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Code: Revision
No.: 00
MASAGANA HIGH SCHOOL Effective Date: July 4, 2018
Tel. No. (044) 812 3673  Email:

Office:Academic Chair


TVL 12 - Housekeeping
S.Y. 2019-2020

I. SIMPLE RECALL(20 points)

Write the letter of the keyword/s that best fits the statements.

Encircle the letter of the correct answer

1. A method of dividing food into uniform pieces before it is placed on the serving line
A.cutting B. weighing C. measuring D. counting
2. A method that makes use of a food scale
A. cutting B. weighing C. measuring D. counting
3. Naming or listing(the unit of a group/collection) one by one in order to determine the total number
A. cutting B. weighing C. measuring D. counting
4. Getting the right number of servings from recipe and serving the right amount
A. Portion control B. mark up C. list D. menu
5. Method perform using using a food scale
A. Portion control B. mark up C. list D. menu
6. Finely ground powder obtained by grinding/milling cereal grains
A. Shortening B. eggs C. flour D. water
7. Cheapest ingredients in baking
A. ShorteningB. eggs C. flour D. water
8. It is considered the most costly ingredients in baking
A. Shortening B. eggs C. flour D. water
9. Types of flour it has 7-9 % of protein content
A. All purpose flour B. cake flour C.bread flour D. soft flour
10. Types of flour has 10-11% of protein content made from blend from hard & soft
A. All purpose flour B. cake flour C.bread flour D. soft flour
11. Types of shortening it contains 80-85& fat, 10-15% water,& 5 % salt
A. butter B.lard C. margarine D. oil
12. Granulated sugar that has been pulverized, about 3% cornstarch added
A. White sugar B. brown sugar C. confectioner sugar D. granulated sugar
13. The cheapest liquid used in baking
A. milk B.water C. syrup D.evaporated
14. Is a combination of baking soda & acid salt
A.Baking soda B.baking powder C.cream of tartar D.yeast
15. Is a living organism, neither plat nor animals.
A.Baking soda B. baking powder C. cream of tartar D.yeast
16. Are gases that Type of cake icing that dries into a hard outer shell
A.Meringue B. whipped cream C. Butter Cream D. Royal Icing
17. Derived from the French language meaning “small oven
A. Petit four B. Mise en place C. put in place D. pastry
18. Petit four Sec means
A.moist B. iced C. dry D. salted/savory
19. Petit four glaces means
A. moist B. iced C. dry D. salted/savory
20. Petit four sales means
A. Moist B. iced C. dry D. salted/savory
21. Sweetened mixture made of ground almond , liquid glucose , egg whites, corn syrup and icing sugar
A. Petit four iced B. petit four fesh C. marzipan D.. petit four marzipan
22. What is the final component of a plated dessert?
A.crunch B. garnish C. sauce D. main item
23. What dessert component is the actual dessert itself?
A.crunch B. garnish C. sauce D. main item
24. Which dessert component which attributes in moist characteristics of dessert?
A. crunch B. garnish C. sauce D. main item
25. Which is an added components of a dessert which is essential for soft dessert like custard and ice cream
A. crunch B. garnish C. sauce D. main item
26. When packaging material that are very flexible , with resistance to tearing and are lightweight for handling & transportation
A. Plastics B.glass C. paper D.vegetable fiber basket
27. Is an inexpensive packaging materials
A.Plastics B. glass C. paper D. vegetable fiber basket
28. Made in either , soft or hard ,forms, different thickness and flexibility
A. Plastics B. glass C. paper D. vegetable fiber basket
29. Is able to withstand heat treatments such as pasteurization and sterilization
A. Plastics B. glass C. paper D. vegetable fiber basket
30. Used only as outer wrapper and should not come into direct contact with food
A. Parchment paper B. wax paper C. newsprint D. paper

II. MATCHING TYPE (20 points)

Match column A with column B .Write your answer on the given space provided.

31. Flour Sifter A.

32. Pastry Blender B.

33. Dough Cutter C.

34. Wire whisk D.

35. Wooden Spoon E.

36. Rubber scraper F.

37. Measuring Spoon G.

38. Pastry Tip H.

39. Spatula I

40.Electric Mixer J.


Arrange the following steps in baking a cake chronologically; write the letter of the step or procedure that is in its sequence

In the given space provided.

a.Check all the necessary ingredients needed in baking the cake

b. Preheat the oven. Set the oven knob at the desired temperature
c. Prepare the pans needs, make sure to use correct pan size
d. Pull the pan at the centre rack
e. Cool the baked products
f. Mix the batter or dough when fillings pans
g. Measure the ingredients using correct utensils according to the amount
h. Prepare all the utensils needed for measuring, mixing and baking
I. Read the recipe carefully to know if you have all the ingredients and the utensils needed

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TP No.:

3|Pa e




TVL 11 – Bread and Pastry Production
S. Y. 2019-2020

Name: Year & Section: Date:

I. SIMPLE RECALL(20 points)

Encircle the letter of the keyword/s that best fits the statements.

