▪ Ambient temperature: 0°C ... +55°C
▪ Relative humidity: < 96 %
▪ Vibrations: < 0,7 g off-engine components, < 4 g on-engine components

If the ambient temperature limits cannot be adhered to,the SaCoS cabinets

must be ordered with the optional air-conditioning system.

4.2.2 SaCoSone GENSET for L16/24

Dimensions and weight

System dimensions for L16/24

Width 400 mm

Height 480 mm

Length 869 mm

Overall length 902 mm

Weight 60 kg
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46 (171) SaCoS_one GENSET, Operating Instructions, EN

MAN Diesel & Turbo 4

4.2 Technical data

4.2.3 SaCoSone GENSET for L21/31

Dimensions and weight

System dimensions for L21/31

Width 400 mm

Height 565 mm

Length 1168 mm

Overall length 1201 mm

Weight 60 kg

4.2.4 SaCoSone GENSET for L27/38

Dimensions and weight

System dimensions for L27/38

Width 400 mm

Height 480 mm

Length 1323 mm

Overall length 1354 mm

Weight 65 kg
4 Installation
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SaCoS_one GENSET, Operating Instructions, EN 47 (171)

4 MAN Diesel & Turbo
4.2 Technical data

4.2.5 SaCoSone GENSET for L32/40

Dimensions and weight of

the Control Unit
4 Installation

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System dimensions for L32/40

48 (171) SaCoS_one GENSET, Operating Instructions, EN

MAN Diesel & Turbo 4

Width 380 mm

4.2 Technical data

Height 1000 mm

Length 210 mm

Overall length 243 mm

Weight 70 kg

4 Installation
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SaCoS_one GENSET, Operating Instructions, EN 49 (171)

4 MAN Diesel & Turbo
4.2 Technical data

4.2.6 SaCoSone GENSET for L32/44

Dimensions and weight of

the Control Unit
4 Installation

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50 (171) SaCoS_one GENSET, Operating Instructions, EN

MAN Diesel & Turbo 4

Figure 16: System dimensions of the Control Unit for L32/44

4.2 Technical data

Width 380 mm

Height 1200 mm

Length 210 mm

Weight 26 kg

Dimensions and weight of

the Local Operating Panel

Figure 17: System dimensions of the Local Operating Panel for L32/44

Width 380 mm

Height 480 mm

Length 260 mm

Weight 15 kg

Dimensions and weight of

4 Installation
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the Interface Cabinet

SaCoS_one GENSET, Operating Instructions, EN 51 (171)

4 MAN Diesel & Turbo
4.2 Technical data

Figure 18: System dimensions of the Interface Cabinet for L32/44

Width 800 mm

Height 2100 mm

Length 600 mm

Weight 210 kg
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52 (171) SaCoS_one GENSET, Operating Instructions, EN

MAN Diesel & Turbo 4

4.3 Connecting the SaCoSone GENSET

4.3 Connecting the SaCoSone GENSET

Unqualified personnel!
In order to carry out the procedures explained below, some prior
knowledge of electrical engineering is required. If this work is carried
out by unqualified persons, this could result in severe physical injury
and material damage!
• Cables may only be installed by qualified electricians!
• Never undertake tasks if you are not sure whether you have the
necessary personal knowledge or experience!
• Prevent access and participation by unauthorised persons!

4.3.1 Modbus connection to ship's alarm system

SaCoSone GENSET features a Modbus interface to the ship's alarm system.
This interface can be configured as RS485 (Modbus RTU) or RS422 (Mod-
bus ASCII). The standard configuration is RS485.

RS485 For an RS485 connection, contacts AE and AG and contacts AF and AH

must be bridged at the connecting plug.
Two wires (RX/TX H and RX/TX L) are required to establish the cable con-
nection between SaCoSone GENSET and the ship's alarm system. A termi-
nating resistor (120 Ω) must be placed between RX/TX H and RX/TX L.

RS422 For RS422, the bridging connections between AE and AG and between AF
and AH must be removed. Four wires (TX H, TX L, RX H, RX L) are required
for the cable installation between SaCoSone GENSET and the ship's alarm
system. A terminating resistor (120 Ω) must be placed between RX/TX H and

Further information!
For additional information refer to the circuit diagram, the terminal list
and the SaCoSone GENSET interface description.

Modbus simulation It is possible to simulate Modbus data with the SaCoSone Expert. With the
parameter 29473 "Modbus address", any Modbus index can be selected.
The parameter 29474 "Modbus value" indicates the value of the given Mod-
bus address. This value can be changed. The adjusted value is transferred to
4 Installation
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the given address.

SaCoS_one GENSET, Operating Instructions, EN 53 (171)

4 MAN Diesel & Turbo
4.3 Connecting the SaCoSone GENSET

4.3.2 Connection with other external systems

The connection to other external systems is described in the following docu-
▪ Circuit diagram
▪ Terminal list

4.3.3 Connecting the power supply

Unqualified personnel!
In order to carry out the procedures explained below, some prior
knowledge of electrical engineering is required. If this work is carried
out by unqualified persons, this could result in severe physical injury
and material damage!
• Cable installation and maintenance may only be carried out by
qualified electricians!
• Never undertake tasks if you are not sure whether you have the
necessary personal knowledge or experience!
• Prevent access and participation by unauthorised persons!

Risk of destroying modules due to wrong polarity!

Wrong polarity of the power supply may destroy the SaCoSone
• Check the polarity before supplying SaCoSone with power!
• Do not supply SaCoSone with power before having ensured that the
polarity is correct!

Further information!
For further information refer to the circuit diagram, the terminal list and
the SaCoSone GENSET interface description.

Power supply engine types SaCoSone GENSET is connected to a redundant 24 V DC power supply. It
L16/24, L21/31, L27/28, comprises a 24 V DC power supply and an uninterruptible 24 V DC power
L32/40 supply, which each have to be guarded with a 10 A backup fuse (power sup-
ply not within the MAN Diesel&Turbo scope of supply), and a redundancy
module. This power supply supplies the alarm system and the safety system.
4 Installation

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54 (171) SaCoS_one GENSET, Operating Instructions, EN

MAN Diesel & Turbo 4

Block circuit diagram for

4.3 Connecting the SaCoSone GENSET

L16/24, L21/31 and L27/38

Figure 19: Power supply of SaCoSone GENSET for L16/24, L21/31 and L27/38

4 Installation
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SaCoS_one GENSET, Operating Instructions, EN 55 (171)

4 MAN Diesel & Turbo

Block circuit diagram for

4.3 Connecting the SaCoSone GENSET


Figure 20: Power supply of SaCoSone GENSET for L32/40

Power supply of engine type The Interface Cabinet controls the 24 V DC power supply and distribution for
L32/44 SaCoSone GENSET. 24 V DC are fed from the power distribution board of the
plant/ship into the Interface Cabinet.
The 230 V AC power supply for the control cabinet lighting/air conditioning
system as well as the 400-480 V AC power supply for electrical pumps and
other consumers at the engine are fed into the Interface Cabinet as well.
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56 (171) SaCoS_one GENSET, Operating Instructions, EN

MAN Diesel & Turbo 4

Block circuit diagram for

4.4 Adjusting the actuator of the speed governor


Figure 21: Power supply of SaCoSone GENSET for L32/44

4.4 Adjusting the actuator of the speed governor

4.4.1 Mechanical settings

Once the actuator has been installed at the engine and the backlash has
been adjusted to 0,2-0,3 mm (0,008-0,012 inches), the filling linkage must be
The following conditions must be met in this case:
1. The fuel pump must be at "0" and the indicator at the actuator must
show "0 %".
2. The fuel pump must be at the 100 % load position and the indicator at
4 Installation
2016-08-09 - 2.5

the actuator must show "80 %".

SaCoS_one GENSET, Operating Instructions, EN 57 (171)

4 MAN Diesel & Turbo

Component between the actuator and the filling linkage!

4.4 Adjusting the actuator of the speed governor

If there is an elastic component between the actuator and the filling

linkage, this must not be compressed under any circumstances when
the settings are being made!

4.4.2 Electronic settings

1. Start the engine and bring it up to nominal speed without applying load.
2. Press the button MISC. in the MAIN MENU.

The menu MISC is displayed.

3. Press the button PARAMETERS SETTING.

4. Repeatedly press the button NEXT in the navigation bar until the menu
page GOVERNOR PARAMETERS 5/6 is displayed.

The page GOVERNOR PARAMETERS is displayed.

4 Installation

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5. Read the ACTUATOR SETPOINT value.

58 (171) SaCoS_one GENSET, Operating Instructions, EN

MAN Diesel & Turbo 4

6. Enter this value into the field FUEL QUANTITY AT IDLE.

4.4 Adjusting the actuator of the speed governor

7. Press the ENTER button to confirm the value input.
The value is saved automatically and the on-screen keyboard disap-
8. Bring the engine load up to 100 % nominal power and speed.
9. Read the ACTUATOR SETPOINT value.
10. Enter this value in the field FUEL QUANTITY AT FULL LOAD via the on-
screen keyboard.
11. Press the ENTER button to confirm the value input.
The value is saved automatically and the on-screen keyboard disap-

Refer to the status bar!

If all settings have been made correctly, the FUEL INDEX displayed in
the status bar will be exactly 100 % at 100 % engine load and nominal

4 Installation
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SaCoS_one GENSET, Operating Instructions, EN 59 (171)

MAN Diesel & Turbo 5

5 Software & parameters

5.1 Adjusting the speed governor parameters

5.1 Adjusting the speed governor parameters
The engine manufacturer can adjust the parameters for speed control at the

The speed parameters are pre-adjusted!

• The speed governor parameters are pre-adjusted. Only change
these parameters if it is absolutely necessary!
• The parameters can be changed when the engine is running.

5.1.1 List of parameters

The following table gives an overview of the speed governor parameters.
Parameter PAR Category Description Values
Rate: Auto-Up 52202 Start This parameter specifies the rate at which Min. = 0,1
the engine speed is increased per second rpm/s
during the engine start. Max. = 50

Start Fuel: Quantity 1 55111 Start This parameter specifies the fuel quantity (in Min. = 0 %
percentage terms) that is injected during the Max. = 60 %
engine start.

Start Fuel: Quantity 2 55112 Start If the starting speed is not reached within Min. = 0 %
the specified period, the speed control Max. = 100 %
changes to Start Fuel Quantity 2. The
engine speeds up to this fuel quantity until
the starting speed is reached.

Speed Governor P Adjust- 54001 Speed gov- This parameter is used to adjust the actua- Min. = 50 %
ment ernor tor speed. Max. = 150 %
dynamic Value <100 %: Actuator responds more
Value >100 %: Actuator responds more
5 Software & parameters


Speed Governor I Adjust- 54011 Speed gov- This parameter is used to adjust the actua- Min. = 50 %
ment ernor tor speed. Max. = 150 %
dynamic Value <100 %: Actuator responds more
Value >100 %: Actuator responds more
2016-08-09 - 2.5


Rate: Digital Speed Setting 52214 Load sharing This parameter determines the rate at which Min. = 0,1
the speed increases/decreases when con- rpm/s
trolled digitally. Max. = 20

SaCoS_one GENSET, Operating Instructions, EN 61 (171)

5 MAN Diesel & Turbo

Parameter PAR Category Description Values

5.1 Adjusting the speed governor parameters

Fuel Quantity at Idle 53001 Load sharing This parameter defines the quantity of fuel Min. = 0 %
injected at idle. Max. = 40 %

Fuel Quantity at Full Load 53002 Load sharing This parameter defines the quantity of fuel Min. = 60 %
injected at full load. Max. = 100 %

Droop Value Digital Speed 53101 Load sharing This parameter defines the droop value for Min. = 0 %
Set engine speed control in droop mode. Max. = 10 %

Droop Value Analog Speed 53102 Load sharing This parameter defines the droop value for Min. = 0 %
Set engine speed control in analogue speed set- Max. = 10 %
point operation.
The engine operates in droop mode, as long
as this value is set to 0.

Maximum fuel limit 55501 Limiter This parameter defines the maximum quan- Min. = 0 %
tity of injected fuel. Max. = 100 %

Jump Rate Limiter: Jump 55602 Limiter This parameter limits the maximum increase Min. = 5 %
Limit of injected fuel quantity during a load appli- Max. = 100 %
cation step.

Jump Rate Limiter: Unlimit 55603 Limiter This parameter defines the rate (in percent- Min. = 5 % per
Rate age terms) at which the fuel quantity increa- second
ses, once the jump limit (55602) has been Max. = 1000 %
reached. per second

Maximum speed limit 52105 52105 Real This parameter defines the maximum engine min. = 100 rpm
(Maximum speed) Overspeed speed limit. max. = 2000
test rpm

Engine overspeed limit 52106 Real over- This parameter defines the engine over- Engine over-
(Overspeed) speed speed limit. speed limit =
test Engine overspeed limit 1,15 * Nominal
= 1.15 * Nominal engine speed. engine speed.

Droop by Power: 53122 Alternator This parameter defines the rated engine min. = -10000
High Reference load power (KW with 100 % engine load). The kW
engine control uses this value for determin- max. = 30000
ing the engine load if the alternator signal is kW
5 Software & parameters

Generator Power: 59111 Alternator Activation of channel AI_10. Alternator

Available load power signal.
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62 (171) SaCoS_one GENSET, Operating Instructions, EN

MAN Diesel & Turbo 5

Parameter PAR Category Description Values

5.1 Adjusting the speed governor parameters

Generator Power: 59221 Alternator Low reference of the 4...20 mA signal at Alternator
Low Ref load AI_10. The value displayed here at 4 mA power:
must be configured. 4 mA = none
Negative values are valid as well. power output

Generator Power: 59222 Alternator High reference of the 4...20 mA signal at Alternator
High Ref load AI_10. The value displayed here at 20 mA power:
must be configured. 20 mA = max.
Both reference parameters are provided by power output
the Generator Power Management System. (KW)

5.1.2 Detailed parameter description

Rate: Auto-Up This parameter determines the increase of the engine speed from the
moment on, when the engine has reached ignition speed until it reaches
nominal speed. The acceleration of the engine to nominal speed can be
interrupted by holding the rotary switch LOWER/RAISE at the Control Unit in
the position LOWER.

Start Fuel: Quantity 1 This parameter determines the fuel quantity (in percentage terms) that is
injected during the engine start. This value may only be raised cautiously as a
high fuel quantity can lead to soot formation during the engine start.

Start Fuel: Quantity 2 If the starting speed cannot be reached within the specified period of time,
the speed control changes to Start Fuel Quantity 2. The engine speeds up to
this fuel quantity, until the starting speed has been reached. This value may
only be raised cautiously because a high fuel quantity can lead to soot for-
mation during the engine start.

Speed Governor P This parameter defines the proportion of the PID controller. With the PID con-
Adjustment troller, the speed can be controlled in proportion to the setpoint.
If the P part is set too high, the actuator runs in a jerking movement because
the speed control is readjusting too often.
If the P part is set too low, the actuator reacts too slowly. If the engine load is
increased, engine speed will sharply drop. If the engine load is reduced,
5 Software & parameters

engine overspeed might occur.

Adjustment of the P part!

Adjust the P part in small steps.
2016-08-09 - 2.5

SaCoS_one GENSET, Operating Instructions, EN 63 (171)

5 MAN Diesel & Turbo

Speed Governor I- This parameter defines the integral part of the PID controller. The I part
5.1 Adjusting the speed governor parameters

Adjustment adjusts the control variable in such a way that the control deviation reaches
the setpoint in a specified period of time. The I part changes the ramp that
adjusts deviations.
If the I part is set too high, long-wave oscillations of the filling occur in grid
operation. If the I part is set too low, the control deviation lasts considerably

Rate: Digital Speed Setting This parameter defines the increase/decrease of the speed when it is con-
trolled digitally.
If the value is set too high, grid synchronisation is more complicated.
If the value is set too low, load applications/reductions take longer.

Fuel Quantity at Idle This parameter defines the quantity of the fuel injected at idle.
If the value is set too high or too low, deviations and inaccuracies may occur
in the load calculation. This can lead to errors of the control of load-depend-
ent functions, e.g. of the VIT.

Fuel Quantity at Full Load This parameter defines the quantity of fuel injected at full load.
If the value is set too high or too low, deviations and inaccuracies may occur
in the load calculation. This can lead to errors of the control of load-depend-
ent functions, e.g. of the VIT.

Droop Value Digital Speed This parameter defines the permissible frequency deviation for the load con-
Set trol.
If the value is set too high, the frequency deviation might become to high.
If the value is set too low, the load sharing system becomes unstable.

Droop Value Analog Speed This parameter defines the permissible frequency deviation for the load con-
Set trol.
If the value is set too high, the frequency deviation might become to high.
If the value is set too low, the load sharing system becomes unstable.
With isochronous load sharing, the value must be set to zero.
5 Software & parameters

Maximum fuel limit This parameter defines the maximum quantity of injected fuel. This limit
affects all areas, e.g. also the engine start.
This value is also the limit value for engine operation with full load. This
means that, if the value is set too low, the engine may not be able to run with
full load.
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Jump Rate Limiter: Jump This parameter limits the maximum increase of injected fuel quantity during a
Limit load application.
If the value is set too high, the engine may not be able to manage the load
step as it has not been designed for it. The maximum value for load applica-
tion can be found in the engine-specific Project Guide.

64 (171) SaCoS_one GENSET, Operating Instructions, EN

MAN Diesel & Turbo 5

Jump Rate Limiter: Unlimit This parameter defines the percentage rate of the increase of the fuel quan-

5.1 Adjusting the speed governor parameters

Rate tity (defined ramp) after the "jump limit" has been reached.

Adjusting the speed range!

When operating with additional devices (e.g. pump), it is necessary to
leave the limited speed range. Parameter 29593 is used to switch from
limited speed range to full speed range, for further information, refer to
chapter "Parametrizing with SaCoS_one_ EXPERT".

5.1.3 Adjusting the speed governor parameters

1. Press the button PARAMETERS SETTING in the menu MISC.

2. Repeatedly press NEXT until the page GOVERNOR PARAMETERS (page

5/6) appears.

5 Software & parameters

3. Press the parameter value that is to be changed.

The on-screen keyboard appears.
4. Enter a valid value (refer to "List of parameters, Page 61").
5. Press ENTER.
2016-08-09 - 2.5

The value is saved automatically.

Restoring pre-adjusted The pre-adjusted parameters can easily be restored by pressing the button

SaCoS_one GENSET, Operating Instructions, EN 65 (171)

5 MAN Diesel & Turbo

1. Press the button RESTORE DEFAULT SETTING in the menu GOVER-

5.2 Software and parameter backup


2. Press YES in the displayed window to confirm the restoration.

Special feature The button RESTORE DEFAULT SETTING starts flashing whenever a new
parameter set is loaded with SaCoSone EXPERT. Carry out the following
steps in order to take the new parameters over:
1. Press the button RESTORE DEFAULT SETTING.
2. Press YES in the displayed window to confirm the new parameters.
Press NO to keep the old values.
In both cases, the button stops flashing.

5.2 Software and parameter backup

SaCoSone GENSET supports software backups via the SaCoSone DEVICE
MANAGER. The backups are saved as sdi files and require a special USB
stick. This USB stick is part of the SaCoSone TOOLBOX. For each module,
the SaCoSone DEVICE MANAGER creates a separate image file containing
the module software and the module parameters.

Loss of data can cause engine breakdown!

After replacing a defective module, it may not be possible to restore
the latest parameters. The parameters control the most important
engine functions. Incorrectly set or missing parameters might,
therefore, cause problems with the engine operation.
Perform a backup of the parameters to ensure easy restoration of the
parameters after exchanging a module.
• Document parameter changes in the tables of the chapter
"Documentation of engine configuration, Page 71".
• As soon as a parameter is changed, a backup is required.
5 Software & parameters

Use the MAN Diesel Service Stick!

The procedure described here will only work when using the MAN
Diesel Service Stick.
Do not use this USB stick to store other data.

Performing a backup
2016-08-09 - 2.5

Make sure that all CAN cables of the system bus are connected and that the
power supply is switched on before starting the backup.
1. PLug the MAN Diesel Service Stick into the USB port on the bottom of
the Display Module.
The system now automatically saves image files for all modules on the
stick in sdi format. This process can take several minutes. The progress
is displayed at the top right side of the screen.

66 (171) SaCoS_one GENSET, Operating Instructions, EN

MAN Diesel & Turbo 5

2. Once the process is finished, a corresponding message is displayed and

5.2 Software and parameter backup

the MAN Diesel Service Stick can be removed.
3. Enter all parameters in the corresponding standard form as displayed in
the menu GOVERNOR PARAMETERS (refer to chapter "Documentation
of engine configuration, Page 71").

5 Software & parameters

2016-08-09 - 2.5

SaCoS_one GENSET, Operating Instructions, EN 67 (171)

MAN Diesel & Turbo 6

6 Configuration

6.1 Configuration of the Modbus interface

6.1 Configuration of the Modbus interface
SaCoSone GENSET allows the configuration of the interface with the ship's
alarm system via Modbus RTU or Modbus ASCII.

Selection of the The required Modbus protocol can be selected in the menu PARAMETERS
Modbus protocol SETTING.

1. Press the button MISC. in the MAIN MENU.

The menu MISC. is displayed.

2. Press the button PARAMETERS SETTING.

The menu PARAMETERS is displayed.

3. Repeatedly press the button NEXT in the navigation bar to go to page

The menu PLC PARAMETERS is displayed.

6 Configuration
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SaCoS_one GENSET, Operating Instructions, EN 69 (171)

6 MAN Diesel & Turbo

4. Press ASCII or RTU to select the required Modbus protocol.

6.1 Configuration of the Modbus interface

The LED indicates which Modbus protocol has been selected. In the
example above Modbus RTU has been selected, the LED is illuminated
in green. If Modbus ASCII is selected, the LED is illuminated in blue.
Setting the Modbus Node ID The Modbus Node ID can be set via the on-screen keyboard.
1. Tap on the white input field in the line MODBUS NODE ID. The on-screen
keyboard appears.
2. Enter a value.
3. Confirm the input by pressing the Enter button on the on-screen key-
The value is saved automatically.
Setting the parity bit The parity bit can be set via buttons:

Press this button to deactivate the parity bit.

Press this button to use an even parity bit.

Press this button to use an odd parity bit.

Setting the baud rate The baud rate can be set via buttons:

Press this button to set the baud rate to 4800 bd.

Press this button to set the baud rate to 9600 bd.

Press this button to set the baud rate to 19200 bd.

6 Configuration

Press this button to set the baud rate to 38400 bd.

2016-08-09 - 2.5

70 (171) SaCoS_one GENSET, Operating Instructions, EN

MAN Diesel & Turbo 6

Press this button to set the baud rate to 57600 bd.

6.2 Documentation of engine configuration

Press this button to set the baud rate to 115200 bd.

Document parameter changes!

Parameter changes must be entered in the table in the chapter
"Documentation of engine configuration, Page 71".

6.2 Documentation of engine configuration

The configuration of the engine parameters must be documented after the
factory acceptance test. The relevant parameters are displayed on the
screen page of the parameter setting.

Documentation of parameters
Incorrect parameters can lead to malfunctions during engine
operation. It is therefore helpful to print the following pages and note
down the values shown on the touchscreen.

Displaying the parameters The parameters are displayed in the menu PARAMETERS. Press the button
PARAMETERS SETTING in the menu MISC. The first screen page of the
menu PARAMETERS is displayed. Use the NEXT button to display the rest of
the pages.

6 Configuration
2016-08-09 - 2.5

SaCoS_one GENSET, Operating Instructions, EN 71 (171)

6 MAN Diesel & Turbo
6.2 Documentation of engine configuration

6.2.1 Parameters on page 1 of 6

Transferring parameter values!

Transfer the values displayed on the screen page to the table.

Parameter Parameter Value

Engine application 13903

Engine type 13902


Cyl. No. 13901


Classification 13905

Engine power 53122

(Rated engine power kW)
6 Configuration

Nominal engine speed 13907

2016-08-09 - 2.5

(rpm) 29507

TC speed alarm limit 21531


Alt. front bearing temp. alarm limit 22004


72 (171) SaCoS_one GENSET, Operating Instructions, EN

MAN Diesel & Turbo 6

Parameter Parameter Value

6.2 Documentation of engine configuration

Alt. rear bearing temp. alarm limit 22007

Alt. winding temp. alarm limit 22024


Alt. winding temp. filter time 22027


Alt. cooling air alarm lim. 22015


VIT function type 29590

Alt. synchronisation speed (rpm) 24032

Fuel oil filter diff.-press. alarm lim. 22099


Fuel oil SW-over time (s) 29349

Fuel oil engine in SW temp.(°C) 29350

Remote shutdown delay (ms) 11961

Pulses per revolution (turbocharger speed sensor) 29517

Max. scale engine speed indication 21553

Max. scale TC speed indication 21555

Alt. power signal - scale min. (kW) 59221

Alt. power signal - scale max. (kW) 59222

6.2.2 Parameters on page 2 of 4

6 Configuration
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SaCoS_one GENSET, Operating Instructions, EN 73 (171)

6 MAN Diesel & Turbo

Indicate the status!

6.2 Documentation of engine configuration

Indicate the displayed status in this table.

If the LED on the page is green, the parameter is set to TRUE. If the LED is
grey, the parameter is set to FALSE.
Parameter Parameter Value
OMD function 13929

CCMON function 13931

External alt. temperatures 29567


Alternator cooling water leakage alarm 29256

Lube oil pressure alt. bearing low alarm 29345

Analogue speed setpoint 29573

TC speed pick up inductive type 29518

Nozzle cooling 29572

6 Configuration

2016-08-09 - 2.5

MGO operation 29520

74 (171) SaCoS_one GENSET, Operating Instructions, EN

MAN Diesel & Turbo 6

Parameter Parameter Value

6.2 Documentation of engine configuration

Power output: 350 kW/cyl. 29575

Ambient air temperature 28909

Ambient air pressure 28761

Alt. power signal 59111

Charge air relief valve 13932

Charge air shut off valve 13933

Charge air blow off flap 29547

Charge air pre-heater 29565

Analogue speed setpoint - range switch over 29593

Jet assist 29546

6 Configuration
2016-08-09 - 2.5

Jet assist at start 29555

SaCoS_one GENSET, Operating Instructions, EN 75 (171)

6 MAN Diesel & Turbo

Parameter Parameter Value

6.2 Documentation of engine configuration

Gali starter used 29574

Emergency stop test at start 24031

External start blocking 24006

Exhaust gas temperature control 24420

6.2.3 Parameters on page 3 of 6

6 Configuration

Indicate the status!

2016-08-09 - 2.5

Indicate the displayed status in this table.

If the LED on the page is green, the parameter is set to TRUE. If the LED is
grey, the parameter is set to FALSE.

76 (171) SaCoS_one GENSET, Operating Instructions, EN

MAN Diesel & Turbo 6

Parameter Parameter Value

6.2 Documentation of engine configuration

Sd. start/stop air pressure low 12981

Sd. lub. oil temp. eng. inl. high 13205

Red. lub. oil temp. eng. inl. high 13206

Red. cyl.lub no flow 13440

Lube oil temp. TC high alarm 28953

Red. exh.gas temp.high 13103

Red. exh.gas temp MVD 13104

Red. exh.gas inl. high 13112

Sd. HT CW press. eng. inl. low 13000

Red. HT CW press. eng. Inl. low 13001

6 Configuration
2016-08-09 - 2.5

Red. HT CW temp. eng. out high 13177

SaCoS_one GENSET, Operating Instructions, EN 77 (171)

6 MAN Diesel & Turbo

Parameter Parameter Value

6.2 Documentation of engine configuration

HT CW temp. engine inlet low alarm 28933

LT CW temp. high alarm 28923

6.2.4 Parameters on page 4 of 6

Transferring parameter values!

Transfer the values displayed on the screen page to the table.

Parameter Parameter Value

6 Configuration

Input nr: alternator cooling air temp. 28425

2016-08-09 - 2.5

Input nr: ambient air temp. 28409

Input nr: lube oil TC temp. 28426

Output nr: engine speed 21553

Output nr: TC speed 21555

78 (171) SaCoS_one GENSET, Operating Instructions, EN

MAN Diesel & Turbo 6

Parameter Parameter Value

6.2 Documentation of engine configuration

Output nr: engine load 53122

Output nr: Waste Gate 28353

6.2.5 Parameters on page 5 of 6 (governor parameters)

Transferring parameter values!

Transfer the values displayed on the screen page to the table.

Category: Start Parameter Value

Rate: auto-up

Start fuel: Quantity #1


Start fuel: Quantity #2

6 Configuration

Category: Load sharing Parameter Value

2016-08-09 - 2.5

Rate: Digital Speed Setting


Fuel quantity at idle


SaCoS_one GENSET, Operating Instructions, EN 79 (171)

6 MAN Diesel & Turbo

Parameter Value
6.2 Documentation of engine configuration

Fuel quantity at full load


Droop value digital speed set.


Droop value analogue speed set.


Actuator setpoint

Category: speed governor Parameter Value

P adjustment

I adjustment

Category: Limiters Parameter Value

Max. limit (Gov. Scale)

Jump limiter: Jump limit


Jump limiter: Unlimit rate


6.2.6 Parameters on page 6 of 6 (PLC parameters)

6 Configuration

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80 (171) SaCoS_one GENSET, Operating Instructions, EN

MAN Diesel & Turbo 6

Transferring parameter values!

6.3 Project-specific documents

Transfer the values displayed on the screen page to the table.

Category: communication Parameter Value

Modbus Node ID

Offset register

Stop bits

Data bits




Baud rate

Protocol type: ASCII or RTU



Category: static pressure Parameter Value

HT cooling water pressure

LT cooling water pressure


6.3 Project-specific documents

6.3.1 General information

SaCoSone GENSET must be approved by the major classification societies
(ABS, BV, DNV, GL, LR, RINA). Environmental and EMC tests of the modules
are now complete and function tests of the system have been carried out by
the major classification societies. The main components of the system (sen-
sors, actuators, etc.) have been tested and approved by the above classifi-
6 Configuration

cation societies.
2016-08-09 - 2.5

6.3.2 Checking the documents

The approval of a project-specific SaCoSone system must be implemented by
presenting the documentation as described in chapter "Documents for class
approval, Page 83". The scope of documentation can vary depending on

SaCoS_one GENSET, Operating Instructions, EN 81 (171)

6 MAN Diesel & Turbo

the rules of the classification societies. The documents can be submitted

6.3 Project-specific documents

"electronically" via an internet platform or as a printout. The method used

depends on the requirements of the local branch of the classification society.

Submitting approval documents!

The licensee must submit the required approval documents to the
classification societies.

6.3.3 Tests
General information Most important components of the system such as SaCoSone, Control Mod-
ule, Display Module or speed governor were already tested by the manufac-
turer. SaCoSone GENSET is tested at MAN Diesel & Turbo. During this test,
the system hardware is also tested for correct functionality.
MAN Diesel & Turbo prepares a report to verify that the test has been com-
pleted successfully.
System test Each project-specific SaCoSone system must be tested. The test consists of:
▪ Correctness of the cable installation at the engine (sensors, power sup-
ply, etc.)
▪ Correctness of the configuration and parametrization
A template for compiling corresponding test instructions will be provided by
MAN Diesel & Turbo. It may be necessary for the tests to be carried out by
an expert on behalf of the classification society. This depends on what the
requirements of the local branch of the society are. The test can be com-
bined with the factory acceptance test of the engine.
Tests carried out during During the factory acceptance test of an engine, the main functions of the
approval testing of the SaCoSone systems are tested in the presence of a local expert who repre-
engine sents the classification society. These comprehensive tests normally cover
the most important safety functions (e.g. automatic shutdowns in the event
of overspeed and excessively low lube oil pressure) and the speed control
functions (e.g. load application and load reduction). The scope of these tests
is agreed on with the local classification society.
Tests carried out when When commissioning an engine on board a ship, the classification societies
commissioning the engine may require that the alarm and safety functions are tested. This depends on
on board what the requirements of the local branch of the classification society are.
The above tests are normally carried out by a local expert on behalf of the
Documentation The documentation of the tests carried out is signed by the expert responsi-
ble for acceptance on behalf of the classification society. The manufacturer
must also archive a copy. Depending on the requirements of the local
6 Configuration

branch, it may be necessary to send a copy to the classification society.

2016-08-09 - 2.5

The type plate of the SaCoSone system is stamped by the expert responsible
for acceptance once the factory acceptance test for the engine is complete.

82 (171) SaCoS_one GENSET, Operating Instructions, EN

MAN Diesel & Turbo 6

6.3 Project-specific documents

6.3.4 Documents for class approval

No Description Type of document/remark

1 System overview and operation

Operating instructions Description (customer ver-


System block diagram Block diagram

Scope of delivery List

2 Measuring points and limit values

List of measuring and control devices List

3 Interfaces

Power supplies Block diagram

Engine alarm system (interface description) Description

Engine alarm system (list of signals) List

4 Units off engine

4. VIT (only available with L32/40

1 and L32/44)

Design drawing Drawing

Circuit diagram Drawing

4. VVT (only available with

2 L32/44)

Design drawing Drawing

Circuit diagram Drawing

4. Interface Cabinet (only available with

3 L32/44)

Assembly plan Drawing

Circuit diagram Drawing

5 Cabling off engine

Cable plan Drawing

Terminal list List

6 Units on engine

6. Control Unit
6 Configuration

2016-08-09 - 2.5

Assembly plan Drawing

Circuit diagram Drawing

6. Local Operating Panel (only available with

2 L32/44)

Assembly plan Drawing

SaCoS_one GENSET, Operating Instructions, EN 83 (171)

6 MAN Diesel & Turbo

No Description Type of document/remark

6.3 Project-specific documents

Circuit diagram Drawing

7 Cabling on engine

Cabling of electrical devices on engine (terminal Drawing

6 Configuration

2016-08-09 - 2.5

84 (171) SaCoS_one GENSET, Operating Instructions, EN

MAN Diesel & Turbo 7

7 Operation of the engine

7.1 Operating panels

7.1 Operating panels

7.1.1 Local operation

The operator has full control over the engine via the Control Unit (engine
types L16/24, L21/31, L27/38 and L32/40) or the Local Operating Panel
(engine type L32/44). In addition to the touchscreen, hard-wired buttons and
switches are installed for the engine speed control and the transfer of operat-
ing rights. The hard-wired control works even if the touchscreen is not work-

Identical layout of control elements!

The layout of control elements is the same for all GenSets.

Operating at the Control Unit

(engine types L16/24,
L21/31, L27/38 and L32/40)

7 Operation of the engine

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SaCoS_one GENSET, Operating Instructions, EN 85 (171)

7 MAN Diesel & Turbo

Control elements at the Control Unit

7.1 Operating panels

Operation at the Local

Operating Panel (engine type

Figure 22: Control elements at the Local Operating Panel

1 Touchscreen
The touchscreen displays measured values and operating states. The operator
has full control over the engine via the touchscreen. The functions are descri-
bed in the chapter "Layout of the display, Page 103".
7 Operation of the engine

2 Selector switch "LOCAL/REMOTE"

Position "1" = local operation at the Control Unit (engine types L16/24, L21/31,
L27/38 and L32/40) or at the Local Operating Panel (engine type L32/44).
Position "2" = remote control by superordinate control system.
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86 (171) SaCoS_one GENSET, Operating Instructions, EN

MAN Diesel & Turbo 7

3 Rotary switch "LOWER/RAISE"

7.1 Operating panels

Turn the rotary switch to the position 1 and hold it there to reduce the engine
speed gradually.
Turn the rotary switch to the position 2 and hold it there to increase the engine
speed gradually.
4 Pushbutton "EMERGENCY STOP"
The engine must be stopped immediately if physical injury or damage to the
engine is directly imminent. The engine stops immediately when the EMER-
GENCY STOP pushbutton is pressed.
The pushbutton locks and must be turned to be released before the emer-
gency stop can be reset.

7.1.2 Operation at the VIT cabinet

(only at the L32/40 GenSet)

7 Operation of the engine

2016-08-09 - 2.5

Operation at the VIT cabinet

1 Indicator lamp "24 V DC OK"
The indicator lamp is lit to indicate that power is being supplied to the VIT

SaCoS_one GENSET, Operating Instructions, EN 87 (171)

7 MAN Diesel & Turbo
7.2 Transfer of operating rights

7.1.3 External control (remote-controlled)

The engine control can be transferred to an external system that controls the
engine start and stop and the speed setpoint.
The touchscreens of the Control Unit (engine types L16/24, L21/31, L27/38
and L32/40) or the Local Operating Panel (engine type L32/44) display
detailed status and error messages and provide information concerning
engine operation.

7.2 Transfer of operating rights

This chapter explains how the operating rights can be transferred between
the different operating panels.
The following operating panels are involved:
▪ Local: Control Unit (engine types L16/24, L21/31, L27/38 and L32/40)
and Local Operating Panel (engine type L32/44) of the engine
▪ Remote: external control system
The operating rights can be passed over with a switch. The following control
functions are transferred to the system to which the operating rights are
passed over:
▪ Engine start
▪ Engine stop
▪ Control of engine speed
▪ Acknowledge and reset alarms
These functions can only be carried out by the system that currently holds
the operating rights. There are two exceptions to that rule. Alarms can be
acknowledged and reset from any operating panel independent of the oper-
ating rights. In addition to that, emergency stops can be initiated from every
operating panel at any time.
Transferring the operating The operating rights can easily be transferred between the Control Unit
rights (engine types L16/24, L21/31, L27/38 and L32/40) or the Local Operating
Panel (engine type L32/44) and the external automation system via the selec-
tor switch LOCAL/REMOTE. The operating rights are transferred immediately
without further acknowledgement as soon as the switch is turned.
7 Operation of the engine

2016-08-09 - 2.5

If the switch is in position "1", the Control Unit (engine types L16/24, L21/31,
L27/38 and L32/40) or the Local Operating Panel (engine type L32/44) has
the operating rights.

88 (171) SaCoS_one GENSET, Operating Instructions, EN

MAN Diesel & Turbo 7

If the switch is in position "2", the external control system has the operating

7.3 Engine start


7.3 Engine start

7.3.1 Before starting the engine

Possibility of serious engine damage!

If the engine is shut down in order to carry out maintenance or repair
work, it must be sufficiently pre-heated and pre-lubricated before it is

System test If the power supply is switched on, SaCoSone GENSET starts automatically
after performing a self-test. As soon as the start sequence is finished, all
error messages must be acknowledged and reset at the touchscreens of the
Control Unit (engine types L16/24, L21/31, L27/38 and L32/40) or the Local
Operating Panel (engine type L32/44).

Observe the operating instructions of the engine!

For detailed information on how to prepare an engine start, refer to the
operating instructions of the engine.

7.3.2 Start blocking

The engine start is monitored by SaCoSone GENSET. It is not possible to start
the engine if one or several of the following criteria apply:
▪ The turning gear is engaged.
▪ Low prelubrication oil pressure.
▪ Stop by safety system (automatic shutdown).
▪ Emergency stop is active.
▪ Remote-controlled stop sequence is active.

7.3.3 Start menu

7 Operation of the engine

The start can be performed at the touchscreens of the Control Unit (engine
types L16/24, L21/31, L27/38 and L32/40) or the Local Operating Panel
(engine type L32/44). The engine can be started via the menu item ENGINE
The operator must follow the work steps displayed on the screen during the
start sequence. If a fault occurs during the start sequence, the start is can-
2016-08-09 - 2.5

celled and all start releases are reset. The engine can be restarted as soon
as it is at standstill and the start blocking has been removed.
Engine start/stop menu The following functions are available as buttons in the menu. The buttons are
only active if the corresponding action is required:

SaCoS_one GENSET, Operating Instructions, EN 89 (171)

7 MAN Diesel & Turbo

7.3 Engine start

Starting the engine 1. Press the button ENGINE START/STOP in the MAIN MENU.

The menu item ENGINE START/STOP SEQUENCE is displayed.

2. Make sure that the engine has been turned manually.

3. If there are start blockings, press the button SHOW BLOCKINGS to dis-
play a list of all active blockings. Otherwise, continue with step 6.
7 Operation of the engine

2016-08-09 - 2.5

4. Correct all start blockings.

90 (171) SaCoS_one GENSET, Operating Instructions, EN

MAN Diesel & Turbo 7

5. Press the button LAST SCREEN in the menu START

7.4 Engine stop

6. Press the button START in the menu ENGINE START/STOP
7. Press the button CONFIRMATION in the menu ENGINE START/STOP
SEQUENCE. The engine is started.
Start error Possible errors that can lead to the abortion of the start sequence:
▪ Insufficient engine pre-lubrication pressure.
▪ Starting speed not reached.
▪ Minimum speed not reached within a specific period of time.
▪ Double Pickup Error: If both speed pickups fail, the engine will not start.
An error message will not be displayed. Instead, only a general start error
message will be displayed.

7.4 Engine stop

The engine stop is initiated by the Control Unit or an external control system.
SaCoSone controls the engine stop sequence and monitors post-lubrication
and post-cooling.
Stopping the engine 1. Press the button ENGINE START/STOP in the MAIN MENU.

The menu item ENGINE START/STOP SEQUENCE is displayed.

7 Operation of the engine

2016-08-09 - 2.5

2. Press the button STOP in the menu ENGINE START/STOP SEQUENCE.

3. Press the button CONFIRMATION in the menu ENGINE START/STOP
Follow the instructions on the screen to stop the engine.

SaCoS_one GENSET, Operating Instructions, EN 91 (171)

7 MAN Diesel & Turbo

Stop sequence The engine stop sequence start when the operator presses the button STOP
7.5 Safety functions

in the menu ENGINE START/STOP SEQUENCE. Press the button CONFIR-

MATION to acknowledge the engine stop. This prevents unintentional activa-
tion of the stop command.
The filling is set to zero: the ignition process is interrupted. The engine cannot
be restarted as long as the engine speed is decreasing and before the
engine has come to standstill.
Once the engine has reached idle speed, the monitoring period starts to
make sure that the engine has actually come to standstill.

7.5 Safety functions

SaCoSone GENSET monitors the operating data of the engine and initiates the
required processes (e.g. alarms, automatic shutdowns) if limit values are

7.5.1 Alarms
An alarm is the first level of a safety function and is triggered if the operating
values exceed or fall below a specific alarm limit value. Alarms are displayed
as messages on the touchscreen.
If the main bearing temperature increases, an alarm is triggered as soon as
the alarm limit has been reached. If the values continues increasing, an auto-
matic shutdown is initiated.

7.5.2 Automatic shutdown

The safety system of the SaCoSone GENSET monitors the engine operating
values and triggers an automatic shutdwon as soon as a limit value is excee-
ded. The engine is then stopped immediately by actuating the stop valve. An
automatic shutdown can also be initiated by the plant control system via
binary contacts. In contrast to an emergency stop, the automatic shutdwon
is performed by SaCoSone GENSET and not by the user.
In any of the following cases, the engine is shut down immediately.
Shutdown criteria The criteria that lead to an automatic engine shutdown by the safety system
are listed below.

7 Operation of the engine

Engine overspeed.
▪ Failure of both speed pickups.
▪ Lube oil pressure at engine inlet too low.
▪ HT cooling water temperature at engine outlet too high.
▪ High bearing temperature/temperature deviation from Crankcase Moni-
toring System (optional).
2016-08-09 - 2.5

▪ High oil mist concentration in the crankcase (optional).

▪ Further optional, remote-controlled shutdown processes:
- Differential protection.
- Earthing jumper closed.
- Gas leakage.

92 (171) SaCoS_one GENSET, Operating Instructions, EN

MAN Diesel & Turbo 7

Further information!

7.5 Safety functions

For further information refer to the LMC.

Notice for the diesel-electric propulsion!

Depending on the classification society, there might be further criteria
for automatic shutdown for diesel-electric propulsion.
• Compare the table in chapter "Parametrization for diesel-electric

No automatic shutdown in case of too low turbocharger lube oil

Contrary to the information in the turbocharger documentation,
GenSets do not implement an automatic shutdown due to low
turbocharger lube oil pressure! The engine's lubricating oil supply
provides for the turbocharger as well, therefore, the lube oil pressure is
monitored at engine inlet.

Shutdown procedure If parameters exceed pre-defined values so that there may be a risk of dam-
age (e.g. overspeed, very low lube oil pressure), a engine stop is required.
The safety system stops the engine automatically.
After an automatic shutdown, the procedure needs to be acknowledged and
reset via touchscreen.

7.5.3 Emergency stop

In cases of imminent damage to persons or the engine, it is obligatory to
stop the engine immediately. The emergency stop implements a immediate
shutdown of the engine. The emergency stop does not depend on operating
rights and it can be triggered by all operating panels.
Location of the emergency A pushbutton EMERGENCY STOP is located at the Control Unit (engine type
stop devices L16/24, L21/31, L27/38 and L32/40) or at the Local Operating Panel (engine
type L32/44). Additional emergency stop buttons (not included in the scope
of delivery of MAN Diesel & Turbo) can be mounted in the engine or control
7 Operation of the engine

Emergency stop at the Press the pushbutton EMERGENCY STOP at the Control Unit. The engine is
Control Unit (engine type shutdown immediately.
L16/24, L21/31, L27/38 and The pushbutton EMERGENCY STOP locks. Before the emergency stop can
L32/40) be reset via touchscreen, the pushbutton must be unlocked.
2016-08-09 - 2.5

SaCoS_one GENSET, Operating Instructions, EN 93 (171)

7 MAN Diesel & Turbo
7.5 Safety functions

Figure 23: Emergency stop scheme for L16/24, L21/31 and L27/38
7 Operation of the engine

2016-08-09 - 2.5

94 (171) SaCoS_one GENSET, Operating Instructions, EN

MAN Diesel & Turbo 7

7.5 Safety functions

7 Operation of the engine

Figure 24: Emergency stop scheme for stationary plant (L16/24, L21/31, L2738)
2016-08-09 - 2.5

SaCoS_one GENSET, Operating Instructions, EN 95 (171)

7 MAN Diesel & Turbo
7.5 Safety functions

Figure 25: Emergency stop scheme for marine plant (L32/40)

7 Operation of the engine

Emergency stop at the LOP Press the pushbutton EMERGENCY STOP at the Local Operating Panel. The
(engine type L32/44) engine is shutdown immediately.
The pushbutton EMERGENCY STOP locks. Before the emergency stop can
be reset via touchscreen, the pushbutton must be unlocked.
2016-08-09 - 2.5

96 (171) SaCoS_one GENSET, Operating Instructions, EN

MAN Diesel & Turbo 7

7.5 Safety functions

Figure 26: Emergency stop scheme for marine plant (L32/44)

7 Operation of the engine

7.5.4 Load reduction request

Load reductions are requested by the superordinate control system. This is
realised via a potential-free binary contact. As soon as the superordinate
2016-08-09 - 2.5

control system has received the signal, it must reduce the engine load to
60 %.
Request by the VIT

SaCoS_one GENSET, Operating Instructions, EN 97 (171)

7 MAN Diesel & Turbo

This is only valid for the engine types L32/40 and L32/44!
7.5 Safety functions

Only the engine types L32/40 and L32/44 are able to implement the
function described in the following section.

VIT Wema
The actual position of the VIT-actuator drive is monitored. If the position
feedback does not match the required position (set position) of the VIT (slight
delay for positioning is factored in), the VIT switches over to emergency
mode. In emergency mode, the VIT is set to a safe position (2GOS1028) that
ensures safe operation.
A load reduction is requested if:
▪ the VIT does not reach a safe position in emergency mode. This is indi-
cated by the screen message 40580 -RED: EMERGENCY MODE
▪ SaCoSone GENSET detects an error within the CAN communication.
The positioning error, emergency mode error and the communication error
can be acknowledged and reset at the touchscreen at any time. The VIT
switches over to normal operation and tries to reach the set position. If this is
not possible, the errors occur again.

VIT pneumatic
The positioning is realised exclusively pneumatically. Depending on whether
the engine is an L or V engine, the valves of either one or two rows are actu-
ated. These valves actuate pistons which set positions early/late/safe for dif-
ferent load points. If both outputs are FALSE, the safe position is set for
mechanical reasons. This position is monitored by a sensor. If a valve fails or
a piston is not actuated, the system always attempts to reach the safe posi-
tion. If this position cannot be reached, a load reduction is initiated after a
pre-defined time.
Request in case the exhaust
gas temperature at
turbocharger inlet is too high

This is only valid for the engine types L27/38, L32/40 and
L32/44 with DNV classification!
The load reduction request described in the following section is only
valid for the engine types L27/38, L32/40, L32/44 with DNV
7 Operation of the engine

classification (Det Norske Veritas).

If the exhaust gas temperature at the turbocharger inlet exceeds its limit
value, SaCoSone GENSET requests a load reduction from the superordinate
control system.
2016-08-09 - 2.5

Requests for diesel-electric


98 (171) SaCoS_one GENSET, Operating Instructions, EN

MAN Diesel & Turbo 7

Note for diesel-electric propulsions!

7.5 Safety functions

Depending on the classification society, there might be further criteria
concerning load reduction requests in diesel-electric propulsions.
• Compare the table in chapter "Parametrization for diesel-electric

7.5.5 Emergency Generator Mode

The Emergency Generator Mode allows the operator to prevent the imple-
mentation of safety functions of SaCoSone GENSET in cases of critical instan-
ces (e.g. entering a port, difficult passages). The Emergency Generator Mode
is available for the following safety functions:
▪ Automatic Shutdown.
▪ Automatic load reduction.

Preventive activation of the Emergency Generator Mode!

The Emergency Generator Mode has to be activated preventively
before a safety function has been triggered.
An activated Emergency Generator Mode does not reset already
triggered safety functions.

Sequence The Emergency Generator Mode is actuated before difficult manoeuvre as

precautionary measures (from a distance).
An activated Emergency Generator Mode is reported by the MODBUS and
displayed on the LOP.
If an alarm for automatic stop or a load reduction is triggered during the acti-
vated Emergency Generator Mode, the message occurs via MODBUS and it
is displayed at the Control Unit (engine type L16/24, L21/31, L27/38 and
L32/40) or at the Local Operating Panel (engine type L32/44). Activation of Emergency Generator Mode

Total loss due to operating error!

The function Emergency Generator Mode involves a serious
7 Operation of the engine

interference in the safety system!

Automatically implemented safety functions that protect the engine will
be suppressed!
The system will only issue a warning; the operator makes all decisions
concerning shutdown and load reduction and initiates the actions
manually if required. The operator assumes thus full responsibility for
2016-08-09 - 2.5

potential consequences and damages!

The button for the Emergency Generator Mode (not included in the MAN Die-
sel & Turbo scope of delivery) is located on the bridge. Press the button to
activate the Emergency Generator Mode.

SaCoS_one GENSET, Operating Instructions, EN 99 (171)

7 MAN Diesel & Turbo

If the Emergency Generator Mode is already activated during the start, the
7.5 Safety functions

speed governor makes the engine reach nominal speed as fast as possible.
This function is intended for emergencies and should only be used in such
cases (e.g. black out).

Smoke development!
If the engine is started during emergency mode, development of visible
smoke must be expected!

A note appears in the MAIN MENU that the Emergency Generator Mode is
A corresponding alarm message is displayed in the alarm bar.

In the LIST OF ALL ALARMS, the corresponding alarm message appears in

alarm group E.
7 Operation of the engine

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100 (171) SaCoS_one GENSET, Operating Instructions, EN

MAN Diesel & Turbo 7

7.6 Speed control Deactivation of Emergency Generator Mode
If the Emergency Generator Mode is reset at the bridge, the mode is shut off.
If there are reductions and shutdown which can be overridden, the request
will be activated after the deactivation of the Emergency Generator Mode.

7.6 Speed control

The speed can be controlled manually by the operator at the Control Unit
(engine type L16/24, L21/31, L27/38 and L32/40)or at the Local Operating
Panel (engine type L32/44). The engine speed can be controlled by external
control devices as well.

Operating rights required!

Only if the operating panel has the operating rights, is it possible to
control the speed at the respective panel..
7 Operation of the engine

Extension of speed range for pump operation!

If a pump is operated in addition to the generator, it is necessary to
offset the limited speed range.
Thus, the parameters "42-29593 AnaSpdStpt_Range switch over",
"42-29573 AnaSpdStptSel" as well as "42-28202 AnaSpdStpt_Range
2016-08-09 - 2.5

Switchover" must be set to TRUE.

Therefore, the limited speed range is cancelled and the full speed
range can be used at any time.

SaCoS_one GENSET, Operating Instructions, EN 101 (171)

7 MAN Diesel & Turbo

Damage due to operating error!

7.6 Speed control

The operator has to make decisions in regard to the extension of the

speed range on their own and has to implement the aforementioned
feature manually. The operator assumes full responsibility for potential
consequences and damages!
In order to avoid disruptions during the generator operation such as
connection termination due to low speed, it is recommended to
monitor the current state of the generator by an automatic control
system (e.g. Power Management System).

7.6.1 At the Control Unit/at the LOP

Operator is able to control the engine speed via the Rotary switch LOWER/
RAISE at the Control Unit (engine type L16/24, L21/31, L27/38 and L32/40)
or at the Local Operating Panel (engine type L32/44).

Reducing speed Rotary switch LOWER/RAISE has to be switched to LOWER and it has to be
kept there. As long as the switch is set to LOWER, the speed is reduced

Increasing speed Rotary switch LOWER/RAISE has to be switched to RAISE and it has to be
kept there. As long as the switch is set to RAISE, the speed is increased

7.6.2 At an external control

Observe the operating manual of the manufacturer!

Information on speed regulation via external control must be taken
from the operating manuals of the respective manufacturers.
7 Operation of the engine

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102 (171) SaCoS_one GENSET, Operating Instructions, EN

MAN Diesel & Turbo 8

8 Functions of the touchscreen

8.1 Layout of the display

8.1 Layout of the display

1 Header 4 Alarm line

2 Status line 5 Horizontal navigation bar
3 Info section

8.1.1 Header
A brief description of the current page is displayed in the header.
If the contents take up more than one page, the page number and total
number of pages is displayed on the left.

Press the MAN logo to display the addresses of the PrimeServ facilities.
8 Functions of the touchscreen
2016-08-09 - 2.5

SaCoS_one GENSET, Operating Instructions, EN 103 (171)

8 MAN Diesel & Turbo
8.1 Layout of the display

Additional service centres Press a flag to display information on the corresponding service centres in
Denmark, France or the United Kingdom.
8 Functions of the touchscreen

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104 (171) SaCoS_one GENSET, Operating Instructions, EN

MAN Diesel & Turbo 8

8.1 Layout of the display

8 Functions of the touchscreen

Press the button WORLDWIDE in the navigation bar to display an overview of

service telephone numbers worldwide.
2016-08-09 - 2.5

SaCoS_one GENSET, Operating Instructions, EN 105 (171)

8 MAN Diesel & Turbo
8.1 Layout of the display

Press the buttons NEXT or BACK to display further pages or to go back to

the previous page.
8 Functions of the touchscreen

8.1.2 Status line

2016-08-09 - 2.5

The status line is located below the header. It contains the following data:
▪ Engine speed in rpm
▪ Filling in %.

106 (171) SaCoS_one GENSET, Operating Instructions, EN

MAN Diesel & Turbo 8

8.2 Buttons and display elements

8.1.3 Info section
The layout of the information section is different on each page. Menus and
overviews of measured values are displayed.
Press the menu buttons in the information section to jump to the required
menus; for example in the MAIN MENU, see "Layout of the display, Page

8.1.4 Alarm line

The alarm bar is located below the information section. The most recent
alarm is displayed here. The alarm bar is at the same location in every menu.

8.1.5 Horizontal navigation bar

The horizontal navigation bar is below the alarm line and contains menu and
function buttons that vary depending on which menu is displayed.

8.2 Buttons and display elements

8.2.1 General information

Active & inactive Standard layout of a button in the
buttons info section. Press the button to start the corresponding func-

If the text is greyed out, the function is not available.

8 Functions of the touchscreen

Empty buttons Buttons without text have no function assigned to them and
serve only as placeholders.

8.2.2 Buttons in the navigation bar

Important menus Buttons for important menus can be found in the navigation bar:
2016-08-09 - 2.5

Press this button to display the MAIN MENU.

Press this button to display the MAIN OVERVIEW.

Navigation The LAST SCREEN button is displayed in every menu:

SaCoS_one GENSET, Operating Instructions, EN 107 (171)

8 MAN Diesel & Turbo

Press the LAST SCREEN button once to go back one page.

8.2 Buttons and display elements

You can scroll back through the last nine pages that have been dis-

The following buttons are displayed if the overview takes up more than one

Press this button to go back to the previous page (only menus with
more than one page).

Press this button to go to the next page (only menus with more than
one page).

8.2.3 Displaying measured values

Speed indication The speed is displayed via a tachometer and as an absolute value.

Different colours are assigned to the speed ranges:

Colour Speed range
Green Nominal engine speed

Yellow Abnormal engine speed

(only during engine start/stop)

Red Overspeed
8 Functions of the touchscreen

Temperatures and pressures Temperatures and pressures are displayed in the form of bar charts and as
absolute values. The colour of the bar indicates the following states:

Sensor O.K.
Value O.K.
2016-08-09 - 2.5

Automatic shutdown or load reduction

108 (171) SaCoS_one GENSET, Operating Instructions, EN

MAN Diesel & Turbo 8

8.2 Buttons and display elements

8.2.4 Status display
Pump status All electric pumps that are controlled and monitored by SaCoS are displayed
in a separate menu. The pump symbol is green while the corresponding
pump is running, otherwise it is grey.

Pump on

Pump off

Status LED The status of several functions is indicated by the colour an LED.

▪ Automatic control
▪ Function O.K.
▪ Operation is active
▪ Alarm(s) (an error has occurred)
▪ Function suppressed/blocked
▪ Critical state
▪ Status display, e.g. remote control
No colour:
▪ Operating is inactive
Bar graph Display of faulty sensors:

Red cross
▪ Sensor is faulty
▪ There is possibly a broken wire between the
sensor and the Control System.
8 Functions of the touchscreen

8.2.5 Input fields and on-screen keyboard

The operator can modify a number of default values. Every value displayed
on a white background can be modified by touching the field.
2016-08-09 - 2.5

The on-screen keyboard via which new values can be entered appears. The
on-screen keyboard also shows the permissible range of the value selected.

SaCoS_one GENSET, Operating Instructions, EN 109 (171)

8 MAN Diesel & Turbo
8.3 Main Overview

8.3 Main Overview

When the SaCoSone GENSET is started, the display switches on automati-
cally and the MAIN OVERVIEW appears.
Press the button MAIN OVERVIEW in the navigation bar to jump to the MAIN
OVERVIEW from any other menu.

The MAIN OVERVIEW displays the most important operating values:

1 Engine speed 4 Status bar

2 Information section 5 Alarm bar
3 Start status 6 Navigation bar
8 Functions of the touchscreen

The following functions are described in separate chapters and are therefore
not dealt with here:
▪ Engine speed (see chapter "Layout of the display, Page 103")
▪ Alarm bar (see chapter "Alarm line, Page 107")
▪ Navigation bar (see chapter "Horizontal navigation bar, Page 107")

8.3.1 Info section

2016-08-09 - 2.5

Important engine operating values are displayed in the information sections.

Depending on the engine configuration, these include:
▪ ENGINE SPEED in 1/min (rpm)
▪ SPEED TC (turbocharger speed) in 1/min (rpm)
▪ ENGINE LOAD (fuel amount in %)

110 (171) SaCoS_one GENSET, Operating Instructions, EN

MAN Diesel & Turbo 8

▪ HT COOL. WATER ENGINE INLET (HT cooling water pressure) in bar


8.4 Main Menu

▪ START/STOP AIR (starting air pressure) in bar (psi)
▪ LUBE OIL ENGINE INLET (lube oil pressure filter outlet) in bar (psi)
▪ LT COOL. WATER ENGINE INLET (LT cooling water pressure) in bar (psi)
▪ CHARGE AIR COOLER OUTLET (charge air pressure cooler outlet) in bar
▪ LUBE OIL TC (lube oil pressure turbocharger) in bar (psi)
▪ FUEL OIL ENGINE INLET (fuel oil pressure) in bar (psi)

8.3.2 Start status

The START STATUS field is located in the info section. It shows current mes-
sages on operations that are currently active in the engine.

Engine prelubrication and preheating in progress.
Engine starting sequence in progress.
Engine running; engine stop is blocked (e.g. by engaging clutch).
Engine stopping sequence is in progress.
Engine at standstill.

8.3.3 Status line

The status line shows the status of operations and settings.

8 Functions of the touchscreen

8.4 Main Menu

Access Press the MAIN MENU button to access the main menu. This button is dis-
played on the bottom left of each screen page.
2016-08-09 - 2.5

The main menu is displayed.

Each button in the information section provides a link to the corresponding

SaCoS_one GENSET, Operating Instructions, EN 111 (171)

8 MAN Diesel & Turbo
8.5 Main functions

8.5 Main functions

This chapter describes the following MAIN MENU functions:
▪ Variable Valve Timing VVT (only with L32/44)
▪ Variable Injection Timing VIT (only with L32/40 and L32/44)
▪ CHATCO (charge air temperature control)
▪ CYLINDER LUBRICATION (only with L32/40 and L32/44)
8 Functions of the touchscreen


▪ ALTERNATOR (only if SaCoSone GENSET monitors the alternator temper-

The following menus are described in other chapters:

see chapter "Engine start, Page 89" and "Engine stop, Page 91".
▪ Additional functions (MISC.),
2016-08-09 - 2.5

see chapter "Additional functions, Page 126".

▪ Press the button ALARMS in the navigation bar to display the alarm list,
see chapter "Alarm handling, Page 143".

112 (171) SaCoS_one GENSET, Operating Instructions, EN

MAN Diesel & Turbo 8

8.5 Main functions

8.5.1 Exhaust gas
Access Press the button EXHAUST GAS in the MAIN MENU.

The menu EXHAUST GAS TEMP. VALUES is displayed.

Temperature values The exhaust gas temperature values are displayed as absolutes values and
in the form of a bar chart.

The exhaust gas temperature of each cylinder is displayed. The exhaust gas
temperature at turbocharger inlet and outlet is also displayed. Mean value
deviations and sensor states can also be displayed by pressing the corre-
sponding buttons in the navigation bar of this menu.
8 Functions of the touchscreen
Mean value deviation Press the button MEAN VALUE DEVIATIONS in the navigation bar to display
mean value deviations of the measured values.


2016-08-09 - 2.5

The exhaust gas temperature deviation is displayed for each cylinder in the
form of a bar chart. The maximum permissible deviation appears at the top
of the scale, the mean value appears below this and the minimum permissi-
ble deviation appears at the bottom.
The exhaust gas temperature at turbocharger inlet and outlet are not part of
the mean value deviation monitoring.

SaCoS_one GENSET, Operating Instructions, EN 113 (171)

8 MAN Diesel & Turbo
8.5 Main functions

Sensor status Press the button SENSOR STATUS in the horizontal navigation bar.

The menu EXHAUST GAS SENSOR STATUS is displayed.

The status of the exhaust gas temperature sensors is displayed as a text on
the screen.
8 Functions of the touchscreen

2016-08-09 - 2.5

The sensor status is indicated by the following messages:

114 (171) SaCoS_one GENSET, Operating Instructions, EN

MAN Diesel & Turbo 8

Status message Meaning

8.5 Main functions

O.K. Sensor is working. No wire break alarms, etc.

SENSOR FAULT Sensor fault. Wire break or sensor malfunction.

PRE_ALARM MAX/MIN The value measured by the sensor has exceeded/fallen

below the maximum/minimum pre-alarm limit value.

PRE_ALARM MVD The value measured by the sensor has exceeded the
permissible limit value for mean value deviation. A pre-
alarm is triggered.

SLOW DOWN MAX/MIN The value measured by the sensor has exceeded/fallen
below the maximum/minimum limit value for a slow-

SLOW DOWN MVD The value measured by the sensor has exceeded the
permissible limit value for mean value deviation. A pre-
alarm is triggered.

SHUTDOWN MAX/MIN The value measured by the sensor has exceeded/fallen

below the maximum/minimum permissible limit value for
a shutdown.

SHUTDOWN MVD The value measured by the sensor has exceeded the
permissible limit value for mean value deviation for a

CUT-OFF The sensor has delivered an implausible value and is

therefore excluded from the mean value calculation.

Measured value are not displayed

Measured values are no longer displayed if a sensor fault alarm or a
sensor cut-off alarm occurs. The value "0" is displayed instead. The
error messages of the sensor fault alarm and the sensor cut-off alarm
must therefore always be acknowledged and reset. Once this has been
done, measured values will be displayed again.
8 Functions of the touchscreen

8.5.2 VVT (only with L32/44 GenSets)

Access Press the button VVT in the MAIN MENU.
2016-08-09 - 2.5

The menu VVT is displayed.

Example This menu displays the current VVT position (partial load or full load). During
engine standstill, the VVT can be moved manually via this menu.

SaCoS_one GENSET, Operating Instructions, EN 115 (171)

8 MAN Diesel & Turbo
8.5 Main functions

Control of the VVT The VVT (Variable Valve Timing) allows changing the opening timing of the
intake air valves dependent on the engine load in order to reduce pollutants
in the exhaust gas.
The VVT position can be set to partial load or full load position with an elec-
tric motor. The position is monitored by limit switches and indicated by an
LED. A green LED indicates the current VVT position.
Reference position The full load position of the VVT can be referenced in the section TECHNI-

Referencing is always realised in full load position!

The VVT is always referenced in full load position.

The LED at SET REFERENCE POSITION indicates whether the VVT is cur-
rently referenced (green = reference stored, red = no reference stored).
8 Functions of the touchscreen

Reference position only stored!

A green LED only indicates that a reference position has been stored, it
does not give information on the correctness of the reference position.

Before the VVT can be referenced, the VVT mechanics must be moved to
the correct position. If the VVT is in the right position, the reference point can
be stored as follows:
2016-08-09 - 2.5

1. Press the button REF FULL LOAD.

The message CHECK CORRESP. VVT POS. – IF VALUE <> 1000.0 %
REF. PROC. FAILED! is displayed for 10 seconds. During this period of
time, the button turns red.

116 (171) SaCoS_one GENSET, Operating Instructions, EN

MAN Diesel & Turbo 8

2. The reference is stored and the LED next to the button REF FULL LOAD

8.5 Main functions

turns green. If the reference has been set correctly, the two LEDs for full
load position next to the VVT position display are also illuminated.
3. Moving the VVT back to partial load position.

Reference point will be overwritten!

If there is already a stored reference point, it will be overwritten.

8.5.3 VIT (only with L32/40 und L32/44 GenSets)

Access Press the button VIT in the MAIN MENU.

The menu VIT is displayed.

Example An overview of all values and states that are relevant to the VIT operation is

8 Functions of the touchscreen

The VIT setpoint and the position feedback are indicated as well.

8.5.4 Fuel
2016-08-09 - 2.5

Access Press the button FUEL in the MAIN MENU.

SaCoS_one GENSET, Operating Instructions, EN 117 (171)

8 MAN Diesel & Turbo
8.5 Main functions

The menu FUEL VALUES is displayed.

Example All measured values are displayed as absolute values and in the form of a bar
chart. The fuel type (HFO/MDO) is indicated as well.
Fuel type MDO is indicated by a green LED and fuel type HFO by a blue LED.

The displayed values can vary depending on the engine configuration.

8.5.5 Cooling water

Access Press the button COOL.WATER in the MAIN MENU.
8 Functions of the touchscreen

The menu COOLING WATER VALUES is displayed.

Example All measured values are displayed as absolute values and graphically in the
form of a bar chart.
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118 (171) SaCoS_one GENSET, Operating Instructions, EN

MAN Diesel & Turbo 8

8.5 Main functions

Display of the HT cooling The status of the HT cooling water preheating is indicated by a pump sym-
water preheating bol:

HT cooling water preheating requested.

No request for preheating.

Status of the thermostat The following states of the thermostat can be displayed:

Normal operation

The thermostat (TSH12) has triggered a shutdown (HT cooling water

temperature) at engine inlet. An alarm message is displayed.
8 Functions of the touchscreen
8.5.6 Air
Access Press the button AIR in the MAIN MENU.
2016-08-09 - 2.5

The menu AIR VALUES is displayed.

Example All measured values are displayed as absolute values and graphically in the
form of a bar chart.

SaCoS_one GENSET, Operating Instructions, EN 119 (171)

8 MAN Diesel & Turbo
8.5 Main functions

The measured values vary depending on the engine configuration.

8.5.7 Lube oil

Access Press the button LUBE OIL in the MAIN MENU.

The menu LUBE OIL VALUES is displayed.

Example All measured values are displayed as absolute values and graphically in the
form of a bar chart.
8 Functions of the touchscreen

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120 (171) SaCoS_one GENSET, Operating Instructions, EN

MAN Diesel & Turbo 8

8.5 Main functions

The measured values may vary depending on the engine configuration.
Status of the pressure switch The LED indicates if the pressure switch has triggered a shutdown due to
insufficient lube oil pressure at engine inlet.

Normal operation

The pressure switch has triggered a shutdown. The lube oil pressure
is too low. An alarm message is displayed.

Status of the lube oil pump The following status of the lube oil pump can be displayed:

Lube oil pump requested.

No request for the lube oil pump.

8 Functions of the touchscreen

8.5.8 Media overview
Access Press the button MEDIA OVERVIEW in the MAIN MENU.

The menu MEDIA OVERVIEW is displayed.

2016-08-09 - 2.5

Example Media overview - page 1 of 2:

▪ Fuel values
▪ Air values
▪ Cooling water values
▪ Lube oil values

SaCoS_one GENSET, Operating Instructions, EN 121 (171)

8 MAN Diesel & Turbo
8.5 Main functions

Press the button NEXT to display the MEDIA OVERVIEW page 2 of 2.

Media overview - page 2 of 2:

▪ Charge air values
▪ Alternator values
▪ Output values/speed values
8 Functions of the touchscreen

2016-08-09 - 2.5

Press the button BACK to go back to page 1 of 2.

122 (171) SaCoS_one GENSET, Operating Instructions, EN

MAN Diesel & Turbo 8

8.5 Main functions

8.5.9 Charge air temperature control
Access Press the button CHATCO in the MAIN MENU.

The menu CHATCO is displayed.

Example An overview of all values and states that are relevant to the charge air tem-
perature control is displayed.

8 Functions of the touchscreen

8.5.10 Cylinder lubrication (only with L32/40 and L32/44 GenSets)

2016-08-09 - 2.5

The menu CYLINDER LUBRICATION is displayed.

Example The menu content depends on the engine type. This function and the corre-
sponding buttons are not available for the engine types L16/24, L21/31 and

SaCoS_one GENSET, Operating Instructions, EN 123 (171)

8 MAN Diesel & Turbo
8.5 Main functions

Special feature of engine Buttons for the manual control of cylinder lubrication are only available with
types L32/40 and L32/44 engine types L32/40 and L32/44. The operating state of the cylinder lubrica-
tion is displayed. The available buttons have the following functions:

Activation/deactivation of manual cylin-

der lubrication.

Switch-over to automatic mode of cylin-

der lubrication.
The cylinder lubrication only operates in
automatic mode if the engine load is
higher than 50 %.

Switch-over to run-in mode of cylinder

In run-in mode, the cylinder lubrication
8 Functions of the touchscreen

operates continuously, irrespective of the

engine load during engine start.

8.5.11 Exhaust gas temperature control

2016-08-09 - 2.5

The menu EXH. GAS TEMPERATURE CONTROL is displayed.

124 (171) SaCoS_one GENSET, Operating Instructions, EN

MAN Diesel & Turbo 8

Example The exhaust gas temperature at turbocharger inlet and outlet, the tempera-

8.5 Main functions

ture setpoint and the position of the exhaust gas blow-off flap are displayed
on the screen among other things.

An SCR catalyser can be controlled with the exhaust gas temperature con-

8.5.12 Alternator
Access Press the button ALTERNATOR in the MAIN MENU.

The menu ALTERNATOR is displayed.

Example The overview displays the alternator bearing and winding temperatures if the
8 Functions of the touchscreen
sensors are connected to SaCoSone.
2016-08-09 - 2.5

SaCoS_one GENSET, Operating Instructions, EN 125 (171)

8 MAN Diesel & Turbo
8.6 Additional functions

The displayed values vary depending on the sensor equipment of the alterna-
It depends on the sensor equipment of the alternator, which values are being

8.6 Additional functions

The menu MISC. and the following submenus are described in this chapter:
▪ Date/time
▪ Adjustment of screen brightness
▪ Project info
▪ Parameters/emission identifier
▪ Simulation
▪ Parameterization
▪ Service
8 Functions of the touchscreen

▪ Language settings

8.6.1 Overview
Access Press the button MISC. in the MAIN MENU.
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The menu MISC. is displayed.

Example The menu MISC. gives the following overview.

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8.6 Additional functions

Press the buttons in the information section to access the individual menus.
Cleaning the touchscreen Press the button TOUCHSCREEN CLEANING in the navigation bar to obtain
information on how to clean the touchscreen.

As long as the following screen is displayed, all touchscreen functions are

deactivated so it can be cleaned without a problem. After 30 seconds the
buttons are reactivated and the button LAST SCREEN appears. Press this
button to end the touchscreen cleaning and go back to the previous page.

8 Functions of the touchscreen

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8.6 Additional functions

8.6.2 Date/Time
Access Press the button DATE-TIME in the menu MISC.

The menu DATE-TIME is displayed.

Example In the menu DATE-TIME, date and time can be adjusted.

Current time indication Time and date are displayed on the top right of the information section.

Adjustment of time and date The user can change time and date.
8 Functions of the touchscreen

1. Tap the value that should be changes.

The on-screen keyboard appears.

2. Enter the desired value via the on-screen keyboard.
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3. Press ENTER to confirm the changes.

The on-screen keyboard disappears.
4. Press the button ADJUSTMENT OF DATE/TIME to save the changes.

The new values are saved and taken over on the screen.

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8.6 Additional functions

8.6.3 Screen brightness adjustment
Access Press the button DISPLAY BACKLIGHT CONTROL in the menu MISC.

The menu BACKLIGHT, which contains a test image and two buttons, is dis-

Adjust the screen brightness with the following buttons:

1. Adjust the screen brightness using the buttons "+" or "-".
0 % = minimal brightness
100 % = maximal brightness 8 Functions of the touchscreen
8.6.4 Project info
Access Press the button PROJECT INFO in the menu MISC.

