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2020학년도 전기 편입생 영어시험 문제지


수험번호 지원학부(과) 지원학년 성 명

(1-3) Choose the best word or phrase to complete the sentences. (6-10) Find the errors in the sentences.

1. When someone is just starting to learn about a topic, they are 6. John loves Mary, but Mary doesn't love John.
called ____________. ① ②
① experts So he loves she, but she doesn't love him.
② beginners ③ ④
③ learners
④ teachers
7. Yesterday, Jane swimmed. Today, she will swim.
① ②
2. Considering the significant amount of time required to complete Tomorrow, Jane will swim. She is now swimming.
the task, ____________. ③ ④
① it can be done easily
② it is too much burden
③ it will be near impossible 8. A man walked into a room, then walked out of a room (same room).
④ it will be done soon ① ②
Then, the man, returned to the room (same room).
③ ④
3. A(n) ____________ individual rarely expresses emotions in public.
① empathic
② agitated 9. When we put-on a mask, people are often put-off.
③ affective ① ②
④ stoical So, people put-in an effort, so as not to put-up others.
③ ④

(4-5) Choose the best answer to complete the dialogue.

10. The Korean is seen as hardworking people, as are the Canadians,
4. ① ② ③
and equally so the Germans.
Jane: I saw a strange movie on TV yesterday.

David: Really. What was it about?
Jane: _______________________________________________________________

① I'm not really sure. (11-13) Choose the BEST word for each sentence.
② The main actor's name was Leon.
③ I've seen that movie! 11. Once we finish this project, ____________ we can go have a
④ Which channel did you see it on? picnic in the park.
① and ② therefore ③ but ④ thereafter

John: Can we meet tomorrow? 12. The date the event occurred was ____________ the 25th of March,
Mary: Alright, what time? in 2016.
John: I have a meeting at noon. So how about 1?
① on ② in ③ at ④ then
Mary: ____________________________________________
John: OK, how about meeting at 2pm?
Mary: OK.
13. You ____________ finish high school in order to enter university.
① Can we meet a little earlier?
② That doesn't work for me. ① may ② shall
③ That's perfect, thanks. ③ must ④ could
④ How about in the morning?

(4쪽 중 1쪽) 강남대학교

2020학년도 전기 편입생 영어시험 문제지

수험번호 지원학부(과) 지원학년 성 명

(14-17) Choose the BEST word to complete each sentence. 19. In what type of media would you NOT likely find the passage?

① junk email ② travel brochure

14. It was a ____________ start to the event, so people were very
③ business report ④ hobby website

① dubious ② terrible
③ scary ④ promising 20. Which sentence would best conclude (end) the paragraph?
① There are so many wild animals on the Island.
② Why not book a flight to Hawaii today?
15. They were hired as ____________ workers to do the job, ③ The beach resorts are very inexpensive.
so they had to find another job in a week. ④ There are numerous volcanos you can visit.

① permanent ② good
③ temporary ④ last
(A) Considering the many benefits of hobbies, everyone should
have a hobby or two.
16. ____________ filters help us keep calm when faced with
emotionally charged situations.
(B) Aside from the health benefits, when hobbies involve more
① Affective ② Logical than one individual, such as ball-room dancing, individuals are
③ Moral ④ Effective able to engage other people socially.

(C) People take-up hobbies for various reasons. Hobbies can help
individuals remain healthy, mentally, physically, and spiritually.
17. When you add more and more numbers together,
you are ____________ the number total.
(D) Hobbies can also help young people discover what they
① stabilizing ② decreasing would like to do for their career.
③ randomizing ④ increasing

21. What sentence ordering would create the BEST paragraph?

① A-C-D-B
(18-20) ② A-D-B-C
③ C-B-D-A
One of my favorite vacation places is Hawaii. I really like the
④ C-D-B-A
weather there because it never gets cold. The people are super
nice too. The food is really good. Honolulu, the capital city, is
an interesting place to visit. It has some great nature trails and
22. In (B), what is the meaning of "engage other people socially"?
lots of water activities. The hotels are too expensive to stay but
① Promise to marry someone.
there are more affordable options. For example, you can stay at
② Interact with people socially.
one of the beach resorts like Kailua-Kona. If you are planning
③ Study people in social situations.
to visit Hawaii, you should definitely take a volcano tour.
④ Avoid people socially.

