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Online Information Review

Network information resources management system based on knowledge mining

Chengyu ZhangPing WangYi ZhaoQiang LaiLi Kong
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To cite this document:
Chengyu ZhangPing WangYi ZhaoQiang LaiLi Kong, (2003),"Network information resources management system based on
knowledge mining", Online Information Review, Vol. 27 Iss 2 pp. 129 - 135
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(1997),"The importance of management information systems", Library Review, Vol. 46 Iss 5 pp. 318-327 http://
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(1989),"Establishment of a Management Information System", Industrial Management & Data Systems, Vol. 89 Iss 2 pp.

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Network information
In May 2001, 61 major universities in China
resources management were assembled under the China Academic
system based on Library and Information System Project,
sponsored by the Chinese Ministry of
knowledge mining Education, to build navigation databases for
various subjects. As a part of the project, the
Chengyu Zhang Tsinghua University Library developed an
Ping Wang information resources management and
navigation system based on knowledge
Yi Zhao mining, allowing users to search, index, mine
Qiang Lai and and evaluate the information on the network,
as well to control and manage the collection
Li Kong
and communication of the distributed
information. This was done with the
The authors participation of librarians and doctoral
candidates acting as the content managers,
Chengyu Zhang is Associate Professor and Vice Director
along with a network information resources
of the System Division, Ping Wang is Assistant Librarian
Downloaded by Universitas Brawijaya At 20:46 03 May 2016 (PT)

management system.
of the System Division, and Yi Zhao, Qiang Lai and
With the rapid developments of information
Li Kong are graduate students, all at Tsinghua University
networks and globalisation, obtaining
Library, Beijing, People's Republic of China.
information through networks is increasingly
difficult because of different network
platforms and information carrier structures,
Information management, Mapping, as well as non-structural and dynamic
Information resources management, Networks, database structures (Fan and Sun, 1999).
China, Content analysis But, at the same time, users' demand for
networked information, especially the
Abstract demands of academic researchers, are
This article describes the analysis, design and increasing. They need authoritative
implementation of the network information resources navigation and evaluation of information
management system (NIRMS), which uses distributed resources, active and individual-oriented
modes of content management to collect information information presentation services, and cross-
resources on the Internet for Chinese patrons. The first platform linking based on information
two sections describe the architecture and framework of content.
the NIRMS and the network resources management To solve conflicts between the performance
metadata (NRMM) schema. Then the modules for of search and retrieve tools and the users'
resource inspection and evaluation, knowledge mining requirements, information service providers
and users' information feedback are discussed. must take the responsibility to reorganise their
own network information (Lin, 2001).
Reorganisation of network information
Electronic access
resources consists of collection, organisation,
The Emerald Research Register for this journal is management and distribution of information
available at resources and their contents, implemented by personnel or computer software according to
The current issue and full text archive of this journal is certain index modes. After reorganisation,
available at network information resources become more
Refereed article received 18 June 2002
Approved for publication 28 December 2002
This work is supported by the Project of Humanity
and Social Science Research of the Education
Ministry of China (No. 01JD860001). This
Online Information Review
Volume 27 . Number 2 . 2003 . pp. 129-135 research was also supported by Chinese Social
# MCB UP Limited . ISSN 1468-4527 Science Fund and Beijing Educational Science
DOI 10.1108/14684520310471743 Project.
Network information resources management system Online Information Review
Chengyu Zhang, Ping Wang, Yi Zhao, Qiang Lai and Li Kong Volume 27 . Number 2 . 2003 . 129-135

structured and users have more efficient ways There are three types of participants in
to search for and find the information they NIRMS, who work as system administrators,
need, while the physical limitations of using content managers and common users. The
different information sources are avoided system administrators are given the most
(Zhang, 1999). access, such as managing information about
public users and configuring the information
collected. Content managers have the
Functions and structure of NIRMS responsibility to collect, mark, organise and
release network information resources, and at
In the NIRMS, the reorganisation of network the same time, to investigate the resources
information resources is a cooperative and recommended by common users. Common
interactive man-machine process. First of all, users can browse and review the resources
content managers play a core role in the released by the NIRMS, recommend valuable
distributed content management mechanism. resources to content managers and provide
Not only do they design, lay out and build feedback to system administrators.
professional resource databases, but they also In the NIRMS, the content managers can
painstakingly research and mark network establish a new subject and lay out the subject
structure to organise the collected network
resources. To help them, NIRMS provides
information resources in the field of the
the content managers with convenient and
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subject. Every subject covers some items and