The menu PROJECT INFO is displayed.

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Example The menu PROJECT INFO contains information on the engine and its soft-

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8 MAN Diesel & Turbo
8.6 Additional functions

The following information is displayed in this menu:

▪ Plant type (ship or stationary)
▪ Operating hours in normal operation
▪ Operating hours in operation with overload
▪ Firmware versions for DM and CM
▪ PLC software versions for DM and CM
▪ PLC parameter versions for DM and CM
▪ Date of last parameterization for DM and CM
▪ Serial numbers of the modules
▪ Engine details

8.6.5 Parameters / Emission Identifiers

Access Press the button PARAMETERS/EMISSION-IDENTIFIER in the menu MISC.
8 Functions of the touchscreen

The menu PARAMETERS/EMISSION-IDENTIFIER containing the IMO emis-

sion identifier is displayed.
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8.6 Additional functions

The time the parameters were last modified is also displayed.

8.6.6 Simulation
Access Press the button SIMULATION in the menu MISC.

The menu SIMULATION is displayed.

Example The menu SIMULATION allows the simulation of various operating values for
test operation.

8 Functions of the touchscreen

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8.6 Additional functions

Deactivating the wire break Press the button DISABLE REMOTE SIGNALS WIREBRAKE SUPERVISION
monitoring to switch off the wire break monitoring of digital remote signals.
Release of the safety system This function makes it possible to test several functions of the safety system
at engine standstill, which otherwise could only be tested with a specific fill-
ing or a specific engine speed with the engine running. The safety system
can therefore be released manually when the engine is at standstill.

Engine is stopped!
When the safety system is released manually, the engine will be

The safety system is not released for test

8 Functions of the touchscreen

The safety system is released for test

It is deactivated automatically after 30

Safety tests Press the button SAFETY TEST OFF to release the safety tests.
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Two additional buttons for overspeed shutdown tests of engine and turbo-
charger are displayed.
Press the button again to deactivate the safety tests.

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Testing the engine

8.6 Additional functions

overspeed shutdown

The engine is stopped!

The engine is stopped immediately when the engine overspeed
shutdown is tested. Only carry out the test after making sure that the
engine stop will not have negative effects on the rest of the plant.

The purpose of function TESTBED OPERATION is to test the shutdown

function during engine overspeed. In order to test the engine overspeed
shutdown, the overspeed shutdown limit is lowered to 85 % (shutdown limit
x 0.85). This means that the shutdown is triggered before the engine reaches
its nominal speed and it can be tested without putting the engine in a poten-
tially dangerous operating state.
1. Press the button TESTBED OPERATION to display the button OVER-
2. Press the button OVERSPEED ENGINE TEST OFF to start the test.

3. The appearance of the button is different as long as this function is


Press the button again to deactivate the function.

Testing the turbocharger The purpose of function TESTBED OPERATION is to test the shutdown
overspeed shutdown function during turbocharger overspeed. In order to test the turbocharger
overspeed shutdown, the overspeed shutdown limit is lowered to 20 %. This
means that the shutdown is triggered before the turbocharger reaches its
nominal speed and it can be tested without putting the turbocharger in a
potentially dangerous operating state.
1. Press the button TESTBED OPERATION to display the button OVER-
8 Functions of the touchscreen
2. Press the button OVERSPEED TC TEST OFF to start the test.

3. The appearance of the button is different as long as this function is

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Press the button again to deactivate the function.

SaCoS_one GENSET, Operating Instructions, EN 133 (171)

8 MAN Diesel & Turbo

Alarm message Press the buttons

8.6 Additional functions


"40657-SAF-SYS: SAFETY TEST ON". The alarm is reset when the test func-
tion is deactivated.

8.6.7 Parametrization
The menu PARAMETERS SETTING gives an overview of all engine-specific
parameters. Most of these parameters are pre-adjusted and, in contrast to
the speed governor parameters, cannot be modified by the user.

Data loss may cause engine trouble!

After replacing a defective module, it may not be possible to restore
the most recent parameters. Incorrectly set parameters can lead to
problems with engine operation.
• Note down all parameters in the tables of the chapter
"Documentation of engine configuration, Page 71".
• Perform a backup each time a parameter has been changed, refer to
"Software and parameter backup, Page 66".

Displaying the menu Press the button PARAMETERS SETTING in the menu MISC.

The menu PARAMETERS is displayed.

Page 1/6: Parameter for
system configuration
8 Functions of the touchscreen

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Page 2/6: Parameter for

8.6 Additional functions

system configuration

Page 3/6: Parameter for

system configuration

8 Functions of the touchscreen

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Page 4/6: Channel

8.6 Additional functions

assignment of temperature

Page 5/6: Speed governor These values can be changed by the user.
8 Functions of the touchscreen

Page 6/6: Parameters for the These parameters can be changed by the user. For details regarding the
communication protocol and setup of the communication protocol, refer to the chapter "Configuration of
static pressures the Modbus interface, Page 69".
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8.6 Additional functions

8.6.8 Service pages
Access Press the button SERVICE PAGES in the menu MISC.

The menu SERVICE PAGES is displayed.

Example The menu SERVICE PAGES consists of six pages.
Service Page 1 of 6 Page 1/6 displays an overview of all measured values.

8 Functions of the touchscreen

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Service Page 2 of 6 Page 2/6 displays the current status of the digital alarm inputs.
8.6 Additional functions

Service Page 3 of 6 Page 3/6 displays the current status of the digital alarm outputs.
8 Functions of the touchscreen

Service Page 4 of 6 Page 4/6 displays the current status of the digital I/O inputs.
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8.6 Additional functions

Service Page 5 of 6 Page 5/6 displays the current status of the digital I/O outputs.

8 Functions of the touchscreen

Service Page 6 of 6 Page 6/6 displays current values of the analogue outputs.
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8.6 Additional functions

8.6.9 Regional settings

The menu REGIONAL SETTINGS features two functions:
▪ Language selection
▪ Adjustment of units of measurement
Available languages The following languages are available:
(standard) ▪ English
▪ German
▪ Chinese
Selecting the menu language 1. Press the button REGIONAL SETTINGS in the menu MISC.
8 Functions of the touchscreen

2. Tap a flag to select the corresponding language. The selected language

is displayed in the field CURRENT LANGUAGE and is saved automati-
Example The language selected in this example is English.
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8.6 Additional functions

Adjusting the units of The following engine data (temperatures and pressures) can be modified:
measure ▪ Temperature: °C, °F
▪ Pressure: bar, psi, Kg/cm², Mpa
Select the desired units of measurement via the different buttons. The selec-
tion is saved automatically and the button of the selected unit fades out.

8 Functions of the touchscreen

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9 Alarm handling

9.2 List of all alarms

9.1 Alarm line
The alarm bar is located below the information section on almost every
screen page. In this line, the most recent active alarm is displayed.

9.1.1 Display of alarms

Colours Once an alarm has been acknowledged, the text colour changes from white
to yellow.
Examples Grey, empty alarm bar: No active alarm.

The alarm is active and has not yet been acknowledged: White alarm mes-
sage in red
alarm bar.

The alarm has been acknowledged but is still active: Yellow alarm message
in blue
alarm bar.

9.2 List of all alarms

9.2.1 Accessing the list

Press button ALARMS (almost always on the bottom right corner).


The LIST OF ALL ALARMS shows an overview of all currently active alarms.
In this menu, it is only possible to acknowledge the alarms. 9 Alarm handling
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9.2 List of all alarms

The alarms are sorted by status (active/inactive) and trigger time. The last
triggered alarm is on top of the list.

Resetting an alarm!
To reset an alarm, the relevant alarm group has to be selected via the
navigation bar on the right side of the menu.

Colours of the alarm line The font colour of acknowledged alarms changes from white to yellow.
The currently selected alarm has a yellow font colour with brown back-

Activated, not yet acknowledged alarm:

White alarm message in red alarm line.

Acknowledged, still active alarm:

Yellow alarm message in blue alarm line.

Transfer of the reset alarm!

Reset alarms are automatically transferred to the HISTORY.
9 Alarm handling

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Alarm groups The alarm list can be sorted via the grey alarm group button (navigation bar
on the right side of the menu). Only alarms of the selected group appear on
the screen.

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Button Alarm group Description of the alarm group

9.2 List of all alarms

A Shutdown -SafSys-

B Load reduction request -SafSys-

C System alarms -SafSys-

E Pre-alarms -AlSys-

F System alarms -AlSys-

All groups List of all alarms

Alarm group A:

Alarm group B:
9 Alarm handling
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9.2 List of all alarms

Alarm group C:

Alarm group E:
9 Alarm handling

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9.2 List of all alarms

Alarm group F:

Further description of alarm groups!

9 Alarm handling

The description of the shown alarm groups is also available in the title
line of the alarm list.
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9.2 List of all alarms

9.2.2 Resetting alarm messages

An alarm can only be reset once it has been acknowledged and its cause
has been eliminated.
Acknowledge Press the button ACK in the bottom left corner of the alarm group navigation
bar to acknowledge all currently displayed alarms.

Reset Alarms can be reset in the alarm group menu.

Pressing the RESET button

The RESET button does not only reset one alarm! By pressing this
button, all displayed group alarms are reset!

1. Eliminate the cause of the alarm.

2. Press the RESET button in the navigation bar.

All acknowledged alarms on the screen are reset.

Resetting shutdowns in case of Display Module failure!

If the Display Module fails and does not work any longer, it is not
possible to reset shutdowns. If engine operation is urgently required,
shutdowns can be reset by restarting the system (switching the power
supply off and on).

9.2.3 History
The HISTORY page displays additional information on the alarms. It contains
time and date of the following events:
▪ Alarm triggered
▪ Alarm acknowledged
9 Alarm handling

▪ Alarm reset
▪ Alarm removed from the alarm list
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Press the button HISTORY in the navigation bar of the LIST OF ALL

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The structure of the HISTORY page is similar to that of the alarm list. The

9.5 Abbreviations in the alarm messages

time stamps for the different events can be displayed by pressing the grey
buttons in the navigation bar on the right.
Button INTO By pressing the grey button INTO, the button text and the time stamp in the
alarm bar change.
The following four time stamps can be displayed consecutively by pressing
the button repeatedly:
▪ INTO = alarm triggering time (white on red background)
▪ ACK = alarm acknowledgement time (yellow on blue background)
▪ OUTOF = alarm deactivation time (black on grey background)
▪ RESET = alarm reset time (orange on grey background)

9.3 Common alarm

A Common Alarm is always triggered if a new system alarm of the safety sys-
tem (alarm group C), a new pre-alarm of the alarm system (alarm group E) or
a system alarm of the alarm system (alarm group F) occurs.
The superordinate control system recognises new alarms by the falling edge.

9.4 Alarm messages

The complete list of all alarms can be found in the document "SaCoS_one
GENSET System Messages". All system messages are described in this

9.5 Abbreviations in the alarm messages

Abbreviation Meaning
ACO Automatic Changeover

aft.; AFT. After

AlSys Alarm System

9 Alarm handling

ATEX-UNIT Explosive Atmosphere Unit

bef.; BEF. Before

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C.A. Charge air

CM Control Module

CMS Control Module Small

COMM. Communication

SaCoS_one GENSET, Operating Instructions, EN 149 (171)

9 MAN Diesel & Turbo

Abbreviation Meaning
9.5 Abbreviations in the alarm messages

COMP. Compartment

COMPS. Compensation

CONNECT. Connection

CR Common Rail

CW Cooling water

CYL. Cylinder

DEV.; DEVIAT. Deviation

DF Dual Fuel

DIFF. Difference, differential

DM Display Module

DSENG: Disengage

EC-SYST. Engine Control System

EC, E.C. Engine Control

EMERG. Emergency

EOP External Operating Panel

ERR. Error

EXH. Exhaust

FEEDB. ERR. Feedback error

FL. Flushing

FUNCT. Function

FUNCT.ERR. Function error

GENER. Generator

HP High pressure

HT High temperature

I/O Input/output

IM Injection Module

LEAK Leakage

LEAK:MON-UNIT Leakage Monitoring Unit

LOP Local Operating Panel

9 Alarm handling

LP Low pressure

LT Low temperature
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LUB.; LUBRIC. Lubrication

MED. Medium

MVD Mean value deviation

OMD Oil mist detector

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Abbreviation Meaning

9.5 Abbreviations in the alarm messages

OVRD DSENG Override disengage

OVRD RED Override load reduction request

OVRD SD Override shutdown

PGI Performance Gas Injection

PreAl. Pre-alarm

PREPROC. Pre-processing

PRESS. Pressure

QCO Quick Changeover

RED Reduction request

ROP Remote Operating Panel

SAF.SYST. Safety system

SafSys Safety system

SD Shutdown

SETP. Setpoint

SF Sensor fault

TC Turbocharger

TEMP. Temperature

WING Bridge wing

9 Alarm handling
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10 Repairs and cleaning

10.1 Safety regulations

10.1 Safety regulations

Danger of electrical shock!

When carrying out work on electrical systems, direct contact with live
components or breakdown voltage might cause electrical shock which
might result in cardiac arrhythmia. Additionally, it presents the risk of
severe burns or further secondary injuries due to uncontrolled
To avoid the risk of injury during the carrying out of works, the five
safety rules in accordance with DIN EN 50110 must be observed.
• Isolate (all-pole disconnection).
• Provide a safeguard to prevent unintentional reclosing.
• Verify the safe isolation from supply.
• Earth and short-circuit.
• Cover and safeguard adjacent live parts.

Untrained and unqualified personnel!

The following described procedures require a specific level of prior
electrical knowledge. If the work is carried out by unqualified persons,
it might result in severe physical injuries and material damage!
• Cable installation and maintenance must only be carried out by
qualified electricians.
• Never undertake tasks that are beyond the scope of your personal
• Prevent access of unauthorised persons.

Danger of injury during maintenance!

The engine may be very hot during operation, therefore there is always
a danger of burning oneself on hot surfaces.
• When carrying out maintenance, it is essential to always wear the
suitable protective equipment.
10 Repairs and cleaning

Danger of cutting on sharp edges!

Due to vibration during engine operation, sharp edge might be formed.
• Wear protective gloves!
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Danger of falling!
10.2 Personal protective equipment

When carrying out maintenance and repairs at working heights of at

least 2 metres, there is a danger of injuries in an event of a fall.
• Carry out maintenance and repairs only after a sufficient protective
scaffolding or gallery has been set up.

10.2 Personal protective equipment

Danger of injury due to insufficient personal protective

There is a risk of injury when carrying out work on the plant!
• Wear personal protective equipment when working on the plant.

Sign Designation Comment

Protective clothing The purpose of protective
clothing is to protect the
body against scalding and

Safety footwear The purpose of safety

footwear is to protect the
feet from impacts, twisting
of the ankle and falling

Thermal protective gloves The purpose of thermal

protective gloves is to pro-
tect the hands when they
come into contact with hot
surfaces and objects, and
also to prevent cuts.

Safety goggles The purpose of safety

goggles is to protect the
eyes from flying parts and
jets of liquid.
10 Repairs and cleaning

Hearing protection The purpose of hearing

protection is to protect the
ears from loud noise.

Protective helmet The purpose of the protec-

tive helmet is to protect
the head from impacts
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and falling objects.

Table 2: Personal protective equipment for user

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10.3 Repairs
10.3 Repairs

10.3.1 Replacing Control Module S Brief description

This chapter describes step-by-step the replacement of a defective control
module S.

Note regarding description!

This description applies for both the Control Unit and the splash oil

In particular, the exchange consists of three parts:

▪ Removing the defective module.
▪ Installation of a new module.
▪ Packaging of the defective module. Safety requirements

▪ Engine stand still
▪ Shut off or disconnect the power supply of the control system (see circuit

Danger of falling!
When carrying out maintenance and repairs at working heights of at
least 2 metres, there is a danger of injuries in an event of a fall.
• Carry out maintenance and repairs only after a sufficient protective
scaffolding or gallery has been set up. Required tools/accessories

Amount Part Number Status
1 Socket wrench 001.521 Standard/default
10 Repairs and cleaning

1 Extension 12,5x250 001.912 Standard

1 Socket wrench insert 13x12,5 001.752 Standard

1 Screwdriver - Inventory
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10.3 Repairs Technical data

Name Width Length Height Weight

Control Module S 32.8 mm 306.7 mm 286.1 mm 2.9 kg Spare parts - scope of supply

The Control Module S is delivered with anti-static cover and polystyrene
packaging. All provided plugs are only spare parts. They must not necessa-
rily be used for the replacement of the module.
Pos. Designation
1 Control Module

2 Plug

Keep the packaging!

Keep the packaging! It is to be used when returning a defective
module to MAN Diesel & Turbo SE. Details can be found on the fact
sheet in the transport box. Step 1: Remove the Control Module S

10 Repairs and cleaning

Hot surface!
The surface of the module may still be hot!
There is a risk of injury due to burning!
• Wait a few minutes before replacing the module!
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• Wear protective gloves!

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Plug damage!

10.3 Repairs
When removing the plugs, do not pull the cable! Otherwise, the cable
could be pulled out of the plug.
• Always pull the plug itself.

Keep fastening material!

Keep all screws, washers and lock washers! They are necessary for the
installation of spare parts.

Starting position Power supply of the control system is shut off or interrupted.
Steps of procedure 1. Unlock all screws of the power supply plug.
2. Disconnect power supply.
3. Unlock all screws of all plugs at the Control Module.
4. Remove all plugs.
5. Keep the Control Module S steady while removing all hexagon nuts (M8)
by means of the socket wrench. Step 2: Installing new Control Module S

Starting position The defective Control Module S has been dismounted.
Steps of procedure 1. Insert the Control Module S into the Control Unit (for engine typeL32/44
into the LOP) so that the boreholes correspond with the one on the rear
2. Put the washers and lock washers onto the four pins.
3. Lock the Control Module S with the nuts.
4. Tighten nuts via socket wrench (max. tightening torque 10 Nm).
5. Re-connect all plugs and tighten all screws (max. tightening torque 0,55
6. Re-connect the power supply to the Control Module S and tighten with
screws. Step 3: Packaging the defective Control Module S

The defective Control Module S must be returned to MAN Diesel & Turbo SE
including a fault description. The packaging of the spare part should be used
10 Repairs and cleaning

for the return.

1. Put the defective Control Module S in the anti-static cover.
2. Attach the polystyrene protectors.
3. Pack everything into the transport box.
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10 MAN Diesel & Turbo
10.3 Repairs

10.3.2 Replacing the Display Module Brief description

This chapter contains a step-by-step description of how to replace a defec-
tive Display Module and install a new one.
The specific replacement comprises the following steps:
▪ Removal of defective module.
▪ Installation of new module.
▪ Packing of defective module. Safety requirements

▪ Engine stand still.
▪ Shut off or disconnect the power supply of the control system (see circuit

Danger of falling!
When carrying out maintenance and repairs at working heights of at
least 2 metres, there is a danger of injuries in an event of a fall.
• Carry out maintenance and repairs only after a sufficient protective
scaffolding or gallery has been set up. Required tools/accessories

Quantity Name Number Status
1 Torx screwdriver TX10 - Inventory

1 Screwdriver - Inventory Technical data

10 Repairs and cleaning

2016-08-09 - 2.5

Name Width Length Height Weight

Display Module 74 mm 295 mm 235 mm 3.9 kg

158 (171) SaCoS_one GENSET, Operating Instructions, EN

MAN Diesel & Turbo 10

10.3 Repairs Spare parts - scope of supply
The display module is packed into a cardboard with anti-static cover and
polystyrene protectors. A new mounting frame with Torx screws is included
in the scope of delivery. All provided plugs are only spare parts. They must
not necessarily be used for the replacement of the display module.
Pos. Designation
1 Display module

2 Mounting frame

3 Plugs

Keep the packaging!

Keep the packaging! It is to be used when returning a defective
module to MAN Diesel & Turbo SE. Details can be found on the fact
sheet in the transport box. Step 1: Removing the Display Module

Hot surface!
The surface of the module may still be hot!
There is a risk of injury due to burning!
• Wait a few minutes before replacing the module!
• Wear protective gloves!

Plug damage!
When removing the plugs, do not pull the cable! Otherwise, the cable
could be pulled out of the plug.
• Always pull the plug itself.

Keep fastening material!

10 Repairs and cleaning

Keep all screws, washers and lock washers! They are necessary for the
installation of spare parts.

Starting position Power supply of the control system is shut off or interrupted.
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Steps of procedure 1. Unlock all screws of the power supply plugs.

2. Disconnect power supply.
3. Unlock all screws of all plugs at the module.
4. Remove all plugs.

SaCoS_one GENSET, Operating Instructions, EN 159 (171)

10 MAN Diesel & Turbo

5. Keep the display module steady while removing the Torx screws one
10.3 Repairs

after the other.

6. Remove the mounting frame and hold on to the display module.
7. Remove the display module. Step 2: Installing the new display module

Starting position The defective display module has been dismounted.
Steps of procedure 1. Put the washers and lock washers onto the Torx screws.
2. Insert new display module into the cabinet door.
3. Put on the mounting frame.
4. Fix display module with Torx screws.
5. Tighten Torx screws with screws driver (max. tightening torque 1,0Nm).
6. Re-connect all plugs and tighten all screws (max. tightening torque 0,55
7. Re-connect the power supply to the display module and tighten with
screws. Step 3: Packaging the defective display module

The defective display module must be returned to MAN Diesel & Turbo SE
including a fault description. The packaging of the spare part should be used
for the return.
1. Put the defective display module together with the mounting frame in the
anti-static cover.
2. Attach the polystyrene protectors.
3. Pack everything into the transport box.
10 Repairs and cleaning

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10.4 Cleaning
10.4 Cleaning

10.4.1 Cleaning the switch cabinets and units

Hazard of electric shock!

When working with electrical systems, direct contact with live
components or flash-over voltage may lead to an electric shock and
subsequently to cardiac arrhythmia. Other consequences may be
severe burnings as well as injuries caused by uncontrolled body
Apply the five safety rules (according to DIN EN 50110) before
commencing work in order to eliminate this hazard.
• Disconnect (all poles).
• Prevent from reconnecting.
• Ensure that there is no live voltage.
• Earth and short-circuit.
• Cover and block off any adjacent live components.

Damage due to water!

When cleaning with high-pressure cleaners, water may pass through
the seals into the control system and cause short-circuiting.
• Do not clean the switch cabinets with high-pressure cleaners.

Cleaning tasks may only be done by instructed and authorised persons. A

dangerous situation may occur if the relevant safety measures have not been
Before major cleaning tasks, the power supply must be disconnected.
Do not spray the Control Unit (for engine type L32/44 additionally Local
Operating Panel and Interface Cabinet) with high-pressure cleaners. Instead,
use only a damp cloth and mild detergents.
Do not use strong detergents unless they have been allowed explicitly.

10.4.2 Cleaning the touchscreen

10 Repairs and cleaning

Damage due to water!

During the cleaning of the display water may seep into the device via
the seals and cause short circuits.
• Do not clean display with high-pressure cleaner.
2016-08-09 - 2.5

• Use only a damp cloth and mild detergents.

• Do not use strong detergents unless they have been allowed

SaCoS_one GENSET, Operating Instructions, EN 161 (171)

10 MAN Diesel & Turbo

In order to clean the display, buttons on the display can be disabled in the
10.4 Cleaning

You can access the function TOUCHSCREEN CLEANING via the button
MISC. in the MAIN MENU. The procedure is described in chapter "Overview,
Page 126".
10 Repairs and cleaning

2016-08-09 - 2.5

162 (171) SaCoS_one GENSET, Operating Instructions, EN

MAN Diesel & Turbo 11

11 Spare parts

11.1 Ordering spare parts

11.1 Ordering spare parts

11.1.1 Identification of spare parts

A spare part can be identified and assigned with the following information:
▪ Serial number of the control system
▪ Item designation
▪ The completed configuration table from chapter "Documentation of
engine configuration, Page 71" (only for spare parts marked with * in the
spare parts list).
Serial number of the control The serial number of the control system is located at the very top of the type
system plate.
The SaCoSone GENSET type plate of the Control Unit is located on the right
wall inside the Control Unit.

The SaCoSone GENSET type plate of the Interface Cabinet (only with engine
type L32/44) is located on the right wall inside the Interface Cabinet.
11 Spare parts
2016-08-09 - 2.5

SaCoS_one GENSET, Operating Instructions, EN 163 (171)

11 MAN Diesel & Turbo
11.1 Ordering spare parts

Item designation The item designation of spare parts can be found in the following docu-
▪ Assembly plan
▪ Circuit diagram
The item designation can also be found on the yellow label on the spare part.
11 Spare parts

2016-08-09 - 2.5

164 (171) SaCoS_one GENSET, Operating Instructions, EN

MAN Diesel & Turbo 11

11.2 Spare parts list for SaCoSone GENSET V1.2.X

Item designation (red) in the assembly plan.

11.1.2 Contact
All service contacts are listed in the chapter "Contact, Page 14".

11.2 Spare parts list for SaCoSone GENSET V1.2.X

11.2.1 Spare parts list introduction

11 Spare parts
2016-08-09 - 2.5

The following spare parts lists are valid for SaCoSone GENSET V1.2.X for the
specified engine types.
The spare parts lists contain all important spare parts.

SaCoS_one GENSET, Operating Instructions, EN 165 (171)

11 MAN Diesel & Turbo
11.2 Spare parts list for SaCoSone GENSET V1.2.X Spare parts list L16/24, L21/31, L27/38

Item des. Unit Description
1D1 CU Display Module

3D1 CU Control Module

1S3 CU Emergency stop button

3S2 CU Selector switch


3S3 CU Rotary switch


A1 CU Redundancy module

K1 to K13 CU Relay

1K1 CU Relay (only for stationary applications)

3K2 CU Relay (only for stationary applications)

F1 CU Blade type fuse 4A

F2 CU Blade type fuse 4A

F3 CU Blade type fuse 4A

F4 CU Blade type fuse 4A

F5 CU Blade type fuse 7,5A

F6 CU Blade type fuse 7,5A

F7 CU Blade type fuse 4A

F8 CU Blade type fuse 4A

F9 CU Blade type fuse 4A

F10 CU Blade type fuse 2A

XV1 to XV4 CU Diode terminal block (only for marine applications)

30R10 CU Resistance 4,7k

Terminat- CU Resistance 120 Ohm

ing resis-

Wire break CU Resistance 24k


* = When ordering these spare parts, refer to the engine configuration table in the
chapter "Documentation of engine configuration, Page 71".
11 Spare parts

2016-08-09 - 2.5 Spare parts list L32/40

Item des. Unit Description
1D1 CU Display Module

3D1 CU Control Module

1S3 CU Emergency stop button

166 (171) SaCoS_one GENSET, Operating Instructions, EN

MAN Diesel & Turbo 11

Item des. Unit Description

11.2 Spare parts list for SaCoSone GENSET V1.2.X

3S2 CU Selector switch

3S3 CU Rotary switch


A1 CU Redundancy module

K1 to K14 CU Relay

1K1 CU Relay (only for stationary applications)

3K2 CU Relay (only for stationary applications)

F1 CU Blade type fuse 4A

F2 CU Blade type fuse 4A

F3 CU Blade type fuse 4A

F4 CU Blade type fuse 4A

F5 CU Blade type fuse 7,5A

F6 CU Blade type fuse 7,5A

F7 CU Blade type fuse 4A

F8 CU Blade type fuse 4A

F9 CU Blade type fuse 4A

F10 CU Blade type fuse 2A

XV1 to XV4 CU Diode terminal block (only for marine applications)

30R10 CU Resistance 4,7k

Terminat- CU Resistance 120 Ohm

ing resis-

Wire break CU Resistance 24k


70D1 VIT Wago PLC/fieldbus coupler

* = When ordering these spare parts, refer to the engine configuration table in the
chapter "Documentation of engine configuration, Page 71". Spare parts list L32/44

Item des. Unit Description
1D1 CU Control Module
11 Spare parts

3D1 CU Control Module

2016-08-09 - 2.5

XV1 to XV4 CU Diode terminal block

30R10 CU Resistance 4,7k

Terminat- CU Resistance 120 Ohm

ing resis-

SaCoS_one GENSET, Operating Instructions, EN 167 (171)

11 MAN Diesel & Turbo

Item des. Unit Description

11.2 Spare parts list for SaCoSone GENSET V1.2.X

Wire break CU Resistance 24k


7Q2 IC Motor protection circuit breaker

7A1 IC Redundancy module

7A2 IC Redundancy module

7K1 to IC Relay

F1 IC Fuse 4A K

F2 IC Fuse 4A K

F3 IC Fuse 0,5A K

7F1 IC Fuse 0,5A Z

7F2 IC Fuse 2A Z

7F3 IC Fuse 4A K

7F4 IC Fuse 4A K

7F10 IC Fuse 6A Z

7F11 IC Fuse 6A Z

7F12 IC Fuse 2A Z

7F13 IC Fuse 4A K

7F14 IC Fuse 6A K

7F15 IC Fuse 4A K

7F16 IC Fuse 6A K

7F20 IC Fuse 4A K (3-pole)

7F21 IC Fuse 6A C (3-pole)

Terminat- IC Resistance 120 Ohm

ing resis-

Wire break IC Resistance 24k


9D1 LOP Display Module

9S1 LOP Emergency stop button

9S2 LOP Selector switch

11 Spare parts

9S3 LOP Rotary switch

2016-08-09 - 2.5


Terminat- LOP Resistance 120 Ohm

ing resis-

168 (171) SaCoS_one GENSET, Operating Instructions, EN

MAN Diesel & Turbo 11

Item des. Unit Description

11.2 Spare parts list for SaCoSone GENSET V1.2.X

Wire break LOP Resistance 24k

* = When ordering these spare parts, refer to the engine configuration table in the
chapter "Documentation of engine configuration, Page 71".

11 Spare parts
2016-08-09 - 2.5

SaCoS_one GENSET, Operating Instructions, EN 169 (171)

MAN Diesel & Turbo 12

12 Decommissioning

12.2 Decommissioning for more than two years

12.1 Decommissioning for no more than two years
If the plant is to be shut down for a period of no more than two years, several
measures concerning the power supplies must be taken with engine type
The following power supplies must remain connected:
▪ The 230 V AC power supply for the control cabinet heating of the Inter-
face Cabinet must remain connected in order to prevent damage from
condensing humidity.
The following power supplies can be disconnected:
▪ 24 V DC power supply in the Interface Cabinet.
▪ 400-480 V AC power supply in the Interface Cabinet.

12.2 Decommissioning for more than two years

If the plant is to be shut down for a period of more than two years, several
measures concerning the power supplies must be taken with engine type
The following power supplies must remain connected:
▪ The 230 V AC power supply for the control cabinet heating of the Inter-
face Cabinet must remain connected in order to prevent damage from
condensing humidity.
▪ 24 V DC power supply in the Interface Cabinet. The touchscreens run on
accumulators. If these remain without power supply for more than two
years, the touchscreens might not function after recommissioning.
The following power supplies can be disconnected:
▪ 400-480 V AC power supply in the Interface Cabinet.

12 Decommissioning
2016-08-09 - 2.5

SaCoS_one GENSET, Operating Instructions, EN 171 (171)

MAN Diesel & Turbo

Operating Instructions

Operating Instructions
Hydraulic actuator MA 2.031-1

Material number ................................ 285.14301-0007

Original instructions
MAN Diesel & Turbo

MAN Diesel & Turbo

86224 Augsburg, Germany
Phone +49 821 322-0
Fax +49 821 322-3382

Copyright © 2013 MAN Diesel & Turbo

All rights reserved, including reprinting, copying (Xerox/microfiche) and translation.

Revision Erstellung Datum Check Datum Freigabe Datum

1.1 Specht 05.08.2012 Koulouris 14.03.2012 Mulder 16.04.2012
MAN Diesel & Turbo

Table of contents

Table of contents
1 Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 - 1
1.1 Contact information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 - 1
1.2 Structure and use of the operating manual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 - 2

2 Safety regulations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 - 1
2.1 Intended use. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1
2.2 Structure of instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1
2.3 Symbols and instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2
2.4 Safety equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-3
2.5 Residual dangers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-4
2.6 Personal protection. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-5
2.7 Requirements of the operating personnel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-5
2.8 Environmental protection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-6

3 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 - 1
4 Safety considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 - 1
5 Technical data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 - 1
6 Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 - 1
7 Filling with oil. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 - 1
8 Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 - 1
8.1 Hydraulic system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 - 1
8.2 Proportional solenoid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 - 1

9 Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 - 1
10 Maintenance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 - 1
11 MAN servicing options. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 - 1
11.1 Services in detail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 - 1
11.1.1 Exchange service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 - 1
11.1.2 Reparation service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 - 1
11.2 Benefits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 - 2
11.3 Before you call... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 - 2

12 Material declaration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 - 1

Table of contents
MAN Diesel & Turbo
MAN Diesel & Turbo

1 Preface

Contact information
1.1 Contact information
The MAN Diesel & Turbo Group offers worldwide round-the-clock service, 365
days a year. Apart from the MAN Diesel & Turbo service headquarters in Augs-
burg, Copenhagen, Stockport and St. Nazaire, service centres on all conti-
nents provide comprehensive and continuous support. A long service life
associated with MAN Diesel & Turbo engines dictates a spare parts pro-
gramme that ensures components are available for engines in operation for
decades. Based on high-capacity machines, MAN Diesel & Turbo service pro-
duction facilities are able to comply with special customer requests with the
utmost precision and flexibility.

24 hour hotline
Tel: +49 1801 15 15 15

Technical Service 24 hour hotline

Tel: +49 821 322-1499
Fax: +49 821 322-3838

Spare Parts 24 hour hotline

Tel: +49 821 322-1799
Fax: +49 821 322-3574

Turbocharger Service 24 hour hotline

Spare parts
Tel: +49 821 322-4030

Technical Service (radial)

Tel: +49 821 322-4020

Technical Service (axial)

Tel: +49 821 322-4010

Fax: +49 821 322-3998


MAN Diesel & Turbo

1.2 Structure and use of the operating manual

Structure and use of the operating manual

The operating manual contains information which is intended to support the

user in his work, and information that needs to be observed in order to ensure
safe operation. This information is intended to complement the experience and
capabilities of the members of staff who are responsible for
• the system management,
• the operation, monitoring and checking as well as
• the maintenance and repair work
of the component.
The operating manual must be available to the members of staff at all times.
The members of staff delegated with the task of operating the component
must adequately familiarise themselves with the structure of the operating
instructions, so that they can find the information they need without an ex-
tended search.
Liability/Guarantee MAN Diesel & Turbo SE Augsburg accepts no liability for material damage or
personal injury and/or environmental damage caused by partial or complete
non-observance of the operating manual.
The guarantee becomes invalid in the event of intervention by unauthorised
In the event of personal injury or material damage, claims made on the basis
of liability and guarantee are excluded if the damage or injury can be traced to
one of the following causes:
• If damage and/or breakdowns can be traced to the use of other than
genuine spare parts.
• If the component is operated incorrectly, the maintenance or repairs are
• If the component is operated with incorrectly fitted, faulty or non-
functioning safety and protection equipment.
• If there is non-compliance with the operating instructions concerning
operating, maintenance and repair.
• If the component is modified without the explicit approval of MAN Diesel &
Turbo SE Augsburg. In particular, the fitting or removal of parts is prohibi-
• In the event of inadequate monitoring of components.
• In the event of damage caused by foreign bodies and force majeure.

MAN Diesel & Turbo

Observe the operating A prerequisite for the protection of the members of staff from dangers, for the
manual prevention of faults and for the operation of the component in a fault-free and

Structure and use of the operating manual

safe manner is the knowledge of the content of the technical documentation
of the component.
• The operating manual must always be available (in the control room, for
• All persons who are responsible for the transport, assembly, initial commis-
sioning, operating, maintaining or repair of the component must be
acquainted with the operating manual. We recommend that the user has
the operators confirm to him in writing that they are acquainted with the
operating manual.
• All requirements and instructions in this operating manual must be
complied with.
• The documentation of purchased items is a constituent part of this opera-
ting manual. All safety information in this operating manual and all other
information must be observed.
• All relevant national regulations, regulations concerning accident prevention
environmental protection as well as the confirmed technical regulations for
safe and proper working must be complied with.


Preface Structure and use of the operating manual
MAN Diesel & Turbo
MAN Diesel & Turbo

2 Safety regulations

Intended use
2.1 Intended use
The component can only be used in accordance with the details given in the
contract. Any other use is considered to be non-intended. Unilateral modifica-
tions and changes to the component are strictly prohibited for safety reasons.
MAN Diesel & Turbo SE accepts no responsibility for damage caused thereby,
all associated risks are to be borne by the operator.

The operating and installation conditions prescribed in this operating
manual must be strictly adhered to. No non-genuine parts may be
used on the component since, otherwise, the required level of safety
will not be ensured. Any method of operation that would have a
detrimental effect on the safety of the component must not be used.

2.2 Structure of instructions

Safety messages and symbols are quoted at the relevant positions in the
operating manual if there is a danger to life or the danger of personal injury or
material damage to the component or the danger of environmental damage.
These safety messages must be strictly adhered to.
Safety messages typically contain a coloured warning symbol indicating the
severety of the danger as well as text describing the type, source and conse-
quences of the danger and measures for avoiding the danger. In addition, they
can appear with other symbols. These symbols represent the type of danger
as well as measures for avoiding it.

Safety regulations

MAN Diesel & Turbo

2.3 Symbols and instructions

Symbols and instructions

The following table describes the levels of danger for safety messages in the
technical product information provided by MAN Diesel & Turbo SE:

Symbol Danger level Description

Danger level 1 Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not

avoided, will result in death or serious injury.

Danger level 2 Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not

avoided, could result in death or serious injury.

Danger level 3 Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not

avoided, may result in minor or moderate injury.

Danger level 4 Indicates a property damage message.

No danger level Additional notes, information and tips.

Take care when handling The following must be observed when dealing with the operating manual and
the component:
• The safety and danger messages referring to the component must be ob-
served in order to ensure that neither the members of staff nor the com-

ponent, nor the environment is endangered.

Safety regulations

• Do not remove the safety and danger symbols on the component; they
must remain legible and must be replaced if necessary.
Safety messages and safety symbols are placed all over the plant.
• Prohibition
• Symbols for fire prevention
• Warning beams
• Alarm and signalling systems

MAN Diesel & Turbo

2.4 Safety equipment

Safety equipment
Danger of severe injury or of injuries resulting in death
• It is always the case that the component must only operate in normal
mode if all the safety equipment is present, is fitted properly and is fully
• In operating modes where there is a temporary removal of specific safety
equipment is required, the component must only be operated if the
members of staff are particularly careful and that it has been ensured
that all the safety equipment will be re-fitted properly and immediately
checked for functionality as soon as the work involved has been comple-
• The proper function of all safety equipment must, at all times, be ensured
in accordance with the instructions concerning inspection and repair in
the component documentation.
• All warning symbols must be visible and legible.

Safety regulations

MAN Diesel & Turbo

2.5 Residual dangers

Residual dangers

The component represents state of the art technology and current safety
Incorrect operation In the case of incorrect operation, alienated use and non-observance of the
instruction in the operating manual, there is a danger of severe personal or fatal
injury and the danger of damage to the component and other assets belonging
to the operator and the danger of environmental damage.
If the component is in operation, it is the responsibility of the operator to check
the safe and proper condition of the component, including the safety protec-
tion devices, at regular intervals, but at least after each repair.

Residual dangers
General residual dangers
• Danger from operational, maintenance and repair faults
• Danger from unstable components
• Danger caused by unexpected start-up
• Danger from the loss of power supply (electrical, hydraulic, pneumatic)
• Danger caused by faults and incorrect functioning
• Danger from the failure of, or faults in, the control system
• Danger from software errors

Safety regulations for operators, maintenance and inspection

Residual dangers for operators and protective measures
• All rotating and otherwise moving parts must be protected from inad-
vertent touching.
• The operation of the component without the protective equipment fitted
is not permitted.

Safety regulations for operators, maintenance and inspection

Use of solvents
• Danger of injury to the eyes or skin and possibly the respiratory tract if

vapours are produced! When using solvents, comply with the instruc-
Safety regulations

tions for the use, dangers and disposal.

• Fire or explosion danger if these agents are used for cleaning! Petrol or
chlorinated hydrocarbons must not be used for cleaning purposes.

MAN Diesel & Turbo

2.6 Personal protection

Personal protection
When working on and standing by the component, you must wear the follo-
wing protective clothing:
• Safety shoes
• Safety helmet
• Protective gloves for fitting and repair work
• Chemical-resistant clothing and protective gloves for cleaning work,
especially when handling solvents
• Safety goggles for cleaning work, especially when handling solvents and
when using compressed air for cleaning
• Hearing protection
Proper condition If the component is in operation, it is the responsibility of the operator to check
the safe and proper condition of the component, including the safety protec-
tion devices, at regular intervals, but at least after each repair.
Trained staff The component may only be operated, maintained or repaired by staff
members who have the required technical training and who have been
instructed properly in the handling of the component.
The local health and safety regulations must be observed.
It is the responsibility of the user to ensure that regular training of the operators
is carried out.
Smoking and the use of naked flames on the component is strictly prohibited!
Safety Equipment To prevent bodily injury in the form of burns, which in accordance with EN 809
arise at mean temperatures in excess of 60 ° C, adequate safety equipment
has to be used.

2.7 Requirements of the operating personnel

Qualifications The staff members performing the tasks of operating, maintaining, inspecting
and assembling must have the relevant qualifications for this work. If the staff
do not have the required knowledge, they must be trained and instructed
accordingly. Necessary trainings can be carried out at an MAN Diesel & Turbo
PrimeServ Academy. For training requests, please contact MAN Diesel & Tur-
bo Primeserv (see "1.1 Contact information").

Training During the project phase of the module at MAN Diesel & Turbo, special em-
phasis was placed on simplicity, reliability and safety. Nevertheless, a com-
ponent must always be operated carefully and all the safety and precautionary
measures must be complied with. It is therefore imperative that all operators

have the requisite technical training and instruction in the operation of the com-
Safety regulations

ponent. All handbooks and operating instructions must be available and must
be worked through carefully.

MAN Diesel & Turbo

2.8 Environmental protection

Environmental protection

When handling the component, it has to be ensured that materials which can
endanger the environment are disposed of properly. Service materials must
not be allowed to enter the sewerage system and the ground water system.
All relevant national regulations concerning environmental protection and the
technical regulations for safe and proper working must be complied with.

Safety regulations for operators, maintenance and inspection

• Non-observance of the safety instructions can endanger the en-
• The safety instructions in this operating manual and in the operating ma-
nuals of the equipment must be complied with.
• All leaks from motors, pumps, pump units, tanks and piping must be
rectified immediately.

Safety regulations for operators, maintenance and inspection

Lube oils and combustible materials, solvents
• Lube oils and combustible materials as well as solvents must not be dis-
posed of into the environment, must not be included with the household
waste or burned in unsuitable facilities.
• Before draining the lube oil, combustible material, coolant, hot liquids or
cleaning agents, check the local environmental protection regulations
and comply with them.
• Deposits can contain compounds which are environmentally damaging
and dangerous to health. It is therefore particularly important to define
proper procedures for the safe and proper disposal of deposits.
• Lube oils and combustible materials, solvents and their containers must
not be included with household waste. They must also not enter the
sewerage system or permeate into the ground.
• The relevant regulations concerning disposal must be strictly adhered to!
• Lubricants must be returned for recycling. Socket brackets, rollers,
gearboxes, housings, shafts and sheet metal used for steelwork as well
as the beams and motor housings must be recycled.

• Filters, cables and electrical components must be recycled in

Safety regulations

accordance with the regulations issued by the authorities.

MAN Diesel & Turbo

3 General

This handbook is provided to assist users of the MAN Diesel & Turbo hydraulic
actuator MA 2.031-1. The information contained is believed to be accurate at
the time of publication but MAN Diesel & Turbo reserves the right to introduce
design alterations where appropriate. For further information, please contact
MAN Diesel & Turbo at one of the addresses given on page 1 - 1.

The hydraulic actuator MA 2.031-1 is a proportional actuator, in which the out-

put shaft position is proportional to the electric input signal. The actuator does
not contain a mechanical back-up facility. If the control signal to the actuator
is disconnected, the actuator output shaft will return to position 0, stopped po-
The essential part of the actuator is the solenoid to which the pilot valve, con-
trolling the flow of oil to and from the power piston, is attached. The power pis-
ton is connected by linkage to the output shaft.

The hydraulic actuator MA 2.031-1 is a self-contained device that only requires

a rotary drive input from the engine to drive the integral oil pump. The drive may
be in either direction. The casing of the actuator acts as an oil reservoir and the
integral pump and accumulator provide the pressure that is used to generate
the work output.


MAN Diesel & Turbo

MAN Diesel & Turbo

4 Safety considerations

The hydraulic actuator MA 2.031-1 is part of a speed governing control
loop including the fuel pumps and linkage. Any failure of this control
may cause the engine to stop or overspeed.
• It is essential that an independent overspeed trip is fitted and tested to
see that the engine is protected.
• The overspeed trip must be able to stop the engine without operating
through the actuator.

Correct installation of the actuator is essential for safe operation. This

handbook provides general guidance, but for precise instruction please refer
to SaCoSone GENSET operating instruction and the respective drawings.

If working on, or disconnecting the actuator, please check that the necessary
safeguards are in place to ensure that the engine cannot be started locally,
remotely or via some automatic system.

Ensure that work is only undertaken by a skilled personal and that all normal
precautions are taken.

Safety considerations

Safety considerations
MAN Diesel & Turbo
MAN Diesel & Turbo

5 Technical data

Nominal operating speed 300 - 2000 rpm.

Nominal work output 40.5 joules (30 ft.lbf.)

Torque (Increase fuel) 67 Nm. (49.5 lb.ft.)
Torque (decrease fuel) 52 Nm. (38.5 lb.ft.)

Output shaft angular travel 46.7 degrees.

28 degrees should normally be used for the travel between full speed no-load and
full speed full-load position.
The additional 9.35 degrees at each end of the travel allow for positive fuel shut off
and additional fuel for acceleration. The output scale is marked 0 to 10. Thus 2 to 8
would be the recommended working range.

Output shaft dimensions Standard 3/4 inch 48 SAE serration at both sides.
Optional 5/8 inch 36 SAE serrations at both sides.

Drive shaft type Serrated or keyed.

Drive shaft rotation Both directions.

Actuator installed location Vertical flange mounted. The actuator will function at an angle of 10 degrees to the
vertical and will cope with normal excursions from the vertical as would be associat-
ed with shipboard use.

Weight 28.5 kg (63 lb.)

Oil supply Self contained, 2.75 liters

Control signal 0 – 1000 mAmp. Nominal operating range.

250 mAmp for output position 2 – No Load.
750 mAmp for output position 8 – full Load.

Technical data

MAN Diesel & Turbo

1 Oil Filler Plug 5 Output Position Indicator

(both side)

2 Cover Terminal Strip 6 Output Shaft (both side)

3 Cable Clip 7 Drain Plug

(both side, size 1/4 BSP)

4 Oil Sight Glass

Technical data

Connection Diagram

MAN Diesel & Turbo

6 Installation

Ensure that the engine cannot be rotated or started while the installation is in

Take care when lifting the actuator into position.

The actuator should be located by a spigot and 4 holding down bolts. The
spigot is fitted with an O-ring seal.

If the actuator is driven by means of a bevel gear fitted in the driveshaft, ensure
that the drive shaft is not side loaded as this could cause the drive to break.
Refer to the SaCoSone GENSET operating instructions, particularly when set-
ting the tooth clearance on bevel gears. The recommended backlash is 0.003
/ 0.006 inches (0.08 / 0.15 mm) and the bevel gear should be retained by tigh-
tening the nut on the drive shaft with a torque of between 35-40 lbf.ft (48-
54 Nm)

When connecting the fuel control linkage, please refer to the SaCoSone
GENSET operating instructions. The following is a general guide:
• The linkage should be set so that:
The fuel pump is in position “0 mm“ and the index on the actuator must be
in position “0“.
The fuel pump must be in position for 100% engine load and the index on
the actuator must be in position “8“.
• It is essential that all fuel is shut-off somewhere between output position 2
and 0 (this ensures that the engine can be stopped by the actuator).
• Linearity of movement is important and this is achieved by having fuel rack
links and levers at right angles when in mid position (output 5).
• The linkage should move freely, be free of backlash and be designed to give
linearity. If there is a spring link this should not collapse during normal ope-


MAN Diesel & Turbo
MAN Diesel & Turbo

7 Filling with oil

The actuator may be filled with oil through the top filler plug. The hydraulic actu-
ator MA 2.031-1 has precision parts and, therefore, oil cleanliness is essential.
Clean around the filler plug before removing it and fill using clean oil passing
through a 100-mesh filter.

The hydraulic actuator has been designed to work using an SAE 30 grade
mineral oil for most applications, but high or low temperatures may dictate a
higher or lower viscosity.

The guidelines are as follows:

• Do use good quality mineral oil with good oxidation stability and anti-foam-
ing properties.
• Do ensure that the correct oil level is maintained.
• Do not use hydraulic oils or those with a high alkaline value
(TBN less than 15).

Filling with oil

Filling with oil
MAN Diesel & Turbo
MAN Diesel & Turbo

8 Operation

Hydraulic system
8.1 Hydraulic system
The drive shaft drives the gear oil pump. The oil is transferred to the accumu-
lator. The accumulator is spring loaded and will open the relief hole allowing
excessive oil to be drained to the sump if the oil pressure in the system is 18
bar. The pressurised oil is also transferred to top side of the power piston and
to the pilot valve. Trough an extra set of gear, the pilot valve sleeve is also dri-
ven in order to minimise static friction.
The power piston is of a differential type, that is that the surface at the bottom
side is bigger than the one at the top side. Therefore, applying oil to, or draining
oil from the bottom side of the power piston will make the power piston move
in either upwards or downwards direction.

8.2 Proportional solenoid

The control signal of the electronic governor is connected to the coil. This crea-
tes an electro-magnetic force in the coil assembly. The magnets are in centre
of the coil assembly when the pilot valve is in the lapped position. The bias
spring pushes the pilot valve assembly downwards.

Under steady state conditions the 3 forces in the system - the bias spring


force, the electro-magnetic force and the force of the magnets themselves -
are in balance. If the current of the control signal is increased, the electro-
magnetic force increases, moving the pilot valve down and oil flows to the
power piston. This causes the power pistons to move up and the output shaft
to rotate to a higher position. Attached to power piston linkage is the feedback
lever which pushes the bias spring downwards.

MAN Diesel & Turbo

If the output shaft moves to a higher position, the deflection of the bias spring
is reduced and with it the force it applies to the system. If the reduction of the
Proportional solenoid

bias spring force has compensated the initial increase of the electro-magnetic
force, the pilot valve has returned to lapped position again and the power pis-
ton remains stationary.
If the electro-magnetic force is decreased, the power piston and with it the out-
put shaft will move to a lower position, until the bias spring has compensated
for the electro-magnetic force reduction and the pilot valve is in lapped position

This figure shows a cross section of the actuator. The power piston is located
behind the pilot valve and coil assembly and is therefore not visible.

MAN Diesel & Turbo

9 Settings

The relation between the control signal current and the actuator output posi-
tion is dependent on the strength of the magnets in the coil assembly and the
setpoint of the bias spring. The strength of the magnets can not be altered on
site as it needs a special charging tool. However the setpoint of the bias spring
can be changed by adjusting the bias spring setpoint screw.

Adjustment of the bias spring setpoint must only be done if the relation is found
not to be correct by measuring the control signal current and comparing this
with the actual output position.

The normal relation between the control signal and the actuator output position
• 250 mAmp for output position 2
• 750 mAmp for output position 8
By adjusting the bias setpoint screw, this setting can be offset. If the set point
screw is turned clockwise, the actuator will run with a higher output position at
the same control signal.


MAN Diesel & Turbo

If the setting of the bias setpoint screw is being changed while the
actuator is fitted to the engine, the following must be observed.

As the actuator, while it is in operation, is part of a closed loop system, there

will be no visible change of the output position of the actuator. This is because
if the engine load is not changed, the required amount of fuel and thus actuator
output shaft position will not change either.
Therefore, while in close loop, the effect of adjusting the bias setpoint screw is
that the initial change of the actuator position causes the engine speed to in-
or decrease. This is compensated for by the electronic governor in adjusting
the control signal to the actuator.
Because of this, never adjust the bias setpoint screw without measuring the
control signal and observing the load position of the electronic governor. Also
never adjust the actuator setting in order to match the load indication signal to
f.i. the pitch and load control system to the actual engine load.

Failing to observe these guidelines may result in offsetting the actua-
tor setting to such extend that the electronic governor becomes out of
control and cannot stop the engine which may overspeed!

MAN Diesel & Turbo

10 Maintenance

The hydraulic actuator MA 2.031-1 contains precise specialist parts and requi-
res dedicated test and calibration equipment. If operated correctly, the actua-
tor will provide long service. It is recommended that oil is changed at least
every 6000 hours or when the engine oil is renewed.
If the actuator oil becomes dirty, this indicates the need to replace the drive
shaft oil seal.
In general, every 25,000 running hours an overhaul is required. This should be
undertaken by MAN Diesel & Turbo or an agent appointed and trained by
them. To provide a flexible solution, MAN Diesel & Turbo offers an exchange
program for completely overhauled actuators.


10 - 1

10 - 2
MAN Diesel & Turbo
MAN Diesel & Turbo

11 MAN servicing options

Services in detail
MAN PrimeServ provides prompt and reliable services to reduce production
downtimes to an absolute minimum. In cooperation with the MAN Service
Engineers and the additional assistance of our worldwide network of authori-
zed service providers we are able to offer local services.
Factory options for servicing this product provided by your local MAN service
provider are available as follows:

• Urgent Exchange (24-hour service)
• Normal Replacement

• Flat Rate Repair

11.1 Services in detail

11.1.1 Exchange service

Urgent Exchange
Exchange is a premium program designed for customers with the need of
immediate service. It allows you to request and receive a replacement unit in
minimum time (usually within 48 hours of the request) assuming that a suitable
unit is in stock.
The flat-rate program includes a MAN product warranty of 1 year.

Normal Replacement
In case of either an expected or planned maintenance this option allows you
to call your Full-Service Distributor for requesting a replacement control unit. If
the unit is available at the time of the call, it can usually be shipped out within
14 days, including a warranty of 180 days.

In both cases we offer you the possibility to return your field control unit (which
is substituted with a like-new replacement) to the Full-Service Distributor within
50 days. Therefore you will get a credit advice. Charges for the Exchange/Re-
placement service are based on a flat rate plus variable shipping expenses.
MAN servicing options

11.1.2 Reparation service

All of our repair hubs offer free diagnosis unless you choose not to complete

the reparation. If the ratio of the reparation value and the replacement value is
not favorable, we will inform you. Depending on the severity of the damage we
will either repair or replace the damaged part.
The repair service fee does not cover replacements of missing or non repai-
rable accessory items, severely abused, corroded or water damaged equip-

11 - 1
MAN Diesel & Turbo

Option: Flat Rate Reparation Service


This program offers you reparation services for your products with the advan-
tage of a convenient standard reparation fee. The main advantage of this op-
tion is the knowledge of your reparation costs in advance. Repair parts are
covered by a 90 day replacement warranty if it is determined that the part failed
due to a manufacturing defect.

11.2 Benefits
Our factory repair services provide the following advantages:
• We only use genuine high quality replacement parts
• Return unit is thoroughly cleaned
• All components are evaluated using factory certified test equipment
• Units are upgraded to current state of the art /actual specifications.
• If necessary the latest software upgrade will be installed.
• Detailed reparation report
• All reparations are warranted
• Reparations are performed by MAN factory-trained technicians

11.3 Before you call...

Please have following information available:
• Model and spec number of the unit
• Article & serial number
• Failure information (fault and alarm codes, descriptions)
• Application which the product is used on
• Available time (Length of time in service)
MAN servicing options

11 - 2
MAN Diesel & Turbo

12 Material declaration

Material declaration

12 - 1
Material declaration

12 - 2
MAN Diesel & Turbo
MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (1) Crankshaft and main bearings 510

Crankshaft and main bearings .................................................................................. 510.01 (06)

Work card
Checking of Main Bearings Alignment ....................................................................... 510-01.00 (13)
Inspection of main and guide bearing shells .............................................................. 510-01.05 (11)
Hydraulic tightening of crankcase tie rods ................................................................. 510-01.20 (01)

Crankshaft ................................................................................................................ P51001-14
Flywheel with gear rim ............................................................................................... P51003-11
Vibration damper/tuning wheel .................................................................................. P51004-12
Vibration damper/tuning wheel .................................................................................. P51004-13
Vibration damper/tuning wheel .................................................................................. P51004-14
Vibration damper/tuning wheel .................................................................................. P51004-15
Vibration damper/tuning wheel .................................................................................. P51004-16
Vibration damper/tuning wheel .................................................................................. P51004-17
Vibration damper/tuning wheel .................................................................................. P51004-18
Vibration damper/tuning wheel .................................................................................. P51004-57
Vibration damper/tuning wheel .................................................................................. P51004-58
Vibration damper/tuning wheel .................................................................................. P51004-59
Vibration damper/tuning wheel .................................................................................. P51004-60
Flexible coupling ....................................................................................................... P51005-03

E4-05-134 Rev
RENOLD High Tec couplings DCB-GS ..................................................................... 101

2017-08-16 - en
MAN Diesel & Turbo
Description 510.01
Page 1 (1) Crankshaft and main bearings
Edition 06

L21/31S, L21/31
Crankshaft and Main Bearings
The crank shaft, which is a one-piece forging, is
suspended in underslung bearings. The main bear-
ings are of the trimetal type, which are coated with
a running layer. To attain a suitable bearing pres-
sure and vibration level the crank shaft is provided
with counter weights, which are attached to the
crank shaft by means of two hydraulic screws.
At the fly wheel end the crank shaft is fitted with a
gear wheel which, through two inter mediate
wheels, drives the cam shafts.
At the front end there is a gear wheel connec tion
for lub. oil and water pumps.
Lubricating oil for the main bearings is supplied
through holes drilled in the engine frame. From the
main bearings the oil passes through bores in the
crank shaft to the big-end bearings and then
through channels in the connecting rods to lubricate
the piston pins and cool the pistons.

Vibration damper
A vibration damper is mounted on the crankshaft to
limit torsional vibrations. The damper consists of a
primary and a secondary part. Between these,
groups of leaf spring packs are arranged, which are
clamped at their outer ends.
These spring packs form, together with the primary
and secondary members, chambers which are filled
with oil. If the exterior member vibrates in relation to
the inner member, the leaf springs are bent and
force oil from one chamber into another, retarding
the relative movement of the two parts and thus
damping the torsional vibration. In order to protect
the leaf springs against overloading, their deflection
is limited by buffers.
The elasticity is determined by careful choise of the
leaf springs, the damping factor by the gap
between primary and secondary members.

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Work Card 510-01.00
Page 1 (6) Checking of Main Bearings Alignment
Edition 13

L21/31S, L21/31

Safety precautions Special tools

Engine stopped Plate No. Item No. Note

Shut-off starting air 52002 067
Shut off cooling water
Shut off fuel oil
Shut-off cooling oil
Stop lub. oil circulation
Press Blocking - Reset

Short Description
Checking of main bearings alignment (autolog).

Starting Position Hand Tools

Turning gear in engagement. (If mounted). Cover
for crankshaft has been removed from frame. All
indicator valves open.

Related Procedure

Qualified Manpower Replacement and wearing parts

Duration in h : 1 Plate No. Item No. Quantity
Number : 2

Data for pressure and tolerance (Page 500.35)
Data for tightening torque (Page 500.40)
Declaration of weight (Page 500.45)

MAN Diesel & Turbo
510-01.00 Work Card
Checking of Main Bearings Alignment Page 2 (6)
Edition 13

L21/31S, L21/31

1) Remove the side covers from the crank casing.
2) Turn the crankshaft to bring the crank web for
cylinder no 1 to position X, see fig 8.
3) Place the dial gauge in the punch marks in the
counterweight, see fig 1.
4) Adjust the dial gauge to 0.
5) Turn the crankshaft to position P, T, S and Y
and read the dial gauge in each position and fill
in the form Checking of Main Bearing Align-
ment (Autolog), page 6 and 7.
6) Repeat the procedure on the remaining crank
7) Compare the values to earlier values taken
after the sea trial.
8) Please contact us if the values exceed the val-
ues shown in this Working Card.

Figure 117: Placing of dial gauge

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Work Card 510-01.00
Page 3 (6) Checking of Main Bearings Alignment
Edition 13

L21/31S, L21/31

MAN Diesel & Turbo
510-01.00 Work Card
Checking of Main Bearings Alignment Page 4 (6)
Edition 13

L21/31S, L21/31

Measurement of crank throw deflections by means of dial indicator (autolog)
Crank throw deflection = Difference in dial indicator readings in two diametrically opposite
crank throw positions, i.e. two positions displaced 180o
Vertical deflection = Difference in top-bottom readings
Horizontal deflection = Difference in side-side readings
Horizontal deflections of crank throws
Unless otherwise stated the values refer to cold engine
For new or realigned plant Aim for + / − 3/100 mm
Acceptable + / − 5/100 mm
For plant in service realignment is recommended if deflections exceed + / − 8/100 mm
Vertical deflection of crank throw nearest flywheel
Unless otherwise stated the values refer to cold engine
Flexible coupling between diesel engine and driven machine
- New or recently overhauled engine, normal + 0/100 − 27/100 mm
- Operating engine, max. + 0/100 − 30/100 mm
Flexdisc between diesel engine and driven machine
- New or recently overhauled engine, normal + 0/100 − 35/100 mm
- Operating engine, max. + 0/100 - − 38/100 mm
Vertical deflection of crank throws remaining
Unless otherwise stated the values refer to cold engine
Rigid and flexible coupling between diesel engine and driven machine
- New or recently overhauled engine, normal + 5 / − 15/100 mm
- Operating engine, max. + 5 / − 22/100 mm
Flexdisc between diesel engine and driven machine
- New or recently overhauled engine, normal + 5 / − 15/100 mm
- Operating engine, max. + 5 / − 22/100 mm
Cylinder no 1 in case center PTO is applied
- New or recently overhauled + / − 2/100 mm
- Operating engine, max. + / − 5/100 mm

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Work Card 510-01.00
Page 5 (6) Checking of Main Bearings Alignment
Edition 13

L21/31S, L21/31

MAN Diesel & Turbo
510-01.00 Work Card
Checking of Main Bearings Alignment Page 6 (6)
Edition 13

L21/31S, L21/31

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Work Card 510-01.05
Page 1 (4) Inspection of main and guide bearing shells
Edition 11

L21/31S, L21/31

Safety precautions Special tools

Engine stopped Plate No. Item No. Note

Shut-off starting air P52000 035
P52002 047 (extra tool)
Shut off cooling water
Shut off fuel oil and hydraulic tools according to working card
Shut-off cooling oil
Stop lub. oil circulation
Press Blocking - Reset

Short Description
Dismantling, inspection and/or replacement and
mounting of main and guide bearing shells.

Starting Position Hand Tools

Engine out of operation Allen key, 12 mm
Socket spanner, 36 mm
Lead hammer

Related Procedure
Function of the hydraulic tools 520-01.05
Application of hydraulic tools 520-01.06
Criteria for replacement of con- 506-01.16
necting rod big-end and main
bearing shells
Hydraulic tightening of crankcase 505-01.20
tie rods

Qualified Manpower Replacement and wearing parts

Duration in h : 2 Plate No. Item No. Quantity
Number : 2

Data for pressure and tolerance (Page 500.35)
Data for tightening torque (Page 500.40)
Declaration of weight (Page 500.45)

MAN Diesel & Turbo
510-01.05 Work Card
Inspection of main and guide bearing shells Page 2 (4)
Edition 11

L21/31S, L21/31

Dismantling of Main Bearing

1) Use protective gloves.
2) Dismantle the crankcase covers on both sides
of the engine fore and aft of the main bearing in
question. Figure 118: Hydraulic tools mounted on tie rods
3) Use protective gloves and safety glasses.
4) Turn the engine until the crank is in a conven-
ient possition for carrying out the work.
5) Install the hydraulic tool on the side bolts for
the main bearing cap to be lowered. Loosen
and remove the nuts (1), see fig 1. Leave the
rods in to avoid that the main bearing cap
drops down when removing the nuts for the
main bearing cap.
6) Install the hydraulic tool on the tie rods for the
main bearing cap inside the crankcase. Loosen
and remove the nuts (2), see fig 1.
7) Install the tool for the main bearing cap, see fig
8) Lower the main bearing cap by using a lead

Take care not to drop the thrust rings into the oil
pan when dismantling the 2 aft main bearing

9) Remove the lower bearing shell from the bear-

ing cap.
10) Press the tool for turning the upper bearing half
out into the lubricating oil bore in the crank
journal, see fig 3
11) Turn the upper bearing half out by turning the
Figure 119: Installing lifting tool on main bearing cap

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Work Card 510-01.05
Page 3 (4) Inspection of main and guide bearing shells
Edition 11

L21/31S, L21/31
6) Lift the bearing cap into position by means of
the tool and screw the cross stud in by hand.
Add some liquid sealing compound to the nuts
to seal against the frame and screw on the
nuts but do not tighten.
7) Fit the nuts on the tie rods for the main bearing
cap in the crankcase.
8) The lifting tool for the main bearing cap can
now be removed.
9) For hydraulic tightening of crankcase of tier
rods, see working card 510-01.20.

A Tool B Handle to be removed

before turning the engine

Figure 120: Using turning-out tool

Mounting of main bearing

1) Carefully wash the new bearing in diesel oil to
remove the preservation.
2) Add oil to the bearing surface of the upper
bearing shell and slide it by hand into position Figure 121: Using turning-out tool
as far as possible. Make sure that the bearing
is placed in the middle of the longitudinal direc-
tion of the bearing bore. Dismantling of axial bearing
3) If the bearing cannot be brought into correct
The crankshaft axial bearing is located in the two
position by hand, the tool for turning out the
last main bearing caps of the engine. Both thrust
bearing can be used to turn in the bearing.
ring halves are identical.
Make sure the joint faces of the bearing shell
and the frame are in line, see fig 4. Check or replacement of the thrust rings is carried
out, when checking or replacing the aft main bear-
4) Add oil to the bearing surface of the lower
bearing shell and place it in the main bearing
cap. Make sure the joint faces of the bearing Before lowering the aft main bearing caps, as
shell and the bearing cap are in line. described under "Dismantling of main bearing", the
crankshaft must be moved a little axially to make
5) Add molykote paste to the surface around the
sure there is no axial force on the fore or aft thrust
hole for the side bolts on the main bearing cap.
ring halves.

MAN Diesel & Turbo
510-01.05 Work Card
Inspection of main and guide bearing shells Page 4 (4)
Edition 11

L21/31S, L21/31
1) When lowering the main bearing cap, care
must be taken that the thrust ring half do not
drop into the oil pan.

Installation of axial bearing

1) Add some grease to the back of the thrust
rings halves and place the thrust rings halves
on the main bearing cap. Make sure the guide
fl aps are located in the grooves machined in
the bearing cap.
2) Lift the bearing cap and assemble as described
under "Mounting of main bearing".

Figure 122: Guide bearing

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Work Card 510-01.20
Page 1 (4) Hydraulic tightening of crankcase tie rods
Edition 01

L27/38S, L21/31S, L16/24S, L16/24, L21/31, L27/38

Safety precautions Special tools

Engine stopped Plate No. Item No. Note

Shut-off starting air 52002 533
Shut off cooling water
Shut off fuel oil
Shut-off cooling oil
Stop lub. oil circulation
Press Blocking - Reset

Short Description
Correct tightening of the hydr. nuts are essential in
order to avoid unintended loosening during opera-
tion and hereby the risk of engine break down.

Starting Position Hand Tools

Related Procedure

Qualified Manpower Replacement and wearing parts

Duration in h : 1 per cylinder unit
Number : 1

Data for pressure and tolerance (Page 500.35)
Data for tightening torque (Page 500.40)
Declaration of weight (Page 500.45)

MAN Diesel & Turbo
510-01.20 Work Card
Hydraulic tightening of crankcase tie rods Page 2 (4)
Edition 01

L27/38S, L21/31S, L16/24S, L16/24, L21/31, L27/38

⇨ Main bearing cap moved on to the main tie

⇨ Screw nut manually on to the main tie rod.
2) Mounting of the cross tie rod
⇨ Cross tie rod screwed into the bottom of
the main bearing cap.
⇨ Screw nut manually on to the cross tie rod.
3) Pre-tightening of the cross tie rod
⇨ Pre-tightening of the cross tie rod by Pv
(200 bar) with the hydraulic tool.
⇨ Tightening nut by use of the adjusting rod.
⇨ Release pressure on hydraulic tool (P = 0
Use original tool! bar).
4) Finish tightening of the main tie rods.
Hydraulic tightening procedure ⇨ Pre-tightening of the main tie rod by Pv (250
bar) with the hydraulic tool.
The tightening procedure for tie rods are to be car-
ried out in two steps, and the elongation of the tie ⇨ Tightening nut by use of the adjusting rod.
rod are to be measured during the tightening ⇨ Release pressure on hydraulic tool (P = 0
sequence. In case the measured elongation is bar).
found outside the specification, then repeat the
tightening procedure. ⇨ Mount measuring device on hydraulic tool.
For a correct measuring the tool has to be
When the measured value is still out of tolerance, mounted with the magnetic bracket on the
check the dial gauge and the hydraulic tool and adjusting cylinder of the hydraulic tool.
repeat the tightening procedure. ⇨ Dial gauge set to 0.
⇨ Finish tightening of the main tie rod by Ps
If the measured value still is out of tolerance, the (1200 bar).
materiel specification of the tie rod has to be veri-
fied. ⇨ Tightening nut by use of the adjusting rod.
⇨ Release pressure on hydraulic tool (P = 0
In general tie rods are to be tied up in pair, e.g. at bar).
main bearing caps both tie rods are to be tightened
⇨ Read the elongation Δl on the dial gauge
at the same time also it must be noted that some
and compare with the value in description
components has a specified sequence for the tight-
ening, therefore it is important to consult the actual
documentation for details prior to the tightening up 5) Finish tightening of the cross tie rods.
of any components. ⇨ Mount measuring device on hydraulic tool.
For a correct measuring the tool has to be
Example of mounting and tightening procedure for mounted with the magnetic bracket on the
main bearing caps: adjusting cylinder of the hydraulic tool.
1) Mount of main bearing cap ⇨ Dial gauge set to 0.
⇨ Main tie rod screwed into the bottom of the ⇨ Finish tightening of the cross tie rod by Ps
cap nut. (1200 bar).
⇨ Main tie rod moved through the bores of the ⇨ Tightening nut by use of the adjusting rod.
cylinder crankcase.

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Work Card 510-01.20
Page 3 (4) Hydraulic tightening of crankcase tie rods
Edition 01

L27/38S, L21/31S, L16/24S, L16/24, L21/31, L27/38

⇨ Release pressure on hydraulic tool (P = 0
⇨ Read the elongation Δl on the dial gauge
and compare with the value in description
500.40, note the elongation value in the
assembly documentation.

1 Adjusting rod 2 Main nut

Figure 123: Example of tool application at the main bearing caps

1 Dial gauge 2 Hydraulic tightening tool
3 Nut 4 Screw

Figure 124: Example of tool application at the main bearing caps

Tool set up with dial gauge, the dial gauge must be

applied to the tool in order to obtain correct meas-
urement of the elongation.

