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Sediment Transport Analysis

Section 2: Sediment Transport

Lecture 2.9: Predicting Bank Erosion Rate

copyright@Dr. Jennifer Duan, Univ. of Arizona

River Bank Stabilization
 River bank erosion occurs often in incised channels (Fig.2.9.1). It consists
of two interactive processes: basal erosion and bank failure. Various
types of bank erosion were observed in nature (Fig.2.9.2).
 River stabilization
structures are designed to
protect the river banks and
prevent lateral migration of
alluvial channels through
bank erosion.
 River stabilization methods
can be classified according
to two different approaches:
1) strengthen the banks;
2) reduce hydrodynamic Fig.2.9.1. Bank erosion at the Las Vegas Wash
forces. copyright@Dr. Jennifer Duan, Univ. of Arizona
Upper Iowa River
Fig.2.9.2. Various types of bank erosion in the natural rivers

copyright@Dr. Jennifer Duan, Univ. of Arizona

Types of Bank Failure
Bank failure usually
is caused by the
degradation of
channel bed, which
de-stablizes the
upper bank and
causes the upper
bank to fail.

The type of bank

failure depends on
soil cohesivity,
groundwater level,
seepage/piping, and
Fig.2.9.3. Various types of bank failures in the natural rivers
copyright@Dr. Jennifer Duan, Univ. of Arizona
Basal Erosion Vs Bank Failure
While basal erosion is caused by hydraulic force acting on bank surface, and
bank failure results from the destabilized bank toe.

Three modes of failure are typical of alluvial rivers: for non-cohesive bank
material, bank angle also remains to be the repose angle of bank material; for
cohesive bank material, rotational failure or planar failure are typical; for
stratified bank surfaces, as soon as the underlying non-cohesive material is
mobilized, leaving the overlying cohesive material unsupported and subject to
tension crack and cantilever failure.

Piping is a common phenomena in stratified alluvial banks due to

groundwater. In general, the most erosive banks consists sandy and silt
material, whereas the least erosive are clayey and gravelly covered banks.

copyright@Dr. Jennifer Duan, Univ. of Arizona

Basal Erosion
Basal erosion is due to the hydraulic forces acting on bank surface that
directly entrain sediment into the water body. Three forces acing on a
sediment particle on the bank, which are lift force (FL), cohesive force
(Fc), and the submerged weight (Wsn)(Fig.2.9.4). The component of
submerged weight along the bank slope is as follows:
1 3
Wsn = π d ( ρ s − ρ ) g cos 2 β − sin 2 α (Eq.2.9.1)
where β = bank slope; α = channel
slope; π = constant; ρs, ρ = density of
sediment and flow; d = sediment
size; g = gravity acceleration.
If the channel slope is small comparing to
bank slope,
1 3
=Wsn π d ( ρ s − ρ ) g cos β (Eq.2.9.2) Schematic of hydraulic
6 forces on bank surface
copyright@Dr. Jennifer Duan, Univ. of Arizona
Basal Erosion
The lift force can be expressed as
CL ρ u2
FL = πd 2
4 2
where FL = lift force; CL = lift coefficient; u = flow velocity. Use the
logarithmic law and the shear velocity to replace the velocity in Eq.2.9.3, the
lift force can be calculated as
CL ' ρ u* 2

FL = πd 2
4 2
where CL ‘= revised lift coefficient, u* = shear velocity

The cohesive force can be calculated as

FC = ms f C (d , ρ s , λ ,...) ms = π d 3 ρ s
where (Eq.2.9.5)
where Fc = cohesive force, ms = sediment mass, fC = cohesive
coefficient, λ = porosity.
copyright@Dr. Jennifer Duan, Univ. of Arizona
Basal Erosion
When particles are lifted by flow to a distance equal to the diameter of the
sediment particle, they are considered being entrained. The momentum law
FL − Wsn − FC
= msVsn (Eq.2.9.6)

where Vsn = particle escaping velocity from bank surface in the normal
Substituting Eq.2.9.2, Eq.2.9.4, and Eq.2.9.5 into Eq.2.9.6, the particle
escaping velocity can be calculated as:
ρs − ρ  3C L' ρ u*2 ρs 
Vsn = gd  − cos β − fC 
ρs  4 gd (ρ s − ρ ) ( ρ s − ρ ) g 