1. Types of flour with 12-14% protein content, & has strongest gluten strength

a.All purpose flour b. cake flour c. bread flour

2. Types of flour has 7-9% protein content & made from soft wheat flour

a. All purpose flour b. cake flour c. bread flour

3. Types of flour has 10-11% protein content & is made from hard wheat flour

a. All purpose flour b. cake flour c. bread flour

4. A sweet soluble organic compound that belongs to the carbohydrate group

a. Sugar b. eggs c. flour

5. Is a finely ground meal obtained by grinding & milling cereal grains and other root crops

a. Sugar b. eggs c. flour

6. Considered a complete protein with the highest cost & expense

a. Sugar b. eggs c. flour

7. Any fat , when added to flour mixtures increases tenderness

a. Water b. shortening c. salt

8. It is the cheapest ingredients in baking

a. Water b. shortening c. salt

9. Contributes to the flavor of pastry & it has no influence on flakiness or tenderness

a.Water b. shortening c. salt

10.One of the most popular & best sold baked products not only in our country but in other countries as well

a. Bread b. muffin c. biscuit

11.Are small flaky quick breads

a. Bread b. muffin c. biscuit

12.Simple cup breads leavened & are considered a member of the quick bread family

a. Bread b. muffin c. biscuit

13.Mixing fat & flour with the use of a pastry blender or two knives in a scissor - like manner

a. Creaming b. cutting in c. sifting

14.Rubbing one or two ingredients in a bowl with the help of wooden spoon/electric mixer

a. Creaming b. cutting in c. sifting

15.It is the process of separating coarse particles in the ingredients by passing through a sieve

a. Creaming b. cutting in c. sifting

16.Is an inexpensive packaging material

a. Wood b. paper c. glass

17.Traditionally been used for a wide range of solid & liquid foods

a. Wood b. paper c. glass

18.Is able to withstand heat treatments such as pasteurization & sterilization

a. Wood b. paper c. glass

19.Is a combination of baking soda & acid salt

a. Cream of tartar b. baking powder c. yeast

20.A living organism, neither plant nor animal

a. Cream of tartar b. baking powder c. yeast

21.Is a fine white crystalline acid salt which is by product of wine making industry & used in whipping egg whites/meringue

a. Cream of tartar b. baking powder c. yeast

22.A french term taht means “put in place”

a. Mise en Place b. crust c. crimp

23.The outer part of a loaf bread or pastry

a. Mise en Place b. crust c. crimp

24.Is to pinch together the edge of pie crust with the fingers or fork tines

a. Mise en place b. crust c. crimp

25.Working with the dough using the heel of hands, accompanied by pressing, stretching & folding in to develop its gluten

a. Rolling b. stirring c. kneading

26.To flatten dough out into a sheet in preparation for shaping to various forms

a. Rolling b. stirring c. kneading

27.Mixing all ingredients together usually with a spoon in a circular motion

a. Rolling b. stirring c. kneading

28.Rules for garnishing pastry products should be

a. Edible b. expensive c. taste

29.Garnishes which are highly seasoned are not good in

a. Edible b. expensive c. taste

30. Garnishes need not to be

a. Edible b. expensive c. taste

MATCHING TYPE (20 points)

Match column A with column B .Write your answer on the given space provided.


_K 1. 1 tbsp. = tsp A. Paste
_L 2. 12 tbsp. =cup B. Margarine
M 3. 1 pint = cup C. Lard
_N 4. 4 ounces = tbsp D. Oil
_0 5. 1 gallon =cup E. Butter
_T 6.Monitor the baking time, rising of yeast F. Decorating tools
_S 7.Used to measure large quantities of ingredients G. Miscellaneous tools
R 8.Non- stick, heatproof, quick-release coated paper H. Cutting tools
Q 9.Also called palette knife I. Mixing tools
P 10.It is also called bench scraper J. Measuring tools
_A_11.The term pastry comes from the Latin word K. 3 tsp.
_B_12.Made from hydrogenated vegetable oil ,5%salt L. 3/4 cup
_C_13.Made of fat from pork M. 2 cups
D 14. Made from plant products such as corn,peanuts N. 8 tbsp
E 15.Made of fatty milk proteins O. 16 cups
_J_16. Liquid/Dry measuring cup P. Dough cutter
I 17. Electric mixer Q. Spatula
H 18.Grater & shredder R. Parchment paper
G 19. Rolling pin S. Weighing scale
_F_20.Pastry tip/piping tubes T. Timer

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Teacher I Teacher II School Principal I

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No.: 00
MASAGANA HIGH SCHOOL Effective Date: July 4, 2018
Tel. No. (044) 812 3673  Email:

Office:Academic Chair


TVL 12 - Bread & Pastry Production
S.Y. 2019-2020

TP No.:

Name: Year & Section: Date:

I. SIMPLE RECALL(40 points)

Read and analyze each statement carefully. Encircle the letter of the keyword/s that best fits the statements.