effective tools for collecting, organising and
every item covers some sub-items. Each item
distributing network information resources.
or sub-item can contain elements, one of
Furthermore, the content managers and
which describes a network information
NIRMS work together on knowledge mining
resource. Content managers mark and exhibit
and resource inspection and evaluation. In the
network resources with the metadata, which
end, the users can be provided with a will be explained in the next section of this
macroscopic and microcosmic view and paper, examine the resources recommended
corresponding access mode of network by users, and finally, release the valuable
information resources through NIRMS. resources onto the network. With their
The main part of NIRMS consisted of academic backgrounds and the help of the
registration modules for users at all levels, information organisation and communication
system management and maintenance tools, content managers apply their
modules for system administrators, the intelligence and knowledge to information
resources appending and site management services in specialised fields. Their work
modules for content managers and a resource influences, or even decides, the quality and
recommendation module for common users. depth of collecting, organising and evaluating
The infrastructure of NIRMS is shown in static and external information resources. In
Figure 1. addition to these tasks, content managers also

Figure 1 Infrastructure of NIRMS

Network information resources management system Online Information Review
Chengyu Zhang, Ping Wang, Yi Zhao, Qiang Lai and Li Kong Volume 27 . Number 2 . 2003 . 129-135

provide online answers to the users' questions (5) Recommender: the person who
based on this platform, which makes their recommends resources to the content
expertise available to users in real time. manager.
This metadata schema was used to describe
network information in the NIRMS. The
Network resource management schema decided function characteristics, the
metadata running mode and the general performance of
the system. Further, the metadata schema
The formulation of network resources'
included the layers of all the systems, which
metadata is essential for providing reasonable greatly influenced information discovering,
index rules to describe valuable network searching, and organising processes.
resources (Lin, 2000). We defined a set of
metadata to identify, describe and locate
network resources: network resource
Quality control of network information
management metadata (NRMM) based on
the Dublin Metadata Core Element Set (DC,
2002), which considers the demands of users, The quality control of network information
the characteristics of resources and the resources that are collected in NIRMS is
system's primary functions of information implemented by integrating manual auditing
Downloaded by Universitas Brawijaya At 20:46 03 May 2016 (PT)

mining resource inspection and evaluation. (done by the content managers) and robotic
The structure of NRMM is shown in Table I. observation (done by the NIRMS). The
It can be seen that 14 of the 19 elements in NIRMS mainly provided the robotic
Table I correspond to the 14 elements observation function and quality evaluation
prescribed in DC. Only one element in DC, mechanism based on capturing the index
``right'', is not mentioned in the metadata of information automatically. When the NIRMS
our system. To implement the special finds that any sites collected by content
functions, such as inspection, evaluation and managers are no longer there, unreachable or
knowledge mining, we established five having other problems, it will give the content
accessional elements: managers an alert to evaluate those sites once
(1) Evaluation or appraisal: resources were more.
graded to five levels, i.e. best, better, Information resources on the Internet,
good, normal and bad. Content managers either academic or commercial sites, share the
following traits: dispersion, inconstancy,
graded resources according to their own
asymmetry; and untraceability (Huang and
subjective judgements of the users' needs.
Guo, 2000). Network information resources
(2) Inspection period: five categories of periods
have great freedom in their establishment and
were assigned to resources by content
development processes, and this freedom can
managers, i.e. never, one day, three days,
be embodied by the minimal limitations on
one week and one month.
their pattern, content and location (Kaminer,
(3) State of resources: resources are graded to
1997). Consequently, Web sites on the
ten levels. 1: good, no updating; 2: good,
Internet are so variable that any site can be
some updating; 3: redirecting <0.1; 4:
established, updated, changed, or even closed
great change >2 or <0.5 ; 5: not
in a short time (Jiang, 2001). Since the
stable, disconnected once; 6: not stable, resources in NIRMS were selected from all
disconnected twice; 7: not stable, kinds of Web sites, especially focusing on
disconnected three times; 8: not academic, governmental and commercial
stable, disconnected four times; 9: not sites, it has to inspect and evaluate their
useful, disconnected five times or more; connectedness, update frequency, availability,
10: inspection cancelled. The two timeliness and other performances.
elements ± inspection period and state of Generally, the evaluation criteria are
resources ± are usually combined divided into three parts: (1) content; (2)
automatically to evaluate resources. visual design; and (3) framework and function
(4) Clicks: this element is used to record hits. (see Figure 2). The content is the most
To some extent, it shows the users' valuable factor for evaluating homepages and
subjective evaluation. the criteria of content evaluation included the
Network information resources management system Online Information Review
Chengyu Zhang, Ping Wang, Yi Zhao, Qiang Lai and Li Kong Volume 27 . Number 2 . 2003 . 129-135

