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Determinant factors of investors’ behavior in investment decision in

Indonesian capital markets

Article  in  Journal of Economics Business and Accountancy Ventura · April 2014

DOI: 10.14414/jebav.v17i1.265


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Journal of Economics, Business, and Accountancy Ventura Vol. 17, No. 1, April 2014, pages 45 – 54

Determinant factors of investors’ behavior in investment decision

in Indonesian capital markets
Indra Listyarti1, Tatik Suryani2
University of Esa Unggul Jakarta, Arjuna Utara Street 9, Tol Tomang, Kebon Jeruk, Jakarta Barat 11510, DKI,
STIE Perbanas Surabaya, Nginden Semolo Street 34-36, Surabaya, 60118, East Java, Indonesia


Article history: This study examines the effect of financial information, macro environment, and sub-
Received 13 February 2014 jective norms on investors’ behavior when making investment decisions in Indonesian
Revised 8 April 2014 capital market. It was conducted by a survey design and involved 190 individual
Accepted 19 April 2014 investors in three big cities in Indonesia (Jakarta, Surabaya, and Bandung). By using
Structural Equation Modeling with Warp-PLS 3.0, the results showed that macro
JEL Classification: factors had a significantly positive effect on the technical information, the financial
G10 information and the macro factors had a significantly positive effect on the investor
M21 intentions, and the intentions of investors and the financial information had a signifi-
cantly positive impact on investment decisions. It was also found that the financial
Key words: information held a great contribution to build investor intentions and investment
Subjective Norms, decisions. Thus, Indonesian individual investors were rational and sophisticated in-
Investors’ Intention, vestors. They were not influenced by the actions of other investors, analyst opinions,
Investment Decision Making. and media. The implication of this research was how to provide information compre-
hensively to investors, which was very important to influence their decisions.
10.14414/jebav.14.1701005 ABSTRAK
ASEAN-China Free Trade Area (AC-FTA) berdampak pada kinerja ekonomi secara
sektoral di Indonesia. Salah satu sektor yang terkena dampak dari perdagangan bebas
tersebut adalah sektor penyumbang terbesar pendapatan nasional di Indonesia. Peneli-
tian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif kualitatif yang bertujuan untuk menganalisis
secara kualitatif dan memaparkan dampak dari perdagangan bebas ASEAN-China
terhadap sektor industri di Indonesia. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa kinerja sektor
industri di Indonesia mengalami penurunan selama pemberlakuan perdagangan bebas
ASEAN-China, yang terindikasi pada (1) kontribusi sektor industri terhadap PDB
cenderung menurun, sementara kontribusinya dalam penyerapan tenaga kerja tidak
ada perubahan yang signifikan, (2) sektor industri mengalami pertumbuhan rata-rata
per tahun lebih rendah daripada pertumbuhan rata-rata PDB, (3) kontribusi sektor
industri dalam total ekspor Indonesia cenderung mengalami penurunan. Ekspor hasil
industri mengalami pertumbuhan rata-rata per tahun lebih rendah daripada pertum-
buhan total ekspor, (4) kontribusi impor hasil industri terhadap total impor non migas
Indonesia mengalami kenaikan. Impor hasil industri mengalami pertumbuhan rata-
rata per tahun lebih tinggi daripada pertumbuhan total impor non migas, (5) prosen-
tase realisasi investasi (baik PMDN maupun PMA) di sektor industri terhadap total
investasi di Indonesia cenderung menurun, dan (6) persentase kredit perbankan yang
disalurkan ke sektor industri cenderung mengalami penurunan.