Figure 125: Example of tool application at the main bearing caps

MAN Diesel & Turbo
510-01.20 Work Card
Hydraulic tightening of crankcase tie rods Page 4 (4)
Edition 01

L27/38S, L21/31S, L16/24S, L16/24, L21/31, L27/38

Pressure limits In order to avoid too high pressure
will be applied during the tightening procedure the
pressure limitation at the hydraulic pump are to be
set at 50 bar above the tightening value for the
actual tie rod. When un-tightening the maximum
allowable pressure is 5% above the tightening pres-

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Crankshaft P51001-14

L21/31S, L21/31

MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51001-14 Crankshaft Page 2 (2)

L21/31S, L21/31
Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

021 1/E Crankshaft, 5 cyl. engine incl.

item 116, 128, 190
033 1/E Crankshaft, 6 cyl. engine incl.
item 116, 128, 190
045 1/E Crankshaft, 7 cyl. engine incl.
item 116, 128, 190
057 1/E Crankshaft, 8 cyl. engine incl.
item 116, 128, 190
069 1/E Crankshaft, 9 cyl. engine incl.
item 116, 128, 190
070 2/C Cylindrical pin
082 4/C Nut
094 4/C Screw
104 2/C Counterweight
116 1/C Plug screw
128 2/E Plug screw
129 /I Loctite
141 2/C Spring pin
190 1/E Gear wheel

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/C = Qty/Cylinder
Qty/E = Qty/Engine
Qty/I = Qty/Individual

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Flywheel with gear rim P51003-11

L21/31S, L21/31

MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51003-11 Flywheel with gear rim Page 2 (2)

L21/31S, L21/31
Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

010 1/E Flywheel, 5 cyl. engine

022 1/E Flywheel, 6 cyl. engine
034 1/E Flywheel, 7 cyl. engine
046 1/E Flywheel, 8 cyl. engine
058 1/E Flywheel, 9 cyl. engine
071 36/E Bolt
083 1/E Toothed rim
095 16/E Screw
117 1/E Spring pin
129 36/E Disc

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/E = Qty/Engine

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Vibration damper/tuning wheel P51004-12

L21/31S, L21/31

MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51004-12 Vibration damper/tuning wheel Page 2 (2)

L21/31S, L21/31
Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

016 1/E Vibration damper 1)

028 1/E Spur gear
041 14/E Stud screw
053 14/E Nut
090 2/E Closing screw
100 /I Glue
112 2/E Screw

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref- Note 1)

For renewal and reconditioning, please contact MAN Diesel & Turbo
* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/E = Qty/Engine
Qty/I = Qty/Individual

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Vibration damper/tuning wheel P51004-13

L21/31S, L21/31

MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51004-13 Vibration damper/tuning wheel Page 2 (2)

L21/31S, L21/31
Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

016 1/E Vibration damper 1)

028 1/E Spur gear
041 14/E Stud screw
053 14/E Nut
090 2/E Closing screw
100 /I Glue
112 2/E Screw

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref- Note 1)

For renewal and reconditioning, please contact MAN Diesel & Turbo
* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/E = Qty/Engine
Qty/I = Qty/Individual

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Vibration damper/tuning wheel P51004-14

L21/31S, L21/31

MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51004-14 Vibration damper/tuning wheel Page 2 (2)

L21/31S, L21/31
Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

016 1/E Vibration damper with 30 mm

mounting flange 1)
028 1/E Spur gear
041 14/E Stud screw
053 14/E Nut
090 2/E Closing screw
100 /I Glue
112 2/E Screw

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref- Note 1)

For renewal and reconditioning, please contact MAN Diesel & Turbo
* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/E = Qty/Engine
Qty/I = Qty/Individual

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Vibration damper/tuning wheel P51004-15

L21/31S, L21/31

MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51004-15 Vibration damper/tuning wheel Page 2 (2)

L21/31S, L21/31
Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

016 1/E Vibration damper 1)

028 1/E Spur gear
041 14/E Stud screw
053 14/E Nut
090 2/E Closing screw
100 /I Glue
112 2/E Screw

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref- Note 1)

For renewal and reconditioning, please contact MAN Diesel & Turbo
* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/E = Qty/Engine
Qty/I = Qty/Individual

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Vibration damper/tuning wheel P51004-16

L21/31S, L21/31

2015.01.05 - option
MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51004-16 Vibration damper/tuning wheel Page 2 (2)

L21/31S, L21/31
Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

016 1/E Vibration damper 1)

028 1/E Spur gear
041 14/E Stud screw
053 14/E Nut
090 2/E Closing screw
100 /I Glue
112 2/E Screw

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref- Note 1)

For renewal and reconditioning, please contact MAN Diesel & Turbo
* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/E = Qty/Engine
Qty/I = Qty/Individual

2015.01.05 - option
MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Vibration damper/tuning wheel P51004-17

L21/31S, L21/31

2016.01.05 - standard
MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51004-17 Vibration damper/tuning wheel Page 2 (2)

L21/31S, L21/31
Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

016 1/E Vibration damper 1)

028 1/E Spur gear
041 14/E Stud screw
053 14/E Nut
090 2/E Closing screw
100 /I Glue
112 2/E Screw

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref- Note 1)

For renewal and reconditioning, please contact MAN Diesel & Turbo
* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/E = Qty/Engine
Qty/I = Qty/Individual

2016.01.05 - standard
MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Vibration damper/tuning wheel P51004-18

L21/31S, L21/31

MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51004-18 Vibration damper/tuning wheel Page 2 (2)

L21/31S, L21/31
Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

016 1/E Vibration damper 1)

028 1/E Spur gear
041 14/E Stud screw
053 14/E Nut
090 2/E Closing screw
100 /I Glue
112 2/E Screw

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref- Note 1)

For renewal and reconditioning, please contact MAN Diesel & Turbo
* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/E = Qty/Engine
Qty/I = Qty/Individual

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Vibration damper/tuning wheel P51004-57


2014.11.04 - 5 Cyl. Fire Fighting - 100% PTO

MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51004-57 Vibration damper/tuning wheel Page 2 (2)

Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

016 1/E Vibration damper

112 2/E Screw

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/E = Qty/Engine

2014.11.04 - 5 Cyl. Fire Fighting - 100% PTO

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Vibration damper/tuning wheel P51004-58


2014.11.04 - 6 Cyl. Fire Fighting - 100% PTO

MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51004-58 Vibration damper/tuning wheel Page 2 (2)

Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

016 1/E Vibration damper

112 2/E Screw

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/E = Qty/Engine

2014.11.04 - 6 Cyl. Fire Fighting - 100% PTO

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Vibration damper/tuning wheel P51004-59


2014.11.04 - 7+8 Cyl. Fire Fighting - 100% PTO

MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51004-59 Vibration damper/tuning wheel Page 2 (2)

Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

016 1/E Vibration damper

112 2/E Screw

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/E = Qty/Engine

2014.11.04 - 7+8 Cyl. Fire Fighting - 100% PTO

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Vibration damper/tuning wheel P51004-60

2014.11.04 - 9 Cyl. Fire Fighting - 100% PTO

MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51004-60 Vibration damper/tuning wheel Page 2 (2)

Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

016 1/E Vibration damper

112 2/E Screw

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/E = Qty/Engine

2014.11.04 - 9 Cyl. Fire Fighting - 100% PTO

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Flexible coupling P51005-03

L21/31S, L21/31

2014.10.23 - Vulkan
MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51005-03 Flexible coupling Page 2 (2)

L21/31S, L21/31
Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

011 1/E Flexible couplig

023 32/E Screw
035 32/E Washer

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/E = Qty/Engine

2014.10.23 - Vulkan
MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (1) Subsupplier 510

2017-08-16 - en

The Complete Solution



1) General Description and Operation ……………………………………… 2

2) Assembly ……………………………………………………………………… 3

3) Final Alignment ……………………………………………………………… 6

4) Removal of Rubber Elements ……………………………………………… 7

5) Periodic Inspection ……………………………………………………… 9

6) Storage of Spare Rubber Blocks ……………………………………… 10

7) Specification of Assembly Fluid ……………………………………… 11

8) Table of Tightening Torques ……………………………………………… 12

RENOLD Hi-Tec Couplings. Tel: +44 (0) 1422 255000 Fax: +44 (0) 1422 255100 E-Mail:

General Description & Operation

The flexible coupling assembly has two main metal parts, an Outer Member (1) with blades extending
radially inwards and an Inner Member (2) with similar blades extending radially outward. Between
these blades rubber Blocks (3) and Tubes (4) are inserted to cushion the drive, detune torsional
vibration conditions and accept misalignment in all directions. The Cover (5) and Keep-plate (where
fitted) provide a limit to the axial elongation of the blocks when under compression.

Under steady drive conditions only the blocks are under load, these being referred to as ‘driving
blocks’. The tubes are placed in the trailing cavities. These only come into operation under reverse
torque conditions.

No lubrication of the coupling is required and the coupling should operate for long periods of time
with no attention other than the Periodic Inspection described under Section 5.

Keep-plate may
be fitted here 1

1. Outer Member 3
2. Inner Member
3. Block
4. Tube 4
5. Cover (split)

RENOLD Hi-Tec Couplings. Tel: +44 (0) 1422 255000 Fax: +44 (0) 1422 255100 E-Mail:


Driving Machine Inner Member Driven Equipment

Outer Member

Determine direction
of rotation when
Keep-plate viewed from this face

Driven Shaft


It is assumed that assembly commences with the coupling as shown in the sketch above where:

1) Both driving and driven machines are in position and are correctly aligned to each other.
2) The driven shaft (or flange) is temporarily secured in the correct axial position.
3) Flywheel (or driving flange), keep-plate and outer member have been correctly correlated
and are securely bolted together.
4) Cover rests on shaft behind the inner member.

Note: Most DCB-GS couplings use split covers to facilitate insertion and removal of rubber blocks.

RENOLD Hi-Tec Couplings. Tel: +44 (0) 1422 255000 Fax: +44 (0) 1422 255100 E-Mail:

Assembly (continued)

The assembly procedure for DCB-GS couplings is as follows:

1) Fasten keep plate to outer member flange where appropriate.

2) Lightly brush the walls of each cavity with silicone fluid as specified in Section 7, or
available from Renold Hi-Tec Couplings.
3) Lightly brush each block and the outer surfaces of each tube with silicone fluid.
4) Check the direction of rotation of the coupling to determine the driving and trailing cavities.
Direction of rotation is as viewed on flywheel face (refer to sketch on previous page).
For clockwise rotation the driving cavity will be on the right hand side of the outer member
blade. For anti-clockwise rotation the driving cavity will be on the left hand side of the outer
member blade. Note that the driving cavity has the larger radius.
5) Insert the first block into any driving cavity. Ensure that it is pushed until it reaches the back
of the coupling.
6) Insert one block in each driving cavity around the coupling in the same manner as the first.
7) Take a tube; manually compress the walls so that it can be squeezed into the trailing
cavity. Ensure that the tube is pushed to the far end of the cavity. For larger tubes a G-
clamp may be required to compress the tube enough to insert it in the cavity.
8) Insert a row of tubes in the trailing cavities as described above.
9) For couplings containing two or more rows of rubber elements, repeat steps 4–7, inserting
first a row of blocks, then a row of tubes, until the coupling is fully assembled. Refer to
notes on following page.
10) Fasten the cover to the Outer Member using the Disk Lock self-locking washers.
11) Tighten the Cover screws to the torque tightening value as specified in Section 8.

Note: It is recommended that the keep plate be fastened to the outer member before the
rubber elements and cover are assembled.
Fastening the cover to the outer member before adding the blocks and assembling the
keep plate is not the recommended assembly method as the keep plate may not locate to
the outer member properly due to the deformation of the compressed rubber elements.

RENOLD Hi-Tec Couplings. Tel: +44 (0) 1422 255000 Fax: +44 (0) 1422 255100 E-Mail:

1 2

3 4
Note: The coupling shown is designed to rotate in the anticlockwise direction.

For specially balanced applications the blocks and/or tubes may be numbered. In this event, the
elements should be assembled in numerical order around the coupling. For couplings with multiple
rows of blocks, the row designation will be labelled A, B, C etc. See diagram below.

6 1

5 2

3 A
4 B
RENOLD Hi-Tec Couplings. Tel: +44 (0) 1422 255000 Fax: +44 (0) 1422 255100 E-Mail:

Final Alignment

The final alignment may be checked using two dial indicators rigidly attached to the driven shaft as
shown in the sketch.

As the coupling is rotated the indicators will provide values of parallel and angular misalignments.

An improved method is to use two additional dial indicators positioned diametrically opposite the first
two and to take readings simultaneously from all four indicators. This method eliminates error due to
such factors as gear influences axial float which can be readily observed and eliminated when the
two sets of readings are compared.

RENOLD Hi-Tec Couplings. Tel: +44 (0) 1422 255000 Fax: +44 (0) 1422 255100 E-Mail:

Removal of Rubber Elements

If the cover is a single piece it should be removed and placed as far back as possible along the shaft.
Split covers may be removed and stored until required.

Each cavity of the DCB-GS coupling may contain more than one element. The first stage of element
removal is to remove all blocks at the cover side of the coupling.

The use of a lever such as a bar or screwdriver is recommended to ease elements from their cavities.
This should be inserted at the corner of the cavity giving the widest point of access and using a lever
action against the cavity edge, the block should then become free. It may be necessary to repeat this
at opposite corners of the cavity.

When the complete circle of blocks has been removed the exposed cavity surfaces should be lightly
brushed with silicone fluid to aid the removal of the other rows of blocks.

After the first row of blocks has been removed the tubes should be removed from the trailing cavities.
The use of a lever is also recommended for this exercise.

With all tubes removed the remaining blocks should now be removed.

RENOLD Hi-Tec Couplings. Tel: +44 (0) 1422 255000 Fax: +44 (0) 1422 255100 E-Mail:

Renold Hi-Tec Couplings DCB-GS couplings are designated in the following manner
Example: DCB-GS 626.5

6 2 6.5 6.5” diameter driving element

2 rows of elements

6 driving elements spaced radially

around the coupling

DCB-GS 626.5 - 6 blocks, 2 rows per cavity, 6.5” diameter blocks.

DCB-GS 658.5 - 6 blocks, 5 rows per cavity, 8.5” diameter blocks.

Table of setting tolerances

Maximum Axial &
Renold Hi- Maximum
Axial & Radial Setting Tolerance ‘A’
Tec Angular Mis-
Radial Setting (Run out at ØG – TIR)
Couplings alignment
Movement Tolerance
DCB-GS mm mm Degree ØG mm mm
6 x 2.5 1.5 0.37 0.7 296 0.3
6 x 3.5 2.0 0.50 0.7 414 0.4
6 x 4.5 2.5 0.62 0.7 532 0.5
6 x 5.5 3.0 0.75 0.7 650 0.6
6 x 6.5 3.5 0.87 0.7 770 0.7
6 x 7.5 3.5 0.87 0.7 888 0.8
6 x 8.0 4.0 1.00 0.7 946 0.9
6 x 8.5 4.5 1.13 0.7 1005 1.0
6 x 9.5 5.0 1.25 0.7 1124 1.0
6 x 11.0 6.0 1.50 0.7 1300 1.2
6 x 13.0 8.0 2.00 0.7 1537 1.5
6 x 15.0 10.0 2.50 0.7 1774 1.6

Note: Setting Tolerance ‘A‘ refers to the position of the dial indicator as recommended in the
diagram on page 5.

RENOLD Hi-Tec Couplings. Tel: +44 (0) 1422 255000 Fax: +44 (0) 1422 255100 E-Mail:

Periodic Inspection

Inspection of the rubber blocks after the first 12 months of operation will provide a basis on which a
future inspection programme can be decided.

It will only be necessary to inspect the blocks at the cover end of the coupling. (Those which can be
seen after removal of the cover.)

Block hardness should be checked using a durometer to measure shore hardness. The maximum
allowable change in hardness is 10 degrees. If the change exceeds 5 degrees consideration should
be given to the timing of the next inspection to ensure that the 10-degree limit is not exceeded.

Visual inspection of the rubber blocks should be made to determine whether any obvious
abnormalities have occurred. This type of coupling is fitted with circular rubber elements that are
precompressed at rest position; hence some deformation can be expected and will not affect the
performance of the coupling. The diagram below shows acceptability criteria for deformation.

Certain types of damage may be confined to the surface with no appreciable effect on performance.
When in doubt one block and one tube should be removed from the coupling and hardness checked
at different points to assess the overall condition of the rubber.


RENOLD Hi-Tec Couplings. Tel: +44 (0) 1422 255000 Fax: +44 (0) 1422 255100 E-Mail:

Storage of Spare Rubber Blocks

The British Standards Institute recommend the following storage conditions for vulcanised elastomers
to avoid changes in properties which are indicated by softening, hardening, cracking or other surface

Deteriation can be accelerated by the synergistic effect of the combined factors heat light, humidity,
oxygen and ozone.

These effects can be minimised by careful selection of storage conditions, i.e.: -

TEMPERATURE: The storage temperature should be less than 25°C. For long term
storage a maximum temperature of 15°C is recommended
HUMIDITY: Moist conditions should be avoided and no condensation should
LIGHT: All polymeric products should be protected against light, especially
sunlight or artificial light with high ultra violet content.
OXYGEN & OZONE: Where possible components should be protected from air circulation
by storage in containers. Ozone is particularly damaging and for this
reason, parts should not be stored near electrical equipment where
sparks or silent discharges are possible.
DEFORMATION: Mouldings should be stored in a strain free condition.
LIQUIDS: Mouldings should not be contaminated with liquids in storage.
CLEANING: If cleaning is required for storage, soap and water is relatively
harmless. The washed components should be allowed to dry at room
STORAGE TIME: Where items have been stored for five years or more a Laboratory
check on quality must be carried out before use.

RENOLD Hi-Tec Couplings. Tel: +44 (0) 1422 255000 Fax: +44 (0) 1422 255100 E-Mail:
- 10 -

Specification of Assembly Fluid

To ease assembly of the Renold Hi-Tec Coupling the rubber elements and coupling cavities can be
coated with silicone fluid available in 250ml containers from Renold Hi-Tec Couplings. Only a small
amount of fluid is required to lubricate the element and the cavities. The fluid is not essential to the
operation of the coupling it merely eases the assembly process. The specification below lists the

Manufacturer: Dow Corning 200 fluid

Viscosity: 1000 cs
Brussels No: 39018010
Boiling Point: 230°C
Specific Gravity: 0.97

Fire and Explosion Hazard Data

Flash Point Closed cup 93°C, Open cup 285°C
Extinguishing Media CO2 Foam, dry Powder or fine water spray
Special Procedures None

Health Hazard Data

Skin No significant effect
Eyes May cause temporary discomfort – flush with water
Inhalation No significant effect
Ingestion Mildly toxic estimated LD595000mg/kg

Spill or Leaks
Procedure Mop, wipe or soak up with absorbent material.

Waste Disposal
Can be land filled or burned in accordance with local regulations

Special Protection
Safety glasses to be worn.

RENOLD Hi-Tec Couplings. Tel: +44 (0) 1422 255000 Fax: +44 (0) 1422 255100 E-Mail:
- 11 -

Table of tightening Torques

Cover Setscrew Grade 8.8

Renold Hi-Tec
Size Torque Tighten to
Couplings DCB-GS
Dia x Pitch Nm
6x2.5 M10 x 1.5 45
6x3.5 M14 x 2.0 120
6x4.5 M18 x 2.5 250
6x5.5 M20 x 2.5 360
6x6.5 M24 x 3.0 625
6x7.5 M30 x 3.5 1250
6x8.0 M30 x 3.5 1250
6x8.5 M36 x 4.0 2190
6x9.5 M36 x 4.0 2190
6x11.0 M42 x 4.5 3100
6x13.0 M48 x 5.0 4600
6x15.0 M56 x 5.5 7400

RENOLD Hi-Tec Couplings. Tel: +44 (0) 1422 255000 Fax: +44 (0) 1422 255100 E-Mail:
- 12 -
RENOLD Power RENOLD Hi-Tec Couplings SA Brampton RENOLD RENOLD Australia Prop Ltd
Transmission Corporation Usatges No1 – Local 5 Z.I.A. Rue de la Pointe 508-520 Wellington Road
8750 Global Way 08850 – GAVA (Barcelona) B.P.359-59473 Mulgrave, Victoria 3170
West Chester, Ohio 45069 Spain SECLIN CEDEX Australia
USA Tel: +34 (93) 638 05 58 France Tel: +61 (0) 3 9262 33 33
Tel: +001 513 942 1000 Fax: +34 (93) 638 07 37 Tel: +33 (0) 3 20 16 2929 Fax: +61 (0) 3 9561 85 61
Fax: +001 513 942 8500 Fax: +33 (0) 3 20 16 2900
Toll Free: 800 850 8141

E4-05-134 Rev 101

DCB-GS A&M English/0902
MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (1) Engine frame and base frame 511

Engine Frame and Base Frame ................................................................................. 511.01 (06)

Work card
Functional test of crankcase safety relief valves ......................................................... 511-01.00 (07)

Frame ....................................................................................................................... P51101-32
Frame ....................................................................................................................... P51101-33
Frame ....................................................................................................................... P51101-34
Frame ....................................................................................................................... P51101-35
Frame ....................................................................................................................... P51101-36
Front-end box ........................................................................................................... P51103-33
Front-end box ........................................................................................................... P51103-34
Front-end box ........................................................................................................... P51103-35
Main bearing ............................................................................................................. P51104-07
Main bearing ............................................................................................................. P51104-08
Covers on frame ....................................................................................................... P51106-35
Covers on frame ....................................................................................................... P51106-36
Covers on frame ....................................................................................................... P51106-37
Covers on frame ....................................................................................................... P51106-45
Coupling guard ......................................................................................................... P51109-12
Coupling guard ......................................................................................................... P51109-13
Coupling guard ......................................................................................................... P51109-17
Coupling guard ......................................................................................................... P51109-19
Base frame ............................................................................................................... P51111-06
Coupling flange ......................................................................................................... P51113-01
Cover on coupling side ............................................................................................. P51114-01
Engine assembly ....................................................................................................... P51116-01
Engine assembly ....................................................................................................... P51116-03
Engine assembly ....................................................................................................... P51116-04
Mounting instruction ................................................................................................. P51117-02

2017-08-16 - en
MAN Diesel & Turbo
Description 511.01
Page 1 (1) Engine Frame and Base Frame
Edition 06

L21/31S, L21/31
Engine frame On the sides of the frame there are covers for
access to the camshafts and crankcase. Some
The monobloc cast iron engine frame is designed to covers are fitted with relief valves which will operate
be very rigid. All the components of the engine if oil vapours in the crankcase are ignited (for
frame are held under compression at stress. The instance in the case of a hot bearing).
frame is designed for an ideal flow of forces from
the cylinder head down to the crankshaft and gives
the outer shell low surface vibrations. Base frame
Two camshafts are located in the engine frame. The The engine and alternator are mounted on a rigid
valve camshaft is located on the exhaust side in a base frame. The alternator is considered as an inte-
very high position and the injection camshaft is gral part during engine design. The base frame,
located on the service side of the engine. which is flexibly mounted, acts as a lubricating oil
reservoir for the engine.
The main bearings for the underslung crankshaft
are carried in heavy supports by tie rods, and are
secured with the bearing caps. These are provided
with side guides and held in place by means of
studs with hydraulically tightened nuts. The main
bearing is equipped with replaceable shells which
are fitted without scraping.

Figure 127: Main bearings

Figure 126: Engine frame

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Work Card 511-01.00
Page 1 (2) Functional test of crankcase safety relief valves
Edition 07

L21/31S, L21/31

Safety precautions Special tools

Engine stopped Plate No. Item No. Note

Shut-off starting air
Shut off cooling water
Shut off fuel oil
Shut-off cooling oil
Stop lub. oil circulation
Press Blocking - Reset

Short Description
Functional test of crankcase safety relief valves

Starting Position Hand Tools

Related Procedure

Qualified Manpower Replacement and wearing parts

Duration in h : 1/4 Plate No. Item No. Quantity
Number : 1 51106 237 1/cover
51106 490 4/relief valve
51106 524 4/relief valve
Data 51106 740 1/relief valve
Data for pressure and tolerance (Page 500.35)
Data for tightening torque (Page 500.40)
Declaration of weight (Page 500.45)

MAN Diesel & Turbo
511-01.00 Work Card
Functional test of crankcase safety relief valves Page 2 (2)
Edition 07

L21/31S, L21/31
5) Remount the relief valve cover of the engine. If
the safety relief valves are actuated, the engine
must be stopped immediately, and it must not
be restarted until the cause is detected and the
fault is fixed, see also description 503.04, Igni-
tion in Crankcase.

Functional Testing

The complete relief valve has to be replaced after

a crankcase explosion

Functional testing of the crankcase safety relief

valves cannot be performed during operation of the
engine, but it must be checked during overhauls
that the valve flap is movable.

When Painting
When painting the engine, take care not to block up
the safety relief valves with paint. 1 Cover 2 Relief valve

Check of opening pressure Figure 128: Cover with safety relief valve

To check the proper opening pressure, proceed as


Use protective gloves

1) Remove the relief valve cover from the engine.

2) Place the cover on the floor with the pressure
area upwards.
3) Check O-ring for visible damages, Replace if
any damages.
4) Apply a weight at 6 kg on the pressure area.
The relief valve must open under this pressure.

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (4) Frame P51101-32

L21/31S, L21/31

2017.01.11 - 5 cyl. enigne

MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51101-32 Frame Page 2 (4)

L21/31S, L21/31
Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

049 9/E Cylindrical pin

062 4/C Tie rod
074 8/C O-ring

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/C = Qty/Cylinder
Qty/E = Qty/Engine
Qty/I = Qty/Individual

2017.01.11 - 5 cyl. enigne

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 3 (4) Frame P51101-32

L21/31S, L21/31

2017.01.11 - 5 cyl. enigne

MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51101-32 Frame Page 4 (4)

L21/31S, L21/31
Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

086 14/E Nut

098 1/E Frame (5 cyl. engine), material
100 1/E Frame (5 cyl. engine), material

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/C = Qty/Cylinder
Qty/E = Qty/Engine
Qty/I = Qty/Individual

2017.01.11 - 5 cyl. enigne

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (4) Frame P51101-33

L21/31S, L21/31

2017.01.11 - 6 cyl. engine

MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51101-33 Frame Page 2 (4)

L21/31S, L21/31
Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

049 10/E Cylindrical pin

062 4/C Tie rod
074 8/C O-ring

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/C = Qty/Cylinder
Qty/E = Qty/Engine
Qty/I = Qty/Individual

2017.01.11 - 6 cyl. engine

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 3 (4) Frame P51101-33

L21/31S, L21/31

2017.01.11 - 6 cyl. engine

MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51101-33 Frame Page 4 (4)

L21/31S, L21/31
Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

086 16/E Nut

108 1/E Frame (6 cyl. engine), material
110 1/E Frame (6 cyl. engine), material

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/C = Qty/Cylinder
Qty/E = Qty/Engine
Qty/I = Qty/Individual

2017.01.11 - 6 cyl. engine

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (4) Frame P51101-34

L21/31S, L21/31

2017.01.11 - 7 cyl. engine

MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51101-34 Frame Page 2 (4)

L21/31S, L21/31
Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

049 11/E Cylindrical pin

062 4/C Tie rod
074 8/C O-ring

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/C = Qty/Cylinder
Qty/E = Qty/Engine
Qty/I = Qty/Individual

2017.01.11 - 7 cyl. engine

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 3 (4) Frame P51101-34

L21/31S, L21/31

2017.01.11 - 7 cyl. engine

MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51101-34 Frame Page 4 (4)

L21/31S, L21/31
Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

086 18/E Nut

121 1/E Frame (7 cyl. engine), material
122 2/E Hexagon screw

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/C = Qty/Cylinder
Qty/E = Qty/Engine
Qty/I = Qty/Individual

2017.01.11 - 7 cyl. engine

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (4) Frame P51101-35

L21/31S, L21/31

2017.01.11 - 8 cyl. engine

MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51101-35 Frame Page 2 (4)

L21/31S, L21/31
Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

049 12/E Cylindrical pin

062 4/C Tie rod
074 8/C O-ring

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/C = Qty/Cylinder
Qty/E = Qty/Engine
Qty/I = Qty/Individual

2017.01.11 - 8 cyl. engine

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 3 (4) Frame P51101-35

L21/31S, L21/31

2017.01.11 - 8 cyl. engine

MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51101-35 Frame Page 4 (4)

L21/31S, L21/31
Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

086 20/E Nut

122 2/E Hexagon screw
133 1/E Frame (8 cyl. engine), material

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/C = Qty/Cylinder
Qty/E = Qty/Engine
Qty/I = Qty/Individual

2017.01.11 - 8 cyl. engine

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (4) Frame P51101-36

L21/31S, L21/31

2017.01.11 - 9 cyl. engine

MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51101-36 Frame Page 2 (4)

L21/31S, L21/31
Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

049 13/E Cylindrical pin

062 4/C Tie rod
074 8/C O-ring

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/C = Qty/Cylinder
Qty/E = Qty/Engine
Qty/I = Qty/Individual

2017.01.11 - 9 cyl. engine

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 3 (4) Frame P51101-36

L21/31S, L21/31

2017.01.11 - 9 cyl. engine

MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51101-36 Frame Page 4 (4)

L21/31S, L21/31
Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

086 22/E Nut

122 2/E Hexagon screw
145 1/E Frame (9 cyl. engine), material

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/C = Qty/Cylinder
Qty/E = Qty/Engine
Qty/I = Qty/Individual

2017.01.11 - 9 cyl. engine

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Front-end box P51103-33

L21/31S, L21/31

MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51103-33 Front-end box Page 2 (2)

L21/31S, L21/31
Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

014 1/E Front-end box 815 1/E Packing ring

026 2/E Cover 827 1/E Plug screw
038 12/E Screw 839 1/E Packing ring
051 3/E Washer 840 1/E Plug screw
099 23/E Locking spring washer 852 1/E Packing ring
109 1/E Cover 864 1/E Plug screw
122 3/E Plug screw
134 3/E Packing ring
183 1/E Cover
195 1/E Expander
205 1/E Gasket
229 /I Glue (Loctite 638)
301 /I Glue (Loctite 243)
349 7/E Screw
470 2/E Plug screw
482 2/E Packing ring
504 2/E Sealing ring
516 2/E Plug screw
565 2/E Plug screw
577 2/E O-ring
624 9/E Plug screw
636 8/E Thrust piece
720 7/E Closing screw
732 7/E O-ring
744 2/E Plug screw
756 2/E Packing ring
781 4/E Screw
793 1/E O-ring
803 1/E Cover

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/E = Qty/Engine
Qty/I = Qty/Individual

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Front-end box P51103-34


2017.05.18 - Fire fighting (FiFi) - 100% Power take-off (PTO)

MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51103-34 Front-end box Page 2 (2)

Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

014 1/E Front-end box 815 1/E Packing ring

026 2/E Cover 827 1/E Plug screw
038 12/E Screw 839 1/E Packing ring
051 3/E Washer 840 1/E Plug screw
099 23/E Locking spring washer 852 1/E Packing ring
109 1/E Cover 864 1/E Plug screw
122 3/E Plug screw
134 3/E Packing ring
183 1/E Cover
195 1/E Expander
205 1/E Gasket
229 /I Glue (Loctite 638)
301 /I Glue (Loctite 243)
349 7/E Screw
470 2/E Plug screw
482 2/E Packing ring
504 2/E Sealing ring
516 2/E Plug screw
565 2/E Plug screw
577 2/E O-ring
624 9/E Plug screw
636 8/E Thrust piece
720 7/E Closing screw
732 7/E O-ring
744 2/E Plug screw
756 2/E Packing ring
781 4/E Screw
793 1/E O-ring
803 1/E Cover

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/E = Qty/Engine
Qty/I = Qty/Individual

2017.05.18 - Fire fighting (FiFi) - 100% Power take-off (PTO)

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Front-end box P51103-35

L21/31S, L21/31

2017.05.18 - without LT pump

MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51103-35 Front-end box Page 2 (2)

L21/31S, L21/31
Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

014 1/E Front-end box 827 1/E Plug screw

026 2/E Cover 839 1/E Packing ring
038 12/E Screw 840 1/E Plug screw
051 3/E Washer 852 1/E Packing ring
099 23/E Locking spring washer 864 1/E Plug screw
109 1/E Cover
122 3/E Plug screw
134 3/E Packing ring
183 1/E Cover
205 1/E Gasket
229 /I Glue (Loctite 638)
301 /I Glue (Loctite 243)
349 7/E Screw
470 2/E Plug screw
482 2/E Packing ring
504 2/E O-ring
516 2/E Plug screw
565 2/E Plug screw
577 2/E O-ring
624 9/E Plug screw
636 8/E Thrust piece
720 7/E Closing screw
732 7/E O-ring
744 2/E Plug screw
756 2/E Packing ring
781 4/E Screw
793 1/E O-ring
803 1/E Cover
815 1/E Packing ring

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/E = Qty/Engine
Qty/I = Qty/Individual

2017.05.18 - without LT pump

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Main bearing P51104-07

L21/31S, L21/31

2014.06.04 - MIBA
MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51104-07 Main bearing Page 2 (2)

L21/31S, L21/31
Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

021 /I Main bearing shells 1)

033 2/E Thrust ring
045 4/E Ledge
057 4/E Hexagon screw
069 4/E Lock washer

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref- Note 1)

Qty. 1/C + 2 pcs
* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/C = Qty/Cylinder
Qty/E = Qty/Engine
Qty/I = Qty/Individual

2014.06.04 - MIBA
MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Main bearing P51104-08

L21/31S, L21/31

2014.06.04 - DAIDO
MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51104-08 Main bearing Page 2 (2)

L21/31S, L21/31
Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

021 /I Main bearing shells 1)

033 2/E Thrust ring
045 4/E Ledge
057 4/E Hexagon screw
069 4/E Lock washer

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref- Note 1)

Qty. 1/C + 2 pcs
* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/C = Qty/Cylinder
Qty/E = Qty/Engine
Qty/I = Qty/Individual

2014.06.04 - DAIDO
MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (4) Covers on frame P51106-35

L21/31S, L21/31

2017.04.05 - EVO
MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51106-35 Covers on frame Page 2 (4)

L21/31S, L21/31
Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

030 1/E Cover (to be used with item 286)

031 6/E Hexagon screw (to be used with
item 286)
154 2/C Cover
166 2/C O-ring
178 1/E Cover
201 /I Cover 1)
225 /I Cover with relief valve 2)
237 2/C O-ring
249 /I Screw 3)
250 /I Washer 3)
262 1/E Cover
274 2/E O-ring
286 1/E Cover to be used with SaCo-
Sone pick-ups
287 1/E Cover to be used without SaCo-
Sone pick-ups
298 1/E O-ring
308 1/E Cover
441 1/D Cover
453 1/D Relief valve
490 6/D Disc
500 6/D Stud
512 6/D Self locking nut
524 6/D Washer
740 1/D O-ring
884 /I Silicone paste

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref- Note 1)

Qty - 5/E - 7/E - 9/E - 10/E - 12/E
ace. 2)
Qty 5, 6, 7 cyl. engine 4/E - 8, 9 cyl. engine 5/E
Qty 94/E - 110/E - 126/E - 142/E - 158/E
* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/C = Qty/Cylinder
Qty/D = Qty/Safety Cover
Qty/E = Qty/Engine
Qty/I = Qty/Individual

2017.04.05 - EVO
MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 3 (4) Covers on frame P51106-35

L21/31S, L21/31

2017.04.05 - EVO
MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51106-35 Covers on frame Page 4 (4)

L21/31S, L21/31
Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

030 1/E Cover (to be used with item 286)

031 6/E Hexagon screw (to be used with
item 286)
154 2/C Cover
166 2/C O-ring
178 1/E Cover
201 /I Cover 1)
225 /I Cover with relief valve 2)
237 2/C O-ring
249 /I Screw 3)
250 /I Washer 3)
262 1/E Cover
274 2/E O-ring
286 1/E Cover to be used with SaCo-
Sone pick-ups
287 1/E Cover to be used without SaCo-
Sone pick-ups
298 1/E O-ring
308 1/E Cover
441 1/D Cover
453 1/D Relief valve
490 6/D Disc
500 6/D Stud
512 6/D Self locking nut
524 6/D Washer
740 1/D O-ring
884 /I Silicone paste

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref- Note 1)

Qty - 5/E - 7/E - 9/E - 10/E - 12/E
ace. 2)
Qty 5, 6, 7 cyl. engine 4/E - 8, 9 cyl. engine 5/E
Qty 94/E - 110/E - 126/E - 142/E - 158/E
* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/C = Qty/Cylinder
Qty/D = Qty/Safety Cover
Qty/E = Qty/Engine
Qty/I = Qty/Individual

2017.04.05 - EVO
MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Covers on frame P51106-36

L21/31S, L21/31

MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51106-36 Covers on frame Page 2 (2)

L21/31S, L21/31
Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

250 4/C Washer

404 1/C Cover
776 4/C Screw

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/C = Qty/Cylinder

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (4) Covers on frame P51106-37

L21/31S, L21/31

2016.08.12 - EVO - splash oil

MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51106-37 Covers on frame Page 2 (4)

L21/31S, L21/31
Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

030 1/E Cover

031 6/E Hexagon screw
154 2/C Cover
166 2/C O-ring
178 1/E Cover
201 /I Cover 1)
225 /I Cover with relief valve 1)
237 2/C O-ring
249 /I Screw 2)
250 /I Washer 2)
262 1/E Cover
274 2/E O-ring
286 1/E Cover
298 1/E O-ring
308 1/E Cover
441 1/D Cover
453 1/D Relief valve
490 6/D Disc
500 6/D Stud
512 6/D Self locking nut
524 6/D Washer
740 1/D O-ring
884 /I Silicone paste
896 1/D Plate
906 2/D Screw
918 1/D Nut
931 1/D Screw
943 /I Cover 3)

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref- Note 1)

Qty: 4/E for 5 cyl, 5/E for 6 cyl, 6/E for 7 cyl, 7/E for 8 cyl, 8/E for 9
ace. cyl
Qty: 94/E for 5 cyl, 110/E for 6 cyl, 126/E for 7 cyl, 142/E for 8 cyl,
* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa- 158/E for 9 cyl
ble separately 3)
Qty: 1/E for 5 cyl, 2/E for 6 cyl, 3/E for 7, 8 cyl, 4/E for 9 cyl
Qty/C = Qty/Cylinder
Qty/D = Qty/Safety Cover
Qty/E = Qty/Engine
Qty/I = Qty/Individual

2016.08.12 - EVO - splash oil

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 3 (4) Covers on frame P51106-37

L21/31S, L21/31

2016.08.12 - EVO - splash oil

MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51106-37 Covers on frame Page 4 (4)

L21/31S, L21/31
Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

030 1/E Cover

031 6/E Hexagon screw
154 2/C Cover
166 2/C O-ring
178 1/E Cover
201 /I Cover 1)
225 /I Cover with relief valve 1)
237 2/C O-ring
249 /I Screw 2)
250 /I Washer 2)
262 1/E Cover
274 2/E O-ring
286 1/E Cover
298 1/E O-ring
308 1/E Cover
441 1/D Cover
453 1/D Relief valve
490 6/D Disc
500 6/D Stud
512 6/D Self locking nut
524 6/D Washer
740 1/D O-ring
884 /I Silicone paste
896 1/D Plate
906 2/D Screw
918 1/D Nut
931 1/D Screw
943 /I Cover 3)

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref- Note 1)

Qty: 4/E for 5 cyl, 5/E for 6 cyl, 6/E for 7 cyl, 7/E for 8 cyl, 8/E for 9
ace. cyl
Qty: 94/E for 5 cyl, 110/E for 6 cyl, 126/E for 7 cyl, 142/E for 8 cyl,
* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa- 158/E for 9 cyl
ble separately 3)
Qty: 1/E for 5 cyl, 2/E for 6 cyl, 3/E for 7, 8 cyl, 4/E for 9 cyl
Qty/C = Qty/Cylinder
Qty/D = Qty/Safety Cover
Qty/E = Qty/Engine
Qty/I = Qty/Individual

2016.08.12 - EVO - splash oil

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Covers on frame P51106-45

L21/31S, L21/31

MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51106-45 Covers on frame Page 2 (2)

L21/31S, L21/31
Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

001 1/E Cover, tdi

002 1/E Cover + 1)
003 1/E Sealing ring + 1)
004 1/E Oil collecting ring + 1)
005 1/E Cover
006 6/E Expander
007 1/E O-ring
008 1/E Cover, gali
016 1/E Pointer
017 2/E Screw
018 2/E Disc
019 2/E Pin
020 4/E Screw
021 9/E Locking spring washer
022 4/E Screw
023 4/E Locking spring washer
024 17/E Screw
026 5/E Screw
027 1/E O-ring + 1)
028 1/E O-ring + 1)
029 5/E Bolt
030 /I Siilcone paste

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref- Note 1)

requires disassembly and assembly by MAN Diesel personell,
ace. please contact MAN Diesel & Turbo
* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/E = Qty/Engine
Qty/I = Qty/Individual

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Coupling guard P51109-12


2015.01.26 - 764 mm - power take-off

MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51109-12 Coupling guard Page 2 (2)

Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

001 1/E Plate

002 1/E Plate
003 4/E Plate
004 2/E Plate
005 4/E Handle for welding-on
006 2/E Hexagon screw
007 2/E Nut
008 6/E Hexagon screw

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/E = Qty/Engine

2015.01.26 - 764 mm - power take-off

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Coupling guard P51109-13


2015.01.26 - 764 mm - power take-off

MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51109-13 Coupling guard Page 2 (2)

Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

001 1/E Plate

002 1/E Plate
003 2/E Plate
004 2/E Plate
005 2/E Plate
006 2/E Plate
007 2/E Plate
008 4/E Handle for welding-on
009 6/E Hexagon screw
010 6/E Nut
011 10/E Hexagon screw

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/E = Qty/Engine

2015.01.26 - 764 mm - power take-off

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Coupling guard P51109-17

L21/31S, L21/31

2015.09.21 - 443 mm
MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51109-17 Coupling guard Page 2 (2)

L21/31S, L21/31
Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

001 1/E Coupling guard

002 3/E Plate
003 30/E Cylindrical screw
004 2/E Eye bolt
005 17/E Cylindrical screw
006 4/E Cylindrical screw

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/E = Qty/Engine

2015.09.21 - 443 mm
MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Coupling guard P51109-19

L21/31S, L21/31

2016.04.28 - 610 mm
MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51109-19 Coupling guard Page 2 (2)

L21/31S, L21/31
Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

001 1/E Coupling guard

002 3/E Plate
003 30/E Cylindrical screw
004 2/E Eye bolt
005 17/E Cylindrical screw
006 4/E Cylindrical screw

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/E = Qty/Engine

2016.04.28 - 610 mm
MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Base frame P51111-06

L21/31S, L21/31

MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51111-06 Base frame Page 2 (2)

L21/31S, L21/31
Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

018 1/E Base frame, 5 cyl. engine

031 1/E Base frame, 6 cyl. engine
043 1/E Base frame, 7 cyl. engine
055 1/E Base frame, 8 cyl. engine
067 1/E Base frame, 9 cyl. engine

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/E = Qty/Engine

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Coupling flange P51113-01

L21/31S, L21/31

MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51113-01 Coupling flange Page 2 (2)

L21/31S, L21/31
Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

001 1/E Coupling flange + 1)

002 2/E Cylindrical pin + 1)

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref- Note 1)

requires disassembly and assembly by MAN Diesel personell,
ace. please contact MAN Diesel & Turbo
* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/E = Qty/Engine

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Cover on coupling side P51114-01

L21/31S, L21/31

MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51114-01 Cover on coupling side Page 2 (2)

L21/31S, L21/31
Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

001 1/E Cover

002 1/E Cover
011 23/E Screw
012 5/E Screw
013 28/E Washer
020 /I Silicone paste

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/E = Qty/Engine
Qty/I = Qty/Individual

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Engine assembly P51116-01

L21/31S, L21/31

2015.09.09 - 8, 9 cyl engine - 2 bearing alternator

MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51116-01 Engine assembly Page 2 (2)

L21/31S, L21/31
Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

001 /I Hexagon screw 1)

002 /I Washer 1)
003 13/E Cylindrical screw
004 16/E Cylindrical screw
005 6/E Cylindrical screw
006 4/E Cylindrical screw
007 1/E Intermediate piece
008 2/E O-ring
009 /I Glue

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref- Note 1)

Qty: 40/E for 5 cyl, 44/E for 6 cyl
* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/E = Qty/Engine
Qty/I = Qty/Individual

2015.09.09 - 8, 9 cyl engine - 2 bearing alternator

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Engine assembly P51116-03

L21/31S, L21/31

2015.09.09 - 5, 6, 7 cyl enigne - 1 bearing alternator

MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51116-03 Engine assembly Page 2 (2)

L21/31S, L21/31
Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

001 /I Hexagon screw 1)

002 /I Washer 1)
003 13/E Cylindrical screw
004 16/E Cylindrical screw
005 6/E Cylindrical screw
006 4/E Cylindrical screw
007 1/E Intermediate piece
008 2/E O-ring
009 /I Glue

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref- Note 1)

Qty: 28/E for 5 cyl, 32/E for 6 cyl, 36/E for 7 cyl
* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/E = Qty/Engine
Qty/I = Qty/Individual

2015.09.09 - 5, 6, 7 cyl enigne - 1 bearing alternator

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Engine assembly P51116-04

L21/31S, L21/31

2015.09.09 - 5, 6, 7 cyl engine - 2 bearing alternator

MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51116-04 Engine assembly Page 2 (2)

L21/31S, L21/31
Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

001 /I Hexagon screw 1)

002 /I Washer 1)
003 13/E Cylindrical screw
004 16/E Cylindrical screw
005 6/E Cylindrical screw
006 4/E Cylindrical screw
007 1/E Intermediate piece
008 2/E O-ring
009 /I Glue

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref- Note 1)

Qty: 28/E for 5 cyl, 32/E for 6 cyl, 36/E for 7 cyl
* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/E = Qty/Engine
Qty/I = Qty/Individual

2015.09.09 - 5, 6, 7 cyl engine - 2 bearing alternator

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Mounting instruction P51117-02

L21/31S, L21/31

2015.09.21 - Vulkan
MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51117-02 Mounting instruction Page 2 (2)

L21/31S, L21/31
Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

002 32/E Hexagon bolt

003 32/E Washer

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/E = Qty/Engine

2015.09.21 - Vulkan
MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Turbocharger system 512

Turbocharger System ............................................................................................... 512.01 (11)
Turbocharger system ................................................................................................ 512.01 (16)
Cleaning the Turbocharger In Service Water Washing of Compressor ....................... 512.05 (01)
Cleaning the turbocharger in service - turbine side .................................................... 512.14 (01)
Control Air for Charge Air Blow off ............................................................................ 512.38 (02)
Equipment to optimize performance ......................................................................... 512.39 (01)

Work card
Overhaul of Charging Air Cooler ................................................................................ 512-01.00 (04)
Measuring of pressure droop across the charge air cooler ........................................ 512-01.01 (02)
Exhaust Pipe Compensator ...................................................................................... 512-01.10 (02)
Water Washing of Compressor Side ......................................................................... 512-05.00 (01)
Check and cleaning of the condensate drain trap ..................................................... 512-08.00 (01)
Cleaning the Turbine, dry cleaning ............................................................................ 512-10.00 (05)
Water Washing of Turbine Side ................................................................................. 512-15.00 (03)
Water washing of turbine side ................................................................................... 512-15.00 (05)

Charging air cooler .................................................................................................... P51201-21
Charging air cooler .................................................................................................... P51201-22
Exhaust pipe arrangement ........................................................................................ P51202-10
Exhaust pipe arrangement ........................................................................................ P51202-31
Mounting of tc / tc system ........................................................................................ P51203-38
Mounting of tc / tc system ........................................................................................ P51203-20
Mounting of tc / tc system ........................................................................................ P51203-21
Mounting of turbocharger ......................................................................................... P51203-42
Mounting of turbocharger ......................................................................................... P51203-43
Exhaust pipe before turbocharger ............................................................................. P51204-14
Exhaust pipe before turbocharger ............................................................................. P51204-15
Exhaust pipe before turbocharger ............................................................................. P51204-21
Exhaust pipe before turbocharger ............................................................................. P51204-22
Exhaust pipe before turbocharger ............................................................................. P51204-23
Exhaust pipe before turbocharger ............................................................................. P51204-24
Exhaust pipe before turbocharger ............................................................................. P51204-25
Water washing compressor side ............................................................................... P51205-02

2017-08-16 - en
MAN Diesel & Turbo
512 Turbocharger system Page 2 (2)

Water washing of compressor side ........................................................................... P51205-03
Drain trap .................................................................................................................. P51208-03
Blowgun for dry cleaning of turbocharger .................................................................. P51210-01
Heat insulation before turbocharger .......................................................................... P51211-18
Heat insulation before turbocharger .......................................................................... P51211-19
Covering of charge air receiver .................................................................................. P51212-01
Covering of charge air receiver .................................................................................. P51212-02
Cover before turbocharger ........................................................................................ P51213-03
Cover before turbocharger ........................................................................................ P51213-04
Turbine cleaning arrangement ................................................................................... P51214-01
Water washing of turbine side ................................................................................... P51215-01
Water washing of turbine side ................................................................................... P51215-04
Heat insulation of exhaust pipes ................................................................................ P51217-01
Charge air connections ............................................................................................. P51229-02
Charge air pipes ....................................................................................................... P51230-22
Charge air pipes ....................................................................................................... P51230-26
Charge air pipes ....................................................................................................... P51230-27
Charge air pipes ....................................................................................................... P51230-28
Charge air pipes ....................................................................................................... P51230-31
Drain from turbocharger ............................................................................................ P51231-13
Mounting of charge air cooler ................................................................................... P51235-07
Waste gate arrangement ........................................................................................... P51239-06
Waste gate arrangement ........................................................................................... P51239-01

2017-08-16 - en
- 16/08/2017 13:28:24
MAN Diesel & Turbo
Description 512.01
Page 1 (1) Turbocharger System
Edition 11

L21/31S, L21/31
Turbocharger system

Figure 129: Diagram for combustion air system (for guidance only, please see the plant specific engine diagram)

The turbocharger system of the engine, which is a From the exhaust valves, the exhaust gas is led
constant pressure system, consists of an exhaust through to the exhaust gas receiver where the pul-
gas receiver, a turbocharger, a charge air cooler satory pressure from the individual cylinders is
and a charge air receiver. equalized and passed on to the turbocharger as
The turbine wheel of the turbocharger is driven by constant pressure, and further to the exhaust outlet
the engine exhaust gas, and the turbine wheel and silencer arrangement.
drives the turbocharger compressor, which is The exhaust gas receiver is made of pipe sections,
mounted on the common shaft. The compressor one for each cylinder, connected to each other by
draws air from the engine room through the air fil- means of compensators to prevent excessive stress
ters. in the pipes due to heat expansion.
The turbocharger forces the air through the charge To avoid excessive thermal loss and to ensure a
air cooler to the charge air receiver. From the reasonably low surface temperature the exhaust
charge air receiver the air flows to each cylinder gas receiver is insulated.
through the inlet valves.
The charge air cooler is a compact two-stage tube-
type cooler with a large cooling surface. The high
temperature water is passed through the first stage
of the charge air cooler and the low temperature
water is passed through the second stage. At each
stage of the cooler the water is passed two times
through the cooler, the end covers being designed
with partitions which cause the cooling water to
As optional a water mist catcher can be placed
after the air cooler.

2015.03.31 - Tier II, Stationary

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Description 512.01
Page 1 (2) Turbocharger system
Edition 16

L21/31S, L21/31
Turbocharger system

Figure 130: Diagram for combustion air system (for guidance only, please see the plant specific engine diagram)

The turbocharger system of the engine, which is a From the exhaust valves, the exhaust gas is led
constant pressure system, consists of an exhaust through to the exhaust gas receiver where the pul-
gas receiver, a turbocharger, a charge air cooler satory pressure from the individual cylinders is
and a charge air receiver. equalized and passed on to the turbocharger as
The turbine wheel of the turbocharger is driven by constant pressure, and further to the exhaust outlet
the engine exhaust gas, and the turbine wheel and silencer arrangement.
drives the turbocharger compressor, which is The exhaust gas receiver is made of pipe sections,
mounted on the common shaft. The compressor one for each cylinder, connected to each other by
draws air from the engine room through the air fil- means of compensators to prevent excessive stress
ters. in the pipes due to heat expansion.
The turbocharger forces the air through the charge To avoid excessive thermal loss and to ensure a
air cooler to the charge air receiver. From the reasonably low surface temperature the exhaust
charge air receiver the air flows to each cylinder gas receiver is insulated.
through the inlet valves.
The charge air cooler is a compact two-stage tube-
type cooler with a large cooling surface. The high
temperature water is passed through the first stage
of the charge air cooler and the low temperature
water is passed through the second stage. At each
stage of the cooler the water is passed two times
through the cooler, the end covers being designed
with partitions which cause the cooling water to
As optional a water mist catcher can be placed
after the air cooler.

2015.03.31 - shutt-off valve (rig saver)

MAN Diesel & Turbo
512.01 Description
Turbocharger system Page 2 (2)
Edition 16

L21/31S, L21/31

Shut-off valve (rig saver)

Figure 131: Shut-off valve (rig saver)

The valve is applicable for installations with risk of

gas penetration such as some applications. Further,
the valve is applied on the dual fuel engines.
The principle of the valve is to activate in case of
external gas leakage alarm in the safety system or in
case of overspeed. In both cases the safety system
will release the rig saver valve shortly after the shut-
down signal. The reason for the slight delay is to get
as much air out of the turbocharger as possible
before the valve blocks for the air passage between
the turbocharger and the engine.

2015.03.31 - shutt-off valve (rig saver)

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Description Cleaning the Turbocharger In Service Water Washing 512.05
Page 1 (1)
of Compressor Edition 01

L23/30DF, L28/32DF, V28/32S, L27/38S, L27/38, L23/30S, L23/30H, L21/31S,

L21/31, L16/24S, L16/24
Fouling of the airways depends primarily on the Chemical cleaning will not improve the cleaning
purity of the inlet air and thus, in turn, on the general process as this primarily is based on the mechanical
maintenance condition of the machinery, i.e. mainly effect from the impact of the water droplets.
of the gas and oil tightness of the engines and on Certain types of fluid solvents can give formation of
the fresh air ventilation system of the engine room. deposits on the compressor wheel, and should
Fouling of air filter, compressor or charging air under no circumstances be used.
cooler may be observed as changes in performance The intervals between cleaning by injection of water
parameters: should be adjusted after assessing the degree and
▪ Decreasing charging air pressure. rate of fouling in the particular plant, i.e. based on
observations and experience.
▪ Decreasing turbocharger rotor speed.
▪ Increasing exhaust gas temperature.
▪ Severe fouling of airways may even result in
compressor surge.
Regular cleaning during operation by injection of
water before the compressor wheel will reduce the
fouling rate considerably, and consequently prolong
the intervals between dismantling necessary for
mechanical cleaning.

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Description 512.14
Page 1 (6) Cleaning the turbocharger in service - turbine side
Edition 01

L28/32DF, L23/30DF, L28/32S, L27/38S, L23/30S, L21/31S, L16/24S, V28/32S,

L16/24, L21/31, L23/30H, L27/38
High exhaust gas temperatures are often observed
and claimed in service. High exhaust gas tempera-
tures are normally caused by fouling on the turbine
side of the turbocharger:
➣ Fouling turbine (coke deposit)
➭ Lower turbocharger performance
➭ Lower air flow / pressure through the engine
➭ Increasing exhaust gas temperatures
➭ Increasing fuel oil consumption
Fouling of the turbine and consequently higher On account of their hardness, particularly suited
exhaust gas temperature is influenced by: level of blasting agents such as nut-shells, broken or artifi-
maintenance, condition of the fuel injection noz- cially shaped activated charcoal with a grain size of
zles / fuel pumps, fuel oil quality and/or long-term 1.0 mm to max. 1.5 mm should be used as clean-
low-load operation. ing a gents.
Smaller turbochargers are, due to area-relation in The solid bodies have a mechanical cleaning effect
matching parts, more sensitive to coke deposit than which removes any deposits on nozzle vanes and
larger turbochargers and consequently low power turbine blades.
engines as L16/24 or L23/30H will need turbine Dry cleaning can be executed at full engine load
cleaning more frequent than more powerful and does not require any subsequent operating
engines. period of the engine in order to dry out the exhaust
Turbine cleaning intervals must be expected to be system.
following when operating on HFO:
“D-D” Dry-cleaning Daily Cleaning
“W-W” Wet-cleaning Weekly
Cleaning intervals can be shorter/longer based on
operational experience. Regular performance
observations will show the trend in charge air pres-
sure, exhaust gas temperatures, and define the
cleaning intervals for the turbine. However the tur-
bine must be cleaned when exhaust gas tempera-
ture before turbine are about 20°C above the nor-
mal temperature (ISO corrected) (Sea trial).
Practical service experience have revealed that tur-
bine side of turbocharger only can be sufficient
cleaned by combination of nut-shell dry cleaning
and water washing.

Dry cleaning of turbine side

This cleaning method employs cleaning agents con-
sisting of dry solid bodies in the form of granules. A
certain amount of these granules, depending on the
turbocharger size, is, by means of compressed air,
blown into the exhaust gas line before the gas inlet
casing of the turbocharger.
The injection of granules is done by means of work-
ing air with a pressure of 5-7 bar.

MAN Diesel & Turbo
512.14 Description
Cleaning the turbocharger in service - turbine side Page 2 (6)
Edition 01

L28/32DF, L23/30DF, L28/32S, L27/38S, L23/30S, L21/31S, L16/24S, V28/32S,

L16/24, L21/31, L23/30H, L27/38
Cleaning system
The cleaning system consists of a cleaning agent
container (2) with a capacity of approx. 0.5 liters
and a removable cover. Furthermore the system
consists of an air valve (3), a closing valve (1) and
two snap on connectors.
The position numbers (2) and (3) indicate the sys-
tem's "blow-gun". Only one "blow-gun" is used for
each engine plant. The blow-gun is working accord-
ing to the ejector principle with pressure air (working
air) at 5-7 bar as driven medium. Injection time
approx. 2 min. Air consumption approx. 5 Nm3/2

1 Closing valve 2 Container

3 Air valve 4 Working air inlet
5 Exhaust pipe 6 Snap coupling

Figure 132: Arrangement of dry cleaning of turbocharger - tur-


MAN Diesel & Turbo
Description 512.14
Page 3 (6) Cleaning the turbocharger in service - turbine side
Edition 01

L28/32DF, L23/30DF, L28/32S, L27/38S, L23/30S, L21/31S, L16/24S, V28/32S,

L16/24, L21/31, L23/30H, L27/38

MAN Diesel & Turbo
512.14 Description
Cleaning the turbocharger in service - turbine side Page 4 (6)
Edition 01

L28/32DF, L23/30DF, L28/32S, L27/38S, L23/30S, L21/31S, L16/24S, V28/32S,

L16/24, L21/31, L23/30H, L27/38

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Description 512.14
Page 5 (6) Cleaning the turbocharger in service - turbine side
Edition 01

L28/32DF, L23/30DF, L28/32S, L27/38S, L23/30S, L21/31S, L16/24S, V28/32S,

L16/24, L21/31, L23/30H, L27/38
If vibration in the turbocharger occur after water-
Water washing of turbine side washing has been carried out, the washing should
be repeated. If unbalance still exists, this is presum-
The necessary water flow is depending on exhaust ably due to heavy fouling, and the engine must be
gas flow and temperature. E.g. the flow needed for stopped and the turbocharger dismantled and man-
L16/24 is from 2 - 5 litres per minute for 5 and 9 ually cleaned.
cylinder engines. The water flow must be so high
The cleaning effect is based on the water solubility
that all of the water do not evaporate. Also the
of the deposits and on the mechanical action of the
waterflow must not be so high that the turbine
impinging water droplets and the water flow rate.
wheel is drowned and stops rotating. The washing
sequence should be in accordance with the turbo- The washing water should be taken from the fresh
charger manual. Engine load, exhaust gas tempera- water system and not from the fresh cooling water
ture before turbine and turbine speed must be system or salt water system. No cleaning agents
according to turbocharger manual. Carry out and solvents need to be added to the water.
sequential washing so that exhaust gas tempera- To avoid corrosion during standstill, the engine
ture after turbine drops below 100°C and in the dry- must, upon completing of water washing run for at
ing period increases to more than 100°C. For pre- least 1 hour before stop to insure that all parts are
adjustment of the washing tool, install the correct dry.
orifice for the actual engine size, check that the
water flow is in accordance with the table by adjust-
ing the water pressure. Check in a bucket that the Water washing arrangement / tool
water flow is in the correct range. Some customized engines are delivered with water
washing arrangement consisting of a pipe system
Water flow Diameter orifice
with a regulating valve, a manoeuvring valve, a 3-
l/min mm
way cock and a drain pipe with a drain valve from
5-9L16/24 2-5 2.5 the gas outlet, see illustration on work card
5-9L21/31 5-10 3.5 512-15.00/612-15.00.

5L27/38 (NR20/S) 7-11 3.5

New engines are as standard delivered with "water
5-6L27/38 (TCR18) washing gun" as a part of standard tools for
engines. The tool can be seen in figure 2 and is
6-8L27/38 (NR24/S) 10-15 4.5 using the same connecting as the dry cleaning con-
7-9L27/38 (TCR20)
5-6L23/30H 2-5 2.5
5-6L23/30H Mk2
7-8L23/30H 4-7 3.5
7-8L23/30H Mk2
12V28/32S 5-10 3.5
16-18V28/32S 7-11 3.5

Experience has shown, that washing at regular

intervals is essential to successful cleaning, as
excessive fouling is thus avoided. Washing at inter-
vals of 150 hours is therefore recommended.
Depending on the fuel quality these intervals can be
shorter or longer. However, the turbine must be
washed at the latest when the exhaust gas temper-
ature upstream of the turbine has risen about 20° C
above the normal temperature.
Heavily contaminated turbines, which where not
cleaned periodically from the very beginning or after Figure 133: .
an overhaul, cannot be cleaned by this method.

MAN Diesel & Turbo
512.14 Description
Cleaning the turbocharger in service - turbine side Page 6 (6)
Edition 01

L28/32DF, L23/30DF, L28/32S, L27/38S, L23/30S, L21/31S, L16/24S, V28/32S,

L16/24, L21/31, L23/30H, L27/38
The water for washing the turbine, is supplied from
the external fresh water system through a flexible
hose with couplings. The flexible hose must be dis-
connected after water washing.
By activating the maneuvering valve and the regu-
lating valve the water is sprayed into the exhaust
gas pipe before the turbine side of the turbo-
charger. See specific work card for water washing
of turbine side. The water that is not evaporated is
led out through a drain pipe in the exhaust gas out-

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Description 512.38
Page 1 (2) Control Air for Charge Air Blow off
Edition 02

L21/31S, L21/31
Functionality of SCR Valves at Charge Air
Inlet Cooler

The valves for the SCR system is mounted to keep

the exhaust gas temperature after TC above 310°C,
if possible. This temperature is needed for the cata-
lyst to perform as intended.
The system exists of two different valves with a
opening area of 5 cm2 (small valve) and 10 cm2 (big
valve). The two valves openes and closed according
to the diagram shown below with the temperatures
written below.
The function is activated when engine is running
and deactivated when engine is stopped.

Figure 134:

2015.07.20 - optional
MAN Diesel & Turbo
512.38 Description
Control Air for Charge Air Blow off Page 2 (2)
Edition 02

L21/31S, L21/31
Control of Valves for SCR Temperature

Figure 135: Diagram of valve function

2015.07.20 - optional
MAN Diesel & Turbo
Description 512.39
Page 1 (3) Equipment to optimize performance
Edition 01

V28/32S, L28/32S, L27/38S, L27/38, L23/30S, L23/30H, L21/31S, L21/31,

L16/24S, L16/24
Overview Brief description
MAN Diesel & Turbo four-stroke Diesel engines and
turbochargers are designed in accordance with Device for blowing off charge air
specifications so that optimum results, e.g. fuel
consumption and emissions performance, are ▪ Blow-off charge air pressure used for:
obtained through the services normally provided. ▪ Reduction of charge air pressure/max. pressure
However, it is possible that specific operating situa- at cold ambient conditions.
tions could be managed more effectively using
▪ Prevent surging at cold ambient conditions.
additional or alternative equipment.
▪ Control of max. pressure at Part Load Opti-
Equipment used to adapt the engine to specific
mised operation.
operating conditions or to optimise its performance
is listed in Table 1. The ideal areas of application are ▪ Control of exhaust gas temperature for SCR
also stated in this table. The purpose of table is to operation.
provide you with an overview of the options availa- When operating engines under full load at a low
ble and the circumstances in which they should be intake temperature (≤ 5°C) there is a danger, due to
used. the high air density, that the charge pressure, and
therefore the ignition pressure, increases exces-
Equipment/Measure Propul- GenSet
sively. In order to avoid such conditions, excess
charge air in front of or after the charge air cooler is
Blow off charge air X X removed and released. In the first case, the charge
Bypass charge air X air is blown off into the engine room and in the sec-
ond case, when charge air released from the
Charge air preheating – X X charge air cooler is hot, the charge air is blown off
via HT/LT switch-over
into atmosphere to prevent danger to persons and
(2-stage charge air cooler)
equipment. Alternatively, this hot charge air may be
Control the charge air temperature X X also used for inlet air preheating. This blowing off is
(CHATCO) achieved by means of an electro-pneumatic or
Blow off exhaust gas X X spring-loaded valve.
(Waste Gate)
Accelerate turbocharger X X Device for bypassing charge air
(Jet Assist)
▪ Charge Air By-pass used for:
Table 7: Equipment for optimising the operating behaviour ▪ For Fixed Pitch Propeller operation on part load.
X = Availability ▪ Increaseds charge air pressure and airflow.
▪ Decreases exhaust gas temperatures.
▪ Decreases smoke emission.
The charge air pipe is connected via a pipe with a
smaller diameter and a bypass flap to the exhaust
pipe. The flap is closed in normal operation. In the
case of propeller operation (diesel-mechanical) at
engine loads between 20% and 60% and at rated
or reduced speed, the flap is opened to direct a
part of the charge air into the exhaust pipe
upstream of the turbine. The increased air flow of
the turbine results in a higher charge air pressure of
the compressor and consequently in improved
operating behaviour of the engine. Additionally this
flap may be used to prevent turbocharger pumping.

MAN Diesel & Turbo
512.39 Description
Equipment to optimize performance Page 2 (3)
Edition 01

V28/32S, L28/32S, L27/38S, L27/38, L23/30S, L23/30H, L21/31S, L21/31,

L16/24S, L16/24
The throttle flap is controlled by a pneumatic actua- blown to the compressor wheel. In this way, addi-
tor cylinder depending on the engine speed and the tional air is supplied to the compressor which, in
filling setting of the fuel delivery pumps. turn, is accelerated, thus increasing the charge air
pressure. Operation of the accelerating system is
activated by the control system, during start-up and
Charge air preheating – via LT - cut-out (2-stage load steps.
charge air cooler)
▪ Charge Air Preheating:
Releasing the exhaust gas (Waste gate)
▪ For HFO low load operation (improves ignition
delay). ▪ Exhaust gas waste gate used for:

▪ Increases charge air temperatur (compression ▪ Control of max. pressure at Part Load Opti-
temperature). mised operation.

▪ Decreases smoke emission. ▪ Control of exhaust gas temperature for SCR

Charge air preheating – via LT (low temperature)
cut-out is used in the partial load range from 0 % to By blowing-off exhaust gas before the turbine, and
40 % of engine load, to achieve the higher charge its return to the exhaust pipe behind the turbine,
air temperature. Thereby an improved combustion exhaust gas pressure reduction at the turbocharger
is ensured and thus - conditionally reduced exhaust takes place, or there is a turbine speed reduction at
smoke. In contrast to the charge air preheating via full load. This measure is necessary when the turbo-
CHATCO control valve, there is no time delay in this charger is designed for an optimised partial-load
case. operation.

Control of the charge air temperature (CHATCO)

▪ To prevent water condensation in charge air.
▪ Controlled charging air temperature by LT cool-
ing water by-pass valve.
▪ Increases charge air temperature above the
dew point.
The charge air temperature control CHATCO
reduces the amount of condensed water that accu-
mulates during engine operation under tropical con-
ditions. In this case, the charge air temperature is
controlled depending on the relative humidity meas-
ured directly in the charge air receiver, so that the
temperature in the charge air pipe does not drop
below the condensation temperature. The CHATCO
functionality includes integrated charge air preheat-
ing on low load by passing the low temperature air
cooler stage (LT).

Device for accelerating the turbocharger (jet

This equipment is used where special demands
exist for rapid acceleration and/or load application.
In such cases, the compressed air from the starting
air cylinders is reduced to 4 bars (relative), directed
to the compressor casing of the turbocharger and

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Description 512.39
Page 3 (3) Equipment to optimize performance
Edition 01

V28/32S, L28/32S, L27/38S, L27/38, L23/30S, L23/30H, L21/31S, L21/31,

L16/24S, L16/24

Figure 136: Overview of flaps

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Work Card 512-01.00
Page 1 (4) Overhaul of Charging Air Cooler
Edition 04

L21/31S, L21/31

Safety precautions Special tools

Engine stopped Plate No. Item No. Note

Shut-off starting air 52000 032
52001 239
Shut off cooling water
Shut off fuel oil
Shut-off cooling oil
Stop lub. oil circulation
Press Blocking - Reset

Short Description
Overhaul of charging air cooler.

Starting Position

Related Procedure

Qualified Manpower Replacement and wearing parts

Duration in h : 3-4 Plate No. Item No. Quantity
Number : 2 51201 113 1/k
51201 150 1/k
51103 408 8/E
Data for pressure and tolerance (Page 500.35)
Data for tightening torque (Page 500.40)
Declaration of weight (Page 500.45)

MAN Diesel & Turbo
512-01.00 Work Card
Overhaul of Charging Air Cooler Page 2 (4)
Edition 04

L21/31S, L21/31
4) Attach a tackle hook to the lifting tool and
slightly tighten the wire.

Overhaul of Charging Air Cooler

The charging air cooler normally is cleaned and
overhauled at the intervals indicated in the „Planned
Maintenance Program“, or if observations prove
that the cooler does not work adequately, see sec-
tion 502.

Dismounting of Charging Air Cooler

Use protective glove 1 Screw 2 WMC

1) Turn off the cooling water inlet and outlet 3 Washer 4 Screw
valves. 5 Nut 6 Side plate
2) Remove the charging air pipe, see fig 1. 7 Screw 8 Revercing chamber
9 End cover 10 Gasket E.C
11 Cooler block 12 Screw
13 Gasket R.C. 14 Screw

Figure 138: Charging air cooler

5) Loosen and remove the bolts for the charging

air cooler, see fig 3.
6) Lift and pull the air cooler out of the cooler
housing and place it on a couple of wooden
planks on the floor.
7) Remove screws (1), end cover (9), reversing
chamber (8) and side plate (6), see fig 2.

Figure 137: Charging air pipe

3) Mount the lifting tool and tighten the four bolts,

see fig 4.

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Work Card 512-01.00
Page 3 (4) Overhaul of Charging Air Cooler
Edition 04

L21/31S, L21/31

Figure 139: Bolts for charging air cooler

Figure 140: Mounting of lifting tool

MAN Diesel & Turbo
512-01.00 Work Card
Overhaul of Charging Air Cooler Page 4 (4)
Edition 04

L21/31S, L21/31

Cleaning and inspecting

1) Clean the cooler element on the water and air
After using cleaning agents, the manufacturing
re com mendation must be followed.
The greatest care must be taken when dis
mantling, cleaning and mounting the cooler
element, as the thin fi ns of the tubes cannot
stand impacts and pressure.
Nevertheless, if the metal is bent, it should be
carefully straightened, as bent fi ns will increase
the pressure drop across the cooler considera- Figure 141: O-ring at water connections
Should one or more cooler tubes become
2) Lift the air cooler by the lifting tool and carefully
leaky it/they immediately must be made tight,
push it into its housing.
either by expanding the tube ends into the tube
plates or by blanking with plugs of the tube(s) 3) Mount the bolts for the air cooler, see fig 3.
concerned. 4) Mount the screws for the charge air pipe, see
It is important that the charging air cooler is not fig 1.
leaky as any water that leaks in will be carried
together with the air into the cylinders where it
will damage valves, piston rings, and cylinder Out of Service Periods
liners. At longer periods out of service, recommendations
2) Also clean the end cover and coat it on the for the entire system are followed. Please see sec-
inside with an anti-corrosion agent. tion 501.
3) Fouling and deposition in the pipes can be
removed with a hand or machine operated cir- Description
cular steel brush. The charging air cooler is normally cleaned and
overhauled at the intervals indicated in the "Planned
Mounting of Charging Air Cooler Maintenance Program", or if observations prove
that the cooler does not work satisfactory, see sec-
1) Renew gaskets (10) for end cover and gasket tion 602.
(13) for reversing chamber before assembling
end cover (9), reversing chamber (8) and side
plate (6). See fig 4.
Note: Before mounting the air cooler, the O-
ring at the water connections must be
replaced, see fig 5. If the gasket is worn or
damaged this also must be replaced.

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Work Card Measuring of pressure droop across the charge air 512-01.01
Page 1 (5)
cooler Edition 02

L21/31S, L21/31

Safety precautions Special tools

Engine stopped Plate No. Item No. Note

Shut-off starting air P52002 915
Shut off cooling water
Shut off fuel oil
Shut-off cooling oil
Stop lub. oil circulation
Press Blocking - Reset

Short Description
Check the pressure droop at the air side of the
charge air cooler

Starting Position Hand Tools

Engine is running

Related Procedure
Engine performance data 502-01.00

Qualified Manpower Replacement and wearing parts

Duration in h : 1 Plate No. Item No. Quantity
Number : 1

Data for pressure and tolerance (Page 500.35)
Data for tightening torque (Page 500.40)
Declaration of weight (Page 500.45)

MAN Diesel & Turbo
512-01.01 Measuring of pressure droop across the charge air Work Card
Page 2 (5)
Edition 02 cooler

L21/31S, L21/31
and reduced exhaust gas flow through the turbo
charger which will influence the performance of this
Fig 1 shows a heavy contaminated charge air
cooler element, the cooler must be removed from
the engine and cleaned by suitable cleaning deter-
gent or preferable by means of an ultrasonic
Health Risk!

Health Risk!
Due to vibrations during engine operation, espe-
cially in awkward positions!


Figure 142: .

Use original tool!

The area around the engine

The area around the engine must be clean and


In connection with the performance check of the
engine it is recommended to check the pressure
droop at the air side of the charge air cooler.
It is recommended to clean the cooler when the
pressure droop is increased 50% compared to the
values measured with clean cooler.
Too high pressure droop across the charge air
cooler will influence negatively at the engine per-
formance, the reduced airflow through the engine
will cause general higher exhaust gas temperatures

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Work Card Measuring of pressure droop across the charge air 512-01.01
Page 3 (5)
cooler Edition 02

L21/31S, L21/31
For easy check at various load it is recommended
to prepare a diagram as below fig 2.

Figure 143: .

The pressure droop can be measured by the use of The above marking of the measuring points are not
a u-tube manometer or a difference pressure instru- always found at the engines why we have made the
ment. following visual instructions to find the plug screws
In both cases is the measuring device are to be used for the measurement.
connected to measuring points at the air side
before and after the cooler.
The measuring points may be marked as follows:
▪ inlet cooler P30
▪ outlet cooler P31

MAN Diesel & Turbo
512-01.01 Measuring of pressure droop across the charge air Work Card
Page 4 (5)
Edition 02 cooler

L21/31S, L21/31

Position of measuring points

Figure 144: Position of measuring points

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Work Card Measuring of pressure droop across the charge air 512-01.01
Page 5 (5)
cooler Edition 02

L21/31S, L21/31

Pressure droop measurement

Figure 145: Pressure droop measurement in progress

A suitable difference pressure instrument as well as

a universal measuring kit for easy connection to the
engine consisting of needed fittings and snap cou-
plings is available through our PrimeServ organiza-

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Work Card 512-01.10
Page 1 (2) Exhaust Pipe Compensator
Edition 02

L28/32S, L23/30H, L23/30S, L27/38S, L21/31S, V28/32S, L21/31, L27/38

Safety precautions Special tools

Engine stopped Plate No. Item No. Note

Shut-off starting air
Shut off cooling water
Shut off fuel oil
Shut-off cooling oil
Stop lub. oil circulation
Press Blocking - Reset

Short Description

Starting Position Hand Tools

Related Procedure

Qualified Manpower Replacement and wearing parts

Duration in h : 1/4 Plate No. Item No. Quantity
Number : 1

Data for pressure and tolerance (Page 500.35)
Data for tightening torque (Page 500.40)
Declaration of weight (Page 500.45)

MAN Diesel & Turbo
512-01.10 Work Card
Exhaust Pipe Compensator Page 2 (2)
Edition 02

L28/32S, L23/30H, L23/30S, L27/38S, L21/31S, V28/32S, L21/31, L27/38

Health Risk!