Table I Metadata schema (+, prerequisite element; #, only one of these attributes can be chosen)
Catalogue Element Sub-element Note
Content of resources Title Primary title Two kinds of language: Chinese and a
foreign language
Translated title
Subject Keywords
Language Chinese(simplified), Chinese(traditional),
English, other language
Description Abstract
Attached drawing
Relation Is based on
Is part of
Is format of
Knowledge rights Creator Original creator
Publisher Person who describes resources
Contributor Compiler, illustrator, et al.
Recommender Person who recommends resources to
content managers
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Additional attributes Evaluate/appraise Resource graded by content managers

Inspection period Period decided by users for inspecting
the site from the resources selected
Resource state Appraisement on homepage status
based on inspection result
Clicks Hits after homepage was opened
Location The item in which resources are stored
External Coverage Access control In a university, in CERNET, in China,
attributes everywhere
Identity URL or ISBN
Date Created date
Refreshed date
Type Summary, conference, academic
organisation, dissertation database,
periodical, journal, personal Web site,
Format Size For example, 1M
Physical format Computer documents, network links,
online documents, books in libraries etc.

accuracy, authority, originality, frequency of evaluation methods of information resources

content updates, expression of content, on the Internet were divided into objective
purpose of content provider and the target and subjective methods. The objective
audience. The content is fundamental for methods include robot and software real-time
both academic and commercial sites. The measuring, while the subjective ones include
visual design of a site is extremely important URL evaluation, modal evaluation, and
to attract readers. In contrast with stability evaluation. The randomness of the
commercial sites, most academic sites have size and the large amount of selected
very plain and clean pages, including text only resources make it very expensive to manually
in a highly organised structure to achieve high monitor these resources, so a software real-
transferring speed, and plain navigation time measuring method was used. Evaluation
structures and well-designed links to give parameters, such as the connection status and
users a good impression. extracted page patterns, were set. When the
The NIRMS mainly dealt with academic program is running, it records the monitoring
resources, focusing on content, system time and the period of every monitored Web
function and structure for evaluation. The site. The program is set to run at certain
Network information resources management system Online Information Review
Chengyu Zhang, Ping Wang, Yi Zhao, Qiang Lai and Li Kong Volume 27 . Number 2 . 2003 . 129-135

Figure 2 Website evaluation guidelines

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times. All the monitoring results are saved in a Creation of a keyword list
database. After the course of monitoring is The content managers submitted the search
finished, the monitoring module sends a keywords, in English and in Chinese, for their
message about the monitoring results to the subjects to the data-mining module of the
related content manager of the NIRMS. NIRMS. The keywords included the special
words of the subject, or the combination of
some restricted words. The system manager
then verified the validity of the submitted
Knowledge mining on the Internet
keywords. After removing the invalid word,
The information resources are so numerous system managers submitted the remaining
that content managers alone cannot keywords to a data collection system.
accurately and comprehensively collect
resources from the professional Web. We Collection of the source documents
tried to use some technology of knowledge According to the keyword list, the NIRMS
searches the information on the WWW as a
mining to collect knowledge in the Internet
meta search engine, which means that the
automatically for content managers (Park et
NIRMS present the keywords to some public
al., 2001). The knowledge mining in the
search engine such as Google or Yahoo, and
NIRMS includes five steps (Zou et al., 1999):
other search engines in China. All results were
comprehending the field of corresponding
processed to remove duplicate records, insert
problems; preparing a subset of related data;
new records and evaluate some of them. Then
discovering patterns (knowledge mining);
we obtain an original result set.
processing data and creating a result set; and
applying the result sets. The integration of the Filtering information
auto-fetch and artificial filter (the technology The sorted original results from the data
of non-structure knowledge mining) to the collecting system (DCS) were given to the
NIRMS was designed to get much more content managers to filter and evaluate.
valuable information more efficiently. Valuable records were saved as result sets for
In fact, the knowledge mining process in the users to browse, and as sample materials for
NIRMS was done by the cooperation knowledge mining. When enough sample
between content managers and the materials are accumulated, the NIRMS can
data-mining module. The procedure was evaluate the searched results according to the
as follows. content of sample materials by their
Network information resources management system Online Information Review
Chengyu Zhang, Ping Wang, Yi Zhao, Qiang Lai and Li Kong Volume 27 . Number 2 . 2003 . 129-135