1. INTRODUCTION independently of past trends (Reilly and Brown

The efficient market hypothesis has assumed that 2003). A key assumption behind the efficient mar-
capital markets and securities respond rapidly and ket hypothesis is that investors are rational and risk
rationally to price sensitive information and more averse, and possess a limitless capacity to process

* Corresponding author, email address: 1, 2

Indra Listyarti: Determinant factors …

freely available information accurately (Dimitrios et Also, this research is important to determine the
al. 2007). In addition, the hypothesis always con- study and creation of models for investment con-
siders the financial information as the main factor ceptual.
for the proper functioning of markets. In this case, There are two problems to be examined such
financial markets can only be effective if there is no as whether there is an influence of financial infor-
significant failure of information and if the inves- mation factors, macro factors, technical information
tors has the ability to interpret the financial infor- and subjective norm towards the intention of the
mation using fundamental or rational techniques investor in making an investment decision on the
(Abrue and Mendes 2005). Indonesia Stock Exchange shares, and whether
To make an effective investment decision, the macro factors affected the technical information.
investor needs to select the right stock among dif-
ferent alternatives at the right time. In order to 2. THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK AND HY-
choose superior stock, the investor has to evaluate POTHESIS
alternative investments and specify criteria to This study is based on the theory of Reasoned
minimize those alternatives and rank the lifted ones Action proposed by Fishbein and Ajzen in 1975.
(Albadvi et al. 2006). The criteria or factors that The theory is developed by assumption that hu-
affect investment decision could be categorized as mans behaved in a way that was conscious and
the rational or analytical factors category and the considered the information that was available.
irrational factors category. The analytical factors are Ajzen (1975) argues that a person's intention to
fundamental indicators to evaluate country, indus- perform a particular behavior was influenced by
try, and company as well as technical indicators to two basic determinants, namely, attitudes and
evaluate company prices’ pattern (Albadvi et al. social influence. The attitude came from behav-
2006). Irrational factors depended on investor atti- ioral beliefs, while the influence of social or sub-
tude, behavior, and characteristics. jective norms came from normative beliefs. Al-
Decision making is a cognitive process of con- leyne and Broome (2010), in their research, stated
ducting alternative selection, from a wide range of that attitude, the reference group, the confidence,
existing alternative based on the information and and the opportunity had a significant effect on the
resources we have. The development of business willingness to invest. While Baghdadabad, Tanha
and investment environment is full of competition and Halid (2011), in their research, stated that the
and global change, making it necessary for an in- financial statements, risk, government policy, the
vestor to be able to examine and develop their abili- conditions were the factors that significantly af-
ties and intuition in making an investment deci- fected the behavior of investors in making the in-
sion. Investors should be able to filter and analyze a vestment decision in the Capital Market of Kuala
wide variety of information and change various Lumpur.
aspects of the case, as well as to predict the future. Tversky and Kahneman (1981), found the ex-
Information received and analyzed by the investor perimental evidence on financial decision making
must have certain qualities, so he will be able to act under uncertainty that shows the people do not
rationally in the process all the information it has behave as in traditional models because the inves-
received, to deliver the best outcome. tors do not always behave as decrypted in tradi-
This study is based on the intention of invest- tional models. A problem such as the prospect
ment decisions made by investors in the capital theory is behavioral economic theory describes
market. Intention is owned by investors based on decisions between various alternatives that in-
their beliefs of the information available, including volve risk. Overconfidence is a second behavioral
financial information, information macro aspects, phenomenon. In the model of Daniel, Hishleifer
technical factors as well as the information subjec- and Subrahmanyam (2001), investor who are
tive norms. The assumption used is that humans overconfident overrate signal precision and over-
behaved consciously because of the consideration react to private signals about payoffs of economics
of information and always considered the implica- factors. Mispricing occurs from investor’s misin-
tions of their actions (Fishbein and Ajzen 1975). terpretation of information about fundamental
Some thoughts underlying this study are the num- factors.
ber of empirical studies of intentions to invest in Modern theory of investor’s decision making
Indonesia Stock Exchange shares was still small. suggests that investors do not always act rationally
This study used subjective norm as the characteris- while making an investment decision. They deal
tics of the internal pressure and external influences. with several cognitive and psychological errors.

