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B2B Marketing

Session 1

B2B: B2G, B2I,



B2B products

1) Resellers
2) Manufacturers
3) Institutions
4) Government

B2B markets

Zomato kitchen-

B vs C markets

1) Bulk orders
2) Price Diff
3) Close relationship with customers
4) 80% of sale from 20% customers
5) Professional and emotional purchasing
6) Highly customization
7) Profit percentile
8) Payment relaxation
9) Geographically concentrated
10) Derived demand
11) Inelastic demand

B2B Value creation

1) Quality
2) Utility
3) Trustworthiness
4) Customization
5) Branding
6) Durability
7) Terms & Conditions
8) Price
9) Availability

Types of buying situations

1) New buy
2) Straight rebuy
3) Modified rebuy

Session 4

Brand- Reputation

Name, symbol, term, design – identifies the brand

Why branding?

Brand equity vs brand valuation

B. Equity- goodwill earned gained over time

B. Valuation-net value (tangible and intangible)

Branding in B2B space

B2B branding

Content creation in b2b

 Business Introduction letter

 Listing out in business directories
 Cold calling
 Certify products/services
 Develop agile business model
 Give more choices to customers
 Zero defection
 Tradeshows and exhibitions
 Communication



Laundry 1 glass water-marketing via policy makers

Raw material (scrap value reduced)

Processing cost


Buyer-seller relationships

 Transactional exchange
 Value-added
 Collaborative

Characteristics in transactional and collaborative exchanges

Customer lifetime value

1. Star customers (high profitability, high customer experience)

2. Free riders (low profitability, high customer experience)
3. Lost causes (low profitability, low customer experience)
4. Vulnerable customers (high profitability, low customer experience)

High cost to serve customers vs low cost to serve customers

 Pre-sale costs
 Production costs
 Post-sales costs

CRM: Customer Relationship Management

Session 9

Interfirm relationship marketing

 Breadth
 Quality
 Composition

Relationship Marketing programs

 Social
 Structural
 Financial

Supply chain management

General supply chain

 Product flow- left to right

 Cash flow- right to left

Reverse supply chain

 Cash flow- left to right

 Product flow- right to left

Info flow both sides

Supply chain as a value chain

Supplier to manufacturer: value addition thru processing/manufacturing

Manufacturer to customer: value addition thru marketing/logistics


Vertical SC integration:
Forward (downstream) Vertical Integration:

Backward (forward) Vertical Integration

Balanced VI

Horizontal integration:

Logistics vs supply chain management

SC is evolved form of logistics

Inbound vs outbound logistics

SCM goals

Session 10

WPI Case study

Supply Chain Management

Jiangxi to Shanghai Port


Problem with excel calculations: Trenduty

Salesforce case study

Six path framework


New Product dev;

Failure reason

New Product Development Process

Idea generation- marketing department

Idea gen-> screening-> concept dev & testing-> BA-> Product dev-> market testing-> alpha & beta
testing; tradeshows; distributors; market testing

Product strategy

Core competence

Core competence drawn not only from product- maybe from operations, HRM, etc.

Something unique to the product lifecycle which is not easy to be replicated by the competitors.

Product life cycle

International Product Lifecycle

Product evaluation matrix

Innovation (question from this chapter for end-term)

3 levels of innovation:

Competency vs value creation

 Incremental (company)
 Breakthrough (Market)
 Transformational (world)

Technology adoption lifecycle

Session 12


Eg: Evolution of ac

Business problems

Marketing Research Process

Types of data:

 Primary
 Secondary


Independent and dependent variable

Target population and sample

Known vs unknown population:

In B2B, population is always known.

Probability sampling

Pilot study

In-depth and FGI

Experimental research

Data analysis

How to reduce biasness in research?

Types of inventories

Types of inventory cost:

 Order cost
 Holding cost

Inventory management

Bullwhip effect


Ajanta case study


Xiameter case study

Quiz 1: 8.91 (27/30)

IndiaMART case study

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