It simplifies as
1 3C L ρ

Vsn = u*2 − u*2c (u* > u*c ) (Eq.2.9.8)

2 ρs
where u*c = critical shear velocity at entrainment.
copyright@Dr. Jennifer Duan, Univ. of Arizona
Basal Erosion: Entrainment vs Deposition
The rate of entrainment, En, is the amount of sediment entrained into the
water body from bed surface, can be calculated as

En = (1 − λ )Vsn =
(1 − λ ) 3C L' ρ
u*2 − u*2c (u* > u*c ) (Eq.2.9.9)
2 ρs
On the other hand, sediment suspended in the water body will deposit on the
bed surface. Therefore, the rate of deposition (Dn) is calculated as
Dn = ω cb cos β (Eq.2.9.10)
where ω is the fall velocity, cb is near bed sediment concentration, β is the
angle of bank slope. The fall velocity can be calculated as
2 ρs − ρ
ω= gd (Eq.2.9.11)
3CD ρ
where CD is the drag coefficient.
copyright@Dr. Jennifer Duan, Univ. of Arizona
Basal Erosion Rate
The rate of basal erosion is the amount of sediment eroded form bank
surface in the direction perpendicular to bank surface, which can be
calculated as follows:
ξ= n
(E − Dn )sin β
1− λ
where ξ = rate of basal erosion. Substituting the rate of entrainment
(Eq.2.9.9) and deposition (Eq.2.9.10) into Eq.2.9.12, the rate of basal erosion
is obtained as

sin β 3C L' ρ  C  (Eq.2.9.13)

ξ= 1 − cos β  u*2 − u*2c
2 ρ s  C* 
where C* = saturated sediment concentration near bed. Eq.2.9.13 is the basal
erosion rate at one particular location on the bank surface that varies with
shear stress on the bank surface.
copyright@Dr. Jennifer Duan, Univ. of Arizona
Averaged Basal Erosion Rate
Shear velocity at the bank toe is the maximum. While at the water surface,
the shear velocity is zero. The shear stress is assumed linearly distributed on
the bank surface, and is expressed by the following equation:
τ0  y
u*2 = 1 −  (Eq.2.9.14)
ρ  D
where τ0= ρu0*2 is shear stress at the bank toe, τ= ρu*2 is shear stress at the
bank surface, which is y distance above the bed, y is the distance from bed, D
is flow depth. The basal erosion requires shear velocity is greater than the
critical shear velocity,
u*2 ≥ u*2c (Eq.2.9.15)
Substituting into Eq.2.9.14, it yields
y τ
≤ 1− c (Eq.2.9.16)
D τ0
where τc is the critical shear stress. From Eq.2.9.16, basal erosion occurs on
the bank surface from the bank toe to the flow depth having the critical
shear stress.
copyright@Dr. Jennifer Duan, Univ. of Arizona
Averaged Basal Erosion Rate
The minimum flow depth that the basal erosion will commence is obtained
from Eq.2.9.16:
y = D(1− τ c / τ o ) (Eq.2.9.17)

Then, the averaged rate of basal erosion can be calculated by averaging the basal
erosion rate on the erodible bank surface as follows:
 τ 
1 D  1−τ 0c  sin β 3C L'  C  y τ
ξ= ∫ 1 − cos β  τ o 1 − − c dy
D 0 2 ρ s  C*  D τ0
 τ 
1 sin β 3C L'  C  D  1− c  y τ
≈ 1 − cos β  τ 0 ∫  τ 0  1 − − c dy
D 2 ρ s  C*  0 D τ0
3 (Eq.2.9.18)
 τ  2
= E 1 − c  τ0
 τ0 
'  
in which E = sin β C L 1 − C cos β  where β is the averaged bank slope.
3ρ s  C 
 *  copyright@Dr. Jennifer Duan, Univ. of Arizona
Bank Failure
Bank Failure happens after basal erosion destabilize the bank toe.
Geotechnical instability of the bank surface causes bank failure (Fig.2.9.5)