Journal of Economics, Business, and Accountancy Ventura Vol. 17, No. 1, April 2014, pages 45 – 54

Figure 1
Research framework

Investors must have a clear survey of the cognitive 2. Macro factors affect the intentions of investors
and emotional error they are vulnerable to. Tversky (Miliken 1987) and (Gordon and Narayanan
(1990), found that 1) investors act not always risk 1984). A country's political conditions, interest
averse but often risk seeking while they make an rates, inflation, unemployment are factors that
investment decision, 2) investors interpret out- affect the investor’s intention to invest. When a
comes of various decisions differently, 3) the expec- country's political conditions are conducive,
tations of investors are often biased in predictable then investors feel calm and comfortable, which
direction, rather than rational. will encourage their intention to invest. The ac-
The relationship between the dependent and curacy of predictions made by the investors
independent variables can be explained as in Figure about the macro factors will increase the confi-
1: dence of their intention before they make an in-
1. Financial information affects investor intentions vestment. Intention to make investment decision
(Epstein and Pava 1994), (Pamela and Stuerke will be able to change, along with changes in the
2005). Investor decision in capital market is macro information received by investors. So in-
based on the intention to make an investment. vestors can make revisions or change their in-
The investors realize the investment intention, tention, while investors who are already confi-
take a variety of ways, and collect the informa- dent in the accuracy of predictions of the macro-
tion necessary to support the investment deci- economic changes will immediately make in-
sion. The investment means buying shares of a vestment decisions.
company's prospects. The company prospects 3. Macro factors affect the technical factors (Ling
can be seen from the company’s financial state- Feng Li 2002) and (Fatma 2007). Investors be-
ments issued by the company. Financial infor- lieve in their ability to predict the economic
mation affects investors' intention, in the form of changes that happen, so they are sure that any
confidence for investors before they make in- changes to the macro factors influence the
vestment decisions. movement of stock prices in the capital market.

Indra Listyarti: Determinant factors …

The movement of stock prices formed in the 9. Technical information affects the investment
capital market is a combination of demand and decisions made by investors (Kadariya 2012)
supply as well as the psychological condition of and (Venkatesh and Tyagi 2011). Movement or
investors. Investor expectations for interest rates volatility of stock price is one of the indicators
or inflation affect the trend of stock price used by investors in making decisions. A trader
movements. Technical analysis is based on past will take investment decisions by looking at the
information in the form of stock price move- stock price movement.
ments and trading volume, as reflected in the Based on the theory and research framework
graph or charts. above, the research hypotheses were formulated as
4. Subjective norms affect the investors’ intentions follows:
(Gopi and Ramayah 2007) and (Alleyne and H1 = Financial information affects the investors
Broome 2010). These subjective norms can be intention.
described as nearest recommendations, expert H2 = Macro factors affect the investors intention.
analyses, or other investors. The more influen- H3 = Macro factors affect the technical information.
tial outsiders or recommendations from others, H4 = Subjective Norms affect the investors inten-
the more influence the investment decisions tion.
made by investors. H5 = Technical information affects the investors
5. Technical information affects investor intentions intention.
(Dimitrios 2007) and (Inaishi 2010). The inves- H6 = Investor intention affects the investment deci-
tors believe the accuracy and the benefit from sions.
technical information will enhance their beliefs H7 = Macro factors affect the investment decisions.
and intentions in making investments. They can H8 = Financial information affects the investment
make revision on their intentions and beliefs, decisions.
along with their belief in the benefits of techni- H9 = Technical information affects the investment
cal information. An investor believes that the decisions.
accuracy of the technical information he has re-
ceived will immediately make stock investment 3. RESEARCH METHOD
decisions. This is an explanatory research to explain the
6. Investor intentions affect the investment deci- causal relationship between variables through hy-
sions (Aduda 2012) and (Iramani 2011). Inves- pothesis testing. The data were collected by means
tors who like risk tend to invest in stocks com- of a survey and taking a sample by non-random
pared to investing in bonds. Individual inves- sampling (Snowball Sampling) using question-
tors who have rational behavior will invest in naires as a quantitative method. The population
shares of companies with good financial per- was the individual investors in three major cities in
formance. The investors with irrational behav- Indonesia: Jakarta, Bandung and Surabaya, consid-
ior tend to be influenced by other investors’ ac- ered to have been doing stock investment decisions
tion. in Indonesian Capital Market. According to Hair et
7. Macro factors affect the investment decision al. (1998), a sample size is 5-10 x number of indica-
(Kadariya 2012) and (Moshi and Kilindo 1999). tors or 100 – 200.
This case is usually for the short term invest- Data test validity was done by using PLS 3.0
ment decisions. Changes in interest rates, infla- WARP software and looking at the value of loading
tion and government policy are factors that in- factor, where the factor loading value for each indi-
fluence the investment decisions made by inves- cator was ≥ 0.5. To measure the degree of reliability
tors. of the instrument, we used the interim consistency
8. Financial information affects the investment reliability. Measurement was done by observing
decision (Norman 2012) and (Akhtar 2011). This the coefficient of alpha or what is well known as
situation occurs when investors are faced with Cronbach's Alpha. Measuring is reliable if the alpha
an urgent situation and limited, so that they value is > 0.6 (Malhotra, 2004). Meanwhile, Ferdi-
immediately take investment decisions when nand (2002) suggested for the exploratory research
they are informed about the company's finances. that the reliability of 0.5-0.6 was sufficient to justify
For example, when there are rumors that the the study.
company will pay dividends, then investors will The variables consist of the following.
soon take the decision of purchasing the com- 1. Financial Information (X1) is the degree of posi-
pany's shares. tive or negative effects determined directly by

