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Assalamu’alaikum wr.wb
Good afternoon all
How are you today?
Have you guys had lunch? good, with lunch, your energy will be fulfilled again.

Before we start the class, let’s pray first. Chairman, please lead for the prayer!

Okay, I'll check your attendance! Is anybody absent today?

(Classroon manajemen)
It’s a very hot today, isn’t it? 
Even though it's hot today. Let's face today's activities with enthusiasm.

Okay guys we have to keep our class clean and tidy so we can enjoy learning. so students, tidy up your seat,

Okay before class starts lets play a little game. So every student has to count from 1 to 10 but when the
numbers step on number 3 6 9, the student has to say buzz. 

(slide 1) Here is a picture, what picture is it? beach

what do we usually go to the beach for? vacation

If you were asked what are you going to do on vacation and you already have plans to go on vacation to the
beach, what would you say?

I am going to the beach for vacation (Iffani)

Nessi, what are you going to do after this class?

I’m going to cook some food

What would you like to do in your semester holiday Irsy? 

I would like to go back to my hometown

How about you Fitta, are you going to back to your hometown this holiday?
Yes, I'm going back to my hometown because I miss my mom

Okay so guys in our daily life, we have to interact with other people. In the interacting process, we often need
to express our intention to the person who we are talking with. Intention means something that you want and
plan to do. That’s why today we will learn about expressing intention.

(Slide 2) Now let we start our material today! Last meeting we have finished chapter 2 which is about
congratulating and complimenting others right? Okay now we will continue to chapter 3 which is about
expressing intention.

(Slide 3) Why do we need to learn about expressing intention? Because from this material we can (baca
learning objectives)

(slide 4) Intention is something that you want and plan to do. So, Expression of Intention is an expression used
to talk about plans.
The social function of this material is to be able to telling and asking about intentions of doing something to
develop interactional communication with others.

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