where H0= original bank height; H’=

bank height after basal erosion;
H = bank height after bank
failure, ΔZ=bed degradation, ΔW
= width change due to basal
Fig.2.9.5. Bank failure model erosion, BW = bank failure width,
(Osman and Thorne 1988) FD = driving force of bank failure,
FR = resistance force of bank
copyright@Dr. Jennifer Duan, Univ. of Arizona
Bank Failure
The rate of bank erosion, the averaged speed of bank retreat resulting from
a sequence of bank failures, can be expressed approximately by
dB ∆B
M= ≈ (Eq.2.9.19)
d t ∆T
where ΔB = WB = width of failure block
ΔT = Ts + Tf = time interval of bank failure
Ts = the time for a stable bank to reach a critical state of bank
failure by basal erosion
Tf = the period of bank failure
The mass volume eroded by fluvial entrainment per unit channel length from
Fig.2.9.5, which was approximated as

Vs =
1 (H − H ') − ∆Z 2
1 H − H'] ( )
2 tan β 2 tan β

copyright@Dr. Jennifer Duan, Univ. of Arizona

Bank Failure
Then, the time of basal erosion to result in an unstable bank (Ts ) can be
calculated as V H − H'
Ts = s
(H − H )ξ '
2ξ tan β (Eq.2.9.21)

The width of the failure block from Osman and Thorne (1988) is given as
H −Y' H'
∆B = − (Eq.2.9.22)
tan β c tan β
where Y’ is the depth of tension crack, βc is the angle of bank failure
plane. The angle of the failure plane (see Eq. 27 in Osman and Thorne
1988) can be determined by
1  −1  H   

β c =  tan  '  (1 − K ) tan β  + φ 

2   H   

where K is coefficient of bank geometry, φ is the angle of repose.

copyright@Dr. Jennifer Duan, Univ. of Arizona

Rate of Bank Erosion
The rate of bank erosion is the speed that the top of bank is eroded, which is
caused by the failure of bank surface. It can be calculated by dividing the
failure block width by the time that requires the failure to occur as follows:
dB ∆B
M= ≈ = eξ (Eq.2.9.24)
d t Ts + T f
H −Y H'
in which −
tan β c tan β
H − H' (Eq.2.9.25)
+ ξT f
2 tan β

where M is the overall bank erosion rate, e is a coefficient relating to bank

geometry and bank failure frequency.
Eq.2.9.24 states that bank erosion rate relates to the rate of basal erosion, the
bank geometry, and the frequency of bank failure. Detailed descriptions of
Eq.2.9.24 can be found at Duan (2005).
copyright@Dr. Jennifer Duan, Univ. of Arizona
Frequency of Bank Failure
 The probability of bank failure is the probability when the drag force is
greater than the bank resistance force, which is written as follows:
Wt sin β c > FC + N tan φ (Eq.2.9.26)

where Wt = weight of failure block, Fc= cohesion force, N = normal force

on bank surface equal to the gravitational force of failure block.
 The weight of failure block
γ s  H 2 − Y '2 H ' 

Wt = − (Eq.2.9.27)
2  tan β c tan β 

 Substituting Eq.2.9.27 into Eq.2.9.26, the bank failure criteria,

Eq.2.9.26, becomes
FC < Wt sin β − Wt cos β c tan φ (Eq.2.9.28)

copyright@Dr. Jennifer Duan, Univ. of Arizona

Frequency of Bank Failure
 The cohesive force on the failure surface,
D H − D −Y'
FC = cs + cd
sin β c sin β c (Eq.2.9.29)

where cs and cd are the cohesivity for saturated and dry soils. The difference
between the cohesivity for saturated and dry soil is denoted as Δc=cd-cs . Then,
the cohesion force can be expressed as:
H − Y  ∆c D 
FC = cd 1 − 
sin β c  cd H − Y  (Eq.2.9.30)