Journal of Economics, Business, and Accountancy Ventura Vol. 17, No. 1, April 2014, pages 45 – 54

Figure 2
Structural Equation Model

individual investors’ confidence on the quality of ure the strength of normative beliefs to adhere
financial information that is useful in decision in the stock selection decisions. The provided
making. Financial information variables were answers have values on a scale of 1 (not very
identified through four latent variables, namely encouraging) up to a scale of 5 (strongly en-
reliable, relevance, secondary data and benefit- couraging).
cost and 15 indicators. Measurement of these 5. Intention investors (Y2) is the desire of investors
variables made use of Likert scale with a score of to invest. This variable was measured using a
1 to 5. Respondents were asked to express their Likert scale of 1 to 5 that have 8 indicators. Re-
perceptions by selecting a value on a scale of 1 spondents were asked to respond with provided
(not very useful) up to a scale of 5 (very useful). alternative answers, strongly disagree (1) to
2. Macro factors (X2) is a situation in which the strongly agree (5).
perception of a person will get a barrier to esti- 6. Investment decision (Y3) is the realization of the
mate and predict accurately the situation investor to get profit in the stock selection deci-
around. This variable is identified by the 3 indi- sions. The variable has 5 indicators. Investment
cators. Measurements of this variable use Likert decisions instrument was developed using a
scale with a score of 1 to 5. Respondents were Likert scale of 1 to 5. Respondents were asked to
asked to express their perceptions by selecting a respond with alternative answers with a range
value on a scale of 1 (very unpredictable) up to a from 1 (do not agree) to 5 (strongly agree).
scale of 5 (very predictable).
3. Technical Information (Y1) is the degree of posi- 4. DATA ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSION
tive or negative effects determined directly by Data were analyzed using the Structural Equation
individual investors’ confidence on the quality Model (SEM) with PLS WarpPLS 3.0 program to
of the stock price information that is useful in create the model, to make predictions or estima-
decision making. Technical information variable tions and hypothesis testing. The number of ques-
is identified through 4 measured indicators. tionnaires being distributed was 190 out of 200
Measurement of this variable uses Likert scale questionnaires, so that the response rate obtained
with a score of 1 to 5. Respondents were asked from the respondents would be 95%.
to express their perceptions by selecting a value The questionnaires were returned by respon-
on a scale of 1 (not very useful) up to a scale of 5 dents with the demographic characteristics of the
(very useful). respondents as follows: most of respondents from
4. Subjective norm (X3) is the individual investor Jakarta, male gender, age ≤ 25 years, education
perceptions about the strength of the influence background was a bachelor’s degree, investment
of expert opinions in financial investments experience were 1-2 years, not married, and the
(e.g., friends, economists, and regulators) that categories of investors used fundamental analysis.
motivate individual investors in stock selec- To test the quality of data, measurement model
tion. Subjective norm variables use 4 indicators (outer model) and the structural model testing (Iner
with a Likert scale. This scale is used to meas- Model) were used as the following.

