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Answers Questions Wife of Bath

After watching the summary of the prologue of the Wife of Bath's tale,
you are able to answer the following questions:

1. How were women viewed in medieval times? (In what way has this view changed over the
centuries?) Where did this view originated?
A. You depend on protection and survival by your husband. Women are viewed as
temptresses and creators of sin who destroyed men by their seductive nature.
2. Why do you think it is one of the most popular characters of the Canterbury Tales?
A. Her way of expressing her feelings towards marriage and the expectations society held
about women.
3. Why does the Wife of Bath (her name is Alison) introduce ( these introductions are also
known as ' prologue' ) her story to the other pelgrims?
A. To explain her life and her beliefs.
4. What does she explain in her introduction?
A. She explains she is a bit of a rebel, not following rules of authority. She rather follows her
own experience.
5. Why does she feel she is an expert in marriage?
A. She married 5 times, she is a sensual woman, set on pleasing her husband and enjoying
the relationship herself.
6. How does society view her 5 marriages?
A. Society should not condemn her. She quotes examples from the bible, justifying her
7. What is, according to the Church, the most prestigious role women could occupy?

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