Health Risk!
Due to vibrations during engine operation, espe-
cially in awkward positions!

To minimize toxic gases in the engine room and to
keep the exhaust gas insulation in good condition, it
is necessary to keep the exhaust pipe compensa-
tors tight.
1) Start the engine.
2) Feel and look for any leak in the exhaust gas
pipe compensators.
If any leak is discovered, the compensator in ques-
tion must be renewed.

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Work Card 512-05.00
Page 1 (3) Water Washing of Compressor Side
Edition 01

L28/32S, L23/30DF, L28/32DF, L27/38S, L23/30S, L21/31S, V28/32S, L21/31,

L23/30H, L27/38
Safety precautions Special tools

Engine stopped Plate No. Item No. Note

Shut-off starting air
Shut off cooling water
Shut off fuel oil
Shut-off cooling oil
Stop lub. oil circulation
Press Blocking - Reset

Short Description
Water washing of compressor side. Turbocharger
cleaning with engine in service.

Starting Position Hand Tools

Related Procedure

Qualified Manpower Replacement and wearing parts

Duration in h : 1/4 Plate No. Item No. Quantity
Number : 1 See the special
instructions for
Data for pressure and tolerance (Page 500.35)
Data for tightening torque (Page 500.40)
Declaration of weight (Page 500.45)

MAN Diesel & Turbo
512-05.00 Work Card
Water Washing of Compressor Side Page 2 (3)
Edition 01

L28/32S, L23/30DF, L28/32DF, L27/38S, L23/30S, L21/31S, V28/32S, L21/31,

L23/30H, L27/38

Health Risk!

Health Risk!
Due to vibrations during engine operation, espe-
cially in awkward positions!

1 Spindle 2 Safety valve

Figure 146: .

Use original tool!

Before Cleaning
The cleaning process is only to be carried out when Do not use sea water or cooling water!
the engine is at operating temperature (see Operat-
4) Mount the top cover on the container.
ing Data 500.30 / 600.30) and when it is loaded as
close as possible to full load (see Main Particulars 5) Blow air into the container by means of a blow
500.00 / 600.00). gun, until an operation pressure of 3 bar is
reached (see fig 2).
See also "Cleaning the Turbocharger in Service, The safety valve will open at a pressure of 4
Water Washing of Compressor", 512.05 / 612.05. bar
Excesspressure will discharge through the
Cleaning Procedure safety valve
1) Run the engine with as high a load as possible.
2) Discharge the excesspressure in the container
by drawing out the spindle in the safety valve
(see fIg. 1) before loosening the top cover.
The spindle returns automatically by means of
a built-in spring
3) Fill the container with 2 litres fresh water (see
the scale on the container).

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Work Card 512-05.00
Page 3 (3) Water Washing of Compressor Side
Edition 01

L28/32S, L23/30DF, L28/32DF, L27/38S, L23/30S, L21/31S, V28/32S, L21/31,

L23/30H, L27/38

1 Work air 2 Blow gun

3 Top cover 4 Container 1 Injection tube 2 Pipe
3 Snap coupling 4 Plug-in coupling
Figure 147: . 5 Hand valve with handle 6 Container
7 Charge air line
6) Connect the plug-in coupling of the lance to
the snap coupling on the pipe (see fig 3). Figure 148: .
7) Depress the handle on the hand valve until the
water is completely injected into the compres- After cleaning
sor (approx. 30 seconds).
The water will enter the compressor in atom- 9) Run the engine for minimum 10 minutes at
ized condition, impinge the vanes of the com- unaltered high load.
pressor wheel with high velocity and thus wash
off the dirt deposited.
8) Release the plug-in coupling and vent the con-
tainer by drawing the spindle out of the safety

Compare the measurements of the operating data before and after the cleaning procedure (see Operating data 500.30 /

the comparison indicates success of the washing proce- the water washing of the compressor side is finished
the comparison indicates lack of the washing procedure carry out the washing procedure from step 1 with 10
minutes interval from the initial washing
severe dirt is being deposited in the compressor dismantling of the compressor components for manual
cleaning is necessary (see special turbocharger manual in
section 512 / 612).

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Work Card 512-08.00
Page 1 (3) Check and cleaning of the condensate drain trap
Edition 01

L23/30DF, V28/32DF, L28/32DF, V28/32S, L28/32S, L27/38S, L27/38, L23/30S,

L23/30H, L21/31S, L21/31, L16/24S, L16/24
Safety precautions Special tools

Engine stopped Plate No. Item No. Note

Shut-off starting air
Shut off cooling water
Shut off fuel oil
Shut-off cooling oil
Stop lub. oil circulation
Press Blocking - Reset

Short Description
Check and cleaning of the condensate drain trap
in the charge air drain system

Starting Position Hand Tools

Engine is running

Related Procedure

Qualified Manpower Replacement and wearing parts

Duration in h : 1/2 Plate No. Item No. Quantity
Number : 1 P51208 -

Data for pressure and tolerance (Page 500.35)
Data for tightening torque (Page 500.40)
Declaration of weight (Page 500.45)

MAN Diesel & Turbo
512-08.00 Work Card
Check and cleaning of the condensate drain trap Page 2 (3)
Edition 01

L23/30DF, V28/32DF, L28/32DF, V28/32S, L28/32S, L27/38S, L27/38, L23/30S,

L23/30H, L21/31S, L21/31, L16/24S, L16/24
2) Function test of the drain trap
After the assembly of the cleaned drain trap we
recommend to test the function of this. The
test is done by applying fresh water to the inlet
side of the drain trap, the optimum test method
is to apply water with a pressure similar to the
full load charge air pressure for the engine type
Health Risk! in question, in case water float freely from the
outlet of the drain trap the function is as expec-

Health Risk!
Due to vibrations during engine operation, espe-
cially in awkward positions!

The area around the engine

The area around the engine must be clean and


Check and cleaning of the condensate

drain trap in the charge air drain system
In order to ensure efficient drain of the condensate
water from the charge air system it is of high impor-
tance that the drain facilities frequently are inspec-
ted and checked according to the planned mainte-
nance program.

1) Cleaning of the drain trap During the test do not increase the water pres-
Various types and make of the drain trap is sure above the maximum charge air pressure as
installed at our engines, therefore below clean- this may cause the drain trap to block the drain
ing procedure are to be regarded as a guide- outlet with the risk of damage to the internal
line only. parts of the drain trap
● Remove the drain trap from the engine
● Dismantle the lower and upper part by
removing the clamp 3) Check the condensate drain piping system
● Clean the inside of the drain trap with water Before the drain trap is mounted at the engine
and appropriate detergent the drain pipes must be checked for free flow,
● Check that all parts moves freely this can be done by starting the engine and
● Reassemble the drain trap check charge air is blowing freely from the

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Work Card 512-08.00
Page 3 (3) Check and cleaning of the condensate drain trap
Edition 01

L23/30DF, V28/32DF, L28/32DF, V28/32S, L28/32S, L27/38S, L27/38, L23/30S,

L23/30H, L21/31S, L21/31, L16/24S, L16/24
drain pipe, in case the flow cannot be detected
the piping system must be opened and
cleaned until free passage is obtained in the
whole drain system.
4) Reinstall the drain trap
Mount the assembled condensate drain trap in
the charge air condensate drain system again.

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Work Card 512-10.00
Page 1 (2) Cleaning the Turbine, dry cleaning
Edition 05

L28/32DF, L23/30DF, L28/32S, L27/38S, L23/30S, L21/31S, L16/24S, V28/32S,

L16/24, L21/31, L23/30H, L27/38
Safety precautions Special tools

Engine stopped Plate No. Item No. Note

Shut-off starting air 51210 .
Shut off cooling water
Shut off fuel oil
Shut-off cooling oil
Stop lub. oil circulation
Press Blocking - Reset

Short Description
Cleaning and/or maintenance of air filter.

Starting Position Hand Tools

Related Procedure

Qualified Manpower Replacement and wearing parts

Duration in h : 1/2 Plate No. Item No. Quantity
Number : 1 See special
instruction for tur-
Data for pressure and tolerance (Page 500.35)
Data for tightening torque (Page 500.40)
Declaration of weight (Page 500.45)

MAN Diesel & Turbo
512-10.00 Work Card
Cleaning the Turbine, dry cleaning Page 2 (2)
Edition 05

L28/32DF, L23/30DF, L28/32S, L27/38S, L23/30S, L21/31S, L16/24S, V28/32S,

L16/24, L21/31, L23/30H, L27/38
The cleaning is to be carried out at high engine
load, min. 75 % MCR.
1) Before connecting the cleaning device, see fig
1, open the stop valve (1) and check that the
passage is not blocked. Close the valve again.
2) Fill the container (2) with granulate. The amount
depending on the type of turbocharger.
Health Risk! NR12, NR14, NR15, NR17, NR20 0.3 liters
NR24, NR26 0.4 liters
NR29, NR34 0.5 liters
TCR12, TCR14, TCR16 0.3 liters
TCR18, TCR20 0.4 liters
Health Risk! 3) Connect to the working air system (4).
Due to vibrations during engine operation, espe- 4) Connect the dry cleaning device to valve (1)
cially in awkward positions! and open valve (3). Then open valve (1) slowly
until a hissing sound indicates that the granu-
Dry cleaning late is being injected. Injection period: Approx.
2 min or until the container is empty.
Dry cleaning must be performed at all injection con-
nections (if more than one).

If vibrations occur after cleaning the turbine it is

necessary to repeat the cleaning process until no
vibrations are observed

1 Stop valve 2 Container

3 Valve 4 Working air

Figure 149: Dry cleaning

Depending on the type of engine and turbocharger,

the arrangement of items may also differ somewhat
from that shown in the schematic.
Appropriate cleaning materials are granulates from
nut shells or activated charcoal of a grain size of 1
mm (max. 1.5 mm)

Cleaning sequence
Please also consult the instruction plate on the

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Work Card 512-15.00
Page 1 (3) Water Washing of Turbine Side
Edition 03

L27/38S, L21/31S, L16/24S, L16/24, L21/31, L27/38

Safety precautions Special tools

Engine stopped Plate No. Item No. Note

Shut-off starting air
Shut off cooling water
Shut off fuel oil
Shut-off cooling oil
Stop lub. oil circulation
Press Blocking - Reset

Short Description
Water washing of turbine side, cleaning with
engine in service.

Starting Position Hand Tools

Related Procedure

Qualified Manpower Replacement and wearing parts

Duration in h : 1/2 Plate No. Item No. Quantity
Number : 1 See the special
instruction for tur-
Data for pressure and tolerance (Page 500.35)
Data for tightening torque (Page 500.40)
Declaration of weight (Page 500.45)

MAN Diesel & Turbo
512-15.00 Work Card
Water Washing of Turbine Side Page 2 (3)
Edition 03

L27/38S, L21/31S, L16/24S, L16/24, L21/31, L27/38

Cleaning Procedure
1) Adjust the engine load to approx. 20 % and let
the engine stabilize for 10 min.
Figure 150: 3-way cock.
2) Open the drain cock at the turbocharger outlet
and check for free passage, see fig 1.
3) Turn the 3-way cock to position 2 "Open", see
fig. 2 and check for free passage. If ok turn to
the water wash position 3 "Wash".
4) Connect the water supply to the water wash
5) Activate the manoeuvring valve, see fig 1.
Then open the regulating valve and adjust the
water flow until the drain flow is approx. 0,25 l/
6) Continue the water washing 5 - 10 min. or until
the drain water is free of particles.
7) Release the manoeuvring valve and disconnect
the water supply.
Turn the 3-way cock to position 1, "Closed"
and check that the water drain flow has stop-
8) Continue at this load at least 5 min. before
increasing the load to the normal condition.
9) After the water washing, the engine should run
for at least 1 hour before stop.
Note: The regulating valve has to be opened slowly.
The manoeuvring valve must not be locked in open
The water injection time mentioned in item 6 must
be not exceeded.
For water washing of turbine side, see also descrip-
tion for water washing.

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Work Card 512-15.00
Page 3 (3) Water Washing of Turbine Side
Edition 03

L27/38S, L21/31S, L16/24S, L16/24, L21/31, L27/38

Figure 151: Arrangement for water washing.

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Work Card 512-15.00
Page 1 (2) Water washing of turbine side
Edition 05

L28/32DF, L23/30DF, L28/32S, L27/38S, L23/30S, L21/31S, L16/24S, V28/32S,

L16/24, L21/31, L23/30H, L27/38
Safety precautions Special tools

Engine stopped Plate No. Item No. Note

Shut-off starting air
Shut off cooling water
Shut off fuel oil
Shut-off cooling oil
Stop lub. oil circulation
Press Blocking - Reset

Short Description
Water washing of turbine side, cleaning with
engine in service.

Starting Position Hand Tools

Related Procedure

Qualified Manpower Replacement and wearing parts

Duration in h : 1/2 Plate No. Item No. Quantity
Number : 1 See the special
instruction for tur-
Data for pressure and tolerance (Page 500.35)
Data for tightening torque (Page 500.40)
Declaration of weight (Page 500.45)

MAN Diesel & Turbo
512-15.00 Work Card
Water washing of turbine side Page 2 (2)
Edition 05

L28/32DF, L23/30DF, L28/32S, L27/38S, L23/30S, L21/31S, L16/24S, V28/32S,

L16/24, L21/31, L23/30H, L27/38
7) Open the valve, see fig.2, pos. 3.
Check water is coming out of the T/C drain;
this might take some time (10-20 sec.).
When the exhaust temperature after T/C drops
to below 100oC, close the water washing (pos.
3) until the temperature after T/C has reached
8) Repeat the sequence until the drain water
Cleaning procedure coming out is clean (light grey) and free from
1) See Description 512.20/612.20, "Cleaning of bigger soot particles.
turbocharger in service - turbine side", for pre- 9) Close the valve (pos. 2) and check that the
adjustment of washing tool. water drain flow has stopped and disconnect
2) Reduce the engine load to 0-15% and let the the water washing gun.
engine stabilize for 10 min. so that the exhaust 10) Continue at this load at least 10 min. before
gas temperature before T/C is below 320oC. increasing the load to the normal condition.
3) Open the drain cock at the turbocharger outlet 11) After the water washing, the engine should run
drain pipe and check for free passage, see fig. for at least 1 hour before stop.
1, pos. 1.

Figure 153: .

Figure 152: .

4) Turn valve, fig. 2, pos. 2, to position "Open"

and check for free passage.
5) Connect the water supply to the water washing
6) Connect the water washing gun to the valve,
pos. 2.

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Charging air cooler P51201-21

L21/31S, L21/31

2014.11.24 - with water mist catcher

MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51201-21 Charging air cooler Page 2 (2)

L21/31S, L21/31
Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

017 2/K Side plate

029 4/K Steering screw
042 16/K Screw
054 8/K Screw
066 16/K Washer
078 30/K Screw
091 /I Loctite
113 1/K Gasket end cover
125 1/K End cover
137 1/K Cooler block
149 1/K Reversing chamber
150 1/K Gasket reversing chamber
162 1/E Charging air cooler, complete
294 1/K Water mist catcher
353 17/K Screw
365 12/K Screw
377 8/K Nut

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/E = Qty/Engine
Qty/I = Qty/Individual
Qty/K = Qty/Cooler

2014.11.24 - with water mist catcher

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Charging air cooler P51201-22

L21/31S, L21/31

2014.11.24 - without water mist catcher

MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51201-22 Charging air cooler Page 2 (2)

L21/31S, L21/31
Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

017 2/K Side plate

029 4/K Steering screw
042 16/K Screw
078 30/K Screw
091 /I Loctite
113 1/K Gasket end cover
125 1/K End cover
137 1/K Cooler block
149 1/K Reversing chamber
150 1/K Gasket reversing chamber
162 1/E Charging air cooler, complete
353 17/K Screw
365 12/K Screw

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/E = Qty/Engine
Qty/I = Qty/Individual
Qty/K = Qty/Cooler

2014.11.24 - without water mist catcher

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Exhaust pipe arrangement P51202-10

L21/31S, L21/31

2014.09.23 - Tier II, Stationary

MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51202-10 Exhaust pipe arrangement Page 2 (2)

L21/31S, L21/31
Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

012 1/E Cover

024 /I Gasket 1)
036 /I Screw 2)
048 /I Nut 2)
061 /I Pipe piece 3)
073 /I Compensator 3)
097 /I Clamping strap 2/2 3)
107 /I Screw 1)
119 /I Nut 1)
168 /I Spring pin 1)
181 1/C Packing ring

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref- Note 1)

5 cyl. 8/E - 6 cyl. 10/E - 7 cyl. 12/E - 8 cyl. 14/E - 9 cyl. 16/E
ace. 2)
5 cyl. 32/E - 6 cyl. 40/E - 7 cyl. 48/E - 8 cyl. 56/E - 9 cyl. 64/E
5 cyl. 4/E - 6 cyl. 5/E - 7 cyl. 6/E - 8 cyl. 7/E - 9 cyl. 8/E
* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/C = Qty/Cylinder
Qty/E = Qty/Engine
Qty/I = Qty/Individual

2014.09.23 - Tier II, Stationary

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Exhaust pipe arrangement P51202-31

L21/31S, L21/31

MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51202-31 Exhaust pipe arrangement Page 2 (2)

L21/31S, L21/31
Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

001 /I Exhaust pipe manifold 1)

002 /I Compensator 1)
003 /I Gasket 2)
004 1/E Cover
005 /I Clamp 1)
006 /I Screw 3)
007 /I Nut 3)
008 /I Gasket 1)
502 /I Screw 2)
503 /I Spring pin 2)
504 /I Nut 2)

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref- Note 1)

5 cyl. 4/E - 6 cyl. 5/E - 7 cyl. 6/E - 8 cyl. 7/E - 9 cyl. 8/E
ace. 2)
5 cyl. 8/E - 6 cyl. 10/E - 7 cyl. 12/E - 8 cyl. 14/E - 9 cyl. 16/E
5 cyl. 32/E - 6 cyl. 40/E - 7 cyl. 48/E - 8 cyl. 56/E - 9 cyl. 64/E
* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/E = Qty/Engine
Qty/I = Qty/Individual

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Mounting of tc / tc system P51203-38

L21/31S, L21/31

MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51203-38 Mounting of tc / tc system Page 2 (2)

L21/31S, L21/31
Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

006 1/E Exhaust pipe inlet 514 4/E Nut

007 1/E Foot for turbocharger, complete 515 1/E Packing
010 6/E Screw 516 2/E Packing rings
012 2/E Cylindrical pin 741 2/E Straight male stud
014 1/E O-ring 742 1/E Pipe
016 2/E Gasket 743 1/E Tee coupling
019 2/E Screw 744 1/E Restriction
020 1/E Gasket 745 1/E Pipe
026 1/E Throttle screw
031 1/E Support
033 4/E Screw
034 1/E Expander
036 1/E Round seal ring
037 1/E O-ring
040 10/E Cam lock washer
048 6/E Screw
050 1/E Seal ring
052 2/E Cylindrical screw
055 4/E Screw
057 1/E Clamps
058 2/E Nut
071 1/E Plate
072 1/E Plate
073 1/E Bracket
075 4/E Spring locks
076 4/E Screw
511 1/E Drain
512 1/E Drain
513 4/E Screw

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/E = Qty/Engine

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Mounting of tc / tc system P51203-20

L21/31S, L21/31

MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51203-20 Mounting of tc / tc system Page 2 (2)

L21/31S, L21/31
Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

018 1/E Foot for tc

031 6/E Screw
043 1/E O-ring
055 2/E Seal ring
067 2/E Screw
079 1/E Gasket
080 2/E Cylindrical pin
092 1/E Plug screw
102 1/E Seal ring
209 2/E Plug screw
210 2/E Packing ring
222 1/E Throttle screw
234 4/E Screw
246 4/E Lock washer
258 1/E Flange
271 1/E O-ring
283 1/E Seal ring
295 1/E Expander
305 1/E Seal ring
317 1/E Support
329 4/E Locking spring washer
330 4/E Screw
342 6/E Screw
354 6/E Washer
366 1/E Seal
378 1/E Screw plug

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/E = Qty/Engine

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Mounting of tc / tc system P51203-21

L21/31S, L21/31

MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51203-21 Mounting of tc / tc system Page 2 (2)

L21/31S, L21/31
Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

018 1/E Foot for tc

031 6/E Screw
043 1/E O-ring
055 2/E Seal ring
067 2/E Screw
079 1/E Gasket
080 2/E Cylindrical pin
092 1/E Plug screw
102 1/E Seal ring
209 2/E Plug screw
210 2/E Packing ring
222 1/E Throttle screw
234 4/E Screw
246 4/E Lock washer
271 1/E O-ring
283 1/E Seal ring
295 1/E Expander
305 1/E Seal ring
317 1/E Support
329 4/E Locking spring washer
330 4/E Screw
342 6/E Screw
354 6/E Washer
366 1/E Seal
378 1/E Screw plug

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/E = Qty/Engine

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Mounting of turbocharger P51203-42

L21/31S, L21/31

2016.03.14 - TCR18
MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51203-42 Mounting of turbocharger Page 2 (2)

L21/31S, L21/31
Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

007 1/E Foot for turbocharger

010 6/E Hexagon screw
012 2/E Cylindrical pin
013 1/E Seal
014 1/E O-ring
015 1/E Screw plug
016 2/E Round seal ring
019 2/E Hexagon screw
020 1/E Gasket
021 1/E Seal ring
022 1/E Plug screw
026 1/E Throttle screw
027 2/E Packing ring
028 2/E Plug screw
031 1/E Support
032 4/E Washer
033 4/E Hexagon screw
034 1/E Expander
036 1/E Round seal ring
037 1/E O-ring
038 1/E Flange
039 4/E Cylinder screw
040 4/E Cam lock washer, stainless
047 6/E Cam lock washer, stainless
048 6/E Hexagon screw
049 6/E Nut
050 1/E Square-section seal ring

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/E = Qty/Engine

2016.03.14 - TCR18
MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Mounting of turbocharger P51203-43

L21/31S, L21/31

2016.05.23 - TCR16
MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51203-43 Mounting of turbocharger Page 2 (2)

L21/31S, L21/31
Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

005 1/E Foot for turbocharger

010 6/E Hexagon screw
012 2/E Cylindrical pin
013 1/E O-ring
014 1/E Seal
015 1/E Screw plug
016 2/E Round seal ring
018 2/E Hexagon screw
020 1/E Gasket
021 1/E Seal ring
022 1/E Plug screw
026 1/E Throttle screw
027 2/E Packing ring
028 2/E Plug screw
030 1/E Support
032 4/E Washer
033 4/E Hexagon screw
034 4/E Expander
036 1/E Round seal ring
037 1/E O-ring
038 1/E Flange
039 4/E Cylinder screw
040 4/E Cam lock washer, stainless
047 6/E Cam lock washer, stainless
048 6/E Hexagon screw
049 6/E Nut
050 1/E Square-section seal ring

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/E = Qty/Engine

2016.05.23 - TCR16
MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Exhaust pipe before turbocharger P51204-14

L21/31S, L21/31

2014.11.24 - Tier II + Stationary, TCR16

MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51204-14 Exhaust pipe before turbocharger Page 2 (2)

L21/31S, L21/31
Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

001 1/E Exhaust pipe inlet tc

013 1/E Compensator
025 2/E Gasket
037 1/E Gasket
049 1/E Clamp
086 12/E Screw
098 4/E Nut
108 1/E Seal ring
121 1/E Socket
145 8/E Nut
157 1/E Gasket
169 1/E Packing ring
170 1/E Plug screw

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/E = Qty/Engine

2014.11.24 - Tier II + Stationary, TCR16

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Exhaust pipe before turbocharger P51204-15

L21/31S, L21/31

2014.09.23 - Tier II, Stationary, TCR18

MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51204-15 Exhaust pipe before turbocharger Page 2 (2)

L21/31S, L21/31
Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

001 1/E Exhaust pipe inlet tc

013 1/E Compensator
025 2/E Gasket
037 1/E Gasket
049 1/E Clamp
086 16/E Screw
098 4/E Nut
108 1/E Seal ring
121 1/E Socket
133 4/E Screw
145 16/E Nut
157 1/E Gasket
169 1/E Packing ring
170 1/E Plug screw

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/E = Qty/Engine

2014.09.23 - Tier II, Stationary, TCR18

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Exhaust pipe before turbocharger P51204-21

L21/31S, L21/31

2017.02.20 - TCR16
MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51204-21 Exhaust pipe before turbocharger Page 2 (2)

L21/31S, L21/31
Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

001 1/E Exhaust pipe before tc

003 1/E Compensator
005 2/E Gasket
007 1/E Gasket
008 1/E Clamp
009 12/E Screw
010 4/E Nut
013 1/E Seal ring
014 1/E Socket
016 8/E Nut
017 1/E Gasket
018 1/E Packing ring
019 1/E Plug screw
802 2/E Screw
803 2/E Spring pin
804 2/E Nut

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/E = Qty/Engine

2017.02.20 - TCR16
MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Exhaust pipe before turbocharger P51204-22

L21/31S, L21/31

2017.02.20 - TCR18
MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51204-22 Exhaust pipe before turbocharger Page 2 (2)

L21/31S, L21/31
Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

002 1/E Exhaust pipe inlet tc

004 1/E Compensator
006 2/E Gasket
007 1/E Gasket
008 1/E Clamp
009 4/E Screw
010 4/E Nut
011 8/E Screw
012 24/E Nut
013 1/E Seal ring
014 1/E Socket
015 8/E Stud
017 1/E Gasket
018 1/E Packing ring
019 1/E Plug screw
802 2/E Screw
803 2/E Spring pin
804 2/E Nut

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/E = Qty/Engine

2017.02.20 - TCR18
MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Exhaust pipe before turbocharger P51204-23

L21/31S, L21/31

2017.04.28 - TCR16, Waste gate connection

MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51204-23 Exhaust pipe before turbocharger Page 2 (2)

L21/31S, L21/31
Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

001 1/E Exhaust pipe before tc

003 1/E Compensator
005 2/E Gasket
007 1/E Gasket
008 1/E Clamp, complete
009 12/E Screw
010 4/E Nut
013 1/E Sealing ring
014 1/E Socket
016 8/E Nut
017 1/E Gasket
801 1/E Clamp
802 2/E Screw
803 2/E Spring pin
804 2/E Nut

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/E = Qty/Engine

2017.04.28 - TCR16, Waste gate connection

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Exhaust pipe before turbocharger P51204-24

L21/31S, L21/31

2017.05.03 - TCR18, Waste gate connection

MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51204-24 Exhaust pipe before turbocharger Page 2 (2)

L21/31S, L21/31
Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

002 1/E Exhaust pipe inlet tc

004 1/E Compensator
006 2/E Gasket
007 1/E Gasket
008 1/E Clamp, complete
009 4/E Screw
010 4/E Nut
011 16/E Screw
012 16/E Nut
013 1/E Sealing ring
014 1/E Socket
017 1/E Gasket
801 1/E Clamp
802 2/E Screw
803 2/E Spring pin
804 2/E Nut

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/E = Qty/Engine

2017.05.03 - TCR18, Waste gate connection

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Exhaust pipe before turbocharger P51204-25

L21/31S, L21/31

2017.05.04 - TCR18
MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51204-25 Exhaust pipe before turbocharger Page 2 (2)

L21/31S, L21/31
Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

002 1/E Exhaust pipe before tc

004 1/E Compensator
006 2/E Gasket
007 1/E Gasket
008 1/E Clamp, complete
009 4/E Screw
010 4/E Nut
011 8/E Screw
012 24/E Nut
013 1/E Sealing ring
014 1/E Socket
015 8/E Stud
017 1/E Exhaust
018 1/E Packing
019 1/E Plug screw
801 1/E Clamp
802 2/E Screw
803 2/E Spring pin
804 2/E Nut

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/E = Qty/Engine

2017.05.04 - TCR18
MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Water washing compressor side P51205-02

L28/32S, L23/30DF, L28/32DF, L27/38S, L23/30S, L21/31S, V28/32S, L21/31,

L23/30H, L27/38

MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51205-02 Water washing compressor side Page 2 (2)

L28/32S, L23/30DF, L28/32DF, L27/38S, L23/30S, L21/31S, V28/32S, L21/31,

L23/30H, L27/38
Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

004 1/E Reducing piece

331 1/E Fitting
343 1/E Fitting
355 1/E Container complete

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/E = Qty/Engine

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Water washing of compressor side P51205-03

L21/31S, L21/31

2015.06.15 - TCR
MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51205-03 Water washing of compressor side Page 2 (2)

L21/31S, L21/31
Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

003 1/E Pipe

004 1/E Pipe, TCR 18
005 1/E Pipe, TCR 16
013 1/E Restriction
019 1/E Snap coupling
021 1/E Clamping claw
024 1/E Pipe clamp
032 1/E Packing
033 1/E Socket
034 1/E Cap nut
035 1/E Taper bush
036 1/E Socket
037 1/E Socket
045 2/E Cyl. screw
046 2/E Cyl. screw

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/E = Qty/Engine

2015.06.15 - TCR
MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Drain trap P51208-03

L21/31S, L21/31

MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51208-03 Drain trap Page 2 (2)

L21/31S, L21/31
Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

015 1/E Drain trap, complete

088 1/E Drain pipe
111 1/E Bracket
123 1/E Packing ring
147 4/E Screw
159 4/E Nut
160 2/E Screw
172 2/E Nut
184 1/E Straight male stud coupling
196 1/E Pipe elbows 90 deg

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/E = Qty/Engine

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Blowgun for dry cleaning of turbocharger P51210-01

L23/30DF, L28/32DF, L28/32S, L27/38S, L23/30S, L21/31S, V28/32S, L21/31,

L23/30H, L27/38

MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51210-01 Blowgun for dry cleaning of turbocharger Page 2 (2)

L23/30DF, L28/32DF, L28/32S, L27/38S, L23/30S, L21/31S, V28/32S, L21/31,

L23/30H, L27/38
Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

016 1/E Snap coupling

028 2/E Nipple
041 1/E Tee
053 1/E Ball valve
065 2/E Snap coupling
077 1/E Snap coupling
089 1/E Packing ring
100 1/E Container, complete
112 1/E Socket
136 1/E Blowgun, complete
148 /I Granulate

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/E = Qty/Engine
Qty/I = Qty/Individual

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Heat insulation before turbocharger P51211-18

L21/31S, L21/31

2017.05.04 - TCR18
MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51211-18 Heat insulation before turbocharger Page 2 (2)

L21/31S, L21/31
Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

001 1/E Insulating sheet

002 1/E Insulating sheet
003 1/E Insulating sheet
004 12/E Washer
005 12/E Screw
006 1/E Insulating mat
007 1/E Insulating mat
008 1/E Insulating mat
009 1/E Insulating mat
010 1/E Insulation material
011 1/E Wire

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/E = Qty/Engine

2017.05.04 - TCR18
MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Heat insulation before turbocharger P51211-19

L21/31S, L21/31

2017.05.30 - TCR16
MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51211-19 Heat insulation before turbocharger Page 2 (2)

L21/31S, L21/31
Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

001 1/E Insulation sheet

002 1/E Insulation sheet
003 1/E Insulation sheet
004 1/E Insulation mat
005 1/E Insulation mat
006 1/E Insulation mat
007 1/E Insulation mat
008 1/E Insulation material
009 12/E Washer
010 12/E Screw
011 1/E Wire

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/E = Qty/Engine

2017.05.30 - TCR16
MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Covering of charge air receiver P51212-01

L21/31S, L21/31

MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51212-01 Covering of charge air receiver Page 2 (2)

L21/31S, L21/31
Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

017 1/E Covering of charge air receiver

029 1/E Covering of charge air receiver
030 1/E Covering of charge air receiver
042 1/E Covering of charge air receiver
054 1/E Covering of charge air receiver
066 1/E Covering of charge air receiver
078 10/E Screw
091 8/E Screw
101 2/E Screw
113 4/E Screw
125 24/E Washer
137 21/E Screw
149 21/E Washer
150 2/E Screw
162 2/E Screw
174 4/E Washer

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/E = Qty/Engine

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Covering of charge air receiver P51212-02

L21/31S, L21/31

MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51212-02 Covering of charge air receiver Page 2 (2)

L21/31S, L21/31
Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

017 1/E Covering of charge air receiver

029 1/E Covering of charge air receiver
030 1/E Covering of charge air receiver
042 1/E Covering of charge air receiver
078 10/E Screw
091 8/E Screw
101 2/E Screw
113 4/E Screw
125 24/E Washer
137 9/E Screw

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/E = Qty/Engine

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Cover before turbocharger P51213-03

L21/31S, L21/31

2017.04.19 - TCR 18
MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51213-03 Cover before turbocharger Page 2 (2)

L21/31S, L21/31
Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

005 1/E Covering before turbocharger

006 1/E Covering before turbocharger
007 1/E Covering of exhaust pipe
008 1/E Covering of exhaust pipe
009 1/E Covering of exhaust pipe
010 1/E Covering of exhaust pipe
011 30/E Screw
013 2/E Screw
020 1/E Plate
021 1/E Plate

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/E = Qty/Engine

2017.04.19 - TCR 18
MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Cover before turbocharger P51213-04

2017.04.25 - TCR16
MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51213-04 Cover before turbocharger Page 2 (2)

Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

005 1/E Covering of exhaust pipe

006 1/E Covering of exhaust pipe
007 1/E Covering of exhaust pipe
008 1/E Covering of exhaust pipe
009 1/E Covering of exhaust pipe
010 1/E Covering of exhaust pipe
011 29/E Screw
013 1/E Screw
020 1/E Plate
021 1/E Plate

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/E = Qty/Engine

2017.04.25 - TCR16
MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Turbine cleaning arrangement P51214-01

L21/31S, L21/31

2015.11.23 - TCR
MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51214-01 Turbine cleaning arrangement Page 2 (2)

L21/31S, L21/31
Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

005 1/E Pipe

018 1/E Closing valve
020 1/E Snap coupling
030 1/E Socket
044 1/E Socket

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/E = Qty/Engine

2015.11.23 - TCR
MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Water washing of turbine side P51215-01

L21/31S, L21/31

MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51215-01 Water washing of turbine side Page 2 (2)

L21/31S, L21/31
Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

013 1/E 3-way cock

025 2/E Straight male stud
037 1/E Pipe branch
050 1/E Pipe
062 1/E Straight female coupling
074 1/E Adaptor, male/female
086 1/E Valve for water wash
098 2/E Pipe
121 2/E Plate
133 2/E Pipe clamp
145 4/E Screw
157 1/E Regulating valve
169 2/E Flat steel bar
182 2/E Plate
194 2/E Pipe clamp
204 4/E Screw

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/E = Qty/Engine

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Water washing of turbine side P51215-04

L28/32S, L27/38S, L23/30S, L21/31S, L16/24S, L28/32DF, V28/32S, L16/24,

L21/31, L23/30H, L27/38

MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51215-04 Water washing of turbine side Page 2 (2)

L28/32S, L27/38S, L23/30S, L21/31S, L16/24S, L28/32DF, V28/32S, L16/24,

L21/31, L23/30H, L27/38
Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

290 1/E Snap coupling

300 1/E Coupling for manometer
312 1/E Pipe
324 1/E Restriction for lub. oil pipe
336 1/E Restriction for lub. oil pipe
348 1/E Restriction for lub. oil pipe
361 1/E Elbow coupling
385 1/E Tee
397 1/E Bushing
407 1/E Pressure gauge
419 2/E Straight male coupling
420 1/E Regulating valve
432 1/E Bushing
444 1/E Ball valve
456 2/E Snap coupling
468 1/E Snap coupling
481 1/E Water washing of turbine side,

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/E = Qty/Engine

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Heat insulation of exhaust pipes P51217-01

L21/31S, L21/31

MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51217-01 Heat insulation of exhaust pipes Page 2 (2)

L21/31S, L21/31
Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

001 1/E Insulation material

002 /I Insulation material 1)
003 1/E Insulation material
005 /I Insulation material 2)
007 1/E Insulation plate cover
008 /I Insulation plate cover 1)
009 1/E Insulation plate cover
011 1/E Wire
012 1/E Hook

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref- Note 1)

9 cyl. 3/E, 8 cyl. 2/E, 7 cyl. 2/E, 6 cyl. 1/E, 5 cyl. 1/E
ace. 2)
9 cyl. 8/E, 8 cyl. 7/E, 7 cyl. 6/E, 6 cyl. 5/E, 5 cyl. 4/E
* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/E = Qty/Engine
Qty/I = Qty/Individual

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Charge air connections P51229-02

L21/31S, L21/31

MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51229-02 Charge air connections Page 2 (2)

L21/31S, L21/31
Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

015 1/E Flange

027 2/C+1 O-ring
039 2/E Screw
040 1/C+2 Lock washer
052 1/C Intermediate piece
064 1/C Safety clamp
410 1/C Screw
415 1/E Packing ring
427 1/E Plug screw

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/C = Qty/Cylinder
Qty/E = Qty/Engine

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Charge air pipes P51230-22

L21/31S, L21/31

2017.04.27 - Tier I + Tier II, Stationary, TCR18

MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51230-22 Charge air pipes Page 2 (2)

L21/31S, L21/31
Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

009 1/E Plug screw

010 1/E Packing ring
088 1/E Pipe piece
111 10/E Screw
172 11/E Screw
206 8/E Screw
218 1/E Compensator
326 1/E Covering sheet
363 8/E Nut
483 6/E Washer
495 6/E Screw
505 1/E Cover
529 1/E Pipe piece
530 3/E Screw
542 14/E Screw
554 22/E Locking spring washer
566 1/E Casing
578 /I Packing-silicone paste
591 2/E Screw
601 2/E Washer
843 8/E Screw
865 8/E Screw
877 8/E Nut
889 2/E Gasket
890 1/E Packing ring
900 1/E Plug screw

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/E = Qty/Engine
Qty/I = Qty/Individual

2017.04.27 - Tier I + Tier II, Stationary, TCR18

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Charge air pipes P51230-26

L21/31S, L21/31

2017.04.27 - TCR16
MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51230-26 Charge air pipes Page 2 (2)

L21/31S, L21/31
Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

009 1/E Plug screw

010 1/E Packing ring
088 1/E Pipe piece
111 10/E Screw
172 11/E Screw
206 4/E Screw
218 1/E Compensator
326 1/E Covering sheet
363 4/E Nut
483 6/E Washer
495 6/E Screw
505 1/E Cover
529 1/E Pipe piece
530 3/E Screw
542 14/E Screw
554 22/E Locking spring washer
566 1/E Casing
578 /I Packing-silicone paste
591 2/E Screw
601 2/E Washer
843 8/E Screw
865 8/E Screw
877 8/E Nut
889 2/E Gasket
890 1/E Packing ring
900 1/E Plug screw

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/E = Qty/Engine
Qty/I = Qty/Individual

2017.04.27 - TCR16
MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Charge air pipes P51230-27

L21/31S, L21/31

MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51230-27 Charge air pipes Page 2 (2)

L21/31S, L21/31
Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

001 1/E Casing

002 11/E Cylindrical screw
003 3/E Cylindrical screw
004 1/E Transition piece
005 14/E Cylindrical screw
006 14/E Locking spring washer
007 1/E Compensator, axial
008 8/E Hexagon screw
009 8/E Locking spring washer
010 2/E Gasket
011 1/E Intermediate flange
012 12/E Cylindrical screw
013 2/E Gasket
014 1/E Shut-off valve
015 1/E Pipe piece
016 12/E Cylindrical screw
017 8/E Hexagon bolt
018 8/E Hexagon nut
019 8/E Hexagon screw

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/E = Qty/Engine

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Charge air pipes P51230-28

L21/31S, L21/31

MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51230-28 Charge air pipes Page 2 (2)

L21/31S, L21/31
Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

001 1/E Casing

002 11/E Cylindrical screw
003 3/E Cylindrical screw
004 1/E Transition piece
005 14/E Cylindrical screw
006 14/E Locking spring washer
007 1/E Compensator, axial
008 8/E Hexagon screw
009 8/E Locking spring washer
010 2/E Gasket
011 1/E Intermediate flange
012 12/E Cylindrical screw
013 2/E Gasket
014 1/E Shut-off valve
015 1/E Pipe piece
016 12/E Cylindrical screw
017 4/E Hexagon bolt
018 4/E Hexagon nut
019 8/E Hexagon screw

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/E = Qty/Engine

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Charge air pipes P51230-31

L21/31S, L21/31

2014.10.09 - TCR16, with blow-off valve

MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51230-31 Charge air pipes Page 2 (2)

L21/31S, L21/31
Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

001 1/E Transition piece

003 1/E Compensator, axial
004 1/E Transition piece
006 1/E Charge air manifold
008 2/E Gasket
009 8/E Screw
010 8/E Screw
011 8/E Nut
013 14/E Screw
014 11/E Screw
015 3/E Screw
016 22/E Locking spring washer
019 4/E Screw
020 4/E Nut
042 1/E Pipe section
043 1/E Compensator
044 1/E Blow-off valve
045 3/E Flange
046 4/E Seal ring
047 1/E Seal ring
048 28/E Disc
049 4/E Screw
050 8/E Screw
051 4/E Bolt
052 12/E Nut

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/E = Qty/Engine

2014.10.09 - TCR16, with blow-off valve

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Drain from turbocharger P51231-13

L21/31S, L21/31

2015.11.23 - TCR
MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51231-13 Drain from turbocharger Page 2 (2)

L21/31S, L21/31
Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

001 1/E Pipe, TCR 16

002 1/E Pipe, TCR 18
016 1/E Ball valve
022 1/E Bracket for pipe clamp
047 2/E Cylinder screw

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/E = Qty/Engine

2015.11.23 - TCR
MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Mounting of charge air cooler P51235-07

L21/31S, L21/31

2014.11.24 - Tier II + Stationary

MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51235-07 Mounting of charge air cooler Page 2 (2)

L21/31S, L21/31
Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

012 4/E Intermediate piece

024 2/E Gasket
036 1/E Gasket
048 1/E Gasket
061 2/E Cylindrical pin
073 20/E Screw
085 20/E Locking spring washer
097 8/E O-ring
107 /I Packing-silicone paste
119 /I Glue

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/E = Qty/Engine
Qty/I = Qty/Individual

2014.11.24 - Tier II + Stationary

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Waste gate arrangement P51239-06

L21/31S, L21/31

2016.10.19 - TCR16
MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51239-06 Waste gate arrangement Page 2 (2)

L21/31S, L21/31
Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

001 1/E Pipe for by-pass 030 1/E Air pipe

002 1/E Pipe for by-pass 031 1/E Air pipe
003 1/E Gasket 032 1/E Air pipe
004 4/E Screw 033 4/E Elbow union
005 8/E Nut 034 2/E Hose
006 2/E Gasket
007 1/E Support for exhaust pipe
008 2/E Screw
009 2/E Screw
010 1/E V-profile clamp
011 1/E Orifice plate
012 2/E Screw
013 2/E Screw
014 1/E Shut-off valve
015 1/E Regulator
016 2/E Rubber socket
017 4/E Nut
018 4/E Socket
019 4/E Socket
020 1/E Connection angle
021 1/E Pressure reduction valve
022 1/E Branch for distributor pipe
023 1/E Support for regulation valve
024 2/E Screw
025 1/E Ball type cock
026 2/E Screw
027 2/E Nut
028 2/E Pipe clamp
029 4/E Screw

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/E = Qty/Engine

2016.10.19 - TCR16
MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Waste gate arrangement P51239-01

L21/31S, L21/31

2016.06.08 - TCR18
MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51239-01 Waste gate arrangement Page 2 (2)

L21/31S, L21/31
Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

001 1/E Pipe for by-pass 031 4/E Cylindrical screw

002 1/E Pipe for by-pass 032 1/E Air pipe
003 1/E Gasket 033 1/E Air pipe
004 12/E Screw 034 1/E Air pipe
005 16/E Nut 035 4/E Elbow union
006 2/E Gasket 036 2/E Hose
007 1/E Support for exhaust pipe
008 2/E Screw
009 2/E Screw
010 1/E Connecting piece
011 1/E Gasket
012 8/E Bolt
013 2/E Screw
014 2/E Bolt
015 1/E Shut-off valve
016 1/E Regulator
017 2/E Rubber socket
018 4/E Nut
019 4/E Socket
020 4/E Socket
021 1/E Connection angle
022 1/E Pressure reduction valve
024 1/E Branch for distribution pipe
025 1/E Support for regulation valve
026 2/E Screw
027 1/E Ball type cock
028 2/E Screw
029 2/E Nut
030 2/E Pipe clamp

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/E = Qty/Engine

2016.06.08 - TCR18
MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (1) Compressed air system 513

Compressed Air System ........................................................................................... 513.01 (23)

Work card
Air Filter .................................................................................................................... 513-01.21 (02)
Overhaul, Test and Inspection of Air Starter .............................................................. 513-01.30 (08)
Emergency Starting Valve ......................................................................................... 513-01.40 (08)
Check of Compressed Air Piping System .................................................................. 513-01.90 (03)
Turning Gear ............................................................................................................. 513-25.00 (01)
Turning Gear ............................................................................................................. 513-25.00 (03)

Air starter .................................................................................................................. P51309-16
Air starter .................................................................................................................. P51309-17
Main starting valve .................................................................................................... P51310-06
Main stop valve ......................................................................................................... P51315-03
Solenoid valve, 3/2 ................................................................................................... P51318-01
Solenoid valve, 3/2 ................................................................................................... P51318-02
Solenoid valve, 3/2 ................................................................................................... P51318-03
Solenoid valve, 3/2 ................................................................................................... P51318-04
Air filter ..................................................................................................................... P51321-03
Pressure reduction valve ........................................................................................... P51322-08
Pressure reduction valve ........................................................................................... P51322-09
Pressure reduction valve ........................................................................................... P51322-10
Pressure reduction valve ........................................................................................... P51322-14
Turning gear ............................................................................................................. P51325-12
Turning gear ............................................................................................................. P51325-20
Turning gear ............................................................................................................. P51325-21
Turning gear ............................................................................................................. P51325-22
Turning gear ............................................................................................................. P51325-23
Turning gear ............................................................................................................. P51325-24
Arrangement of jet system ........................................................................................ P51330-10
Shutdown arrangement ............................................................................................ P51332-02

2017-08-16 - en
MAN Diesel & Turbo
Description 513.01
Page 1 (2) Compressed Air System
Edition 23

L21/31S, L21/31
Compressed air system

Figure 154: Diagram for compressed air system (for guidance only, please see the plant specific engine diagram)

Air supply! Working pressure for the air starter:

▪ min. 7 bar
▪ max. 8 bar
To avoid dirt particles in the internal system, a
strainer is mounted in the inlet line to the engine.

Air supply must not be interrupted when engine

Starting system
is running
The engine is started by means of a built-on air
starter, which is of the turbine starter motor type
General with gear-box, safety clutch and drive shaft with
The compressed air system on the engine consists pinion. Further, the starting system consists of a
of a starting system, starting control system and main starting valve.
safety system. Further, the system supplies air to
the jet system and the stop cylinders on each fuel Control system
injection pump.
The air starter is activated electrically with a pneu-
The compressed air is supplied from the starting air matic 3/2-way solenoid valve. The valve can be
receivers. activated manually from the starting box on the
engine, and it can be arranged for remote control,
manual or automatic.

2015.03.31 - Tier II, Stationary, TDI

MAN Diesel & Turbo
513.01 Description
Compressed Air System Page 2 (2)
Edition 23

L21/31S, L21/31
For remote activation the starting coil is connected
so that every starting signal to the starting coil goes
through the safe start function which is connected
to the basemodule mounted on the engine.
Further, the starting valve also acts as an emer-
gency starting valve which makes it possible to acti-
vate the air starter manually in case of power failure.

Safety system
Air supply must not be interrupted when the
engine is running.
As standard each fuel pump on the engine is equip-
ped with a pneumatically stop cylinder, which starts
to operate if the safety system is activated. The sys-
tem is activated electrically.

Pneumatic start sequence

When the starting valve is opened, air will be sup-
plied to the drive shaft housing of the air starter.
The air supply will - by activating a piston - bring the
drive pinion into engagement with the gear rim on
the engine flywheel.
When the pinion is fully engaged, the pilot air will
flow to, and open the main starting valve, whereby
air will be led to the air starter, which will start to
turn the engine.
When the RPM exceeds approx. 158, at which fir-
ing has taken place, the starting valve is closed
whereby the air starter is disengaged.

2015.03.31 - Tier II, Stationary, TDI

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Work Card 513-01.21
Page 1 (2) Air Filter
Edition 02

L27/38S, L23/30S, L21/31S, L16/24S, L23/30DF, L28/32DF, V28/32S, L16/24,

L21/31, L23/30H, L27/38
Safety precautions Special tools

Engine stopped Plate No. Item No. Note

Shut-off starting air
Shut off cooling water
Shut off fuel oil
Shut-off cooling oil
Stop lub. oil circulation
Press Blocking - Reset

Short Description
Cleaning and/or maintenance of air filter.

Starting Position Hand Tools

Related Procedure

Qualified Manpower Replacement and wearing parts

Duration in h : - Plate No. Item No. Quantity
Number : -

Data for pressure and tolerance (Page 500.35)
Data for tightening torque (Page 500.40)
Declaration of weight (Page 500.45)

MAN Diesel & Turbo
513-01.21 Work Card
Air Filter Page 2 (2)
Edition 02

L27/38S, L23/30S, L21/31S, L16/24S, L23/30DF, L28/32DF, V28/32S, L16/24,

L21/31, L23/30H, L27/38

Cleaning Air Filter

1) Depressurize unit.
2) Remove bowl and bowl guard assembly by
turning counter-clockwise.
3) Inspect bowl for damage seals and replace, if

Use original tool!

4) If bowl becomes dirty clean it by wiping the

bowl with a soft dry cloth or mild detergent. Figure 155: Air filter

5) Before returning to service, insure that all seals

have been reinstalled or replaced.
6) Reinstall bowl and bowl guard assembly and
To replace filter element
rotate bowl guard clockwise to securely lock in 1) Depressurize unit
place. 2) Remove bowl and bowl assembly by turning
Align arrow on bowl guard with arrow on filter counter-clockwise.
3) Unscrew baffle by turning counter-clockwise.
4) Remove fi lter element and discard.
5) Install new fi lter element and reassemble in
reverse order.
6) Before returning to service, insure that all seals
The area around the engine must be clean and have been reinstalled or replaced.
tidy! 7) Reinstall bowl and bowl guard assembly and
rotate bowl guard clockwise to securely lock in
place. Align arrow on bowl guard with arrow on
filter body.

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Work Card 513-01.30
Page 1 (11) Overhaul, Test and Inspection of Air Starter
Edition 08

L21/31S, L21/31

Safety precautions Special tools

Engine stopped Plate No. Item No. Note

Shut-off starting air
Shut off cooling water
Shut off fuel oil
Shut-off cooling oil
Stop lub. oil circulation
Press Blocking - Reset

Short Description
Check of air starter Disassembly, overhaul and
assembly of the air starter.

Starting Position Hand Tools

All connections to the air starter have been
removed, and air starter is removed.

Related Procedure

Qualified Manpower Replacement and wearing parts

Duration in h : Plate No. Item No. Quantity
Number : 51309 151 1 (spare part
Data for pressure and tolerance (Page 500.35)
Data for tightening torque (Page 500.40)
Declaration of weight (Page 500.45)

MAN Diesel & Turbo
513-01.30 Work Card
Overhaul, Test and Inspection of Air Starter Page 2 (11)
Edition 08

L21/31S, L21/31

Overhaul, Test and Inspection of Air

As with all TDI air starter products, there are no rub-
bing parts so there is no lubrication required. This
eliminates failures due to lubricator problems, the
expense of installing and maintaining the system,
and the messy and hazardous oil film around the
starter exhaust. The starter is factory grease
packed for the life of the starter so it requires no

The starters are powered by a pair of axial fl ow tur-
bines coupled to a simple planetary gear reduction
set. The starters incorporate an inertia bendix drive
coupled to the starter gearbox drive train to provide
a means of disengaging the pinion from the
engine’s ring gear.
It is important to properly install and operate the
starters to receive the full benefi ts of the turbine
drive advantages.


Turbine housing assembly

The Turbine housing assembly, please see Fig 1,
consists of a stage one (23) and a stage two (13)
turbine rotor mounted on sungear shaft (29). The
front bearing (15) is secured by a retainer plate (27)
and the aft bearing is preloaded by a spring washer
(16). The ring gear (31) is installed between the tur-
bine assembly (26) and the gearbox housing (41)
and secured by four screws (42).

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Work Card 513-01.30
Page 3 (11) Overhaul, Test and Inspection of Air Starter
Edition 08

L21/31S, L21/31

Figure 156: Turbine housing assembly

MAN Diesel & Turbo
513-01.30 Work Card
Overhaul, Test and Inspection of Air Starter Page 4 (11)
Edition 08

L21/31S, L21/31

Gearbox housing assembly

Figure 157: Gearbox housing assembly

The gearbox housing assembly, please see Fig 2, General
consist of a planet gear carrier and output shaft
(32), three planet gears (36), needle bearings (37), Always mark adjacent parts on the starter; Nozzle
spacers (35), and planet shafts (34). 2/ Containment Ring (21), Turbine Housing (26),
Gearbox Housing (41), and Drive Housing (56) so
The carrier shaft (32) is mounted on a single bearing these parts can be located in the same relative
(38) in the gearbox housing (41). The retainer ring position when the starter is reassembled.
(48) secures the carrier shaft in the gearbox hous-
ing. The bearing housing (44) and pre-engaged pis- Do not disassemble the starter any further than
ton (50) are installed in the gearbox housing (31). necessary to replace a worn or damaged part.
Always have a complete set of seals and o-rings on
Drive assembly hand before starting any overall of a the starter.
Never use old seals or o-rings.
The drive assembly, please see Fig 3, consists of a
pre-engagement drive (53) and drive housing (56).
Twelve screws (57) secure the drive housing to the
gearbox housing.
The front end of the carrier shaft (32) is mounted in
a needle bearing (58), which is installed in the nose
of the drive housing.
Split rings (52) and a return spring (54) aid in the
disengagement of the pinion from the engine's ring

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Work Card 513-01.30
Page 5 (11) Overhaul, Test and Inspection of Air Starter
Edition 08

L21/31S, L21/31

Figure 158: Drive assembly

The tools listed in Table 1 are suggested for use by Drive bearing removal
technicians servicing the starter.
Press needle bearing (58) from drive housing (56)
The best results can be expected when these tools using press tool.
are used, however the use of other tools are
Gearbox housing
Tool description No
Spanner wrench 2-27272 Removal of gearbox housing
Stage 2 Rotor Puller Tool 52-20076 Remove the four screws (42) and separate the
Tool, Turbine Bearing 45-25294
gearbox assembly from the turbine assembly. If the
gearbox is too tight, tap it with a mallet to loosen.
Tool, Bearing/Seal 2-26943
Tool, Seal Positioning 45-25316 Gearbox disassembly
Table 1 Service tools Remove snap ring (48) and two thrust washers (47)
from carrier shaft (32).
Drive housing Apply pressure to the carrier shaft to remove it from
the gearbox housing.
Removal of drive housing Remove four screws (39) and press the bearing
housing/pre-engaged piston assembly (44, 50) from
Mark position of drive pinion opening relative to the gearbox housing.
gearbox housing for reference during re-assembly.
Hand press bearing housing (44) out of pre-
Remove the twelve screws (57), please see Fig 3, engaged piston (50).
and pull drive housing (56) from gearbox housing
(41). If drive housing is too tight, tap it with a mallet
to loosen. Carrier shaft/planet gear disassembly
Remove snap ring (33) from planet shaft (34) and
Removal of drive push shaft through holes in assembly, please see
Fig 4.
Remove return spring (54) and pull drive (53) from
carrier shaft assembly (32). Slide the planet gear (36) out from the carrier shaft
and remove two spacers (35).
Remove split rings (52) from drive assembly.

MAN Diesel & Turbo
513-01.30 Work Card
Overhaul, Test and Inspection of Air Starter Page 6 (11)
Edition 08

L21/31S, L21/31
Press the needle bearing (37) from the planet gear
(36) to remove it.

Figure 160: Turbine rotor removal

Note: The sun gear (29) may have to be held fi rmly

in a soft jaw vise when removing turbine screw.
Install rotor puller tool (52-20076) and remove the
stage 2 rotor, please see Fig 5.
Remove the square key (14) from turbine shaft (29).

Figure 159: Carrier shaft disassembly Turbine housing disassembly

Place the turbine on a fi rm surface with the sun
gear end facing up.
Turbine Housing Remove three screws (28) and bearing retainer
plate (27) from turbine housing (26).
Stage 2 rotor removal With the exhaust end facing up press turbine shaft
(29) through turbine housing (26), please see Fig 6.
Remove four screws (4), ECP assembly (5), exhaust
support (9), and exhaust guard (10). Hold the stage Remove labyrinth (24) from turbine shaft.
2 rotor (13) and remove the turbine screw (11) and Remove the aft bearing (15), wavy washer (16), and
washer (12). labyrinth (17) from nozzle 2. Install three screws (42)
removed from the gearbox housing into the jack
holes on the turbine housing (26), please see Fig 7.

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Work Card 513-01.30
Page 7 (11) Overhaul, Test and Inspection of Air Starter
Edition 08

L21/31S, L21/31
Press turbine shaft (29) through forward bearing
(15) to remove bearing from shaft.

Degrease all metal parts, except bearings, using a
commercially approved solvent.
Note: Never wash bendix assembly or bearings in
cleaning solvents.
It is recommended that bearings are replaced with
new parts.
Clean aluminum parts. Remove parts, rinse in hot
water, and dry thoroughly.
Clean corroded steel parts with a commercially
Figure 161: Turbine shaft removal
approved stripper.

Turn the screws in sequence until the turbine hous- Clean corroded aluminum parts and rinse in hot
ing (26) is completely removed from the nozzle 2 water and dry thoroughly.
Use Table 1 as a guide to check for acceptable
condition of the parts listed.
Check all threaded parts for galled, crossed strip-
ped, or broken threads.
Check all parts for cracks, corrosion, distortion,
scoring, or general damage.
Check all bearing bores for wear.
Check gear teeth and turbine housing ring gear for
In general, visually check for spalling, fretting, sur-
face flaking, chipping, splitting, and corrosion.
If wear is apparent, check the gear teeth dimen-
sions in accordance with Table 2. Nicks and dents
that cannot be felt with a .020 inch radius scribe are

Figure 162: Nozzle 2 removal

Remove the stage 1 rotor (23) and square key (14).

MAN Diesel & Turbo
513-01.30 Work Card
Overhaul, Test and Inspection of Air Starter Page 8 (11)
Edition 08

L21/31S, L21/31
Part Description Check For Requirements
(Defective Parts Must Be Replaced)
Drive Worn loose or missing parts Defective unit to be replaced. Use Fig.8
as a guideline for acceptable pinion
Drive Housing Cracks and breakage Cracks are not acceptable.
Planet Gear Cracked, chipped, worn or galled teeth Wear must not exceed limits per Table
There shall be no evidence of exces-
sive wear.
Carrier Shaft Cracks, scoring or raised metal in pla- Deformation of metal (smearing) in
ney shaft holes and keyways. Integrity plnaet pin holes & keyways not accept-
of knurl/keyed conneciton. able. Scoring on bearing diameter not
to exceed .005" depth.
Wear must not exceed limits per Table
Planet Pins Wear grooves or flat spots Wear grooves in flat spots not permit-
Wear must not exceed limits per Table
Washers Wear grooves Wear must not exceed limits per Table
Spacers Parallelism of end surfaces Ends must be parallel within 0.0005".
Turbine housing Cracks and breakage Cracks and breakage are not accepta-
Ring Gear Cracks, worn, chipped, or broken gear ble. Minor surface damage is permitted
teeth. if function is not impaired
Wear must no exceed limits per table
Needle Bearings Freedom of needle rollers Replace bearings
Ball Bearings Freedom of rotation without excessive Replace bearings
play between races
Containment ring/Nozzle Corrosion, erosion, cracks and broken Cracks and breakage are not accepta-
nozzle edges. ble. Minor surface damage is permitted
if function is not impaired.
Turbine Rotors Corrosion, erosion, cracks and broken Minor tip rub is permitted if function is
edges. not impaired.
Bore and key wear Wear is not permitted

Table 8: Parts Inspection Check Requirements

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Work Card 513-01.30
Page 9 (11) Overhaul, Test and Inspection of Air Starter
Edition 08

L21/31S, L21/31
Part description Limit, Inches
Ring gear/ Turbine Hous- 4.6655 max.
Internal measurement
between two .072" diameter
Sun Gear/ Turbine Shaft 0.5566 min
Bearing diameter
External measurement over
two .0972" diamete pins
Planet Gear 2.2217 min
External measurement over
two .085" diameter pins.
11.2:1 Figure 163: Gear teeth wear allowances

Table 9: Parts Wear Limits

Item number* Torque General

In-Ibs Nm The tools listed in Table 1 are suggested for use by
technicians servicing the starters. The best results
4(screw) 150 17
can be expected when these tools are used, how-
11(screw) 170 19 ever, the use of other tools is acceptable.
18(screw) 75 8.5 Caution: Replace all screws, O-rings, lip seals, and
28(screw) 113 13
bearings when the starter is reassembled.
Note: Always press the inner race of a ball bearing
39(screw) 81 9
when installing a bearing on a shaft. Always press
42(screw) 150 17 the outer race of a ball bearing when installing into a
57(screw) 150 17 housing. Do not load bearing balls.

*Refer to Fig 1,2, and 3. Lubricate all O-rings with petroleum jelly or Parker-
O-Ring Lube before assembly.
Table 10: Torque Values

MAN Diesel & Turbo
513-01.30 Work Card
Overhaul, Test and Inspection of Air Starter Page 10 (11)
Edition 08

L21/31S, L21/31
Install stage 1 rotor (23) by sliding over turbine shaft
Turbine housing (29), while simultaneously aligning the key with the
keyway in the rotor.

Turbine bearing installation

Stage 2 nozzle installation
Install turbine housing (26) into nozzle 2 contain-
ment housing (21).
Note: The air inlet port on nozzle 2 must be aligned
with the casting indentation on the turbine housing.

Rotor 2 installation
Turn the turbine nozzle over (exhaust end up) and
install the labyrinth (17) onto the shaft.
Install pre-load springs (16) into bearing bore of
nozzle 2 containment housing (21).
Apply a light coating of oil to the bearing bore in the
Nozzle Containment Assembly and press the tur-
bine bearing (15) over the turbine shaft and into the
bearing bore using press Tool No 2-26943.
Insert key (14) into turbine shaft keyway and install
stage 2 rotor (13) onto shaft while simultaneously
aligning the key with the keyway in the rotor.
Secure stage 2 rotor with rotor washer (12) and
rotor screw (11). Torque to 19 Nm.
Turn turbine housing over and install O-ring (30) into
Figure 164: Turbine bearing / shaft installation the O-ring groove on the turbine housing (26).
Install plug (22) into Nozzle Containment Assembly.
Press the turbine bearing (15), please see Fig 1,
Install the ring gear (31) onto turbine housing with
onto the turbine shaft (29) until seated.
the dowel pin hole facing up.
Press the turbine bearing/shaft assembly (15, 29)
Install dowel pin (40) into dowel pin hole in ring rear
into the turbine housing (26). Use press Tool No
2-26943 if required as shown in Fig 9. Do not press
on the end of the shaft because the load could
damage the bearing balls. Gearbox Assembly
Install the bearing retainer (27) into the turbine hous-
ing (26) and secure with three screws (28). Torque Planetary gear carrier assembly
to 8.5 Nm. Press needle bearings (37) into planet gears (36)
Install O-ring (25) onto turbine housing (20). using arbor press. The bearing ID stamping must be
against pressing tool.
Rotor 1 installation The bearing should be centered between gear
faces. Place thrust washer (35) on each side of
Turn the turbine nozzle over (exhaust end up) and
planet gear (36) and install into carrier shaft (32)
install the labyrinth (18) onto the shaft.
Press the square key (14) into the keyway of turbine
Install planet shaft (34) into the carrier and secure
shaft (29) until seated.
with snap ring (33). Be sure the anti-rotation pin is
inserted into the slot on the carrier shaft.

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Work Card 513-01.30
Page 11 (11) Overhaul, Test and Inspection of Air Starter
Edition 08

L21/31S, L21/31
Press needle bearing (58) into drive housing (56)
Carrier shaft installation using arbor press. The bearing ID stamping must be
against pressing tool. Do not press bearing tight
Install O-ring (43) into forward side of gearbox hous- against the drive housing shoulder. In addition, be
ing (41). sure stamped end is beneath shoulder of bearing
If removed, press gearbox bushing (38) into bearing bore.
housing (44).
Press the lip seal (46) into the forward side of the Final assembly
bearing housing (44) until seated using press Tool Apply O-ring (30) and install onto gearbox housing.
No 2-26943.
Apply liberal amounts of grease (100 grams) to
Install O-ring (43) into the groove on the bearing planet gears (36), turbine shaft sun gear (29) and
housing (44). ring gear (31).
Note: Apply a small amount of Aeroshell grease to Temporarily install one screw (42) into ring gear (31)
the outer wall of the bearing hup and the inside wall to prevent it from rotating while applying grease.
of the gearbox housing to allow for easier installa- Align gearbox assembly with turbine assembly and
tion. fasten together with four screws (42).
Install the bearing housing assembly (38, 44, 46) in Install drive housing (56) onto gearbox housing (41)
the forward side of the gearbox housing (41) and and secure with twelve screws (57). Torque to 17
secure with four screws (39). Nm.
Torque to 9 Nm. Install two O-rings (49, 51) into the Install exhaust closure plate assembly using four
grooves on the pre-engaged piston (50). screws (4). Torque to 17 Nm.
Note: Apply a small amount of Aeroshell grease to
the outer and inner walls of the pre-engaged piston
to allow for easier installation.
Press pre-engaged piston into the forward side of
the gearbox housing and remove any excess
grease from gearbox housing.
Install lip seal Tool No 45-25316 into forward side of
gearbox housing (41) placing tapered end of tool
into lip seal (46).
Install gearbox housing onto carrier shaft and place
two thrust washers (47) on carrier shaft (32).
Secure with snap ring (48) using snap ring pliers.

Drive installation
Apply a small amount of Aeroshell #6 grease to split
rings (52) and install split rings onto drive assembly
Install O-ring (55) onto drive housing (56).
Install the drive assembly (53) onto carrier shaft and
place return spring (54) over drive assembly.

Nose bearing installation

Place drive housing onto arbor press with the nose
of drive facing down.

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Work Card 513-01.40
Page 1 (2) Emergency Starting Valve
Edition 08

L27/38S, L27/38, L21/31S, L21/31

Safety precautions Special tools

Engine stopped Plate No. Item No. Note

Shut-off starting air
Shut off cooling water
Shut off fuel oil
Shut-off cooling oil
Stop lub. oil circulation
Press Blocking - Reset

Short Description
Lubricating, disassembly and reassembly of emer-
gency starting valve in starting system.

Starting Position Hand Tools

Small screwdriver.
15 mm wrench

Related Procedure

Qualified Manpower Replacement and wearing parts

Duration in h : 1 Plate No. Item No. Quantity
Number : 1

Data for pressure and tolerance (Page 500.35)
Data for tightening torque (Page 500.40)
Declaration of weight (Page 500.45)

2017.07.25 - TDI
MAN Diesel & Turbo
513-01.40 Work Card
Emergency Starting Valve Page 2 (2)
Edition 08

L27/38S, L27/38, L21/31S, L21/31

Emergency Starting Valve

The emergency starting valve is placed on the tur-
bine starter and should be tested according to the
planned maintenance programme.
1) Switch the engine to "local" on the operating
box panel.
2) Remove cap over emergency start button with
15 mm wrench (see fig 1).
3) Push the emergency start button with a screw-
driver until the engine ignites.
4) Release the button. The button is springloaded
and will automatically return to the start posi-

Figure 165: Emergency starting valve

2017.07.25 - TDI
MAN Diesel & Turbo
Work Card 513-01.90
Page 1 (2) Check of Compressed Air Piping System
Edition 03

L28/32DF, L28/32S, L23/30DF, L23/30S, L23/30H, L27/38S, L21/31S, L16/24S,

V28/32S, L16/24, L21/31, L27/38
Safety precautions Special tools

Engine stopped Plate No. Item No. Note

Shut-off starting air
Shut off cooling water
Shut off fuel oil
Shut-off cooling oil
Stop lub. oil circulation
Press Blocking - Reset

Short Description
Check of compressed air piping system.

Starting Position Hand Tools

Compressed air connected to the engine. Screwdriver.

Related Procedure

Qualified Manpower Replacement and wearing parts

Duration in h : 1/2 Plate No. Item No. Quantity
Number : 1

Data for pressure and tolerance (Page 500.35)
Data for tightening torque (Page 500.40)
Declaration of weight (Page 500.45)

MAN Diesel & Turbo
513-01.90 Work Card
Check of Compressed Air Piping System Page 2 (2)
Edition 03

L28/32DF, L28/32S, L23/30DF, L23/30S, L23/30H, L27/38S, L21/31S, L16/24S,

V28/32S, L16/24, L21/31, L27/38

Health Risk!

Health Risk!
Due to vibrations during engine operation, espe-
cially in awkward positions!

With Air Connected

1) Examine the piping system for leaks.
2) Retighten all bolts and nuts in the piping sys-
3) Drain the system for condensed water. This
should be based on observations.
4) Check flexible connections for leaks and dam-
It is important that the flexible connections are
free from paint and grease and in healthy con-
5) Check manometers.

With Air Disconnected and Stopped

1) Move all valves and cocks in the piping system.
Lubricate valve spindles with graphite or simi-
2) Connect the air supply and make a function
test of the emergency valve. See Description

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Work Card 513-25.00
Page 1 (2) Turning Gear
Edition 01

L27/38S, L21/31S, V28/32S, L21/31, L27/38

Safety precautions Special tools

Engine stopped Plate No. Item No. Note

Shut-off starting air See related electric diagram
Shut off cooling water
Shut off fuel oil
Shut-off cooling oil
Stop lub. oil circulation
Press Blocking - Reset

Short Description
Electric turning of engine.

Starting Position Hand Tools

Indicator valve in cylinder head are 505-01.26

Related Procedure

Qualified Manpower Replacement and wearing parts

Duration in h : 1/4 Plate No. Item No. Quantity
Number : 1

Data for pressure and tolerance (Page 500.35)
Data for tightening torque (Page 500.40)
Declaration of weight (Page 500.45)

2015.10.12. - Electric
MAN Diesel & Turbo
513-25.00 Work Card
Turning Gear Page 2 (2)
Edition 01

L27/38S, L21/31S, V28/32S, L21/31, L27/38

Inform all staff working on the engine

Press the warning push button before turning the
Electric Turning Gear engine

Disengagement of turning gear

Disconnect the turning gear.
Close the indicator valve in the cylinder head.
Start and stop the engine in local before leaving the
The diesel engine can be started locally on the
engine in remote position.
emergency start arrangement eventhough the
turning gear is engaged
Adjustment of position switch for the Lubrication of gear shaft to avoid rust on the shaft.
turning gear
Trouble tracing
1) Pull the gearwheel out of engagement with the
gear rim until the secured position is reached Motor is not running:
2) Adjust the position switch in such a way that ▪ Check the electrical system.
the signal from the switch changes as soon as Turning gear shaft can not be moved easily:
secured position is left.
▪ Dismantle the shaft and clean for rust.
3) Tighten the position switch in this position and New lubrication to avoid rust.
check once more.
Turning gear in position, turning motor is running,
but flywheel is not moving:
Engagement of turning gear ▪ Driving gear wheel is loose.
Connect the remote push button panel to the turn- Engine is not starting:
ing gear motor starter panel.
▪ Check the microswitch ZS 75 mounted on the
Check the rotation of the gear before connection of turning gear.
the gear to the engine. Forward, clockwise rotation
- gear turning handle.
Open the indicator valve in the cylinder head.
Pull out the lock pin and press the turning handle
towards the flywheel, so the lock pin can lock in
turning position.
During repair work, see note on plate 51325
It can be necessary to turn the gear in steps for
connection to and from flywheel.

2015.10.12. - Electric
MAN Diesel & Turbo
Work Card 513-25.00
Page 1 (3) Turning Gear
Edition 03

L21/31S, L27/38S, V28/32S, L21/31, L27/38

Safety precautions Special tools

Engine stopped Plate No. Item No. Note

Shut-off starting air
Shut off cooling water
Shut off fuel oil
Shut-off cooling oil
Stop lub. oil circulation
Press Blocking - Reset

Short Description
Manual turning of engine.

Starting Position Hand Tools

Indicator valve in cylinder head has to be open Standard spanner with a long shaft
Plate 50501

Related Procedure

Qualified Manpower Replacement and wearing parts

Duration in h : 1/4 Plate No. Item No. Quantity
Number : 1

Data for pressure and tolerance (Page 500.35)
Data for tightening torque (Page 500.40)
Declaration of weight (Page 500.45)

MAN Diesel & Turbo
513-25.00 Work Card
Turning Gear Page 2 (3)
Edition 03

L21/31S, L27/38S, V28/32S, L21/31, L27/38

Figure 167: Position 2 - Engine blocking position

Manual Turning Gear
Pull out the handle knob (1) and push the turning
gear into engagement. When the microswitch is
activated the engine is in blocking position.

The diesel engine can be started locally on the

emergency start arrangement eventhough the
turning gear is engaged

Figure 168: Position 3 - Engine turning position

Inform all staff working on the engine that the 3) Engine turning position.
turning gear is engaged Pull out the handle knob (1) and push the turn-
ing gear into engagement. When microswitch
is activated the engine is in blocking position.
Adjustment of the turning gear When the turning device is fully engaged the
1) Engine running position. handle knob will lock the turning device.
This is the stand-by position of the turning gear
when the engine is running.