Indra Listyarti: Determinant factors …

Table 1
Results of Hypothesis
Variables S.E. Path Coef P value Ha Decision
Financial Information Æ Investor Intention 0.075 0.386 <0.001 H1 Significant
Macro Factors Æ Investor Intention 0.076 0.212 0.003 H2 Significant
Macro Factors Æ Technical Information 0.059 0.389 <0.001 H3 Significant
Subjective Norms Æ Investor Intention 0.120 0.116 0.168 H4 Not Significant
Technical Information Æ Investor Intention 0.098 0.125 0.102 H5 Not Significant
Investor Intention Æ Investment Decision 0.094 0.259 0.003 H6 Significant
Macro Factors Æ Investment Decision 0.074 0.000 0.499 H7 Not Significant
Financial Information Æ Investment Decision 0.097 0.350 <0.001 H8 Significant
Technical Information Æ Investment Decision 0.103 0.113 0.136 H9 Not Significant

Evaluation of Measurement Model (Outer Model) could be concluded that the indicators used had
The validity and reliability of each latent variable, good reliability to measure the constructs. Test reli-
namely the variable Information Financial Report, ability also was confirmed with a Cronbach's Al-
Macro Factors, Subjective Norms, Technical Fac- pha. According to Ferdinand (2002) for exploratory
tors, Intention Investors and Investment Decisions research, the reliability between 0.5-0.6 was suffi-
used WarpPLS 3.0 software. The size of individual cient to justify the study.
reflexive was valid if value of loading (λ) with la- Fit model can be indicated using the follow-
tent variables of ≥ 0.5. If one indicator had λ < 0.5, ing steps, namely: the average path coefficient
then the indicator should be dropped because it (APC), the average R squared (ARS), and the vari-
indicated that the indicator was not sufficient to ance inflation factor average (AVIF). It is sug-
measure latent variables appropriately. From the gested that the APC value and ARS must be sig-
data processing there were 12 indicators that were nificant, at least at the 0.05 level, while AVIF
eliminated because λ < 0.5, namely: ILK6, ILK8, should be lower than 5 (<5) (Hair et al. 2010).
ILK9, ILK13, FM6, FM7, FM8, FT1, NS2, NI1, NI4, Based on the data processing, the results showed
NI7. The structural equation model diagram can be that APC values of 0.217, 0.279 of ARS, and AVIF
seen in Figure 2. 1.348. It means that the data was fit with the pro-
When the invalid indicators drops, it means posed model. Value of AVIF (Average Variance
the indicators used in the study have fulfilled con- Inflation Factor) produced 1.348 < 5, meaning that
vergent validity. In addition, reflective indicators there was no multicollinearity between exogenous
must also be tested for discriminant validity by variables. In addition, The Q square of > 0 was
using cross loading. In fact, it was obtained that also obtained, which corresponded to the criteria
the loading factor for the indicator ILK (ILK1, of model fit. Q square for each endogenous vari-
ILK2, ILK3, ILK4, ILK5, ILK7, ILK10, ILK11, able was as follows: technical factor was 0.153,
ILK12, ILK14, ILK15) had a loading factor with investor intention was 0.334, and investment deci-
ILK higher than others. Loading factor ILK1 was sion was 0.358.
0.706 out of ILK, which was higher than the load- From the results above, it can be explained as
ing factor to another (FM = -0.063, FT = 0.129, NI = follows:
-0.013, NS = -0044, KI = 0.084). This also applied to 1. R square value for the technical factor was 0.151,
the loading factor for the indicator FM, FT, NI, NS, indicating that variation of technical factors
KI and NI. could be explained by the variable of macro fac-
Test reliability was done by looking at the tor of 15.1%, while 84.9% was influenced by
value of the composite reliability of the indicators other variables not included in this research. It
that measure the construct. The results of compos- was known that the technical factors containing
ite reliability indicated a satisfactory score if it was technical information in the capital market were
above 0.7. driven by supply and demand. Psychological
Based on the output from data processing, the factors of investors, rumors and actions could
values of composite reliability for all constructs affect the supply and demand reflected in the
were above 7, which indicated that all the con- stock price movement.
structs in the model fulfilled the discriminant valid- 2. R square value for the investors intentions was
ity criteria. The highest composite reliability values 0.332, indicating that the variation investors in-
was 0.886, which could be found in the latent vari- tention could be explained by the financial in-
able ILK and the lowest was 0.743 on NI variable. It formation, macro factors, only 33.2%, while the