 Substituting Eq.2.9.30 into Eq.2.9.28, the failure criteria becomes

( H − Y )c d  sin β c 1 
D> 1 − (W sin β − W cos β tan φ )  (Eq.2.9.31)
∆c −
t c t c
 H Y cd 

The right of Eq.2.9.31 is the critical bank failure flow depth. Bank
failure occurs when flow depth exceeds this critical depth.
copyright@Dr. Jennifer Duan, Univ. of Arizona
Frequency of Bank Failure
 If let Dp representing the critical flow depth of bank failure,
bank failure happens when D>Dp. At a given cross section, each
flow depth corresponds to a flow discharge. Therefore, the
criteria for bank failure can also be expressed as Q > Qp, in which
Qp is the discharge when flow depth is Dp.
 The probability density function of a log-Pearson (3) (LP(3))
distribution is used to calculate the frequency when Q > Qp. The
distributed random variable x is given by
β ' −1  log x −γ 
1  log( x) − γ  −
 α' 

f ( x) = e (Eq.2.9.32)
α ' xΓ( β ')  α ' 

 Therefore, the probability of bank failure is calculated as

β ' −1  log( x ) −γ 
1 ∞ 1  log( x ) − γ  −  (Eq.2.9.33)
α ' Γ( β ') ∫Qp x  α '
η (Q ≥ Q p ) =  e  α' 

copyright@Dr. Jennifer Duan, Univ. of Arizona
Overall Bank Erosion Rate
Therefore, the rate of bank erosion of cohesive bank material, M, can be
obtained as: ∆B τ bc 2

M = = eE (1 − ) τ b0 (Eq.2.9.34)
∆t τ b0

CL'  
cos β 
in which E = sin β 1−
3ρ s  C  Basal Erosion Factor
 * 
H −Y H'

tan β c tan β
H −H' ξ Bank Geometry Factor
2 tan β η
β ' −1  log( x ) −γ 
1 ∞ 1  log( x ) − γ  −  Bank Failure
η (Q ≥ Q p ) = ∫ 
α ' Γ( β ') p x  α ' 
Q  e  α' 
dx Frequency Factor

Eq.2.9.34 has been programmed in an excel sheet available at the course site.
The users need to prepare input data of bank geometry and bank material to
determine the bank erosion rate.
copyright@Dr. Jennifer Duan, Univ. of Arizona
Example 2.9.1
The West Jordan River is located in the middle of the Salt Lake Valley,
southwest of downtown Salt Lake City. The mean size of bed material is
0.5mm, and bank material is 0.8mm. The bank height ranges from 1.98 to
4.57m. The angle of the bank ranges from 50-90. The depth of tension
crack is 0.15-0.17m at some reaches. The averaged bank geometries,
H=3.66m, Hy=0.61m, bank angle is 70. The averaged flow depth is 1.98m,
and velocity 1.68m/s. Manning roughness is 0.025, and the channel slope is
0.01%. The angle of repose is 35, and the effective cohesion for dry and
saturated bank material is 50 and 20kN/m.

copyright@Dr. Jennifer Duan, Univ. of Arizona

The user needs to use the excel program “bankrate.xls” to
calculate bank erosion rate. This excel program is based on
Duan (2005).

Bank Erosion Rate Calculator

Duan, J.G. (2005) Analytical approach to calculate the rate of bank erosion, Journal of
Hydraulic Engineering, Vol.131, No. 11, 980-990.

Water density: ρ 1000 sediment density:ρs 2650

gravity: g 9.8 Viscosity 01

dry soil cohesivity (N/m2) 50000 wet soil cohesivity 20000

Step 1: Calculate Erosion Coefficient for Basal Erosion (E)

copyright@Dr. Jennifer Duan, Univ. of Arizona

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