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UNAM FES IZTACALA Departamento de Idiomas

Student’s name: Abel Florentino Ríos Date: 10th December 2022

Activity name: Chat

Estás chateando con tu mejor amigo y estás hablando sobre tu familia. Describe en tu
mensaje de texto a un miembro de tu familia que te agrada; menciona su ocupación,
descríbelo físicamente y menciona los rasgos de personalidad por los que esta persona
te agrada. Describe de la misma manera a otro miembro de tu familia que no es de tu
agrado (sin mencionar su nombre)
You are chatting with your best friend, and you are talking
about your family. Describe a family member that you like;
mention his/her occupation, describe his/her physical
appearance and say why you like this person’s personality.
Then make a similar description of a person that you do not like
(do not mention his/her name).

Hi … Let me tell you about some members of my family.

Person 1. My father is Pablo Florentino García, he is very kind, he is from the state
of Guerrero, Mexico, he is dedicated to working wood to obtain boards and other
resources from the wood, he is 41 years old, his number is 7571124871, he does not
have an email. He is 1.59 tall. He loves to dress in a shirt and jean pants, he almost
never gets angry.

Person 2.
My little sister Nicanora, what I don't like about her is that she is very talkative and
doesn't like to do any housework, she only focuses on school, she gets desperate
easily when she can't finish a task on time.

And how about your family? Currently I do not live with my family for school
reasons, but in total we are 6, my parents and my three little sisters, I am the oldest
of my brothers

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