Journal of Economics, Business, and Accountancy Ventura Vol. 17, No. 1, April 2014, pages 45 – 54

remaining 66.8% was influenced by other vari- will be more confident. Investors had the ability to
ables excluded from this research. This was due predict the uncertainty of their external environ-
to the many variables that influenced the inves- ment. They understood that the situation changes
tors’ intention, i.e., psychological factors. in the external or macro environment were caused
3. R square for the investment decision was 0.355, by external aspects beyond their control, which
indicating that the variation of investment deci- ultimately could affect the entire mechanism in the
sion could be explained by the financial infor- capital market. This result was consistent with Kim,
mation and investor intention with 35.5%, while Linsu and Lim Y (1988).
the remaining 64.5% was influenced by other Macro factors had a positive and significant effect
variables not included in the research. on the technical information. From the coefficient
4. Value of composite reliability for all variables (0.39) with a significance level < 0.001, macro fac-
was > 0.70, so this model was appropriate to the tors had a positive and significant effect on the
recommended requirements. technical information. The positive direction ex-
plained that the more investors knew and under-
Results of Hypotheses stood the changes of information in the macro fac-
In relation to the hypotheses, this section provides tors, the more they would be able to perceive the
the results as shown in Table 1. The analysis of PLS technical information in the stock price movement.
3.0 WARP program shows the correlation between Investors realized that the economic turbulence,
variables of H1 to H9. The hypothesis is accepted if changes in technology, government policy and
it has significance value under 0.05. market situation would influence volatility of capi-
tal markets. So the major changes that occurred in
Discussion of Results the macro factors would affect the stability of the
Financial Information had a significant effect on the capital markets. Thus, a good investor should be
investor intention. From the coefficient value (0.39) able to make predictions and careful in addressing
with a significance level (0.001), financial informa- changes in the macro conditions.
tion had a positive and significant effect on inten- A subjective norm had no significant effect on the
tion investors. Thus, the first hypothesis which investors’ intention. From the coefficient (0.12) with
stated that the financial information had an effect significance level 0.17, subjective norms had no
on investor intentions was acceptable. This sug- significant effect on the investor’s intention. This
gests that investors had fundamental knowledge in explains that the investors did not use outside par-
the financial information, so it would form the in- ties in determining the decision when they invested
tentions and beliefs of investors. Financial informa- in the capital market. They believed in their ability
tion signals obtained by investors were able to to process and to analyze all the information they
make changes in investor intentions. When the had to make right investment decisions.
company issued the financial information report, This result was different from Aduda (2012) in
investors would study, analyze, and make interpre- that the Subjective Norm had a significant and
tation on those reports, whether the signal had positive impact on the mental investment. The re-
good or bad news. searcher explained that investors recognized the
Investors used the financial information to en- strength of the influence of the people around
hance its intention to invest in the capital market. them, from a friend of investors, observers, and
The use of financial information as a basis of their mass media. Our study explained that at that time
intention to invest in the capital market showed investors were better at absorbing and filtering
that investors chose to use their common sense or information available. They were not affected by
rational thinking to make decision. The results were the rumors or actions taken by other investors.
consistent with Akintoye (2008), which stated that Technical information had no significant effect on
the financial information was useful to improve the investors’ intention. From the coefficient value (0.13)
confidence of investor when they wanted to invest with significance value of 0.102 we can describe
in the capital market. that technical information had no significant effect
A macro factor had a significant effect on the inves- on investors’ intention. Investors were not glued to
tor intention. From the coefficient values (0.21) with the technical information, which involved the
a significance level < 0.001, macro factor had a posi- movement of the stock. The results of this study
tive and significant effect on intention investors. It were not in line with by Dimitrios (2007) and Inai-
means, if investors are more knowing and more shi (2010) that the movement of stock price could
understanding of the changes of macro factors, they influence the confidence of investors, which ulti-