The turning gear must be fully engaged during

the entire turning of engine

The engine can now be turned by spanner by

means og the SW22 hexagon. (As option el-motor
or pneumatic can be supplied).
When turning the engine has been completed the
Figure 166: Position 1 - Engine running position turning gear is disengaged by pulling out the handle
knob and afterwards pull back the turning gear.
2) Engine blocking position.
Engine is in blocking position when the turning Trouble tracing
gear is engaged.
Turning gear shaft can not be moved easily:
▪ Dismantle the shaft and clean for rust. New
lubrication to avoid rust.
Engine is not starting:

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Work Card 513-25.00
Page 3 (3) Turning Gear
Edition 03

L21/31S, L27/38S, V28/32S, L21/31, L27/38

▪ Check the microswitch ZS 75 mounted on the
turning gear.

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Air starter P51309-16

L21/31S, L21/31

2016.07.11 - TDI
MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51309-16 Air starter Page 2 (2)

L21/31S, L21/31
Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

013 1/S Stage 2 rotor 230 1/S O-ring*

014 1/S Nut* 242 1/S O-ring*
023 1/S Stage 1 rotor 254 2/S Split ring*
026 1/S Screw, rotor attachment* 266 1/S O-ring*
029 1/S Turbine shaft (11.2:1) 278 12/S Screw*
032 1/S Carrier shaft assembly 291 1/S Nose bearing (6/8p)*
038 2/S Turbine bearing* 793 1/S Drive
051 2/S Bearing pre-load spring* 803 1/S Return spring
063 1/S Spacer, labyrinth* 815 4/S Screw
075 1/S O-ring*
087 1/S Spacer, labyrinth*
099 1/S O-ring*
109 3/S Screw*
110 2/S O-ring*
122 6/S Planet gear spacer*
134 3/E Planet bearing*
146 1/S Gear box bearing*
150 1/E Air starter complete, incl item
014, 026, 038, 051, 063, 075,
087, 099, 109, 110, 122, 134,
146, 158, 171, 183, 195, 205,
217, 229, 230, 242, 254, 266,
278, 291
151 1/S Overhaul kit
158 4/S Screw*
171 4/S Screw*
183 1/S O-ring*
195 1/S O-ring*
205 1/S Lip seal*
217 2/S Thrust washer*
229 1/S Retaining ring*

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/E = Qty/Engine
Qty/S = Qty/Starting Air Motor

2016.07.11 - TDI
MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Air starter P51309-17

L21/31S, L21/31

MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51309-17 Air starter Page 2 (2)

L21/31S, L21/31
Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

301 1/E Air starter, complete

313 1/S Drive pinion
325 1/S Solenoid valve
337 1/S Air connector
349 1/S Adapter plate
350 1/S Pipe line
362 1/S Compressed air filter
374 1/S Flange
386 4/S Screw
398 4/S Disc
408 4/S Screw
421 4/S Disc
433 1/S Plug screw

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/E = Qty/Engine
Qty/S = Qty/Starting Air Motor

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Main starting valve P51310-06

L27/38S, L23/30S, L21/31S, V28/32S, L21/31, L23/30H, L27/38

2014.11.24 - TDI
MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51310-06 Main starting valve Page 2 (2)

L27/38S, L23/30S, L21/31S, V28/32S, L21/31, L23/30H, L27/38

Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

116 1/V Housing

177 1/V Retainer
189 1/V Screen
190 1/V O-ring*
200 1/V O-ring*
212 1/V Piston
224 1/V Dampener, shock*
236 1/V O-ring, cap
238 1/V Spring*
261 1/V O-ring*
273 1/V End cap
285 1/V O-ring*
297 1/V Retainer
307 1/V O-ring
319 1/V Part of item 320
320 1/V Solenoid valve
332 2/V Screw
344 1/S Main starting valve, complete
356 1/V Spare parts kit

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/S = Qty/Starting Air Motor
Qty/V = Qty/Valve

2014.11.24 - TDI
MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Main stop valve P51315-03

L27/38S, L23/30S, L21/31S, L21/31, L23/30H, L27/38

MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51315-03 Main stop valve Page 2 (2)

L27/38S, L23/30S, L21/31S, L21/31, L23/30H, L27/38

Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

042 1/E Stop valve, complete

066 1/V Gasket
078 1/V Gasket

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/E = Qty/Engine
Qty/V = Qty/Valve

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Solenoid valve, 3/2 P51318-01

L27/38S, L23/30S, L21/31S, L16/24S, L18/28, V28/32S, L16/24, L21/31, L23/30H,


2014.08.07 - Normally closed

MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51318-01 Solenoid valve, 3/2 Page 2 (2)

L27/38S, L23/30S, L21/31S, L16/24S, L18/28, V28/32S, L16/24, L21/31, L23/30H,

Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

001 1/E Solenoid valve, complete

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/E = Qty/Engine

2014.08.07 - Normally closed

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Solenoid valve, 3/2 P51318-02

L27/38S, L23/30S, L21/31S, L16/24S, L18/28, V28/32S, L16/24, L21/31, L23/30H,


2014.08.08 - Normally open

MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51318-02 Solenoid valve, 3/2 Page 2 (2)

L27/38S, L23/30S, L21/31S, L16/24S, L18/28, V28/32S, L16/24, L21/31, L23/30H,

Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

013 1/E Solenoid valve, complete

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/E = Qty/Engine

2014.08.08 - Normally open

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Solenoid valve, 3/2 P51318-03

L28/32DF, L28/32S, L23/30DF, L27/38S, L23/30S, L21/31S, L16/24S, L18/28,

V28/32S, L16/24, L21/31, L23/30H, L27/38

2016.03.16 - Normally closed

MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51318-03 Solenoid valve, 3/2 Page 2 (2)

L28/32DF, L28/32S, L23/30DF, L27/38S, L23/30S, L21/31S, L16/24S, L18/28,

V28/32S, L16/24, L21/31, L23/30H, L27/38
Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

025 1/E Solenoid valve, complete

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/E = Qty/Engine

2016.03.16 - Normally closed

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Solenoid valve, 3/2 P51318-04

L27/38S, L23/30S, L21/31S, L16/24S, L18/28, V28/32S, L16/24, L21/31, L23/30H,


2014.08.07 - Normally open

MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51318-04 Solenoid valve, 3/2 Page 2 (2)

L27/38S, L23/30S, L21/31S, L16/24S, L18/28, V28/32S, L16/24, L21/31, L23/30H,

Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

037 1/E Solenoid valve, complete

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/E = Qty/Engine

2014.08.07 - Normally open

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Air filter P51321-03

L27/38S, L23/30S, L21/31S, L16/24S, L23/30DF, V28/32S-DF, L28/32DF,

V28/32S, L16/24, L21/31, L23/30H, L27/38

MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51321-03 Air filter Page 2 (2)

L27/38S, L23/30S, L21/31S, L16/24S, L23/30DF, V28/32S-DF, L28/32DF,

V28/32S, L16/24, L21/31, L23/30H, L27/38
Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

190 1/E Filter complete

200 Repair kit (filter and o-ring)

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/E = Qty/Engine
Qty/F = Qty/Filter

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Pressure reduction valve P51322-08

L21/31S, L16/24S, L16/24, L21/31

MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51322-08 Pressure reduction valve Page 2 (2)

L21/31S, L16/24S, L16/24, L21/31

Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

387 1/E Pressure reduction valve

399 1/E Pressure gauge
409 1/E Pipe section
410 1/E Strainer
422 1/E Adj. straight male coupling
434 1/E Straightway valves, complete
446 1/E Pipe section
458 1/E Safety valve
471 1/E Protective device
483 2/E Packing ring
495 8/E Hexagon screw
505 8/E Nut
517 1/E Pressure reduction valve, com-
529 2/E Flange
530 1/E Repair kit for reduction valve

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/E = Qty/Engine

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Pressure reduction valve P51322-09

L21/31S, L16/24S, L16/24, L21/31

MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51322-09 Pressure reduction valve Page 2 (2)

L21/31S, L16/24S, L16/24, L21/31

Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

387 1/E Pressure reduction valve

399 1/E Pressure gauge
409 1/E Pipe section
410 1/E Strainer
422 1/E Adj. straight male coupling
434 1/E Straightway valves, complete
446 1/E Pipe section
458 1/E Safety valve
471 1/E Protective device
483 1/E Packing ring
495 4/E Hexagon screw
505 4/E Nut
517 1/E Pressure reduction valve, com-
530 1/E Repair kit for reduction valve

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/E = Qty/Engine

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Pressure reduction valve P51322-10

L28/32DF, L28/32S, L23/30DF, L23/30S, L21/31S, L16/24S, L16/24, L21/31,


MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51322-10 Pressure reduction valve Page 2 (2)

L28/32DF, L28/32S, L23/30DF, L23/30S, L21/31S, L16/24S, L16/24, L21/31,

Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

015 1/V Cover

027 10/V Screw
039 2/V Filter *
052 1/V O-ring *
064 1/V Diaphrag *
076 1/V O-ring *
088 1/V O-ring *
111 1/V Valve, complete *
123 1/V O-ring *
135 1/V Valve spring *
147 1/V O-ring *
159 1/V O-ring *
172 2/V Pipe plug
184 2/V O-ring *
196 1/V Repair kit (item
206 1/E Reduction valve, complete
218 1/E Pilot valve, complete
231 1/V Repair kit for item 218
243 2/V Screw
255 1/V Manometer, 0-25 bar - PI 70
267 1/E Pressure reduction valve, com-
plete as plate 51322
279 1/V Repair kit for item 206

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/E = Qty/Engine
Qty/V = Qty/Valve

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Pressure reduction valve P51322-14

L27/38S, L23/30S, L21/31S, L16/24S, V28/32S, L16/24, L21/31, L23/30H, L27/38

MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51322-14 Pressure reduction valve Page 2 (2)

L27/38S, L23/30S, L21/31S, L16/24S, V28/32S, L16/24, L21/31, L23/30H, L27/38

Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

003 1/V Body 351 1/V Guide bush

015 1/V Bonnet gasket 363 1/V Actuator stem
027 1/V Stud bolt 375 1/V Washer
039 1/V Hex nut 387 1/V Diaphragm plate
040 1/V Screwed seat 399 1/V Diaphragm
052 1/V Plug/bellow unit 409 1/V O-ring
064 1/V Straight pin 410 1/V Pressure washer
076 1/V Sterm 422 1/V Lock washer
088 1/V Spring pin 434 1/V Hex. nut
111 1/V Gasket 458 1/V Lock screw
123 1/V Bonnet 471 1/V Gasket
135 1/V Lock nut. actuator 505 1/V Seal tank
147 1/V Cylinder head stud 517 1/E Valve, complete
159 1/V Plate
160 1/V Column
172 1/V Hex nut
184 1/V Belleville spring
196 1/V Compression spring
218 1/V Upper spring plate
231 1/V Ball bearing
243 1/V Hand wheel
255 1/V Setting scale
267 1/V Spring
279 1/V Lock nut. actuator
280 1/V Lower casing
292 1/V Upper casing
302 1/V Hex screw
314 1/V Hex nut
326 1/V Washer

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/E = Qty/Engine
Qty/V = Qty/Valve

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Turning gear P51325-12

L27/38S, L21/31S, V28/32S, L21/31, L27/38

MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51325-12 Turning gear Page 2 (2)

L27/38S, L21/31S, V28/32S, L21/31, L27/38

Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

180 1/E Cover

192 3/E Stud
202 3/E Nut
214 1/E Plate
226 1/E Limit switch
238 2/E Screw
251 2/E Screw
263 2/E Washer

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/E = Qty/Engine

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Turning gear P51325-20

L27/38S, L21/31S, V28/32S, L21/31, L27/38

MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51325-20 Turning gear Page 2 (2)

L27/38S, L21/31S, V28/32S, L21/31, L27/38

Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

537 1/E Counter nuts for pull rods 944 1/E Shaft
549 1/E Washer 956 1/E Spindle
550 1/E Gear wheel 968 1/E Key
562 1/E Shaft 981 1/E Turning gear, complete
574 1/E Flange
586 4/E Cyl. screw
598 1/E Retaining ring for shaft
608 1/E Ball bearing
621 1/E Key
633 1/E Worm gear
645 4/E Cyl. screw
657 1/E Flange
669 4/E Cyl. screw
670 1/E Shaft
682 1/E Handle knob with pin
694 1/E Pipe
716 1/E Cylindrical pin
728 1/E Handle
753 1/E Cyl. screw
765 1/E Limit switch
777 4/E Cyl. screw
789 1/E Plate
836 1/E Disc
848 1/E Compression spring
861 1/E Disc
873 1/E Cover plate
885 2/E Washer
897 1/E Circlip
907 /I Glue

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/E = Qty/Engine
Qty/I = Qty/Individual

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Turning gear P51325-21

L27/38S, L21/31S, V28/32S, L21/31, L27/38

MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51325-21 Turning gear Page 2 (2)

L27/38S, L21/31S, V28/32S, L21/31, L27/38

Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

537 1/E Counter nuts for pull rods 932 1/E Compressed-air motor
549 1/E Washer 993 1/E Turning gear, complete
550 1/E Gear wheel
562 1/E Shaft
574 1/E Flange
586 4/E Cyl. screw
598 1/E Retaining ring for shaft
608 1/E Ball bearing
621 1/E Key
633 1/E Worm gear
645 4/E Cyl. screw
657 1/E Flange
669 4/E Cyl. screw
670 1/E Shaft
682 1/E Handle knob with pin
694 1/E Pipe
716 1/E Cylindrical pin
728 1/E Handle
753 1/E Cyl. screw
765 1/E Limit switch
777 4/E Cyl. screw
789 1/E Plate
836 1/E Disc
848 1/E Compression spring
861 1/E Disc
873 1/E Cover plate
885 2/E Washer
897 1/E Circlip
907 /I Glue

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/E = Qty/Engine
Qty/I = Qty/Individual

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Turning gear P51325-22

L27/38S, L21/31S, V28/32S, L21/31, L27/38

2016.01.04 - 3 x 400V
MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51325-22 Turning gear Page 2 (2)

L27/38S, L21/31S, V28/32S, L21/31, L27/38

Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

513 1/E El motor 907 /I Glue

537 1/E Counter nuts for pull rods 970 1/E Turning gear, complete
549 1/E Washer
550 1/E Gear wheel
562 1/E Shaft
574 1/E Flange
586 4/E Cyl. screw
598 1/E Retaining ring for shaft
608 1/E Ball bearing
621 1/E Key
633 1/E Worm gear
645 4/E Cyl. screw
657 1/E Flange
669 4/E Cyl. screw
670 1/E Shaft
682 1/E Handle knob with pin
694 1/E Pipe
716 1/E Cylindrical pin
728 1/E Handle
753 1/E Cyl. screw
765 1/E Limit switch
777 4/E Cyl. screw
789 1/E Plate
836 1/E Disc
848 1/E Compression spring
861 1/E Disc
873 1/E Cover plate
885 2/E Washer
897 1/E Circlip

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/E = Qty/Engine
Qty/I = Qty/Individual

2016.01.04 - 3 x 400V
MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Turning gear P51325-23

L27/38S, L21/31S, V28/32S, L21/31, L27/38

2016.01.04 - 3 x 440V
MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51325-23 Turning gear Page 2 (2)

L27/38S, L21/31S, V28/32S, L21/31, L27/38

Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

275 1/E Turning gear, complete 897 1/E Circlip

287 1/E El motor 907 /I Glue
537 1/E Counter nuts for pull rods
549 1/E Washer
550 1/E Gear wheel
562 1/E Shaft
574 1/E Flange
586 4/E Cyl. screw
598 1/E Retaining ring for shaft
608 1/E Ball bearing
621 1/E Key
633 1/E Worm gear
645 4/E Cyl. screw
657 1/E Flange
669 4/E Cyl. screw
670 1/E Shaft
682 1/E Handle knob with pin
694 1/E Pipe
716 1/E Cylindrical pin
728 1/E Handle
753 1/E Cyl. screw
765 1/E Limit switch
777 4/E Cyl. screw
789 1/E Plate
836 1/E Disc
848 1/E Compression spring
861 1/E Disc
873 1/E Cover plate
885 2/E Washer

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/E = Qty/Engine
Qty/I = Qty/Individual

2016.01.04 - 3 x 440V
MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Turning gear P51325-24

L27/38S, L21/31S, V28/32S, L21/31, L27/38

2016.01.04 - 3 x 480V
MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51325-24 Turning gear Page 2 (2)

L27/38S, L21/31S, V28/32S, L21/31, L27/38

Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

299 1/E Turning gear, complete 897 1/E Circlip

309 1/E El motor 907 /I Glue
537 1/E Counter nuts for pull rods
549 1/E Washer
550 1/E Gear wheel
562 1/E Shaft
574 1/E Flange
586 4/E Cyl. screw
598 1/E Retaining ring for shaft
608 1/E Ball bearing
621 1/E Key
633 1/E Worm gear
645 4/E Cyl. screw
657 1/E Flange
669 4/E Cyl. screw
670 1/E Shaft
682 1/E Handle knob with pin
694 1/E Pipe
716 1/E Cylindrical pin
728 1/E Handle
753 1/E Cyl. screw
765 1/E Limit switch
777 4/E Cyl. screw
789 1/E Plate
836 1/E Disc
848 1/E Compression spring
861 1/E Disc
873 1/E Cover plate
885 2/E Washer

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/E = Qty/Engine
Qty/I = Qty/Individual

2016.01.04 - 3 x 480V
MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Arrangement of jet system P51330-10

L21/31S, L21/31

2014.09.23 - Tier II, Stationary, TDI

MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51330-10 Arrangement of jet system Page 2 (2)

L21/31S, L21/31
Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

001 1/E Pipe, 8 cyl. engine

002 1/E Pipe
003 1/E Pipe
004 1/E Pipe, TCR18
005 6/E Pipe clamp
006 14/E Hexagon screw
007 1/E Adjust. elbow coupling, com-
008 1/E Straight male stud, complete
009 1/E Ball valve
010 1/E Adjust. straight male coupling
011 2/E Red adaptors, male/female
012 2/E Straight male stud, complete
013 2/E Straight male complete
014 1/E Solenoid valve
015 2/E Sleeve
016 1/E Sleeve
017 1/E Restriction
018 1/E Bracket, complete
019 2/E Welding-on plate
023 4/E Hexagon screw
024 1/E Packing ring
025 6/E Plug screw
030 1/E Pipe, 9 cyl. engine
031 1/E Pipe, 5 cyl. engine
032 1/E Pipe, 6 cyl. engine
033 1/E Pipe, 7 cyl. engine
034 1/E Pipe, TCR16

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/E = Qty/Engine

2014.09.23 - Tier II, Stationary, TDI

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Shutdown arrangement P51332-02

L21/31S, L21/31

2014.09.23 - 8 cyl. engine, Stationary, TDI

MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51332-02 Shutdown arrangement Page 2 (2)

L21/31S, L21/31
Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

001 1/E Air pipe

002 1/E Air pipe
003 1/E Air pipe
004 7/E Air pipe
005 6/E Air pipe
006 1/E Air pipe
007 1/E Air pipe
010 1/E Bracket
011 7/E Bracket
020 8/E Pipe clip
021 2/E Pipe clamp
025 2/E Hexagons socket screw
026 2/E Cyl. screw
027 12/E Cyl. screw
028 7/E Cyl. screw
030 1/E Connection socket
031 3/E Socket
032 1/E Solenoid valve
033 2/E Socket
034 7/E Socket
035 8/E Socket

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/E = Qty/Engine

2014.09.23 - 8 cyl. engine, Stationary, TDI

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Fuel oil system 514

Internal fuel oil system ............................................................................................... 514.01 (15)
Internal fuel oil system ............................................................................................... 514.01 (27)
Fuel injection pump ................................................................................................... 514.02 (01)
Fuel injection valve .................................................................................................... 514.06 (01)
HFO/MDO Changing Valves (V1 and V2) ................................................................... 514.25 (02)

Work card
Removal and fitting of fuel injection valve .................................................................. 514-01.01 (02)
Fuel injection valve to be checked ............................................................................. 514-01.02 (02)
Fuel injection valve to be separated .......................................................................... 514-01.03 (02)
Assembly of the fuel injection valve ........................................................................... 514-01.04 (02)
Dismounting/Mounting of Fuel Injection Pump .......................................................... 514-01.05 (17)
Disassembly/assembly and repair of fuel injection pump ........................................... 514-01.06 (17)
Fuel injection valve .................................................................................................... 514-01.10 (17)
Fuel oil duplex filter ................................................................................................... 514-01.15 (03)
Check of fuel oil piping system .................................................................................. 514-01.90 (05)

Fuel injection pump ................................................................................................... P51401-29
Fuel injection valve .................................................................................................... P51402-41
Fuel injection pipe ..................................................................................................... P51404-18
Fuel oil filter duplex ................................................................................................... P51415-11
Fuel oil filter duplex ................................................................................................... P51415-12
Fuel oil filter duplex ................................................................................................... P51415-13
Fuel oil filter duplex ................................................................................................... P51415-14
Automatic back-flush filter ......................................................................................... P51420-01
Automatic back-flush filter ......................................................................................... P51420-02
Automatic back-flush filter ......................................................................................... P51420-03
Ball valve with actuator ............................................................................................. P51425-04
Fuel oil arrangement ................................................................................................. P51430-13
Fuel oil arrangement ................................................................................................. P51430-28
Fuel oil arrangement ................................................................................................. P51430-31
Fuel pump connections ............................................................................................ P51435-13
Fuel pump connections ............................................................................................ P51435-14

2017-08-16 - en
MAN Diesel & Turbo
514 Fuel oil system Page 2 (2)


Duplex filter ............................................................................................................... 2.04.5

2017-08-16 - en
- 16/08/2017 13:28:24
MAN Diesel & Turbo
Description 514.01
Page 1 (2) Internal fuel oil system
Edition 15

L21/31S, L21/31
Internal fuel oil system

Figure 169: Diagram for fuel oil system

It is adviced to install the filter every time the extern
General fuel pipe system has been dismantled, but it is
important to remove the filter again when the extern
The internal built-on fuel oil system as shown in fig. fuel oil system is considered to be clean for any
1 consists of the following parts: impurities.
▪ the running-in filter
▪ the high-pressure injection equipment Fuel injection equipment
▪ the waste oil system Each cylinder unit has its own set of injection equip-
ment comprising injection pump unit, high-pressure
pipe and injection valve.
Running-in filter
The injection equipment and the distribution supply
The running-in filter has a fineness of 50 microns
pipes are housed in a fully enclosed compartment
(sphere passing mesh) and is placed in the fuel inlet
thus minimizing heat losses from the preheated fuel.
pipe. Its function is to remove impurities in the fuel
This arrangement reduces external surface temper-
pipe between safety filter and the engine in the run-
atures and the risk of fire caused by fuel leakage.
ning-in period.
The injection pump units are with integrated roller
Note: The filter must be removed before ship deliv-
guide directly above the camshaft.
ery or before handling over to the customer.
The fuel quantity injected into each cylinder unit is
adjusted by means of the governor, which main-
tains the engine speed at the preset value by a con-

MAN Diesel & Turbo
514.01 Description
Internal fuel oil system Page 2 (2)
Edition 15

L21/31S, L21/31
tinuous positioning of the fuel pump racks, via a
common regulating shaft and spring-loaded link-
ages for each pump.
The injection valve is for "deep" building-in to the
centre of the cylinder head.
The injection oil is supplied from the injection pump
to the injection valve via a double-walled pressure
pipe installed in a bore in the cylinder head.
This bore has an external connection to lead the
leak oil from the injection valve and high-pressure
pipe to the waste oil system, through the double
walled pressure pipe.
A bore in the cylinder head vents the space below
the bottom rubber sealing ring on the injection
valve, thus preventing any pressure build-up due to
gas leakage, but also unveiling any malfunction of
the bottom rubber sealing ring due to leak oil.

Waste oil system

Waste and leak oil from the hot box, fuel injection
valves, fuel injection pumps and high-pressure
pipes, is led to the fuel leakage alarm unit, from
which it is drained into the sludge tank.
The leakage alarm unit consists of a box, with a
float switch for level monitoring. In case of a leak-
age, larger than normal, the float switch will initiate
an alarm. The supply fuel oil to the engine is led
through the leakage alarm unit in order to keep this
heated up, thereby ensuring free drainage passage
even for high-viscous waste/leak oil.

Sludge tank
In normal operation no fuel should leak out from the
components of the fuel system. In connection with
maintenance, or due to unforeseen leaks, fuel or
water may spill in the hot box of the engine. The
spilled liquids are collected and drained by gravity
from the engine through the dirty fuel connection.
Waste and leak oil from the hot box is drained into
the sludge tank.
The tank and the pipes must be heated and insula-
ted, unless the installation is designed for operation
exclusively on MDO/MGO.

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Description 514.01
Page 1 (2) Internal fuel oil system
Edition 27

L21/31S, L21/31
Internal fuel oil system

Figure 170: Diagram for fuel oil system (for guidance only, please see the plant specific engine diagram)
Running-in filter
Pipe description The running-in filter has a fineness of 50 microns
(sphere passing mesh) and is placed in the fuel inlet
A1 Fuel oil inlet DN20
pipe. Its function is to remove impurities in the fuel
A2 Fuel oil outlet DN20 pipe between safety filter and the engine in the run-
A3A Clean leak oil to service tank DN15 ning-in period.

A3B Waste oil outlet to sludge tank DN15 Note: The filter must be removed before ship deliv-
ery or before handling over to the customer.
Table 11: Flange connections are as standard according to DIN It is adviced to install the filter every time the extern
2501 fuel pipe system has been dismantled, but it is
important to remove the filter again when the extern
fuel oil system is considered to be clean for any
General impurities.
The internal built-on fuel oil system as shown in fig.
1 consists of the following parts: Fuel oil filter duplex (Safety filter)
▪ the running-in filter GenSets with conventional fuel injection system or
▪ the high-pressure injection equipment common rail fuel systems are equipped with a fuel
oil filter duplex, with a fineness of max. 25 microns
▪ the waste oil system
(sphere passing mesh) The fuel oil filter duplex is
with star-pleated filter elements and allows change-
over during operation without pressure-loss. The fil-
ter is compact and easy to maintain, requiring only
manual cleaning when maximum allowable pressure
drop is reached. When maximum pressure drop is

2015.09.01 - Drain split

MAN Diesel & Turbo
514.01 Description
Internal fuel oil system Page 2 (2)
Edition 27

L21/31S, L21/31
reached the standby filter chamber is brought on through the leakage alarm unit in order to keep this
line simultaneously as the dirty one is isolated by heated up, thereby ensuring free drainage passage
means of the change-over valve. After venting, the even for high-viscous waste/leak oil.
dirty element can be removed, cleaned and refilled Waste and leak oil from the hot box is drained into
to be the standby filter chamber. the sludge tank.

Fuel injection equipment Clean leak fuel tank

Each cylinder unit has its own set of injection equip- Clean leak fuel is drained by gravity from the engine.
ment comprising injection pump unit, high-pressure The fuel should be collected in a separate clean
pipe and injection valve. leak fuel tank, from where it can be pumped to the
The injection equipment and the distribution supply service tank and reused without separation. The
pipes are housed in a fully enclosed compartment pipes from the engine to the clean leak fuel tank
thus minimizing heat losses from the preheated fuel. should be arranged continuously sloping. The tank
This arrangement reduces external surface temper- and the pipes must be heated and insulated, unless
atures and the risk of fire caused by fuel leakage. the installation is designed for operation exclusively
The injection pump units are with integrated roller on MDO/MGO.
guide directly above the camshaft. The leak fuel piping should be fully closed to pre-
The fuel quantity injected into each cylinder unit is vent dirt from entering the system.
adjusted by means of the governor, which main-
tains the engine speed at the preset value by a con- Sludge tank
tinuous positioning of the fuel pump racks, via a
In normal operation no fuel should leak out from the
common regulating shaft and spring-loaded link-
components of the fuel system. In connection with
ages for each pump.
maintenance, or due to unforeseen leaks, fuel or
The injection valve is for "deep" building-in to the water may spill in the hot box of the engine. The
centre of the cylinder head. spilled liquids are collected and drained by gravity
The injection oil is supplied from the injection pump from the engine through the dirty fuel connection.
to the injection valve via a double-walled pressure Waste and leak oil from the hot box is drained into
pipe installed in a bore in the cylinder head. the sludge tank.
This bore has an external connection to lead the The tank and the pipes must be heated and insula-
leak oil from the injection valve and high-pressure ted, unless the installation is designed for operation
pipe to the waste oil system, through the double exclusively on MDO/MGO.
walled pressure pipe.
A bore in the cylinder head vents the space below
the bottom rubber sealing ring on the injection
valve, thus preventing any pressure build-up due to
gas leakage, but also unveiling any malfunction of
the bottom rubber sealing ring due to leak oil.

Waste oil system

Clean leak oil from the fuel injection valves, fuel
injection pumps and high-pressure pipes, is led to
the fuel leakage alarm unit, from which it is drained
into the clean leak fuel oil tank.
The leakage alarm unit consists of a box, with a
float switch for level monitoring. In case of a leak-
age, larger than normal, the float switch will initiate
an alarm. The supply fuel oil to the engine is led

2015.09.01 - Drain split

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Description 514.02
Page 1 (1) Fuel injection pump
Edition 01

L27/38S, L27/38, L21/31S, L21/31, L16/24S, L16/24

Fuel injection pump
The fuel pump and the roller guide are one unit,
placed over the fuel cam. A pipe supplies lubricat-
ing oil from the camshaft bearing to the roller guide.
The barrel is installed with seals on the outer cir-
cumference at various levels to avoid leakages and
to give the possibility to drain fuel from the lower
part of the barrel bore.
At the same time it also gives the possibility to add
sealing oil to minimize fuel contamination of the
lubricating oil.
The injection amount of the pump is regulated by
transversal displacement of a toothed rack in the
side of the pump housing. By means of a gear ring,
the pump plunger with the two helical millings, the
cutting-off edges, is turned whereby the length of
the pump stroke is reckoned from when the plunger
closes the inlet holes until the cutting-off edges
again uncover the holes.
A delivery valve is installed on top of the barrel. In
the delivery valve housing a second valve is instal-
led. This valve will open for oscillating high pressure
waves between the needle in the fuel injection valve
and the delivery valve on the pump, causing the
needle in the fuel valve to stay closed after the injec-
tion is finished. This will reduce formation of carbon
around the nozzle tip and save fuel.
The amount of fuel injected into each cylinder unit is
adjusted by means of the governor, which main-
tains the engine speed at the preset value by a con-
tinuous positioning of the fuel pump racks, via a
common regulating shaft and spring-loaded link-
ages for each pump.
The rack for fuel control is shaped as a piston at
one end. The piston works inside a cylinder. When
the cylinder is pressurized, the fuel rack will go to
zero and the engine will stop.

Figure 171: Fuel injection pump.

2015.07.20 - Tier II + Stationary

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Description 514.06
Page 1 (1) Fuel injection valve
Edition 01

L27/38S, L27/38, L21/31S, L21/31, L16/24S, L16/24

Fuel injection valve
The fuel valve is uncooled and placed in a sleeve in
the centre of the cylinder head.
O-rings around the fuel valve body prevent fuel and
lubricating oil from mixing. From the side of the cyl-
inder head, a lance for fuel supply is screwed into
the fuel valve (L16/24 is mounted by means of 3
leaf springs). The lance is sealed with a bushing and
two o-rings where the lance goes into the cylinder
head. A double-walled high pressure pipe connects
the fuel pump with the lance.
Leak oil from the fuel valve or from a possible
defective high pressure pipe is led to the bore for
the lance in the cylinder head. From here a pipe will
drain the fuel to the leakage alarm and further to the
leak oil connection. From here the HFO can be led
to leak oil tank and MDO/MGO to the day tank.

Figure 172: Fuel injection valve.

2015.07.20 - Tier II + Stationary

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Description 514.25
Page 1 (2) HFO/MDO Changing Valves (V1 and V2)
Edition 02

V28/32S, L27/38S, L27/38, L21/31S, L21/31


Figure 173: Pneumatic diagram for 3-way changing valves V1 & V2.

The fuel changing system consist for GenSet of two Valve Control Box
three-way valves (V1 and V2) with a electric/pneu-
matically operated actuator of the simplex type with Electrical power supply to the valve control box is
spring return and a common valve control box for 380 Volt - 50 Hz, or 440 Volt - 60 Hz, depending on
the total GenSet plant. the plant specification, and is established in form of
a single cable connection from the switchboard.
The system facilitates a flexible selection of MDO
and HFO-operating at any load condition. This sys- Due to a built-in transformer, the power supply volt-
tem gives the advantage of individually choosing age will be converted to a 24 Volt DC pilot voltage
MDO or HFO mode of operation of the GenSets. for serving the relays, contactors, and indication
The three-way valves should be placed as near as
possible to the engines. The control box can be Furthermore the 24 V DC pilot voltage is used for
placed in the engine room or in the engine control operating the fuel changing valves with a pneumati-
room. cally and electrically operated actuator of the sim-
plex type with return springs.
To maintain recirculation in the HFO flow line when
the GenSet is operated on MDO a by-pass valve The mode of valve operation is:
must be installed between the inlet changing valve HFO-position: Energized
(V1) and the outlet valve (V2) at each GenSet as MDO-position: De-energized
shown in fig. 1.

MAN Diesel & Turbo
514.25 Description
HFO/MDO Changing Valves (V1 and V2) Page 2 (2)
Edition 02

V28/32S, L27/38S, L27/38, L21/31S, L21/31

In case of black-out and other situations resulting in
dead voltage potential, the fuel changing valves will
be de-energized and automatically take MDO-posi-
tion due to the built-in return spring.

Figure 174: Ball valve with actuator.

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Work Card 514-01.01
Page 1 (4) Removal and fitting of fuel injection valve
Edition 02

L23/30DF, L28/32S-DF, L27/38S, L23/30S, L21/31S, L16/24S, L28/32DF, V28/32S,

L16/24, L21/31, L23/30H, L27/38
Safety precautions Special tools

Engine stopped Plate No. Item No. Note

Shut-off starting air P52000 050 L16, L21, L27
P52000 074 L16, L21, L27
Shut off cooling water P52000 407 L16, L21, L27, L23
Shut off fuel oil P52000 013 L23
Shut-off cooling oil P52000 361 L23
P52000 240 L+V28
Stop lub. oil circulation P52000 270 L+V28
Press Blocking - Reset P52000 275 L+V28

Short Description

Starting Position Hand Tools

Combination spanner, 12 mm (all)
Operating media systems closed/
depressurised Combination spanner, 17 mm (L16)
Engine shut down Combination spanner, 19 mm (L21)
Combination spanner, 24 mm (L27)
Combination spanner, 27 mm (L23)
Combination spanner, 32 mm (L16)
Combination spanner, 36 mm (L21, L27)
Long socket spanner, 24 mm (L16, L21, L27)
Long socket spanner, 27 mm (L23)
Related Procedure

Qualified Manpower Replacement and wearing parts

Duration in h : 1 Plate No. Item No. Quantity
Number : 1

Data for pressure and tolerance (Page 500.35)
Data for tightening torque (Page 500.40)
Declaration of weight (Page 500.45)

MAN Diesel & Turbo
514-01.01 Work Card
Removal and fitting of fuel injection valve Page 2 (4)
Edition 02

L23/30DF, L28/32S-DF, L27/38S, L23/30S, L21/31S, L16/24S, L28/32DF, V28/32S,

L16/24, L21/31, L23/30H, L27/38
5) For L16/24, L21/31, L27/38 Dismantle the
lance (5) and remove it from the cylinder head.
6) For L23/30H loosen bolt (10) 1-2 revolution.
Hereafter dismantle the pipe at screw connec-
tion (11)
7) Install the extractor tool, see fig. 2 and pull out
the fuel valve.
Short description 8) Extract injector valve by turning the spindle nut
until it is loose.
Execute work on time according to the mainte-
nance schedule, enable/support economic opera-
tion, prevent operating problems damages. Fuel
injection valves affect the loading of the injection
system and the operating values of the engine.
They are to be checked if there are deviations in the
operating values, to be overhauled if necessary or Injection valve may be dismantled only with dis-
changed. assembly and assembly fixture.

Dismantling of fuel injection valve 9) Thread off spindle nut and remove the extrac-
tor tool.
10) Cover opening in the cylinder head.
11) Place injection valve on workbench.
12) Clean complete injection valve outside with
fuel, remove adhering with Scotch Brite or simi-
An engine that runs usually on heavy oil, should lar. Never use rotating brush, it will destroy
be operated for a short while on Diesel oil before the nozzle holes.
disassembling the fuel injection valves.

Initial state: Stop valves on fuel pipes closed. Oil

pump (Reserve) shut off, Cylinder head cover
removed, indicator valve opened.

Cleaning should be done on the side away of the


Injection valve should be disassembled only with

opened indicator valve.

1) Remove the side cover over the fuel pump and

the top cover over the rocker arms for the cyl-
inder head.
2) Dismantle the delivery pipe between the fuel
pump and the lance (5) fig 1.
3) Remove the nuts (1) and the thrust piece (2).
4) For L21/31 and L27/38, unscrew the screw (3)
and remove the locking device (4). For L16/24,
dismantle nut (8) and thrust pieces (9).

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Work Card 514-01.01
Page 3 (4) Removal and fitting of fuel injection valve
Edition 02

L23/30DF, L28/32S-DF, L27/38S, L23/30S, L21/31S, L16/24S, L28/32DF, V28/32S,

L16/24, L21/31, L23/30H, L27/38

Figure 176: Extractor tool mounted on fuel injection valve

Assembling of fuel injection valve

Initial state: Injection valve, especially cylindrical
seat of nozzle bodies cleaned carefully. Opening
pressure, tightness and nozzle bores checked.

Injection valve from reserve stock or spares

delivery cleaned and check from outside.

Working steps
1) Fit new round ring seals (8), lubricated with
clean lubricating oil, in the ring groove, ensur-
ing that this is tensioned equally on the entire
periphery and not twisted.
2) Fill the inside space (spring room) of the injec-
Figure 175: Fuel injection valve assembly
tion valve through leakage fuel draining hole,
with clean fuel.

MAN Diesel & Turbo
514-01.01 Work Card
Removal and fitting of fuel injection valve Page 4 (4)
Edition 02

L23/30DF, L28/32S-DF, L27/38S, L23/30S, L21/31S, L16/24S, L28/32DF, V28/32S,

L16/24, L21/31, L23/30H, L27/38
3) Remove cover for bore in the cylinder head and 6) Place the thrust collar, item 2, fig 1 on the fuel
clean the bore and seat face in the cylinder injection valve and apply lubricant (lube oil
head carefully. SAE30 or SAE40) on screw thread, contact
surface and hexagon nuts, item 1, fig 3. Then
tighten with hand and after installation of the
lance Item 5, fig 3 the hexagon nuts item 1, fig
3 can be tightened to the specified torque as
described in description 500.40, Data for Tight-
ening Torque. Prior to the tightening It might be
When cleaning, see that no external objects fall necessary to turn the fuel valve a little to make
into the combustion chamber! the thread of the lance to catch. Tightening tor-
que for the lance as described in description
500.40, Data for Tightening Torque.

If the injection valve is installed in an operating

hot cylinder head, tighten the hexagonal nuts
item 7, fig 3 only after temperature equalisation,
with specified torque.

7) Place the locking device on the hexagon of the

lance and secure it with the screw item 4, fig 3
lubricated with oil. Tightening torque as descri-
bed in description 500.40, Data for Tightening
8) Ad lubricant (lube oil SAE30 or SAE40) to the
lance item 5, fig 3 and the fuel pump top and
install the high pressure pipe. Tightening torque
as described in description 500.40, Data for
Tightening Torque.
9) Close indicator valve.
10) Open stop valves on fuel pipes.
11) Attach cylinder head cover.

Figure 3: Fuel injection valve assembly

4) Assemble injection valve in bore, taking care of
correct positioning of the bore for threaded
piece. Fit new round ring seals, item 8, fig 3,
lubricated with clean lubricating oil, in the ring
groove, ensuring that this is tensioned equally
on the entire periphery and not twisted.
5) Ad lubricant pasta to the thread of the lance,
item 5, fig 3 and fit screw it into the fuel valve.

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Work Card 514-01.02
Page 1 (5) Fuel injection valve to be checked
Edition 02

L23/30DF, L28/32S-DF, L27/38S, L23/30S, L21/31S, L16/24S, L28/32DF, V28/32S,

L16/24, L21/31, L23/30H, L27/38
Safety precautions Special tools

Engine stopped Plate No. Item No. Note

Shut-off starting air P52000 050 L16, L21, L27
P52000 013 L23
Shut off cooling water P52000 240 L28, V28
Shut off fuel oil
Shut-off cooling oil
Stop lub. oil circulation
Press Blocking - Reset

Short Description

Starting Position Hand Tools

Combination spanner, 13 mm (L16)
Combination spanner, 17 mm (L21)
Combination spanner, 22 mm (All)
Combination spanner, 27 mm (All)
Combination spanner, 30 mm (L16)
Combination spanner, 36 mm (L21)
Combination spanner, 41 mm (L27)

Related Procedure
Assembly of the fuel injection 514-01.04

Qualified Manpower Replacement and wearing parts

Duration in h : 2 Plate No. Item No. Quantity
Number : 1 P51701 015 1/C
P51702 015 1/C
Data for pressure and tolerance (Page 500.35)
Data for tightening torque (Page 500.40)
Declaration of weight (Page 500.45)

MAN Diesel & Turbo
514-01.02 Work Card
Fuel injection valve to be checked Page 2 (5)
Edition 02

L23/30DF, L28/32S-DF, L27/38S, L23/30S, L21/31S, L16/24S, L28/32DF, V28/32S,

L16/24, L21/31, L23/30H, L27/38
Structure and pattern of the nozzle test

Short description
Check components for quality/wear condition to
ensure/restore operating reliability. The fuel injection
valve affects the loading of the fuel injection system
and the operating values of the engine. If there are
deviations in the operating values, the components
are to be overhauled or exchanged. The work
includes: Checking of parts/components.

Preliminary observations
Functionality and setting of the injection valve affect
the combustion course, the operating values and
the loading of the injection system. If the operating
values are changed (ignition pressure, exhaust tem-
perature), the opening pressure and tightness of the Figure 177: Nozzle test stand
concerned valves should be checked. The nozzle
test stand allows to pressure-test and adjust the 4 Test pressure pump for 5 Clamping for injection
injection valve, using a hydraulic hand pump. The fuel nozzle valve complete
fixture ensures comfortable working under reprodu-
cible conditions. 6 Adapter for fuel injection 7 High pressure pipe
In the testing of injection valves for modern 4-stroke
engines the atomisation is no longer a test criterion,
because the behaviour of the injection nozzle in
engine operation cannot be verified.
An inferior spray pattern does not say anything
about the functioning of the injection nozzles in the
engine. It is fully functional if the criteria for opening
pressure, tightness and free nozzle bores are fulfil-

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Work Card 514-01.02
Page 3 (5) Fuel injection valve to be checked
Edition 02

L23/30DF, L28/32S-DF, L27/38S, L23/30S, L21/31S, L16/24S, L28/32DF, V28/32S,

L16/24, L21/31, L23/30H, L27/38
Preparation for inspection

Heavy oil residues in the injection valves can

adversely affect test result and make cleaning
more difficult. It is therefore recommended to run
the engine on diesel oil for about 1 hour before
disassembling the injection valves. If that is not
possible, it is important to carry out the descri-
bed test at once after the injection valves are
removed from the engine. Otherwise the injection
valve has to be separated and cleaned before

Initial state: Injection valve is dismantled and

cleaned on the outside.

Figure 178: Nozzle test stand If using anti-corrosion oil when checking, the
injection valves are also preserved. Only abso-
lutely clean anti-corrosion oil should be filled in
1 Fixation for mounting 2 Lever for pump the nozzle test stand; otherwise there could be
malfunctioning in the pump or in the injection
3 Partition of test rig in 4 Lever with locking valve to be tested. The fill level of the oil con-
tabletop (GXO-G011a) mechanism for rotating tainer (12) should be checked.
of mounting device
1) Insert injection valve in the adapter head and
5 Device to move show- 6 Pockets for e.g. mount-
case up and downwards ing device or tools
tighten uniformly with holder.
2) Connect the pressure pump and fuel valve by
7 Oil collecting tank 8 Fan to evacuate oil
vapour means of the connecting pipe.
3) Make sure that the transparent plastic show-
9 Showcase to watch 10 Connection for high
spray pattern pressure pipe case (9) is correctly positioned to ensure that
the spray pattern is inside the collector.
11 Lever to switch from 12 Relief valve lever (to
opening pressure to release pressure in high
boost test pressure pipe)
13 Pressure gauge (with
bar and PSI scaling)

MAN Diesel & Turbo
514-01.02 Work Card
Fuel injection valve to be checked Page 4 (5)
Edition 02

L23/30DF, L28/32S-DF, L27/38S, L23/30S, L21/31S, L16/24S, L28/32DF, V28/32S,

L16/24, L21/31, L23/30H, L27/38
It cannot be expected that the nozzle will spray or
make a sound, only opening pressure can be

Check nozzle bores

Never allow injection nozzle to spray into open 1) Loosen the hexagonal nut (1), See Fig. 4 and
air, but only in the collector! Do not touch fuel turn back adjusting screw (2) until compression
jets, as they penetrate the skin structure and spring (6) is released.
cause painful inflammation! Do not use any open
flames at workplace! Smoking is absolutely pro- 2) Close pressure relief valve (if it exists or
hibited! Use suction on oil mist wherever possi- retighten the high pressure pipe). Actuate hand
ble! pump uniformly and adjust opening pressure
with adjusting screw (2) to 30 bar.
The checking and setting of the injection valves Evaluation: All nozzle holes open, see Fig. 3.
includes to the following steps:
▪ Yes, continue with the next step
▪ Check opening pressure
▪ No, separate the injection valve as mentioned in
▪ Check fuel jets work card 514-01.03 and replace fuel nozzle.
▪ Set target pressure
▪ Check tightness

Check opening pressure

1) Close the pressure relief valve (12) if available
on the test equipment.
2) Actuate hand pump (26) uniformly and raise
pressure until the injection nozzle opens. Note Figure 179: Assessment of the nozzle holes. Left - open, right -
opening pressure and compare with opening partly clogged
pressure, see description 500.35. Actuate
hand pump for min. 20 strokes and rinse injec-
tion valve.
Opening pressure
The hydraulic pressure must be taken slowly past
the opening pressure, to avoid errors while reading
the opening pressure. The test pressure must not
exceed 15 bar above normal opening pressure. In
case of new nozzle elements, the nozzle needle can
be stuck at the first spray test and must be released
by strong rinsing. In case of already run-in nozzles,
collect the anti corrosion oil contaminated with fuel
and do not fill it again in the pressing device. If the
opening pressure is below 350, replacement of the
fuel valve spring is recommended.
In case of new nozzles, there can be a drop in the
opening pressure up to 50 bar after a few operating
This pressure drop does not mean any functional
deficiency and is characteristic for all fuel injection

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Work Card 514-01.02
Page 5 (5) Fuel injection valve to be checked
Edition 02

L23/30DF, L28/32S-DF, L27/38S, L23/30S, L21/31S, L16/24S, L28/32DF, V28/32S,

L16/24, L21/31, L23/30H, L27/38
Check leak proofing
1) Stop the pumping of the tester and open the
pressure relief valve (12), see Fig. 2, if it exists
on the test equipment reducing the pressure to
0 bar. Or release pressure by loosening the
high pressure pipe until pressure has dropped
to 0 bar. This ensures that the nozzle is closed
2) Close pressure relief valve and pressurize pipe
3) To check the leak proofing, actuate hand
pump evenly until 250 bar is reached on the
pressure gauge (13). The injection valve is con-
sidered tight if no drops fall within 5 seconds.

Make sure, that no oil drops from the leakage

bore of the injector, as this may cause a misin-
terpretation of the tight nozzle. Avoid this by
wrapping a cleaning rag around the injector

Evalutaion of tightness, see Fig. 5.

Figure 180: Fuel injection valve assembly ▪ Yes, The injection valve can be made available
for use!
▪ No, The injection valve should be replaced with
Adjust opening pressure to reference new unit.
1) Actuate hand pump uniformly and raise the
hydraulic pressure. At the same time tension
the compression spring (6) a little by using
adjusting screw (2). Repeat the process until
the reference value is reached. Opening pres-
sure, see description 500.35.
2) Lock the adjusting screw (2) with the hexago-
Figure 181: Judgement on the tightness. Left - tight, right -
nal nut (1) and check the opening pressure drops
Compression spring
Do not set a higher pressure than indicated, other-
wise the compression spring will be deformed.
Adjust to the indicated higher spray pressure value
only after assembling a new compression spring to
compensate for the initial setting of the compres-
sion springs.

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Work Card 514-01.03
Page 1 (4) Fuel injection valve to be separated
Edition 02

L23/30DF, L28/32S-DF, L27/38S, L23/30S, L21/31S, L16/24S, L28/32DF, V28/32S,

L16/24, L21/31, L23/30H, L27/38
Safety precautions Special tools

Engine stopped Plate No. Item No. Note

Shut-off starting air P52000 050 L16, L21, L27
P52000 013 L23
Shut off cooling water P52000 240 L28, V28
Shut off fuel oil
Shut-off cooling oil
Stop lub. oil circulation
Press Blocking - Reset

Short Description

Starting Position Hand Tools

Container with fuel
Hexagonal screw driver (set)
Polishing medium (wool)
Paper towels
Torque wrench
Combination spanner, 12 mm (L23)
Combination spanner, 13 mm (L16)
Combination spanner, 17 mm (L21)
Combination spanner, 22 mm (L27)
Related Procedure
Combination spanner, 24 mm (L23)
Separation of components Combination spanner, 30 mm (L16)
Checking of parts/components Combination spanner, 36 mm (L21)
Combination spanner, 41 mm (L27)
Long socket spanner, 24 mm (L23)
Long socket spanner, 27 mm (L16, L23)
Long socket spanner, 30 mm (L23)
Long socket spanner, 36 mm (L21)
Long socket spanner, 41 mm (L27)

Qualified Manpower Replacement and wearing parts

Duration in h : 1 Plate No. Item No. Quantity
Number : 1

Data for pressure and tolerance (Page 500.35)
Data for tightening torque (Page 500.40)
Declaration of weight (Page 500.45)

MAN Diesel & Turbo
514-01.03 Work Card
Fuel injection valve to be separated Page 2 (4)
Edition 02

L23/30DF, L28/32S-DF, L27/38S, L23/30S, L21/31S, L16/24S, L28/32DF, V28/32S,

L16/24, L21/31, L23/30H, L27/38

Short description
Check components for quality/wear condition, pre-
vent operating problems/damages. Fuel injection
valves affect the loading of the fuel injection system
and the operating values of the engine. They are to
be checked if there are deviations in the operating
values, to be overhauled if necessary or changed.

Preliminary observation

Separate injection valve if, during the test

according to work card 514-01.02, errors are
detected or if the performance of the engine is
out id limit. The separation is done by placing the
valve in a vice with soft jaws. Figure 182: Fuel injection valve

Separating of a fuel injection valve

1) Wash injection valve in fuel and Scotch Brite or
2) Place the fuel valve in a vice with soft jaws.
3) Loosen hexagonal nut (1) and turn back adjust-
ing screw (2) until compression spring (6) is
4) Turn the fuel valve 180° so the hexagon nut (1)
is turned down.
5) Loosen nozzle tensioning nut (4) carefully.

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Work Card 514-01.03
Page 3 (4) Fuel injection valve to be separated
Edition 02

L23/30DF, L28/32S-DF, L27/38S, L23/30S, L21/31S, L16/24S, L28/32DF, V28/32S,

L16/24, L21/31, L23/30H, L27/38
Releasing the nozzle tensioning nut 11) If all internal parts are not loose, fit in a suitable
eye bolt in thrust piece (5) and extract thrust
piece. Then disassemble compression spring
(6) and thrust piece (7).
12) Place all parts for cleaning in Diesel oil and
wash them off. Then blow with compressed air.

If there is heavy resistance when releasing, try to

make the threads free again by softening them in Check components
fuel and turning back and forth. Do not release The inspection of the components extends to:
nozzle tensioning nut with force, as otherwise ▪ the nozzle holes
threads can wear out and parts can become
useless. ▪ the quality of fitting faces
▪ the mobility of the needle
6) When threading out the nozzle nut (4), use the
following method: Unscrew released nozzle nut ▪ traces of corrosion on the nozzle tensioning nut
and at the same time prevent it from lifting and the nozzle body
axially from holder by continuously lightly hitting ▪ the nozzle specifications
with rubber hammer on nozzle body.
▪ wear of hardened bush in body (wear limit 0.1
1) Examine all components and especially sealing
faces for damage / traces of wear.

No rework on the seat and fitting faces

This method should prevent shaving or scratch-
ing of the parallel pin of the sealing face between
nozzle body and holder during the threading off
of the nozzle tensioning nut.

7) Thread off nozzle nut and remove nozzle body.

See that nozzle needle does not fall out.
Seat and fitting faces should not be machined
8) Extract nozzle needle from nozzle body and manually nor mechanically, as the requisite accu-
place it in fuel for cleaning. racies cannot be achieved.

2) Check if nozzle needle can be moved in the

Nozzle needle
nozzle body easily and without perceivable
resistance, see Fig. 2.
3) Examine nozzle bodies for traces of corrosion.

Never interchange nozzle needles from nozzle

body to nozzle body. They are manufactured in

9) Remove the injection valve from the vice with

soft jaws and place it on the workbench.
10) Thread off adjusting screw (2).

MAN Diesel & Turbo
514-01.03 Work Card
Fuel injection valve to be separated Page 4 (4)
Edition 02

L23/30DF, L28/32S-DF, L27/38S, L23/30S, L21/31S, L16/24S, L28/32DF, V28/32S,

L16/24, L21/31, L23/30H, L27/38

9 Nozzle needle 10 Nozzle body

Figure 183: Checking the mobility of the nozzle needle

4) Read off nozzle specifications on the collar of

the nozzle body.
Original specification - see acceptance record of
the motor.

Figure 184: Nozzle element with specification and IMO number

5) Change damaged parts. Replace nozzle needle

plus nozzle body together and spring (6) plus
trust piece (7) together.

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Work Card 514-01.04
Page 1 (2) Assembly of the fuel injection valve
Edition 02

L23/30DF, L28/32S-DF, L27/38S, L23/30S, L21/31S, L16/24S, L28/32DF, V28/32S,

L16/24, L21/31, L23/30H, L27/38
Safety precautions Special tools

Engine stopped Plate No. Item No. Note

Shut-off starting air P52000 050 L16, L21, L27
P52000 013 L23
Shut off cooling water P52000 240 L28, V28
Shut off fuel oil
Shut-off cooling oil
Stop lub. oil circulation
Press Blocking - Reset

Short Description

Starting Position Hand Tools

Torque wrench
Hexagonal screw driver (set)
Combination spanner, 12 mm (L23)
Combination spanner, 13 mm (L16)
Combination spanner, 17 mm (L21)
Combination spanner, 22 mm (L27)
Combination spanner, 30 mm (L16)
Combination spanner, 36 mm (L21)
Combination spanner, 41 mm (L27)
Related Procedure
Long socket spanner, 27 mm (L16, L23)
Assembly of components Long socket spanner, 36 mm (L21)
Long socket spanner, 41 mm (L27)

Qualified Manpower Replacement and wearing parts

Duration in h : 1 Plate No. Item No. Quantity
Number : 1

Data for pressure and tolerance (Page 500.35)
Data for tightening torque (Page 500.40)
Declaration of weight (Page 500.45)

MAN Diesel & Turbo
514-01.04 Work Card
Assembly of the fuel injection valve Page 2 (2)
Edition 02

L23/30DF, L28/32S-DF, L27/38S, L23/30S, L21/31S, L16/24S, L28/32DF, V28/32S,

L16/24, L21/31, L23/30H, L27/38
7) Tightening the nozzle nut according to speci-
fied torque in Description 500.40 "Data for
tightening Torque".
8) Screw on hexagonal nut (1) loosely on adjust-
ing screw and tighten only after adjusting the
opening pressure, please see description

Short description
Impart necessary knowledge, ensure correct execu-
tion of work. Fuel injection valves affect the loading
of the fuel injection system and the operating values
of the engine. They are to be checked if there are
deviations in the operating values, to be overhauled
if necessary or changed.

Specification of the injection nozzle

Check before the assembly whether specification

of the injection nozzle matches with the refer-
ence specification. The original specification can
be referred from the acceptance record (number,
number of nozzle bores, bore diameter, spraying

Initial situation: Injection valve separated, all indi-

vidual parts carefully cleaned, damaged parts
1) For L21/31 and L27/38 install guide for spring
(5), compression spring (6) and pressure bolt
Figure 185: Assembly of the nozzle
2) For L21/31 and L27/38 align the guide for
spring (5) enabling fitting to high pressure
lance. Eventually use the high pressure lance
as guide.
3) Fit in adjusting screw (2), do not yet tighten
compression spring.
4) Before installing the nozzle, make sure all parts
are carefully cleaned and surfaced dry.
5) Dip nozzle needle in clean fuel and guide into
the nozzle body, check easy movement.
6) Install the complete nozzle (8), before fitting the
nozzle nut (4), grease with a high temperature
paste (min. 200°C).

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Work Card 514-01.05
Page 1 (3) Dismounting/Mounting of Fuel Injection Pump
Edition 17

L21/31S, L21/31

Safety precautions Special tools

Engine stopped Plate No. Item No. Note

Shut-off starting air
Shut off cooling water
Shut off fuel oil
Shut-off cooling oil
Stop lub. oil circulation
Press Blocking - Reset

Short Description
Dismounting/mounting of fuel injection pump.

Starting Position Hand Tools

Cover for fuel injection pump has been dismoun- Crowfoot spanner, 36 mm
ted. Open-end spanner, 36 mm
Unbraco top and ratchet, 10 mm
Plier for lock ring, outer
Unbraco top, 8 mm
Torque wrench
Clean kerosene or gas oil.
Antiseizure product.
(Copaslip, Molykote GN Plus or similar)
Related Procedure

Qualified Manpower Replacement and wearing parts

Duration in h : 2 Plate No. Item No. Quantity
Number : 1

Data for pressure and tolerance (Page 500.35)
Data for tightening torque (Page 500.40)
Declaration of weight (Page 500.45)

MAN Diesel & Turbo
514-01.05 Work Card
Dismounting/Mounting of Fuel Injection Pump Page 2 (3)
Edition 17

L21/31S, L21/31
2) Push the leakage pipe into the adjacent pump
until the injection pump is free, see fig 2.

Dismounting of Fuel Injection Pump

Use protective gloves!

Dismounting of fuel injection pipe.

1) Unscrew the sleeve piece (1), see fig. 1.
2) Remove the high pressure pipe.

Figure 187: Dismounting of fuel and drain pipes

Dismounting of Leakage Pipes

1 Sleeve piece

Figure 186: Dismounting of fuel injection pipe

Use protective gloves!

1) The lock ring (1), see fig 2 must be shifted into

Dismounting of Fuel and Drain Pipes the groove in the center of the pipe.
2) Push the leakage pipe into the adjacent pump
until the injection pump is free, see fig 2.

Use protective gloves!

1) Remove the 2 unbraco bolts at each end and

shift the plates away from the pumps

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Work Card 514-01.05
Page 3 (3) Dismounting/Mounting of Fuel Injection Pump
Edition 17

L21/31S, L21/31
5) Tighten the sleeve nut at the connecting socket
Removal of Fuel Injection Pump of the pump with 110 Nm.

Mounting of Fuel and Drain Pipes

1) Check the fuel and leakage pipes, they must
not have any sharp bores on the outer circum-
ference, the inner circumference must be free
of any residuals.
Use protective gloves!
2) Rub the O-rings in the injection pump with
1) Separate the spring loaded lever from the regu- paste for lip-type packing.
lating rod on the fuel injection pump.
3) Mount the pipes opposite order of dismantling.
2) Remove the screws in the bottom flange and
take the fuel injection pump away.

Mounting of Fuel Injection Pump

New pumps: Remove preserving agents.

Use protective gloves!

1) Check/exchange O-ring on the oil supply hole

in the frame
2) Attach the injection pump to the engine frame,
tighten the 5 nuts with a torque, according to
description 500.40.
3) Reconnect the regulating rod to the spring loa-
ded lever.

Assembly of the Pressure Pipe

1) Renew O-ring, and coat the high-pressure
connecting threds at the pump and at the
pressure piece including the O-rings.
2) Screw the pressure pipe manually to the pres-
sure piece.
3) The correct positioning of the sealing cone
from the pressure pipe has to be checked. The
sealing cone must be completely immersed
into the pressure nozzle of the injection pump
(approx. 3.6 mm). The sleeve nut has to be
screwed manually to the pressure socket of the
injection pump, see fig 1.
4) Tighten the sleeve nut at the pressure piece
with 110 Nm.

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Work Card Disassembly/assembly and repair of fuel injection 514-01.06
Page 1 (4)
pump Edition 17

L21/31S, L21/31

Safety precautions Special tools

Engine stopped Plate No. Item No. Note

Shut-off starting air 52002 031
52002 043
Shut off cooling water 52002 055
Shut off fuel oil
Shut-off cooling oil
Stop lub. oil circulation
Press Blocking - Reset

Short Description
Disassembly/assembly and repair of fuel injection

Starting Position Hand Tools

Adjustable spanner 12"
Dismounting of fuel injection 514-01.05
pump Unbraco top and ratchet 5, 8, 10 mm
Plier for lockring, inner
Torque wrench
Aluminium arbor
Tools for cleaning.
Clean kerosene or gas oil.
Antiseizure product. (Copaslip, Molykote GN Plus
or similar)
Related Procedure
Dismounting/mounting of fuel 514-01.05
injection pump

Qualified Manpower Replacement and wearing parts

Duration in h : 2 Plate No. Item No. Quantity
Number : 1 51401 110 1/pump
51401 158 1/pump
51401 457 1/pump
Data 51401 482 2/pump
Data for pressure and tolerance (Page 500.35) 51401 685 1/pump
Data for tightening torque (Page 500.40) 51401 697 2/pump
Declaration of weight (Page 500.45) 51401 707 1/pump

MAN Diesel & Turbo
514-01.06 Disassembly/assembly and repair of fuel injection Work Card
Page 2 (4)
Edition 17 pump

L21/31S, L21/31
Disassembly of fuel pump
1) Press in the roller tappet (14) by means of the
installation device, see fig 2.
2) Screw off the sliding block (10).
3) Loosen the spring force and demount the
installation device.
4) Take out the tappet insert (13), roller tappet
Disassembly/assembly and Repair of Fuel
(14), roller (22), thrust piece (11), pump spring
Injection Pump (9) and plunger (17/18).
If damages occur at the injection pump during the Caution! Be sure not to damage the plunger.
warranty period the service of the manufacturer or
of a contracted workshop shall be utilized, other- 5) If necessary remove the lockring (20), guide pin
wise you lose your rights under the guarantee. (21) and take out the regulating rod (3).

Note! It must be cared during the disassembly of 6) Loosen the 4 cylindrical screws (2) and remove
the connection socket (1) and barrel (7). Pres-
the injection pump that the workplace is free of
sure valve is included in connection socket (1)
chips and contaminations. It is recommended to
and can be exchanged as a component group
clean all parts with diesel fuel oil, and to place them
on a non-fuzzing cloth.
7) Carefully press out the barrel (7) with an alumi-
The complete injection pump must not be placed
num arbor.
on hard or metallic surfaces by the roller. Do not
use the extractable control rack as a handle!

The Following Guidelines shall be

▪ Do not mix up parts of the pump element and
of the constant-pressure release valve.
▪ High-pressure surfaces must be protected
against damage, and cleaned with clean Diesel
fuel and a non-fuzzing cloth or paper when they
are installed again.
▪ O-rings on demounted parts shall generally be
replaced by new O-rings before parts are instal-
led again.
▪ Only original O-rings of MAN shall be used.
Apply paste for lip-type sealings to the O-rings
before installation.
▪ Cylindrical screws must be coated by graphite
paste on the bearing surface and on the thread;
tighten them crosswise and step by step (in
three steps of equal torque) to the required
tightening torque.
▪ The cylindrical screws shall be loosened cross-
wise and step by step (in three steps of equal
torque), too.

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Work Card Disassembly/assembly and repair of fuel injection 514-01.06
Page 3 (4)
pump Edition 17

L21/31S, L21/31

1 Fuel injection pump 2 Tool

3 Roller

Figure 189: Dismounting of roller tappet

1 Connection socket 2 Cylindrical screw

3 Regulating rod 4 Pump casing
5 Sealing ring 6 Cavitation screw
1) Pump elements can be exchanged as compo-
nent groups only. (plunger and barrel).
7 Barrel 8 Spring plate
2) Insert the barrel (7), see fig. 1 carefully into the
9 Pump spring 10 Guiding screw
injection-pump casing (4) with an aluminum
11 thrust piece 12 Shim arbor and a non-fuzzing cloth to protect the
13 Tappet insert 14 Roller tappet high-pressure surface.
15 Pressure valve spring 16 Valve spring 3) Mount the connection socket tighten (1), see
17 Plunger (1.5-20 cSt) 18 Plunger (< 1.5 cSt) fig 1, the 4 cylindrical screws. Tighten torque
(2), see fig 1, 60 Nm.
19 Regulating sleeve 20 Lockring
4) Turn the injection pump vertically by 180
21 Guide pin 22 Roller
Figure 188: Fuel injection pump 5) Install the control sleeve (19) - care for the
6) The further assembly is carried in reverse order
of disassembly (driving pin of the plunger in the
direction of the slot of the control sleeve). Guid-
ing screw has to be mounted with loctite 0577.

MAN Diesel & Turbo
514-01.06 Disassembly/assembly and repair of fuel injection Work Card
Page 4 (4)
Edition 17 pump

L21/31S, L21/31
7) Marking on the driving pin, installed towards The suction chamber of the injection pump is filled
the boring of the control rack. with preserving agent through the fuel discharge
8) If a pump element is exchanged it is recom- boring, and closed.
mended to check the pre-stroke. Proceed as By moving the plunger, the hollows are filled with
follows: preserving agent.
9) The injection pump is assembled without pump All external surfaces coated with anti-rust agent
spring (9) and cavitation screws (6). must be preserved once more.
10) The plunger (18) is fixed in the control boring The control rack has to be moved in regular inter-
by the measuring pin, see fig. 3. vals of approx. 3 months to avoid a sticking of the
11) The clearance from roller to mounting surface plunger.
is measured by a depth micrometer.
12) The difference to the required dimension has to
be newly adjusted by the thrust piece (12), if
necessary. Please see description 500.35
13) If the pre-stroke is not correct, the max firing
pressure of the mentioned cylinder will be
14) If the pre-stroke is correct then reassembly the
pump with spring (9) and cavitation screws (6)
and tighten with correct torque acc. to descrip-
tion 500.40.
Caution! Secure the guiding screws (10) by Loctite

The main functional components of each injection
pump supplied by the manufacturer has been pre-
served during its check-up in the test stand.
P3 gero cut S 102 having a viscosity of 3.5
mm2/sec at 20°C according to DIN 53015 is used
as preserving agent.
All external surfaces are primed.
The processed external surfaces are coated with
anti-rust grease or preserved with preserving oil
Castrol Rustilo DWX31 having a specific gravity of
820 kg/m3 at 15°C according to DIN 51757.
This preservation is effective for 2 years.

If the injection pump has not been put into opera-
tion within 2 years after its delivery a re-preservation
has to be carried out.
For that purpose, a protective cap must be
removed from the fuel discharge (upper connection)
at the injection pump.

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Work Card 514-01.10
Page 1 (5) Fuel injection valve
Edition 17


Safety precautions Special tools

Engine stopped Plate No. Item No. Note

Shut-off starting air 52000 013
52000 407
Shut off cooling water 52000 050
Shut off fuel oil 52000 074
Shut-off cooling oil
Stop lub. oil circulation
Press Blocking - Reset

Short Description
Dismounting, overhaul, pressure testing and
mounting of fuel injection valve.

Starting Position Hand Tools

Top cover on the cylinder head and front cover on Ring and open end spanner
the fuel injection pump has been dismounted Socket spanner
Tools for cleaning
Clean kerosene or gas oil
Antiseizure product (Copaslip, Molykote VN Plus
or similar)

Related Procedure

Qualified Manpower Replacement and wearing parts

Duration in h : 2 Plate No. Item No. Quantity
Number : 1 51402 033 2/valve
51402 104 1/valve
Data for pressure and tolerance (Page 500.35)
Data for tightening torque (Page 500.40)
Declaration of weight (Page 500.45)

MAN Diesel & Turbo
514-01.10 Work Card
Fuel injection valve Page 2 (5)
Edition 17


Fuel injection valve

The fuel injection valve is the single component that
has the greatest influence on the diesel engine con-
dition. Various forms of operation and quality of fuel
oil affect the overhaul intervals. In some cases it
may be necessary to shorten the prescribed inter-


1 Adjusting screw 2 Nut

3 Pressure spring 4 O-ring
5 Nozzle nut 6 Injector nozzle
Use protective gloves!
7 Hexagon nut 8 Pressure piece
1) Loosen the hexagon nuts and screew them off,
see fig. 1 pos. 7. Figure 190: Fuel injection valve

2) Remove the trust pad from the fuel injection

3) Remove the high pressure fuel injection pipe.
Which is placed between the high pressure fuel
pump and the pressure piece.
4) Loosen the lock screw and lock washer and
remove it from the cylinder head.
5) Screw the high-pressure cone out from the cyl-
inder head.
Dismount the fuel injection valve from the cylin-
der head by means of the special tool as
shown in fig 2.

Figure 191: Tool for dismounting of fuel injection valve

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Work Card 514-01.10
Page 3 (5) Fuel injection valve
Edition 17

6) Screw the threaded spindle of the tool onto the 4) Carefully clean the injector body by placing
injection valve until seated. these in a cleaning liquid and then blow
7) Pull the injection valve out by turning the hexa- through the parts with dry air.
gon nut.
Note: The injection valve may only be removed by Inspection of the parts
means of the tool. 1) Nozzles are matched by lapping and are only
8) Cover the opening in the cylinder head. interchangeable as units.
2) The injector needle, which has been previously
Cleaning cleaned, wetted by test oil P3 gero cut S 102
or diesel fuel and inserted into nozzle body, is
Mount the fuel injection valve in the pressure testing pulled out to approx. one third of its sliding sur-
tool. face. At an almost vertical position, the injector
Note: Utmost cleanliness and care are required needle must quickly slide onto the tight seat by
during the disassembly of fuel injection valve. its deadweight. This check-up has to be car-
ried out for three almost uniformly distributed
1) Clean the complete injection valve with fuel oil
turning position of the needle.
on the outside, remove coke deposits by using
a hard brush. For the injection nozzle, only use 3) If the holes are oval worn, which is checked
a wooden spatula in order not to damage the with a magnifying glass, the nozzle must be
nozzle orifices. Clean the cylindrical projection scrapped and replaced.
of the nozzle body with particular care. 4) The best way, however, to check if the holes
2) Loosen the nut, see fig 1, pos 2. are worn out is to control the flow rate of the
nozzle which, in general, only can be made at
3) Then release the pressure spring (3).
the manufacturer’s works on a special test
4) Loosen the nozzle nut (5). If it is jammed, then stand.
heat the nozzle nut up in hot oil.
5) Every effort to refinish will result in alterations of
5) Remove the injector nozzle (6). Be careful that these values and malfunction of the nozzle. If
the injector needle does not fall out. heavy abrasion symptoms, respectively dam-
ages are observed at the visual inspection of
Attention the parts, the parts in question must be
Do not damage the lapped surface.
1) Dismount all other components. Reassembling
2) All parts must be cleaned with kerosene or gas
1) When all parts have been overhauled, found in
oil and a hard brush (not a steel brush).
good order and carefully cleaned, assemble
3) Clean the nozzle holes of charred coke by the fuel injection valve again.
means of the supplied special drill please see
2) When assembling the fuel injection valve, pro-
plate 52014 or fig. 3, with holder.
ceed in the opposite order compared to the
Pay attention to the following:
a. Lubricate the threads on the adjusting screw, fig.
1, pos. 1, with lub. oil, and the threads of the nozzle
holder for the nozzle nut. The shoulder of the nozzle
which is in contact with the nozzle nut, must be
lubricated with an antiseizure product.
b. The sealing plane surface of body and nozzle
Figure 192: Special drill must be wiped dry with paper.
c. Renew the O-rings, fig. 1, pos 4.
d. Tighten torque for nozzle nut. Please see
Description 500.40.

MAN Diesel & Turbo
514-01.10 Work Card
Fuel injection valve Page 4 (5)
Edition 17

No jamming
Pressure testing of fuel injection valve If the injector nozzle is deformed by the tightening of
1) The most effective checking of the fuel injection the nozzle nut in the nozzle holder the injector nee-
valves is obtained through pressure testing, dle is jammed in the nozzle body, and fuel is leaving
preferably carried out after each overhaul and the spray holes as a not or a partially atomized
also in case of irregularities in operation. The straight jet only.
pressure testing is carried out in the following
way by means of the pressure testing device Conditions of labour safety
The fuel jets must not be touched under any cir-
2) Mount the fuel injection valve in the test tool cumstances as they hit through the skin tissue, and
again. The bracket to be in such a position that cause blood poisoning. Urgently comply with the
the nozzle of the injector is pointing down- regulations on fire prevention when handling inflam-
wards. mable liquids.
3) To flush off possibly existing dirt particles in the
fuel system of the injection valve, it is recom- Mounting of the fuel injection valve in
mended to pump through fuel several times,
cylinder head
(by means of the lever on the test pump).
Adjust the opening pressure. Please see 1) Before mounting the fuel valve, clean and
Description 500.35, by the adjusting screw (1), inspect the valve sleeve in the cylinder head. If
see fig. 1, then tighten lock nut (2) and check necessary, grind the seating face with the
opening pressure again. grinding tool, see fig 4.
4) The fuel injection valve shall properly spray at a
pumping frequency of approx. 1 to 2 strokes/
second, do not expect chattering. The fuel
must be atomized by uniform jets. After the jets
are cut off, no fuel drop shall fall down from the
bottom of the spraying ball during 10 seconds
when the injector nozzle is vertically placed. Do
not expect a nozzle tip with more than 1000
running hours to perform like a new nozzle in
the test pump.
5) All connecting and attached points of the fuel
injection valve must not leak during this check-
Then increase the pressure to 300 bar and keep the
pressure by working the lever slowly downwards.
When the pressure is kept at 300 bar, there should
be no more than one drip from the nozzle tip for
approx. 3-5 sec.
If the test conditions are not fulfilled it is necessary
to dismount the fuel injection valve to determine the
causes. For that purpose, check the slidability of the
injector needle and that the injection nozzle is not
jammed in the nozzle holder.