1. A method of dividing food into uniform pieces before it is placed on the serving line
A. cutting B. weighing C. measuring D. counting
2. A method that makes use of a food scale
A. cutting B. weighing C. measuring D. counting
3.Naming or listing(the unit of a group/collection) one by one in order to determine the total number
A. cutting B. weighing C. measuring D. counting
4.Getting the right number of servings from recipe and serving the right amount
A. Portion control B. mark up C. list D. menu

5. Is a fine white crystalline acid salt which is by product of wine making industry & used in whipping egg whites/meringue

A.Cream of tartar b. baking powder c. yeast

6.Finely ground powder obtained by grinding/milling cereal grains
A. Shortening B. eggs C. flour D. water

7. Rules for garnishing pastry products should be

A. Edible b. expensive c. taste

8. It is considered the most costly ingredients in baking
A. Shortening B. eggs C. flour D. water
9. Types of flour it has 7-9 % of protein content
A. All purpose flour B. cake flour C.bread flour D. soft flour
10.Types of flour has 10-11% of protein content made from blend from hard & soft
A. All purpose flour B. cake flour C.bread flour D. soft flour
11.Types of shortening it contains 80-85& fat, 10-15% water,& 5 % salt
A. butter B.lard C. margarine D. oil
12.Granulated sugar that has been pulverized, about 3% cornstarch added
A. White sugar B. brown sugar C. confectioner sugar D. granulated sugar
13. The cheapest liquid used in baking
A.milk B.water C. syrup D.evaporated milk

14 A french term taht means “put in place”

A.Mise en Place b. crust c. crimp D. crimp

15. Is a living organism, neither plat nor animals.
A.Baking soda B. baking powder C. cream of tartar D.yeast
16. Are gases that Type of cake icing that dries into a hard outer shell
A.Meringue B. whipped cream C. Butter Cream D. Royal Icing
17. Derived from the French language meaning “small oven
A. Petit four B. Mise en place C. put in place D. pastry
18. Petit four Sec means
A.moist B. iced C. dry D. salted/savory
19. Petit four glaces means
A. moist B. iced C. dry D. salted/savory
20. Petit four sales means
A. Moist B. iced C. dry D. salted/savory
21.Sweetened mixture made of ground almond , liquid glucose , egg whites, corn syrup and icing sugar
A. Petit four iced B. petit four fesh C. marzipan D.. petit four marzipan
22.What is the final component of a plated dessert?
A.crunch B. garnish C. sauce D. main item
23. What dessert component is the actual dessert itself?
A.crunch B. garnish C. sauce D. main item
24. Which dessert component which attributes in moist characteristics of dessert?
A.crunch B. garnish C. sauce D. main item
25. Which is an added components of a dessert which is essential for soft dessert like custard and ice cream
A.crunch B. garnish C. sauce D. main item
26. When packaging material that are very flexible , with resistance to tearing and are lightweight for handling & transportation
A. Plastics B.glass C. paper D.vegetable
fiber basket
27. Is an inexpensive packaging materials
A.Plastics B. glass C. paper D. vegetable fiber basket
28. Made in either , soft or hard ,forms, different thickness and flexibility

A. Plastics B. glass C. paper D. vegetable
fiber basket
29. Is able to withstand heat treatments such as pasteurization and sterilization
A. Plastics B. glass C. paper D. vegetable
fiber basket
30. Used only as outer wrapper and should not come into direct contact with food
A.Parchment paper B. wax paper C. newsprint D. paper
31. In how many days can a custard filling be stored in the refrigerator?
A.3 days B. 4days C. 5 days D. 6 days
32. Which is an icing made of butter/or shortening blended with confectioner sugar/sugar syrup, and other ingredients?
A.Butter cream B. royal icing C. Meringue D. Fondant
33. A popular heavy frosting among celebration cakes because it is easy to sculpt & work out
A.Butter cream B. royal icing C. meringue D. fondant
34. Type of cake icing dried into hard outer shell
A.Butter cream B. royal icing C. Meringue D. fondant
35. The basic ingredients for this frosting are egg whites, cold water and granulated sugar
A.Butter cream B. royal icing C. meringue D. fondant
36. To cover cakes with icing
A. gateu B. frost C. genoise D. Garnishing
37. French word for cake
A. gateu B. frost C. genoise D. Garnishing
38. To decorate or embellish something, especially food
A. gateu B. frost C. genoise D. Garnishing
39. Sponge cake made by whipping whole eggs with sugar & folding in flour and sometimes butter
A. gateu B. frost C. genoise D. Garnishing
40. An overlay/cover with a smooth & shiny coating or finish
A. foaming B. frost C. glaze D. Commis


MATCHING TYPE (20 points)

Match column A with column B .Write your answer on the given space provided.

_E_1. Light pastry dough for making cream puff A. boiled icing
_D 2. french word for cake B. acid
C 3.Usually layer cakes C. tortes
_B 4. substance having a sour or sharp flavor D .gateau
_A 5. Italian meringue used as cake icing E. choux pastry or pate a choux
_J 6. To brush pan with shortening F. commis
_I 7.Suitable or proper under the given circumstances G .Chiffon
H 8. To cook food in a dry heat method or in an oven H . Baking
G 9 A light cake made using the chiffon method I. appropriate
F 10. A junior chief J . Grease

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