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T R AV E L O G U E 0 0 5 : S T R A N N O S

Molten Death
Strannos has no central body or core. It is a
swirling amassment of volcanic asteroids,
metals, and floating lava all held in loose
formation by a low-gravity magnetosphere.

Weirdly behaving magnetism is rampant. The

synthetic metal fibers of our suits seem to
attract every piece of loose metal we pass.
We must be careful not to cause excess
debris or we may find ourselves crushed
under the weight. Which may be hard, as
the metallic asteroids attract and repel one
another in a perpetual motion of spinning,
colliding, shattering hunks of metallic ore.

Flowing throughout all this are floating

rivers of lava that splash beautifully
across asteroidal surfaces, reshaping
them with heat, steam, and fire.

Meanwhile, the nearby sun is

collapsing, buffeting the world with
steady solar tempests, predictable in
timing but not in temperament.

This is a world of chaos, of movement,

and of peril so profound it achieves a
type of beauty—simply navigating this
awe-inspiring place will be harrowing.
Shuffle and stack the solar tempest A WORLD OF CHAOS
1 cards face-down in the area designated The environment on Strannos will behave
for planet-specific cards. differently than on most other planets; nodes
will rotate and switch locations, and you
Set aside mystery cards A, B, C, D until will leap (or be slung) between them in wild
2 referenced, and place the rare metals ways. Sometimes you’ll need to reposition
extractor and polarity funnel tokens in the nodes in the environment, actually moving
them around, to achieve your goals.

area designated for planet-specific tokens.

If that weren’t enough, the world’s metallic
materials stick to your suit and cause an manner
Place the red-triangle trigger token of complications. Also, there’s lava in the sky and
3 on the third space of the timeline. the sun is imploding. So—good luck and all that.


On Strannos, many effects will cause

nodes to rotate. Account for this by leaving
extra room around each environment card.
Neglecting to do this could result in a mess
of components and unbridled rage.
Each explorer tucks a magnetic burden
4 card beneath their dashboard under the
REST action, leaving the bottom half
of the card exposed. The top half is for
reference only. Explorers may peek as
necessary when their memories fail them.

Survival tasks on Strannos have predetermined

environment setups in which nodes start play
face-down in specific arrangements. Effects will
sometimes rotate, add resources to, or even
move these nodes before they are revealed.
→ When revealing a node, maintain its current
resources, orientation, and position.

Remove the laboratory from play. It

5 cannot be constructed on Strannos.
SPACES VS NODES → Resources (data/materials) that would
be placed on an empty space are lost.
This world is essentially an asteroid → Nodes across empty spaces are not adjacent.
field. Some effects will change
the location of nodes, sometimes → Some effects cause spaces to “swap places.”
leaving gaps between nodes. Don’t overthink this, it means exactly
what you think it means. When 2 “spaces”
The term “space” is used throughout swap, everything in those spaces switch. If
to distinguish between environment there are nodes in each, those two nodes
cards (“nodes”) and potential locations switch spaces. If one has a node and the
of environment cards (“spaces”). other is empty, the node moves to the
Many effects cause nodes or other empty space, leaving emptiness behind.
components to be placed a certain number Example:
of “spaces” away. In these instances,
you’re counting spaces not nodes. “Your space and an adjacent space swap places.”
All components in your space swap with
whatever (if anything) is in an adjacent space.
Example of spaces vs nodes:
“Place your explorer 3 spaces away.” SOLAR TEMPESTS
When the time marker reaches the red-triangle
trigger, draw and resolve a solar tempest card.
empty empty ACQUIRE

“space” “space”
Metallic Flower


When entering:


“space” Most nodes on Strannos have a magnetic charge

Place yourself onto
a node (revealed
or unrevealed) 1-2
spaces away.
Rotate that node 90˚
in either direction. FULCRUM VELOCITY PLANE

and are either “positive” or “negative.” This has

no effect unless referenced by another effect.
Rotate any node up to

180˚ either direction. Place yourself onto

OR a node (revealed
or unrevealed) 1-2
Place another explorer spaces away.
onto this node from
up to 3 spaces away. Rotate that node 90˚
in either direction.


→ Use markers to mark empty spaces
if you find it necessary.
→ Nodes can be placed onto empty “positive” “negative”
spaces through effects.
MAGNETIC BURDEN → Once per turn, you may spend 1 power
The magnetically charged materials scattered to remove a material from yourself back
around Strannos stick to your suit, causing to the general (non-inventory) supply.
additional effects each time you REST. There → If multiple explorers are on a
are quite a few rules governing this because of node with materials, the explorers
fringe possibilities, but it’s really that simple. decide who the materials stick to,
but must do so in a way that:
→ Fills as many magnetic burden
spaces as possible. And then:
→ Applies as much distress as possible.

Due to complications with “insta-death”:

→ LUNA cannot scan for materials.
→ You may not build the laboratory.
→ You cannot use the UNEARTH action (use
a marker to cover the UNEARTH action).

→ If ever an explorer and material occupy Instead, materials will be added to nodes
the same node, the material sticks to and acquired through other effects.
the explorer, who places the
material onto the bottom of → No node may have more than 2 materials on
their magnetic burden card. it. If more would be added, they are lost.
→ If you would add material(s) to your
burden, but the card is full: instead
gain a distress and discard the excess
materials. (Even if multiple materials are
discarded at once, only gain 1 distress.) REFERENCE & FAQ
→ When you use your REST action, resolve
the effect of each material stuck to you
(in addition to any other REST effects). → Any time an effect directs you to stick
or place a material, do so from the
→ You may spend materials stuck to supply. Ex: “Stick 1 material . . .”
yourself as you would materials in
group inventory, but you may not spend → You may use effects and abilities to freely
materials stuck to other explorers. reposition nodes however you want. Setups
are just starting positions, not restrictions.

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