Figure 193: Grinding tools

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Work Card 514-01.10
Page 5 (5) Fuel injection valve
Edition 17


Assembly of the injection valve

1) Check the O-rings and if nescessary replace
2) Coat the O-rings at the injection valve withgra-
phite paste.
3) The injection valve has to be inserted into the
cylinder head. Care for the alignment of the
high-pressure cone connection. The alignment
of the injection valve is checked by a visual
inspection through the borehole for the high
pressure cone connection by using a light
source (flash light).
4) The trust pad must be plugged on. The wash-
ers and nuts have to be attached and screwed 1 O-ring 2 O-ring
on. The injection valve is pressed to the sealed
3 O-ring 4 O-ring
seat by an alternate tightening of the nuts.
Then tighten the nuts. 5 Lock washer 6 Lock screw

5) The exact positioning of the high-pressure Figure 194: Fuel injection pipe
cone connection has to be checked by another
visual inspection as descripted in point 33.
Care for a clean high-pressure connection, at
the same time. The high-pressure cone con- Assembly of the pressure line
nection may be blown clean by air through the 1) Renew the o-rings (pos 3 and 4, fig. 5), and
borehole at the cylinder head, if required. coat the high-pressure connecting threds at
the pump and at the high pressure cone
Assembly of the pressure piece including the O-rings.
1) Blow the fuel borehole clean by air to remove 2) Screw the pressure line manually to the high
dirt. Renew and coat the o-rings of the high pressure cone.
pressure cone (pos. 1 and 2, fig 5) for the seal- 3) The correct positioning of the sealing cone
ing in the cylinder head with graphite paste. from the pressure line has to be checked at the
2) Carefully insert the high pressure cone together pump. The sealing cone must be completely
with spring lock washers into the cylinder head. immersed into the pressure nozzle of the injec-
Screw the high pressure cone thoroughly by tion pump (approx. 3.6 mm). The sleeve nut
hand down to the sealed seat of the injection has to be screwed manually to the pressure
valve. Tighten the high pressure cone accord- socket of the injection pump.
ing to Description 500.40. 4) Tighten the sleeve nut at the connecting
3) Mount the lock screw and lock washer, pos. 6, socket, according to Description 500.40.
fig. 5, in the cylinder head and tighten the the 5) Tighten the sleeve nuts at the high pressure
lock screw, pos. 6, fig. 5. According to cone, according to Description 500.40.
Description 500.40.

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Work Card 514-01.15
Page 1 (3) Fuel oil duplex filter
Edition 03

L28/32DF, L28/32S-DF, V28/32S, L28/32S, L27/38S, L27/38, L23/30DF, L23/30S,

L23/30H, L21/31S, L21/31, L16/24S, L16/24
Safety precautions Special tools

Engine stopped Plate No. Item No. Note

Shut-off starting air
Shut off cooling water
Shut off fuel oil
Shut-off cooling oil
Stop lub. oil circulation
Press Blocking - Reset

Short Description
Disassembly, cleaning and assembly of fuel oil
duplex filter

Starting Position Hand Tools

Combination spanner, 17 mm
Combination spanner, 24 mm
Air gun
Soft brush
Cleaning agent

Related Procedure

Qualified Manpower Replacement and wearing parts

Duration in h : 1/2 Plate No. Item No. Quantity
Number : 1

Data for pressure and tolerance (Page 500.35)
Data for tightening torque (Page 500.40)
Declaration of weight (Page 500.45)

MAN Diesel & Turbo
514-01.15 Work Card
Fuel oil duplex filter Page 2 (3)
Edition 03

L28/32DF, L28/32S-DF, V28/32S, L28/32S, L27/38S, L27/38, L23/30DF, L23/30S,

L23/30H, L21/31S, L21/31, L16/24S, L16/24

Cleaning of fuel oil duplex filter

The cleaning interval of the filter depends on the
engine operating conditions, the fuel oil quality and
the treatment of the fuel oil. Operation and mainte-
nance of the filter must be carried out with utmost
care to avoid troubles in the fuel injection system.
Figure 195: Differential pressure gauge
This cleaning procedure is valid for all types of fuel
safety filters, with a filter medium made of wire
Cleaning agent:
▪ Ultrasonic Cleaning
▪ Boll Clean 2000 (Boll & Kirch)
▪ Filter Clean (Drew FC)
▪ Filter Clean (Unimarine)
▪ Sea Shield Filter Clean (Nalfleet)
Sequence of operation:
During normal operation of the engine, clean the fil-
ter when 50 % of the red mark of the differential
pressure gauge, see Fig. 1 becomes visible, if
installed, or if an alarm is given at maximum differ-
ential pressure.
Change the filter over to the clean chamber by the
lever (1).
See plate on the filter cover for valve position (2).
1) Slowly open the venting screw/valve (3) on the
filter chamber which has been cut off.
2) Open the drain plug/valve (4) on the filter
chamber which has been cut off.
3) Dismantle the filter housing cap (5) on the filter Figure 196: Fuel oil duplex filter
chamber which has been cut off.
4) Withdraw the filter element from the chamber
and place it in a suitable cleaning agent.

When using HFO, never let the dirty fi lter ele-

ment cool down before soaking into the cleaning

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Work Card 514-01.15
Page 3 (3) Fuel oil duplex filter
Edition 03

L28/32DF, L28/32S-DF, V28/32S, L28/32S, L27/38S, L27/38, L23/30DF, L23/30S,

L23/30H, L21/31S, L21/31, L16/24S, L16/24
5) After taking the filter element up from the
cleaning agent, carefully blow compressed air
through it from the outside to the inside, rinse
the filter element in cleaning fluid and blow
through again with air. For obstinate dirt, use a
soft brush that cannot damage the mesh.

Always check the filter element for damage. Filter

elements with damaged, mesh and joint surfaces
must be changed. Clean the filter chamber care-
fully before inserting a clean filter element to pre-
vent harmful particles from entering the fuel injec-
tion system (Fig. 3).

Figure 197: Filter element

6) Check the O-ring (6) on the filter element and

replace it if necessary. Mount the filter housing
cap (5), tighten the drain plug and close the
drain valve (4).
7) Prepare the cleaned filter for stand-by or oper-
ation by turning the lever (1) to the middle posi-
tion, which also equalizes the pressure
between the two chambers.
8) Close the venting valve/plug (3) as soon as liq-
uid with no air bubbles flows from it, then turn
the lever (1) back to the position with one filter
in operation. See the plate on the filter cover for
valve position (2).

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Work Card 514-01.90
Page 1 (2) Check of fuel oil piping system
Edition 05

L27/38S, L21/31S, L21/31, L27/38

Safety precautions Special tools

Engine stopped Plate No. Item No. Note

Shut-off starting air
Shut off cooling water
Shut off fuel oil
Shut-off cooling oil
Stop lub. oil circulation
Press Blocking - Reset

Short Description
Check of fuel oil piping system.

Starting Position Hand Tools

Engine is running.

Related Procedure

Qualified Manpower Replacement and wearing parts

Duration in h : 1/2 Plate No. Item No. Quantity
Number : 1

Data for pressure and tolerance (Page 500.35)
Data for tightening torque (Page 500.40)
Declaration of weight (Page 500.45)

MAN Diesel & Turbo
514-01.90 Work Card
Check of fuel oil piping system Page 2 (2)
Edition 05

L27/38S, L21/31S, L21/31, L27/38

Health Risk!

Health Risk!
Due to vibrations during engine operation, espe-
cially in awkward positions!

Fuel oil system

1) Dismount the covers to the injection pumps.
Blow through drain pipes from the pump bed.
2) Examine the piping system for leaks.
3) Retighten all bolts and nuts in the piping sys-
4) Move all valves in the piping system. Lubricate
valve spindles with graphite or similar.
5) Check flexible connections for leaks and dam-
It is important that the flexible connections are free
from paint and grease and in healthy condition.
6) Check for any leak of the O-ring for the fuel
injection pipe.
Concerning fuel oil condition, see section 504.

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (4) Fuel injection pump P51401-29

L21/31S, L21/31

2016.06.15 - Tier II - MAN

MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51401-29 Fuel injection pump Page 2 (4)

L21/31S, L21/31
Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

002 1/P Seal ring

014 1/P Roller guide complete, incl item
026, 038, 051, 063, 923
026 1/P Roller*

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/C = Qty/Cylinder
Qty/I = Qty/Individual
Qty/P = Qty/Pump

2016.06.15 - Tier II - MAN

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 3 (4) Fuel injection pump P51401-29

L21/31S, L21/31

2016.06.15 - Tier II - MAN

MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51401-29 Fuel injection pump Page 4 (4)

L21/31S, L21/31
Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

038 1/P Roller pin*

051 1/P Housing*
063 1/P Bolt*

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/C = Qty/Cylinder
Qty/I = Qty/Individual
Qty/P = Qty/Pump

2016.06.15 - Tier II - MAN

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Fuel injection valve P51402-41

L21/31S, L21/31

2016.10.27 - Tier II, MAN

MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51402-41 Fuel injection valve Page 2 (2)

L21/31S, L21/31
Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

008 1/V Kit for injection nozzle incl 021,

057, 070
021* 1/V Injection nozzle
033 1/V O-ring
045 1/V Nozzle nut
057* 1/V Pressure bolt
069 1/V Adjusting spindle
070* 1/V Pressure spring
082 1/V Nut
094 1/V Cylindrical pin
104 1/V 0-ring
116 1/C Fuel injection valve, complete,
incl. item 021, 212
141 1/V Pressure piece
153 2/V Nut
165 2/V Washer
177 2/V Bolt
190 1/V Guide for spring
212 1/V Nozzle holder complete, incl.
item 033, 045, 057, 069, 070,
082, 094, 104, 190
224 1/V Bush
236 1/V O-ring

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/V = Qty/Valve

2016.10.27 - Tier II, MAN

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Fuel injection pipe P51404-18

L21/31S, L21/31

2016.06.23 - MAN
MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51404-18 Fuel injection pipe Page 2 (2)

L21/31S, L21/31
Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

009 1/C Fuel injection pipe complete

010 1/C Seal ring
022 2/C Seal ring
034 4/C Disc
046 2/C Seal ring
058 2/C Screw
071 1/C Flange
095 2/C Thrust ring
105 1/C Tap washer
117 1/C Fuel injection pipe
129 1/C Connection pipe

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/C = Qty/Cylinder

2016.06.23 - MAN
MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Fuel oil filter duplex P51415-11

L23/30DF, L28/32S-DF, L27/38S, L23/30S, L21/31S, L16/24S, L28/32DF, V28/32S,

L16/24, L21/31, L23/30H, L27/38

2016.09.30 - Mk2, 25 my
MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51415-11 Fuel oil filter duplex Page 2 (2)

L23/30DF, L28/32S-DF, L27/38S, L23/30S, L21/31S, L16/24S, L28/32DF, V28/32S,

L16/24, L21/31, L23/30H, L27/38
Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

002 2/F Screw plug 033 2/F Filter element, dn 40

003 2/F Gasket 034 2/F Filter element, dn 50
004 2/F Screw plug 035 2/F Filter element, dn 65
005 2/F Gasket 036 2/F Gasket, dn 25, dn 32
006 2/F Screw plug 037 2/F Gasket, dn 40
007 2/F Gasket 038 2/F Gasket, dn 50
010 6/F Bolt, dn 25, dn 32 039 2/F Gasket, dn 65
011 6/F Bolt, dn 40, dn 50, dn 65 040 8/F Bolt, dn 25, dn 32
012 2/F Cover, dn 25, dn 32 041 8/F Bolt, dn 40, dn 50
013 2/F Cover, dn 40, dn 50, dn 65 042 8/F Bolt, dn 65
014 2/F O-ring, dn 25, dn 32 043 8/F Nut, dn 25, dn 32
015 2/F O-ring, dn 40, dn 50, dn 65 044 8/F Nut, dn 40, dn 50
016 8/F Nut, dn 25, dn 32 045 8/F Nut, dn 65
017 8/F Nut, dn 40, dn 50, dn 65 070 2/F Screw
018 1/F Ball valve 072 2/F Nut
019 1/F Cock 073 2/F Spring washer
020 2/F O-ring, dn 25, dn 32 075 1/E Fuel oil filter duplex, dn 25, com-
021 2/F O-ring, dn 40
076 1/E Fuel oil filter duplex, dn 32, com-
022 2/F O-ring, dn 50 plete
023 2/F O-ring, dn 65 077 1/E Fuel oil filter duplex, dn 40, com-
024 1/F Circlip ring, dn 25, dn 32
078 1/E Fuel oil filter duplex, dn 50, com-
025 1/F Circlip ring, dn 40 plete
026 1/F Circlip ring, dn 50 079 1/E Fuel oil filter duplex, dn 65, com-
027 1/F Circlip ring, dn 65
028 1/F Plug key
029 2/F Gasket, dn 25, dn 32
030 2/F Gasket, dn 40, dn 50, dn 65
031 2/F Filter element, dn 25
032 2/F Filter element, dn 32

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/E = Qty/Engine
Qty/F = Qty/Filter

2016.09.30 - Mk2, 25 my
MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Fuel oil filter duplex P51415-12

L23/30DF, L28/32S-DF, L27/38S, L23/30S, L21/31S, L16/24S, L28/32DF, V28/32S,

L16/24, L21/31, L23/30H, L27/38

2016.09.30 - Mk2, 25 my
MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51415-12 Fuel oil filter duplex Page 2 (2)

L23/30DF, L28/32S-DF, L27/38S, L23/30S, L21/31S, L16/24S, L28/32DF, V28/32S,

L16/24, L21/31, L23/30H, L27/38
Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

002 2/F Screw plug 032 2/F Filter element, dn 32

003 2/F Gasket 033 2/F Filter element, dn 40
004 2/F Screw plug 034 2/F Filter element, dn 50
005 2/F Gasket 035 2/F Filter element, dn 65
006 2/F Screw plug 036 2/F Gasket, dn 25, dn 32
007 2/F Gasket 037 2/F Gasket, dn 40
009 1/F Differential pressure indicator 038 2/F Gasket, dn 50
010 6/F Bolt, dn 25, dn 32 039 2/F Gasket, dn 65
011 6/F Bolt, dn 40, dn 50, dn 65 040 8/F Bolt, dn 25, dn 32
012 2/F Cover, dn 25, dn 32 041 8/F Bolt, dn 40, dn 50
013 2/F Cover, dn 40, dn 50, dn 65 042 8/F Bolt, dn 65
014 2/F O-ring, dn 25, dn 32 043 8/F Nut, dn 25, dn 32
015 2/F O-ring, dn 40, dn 50, dn 65 044 8/F Nut, dn 40, dn 50
016 8/F Nut, dn 25, dn 32 045 8/F Nut, dn 65
017 8/F Nut, dn 40, dn 50, dn 65 070 2/F Screw
018 1/F Ball valve 072 2/F Nut
019 1/F Cock 073 2/F Spring washer
020 2/F O-ring, dn 25, dn 32 075 1/E Fuel oil filter duplex, dn 25, com-
021 2/F O-ring, dn 40
076 1/E Fuel oil filter duplex, dn 32, com-
022 2/F O-ring, dn 50 plete
023 2/F O-ring, dn 65 077 1/E Fuel oil filter duplex, dn 40, com-
024 1/F Circlip ring, dn 25, dn 32
078 1/E Fuel oil filter duplex, dn 50, com-
025 1/F Circlip ring, dn 40 plete
026 1/F Circlip ring, dn 50 079 1/E Fuel oil filter duplex, dn 65, com-
027 1/F Circlip ring, dn 65
028 1/F Plug key
029 2/F Gasket, dn 25, dn 32
030 2/F Gasket, dn 40, dn 50, dn 65
031 2/F Filter element, dn 25

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/E = Qty/Engine
Qty/F = Qty/Filter

2016.09.30 - Mk2, 25 my
MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Fuel oil filter duplex P51415-13

L23/30DF, L28/32S-DF, L27/38S, L23/30S, L21/31S, L16/24S, L28/32DF, V28/32S,

L16/24, L21/31, L23/30H, L27/38

2016.09.30 - Mk2, 25 my
MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51415-13 Fuel oil filter duplex Page 2 (2)

L23/30DF, L28/32S-DF, L27/38S, L23/30S, L21/31S, L16/24S, L28/32DF, V28/32S,

L16/24, L21/31, L23/30H, L27/38
Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

002 2/F Screw plug 032 2/F Filter element, dn 32

003 2/F Gasket 033 2/F Filter element, dn 40
004 2/F Screw plug 034 2/F Filter element, dn 50
005 2/F Gasket 035 2/F Filter element, dn 65
006 2/F Screw plug 036 2/F Gasket, dn 25, dn 32
007 2/F Gasket 037 2/F Gasket, dn 40
008 1/F Oil pan 038 2/F Gasket, dn 50
010 6/F Bolt, dn 25, dn 32 039 2/F Gasket, dn 65
011 6/F Bolt, dn 40, dn 50, dn 65 040 8/F Bolt, dn 25, dn 32
012 2/F Cover, dn 25, dn 32 041 8/F Bolt, dn 40, dn 50
013 2/F Cover, dn 40, dn 50, dn 65 042 8/F Bolt, dn 65
014 2/F O-ring, dn 25, dn 32 043 8/F Nut, dn 25, dn 32
015 2/F O-ring, dn 40, dn 50, dn 65 044 8/F Nut, dn 40, dn 50
016 8/F Nut, dn 25, dn 32 045 8/F Nut, dn 65
017 8/F Nut, dn 40, dn 50, dn 65 070 2/F Screw
018 1/F Ball valve 072 2/F Nut
019 1/F Cock 073 2/F Spring washer
020 2/F O-ring, dn 25, dn 32 075 1/E Fuel oil filter duplex, dn 25, com-
021 2/F O-ring, dn 40
076 1/E Fuel oil filter duplex, dn 32, com-
022 2/F O-ring, dn 50 plete
023 2/F O-ring, dn 65 077 1/E Fuel oil filter duplex, dn 40, com-
024 1/F Circlip ring, dn 25, dn 32
078 1/E Fuel oil filter duplex, dn 50, com-
025 1/F Circlip ring, dn 40 plete
026 1/F Circlip ring, dn 50 079 1/E Fuel oil filter duplex, dn 65, com-
027 1/F Circlip ring, dn 65
028 1/F Plug key
029 2/F Gasket, dn 25, dn 32
030 2/F Gasket, dn 40, dn 50, dn 65
031 2/F Filter element, dn 25

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/E = Qty/Engine
Qty/F = Qty/Filter

2016.09.30 - Mk2, 25 my
MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Fuel oil filter duplex P51415-14

L23/30DF, L28/32S-DF, L27/38S, L23/30S, L21/31S, L16/24S, L28/32DF, V28/32S,

L16/24, L21/31, L23/30H, L27/38

2016.09.30 - Mk2, 25 my
MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51415-14 Fuel oil filter duplex Page 2 (2)

L23/30DF, L28/32S-DF, L27/38S, L23/30S, L21/31S, L16/24S, L28/32DF, V28/32S,

L16/24, L21/31, L23/30H, L27/38
Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

002 2/F Screw plug 031 2/F Filter element, dn 25

003 2/F Gasket 032 2/F Filter element, dn 32
004 2/F Screw plug 033 2/F Filter element, dn 40
005 2/F Gasket 034 2/F Filter element, dn 50
006 2/F Screw plug 035 2/F Filter element, dn 65
007 2/F Gasket 036 2/F Gasket, dn 25, dn 32
008 1/F Oil pan 037 2/F Gasket, dn 40
009 1/F Differential pressure indicator 038 2/F Gasket, dn 50
010 6/F Bolt, dn 25, dn 32 039 2/F Gasket, dn 65
011 6/F Bolt, dn 40, dn 50, dn 65 040 8/F Bolt, dn 25, dn 32
012 2/F Cover, dn 25, dn 32 041 8/F Bolt, dn 40, dn 50
013 2/F Cover, dn 40, dn 50, dn 65 042 8/F Bolt, dn 65
014 2/F O-ring, dn 25, dn 32 043 8/F Nut, dn 25, dn 32
015 2/F O-ring, dn 40, dn 50, dn 65 044 8/F Nut, dn 40, dn 50
016 8/F Nut, dn 25, dn 32 045 8/F Nut, dn 65
017 8/F Nut, dn 40, dn 50, dn 65 070 2/F Screw
018 1/F Ball valve 072 2/F Nut
019 1/F Cock 073 2/F Spring washer
020 2/F O-ring, dn 25, dn 32 075 1/E Fuel oil filter duplex, dn 25, com-
021 2/F O-ring, dn 40
076 1/E Fuel oil filter duplex, dn 32, com-
022 2/F O-ring, dn 50 plete
023 2/F O-ring, dn 65 077 1/E Fuel oil filter duplex, dn 40, com-
024 1/F Circlip ring, dn 25, dn 32
078 1/E Fuel oil filter duplex, dn 50, com-
025 1/F Circlip ring, dn 40 plete
026 1/F Circlip ring, dn 50 079 1/E Fuel oil filter duplex, dn 65, com-
027 1/F Circlip ring, dn 65
028 1/F Plug key
029 2/F Gasket, dn 25, dn 32
030 2/F Gasket, dn 40, dn 50, dn 65

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/E = Qty/Engine
Qty/F = Qty/Filter

2016.09.30 - Mk2, 25 my
MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Automatic back-flush filter P51420-01

L28/32S, L27/38S, L27/38, L23/30S, L23/30H, L16/24S, L21/31S, L21/31, L16/24

2016.01.21 - Boll&Kirch, DN 40
MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51420-01 Automatic back-flush filter Page 2 (2)

L28/32S, L27/38S, L27/38, L23/30S, L23/30H, L16/24S, L21/31S, L21/31, L16/24

Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

001 1/E Automatic back-flush filter (dn40)

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/E = Qty/Engine

2016.01.21 - Boll&Kirch, DN 40
MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Automatic back-flush filter P51420-02

L28/32S, V28/32S, L27/38S, L27/38, L23/30S, L23/30H, L16/24S, L16/24,

L21/31S, L21/31

2016.01.21 - Boll&Kirch, DN 65
MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51420-02 Automatic back-flush filter Page 2 (2)

L28/32S, V28/32S, L27/38S, L27/38, L23/30S, L23/30H, L16/24S, L16/24,

L21/31S, L21/31
Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

001 1/E Automatic back-flush filter (dn65)

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/E = Qty/Engine

2016.01.21 - Boll&Kirch, DN 65
MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Automatic back-flush filter P51420-03

V28/32S, L28/32S, L27/38S, L27/38, L21/31S, L21/31

2016.01.21 - Boll&Kirch, DN 80
MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51420-03 Automatic back-flush filter Page 2 (2)

V28/32S, L28/32S, L27/38S, L27/38, L21/31S, L21/31

Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

001 1/E Automatic back-flush filter (dn80)

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/E = Qty/Engine

2016.01.21 - Boll&Kirch, DN 80
MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Ball valve with actuator P51425-04

L23/30S, L21/31S, L21/31, L23/30H

MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51425-04 Ball valve with actuator Page 2 (2)

L23/30S, L21/31S, L21/31, L23/30H

Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

015 1/Q Solenoid valve

027 1/Q Actuator
039 1/Q Limit switch
040 2/Q Ball valve

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/Q = Qty/Plant

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Fuel oil arrangement P51430-13

L21/31S, L21/31

MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51430-13 Fuel oil arrangement Page 2 (2)

L21/31S, L21/31
Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

012 1/E Pipe, fuel oil outlet 359 1/E Drain pipe
024 1/E Pipe, fuel oil inlet 372 1/E Pipe, fuel oil outlet
036 1/E Drain pipe 384 1/E Pipe, fuel oil inlet
048 1/E Straight coupling complete 396 1/E Drain pipe
061 1/E Straight coupling complete 418 1/E Reducing stand pipe
073 1/E Bracket 431 1/E Adjustable elbow coupling
085 3/E Straight male stud coupling 443 1/E Adjustable elbow coupling
097 1/E Non-return valve 455 1/E Drain pipe, 5 cyl. engine
107 2/E Pipe clamp 467 1/E Drain pipe, 6 cyl. engine
119 6/E Hexagon screw 479 1/E Drain pipe, 7 cyl. engine
120 1/E Cylindrical screw 480 1/E Drain pipe, 8 cyl. engine
132 1/E Pipe clamp 492 1/E Drain pipe, 9 cyl. engine
144 3/E Packing square
156 12/E Hexagon head screw
168 4/E Hexagon head screw
181 2/E Pipe clamp
193 1/E Pipe, fuel oil inlet
203 2/E Hexagon screw
215 1/E Pipe clamp
227 1/E Drain pipe
239 1/E Pipe, fuel oil outlet
240 1/E Reducing stand pipe
252 2/E Straight male stud coupling
276 1/E Straight male stud coupling
288 2/E Adjustable elbow coupling
311 1/E Steel pipe
323 1/E Equal tee coupling, complete
335 2/E Pipe clamp
347 2/E Hexagon screw

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/E = Qty/Engine

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Fuel oil arrangement P51430-28

L21/31S, L21/31

MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51430-28 Fuel oil arrangement Page 2 (2)

L21/31S, L21/31
Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

012 1/E Pipe, fuel oil outlet 347 2/E Hexagon screw
024 1/E Pipe, fuel oil inlet 359 1/E Drain pipe
036 1/E Drain pipe 360 2/E Hexagon screw
048 1/E Straight coupling complete 372 1/E Pipe, fuel oil outlet
061 2/E Straight coupling complete 396 1/E Drain pipe
073 1/E Bracket 406 8/E Nut
085 3/E Straight male stud coupling 418 1/E Reducing stand pipe
097 1/E Non-return valve 431 1/E Adjustable elbow coupling
107 5/E Pipe clamp 443 1/E Adjustable elbow coupling
119 20/E Hexagon screw 455 1/E Drain pipe, 5 cyl. engine
120 2/E Cylindrical screw 467 1/E Drain pipe, 6 cyl. engine
132 5/E Pipe clamp 479 1/E Drain pipe, 7 cyl. engine
144 3/E Packing square 480 1/E Drain pipe, 8 cyl. engine
156 12/E Hexagon screw 492 1/E Drain pipe, 9 cyl. engine
168 4/E Hexagon screw 502 1/E Pipe, fuel oil outlet
181 2/E Pipe clamp 514 1/E Bracket
193 1/E Pipe, fuel oil inlet 526 12/E Washer
203 1/E Pipe, fuel oil inlet 538 1/E Bracket
215 1/E Pipe, fuel oil inlet 551 2/E Gasket
227 1/E Drain pipe 563 3/E Hexagon screw
239 1/E Drain pipe
240 2/E Reducing stand pipe
252 2/E Straight male stud coupling
264 1/E Bracket
276 1/E Straight male stud coupling
288 2/E Adjustable elbow coupling
311 1/E Steel pipe
323 1/E Equal tee coupling, complete
335 2/E Pipe clamp

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/E = Qty/Engine

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (4) Fuel oil arrangement P51430-31

L21/31S, L21/31

MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51430-31 Fuel oil arrangement Page 2 (4)

L21/31S, L21/31
Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

012 1/E Pipe, fuel oil outlet

024 1/E Pipe, fuel oil inlet
036 1/E Drain pipe

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/E = Qty/Engine

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 3 (4) Fuel oil arrangement P51430-31

L21/31S, L21/31

MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51430-31 Fuel oil arrangement Page 4 (4)

L21/31S, L21/31
Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

048 2/E Straight coupling complete

061 2/E Straight coupling complete
073 1/E Bracket

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/E = Qty/Engine

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Fuel pump connections P51435-13

L21/31S, L21/31

MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51435-13 Fuel pump connections Page 2 (2)

L21/31S, L21/31
Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

025 3/E Cylindrical screw

037 1/E Connection socket
049 /I Seal ring - Qty: 22/E for 5 cyl,
26/E for 6 cyl, 30/E for 7 cyl,
34/E for 8 cyl, 38/E for 9 cyl
062 /I Support ring - Qty: 18/E for 5
cyl, 22/E for 6 cyl, 26/E for 7 cyl,
30/E for 8 cyl, 34/E for 9 cyl
133 2/E Plug
145 2/E Seal ring
170 1/E Cover plate
182 4/E Screw
216 1/E Plug
253 /I Seal ring - Qty: 11/E for 5 cyl,
13/E for 6 cyl, 15/E for 7 cyl,
17/E for 8 cyl, 19/E for 9 cyl
403 /l Seal ring - Qty: 6/E for 5 cyl, 7/E
for 6 cyl, 8/E for 7 cyl, 9/E for 8
cyl, 10/E for 9 cyl
415 /I Fuel oil pipe 1)
427 /I Leak oil pipe 2)
439 2/E Fuel oil pipe
440 1/E Leak oil pipe
452 1/E Plate
464 2/E Screw
476 3/E Screw
488 2/C Pipe clamp
535 6/C Hexagon socket head cap
559 2/C Retaining ring
560 1/E Closing screw
606 1/E Expander

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref- Note 1)

ace. 2)
* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/E = Qty/Engine
Qty/I = Qty/Individual

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Fuel pump connections P51435-14

L21/31S, L21/31

2016.01.21 - L'Orange
MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51435-14 Fuel pump connections Page 2 (2)

L21/31S, L21/31
Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

013 2/E Lock washer 393 4/C Cap screw

025 3/E Screw 403 /I O-ring, Qty: 6/E for 5 cyl, 7/E for
6 cyl, 8/E for 7 cyl, 9/E for 8 cyl,
037 1/E Connection socket 10/E for 9 cyl
049 /I Seal ring, Qty: 22/E for 5 cyl,
26/E for 6 cyl, 30/E for 7 cyl,
34/E for 8 cyl, 38/E for 9 cyl
062 4/C Sleeve
074 1/E Fuel pipe (set)
098 /I Fuel pipe (set), Qty: 4/E for 5 cyl,
5/E for 6 cyl, 6/E for 7 cyl, 7/E
for 8 cyl, 8/E for 9 cyl
133 2/E Screw plug
145 2/E Seal ring
157 1/E Screw plug
169 1/E Seal ring
170 1/E Plate
182 2/E Screw
194 1/E Screw
216 1/E Screw plug
253 /I Seal ring, Qty: 11/E for 5 cyl,
13/E for 6 cyl, 15/E for 7 cyl,
17/E for 8 cyl, 19/E for 9 cyl
265 2/C Snap ring
277 1/C Leakage fuel pipe
285 2/C Sliding piece
289 /I Leakage fuel pipe, Qty: 4/E for 5
cyl, 5/E for 6 cyl, 6/E for 7 cyl,
7/E for 8 cyl, 8/E for 9 cyl
297 2/C Sliding piece
368 2/C Plate
381 2/C Plate

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/C = Qty/Cylinder
Qty/E = Qty/Engine

2016.01.21 - L'Orange
MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (1) Subsupplier 514

2017-08-16 - en
MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (1) Lubricating oil system 515

Internal lubricating oil system .................................................................................... 515.01 (19)
Crankcase ventilation ................................................................................................ 515.31 (04)

Work card
Lubricating oil pump ................................................................................................. 515-01.00 (05)
Prelubricating Pump ................................................................................................. 515-01.05 (08)
Lubricating Oil Filter .................................................................................................. 515-01.10 (04)
Lubricating Oil, Thermostatic Valve ........................................................................... 515-01.20 (05)
Check of lubricating oil piping system ....................................................................... 515-01.90 (03)
Lubricating oil cooler ................................................................................................. 515-06.00 (11)
Centrifugal bypass filter ............................................................................................. 515-15.00 (09)

Lubricating oil pump ................................................................................................. P51501-23
Lubricating oil pump ................................................................................................. P51501-24
Lubricating oil pump ................................................................................................. P51501-25
Lubricating oil filter .................................................................................................... P51502-16
Prelubricating pump .................................................................................................. P51504-05
Lubricating oil cooler ................................................................................................. P51506-16
Lubricating oil cooler ................................................................................................. P51506-22
Lubricating oil cooler ................................................................................................. P51506-23
Pressure regulating valve .......................................................................................... P51507-03
Connection for lub. oil cooler .................................................................................... P51509-02
Connection for lub. oil cooler .................................................................................... P51509-04
Arrangement, centrifugal filter ................................................................................... P51514-04
Centrifugal bypass filter ............................................................................................. P51515-07
Cover / automatic filter .............................................................................................. P51517-01
Cover / automatic filter .............................................................................................. P51517-02
Arrangement of TC venting ....................................................................................... P51531-06
Arrangement of crankcase venting ............................................................................ P51531-07
Prelubricating pump arrangement ............................................................................. P51535-07
Prelubricating pump arrangement ............................................................................. P51535-09
Prelubricating pump arrangement ............................................................................. P51535-12
Lub. oil thermostatic elements .................................................................................. P51545-01

2017-08-16 - en
MAN Diesel & Turbo
Description 515.01
Page 1 (3) Internal lubricating oil system
Edition 19

L21/31S, L21/31
Internal lubricating oil system

Figure 198: Diagram for internal lubricating oil system

The standard engine is equipped with:
Pipe description ▪ Engine driven lubricating oil pump

C3 Lubricating oil from separator DN25 ▪ Lubricating oil cooler

▪ Lubricating oil thermostatic valve
C4 Lubricating oil to separator DN25
▪ Duplex full-flow depth filter
C13 Oil vapour discharge* DN65
▪ Pre-lubricating oil pump
C15 Lubricating oil overflow DN50
▪ Centrifugal by-pass filter
C30 Venting pipe turbocharger DN40
Oil quantities
Table 12: Flange connections are as standard according to DIN
The approximate quantities of oil necessary for a
2501 new engine, before starting up are given in the
table, see "B 12 01 1 / 504.06 / 604.06 Lubricating
Oil in Base Frame" (max. litre H3)
* For external pipe connection, please see Crank-
case ventilation, B 12 00 0/515.31. If there are connected external, full-flow filters etc.,
the quantity of oil in the external piping must also be
taken into account.
Max. velocity recommendations for external lubri-
As standard the lubricating oil system is based on cating oil pipes:
wet sump lubrication.
- Pump suction side 1.0 - 1.5 m/s
All moving parts of the engine are lubricated with oil
circulating under pressure in a closed system. - Pump discharge side 1.5 - 2.0 m/s

The lubricating oil is also used for the purpose of

cooling the pistons and turbocharger.

MAN Diesel & Turbo
515.01 Description
Internal lubricating oil system Page 2 (3)
Edition 19

L21/31S, L21/31
The connecting rods have bored channels for
Lubricating oil consumption supply of oil from the big-end bearings to the
small-end bearings, which has an inner circum-
The lubricating oil consumption, see "Specific lubri- ferential groove, and a bore for distribution of oil
cating oil consumption - SLOC, B 12 15 0 / to the piston.
From the front main bearings channels are
It should, however, be observed that during the run- bored in the crankshaft for lubricating of the
ning in period the lubricating oil consumption may damper.
exceed the values stated.
3. The lubricating oil pipes for the camshaft drive
gear wheels are equipped with nozzles which
Quality of oil are adjusted to apply the oil at the points where
Only HD lubricating oil (Detergent Lubricating Oil) the gear wheels are in mesh.
should be used, characteristic stated in "Lubricating 4. The lubricating oil pipe for the gear wheels are
Oil Specification, 010.000.023". adjusted to apply the oil at the points where the
gear wheels are in mesh.
System flow 5. The lubricating oil to the rocker arms is led
The lubricating oil pump draws oil from the oil sump through bores in the engine frame to each cylin-
and presses the oil through the cooler and filter to der head. The oil continuous through bores in
the main lubricating oil bore, from where the oil is the cylinder head and rocker arm to the mova-
distributed to the various lubricating points. From ble parts to be lubricated at the rocker arm and
the lubricating points the oil returns by gravity to the valve bridge.
oil sump. The oil pressure is controlled by an adjust- 6. Through a bores in the frame lubricating oil is
able spring-loaded relief valve built in the system. led to camshafts bearings.
The main groups of components to be lubricated
are: Lubricating oil pump
1. Turbocharger The lubricating oil pump, which is of the gear wheel
2. Main bearings, big-end bearing etc. type, is mounted on the front-end box of the engine
and is driven by the crankshaft.
3. Camshaft drive
4. Governor drive Lubricating oil cooler
5. Rocker arms
As standard the lubricating oil cooler is of the plate
6. Camshaft type. The cooler is mounted on the front-end box.

1. The turbocharger is an integrated part of the Thermostatic valve

lubricating oil system, thus allowing continuous The thermostatic valve is a fully automatic three-
priming and lubrication when engine is running. way valve with thermostatic elements set of fixed
For priming and during operation the turbo- temperature.
charger is connected to the lubricating oil circuit
of the engine. The oil serves for bearing lubrica-
tion and also for dissipation of heat.
Built-on full-flow depth filter
The inlet line to the turbocharger is equipped The built-on lubricating oil filter is of the duplex
with an orifice in order to adjust the oil flow. paper cartridge type. It is a depth filter with a
nominel fineness of 10-15 microns, and a safety fil-
2. Lubricating oil for the main bearings is supplied ter with a fineness of 60 microns.
through holes in the engine frame. From the
main bearings it passes through bores in the
crankshaft to the connecting rod big-end bear- Centrifugal by-pass filter
ings. As standard the engine is equipped with a centrifu-
gal by-pass filter.

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Description 515.01
Page 3 (3) Internal lubricating oil system
Edition 19

L21/31S, L21/31
This filter removes contaminants through centrifugal
force, and is used as an indicator on the correct
use of the external separator units.
The cleaning intervals is according to "Planned
maintenance programme, see D 10 36 0 /
500.25/500.26". The sludge amount must be
measured either by means of weight or thickness
and noted for reference.
If the centrifugal by-pass filter is building up depos-
its quickly, it is a sign on that the external separator
unit is working poorly.

As standard the engine is equipped with an electric-
driven pre-lubricating pump mounted parallel to the
main pump. The pump is arranged for automatic
operation, ensuring stand-still of the pre-lubricating
pump when the engine is running, and running dur-
ing engine stand-still in stand-by position by the
engine control system.

Draining of the oil sump

It is recommended to use the separator suction
pipe for draining of the lubricating oil sump.

Oil level switches

The oil level is automatically monitored by level
switches giving alarm if the level is out of range.

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Description 515.31
Page 1 (2) Crankcase ventilation
Edition 04

L28/32S, L27/38S, L23/30S, L21/31S, L16/24S, L23/30DF, V28/32S-DF, L28/32DF,

V28/32S, L16/24, L21/31, L23/30H, L27/38
Crankcase ventilation of the vent outlet is not less than the aggregate
area of the individual crankcase vent pipes
The crankcase ventilation is not to be directly con- entering the manifold.
nected with any other piping system. It is preferable
that the crankcase ventilation pipe from each 4) The manifold is to be provided with drainage
engine is led independently to the open air. The out- arrangement.
let is to be fitted with corrosion resistant flame The ventilation pipe must be designed to eliminate
screen separately for each engine. the risk of water condensation in the pipe flowing
back into the engine and should end in the open air:
▪ The connection between engine (C13 / C30)
and the ventilation pipe must be flexible.
▪ The ventilation pipe must be made with continu-
ous upward slope of minimum 5°, even when
the ship heel or trim (static inclination).
▪ A continuous drain must be installed near the
engine. The drain must be led back to the
sludge tank.

Engine Nominal diameter ND (mm)

L16/24, L16/24S 50 65
L21/31, L21/31S 65 40 80
L23/30H, L23/30S 50 - 65
L23/30DF, L23/30H* 50 25 65
L27/38, L27/38S 100 - 100
L28/32DF 50 40 65
L28/32H, L28/32S 50 - 65
V28/32H 100 - 125
V28/32DF 100 - 125
V28/32S 100 - 125
Figure 199: Crankcase ventilation
Table 13: Pipe diameters for crankcase ventilation

However, if a manifold arrangement is used, its

arrangements are to be as follows: ▪ Dimension of the flexible connection, see pipe
1) The vent pipe from each engine is to run inde- diameters in table 1.
pendently to the manifold and be fitted with ▪ Dimension of the ventilation pipe after the flexi-
corrosion resistant flame screen within the ble connection, see pipe diameters in table 1.
2) The manifold is to be located as high as practi-
The crankcase ventilation flow rate varies over time,
cable so as to allow a substantial length of pip-
from the engine is new/major overhauled, until it is
ing, which separates the crankcase on the indi-
time to overhaul the engine again.
vidual engines.
The crankcase ventilation flow rate is in the range of
3) The manifold is to be vented to the open air, so
3.5 – 5.0 ‰ of the combustion air flow rate [m³/h]
that the vent outlet is fitted with corrosion
at 100 % engine load.
resistant flame screen, and the clear open area

2015.04.15 - (* Mk2)
MAN Diesel & Turbo
515.31 Description
Crankcase ventilation Page 2 (2)
Edition 04

L28/32S, L27/38S, L23/30S, L21/31S, L16/24S, L23/30DF, V28/32S-DF, L28/32DF,

V28/32S, L16/24, L21/31, L23/30H, L27/38
If the combustion air flow rate at 100 % engine load
is stated in [kg/h] this can be converted to [m³/h]
with the following formula (Tropic Reference Condi-
tion) :

Example :
Engine with a mechanical output of 880 kW and
combustion air consumption of 6000 [kg/h] corre-
sponds to :

The crankcase ventilation flow rate will then be in

the range of 19.2 – 27.4 [m³/h]
The maximum crankcase backpressure measured
right after the engine at 100 % engine load must not
exceed 3.0 [mbar] = 30 [mmWC].

2015.04.15 - (* Mk2)
MAN Diesel & Turbo
Work Card 515-01.00
Page 1 (4) Lubricating oil pump
Edition 05

L21/31S, L21/31

Safety precautions Special tools

Engine stopped Plate No. Item No. Note

Shut-off starting air
Shut off cooling water
Shut off fuel oil
Shut-off cooling oil
Stop lub. oil circulation
Press Blocking - Reset

Short Description
Disassembly, overhaul and assembly of lubricating
oil pump.

Starting Position Hand Tools

Lubricating oil cooler 515-06.00

Related Procedure

Qualified Manpower Replacement and wearing parts

Duration in h : 2 Plate No. Item No. Quantity
Number : 1 51501 018 2/P
51501 102 4/P
Data for pressure and tolerance (Page 500.35)
Data for tightening torque (Page 500.40)
Declaration of weight (Page 500.45)

MAN Diesel & Turbo
515-01.00 Work Card
Lubricating oil pump Page 2 (4)
Edition 05

L21/31S, L21/31
5) Mount the gear wheel shafts (5) the cover (4)
and the bolt (3), the spur wheel (2) and the bolt
(1), see fig 1. Tighten the bolts according to
page 500.40.
Note: Check that the oil pump can run easily
when the pump is assembled.

Assembling of Safety Valve

Preparing before Dismounting
1) Place a threaded bar in the valve body thread
For getting access to the lubricating oil pump, it is (6).
necessary to remove the lubricating oil cooler.
Please see working card 515-06.00. 2) Insert pressure spring (7) and spring plate (8)
and preload with a disc and a hexagon nut.

Personal Protection Equipment! 3) Tighten the nut to insert the spring and plate
into the valve body (6). Insert the lock ring (9)
when the lock ring groove is exposed.

Personal Protection Equipment:

Use protective gloves

1) Remove the bolts which are holding the lub. oil
2) Use the spring bolts to push out the pump.

1) Remove the bolt (1) and the spur wheel (2), see
fig 1.
2) Remove the bolt (3) and the cover (4), see fig 1. 1 Bolt 2 Spur wheel
Remove the gear wheel shafts (5) and clean all 3 Bolt 4 Cover
parts in gas oil and with a hard brush, (never
5 Gear wheel shafts 6 Valve body
use a steel brush). The parts are blown clean
with pressurized air. 7 Pressure spring 8 Spring plate

3) Check the wear of the bearing bush. 9 Lock ring

4) If the bearing bush is to be removed, the exist- Figure 200: Lubricating oil pump
ing bearing bush is plugged out by means of a
mandrel. The bores are cleaned, see fig 2 and
the new bearing bush is mounted. The bush is
cooled down to -130°C, the housing or cover Mounting
has room temperature. Attention must be 1) Change the O-rings on the pump.
made when replacing bearings, see fig 2.
Note: Criteria for replacement of bearing bush, 2) Mount the pump using the bolts and tighten
see A, fig 3. these according to description 500.40.
3) Renew the O-rings for oil and water connec-
tions to the lub. oil cooler.

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Work Card 515-01.00
Page 3 (4) Lubricating oil pump
Edition 05

L21/31S, L21/31
4) Mount the lub. oil cooler to the frame plate.

Figure 201: Bores to be cleaned

MAN Diesel & Turbo
515-01.00 Work Card
Lubricating oil pump Page 4 (4)
Edition 05

L21/31S, L21/31

Figure 202: Check of bearing bush

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Work Card 515-01.05
Page 1 (3) Prelubricating Pump
Edition 08

L21/31S, L23/30S, L27/38S, L23/30DF, L28/32DF, V28/32S, L21/31, L23/30H,

Safety precautions Special tools

Engine stopped Plate No. Item No. Note

Shut-off starting air
Shut off cooling water
Shut off fuel oil
Shut-off cooling oil
Stop lub. oil circulation
Press Blocking - Reset

Short Description
Dismounting, replacement of the rotary shaft seal
and assembly of prelubricating pump.

Starting Position Hand Tools

Bench vice.
Torque spanner.
Plier for lock ring.
Soft hammer.

Related Procedure

Qualified Manpower Replacement and wearing parts

Duration in h : 2-3 Plate No. Item No. Quantity
Number : 1 P51504 -

Data for pressure and tolerance (Page 500.35)
Data for tightening torque (Page 500.40)
Declaration of weight (Page 500.45)

MAN Diesel & Turbo
515-01.05 Work Card
Prelubricating Pump Page 2 (3)
Edition 08

L21/31S, L23/30S, L27/38S, L23/30DF, L28/32DF, V28/32S, L21/31, L23/30H,

8) Remove the gear wheels from the cover (014).
Dismounting is only possible by disturbing the
rotor shaft seal and by breaking the bearing
9) Remove the security ring (099) and take off the
rotary shaft seal (122).
10) Press out the driving gear shaft bearing bush,
Overhauls pull out the running bearing bush with the inner
wheel puller.
Overhauls for the purpose of avoiding functional
11) Gear box (026). Dismounting is only possible
trouble are not normally necessary for the prelubri-
by damaging the shaft bush. Press out the
cating pumps, when properly used, there is very lit-
shaft bushes.
tle wear on the pump gear shaft.
12) Pressure control valve (038). The pressure con-
trol valve can be dismounted also without dis-
Spare Parts
mounting the pump.
Before any overhaul is done, please note the follow-
ing: Mounting
If a pump gets unusable by wear, it must be
1) The mounting process follows in reverse order,
replaced. Installation of spare parts cannot bring it
it is stressed that an exact cleaning works is
back to normal condition.
It pays to keep extra pumps in stock or to have
Especially the sealing faces must be clean.
repairs (overhauls) carried out at our repair shop.
Tightening of screw pos. (075):
The shaft seal needs only to be replaced in case of
leakage or after dismounting of drive shaft. The R25 10 Nm
marks from the seal do not necessarily mean that R35 50 Nm
the sealing is defective, but there is a risk of leakage
In connection with the bearing bush, attention must
after replacement of sealing.
be paid to the placement of the butt joint and the
We advise not to change the bearing bushes. In mounting depth.
connection with damages on the bearings it is nor-
The new shaft seal cannot be pressed into the pro-
mal that also the shafts and the parts in the gear
tection cover before exact mounting of the pump.
box will be damaged.
O-ring must be changed.
When ordering spare parts, do not forget to state
the factory no. of the pump.

Replacement of mechanical seal

1) Disconnect the cable and pipe connection to
the pump.
2) Remove the pump from the engine base frame.
3) Separate the pump and the el-motor.
4) Remove the coupling part and key (109), see
fig. 1, from the driving gear shaft (051).
5) Loosen screws (075) and take off the pressure
control valve (038).
6) Tighten the pump to the flange. Pressure con-
trol valve (038) upwards.
7) Take off the gear box (026), if necessary use a
soft hammer for separation.

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Work Card 515-01.05
Page 3 (3) Prelubricating Pump
Edition 08

L21/31S, L23/30S, L27/38S, L23/30DF, L28/32DF, V28/32S, L21/31, L23/30H,


Figure 203: Prelubricating pump

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Work Card 515-01.10
Page 1 (3) Lubricating Oil Filter
Edition 04

L21/31S, L21/31

Safety precautions Special tools

Engine stopped Plate No. Item No. Note

Shut-off starting air
Shut off cooling water
Shut off fuel oil
Shut-off cooling oil
Stop lub. oil circulation
Press Blocking - Reset

Short Description
Replacement of paper filter element(s). Cleaning of
safety filter and filter housing.

Starting Position Hand Tools

Open-end ring spanner, 19".
Allen key, 6 mm.
Allen key, 10 mm.

Related Procedure

Qualified Manpower Replacement and wearing parts

Duration in h : 1 Plate No. Item No. Quantity
Number : 1 51502 013 2/Engine
51502 971 2/Engine
Data for pressure and tolerance (Page 500.35)
Data for tightening torque (Page 500.40)
Declaration of weight (Page 500.45)

MAN Diesel & Turbo
515-01.10 Work Card
Lubricating Oil Filter Page 2 (3)
Edition 04

L21/31S, L21/31

Lubricating Oil Filter

Please note: Never open the filter while it is in use.
The filter to be cleaned must be out of operation.

Normal running
1) the valve is in position 2 or 4, see fig 2, and the
element not in use is vented and ready to use

Changing the filter

Figure 204: Vent screws

6) Dismantle the cover.

7) Dismantle the filter housing cap.
Use protective gloves 8) Remove the inner safety element. Clean the
element with detergent. Check that it is intact.
2) Switch to position 3, fig 2, and wait 5 minutes. 9) Remove the outer elements.
Then continue to position 1 or 5, fig 2.
3) Wait 2 minutes.
4) Open the vent screw on the filter out of service.
5) Wait 20 minutes.

Our filter elements are of the disposable type.

Always change to new original filter.

10) Clean the filter housing and the cap.

Be sure that sealing ring in bottom of frontend

box is removed/replaced before installing new fil-
ter cartridge.

11) Check the seal in the cap. Change if needed.

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Work Card 515-01.10
Page 3 (3) Lubricating Oil Filter
Edition 04

L21/31S, L21/31
12) Assemble the filter in reverse order.
13) Switch to position 2 or 4 and vent the
exchanged element by means of the vent

Figure 205: Name plate for lubricating oil filter

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Work Card 515-01.20
Page 1 (2) Lubricating Oil, Thermostatic Valve
Edition 05

L21/31S, L21/31

Safety precautions Special tools

Engine stopped Plate No. Item No. Note

Shut-off starting air
Shut off cooling water
Shut off fuel oil
Shut-off cooling oil
Stop lub. oil circulation
Press Blocking - Reset

Short Description
Inspection of thermostatic valve and replacement
of elements.

Starting Position Hand Tools

Related Procedure

Qualified Manpower Replacement and wearing parts

Duration in h : 1 Plate No. Item No. Quantity
Number : 1 51545 018 3/E

Data for pressure and tolerance (Page 500.35)
Data for tightening torque (Page 500.40)
Declaration of weight (Page 500.45)

MAN Diesel & Turbo
515-01.20 Work Card
Lubricating Oil, Thermostatic Valve Page 2 (2)
Edition 05

L21/31S, L21/31
4) Replace it or check, see "check the element".
5) Remount the element (2) by wriggling it some-
what over side.
6) Mount the sleeve (3).
7) Mount the lock ring (1).

Check the element

Adjustment and Maintenance
8) Place the element in a bucket of water -12° C
The thermostatic valve cannot be adjusted, and below the nominal rating and stir the water vig-
under normal working conditions maintenance is orously with the element for 5 minutes (the slid-
not required. However, in some cases it is neces- ing valve should not be off its seat).
sary to replace the element.
9) Next, place the element in water 10° C above
the nominal rating and stir vigorously for 5
minutes. The element should not be fully
This is determined by immediately placing the ele-
ment back in the valve housing, and pushing the
element spider fully into its counterbore. If the
resistance of the sliding valve overtravel spring can
be felt, the element is fully stroked. Perform the last
step quickly before the element has cooled.
Note: do not use oil as the test bath.
On every high temperature elements, water and gly-
col may be used.

1 Lock ring 2 Element

3 Sleeve

Figure 206: Lubricating oil thermostatic valve

Replacement of the Element

Use protective gloves

1) Remove the lock ring (1), see fig 1.

2) Remove the sleeve and element (2 and 3).
3) Thoroughly clean the sleeve (3). Figure 207: Placing of lubricating oil thermostatic valve

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Work Card 515-01.90
Page 1 (2) Check of lubricating oil piping system
Edition 03

L27/38S, L21/31S, L23/30DF, L28/32DF, L21/31, L27/38

Safety precautions Special tools

Engine stopped Plate No. Item No. Note

Shut-off starting air
Shut off cooling water
Shut off fuel oil
Shut-off cooling oil
Stop lub. oil circulation
Press Blocking - Reset

Short Description
Check and examination of the lubricating oil piping

Starting Position Hand Tools

Engine running.

Related Procedure

Qualified Manpower Replacement and wearing parts

Duration in h : 1/2 Plate No. Item No. Quantity
Number : 1

Data for pressure and tolerance (Page 500.35)
Data for tightening torque (Page 500.40)
Declaration of weight (Page 500.45)

MAN Diesel & Turbo
515-01.90 Work Card
Check of lubricating oil piping system Page 2 (2)
Edition 03

L27/38S, L21/31S, L23/30DF, L28/32DF, L21/31, L27/38

Health Risk!

Health Risk!
Due to vibrations during engine operation, espe-
cially in awkward positions!

Checks to be carried out

1) Examine the external connections for leaks.
2) Retighten all bolts and nuts in the external sys-
3) Check flexible oil vapour discharge hose con-
nections for leaks and damages.

It is important that the flexible connections are
free from paint and grease and in healthy con-

Concerning lubricating oil condition, see section


MAN Diesel & Turbo
Work Card 515-06.00
Page 1 (8) Lubricating oil cooler
Edition 11

L21/31S, L21/31

Safety precautions Special tools

Engine stopped Plate No. Item No. Note

Shut-off starting air 52000 036
Shut off cooling water
Shut off fuel oil
Shut-off cooling oil
Stop lub. oil circulation
Press Blocking - Reset

Short Description
Separation, cleaning and assembling. Replace-
ment of plates and gaskets.

Starting Position Hand Tools

Cooling water and lube oil have been drained from Ring and open end spanner, 24 mm
cooler/engine. All external pipes are disconnected. Hexagon key, 6 mm

Related Procedure

Qualified Manpower Replacement and wearing parts

Duration in h : 4 Plate No. Item No. Quantity
Number : 1

Data for pressure and tolerance (Page 500.35)
Data for tightening torque (Page 500.40)
Declaration of weight (Page 500.45)

2015.03.20 - Tier II, Stationary

MAN Diesel & Turbo
515-06.00 Work Card
Lubricating oil cooler Page 2 (8)
Edition 11

L21/31S, L21/31


1 Pressure plate 2 Nut

3 Studs 4 Carrying bar
5 Frame plate 6 Lifting holes

Never tighten / untighten bolts or nuts on a pres- Figure 209: Lub oil cooler
surized plate cooler.
Doing so may cause the bolts / nuts to fail due to
Damaged bolts / nuts must be replaced.

1) Clean the plates, see page 6-7.

Figure 210: Numbering of bolts

2) Drain of water plug E1 and E2, see fig 1. Closing
3) Control of the "x" before disassembly check 6) Check that all the sealing surfaces (i.e. surfaces
with tabel, page 5. Remove nut Nos 3, 4, 5 in contact with the heat transfer medium) are
and 6, see fig 3. clean, see fig 4.
4) Loosen the nuts (max 3 turn a time) starting
with No 10 and downwards, see fig 3.
5) Remove the pressure plate.

Figure 211: Check of sealing surfaces

7) Check that the ring gaskets, when fitted in con-

nections, are in position and are in good condi-
Figure 208: Drain of water tion, see fig 5.

2015.03.20 - Tier II, Stationary

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Work Card 515-06.00
Page 3 (8) Lubricating oil cooler
Edition 11

L21/31S, L21/31

1 Ring gaskets

Figure 212: Ring gaskets

Figure 213: Insertion of plates

8) Regasking if necessary, see page 8.
9) Clean and lubricate the sliding surfaces of the
carrying bar, see fig 2.
10) Mount the plates. Read the plates (see page 6).
Plate No 1 close towards engine.

that the gasket side must face the frame plate. Figure 214: Correct assembly
The number must be shifted left/right on each
plate. 13) Lubricate the threads with a thin layer of
11) Press the plate assembly together. grease.

12) If the plates are correctly assembled, the edges

form a "honeycomb" pattern, see fig 7. Tightening of cooler studs
Tightening of the cooler studs is carried out in 3
stages to ensure uniform compression and sealing
of cooler gaskets.

2015.03.20 - Tier II, Stationary

MAN Diesel & Turbo
515-06.00 Work Card
Lubricating oil cooler Page 4 (8)
Edition 11

L21/31S, L21/31
Tighten the studs in the sequence shown in fig 8.

Order Bolt No To dimension

1-2 and
3-4 and
1 5-6 and
7-8 and
9-10 and 1.10
2 1-10 x

Figure 215: Tighetning of bolts

14) Tightening is carried out alternately and diago-

nally 1-2 followed by 3-4 etc. until 1.1x, see
table 1.
15) Tightening is carried out alternately and diago-
nally 1-2 followed by 3-4 etc. until 1.05 x, see
table 1.
16) Final tightening is carried out diagonally 1-2 fol-
lowed by 3-4 etc. until x, see table 1.
Cyl. x 1,05 x 1,1 x
5 92.0 mm 97 101
6 106.5 mm 112 117
7 127.0 mm 133 140
8 151.0 mm 160 166
9 171.5 mm 180 189
Tolerance + 1 mm

Table 14: .

2015.03.20 - Tier II, Stationary

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Work Card 515-06.00
Page 5 (8) Lubricating oil cooler
Edition 11

L21/31S, L21/31

2015.03.20 - Tier II, Stationary

MAN Diesel & Turbo
515-06.00 Work Card
Lubricating oil cooler Page 6 (8)
Edition 11

L21/31S, L21/31
Cleaning ▪ Cleaning effect can be considerably increased
by the addition of small quantities of hypochlor-
Mechanical cleaning after opening ite or agents for the formation of complexes and
Concentration max 4%
Temperature max 80°C

Under no circumstances should hydrochloric Incrustation - scaling

acid be used with stainless steel plates ▪ Calcium carbonate
Water of more than 300 ppm Cl may not be ▪ Calcium sulphate
used for the preparation of cleaning solutions. ▪ Silicates
It is very important that carrying bars and sup- 20) Soft brush and running water.
port columns i aluminium are protected against

Biological growth - slime

▪ Bacteria
▪ Nematodes
▪ Protozoa Avoid gasket damage.
17) Soft brush and running water.
21) High pressure hose.
22) Chemical cleaning on opened unit by using:

Avoid gasket damage.

Use safety glasses, rubber protection gloves,
and protective suit.
18) High pressure hose

▪ Nitric acid
▪ Sulfamic acid
▪ Citric acid
Use safety glasses, rubber protection gloves, ▪ Phosphoric acid
and protective suit. ▪ Complexing agents (EDTA, NTA)

19) Chemical cleaning using alkaline cleaning ▪ Sodium polyphosphates

agents: Concentration max 4%
▪ Sodium hydroxide Temperature max 60 °C
▪ Sodium carbonate

2015.03.20 - Tier II, Stationary

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Work Card 515-06.00
Page 7 (8) Lubricating oil cooler
Edition 11

L21/31S, L21/31

Use safety glasses, rubber protection gloves,

and protective suit.

25) Chemical cleaning on opened unit by using:

▪ Nitric acid
▪ Sulfamic acid
▪ Citric acid
▪ Phosphoric acid
▪ Complexing agents (EDTA, NTA).
▪ Sodium polyphosphates.
Concentration max 4%
Temperature max 60°C

Oil residues, asphalt and fats

▪ Oil residues
▪ Asphalt
▪ Fats
26) Hydrocarbon-based deposits may be removed
Figure 216: Cleaning by using a soft brush and a Paraffinic or
Naphta-based solvent (e.g. Kerosine).
▪ Corrosion products
▪ Metal oxides
▪ Silt
▪ Alumina
▪ Diatomic organisms and their excrement of vari- Gaskets in natural, butyl and EPDM rubber swell
ous colours. in these media.
23) Soft brush and running water. Contact time should be limited to 0.5 hour.
The following solvents should not be used:
▪ Ketones (e.g. Acetone, Methyletylketone, Meth-
▪ Esters (e.g. Ethylacetate, Butylacetate)
▪ Halogenated hydrocarbons (e.g. Chlorothene,
Carbon tetrachloride, Freons)
Avoid gasket damage ▪ Aromatics (e.g. Benzene, Toluene)
24) High pressure hose. 27) Dry with a cloth or rinse with water.

2015.03.20 - Tier II, Stationary

MAN Diesel & Turbo
515-06.00 Work Card
Lubricating oil cooler Page 8 (8)
Edition 11

L21/31S, L21/31
The Clip-on gasket is attached to the plate by two
gasket prongs which slip under the edge of the
plate to hold the gasket securely in alignment in the
gasket groove.
The prongs are situated at regular intervals around
the periphery of the plate.
When the plate heat exchanger is then assembled
and tightened, the gasket provides a tight seal
around the plate.

Figure 217: Regasketing

2015.03.20 - Tier II, Stationary

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Work Card 515-15.00
Page 1 (3) Centrifugal bypass filter
Edition 09

L27/38S, L21/31S, L21/31, L27/38

Safety precautions Special tools

Engine stopped Plate No. Item No. Note

Shut-off starting air
Shut off cooling water
Shut off fuel oil
Shut-off cooling oil
Stop lub. oil circulation
Press Blocking - Reset

Short Description
Cleaning procedure, cleaning intervals. Mainte-
nance intervals and procedures.

Starting Position Hand Tools

Big adjustable spanner
With the engine stopped
Filter isolated by means of a valve Tools for cleaning

Related Procedure

Qualified Manpower Replacement and wearing parts

Duration in h : 1 Plate No. Item No. Quantity
Number : 1 51515 301 1/Filter
51515 313 1/Filter
51515 325 1/Filter
Data for pressure and tolerance (Page 500.35)
Data for tightening torque (Page 500.40)
Declaration of weight (Page 500.45)

MAN Diesel & Turbo
515-15.00 Work Card
Centrifugal bypass filter Page 2 (3)
Edition 09

L27/38S, L21/31S, L21/31, L27/38

Cleaning procedure
1) Isolate the filter by closing the valve for lubricat-
ing oil inlet to the filter.

Ensure the centrifuge has come to a complete A Rotor fixing nut 026 Rotor top nut
stop before proleading
038 Cover 075 Stand tube
266 Cover clamp ring

Figure 218: Centrifugal bypass filter

Use protective gloves 6) Remove stand tube (075) and clean.

7) Clean nozzle with brass wire. Examine top and
2) Slacken cover clamp ring (266). Unscrew cover bottom bearings in tube assembly. If damaged
fixing nut and lift off cover (038). or worn - replace tube assembly complete.
3) Lift off rotor assembly having allowed oil to Examine O-ring and renew if damaged.
drain from nozzles. The rotor should be 8) Place standtube, totaing it to ensure that it is
removed and replaced on the spindle with properly located in the recess in the rotorbase.
extreme care in order to ensure that the bear- If the standtube shows any sign of damage
ings are not damaged. then it should be replaced.
4) Unscrew rotor top nut (026) and separate 9) Reassemble rotor complete and tighten top
rotor. nut.
5) Remove sludge from inside the rotor by means
of a spatula and wipe clean. Ensure that all
rotor components are throughly cleaned and
free from deposits of dirt before reassembling
the rotor.

Ensure that rotor cover and rotor body are

always matched by balance number and pin
location. Do not interchange rotor cover.
10) Examine spindle journals. If damaged or worn -
Failure to do so could cause an out-of-balance replace with body assembly complete.
condition which will accelerate bearing and spin- 11) Reassemble rotor complete checking that rotor
dle wear. revolves freely.
Tighten cover fixing nut and secure safety

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Work Card 515-15.00
Page 3 (3) Centrifugal bypass filter
Edition 09

L27/38S, L21/31S, L21/31, L27/38

clamp. The clamp ring should be securely fitted
at all times and the filter should not be run with-
out the clamp ring fitted.

Check cover o-ring, - if damaged it must be

12) Open for lubricating oil.
13) With filter running, check all joints for leakage.
Check for excessive vibration.

Maintenance - Bearings and spindles

All rotors are correctly balanced before leaving the
factory. An out-of-balance condition can occur as a
result of an uneven build up of sludge in the rotor or
as a result of excessive bearing or spindle wear.
Dependent on the conditions, wear will eventually
take place on the spindle and bearings and these
should be replaced with factory fitted assemblies

To check bearing clearances

This is most easily done by applying a dial gauge to
the outside of the rotor opposite each bearing in
turn and measuring the total play, thus:
14) Apply dial gauge and measure play.
15) Turn rotor 90° and repeat measurement.
16) Re-apply dial gauge at 90° to previous position
and repeat.
17) Turn rotor 90° and repeat.
The highest reading is the play in the bearing.
The maximum clearances when new are 0.10 mm
at top and 0.13 mm at bottom bearing. If the clear-
ance exceeds 0.30 mm top or 0.33 mm bottom
then replace with new bearing tube assembly.
The spindle and body assembly and the rotor bear-
ing tube assembly are factory assembled items and
should only be replaced with complete assemblies.