Indra Listyarti: Determinant factors …

mately affected the investor's intention to invest in there was a tendency of the respondents who were
the capital market. pure types of investors, not speculators or traders.
Capital market conditions were speculative, so Financial information had a positive and signifi-
it could make an investor act cautiously and not cant effect on investment decisions made by investors.
follow market timing. A wise investor would act Based on the results of data processing, the coeffi-
realistically and back again to look at the com- cient values were 0.35 with a significance value <
pany’s fundamentals. This could be explained that 0.001. The capable and successful investors to ana-
when our research was conducted, the conditions lyze the financial statement information will en-
of Indonesian capital market were bearish, so they hance their confidence to make investment deci-
would affect the investors’ intention. They would sions in the capital market. The results of this
act carefully when Indonesian economic was un- study were consistent with Tavakoli (2011) and
stable. Norman, (2012) which stated that the financial
Investors’ intention had a significant effect on the information was the factors that affected the be-
investment decision. From the coefficient value (0.26) havior of investors when they made investment
and significance value (0.003), we can describe that decisions in the stock capital market. Investors
investors’ intention had a significant effect on the had confidence that the financial information was
investment decision. The investor intention would beneficial to them to predict and realize the expec-
encourage them to make investment decisions. The tations, able to provide comparison of benefits and
stronger intention of the investors made, the costs of ownership of securities, and able to pro-
greater chance the investor will make investment vide the prospect of the company.
decisions. Technical information had no significant effects on
The positive response from investors to their the investment decision. Based on the results ob-
self-intention to invest in the stock was due to accu- tained data processing the coefficient value was
racy information that they obtained. One of meth- 0.11 with a significance value 0.499, no significant
ods used by investors was through fundamental effects on the investment decision were found. It
analysis to establish the performance and prospects can be explained that decision-making did not lie
of the company and they made stock selection on the market information or the movement of
based on rationality. This process required consid- stock prices. Investors who invested in the capital
eration and thought, and the investors would be market would observe the strength of a company's
realized in action which was investment decision. fundamentals. This study was different from
This was consistent with the theory of reasoned Aduda (2012) because the respondents in this
action proposed by Fishbein and Ajzen. study were the investors, not traders or securities
Macro factors had no significant effect on the in- analysts. Investors in this research were pure in-
vestment decision. From the coefficient value (0.00) vestors so they would be more careful in their
and significance value (0.50), it could be said that decision-making, not only based on stock price
macro factors had no significant effect on the in- movements. They used their own funds to make
vestment decision. This indicated that investors did investments, not just to get capital gains like
not use their perceptions and predictions on macro speculators and traders, so they usually invested
factors to make investment decisions. The investors in the long term. In addition, the economic condi-
paid more attention to the data stated in the finan- tions of a country at that time were unstable,
cial statement information. It could be seen from which would make the capital market in bearish
characteristic respondents, who mostly used fun- condition slow down, mark decline in the value of
damental analysis in analyzing stocks to invest. individual stock price. The policy issued by gov-
Changes in interest rates would not be directly ad- ernment had been responded negatively by the
dressed quickly by investors, or immediately make market. In conditions of economic turbulence or
them sell their shares. uncertainty, investors should get back to the com-
Investors would do a self-control to avoid the pany's fundamentals. A wise investor would act
wrong decision by means of delaying the decision or realistically, to quote Boehme (2012).
not making a decision at all. This process made the
investors to be prudent, self-control, risk-neutral, 5. CONCLUSION, IMPLICATION, SUGGES-
repositioning planning and investment control in the TION, AND LIMITATIONS
long term investment. A true investor was when It can be generalized that the attitude of investors is
they always acted rationally and avoid speculation. rational. The financial information affects signifi-
Therefore, from these results, it could be seen that cantly the investor’s intentions and their invest-

Journal of Economics, Business, and Accountancy Ventura Vol. 17, No. 1, April 2014, pages 45 – 54

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