similarity. By this means, NIRMS will be discussion area. In addition to these forums
taught by content managers to be more and for user feedback, the system also could
more intelligent. collect, organise and analyse operation
information, such as page clicks, links
Browsing result sets followed, and searches as users navigate the
Users accessed the information management system's various functions and resources.
system to get the result sets on the WWW (see These kinds of information reveal the user's
Figure 3). requirements and interest, which makes it
The knowledge mining of NIRMS was a possible to offer individualised service to the
complementary blend of computers and users.
human intelligence. The knowledge mining The users' survey, via the network, is done
done by computers greatly released the work by the system through offering various kinds
of the content manager, increased the of questionnaires based on specific users.
accuracy and depth of the evaluated The returned answers to the system's selective
information, and intelligently removed the questions are analysed and organised by the
redundant data. system. The users' message board gives the
users a way of carrying on the information
feedback by natural language, which is
User's information feedback and delivered to a relevant system manager or
Downloaded by Universitas Brawijaya At 20:46 03 May 2016 (PT)

interaction content manager. Academic BBS offers a

non-real-time networking discussion, which
The user's information feedback and the constitutes an academic community through
interaction between the users and the system text information. Network calls give the users
is another important function of the NIRMS. active communication with administrators
This function is realised through various and other users. The online discussion area is
ways, which makes the NIRMS more the same as the network meeting , only in text
individual and intelligent. format. It has the benefit of real-time mutual
The final purpose of navigating in network communication between many people.
information resources is to help the
information user by utilising various kinds of
network information resources more Conclusion
effectively, and to serve the user's academic
research, teaching and studying. Between the NIRMS is a knowledge-mining tool, which
user and the system, as well between the collects information resources from the
users, information communication will play Internet. In addition, it can automatically
an important role. The NIRMS will offer the inspect the sites and search as a meta search
following kinds of information feedback: engine. As a core role, content managers can
users' survey via the network, users' message use the NIRMS to mine knowledge from the
board, BBS, network calls and an online Internet. In the meanwhile, the ability of the

Figure 3 Flow chart of knowledge

Network information resources management system Online Information Review
Chengyu Zhang, Ping Wang, Yi Zhao, Qiang Lai and Li Kong Volume 27 . Number 2 . 2003 . 129-135

NIRMS to judge, evaluate or analyse the Fan, B. and Sun, Z. (1999), ``Key issues in the course of
information resources automatically will be constructing a Chinese navigation system of the
network information'', Science of Telecom (in
improved and enhanced by content
Chinese), No. 3, pp. 10-12.
managers. So, as a knowledge-mining tool, Huang, Q. and Guo, X. (2000), ``Evaluation of information
the NIRMS has the ability to ameliorate itself resources of Internet'', Information Transaction (in
by learning from content managers. Chinese), Vol. 18 No. 4, pp. 350-4.
The rapid advance of network and Jiang, Y. (2001), ``Review about evaluation method on
science net-station'', Manifold Resources of People
computer technology provides strong support University (library science, information science,
to the management, development, and work about information) (in Chinese), No. 8,
utilisation of library information resources, pp. 83-4.
but computers cannot replace the role of Kaminer, N. (1997), ``Scholars and the use of the
human intelligence in the information flow. Internet'', Library and Information Science Research,
Vol. 19 No. 4, pp. 329-45.
Therefore, we must logically combine Lin, G. (2001), ``Discussion about library's effects on
techniques, information resources, and Internet resources distribution'', Periodical of
human intelligence to utilise network National Library (in Chinese), No. 3, pp. 50-3.
information resources, just as we do in the Lin, H. (2000), ``Metadata schema of digital library'',
Library Transaction of China (in Chinese), Vol. 26
NIRMS. This will enhance the depth and
No. 128, pp. 59-64.
consistency of information through providing Park, S.C., Piramuthu, S. and Shaw, M.J. (2001), ``Dynamic
an environment with ordered information to rule refinement in knowledge-based data mining
Downloaded by Universitas Brawijaya At 20:46 03 May 2016 (PT)

make the best use of information resources. systems'', Decision Support Systems, Vol. 31 No. 2,
pp. 205-22.
Zhang, C. (1999), ``Discussion about building of virtual
library in university'', Information Transaction (in
References Chinese), Vol. 18, pp. 188-91.
Zou, T., Huang, Y. and Zhang, F. (1999), ``Data mining of
DC (2002), Dublin Core Metadata Initiative, available at: text information based on WWW'', Information Transaction (in Chinese), Vol. 36 No. 8, pp. 289-93.

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