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Lubricating oil pump P51501-23

L21/31S, L21/31

MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51501-23 Lubricating oil pump Page 2 (2)

L21/31S, L21/31
Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

018 2/P O-ring

031 1/E Lubricating oil pump complete 1)
055 3/P Cylindrical pin
067 4/P Screw
079 1/P Pump housing
092 1/P Cover
102 4/P Bush
114 5/P Screw
126 1/P Gear wheel, only available as a
pair, item 126,151
151 1/P Gear wheel, only available as a
pair, item 151,126
175 1/P Spur gear
187 1/P Disc
199 1/P Screw
209 4/P Washer
210 1/P Expander
222 1/P Lock ring
234 1/P Spring plate
246 1/P Pressure spring
258 1/P Valve body

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref- Note 1)

Incl. item 055, 079, 092, 102, 114, 126, 151, 175, 187, 199, 210,
ace. 222, 234, 246, 258
* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Lubricating oil pump P51501-24

L21/31S, L21/31

MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51501-24 Lubricating oil pump Page 2 (2)

L21/31S, L21/31
Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

018 2/P O-ring

031 1/E Lubricating oil pump complete 1)
055 3/P Cylindrical pin
067 4/P Screw
079 1/P Pump housing
092 1/P Cover
102 4/P Bush
114 5/P Screw
126 1/P Gear wheel, only available as a
pair, item 126,151
151 1/P Gear wheel, only available as a
pair, item 151,126
175 1/P Spur gear
187 1/P Disc
199 1/P Screw
209 4/P Washer
210 1/P Expander
222 1/P Lock ring
234 1/P Spring plate
246 1/P Pressure spring
258 1/P Valve body

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref- Note 1)

Incl. item 055, 079, 092, 102, 114, 126, 151, 175, 187, 199, 210,
ace. 222, 234, 246, 258
* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Lubricating oil pump P51501-25

L21/31S, L21/31

MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51501-25 Lubricating oil pump Page 2 (2)

L21/31S, L21/31
Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

018 2/P O-ring

031 1/E Lubricating oil pump complete 1)
055 3/P Cylindrical pin
067 4/P Screw
079 1/P Pump housing
092 1/P Cover
102 4/P Bush
114 5/P Screw
126 1/P Gear wheel, only available as a
pair, item 126,151
151 1/P Gear wheel, only available as a
pair, item 151,126
175 1/P Spur gear
187 1/P Disc
199 1/P Screw
209 4/P Washer
210 1/P Expander
222 1/P Lock ring
234 1/P Spring plate
246 1/P Pressure spring
258 1/P Valve body

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref- Note 1)

Incl. item 055, 079, 092, 102, 114, 126, 151, 175, 187, 199, 210,
ace. 222, 234, 246, 258
* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/E = Qty/Engine
Qty/P = Qty/Pump

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Lubricating oil filter P51502-16

L21/31S, L21/31

MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51502-16 Lubricating oil filter Page 2 (2)

L21/31S, L21/31
Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

013 2/E Filter cartridge 755 12/E Nut

025 4/E Lock disc 802 1/E Plate
037 4/E Screw 814 1/E Gasket
049 1/E Oil collector tray 826 1/E O-ring
050 1/E Packing ring 851 2/E Covering plate
062 2/E Safety filter 863 2/E Closing screw
086 1/E Plug screw 875 2/E Bolt
169 1/E Cylindrical pin 887 2/E Retaining ring for shaft
194 1/E Cover 899 6/E Screw
204 3/E Screw 909 2/F Flange
253 3/E Locking spring washer 910 2/F Flange
312 1/E Latch pin 922 2/F Spring
503 2/E Cover 934 2/F Screw
527 2/E Centering cover 946 2/F Spring
539 2/E Ventilating insert 958 4/F O-ring
540 2/E Valve body 971 2/F O-ring
552 2/E Piston insert
564 2/E Spring
576 1/E Cylindrical pin
588 1/E Cylindrical pin
623 2/E O-ring
635 1/E Switch element
647 1/E Connecting shaft
659 1/E Switch element
672 1/E Plate
684 16/E Screw
696 16/E Locking spring washer
731 12/E Washer
743 12/E Stud

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/E = Qty/Engine
Qty/F = Qty/Filter

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Prelubricating pump P51504-05

L27/38S, L21/31S, V28/32S, L21/31, L27/38

2017.06.21 - R35/40
MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51504-05 Prelubricating pump Page 2 (2)

L27/38S, L21/31S, V28/32S, L21/31, L27/38

Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

254 1/P Driving cover 541 1/E El-motor, 3x480 volt, complete
266 1/P Gear casing 553 1/E El-motor, 220-240/380-420 volt
278 1/P End cover complete incl. item 565 1/E El-motor, 400/690 volt, com-
086, 398, 408, 421, 433, 445, plete
457, 469, 470
577 1/P Rubber for coupling
291 1/P Driving gear shaft
589 1/P O-ring
301 1/P Gear shaft
590 1/P Set of bearing bush (4 pcs)
313 4/P Screw
325 2/P Parallel key
337 1/P Retaining ring
349 1/P Parallel key
350 2/P O-ring
362 1/P Rotary shaft seal
374 1/E Pump complete without el-
386 1/P End cover
398 1/P Piston
408 1/P Spindle
421 1/P Dome nut
433 1/P Spring
445 1/P Pipe nut
457 2/P Screwed plug
469 2/P Sealing ring
470 2/P Sealing ring
482 1/P Coupling, complete
494 1/E El-motor, 3x400/3x440 volt,
504 1/E Pre.lubricating oil pump com-
plete with el-motor
516 1/E Ball bearing, rear
528 1/E Ball bearing, front

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/E = Qty/Engine
Qty/P = Qty/Pump

2017.06.21 - R35/40
MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Lubricating oil cooler P51506-16

L21/31S, L21/31

2014.09.17 - Tier II, Stationary

MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51506-16 Lubricating oil cooler Page 2 (2)

L21/31S, L21/31
Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

015 4/K O-ring

027 12/K Screw
039 2/K Plug screw
040 2/K Packing ring
052 1/K Plate
064 1/K Plate
076 10/K Self locking nut
088 10/K Washer
111 10/K Tierod, 5 cyl. engine
123 /I Gasket
135 /I Plate
147 1/E Lubricating oil cooler, 5 cyl.
159 1/E Lubricating oil cooler, 6 cyl.
160 1/E Lubricating oil cooler, 7 cyl.
172 1/E Lubricating oil cooler, 8 cyl.
184 1/E Lubricating oil cooler, 9 cyl.
196 2/K Guide bar, 5 cyl. engine
206 /I Cooling plate
218 /I Cooling plate
231 /I Gasket
243 /I Cooling plate
279 10/K Tierod, 6+7+8+9 cyl. engine
280 2/K Guide bar, 6+7+8+9 cyl. engine

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/E = Qty/Engine
Qty/I = Qty/Individual
Qty/K = Qty/Cooler

2014.09.17 - Tier II, Stationary

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Lubricating oil cooler P51506-22


MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51506-22 Lubricating oil cooler Page 2 (2)

Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

015 4/K O-ring

027 12/K Screw
039 2/K Plug screw
040 2/K Packing ring
052 1/K Plate
064 1/K Plate
076 10/K Self locking nut
088 10/K Washer
111 10/K Tierod, 5 cyl. engine
123 /I Gasket
135 /I Plate
147 1/E Lubricating oil cooler, 5 cyl.
159 1/E Lubricating oil cooler, 6 cyl.
160 1/E Lubricating oil cooler, 7 cyl.
172 1/E Lubricating oil cooler, 8 cyl.
184 1/E Lubricating oil cooler, 9 cyl.
196 2/K Guide bar, 5 cyl. engine
206 /I Cooling plate
218 /I Cooling plate
231 /I Gasket
243 /I Cooling plate
279 10/K Tierod, 6+7+8+9 cyl. engine
280 2/K Guide bar, 6+7+8+9 cyl. engine

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/E = Qty/Engine
Qty/I = Qty/Individual
Qty/K = Qty/Cooler

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Lubricating oil cooler P51506-23


2014.09.12 - Tier II, Fire Fighting-100% PTO

MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51506-23 Lubricating oil cooler Page 2 (2)

Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

015 4/K O-ring

027 12/K Screw
039 2/K Plug screw
040 2/K Packing ring
047 1/E Lubricating oil cooler, 5 cyl.
052 1/K Plate
064 1/K Plate
076 10/K Self locking nut
088 10/K Washer
111 10/K Tierod, 5 cyl. engine
123 /I Gasket
135 /I Plate
159 1/E Lubricating oil cooler, 6 cyl.
160 1/E Lubricating oil cooler, 7 cyl.
172 1/E Lubricating oil cooler, 8 cyl.
184 1/E Lubricating oil cooler, 9 cyl.
196 2/K Guide bar, 5 cyl. engine
206 /I Cooling plate
218 /I Cooling plate
231 /I Gasket
243 /I Cooling plate
279 10/K Tierod, 6+7+8+9 cyl. engine
280 2/K Guide bar, 6+7+8+9 cyl. engine

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/E = Qty/Engine
Qty/I = Qty/Individual
Qty/K = Qty/Cooler

2014.09.12 - Tier II, Fire Fighting-100% PTO

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Pressure regulating valve P51507-03

L21/31S, L21/31

MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51507-03 Pressure regulating valve Page 2 (2)

L21/31S, L21/31
Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

010 1/E Pressure limiting valve

022 1/E Straight male stud coupling
034 1/E Reducing stand pipe
046 1/E Cutting ring
058 1/E Union nut
071 1/E Straight male stud coupling
083 1/E Steel pipe
095 6/E Screw
105 2/E O-ring

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/E = Qty/Engine

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Connection for lub. oil cooler P51509-02


2014.09.17 - Tier II - Fire Fighting - 100% PTO

MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51509-02 Connection for lub. oil cooler Page 2 (2)

Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

001 1/E Connection plate for lub. oil

002 1/E By-pass pipe
003 1/E Lub. oil pipe drain
004 12/E Screw
005 12/E Screw
006 2/E Block clamps
007 4/E O-ring
008 2/E Round seal ring
009 1/E Packing silicone paste

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/E = Qty/Engine

2014.09.17 - Tier II - Fire Fighting - 100% PTO

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Connection for lub. oil cooler P51509-04


2015.02.06 - power take-off

MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51509-04 Connection for lub. oil cooler Page 2 (2)

Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

001 4/K Cooling water outlet pipe

002 1/K Cooling water inlet
003 1/K Outlet lub. oil cooler
004 1/K L.t. inlet lub. oil cooler
005 16/K Screw
006 16/K Nut
007 8/K Packing square
008 16/K Screw

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/K = Qty/Cooler

2015.02.06 - power take-off

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Arrangement, centrifugal filter P51514-04

L21/31S, L21/31

MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51514-04 Arrangement, centrifugal filter Page 2 (2)

L21/31S, L21/31
Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

001 1/F House for oil centrifuge

002 9/F Screw
003 /I Packing silicone paste
004 4/F Screw
005 4/F Locking spring washer

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/F = Qty/Filter
Qty/I = Qty/Individual

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Centrifugal bypass filter P51515-07

L27/38S, L21/31S, L21/31, L27/38

MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51515-07 Centrifugal bypass filter Page 2 (2)

L27/38S, L21/31S, L21/31, L27/38

Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

014 1/F Body complete 337 1/E Centrifugal by-pass filter com-
026 1/F Valve body
433 1/F Plug
038 1/F Valve handle
445 1/F Washer
051 1/F Nyloc nut
457 1/F Spring
063 1/F Valve adapter
469 1/F Shuttle
087 1/F Valve seal
470 1/F Rotor top
099 1/F Flange gasket
482 1/F Circlip
109 1/F Filter body o-ring
494 1/F Valve kit incl.
110 1/F Cover complete 026,038,051,063,087
122 1/F Cover
134 1/F Cover nut pin
146 1/F Cover fixing nut
158 1/F Cover nut o-ring
171 1/F Cover nut collar
183 1/F Band clamp
195 1/F Rotor complete
205 2/F Nozzle
217 1/F Bearing tube
229 1/F Rotor tube
230 1/F Circlip
242 1/F Rotor o-ring
266 1/F Rotor cover nut
278 1/F Paper insert
291 1/F Separation cone
301 1/F Cover nut fixing kit incl. item
134, 146, 158, 171
313 1/F Valve kit incl. item 433, 445,
457, 469
325 1/F Seals kit incl. item 087,099, 109,
158, 242

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/E = Qty/Engine
Qty/F = Qty/Filter

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Cover / automatic filter P51517-01


MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51517-01 Cover / automatic filter Page 2 (2)

Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

002 11/F Screw

003 11/F Locking spring washer
015 1/E Automatic filter
027 1/F Round seal ring
039 1/F O-ring
040 1/F Round seal ring
052 1/F Lub. oil pipe
064 2/F Packing ring
076 8/F Screw

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/E = Qty/Engine
Qty/F = Qty/Filter

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Cover / automatic filter P51517-02

L21/31S, L21/31

MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51517-02 Cover / automatic filter Page 2 (2)

L21/31S, L21/31
Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

001 1/E Cover

002 8/E Cylindrical screw
003 8/E Locking spring washer
004 1/E Round seal ring
005 1/E Packing ring
013 1/E Blind flange
014 4/E Screw

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/E = Qty/Engine

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Arrangement of TC venting P51531-06

L21/31S, L21/31

2014.12.01 - TCR
MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51531-06 Arrangement of TC venting Page 2 (2)

L21/31S, L21/31
Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

011 1/E Venting pipe

023 1/E Packing oval
035 2/E Screw

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/E = Qty/Engine

2014.12.01 - TCR
MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Arrangement of crankcase venting P51531-07

L21/31S, L21/31

2014.12.01 - TCR - with oil mist detector

MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51531-07 Arrangement of crankcase venting Page 2 (2)

L21/31S, L21/31
Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

011 1/E Venting pipe

023 1/E Packing square
035 4/E Screw
047 2/E Packing square
059 1/E Venting pipe
060 1/E Oil mist detector
072 8/E Screw
084 8/E Nut

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/E = Qty/Engine

2014.12.01 - TCR - with oil mist detector

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Prelubricating pump arrangement P51535-07

L21/31S, L21/31

MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51535-07 Prelubricating pump arrangement Page 2 (2)

L21/31S, L21/31
Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

001 1/E Lub. oil pipe

013 1/E Straight male stud coupling
025 1/E Lub. oil pipe
037 1/E Non return valve
049 2/E Packing ring
050 4/E Screw
062 4/E Nut
074 1/E Lub. oil pipe
086 1/E Non return valve
098 1/E Adjustable t-coupling
108 1/E Pipe
121 1/E Adjustable elbow
133 1/E Welding coupling
145 1/E Welding coupling
157 1/E Adjustable elbow
169 1/E Adjustable straight male cou-
170 1/E Ball valve
182 2/E Straight male stud coupling
194 1/E Pipe
204 4/E Threaded sleeve
216 4/E Screw
228 4/E Washer

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/E = Qty/Engine

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Prelubricating pump arrangement P51535-09

L21/31S, L21/31

MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51535-09 Prelubricating pump arrangement Page 2 (2)

L21/31S, L21/31
Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

001 1/E Lubricating oil pump 030 1/E Welding coupling

002 1/E Lubricating oil pipe 031 2/E Nut
003 1/E Lubricating oil pipe
004 1/E Square flange
005 1/E Square flange
006 1/E Lubricating oil pipe
007 1/E Bracket
008 1/E Plate
009 1/E Ball valve
010 1/E Gasket
011 1/E Packing ring
012 1/E Packing ring
013 1/E Steel pipe
014 1/E Steel pipe
015 1/E Steel pipe
016 1/E Steel pipe
017 1/E Non-return valve
018 1/E Clamps
019 1/E Hexagon nipples
020 4/E Cyl. screw
021 4/E Hexagon screw
022 4/E Washer
023 1/E Adj. straight male coupling
024 2/E Adjust. elbow coupling
025 1/E Adjust. elbow coupling
026 1/E Equal elbow coupling
027 1/E Equal tee coupling
028 2/E Straight male stud
029 3/E Straight male stud

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/E = Qty/Engine

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Prelubricating pump arrangement P51535-12


2017.07.17 - Power take-off

MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51535-12 Prelubricating pump arrangement Page 2 (2)

Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

002 1/E Steel pipe

003 1/E Equal elbow coupling
004 1/E Steel pipe
005 2/E Straight male stud, complete
006 1/E Ball valve
007 1/E Adjustable elbow coupling, com-
008 1/E Steel pipe
009 1/E Welding coupling, complete
010 1/E Steel pipe
011 1/E Equal elbow couplings
012 1/E Steel pipe
013 1/E Equal tee coupling, complete
014 1/E Non return valve
015 4/E Steel pipe
016 1/E Lub. oil pipe
017 1/E Lub. oil pipe
018 1/E Straight male stud, complete
019 1/E Non return valve
020 1/E Guard
021 2/E Packing ring
022 4/E Washers
023 4/E Cyl. screw
024 4/E Hexagon screw
025 4/E Self locking hexagon nut
026 1/E Angle profile
027 2/E Hexagon screw

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/E = Qty/Engine

2017.07.17 - Power take-off

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Lub. oil thermostatic elements P51545-01

L21/31S, L21/31

MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51545-01 Lub. oil thermostatic elements Page 2 (2)

L21/31S, L21/31
Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

018 3/E Thermostatic element

031 3/E Sleeve
043 3/E Sleeve
055 3/E O-ring
067 3/E Retaining rings

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/E = Qty/Engine

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (1) Cooling water system 516

Cooling Water System .............................................................................................. 516.01 (10)

Work card
Check of Cooling Water System ............................................................................... 516-01.90 (03)
Cooling Water, Thermostatic Valve ........................................................................... 516-04.00 (04)
HT and LT Water Pumps .......................................................................................... 516-10.00 (03)

Mounting of cooling water thermostatic element ....................................................... P51605-05
Mounting of cooling water thermostatic element ....................................................... P51605-06
Mounting of cooling water thermostatic element ....................................................... P51605-07
Mounting of cooling water thermostatic element ....................................................... P51605-08
Mounting of cooling water thermostatic element ....................................................... P51605-12
Mounting of cooling water thermostatic element ....................................................... P51605-13
Mounting of cooling water thermostatic element ....................................................... P51605-17
Mounting of cooling water thermostatic element ....................................................... P51605-18
Fresh water pumps ................................................................................................... P51610-09
Fresh water pumps ................................................................................................... P51610-14
Fresh water pumps ................................................................................................... P51610-17
Fresh water pumps ................................................................................................... P51610-18
Fresh water pumps ................................................................................................... P51610-19
Cooling water pipes/connections .............................................................................. P51630-04
Cooling water pipes/connections .............................................................................. P51630-12
Preheater - fresh water ............................................................................................. P51635-14

2017-08-16 - en
MAN Diesel & Turbo
Description 516.01
Page 1 (1) Cooling Water System
Edition 10

L21/31S, L21/31
Cooling water system
The cooling water system consists of a low temper-
ature system and a high temperature system.
Both the low and the high temperature systems are
cooled by fresh water.
The water in the low temperature system passes
through the low temperature circulating pump
which drives the water through the second stage of
the charge air cooler and then through the lubricat-
ing oil cooler.
The high temperature cooling water system passes
through the high temperature circulating pump and
then through the first stage of the charge air cooler
before it enters the cooling water jacket and the cyl-
inder head. Then the water leaves the engine with
the low temperature water.
Both the low and high temperature water leaves the
engine through separate three-way thermostatic
valves which control the water temperature.

Figure 219: Cooling water system

2014.09.25 - Tier II, Stationary

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Work Card 516-01.90
Page 1 (2) Check of Cooling Water System
Edition 03

L27/38S, L21/31S, L21/31, L27/38

Safety precautions Special tools

Engine stopped Plate No. Item No. Note

Shut-off starting air
Shut off cooling water
Shut off fuel oil
Shut-off cooling oil
Stop lub. oil circulation
Press Blocking - Reset

Short Description
Check of cooling water system.

Starting Position Hand Tools

Engine is running

Related Procedure

Qualified Manpower Replacement and wearing parts

Duration in h : ½ Plate No. Item No. Quantity
Number : 1

Data for pressure and tolerance (Page 500.35)
Data for tightening torque (Page 500.40)
Declaration of weight (Page 500.45)

MAN Diesel & Turbo
516-01.90 Work Card
Check of Cooling Water System Page 2 (2)
Edition 03

L27/38S, L21/31S, L21/31, L27/38

Health Risk!

Health Risk!
Due to vibrations during engine operation, espe-
cially in awkward positions!

Checks to be carried out

1) Examine the cooling water connetions for
2) Check flexible connections for leaks.
It is important that the flexible connections are
free from paint and grease and in healthy con-
3) Check O-rings in water connections between
cylinder covers and also between cylinder cov-
ers and front-end box
4) Check the condition of the outmost of the two
O-rings (which makes up the tightening
between the water jacket and the combustion
space) by means of the inspection holes in the
cylinder cover.
Concerning check of the fresh water condition, see
section 504.

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Work Card 516-04.00
Page 1 (2) Cooling Water, Thermostatic Valve
Edition 04

L21/31S, L21/31

Safety precautions Special tools

Engine stopped Plate No. Item No. Note

Shut-off starting air 52000 044
Shut off cooling water
Shut off fuel oil
Shut-off cooling oil
Stop lub. oil circulation
Press Blocking - Reset

Short Description
Inspection of thermostatic valve and replacement
of elements.

Starting Position Hand Tools

Top / Extension / Ratchet 14 mm
Cooling water drained from engine
Combination spanner
Pliers for retaining ring
Sealing paste

Related Procedure

Qualified Manpower Replacement and wearing parts

Duration in h : 2 Plate No. Item No. Quantity
Number : 2 51605 098 6/E

Data for pressure and tolerance (Page 500.35)
Data for tightening torque (Page 500.40)
Declaration of weight (Page 500.45)

MAN Diesel & Turbo
516-04.00 Work Card
Cooling Water, Thermostatic Valve Page 2 (2)
Edition 04

L21/31S, L21/31
7) Clean the sealing surface of the casing. Apply
sealing paste. Mount the casing. Tighten bolts
(A) according to page 500.40.

The thermostatic valves cannot be adjusted, and
under normal conditions maintenance is not
required. However, in some cases it is necessary to
clean or replace elements

Replacement of Elements

Use protective gloves!

1) Remove the casing by unscrewing bolts (A),

see fig 2.
2) Remove retaining ring (2) and sleeve (3).
3) Remove the element (4) from the casing.
4) Clean the sleeve (3). Figure 221: Seen from front end of the engine

Figure 220: Cooling water thermostatic valve

5) Mount a new element (4) by wriggling it some-

what over side.
6) Mount lock ring (2) in the recess.

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Work Card 516-10.00
Page 1 (3) HT and LT Water Pumps
Edition 03

L21/31S, L21/31

Safety precautions Special tools

Engine stopped Plate No. Item No. Note

Shut-off starting air
Shut off cooling water
Shut off fuel oil
Shut-off cooling oil
Stop lub. oil circulation
Press Blocking - Reset

Short Description
Disassembly, overhaul and assembly of HT and LT

Starting Position Hand Tools

Cooling water drained from engine (if necessary)

Related Procedure

Qualified Manpower Replacement and wearing parts

Duration in h : 1 Plate No. Item No. Quantity
Number : 1 51610 010 4/E
51610 022 2/E
51610 095 2/E
Data for pressure and tolerance (Page 500.35)
Data for tightening torque (Page 500.40)
Declaration of weight (Page 500.45)

MAN Diesel & Turbo
516-10.00 Work Card
HT and LT Water Pumps Page 2 (3)
Edition 03

L21/31S, L21/31
Disassembling of the Pump
1) Remove the screw (2), see fig 1 and pull off the
washer (3) and spur gear (4).
2) Remove the screw (5) and the cover (6).
3) Remove the nut (7) with disc (8), then remove
impeller (9) and the slide ring joint (10).
4) Take out the retaining ring (11), then pull out
HT and LT Water Pumps
the shaft (12) with bearings (13) and (16) and
After the cooling water thermostat casing is the shaft seal (14).
removed, the cooling water pumps can be dis-
Inspection of the Pump
1) Inspect the shaft for seizures after removing the
shaft seal and bearings, also inspect the impel-
ler for pittings and cavitations. Clean all parts

Use protective gloves! Assembling of the Pump

1) Remove the screws and pull out the pump by 1) Fit new bearings (13) and (16) together with a
means of the spring bolts. new shaft seal (14).
2) Mount the shaft in the housing and lock it with
the retaining ring (11).
3) Fit the spur gear (4) and washer (3) with the
screw (2) and tight it according to page
4) Carefully fit the slide ring joint (10), then fit the
disc (8) and the impeller (9) and tight the nut (7)
according to page 500.40.
5) Mount the cover (6) with the screw (5) and tight
them according to page 500.40.
6) Fit new O-rings on the pump housing and
pump cover, then mount the pump in the front
end box with the screws, and tighten them
according to page 500.40.

Figure 222: HT and LT water pumps

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Work Card 516-10.00
Page 3 (3) HT and LT Water Pumps
Edition 03

L21/31S, L21/31

Figure 223: HT and LT water pumps,

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Mounting of cooling water thermostatic element P51605-05

L21/31S, L21/31

2014.12.01 - 1-string, without LT pump - optional

MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51605-05 Mounting of cooling water thermostatic element Page 2 (2)

L21/31S, L21/31
Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

013 2/E Intermediate piece

025 12/E Screw
037 4/E O-ring
049 2/E O-ring
062 1/E Thermostat housing
074 3/E Sleeve
086 3/E Sleeve
098 3/E O-ring
108 3/E Washer
121 3/E Retaining ring
133 15/E Screw
145 27/E Locking spring washer
169 3/E Closing screw
170 3/E O-ring
182 2/E Plug screw
194 /I Loctite 638
204 1/E Cover
216 2/E Cover
228 9/E Screw
241 2/E Cover
253 16/E Screw
265 16/E Lock washer
289 2/E Seal ring
290 2/E Plug screw
336 3/E Thermostatic element for HT
cooling water
373 1/E Closing cover
432 3/E Screw
444 3/E Blind plug
456 3/E O-ring

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/E = Qty/Engine
Qty/I = Qty/Individual

2014.12.01 - 1-string, without LT pump - optional

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Mounting of cooling water thermostatic element P51605-06

L21/31S, L21/31

2014.12.01- 2-string, without LT pump - optional

MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51605-06 Mounting of cooling water thermostatic element Page 2 (2)

L21/31S, L21/31
Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

013 2/E Intermediate piece

025 12/E Screw
037 4/E O-ring
049 2/E O-ring
074 3/E Sleeve
086 3/E Sleeve
098 3/E O-ring
108 3/E Washer
121 3/E Retaining ring
133 24/E Screw
145 27/E Locking spring washer
169 3/E Closing screw
170 3/E O-ring
182 2/E Plug screw
194 /I Loctite 638
216 2/E Cover
289 2/E Seal ring
336 3/E Thermostatic element HT cool-
ing water
348 1/E O-ring
361 1/E Closing screw
373 1/E Closing screw
385 1/E Cover
397 1/E Thermostat housing
420 2/E Plug screw
432 3/E Screw
444 3/E Blind plug
456 3/E O-ring

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/E = Qty/Engine
Qty/I = Qty/Individual

2014.12.01- 2-string, without LT pump - optional

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Mounting of cooling water thermostatic element P51605-07

L21/31S, L21/31

2014.12.01 - 1-string, without LT pump and therm. elements - optional

MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51605-07 Mounting of cooling water thermostatic element Page 2 (2)

L21/31S, L21/31
Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

013 1/E Intermediate piece

025 12/E Screw
037 2/E O-ring
049 1/E O-ring
062 1/E Thermostat housing
074 3/E Sleeve
086 3/E Sleeve
098 3/E O-ring
108 3/E Washer
121 3/E Retaining ring
133 9/E Screw
145 21/E Locking spring washer
169 3/E Closing screw
170 3/E O-ring
182 2/E Plug screw
194 /I Loctite 638
204 1/E Cover
216 1/E Cover
228 9/E Screw
241 2/E Cover
253 16/E Screw
265 16/E Lock washer
289 2/E Seal ring
290 2/E Plug screw
336 3/E Thermostatic element for HT
cooling water
373 1/E Closing cover

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/E = Qty/Engine
Qty/I = Qty/Individual

2014.12.01 - 1-string, without LT pump and therm. elements - optional

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Mounting of cooling water thermostatic element P51605-08

L21/31S, L21/31

2014.12.01 - 2-string, without LT pump and therm. elements - optional

MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51605-08 Mounting of cooling water thermostatic element Page 2 (2)

L21/31S, L21/31
Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

013 1/E Intermediate piece

025 12/E Screw
037 2/E O-ring
049 1/E O-ring
074 3/E Sleeve
086 3/E Sleeve
098 3/E O-ring
108 3/E Washer
121 3/E Retaining ring
133 18/E Screw
145 21/E Locking spring washer
169 3/E Closing screw
170 3/E O-ring
182 2/E Plug screw
194 /I Loctite 638
216 1/E Cover
289 2/E Seal ring
336 3/E Thermostatic element HT cool-
ing water
348 1/E O-ring
361 1/E Closing screw
373 1/E Closing screw
385 1/E Cover
397 1/E Thermostat housing
420 2/E Plug screw

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/E = Qty/Engine
Qty/I = Qty/Individual

2014.12.01 - 2-string, without LT pump and therm. elements - optional

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Mounting of cooling water thermostatic element P51605-12

L21/31S, L21/31

2014.12.02 - 1-string
MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51605-12 Mounting of cooling water thermostatic element Page 2 (2)

L21/31S, L21/31
Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

013 2/E Intermediate piece

025 12/E Screw
037 4/E O-ring
049 2/E O-ring
062 1/E Thermostat housing
074 6/E Sleeve
086 6/E Sleeve
098 6/E O-ring
108 6/E Washer
121 6/E Retaining ring
133 18/E Screw
145 27/E Locking spring washer
169 3/E Closing screw
170 3/E O-ring
182 2/E Plug screw
194 /I Loctite 638
204 1/E Cover
216 2/E Cover
228 9/E Screw
241 2/E Cover
253 16/E Screw
265 16/E Lock washer
289 2/E Seal ring
290 2/E Plug screw
324 3/E Thermostatic element for LT
cooling water
336 3/E Thermostatic element for HT
cooling water
373 1/E Closing cover

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/E = Qty/Engine
Qty/I = Qty/Individual

2014.12.02 - 1-string
MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Mounting of cooling water thermostatic element P51605-13

L21/31S, L21/31

2014.09.23 - Tier II, Stationary

MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51605-13 Mounting of cooling water thermostatic element Page 2 (2)

L21/31S, L21/31
Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

013 2/E Intermediate piece

025 12/E Screw
037 4/E O-ring
049 2/E O-ring
074 6/E Sleeve
086 6/E Sleeve
098 6/E O-ring
108 6/E Washer
121 6/E Retaining ring
133 27/E Screw
145 27/E Locking spring washer
169 2/E Closing screw
170 2/E O-ring
182 2/E Plug screw
194 /I Loctite 638
216 2/E Cover
289 2/E Seal ring
324 3/E Thermostatic element for LT
cooling water
336 3/E Thermostatic element for HT
cooling water
348 1/E O-ring
361 1/E Closing screw
373 1/E Closing screw
385 1/E Cover
420 2/E Plug screw
397 1/E Thermostat housing

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/E = Qty/Engine
Qty/I = Qty/Individual

2014.09.23 - Tier II, Stationary

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Mounting of cooling water thermostatic element P51605-17


2014.09.10 - Tier II - Fire Fighting - 100% PTO - 1-string

MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51605-17 Mounting of cooling water thermostatic element Page 2 (2)

Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

013 2/E Intermediate piece 481 /I Sealing paste

025 12/E Screw 493 1/E Thermostatic housing complete
incl. items 074, 086, 098, 108,
037 4/E O-ring 121, 133, 145, 169, 170, 182,
194, 216, 228, 241, 253, 265,
049 2/E O-ring
289, 290, 324, 336, 373, 432,
074 6/E Sleeve 444

086 6/E Sleeve

098 6/E O-ring
108 6/E Washer
121 6/E Retaining ring
133 18/E Screw
145 27/E Locking spring washer
169 3/E Closing screw
170 3/E O-ring
182 2/E Plug screw
194 /I Loctite 638
216 2/E Cover
228 9/E Screw
241 2/E Cover
253 16/E Screw
265 16/E Lock washer
289 2/E Seal ring
290 2/E Plug screw
324 3/E Thermostatic element for LT
cooling water
336 3/E Thermostatic element for HT
cooling water
373 1/E Closing cover
432 1/E Thermostatic housing
444 1/E Cover

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/E = Qty/Engine
Qty/I = Qty/Individual

2014.09.10 - Tier II - Fire Fighting - 100% PTO - 1-string

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Mounting of cooling water thermostatic element P51605-18


2014.09.10 - Tier II - Fire Fighting - 100% PTO - 2-string

MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51605-18 Mounting of cooling water thermostatic element Page 2 (2)

Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

013 2/E Intermediate piece 481 /I Sealing paste

025 12/E Screw 503 1/E Thermostatic housing complete
incl. items 074 , 086 , 098, 108,
037 4/E O-ring 121, 133, 145, 169, 170, 182,
194, 216, 289, 324, 336, 348,
049 2/E O-ring
361, 373, 420, 456, 468
074 6/E Sleeve
086 6/E Sleeve
098 6/E O-ring
108 6/E Washer
121 6/E Retaining ring
133 27/E Screw
145 27/E Locking spring washer
169 2/E Closing screw
170 2/E O-ring
182 2/E Plug screw
194 /I Loctite 638
216 2/E Cover
289 2/E Seal ring
324 3/E Thermostatic element LT cooling
336 3/E Thermostatic element HT cool-
ing water
348 1/E O-ring
361 1/E Closing screw
373 1/E Closing screw
420 2/E Plug screw
456 1/E Thermostatic housing
468 1/E Cover

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/E = Qty/Engine
Qty/I = Qty/Individual

2014.09.10 - Tier II - Fire Fighting - 100% PTO - 2-string

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Fresh water pumps P51610-09

L21/31S, L21/31

2014.12.02 - Clockwise
MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51610-09 Fresh water pumps Page 2 (2)

L21/31S, L21/31
Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

010 2/P O-ring

022 1/P O-ring
034 1/P Depp groove ball bearing
046 1/P Ball bearing
071 1/P Retaining ring
083 1/P Shaft seal
095 1/P Slide ring joint
105 2/E Freshwater pump, complete as
shown on front page
117 4/P Screw
129 1/P Pump housing
130 1/P Impeller
142 1/P Cover
154 3/P Screw
166 3/P Lock washer
178 1/P Shaft
191 1/P Screw
201 1/P Washer
213 1/P Spur gear
225 1/P Washer
237 1/P Screw

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/E = Qty/Engine
Qty/P = Qty/Pump

2014.12.02 - Clockwise
MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Fresh water pumps P51610-14

L21/31S, L21/31

2014.12.02 - for use without LT pump

MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51610-14 Fresh water pumps Page 2 (2)

L21/31S, L21/31
Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

001 1/E Freshwater pump, complete

002 2/P Sealing ring
003 2/P Sealing ring
004 2/P Screw
005 1/P Connecting pipe
007 2/P Screw

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/E = Qty/Engine
Qty/P = Qty/Pump

2014.12.02 - for use without LT pump

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Fresh water pumps P51610-17

L21/31S, L21/31

2014.12.02 - for use without LT pump (long version)

MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51610-17 Fresh water pumps Page 2 (2)

L21/31S, L21/31
Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

001 2/E Freshwater pump, complete

002 2/P Round seal ring
003 2/P Round seal ring
004 2/P Screw
005 1/P Connecting pipe
007 2/P Screw
009 1/P O-ring
010 1/P Freshwater pump, counterclock-
011 1/P Gearwheel
012 1/P Washer
013 1/P Bolt

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/E = Qty/Engine
Qty/P = Qty/Pump

2014.12.02 - for use without LT pump (long version)

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Fresh water pumps P51610-18

L21/31S, L21/31

2014.12.02 - High and low - Clockwise

MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51610-18 Fresh water pumps Page 2 (2)

L21/31S, L21/31
Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

010 2/P O-ring

022 1/P O-ring
034 1/P Depp groove ball bearing
046 1/P Ball bearing
071 1/P Retaining ring
083 1/P Shaft seal
095 1/P Slide ring joint
105 2/E Freshwater pump, complete as
shown on front page
117 4/P Screw
129 1/P Pump housing
130 1/P Impeller
142 1/P Cover
154 3/P Screw
166 3/P Lock washer
178 1/P Shaft
191 1/P Screw
201 1/P Washer
213 1/P Spur gear
225 1/P Washer
237 1/P Screw
249 1/P O-ring

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/E = Qty/Engine
Qty/P = Qty/Pump

2014.12.02 - High and low - Clockwise

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Fresh water pumps P51610-19

L21/31S, L21/31

2014.12.02 - High and low - Clockwise

MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51610-19 Fresh water pumps Page 2 (2)

L21/31S, L21/31
Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

010 2/P O-ring

022 1/P O-ring
034 1/P Depp groove ball bearing
046 1/P Ball bearing
071 1/P Retaining ring
083 1/P Shaft seal
095 1/P Slide ring joint
105 2/P Freshwater pump, complete as
shown on front page
117 4/P Screw
129 1/P Pump housing
130 1/P Impeller
142 1/P Cover
154 3/P Screw
166 3/P Lock washer
178 1/P Shaft
191 1/P Screw
201 1/P Washer
213 1/P Spur gear
225 1/P Washer
237 1/P Screw
249 1/P O-ring

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/E = Qty/Engine
Qty/P = Qty/Pump

2014.12.02 - High and low - Clockwise

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Cooling water pipes/connections P51630-04

L21/31S, L21/31

MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51630-04 Cooling water pipes/connections Page 2 (2)

L21/31S, L21/31
Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

021 2/E Flange

033 /I Seal ring 1)
045 4/E Screw
069 /I Lock washer 2)
070 2/E Intermediate piece
082 2/C Safety clamp
116 1/E Elbow
128 6/E Screw
141 /I Intermediate piece 3)
153 /I Intermediate piece 3)
165 2/C Screw
177 /I Packing-silicone paste

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref- Note 1)

Qty: 4/C+2
ace. 2)
Qty: 2/C+4
Qty: 1/C-1
* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/C = Qty/Cylinder
Qty/E = Qty/Engine
Qty/I = Qty/Individual

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Cooling water pipes/connections P51630-12

L21/31S, L21/31

2016.11.02 - 2-part
MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51630-12 Cooling water pipes/connections Page 2 (2)

L21/31S, L21/31
Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

001 1/E End cover, cooling water 063 7/E High temperature intermediate
pipe, 8 cyl.
002 1/E End cover, cooling water
064 8/E High temperature intermediate
003 6/C+3 Round seal ring pipe, 9 cyl.
004 4/E Hexagon screw
005 2/C+4 Locking spring washer
006 1/E Hexagon head plug screw
007 2/C High temperature intermediate
008 1/E Packing ring
010 2/E High temperature intermediate
011 2/C Claw
012 2/C Hexagon screw
014 2/C V-profile clamp
015 1/E Water elbow
016 4/E Cylinder screw
017 1/E Packing-silicone paste
021 1/E Orifice
050 4/E High temperature intermediate
pipe, 5 cyl.
051 5/E High temperature intermediate
pipe, 6 cyl.
052 6/E High temperature intermediate
pipe, 7 cyl.
053 7/E High temperature intermediate
pipe, 8 cyl.
054 8/E High temperature intermediate
pipe, 9 cyl.
060 4/E High temperature intermediate
pipe, 5 cyl.
061 5/E High temperature intermediate
pipe, 6 cyl.
062 6/E High temperature intermediate
pipe, 7 cyl.

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/C = Qty/Cylinder
Qty/E = Qty/Engine

2016.11.02 - 2-part
MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Preheater - fresh water P51635-14

L21/31S, L21/31

MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51635-14 Preheater - fresh water Page 2 (2)

L21/31S, L21/31
Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

001 1/E Preheater unit 030 4/E Washer

002 1/E Cooling water pipe 031 2/E Pipe clamp
003 1/E Red. adaptor, male/female 032 16/E Washer
004 1/E Solenoid valve 033 8/E Cylinder screw
005 1/E Sleeve 034 1/E Bracket
006 1/E Pipe 035 1/E H.t. intermediate pipe
007 1/E Pipe 036 1/E Bracket
008 1/E Equal elbow coupling 037 9/E Pipe holder
009 1/E Pipe 038 9/E Cylinder screw
010 1/E Bracket
011 3/E Pipe clamp
012 6/E Washer
013 4/E Nut
014 2/E Cylinder screw
015 1/E Bracket
016 2/E Cylinder screw
017 6/E Nut
018 1/E Straight coupling
019 1/E Cooling water pipe
020 1/E Cooling water pipe
021 1/E Packing
022 2/E Elbow coupling
023 1/E Valve
024 1/E Steel pipe
025 2/E Union nut
026 2/E Cutting ring
027 1/E Distance piece
028 2/E Straight male stud coupling
029 8/E Cylinder screw

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/E = Qty/Engine

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (1) Special equipment 517

Kit for inspection of fuel valve .................................................................................... P51701-08
Kit for overhaul of fuel valve ....................................................................................... P51702-10
Kit for complete cylinder unit exchange ..................................................................... P51703-08
Kit for cylinder unit .................................................................................................... P51704-09
Kit for cylinder unit .................................................................................................... P51704-20
Kit for renewal of piston rings .................................................................................... P51706-03
Kit for renewal of piston rings .................................................................................... P51706-08
Kit for high/low temperature freshwater pump .......................................................... P51710-07
Kit for high/low temperature freshwater pump .......................................................... P51710-08
Kit for cover centrifugal filter ...................................................................................... P51715-01
Kit for Rotor, Centrifugal By-pass Filter ..................................................................... P51716-01
Kit for cover nut, centrifugal by-pass filter ................................................................. P51717-01
Kit for Valve, Centrifugal By-pass Filter ...................................................................... P51718-01
Kit for Valve, Centrifugal By-pass Filter ...................................................................... P51718-03
Kit for Seals, Centrifugal By-pass Filter ...................................................................... P51719-01
Kit for fuel oil duplex filter .......................................................................................... P51720-01
Kit for fuel oil duplex filter .......................................................................................... P51720-02
Kit for fuel oil duplex filter .......................................................................................... P51720-03
Kit for automatic back-flush filter ............................................................................... P51721-01
Kit for automatic back-flush filter ............................................................................... P51721-02
Kit for automatic back-flush filter ............................................................................... P51721-03
Kit for lubricating oil filter ........................................................................................... P51725-02
Kit for fuel injection pump .......................................................................................... P51730-16
Kit for pressure valve ................................................................................................ P51731-04
Kit for fuel injection pump connections ...................................................................... P51732-08
Kit for fuel injection pump connections ...................................................................... P51732-09
Kit for fuel injection pump connections ...................................................................... P51732-10
Kit for fuel injection pump connections ...................................................................... P51732-11
Kit for fuel injection pump connections ...................................................................... P51732-12

2017-08-16 - en
MAN Diesel & Turbo
Spare Part Kit Plate
Page 1 (2) Kit for inspection of fuel valve P51701-08

L21/31S, L21/31

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Spare Part Kit Plate
P51701-08 Kit for inspection of fuel valve Page 2 (2)

L21/31S, L21/31
Item No. Qty Item Designation Where to find in the engine instruction book

015 1) 1/C Kit per fuel valve complete, consisting of:

1 O-ring P51401 002
1 O-ring P51401 457
1 O-ring P51402 033
2 Cylindrical pin P51402 094
1 O-ring P51402 104
1 O-ring P51402 236
1 Seal ring P51404 010
2 Seal ring P51404 022
2 Seal ring P51404 046

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref- Note 1)

Please note that this is a kit supply and that any exceeding number
ace. of O-rings and gaskets are not accepted as return goods.
* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/C = Qty/Cylinder

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Spare Part Kit Plate
Page 1 (2) Kit for overhaul of fuel valve P51702-10

L21/31S, L21/31

2017.02.07 - MAN
MAN Diesel & Turbo
Spare Part Kit Plate
P51702-10 Kit for overhaul of fuel valve Page 2 (2)

L21/31S, L21/31
Item No. Qty Item Designation Where to find in the engine instruction book

015 1) 1/C Kit per fuel valve complete, consisting of:

1 O-ring P51401 002
1 O-ring P51401 457
1 Injection nozzle P51402 021
1 O-ring P51402 033
1 Pressure bolt P51702 057
1 Pressure spring P51702 070
2 Cylindrical pin P51402 094
1 O-ring P51402 104
1 O-ring P51402 236
1 Seal ring P51404 010
2 Seal ring P51404 022
2 Seal ring P51404 046

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref- Note 1)

Please note that this is a kit supply and that any exceeding number
ace. of O-rings and gaskets are not accepted as return goods.
* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/C = Qty/Cylinder

2017.02.07 - MAN
MAN Diesel & Turbo
Spare Part Kit Plate
Page 1 (2) Kit for complete cylinder unit exchange P51703-08

L21/31S, L21/31

2017.06.20 - 2-part - MAN

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Spare Part Kit Plate
P51703-08 Kit for complete cylinder unit exchange Page 2 (2)

L21/31S, L21/31
Item No. Qty Item Designation Where to find in the engine instruction book

045 1) 1/C Kit per cylinder unit complete, consisting of:

1 Gasket P50507 043
2 O-ring P50507 080
1 O-ring P50510 014
4 O-ring P51229 027
1 O-ring P51402 033a
1 O-ring P51402 236
1 O-ring P51404 010
2 O-ring P51404 022
8 Seal ring P51630 033b

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref- Note 1)

Please note that this is a kit supply and that any exceeding number
ace. of O-rings and gaskets are not accepted as return goods.
* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/C = Qty/Cylinder

2017.06.20 - 2-part - MAN

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Spare Part Kit Plate
Page 1 (2) Kit for cylinder unit P51704-09

L21/31S, L21/31

2017.06.20 - 2-part - L'Orange

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Spare Part Kit Plate
P51704-09 Kit for cylinder unit Page 2 (2)

L21/31S, L21/31
Item No. Qty Item Designation Where to find in the engine instruction book

021 1) 1/C Kit per cylinder unit, complete consisting of:

1 O-ring P50501 135
2 O-ring P50501 172
2 O-ring P50501 196
1 Gasket P50501 231
2 O-ring P50501 243
2 O-ring P50501 363
2 Circlip P50502 095
4 Conical ring 2/2 P50502 178
1 O-ring P50502 237
1 O-ring P50502 250
4 O-ring P50502 536
1 O-ring P50510 014
1 Sealing ring P50610 031
2 O-ring P50610 055
1 O-ring P50610 209
2 O-ring P50610 210
4 O-ring P51229 027
2 O-ring P51402 033a
1 O-ring P51402 104
1 O-ring P51404 010
2 O-ring P51404 022
2 O-ring P51404 046
8 O-ring P51630 033b

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref- Note 1)

Please note that this is a kit supply and that any exceeding number
ace. of O-rings and gaskets are not accepted as return goods.
* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/C = Qty/Cylinder

2017.06.20 - 2-part - L'Orange

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Spare Part Kit Plate
Page 1 (2) Kit for cylinder unit P51704-20

L21/31S, L21/31

2017.06.20 - 2-part - MAN

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Spare Part Kit Plate
P51704-20 Kit for cylinder unit Page 2 (2)

L21/31S, L21/31
Item No. Qty Item Designation Where to find in the engine instruction book

021 1) 1/C Kit per cylinder unit, complete consisting of:

2 O-ring P50501 172
2 O-ring P50501 196
2 Circlip P50502 095
4 Conical ring 2/2 P50502 178
1 O-ring P50502 237
1 O-ring P50502 250
4 O-ring P50502 536
1 Gasket P50507 043
2 O-ring P50507 055a
2 O-ring P50507 080
1 O-ring P50507 092
1 O-ring P50510 014
1 Sealing ring P50610 031
2 O-ring P50610 055b
1 O-ring P50610 209
2 O-ring P50610 210
4 O-ring P51229 027
1 O-ring P51402 033a
1 O-ring P51402 104
1 O-ring P51402 236
1 O-ring P51404 010
2 O-ring P51404 022
2 O-ring P51404 046
8 Seal ring P51630 033b/003

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref- Note 1)

Please note that this is a kit supply and that any exceeding number
ace. of O-rings and gaskets are not accepted as return goods.
* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/C = Qty/Cylinder

2017.06.20 - 2-part - MAN

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Spare Part Kit Plate
Page 1 (2) Kit for renewal of piston rings P51706-03

L21/31S, L21/31

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Spare Part Kit Plate
P51706-03 Kit for renewal of piston rings Page 2 (2)

L21/31S, L21/31
Item No. Qty Item Designation Where to find in the engine instruction book

024 1) 1/C Kit for renewal of piston rings, consisting of:

1 Piston ring P50601 093
1 Piston ring P50601 103
1 Oil scraper ring P50601 127

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref- Note 1)

Please note that this is a kit supply and that any exceeding number
ace. of O-rings and gaskets are not accepted as return goods.
* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/C = Qty/Cylinder

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Spare Part Kit Plate
Page 1 (2) Kit for renewal of piston rings P51706-08

L21/31S, L21/31

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Spare Part Kit Plate
P51706-08 Kit for renewal of piston rings Page 2 (2)

L21/31S, L21/31
Item No. Qty Item Designation Where to find in the engine instruction book

073 1) 1/C Kit for renewal of piston rings and flame ring complete, consisting of:
1 Piston ring P50601 093
1 Piston ring P50601 103
1 Oil scraper ring P50601 127
1 Flame ring P50610 092

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref- Note 1)

Please note that this is a kit supply and that any exceeding number
ace. of O-rings and gaskets are not accepted as return goods.
* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/C = Qty/Cylinder

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Spare Part Kit Plate
Page 1 (2) Kit for high/low temperature freshwater pump P51710-07

L21/31S, L21/31

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Spare Part Kit Plate
P51710-07 Kit for high/low temperature freshwater pump Page 2 (2)

L21/31S, L21/31
Item No. Qty Item Designation Where to find in the engine instruction book

301 1) 1/P Kit per freshwater pump, consisting of:

2 O-ring P51610 010
1 O-ring P51610 022
1 Depp groove ball bearing P51610 034
1 Ball bearing P51610 046
1 Retaining ring P51610 071
1 Shaft seal P51610 083
1 Slide ring joint P51610 095
4 Screw P51610 117
3 Screw P51610 154
3 Lock washer P51610 166
1 Self locking nut P51610 191
1 Disc P51610 201
1 Washer P51610 225
1 Screw P51610 237
1 O-ring P51610 249
4 O-ring P51605 037
2 O-ring P51605 049

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref- Note 1)

Please note that this is a kit supply and that any exceeding number
ace. of O-rings and gaskets are not accepted as return goods.
* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/P = Qty/Pump

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Spare Part Kit Plate
Page 1 (2) Kit for high/low temperature freshwater pump P51710-08

L21/31S, L21/31

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Spare Part Kit Plate
P51710-08 Kit for high/low temperature freshwater pump Page 2 (2)

L21/31S, L21/31
Item No. Qty Item Designation Where to find in the engine instruction book

313 1) 1/P Kit per freshwater pump, consisting of:

2 O-ring P51610 010
1 O-ring P51610 022
1 Depp groove ball bearing P51610 034
1 Ball bearing P51610 046
1 Retaining ring P51610 071
1 Shaft seal P51610 083
1 Slide ring joint P51610 095
4 Screw P51610 117
3 Screw P51610 154
3 Lock washer P51610 166
1 Shaft P51610 178
1 Self locking nut P51610 191
1 Disc P51610 201
1 Washer P51610 225
1 Screw P51610 237
1 O-ring P51610 249
4 O-ring P51605 037
2 O-ring P51605 049

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref- Note 1)

Please note that this is a kit supply and that any exceeding number
ace. of O-rings and gaskets are not accepted as return goods.
* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/P = Qty/Pump

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Spare Part Kit Plate
Page 1 (2) Kit for cover centrifugal filter P51715-01

L21/31, L21/31S, L27/38S, L27/38

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Spare Part Kit Plate
P51715-01 Kit for cover centrifugal filter Page 2 (2)

L21/31, L21/31S, L27/38S, L27/38

Item No. Qty Item Designation Where to find in the engine instruction book

110 1) 1/F Cover, complete consisting of:

1 Cover P51515 122
1 Cover nut pin P51515 134
1 Cover fixing nut P51515 146
1 Cover nut O-ring P51515 158
1 Cover nut collar P51515 171

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref- Note 1)

Please Note that this is a kit supply, and that any exceeding
ace. number of o-rings and gaskets are not accepted as return goods.
* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/F = Qty/Filter

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Spare Part Kit Plate
Page 1 (2) Kit for Rotor, Centrifugal By-pass Filter P51716-01

L27/38S, L27/38, L21/31S, L21/31

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Spare Part Kit Plate
P51716-01 Kit for Rotor, Centrifugal By-pass Filter Page 2 (2)

L27/38S, L27/38, L21/31S, L21/31

Item No. Qty Item Designation Where to find in the engine instruction book

195 1) 1/F Rotor, complete consisting of:

2 Nozzle P51515 205
1 Bearing tube P51515 217
1 Stand tube P51515 229
1 Circlip P51515 230
1 Rotor O-ring P51515 242
1 Pin P51515 254
1 Rotor cover nut P51515 266
2 Washer P51515 470
1 Circlip P51515 482

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref- Note 1)

Please Note that this is a kit supply, and that any exceeding
ace. number of o-rings and gaskets are not accepted as return goods.
* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/F = Qty/Filter

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Spare Part Kit Plate
Page 1 (2) Kit for cover nut, centrifugal by-pass filter P51717-01

L27/38S, L27/38, L21/31S, L21/31

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Spare Part Kit Plate
P51717-01 Kit for cover nut, centrifugal by-pass filter Page 2 (2)

L27/38S, L27/38, L21/31S, L21/31

Item No. Qty Item Designation Where to find in the engine instruction book

301 1) 1/F Cover nut fixing kit, consisting of:

1 Cover nut pin P51515 134
1 Cover fixing nut P51515 146
1 Cover nut O-ring P51515 158
1 Cover nut collar P51515 171

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref- Note 1)

Please Note that this is a kit supply, and that any exceeding
ace. number of o-rings and gaskets are not accepted as return goods.
* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/F = Qty/Filter

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Spare Part Kit Plate
Page 1 (2) Kit for Valve, Centrifugal By-pass Filter P51718-01

L27/38S, L27/38, L21/31S, L21/31

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Spare Part Kit Plate
P51718-01 Kit for Valve, Centrifugal By-pass Filter Page 2 (2)

L27/38S, L27/38, L21/31S, L21/31

Item No. Qty Item Designation Where to find in the engine instruction book

313 1) 1/F Valve kit consisting of:

1 Plug P51515 433
1 Washer P51515 445
1 Spring P51515 457
1 Shuttle P51515 469

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref- Note 1)

Please Note that this is a kit supply, and that any exceeding
ace. number of o-rings and gaskets are not accepted as return goods.
* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/F = Qty/Filter

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Spare Part Kit Plate
Page 1 (2) Kit for Valve, Centrifugal By-pass Filter P51718-03

L27/38S, L27/38, L21/31S, L21/31

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Spare Part Kit Plate
P51718-03 Kit for Valve, Centrifugal By-pass Filter Page 2 (2)

L27/38S, L27/38, L21/31S, L21/31

Item No. Qty Item Designation Where to find in the engine instruction book

494 1) 1/F Valve kit consisting of:

1 Valve body P51515 026
1 Valve handle P51515 038
1 Nyloc nut P51515 051
1 Valve asapter P51515 063
1 Valve seal P51515 087

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref- Note 1)

Please Note that this is a kit supply, and that any exceeding
ace. number of o-rings and gaskets are not accepted as return goods.
* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/F = Qty/Filter

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Spare Part Kit Plate
Page 1 (2) Kit for Seals, Centrifugal By-pass Filter P51719-01

L27/38S, L27/38, L21/31S, L21/31

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Spare Part Kit Plate
P51719-01 Kit for Seals, Centrifugal By-pass Filter Page 2 (2)

L27/38S, L27/38, L21/31S, L21/31

Item No. Qty Item Designation Where to find in the engine instruction book

325 1) 1/F Seals kit consisting of:

1 Valve seal P51515 087
1 Flange gasket P51515 099
1 Filter body O-ring P51515 109
1 Cover nut ring P51515 158
1 Rotor O-ring P51515 242

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref- Note 1)

Please Note that this is a kit supply, and that any exceeding
ace. number of o-rings and gaskets are not accepted as return goods.
* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/F = Qty/Filter

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Spare Part Kit Plate
Page 1 (2) Kit for fuel oil duplex filter P51720-01

L28/32S, L28/32S-DF, L28/32DF, L23/30DF, L23/30S, L23/30H, L21/31S, L21/31,

L16/24S, L16/24

2016.03.01 - 25 my, DN25

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Spare Part Kit Plate
P51720-01 Kit for fuel oil duplex filter Page 2 (2)

L28/32S, L28/32S-DF, L28/32DF, L23/30DF, L23/30S, L23/30H, L21/31S, L21/31,

L16/24S, L16/24
Item No. Qty Item Designation Where to find in the engine instruction book

001 1/E Kit for complete fuel oil duplex filter

2 O-ring P51415 014
2 O-ring P51415 020
2 Gasket P51415 029
2 Filter element P51415 031

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/E = Qty/Engine

2016.03.01 - 25 my, DN25

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Spare Part Kit Plate
Page 1 (2) Kit for fuel oil duplex filter P51720-02

L21/31S, L21/31, L27/38S, L27/38, L28/32S, L28/32DF, L28/32S-DF

2016.03.01 - 25 my, DN32

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Spare Part Kit Plate
P51720-02 Kit for fuel oil duplex filter Page 2 (2)

L21/31S, L21/31, L27/38S, L27/38, L28/32S, L28/32DF, L28/32S-DF

Item No. Qty Item Designation Where to find in the engine instruction book

001 1/E Kit for complete fuel oil duplex filter

2 O-ring P51415 014
2 O-ring P51415 020
2 Gasket P51415 029
2 Filter element P51415 032

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/E = Qty/Engine

2016.03.01 - 25 my, DN32

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Spare Part Kit Plate
Page 1 (2) Kit for fuel oil duplex filter P51720-03

V28/32S, L27/38S, L27/38, L21/31S, L21/31

2016.03.01 - 25 my, DN40

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Spare Part Kit Plate
P51720-03 Kit for fuel oil duplex filter Page 2 (2)

V28/32S, L27/38S, L27/38, L21/31S, L21/31

Item No. Qty Item Designation Where to find in the engine instruction book

001 1/E Kit for complete fuel oil duplex filter

2 O-ring P51415 015
2 O-ring P51415 021
2 Gasket P51415 030
2 Filter element P51415 033

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/E = Qty/Engine

2016.03.01 - 25 my, DN40

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Spare Part Kit Plate
Page 1 (2) Kit for automatic back-flush filter P51721-01

L28/32S, L27/38S, L27/38, L23/30S, L23/30H, L21/31S, L21/31, L16/24S, L16/24

2016.07.08 - Boll&Kirch, DN40

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Spare Part Kit Plate
P51721-01 Kit for automatic back-flush filter Page 2 (2)

L28/32S, L27/38S, L27/38, L23/30S, L23/30H, L21/31S, L21/31, L16/24S, L16/24

Item No. Qty Item Designation Where to find in the engine instruction book

020 1) 1/F Kit for complete automatic back-flush filter, consisting of:
1 O-ring P51721 030
2 O-ring P51721 031
2 O-ring P51721 032
3 O-ring P51721 034
1 O-ring P51721 035
1 O-ring P51721 036
3 O-ring P51721 038
1 O-ring P51721 040
1 O-ring P51721 041
1 O-ring P51721 042
1 O-ring P51721 043
1 Double grooved ring P51721 045
1 O-ring P51721 046

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref- Note 1)

Please Note that this is a kit supply, and that any exceeding
ace. number of o-rings and gaskets are not accepted as return goods.
* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/F = Qty/Filter

2016.07.08 - Boll&Kirch, DN40

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Spare Part Kit Plate
Page 1 (2) Kit for automatic back-flush filter P51721-02

L28/32S, V28/32S, L27/38S, L27/38, L23/30S, L23/30H, L21/31S, L21/31,

L16/24S, L16/24

2016.07.08 - Boll&Kirch, DN65

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Spare Part Kit Plate
P51721-02 Kit for automatic back-flush filter Page 2 (2)

L28/32S, V28/32S, L27/38S, L27/38, L23/30S, L23/30H, L21/31S, L21/31,

L16/24S, L16/24
Item No. Qty Item Designation Where to find in the engine instruction book

020 1) 1/F Complete kit for automatic back-flush filter

1 O-ring P51721 030
2 O-ring P51721 031
2 O-ring P51721 032
3 O-ring P51721 034
1 O-ring P51721 036
3 O-ring P51721 038
1 O-ring P51721 040
1 O-ring P51721 041
1 O-ring P51721 042
1 O-ring P51721 043
1 Double grooved ring P51721 045
1 O-ring P51721 046
1 O-ring P51721 047

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref- Note 1)

Please Note that this is a kit supply, and that any exceeding
ace. number of o-rings and gaskets are not accepted as return goods.
* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/F = Qty/Filter

2016.07.08 - Boll&Kirch, DN65

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Spare Part Kit Plate
Page 1 (2) Kit for automatic back-flush filter P51721-03

V28/32S, L27/38S, L27/38, L21/31S, L21/31

2016.07.08 - Boll&Kirch, DN80

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Spare Part Kit Plate
P51721-03 Kit for automatic back-flush filter Page 2 (2)

V28/32S, L27/38S, L27/38, L21/31S, L21/31

Item No. Qty Item Designation Where to find in the engine instruction book

020 1) 1/F Complete kit for automatic back-flush filter

1 O-ring P51721 030
2 O-ring P51721 031
2 O-ring P51721 032
4 O-ring P51721 034
1 O-ring P51721 036
2 O-ring P51721 038
1 O-ring P51721 040
1 O-ring P51721 041
1 O-ring P51721 042
1 O-ring P51721 043
1 Double grooved ring P51721 045
1 O-ring P51721 046
1 O-ring P51721 047
1 O-ring P51721 048

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref- Note 1)

Please Note that this is a kit supply, and that any exceeding
ace. number of o-rings and gaskets are not accepted as return goods.
* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/F = Qty/Filter

2016.07.08 - Boll&Kirch, DN80

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Spare Part Kit Plate
Page 1 (2) Kit for lubricating oil filter P51725-02

V28/32S, L23/30H, L27/38S, L27/38, L21/31S, L21/31

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Spare Part Kit Plate
P51725-02 Kit for lubricating oil filter Page 2 (2)

V28/32S, L23/30H, L27/38S, L27/38, L21/31S, L21/31

Item No. Qty Item Designation Where to find in the engine instruction book

000 1) Filter cartriges

1 Filter cartridge (box with 12 pieces) P51502 004
1 Filter cartridge (box with 24 pieces) P51502 016
1 Filter cartridge (box with 48 pieces) P51502 028

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref- Note 1)

Please Note that this is a kit supply, and that any exceeding
ace. number of o-rings and gaskets are not accepted as return goods.
* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Spare Part Kit Plate
Page 1 (2) Kit for fuel injection pump P51730-16

L21/31S, L21/31

2016.06.15 - Tier II, MAN

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Spare Part Kit Plate
P51730-16 Kit for fuel injection pump Page 2 (2)

L21/31S, L21/31
Item No. Qty Item Designation Where to find in the engine instruction book

780 1) 1/C Kit per fuel injection pump complete, consisting of:
1 Seal ring P51401 002
1 Seal ring P51401 146
1 Seal ring P51401 158
1 Seal ring P51401 195
1 Seal ring P51401 217
1 Support ring P51401 457
1 Seal ring P51401 469
1 Seal ring P51401 470
2 Seal ring P51401 482
1 Seal ring P51401 685
2 Support ring P51401 697
1 Seal ring P51401 707
6 Seal ring P51401 768
1 Gasket P51401 864
Wire P51401 996

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref- Note 1)

Please note that this is a kit supply and that any exceeding number
ace. of O-rings and gaskets are not accepted as return goods.
* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/C = Qty/Cylinder

2016.06.15 - Tier II, MAN

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Spare Part Kit Plate
Page 1 (2) Kit for pressure valve P51731-04


2015.10.02 - MAN
MAN Diesel & Turbo
Spare Part Kit Plate
P51731-04 Kit for pressure valve Page 2 (2)

Item No. Qty Item Designation Where to find in the engine instruction book

122 1) 1 Kit for pressure valve complete consisting of:

1 Pressure valve spring P51401 301
1 Spring plate P51401 313
1 Cylindrical pin P51401 577
1 Spring P51401 589
1 Pressure valve P51401 590

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref- Note 1)

Please Note that this is a kit supply, and that any exceeding
ace. number of o-rings and gaskets are not accepted as return goods.
* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/P = Qty/Pump

2015.10.02 - MAN
MAN Diesel & Turbo
Spare Part Kit Plate
Page 1 (2) Kit for fuel injection pump connections P51732-08

L21/31S, L21/31

2015.11.12 - Tier II, MAN, 5 cyl.

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Spare Part Kit Plate
P51732-08 Kit for fuel injection pump connections Page 2 (2)

L21/31S, L21/31
Item No. Qty Item Designation Where to find in the engine instruction book

494 1) 1 Kit for fuel injection pump connections, complete consisting of:
5 Seal ring P51401 002
5 Support ring P51401 457
5 Seal ring P51404 022
22 Seal ring P51435 049
18 Support ring P51435 062
2 Seal ring P51435 145
11 Seal ring P51435 253
5 Seal ring P51435 403
10 Retaining ring P51435 559

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref- Note 1)

Please Note that this is a kit supply, and that any exceeding
ace. number of o-rings and gaskets are not accepted as return goods.
* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/E = Qty/Engine

2015.11.12 - Tier II, MAN, 5 cyl.

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Spare Part Kit Plate
Page 1 (2) Kit for fuel injection pump connections P51732-09

L21/31S, L21/31

2015.11.12 - Tier II, MAN, 6 cyl.

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Spare Part Kit Plate
P51732-09 Kit for fuel injection pump connections Page 2 (2)

L21/31S, L21/31
Item No. Qty Item Designation Where to find in the engine instruction book

494 1) 1 Kit for fuel injection pump connections, complete consisting of:
6 Seal ring P51401 002
6 Support ring P51401 457
6 Seal ring P51404 022
26 Seal ring P51435 049
22 Support ring P51435 062
2 Seal ring P51435 145
13 Seal ring P51435 253
6 Seal ring P51435 403
12 Retaining ring P51435 559

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref- Note 1)

Please Note that this is a kit supply, and that any exceeding
ace. number of o-rings and gaskets are not accepted as return goods.
* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/E = Qty/Engine

2015.11.12 - Tier II, MAN, 6 cyl.

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Spare Part Kit Plate
Page 1 (2) Kit for fuel injection pump connections P51732-10

L21/31S, L21/31

2015.11.12 - Tier II, MAN, 7 cyl.

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Spare Part Kit Plate
P51732-10 Kit for fuel injection pump connections Page 2 (2)

L21/31S, L21/31
Item No. Qty Item Designation Where to find in the engine instruction book

494 1) 1 Kit for fuel injection pump connections, complete consisting of:
7 Seal ring P51401 002
7 Support ring P51401 457
7 Seal ring P51404 022
30 Seal ring P51435 049
26 Support ring P51435 062
2 Seal ring P51435 145
15 Seal ring P51435 253
7 Seal ring P51435 403
14 Retaining ring P51435 559

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref- Note 1)

Please Note that this is a kit supply, and that any exceeding
ace. number of o-rings and gaskets are not accepted as return goods.
* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/E = Qty/Engine

2015.11.12 - Tier II, MAN, 7 cyl.

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Spare Part Kit Plate
Page 1 (2) Kit for fuel injection pump connections P51732-11

L21/31S, L21/31

2015.11.12 - Tier II, MAN, 8 cyl.

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Spare Part Kit Plate
P51732-11 Kit for fuel injection pump connections Page 2 (2)

L21/31S, L21/31
Item No. Qty Item Designation Where to find in the engine instruction book

494 1) 1 Kit for fuel injection pump connections, complete consisting of:
8 Seal ring P51401 002
8 Support ring P51401 457
8 Seal ring P51404 022
34 Seal ring P51435 049
30 Support ring P51435 062
2 Seal ring P51435 145
17 Seal ring P51435 253
8 Seal ring P51435 403
16 Retaining ring P51435 559

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref- Note 1)

Please Note that this is a kit supply, and that any exceeding
ace. number of o-rings and gaskets are not accepted as return goods.
* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/E = Qty/Engine

2015.11.12 - Tier II, MAN, 8 cyl.

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Spare Part Kit Plate
Page 1 (2) Kit for fuel injection pump connections P51732-12

L21/31S, L21/31

2015.11.12 - Tier II, MAN, 9 cyl.

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Spare Part Kit Plate
P51732-12 Kit for fuel injection pump connections Page 2 (2)

L21/31S, L21/31
Item No. Qty Item Designation Where to find in the engine instruction book

494 1) 1 Kit for fuel injection pump connections, complete consisting of:
9 Seal ring P51401 002
9 Support ring P51401 457
9 Seal ring P51404 022
38 Seal ring P51435 049
34 Support ring P51435 062
2 Seal ring P51435 145
19 Seal ring P51435 253
9 Seal ring P51435 403
18 Retaining ring P51435 559

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref- Note 1)

Please Note that this is a kit supply, and that any exceeding
ace. number of o-rings and gaskets are not accepted as return goods.
* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/E = Qty/Engine

2015.11.12 - Tier II, MAN, 9 cyl.

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (1) Driven machinery 518


2017-08-16 - en
MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (1) Subsupplier 518

2017-08-16 - en
MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (1) Specific plant information 519

Resilient Mounting of Generating Sets ....................................................................... 519.03 (12)
Resilient Mounting of Generating Sets ....................................................................... 519.03 (10)

Work card
Fitting Instructions for Resilient Mounting of GenSets ................................................ 519-03.00 (24)
Fitting instructions for resilient mounting of GenSets ................................................. 519-03.00 (25)
Fitting instructions for resilient mounting of GenSets ................................................. 519-03.00 (26)
Fitting instructions for resilient mounting of GenSets ................................................. 519-03.00 (22)
Replacement of Conicals .......................................................................................... 519-03.05 (02)
Replacement of Conicals .......................................................................................... 519-03.05 (04)
Maintenance of Conicals ........................................................................................... 519-03.10 (02)
Maintenance of conicals ........................................................................................... 519-03.10 (04)

Conical element ........................................................................................................ P51903-10
Conical element ........................................................................................................ P51903-05
Loop expansion joint ................................................................................................. P51911-01
Loop expansion joint ................................................................................................. P51911-02
Loop expansion joint ................................................................................................. P51911-03
Flexible hose ............................................................................................................. P51912-01
Expansion joint ......................................................................................................... P51913-01
Expansion bellow ...................................................................................................... P51914-01
Flange for turbocharger - P2 ..................................................................................... P51916-01
Flange for turbocharger - P2 ..................................................................................... P51916-02
Flange for turbocharger - P2 ..................................................................................... P51916-03
Flange for turbocharger - P2 ..................................................................................... P51916-05

2017-08-16 - en
MAN Diesel & Turbo
Description 519.03
Page 1 (2) Resilient Mounting of Generating Sets
Edition 12

Resilient Mounting of Generating Sets 2) The support can also be made by means of
two steel shims, at the top a loose steel shim
On resiliently mounted generating sets, the diesel of at least 75 mm and below a steel shim of at
engine and the alternator are placed on a common least 10 mm which are adjusted for each coni-
rigid base frame mounted on the ship's/machine cal mounting and then welded to the founda-
house's foundation by means of resilient supports, tion.
Conical type.
All connections from the generating set to the exter-
nal systems should be equipped with flexible con-
nections and pipes. Gangway etc. must not be wel-
ded to the external part of the installation.

Resilient Support
A resilient mounting of the generating set is made
with a number of conical mountings. The number
and the distance between them depend on the size
of the plant. These conical mountings are bolted to
the top flange of the base frame (see fig 1).
The setting from unloaded to loaded condition is
normally between 5-11 mm for the conical mount-
The support of the individual conical mounting can
be made in one of the following three ways:

Figure 224: Resilient mounting of generating sets

Figure 225: Support of conicals
1) The support between the bottom flange of the
conical mounting and the foundation is made 3) Finally, the support can be made by means of
with a loose steel shim. This steel shim is chockfast. It is necessary to use two steel
adjusted to an exact measurement (min. 75 shims, the top steel shim should be loose and
mm) for each conical mounting. have a minimum thickness of 75 mm and the
bottom steel shim should be cast in chockfast
with a thickness of at least 10 mm.

2010.08.15 - ES1
MAN Diesel & Turbo
519.03 Description
Resilient Mounting of Generating Sets Page 2 (2)
Edition 12

Irrespective of the method of support, the 75 mm
steel shim is necessary to facilitate a possible future
replacement of the conical mountings, which are
always replaced in pairs.

Check of Crankshaft Deflection

The resiliently mounted generating set is normally
delivered from the factory with engine and alternator
mounted on the common base frame.
Eventhough engine and alternator have been adjus-
ted by the engine builder, with the alternator rotor
placed correctly in the stator and the crankshaft
deflection of the engine (autolog) within the prescri-
bed tolerances, it is recommended to check the
crankshaft deflection (autolog) before starting up the

2010.08.15 - ES1
MAN Diesel & Turbo
Description 519.03
Page 1 (1) Resilient Mounting of Generating Sets
Edition 10

L16/24, L21/31
Resilient Mounting of Generating Sets
On resiliently mounted generating sets, the diesel
engine and the alternator are placed on a common
rigid base frame mounted on the ship's/machine
house's foundation by means of resilient supports,
Conical type.
All connections from the generating set to the exter-
nal systems should be equipped with flexible con-
nections and pipes. Gangway etc. must not be wel-
ded to the external part of the installation.

Resilient Support
The resilient mounting of a generating set is made
with a number of conical mountings. The number
and the distance between them depend on the size
of the plant. The conical mountings are bolted to
the top flange of the base frame (see fig 1).
The setting from unloaded to loaded condition is
normally between 5-11 mm for the conical mount-
The support of the individual conical mounting can
be made in two ways:

Figure 227: Support of conicals.

Check of Crankshaft Deflection

The resiliently mounted generating set is normally
delivered from the factory with engine and alternator
mounted on the common base frame.
Eventhough engine and alternator have been adjus-
ted by the engine builder, with the alternator rotor
placed correctly in the stator and the crankshaft
deflection of the engine (autolog) within the prescri-
bed tolerances, it is recommended to check the
crankshaft deflection (autolog) before starting up the
Figure 226: Resilient mounting of generating sets

1) The support between the bottom flange of the

conical mounting and the foundation is made
with a loose steel shim. This steel shim is
adjusted to an exact measurement (min. 10
mm) for each conical mounting.
2) Finally, the support can be made by means of
chockfast. It is necessary to use one steel
shim. The steel shim should be cast in chock-
fast with a thickness of at least 10 mm.

2010.08.15 - ES1
MAN Diesel & Turbo
Work Card 519-03.00
Page 1 (4) Fitting Instructions for Resilient Mounting of GenSets
Edition 24

L16/24, L21/31

Safety precautions Special tools

Engine stopped Plate No. Item No. Note

Shut-off starting air
Shut off cooling water
Shut off fuel oil
Shut-off cooling oil
Stop lub. oil circulation
Press Blocking - Reset

Short Description
Mounting and adjustment instruction for new Gen-
Set and adjustment instruction for existing plants.

Starting Position Hand Tools

The foundation should be welded and milled off on Ring and open-end spanner, 19 mm
shim surfaces. Ring and open-end spanner, 24 mm
Ring and open-end spanner, 41 mm
Feeler gauge, 1-2 mm
Measurement tool
Hydraulic jack (if necessary)

Related Procedure
Replacement of conicals 519-03.05

Qualified Manpower Replacement and wearing parts

Duration in h : 2 Plate No. Item No. Quantity
Number : 2

Data for pressure and tolerance (Page 500.35)
Data for tightening torque (Page 500.40)
Declaration of weight (Page 500.45)

2016.11.11 - Method 1
MAN Diesel & Turbo
519-03.00 Work Card
Fitting Instructions for Resilient Mounting of GenSets Page 2 (4)
Edition 24

L16/24, L21/31

Mounting and adjustment instructions for

new generating sets (Method 1)

Make Ready for Adjustment of Conical

If the conical elements have not been mounted by
the factory, they must be mounted on the prepared
brackets on the base frame. In case they have been
mounted by the factory, please start with item 4.

Figure 228: Conical mounting

Use protective gloves

9) Turn all the internal buffers by applying a span-
ner to the hexagon (S = 19) to check that they
1) Remove nut (7) and ring (6) from the conical can move freely.
2) Fit the conical element to the bracket on the
If all internal buffers Then
suspended equipment by means of fixing the
central buffer (2), the ring (6) and nut (7). Can move freely Let conical elements settle
for 48 hours.
3) Tighten the nut (7) by hand and simultaneously
block the central buffer (2) by applying a span- Cannot be moved freely Turn the jacking bolts clock-
ner to the hexagon (S = 19) on the top of the wise to release the internal
central buffer (2). buffer.

4) Position the four jacking bolts in the tapped

holes (8) in the bottom flange.
5) Position the jacking bolt with a through-going
of minimum 75 mm.
6) Lower the generating set until it rests com-
pletely on the foundation.
7) Check that all the jacking bolts have full con-
tact with the foundation.
8) Loosen the nut (7).

2016.11.11 - Method 1
MAN Diesel & Turbo
Work Card 519-03.00
Page 3 (4) Fitting Instructions for Resilient Mounting of GenSets
Edition 24

L16/24, L21/31
Measuring of Steel Shim
11) Measure the steel shim on several points to
obtain the highest possible accuracy during

Fabricating Steel Shim

12) Make sure that the minimum height of the steel
shim is 75 mm to secure a future replacement
of the steel shim.Drill the mounting holes in the
steel shim according to the conical base cast-
ing dimensions.

Mounting of the Completed Steel Shim

13) Turn the internal buffer anticlockwise until it
contacts the base casting to secure the loaded
height of each conical element.
14) Lift the generating set with crane or hydraulic
Figure 229: Conical element 15) Remove all the jacking bolts.
16) Position each completed steel shim.
Adjustment of Conical Elements after 48
17) Lower the generating set until it rests com-
After the conical elements have been deflected pletely in itself.
under static load for 48 hours, the loaded height
18) Number each steel shim together with each
(H1) see fig 1, should be measured and compared
conical element.
to the recommended loaded height.
10) Care must be taken, during levelling of the
installation, to ensure that individual mountings
Adjustment of Internal Buffer
are not overloaded. The variation in laden 19) Turn the internal buffer clockwise (downwards)
height should not exceed 2 mm and should until it makes contact with the steel shim or
ideally be less. The laden height can be meas- foundation.
ured between top and base casting at H, on 20) Turn the internal buffer anticlockwise (upwards)
two sides (see fig 1). until it obtains contact with the base casting.
⇨ This must be four full turns.
If Then 21) Turn the internal buffer two full turns clockwise
Difference between max and Level the conical element by (downwards) and check with a feeler gauge
min height exceeds 2 mm adjusting the jacking bolts - between the base casting of the conical ele-
commencing with the coni- ment and the steel shim that the internal buffer
cal element with the largest (2), see fig 1, does not touch the steel shim or
deviation. foundation.
Difference does not exceed The height of the steel mm 22) Tighten the nut (7) with a torque of 300 Nm
2mm shim can be measured. and block the central buffer (2) with a spanner
(S = 19) at the same time.

The difference between the two sides of a conical

mounting should not be more than 0.5 mm.

2016.11.11 - Method 1
MAN Diesel & Turbo
519-03.00 Work Card
Fitting Instructions for Resilient Mounting of GenSets Page 4 (4)
Edition 24

L16/24, L21/31
Mounting of Conical Elements on the
23) Drill four mounting holes in the foundation for
each conical element, either
⇨ a) Mark the positions of the mounting holes
on the foundation through the conical ele-
(Re)move the set completely so that the
markings can be reached by drilling with
conventional tools.
Place the set on its former position by align-
ing it with the drilled holes.
⇨ or
⇨ b) Drill the mounting holes in the foundation
by means of the drilling pattern from the
installation drawing.
The drilling has to be done on beforehand
and the set must be aligned with the foun-
dation holes before the work starts to avoid
further removal of the set.
24) Fix the conical element and the steel shim to
the foundation with four bolts.

After completion of all works the buffer clearance

must be checked, see points 19, 20, 21 and 22.

2016.11.11 - Method 1
MAN Diesel & Turbo
Work Card 519-03.00
Page 1 (4) Fitting instructions for resilient mounting of GenSets
Edition 25

L16/24, L21/31

Safety precautions Special tools

Engine stopped Plate No. Item No. Note

Shut-off starting air
Shut off cooling water
Shut off fuel oil
Shut-off cooling oil
Stop lub. oil circulation
Press Blocking - Reset

Short Description
Mounting and adjustment instruction for new Gen-
Set and adjustment instruction for existing plants.

Starting Position Hand Tools

The foundation should be welded and milled off on Ring and open-end spanner, 19 mm
shim surfaces. Ring and open-end spanner, 24 mm
Ring and open-end spanner, 41 mm
Feeler gauge, 1-2 mm
Measurement tool
Hydraulic jack (if necessary)

Related Procedure
Replacement of conicals 519-03.05

Qualified Manpower Replacement and wearing parts

Duration in h : 2 Plate No. Item No. Quantity
Number : 2

Data for pressure and tolerance (Page 500.35)
Data for tightening torque (Page 500.40)
Declaration of weight (Page 500.45)

2016.11.11 - Method 2
MAN Diesel & Turbo
519-03.00 Work Card
Fitting instructions for resilient mounting of GenSets Page 2 (4)
Edition 25

L16/24, L21/31
1) Remove nut (7) and ring (6) from the conical
2) Fit the conical element to the bracket on the
suspended equipment by means of fixing the
central buffer (2), the ring (6) and nut (7).
3) Tighten the nut (7) by hand and simultaneously
block the central buffer (2) by applying a span-
Mounting and adjustment instructions for ner to the hexagon (S = 19) on the top of the
central buffer (2).
new generating sets (Method 2)
A 75 mm supporting steel shim, complete with
holes for four jacking bolts and mounting holes dril-
Make ready for adjustment of conical led according to conical base casting dimensions,
elements is required
If the conical elements have not been mounted by 4) Position the supporting steel shim as per fig 1
the factory, they must be mounted on the prepared and locate the conical element by means of
brackets on the base frame. In case they have been dowel pins.
mounted by the factory, please start with item 4. 5) Position the jacking bolts in the tapped holes in
the supporting steel shim as per fig 1.
6) Position the jacking bolts with a through-going
of minimum 10 mm, see fig 1.
7) Lowed generating set until it rests completely
on the foundation.
Use protective gloves
8) Check that all jacking bolts have full contact
with the foundation.
9) Loosen the nut (7).
10) Turn all the internal buffers by applying a span-
ner to the hexagon (S = 19) to check that they
can move freely.

