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Officially dead.

Chapter one. “The meeting”

Colin Fenton was from Bath, but he was in Brentwood to teach a computer software course.
He and his wife were partners in business, they had a company called cjf software solutions.
Colin was looking after the company’s finances, the organization of training courses and the
marketing. His wife Julie Fenton was a software developer.
He had been exhausted and he decided to be gone to a restaurant and then go to the pub
where he noticed that in this bar there was another man that looked like him. They were
identical. This man was called John Bentley. He was there with his wife Linda Bentley, John
realices that Linda flirted with him, and they started arguing.
In the middle of the argument, Linda said that she thinks that colin could be useful in their
robberies. John didn’t like the idea because he had been in prison before, so john had decided
went straight. Linda replied to him that there is no way that you will get caught, she said this
because colin and john were identical so if the police caught them, john accused colin.
When colin fenton got back to his hotel room, he was thinking about Linda.

Colin: From Bath, he had a company called cjf, he was looking after the company’s s finances,
the organization of training courses and marketing. Julie’s husband. He was so exhausted for
her job in Brentwood.
Linda Bentley: Linda was dressed in black clothes, she had fair hair, large green eyes and a
broad smile. She wore a lot of make up and she wore a lot of heavy gold jewellery. Her skirt
was very short indeed.


1.Why was colin Fenton visiting Brentwood?
Colin was visiting Brentwood to teach a computer software course, he was far away from
home and from his wife.
2. Where is Essex located
Essex is a small town located just beyond the eastern suburbs of London.
3. Name the company that Julie and Colin worked as partners
Julie and colie were partners in a business, they had a company as called cfj solutions.
4. As partners they each had positions in the company. Describe them
The colin.s wife is the software developer and colin was looking after the company.s finances,
the organization of training courses and the marketing.
5. When Colin was at the pub, who did he see and why was he shocked?
When Colin was at the pub, he see a man alike him, he had the same face, same hairstyle and
he said to him that he thought he was looking in the mirror when he saw John.
6. What did colin mean by saying I THOUGHT I WAS LOOKING IN A MIRROR
Colin meant that when he saw John, he realiced that john and himself were the same person
because colin and john had the same face, same hairstyle and same body.
7. Describe buth characters as they say they were identical

Colin and John were unbelievably alike, they had almost identical features, and the same
8. Who was Linda Bentley? What did she look like?
Linda Bentley is a johns.wide. She was dressed in black clothes. She had fair hair, large green
eyes, and a broad smile. She wore a lot ok makeup, heavy gold jewellery and a very short skirt.
9. What did she say to the men when she saw their resemblance
She said that they were identical, they could be perfect twins.
10. Why did the Bentleys argue after they had left the pub
The Bentley were arguing because john had drunk too many beers and he was jealous because
linda had been flirting with colin
11. Why did Linda think that seeing colin would be convenient for them
Linda thought that colin would be convenient for them because colin could do a big robbery
without going to prison because could serve as an alibi.
12. Was John interesting in thieving? Explain page 10
No, john wasn’t interested in thieving because he wanted to go straight and he didn’t want
back to prison .

Chapter two:”The business”

Colin and his wife rarely travelled together for go or return of the job. The secretary of the
office told colin that Mr booker who is the contant of the business, was expecting for him.
Mr booker said that he had earned around 40.000 so far, but he spent more than 150.000 and
he needed to earn about 20.000 between these moment and the end of these year unless him
business wont survive. Then his wife asked for the reunion between him and the countant and
he said that it wasn’t important.
At the end he was reading letters of his company and I realiced that he had a letter from linda
Bentley, this letter said that she wanted to remind him that she and her husband would love to
see him again in a few weeks time when he returned brentwood. She also wanted to invite
Colin to have dinner at their house. He didn't want Julie to see the letter because it is going to
be embarrassing.

Chapter three: “The plan”


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