18. Which is the best title for the passage?

① The Weather in Hawaii 23. In (C), what is NOT included in "mentally"?
② Reasons to Visit Hawaii ① Psychological
③ My Vacation to Hawaii ② Emotional
④ Hawaii, Natures Paradise ③ Cognitive
④ Social

(4쪽 중 2쪽) 강남대학교

2020학년도 전기 편입생 영어시험 문제지

수험번호 지원학부(과) 지원학년 성 명

(24-27) (28-31)
Dear Sir/Madam. I am writing you this email to inquire about
(A) As a result, researchers could turn back the hands of time
repairing my malfunctioning smart-phone. I purchased the phone last
and pinpoint when the Big Bang occurred.
week, and have been using it normally every day. I started having
problems with the phone two days ago. The screen on the phone
(B) The universe began with the Big Bang, and is estimated to
keeps blinking on-and-off an hour after I turn it on. I find this very
be approximately 13.7 billion years old (plus or minus 130
annoying. The phone is still under warranty, so I would like to send
million years).
the phone to your shop for repair or replacement. Please advise what
I should do. Sincerely, Sharon.
(C) The time in between that explosion and now makes up the
age of the universe.
28. Where is Sharon sending this email?
① To her father.
(D) Astronomers calculated this figure by measuring the
② To the store where she purchased the phone.
composition of matter and energy density in the universe,
③ To the phone manufacturer.
which enabled them to determine how fast the universe
④ To her friend.
expanded in the past.

24. What sentence ordering would create the BEST paragraph? 29. Which of the following would be FALSE?
① B-C-A-D ① They will refuse to repair the smart-phone.
② B-C-D-A ② Sharon will get a kind response to her email.
③ B-A-D-C ③ They will repair or replace her phone.
④ B-D-A-C ④ Sharon will likely mail her phone for repair.

25. Which is the best title for the passage? 30. What specific problem was Sharon having with her phone?
① How Old Is the Universe? ① battery ② screen ③ microphone ④ camera
② What Happen 13 Billion Years Ago?
③ What Is the Big Bang?
④ Calculating the Age of the Universe
31. What additional information will Sharon need to provide in
getting her phone repaired/replaced?
① The purchase price of the phone.
26. How many zeros(0) are there in the number 1 billion?
② The model number of the phone.
① 1,000,000
③ The name of the sales person at the store.
② 100,000,000
④ Her mailing address and phone number.
③ 1,000,000,000
④ 10,000,000,000

27. In (A), what is NOT a synonym (same meaning) for "pinpoint"?

① see
② identify
③ determine
④ establish

(4쪽 중 3쪽) 강남대학교

2020학년도 전기 편입생 영어시험 문제지

수험번호 지원학부(과) 지원학년 성 명

(32-35) 36. Which topic sentence would be best for (A) in the passage?
① Ramun is delicious
Although people often think of the president as the center of
② Cooking ramun is easy
government, the Constitution lists the legislative branch first. The
③ Ramun and Kimchi, a match from heaven
legislative branch is called Congress. It has two parts: the Senate
④ This is how you can enjoy ramun
and the House of Representatives. The Senate has 100 members,
two from each of the country's 50 states. The House of
Representatives has more - 435. The number of members from
37. In the passage, what does "savoury" (B) mean?
each state in the House of Representatives depends on the states'
① popular
populations. The Constitution names just two people in the
② tasty
executive branch - the president and the vice president. In the
③ easy to cook
judicial branch, the Constitution establishes the Supreme Court,
④ filling
which is the highest court, and gives Congress the power to
create other courts.

32. What is the best title for the passage? 38. In the passage, what does "Orient" (C) mean?
① The History of the United States of America ① Europe
② What is in the US Constitution? ② America
③ The Three Branches of the US Government ③ Asia
④ The Supreme Court System ④ China

33. According to the passage, what are the two parts of Congress? (39-40)
① The president and vice-president. The rapid spread of popular music has become easier with the
② The president and Supreme Court. advent of the Internet. Particularly of late, an exciting bit of
③ The executive branch and judicial branch. culture known as K Pop, short for Korean popular music, has
④ The Senate and House of Representatives. exploded onto the world's stage. Viral music videos such as
"Gangham Style" have accumulated over 3.4 billion views. And
the boy group BTS have, on average, over 500 million Youtube
34. What are the three parts (branches) of the American government?
views for each of their latest music video releases, and over 24
① The President, Congress, and Supreme Courts.
million follows on Youtube and Twitter. Ingenious approaches to
② The Senate, House of Representatives, and Courts. music videos, and hard work set K Pop apart from any other
③ The legislative, executive, and judicial. genre. Here are the reasons K pop is so uniquely popular.
④ The Constitution, Congress, and Supreme Courts.

39. What topic is UNLIKELY to follow this introductory paragraph?

35. How many states are there in the US? ① History
② Fashion
① 50 ② 52 ③ 100 ④ 435
③ Choreography
④ Celebrities

40. What does the underlined word "accumulated" mean?
(A) . First, boil some water in small pot. After which,
① collected
add the soup, dehydrated vegetables, and noodles, and wait
② voted
3-4 minutes. If you like, you can add an egg or two, along
③ seen
with other ingredients, as it suits your taste. Once the noodles
④ shown
are cooked, pour the contents into a large bowl. As a delicious
side-dish, I recommend eating your ramun with Kimchi. With
your chopsticks in hand, dig-in, and enjoy the savoury (B) dish
of the Orient (C).

(4쪽 중 4쪽) 강남대학교

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