If all internal buffers Then

Can move freely Let conical elements settle
for 48 hours.
Cannot be moved freely Turn the three jacking bolts
in the supporting steel shim
clockwise, or anticlockwise
to release the internal buffer.

Figure 230: Conical mounting

2016.11.11 - Method 2
MAN Diesel & Turbo
Work Card 519-03.00
Page 3 (4) Fitting instructions for resilient mounting of GenSets
Edition 25

L16/24, L21/31
Measuring of steel shim
12) Measure the steel shim on several points to
obtain the highest possible accuracy during

Fabricating steel shim

13) Make sure that the minimum height of the steel
shim is 10 mm to secure the future replace-
ment of the supporting steel shim.
Drill the mounting holes in the steel shim according
to the conical base casting dimensions.

Mounting of the completed steel shim

14) Lift the generating set 1 mm totally be means
of the three jacking bolts.
15) Position each completed steel shim.
16) Re-lower the generating set by means of the
Figure 231: Conical element
three jacking bolts until it rests completely in

Adjustment of conical elements after 48

Adjustment of internal buffer
hours settling
17) Turn the internal buffer clockwise (downwards)
After the conical elements have been deflected until it makes contact with the steel shim or
under static load for 48 hours, the loaded height foundation.
(H1) see fig 1, should be measured and compared
to the recommended loaded height. 18) Turn the internal buffer anticlockwise (upwards)
until it obtains contact with the base casting.
11) Care must be taken, during levelling of the
installation, to ensure that individual mountings ⇨ This must be four full turns.
are not overloaded. The variation in laden 19) Turn the internal buffer two full turns clockwise
height should not exceed 2 mm and should (downwards) and check with a feeler gauge
ideally be less. The laden height can be meas- between the base casting of the conical ele-
ured between top and base casting at H, on ment and the steel shim that the internal buffer
two sides (see fig 1). (2), see fig 1, does not touch the steel shim or
20) Tighten the nut (7) with a torque of 300 Nm
If Then
and block the central buffer (2) with a spanner
Difference between max and Level the conical element by (S = 19) at the same time.
min height exceeds 2mm adjusting the jacking bolts -
commencing with the coni-
cal element with the largest Mounting of conical elements on the
deviation. foundation
Difference does not exceed The height of the steel mm 21) Remove the dowel pins.
2mm shim can be measured.
22) Drill four mounting holes in the foundation for
each conical element, either
The difference between the two sides of the conical ⇨ a) Mark the positions of the mounting holes
mounting should not be more than 0.5 mm. on the foundation through the conical ele-

2016.11.11 - Method 2
MAN Diesel & Turbo
519-03.00 Work Card
Fitting instructions for resilient mounting of GenSets Page 4 (4)
Edition 25

L16/24, L21/31
(Re)move the set completely so that the
markings can be reached by drilling with
conventional tools.
Place the set on its former position by align-
ing it with the drilled holes.
⇨ or
⇨ b) Drill the mounting holes in the foundation
by means of the drilling pattern from the
installation drawing.
The drilling has to be done on beforehand
and the set must be aligned with the foun-
dation holes before the work starts to avoid
further removal of the set.
23) Fix the conical element and the supporting
steel shim/steel shim to the foundation with
four bolts.
24) Weld the lowest steel shim to the foundation

After completion of all works the buffer clearance

must be checked, see points 17, 18, 19 and 20.

2016.11.11 - Method 2
MAN Diesel & Turbo
Work Card 519-03.00
Page 1 (4) Fitting instructions for resilient mounting of GenSets
Edition 26

L16/24, L21/31

Safety precautions Special tools

Engine stopped Plate No. Item No. Note

Shut off starting air
Shut off cooling water
Shut off fuel oil
Shut-off cooling oil
Stop lub. oil circulation
Press Blocking - Reset

Short Description
Mounting and adjustment instruction for new Gen-
Set and adjustment instruction for existing plants.

Starting Position Hand Tools

The foundation should be welded and milled off on Ring and open-end spanner, 19 mm
shim surfaces. Ring and open-end spanner, 24 mm
Ring and open-end spanner, 41 mm
Feeler gauge, 1-2 mm
Measurement tool
Hydraulic jack (if necessary)

Related Procedure
Replacement of conicals 519-03.05

Qualified Manpower Replacement and wearing parts

Duration in h : 2 Plate No. Item No. Quantity
Number : 2

Data for pressure and tolerance (Page 500.35)
Data for tightening torque (Page 500.40)
Declaration of weight (Page 500.45)

2016.11.11 - Method 3
MAN Diesel & Turbo
519-03.00 Work Card
Fitting instructions for resilient mounting of GenSets Page 2 (4)
Edition 26

L16/24, L21/31

Mounting and adjustment instructions for

new generating sets (Method 3)

Make ready for adjustment of conical

If the conical elements have not been mounted by
the factory, they must be mounted on the prepared
brackets on the base frame. In case they have been
mounted by the factory, please start with item 4.

Figure 232: Conical mounting

Use protective gloves

1) Remove nut (7) and ring (6) from the conical

2) Fit the conical element to the bracket on the
suspended equipment by means of fixing the
central buffer (2), the ring (6) and nut (7).
3) Tighten the nut (7) by hand and simultaneously
block the central buffer (2) by applying a span-
ner to the hexagon (S = 19) on the top of the
central buffer (2).
A 75 mm supporting steel shim, complete with
tapped holes for three jacking bolts, four
mounting holes and four tapped holes, drilled
according to the conical base casting dimen-
sion, is required see fig 1.
4) Position the supporting steel shim as per fig 1
and locate the conical element by means of
four hold-down bolts.

2016.11.11 - Method 3
MAN Diesel & Turbo
Work Card 519-03.00
Page 3 (4) Fitting instructions for resilient mounting of GenSets
Edition 26

L16/24, L21/31
9) Care must be taken, during levelling of the
installation, to ensure that individual mountings
are not overloaded. The variation in laden
height should not exceed 2 mm and should
ideally be less. The laden height can be meas-
ured between top and base casting at H, on
two sides (see fig 1).

If Then
Difference between max and Level the conical element by
min height exceeds 2 mm adjusting the jacking bolts -
commencing with the coni-
cal element with the largest
1 Base casting 2 Central buffer (spindle)
3 Synthetic bush 4 Rubber element
Difference does not exceed The height of the steel shim
5 Top casting 6 Ring 2mm and the shockfast can be
7 Nut 8 Tapped hole M12 measured.

Figure 233: Conical element

The difference between the two sides of the conical
5) Position the jacking bolts in the tapped holes in mounting should not be more than 0.5 mm.
the supporting steel shim as per fig 1.
6) Position the jacking bolts with a through-going Measuring of steel shim and shockfast
of minimum 10 mm plus permitted thickness, 10) The steel shim should be at least 10 mm heigh.
as specified from the chockfast supplier, see
fig 1. Check the minimum permitted thickness of chock-
fast for the load and surface of this application with
7) Lowed the generating set until it rests com- chockfast supplier.
pletely on the foundation.
8) Check that all jacking bolts have full contact Fabricating steel shim
with the foundation.
Make sure that the minimum height of the steel
shim is 10 mm to secure a future replacement of
If all internal buffers Then the supporting steel shim.

Can move freely Let conical elements settle 11) Drill the mounting holes in the steel shim
for 48 hours. according to the mounting holes in the sup-
porting steel shim.
Cannot be moved freely Turn the three jacking bolts
in the supporting steel shim
clockwise, or anticlockwise Adjustment of Internal Buffer
and slacken the four hold-
12) Turn the internal buffer clockwise (downwards)
down bolts to release the
internal buffer. until it makes contact with the steel shim or
13) Turn the internal buffer anticlockwise (upwards)
Adjustment of conical elements after 48 until it obtains contact with the base casting.
hours settling
This must be four full turns.
After the conical elements have been deflected 14) Turn the internal buffer two full turns clockwise
under static load for 48 hours, the loaded height (H) (downwards) and check with a feeler gauge
see fig 1, should be measured and compared to the between the base casting of the conical ele-
recommended loaded height.

2016.11.11 - Method 3
MAN Diesel & Turbo
519-03.00 Work Card
Fitting instructions for resilient mounting of GenSets Page 4 (4)
Edition 26

L16/24, L21/31
ment and the steel shim that the internal buffer
(2), see fig 1, does not touch the steel shim or
15) Tighten the nut (7) with a torque of 300 Nm
and blocking the internal buffer (2) with a span-
ner at the same time, see fig 1.

Mounting of Conical Elements on the

16) Drill mounting holes in the foundation accord-
ing to the supporting steel shim/steel shim and
chockfast, either
▪ Mark the positions of the mounting holes on the
foundation through the supporting steel shim.
(Re)move the set completely so that the mark-
ings can be reached by drilling with conven-
tional tools.
Place the set on its former position by aligning it
with the drilled holes.
▪ or
▪ Drill the mounting holes in the foundation by
means of the drilling pattern.
The drilling has to be done on beforehand and
the set must be aligned with the foundation
holes before the work starts to avoid further
removal of the set.
Make sure that the mounting bolts are isolated from
the chockfast.

After completion of all works, the buffer clear-

ance must be checked, see points 13, 14, 15
and 16.

2016.11.11 - Method 3
MAN Diesel & Turbo
Work Card 519-03.00
Page 1 (3) Fitting instructions for resilient mounting of GenSets
Edition 22

L16/24, L21/31

Safety precautions Special tools

Engine stopped Plate No. Item No. Note

Shut-off starting air
Shut off cooling water
Shut off fuel oil
Shut-off cooling oil
Stop lub. oil circulation
Press Blocking - Reset

Short Description
Mounting and adjustment instruction for new Gen-
Set and adjustment instruction for existing plants.

Starting Position Hand Tools

The foundation should be welded and milled off on Ring and open-end spanner, 19 mm
shim surfaces. Ring and open-end spanner, 24 mm
Ring and open-end spanner, 41 mm
Ring and open-end spanner, 65 mm
Feeler gauge, 1-2 mm
Measurement tool
Hydraulic jack (if necessary)

Related Procedure
Replacement of conicals 519-03.05

Qualified Manpower Replacement and wearing parts

Duration in h : 2 Plate No. Item No. Quantity
Number : 2

Data for pressure and tolerance (Page 500.35)
Data for tightening torque (Page 500.40)
Declaration of weight (Page 500.45)

2016.11.11 - 2-part
MAN Diesel & Turbo
519-03.00 Work Card
Fitting instructions for resilient mounting of GenSets Page 2 (3)
Edition 22

L16/24, L21/31
3) Fit the conical element to the bracket on the
suspended equipment by means of fixing the
central buffer (3), the washer (5) and nut (1).
4) Tighten the nut (1) by hand and simultaneously
block the central buffer (3) by applying a span-
ner to the hexagon (S = 19) on the top of the
central buffer (3).

Mounting and adjustment instructions for 5) Position the four jacking bolts in the tapped
holes in the bottom flange (6).
new generating sets
6) Lower the generating set until it rests com-
pletely on the foundation.
Make ready for adjustment of conical
7) Loosen the nut (1).
8) Turn all the central buffers (3) by applying a
If the conical elements have not been mounted by spanner to the hexagon (S = 19) to check that
the factory, they must be mounted on the top they can move freely.
flange of the base frame. In case they have been
mounted by the factory, please start with item 4. 9) Check with the feeler gauge that central buffer
is not in contact with the foundation.
1) Remove nut (1) and washer (5) from the conical
2) Adjustment nut (2) has to be turned down until If all internal buffers Then
it gets in contact with the upper surface of the Can move freely Let conical elements settle
top casting. for 48 hours.
Cannot be moved freely Turn the jacking bolts clock-
wise to release the internal

1 Nut 2 Adjustment nut

3 Central buffer 4 Jack-up bolt
5 Washer 6 Bottom flange
Figure 234: Conical mounting
7 Top casting 8 Rubber element

Figure 235: Conical element

2016.11.11 - 2-part
MAN Diesel & Turbo
Work Card 519-03.00
Page 3 (3) Fitting instructions for resilient mounting of GenSets
Edition 22

L16/24, L21/31
Adjustment of conical elements after 48 17) Turn the internal buffer 2 turn clockwise and
hours setting check with a feeler gauge between the bottom
flange on the conical element and the founda-
After the conical elements have been deflected tion that the internal buffer (3) does not touch
under static load for 48 hours, the loaded height the foundation.
(H1) see fig 1, should be measured and compared
18) Tighten the nut (1) with a torque of 300 Nm
to the recommended loaded height.
and block the central buffer (3) with a spanner
10) Care must be taken, during levelling of the (S = 19) during the tightening.
installation, to ensure that individual mountings
are not overloaded. The variation in laden
Mounting of conical elements on the
height should not exceed 2 mm and should
ideally be less. The laden height can be meas- foundation
ured between top and base casting at H, on 19) Drill four mounting holes in the foundation for
two sides (see fig 1). each conical element, either
▪ Mark the positions of the mounting holes on the
foundation through the conical element.
If Then
(Re)move the set completely so that the mark-
Difference between max and Level the conical element by ings can be reached by drilling with conven-
min height exceeds 2 mm adjusting the jacking bolts - tional tools.
commencing with the coni- Place the set on its former position by aligning it
cal element with the largest
with the drilled holes.
Difference does not exceed The height between bottom or
2mm flange and foundation can be
measured. ▪ Drill the mounting holes in the foundation by
means of the drilling pattern from the installation
The difference between the two sides of a conical The drilling has to be done on beforehand and
mounting should not be more than 0.5 mm. the set must be aligned with the foundation
holes before the work starts to avoid further
removal of the set.
Height adjustment
20) Fix the conical element to the foundation with
11) Turn the internal buffer anticlockwise until it four bolts.
contacts the base casting to secure the loaded
height of each conical element.
12) Lift the generating set with crane or hydraulic
13) Turn the adjustment nut (2) to the measured
height (see point 10) max 5 mm above the top
After completion of all works the buffer clearance
14) Lower the generating set until it rests com- must be checked, see points 15-18.
pletely in itself.

Adjustment of internal buffer

15) Turn the internal buffer clockwise until it makes
contact with the foundation.
16) Turn the internal buffer anticlockwise until it
obtains contact with the base casting.
This must be four full turns.

2016.11.11 - 2-part
MAN Diesel & Turbo
Work Card 519-03.05
Page 1 (3) Replacement of Conicals
Edition 02

L16/24, L21/31

Safety precautions Special tools

Engine stopped Plate No. Item No. Note

Shut-off starting air
Shut off cooling water
Shut off fuel oil
Shut-off cooling oil
Stop lub. oil circulation
Press Blocking - Reset

Short Description
Replacement of conicals.

Starting Position Hand Tools

Safety precautions. Hydraulic jack

Related Procedure
Fitting instructions for resilient

Qualified Manpower Replacement and wearing parts

Duration in h : - Plate No. Item No. Quantity
Number : 2 51903 013 4/E

Data for pressure and tolerance (Page 500.35)
Data for tightening torque (Page 500.40)
Declaration of weight (Page 500.45)

MAN Diesel & Turbo
519-03.05 Work Card
Replacement of Conicals Page 2 (3)
Edition 02

L16/24, L21/31

Replacement of Conicals

Use protective gloves

A One pair

Figure 236: The conicals must be replaced in pairs

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Work Card 519-03.05
Page 3 (3) Replacement of Conicals
Edition 02

L16/24, L21/31
1) Loosen all the holding down-bolts for the coni-
cals in one side.
2) Mount a jack under the base frame, see fig 2.
3) Lift the GenSet until the steel shim can be
removed. This will give enough space for
removing damaged conical.
4) Mount the GenSet conical.

Conicals should only be replaced in pairs, see
fig 1and plate 51903.
5) Lower the GenSet again.
6) Repeat items 1-5 for the other side.
7) Adjust the conicals, please see working card
519-03.00 "Fitting instructions for resilient
mounting of GenSet.

1 Nut 2 Conical mounting

3 Adjusting screw 4 Holding down bolts
5 Steel shim 6 Foundation
7 Bracket 8 Deck
9 Jack

Figure 237: Removal of conicals

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Work Card 519-03.05
Page 1 (2) Replacement of Conicals
Edition 04

L16/24, L21/31

Safety precautions Special tools

Engine stopped Plate No. Item No. Note

Shut-off starting air
Shut off cooling water
Shut off fuel oil
Shut-off cooling oil
Stop lub. oil circulation
Press Blocking - Reset

Short Description
Replacement of conicals.

Starting Position Hand Tools

Safety precautions. Hydraulic jack

Related Procedure
Fitting instructions for resilient

Qualified Manpower Replacement and wearing parts

Duration in h : - Plate No. Item No. Quantity
Number : 2 51903 013 4/E

Data for pressure and tolerance (Page 500.35)
Data for tightening torque (Page 500.40)
Declaration of weight (Page 500.45)

MAN Diesel & Turbo
519-03.05 Work Card
Replacement of Conicals Page 2 (2)
Edition 04

L16/24, L21/31

Replacement of Conicals
The central buffer is divided in two parts and will be
mentioned as central buffer lower part and central
buffer upper part.

Use protective glasses

1) Loosen all the conicals in one side of the 1 Nut 2 Adjustment nut
engine and remove the nut from the central 3 Central buffer 4 Jack-up bolt
5 Washer 6 Bottom flange
2) Use the 19 mm. spanner and turn the central
7 Top casting 8 Rubber element
buffer anticlockwise until the buffer hits the
base-casting and divides in two and remove Figure 238: Removal of conicals
the upper part.
3) Mount the hydraulic jack under the base frame.
4) Lift the GenSet until the conical can be
5) Remove the nut and the upper part of the cen-
tral buffer, from the new conical.
6) Mount the new conical. Add Loctite 243 to the
tread connection between upper and lower
part of the central buffer.
7) Lower the Genset from the hydraulic jack.
8) Use the 19 mm spanner and turn the central
buffer clockwise until it hits the foundation and
tighten to 300 Nm.
9) Follow the procedure "Loosing central buffer".
Please see the working card 519-03.10 "Main-
tenance of conical"
10) Repeat items 1-8 for the other side.
11) Adjust the conicals, please see working card
519-03.00 "Fitting instructions for resilient
mounting of GenSet.

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Work Card 519-03.10
Page 1 (2) Maintenance of Conicals
Edition 02

L16/24, L21/31

Safety precautions Special tools

Engine stopped Plate No. Item No. Note

Shut-off starting air
Shut off cooling water
Shut off fuel oil
Shut-off cooling oil
Stop lub. oil circulation
Press Blocking - Reset

Short Description
Control and adjustment of conicals.

Starting Position Hand Tools

Ring and open-end spanner.
Feeler gauge, 2 mm.

Related Procedure

Qualified Manpower Replacement and wearing parts

Duration in h : 2 Plate No. Item No. Quantity
Number : 1

Data for pressure and tolerance (Page 500.35)
Data for tightening torque (Page 500.40)
Declaration of weight (Page 500.45)

MAN Diesel & Turbo
519-03.10 Work Card
Maintenance of Conicals Page 2 (2)
Edition 02

L16/24, L21/31

Visual check
What to check

1 Nut 2 Internal buffer
Use protective gloves
3 Conical base casting 4 Steel shim
1) Check for oil deposits on the rubber element.
2) Check for loose mounting bolts. Figure 239: Conical
3) Check for damage in the rubber element.
Result of visual check Adjustment of conicals
If Then 5) Remove protective cap by loosen the nut (1).

everything is OK continue to next conical 6) Turn internal buffer (2) clockwise until it makes
contact with the steel shim (4).
oil deposits on rubber ele- clean rubber element
ment are observed 7) Turn internal buffer (2) anti-clockwise until it
makes contact with the conical base casting
loose mounting bolts fasten mounting bolts (3). This must be done in four full rotations.
damage to conicals is replace conical according to 8) Turn internal buffer (2) two full rotations clock-
observed Working card 519-03.05 wise. This will ensure full vertical movement for
the buffer.
Clearance check 9) Check all conicals again.
What to check 10) Tighten the nut (1), see page 500.40 and at the
4) Check clearance on all conicals between steel same time block the internal buffer (2) with a
shim and internal buffer through the slot in the spanner.
base casting of the conical (see fig 1) with a 11) Check the corrosion protection grease and refit
feeler gauge of approx. 2 mm. the protection cap.
Result of clearance check
If Then
everything is OK check is completed
everything is not OK adjust conicals which do not
comply with the clearance
demands acc. to item 5-10.
Recheck all conicals acc. to
item 4.
everything is still not OK replace conicals acc. to
Working card 519-03.05

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Work Card 519-03.10
Page 1 (3) Maintenance of conicals
Edition 04

L16/24, L21/31

Safety precautions Special tools

Engine stopped Plate No. Item No. Note

Shut-off starting air
Shut off cooling water
Shut off fuel oil
Shut-off cooling oil
Stop lub. oil circulation
Press Blocking - Reset

Short Description
Control and adjustment of conicals.

Starting Position Hand Tools

Ring and open end spanner, 19 mm
Ring and open end spanner, 41 mm
Ring and open end spanner, 65 mm
Feeler gauge, 2 mm
Hydraulic jack

Related Procedure

Qualified Manpower Replacement and wearing parts

Duration in h : 2 Plate No. Item No. Quantity
Number : 1

Data for pressure and tolerance (Page 500.35)
Data for tightening torque (Page 500.40)
Declaration of weight (Page 500.45)

MAN Diesel & Turbo
519-03.10 Work Card
Maintenance of conicals Page 2 (3)
Edition 04

L16/24, L21/31

Visual check
What to check

Use protective gloves
1 Nut 2 Adjustment nut
1) Check for oil deposits on the rubber element.
3 Rubber element 4 Jacking screw
2) Check for loose mounting bolts.
5 Base casting 6 Central buffer
3) Check for damage in the rubber element.
Result of visual check Figure 240: Conical

If Then
Adjustment of conicals
everything is OK continue to next conical
5) Nut (1) must be loose.
oil deposits on rubber ele- clean rubber element
ment are observed
6) Check that the central buffer can be easily
turned. If not see the procedure for "Loosing
loose mounting bolts fasten mounting bolts Central buffer".
damage to conicals is replace conical according to 7) Measure the compression at each element 48
observed Working card 519-03.05 hours after installation. Maximum deviation ±2
from average is acceptable. Deviation ±1mm is
Clearance check perfect.
8) If deviation is out of tolerance adjust the height
What to check
with the adjustment nut (2). Use spanner 65
4) Check clearance on all conicals between steel mm. It may be necessary to lift the GenSet
shim and internal buffer through the slot in the slightly with a hydraulic jack. Make sure that all
base casting of the conical (see fig 1) with a Central buffers can be turned freely at all time.
feeler gauge of approx. 2 mm.
9) Check compression of element again. If out of
Result of clearance check tolerance repeat from 8.
If Then 10) Turn the central buffer anti clockwise without
restriction until slight contact at top.
everything is OK check is completed
11) Turn the central buffer clockwise and check
everything is not OK adjust conicals which do not that it can be turned freely 3½-4 turns.
comply with the clearance
demands acc. to item 5-10. 12) Turn central buffer anticlockwise 2-2½ turns.
Recheck all conicals acc. to
13) Tighten top nut (1) without turning the central
item 4.
buffer. Tighten hard max 300 Nm.
everything is still not OK replace conicals acc. to
Working card 519-03.05
Loosing central buffer
14) Turn the central buffer (6) clockwise until it
makes contact with the foundation and tighten
with 300 Nm.

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Work Card 519-03.10
Page 3 (3) Maintenance of conicals
Edition 04

L16/24, L21/31
15) Use the jacking screws (4) to lift the base cast-
ing until the central buffer can be turned freely.
Make sure that there is no contact between
thread of central buffer and the base frame.
16) Turn the central buffer two turns anticlockwise.
17) Lovers the base casting by the Jacking screws
and tighten the holding bolts.
18) Check that the central buffer can be turned
freely. If not go to point 14 again.

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Conical element P51903-10

L16/24, L21/31

2015.10.21 - RD314/315D
MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51903-10 Conical element Page 2 (2)

L16/24, L21/31
Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

108 - Conical element, shore a 45

121 - Conical element, shore a 50
133 - Conical element, shore a 55
145 - Conical element, shore a 60
157 - Conical element, shore a 65
169 - Conical element, shore a 70
170 - Conical element, shore a 75
182 - Conical element, shore a 45
194 - Conical element, shore a 50
204 - Conical element, shore a 55
216 - Conical element, shore a 60
228 - Conical element, shore a 65

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately

2015.10.21 - RD314/315D
MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Conical element P51903-05

L16/24, L21/31

2004.05.24 - 2-part
MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51903-05 Conical element Page 2 (2)

L16/24, L21/31
Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

013 1/M Conical element complete

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/M = Qty/Mounting

2004.05.24 - 2-part
MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Loop expansion joint P51911-01

V28/32S, L28/32S, L28/32DF, L27/38S, L27/38, L23/30DF, L23/30S, L23/30H,

L21/31S, L21/31, L16/24S, L16/24

2017.05.29 - Type A
MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51911-01 Loop expansion joint Page 2 (2)

V28/32S, L28/32S, L28/32DF, L27/38S, L27/38, L23/30DF, L23/30S, L23/30H,

L21/31S, L21/31, L16/24S, L16/24
Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

017 2/E Loop expansion joint DN15 -

500 mm
029 2/E Loop expansion joint DN20 -
500 mm
030 2/E Loop expansion joint DN20 -
575 mm
042 2/E Loop expansion joint DN25 -
650 mm
054 2/E Loop expansion joint DN25 -
750 mm
245 2/E Loop expansion joint DN20 -
550 mm
257 2/E Loop expansion joint DN25 -
500 mm

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/E = Qty/Engine

2017.05.29 - Type A
MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Loop expansion joint P51911-02

L28/32DF, V28/32S, L28/32S, L27/38S, L27/38, L23/30DF, L23/30S, L23/30H,

L21/31S, L21/31, L16/24S, L16/24

2015.10.01 - Type B - DIN

MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51911-02 Loop expansion joint Page 2 (2)

L28/32DF, V28/32S, L28/32S, L27/38S, L27/38, L23/30DF, L23/30S, L23/30H,

L21/31S, L21/31, L16/24S, L16/24
Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

091 1/E Loop expansion joint DN15 -

500 mm
101 1/E Loop expansion joint DN25 -
650 mm

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/E = Qty/Engine

2015.10.01 - Type B - DIN

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Loop expansion joint P51911-03

L28/32DF, L28/32S, V28/32S, L27/38S, L27/38, L23/30DF, L23/30S, L23/30H,

L21/31S, L21/31, L16/24S, L16/24

2015.10.01 - Type C - DIN

MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51911-03 Loop expansion joint Page 2 (2)

L28/32DF, L28/32S, V28/32S, L27/38S, L27/38, L23/30DF, L23/30S, L23/30H,

L21/31S, L21/31, L16/24S, L16/24
Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

137 1/E Loop expansion joint DN15 -

500 mm
149 1/E Loop expansion joint DN20 -
575 mm

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/E = Qty/Engine

2015.10.01 - Type C - DIN

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Flexible hose P51912-01

L28/32DF, L23/30DF, V28/32S, L28/32S, L27/38S, L27/38, L23/30S, L23/30H,

L21/31S, L21/31, L16/24S, L16/24

2015.09.22 - DIN
MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51912-01 Flexible hose Page 2 (2)

L28/32DF, L23/30DF, V28/32S, L28/32S, L27/38S, L27/38, L23/30S, L23/30H,

L21/31S, L21/31, L16/24S, L16/24
Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

012 - Flexible hose, DN15 - 500 mm

024 - Flexible hose, DN20 - 575 mm
036 - Flexible hose, DN25 - 650 mm
048 - Flexible hose, DN32 - 650 mm
061 - Flexible hose, DN40 - 650 mm
073 - Flexible hose, DN50 - 650 mm

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately

2015.09.22 - DIN
MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Expansion joint P51913-01

L28/32DF, V28/32S, L28/32S, L27/38S, L27/38, L23/30DF, L23/30S, L23/30H,

L16/24S, L16/24, L21/31S, L21/31

2015.09.22 - DIN
MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51913-01 Expansion joint Page 2 (2)

L28/32DF, V28/32S, L28/32S, L27/38S, L27/38, L23/30DF, L23/30S, L23/30H,

L16/24S, L16/24, L21/31S, L21/31
Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

018 - Expansion joint, DN25

031 - Expansion joint, DN32
043 - Expansion joint, DN50
055 - Expansion joint, DN65
067 - Expansion joint, DN80
079 - Expansion joint, DN100
080 - Expansion joint, DN125
092 - Expansion joint, DN80
102 - Expansion joint, DN100

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately

2015.09.22 - DIN
MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Expansion bellow P51914-01

L28/32DF, V28/32S, L28/32S, L27/38S, L27/38, L23/30DF, L23/30S, L23/30H,

L16/24S, L16/24, L21/31, L21/31S

2016.07.04 - DIN
MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51914-01 Expansion bellow Page 2 (2)

L28/32DF, V28/32S, L28/32S, L27/38S, L27/38, L23/30DF, L23/30S, L23/30H,

L16/24S, L16/24, L21/31, L21/31S
Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

013 - Expansion bellow, NV300

025 - Expansion bellow, NV350
037 - Expansion bellow, NV400
049 - Expansion bellow, NV450
050 - Expansion bellow, NV450
062 - Expansion bellow, NV500
074 - Expansion bellow, NV550
086 - Expansion bellow, NV550
098 - Expansion bellow, NV600
108 - Expansion bellow, NV650
121 - Expansion bellow, NV300

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately

2016.07.04 - DIN
MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Flange for turbocharger - P2 P51916-01


2016.03.02 - TCR14
MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51916-01 Flange for turbocharger - P2 Page 2 (2)

Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

014 1/E Intermediate flange, DN200 /

026 1/E Packing
038 8/E Stud
051 8/E Washer
063 8/E Nut

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/E = Qty/Engine

2016.03.02 - TCR14
MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Flange for turbocharger - P2 P51916-02

L23/30DF, L23/30S, L23/30H, L21/31, L21/31S

2017.08.14 - TCR14
MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51916-02 Flange for turbocharger - P2 Page 2 (2)

L23/30DF, L23/30S, L23/30H, L21/31, L21/31S

Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

026 1/E Packing

038 8/E Stud
051 8/E Washer
063 8/E Nut
087 1/E Intermediate flange, DN175 /
099 1/E Intermediate flange, DN175 /

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/E = Qty/Engine

2017.08.14 - TCR14
MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Flange for turbocharger - P2 P51916-03

L23/30DF, L28/32S, L23/30S, L23/30H, L21/31S, L21/31

2017.08.14 - TCR16
MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51916-03 Flange for turbocharger - P2 Page 2 (2)

L23/30DF, L28/32S, L23/30S, L23/30H, L21/31S, L21/31

Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

026 1/E Packing

038 8/E Stud
051 8/E Washer
063 8/E Nut
110 1/E Intermediate flange, DN250 /
122 1/E Intermediate flange, DN250 /
134 1/E Intermediate flange, DN250 /
146 1/E Intermediate flange, DN250 /

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/E = Qty/Engine

2017.08.14 - TCR16
MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Flange for turbocharger - P2 P51916-05

L28/32DF, L28/32S, L27/38S, L27/38, L21/31S, L21/31

2016.03.14 - TCR18
MAN Diesel & Turbo
P51916-05 Flange for turbocharger - P2 Page 2 (2)

L28/32DF, L28/32S, L27/38S, L27/38, L21/31S, L21/31

Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

026 1/E Packing

038 8/E Stud
051 8/E Washer
063 8/E Nut
195 1/E Intermediate flange, DN300 /
205 1/E Intermediate flange, DN300 /

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/E = Qty/Engine

2016.03.14 - TCR18
MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (1) Tools 520

Introduction to spare part plates for tools .................................................................. 520.01 (02)

Work card
Function of the Hydraulic Tools ................................................................................. 520-01.05 (02)
Application of Hydraulic Tools ................................................................................... 520-01.06 (09)
Hand Lever Pump ..................................................................................................... 520-01.07 (01)

Standard tools (normal maintenance) ........................................................................ P52000-24
Additional tools ......................................................................................................... P52002-10
Hand tools ................................................................................................................ P52004-02

2017-08-16 - en
MAN Diesel & Turbo
Description 520.01
Page 1 (1) Introduction to spare part plates for tools
Edition 02

L28/32DF, V28/32S, L28/32S, L27/38S, L27/38, L23/30DF, L23/30S, L23/30H,

L21/31S, L21/31, L16/24S, L16/24
For our GenSets the following three tool packages
are available:

Standard tool for normal maintenance

This package is delivered with the vessel as stand-
ard, this tool package do consist of a mix of special
designed tools as well as ordinary available tools
needed in connection with the operation of the
engine and to perform daily engine maintenance.
The tool do as well consists of tools to perform
emergency repair as required by the various classifi-
cation societies.

Additional tools
This tool package can only be ordered as single
parts from the list in addition to the standard tool
package. The tool package consists of special tools
needed in addition to the standard tool in case a
major overhaul or a part of this is to be carried out
on board the vessel.

Hand Tools
This tool package can be ordered as a whole or
partly in addition to the standard tool package. The
tool package consists of ordinary hand tools nee-
ded in addition to the delivered standard tool for
normal maintenance, in connection with the daily
maintenance as well as major overhauls.
MAN Diesel & Turbo
Work Card 520-01.05
Page 1 (7) Function of the Hydraulic Tools
Edition 02

V28/32DF, L28/32S-DF, L28/32S, L27/38S, L23/30S, L21/31S, L16/24S, L23/30DF,

L28/32DF, V28/32S-DF, V28/32S, L16/24, L21/31, L23/30H, L27/38
Safety precautions Special tools

Engine stopped Plate No. Item No. Note

Shut-off starting air
Shut off cooling water
Shut off fuel oil
Shut-off cooling oil
Stop lub. oil circulation
Press Blocking - Reset

Short Description
Safety hints and function of hydraulic tools.

Starting Position Hand Tools

Application of hydraulic tools 520-01.06

Related Procedure

Qualified Manpower Replacement and wearing parts

Duration in h : - Plate No. Item No. Quantity
Number : -

Data for pressure and tolerance (Page 500.35)
Data for tightening torque (Page 500.40)
Declaration of weight (Page 500.45)

MAN Diesel & Turbo
520-01.05 Work Card
Function of the Hydraulic Tools Page 2 (7)
Edition 02

V28/32DF, L28/32S-DF, L28/32S, L27/38S, L23/30S, L21/31S, L16/24S, L23/30DF,

L28/32DF, V28/32S-DF, V28/32S, L16/24, L21/31, L23/30H, L27/38
9) The given max. operation pressure is not to be
exceeded in any case and is to be watched at
the manometer of the pressure generator dur-
ing the complete tensioning or loosening pro-
cedure. When having achieved the given pres-
sure, stop the pressurization immediately.
10) During the pressurization when tensioning or
loosening the bolt connection, always watch
Function of the Bolt Tensioning Device the admissible stroke of the device. Exceeding
In order to achieve an optimal result with one or this stroke is connected with insufficient gener-
several devices, some rules have to be considered. ating of tensioning force because the device is
We expressly point out that a conscientious han- tensioned in itselve or the hydraulic pressure is
dling of the device as well as the accessories is of bleeded automaticly.
highest importance. To ignore these rules or sepa- 11) On principle, when connecting high-pressure
rate hints means danger to life or danger of injuries! hoses it has to be taken care that the connec-
See Safety Hints. tions are correct (see also separate hints).
12) The hydraulic hoses have to be installed in a
Safety Hints way that they are not run over by vehicles or
Beside regarding the general accident-prevention unnecessarily walked over by people. Never lay
rules, the safe handling of the device and the hoses across sharp objects (danger of cuts)
hydraulic accessories demand especially the con- and never bend or jam them in.
sideration of the following hints. When disregarding 13) Never hold or transport the device by using the
even single items, you can cause danger to life high-pressure hoses.
and/or danger of injuries! 14) An incorrect working manometer that doesn´t
1) When leakages occur during the pressuriza- show the right pressure leads to overstressing
tion, bleed pressure immediately and seal the of the parts and to an incorrect bolt connec-
leakage or replace defect parts. tion. Apart from damaged parts an incorrect
2) In case of repair, use exclusively original spare bolt connection can also cause conditions that
parts. Inexpert substitution of damaged parts are danger to life. Therefore take care that the
by non-original spare parts is prohibited. manometer shows the right value or the ten-
sioning force is checked in an other way (for
3) All assembly parts are to be handled in corre- example by using a master manometer). Ten-
spondence to the working cards only. A sioning forces can be checked for example by
change in the procedure or another operation measuring the linear deformation. Damaged
of the device is not allowed. manometers have to be exchanged immedi-
4) Make sure that the components to be ten- ately.
sioned do not exceed the admissible strain.
5) In order to use the device, the thread has to be Working Hints
sufficiently exceeding in order to avoid that the In order to achieve a bolt connection of high preci-
turn of a thread cracks, see item 4. sion, it is vital to consider the following working
6) During the pressurization the people involved hints:
have to remain in an appropriate distance. ▪ Prior to setting the device, clean all threads and
Staying in direction towards the bolt axis is for- remove possible damages in order to avoide a
bidden. “freeze on”.
7) Tensioning pressures or tensioning forces are ▪ The base plate for the device must be plain and
to be given or changed by authorized person- free of dirt. Further check the squareness
nel only while considering the admissible com- towards the bolt axis in order to avoid that the
ponent loads, see item 4. bolt has a bending stress during the pressuriza-
8) The operation and handling of the device are to tion (tensioning).
be carried out by expert staff only.

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Work Card 520-01.05
Page 3 (7) Function of the Hydraulic Tools
Edition 02

V28/32DF, L28/32S-DF, L28/32S, L27/38S, L23/30S, L21/31S, L16/24S, L23/30DF,

L28/32DF, V28/32S-DF, V28/32S, L16/24, L21/31, L23/30H, L27/38
▪ The stroke of the device may not at any point checked the components for damages and oiled
be exceeded. them slightly, apply new seals by help of the entry
▪ For transporting the device it is necessary to guide and reassemble the turnable connection unit.
uncouple all high-pressure hoses. Hint:
▪ After each pressurization, bring the device back ▪ For the cleaning, never use aggressive cleaning
to zero, see also Piston Return Stroke. liquids.
▪ For oiling the parts, use exclusively hydraulic oil.
Turnable Connection Unit ▪ For replacements, use exclusively new seals.
In order to simplify the connection of the hydraulic
hose, a turnable connection unit is mounted on Coupling of the High-Pressure Hoses
some devices.
The turnable connection unit consists of the follow- ▪ Only couple when the hydraulic system is in a
ing components: pressureless condition.
▪ bolt nipple ▪ To produce a high-pressure connection, put
one coupling and one nipple into each other
▪ disc while the coupling socket is pulled back. When
▪ seal letting the coupling socket go, there is a form fit
▪ securing ring barring the connection.

Furthermore, an entry guide is available or con- ▪ By drawing the hose with a manual force of
tained in the scope of supply, see fig.1. about 100 N make sure that the connection is
correctly barred.
▪ For decoupling the high-pressure hose in a
pressureless condition, first pull back the cou-
pling socket and then take off the hose.

Figure 242: Coupling of the high-pressure hoses.

Hoses with fast-lock coupling sockets avoid, also

when uncoupled, that oil runs out. When the hoses
get heated, there can be an inside pressure in the
uncoupled condition making a coupling impossible.
By loosening one screw connection (see fig. 2) the
pressure can be bleeded
Figure 241: Turnable connection unit ▪ To avoid a contamination use protecting caps
for the sockets.

Exchange of the Seals Procedure with Elongation Measuring

Should leakages show up at the connection unit, it 1) Mount the two dial gauges on the hydraulic
might be necessary to exchange the seals. tools, fig 3.
For doing so, loosen the securing ring and take the
disc off the bolt nipple. Having removed the seals,
clean the components with fluff-free cleaning mate-
rial. You can also apply compressed air. Having

MAN Diesel & Turbo
520-01.05 Work Card
Function of the Hydraulic Tools Page 4 (7)
Edition 02

V28/32DF, L28/32S-DF, L28/32S, L27/38S, L23/30S, L21/31S, L16/24S, L23/30DF,

L28/32DF, V28/32S-DF, V28/32S, L16/24, L21/31, L23/30H, L27/38

For a correct measuring the dial gauge has to be The bolts should be tightened to the specified
mounted with the magnetic bracket on the hous- tensioning pressure, not according to the elon-
ing of the hydraulic tool gation. The elongation only serves as a means of
control. In case of excessive deviations, repeat
the tensioning procedure and check the measur-
2) Tension bolts simultaneously by use of the ing instruments and / or pressure gauges
hydraulic tightening tool to a pressure of Pv,
see description 500.40/600.40.
3) Set the dial gauges to "0"
4) It is not allowed that there is clearance
between the assembled components
5) Load the bolts to the specified pressure Ps, see
description 500.40/600.40
6) Tension both the nuts hand-tight
7) Release the pressure

Figure 244: .

1 Dial gauge 2 Hydraulic tightening tool The bolts must be replaced in the following cases:
3 Nut 4 Screw ▪ In case dent marks are observed at the surface
▪ In case corrosion is observed at the surface
Figure 243: Hydraulic tool for tightening of bolts ▪ In case any damage to the thread is observed
▪ In case the hydraulic pressure of maximum 5%
8) Tension the bolts again to a pressure of Pv, see of the tightening pressure has been exceeded
description 500.40/600.40. during tightening or loosening of the bolt con-
9) Read elongation of the bolt Δl on the dial nection
gauge and compare with the value in descrip- ▪ In case the maximum limit for the elongation is
tion 500.40/600.40. exceeded during the tightening of the bolt
10) Release the pressure and remove the hydraulic ▪ In case the total length of the unloaded bolt,
tensioning tools. please see description 500.40/600.40.

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Work Card 520-01.05
Page 5 (7) Function of the Hydraulic Tools
Edition 02

V28/32DF, L28/32S-DF, L28/32S, L27/38S, L23/30S, L21/31S, L16/24S, L23/30DF,

L28/32DF, V28/32S-DF, V28/32S, L16/24, L21/31, L23/30H, L27/38
The piston of the device must be at its zero posi-
Tensioning Procedure without Elongation tion. Having screwed the device down until the sup-
port sleeve or the support cylinder fits tight to the
Measuring flange, turn back the device by at least the value (slit
Prior to the tensioning procedure make sure that measure) which the bolt and the components
the components to be tensioned are correctly posi- spring back elastically during the loosening proce-
tioned towards each other. Then screw the device dure.
onto the bolt. Hint:
First put the support sleeve on the bolt and align it The adjusted slit measure may never exceed the
centrically to the bolt axis. When screwing on the admissible stroke of the device! Furthermore, take
device take care that the support sleeve at the cyl- care that the window for the adjusting rod are well
inder is correctly centered (consider centering accessible.
shoulder). Having made all hydraulic connections correctly,
Screw the device until the support sleeve or the see fig. 2, start the pressurization.
support cylinder fits exactly to the flange. The piston During the pressurization, a slight turn-back
of the device must be at its zero position. Further- momentum is applied to the main nut with the
more, take care that the hydraulic connector and adjusting rod. At the moment, when the main nut
the window for the adjusting rod is well accessible. can be loosened, interrupt the pressurization.
If necessary, turn back the device, but make sure Should it not be possible to loosen the main nut
that the max. admissible stroke of the device is not when achieving the original tensioning pressure,
exceeded. Beside that, it has to be ensured that the interrupt the pressurization immediately. Find the
cylinder and the support sleeve remain centrically cause with expert staff.
towards each other (consider centering shoulder). Having achieved the loosening pressure, turn back
Having made all hydraulic connections correctly, the main nut by the value that the bolt and the com-
see fig. 2, start the pressurization for the tensioning ponents spring back during the loosening proce-
procedure. If the necessary pressure is achieved dure. The slit measure, however, must be lower
stop pressurization. The inducted force causes the than the slit measure adjusted at the device before,
bolt to extend or an edging of the components to see also hint b.
be tensioned so that the main nut is lifted from the The main nut may never be turned back until it fits
flange. Screw it back to the flange, see fig. 5. to the piston or the cylinder since then the device
Check by help of a feeler gauge leaf whether the can be tensioned in itself.
main nut really fits tight to the flange. After that, Having turned back the main nut, the pressure can
bleed hydraulic pressure. Now the connection is be bled. The bolt connection is loosened. Before
tensioned. unscrewing the device, bring the piston back to its
Having brought the piston to its zero position, see zero position, see fig. 6. After that, the hydraulic
fig. 6, the hydraulic hoses can be decoupled. In hoses can be decoupled. In order to prevent impur-
order to prevent impurities, it is advisable to close ities, it is advisable to close coupling sockets and
coupling sockets and coupling nipples at once by coupling nipples at once by protecting caps. The
protecting caps. The device can be unscrewed device can be unscrewed from the bolt.
from the bolt. ▪ Make sure that no operational forces (e.g. inner
▪ Always consider the safety and working hints! pressure) affect the components to be loosened
since only part of the bolts take over these
Loosening Procedure forces and thus the bolts, which are not yet
loosened, might be overburdened.
In order to loosen an existing bolt connection,
▪ The pressure when the main nut can be loos-
screw the device onto the bolt. First put the support
ened may never exceed the tensioning pressure
sleeve on the bolt and align it centrically to the bolt
by help of which the connection was tensioned!
axis. When screwing on the device take care that
Should it not be possible to loosen the main nut
the support sleeve at the cylinder is correctly cen-
tered (consider centering shoulder).

MAN Diesel & Turbo
520-01.05 Work Card
Function of the Hydraulic Tools Page 6 (7)
Edition 02

V28/32DF, L28/32S-DF, L28/32S, L27/38S, L23/30S, L21/31S, L16/24S, L23/30DF,

L28/32DF, V28/32S-DF, V28/32S, L16/24, L21/31, L23/30H, L27/38
when reaching the original tensioning pressure
interrupt the pressurization immediately. Find
the cause with expert staff.
▪ Always consider the safety and working hints!
1. Should it be impossible to unscrew the device
after the depressurization, it has been turned
back by a too low measure prior to the pressur-
ization. Pressurize again until the original ten-
sioning pressure is reached, turn the main nut Figure 245: Adjustment and turn back of the main nut.
and bleed the pressure again (tensioning proce-
dure). Now you can turn back the device fur-
ther. (Attention: consider the admissible stroke
of the device!) Now repeat the loosening proce- Piston Return Stroke
dure explained above. After each pressurization it must be ensured that
2. Should it be impossible to loosen the main nut the piston of the device is brought back to its zero
after the depressurization, it has been turned position. On principle, it has to be considered that
back by a too low measure prior to the pressur- hydraulic oil is being displaced from the piston area.
ization. Pressurize again and turn the main nut In order to enable the oil to flow back to the tank of
further back. Bleed the pressure again. the pressure generator, the corresponding hydraulic
connections must be done.
Never screw the main nut back until it fits to the pis- The piston return stroke is done by a screw-down
ton since the device can be tensioned in itself. at the bolt itself before the device is taken off.
Adjustment and Turn Back of the Main Nut When using fast lock coupling elements, the oil’s
running out and thus a piston return stroke in an
During the pressurization of the device, the bolt is uncoupled condition is impossible!
being extended by the tensioning force and the
components are being edged. The result is that the During the piston return stroke, considerable back-
main nut does no longer fit to the flange. pressures can occur in the piston area of the device
since quite large quantities of oil have to flow back
Having achieved the necessary pressure, adjust the through the small cross sections of the high-pres-
main nut - when tensioning - until it fits to the flange sure connections.
again before bleeding the pressure, see Tensioning
Procedure. When loosening the bolts, turn back the In order not to unnecessarily increase the force for
main nut after the pressurization according to the the piston return stroke turn the piston slowly. On
bolt and component deformations, (see Loosening principle the piston of the device has to be pushed
Procedure. back until it fits to the cylinder again.

During the loosening procedure, never turn back
the main nut until it fits to the piston or the cylinder
since the main nut sticks after the depressurization.
The main nut is equipped with several radial bores
where the adjusting rod can be put in. The main nut
is accessible through the window in the support

Figure 246: Piston return stroke

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Work Card 520-01.05
Page 7 (7) Function of the Hydraulic Tools
Edition 02

V28/32DF, L28/32S-DF, L28/32S, L27/38S, L23/30S, L21/31S, L16/24S, L23/30DF,

L28/32DF, V28/32S-DF, V28/32S, L16/24, L21/31, L23/30H, L27/38
Maintenance and Storage
Exchange of the Seals Regular maintenance of the device is not neces-
Should leakages occur at the piston of the device, sary, but you should consider the following points:
an exchange of the seals might be necessary. ▪ Storage
Drive out the piston by carefully beating with a ham-
– After each operation, repair possible dam-
mer while using a plastic spacer in order to protect
ages and clean the device in order for it to
the device from unnecessary damages. After
be ready for the next operation immediately.
removing the hydraulic connector, you can also
In order to avoid a corrosion it is advisable
carefully lead compressed air into the piston area.
to oil the device and especially its thread. All
Attention: coupling nipples, coupling sockets and also
Sudden input of compressed air can lead to the loosened screw connections are to be
piston’s uncontrolled outlet. closed by protecting caps.
After removal of the piston, the seals and the
– In addition, check the components of the
backup rings can be removed from the piston and
device and its accessories for completion.
the cylinder.
Keep the device in the tool box also offering
Carefully clean the components with fluff-free mate- protection from mechanical damages.
rial and check them for damages. If necessary, use The temperature must be between -20 C
compressed air for the cleaning, but never aggres- and +70 C in order to exclude a damage of
sive cleaning liquids. After that, slightly oil these the seals.
components with hydraulic oil and assemble new
▪ Start-up of the device
backup rings as well as new seals to the piston and
the cylinder according to the drawing. – Prior to the device’s operation, repair possi-
ble damages and clean the device.
– Check the components of the device and
its accessories for completion.
– The operating manual has to be read by all

Figure 247: Exchange of the seals

As shown in the picture, first assemble the backup

ring, then put the seal onto the backup ring. Piston
and cylinder can now be assembled again by put-
ting the components together. By slightly hammer-
ing on the piston (with plastic spacer), it can be
driven in until it fits tightly to the cylinder (piston in its
zero position). It is essential that the piston does not
tilt during being driven in since this might damage
the seals as well as the components. When assem-
bling the piston it has to be taken care that the air
can come out of the piston area.

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Work Card 520-01.06
Page 1 (5) Application of Hydraulic Tools
Edition 09

L21/31S, L21/31

Safety precautions Special tools

Engine stopped Plate No. Item No. Note

Shut-off starting air - - See page 2-4
Shut off cooling water
Shut off fuel oil
Shut-off cooling oil
Stop lub. oil circulation
Press Blocking - Reset

Short Description
Application of hydraulic tools.

Starting Position Hand Tools

Function of hydraulic tools 520-01.05

Related Procedure

Qualified Manpower Replacement and wearing parts

Duration in h : - Plate No. Item No. Quantity
Number : -

Data for pressure and tolerance (Page 500.35)
Data for tightening torque (Page 500.40)
Declaration of weight (Page 500.45)

MAN Diesel & Turbo
520-01.06 Work Card
Application of Hydraulic Tools Page 2 (5)
Edition 09

L21/31S, L21/31

Application of Hydraulic Tools

This working card gives the information for applica-
tion of hydraulic tools, to be used in connection with
working card 520-01.05.

Figure 248: Counter weight

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Work Card 520-01.06
Page 3 (5) Application of Hydraulic Tools
Edition 09

L21/31S, L21/31

Figure 249: Cross bolt and tierod

Figure 250: Cylinder head

MAN Diesel & Turbo
520-01.06 Work Card
Application of Hydraulic Tools Page 4 (5)
Edition 09

L21/31S, L21/31

Figure 251: After main bearing

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Work Card 520-01.06
Page 5 (5) Application of Hydraulic Tools
Edition 09

L21/31S, L21/31

Figure 252: Connecting rod

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Work Card 520-01.07
Page 1 (4) Hand Lever Pump
Edition 01

L28/32S, L27/38S, L23/30S, L21/31S, L16/24S, L23/30DF, L28/32DF, V28/32S-DF,

V28/32S, L16/24, L21/31, L23/30H, L27/38
Safety precautions Special tools

Engine stopped Plate No. Item No. Note

Shut-off starting air
Shut off cooling water
Shut off fuel oil
Shut-off cooling oil
Stop lub. oil circulation
Press Blocking - Reset

Short Description
Application of hydraulic tools.

Starting Position Hand Tools

Related Procedure

Qualified Manpower Replacement and wearing parts

Duration in h : - Plate No. Item No. Quantity
Number : -

Data for pressure and tolerance (Page 500.35)
Data for tightening torque (Page 500.40)
Declaration of weight (Page 500.45)

MAN Diesel & Turbo
520-01.07 Work Card
Hand Lever Pump Page 2 (4)
Edition 01

L28/32S, L27/38S, L23/30S, L21/31S, L16/24S, L23/30DF, L28/32DF, V28/32S-DF,

V28/32S, L16/24, L21/31, L23/30H, L27/38
Description Turn the carrying handle with counter-clockwise
rotation out of his fixing. Then turn it into the hand
Warning: lever of the pump against the stopping face.
The hand lever pump is not equipped with a pres-
sure relief valve. Attention:
Never use the pump without a mounted manome- If the carrying handle is not srewed-in into the hand
ter. Always pay attention to the given pressure of lever, it can cause injuries while using the pump.
the connected pressure consumers. Do never Open the oil filler cap and check the oil level. If nec-
exceed this pressure or the max. pressure of the cessary, fill up the tank with hydraulic oil according
hand lever pump. to IS0 VG 32. Never overfill the tank. Close the oil
Important: filler cap.
Except for hydraulic oil, never use different liquids Open the tank breather with the square wrench
such as petrol, water, diesel oil, alcohol or brake liq- (included in the scope of supply) by about one turn.
uid, since these can lead to damages or even to Now loosen the breather screw at the pump on the
destruction of the pump and/or the parts connec- left side on the pump housing with an allen key SW
ted with it. Choose a place of assembling and oper- 2,5 by about one turn. Close the depressurization
ation where the pump can always stand safe and valve tightly. Seal the nipple on the pump with a
firm on a horizontal plain. There should always be hose and pump at the hand lever until oil flows out
sufficient space for operating the pump. of the breather screw bladder-free. Only then are
Never handle the pump lever with oiled hands and you allowed to close the breather screw. The pump
never use hand lever extensions. Never expose the is now vented and ready for operation.
pump to great heat, fire or extreme coldness, since After each operation and for the transport, close the
this leads to damages or even destruction. Protect tank breather in order to avoid the hydraulic oil’s
the pump from falling objects and avoid hard blows running out.
or pushes.
Attention - Danger to life Pressurization
Check the manometer of the pump for the needed
▪ Open the tank breather with the square wrench
hydraulic pressure, given by an authorized person,
approx. one turn.
not to be exceeded. Make sure that the pressure
you want to generate is also admissible for all con- Remark:
nection parts. The pump is only to be operated with open tank
All pressure connections and connecting elements
have to be clean and undamaged. High-pressure ▪ Close the depressurization valve at the pump
connections from the pump to the tools have to be when turning clockwise by handoperation.
established correctly prior to any pressurization. Remark:
Disregard leads to danger to life. Please see work- The depressurization valve is designed for manual
ing card 520-01.06. operation. The use of any tools at the depressuriza-
Attention - Danger on injuries tion valve could cause damages of the valve or the
Loads being lifted by the pump may never be held valve seat.
by the pump valves alone. Use additional non- ▪ Pump at the hand lever until the wanted pres-
return valves or safety relief valves and secure the sure is achieved. Check the pressurization at
load by sufficient support against falling. the manometer and take care of possible leak-
Initial Start-up and Venting Remark:
In general and venting The pump works with two stages. The change from
the first stage to the second stage happens auto-
Please make sure that all parts of the pump, espe-
matical at a system pressure of about 30 bar.
cially the manometer and the pressure port, are in a
perfect condition. Defect parts are to be exchanged
against new ones immediately.

MAN Diesel & Turbo
Work Card 520-01.07
Page 3 (4) Hand Lever Pump
Edition 01

L28/32S, L27/38S, L23/30S, L21/31S, L16/24S, L23/30DF, L28/32DF, V28/32S-DF,

V28/32S, L16/24, L21/31, L23/30H, L27/38
Attention: Analysis and Correction of Malfunction
The pump is not equipped with an internal pressure
relief valve. The use of a manometer and the control Correction of malfunctions
of the system pressure during pressurization is In case of malfunctions at the pump, the following
indispensable. points are to help you with the analysis of the prob-
lem and correcting it yourself.
Attention: For this, uncouple or unscrew all consumer and
Do not stand directly over the moving line of the high-pressure hoses from the pump.
pump lever. Under arising circumstances the lever
can “hit back”. To avoid accidents stand sideways Malfunction Correction
the pump. No pressurization 1. Check the oil level and, if
Attention - High-pressure hydraulic necessary, fill it up as descri-
On principle, tihen leakages occur during the pres- bed in chapter maintenance
surization, immediately release the hydraulic pres- and storage.
sure and seal the leakage or renew defect parts. 2. Close depressurization
Depressurization 3. Visual inspection whether
there are leakages. If so, seal
▪ Open the depressurization valve slowly by a them.
turn to the left.
4. Vent the pump as descri-
▪ Make sure that the hydraulic pressure at the bed in chapter initial start-up
manometer has been completely released. and venting.
Consider the returning time of the hydraulic oil.
Insufficient pressurization 1. Check the oil level and, if
(prior to any corrections, necessary, fill it up, as
Adjustment of change-over pressure from
open de-pressurization valve described in chapter main-
stage 1 to stage 2 and release hydraulic pres- teance and storage.
sure completely) 2. Close depressurization
In exeptional case, it can be useful to adjust the
change-over pressure from stage 1 to stage 2 (fac- valve.
tory adjusted at approx. 30 bar). 3. Visual inspection whether
ther are leakages. If so, seal
Below of the pressure relief valve is an adjusting
screw with inner hexagon (wrench size 10 mm).
Turning out counter-clockwisely the adjusting screw 4. Vent the pump as descri-
minimizes the change-over pressure, turning in bed in chapter initial start-up
clockwise maximizes the change-over pressure. and venting.

Attention: Pressure drop 1. Visual inspection whether

Inside of the adjusting screw is another grub screw (prior to any corrections, there are leakages. If so, seal
with inner hexagon (wrench size 4 mm) to limit the open de-pressurization valve them.
stroke of the change-over piston inside of the pump and release hydraulic pres- 2. Close depressurization
block. It is absolutely necessary, to screw out the sure completely) valve.
grub screw approx. 2 times before turning the If the problem cannot be solved, please contact MAN Die-
adjusting screw! sel & Turbo
The regulation of the adjusting screw follows gradu-
ally in approx. 10° - steps. After everv adjusting
Pressure Port
step the grub screw is to screw in until it fits closely
and approx. a l/4 turn to loosen. The pressure port of the pump is produced accord-
ing to our customers’ wishes. In addition, there is a
Check by carefully pumping if the change-over
variety of possibilities to connect the pump with one
pressure wanted has been reached. If necessary,
or more pressure consumers.
repeat the procedure as described above.

MAN Diesel & Turbo
520-01.07 Work Card
Hand Lever Pump Page 4 (4)
Edition 01

L28/32S, L27/38S, L23/30S, L21/31S, L16/24S, L23/30DF, L28/32DF, V28/32S-DF,

V28/32S, L16/24, L21/31, L23/30H, L27/38
Attention - Danger to life
Prior to the pump’ s start-up please make sure that,
no matter which pressure port you chose, all con-
nection elements are in a perfect condition. Con-
vince yourself of the fact that these are correctly
connected and suitable for the necessary pressure.
Attention - High-pressure hydraulic
On principle, when leakages occur during the pres-
surization, immediately release the hydraulic pres-
sure and seal the leakane or renew defect parts.

Maintenance and Storage

The pump should be lubricated frequently at the
movable parts. Protect it from contamination
because dirt in the oil or in the pressure port can
lead to the pump’ s failure. A dry storage avoids the
steel parts’ getting rusty.
The storage and transport of the pump should
always be done in a horizontal position. Thus, you
avoid a possibly necessary venting of the pump
during its start-up.
For checking the oil level, please open the depres-
surization valve and let the oil completely flow back
into the tank. Open the oil filler cap and fill up
hydraulic oil according to IS0 VG 32, if neccessary.
Do not overcharge the tank. Close the oil filler cap.
The use of the pump in a dirty area requires a regu-
lar oil change. Fill the pump with clean hydraulic oil
and lubricate all moving parts (hinges) regulary.

MAN Diesel & Turbo P52000-24

Standard tools for normal maintenance

Standard tools for normal maintenance

Cylinder head
Name Sketch Supply per ship Drawing Remarks
Working Spare Item no
Valve spring tightening 1 014

Lifting tool for cylinder unit 1 038

and cylinder head

Broad chissel 1 473

2016-10-18 - en


Tier II + Stationary - L21/31;L21/31S 1 (12)

P52000-24 MAN Diesel & Turbo
Standard tools for normal maintenance

Piston, connecting rod and cylinder liner

Name Sketch Supply per ship Drawing Remarks
Working Spare Item no
Removing device for flame 1 021

Guide bush for piston 1 045

Fit and removal device for 1 069

connecting rod bearing, incl
eye screws (2 pcs)

2016-10-18 - en

2 (12) Tier II + Stationary - L21/31;L21/31S

MAN Diesel & Turbo P52000-24

Name Sketch Supply per ship Drawing Remarks

Standard tools for normal maintenance

Working Spare Item no
Lifting device for cylinder 1 082

Lifting device for piston and 1 104

connecting rod

Piston ring opener 1 190

2016-10-18 - en


Tier II + Stationary - L21/31;L21/31S 3 (12)

P52000-24 MAN Diesel & Turbo

Name Sketch Supply per ship Drawing Remarks

Standard tools for normal maintenance

Working Spare Item no

Supporting device for con- 1 212
necting rod and piston in
the cylinder liner, incl. fork

Dismantling tool for bearing 1 818


Dismantling tool for con- 1 831

necting rod bearing shell

2016-10-18 - en

4 (12) Tier II + Stationary - L21/31;L21/31S

MAN Diesel & Turbo P52000-24

Standard tools for normal maintenance

Operating gear for inlet and exhaust valves
Name Sketch Supply per ship Drawing Remarks
Working Spare Item no
Feeler gauge, 0.6-0.7 mm 1 010

Socket wrench 1 652

Socket wrench and torque 1 664

spanner 1 676
2016-10-18 - en


Tier II + Stationary - L21/31;L21/31S 5 (12)

P52000-24 MAN Diesel & Turbo
Standard tools for normal maintenance

Crankshaft and main bearings

Name Sketch Supply per ship Drawing Remarks
Working Spare Item no
Dismantling tool for main 1 035
bearing upper shell

Fit and removing device for 1 047

main bearing cap

2016-10-18 - en

6 (12) Tier II + Stationary - L21/31;L21/31S

MAN Diesel & Turbo P52000-24

Standard tools for normal maintenance

Turbocharger system
Name Sketch Supply per ship Drawing Remarks
Working Spare Item no
Eye screw for lifting of 2 036
charge air cooler/lubricating
oil cooler

Container complete for 1 355

water washing of compres-
sor side

Blowgun for dry cleaning of 1 136


Water washing of turbine 1 481

side, complete
2016-10-18 - en


Tier II + Stationary - L21/31;L21/31S 7 (12)

P52000-24 MAN Diesel & Turbo
Standard tools for normal maintenance

Fuel oil system

Name Sketch Supply per ship Drawing Remarks
Working Spare Item no
Pressure testing tool 1 050
Clamping bracket for
fuel injector 1 051
Fuel pipe 1 053

Grinding device for

nozzle seat, incl item
747, 759 1 074
Grinding paper 1 747
Plier 1 759

Extractor device for injector 1 407


Combination spanner, 36 1 772

2016-10-18 - en

8 (12) Tier II + Stationary - L21/31;L21/31S

MAN Diesel & Turbo P52000-24

Name Sketch Supply per ship Drawing Remarks

Standard tools for normal maintenance

Working Spare Item no
Crow foot, 36 mm 1 784

Long socket spanner 1/2" 1 879

36 mm

Torque spanner 1/2" 1 902

50-300 Nm
2016-10-18 - en


Tier II + Stationary - L21/31;L21/31S 9 (12)

P52000-24 MAN Diesel & Turbo
Standard tools for normal maintenance

Hydraulic tools
Name Sketch Supply per ship Drawing Remarks
Working Spare Item no
Hydraulic tools complete
consisting of the following
3 boxes: 806
Pressure pump box 1,
consisting of: 633

2016-10-18 - en

10 (12) Tier II + Stationary - L21/31;L21/31S

MAN Diesel & Turbo P52000-24

Name Sketch Supply per ship Drawing Remarks

Standard tools for normal maintenance

Working Spare Item no
Pressure pump, complete 1 011
Manometer 023
Quick coupling 405
Rubber buffers 507

Set of spare parts 1 532

Hose with unions 4 202

Hose, 4000 mm 537
Quick coupling 549
Adapter 836
Nipple 519

Storage tank 1 520

Force-off device 1 424

Hydraulic tools box 2

consisting of: 1 544
Hydraulic tightening
cylinder M33 x 2 2 275
Pressure part,
long M33 x 2 2 371
Set of spare parts 1
Hydraulic tightening 238
cylinder M22 x 2 2 287
Pressure part,
short M22 x 2 2 383
Pressure part,
long M22 x 2 2 096
Tension screw
M22 x 2 2 131
Set of spare parts 1 251
2016-10-18 - en

Turn pin 1 556

Turn pin 1 568

Turn pin 1 334

Angle piece 2 358
Measuring device 1 448

Tier II + Stationary - L21/31;L21/31S 11 (12)

P52000-24 MAN Diesel & Turbo

Name Sketch Supply per ship Drawing Remarks

Standard tools for normal maintenance

Working Spare Item no

Hydraulic tools box 3
consisting of: 1 581
Hydraulic tightening
cylinder M30 x 2 4 263
Pressure part, short
M30 x 2 2 072
Pressure part, long
M30 x 2 4 059
Tension screw 4 118
Set of spare part 1 226
Turn pin 1 593
Turn pin 1 603
Turn pin 1 334

Measuring device 2 533

2016-10-18 - en

12 (12) Tier II + Stationary - L21/31;L21/31S

MAN Diesel & Turbo P52002-10

Additional tools

Additional tools
Cylinder head
Name Sketch Supply per ship Drawing Remarks
Working Spare Item no
Grinding tool for cylinder
head/liner 1 126

Max. pressure indicator,

0-250 bar 1 138

Handle for indicator valve 1 498

Turning device for

cylinder unit 1 114
2017-02-23 - en


- 1 (11)
L21/31; L21/31S;
P52002-10 MAN Diesel & Turbo

Name Sketch Supply per ship Drawing Remarks

Additional tools

Working Spare Item no

Grinding machine for
valve seat ring 1 199
Supporting spider 1 208
Mandrel 1 209
Cutting tool 1 210
Carbide cutting insert 1 211

Grinding tool for valves 1 283

Grinding machine for

valve seat rings 1 222
Frequence converter 1 761
Tool holder 1 773
Turning bit 1 785
Pilot spindle incl. stabilizer 1 797
Cleaning tool 1 807
Tool holder bracket 1 819

2017-02-23 - en

2 (11) -
L21/31; L21/31S;
MAN Diesel & Turbo P52002-10

Name Sketch Supply per ship Drawing Remarks

Additional tools
Working Spare Item no
Grinding machine for valve
spindle, complete 1 285
Grinding wheel hub 1 820
Balancing apparatus 1 832
Grinding wheel dresser 1 844
Grinding wheel,
grain size 46 1 856
Grinding wheel,
grain size 80 1 868
(valve stem ø10-18 mm) 1 881
Fit and removing device
for valve guides 1 258

Fitting device for valve

seat rings 1 295

Extractor for
valve seat rings 1 329
(used with item 329) 1 317
2017-02-23 - en


- 3 (11)
L21/31; L21/31S;
P52002-10 MAN Diesel & Turbo

Name Sketch Supply per ship Drawing Remarks

Additional tools

Working Spare Item no

Lifting tool for cylinder unit
(low dismantling height) 1 474

Reamer for valve guide 1 748

Touching up device 1 893

Electronic indicator, HLV 1 903


2017-02-23 - en

4 (11) -
L21/31; L21/31S;
MAN Diesel & Turbo P52002-10

Additional tools
Piston, connecting rod and cylinder liner
Name Sketch Supply per ship Drawing Remarks
Working Spare Item no
Fit and removal device for 1 069
connecting rod bearing, incl
eye screws (2 pcs)

Lifting device for cylinder 1 082


Lifting device for piston and 1 104

connecting rod
2017-02-23 - en


- 5 (11)
L21/31; L21/31S;
P52002-10 MAN Diesel & Turbo

Name Sketch Supply per ship Drawing Remarks

Additional tools

Working Spare Item no

Tool for fixing of marine 1 187
head for counterweight

Plier for piston pin lock ring 1 759

Piston ring opener 1 190

Supporting device for con- 1 212

necting rod and piston in
the cylinder liner incl. fork

Testing mandrel for piston 1 151

ring grooves, 6.43 mm
2017-02-23 - en

6 (11) -
L21/31; L21/31S;
MAN Diesel & Turbo P52002-10

Name Sketch Supply per ship Drawing Remarks

Additional tools
Working Spare Item no
Testing mandrel for piston 1 163
ring grooves, 5.43 mm

Micrometer screw 1 425

2017-02-23 - en


- 7 (11)
L21/31; L21/31S;
P52002-10 MAN Diesel & Turbo
Additional tools

Crankshaft and main bearings

Name Sketch Supply per ship Drawing Remarks
Working Spare Item no
Dismantling tool for main 1 035
bearing upper shell

Fit and removing device for 1 047

main bearing cap

Crankshaft alignment 1 067

gauge (autolog)

2017-02-23 - en

8 (11) -
L21/31; L21/31S;
MAN Diesel & Turbo P52002-10

Additional tools
Turbocharger system
Name Sketch Supply per ship Drawing Remarks
Working Spare Item no
Eye crew for lifting of 2 036
charge air cooler/ lubricat-
ing oil cooler

Fit and removing device for 1 401

cooler insert

Closing cover, TCR16 1 449

Closing cover, TCR18 1 450
(standard with only one
propulsion engine)

Differential pressure tools, 1 915

2017-02-23 - en


- 9 (11)
L21/31; L21/31S;
P52002-10 MAN Diesel & Turbo
Additional tools

Compressed air system

Name Sketch Supply per Spare Item no
Set of tools, TDI air starter T50 1 928

Fuel oil system

Name Sketch Supply per ship Drawing Remarks
Working Spare Item no
Fit and removing device for 1 342
fuel injection pump

Setting device for fuel injec- 1 366

tion pump

Lubricating oil system

Name Sketch Supply per ship Drawing Remarks
Working Spare Item no
Fitting device for lubricating 1 521
oil cooler / thermostat
2017-02-23 - en

10 (11) -
L21/31; L21/31S;
MAN Diesel & Turbo P52002-10

Additional tools
Hydraulic tools
Name Sketch Supply Drawing Remarks
per ship
Working Spare Item no
Resetting device for 1 092
hydraulic cylinder

Air driven high pressure 1 653

pump for hydraulic valve

Remote controlled unit for 1 939

hydraulic bolt tensioning
2017-02-23 - en


- 11 (11)
L21/31; L21/31S;
MAN Diesel & Turbo
Page 1 (2) Hand tools P52004-02

L27/38S, L21/31S, L16/24S, L16/24, L21/31, L27/38

MAN Diesel & Turbo
P52004-02 Hand tools Page 2 (2)

L27/38S, L21/31S, L16/24S, L16/24, L21/31, L27/38

Item No. Qty Item Designation Item No. Qty Item Designation

019 1/E Set of tools 331 1/E Hexagon key 7 mm

032 1/E Combination spanner, 10 mm 343 1/E Hexagon key 8 mm
044 1/E Combination spanner, 12 mm 355 1/E Hexagon key 10 mm
056 1/E Combination spanner, 13 mm 367 1/E Hexagon key 12 mm
068 1/E Combination spanner, 14 mm 379 1/E Hexagon key 14 mm
081 1/E Combination spanner, 17 mm 380 1/E Hexagon key 17 mm
093 1/E Combination spanner, 19 mm 392 1/E Hexagon key 19 mm
103 1/E Combination spanner, 22 mm
115 1/E Combination spanner, 24 mm
127 1/E Combination spanner, 30 mm
139 1/E Tee handle 1/2" square drive
140 1/E Ratchet, 20 mm
152 1/E Extension bar
164 1/E Socket spanner, square drive,
size 24
176 1/E Socket spanner, square drive,
size 30
188 1/E Socket spanner, square drive,
size 36
223 1/E Combination spanner, 16 mm
235 1/E Combination spanner, 18 mm
247 1/E Bit, hexagon socket screw,
square drive, size 8
259 1/E Bit, hexagon socket screw,
square drive, size 10
260 1/E Bit, hexagon socket screw,
square drive, size 12
272 1/E Torque spanner, 20-120 nm -
284 1/E Torque spanner, 40-200 nm -
296 1/E Torque spanner, 30-320 nm -

When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50/600.50/Pref-

* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit/not availa-
ble separately
Qty/E = Qty/Engine


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